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Grammar Search
"sidhmam" has 3 results
sidhmam: neuter nominative singular stem: sidhma
sidhmam: masculine accusative singular stem: sidhma
sidhmam: neuter accusative singular stem: sidhma
Amarakosha Search
1 result
Apte Search
1 result
sidhmam सिध्मम् सिध्मन् n. [सिध्-मन् किच्च Uṇ.1.137] 1 Blotch, scab. -2 Leprosy. -3 A leprous spot. सिध्मल sidhmala सिध्मवत् sidhmavat सिध्मल सिध्मवत् a. Scabby, tainted with leprosy, leprous. -ला see सिध्मम् above.
Wordnet Search
"sidhmam" has 1 results.


tvakpuṣpam, sidhmam   

yadā pūyaḥ śuṣko bhavati tadā vraṇe āgatam ācchādanam।

cikitsakena tvakpuṣpam saṃmārjya pratisāraṇaṃ kṛtam।

Parse Time: 1.803s Search Word: sidhmam Input Encoding: IAST: sidhmam