si | (confer, compare 4. sā-) cl.5.9. P. A1. ( ) sinoti-, sinute-; sin/āti-, sinite- (really occurring only in present tense sin/āti-, imperfect tense asinot-; perfect tense siṣāya- ; Aorist [?] siṣet- ; asaiṣīt-, aseṣṭa- grammar; future setā- ; siṣyati- ; seṣyati-, te- grammar; infinitive mood s/etave- ; setum- grammar), to bind, tie, fetter : Causal sāyayati- (Aorist asīṣayat-) grammar : Desiderative sisīṣati-, te- : Intensive seṣīyate-, seṣayīti-, seṣeti- [ confer, compare Greek ,; Lettish sinu,"to bind"; Anglo-Saxon sa7l; German Seil.] |
si | (See sāyaka-, senā-), to hurl, cast.  |
si | ind. gaRa cādi-.  |
si | f. service  |
si | f. Name of the wife of kāma-  |
sibh | or simbh- See sṛbh-.  |
sic | cl.6 P. A1. ( ) siñc/ati-, te- (once in , s/ecate- perfect tense siṣeca-, siṣice-[in also sisicuḥ-, sisice-]; Aorist asicat-, cata-[Gr. also asikta-]; subjunctive sicāmahe- ; preceding sicyāt- ; future sekṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood sektum- sektavai- ; ind.p. siktvā- ; -s/icya- ; -secam-or -sekam-, ), to pour out, discharge, emit, shed, infuse or pour into or on (locative case) etc. etc. ; to emit semen, impregnate ; to scatter in small drops, sprinkle, besprinkle or moisten with (instrumental case) etc. ; to dip, soak, steep ; to cast or form anything out of molten metal etc. (2 accusative) : Passive voice sicyate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist aseci-), to be poured out or sprinkled etc. etc.: Causal secayati-, te- (Epic also siñcayati-; Aorist asīṣicat-or asīsicat-), to cause to pour out etc. ; to sprinkle, water (plants etc.) : Desiderative siṣikṣati- or sisikṣati- ; te- grammar (confer, compare sisikṣā-): Intensive sesicyate-, sesekti-. ([ confer, compare Zend hincaiti; Greek [?] ; Anglo-Saxon seo4n; German seihen,seichen.])  |
sic | f. the border or hem of a dress  |
sic | f. (dual number) the two borders or boundaries id est the horizon  |
sic | f. (dual number and plural) the wings of an army  |
sic | f. equals śic-, a net  |
sicaya | m. robe, raiment, cloth, clothes  |
sicaya | m. old or ragged raiment  |
siddha | mfn. driven off, scared away  |
siddha | mfn. accomplished, fulfilled, effected, gained, acquired  |
siddha | mfn. one who has attained his object, successful  |
siddha | mfn. one who has attained the highest object, thoroughly skilled or versed in (dative case or compound) etc.  |
siddha | mfn. perfected, become perfect, beatified, endowed with supernatural faculties (See 2. siddhi-)  |
siddha | mfn. sacred, holy, divine, illustrious  |
siddha | mfn. hit (as a mark)  |
siddha | mfn. prepared, cooked, dressed (as food) etc.  |
siddha | mfn. healed, cured  |
siddha | mfn. valid (as a rule in grammarSee as-)  |
siddha | mfn. admitted to be true or right, established, settled, proved  |
siddha | mfn. resulting from  |
siddha | mfn. adjudicated, decided, terminated (as a lawsuit)  |
siddha | mfn. paid, liquidated, settled (as a debt)  |
siddha | mfn. ready for payment (as money)  |
siddha | mfn. well-known, notorious, celebrated (equals prasiddha-) etc.  |
siddha | mfn. effective, powerful, miraculous, supernatural  |
siddha | mfn. Vet  |
siddha | mfn. subdued, brought into subjection (by magical powers), subject or obedient to (genitive case)  |
siddha | mfn. peculiar, singular  |
siddha | mfn. invariable, unalterable  |
siddha | m. a siddha- or semidivine being of great purity and perfection and said to possess the eight supernatural faculties (See 2. siddhi-; according to to some, the siddha-s inhabit, together with the muni-s etc., the bhuvar-loka- or atmosphere between the earth and heaven; according to to eighty-eight thousand of them occupy the regions of the sky north of the sun and south of the seven ṛṣi-s;they are regarded as immortal, but only as living to the end of a kalpa- [ quod vide ];in the later mythology the are some times confused with the; sādhya-s [ quod vide ] or take their place) etc.  |
siddha | m. any inspired sage or prophet or seer (exempli gratia, 'for example' vyāsa-, kapila- etc.)  |
siddha | m. any holy personage or great saint (especially one who has attained to one of the states of beatitude see sālokya-) etc.  |
siddha | m. any great adept in magic or one who has acquired supernatural powers |
siddha | m. (with jaina-s) a jina- or arhat-  |
siddha | m. Name of the number 24 (cf. jina-)  |
siddha | m. the 21st of the astronomy yoga-s.  |
siddha | m. a lawsuit, judicial trial (equals vyavahāra-)  |
siddha | m. Name of a deva-gandharva-  |
siddha | m. of a rājarṣi-  |
siddha | m. of a king  |
siddha | m. of a brother of jajja-  |
siddha | m. of a Brahman  |
siddha | m. of an author  |
siddha | m. a kind of thorn-apple  |
siddha | m. another plant or a sort of hard sugar (equals guḍa-)  |
siddha | m. (plural) Name of a people  |
siddhā | f. a siddhā- or semi-divine female (see compound)  |
siddhā | f. Name of one of the yoginī-s (q.v) (according to to siddhā-is also used at the end of names of courtezans)  |
siddhā | f. a kind of medicinal plant or root (equals ṛddhi-)  |
siddha | n. magic, supernatural power  |
siddha | n. sea-salt  |
siddhabhūmi | f. equals -kṣetra-  |
siddhabuddha | m. Name of a teacher of yoga- (varia lectio śuddha-buddhi-)  |
siddhacandragaṇi | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on the kādambarī-.  |
siddhadarśana | n. the seeing or sight of the Blest  |
siddhādeśa | m. the prediction of a seer  |
siddhādeśa | m. one whose predictions are fulfilled, prophet, soothsayer, fortune-teller  |
siddhadeva | m. "perfected deity", Name of śiva-  |
siddhadhāman | n. the abode of the Blest  |
siddhadhātu | m. perfected mineral, quicksilver  |
siddhadravya | n. any magical object  |
siddhāgama | m. Name of work  |
siddhagaṅgā | f. the divine or heavenly Ganges (= mandākinī-)  |
siddhagati | f. gaRa deva-pathādi-.  |
siddhagraha | m. Name of a demon causing a particular kind of seizure or madness  |
siddhaguru | m. Name of an author  |
siddhahemakumāra | m. Name of a king  |
siddhaheman | n. purified gold  |
siddhaikavīratantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
siddhaiśvarya | n. dominion over the Blest  |
siddhajala | n. "cooked water", the fermented water of boiled rice, sour rice-gruel  |
siddhajana | m. beatified people, the Blest  |
siddhājña | mfn. one whose orders are executed  |
siddhaka | m. a kind of tree (perhaps = Vitex Negundo or Vatica Robusta or the Sal tree)  |
siddhaka | n. (prob.) a kind of metre  |
siddhakajjala | n. magical lamp-black  |
siddhakalpa | (?) m. Name of a particular cosmic period  |
siddhakāma | mfn. having the wishes fulfilled  |
siddhakāmeśvarī | f. one of the five forms of saṃ-kucita- or durgā-,  |
siddhakārya | mfn. one whose object is accomplished  |
siddhakerala | n. "perfect kerala-", Name of a district  |
siddhakhaṇḍa | m. a sort of sugar  |
siddhakhaṇḍa | m. Name of various works.  |
siddhakheṭīsāriṇī | f. Name of work  |
siddhakṣetra | n. "land of the Blest", a region inhabited by the siddha-s (also as Name of various sacred regions)  |
siddhakṣetraparvata | m. Name of a mountain in siddha-kṣetra-  |
siddhalakṣa | mfn. one who has hit the mark  |
siddhalakṣmaṇa | m. Name of an author  |
siddhalakṣmī | f. (prob.) a form of lakṣmi-  |
siddhalakṣmīstotra | n. Name of a chapter of various purāṇa-s.  |
siddhaloka | m. the world of the Blest  |
siddhamānasa | mfn. having a completely satisfied mind  |
siddhamanorama | m. Name of the second day of the civil month (karmamāsa-).  |
siddhamantra | m. a particular efficacious mantra-  |
siddhamantra | m. Name of a medical work by keśavabhaṭṭa-.  |
siddhamata | n. the ideas or sentiments of the Blest  |
siddhamātrikā | f. Name of a particular alphabet  |
siddhamātrikā | f. of a goddess  |
siddhāmbā | f. "the blest mother", Name of durgā-  |
siddhamodaka | m. sugar prepared from bamboo-manna  |
siddhamūlikānighaṇṭu | m. Name of a dictionary.  |
siddhanagārjuna | m. Name of an author  |
siddhanāgārjuna | n. Name of work on magic  |
siddhanāgārjunatantra | n. Name of work  |
siddhanāgārjunīya | n. Name of work  |
siddhānanda | m. Name of an author  |
siddhanandin | m. Name of a grammarian  |
siddhanara | m. a sorcerer, fortune-teller  |
siddhanārāyaṇa | m. Name of author  |
siddhanātha | m. Name of author  |
siddhāṅganā | f. a beatified woman, female siddha-  |
siddhāñjana | n. magical ointment,  |
siddhāñjanāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to become a magical ointment  |
siddhānna | n. dressed food, cooked victuals  |
siddhānta | m. established end, final end or aim or purpose (see sama-s-), (see rāddhānta-), demonstrated conclusion of an argument (or the 4th member of a syllogism following on the refutation of the pūrva-pakṣa- q.v), settled opinion or doctrine, dogma, axiom, received or admitted truth (of four kindsSee sarva-tantra-s-?, prati-tantra-s-, adhikaraṇa-s-, abhyupagama-s-) (see )  |
siddhānta | m. any fixed or established or canonical text-book or received scientific treatise on any subject (especially on astronomy and mathematics;often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',as the following 9, brahma-siddhānta-, sūrya-siddhānta-, soma-siddhānta-, bṛhaspati-siddhānta-, garga-siddhānta-, nārada-siddhānta-, parāśara-siddhānta-, pulastya-siddhānta-, vasiṣṭha-siddhānta-;or the following 5, siddhānta-s, pauliśa-siddhānta-, romaka-siddhānta-, vāsiṣṭha-siddhānta-, śaura-siddhānta-, and paitāmaha-siddhānta-)  |
siddhānta | m. a particular class of Buddhist and jaina- works.  |
siddhāntabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntabindu | m. (See siddhānta-tattva-b-) Name of work  |
siddhāntabinduvyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntacandrikā | f. Name of various works (also siddhāntacandrikākhaṇḍana -khaṇḍana- n.and siddhāntacandrikāṭīkā -ṭīkā- f.)  |
siddhāntacandrikākhaṇḍana | n. siddhāntacandrikā |
siddhāntacandrikāṭīkā | f. siddhāntacandrikā |
siddhāntacandrodaya | m. a commentator or commentary on the tarka-saṃgraha- (written in 1774 A.D. for rāja-siṃha-, son of king gaja-siṃha- of vikrama-paṭṭana-, by kṛṣṇa-dhūrjaṭi-dīkṣita-).  |
siddhāntācāra | m. (with tāntrika-s) a perfect rule of action  |
siddhāntācāra | m. one who practises this rule (said to consist in purity, quietism, and mental absorption in durgā-)  |
siddhāntacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntacintāratnasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntacūḍāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntadarpana | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntadharmāgama | m. an established traditional rule  |
siddhāntādhikaraṇamālā | f. Name of work on the vedānta- (equals adhikaraṇa-m- q.v)  |
siddhāntadīpa | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntadīpaprabhā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntagarbha | m. Name of work by mandanapāla-.  |
siddhāntagītā | f. Name of a vedānta- work  |
siddhāntagrantha | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntagūḍhārthaprakāśaka | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntahorā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntajāhnavī | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntajyotsnā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntakalpalatā | f. Name of vedānta- work  |
siddhāntakalpavallī | f. Name of vedānta- work  |
siddhāntakalpavallīvyākhyāna | n. Name of an astronomy work by yallayācārya-.  |
siddhāntakārikā | f. Name of a nyāya- work  |
siddhāntakaumudī | f. Name of a celebrated grammar by bhaṭṭoji-dīkṣita- (giving a particular arrangement of pāṇini-'s sūtra-s with commentator or commentary)  |
siddhāntakaumudīgūḍhaphakkikāprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntakaumudīkoṭipattra | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntakaumudīsāra | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntakaumudīvilāsa | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntakoṭi | f. the conclusive point in an argument  |
siddhāntalaghukhamāṇika | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntalakṣaṇa | n. Name of various works. (alsof(ā-).)  |
siddhāntalakṣaṇadīdhitiṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntalakṣaṇakroḍa | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntalakṣaṇapariṣkāra | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntalakṣaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntalakṣaṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntalakṣaṇaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntalakṣaṇavivekaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntalava | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntaleśa | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntamakaranda | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntamaṇimañjarī | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntamañjūṣā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntamañjūṣākhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntamanoramā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntamudrā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntamuktāvalī | f. Name of various works (especially of a commentator or commentary by viśva-nātha- pañcānana- bhaṭṭācārya- tarkālaṃkāra- on the bhāṣā-pariccheda- )  |
siddhāntamuktāvalīprakāśa | m. Name of a commentator or commentary on that work  |
siddhāntanaiyāyikamata | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntanyāyacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntapaddhati | f. = siddha-siddhānta-paddhati-.  |
siddhāntapakṣa | m. the logically correct side of an argument  |
siddhāntapañcānana | m. Name of the author of the vākya-tattva-.  |
siddhāntapañjara | n. Name of work by śaṃkarācārya-.  |
siddhāntapaṭala | m. n. Name of work on the worship of rāma-.  |
siddhāntapīyūṣa | m. n. Name of work  |
siddhāntarahasya | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntaratna | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntaratnamālā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntaratnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntārṇava | m. Name of an other vedānta- work by raghu-nātha- sārvabhauma-.  |
siddhāntasamāsa | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntasaṃdarbha | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntasaṃgrahaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntasaṃhitāsārasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntasāra | m. Name of various works.  |
siddhāntasāra | m. (with kaustubha-) Name of a translation of the Almagest by jagan-nātha-  |
siddhāntasāradīpikā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntasārāvalī | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntasārvabhauma | m. or n. Name of work  |
siddhāntaśataka | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntaśekhara | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntasetukā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntasiddhāñjana | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntaśikhāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntaśikṣā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntasindhu | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntaśiromaṇi | m. Name of an astronomy work by bhāskara- (in 4 divisions called līlāvatī-, bīja-gaṇita-, gaṇitādhyāya-,and golā dhyāya-)  |
siddhāntaśiromaṇiprakāśa | m. Name of Comm. on the above work  |
siddhāntaśiromaṇivāsanāvārttika | n. Name of Comm. on the above work  |
siddhāntaśiromaṇyudāharaṇa | n. Name of Comm. on the above work  |
siddhāntasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntasūktamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntasundara | m. or n. (also called sundara-siddhānta-) Name of work  |
siddhāntasūtrabhāṣyaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntasvānubhūtiprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntatari | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntatattva | n. Name of various works (especially of a vaiśeṣika- work , also called padārtha-viveka-) |
siddhāntatattvabindu | m. Name of work (or siddhānta-bindū-)  |
siddhāntatattvabindusaṃdīpana | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntatattvadīpa | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntatattvaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntatattvasarvasva | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntatattvaviveka | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntavācaspati | m. Name of the author of the śuddhi-makaranda-  |
siddhāntavāgīśa | m. (also with bhaṭṭācārya-) Name of various scholars  |
siddhāntavaijayantī | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntavāṅmālā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary (also called vallabha-siddhānta-ṭīkā-) by puruṣottama-.  |
siddhāntaveda | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntavelā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntavilāsa | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntaviveka | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntavyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntavyāpti | f. Name of work  |
siddhāntavyutpattilakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntaya | Nom. P. yati-, to establish or prove or demonstrate logically  |
siddhāntin | m. one who establishes or proves his conclusions logically, one learned in scientific text-books  |
siddhāntin | m. equals mīmāṃsaka-  |
siddhāntita | mfn. established as true, logically demonstrated on  |
siddhāntīya | n. Name of work  |
siddhapada | n. Name of a sacred place  |
siddhapāda | m. Name of a teacher of the yoga-  |
siddhāpagā | m. equals siddha-sindhu-  |
siddhapakṣa | m. the logically proved side of an argument  |
siddhapatha | m. "path of the Blest", the atmosphere  |
siddhapati | m. Name of a man (also called mudgara-gomin-)  |
siddhapātra | m. Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
siddhapātra | m. of a deva-putra-  |
siddhapīṭha | m. equals -kṣetra-  |
siddhaprāṇeśvara | m. a particular mixture or preparation  |
siddhaprāya | mfn. almost accomplished, nearly perfected  |
siddhaprayojana | m. white mustard  |
siddhapura | n. "city of the Blest", Name of a mythical city (located in the extreme north or according to to others, in the southern or lower regions of the earth)  |
siddhapurī | f. "city of the Blest", Name of a mythical city (located in the extreme north or according to to others, in the southern or lower regions of the earth)  |
siddhapuruṣa | m. equals -nara-  |
siddhapuruṣa | m. a man who has attained perfection  |
siddhapuṣpa | m. "having perfect flowers", the kara-vīra- plant  |
siddhaputra | m. the son of a siddha-  |
siddharāja | m. Name of a king  |
siddharājavarṇana | n. Name of work  |
siddharaṅgakalpa | m. Name of chapter of the skanda-purāṇa-.  |
siddharasa | m. "perfected metallic fluid", quicksilver  |
siddharasa | m. one who by means of quicksilver becomes a siddha- even in the present life (and so acquires supernatural powers) |
siddharasa | m. an alchemist  |
siddharasa | mfn. possessing perfected metallic fluids, mineral, metallic  |
siddharasadaṇḍa | m. a kind of magic wand  |
siddharasāyana | mfn. possessing an elixir (for prolonging life)  |
siddharatna | mfn. possessing a magic jewel  |
siddharātrī | (?) f. Name of a medical work  |
siddhāri | m. "enemy of the siddha-s", Name of a particular mantra-  |
siddharṣi | m. (ddha-+ ṛṣi-) Name of the author of the siddhayoga-mālā-.  |
siddhartha | See col, 3.  |
siddhārtha | mf(ā-)n. one who has accomplished an aim or object, successful, prosperous etc. |
siddhārtha | mf(ā-)n. leading to the goal, efficient, efficacious  |
siddhārtha | mf(ā-)n. one whose aim or intention is known  |
siddhārtha | m. "he who has fulfilled the object (of his coming)", Name of the great buddha- (gautama- or śākya-muni-, founder of Buddhism)  |
siddhārtha | m. of a māra-putra-  |
siddhārtha | m. of a dānava-  |
siddhārtha | m. of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
siddhārtha | m. of a king  |
siddhārtha | m. of a councillor of daśa-ratha-  |
siddhārtha | m. of the father of mahā-vīra- (the 24th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-)  |
siddhārtha | m. of a poet  |
siddhārthā | f. Name of the mother of the 4th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
siddhārtha | m. white mustard etc.  |
siddhārtha | m. the Indian fig-tree  |
siddhārtha | m. the 53rd year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years  |
siddhārtha | n. (scilicet vāstu-) a building with two halls (one to the west, and one to the south)  |
siddhārthacarita | n. Name of a poem  |
siddhārthaka | m. white mustard (exceptionally also n.) etc.  |
siddhārthaka | m. Name of two officials  |
siddhārthaka | n. a kind of ointment  |
siddhārthakārin | m. Name of śiva-  |
siddhārthamānin | mfn. one who thinks he has attained his object  |
siddhārthamati | m. Name of a bodhisattva-  |
siddhārthapṛcchā | f. Name of work on symbols belonging to deities  |
siddhārthasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
siddhārthin | m. the 53rd year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years  |
siddharudreśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
siddharūpa | n. the right or correct thing  |
siddhaśābaratantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
siddhasādhana | m. white mustard  |
siddhasādhana | n. the performance of magical or mystical rites (for acquiring supernatural powers etc.)  |
siddhasādhana | n. the materials employed in those rites  |
siddhasādhana | n. the proving of anything already proved  |
siddhasādhanadoṣa | m. the mistake of doing so  |
siddhasādhita | mfn. one who his learned (the art of medicine) by practice (not by study)  |
siddhasādhya | mfn. who or what has effected what was to be done  |
siddhasādhya | mfn. effected, accomplished, proved  |
siddhasādhya | m. a particular mantra-  |
siddhasādhya | n. demonstrated proof or conclusion  |
siddhasādhyaka | m. a particular mantra-  |
siddhasalila | n. equals -jala-  |
siddhasamākhya | mfn. called siddha- (with kṣetra- n. equals siddha-kṣetra-)  |
siddhasambandha | mfn. one whose kindred are well known  |
siddhasaṃgha | m. a company of siddha-s, assemblage of perfected beings  |
siddhasaṃkalpa | mfn. one whose wishes are accomplished  |
siddhāsana | n. a particular sedent posture in religious meditation (described as placing the left heel under the body and the right heel in front of it, fixing the sight between the eyebrows, and meditating upon the syllable om-)  |
siddhāsana | m. Name of skanda-  |
siddhasārasaṃhitā | f. Name of a medical work  |
siddhasārasvata | m. Name of a tantra- work  |
siddhasārasvata | m. (with śabdānuśāsana-) Name of a gram. work  |
siddhasārasvatadīpikā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary by padma-nābha- on the bhuvaneśvarī-stotra-  |
siddhasārasvatastotra | n. another N. for bhuvaneśvarī-stotra-.  |
siddhasarit | f. "river of the Blest", Name of the Ganges  |
siddhasena | m. "having a divine or perfect army", Name of kārttikeya- (god of war)  |
siddhasena | m. of an astronomer  |
siddhasenadivākara | m. Name of a son of sarva-jña- and pupil of vṛddha-vāda-sūri- (said to have induced vikramāditya- to tolerate the jaina-s)  |
siddhasenadivākṛt | m. Name of a son of sarva-jña- and pupil of vṛddha-vāda-sūri- (said to have induced vikramāditya- to tolerate the jaina-s)  |
siddhasenasūri | m. Name of author. ( )  |
siddhasenavākyakāra | m. Name of author. ( )  |
siddhasevita | m. "honoured or worshipped by siddha-s", Name of a form of bhairava- or śiva- (equals baṭuka-bhairava-)  |
siddhasiddha | mfn. thoroughly efficacious (said of a particular mantra-)  |
siddhasiddhāñjana | n. Name of work  |
siddhasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
siddhasiddhāntapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
siddhasindhu | m. "river of the siddha-s", Name of the heavenly Ganges.  |
siddhasopāna | n. Name of work  |
siddhāśrama | m. "hermitage of the Blest", Name of a hermitage in the himālaya- (where viṣṇu- performed penance during his dwarf incarnation)  |
siddhāśramapada | n. (the place of) the hermitage of the Blest  |
siddhāśramatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
siddhasthala | ( ) n. the place or region of the Blest.  |
siddhasthālī | f. the magical caldron of a great adept or sage (said to overflow with any kind of food at the wish of the possessor)  |
siddhasthāna | ( ) n. the place or region of the Blest.  |
siddhasusiddha | mfn. "exceedingly efficacious"(said of a particular mantra-)  |
siddhatāpasa | m. an ascetic endowed with supernatural power  |
siddhatāpasī | f. a female ascetic etc.  |
siddhatva | n. (or siddhatvatā -tā- f.) perfection, perfect state  |
siddhatva | n. the condition of a siddha-  |
siddhatva | n. the establishment or validity of a rule or doctrine,  |
siddhatva | n. the being known or understood  |
siddhatvatā | f. siddhatva |
siddhaugha | m. Name of certain guru-s (or teachers of mystical mantra-s) revered by the tāntrika-s (named nārada-, kāśyapa-, śambhu-, bhārgava-, kula-kauśika-)  |
siddhauṣadha | n. "perfect drug", a specific, panacea  |
siddhauṣadhasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
siddhauṣadhika | n. a collection of five drugs or medicines (viz. taila-kanda-, sudhā-k-, kroḍa-k-, rudantikā-,and sarpa-netrā-)  |
siddhavana | n. "grove of the Blest", Name of a place  |
siddhavarti | f. magical wick (varia lectio siddhi-v-)  |
siddhavāsa | m. "dwelling of the Blest", Name of a place  |
siddhavasti | m. a strong injection (as of oil etc.)  |
siddhavastu | n. (prob.) a spelling-book  |
siddhavat | ind. as established or proved (with kṛ-,"to regard as established or proved")  |
siddhavaṭa | m. Name of a place  |
siddhavaṭasthalakalpa | m. Name of a chapter of the skanda-purāṇa- (also called śrī-śaila-dakṣiṇa-dvāra-sthala-kalpa-).  |
siddhavaṭī | f. Name of a goddess  |
siddhavidyā | f. the doctrine relating to perfected beings  |
siddhavidyā | f. a particular form of the mahā-vidyā-  |
siddhavidyādīpikā | f. Name of work on the worship of dakṣiṇa-kālī- by śaṃkara- (pupil of jagan-nātha-).  |
siddhavīrya | m. "possessing perfect strength", Name of a muni-  |
siddhayāmala | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
siddhayātrika | wrong reading for siddhi-j-.  |
siddhāyikā | f. (prob. for siddha-dāyikā-) Name of one of the 24 goddesses (called śāsana-devatā-s) who execute the commands of the 24 arhat-s  |
siddhayoga | m. magical agency  |
siddhayoga | m. Name of a medical work by vṛnda-  |
siddhayogamālā | f. Name of work  |
siddhayogasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
siddhayogeśvaratantra | n. Name of a tantra- work  |
siddhayogeśvaratantra | m. a particular mixture or preparation  |
siddhayogin | m. Name of śiva-  |
siddhayoginī | f. a sorceress, witch, fairy  |
siddhayoginī | f. Name of manasā-  |
siddhayoṣit | f. a female siddha-, beatified woman  |
siddhecala | m. "mountain of the Blest", Name of a mountain  |
siddhecalapūjā | f. Name of work  |
siddhecchā | f. a particular mode of livelihood  |
siddheśa | m. lord of the Blest  |
siddheśvara | m. idem or 'm. lord of the Blest ' (f(ī-). )  |
siddheśvara | m. Name of various authors etc. (also with bhaṭṭa-.)  |
siddheśvara | m. of a mountain  |
siddheśvarastotra | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
siddheśvaratantra | n. Name of a tantra-  |
siddheśvaratīrtha | n. Name of various tīrtha-s  |
siddhi | f. driving off, putting aside  |
siddhi | f. (for 1.See) accomplishment, performance, fulfilment, complete attainment (of any object) , success etc.  |
siddhi | f. the hitting of a mark (locative case)  |
siddhi | f. healing (of a disease), cure by (compound)  |
siddhi | f. coming into force, validity  |
siddhi | f. settlement, payment, liquidation (of a debt)  |
siddhi | f. establishment, substantiation, settlement, demonstration, proof, indisputable conclusion, result, issue  |
siddhi | f. decision, adjudication, determination (of a lawsuit)  |
siddhi | f. solution of a problem  |
siddhi | f. preparation, cooking, maturing, maturity  |
siddhi | f. readiness  |
siddhi | f. prosperity, personal success, fortune, good luck, advantage etc.  |
siddhi | f. supreme felicity, bliss, beatitude, complete sanctification (by penance etc.), final emancipation, perfection  |
siddhi | f. vanishing, making one's self invisible  |
siddhi | f. a magical shoe (supposed to convey the wearer wherever he likes)  |
siddhi | f. the acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means or the supposed faculty so acquired (the eight usually enumerated are given in the following śloka-, aṇimā- laghimā prāptiḥ prākāmyam mahimā tathā īśitvaṃ ca vaśitvaṃ ca tathā kāmāvasāyitā-;sometimes 26 are added exempli gratia, 'for example' dūra-śravaṇa-, sarvajña-tva-, agni-stambha-etc.) |
siddhi | f. any unusual skill or faculty or capability (often in compound)  |
siddhi | f. skill in general, dexterity, art  |
siddhi | f. efficacy, efficiency  |
siddhi | f. understanding, intellect  |
siddhi | f. becoming clear or intelligible (as sounds or words)  |
siddhi | f. (in rhetoric) the pointing out in the same person of various good qualities (not usually united)  |
siddhi | f. (prob.) a work of art  |
siddhi | f. a kind of medicinal root (equals ṛddhi-or vṛddhi-)  |
siddhi | f. (in music) a particular śruti-  |
siddhi | f. a particular yoga- (either the 16th or 19th)  |
siddhi | f. Success or Perfection personified  |
siddhi | f. Name of durgā-  |
siddhi | f. of a daughter of dakṣa- and wife of dharma-  |
siddhi | f. of the wife of bhaga- and mother of mahiman-  |
siddhi | f. of a friend of danu-  |
siddhi | f. of one of the wives of gaṇeśa-  |
siddhi | f. Name of śiva- (in this sense m.)  |
siddhibhairavatantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
siddhibhūmi | f. the land of success or fortune, seat of bliss  |
siddhibhūmimārga | m. varia lectio for siddhi-m- (q.v)  |
siddhibīja | n. the seed (id est source) of magical power  |
siddhicāmuṇḍātīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
siddhida | mf(ā-)n. conferring felicity or beatitude  |
siddhida | mf(ā-)n. Name of a form of bhairava- or śiva-  |
siddhida | mf(ā-)n. Putranjiva Roxburghii  |
siddhidarśin | mfn. seeing (future) success, knowing future events  |
siddhidātrī | f. "giver of perfection", Name of a form of durgā-  |
siddhijñāna | n. knowledge of what is established, certain knowledge  |
siddhika | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') = siddhi-2, supernatural power  |
siddhikara | mf(ī-)n. producing success or good fortune  |
siddhikāraka | mfn. causing the attainment of the object of any one (genitive case), leading to the desired goal  |
siddhikāraka | mfn. producing an effect, effective, efficacious  |
siddhikaraṇa | n. the act of producing success or fortune  |
siddhikāraṇa | n. a cause of beatitude, means of obtaining felicity  |
siddhikaraṇavidhāna | n. Name of a tantra- work  |
siddhikarī | f. Name of a sorceress  |
siddhikārin | mfn. causing the accomplishment of anything (genitive case)  |
siddhīkṛta | mfn. accomplished, finished  |
siddhikṣetra | n. (see siddha-kṣ-) field of success, place of beatitude, seat of bliss  |
siddhikṣetra | n. Name of a sacred district  |
siddhikṣetra | n. of a mountain  |
siddhilābha | m. acquirement of success or perfection  |
siddhimantra | m. a magical verse or formula, spell, charm  |
siddhimanvantara | n. Name of a place  |
siddhimārga | m. the road leading to the land of the Blest  |
siddhimat | mfn. successful  |
siddhimat | mfn. accomplished, perfect  |
siddhimat | mfn. possessing magical power  |
siddhinṛsiṃha | m. Name of a king (also -malla-)  |
siddhiprada | mfn. granting or promising success  |
siddhiprāya | mfn. (see siddha-pr-) near to perfection  |
siddhirāj | m. Name of a mountain  |
siddhirasa | m. (prob.) wrong reading for siddha-r-, quicksilver  |
siddhirasadaṇḍa | m. (prob.) wrong reading for siddha-r- (q.v,)  |
siddhisādhaka | m. or n. Name of a vedānta- work  |
siddhisādhana | n. a means of obtaining beatitude or perfection or magical power  |
siddhisopāna | n. "ladder of success", Name of a tantra- work  |
siddhisthāna | n. "place of felicity", any sacred spot where pilgrims may obtain beatitude (such as on the Ganges etc.)  |
siddhisthāna | n. the part of a medical work dealing with the efficacious treatment of disease  |
siddhiśvara | siddhīśvara m. "lord of magical power", Name of śiva-  |
siddhiśvara | siddhīśvara n. Name of a district sacred to śiva-  |
siddhīśvara | siddhiśvara m. "lord of magical power", Name of śiva-  |
siddhīśvara | siddhiśvara n. Name of a district sacred to śiva-  |
siddhitraya | n. Name of a vedānta- work by yāmunācārya-.  |
siddhivāda | m. equals jñānagoṣṭhī- ( )  |
siddhivarti | f. magical wick (varia lectio siddha-v-)  |
siddhivighna | m. an obstacle to success or perfection  |
siddhivināyaka | m. a form of gaṇeśa-  |
siddhivināyakapūjanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
siddhivināyakavrata | n. Name of work  |
siddhiyātrika | m. one who makes pilgrimages to learn magical arts or to gain good luck or beatitude  |
siddhiyoga | m. employment of magical arts  |
siddhiyoga | m. an auspicious conjunction of the planets  |
siddhiyoginī | f. a kind of yoginī-  |
siddhiyogya | mfn. necessary for success  |
siddhodaka | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
siddhy | in compound for 2. siddhi-.  |
siddhyartham | ind. for the sake of accomplishing or obtaining  |
siddhyasiddhi | f. dual number success and misfortune  |
sidguṇḍa | m. a person whose father is a Brahman and whose mother is a parājakī-  |
sidh | cl.1 P. sedhati-, to go, move (according to to the s-of this root is not changed to ṣ-after prepositions; see abhi--and pari-sidh-).  |
sidh | cl.1 P. ( ) s/edhati- (in later language also te-; perfect tense siṣedha-, Epic also siṣidhe-; Aorist asedhīt- grammar also asaitsīt-; future seddhā-or sedhitā- grammar; setsyati-or sedhiṣyati- etc.; infinitive mood seddhum- etc.; sedhitum- grammar; ind.p. -s/idhya- ), to drive off, scare away, repel, restrain, hinder ; to punish, chastise ; to ordain, instruct ; to turn out well or auspiciously : Passive voice sidhyate- (Aorist asedhi-), to be driven or kept off or repelled etc.: Causal sedhayati- (Aorist asīṣidhat-) grammar : Desiderative of Causal siṣedhayiṣati- : Desiderative sisedhiṣati-, sisidhiṣati-, siṣitsati- : Intensive seṣidhyate-, seṣeddhi- (pr. p. -s/eṣidhat- )  |
sidh | (weak form of sādh-) cl.4 P. ( ) s/idhyati- (Epic and mc. also te-;pf: siṣedha- ; Aorist asidhat- grammar; saitsīt- ; preceding sidhyāsam- grammar; future seddhā- ; setsyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood seddhum- grammar; ind.p. sedhitvā-, sidhitvā-,or siddhvā- ), to be accomplished or fulfilled or effected or settled, be successful, succeed etc. ; to hit a mark (locative case) ; to attain one's aim or object, have success etc. ; to attain the highest object, become perfect, attain beatitude ; to be valid or admissible, hold good ; to be proved or demonstrated or established, result from ; to be set right, (especially) be healed or cured ; to be well cooked ; to conform to a person's will, yield to (genitive case) ; to fall to a person's (genitive case) lot or share ; to come into existence, originate, arise : Causal sedhayati- (Aorist asīṣidhat-) or sādhayati-, to show the knowledge or skill (of any one, the former,"with reference to sacred things", the latter,"to secular things") on (sadh-), to accomplish, effect : Desiderative siṣitsati- grammar : Intensive seṣidhyate-, seṣeddhi-  |
sidhma | mfn. (for 2.See) going straight to a goal or object aimed at  |
sidhma | mf(ā-)n. (of doubtful derivation) white-spotted (according to to others "leprous")  |
sidhmā | f. a blotch, leprous spot  |
sidhmā | f. leprosy  |
sidhma | m. n. one of the 18 forms of leprosy (equals mahākuṣṭha-)  |
sidhma | n. a blotch, scab  |
sidhma | in compound for sidhman-.  |
sidhmala | mfn. leprous  |
sidhmalā | f. a kind of leprosy  |
sidhmalā | f. dried or salt fish  |
sidhman | m. n. one of the 1 8 varieties of leprosy (= kṣudra-kuṣṭha-)  |
sidhmapuṣpikā | f. a kind of mild leprosy  |
sidhmavat | mfn. leprous  |
sidhmavat | mfn. blotchy, pock-marked  |
sidhra | mf(/ā-)n. = sidhm/a-1  |
sidhra | mf(/ā-)n. successful, efficacious  |
sidhra | mf(/ā-)n. perfect, good  |
sidhra | m. a kind of tree  |
sidhraka | m. a kind of tree  |
sidhrakā | in compound for sidhraka-.  |
sidhrakāvaṇa | n. (see gaRa koṭarādi-) Name of one of the celestial gardens  |
sidhrakāvat | See saidhrakāvata-.  |
sidhya | m. "auspicious", Name of the asterism puṣya- |
sig | in compound for 2. sic-.  |
sigatā | f. equals sikatā-  |
sigṛḍī | or sigruḍī- f. (see śimṛḍī-and śigru-) a kind of plant  |
sigvāta | m. wind from the hem of a dress  |
sihla | sihlaka- etc. See silh-, column 1.  |
sihuṇḍa | m. (see sīh-) a kind of spurge, Euphorbia Antiquorum (equals snuhi-)  |
siji | gaRa yavādi-.  |
sijimat | mfn.  |
sik | a sautra- root meaning"to scatter about, sprinkle" (see sic-, sīk-).  |
sikatā | f. (said to be fr. the above, but prob fr. sic-,p.1214) sand, gravel (mostly plural sg. also "a grain of sand") etc. |
sikatā | f. sandy soil  |
sikatā | f. gravel or stone (as a disease)  |
sikatā | f. plural Name of a race of ṛṣi-s (part of is attributed to sikatā nivāvarī-).  |
sikatāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of sand, full of sand, sandy  |
sikatāmaya | n. a sandbank or an island with sandy shores  |
sikatāmeha | m. a particular urinary disease, gravelly sediment in the urine  |
sikatāmehin | mfn. suffering from the above disease  |
sikatāprāya | n. a sandbank  |
sikatāsetu | m. a bank of sand (varia lectio)  |
sikatāsindhu | Name of a place  |
sikatātva | n. the condition or nature of sand  |
sikatāvartman | n. particular disease of the eyelid.  |
sikatāvat | (s/ik-) mfn. abounding in sand, sandy  |
sikatila | mfn. consisting of sand, sandy,  |
sikatopopta | mfn. strewn with sand,  |
sikatottara | mfn. abounding in sand, sandy  |
sikatya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. consisting of sand, sandy, '  |
sikṣya | m. crystal, glass  |
sikta | sikti-, siktha- See below.  |
sikta | mfn. poured out, sprinkled, wetted, impregnated etc.  |
siktā | f. equals sikatā-  |
siktatā | f. the being sprinkled or watered  |
siktha | mn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) boiled rice from which the water has been poured off  |
siktha | m. a lump or mouthful of boiled rice kneaded into a ball  |
siktha | n. (also written śiktha-) beeswax  |
siktha | n. a collection of pearls (weighing a dhāraṇa-)  |
siktha | n. indigo (equals nīlī-)  |
sikthaka | mn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(akā-or ikā-).) equals prec.  |
sikthaka | n. beeswax  |
sikti | f. sprinkling, discharge, effusion  |
sil | (also written śil-) cl.6 P. śilati-, to glean  |
silācī | f. a particular medicinal plant |
silaka | varia lectio for śilaka- (q.v)  |
silāñjālā | f. (prob.) a particular plant  |
silha | m. incense, olibanum  |
silhabhūmikā | f. the olibanum tree  |
silhaka | m. (also written sihlaka-) olibanum  |
silhakamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of olibanum  |
silhakī | f. the olibanum tree, Liquidambar Orientale  |
silhasāra | n. olibanum  |
silikamadhyama | mfn. (said of the horses of the Sun; according to to equals saṃsṛtamadhyama-,or śīrṣa-madhyama-)  |
silisilika | m. resin (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
silīvāka | varia lectio for sinī-v- (q v)  |
sillakī | f. equals śallakī-, Boswellia Thurifera  |
sillana | m. Name of a man  |
sillarāja | m. Name of a man  |
sim | ind. gaRa cādi-.  |
sim | (in Vedic gram.) a technical term for the eight simple vowels (viz. a-, ā-, i-, ī-, u-, ū-, ṛ-, ṝ-).  |
sima | mfn. (prob. connected with 1. sama-; ablative sim/asmāt- dative case sim/asmai-; vocative case s/imā-[ sima- ]; n. plural s/ime-) all, every, whole, entire (according to to some equals śreṣṭha-; according to to others equals ātman-,"one's self")  |
sima | m. equals ś/ima- (according to to equals sīmā-, rekhā-).  |
simā | f. plural a particular sāman- (consisting of the mahā-nāmnī- verses; simātva -tva- n.)  |
simasimāya | (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) A1. yate-, to bubble, simmer, crackle  |
simātva | n. simā |
simba | simbala-, simbi- etc. See śimb-, .  |
simba | m. Name of a man  |
simbarāja | m. Name of an author  |
simbatikā | f. (see simbikā-) a kind of pod or legume  |
simbh | or sibh- See sṛbh-.  |
simbhuka | m. Name of a mythical bird  |
siṃha | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).;prob. fr. sah-) "the powerful one", a lion (also identified with ātman-) etc.  |
siṃha | m. the zodiacal sign Leo or its lagna-  |
siṃha | m. a hero or eminent person (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ="chief or lord of", to express excellence of any kind; see puruṣa-s-, rāja-s-,and the similar use of ṛṣabha-, vyāghra-etc.;sometimes also ="prince, king" exempli gratia, 'for example' nāga-pura-s-,the king of nāga-pura-; see siṃhadvār-and siṃhāsana-) etc.  |
siṃha | m. a particular form of temple  |
siṃha | m. a particular place prepared for the building of a house  |
siṃha | m. a Moringa with red flowers (equals rakta-śigru-)  |
siṃha | m. (in music) a kind of tune  |
siṃha | m. the symbol or emblem of the 24th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
siṃha | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
siṃha | m. of a king of the vidyā-dhara-s  |
siṃha | m. of a king (the father of sāhi-deva-)  |
siṃha | m. of the veṅkaṭa- mountain  |
siṃha | m. (with ācārya-) of an astronomer  |
siṃha | m. of various other persons  |
siṃha | m. a particular mythical bird  |
siṃhā | f. a particular grass or plant (equals nāḍī-)  |
siṃhabāhu | m. Name of the father of vijaya- (the founder of the first Buddhist dynasty in Ceylon)  |
siṃhabala | m. Name of a king  |
siṃhabaladatta | m. Name of a man  |
siṃhabhadra | m. Name of a teacher  |
siṃhabhaṭa | m. Name of an asura-  |
siṃhabhūbhṛt | m. Name of a king  |
siṃhabhūpāla | m. Name of an author  |
siṃhācala | m. Name of a mountain  |
siṃhācalamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
siṃhacandra | m. Name of various men  |
siṃhacandrā | f. Name of a woman  |
siṃhacarman | n. a lion's skin  |
siṃhācārya | m. Name of an astronomer  |
siṃhadaṃṣṭra | mfn. lion-toothed  |
siṃhadaṃṣṭra | m. a kind of arrow  |
siṃhadaṃṣṭra | m. Name of śiva-  |
siṃhadaṃṣṭra | m. of an asura-  |
siṃhadaṃṣṭra | m. of a king of the śabara-s  |
siṃhadarpa | mfn. having a lion's pride  |
siṃhadatta | m. "lion-given", Name of an asura-  |
siṃhadatta | m. of a poet  |
siṃhadeva | m. Name of a king  |
siṃhadeva | m. of an author  |
siṃhadhvaja | m. Name of a buddha-  |
siṃhadhvani | m. the roar of a lion  |
siṃhadhvani | m. a sound like the roar of a lion  |
siṃhadhvani | m. a cry challenging to battle, war-cry  |
siṃhāḍhya | mfn. abounding in lions  |
siṃhadvār | f. a palace-gate  |
siṃhadvāra | n. idem or 'f. a palace-gate '  |
siṃhadvāra | n. a principal or chief gate, any gate or entrance  |
siṃhadvīpa | m. Name of an island  |
siṃhaga | m. "going like a lion", Name of śiva-  |
siṃhagāminī | f. Name of a gandharva- maiden  |
siṃhaghoṣa | m. Name of a buddha-  |
siṃhaghoṣa | m. of various other men  |
siṃhagiri | m. (with jaina-s) Name of a sthavira-  |
siṃhagirīśvara | m. Name of a teacher  |
siṃhagrīva | mfn. lion-necked  |
siṃhagupta | m. Name of a king  |
siṃhagupta | m. of the father of vāg-bhaṭa- (varia lectio saṃgha-g-).  |
siṃhahanu | mfn. having the jaws of a lion ( siṃhahanutā -tā- f.one of the 32 signs of perfection ) |
siṃhahanu | m. Name of the grandfather of gautama- buddha-  |
siṃhahanutā | f. siṃhahanu |
siṃhajaṭi | m. Name of a king  |
siṃhājina | m. Name of a man  |
siṃhaka | m. endearing form of siṃha-  |
siṃhaka | m. of siṃhājina-  |
siṃhakalpā | f. Name of a (prob. imaginary) town  |
siṃhakāraka | m. a creator of lions  |
siṃhakarman | mfn. acting like a lion, achieving lion-like deeds  |
siṃhakarṇa | m. (prob.) Name of a place gaRa takṣaśilādi-  |
siṃhakarṇī | f. a particular position of the right hand in shooting an arrow  |
siṃhakeli | m. Name of a celebrated bodhi-sattva- (= mañju-śrī-)  |
siṃhakesara | m. (less correctly -keś-) a lion's mane  |
siṃhakesara | m. Mimusops Elengi  |
siṃhakesara | m. a kind of sweetmeat  |
siṃhakesarin | (less correctly -keśar-) m. Name of a king  |
siṃhaketu | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
siṃhaketu | m. of another man  |
siṃhakośa | m. Name of a king  |
siṃhākṣa | m. Name of a king  |
siṃhala | m. the island of Ceylon (perhaps so called as once abounding in lions) etc.  |
siṃhala | m. Name of a man  |
siṃhala | m. plural the people of Ceylon etc.  |
siṃhalā | f. the island of Ceylon (See sthāna-)  |
siṃhala | n. idem or 'f. the island of Ceylon (See sthāna-)'  |
siṃhala | n. tin  |
siṃhala | n. brass (more correctly siṃhalaka-)  |
siṃhala | n. bark, rind  |
siṃhala | n. Cassia bark (more correctly saiṃhala-)  |
siṃhaladvīpa | m. the island of Ceylon  |
siṃhalagna | n. the lagna- (q.v) of the sign Leo  |
siṃhalaka | mfn. relating to Ceylon (with dvīpa- m."Ceylon" )  |
siṃhalaka | n. Ceylon  |
siṃhalaka | n. brass  |
siṃhalamba | m. Name of a place  |
siṃhalastha | mfn. being or dwelling in Ceylon  |
siṃhalasthā | f. a species of pepper  |
siṃhalāsthāna | m. a kind of palm tree  |
siṃhalīla | m. (in music) a kind of time  |
siṃhalīla | m. a particular kind of sexual union  |
siṃhaloman | n. a lion's hair  |
siṃhamahīpati | m. Name of a king  |
siṃhamahīpati | m. of an author  |
siṃhamala | n. a kind of brass (equals pañca-loha-)  |
siṃhamalla | m. Name of an author  |
siṃhamati | m. Name of a māra-putra-  |
siṃhamāyā | f. an illusory form shaped like a lion  |
siṃhamukha | mfn. lion-faced  |
siṃhamukha | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
siṃhamukha | m. of a scholar  |
siṃhamukha | m. Gendarussa Vulgaris  |
siṃhamukhī | f. Glycine Debilis  |
siṃhāṇa | n. (corrupted fr. śṛṅkhāṇa-) the mucus of the nose  |
siṃhāṇa | n. rust of iron  |
siṃhāṇa | n. a glass vessel  |
siṃhanāda | m. a lion's roar etc.  |
siṃhanāda | m. a war-cry etc.  |
siṃhanāda | m. a confident assertion  |
siṃhanāda | m. recital of the Buddhist doctrine  |
siṃhanāda | m. a kind of bird  |
siṃhanāda | m. a kind of metre  |
siṃhanāda | m. (in music), a kind of time  |
siṃhanāda | m. Name of śiva-  |
siṃhanāda | m. of an asura-  |
siṃhanāda | m. of a son of rāvaṇa-  |
siṃhanāda | m. of a śākya-  |
siṃhanāda | m. of a king of Malaya  |
siṃhanāda | m. of the general of an army  |
siṃhanāda | m. of a Buddhist saint,  |
siṃhanādaguggulu | m. a particular mixture |
siṃhanādaka | m. a lion's roar  |
siṃhanādaka | m. a war-cry  |
siṃhanādanādin | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- |
siṃhanādasādhana | n. Name of work  |
siṃhanādikā | f. Alhagi Maurorum  |
siṃhanādin | m. Name of a māra-putra-  |
siṃhāṇaka | m. the mucus of the nose (printed siṃhānaka-).  |
siṃhānana | m. Gendarussa Vulgaris  |
siṃhanandana | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
siṃhanardin | mfn. roaring like a lion  |
siṃhanṛpa | m. Name of a king  |
siṃhānuvāka | m. Name of work  |
siṃhaparākrama | m. Name of a man  |
siṃhaparipṛcchā | f. Name of work  |
siṃhaparṇī | f. Justicia Ganderussa  |
siṃhaparṇikā | f. Phaseolus Trilobus  |
siṃhapippalī | f. a kind of plant (equals saiṃhalī-)  |
siṃhapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
siṃhapragarjana | mfn. roaring like a lion  |
siṃhapragarjita | n. the roaring of a lion  |
siṃhapraṇāda | m. a war-whoop  |
siṃhapratīka | (siṃh/a--) mfn. having a lion's appearance  |
siṃhapucchī | f. idem or 'f. Hemionitis Cordifolia '  |
siṃhapucchī | f. Glycine Debilis  |
siṃhapucchikā | f. Hemionitis Cordifolia  |
siṃhapura | n. Name of a town (Singapur)  |
siṃhapuraka | m. an inhabitant of that town  |
siṃhapūrvārdhakāyatā | f. having the forepart of the body like a lion (one of the 32 signs of perfection)  |
siṃhapuṣpī | f. Hemionitis Cordifolia  |
siṃharāj | m. Name of a grammarian manuscript  |
siṃharāja | m. Name of a king  |
siṃharāja | m. of a grammarian manuscript  |
siṃharaśmi | (?) m. Name of a man  |
siṃharatha | mf(ā-)n. having a car drawn by lion  |
siṃharatha | m. Name of a man  |
siṃharathā | f. Name of durgā-  |
siṃharava | m. a lion's roar  |
siṃharava | m. a war-cry  |
siṃharotsikā | (?) f. Name of a village  |
siṃharṣabha | (ha-+ ṛṣ-) m. a noble lion  |
siṃhasāhi | m. Name of a king  |
siṃhasaṃhanana | n. the killing of a lion  |
siṃhasaṃhanana | mfn. lion-shaped, having a strong and noble frame  |
siṃhasaṃvat | a year of the siṃha- era (used in Gujarat and converted into the corresponding D. year by the addition of 1113-14; exempli gratia, 'for example' the siṃha- year 96 corresponds to D. 1209-10).  |
siṃhāsana | n. "lion's-seat","king's seat","a throne" etc.  |
siṃhāsana | n. a particular sedent posture  |
siṃhāsana | m. a kind of sexual union  |
siṃhāsanabhraṣṭa | mfn. fallen from a throne, dethroned  |
siṃhāsanacakra | n. Name of three astrological diagrams shaped like a man and marked with the 27 nakṣatra-s  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśat | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśati | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśatikā | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśatkathā | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśatputrikāvārttā | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśatputtalikāvārttā | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanadvātriṃśikā | f. Name of a work consisting of 32 stories in praise of vikramāditya- (= vikrama-carita-)  |
siṃhāsanaraṇa | m. n. a strife or struggle for the throne  |
siṃhāsanastha | mfn. sitting on a throne  |
siṃhāsanatraya | n. Name of an astrological diagram  |
siṃhaśāva | ( ) ( ) m. a lion's cub.  |
siṃhasena | m. Name of various men  |
siṃhasiddhāntasindhu | m. Name of work  |
siṃhaśiśu | ( ) m. a lion's cub.  |
siṃhaskandha | mfn. having the shoulders of a lion  |
siṃhaśrī | f. Name of a woman  |
siṃhastha | m. "being in the constellation Leo", the planet Jupiter when so situated, (also) the festival celebrated at that time (called Sinhasth)  |
siṃhasthamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
siṃhasthamakarasthagurunirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
siṃhasthasnānapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
siṃhāstra | n. Name of a mythical weapon  |
siṃhasvāmin | m. Name of a temple erected in honour of siṃha-rāja-  |
siṃhāsya | mfn. lion-faced  |
siṃhāsya | m. a kind of fish  |
siṃhāsya | m. Gendarussa Vulgaris  |
siṃhāsya | m. Bauhinia Variegata  |
siṃhāsya | m. a particular position of the hands  |
siṃhāsyā | f. Gendarussa Vulgaris or Adhatoda Vasika  |
siṃhatā | f. the being a lion, leonine state  |
siṃhatala | m. the open hands joined (cf. saṃha-t-).  |
siṃhatāla | m. equals -tala-  |
siṃhatālākhya | m. equals -tala-  |
siṃhatilakasūri | m. Name of a jaina- author  |
siṃhatuṇḍa | m. "lion-faced", a kind of fish  |
siṃhatuṇḍa | m. Euphorbia Ligularia  |
siṃhatuṇḍaka | m. a kind of fish (equals -tuṇḍa-)  |
siṃhatva | n. the state of a lion  |
siṃhavāha | mfn. riding on a lion  |
siṃhavāhana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. riding on a lion '  |
siṃhavāhana | m. Name of śiva-  |
siṃhavāhanā | f. Name of durgā-  |
siṃhavāhin | mfn. equals -vāha-  |
siṃhavāhinī | f. Name of durgā-  |
siṃhavaktra | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |
siṃhavaktra | n. a lion's face  |
siṃhavaktra | n. Name of a town (wrong reading -vakta-)  |
siṃhāvaloka | m. a kind of metre  |
siṃhāvalokana | n. a lion's backward look  |
siṃhāvalokana | n. Name of work  |
siṃhāvalokananyāyena | ind. according to to the rule of the lion's look (id est casting a retrospective glance while at the same time proceeding onwards)  |
siṃhāvalokanena | ind. according to to the rule of the lion's look (id est casting a retrospective glance while at the same time proceeding onwards)  |
siṃhāvalokita | n. equals prec.  |
siṃhavarman | m. Name of a man  |
siṃhavatsa | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
siṃhavijṛmbhita | m. (with Buddhists) a kind of samādhi- (see -viṣkambhita-).  |
siṃhavikrama | m. a horse  |
siṃhavikrama | m. (in music) a kind of time  |
siṃhavikrama | m. Name of candra-gupta-  |
siṃhavikrama | m. of a king of the vidyā-dhara-s  |
siṃhavikrama | m. of a thief  |
siṃhavikrama | m. equals vikrama-siṃha-  |
siṃhavikrānta | mfn. valiant as a lion  |
siṃhavikrānta | m. a horse  |
siṃhavikrānta | n. a lion's gait  |
siṃhavikrānta | n. a kind of metre  |
siṃhavikrāntagāmin | mfn. having a lion's gait  |
siṃhavikrāntagāmitā | f. the having such a gait (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
siṃhavikrāntagati | mfn. having a lion's gait  |
siṃhavikrīḍita | m. (in music) a kind of time  |
siṃhavikrīḍita | m. a kind of samādhi-  |
siṃhavikrīḍita | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
siṃhavikrīḍita | n. a kind of metre  |
siṃhavinnā | f. Glycine. Debilis  |
siṃhaviṣkambhita | m. (with Buddhists) a kind of samādhi- (perhaps only wrong reading for -vijṛmbhita-).  |
siṃhaviṣṭara | (prob.) a throne  |
siṃhavyāghra | m. "lion and tiger", a particular philosophical term  |
siṃhavyāghrakroḍa | m. Name of work  |
siṃhavyāghralakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
siṃhavyāghralakṣaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
siṃhavyāghralakṣaṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
siṃhavyāghralakṣaṇī | f. Name of work  |
siṃhavyāghrāmiṣīkṛ | to make a prey to lions and tigers  |
siṃhavyāghraniṣevita | mfn. inhabited by lions and tigers  |
siṃhavyāghrarahasya | n. Name of work  |
siṃhavyāghraṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
siṃhavyāghraṭippaṇī | f. Name of work  |
siṃhavyāghrī | f. Name of various works.  |
siṃhavyāghrīya | n. Name of work  |
siṃhāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to behave like a lion  |
siṃhayānā | f. "having a car drawn by lions", Name of durgā-  |
siṃhendra | m. a mighty lion  |
siṃhī | f. See below.  |
siṃhī | f. a lioness etc.  |
siṃhī | f. Name of the uttara-vedi- (Nominal verb siṃh/īh-)  |
siṃhī | f. of various plants (Solanum Jacquini;Solanum Melongena;Gendarussa Vulgaris;Hemionitis Cordifolia;Phaseolus Trilobus)  |
siṃhī | f. a vein  |
siṃhī | f. Name of the mother of rāhu- (equals siṃhikā-)  |
siṃhī | in comp. for siṃha-.  |
siṃhībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become or be turned into a lion  |
siṃhikā | f. See below.  |
siṃhikā | f. Name of the mother of rāhu- (she was a daughter of dakṣa- [or kaśyapa-] and wife of kaśyapa- [or vipra-citti-])  |
siṃhikā | f. Name of a form of dākṣāyaṇī-  |
siṃhikā | f. of a rākṣasī-  |
siṃhikā | f. a knock-kneed girl unfit for marriage  |
siṃhikā | f. Gendarussa Vulgaris  |
siṃhikāputra | m. metron. of rāhu-  |
siṃhikāsūnu | m.  |
siṃhikāsuta | m. metron. of rāhu-  |
siṃhikātanaya | m. "son of siṃhikā-", metron, of rāhu-  |
siṃhikātanaya | m. plural Name of certain asura-s  |
siṃhikeya | m. metron. of rāhu- (wrong reading for saiṃh-)  |
siṃhīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to turn into a lion  |
siṃhila | m. endearing forms of siṃha-  |
siṃhīlatā | f. the egg-plant  |
siṃhinī | f. (with Buddhists) Name of a goddess  |
siṃhiya | m. endearing forms of siṃha-  |
siṃhoddhatā | ( ) f. a kind of metre.  |
siṃhonnatā | ( ) f. a kind of metre.  |
simīka | m. a kind of small worm or insect  |
simisimāya | A1. yate-, to quiver (with irritability, itch etc.)  |
siṃsapā | See śiṃśapā-, .  |
sina | mfn. (for 2.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) stuck fist (as food in the throat) on Va1rtt. 4  |
sina | m. a bond, fetter  |
sina | n. (according to to some fr. a sā-= in;fr. which also sinva-, sinvat-in a-s-;for 1. sina-See) provision, store (according to to equals anna-,"food"; according to to others "reward, pay")  |
sina | m. (only ) the body  |
sina | m. a garment  |
sina | m. Careya Arborea  |
sina | m. mt (ī-)n. white (= 3. sita-)  |
sina | m. blind, one eyed (equals kāṇa-)  |
sinavat | (sina--) mfn. abundant, copious  |
siñcana | n. sprinkling, watering  |
siñcatā | f. long pepper (varia lectio siñcitā-)  |
siṇḍākī | incorrect for śiṇḍākī-.  |
sindha | See k/us-, .  |
sindhi | n. (perhaps connected with next) rock-salt  |
sindhu | m. and f. (prob. fr.1. sidh-,"to go") a river, stream (especially the indu-s, and in this sense said to be the only river regarded as m.See -nada-, column 2) etc.  |
sindhu | m. flood, waters (also in the sky)  |
sindhu | m. ocean, sea etc.  |
sindhu | m. a symbolical term for the number 4 (see 1. samudra-)  |
sindhu | m. Name of varuṇa- (as god of the ocean)  |
sindhu | m. the moisture of the lips  |
sindhu | m. water ejected from an elephant's trunk (equals vamathu-)  |
sindhu | m. the exudation from an elephant's temples  |
sindhu | m. the country around the indu-s (commonly called Sindh; plural"the inhabitants of Sindh") etc.  |
sindhu | m. a king of Sindh (?)  |
sindhu | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
sindhu | m. white or refined borax (equals śveta-ṭaṅkaṇa-)  |
sindhu | m. equals sindhuka-  |
sindhu | m. (in music) a particular rāga-,  |
sindhu | m. Name of a king of the gandharva-s |
sindhu | m. of a serpent-demon  |
sindhu | m. of various men  |
sindhuḍā | (?) f. Name of a rāgiṇī-  |
sindhudatta | m. Name of a man  |
sindhūdbhava | ( ) ( ) n. rock-salt.  |
sindhudeśa | m. the country of Sindh  |
sindhūdhūpala | ( ) n. rock-salt.  |
sindhudvīpa | m. Name of a king  |
sindhudvīpa | m. of the author of the hymn (having the patronymic ambarīṣa-.)  |
sindhudvīpa | m. of other men  |
sindhugañja | m. a treasury built by sindhu-  |
sindhuja | mfn. ocean-born, river-born, aquatic  |
sindhuja | mfn. born or produced in the country Sindh  |
sindhujā | f. Name of lakṣmī- (as produced at the churning of the ocean)  |
sindhuja | n. rock-salt  |
sindhujanman | mfn. ocean-born  |
sindhujanman | mfn. produced in Sindh  |
sindhujanman | m. the moon  |
sindhujanman | n. rock-salt  |
sindhuka | mfn. marine  |
sindhuka | mfn. born or produced in Sindh  |
sindhuka | m. Vitex Negundo  |
sindhuka | m. Name of a king  |
sindhukanyā | f. "daughter of the ocean", Name of lakṣmi- (also kṣīroda-sindhu-k-).  |
sindhukapha | m. "sea-foam", cuttle-fish bone  |
sindhukara | n. a kind of borax (prob. incorrect) .  |
sindhukārikā | wrong reading for -vārikā-  |
sindhukhela | m. "played or flowed over by the indu-s", the country Sindh  |
sindhukṣit | m. Name of a rājarṣi- (author of the hymn and having the patronymic praiyamedha-)  |
sindhula | m. Name of the father of bhoja-  |
sindhulavaṇa | n. rock-salt  |
sindhumadhya | Name of a district  |
sindhumantha | m. the churning of the ocean  |
sindhumantha | m. "ocean churning-stick", a mountain (according to to some)  |
sindhumanthaja | n. rock-salt  |
sindhumathya | mfn. produced at the churning of the ocean  |
sindhumātṛ | f. (s/indhu--) the mother of streams (said of the river sarasvatī-)  |
sindhumātṛ | mfn. having the sea as mother  |
sindhumitra | m. Name of a man gaRa kāśyādi-.  |
sindhumukha | n. the mouth of a river  |
sindhumukhāgata | mfn. arrived at the mouth of a river  |
sindhunada | m. the river indu-s  |
sindhunada | m. Name of a southern river  |
sindhunada | m. of a country  |
sindhunandana | m. "son of the ocean", the moon (one of the 14 precious things recovered by churning the ocean after the flood)  |
sindhunātha | m. "lord of rivers", the ocean  |
sindhupāraja | mfn. born or produced on the indu-s (said of a horse)  |
sindhuparṇī | f. Gmelina Arborea  |
sindhupatha | m. gaRa deva-pathādi-.  |
sindhupati | m. lord of the flood  |
sindhupati | m. "lord of Sindh", Name of jayad-ratha-  |
sindhupatnī | (s/indhu--) f. having the sindhu- for mistress  |
sindhupiba | m. Name of agastya-  |
sindhuprasūta | n. rock-salt  |
sindhupulinda | m. plural Name of a people  |
sindhupuṣpa | m. "sea-flower", a conch-shell  |
sindhuputra | m. "son of the ocean", the moon  |
sindhuputra | m. Diospyros Tomentosa  |
sindhura | m. an elephant  |
sindhura | m. Name of the number eight  |
sindhuradveṣin | m. "elephant-hater", a lion  |
sindhurāgirimāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of the padma-purāṇa-.  |
sindhurāja | m. "king of rivers", the ocean  |
sindhurāja | m. "king of Sindh", Name of jayad-ratha- etc.  |
sindhurāja | m. of a muni-  |
sindhurājñī | (s/indhu--) f. having the sindhu- as queen  |
sindhurāva | m. Vitex Negundo (wrong reading for -vāra-).  |
sindhusāgara | the country between the mouths of the indu-s and the sea  |
sindhuṣāman | (for -sāman-) n. Name of a sāman-  |
sindhusaṃgama | m. "sea-confluence", the mouth of a river  |
sindhusamudrasaṃgama | m. Name of a place  |
sindhusarja | m. the Sal tree  |
sindhusauvīra | m. plural Name of a people inhabiting the country round the indu-s (in compound also Name of the country) etc.  |
sindhusauvīra | m. a king of the above people  |
sindhusauvīraka | m. plural Name of a people (= prec.)  |
sindhuśayana | m. "ocean-reclining", Name of viṣṇu-  |
sindhuṣeṇa | (for -sena-) m. Name of a king of Sindh  |
sindhusṛtya | n. the flowing in streams  |
sindhusūnu | m. patronymic of jālaṃ-dhara-  |
sindhutas | ind. from the sindhu-  |
sindhutīrasambhava | n. a kind of borax  |
sindhūttama | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
sindhūttha | m. the moon  |
sindhūttha | n. rock-salt.  |
sindhuvāhas | (s/indhu--) mfn. (perhaps) passing through the sea or navigating (according to to = nadīnām pravāhayitā-).  |
sindhuvaktra | Name of a place (See saindhuvaktraka-).  |
sindhuvāra | m. Vitex Negundo  |
sindhuvāra | m. a horse (of a good breed) brought from Sindh (see -pāra-ja-above) .  |
sindhuvāraka | m. ( ) Vitex Negundo.  |
sindhuvārikā | f. ( ) ( ) Vitex Negundo.  |
sindhuvārita | m. ( ) Vitex Negundo.  |
sindhuvāsin | mfn. living in Sindh  |
sindhuvāsinī | f. Name of the family-deity of the māṇṭi-s  |
sindhuveṣaṇa | m. Gmelina Arborea  |
sindhuvīrya | m. Name of a king of the Madras  |
sindhuvṛṣa | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
sinduka | m. (of unknown derivation) equals sinduvāra-  |
sindukā | f. idem or 'm. (of unknown derivation) equals sinduvāra- '  |
sindūra | m. (according to to ,fr. syand-) a sort of tree  |
sindūra | m. a proper N.  |
sindūra | n. red lead, minium, vermilion etc.  |
sindūra | n. (equals rakta-śāsana-, rāja-lekha-,and rāja-lekhitadakṣiṇa- )  |
sindūrakāraṇa | n. "origin of minium", lead  |
sindūranirgama | m. Name of a chapter of  |
sindūraprakāra | m. Name of work (also sindūraprakāraṭīkā -ṭīkā- f.)  |
sindūraprakāraṭīkā | f. sindūraprakāra |
sindūrapuṣpī | f. a kind of plant (equals vīra-puṣpī-)  |
sindūrarasa | m. a particular preparation of quicksilver  |
sindūratilaka | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a mark on the forehead made with red lead  |
sindūratilaka | m. "marked with red lead", an elephant  |
sindūratilakā | f. a woman whose forehead is marked with red lead (and therefore whose husband is living)  |
sindūrī | f. red cloth or clothes  |
sindūrī | f. Grislea Tomentosa  |
sindūrī | f. another plant (equals -puṣpī-)  |
sindūrī | f. equals rocanī-  |
sindūrikā | f. red lead, minium  |
sindūrita | mfn. reddened, made red  |
sinduvāra | m. (see sindhu-v-) Vitex Negundo (also raka- )  |
sinduvāra | n. the berry of that plant  |
siṅgābhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author ( siṅgābhaṭṭīya ṭīya- n.his work)  |
siṅgābhaṭṭīya | n. siṅgābhaṭṭa |
siṅgabhūpāla | m. Name of an author (see siṃha-bh-)  |
siṅgāpidi | m. Name of a poet  |
siṅghāṇa | m. equals siṃhāṇa-, rust of iron  |
siṅghaṇadeva | m. Name of a king.  |
siṅghāṇaka | m. the mucus of the nose  |
siṅghāṇikā | f. idem or 'm. the mucus of the nose '  |
siṅghiṇī | f. equals śiṅghiṇī-, the nose  |
sinī | f. equals sinīvālī-  |
sinī | (f. of prec.) , in compound (?)  |
sinīpati | m. Name of a warrior (varia lectio śin-)  |
sinīvāka | m. Name of a man (varia lectio sil-)  |
sinīvālī | f. (of doubtful derivation) Name of a goddess (in described as broad-hipped, fair-armed, fair-fingered, presiding over fecundity and easy birth, and invoked with sarasvatī-, rākā- etc.; in she is called the wife of viṣṇu-; in later Vedic texts she is the presiding deity of the first day of new moon, as rākā- of the actual day of full moon) , the first day of new moon when it rises with a scarcely visible crescent etc.  |
sinīvālī | f. Name of a daughter of aṅgiras-  |
sinīvālī | f. of the wife of dhātṛ- and mother of darśa-  |
sinīvālī | f. of durgā-  |
sinīvālī | f. of a river  |
sinīvālīkuhūśānti | f. Name of a religious ceremony (for averting the evil effects of being born on sinīvālī- and kuhū- days)  |
siñjā | siñjāśvattha-, siñjita-, incorrect for śiñjā- etc.  |
sinv | See ninv-, p.549. column 2. |
sinva | sinvat- See a-s-, .  |
sipāhaṇa | Name of a place  |
siphinnā | f. Name of a village,  |
sipila | m. Name of a man  |
sipra | m. (less correctly śipra-;derivation unknown) sweat, perspiration  |
sipra | m. the moon  |
siprā | f. a woman's zone  |
siprā | f. a female buffalo  |
siprā | f. Name of a river near ujjayinī- etc.  |
sipra | n. Name of a lake  |
siprāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to emit cold perspiration  |
sipunā | f. a kind of plant  |
sira | m. = śira-1, the root of Piper Longum  |
sirā | f. (fr. sṛ-) a stream, water (see ;often written śirā-)  |
sirā | f. any tubular vessel of the body, a nerve, vein, artery, tendon etc. etc.  |
sirā | f. a vein-like channel or narrow stream of river water  |
sirā | f. lines which cross each other like veins  |
sirā | f. a bucket, baling-vessel  |
sirābīja | n. gaRa rāja-dantādi-.  |
sirāharṣa | m. thrill of the nerves  |
sirāharṣa | m. an intensified form of siretpāta- below  |
sirāharṣa | m. flow of discoloured tears  |
sirājāla | n. a network of vessels or veins  |
sirājāla | n. an enlargement of the vessels of the eye  |
sirājālavat | mfn. covered with a network of veins  |
sirāla | mf(ā-)n. having numerous or large veins  |
sirāla | m. plural Name of a people  |
sirālā | f. a kind of plant  |
sirāla | n. the fruit of Averrhoa Carambola  |
sirālaka | m. Vitis Quadrangularis  |
sirālu | mfn. = (or wrong reading for) sirāla-  |
sirāmbu | (sirāmbu-) n. the fluid in the vessels of the body, blood etc.  |
sirāmokṣa | m. "vein-loosing", blood-letting, venesection  |
sirāmūla | n. "root of the veins", the navel  |
sirāpattra | m. the sacred fig-tree  |
sirāpattra | m. Phoenix Paludosa  |
sirāpraharṣa | m. equals sirā-harṣa-  |
sirāvedha | m. ( ) piercing the veins, venesection.  |
sirāvedhana | n. ( ) piercing the veins, venesection.  |
sirāvṛtta | n. lead  |
sirāvyadha | m. ( ) piercing the veins, venesection.  |
sirāvyadhana | n. ( ) piercing the veins, venesection.  |
sirī | m. or f. (prob.) a shuttle (others,"a weaver")  |
siridhra | or rindhra- gaRa kulālādi-.  |
sirotpāta | m. a disease of the white of the eyes, redness of the veins  |
sirotpāta | m.  |
siṣādhayiṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative of Causal of1. sādh-) the wish to establish or prove  |
siṣādhayiṣu | mfn. (also written sisādh-) desirous of accomplishing or effecting, aiming at (accusative)  |
siṣādhayiṣu | mfn. seeking to prove or demonstrate  |
sisādhayiṣu | See siṣādh-.  |
siṣaṃgrāmayiṣu | mfn. equals sisaṃgr- below  |
sisaṃgrāmayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of saṃgrām-) wishing or intending to make war, eager or desirous to fight  |
sisanis | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of san-)  |
siṣāsani | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (fr. Desiderative of sā-,or san-) wishing to gain or obtain (genitive case) '  |
siṣāsatu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of sā-,or san-) wishing to gain or obtain (genitive case)  |
siṣāsu | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. (fr. Desiderative of sā-,or san-) wishing to gain or obtain (genitive case) ' '  |
siṣāsu | mfn. ready to give  |
siṣevayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal of sev-) wishing to honour or worship  |
sisikṣā | f. (fr. sic-) the desire of sprinkling or watering  |
siṣmiyāṇa | siṣvidāna- See smi- and svid-.  |
siṣṇāsu | mfn. (fr. snā-) wishing to bathe (Calcutta edition sisn-).  |
sisnāsu | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (fr. snā-) wishing to bathe (Calcutta edition sisn-).'  |
sisnāsu | See column 1.  |
siṣṇu | mfn. ready to give  |
sisrat | See sṛ-.  |
sisrat | mfn. running, swift, rapid  |
sisṛkṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative of sṛj-) wish or purpose to create (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
sisṛkṣu | mfn. wishing to let flow or emit  |
sisṛkṣu | mfn. wishing or purposing to create |
siṭ | (see śiṭ-) cl.1 P. seṭati-, to despise |
sita | mfn. (for 2.See below;for 3.) bound, tied, fettered etc.  |
sita | mfn. joined with, accompanied by (instrumental case)  |
sita | See 2. pr/a-sita- .  |
sita | mf(ā-)n. (prob. formed fr. a-sita-as sura-fr. asura-;for 1. and 2. sita-See;for 4.See 1. so-) white, pale, bright, light (said of a day in the light half of a month and of the waxing moon) etc.  |
sita | mf(ā-)n. candid, pure (See -karman-)  |
sita | m. white (the colour)  |
sita | m. the light half of the month from new to full moon  |
sita | m. the planet Venus or its regent (equals śukra-)  |
sita | m. sugar  |
sita | m. Bauhinia Candida  |
sita | m. Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
sitā | f. white sugar, refined sugar :  |
sita | m. moonlight  |
sita | m. a handsome woman.  |
sita | m. spirituous liquor  |
sita | m. Name of various plants (a species of aparājitā-;white kaṇṭakārī-;white dūrvā- grass;Arabian jasmine etc.)  |
sita | m. bamboo juice  |
sita | m. Name of the Ganges (in sitāsitā-,under sitā-)  |
sita | m. one of the 8 devi-s ( )  |
sita | n. silver  |
sita | n. sandal  |
sita | n. a radish  |
sitā | f. of 3. sita-, column 2.  |
sita | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
sitābha | m. "white-looking", camphor  |
sitābha | m. (prob.) sugar  |
sitābhā | f. a kind of shrub  |
sitābhikaṭabhī | f. (varia lectio for sitālikaṭ-).  |
sitābhra | m. a white cloud  |
sitābhra | mn. camphor  |
sitābhraka | m. or n. camphor  |
sitābja | n. a white lotus  |
sitacchada | mfn. white-winged, having white leaves  |
sitacchada | m. a goose  |
sitacchadā | f. white dūrvā- grass  |
sitacchattra | n. a white umbrella  |
sitacchattrā | f. Anethum Sowa  |
sitacchattrī | f. Anethum Sowa  |
sitacchattrita | mfn. turned into or representing a white umbrella  |
sitacchattrita | m. having a white umbrella, possessed of the insignia of royalty  |
sitacihna | m. a sort of fish  |
sitadarbha | m. white kuśa- grass  |
sitadhātu | m. a white mineral  |
sitadhātu | m. chalk  |
sitādi | (tādi-) m. molasses  |
sitadīdhiti | m. "white-rayed", the moon  |
sitadīpya | m. white cumin  |
sitadru | m. a kind of creeper  |
sitadruma | m. (perhaps) a species of birch-tree  |
sitadūrvā | f. white dūrvā- grass  |
sitadvija | m. "white bird", a goose  |
sitāgra | m. or n. a thorn (for śil-)  |
sitaguñjā | f. a white-blossomed Abrus Precatorius  |
sitahūṇa | m. plural the white Huns  |
sitāhvaya | m. "white-named", the planet Venus (see śukra-)  |
sitāhvaya | m. Name of various plants (equals śveta-rohita-; equals śveta-śigru-,a white-blossomed tulasī-)  |
sitairaṇḍa | m. the white Ricinus  |
sitajā | f. sugar in lumps, lump-sugar  |
sitājājī | f. white cumin  |
sitaka | mfn. gaRa ṛśyādi-  |
sitaka | mfn. gaRa ṛsyādi-.  |
sitakāca | mfn. dark-yellowish white  |
sitakāca | m. dark-yellowish whiteness  |
sitakāca | m. rock-crystal  |
sitakācara | mfn. dark-smoky white  |
sitakācara | m. dark-smoky whiteness  |
sitakamala | n. a white lotus  |
sitakamalamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of white lotus  |
sitakaṇṭā | f. a white-blossomed kaṇṭakārī-  |
sitakaṇṭārikā | f. a white-blossomed kaṇṭakārī-  |
sitakaṇṭha | mfn. white-necked  |
sitakaṇṭha | m. a gallinule  |
sitakara | m. "white-rayed", the moon  |
sitakara | m. camphor  |
sitakarānana | mf(ā-)n. moon-faced  |
sitakarman | mfn. pure in action  |
sitakarṇī | ( ) f. Gendarussa Vulgaris.  |
sitakarṇikā | ( ) ( ) f. Gendarussa Vulgaris.  |
sitakaṭabhī | f. a kind of tree  |
sitakeśa | m. "white-haired", Name of a dānava-  |
sitakhaṇḍa | m. white lump-sugar  |
sitākhaṇḍa | m. sugar in lumps, lump-sugar  |
sitākhaṇḍa | m. a kind of refined sugar (said to be prepared from honey)  |
sitākhya | n. white pepper  |
sitākhyā | f. white dūrvā- grass  |
sitakṛṣṇa | mfn. white and black  |
sitakṛṣṇa | m. white and black colour  |
sitakṣāra | n. a kind of Borax  |
sitakṣudrā | f. a white-blossomed kaṇṭakārī-  |
sitakumbhī | f. a white Bignonia  |
sitakuñjara | m. a white elephant  |
sitakuñjara | m. Name of indra-'s lotus  |
sitakuñjara | mfn. riding on a white lotus  |
sitakuñjara | m. Name of indra-  |
sitālaka | m. a white Calotropis (wrong reading for tālarka-).  |
sitālarka | m. a white Calotropis  |
sitalaśuna | garlic  |
sitalatā | f. a kind of plant  |
sitālatā | f. white dūrvā- grass  |
sitāli | mfn. having white lines  |
sitālikā | f. "white-lined", a cockle  |
sitālikatabhī | f. a species of Achyranthes  |
sitalohita | mfn. white and red  |
sitalohita | m. white and red colour  |
sitamanas | mfn. pure-hearted  |
sitamaṇi | m. a crystal  |
sitamaṇimaya | mf(ī-)n. made of crystal  |
sitamāraka | (prob.) wrong reading for -sāraka-  |
sitamarica | n. white pepper  |
sitamāṣa | m. Dolichos Catjang  |
sitāmbara | mf(ā-)n. clothed in white garments  |
sitāmbara | m. "a monk wearing white garments", Name of one of the two great divisions of jaina- monks (equals śvet- q.v)  |
sitāmbhoja | n. a white lotus  |
sitāmbuja | n. a white lotus  |
sitamegha | m. a white cloud  |
sitāmoghā | f. a white-blossomed Bignonia  |
sitāṃśu | m. "white-rayed", the moon  |
sitāṃśu | m. camphor  |
sitāṃśuka | mfn. dressed in a white mantle or garment  |
sitāṃśutaila | n. camphor-oil  |
sitānana | mfn. white-faced  |
sitānana | m. Name of garuḍa-  |
sitānana | m. of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
sitāṅga | m. a kind of plant  |
sitāṅga | m. camphor  |
sitāṅga | m. Name of śiva- (printed mit-)  |
sitāṅgarāga | m. a white cosmetic. or pigment for the limbs or body  |
sitāṅka | m. a kind of fish  |
sitapadma | n. a white lotus  |
sitāpāka | m. refined sugar  |
sitapakṣa | m. the light half of a month  |
sitapakṣa | m. a white wing  |
sitapakṣa | m. "white-winged", a goose  |
sitāpāṅga | m. "having white eye-corners", a peacock  |
sitaparṇī | f. a kind of plant (equals arka-puṣpikā-)  |
sitapaṭa | m. Name of an author,  |
sitapāṭalikā | f. a white Bignonia  |
sitapiṅgāṇa | mfn. dark-yellowish-whitish white  |
sitapiṅgāṇa | m. dark-yellowish-whitish whiteness  |
sitapīta | mfn. white and yellow  |
sitapītaharinnīla | mfn. bluish-green, yellowish-white  |
sitapītaharinnīla | m. bluish-green-yellowish-whiteness  |
sitaprabha | mf(ā-)n. white  |
sitaprabha | n. silver  |
sitapuṇḍarīka | n. a white lotus  |
sitapuṅkhā | f. a kind of plant  |
sitapuṣpa | m. Tabernaemontana Coronaria  |
sitapuṣpa | m. Saccharum Spontaneum  |
sitapuṣpa | m. Acacia Sirissa  |
sitapuṣpa | m. equals śveta-rohita-  |
sitapuṣpā | f. a kind of jasmine (Jasminum Sambac or Sida Cordifolia)  |
sitapuṣpa | n. Cyperus Rotundus  |
sitapuṣpāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to resemble jasmine  |
sitapuṣpī | f. equals śvetāparājitā-  |
sitapuṣpika | a kind of leprosy  |
sitarakta | mf(ā-)n. white and red  |
sitarañjana | mfn. yellow  |
sitarañjana | m. yellow (the colour)  |
sitaraśmi | m. "white-rayed", the moon  |
sitārjaka | m. white basil  |
sitārkaka | m. a white-blossomed Calotropis  |
sitaruci | mfn. bright-coloured, white  |
sitaruci | m. the moon  |
sitasapti | mfn. having white steeds  |
sitasapti | m. Name of arjuna-  |
sitasāra | m. Achyranthes Triandra (see -māraka-).  |
sitasāraka | m. Achyranthes Triandra (see -māraka-).  |
sitaśarkarā | f. white ground sugar, lump-sugar  |
sitasarṣapa | m. white mustard, a grain of white mustard-seed  |
sitaśāyakā | wrong reading for -sāyakā- |
sitasāyakā | f. a kind of plant  |
sitasiddhārtha | m. white mustard (or a grain of white mustard-seed)  |
sitasiddhārthaka | m. white mustard (or a grain of white mustard-seed)  |
sitaśimbika | m. a kind of wheat  |
sitasiṃhī | f. a white-blossomed kaṇṭakārī-  |
sitaśiṃśapā | f. a kind of plant  |
sitasindhu | f. the Ganges  |
sitāsita | mfn. (for sitās-See under sitā-below) white and black  |
sitāsita | mfn. good and evil,  |
sitāsita | m. Name of bala-deva-  |
sitāsita | m. dual number Venus and Saturn  |
sitāsita | n. (tās-) (for sitās-See above) Name of prayāga-  |
sitāsitā | f. dual number the Ganges and Jumna rivers at prayāga-  |
sitāsitakamaladalanayanatā | f. having eyes like the petals of a dark and white lotus (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
sitāsitaroga | m. a particular disease of the eyes  |
sitaśiva | n. rock-salt  |
sitasiva | varia lectio for -śiva-  |
sitaśmaśru | mfn. having a white beard  |
sitaśūka | m. barley  |
sitaśūraṇa | m. or n. a species of Arum  |
sitasūraṇa | varia lectio for -śur-  |
sitāśva | mfn. having white horses  |
sitāśva | m. Name of arjuna-  |
sitāśva | m. the moon  |
sitaśyāma | mfn. blackish-white  |
sitaśyāma | m. blackish-white colour  |
sitātapatra | n. a white umbrella (emblem of royalty)  |
sitātapavāraṇa | n. idem or 'n. a white umbrella (emblem of royalty) '  |
sitatara | mfn. extremely white  |
sitatejas | mfn. having a white light  |
sitātraya | n. three kinds of white sugar (= tri-sitā-)  |
sitaturaga | m. "white-horsed", Name of arjuna-  |
sitavājin | m. "having white horses", Name of arjuna-  |
sitavallīja | n. white pepper  |
sitāvara | m. a species of culinary plant (also written śit-)  |
sitavāraṇa | m. a white elephant  |
sitāvarī | f. Venonia Anthelminthica  |
sitavarman | m. Name of a minister  |
sitavarṣābhū | f. Boerhavia Procumbens  |
sitayajñopavītin | mfn. invested with a white sacred thread  |
sitayāminī | f. a bright night, moonlight  |
sitāyudha | m. a kind of fish  |
sitekṣu | m. a species of sugarcane  |
sitetara | mfn. "other than white", black, dark, blue  |
sitetara | mfn. white and black  |
sitetara | m. a kind of dark-coloured rice  |
sitetara | m. Dolichos Uniflorus  |
sitetaragati | m. "having a black course", fire  |
sitetarasaroja | n. a blue lotus  |
siti | f. (for 2.See) binding, fastening (in 1. pr/a-siti-,) .  |
siti | mfn. (wrong reading for śiti-;for 1.See;for 3.See 1. so-) white  |
siti | mfn. black  |
siti | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
sitikaṇṭha | mfn. having a white throat  |
sitikaṇṭha | mfn. dark-necked  |
sitikaṇṭha | m. śiva- (see śiti-k-).  |
sitīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make white or bright  |
sitiman | m. whiteness |
sitimāraka | (prob.) wrong reading for sita-sāraka-  |
sitivāra | m. equals śiti-v-  |
sitīvāra | a kind of plant (varia lectio sitār-[q.v.]; see siti-v-above)  |
sitivāsas | mfn. clad in black  |
sitivāsas | m. Name of bala-rāma- (for śiti-v-)  |
sitodaka | wrong reading for śīt-  |
sitodara | m. "white-bellied", Name of kubera-  |
sitodbhava | mfn. produced from sugar  |
sitodbhava | n. white sandal  |
sitopala | m. "white stone", chalk  |
sitopala | m. crystal  |
sitopala | m. rock-crystal  |
sitopalā | f. sugar (mc. also pala-)  |
sitopalā | |