stabaka | m. (according to to also n.; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).;also written stavaka-;prob. connected with stamba-, stambaka-) a cluster of blossoms, bunch of flowers, nosegay, tuft etc.  |
stabaka | m. a feather of a peacock's tail  |
stabaka | m. a tassel  |
stabaka | m. a quantity, multitude  |
stabaka | m. a chapter or section (in such books as contain in their titles the words, latā-, latikā-, mañjarī-etc.)  |
stabakācita | mfn. covered with blossoms, in blossom  |
stabakakanda | m. a particular bulbous plant  |
stabakaphala | m. a particular fruit-tree  |
stabakasaṃnibha | mfn. resembling (clusters of) blossoms  |
stabakaya | Nom. P. yati-, to provide with (clusters of) blossoms  |
stabakita | mfn. (gaRa tārakādi-) full of blossoms  |
stabdha | mfn. firmly fixed, supported, propped etc.  |
stabdha | mfn. reaching up to (loc.)  |
stabdha | mfn. stiff, rigid, immovable, paralyzed, senseless, dull ( stabdham am- ind.) etc.  |
stabdha | mfn. solidified (as water)  |
stabdha | mfn. puffed up, proud, arrogant etc.  |
stabdha | mfn. tardy, slack, slow (?)  |
stabdha | mfn. obstinate, stubborn, hard-hearted  |
stabdha | mfn. coarse  |
stabdhabāhu | mfn. stiff-armed  |
stabdhadṛṣṭi | mfn. having motionless (id est unwinking) eyes  |
stabdhagātra | mfn. holding the limbs stiff  |
stabdhahanu | mfn. having stiff or immovable jaws  |
stabdhakarṇa | m. "stiff-eared", Name of an antelope,  |
stabdhakarṇa | m. of a lion  |
stabdhakarṇaśirodhara | mfn. holding the ears and the neck stiff  |
stabdhākṣa | mfn. equals stabdha-dṛṣṭi-  |
stabdhalocana | mfn. having fixed or unwinking eyes (said of the gods)  |
stabdham | ind. stabdha |
stabdhamati | mfn. dull-minded  |
stabdhamedhra | mfn. one whose sexual organ has become stiff ( stabdhamedhratā -tā- f.)  |
stabdhamedhratā | f. stabdhamedhra |
stabdhanayana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having motionless (id est unwinking) eyes '  |
stabdhapāda | mfn. one who has paralyzed legs, stiff-legged, lame ( stabdhapādatā -tā- f.)  |
stabdhapādatā | f. stabdhapāda |
stabdhapūrṇakoṣṭha | mfn. one who has a swollen or full abdomen ( stabdhapūrṇakoṣṭhatā -tā- f.)  |
stabdhapūrṇakoṣṭhatā | f. stabdhapūrṇakoṣṭha |
stabdharomakūpa | mfn. one who has the pores of the skin stopped up ( stabdharomakūpatā -tā- f.), lb.  |
stabdharomakūpatā | f. stabdharomakūpa |
stabdharomana | m. "stiff-haired", a boar, hog  |
stabdhasakthi | mfn. stiff-thighed, lame ( stabdhasakthitā -tā- f.)  |
stabdhasakthitā | f. stabdhasakthi |
stabdhasambhāra | (?) m. a rākṣasa-  |
stabdhaśrotra | mfn. stiff-eared  |
stabdhatā | f. fixedness, rigidity, stiffness (of the membrum virile)  |
stabdhatā | f. pretentiousness, arrogance  |
stabdhatoya | mfn. (a river) whose water has solidified  |
stabdhatva | n. stiffness (of the navel etc.),  |
stabdhatva | n. haughtiness, arrogance  |
stabdhavapus | mfn. one whose body is benumbed or paralyzed |
stabdhi | f. fixedness, hardness, rigidity, firmness, immobility, stupor, numbness, obstinacy  |
stabdhī | in compound for stabdha-.  |
stabdhībhāva | m. the becoming stiffened or rigid, torpidity  |
stabdhīkaraṇa | n. stiffening, making rigid, paralyzing  |
stabdhīkṛ | p. -karoti- (ind.p. -kṛtya-), to make stiff or rigid  |
stabdhoda | mfn. equals stabdha-toya-  |
stabdhordhvakarṇa | mfn. having the tips of the ears stiff or immovable  |
stabha | m. a goat or ram (see stubha-)  |
stabhamāna | mfn. making one's self stiff, behaving arrogantly, assuming an air of authority  |
stabhi | m. rigidity  |
stabhita | mfn. fixed, established, supported  |
stabhu | (See next) .  |
stabhūya | (fr. prec.) Nom. P. A1. y/ati-, y/ate- (only in pr. p. stabhūy/at-and y/amāna-), to stand firm  |
stai | cl.1 P. stāyati-, to put on, adorn (varia lectio for snai- q.v) ; to steal, do anything stealthily (only in pr. p. stāy/at-[ ]and in the following derivatives).  |
staimitya | n. (fr. stimita-) fixedness, rigidity, immobility, numbness  |
staimitya | See .  |
staina | n. equals next  |
stainya | n. (fr. stena-) theft, robbery  |
stainya | m. a thief  |
stairṇi | m. patronymic fr. stīrṇa-  |
stak | cl.1 P. stakati-, to strike against  |
stam | See 1. sam-, .  |
stamba | m. (prob. phonetic variation of stambha-) a clump or tuft of grass, any clump or bunch or cluster etc.  |
stamba | m. a sheaf of corn a bush, thicket |
stamba | m. a shrub or plant having no decided stem (such as the jhiṇṭī- or Barleria)  |
stamba | m. the post to which an elephant is tied (wrongly inferred from stambe-rama- q.v)  |
stamba | m. a mountain  |
stamba | m. Name of various men  |
stamba | n. (in these senses prob. wrong reading for stambha-,m.) a post, pillar in general  |
stamba | n. stupidity, insensibility  |
stambaghana | m. "clump-destroyer", a small hoe for weeding or eradicating clumps of grass, a sickle for cutting corn etc.  |
stambaghāta | m. cutting grass etc.  |
stambaghna | mf(ī-)n. clump-destroying, weed-destroying  |
stambaghna | m. equals -ghana-  |
stambahanana | n. equals -ghana-  |
stambahananī | f. equals -ghana-  |
stambaja | mfn. (prob.) bunchy, tufty, shaggy  |
stambaka | m. a clump, bunch, tuft  |
stambakāra | mf(ī-)n. making a clump, forming a cluster  |
stambakari | mfn. forming clumps or bunches  |
stambakari | m. corn, rice  |
stambakaritā | f. formation of abundant sheaves or clusters of rice  |
stambakāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to become a bunch of flowers etc.  |
stambakita | varia lectio for stabakita- gaRa tārakādi-.  |
stambamitra | m. (see stambham-) Name of a son of jaritā-  |
stambamitra | m. (with śārṅga-) of the author of  |
stambapur | f. Name of the city tāmalipta- (q.v)  |
stambaśas | ind. by clumps or tufts  |
stambavana | m. Name of a man  |
stambavatī | f. Name of a woman  |
stambayajus | n. Name of a particular formula and religious observance on removing clumps of grass  |
stamberama | m. (fr. locative case of stamba-+ r-) "delighting in clumps of high grass", an elephant  |
stamberamāsura | m. Name of an asura- (equals gajāsura-)  |
stambh | or stabh- (connected with skambh- q.v;in native lists written stanbh-) cl.5.9. P. ( ) stabhn/oti-, stabhn/āti- (confer, compare ), or cl.1 A1. ( ) st/ambhate- (pr. p. also stambhat- , stabhamāna-[ q.v ] ; perfect tense tast/ambha-, mbhat-, tastabh/uḥ-, parasmE-pada tastabhv/as-, vānd- ; tastabhān/a-, tastambhe- ; Aorist /astambhīt-; astāmpsīt- ; astabhat- grammar; future stambhitā-, bhiṣyati- ; infinitive mood stabdhum- ; ind.p. stabdhv/ā- etc.; stambhitvā- ; -st/abhya-and -stambham- ), to fix firmly, support, sustain, prop (especially the heavens) ; to support or hold up by contact with, reach up to (accusative) ; to stop, stop up, arrest, make stiff or immovable, paralyze etc. ; (A1.) to rest or lean on (locative case) ; to become stiff or immovable ; to become solid : Passive voice stabhyate- (Aorist astambhi-), to be firmly fixed or supported or propped etc. etc.: Causal stabhāy/ati-, to make firm, support ; to stop, arrest ; stambhayati-, te- (Aorist atastambhat-), to fix, establish, erect etc. ; to make stiff or rigid, paralyze ; to make solid ; to stop, arrest (also by magic) , suppress, check, restrain : Desiderative tistambhiṣati- grammar : Intensive tāstabhyate- [ confer, compare Greek , ; Lithuanian stambras,stimbras; German stampfo7n,stampfen; English stamp,stump.]  |
stambha | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a post, pillar, column, stem (as of a tree;also improperly applied to an arm) etc.  |
stambha | m. support, propping, strengthening  |
stambha | m. inflation, pretentiousness, arrogance etc.  |
stambha | m. fixedness, stiffness, rigidity, torpor, paralysis, stupefaction etc.  |
stambha | m. becoming hard or solid  |
stambha | m. stoppage, obstruction, suppression (also the magical arresting of any feeling or force, as of hunger, thirst, or of the forces of water, fire etc. as taught in the tantra-s)  |
stambha | m. filling up, stuffing  |
stambha | m. Name of a particular adhyāya- on Va1rtt. 1  |
stambha | m. of a ṛṣi- etc. (see gaRa kuñjādi-and śaunakādi-).  |
stambhabhañjaka | m. "pillar-breaker", Name of an elephant  |
stambhaka | mfn. stopping, arresting  |
stambhaka | mfn. styptic, astringent  |
stambhaka | m. (prob.) a post, pillar,  |
stambhaka | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
stambhakara | mfn. (prob.) causing obstruction, hindering, impeding (in puṇya-st- q.v), causing stiffness, paralyzing  |
stambhakara | m. a fence, railing  |
stambhakāraṇa | n. cause of obstruction or impediment  |
stambhakī | f. Name of a goddess  |
stambhakin | m. a kind of musical instrument covered with leather  |
stambhamitra | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (equals stamba-m-),  |
stambhana | mf(ī-)n. stiffening, making rigid or immovable, paralyzing  |
stambhana | mf(ī-)n. stopping, arresting, checking, restraining  |
stambhana | mf(ī-)n. styptic, astringent  |
stambhana | m. "paralyzer", Name of one of the five arrows of kāma-deva-  |
stambhana | n. the act of turning into a pillar (See rambhā-st-)  |
stambhana | n. strengthening, supporting  |
stambhana | n. becoming stiff or rigid  |
stambhana | n. making stiff or rigid, paralysing  |
stambhana | n. a means of making stiff or rigid  |
stambhana | n. stopping, arresting (also by magical means)  |
stambhana | n. stopping flow of blood etc.  |
stambhana | n. a styptic or astringent  |
stambhana | n. a particular magical art or faculty (See under stambha-and see jala-stambhana-).  |
stambhanādividhi | m. Name of a mantra-.  |
stambhanaka | mf(ikā-)n. making solid, solidifying  |
stambhanaprakāra | m. Name of a medicine work.  |
stambhanī | f. a kind of magic  |
stambhanīya | mfn. to be fixed or stopped or checked (its a-st-)  |
stambhanīya | mfn. to be treated with styptics  |
stambhapūjā | f. worship of the posts (of the temporary pavilions erected for marriages or other festive occasions)  |
stambhatā | f. stiffness, paralysis  |
stambhatīrtha | n. Name of a place  |
stambhavatī | f. Name of a city  |
stambhi | m. the sea  |
stambhībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become a post  |
stambhikā | f. the leg of a chair  |
stambhin | mfn. provided with pillars or columns,  |
stambhin | mfn. supporting  |
stambhin | mfn. puffed up, arrogant |
stambhin | mfn. stopping, restraining  |
stambhin | m. the sea  |
stambhinī | f. Name of one of the five dhāraṇā-s or elements (= the earth; see bhramaṇī-)  |
stambhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) fixed, established, supported  |
stambhita | mfn. stiffened, benumbed, paralyzed  |
stambhita | mfn. stopped, brought to a standstill, suppressed, restrained etc.  |
stambhita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') stuffed or filled with  |
stambhitabāṣpavṛtti | mfn. suppressing the flow of tears  |
stambhitarambha | n. Name of a troṭaka- (see rambhā-stambhana-)  |
stambhitāśru | mfn. one who has suppressed his tears  |
stambhitatva | n. the being checked or impeded (in sarva-loka-bhayāst-).  |
stambhīya | mfn. (said of a particular adhyāya-) on Va1rtt. 1.  |
stambhotkīrṇa | mfn. carved out of a wooden post (as a statue)  |
stambin | mfn. clumpy, tufty, bunchy, bushy, shaggy  |
stan | (confer, compare 2. tan-) cl.1 P. ( ) stanati- (once in -stanase-;in sg. stan-and 2. imperative stanihi-; perfect tense tastāna-, tastanuḥ- grammar; Aorist astānīt- ; future stanitā-, niṣyati- grammar), to resound, reverberate, roar, thunder etc. ; to utter inarticulate sounds : Causal stan/ayati- (Aorist atiṣṭanat-) idem or ' cl.1 P. stakati-, to strike against ' (stanayati-,"it thunders") etc. ; crackle (as fire) : Desiderative tistaniṣati- grammar : Intensive taṃstanyate-, taṃstanti- (2. sg. imperative taṃstanīhi-See abhi-ṣṭan-). ([ confer, compare Greek ; Slavonic or Slavonian stenja; Anglo-Saxon stunian; German sto0hnen.])  |
stana | m. (or n. gaRa ardharcādi- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ā-or ī-;derivation doubtful, but prob. connected with stan-,from the hollow resonance of the human breast), the female breast (either human or animal) , teat, dug, udder etc.  |
stana | m. the nipple (of the female or the male breast)  |
stana | m. a kind of pin or peg on a vessel shaped like a teat  |
stanabāla | m. plural Name of a people  |
stanabhara | m. "breast-weight", a swelling bosom  |
stanabhara | m. a man with a breast like a woman's  |
stanabhava | mfn. being on the breast  |
stanabhava | m. a particular posture in sexual union  |
stanābhoga | m. fulness of the breast  |
stanābhoga | m. the curve or orb of the breast, a man with projecting breast (like a woman's)  |
stanābhuj | (in stana-bh-) mfn. enjoying the udder (said of calves)  |
stanābhuja | mfn. feeding or nourishing with the udder (said of cows)  |
stanacūcuka | n. the nipple of the breast  |
stanadātrī | f. giving the breast, suckling  |
stanadveṣin | mfn. rejecting the breast  |
stanāgra | n. equals naśikhā-  |
stanagraha | m. the sucking or drawing of the breast  |
stanakalaśa | m. a jar-like breast  |
stanakalaśa | m. Name of a bard (wrong reading lasa-)  |
stanakesavatī | f. having breasts and long hair.  |
stanakoraka | m. n. a budlike breast  |
stanakoṭi | f. the nipple of the breast  |
stanakuḍmala | n. "breast-bud", a woman's breast  |
stanakumbha | m. equals -kalaśa- above  |
stanakuṇḍa | n. (sg. or plural) Name of a tīrtha-  |
stanamadhya | m. a nipple  |
stanamadhya | n. the space between the breast  |
stanamaṇḍala | n. "breast-orb" equals -taṭa-  |
stanaṃdha | mfn. equals -ṃ-dhaya-  |
stanaṃdhama | mfn.  |
stanaṃdhaya | mf(ī-or[ ] ā-)n. sucking the breast  |
stanaṃdhaya | m. a suckling, infant etc.  |
stanaṃdhaya | m. a calf  |
stanāṃśuka | n. a cloth covering the bosom  |
stanamukha | m. (?) n. a nipple  |
stanamūla | n. "root of the breast", the lower part of the female breast  |
stanana | n. the sound of a hollow cough  |
stanana | n. sounding, sound, noise  |
stanana | n. the rumbling of clouds  |
stanana | n. equals kunthana-, kunthita-  |
stanana | n. groaning, breathing hard  |
stanāṅgarāga | m. pigment on a woman's breast  |
stanāntara | n. the space between the breasts, centre of the chest (of men and women)  |
stanāntara | n. the heart (as between the breast)  |
stanāntara | n. a mark on the breast (indicating future widowhood)  |
stanapa | mf(ā-)n. drinking or sucking the breast  |
stanapa | mf(ā-)n. a suckling  |
stanapā | mfn. equals -pa-  |
stanapāna | n. the drinking or sucking of the breast  |
stanapatana | n. flaccidity of the breast  |
stanapātṛ | mfn. sucking the breast of (compound) ,  |
stanapāyaka | mfn. equals -pa-  |
stanapāyika | m. plural varia lectio for -poṣika-  |
stanapāyikā | f. a female child still unweaned  |
stanapāyin | mfn. equals -pa-  |
stanapoṣika | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -yoṣika-etc.)  |
stanaroga | m. a disease of the female breast  |
stanarohita | m. n. a particular part of the female breast  |
stanaśikhā | f. "breast-point", a nipple  |
stanasyu | mfn. sucking the breast, a suckling  |
stanataṭa | m. n. the projection of the female breast  |
stanatha | m. roar (of a lion)  |
stanatha | m. thunder  |
stanathu | m. roar (of a lion)  |
stanatyāga | m. "leaving the mother's breast", weaning  |
stanāvaraṇa | n. a breast-cloth ( stanāvaraṇatā -tā- f.)  |
stanāvaraṇatā | f. stanāvaraṇa |
stanavatī | f. possessing teats  |
stanavatī | f. a woman  |
stanavepathu | m. the heaving of the breast  |
stanavṛnta | n. "breast-stalk", a nipple  |
stanayadama | mfn. (see 1. ama-) having a roaring onset (said of the marut-s)  |
stanayitnu | m. (sg. or plural) thunder (plural personified as children of vidyota-, "Lightning") etc.  |
stanayitnu | m. a thunder-cloud  |
stanayitnu | m. lightning  |
stanayitnu | m. sickness  |
stanayitnu | m. death  |
stanayitnu | m. a kind of grass (equals mustaka-)  |
stanayitnughoṣa | mfn. loud as thunder  |
stanayitnumat | or (wrong reading)  |
stanayitnusani | mfn. bringing thunder  |
stanayitnuvat | mfn. connected with thunder  |
stanayodhika | ( ) ( ) m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -poṣika-).  |
stanayoṣika | ( ) m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -poṣika-). |
stanin | mfn. having a breast or udder  |
stanin | mfn. (said of a horse having a particular deformity)  |
stanita | mfn. thundering, sounding  |
stanita | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) thunder etc.  |
stanita | n. loud groaning  |
stanita | n. the sound of a vibrating bowstring  |
stanita | n. the noise of clapping the hands  |
stanitakumāra | m. plural (with jaina-s) a particular class of gods  |
stanitaphala | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
stanitasamaya | m. the time of thundering  |
stanitasubhagam | ind. with pleasant rumbling sounds  |
stanitavimukha | mfn. refraining from thunder  |
stanopapīḍam | ind.p. pressing the breast  |
stanottarīya | n. idem or 'n. a breast-cloth ( stanāvaraṇatā -tā- f.) '  |
stanutṛ | (?)  |
stanya | mfn. contained in the female breast  |
stanya | n. (once m.) milk  |
stanyabhuj | mfn. sucking milk from the breast, unweaned  |
stanyada | mfn. producing (good) milk  |
stanyadāna | n. the giving of milk from the breast  |
stanyapa | mfn. drinking milk from the breast, a suckling  |
stanyapāna | n. the drinking of milk from the breast, the period of early infancy  |
stanyapāyin | mfn. sucking milk from the breast, unweaned  |
stanyaroga | m. sickness caused by unhealthy mother's milk  |
stanyatyāga | m. ceasing to drink a mother's milk, the being weaned  |
stanyatyāgamātraka | n. (with vayas-) the period immediately after weaning  |
stanyāvataraṇa | n. the inspissation of milk  |
stara | staraṇa-, stariman- etc. See .  |
stara | m. (see pra--, vi--, sva-stara-) a layer, stratum  |
staraṇa | n. the act of spreading or strewing or scattering (especially the sacrificial grass)  |
staraṇa | n. the plastering (of a wall) (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
staraṇīya | mfn. to be spread or strewn or scattered  |
starī | f. (Nominal verb /īs- accusative y/am-; plural y/as-) a barren cow, heifer  |
starī | f. (with r/ātri-) a night passed in vain  |
starī | f. smoke, vapour [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin sterilis; Gothic staira; German ste0r,ste0ro;Sta0rke.]  |
starīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to render fruitless  |
stariman | m. "that which is spread", a bed, couch |
starīman | m. the act of spreading or scattering (only locative case maṇi-as infinitive mood)  |
starīman | m. equals prec. (see suṣṭar-)  |
startavai | See root.  |
startave | See root.  |
staru | m. "overthrower", an enemy  |
staru | probably incorrect; the vocative case staro- seems to be wrong reading for suge-.  |
starya | mfn. to be laid low or overthrown  |
staubha | mf(ī-)n. humming, making joyful exclamations, hurrahing |
staubhika | mfn. forming or containing a stobha-  |
staubhika | See column 1.  |
staulā | f. (of unknown meaning; according to to fem. of an adjective (cf. mfn.) equals sthūla-)  |
stauna | mfn. (of unknown meaning; according to to equals stena-,"a thief, robber"; according to to others,"heavy, inert, slothful", fr. stū- equals sthū- equals sthā-) |
staupika | n. equals buddha-dravya-, the relics deposited in a stūpa- or dagoba  |
staupika | n. a kind of small broom carried by a Buddhist or jaina- ascetic  |
staupika | See column 1.  |
stauti | m. (used as a N. for1. stu-,"to praise")  |
stava | m. or n. a particular substance  |
stava | stavaka- etc. See .  |
stava | m. (for 1.See) praise, eulogy, song of praise, hymn, panegyric  |
stavacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
stavadaṇḍaka | mn. Name of work  |
stavadhyai | See above under root.  |
stavaka | m. praise, eulogium  |
stavaka | m. a panegyrist, praiser  |
stavakarṇikā | f. a lac-earring (?)  |
stavakarṇin | m. Name of deva-trāta-  |
stavamālā | f. Name of work  |
stavamāna | See root.  |
stavāmṛtalaharī | f. Name of work  |
stavana | n. praising, praise  |
stavana | n. plural songs of praise  |
stavāna | See root.  |
stavanīya | mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy  |
stavanya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy '  |
stavarāja | m. "chief of hymns", a particular mystical prayer or incantation (also as Name of work)  |
stavaraka | m. a fence, railing (perhaps wrong reading for āvaraka-,or stambha-kara-)  |
stavārha | m. "worthy of praise", Name of a pratyeka-buddhi-  |
stavat | mfn. (only in Nominal verb sg. stav/ān-;always applied to indra- and according to to = stūyamāna-,"being praised"; according to to others equals stavas- equals tavas-,fr. stu-for1. tu-,and meaning"strong, powerful";others give it the sense"thundering", fr. stan-)  |
stavat | (Nominal verb sg. stav/ān-). See .  |
stavatha | m. praise  |
stavāvali | f. Name of various collections of hymns or panegyrics.  |
staveyya | m. Name of indra-  |
stavi | m. equals udgātṛ-, a chanter  |
stavitavya | mfn. to be praised etc.  |
stavitṛ | m. a praiser, singer  |
stavya | mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy, glorious  |
abhidhvasta | mfn. afflicted by (instrumental case)  |
abhigrasta | mfn. equals abhi-panna- (overcome)  |
abhiniḥstan | to sound heavily (as a drum)  |
abhisaṃstambh | (ind.p. -stabhya-) to support, render firm  |
abhisaṃstava | m. praise  |
abhisaṃtrasta | mfn. ( tras-), terrified, much alarmed  |
abhiśasta | mfn. accused, blamed, calumniated  |
abhiśasta | mfn. defamed, infamous etc.  |
abhiśasta | mfn. threatened  |
abhiśasta | mfn. See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
abhiśasta | mfn. perf. Passive voice parasmE-pada fr. abhi-śaṃs-, q.v , but sometimes (exempli gratia, 'for example' commentator or commentary on ) derived fr. abhi-śas-, which does not occur.  |
abhiśastaka | mfn. accused, defamed  |
abhiśastaka | mfn. caused by imprecation (as a disease)  |
abhistaraṇa | n. scattering, strewing, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
abhyasta | mfn. accumulated by repeated practice (as food)  |
abhyasta | mfn. practised, exercised etc.  |
abhyasta | mfn. learnt by heart, repeated, studied  |
abhyasta | mfn. multiplied  |
abhyasta | mfn. (in grammar) reduplicated (as roots)  |
abhyasta | n. the reduplicated base of a root  |
abhyastam | with i- ([Pot. -iyāt- ]) or 1. gā- ([ Aorist -agāt- ]), (said of the sun) to set upon anybody (accusative) who is not working or while anything (accusative) is not done or performed (see abhi-ni-mruc-.)  |
abhyastamaya | m. See anuddhṛtābh-.  |
abhyastamita | mfn. one on whom while not (working or) being asleep the sun has set  |
abjahasta | m. the sun (represented as holding a lotus in one hand)  |
adasta | mfn. unexhausted, imperishable,  |
adhaḥprastara | m. seat or bed of turf or grass (for persons in a state of impurity).  |
adhastala | n. the room below anything.  |
adhastana | mfn. lower, being underneath  |
adhastana | mfn. preceding (in a book).  |
adhastarām | ind. very far down  |
adhiśasta | mfn. ( śaṃs-), (equals abhiśasta-), notorious  |
ādhvasta | mfn. covered |
ādhvasta | See under ā-dhvaṃs-.  |
adhyasta | mfn. placed over  |
adhyasta | mfn. disguised  |
adhyasta | mfn. supposed.  |
agastyaśāsta | mfn. ruled by agastya- (with diś-, f. "the south"),  |
agniprastara | m. a fire-producing stone  |
agniprastara | m. flint  |
agnistambha | m. or  |
agnistambhana | n. the (magical) quenching of fire.  |
agrahasta | m. equals -pāṇi-  |
agrahasta | m. the tip of an elephant's trunk  |
agrahasta | m. finger  |
agrasta | mfn. not swallowed (said of sounds),  |
āgrasta | mfn. bored, perforated by (in compound) commentator or commentary on  |
ahasta | mf(/ā-)n. handless  |
ahrasta | mfn. (for - hrasita-) not shortened,  |
aiṣamastana | mfn. occurring in or relating to this year, of this year  |
ajāgalastana | m. nipple or fleshy protuberance on the neck of goats, an emblem of any useless or worthless object or person.  |
akravihasta | mfn. not having bloody hands ["not having niggardly hands, not close-fisted" ]  |
amastaka | mfn. headless.  |
ambhastas | ind. out of the water,  |
ambuhasta | m. a water-elephant (confer, compare jala-- dvīpa-),  |
amṛtopastaraṇa | n. water sipped as a substratum for the nectar like food and  |
amṛtopastaraṇa | n. an imperishable substratum (see amptāpidhān/a-).  |
aṃśuhasta | m. "having rays for hands", the sun  |
amuktahasta | mf(ā-)n. "one whose hand is not open (to give)", sparing, economical  |
amuktahastatā | f. economy, frugality  |
anabhiśasta | ([ ]) or /an-abhiśasti- ([ ]) or an-abhiśasteny/a- ([ ]) or /an-abhiśastya- ([ ]), mfn. blameless, faultless.  |
anāśasta | mfn. not praised ([ ;"not to be trusted" ])  |
anastamita | mfn. not gone down, not subject to setting or declining.  |
aṅgirastama | (/aṅgiras--) mfn. having the luminous quality of the aṅgirasa-s in the highest degree, said of agni- and of uṣas-  |
anīcaistana | mfn. not low,  |
aniḥśasta | mfn. blameless ([ ;"not repelled or refused" ])  |
anistabdha | mfn. not rendered immovable or stiff  |
anistabdha | mfn. not paralysed  |
anistabdha | mfn. not fixed.  |
āñjaneyastava | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
antarhastam | ind. in the hand, within reach of the hand  |
antastapta | mfn. internally heated or harassed.  |
anuddhṛtābhyastamaya | m. sunset (abhy-astamaya-) taking place whilst the āhavanīya- fire continues unremoved from the gārhapatya-  |
anupadasta | ([ ]) or an-upadasya- ([ ]) or /an-upadasyat- ([ ]) or /an-upadasvat- ([ ]) or /an upadāsuka- ([ ]) mfn. not drying up, not decaying.  |
anupanyasta | mfn. not laid down clearly, not established  |
anustanita | n. continual thundering,  |
anustaraṇa | m. ( stṛ-), an animal which is fit to be chosen as a secondary victim  |
anustaraṇī | f. the cow sacrificed at the funeral ceremony |
anvasta | mfn. (2. as-), shot along, shot  |
anvasta | mfn. interwoven (as in silk), chequered  |
āpādatalamastakam | ind. from the sole of the foot to the head,  |
āpadgrasta | mfn. seized by misfortune, unfortunate, in misfortune.  |
apadhvasta | mfn. degraded  |
apadhvasta | mfn. reviled  |
apadhvasta | mfn. abandoned, destroyed  |
apadhvasta | m. a vile wretch lost to all sense of right  |
apahasta | n. striking or throwing away or off (["the back of the hand"commentator or commentary ])  |
apahastaka | mfn. handless,  |
apahastaya | Nom. P. yati-, to throw away, push aside, repel, (generally used in the perf. Pass. p. )  |
apāsta | mfn. thrown off, set aside  |
apāsta | mfn. driven away  |
apāsta | mfn. carried off or away, abandoned, discarded  |
apāsta | mfn. disregarded  |
apāsta | mfn. contemned.  |
apastama | mfn. (ap/as--) (superl.) , most active  |
apastama | mfn. most rapid  |
apastama | See 2. ap/as-.  |
apastamba | m. a vessel inside or on one side of the chest containing vital air  |
āpastamba | m. Name of a renowned sage and writer on ritual  |
āpastamba | mf(ī-). a descendant of āpastamba- gaRa vidādi- ([ ])  |
āpastamba | m. plural the pupils of āpastamba-.  |
āpastambadharma | m. Name of work by āpastamba- and his school.  |
āpastambagṛhya | n. Name of work by āpastamba- and his school.  |
āpastambaśrauta | n. Name of work by āpastamba- and his school.  |
āpastambasūtra | n. etc. Name of work by āpastamba- and his school.  |
apastambha | m. idem or 'm. a vessel inside or on one side of the chest containing vital air '  |
āpastambha | m. varia lectio for āpastamba-.  |
apastambhinī | f. Name of a plant.  |
āpastambhinī | f. Name of a plant  |
āpastambi | m. a descendant of the above. |
āpastambīya | mfn. belonging to or descended from āpastamba-.  |
apastana | mfn. far from the mother's breast,  |
apatrasta | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' or with ablative) afraid of, fleeing or retiring from in terror  |
apraśasta | mfn. not praised, fameless  |
apraśasta | mfn. not good, inferior, worthless  |
apraśasta | n. dirt, natural excretion  |
apraśasta | mfn. not praised, blamable  |
apratiśasta | mfn. not shouted towards idem or 'mfn. not reciting or shouting towards '  |
apratistabdha | mfn. unrestrained (see a-pratiṣṭabdha-above.)  |
arālahasta | m. a particular position of the hands,  |
ardhahastaka | m. a distance of 120 inches,  |
ardhāstamaya | m. half (id est partial) setting of the sun or the moon  |
ārdrahasta | mf(ā-)n. moist-handed  |
asamasta | mfn. uncompounded etc.  |
asamasta | mfn. uncollected  |
asamasta | mfn. incomplete  |
asaṃstava | mfn. unknown, unacquainted, not on terms of friendship (varia lectio)  |
aśasta | mfn. "ineffable"or,"unwished"  |
āśasta | See an-ā-.  |
aśastavāra | (/aśasta--) mfn. having indescribable treasures (["who is not asked for wealth id est who grants it of his own accord" ])  |
aspṛṣṭarajastamaska | mfn. perfectly pure  |
āsrasta | mfn. fallen off, loose  |
asta | mfn. (perf. Passive voice p.2. as-), thrown, cast  |
asta | mfn. (/an-- negative)  |
asta | mfn. (only in compound) thrown off, left off, set aside, given up (as grief. anger, a vow, etc.) etc.  |
asta | n. home  |
asta | m. setting (as of the sun or of luminaries)  |
asta | m. "end, death" See asta-samaya- below  |
asta | m. the western mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to set) etc.  |
asta | m. (in astronomy) the seventh lunar mansion  |
asta | m. astam-i-, astaṃ-gam- (also Causal See astaṃ-gamita-below) , or prāp- ([ ]), to go to one's eternal home, cease, vanish, perish, die etc.  |
asta | m. astaṃ-nī- ([ -nayati-]), to lead to setting, cause to set  |
astabdha | mfn. "not fixed", moving, agile (as a bird)  |
astabdha | mfn. not arrogant or obstinate, unassuming, modest  |
astabdhatā | f. unassumingness  |
astabdhatva | n. idem or 'f. unassumingness '  |
astabhavana | n. the seventh lunar mansion  |
astadhī | mfn. "out of one's mind", foolish.  |
astagamana | n. setting (of the sun)  |
astagāmin | mfn. going down,  |
astagiri | m. equals -kṣitibhṛt- q.v ,  |
astaka | n. home (see sv-astak/a-)  |
astaka | m. going to one's eternal home  |
astakaruṇa | mfn. pitiless, cruel,  |
astakopa | mfn. one whose anger is laid aside, commentator or commentary on  |
astakṣitibhṛt | m. "the mountain asta-", the western mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to set),  |
astalagna | n. the western horizon, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
astam | ind. at home, home etc., especially used with verbs exempli gratia, 'for example' /astam-i- ([ /astam /eti-; pr. p. astaṃ-y/at- ; fut. p. astam-eṣy/at- ; perf. p. /astamita-See below sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ]); /astaṃ-gam- ([ /astam g/acchati- etc.; perf. p. astaṃ-gata- etc., once in reversed order gata astaṃ- ]) or astaṃ-yā- ([ pr. p. -yāt- ]) to go down, set etc.  |
astamana | n. (a corruption of astam-/ayana- q.v), setting  |
astamastaka | mn. (the head id est) the top of the mountain asta-,  |
astamaya | m. setting (of the sun) etc.  |
astamaya | m. disappearance, vanishing, perishing (said of the senses)  |
astamayācala | m. (= asta-- giri-),  |
astamayana | n. setting of the sun  |
astambha | mf(ā-)n. without pillars  |
astambha | mf(ā-)n. unassuming  |
astameṣyat | See /astam- before sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /asta-.  |
astaṃgacchat | m. (= lagna-),  |
astaṃgamita | mfn. (Caus. perf. Pass. p.) brought to an end, destroyed  |
astamīke | locative case ind. (fr. 2. añc- see samīk/a-,etc.) at home  |
astamita | mfn. set (as the sun) etc.  |
astamita | mfn. come to an end, ceased, dead etc.  |
astamite | ind. locative case after sunset  |
astamitoditā | , f. (scilicet paurṇa-- māsī-) the day on which the moon rises full after sunset,  |
astamūrdhan | m. equals -mastaka- q.v  |
astaṃyat | See /astam- before sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /asta-.  |
astaṃyāt | See /astam- before sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /asta-.  |
astanā | f. having no breast or udder,  |
astanimagna | mfn. set (as the sun)  |
āstara | etc. See ā-stṛ-.  |
āstara | m. covering  |
āstara | m. a coverlet, blanket, carpet  |
āstara | m. a bed, cushion,  |
āstara | m. Name of a man.  |
āstaraṇa | f(ī-)n. the act of spreading  |
āstaraṇa | n. a carpet, rug  |
āstaraṇa | n. a cushion, quilt, bed-clothes  |
āstaraṇa | n. a bed  |
āstaraṇa | n. a layer of sacred grass spread out at a sacrifice  |
āstaraṇa | n. an elephant's housings, a painted cloth or blanket worn on his back.  |
āstaraṇavat | mfn. covered with a cloth or carpet  |
āstaraṇika | mfn. resting on a cloth or carpet  |
astarāśi | m. equals -bhavana- q.v  |
astarya | mfn. not to be laid low, unconquarable,  |
astasamaya | m. "the moment of sunset"and"the moment of end or death"  |
astasaṃkhya | mfn. innumerable  |
astaśikhara | m. equals mastaka- q.v  |
aṣṭastanā | ([ ]) ([ ]) f. (a cow) whose udder has eight teats (see aṣṭ/āstanā-.)  |
aṣṭastanā | ([ ]) f. (a cow) whose udder has eight teats (see aṣṭ/āstanā-.)  |
aṣṭāstanā | (aṣṭ/ā--) f. equals aṣṭa-stan/ā- q.v TS |
astatandri | mfn. who has laid aside sloth  |
astatāti | (/asta--) f. home  |
astavyasta | mfn. scattered hither and thither, confused, disordered  |
aśvastana | mf(ī-)n. not for to-morrow, not provided for to-morrow  |
aśvastanavid | mfn. ignorant of the future  |
aśvastanavidhāna | n. non-provision for the future (= ) .  |
aśvastanavidhātṛ | mfn. not providing for the future  |
aśvastanika | mfn. equals a-śvastana-  |
atihastaya | Nom. (fr. ati-hasta-) P. atihastayati-, to stretch out the hands ; (fr. atihastin-), to overtake on an elephant.  |
atiśasta | mfn. very excellent.  |
ativyasta | mfn. too widely separated,  |
ātmastava | m. self-praise  |
atyasta | mfn. one who has shot or cast beyond  |
aupavasta | n. (fr. upa-vasta-), fasting, a fast  |
avadhvasta | mfn. sprinkled  |
avadhvasta | mfn. spotted, stippled  |
avadhvasta | mfn. abandoned  |
avadhvasta | mfn. despised (see apa-dhvasta-.)  |
avaharṣista | mfn. ( hṛṣ-), caused to shiver  |
avahasta | m. the back of the hand  |
avasrasta | mfn. fallen down |
avastabdha | mfn. stiff (with cold etc.)  |
avastaraṇa | n. strewing  |
avastaraṇa | n. a cover for a bed, blanket  |
avāstava | mfn. unsubstantial, unreal, fictitious  |
avāstava | mfn. unfounded, irrational (as an argument).  |
avatrasta | mfn. ( tras-), terrified, (varia lectio apa.dhvasta-).  |
avihasta | mfn. not unclever, experienced in (locative case)  |
avinyasta | mfn. untrodden,  |
āvistarām | ind. in a more manifest or very manifest way (very often joined to the roots as-, bhū-,and 1. kṛ-).  |
aviśvasta | mfn. not trusted, suspected, doubted  |
aviśvasta | mfn. equals a-viśvas/at-  |
avyasta | mfn. undecomposed, undispersed, not separated  |
avyavasta | mfn. (sta-for sita-?, sī-), not tied or fastened  |
āyasta | mfn. exerted, managed or effected with difficulty  |
āyasta | mfn. labouring, toiling, making effort or exertion etc.  |
āyasta | mfn. pained, distressed  |
āyasta | mfn. wearied, vexed, angry  |
āyasta | mfn. sharpened, whetted  |
āyasta | mfn. thrown, cast  |
āyasta | n. resoluteness, (Bombay edition).  |
bahistanva | mfn. one whose limbs extend over the body (of the fire-altar)  |
bahistapas | n. outward penance,  |
bahuśasta | mfn. very excellent  |
bahuśasta | mfn. very right or good or happy  |
bahustavāvali | f. Name of a collection of hymns.  |
bahuvista | mfn. weighing many Vistas,  |
bahuvistara | m. great extension  |
bahuvistara | m. ( bahuvistarayuktam -yuktam- ind. in all directions, everywhere )  |
bahuvistara | mf(ā-)n. of wide extent, widely spread (also tāra- )  |
bahuvistara | mf(ā-)n. manifold, various  |
bahuvistara | mf(ā-)n. very detailed ( bahuvistaram am- ind.)  |
bahuvistaram | ind. bahuvistara |
bahuvistarayuktam | ind. bahuvistara  |
bālarakṣāstava | m. Name of work  |
balāsabasta | m. a particular disease of the eye  |
balīyastara | mfn. more powerful, stronger, mightier  |
bandhastambha | m. "binding-post", the post to which an elephant is tied  |
basta | m. (also written vasta-) a goat  |
bāsta | mf(ī-)n. (fr. basta-) coming from a goat (taṃ carma-,a goat-skin)  |
bastagandhā | f. Ocimum Villosum  |
bastagandhākṛti | f. a particular plant growing in mālava- (equals lakṣmaṇā-)  |
bastakarṇa | m. Shorea Robusta  |
bastamāram | ind. after the manner of the dying of a goat  |
bastamodā | f. Name of a plant (equals aja-modā-)  |
bastamukha | mf(ī-)n. goat-faced  |
bastamūtra | n. the urine of a goat  |
bastaśṛṅgī | f. Odina Pinnata  |
bastavāśin | mfn. bleating like a goat (wrong reading s/in-).  |
baṭukabhairavastavarāja | m. Name of work  |
bhadrahasta | mfn. having beautiful or auspicious hands (said of the aśvin-s)  |
bhadramusta | m. ( ) ( ) a kind of Cyperus (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
bhadramustaka | m. ( ) a kind of Cyperus (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
bhagavatīkeśādipādastava | m. Name of work  |
bhairavastava | m.  |
bhapraśasta | mfn. favourable in regard to the asterism  |
bhavānīstavarāja | m.  |
bhavānīstavaśataka | n.  |
bhayasaṃtrastamānasa | mfn. having the mind scared with terror  |
bhayatrasta | mfn. trembling with fear, frightened,  |
bhinnamastakapiṇḍaka | mfn. whose skull and forehead are cloven, (an elephant) whose frontal prominences have fissures  |
bhinnamastakapiṇḍika | mfn. whose skull and forehead are cloven, (an elephant) whose frontal prominences have fissures  |
bhīṣmastavarāja | m. " bhīṣma-'s hymn to kṛṣṇa-", Name of  |
bhujastambha | m. paralysis of the arms  |
bhūtagrasta | mfn. possessed by an evil spirit  |
bhūyaḥstana | (bh/ūyaḥ--.) mfn. having more teats than (ablative)  |
bhūyastaram | ind. more, anew, again  |
bhūyastarām | ind. more, anew, again  |
brahmakarmapustaka | n. Name of a manual on ceremonies  |
brahmānandastava | m. Name of work  |
brahmastamba | m. Name of a man (see brāhmastambi-).  |
brahmatarkastava | m. Name of a vedānta- work  |
brahmatarkastavavivaraṇa | n. Name of a commentator or commentary on it.  |
bṛhacchāntistava | (hac+śā-) m. the larger śānti-stava-  |
busta | m. n. (gaRa ardharcādi-) the burnt exterior of roast meat  |
busta | m. the husk or shell of fruit  |
cakrahasta | m. (equals -pāṇi-) idem or 'm. (see -bhṛt-) viṣṇu-.'  |
catstanā | f. (a cow) having 4 nipples  |
catuḥstanā | See catu-s-.  |
caturhasta | mfn. four-handed  |
caturviṃśatidaṇḍakastava | m. Name of work  |
catustanā | f. (a cow) having 4 nipples  |
chinnahasta | mfn. "cut-hand", Name of a man,  |
chinnamastakā | f. "decapitated", a headless form of durgā-  |
chinnamastakīkṛ | to decapitate  |
cidānandastavarāja | m. equals -daśa-ślokī-  |
cikurahasta | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a mass of hair, tuft of hair ' ' ' ' ' '  |
citavistara | m. a kind of ornament  |
citrahasta | m. plural particular movements of the hands in fighting  |
citranyasta | mfn. equals -ga- (varia lectio)  |
citraśravastama | (tr/a--) mfn. (superl.) having most wonderful fame, . |
citrāstaraṇavat | mfn. covered with various or variegated carpets  |
custa | m. n. varia lectio for busta-  |
dākṣāyaṇahasta | mfn. having gold in the hand  |
dakṣiṇāmūrtistava | m. 10 verses ascribed to śaṃkara- (explained by viśva-rūpa- or sureśvara- in a commentary with gloss by rāma-tīrtha-)  |
daṇḍahasta | mfn. staff-handed (yama-)  |
daṇḍahasta | m. a doorkeeper  |
daṇḍahasta | n. equals -mātaṅga-  |
daṇḍahasta | f(ā-, ī-). (ā- ; ī- ) idem or 'n. equals -mātaṅga- '  |
darbhasaṃstara | m. a bed made of d-  |
darbhastamba | m. equals -pūla-  |
dāruhasta | m. a wooden spoon or ladle  |
dāruhastaka | m. a wooden spoon or ladle  |
dasta | mfn. equals dosita-  |
dattahasta | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' having a hand given for support, supported by  |
dattahasta | mfn. shaking hands  |
devastava | m. Name of a prince  |
dhanuḥstambha | tn. a kind of spasmodic contraction of the body  |
dhanurhasta | mfn. bow in hand, having a bow  |
dhanustambha | See dhanuḥ-st-.  |
dhanustambha | See nuḥ-st-.  |
dhūlihastaya | Nom. P. yati-, to take dust into the hand  |
dhvasta | mfn. fallen, destroyed, perished, lost etc.  |
dhvasta | mfn. eclipsed, obscured  |
dhvasta | mfn. scattered or covered with (instrumental case or compound)  |
dhvastadhī | m. one whose senses are lost (through passion etc.)  |
dhvastakamala | mfn. (a pond) which has lost its lotus-flowers  |
dhvastamūrdhaja | mfn. whose hair has fallen out  |
dhvastapreman | mfn. whose love has vanished  |
dhvastarajaḥsattvatamomala | mfn. freed from the impurity of passion, goodness and darkness  |
digdhahasta | mfn. (a hunter) having (in his hand) or using poisoned arrows  |
digdhahasta | mfn. having the hands smeared or soiled  |
dīpastambhadevatāpūjā | f. Name of work  |
divastambhana | mf(ī-)n. sky-supporting,  |
doṣagrasta | mfn. involved in guilt, guilty  |
dravyahasta | mfn. holding anything in the hand  |
dṛḍhahasta | m. "strong-handed", Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
duḥśasta | mfn. badly recited  |
duḥśasta | n. a bad recitation  |
durdinagrastabhāskara | mfn. having the sun obscured by dark clouds  |
durgāstava | m. "praise of durgā-", Name of work  |
durmocahastagrāha | mfn. "whose hand's grasp is hard to unloose", holding fast  |
durnyasta | mfn. badly arranged, ix, 41  |
durnyasta | mfn. badly used (said of a spell)  |
dustapa | mfn. difficult to be endured (penance)  |
dustara | mfn. (see ṣ-ṭ-) difficult to be passed or overcome, unconquerable, invincible  |
dustaraṇa | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mfn. (see ṣ-ṭ-) difficult to be passed or overcome, unconquerable, invincible '  |
dustarka | m. false reasoning, wrong argument  |
dustarkamūla | mfn. founded on it  |
dustarkya | mfn. difficult to be supposed or reasoned about  |
dvādaśādityastava | m. Name of work  |
dvādaśaliṅgastavana | n. Name of work  |
dvārastambha | m. equals -śākhā-  |
dvihasta | mf(ā-)n. 2 hands long  |
dvirabhyasta | mfn. twice repeated  |
dvistanā | (dv/i-.) f. having 2 udders or 2 pegs commentator or commentary (see ) .  |
dvistanī | f. having 2 udders or 2 pegs commentator or commentary (see ) .  |
dvivista | mfn. worth 2 Vistas  |
ekahasta | mfn. one hand long  |
ekastambha | mfn. resting upon one pillar  |
gabhastala | n. equals gabhasti-mat- q.v  |
gabhastihasta | m. equals -pāṇi-  |
gadāhasta | mfn. armed with a mace  |
gadāhasta | mfn. mace-handed  |
galahasta | m. "the hand at the throat", seizing by the throat, throttling  |
galahastaya | Nom. P. yati-, to seize by the throat, throttle, strangle  |
galastanī | f. (equals le-st-) "having (small fleshy protuberances, resembling) nipples depending from the throat", a she-goat  |
galestanī | f. equals gala-st- (see ajāgala-stana-.)  |
gaṇapatistavarāja | m. Name of a hymn in praise of gaṇeśa-  |
gandharvahasta | m. " gandharva--handed (the form of the leaves resembling that of a hand)", the castor-oil tree  |
gandharvahasta | m. (a-manuṣyasya h- )  |
gandharvahastaka | m. idem or 'm. (a-manuṣyasya h- )'  |
gaṇeśastavarāja | m. Name of a part of the  |
garīyastara | mfn. greater  |
ghanahastasaṃkhyā | f. (in geometry) the contents of an excavation or of a solid alike in figure  |
ghṛtahasta | (t/a--) mf(ā-)n. having ghee in one's hand  |
ghṛtapātrastanavatī | f. (a cow) whose nipples are represented by vessels filled with ghee  |
giristanī | f. "mountain-breasted", the earth,  |
gīstarā | f. (Comparative degree) excellent speech or voice  |
gīstarā | etc. See  |
gītapustaka | n. Name of a collection of songs  |
gītapustakasaṃgraha | m. idem or 'n. Name of a collection of songs '  |
glasta | mfn. equals grasta-, eaten  |
gostana | m. a cow's dug  |
gostana | m. a cluster of blossoms, nosegay  |
gostana | m. a pearl necklace consisting of 4 (or of 34 ) strings  |
gostana | m. a kind of fort  |
gostanākāra | mfn. shaped like cow's dug  |
gostanī | f. a kind of red grape  |
gostanī | f. Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-  |
gostanīsava | m. a kind of wine  |
grahagrasta | mfn. possessed by a demon  |
grāmavāstavya | m. the inhabitant of a village, villager  |
granthavistara | m. a voluminous text  |
granthavistara | m. a multitude of grantha-s (of 32 syllables each)  |
grasta | mfn. swallowed, eaten  |
grasta | mfn. taken, seized  |
grasta | mfn. surrounded or absorbed  |
grasta | mfn. possessed (by a demon)  |
grasta | mfn. involved in  |
grasta | mfn. tormented, affected by etc.  |
grasta | mfn. eclipsed etc.  |
grasta | mfn. inarticulately pronounced, slurred ( ) 35  |
grasta | mfn. (a-- negative)  |
grasta | n. inarticulate pronunciation of the vowels Introd. on Va1rtt. 18.  |
grastāsta | m. the setting of the sun or moon while eclipsed  |
grastatva | n. the being refuted (by arguments)  |
grāvahasta | (gr/āv-) mfn. equals -grābh/a-  |
guṇavistara | mfn. abounding in excellent qualities  |
halāyudhastava | m. Name of work  |
hanustambha | m. equals -graha-  |
haribhaktilatikāstava | m. Name of work  |
harigurustavamālā | f. Name of work  |
haristava | mfn. one whose bay horses are praised  |
hasta | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).,of unknown derivation) the hand (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ="holding in or by the hand"; haste- kṛ-[as two words],"to take into the hand","get possession of";haste- kṛ-[as a compound ],"to take by the hand, marry"; śatru-hastaṃ- gam-,"to fall into the hand of the enemy") etc.  |
hasta | m. an elephant's trunk (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = "holding with the trunk") etc.  |
hasta | m. the fore-arm (a measure of length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, = 24 aṅgula-s or about 18 inches) etc.  |
hasta | m. the position of the hand (equals hasta-vinyāsa-)  |
hasta | m. hand-writing  |
hasta | m. the 11th (13th) lunar asterism (represented by a hand and containing five stars, identified by some with part of the constellation Corvus) etc.  |
hasta | m. a species of tree  |
hasta | m. (in prosody) an anapest  |
hasta | m. quantity, abundance, mass (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' after words signifying"hair"; see keśa-h-)  |
hasta | m. Name of a guardian of the soma-  |
hasta | m. of a son of vasudeva-  |
hasta | m. of another man  |
hasta | n. a pair of leather bellows  |
hasta | mfn. born under the nakṣatra- hasta-, [ confer, compare , according to to some Greek ]  |
hāsta | mfn. formed with the hands (with mukūla- n. equals añjali-)  |
hāsta | hāstika-, hāstina- See .  |
hastabandha | m. equals haste-b-  |
hastabhraṃśin | ( ) mfn. slipped from the hand, escaped  |
hastabhraṣṭa | ( ) mfn. slipped from the hand, escaped  |
hastabimba | n. anointing the body with perfumes  |
hastacāpa | wrong reading for -vāpa-  |
hastacāpalya | n. equals -kauśala-  |
hastacaraṇa | m. dual number hands and feet  |
hastacchedana | m. the amputation of a hand  |
hastacyuta | (h/asta--.) mfn. shaken or moved with the hand  |
hastacyuti | (h/asta--) f. quick motion of the hand  |
hastadakṣinta | mfn. situated on the right hand (as a road)  |
hastadakṣinta | mfn. right, correct  |
hastadatta | mfn. reached with the hand  |
hastadhāraṇa | n. holding by the hand, supporting, helping  |
hastadhāraṇa | n. warding off a blow  |
hastadhāraṇa | n. stopping a blow with the hand  |
hastadhāraṇā | f. supporting, helping  |
hastadhāraṇā | f. taking to wife, marrying  |
hastadhātrī | f. Name of work  |
hastadīpa | m. a hand lantern  |
hastadoṣa | m. a slip of the hand, mistake committed by the hand  |
hastadvaya | n. a distance of 2 hasta-s or 48 inches  |
hastaga | mf(ā-)n. being in one's (compound) hand or possession  |
hastagāmin | mfn. equals -ga-  |
hastagata | mfn. come to hand, fallen into one's possession, procured, obtained, secured (para-hasta-g-,"being in the hand or possession of another")  |
hastaghna | m. a kind of hand-guard (protecting the hand in archery)  |
hastagiri | m. Name of a mountain ( hastagirimāhātmya -māhātmya- n.)  |
hastagirimāhātmya | n. hastagiri |
hastagrābha | mfn. one who takes or has taken a girl's hand (="one who marries or has married a wife")  |
hastagraha | m. the taking of the hand  |
hastagraha | m. the marriage ceremony  |
hastagraha | m. the putting hand to or engaging in,  |
hastagrāha | mfn. taking (or able to take) any one by the hand ("being in the immediate neighbourhood" ; hasta-grāhaṃ- grah-,"to take any one by the hand" )  |
hastagrāha | m. a husband (see -grābh/a-) |
hastagrāhaka | mfn. taking any one by the hind (= very importunate)  |
hastagṛkya | ind. having taken the hand  |
hastahārya | mfn. to be grasped with the hands, manifest  |
hastahoma | m. an oblation offered with the hand  |
hastajyoḍi | m. a kind of plant  |
hastaka | m. the hand (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with f(ikā-).= "holding in the hand") etc.  |
hastaka | m. the hand as a support  |
hastaka | m. the hand as a measure of length  |
hastaka | m. position of the hand  |
hastaka | m. a turn-spit (varia lectio hastika-)  |
hastakamala | n. a lotus carried in the hand (as symbolizing good fortune or prosperity;thus when lakṣmī- was churned out of the ocean, she appeared holding a lotus)  |
hastakamala | n. a lotus-like hand  |
hastakārya | mfn. to be done or made with the hand  |
hastakauśala | n. skilfulness of hand, manual dexterity  |
hastakavapra | Name of a place  |
hastakita | mfn. (fr. hastaka-) gaRa tārakādi-.  |
hastakohali | (?) f. the binding of the string round the fore-arm of the bride and bridegroom  |
hastakriyā | f. any manual performance  |
hastakṛta | (h/asta--) mf(ā-)n. made with the hand  |
hastalāghava | n. lightness of hand, manual readiness, cleverness (reckoned among the 64 kalā-s)  |
hastalāghava | n. a real injury  |
hastalakṣaṇa | n. Name of the 28th pariśiṣṭa- of the  |
hastalekha | m. hand-drawing (khīkṛ-,"to draw, sketch")  |
hastalepana | n. an ointment for the hands  |
hastamaṇi | m. a jewel worn on the wrist  |
hastamātra | a cubit in length  |
hastamuktāvalī | f. Name of work  |
hastapāda | m. dual number or n. sg. hands and feet  |
hastapādādi | m. the hand and feet, the extremities, limbs of the body  |
hastaparṇa | m. Palma Christi or Ricinus Communis  |
hastaprada | mfn. giving the hand, supporting, helping  |
hastaprāpta | mfn. equals -gata-  |
hastaprāpya | mfn. to be reached with the hand  |
hastapṛṣṭha | n. the back of the hand (also called apa-pṛ-)  |
hastapuccha | n. the hand below the wrist  |
hastaratnāvalī | f. Name of work on mimetic gestures with one or both hand.  |
hastarelihā | f. a line on the hand  |
hastasaṃdhunakam | ind. tossing or shaking the hand,  |
hastasaṃjīvanī | f. Name of a work on palmistry.  |
hastasaṃjīvanī | f. a sign a with the hand  |
hastasaṃlagnikā | f. (instrumental case) with the hand put together  |
hastasaṃvāhana | n. rubbing or shampooing with the hand  |
hastasiddhi | f. earnings gained by manual labour, salary  |
hastaśrāddha | n. Name of work  |
hastastha | mfn. being in or held with the hand,  |
hastasthayuga | mfn. holding a yoke in the hand  |
hastasthita | mfn. being in hand, held  |
hastasūtra | ( ) ( ) n. a bangle or ornament put on the wrist of a girl before her wedding.  |
hastasūtraka | ( ) n. a bangle or ornament put on the wrist of a girl before her wedding.  |
hastasvaralakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
hastasvastika | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) crossing the hand,  |
hastatala | n. the (palm of the) hand (See compound)  |
hastatala | n. the tip of an elephant's trunk  |
hastatāla | m. clapping the hand together (See sa-hasta-tālam-).  |
hastatalagata | mfn. being (al. ready) in one's hand  |
hastatra | m. or n. a hand-guard (see -ghn/a-)  |
hastatrayasammite | ind. at a distance of 3 hasta-s  |
hastatulā | f. the hand as a balance or instrument for weighing anything  |
hastavāma | mfn. situated on the left hand (also"wrong")  |
hastavāpa | m. scattering or shooting a shower of arrows with the hand  |
hastavāraṇa | n. taking or holding by the hand  |
hastavāraṇa | n. warding off a blow  |
hastavartam | ind. (with Causal of vṛt-) to turn or crush with the hand, ,  |
hastavartin | mfn. being or remaining in the hand, seized, held, caught hold of  |
hastavartin | m. Name of a prince  |
hastavat | mfn. (h/asta--) having hand  |
hastavat | mfn. dexterous with the hand (as an archer or thief)  |
hastaveṣya | n. handiwork, manual labour  |
hastavinyāsa | m. position of the hand  |
hastayata | (h/asta--) mfn. held or guided by the hand  |
hastayoga | m. employment or practice of the hand  |
hastayugala | n. the two hands  |
hastihasta | m. an elephant's trunk  |
hastihastaparāmṛṣṭa | mf(ā-)n. seized or struck by the trunk of an elephant  |
himadhvasta | mfn. withered by cold, frost-bitten, frost-nipped (as a lotus etc.)  |
hiraṇyahasta | mfn. (h/iraṇya--) olden-handed  |
hiraṇyahasta | m. Name of savitṛ-  |
hiraṇyahasta | m. of a man  |
hrasta | See nir-hrasta-.  |
hṛdayaprastara | mfn. stone-hearted, cruel  |
hṛtstambha | m. paralysis of the heart  |
hyastana | mf(ī-)n. hesternal, belonging to or produced or occurred yesterday  |
hyastanadina | n. the day just past, yesterday  |
hyastanī | f. (scilicet vibhakti-) the personal terminations of the imperfect  |
indrahasta | m. a kind of medicament  |
iṣuhasta | mfn. "arrow-handed", carrying arrows in the hand.  |
itastatas | ind. here and there, hither and thither  |
jahistambha | mfn. constantly striking against a post (not in )  |
jaiminīyanyāyamālāvistara | m. Name of a compendium of the mīmāṃsā- philosophy by mādhava-.  |
jalastambha | m. solidification of water (magical faculty).  |
jalastambhana | n. idem or 'm. solidification of water (magical faculty).' , GarP.  |
jambhāribhujastambhana | n. paralysing indra-'s arm (one of śiva-'s heroic deeds)  |
jayastambha | m. column of victory  |
jayastambha | m. a trophy  |
jihvāstambha | m. stiffness of the tongue,  |
jitahasta | mfn. one who has exercised his hand  |
jyotistattva | n. equals tiṣa-t-  |
kacahasta | m. thick or ornamented hair, beautiful hair  |
kaivartamusta | n. the grass Cyperus rotundus  |
kaivartamustaka | n. idem or 'f. idem or 'n. the grass Cyperus rotundus ' ' commentator or commentary on  |
kaivartīmustaka | n. idem or 'n. idem or 'f. idem or 'n. the grass Cyperus rotundus ' ' commentator or commentary on '  |
kaivartimustaka | n. equals rtī-m- above  |
kālahasta | Name (also title or epithet) of a pious forester, RTL: 441  |
kālīsamastamantra | m. Name of a mantra-.  |
kālīstava | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
kanakastambha | m. a golden column or stem etc.  |
kanakastambhā | f. "having a golden stem", a species of Musa  |
kanakastambharucira | mfn. shining with columns of gold  |
kanīyaḥstana | mfn. having fewer teats,  |
kapālahasta | mfn. bearing a skull in the hand,  |
kapālaśaktihasta | mf(ā-)n. bearing a skull and spear in hand  |
kapotahasta | m. a particular position of the hands.  |
kapotahastaka | m. idem or 'm. a particular position of the hands.'  |
karanyastakapolāntam | ind. the end of the cheek held in the hand.  |
karihasta | m. a particular position of the hands.  |
karmahasta | mfn. clever in business  |
karmastava | m. Name of work  |
karpūrastava | m. Name of work  |
kāruhasta | m. the hand of an artisan  |
kāruṇyalaharistava | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
kāstambara | m. Name of a man, (plural) his family  |
kastambhī | f. (fr. ka-,"head"? + stambha-) the prop of a carriage-pole, piece of wood fastened on at the extreme end of the pole serving as a prop or rest (popularly called"sipoy"in Western India, and in English,"horse")  |
kāṣṭhastambha | m. a beam of wood  |
kaukūsta | m. Name of a man  |
kautasta | m. patronymic fr. kutasta- |
kavipraśasta | mfn. esteemed or praised by sages  |
kaviśasta | mfn. (and v/i-śasta- ) (gaRa pravṛddhādi-) pronounced by wise men  |
kaviśasta | mfn. praised by wise men  |
keśahasta | m. much or ornamented hair, tuft (quoted in )  |
keśahasta | m. the hair for a hand  |
khaḍgahasta | mfn. equals -pāṇi-  |
khādihasta | (kh/ādi--) mfn. having the hands ornamented with bracelets or rings (said of the marut-s),  |
khastanī | f. "having the atmosphere for its breast"Name of the earth  |
khastanī | etc. See 3. kh/a-, p.334.  |
khaṭvāṅgahasta | mfn. = - bhṛt-,  |
kīrtistambha | m. a column of fame  |
kīsta | m. (equals kīr/i-) a praiser, poet  |
kṛtadhvasta | mfn. lost after being once possessed or acquired  |
kṛtahasta | mfn. one who has exercised his hands, dexterous, skilled (especially in archery)  |
kṛtahastatal | f. dexterity  |
kṛtahastavat | ind. in a clever way  |
kṣiprahasta | m. "swift-handed", Name of agni- Paipp.  |
kṣiprahasta | m. of a rakṣas-  |
kukkuṭamastaka | m. equals -mañjarī-  |
kulastambha | (?) m. Name (also title or epithet) of chief,  |
kumbhastanī | f. ( ) having breasts like jars  |
kuruvista | m. a pala- of gold (in weight equal to about 700 troy grains) =  |
kuśahasta | mfn. having kuśa- grass in the hand or in the paw (as applied to the tiger)  |
kuśastamba | m. a bundle of kuśa- grass  |
kuśastamba | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kusumastabaka | m. a bunch of flowers, nosegay, bouquet  |
kusumastabaka | m. Name of a metre.  |
kutasta | m. (for tas-tya-?) , Name of a man commentator or commentary on (see kautasta-.)  |
kutastama | mfn. coming from whence, id est not possible,  |
kutastarām | ind. how? in what manner?  |
laghucitrahasta | mfn. light and ready-handed, possessing unusual manual skill  |
laghuhasta | mfn. light-handed, ready-handed, possessing skill in the hands (as an archer, writer etc.) etc.  |
laghuhasta | m. a good archer  |
laghuhastatā | f. ( ) ready-handedness, skilful-handed |
laghuhastatva | n. ( ) ready-handedness, skilful-handed |
laghuhastavat | mfn. equals laghu-hasta-  |
laghulalitavistara | m. Name of work  |
laghusaptaśatikāstava | m. Name of work  |
laghustava | m. Name of work  |
laghustavaṭippaṇaka | n. Name of work  |
laguḍahasta | m. "staff-in-hand", a man armed with a stick or mace, a staff-bearer  |
lagurahasta | m. equals laguḍa-h-  |
lakṣaṇapraśasta | mfn. celebrated on account of good or lucky marks  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇastava | m. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhastavarāja | m. Name of work  |
lakṣmīstava | m. Name of work  |
lalitāstavaratna | n. Name of work  |
lalitavistara | m. Name of a sūtra- work giving a detailed account of the artless and natural acts in the life of the buddha-.  |
lalitavistarapurāṇa | n. Name of a sūtra- work giving a detailed account of the artless and natural acts in the life of the buddha-.  |
lambastanī | f. a woman with flaccid breasts  |
lasta | mfn. embraced, grasped  |
lasta | mfn. skilled, skilful  |
lasta | lastaka- etc. See above.  |
lastaka | m. the middle of a bow (the part grasped)  |
lastakagraha | m. seizing the middle of a bow  |
lastakin | m. a bow  |
liptahasta | mfn. having the hands smeared or stained  |
locamastaka | m. cock's comb, Celosia Cristata  |
lusta | n. the end of a bow  |
mādhavastavarāja | m.  |
madhumastaka | n. ( ) , Name of a particular kind of sweetmeat  |
madhyākṣaravistaralipi | f. Name of a particular kind of written character  |
madhyamoccaistara | mf(ā-)n. half loud and very loud  |
madhyatastaḥkārin | m. Name of the 4 principal priests (viz. the hotṛ-, adhvaryu-, brahman-, and udgātṛ-)  |
mahādevapuṇyastambhakara | m. Name of author.  |
mahāgaṇapatistavarāja | m. Name of work  |
mahāhasta | mfn. having large hands (Name of śiva-)  |
mahāpuruṣastava | m. Name of work  |
mahārājñīstava | m. Name of work  |
mahāsarasvatīstavarāja | m. Name of work  |
mahāvidyāstava | m. Name of work  |
mahāvistara | mfn. very extensive or copious  |
mahimastava | m. Name of a hymn (see under mahinm/an-).  |
mahiṣīstambha | m. a pillar or column adorned with a buffalo's head  |
māllavāstava | mfn. (fr. malla-vāstu-)  |
maṇḍalitahastakāṇḍa | mfn. having a trunk formed in rings or circles (said of an elephant)  |
maṅgalasaṃstava | mfn. felicitating, containing felicitations R  |
maṅgalastava | m. Name of work  |
maṇistambha | m. a crystal post or column  |
manyāstambha | m. stiffness or rigidity of the neck  |
masta | mfn. measured  |
masta | n. (equals mastaka-) the head  |
masta | and taka-, masti- etc. See p.793.  |
mastadāru | n. Pinus Deodora  |
mastaka | m. n. ( ) the head, skull etc.  |
mastaka | m. the upper part of anything, top, summit (especially of mountains or trees) ( mastakam kam- ind.= on the top of, upon exempli gratia, 'for example' cullī-mastakam-,upon the hearth )  |
mastaka | m. the tuft of leaves which grows at the top of various species of palm trees  |
mastaka | m. Name of a particular form of śiva-  |
mastakajvara | m. "head-fever", head-ache  |
mastakākhya | m. the top of a tree  |
mastakaluṅga | m. or n. (?) the membrane of the brain (see mastuluṅga-).  |
mastakam | ind. mastaka |
mastakamūlaka | n. equals masta-m-  |
mastakapiṇḍaka | m. n. a round protuberance on the temples of an elephant in rut  |
mastakasneha | m. "head-marrow", the brain  |
mastakaśūla | n. sharp or shooting pain in the head, head-ache  |
mastakodbhava | m. "produced in the head", the brain  |
mastamūlaka | n. "head-root", the neck  |
medastas | ind. from the fat  |
meghastanita | n. "cloud-rumbling", thunder  |
meghastanitodbhava | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
mīmāṃsāstabaka | m. Name of an elementary treatise on the mīmāṃsā- by rāghavānanda-.  |
mīnākṣīstavarāja | m. Name of work  |
mithyābhiśasta | mfn. (mithyābh-) idem or '(mithyābh-) mfn. falsely accused '  |
mithyāstava | m. plural false or unfounded praise  |
mṛdutaruṇahustapādatalatā | f. having the palms and soles of the feet soft and tender (one of the 32 signs of perfection)  |
mugdhakāntāstana | m. the bosom of a young mistress  |
muhustanais | ind. at repeated intervals, repeatedly, constantly |
mukhatastaḥkāram | ind.  |
muktahasta | mf(ā-)n. open. handed, liberal  |
muktahasta | mf(ā-)n. loosed, let go  |
mūlastambhanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
musta | mfn. a species of grass, Cyperue Rotundus (n. prob. the root of Cyperue Rotundus)  |
mustagiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
mustaka | mfn. equals musta-, Cyperus Rotundus  |
mustaka | m. a particular vegetable poison  |
nabhastala | n. "sky-surface", firmament etc.  |
nabhastala | n. Name of the 10th solar mansion  |
nabhastas | ind. from the sky  |
nāgaramustaka | n. its grain  |
nairhasta | mfn. (a weapon) intended for handless demons  |
namaskārastava | m. Name of work  |
nārāyaṇastavarāja | m. Name of work  |
nasta | m. the nose  |
nasta | n. a sternutatory, snuff  |
nastaka | m. the septum of the nose (of cattle for draught) or a hole bored in it  |
nastakaraṇa | n. instrument used by bhikṣu-s for injecting the nose (taḥ-k-? see above) .  |
nastas | ind. from or into the nose etc.  |
nastastaḥkaraṇa | See nasta-k-  |
nastastaḥkarman | n. the putting into the nose, taking snuff  |
nastatas | ind. = (and prob. fr.) nas-t/as- (see pat-ta-tas-fr. pattas-)  |
nātivyasta | mfn. not too far separated  |
navagrahastava | m. Name of work  |
navahasta | m. Name of an author (see -kara-).  |
navasvastara | m. a bed or couch of fresh grass  |
netrastambha | m. rigidity of the eyes  |
nīcaistana | mfn. low,  |
nīcaistarām | ind. lower, deeper, softer, gentler  |
niḥstambha | mfn. having no posts or pillars  |
niḥstambha | mfn. having no support or help  |
niktahasta | (kt/a-) mfn. clean-handed  |
nīlakaṇṭhastava | m. Name of work  |
nirahaṃstambha | mfn. free from the fetters of egotism  |
nīrajastama | mfn. ( )  |
nīrajastamasā | f. absence of passion and darkness  |
nīrajastamaska | mfn. ( ) free from passion and darkness  |
nirasta | mfn. ( also asita-) cast out or off, expelled, banished, rejected, removed, refuted, destroyed etc.  |
nirasta | mfn. shot off (as an arrow)  |
nirasta | mfn. spit out, vomited  |
nirasta | mfn. pronounced hurriedly or dropped in pronouncing (a-n- ) |
nirasta | n. dropping or leaving out (considered a fault in pronunciation)  |
nirastabheda | mfn. having all difference removed, identical  |
nirastarāga | mfn. one who has abandoned worldly desires or has devoted himself to religious penance  |
nirastasaṃkhya | mfn. innumerable (literally refusing calculation)  |
nirastasukhodaya | mf(ā-)n. hopelessly unfortunate (literally whose fortune has given up rising)  |
nirhasta | (n/ir--) mfn. handless (see nair-h-),  |
nirhrasta | mfn. abridged, diminished  |
nirvāṇamastaka | m. liberation, deliverance  |
niryāṇahasta | mfn. having a foot-rope in the hand  |
nistabdha | mfn. ( stabh-) paralyzed, numbed  |
nistabdha | mfn. stopped, fixed (See a-nist-).  |
nistakṣ | P. -takṣati- (2. plural Aorist -ataṣṭa-), to carve out, fashion, create, form, make from (ablative) ; to cut, wound (by insults)  |
nistala | mfn. not flat, round, globular  |
nistala | mfn. trembling, moving  |
nistala | mfn. down, below  |
nistamaska | mfn. free from darkness, not gloomy, light  |
nistambha | mfn. equals niḥ-st-.  |
nistambha | See niḥ-st-.  |
nistamisra | mfn. idem or 'mfn. free from darkness, not gloomy, light ' , Prasann.  |
nistandra | mfn. not lazy, fresh, healthy  |
nistandratā | f.  |
nistandri | (Nominal verb īs-) mfn. idem or 'f. '  |
nistandrī | (Nominal verb īs-) mfn. idem or ' (Nominal verb īs-) mfn. idem or 'f. ' '  |
nistanī | f. (fr. stana-,"breast?") a pill, bolus, a sort of force-meat ball  |
nistantra | wrong reading for  |
nistantu | mfn. having no offspring, childless  |
nistap | See niṣ-ṭap-.  |
nistaraṃga | mf(ā-)n. motionless, still  |
nistaraṇa | nis-tāra- etc. See nis-tṝ-.  |
nistaraṇa | n. passing over, going forth, coming out (of danger), rescue, deliverance  |
nistaraṇa | n. a means of success or rescue  |
nistaraṇīya | ( ) mfn. to be passed over or overcome or conquered.  |
nistarha | m. ( ) crushing, destroying ( tṛh-).  |
nistarhaṇa | n. ( ) crushing, destroying ( tṛh-).  |
nistarīka | gaRa nirudakādi-.  |
nistarīpa | gaRa nirudakādi-.  |
nistarkya | mfn. unimaginable, inconceivable  |
nistartavya | ( ) mfn. to be passed over or overcome or conquered. |
nistattva | mfn. not comprehended in the 24 tattva-s or principles  |
nityavitrasta | m. "always scared", Name of an antelope  |
nityotkṣiptahasta | m. "who always raises his hand", Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
nivastavya | mfn. to be lived (n. impersonal or used impersonally)  |
nivastavya | mfn. to be spent  |
nṛsiṃhastavarāja | m. Name of work  |
nṛtyahasta | m. the position of the hands in dancing  |
nyasta | mfn. thrown or cast or laid down, put, placed, fixed, inserted, applied, deposited, committed  |
nyasta | mfn. given up, resigned  |
nyasta | mfn. stretched out, lying  |
nyasta | mfn. exposed (krayāya-,for sale)  |
nyasta | mfn. mystically touched,  |
nyasta | mfn. put on, donned  |
nyasta | mfn. having the low tone (as a vowel)  |
nyasta | mfn. short  |
nyastacihna | mf(ā-)n. one who has relinquished one's marks or characteristics, destitute of external signs  |
nyastadaṇḍa | mfn. "one who has laid down the rod", meek, harmless  |
nyastadeha | mfn. "one who has laid down the body", dead  |
nyastaka | mf(ik/ā-)n.  |
nyastaka | according to to others,"clinging to the ground".  |
nyastaśastra | mfn. "one who has laid down the weapons", averse from strife, peaceful  |
nyastaśastra | m. the pitṛ-s or deified progenitors  |
nyastavāda | mfn. one who has ceased to speak, ceasing to speak about (prati-)  |
nyastavya | mfn. to be put down or placed or fixed or established  |
nyāyamālāvistara | m. Name of work  |
ojastara | mfn. equals /ojīyas- commentator or commentary on  |
pādastambha | m. a supporting beam, pillar, post  |
padmahasta | m. a particular measure of length  |
pāṃsudhvastaśiroruha | mfn. having the hair soiled with dust  |
pañcahasta | m. "5-handed", Name of a son of manu-  |
pañcahasta | m. of a place  |
pañcamīstava | m. Name of work  |
pañcamīstavarāja | m. Name of work  |
pañcaratnastava | m. Name of stotra-.  |
pañcastava | m. Name of work  |
pañcastavavyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
pañcastavī | f. Name of work  |
pañcāyudhastava | m. Name of work  |
pāpapraśamanastava | m. Name of work  |
pāpīyastara | mfn. worse, more or most bad or wicked  |
paralokahasta | mfn. holding in hand (id est quite certain of) the other world  |
paramahaṃsastavarāja | m. Name of work  |
paramānandamādhavastava | m. Name of work  |
paramātmastava | m. Name of work  |
parāsta | mfn. thrown away, rejected, repudiated  |
parāsta | mfn. defeated  |
parāstambh | P. -stabhnāti-, to hold back, hinder  |
parastaram | ( ) ind. further away, further  |
parastarām | ind. ( ) further away, further  |
parastarām | ind. parastarām par-, further and further away  |
paridhvasta | mfn. covered with (compound)  |
paridhvasta | mfn. destroyed, ruined  |
parighastambha | m. a door-post  |
parihasta | m. (gaRa nir-udakādi-) an amulet put round the hand to secure the birth of a child  |
pariniḥstan | P. -stanati-, to groan loud  |
parinyasta | mfn. (2. as-) stretched out, extended  |
parisaṃstambh | (only ind.p. -stabhya-), to strengthen, comfort  |
paristara | m. strewing round or heaping together  |
paristara | m. a cover, covering (varia lectio pari-cchada-).  |
paristaraṇa | n. equals prec. etc.  |
paristaraṇī | f. a particular sacred text |
paristaraṇikā | f. a cow killed at a funeral ceremony (the limbs of the corpse being covered with its limbs) (see anu-st/araṇī-).  |
paristaraṇīya | mfn. fit to be strewed around, serving for a cover  |
paristaritṛ | m. one who strews or lays round  |
paritrasta | mfn. ( tras-) terrified, frightened, much alarmed  |
pariviśvasta | mfn. feeling secure, confident  |
parṇasaṃstara | m. having leaves for a bed, sleeping on leaves  |
pārśvanāthastava | m. Name of work  |
parvatamastaka | m. n. mountains-top  |
paryasta | mfn. thrown or cast about, spread, diffused  |
paryasta | mfn. surrounded, encompassed, ensnared  |
paryasta | mfn. strung, filed on (compound)  |
paryasta | mfn. overturned, upset, inverted, changed  |
paryasta | mfn. struck, killed  |
paryasta | mfn. dismissed, laid aside  |
paryastamayam | ind. about sunset  |
paryastavat | mfn. containing the notion expressed by the word pary-asta-  |
paryastavilocana | mfn. having the eyes cast or directed round, rolling the eyes. ( )  |
paryāśvasta | mfn. comforted, consoled, tranquil, at ease  |
paryudasta | mfn. rejected, excluded on  |
paryudastatva | n.  |
pāśahasta | mfn. noose in hand  |
pāśahasta | m. Name of yama-  |
paścimaraṅgarājastava | m. Name of work  |
pātrahasta | (p/ā-) mf(ā-)n. holding any vessel in the hand  |
pattrahasta | mf(ā-)n. holding a leaf of paper in the hand  |
pavasta | n. (apa-and vas-?) a cover or garment (?)  |
pavasta | n. dual number heaven and earth  |
phalastanavatī | f. (a female) having fruits for breasts  |
pinākahasta | (pin-) m. = equals -pāṇi- Name of rudra-  |
pīnastana | m. the full breast (of a woman)  |
pīnottuṅgastanī | f. (a woman) having a large and prominent breast  |
pītamastaka | m. "yellow-head", Loxia Philippensis  |
pīvarastanī | f. a woman with large breasts or a cow with a large udder  |
prācetasastava | m. Name of  |
pradhvasta | mfn. destroyed, perished, disappeared  |
prahasta | mfn. long-handed  |
prahasta | m. (n. ) the open hand with the fingers extended  |
prahasta | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |
prahasta | m. of a companion of sūrya-prabha- (son of candra-prabha-, king of śākala-;he had been an asura- before)  |
prahastaka | m. the extended hand  |
prahastaka | mn. (scilicet tṛca-) Name of  |
prahastavāda | m. Name of work.  |
prakāmāntastapta | mfn. internally consumed by heat  |
praṇyasta | mfn. (2. as-) beat down or depressed in front  |
prāsādaprastara | m. equals -tala-  |
prasādastava | m. Name of stotra-  |
praśaṃstavya | mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy. (see śastavya-).  |
praśasta | mfn. praised, commended, considered fit or good, happy, auspicious (as stars, days etc.) etc.  |
praśasta | mfn. better, more excellent  |
praśasta | mfn. best  |
praśasta | mfn. consecrated (as water)  |
praśasta | m. Name of a man  |
praśasta | m. of a poet  |
praśasta | etc. See pra-śaṃs-.  |
praśasta |  |
praśastabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
praśastakalaśa | m. Name of a man  |
praśastakara | m. Name of an author (perhaps the writer of a work entitled praśasta-)  |
praśastapāda | m. Name of an author  |
praśastaparibhāṣā | f. Name of work  |
praśastatā | f. ( ) excellence, goodness  |
praśastatva | n. ( ) excellence, goodness  |
praśastavacana | n. plural laudatory words, praises  |
praśastavya | mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy (see -śaṃstavya-).  |
prasnutastanī | f. having breasts that distil milk (through excess of maternal love)  |
prāsta | mfn. thrown away or off, cast, hurled, discharged  |
prāsta | mfn. expelled, turned out, banished  |
prastabdha | mfn. ( stambh-) stiff, rigid  |
prastabdhagātra | mfn. having stiff or rigid limbs  |
prastambha | m. becoming stiff or rigid  |
prastan | only Causal -stanayati-, to thunder forth  |
prastara | etc. See pra-- stṛ-.  |
prastara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) anything strewed forth or about, a couch of leaves and flowers, (especially) a sacrificial seat etc.  |
prastara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') a couch of any material  |
prastara | m. a flat surface, flat top, level, a plain  |
prastara | m. a rock, stone  |
prastara | m. a gem, jewel  |
prastara | m. a leather bag  |
prastara | m. a paragraph, section  |
prastara | m. a tabular representation of the long and short vowels of a metre  |
prastara | m. musical notation  |
prastara | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio for pra-cara-)  |
prastarabhājana | n. a substitute for sacrificial grass.  |
prastaraghatanāpakaraṇa | n. an instrument for breaking or splitting stones  |
prastaraṇa | m. (orf(ā-).) a couch, seat (see rukma-pr-).  |
prastarasveda | m. inducing perspiration by lying on a straw-bed  |
prastarasvedana | n. inducing perspiration by lying on a straw-bed  |
prastareṣṭha | mfn. (or -ṣṭh/ā-) being on a couch or bed  |
prastariṇī | f. Elephantopus Scaber  |
prastava | etc. See pra-stu-.  |
prastava | m. a hymn of praise, chant, song  |
prastava | m. a favourable moment (see a-pr-)  |
prasūnastabaka | m. a bunch of blossoms or fruit  |
prātastana | mf(ī-)n. relating to the morning, matutinal  |
prātastana | n. early morning (one of the 5 parts of the day;the other 4 being saṃgava-or morning, midday, afternoon, and evening)  |
prātastarām | ind. very early in the morning.  |
prathamāstamita | n. the having just set (said of the sun)  |
pratidhvasta | mfn. ( dhvaṃs-) sunk, hanging down  |
pratihasta | m. a deputy, substitute, proxy. ( pratihastatva -tva- n. ),  |
pratihastaka | ( ) m. a deputy, substitute, proxy.  |
pratihastatva | n. pratihasta |
pratipustaka | n. a copy of an original manuscript, a copy in general on  |
pratisaṃstambh | (only ind.p. -stabhya-), to strengthen, encourage  |
pratisaṃstara | n. ( stṛ-) friendly reception  |
pratistabdha | mfn. leaned against, pressed,  |
pratistabdha | mfn. stopped, checked  |
pratistabdha | mfn. obstructed, constipated (see prati-ṣṭabdha-).  |
pratistambh | P. A1. -stabhnāti-, -sṭabhate-, to lean or press (A1."one's self") against  |
pratyasta | mfn. (pr/aty--) thrown down, laid low  |
pratyasta | mfn. thrown off, given up  |
pratyastagamana | n. the setting (of the sun)  |
pratyastam | ind. (with gam-) to go down, cease  |
pratyastamaya | m. the setting (of the sun)  |
pratyastamaya | m. cessation, disappearance, end, destruction  |
pratyāśvasta | mfn. refreshed, revived, recollected  |
pravidhvasta | mfn. ( dhvaṃs-) thrown away  |
pravidhvasta | mfn. tossed about, agitated  |
pravistara | m. circumference, compass. extent (reṇa-,"in great detail") .  |
prayasta | mfn. (pr/a--) bubbling over  |
prayasta | mfn. striving, eager  |
prayasta | mfn. well cooked or prepared (see 2. pr/ayas-).  |
prayogapustaka | mn. Name of work  |
punastarām | ind. over and over again  |
punastati | f. a repeated sacrificial performance,  |
puñjikāstanā | ( ) ( ) f. Name of an apsaras-.  |
puṇyastambhakara | (?) m. Name of a man  |
purārdhavistara | mfn. being of the extent of half a town  |
purārdhavistara | m. part of a town, a suburb, ward, division  |
purupraśasta | mfn. praised by many  |
puṣpāstaraka | m. ( )  |
puṣpāstaraṇa | n. ( ) the art of strewing flower (one of the 64 kala-s).  |
pusta | m. n. (gaRa ardharcādi-) working in clay, modelling, kathā-.  |
pusta | f. a manuscript, book (see below)  |
pusta | mfn. covered, filled  |
pustaka | m. or n. a protuberant ornament, boss (See below)  |
pustaka | mf(ikā-)n. a manuscript, book, booklet  |
pustakāgāra | n. "book-room", a library  |
pustakakara | m. an embosser  |
pustakarman | n. plastering, painting  |
pustakāstaraṇa | n. the wrapper of a manuscript  |
pustamaya | mf(ī-)n. formed of metal or wood, wrought in clay, modelled  |
pustavārtta | m. one who lives by books or makes books  |
rahastas | ind. out of retirement  |
rāhugrasta | mfn. "swallowed by rāhu-", eclipsed  |
rāhugrastaniśākara | mfn. (a night) whose moon has been swallowed by rāhu-  |
rajastamaska | mfn. (any one or any thing) under the influence of the two qualities rajas- and tamas- (See above)  |
rājastamba | m. Name of a man (see next) .  |
rājastambāyana | (or b/āyana- ) m. patronymic fr. prec.  |
rājastambi | ( ) m. patronymic fr. prec.  |
rajastamomaya | mf(ī-)n. made up or consisting of r- and t- (see prec.)  |
rajastas | ind. from the dust,  |
rājātmakastava | m. Name of a panegyric of rāma-. |
rājñīstava | m. Name of work  |
raktamastaka | m. "red-headed", Ardea Sibirica  |
rāmacandrastavarāja | m. Name of work  |
rāmapādastava | m. Name of work  |
rāmastavarāja | m. Name of work  |
rambhāstambha | m. the trunk of a plantain tree  |
rambhāstambhana | n. the turning of rambhā- into a pillar (see ) .  |
rāmeśvarastava | m. Name of work  |
raṇastambabhramara | Name of a country  |
raṇastambha | m. "battle-pillar", a monument of war or battle  |
raṇastambha | m. Name of a country (prob. wrong reading; see prec.)  |
raṅgarājastava | m. Name of a stotra-.  |
rāṅkavāstaraṇa | n. a woollen coverlet  |
rasakalpasārastava | m. Name of work  |
ratnahasta | m. Name of kubera- (see -garbha-).  |
ratnamudrāhasta | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
riktahasta | mfn. empty-handed, bringing no present  |
riktahasta | mfn. carrying away no present  |
ṛjuhasta | mf(ā-)n. "good-handed", bestowing liberally (said of the earth)  |
rogagrasta | mfn. seized with any disease or sickness  |
ṛṣabhastava | m. Name of work  |
rucistava | m. Name of a chapter of the mārkaṇḍeya- purāṇa-.  |
rukmaprastaraṇa | (rukm/a--) mfn. having a gold-ornamented outer garment  |
śābasta | m. Name of a son of yuvanāśva- (and founder of the city śābastī-)  |
sabhadramusta | mfn. full of the grass Cyperus Rotundus  |
sacanastama | mfn. (superl.)  |
ṣaḍāmnāyastava | m. Name of work  |
sadyastana | mf(ī-)n. fresh, instantaneous  |
sadyastapta | mfn. just heated  |
sahasrahasta | mfn. thousand-handed  |
sahasrahasta | m. Name of śiva-  |
sahasrastari | (sah/asra--) mfn. having a thousand barren cows  |
sahasta | mfn. having hands  |
sahasta | mfn. dexterous or skilled in handling weapons  |
sahastatalam | ind. with clapping of hands,  |
sakalajananīstava | m. Name of a tantra- work  |
sākṣatapātrahasta | mfn. holding a vessel full of grain  |
śaktihasta | m. equals -pāṇi-  |
sakusumāstaraṇa | mfn. strewn with flowers  |
śālastambha | m. the trunk of the Sal tree  |
śālāstambha | m. a house-post  |
salilastambhin | mfn. stopping water  |
śālistambhaka | (?) , Name of work  |
samasta | mfn. thrown or put together, combined, united, whole, all etc.  |
samasta | mfn. (in gram.) compounded, compound  |
samasta | mfn. (in philosophy) inherent in or pervading the whole of anything  |
samasta | mfn. abridged, contracted  |
samasta | m. a whole, the aggregate of all the parts  |
sāmasta | n. (fr. sam-asta-) the science or theory of word-composition on Va1rtt.12.  |
samastabala | n. a whole army, entire force  |
samastadevatāpūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
samastadhātṛ | m. the bearer or supporter of all (applied to viṣṇu-)  |
samastakālanirṇayādhikāra | m. Name of work  |
samastaloka | m. the whole world  |
samastamantradevatāprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
sāmastambi | m. (prob. fr. sama-stamba-) a patronymic  |
samastasākṣi | m. witness of all,  |
samastavastuviṣaya | mfn. relating to the whole matter  |
samastaviskayika | mfn. inhabiting the whole country |
samastavyastarūpaka | n. a kind of rūpaka- (q.v)  |
samāśvasta | mfn. recovered, revived, reanimated, comforted, consoled  |
samāśvasta | mfn. trusting, confiding, full of confidence  |
samāyasta | mfn. ( yas-) distressed, troubled, oppressed  |
saṃhatahasta | mfn. seizing or holding each other by the hand ( saṃhatahastatva -tva-, n.)  |
saṃhatahastatva | n. saṃhatahasta |
saṃhatastarnī | f. a woman whose breasts are very close to each other  |
saṃketastava | m. (with śākta-s) a particular hymn of praise  |
saṃnyasta | mfn. thrown down, laid aside, relinquished, abandoned, deserted etc.  |
saṃnyasta | mfn. encamped  |
saṃnyasta | mfn. deposited, intrusted, consigned  |
saṃnyastadeha | mfn. one who has given up his body  |
saṃnyastaśastra | mfn. one who has laid aside his weapons  |
saṃsaktahasta | mfn. having the hands joined with (compound)  |
saṃstabdha | mfn. supported, confirmed etc.  |
saṃstabdha | mfn. firm, rigid  |
saṃstabhya | ind. having supported or confirmed or strengthened or encouraged (ātmānam ātmanā-,"one's self by one's self")  |
saṃstabhya | ind. having supported or composed the mind firmly (in affliction), having taken heart or courage  |
saṃstambh | P. -stabhnoti-, or nāti-, to make firm ; to support, sustain, encourage etc. ; to make rigid (said of water) ; to restrain, check, stop (especially by magical means) ; to suppress (tears or sorrow) ; A1. (only imperative stambhasva-) to be firm, take heart or courage (in -stambha- idem or '= sas- q.v '; see -stabhya-): Causal -stambhayati-, to confirm, strengthen (ātmānam ātmanā-,"one's self by one's self") , encourage etc. ; to take heart or courage ; to make rigid or solid (water) ; to check, stop, arrest etc. ; to paralyze ; to suppress, restrain (grief or tears) : Desiderative of Causal See saṃ-stambhayiṣu-.  |
saṃstambha | m. obstinacy, pertinacity, firmness in resistance  |
saṃstambha | m. support, prop  |
saṃstambha | m. fixing, making flrm  |
saṃstambha | m. stop, stay  |
saṃstambha | m. paralysis, muscular rigidity  |
saṃstambhana | mfn. (fr. Causal) constipating, obstructive  |
saṃstambhana | n. an obstructive remedy  |
saṃstambhana | n. stopping, arresting  |
saṃstambhanīya | mfn. (fr. prec.) to be confirmed or encouraged  |
saṃstambhanīya | mfn. to be stopped  |
saṃstambhayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wishing to stop or cause to stand still (a retreating army) (Calcutta edition vi-ṣṭambh-).  |
saṃstambhayitṛ | mfn. (fr. Causal) one who stops or restrains, a restrainer  |
saṃstambhayitṛ | mfn. one who supports, a supporter  |
saṃstambhin | mfn. stopping, averting (danger)  |
saṃstambhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) supported, propped etc.  |