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Grammar Search
"stutam" has 6 results
stutam: masculine accusative singular stem: stut
stutam: feminine accusative singular stem: stut
stutam: second person dual present imperative class 2 parasmaipadastu
stutam: neuter accusative singular past passive participle stem: stuta.
stutam: neuter nominative singular past passive participle stem: stuta.
stutam: masculine accusative singular past passive participle stem: stuta.
Amarakosha Search
1 result
īlitaśaḥMasculineSingularvarṇitam, paṇitam, paṇāyim, īḍitam, gīrṇam, praṇum, śastam, abhiṣṭutam, panitam, panāyim, stutam
Macdonell Search
1 result
yathāpaṇyam ad. according to the commodity; -½aparâdha-danda, a. pun ishing in proportion to guilt; -parîttam, ad. as delivered up; -puram, ad. as before; -pûr va, a. being as before: (á)-m, ad. as before; in succession, one after the other; -pragñam, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -pratya ksha-darsanam, ad. as if actually seen; -pra dishtam, ad. as prescribed, duly; -pradesam, ad. in its respective place; in the proper place; in all directions; according to precept; -pradhânam, ad. according to size; accord ing to precedence; -pravesam, ad. as one has entered; -prasnam, ad. in accordance with the questions; -prastutam, ad. as had al ready been begun, at length; -prânam, ad. according to one's strength, with all one's might; -prânena, in. ad. id.; -prâpta, pp. as fallen in with, the first that occurs; as resulting from circumstances, suitable; re sulting from a preceding grammatical rule: -m, ad. according to the rule, regularly; -prârthitam, ad. as requested; -phalam, ad. according to the produce; -balám, ad. according to one'spower, with all one's might; according to the condition of the army; -bîg am, ad. according to the seed; -buddhi, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -bhâgám, ad. according to the share; in one's respective place; in the right place; -bhâganam, ad. respectively in the right place; -bhâva, m. condition of how it is, true state; fate; -½abhi preta, pp. wished for, desirable (--°ree;): -m, ad. according to desire, as any one (g.) likes; -½abhimata, pp. desired: -m, ad. according to desire, to one's heart's content, -desa, m. desired place, whatever place one likes; -½abhi rukita, pp. liked, favourite; -½abhilashita, wished for, desirable; -½abhîshta, pp.desired: -dis, f. place desired by each; -bhûtam, ad. according to what has happened, truly; -bhû mi, ad. into the respective country; -½abhy arthita, pp. previously requested; -ma&ndot;ga lam, ad. according to the respective custom; -mati, ad. as seems fit to any one (g.); to the best of one's understanding; -manas, ad. to one's heart's content; -mukhyam, ad. as re gards the chief persons; -mukhyena, in. ad. chiefly, above all; -½âmnâtam, ad. as handed down in the text.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results24 results
arvāk stutaṃ yadi vātiṣṭutaṃ yat Lś.2.1.6b.
yadi stutaṃ yadi vādya suṣṭutam Lś.2.1.6a.
agniḥ sātā upastutam # RV.1.36.17d.
adhvaryo kiṃ stutaṃ stotraṃ hotā prātaranuvākenānvaśaṃsīt # JB.1.76; ṣB.1.4.7.
anihūtaṃ parihūtaṃ pariṣṭutam # HG.1.16.17a.
antarhitaṃ me sāma prastutam # AVP.13.1.4a.
ā mā stutasya stutaṃ gamyāt (Vait. gamet) # TS.,3; Vait.17.8. See under ā māśiṣo.
udgātaḥ kiṃ stutaṃ stotraṃ hotā prātaranuvākenānvaśaṃsīt # JB.1.76; ṣB.1.4.7.
udgīthaḥ prastutaṃ stutam # AVś.11.7.5b.
upastutyaṃ mahi jātaṃ (TS., upastutaṃ janima tat; MS. upastutyaṃ janima tat) te arvan # RV.1.163.1d; VS.29.12d; TS.; 6.7.1d; MS.1.6.2d: 86.16; KS.39.1d; Vait.6.1d.
ūrjaṃ mahyaṃ stutaṃ duhām # TS.,3; Vait.17.8.
ekaviṃśa ṛbhavaḥ (VS. -va) stutam (VS. stutāḥ) # VS.21.26b; MS.3.11.12b: 159.7; KS.38.11b; TB.
jayataṃ ca pra stutaṃ ca pra cāvatam # RV.8.35.11a.
tam īmahe puruṣṭutam # RV.8.13.24a.
trayastriṃśe 'mṛtaṃ stutam (VS. 'mṛtā stutāḥ) # VS.21.28b; MS.3.11.12b: 159.11; KS.38.11b; TB.
triṇave marutaḥ stutāḥ (MS.KS. stutam) # VS.21.27b; MS.3.11.12b: 159.9; KS.38.11b. See marutas triṇave.
puruhūtaṃ puruṣṭutam # RV.8.15.1b; 92.2a; AVś.20.61.4b; 62.8b; SV.1.382b; 2.64a; ā.
prastutaṃ viṣṭutaṃ saṃstutaṃ kalyāṇaṃ viśvarūpam # TB. P: prastutaṃ viṣṭutam TB.; 10.2; Apś.19.12.5.
priyamedham upastutam # RV.8.5.25b.
brahmajūtām ṛṣistutām # AVś.6.108.2b.
brahma devair abhiṣṭutam # AVP.10.3.2b.
marutas triṇave stutam # TB. See triṇave.
māhīnānām upastutam # RV.10.60.1b.
yābhir vamraṃ vipipānam upastutam # RV.1.112.15a.
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