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Amarakosha Search
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varaṇaḥMasculineSingularsetuḥ, tiktaśākaḥ, kumārakaḥ, varuṇaḥ
Monier-Williams Search
Results for set
setakīf. gaRa nady-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setavyaSee column 2. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setavyamfn. to be bound or fastened together varia lectio View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setmfn. binding, fettering, a bond or binder View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setran. a bond, ligament, fetter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setumfn. (fr.1. si-) binding, who or what binds or fetters View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setum. a bond, fetter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setum. a ridge of earth, mound, bank, causeway, dike, dam, bridge, any raised piece of ground separating fields (serving as a boundary or as a passage during inundations) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setum. rāma-'s bridge (See setubandha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setum. a landmark, boundary, limit (also figuratively = "barrier, bounds") etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setum. a help to the understanding of a text, an explanatory commentary (also Name of various commentaries) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setum. an established institution, fixed rule View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setum. the praṇava- or sacred syllable Om (which is said to be mantrāṇāṃ setuḥ-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setum. Crataeva Roxburghii or Tapia Crataeva (equals varaṇa-, varuṇa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setum. Name of a son of druhyu- and brother of babhru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setum. of a son of babhru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setum. of a place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setubandham. the forming of a causeway or bridge, a dam or bridge (especially the ridge of rocks extending from rāmeśvara- on the Southeastern coast of India to Ceylon, and supposed to have been formed by hanumat- as a bridge for the passage of rāma-'s army) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setubandham. Name of various works (especially of the 13th chapter of the bhaṭṭi-kāvya- and of a Prakrit poem on the history of rāma-, also called rāma-setu-,or rāvaṇa-vaha-,attributed to pravarasena- and sometimes to kālidāsa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setubandhanan. the construction of a bridge or dam View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setubandhanan. a bridge or dam View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setubandhanan. a limit, barrier View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setubandhanan. Name of a Pauranic work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setubhedam. the breaking down of an embankment View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setubhedinmfn. breaking down barriers, removing obstructions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setubhedinm. Croton Polyandrum or Tiglium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setubhettṛm. the destroyer of a dam or bridge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setujam. plural Name of a district of dakṣiṇā-patha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setukam. a causeway, bridge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setukam. Crataeva Roxburghii View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setukaram. the builder of a bridge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setukarmann. the work of building a bridge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setukāvyan. Name of a poem. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setukhaṇḍam. n. Name of a chapter of the skanda-purāṇa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setumāhātmyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setumaṅgalamantram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setupatim. "lord of the bridge or causeway", an hereditary title belonging to the chiefs of Ramnad as controlling the passage of the channel between rāmeśvara- and Ceylon See column 2. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setupradam. Name of kṛṣṇa-
setuśailam. a mountain or hill forming a boundary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setuṣāmann. (with svargya-) Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setusaṃgraham. Name of a commentator or commentary on the mugdha-bodha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setusaraṇif. Name of a Sanskrit translation of the setu-bandha- by śiva-nārāyaṇa-dāsa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setusnānavidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setuvṛkṣam. Crataeva Roxburghii View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
setuyātrāvidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aṅgārasetum. Name of a prince, father of gāndhāra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmasetum. barrier of law or justice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmasetum. Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmasetum. of a son of āryaka-
dīkṣāsetum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
horāsetum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kasetum. (equals kaseru-), Name of a part of bhārata-varṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāśīsetum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kedārasetum. a dyke raised round a field View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāsetum. "great bridge", Name of certain sacred syllables pronounced before a particular mystical formula View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mathurāsetum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛcchakaṭikāsetum. Name of a commentator or commentary on it by lallā-dīkṣita-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nalasetum. " nala- bridge", the causeway constructed by the monkey nala- for rāma- from the continent to laṅkā- (the modern Adam's Bridge) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāṣāṇasetubandham. a barrier or dam of stone View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prākṛtasetum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayāgasetum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāyaścittasetum. Name of work
rāmasetum. " rāma-s's bridge", the ridge of coral rocks by which rāma- crossed to Ceylon (now called Adam's bridge, see rāmeśvara- below) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rāmasetum. Name of a poem (equals setu-bandha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rāmasetupradīpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rasasetum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śailasetum. a stone embankment, stone bridge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śamasetupradīpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samayasetuvāritamfn. restrained by the barrier of custom View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃgītasundarasetum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhāntasetukāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sikatāsetum. a bank of sand (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sīmāsetum. a ridge or causeway serving as a boundary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sīmāsetuvinirṇayam. (legal) decision about boundaries and barriers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuddhisetum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suyyāsetum. Name of a dike View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svasetu(sv/a--) mf(u-)n. forming one's own embankment or bridge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svatvavyavasthārṇavasetubandham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tristhalīsetum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttaraṇasetum. a bridge for crossing over (genitive case), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivādārṇavasetum. Name of a legal digest by bāṇeśvara- and others (compiled by order of Warren Hastings) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivādasetum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttaratnākarasetum. Name of Comm. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavasthāsetum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yoginīhṛdayasetubandham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
Results for set4 results
setikā सेतिका N. of Ayodhyā.
setram सेत्रम् A bond, fetter; P.III.2.182.
setuḥ सेतुः [सि-तुन् Uṇ.1.69] 1 A ridge of earth, mound, bank, causeway, dam; नलिनीं क्षतसेतुबन्धनो जलसंघात इवासि विद्रुतः Ku.4.6; R.16.2. -2 A bridge in general; वैदेहि पश्या मलयाद्विभक्तं मत्सेतुना फेनिलमम्बुराशिम् R.13.2; सैन्यैर्बद्धद्विरदसेतुभिः 4.38;12.7; Ku.7.53. -3 A landmark; ज्येष्ठे मासि नयेत् सीमां सुप्रकाशेषु सेतुषु Ms.8.245. -4 A defile, pass, a narrow mountain-road. -5 A boundary, limit. -6 A barrier, limitation, obstruction of any kind; दुष्येयुः सर्ववर्णाश्च भिद्येरन् सर्वसेतवः Subhāṣ. -7 A fixed rule or law, an established institution; सूचकाः सेतुभेत्तारः ...... ते वै निरयगामिनः Mb.13.23.66. -8 The sacred syllable om; मन्त्राणां प्रणवः सेतुस्तत्सेतुः प्रणवः स्मृतः । स्रवत्यनोङ्कृतं पूर्वं परस्ताच्च विदीर्यते ॥ Kālikā P. -9 A reservoir or a lake; सहोदकं आहार्योदकं वा सेतुं बन्धयेत् Kau. A.2.1. -1 A bond, fetter. -11 An explanatory commentary. -Comp. -बन्धः 1 the forming or construction of a bridge, cause-way &c.; Kau. A.2.1; वयोगते किं वनिता- विलासो जले गते किं खलु सेतुबन्धः Subhāṣ.; Ku.4.6. -2 the ridge of rocks extending from the southern extremity of the Coromandel coast towards Ceylon (said to have been built for Rāma's passage to Laṅkā by Nala and the other monkeys); Bhāg.7.14.31. -3 any bridge or cause-way. -भेदिन् a. 1 breaking down barriers. -2 removing obstructions. (-m.) N. of a tree (दन्ती).
setukaḥ सेतुकः 1 A bank, cause-way, bridge. -2 A pass.
Macdonell Vedic Search
12 results
īr stir īr stir, set in motion, II. Ā. í̄rte. ánu sáṃ prá- speed on together after, x. 168, 2.
ṛta ṛtá, n. settled order, i. 1, 8; iv. 51, 8; truth, x. 34, 12 [pp. of ṛ go, settled].
kṛṣṭi kṛṣ-ṭí, f. pl. people, i. 160, 5; iii. 59, 1 [tillage, settlement: kṛṣ till].
kṣi kṣi dwell, II. P. kṣéti, iv. 50, 8. ádhi- dwell in (lc.), i. 154, 2.
mita mi-tá, pp. set up, iv. 51, 2 [mi set up].
yajdamanman yajdá-manman, a. (Bv.) whose heart is set on sacrifice, vii. 61, 4.
ram ram set at rest, IX. ramṇá̄ti: ipf. ii. 12, 2; I. Ā. ráma rejoice in (lc.), x. 34, 13.
viś víś, f. settlement, x. 15, 2; abode, vii. 61, 3; settler, i. 35, 5; subject, iv. 50, 8.
vṛt vṛt turn, I. Ā. vártate roll, x. 34, 9; cs. vartáya turn, i. 85, 9. á̄-, cs. whirl hither, vii. 71, 3. nís-, cs. roll out, x. 135, 5. prá-, cs. set rolling, x. 135, 4. ánu prá- roll forth after,, x. 135, 4. sám- be evolved, x. 90, 14. ádhi sám- come upon, x. 129, 4.
vaiśya váiśya, m. man of the third caste, x. 90, 12 [belonging to the settlement = víś].
sad sad sit down, I. P. sí̄dati, i. 85, 7; sit down on (acc.). a ao. sadata, x. 15, 11 [Lat. sīdo]. á̄- seat oneself on (acc.), i. 85, 6; occupy: pf. sasāda, viii. 29, 2. ní- sit down, pf. (ní)ṣedur, iv. 50, 3; inj. sīdat, v. 11, 2; settle: pf. s. 2. sasáttha, viii. 48, 9.
hita hi-tá, pp. placed, v. 11, 6 [later form of dhita from dhā put; Gk. θετό-ς set].
Macdonell Search
Results for set2 results
setu a. [√ 1. si] binding (RV., rare); m. RV.: bond, fetter (rare); V., C.: dam, dyke, causeway, bridge; C.: Adam's Bridge (rare); landmark (rare); (fig.) barrier, limit, bounds: -m bandh, construct a bridge: -ban dha, m. (construction of a) dam or bridge; T. of a Prâkrit poem; -bandhana, n. (con struction of) a bridge or dam; barrier (fig.); -bheda, m. breaking down of an embankment.
svasetu a. having one's own bridge (RV.); -sainya, n. one's own army; -stara, m. self-strewn grass (as a couch).
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
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setu Appears in the Rigveda and later to denote merely a raised bank for crossing inundated land, a 'causeway,' such as are common all the world over. This sense explains best the later meaning of 'boundary.' The word in Vedic literature is probably always metaphorical.
Bloomfield Vedic
Results for set2 resultsResults for set1 result129 results
apaśyantaḥ setunāti yanty anyam TS.
ati setuṃ durāvyam (SV.JB. durāyyam) RV.9.41.2b; SV.2.243b; JB.3.60b.
tenemaṃ setum ati geṣma sarve AVP.5.6.8c.
śetc. see uc chetc.
akṣetravit kṣetravidaṃ hy aprāṭ # RV.10.32.7a.
agavyūti kṣetram āganma devāḥ # RV.6.47.20a. Cf. BṛhD.5.111.
agnir dīkṣitaḥ pṛthivī dīkṣā sā mā dīkṣā dīkṣayatu (JB. dīkṣeta) tayā dīkṣayā dīkṣe # JB.2.65; Apś.10.10.6. See yayāgnir dīkṣayā dīkṣitas, and yayā dīkṣayāgnir dīkṣitas.
agnīṣomāv idaṃ havir ajuṣetām # TB. See agnīṣomau havir etc., and cf. agnir idaṃ etc.
agnīṣomau havir ajuṣetām # śś.1.14.9,11. See under agnīṣomāv idaṃ havir etc.
ajo hy eko juṣamāṇo 'nuśete # TA.10.10.1c; MahānU.9.2c; śvetU.4.5c.
atho yā niṣṭhāyate kṣetre # AVP.6.15.3c.
adhārayad avasā rejamāne # AVP.4.1.5b. Cf. next but one, and abhy aikṣetāṃ.
anarvā kṣeti dadhate suvīryam # RV.1.94.2b; AVP.13.5.2b.
anyā vatsaṃ bharati kṣeti mātā # RV.3.55.4c.
anv agraṃ carati kṣeti budhnaḥ # RV.3.55.7b.
apaḥ kṣetrāṇi saṃjayan (MS. saṃjaya) # MS.4.12.3d: 185.12; TB.; Apś.16.2.10d.
apa kṣetriyam uchatu (AVP. -yam akramīt) # AVś.2.8.2d,3e,4d,5e; 3.7.7d; AVP.3.2.6d. Cf. apoṣṭaṃ sarvaṃ.
apaś ca vipras tarati svasetuḥ # RV.10.61.16b.
apāṃ napād āśuheman ya ūrmiḥ kakudmān pratūrtir vājasātamas (MS. ūrmiḥ pratūrtiḥ kakubhvān vājasās; KS. ūrmiḥ pratūrtiḥ kakudmān vājasās) tenāyaṃ vājaṃ set (MS.KS. tena vājaṃ seṣam) # TS.; MS.1.11.1: 162.3; KS.13.14. P: apāṃ napād āśuheman MS.1.11.6: 168.5; KS.14.6; TB.; Mś.
apoṣṭaṃ sarvaṃ kṣetriyam # AVP.1.99.1c. Cf. apa kṣetriyam.
abhy aikṣetāṃ manasā rejamāne # RV.10.121.6b; VS.32.7b; VSK.29.34b; TS.; KA.1.198.39b. Cf. under adhārayad avasā rejamāne, and see bhiyasāne.
arakṣasā manasā taj juṣeta (TSṃS. juṣasva; KS. juṣethāḥ) # RV.2.10.5b; VS.11.24b; TS.; MS.2.7.2b: 76.5; KS.16.2b; 19.3; śB. P: arakṣasā TS.
asaṃyatto vrate te kṣeti puṣyati # RV.1.83.3c; AVś.20.25.3c; AB.1.29.11.
asmin kṣetre dvāv ahī # AVś.10.4.8c.
ā kṣeti vidathā kaviḥ # RV.8.39.9b; TS.
ātmasani prajāsani (MS. adds kṣetrasani; Apś. adds paśusani) # VS.19.48c; MS.3.11.10c: 156.17; KS.38.2c; TB.; śB.; śś.4.13.1c; Apś.6.11.5c.
ādityo dīkṣito dyaur dīkṣā sā mā dīkṣā dīkṣayatu (JB. dīkṣeta) tayā dīkṣayā dīkṣe # JB.2.65; Apś.10.10.6. See yayādityo dīkṣayā dīkṣitas, and yayā dīkṣayādityo.
āpṛchyaṃ kratum ā kṣeti puṣyati # RV.1.64.13d.
āvṛdāt (comm. āvṛdūdāt) kṣetriy adhvagad vṛṣā # TB.
ā sūryo yātu saptāśvaḥ kṣetram # RV.5.45.9a.
idaṃ havyaṃ saṃvidānau juṣethām # AVś.3.15.4e.
idam amuṣyāmuṣyāyaṇasya kṣetriyam avayaje # MS.4.3.1: 39.12. Error for idam aham amuṣyāetc., q.v.
idam aham amuṣyāmuṣyāyaṇasya kṣetriyam apidadhāmi # MS.2.6.1: 64.8; 4.3.1: 39.13; KS.15.1; Apś.18.8.13; Mś.
idam aham amuṣyāmuṣyāyaṇasya kṣetriyam avayaje # MS.2.6.1: 64.7; KS.15.1; Apś.18.8.13; Mś. See idam amuṣyā-.
indravantā havir idaṃ juṣethām # śś.3.18.14d. See indravantau, and cf. indravanto havir.
indravantau havir idaṃ juṣethām # TB. See under indravantā.
indrāgnī idaṃ havir ajuṣetām # MS.4.13.9: 212.5; TB. See indrāgnī havir ajuṣetām.
indrāgnī vṛtrahaṇā juṣethām # RV.7.93.1b; TS.; MS.4.11.1b: 159.17; KS.13.15b; TB.
indrāgnī havir ajuṣetām # śś.1.14.12. See indrāgnī idaṃ havir etc.
imāṃ vaśāṃ vācam āhur vaśeti # AVP.12.9.3a.
imāṃ suvṛktiṃ vṛṣaṇā juṣethām # RV.7.70.7b; 71.6b; 73.3b.
imā juṣethāṃ savanā # RV.8.38.5a.
uto no asyā uṣaso juṣeta hi # RV.1.131.6a; AVś.20.72.3a.
uttānahasto namasā vivāset # RV.6.16.46d.
upa kṣeti vṛddhavayāḥ suvīraḥ # RV.2.27.13b; TS.; MS.4.14.14b: 239.5.
ubhau samudrāv ā kṣeti # RV.10.136.5c. See ubhā samudrāv.
uṣṇe lohe na līpsethāḥ # AVś.20.134.5b.
ṛtasya pathā namasā vivāset # RV.10.31.2b.
evam aham imaṃ kṣetriyāj jāmiśaṃsāt # TB.; HG.2.3.10c; ApMB.2.12.10c. See evā tvā kṣetriyān, and evāhaṃ tvāṃ.
evā tvā kṣetriyān nirṛtyā jāmiśaṃsāt # AVP.2.3.4c. See under evam aham imaṃ.
evāhaṃ tvāṃ kṣetriyāt # AVś.2.10.2c--8c. See under evam aham imaṃ.
eṣa kṣeti rathavītiḥ # RV.5.61.19a. Cf. BṛhD.5.75.
eṣa vajro vājasātamas (Aś. vājasās) tena nau putro vājaṃ set # MS.2.6.11: 71.1; 4.4.5: 55.19; KS.15.8; Apś.18.17.11; Mś.
kiṃ me havyam ahṛṇāno juṣeta # RV.7.86.2c.
kṛte kṣetre vapateha bījam # AVP.2.22.1b; 11.14.4b. See kṛte yonau.
kṛte yonau (KS. kṛto yonir) vapateha bījam (VS.śB. vījam) # RV.10.101.3b; AVś.3.17.2b; VS.12.68b; TS.; MS.2.7.12b: 91.15; KS.16.12b; śB. P: kṛte yonau Vait.28.32. See kṛte kṣetre.
kṛṣyāṃ kṣetra ṛṣayo janyānajuḥ # AVP.5.29.7c.
kṣetrasya pataye namaḥ # MS.2.9.3: 122.12. See kṣetrāṇāṃ etc.
kṣetrasya patinā vayam # RV.4.57.1a; TS.; MS.4.11.1a: 160.3; KS.4.15a; Aś.9.11.14; AG.2.10.4; ApMB.2.18.47a (ApG.7.20.16); N.10.15a. P: kṣetrasya patinā śś.15.8.15; śG.4.13.5; Rvidh.2.14.4. Cf. BṛhD.5.7.
kṣetrasya pate madhumantam ūrmim # RV.4.57.2a; TS.; KS.4.15a; 30.4a (bis); Aś.9.11.15; Mś.; ApMB.2.18.48a (ApG.7.20.16); N.10.16a. P: kṣetrasya pate HG.2.9.11.
kṣetrāṇāṃ pataye namaḥ # VS.16.18; TS.; KS.17.12. See kṣetrasya etc.
kṣetriyāt tvā nirṛtyā jāmiśaṃsāt # AVś.2.10.1a; AVP.2.3.1a. P: kṣetriyāt tvā Kauś.27.7. See next but one.
giro juṣethām adhvaraṃ juṣethām # RV.8.35.6a.
guhā tiṣṭhantīr anṛtasya setau # RV.10.67.4b; AVś.20.91.4b.
jayaṃ (read jayan) kṣetrāṇi sahasāyam indra # AVś.2.29.3c. See saṃjayan etc.
jayan kṣetram abhy arṣā jayann apaḥ # RV.9.85.4c.
juṣatāṃ haviḥ # VS.21.46,47; MS.4.13.5 (ter): 205.7,8,12; 4.13.7 (bis): 208.17; 209.7; KS.16.21 (ter); 18.21 (quinq.); śB.; TB.; 6.8.2; 11.4 (bis); 12.2; Aś.1.6.5. Cf. juṣetāṃ haviḥ.
juṣetāṃ yajñam iṣṭaye # RV.5.72.3b. Cf. juṣethāṃ etc.
juṣethāṃ yajñam iṣṭaye # RV.5.78.3b; 8.38.4a. P: juṣethāṃ yajñam śś.12.2.21. Cf. juṣetāṃ etc.
taṃ varuṇo gṛhṇātu (in yaṃ nirdiśet taṃ varuṇo gṛhṇātu: taṃ may or may not be Nṇ.) # Mś. See tān varuṇo.
takman yaṃ te kṣetrabhāgam # AVP.5.21.2a.
taj juṣetāṃ sacetasā # TB.
taraṇir ij jayati kṣeti puṣyati # RV.7.32.9c.
īm ā kṣeti svadhayā madantīḥ # RV.10.124.8b.
tāñ juṣethām arepasāv abhi prayaḥ # RV.5.51.6c.
bhūripāśāv anṛtasya setū # RV.7.65.3a.
tām asme rāsathām (AVP. rāsetām) iṣam # RV.1.46.6c; AVś.19.40.4c; AVP.11.15.5c.
tās tvā muñcantu kṣetriyāt # AVś.3.7.5d; AVP.3.2.7d.
te tvottarataḥ kṣetre # PG.2.17.16b.
tena te sarvaṃ kṣetriyam # AVś.3.7.3c; AVP.3.2.3c.
tvaṃ tantur uta setur agne # MS.2.13.22a: 167.16. P: tvaṃ tantuḥ Mś. See tvaṃ nas tantur.
tvaṃ nas tantur uta setur agne # KS.40.12a; TB.; Apś.9.8.6a. See tvaṃ tantur.
tvayāyaṃ vājaṃ set # VS.9.5; MS.2.6.11: 70.14; 4.4.5: 55.12; KS.15.8; śB.
dātraṃ rakṣethe akavair adabdhā # RV.3.54.16d.
dīrghām anu prasṛtiṃ saṃspṛśethām # MS.1.1.7: 4.6; 4.1.7: 9.12. P: dīrghām anu prasṛtim Mś. See prec.
devatrā kṣetrasādhasaḥ # RV.3.8.7d.
devaśrutau deveṣv ā ghoṣatam (TS.KSṃSṃś. ghoṣethām) # VS.5.17; TS.; MS.1.2.9: 18.12; KS.2.10; śB.,14; Mś. P: devaśrutau Kś.8.3.32.
devīr āpo (VSK. āpo apāṃ napād) yo va ūrmiḥ pratūrtiḥ kakunmān vājasās tenāyaṃ vājaṃ set # VS.9.6; VSK.10.2.2; śB. P: devīr āpaḥ Kś.14.3.4.
namaḥ kṣetrasya pataye # AVś.2.8.5c.
nākaṃ rakṣethe dyubhir aktubhir hitam # RV.1.34.8d.
nāsya kṣetre puṣkariṇī # AVś.5.17.16a.
nāsya śrutvā gṛhe vaśet # AVś.12.4.27d.
nirṛtyai tvā # TS.; MS.1.2.3: 12.15; 3.6.10: 74.1; KS.23.6; Apś.10.18.10. Cf. kṣetriyai.
nir balāsetaḥ pra pata # AVś.6.14.3a.
pakvaṃ kṣetrāt kāmadughā ma eṣā # AVś.11.1.28b. P: pakvaṃ kṣetrāt Kauś.63.5.
pade-pade pāśinaḥ santi setavaḥ (AVś.AVP. setave) # RV.9.73.4d; AVś.5.6.3d; AVP.6.11.4d; KS.38.14d; Apś.16.18.7d.
payasvan me kṣetram astu # AVP.2.76.3a.
pari yanti svasetavaḥ # RV.8.39.10e.
pitryaṃ kṣetraṃ prati jānātv asmān # AVP.5.4.12d.
pitvo bhikṣeta vayunāni vidvān # RV.1.152.6c.
purolā etc., and purolāśetc. # see puroḍā, and puroḍāś-.
prajāpatir dīkṣito mano dīkṣā sā mā dīkṣā dīkṣayatu (JB. dīkṣeta) tayā dīkṣayā dīkṣe # JB.2.65; Apś.10.10.6. See yayā dīkṣayā prajāpatir.
prati na stomaṃ tvaṣṭā juṣeta # RV.7.34.21a.
bhagaḥ phālaiḥ sīrapatir (AVP. kṣetrapatir) marudbhiḥ # AVP.2.22.4b; MS.2.7.12b: 92.3.
bhadre kṣetre nimitā tilvile vā # RV.5.62.7c.
bhiyasāne rodasī ahvayethām # AVś.4.2.3b. See abhy aikṣetāṃ.
madacyut kṣeti sādane # RV.9.12.3a; SV.2.548a.
mahi kṣetraṃ puru ścandraṃ (read puruścandraṃ ?) vividvān # RV.3.31.15a; TB.
tvat kṣetrāṇy araṇāni (MS. araṇyāni) ganma # RV.6.61.14d; TS.; MS.4.11.2d: 166.5; KS.17.18d; 30.3d; TB.
mādhyaṃ hi paurṇamāsaṃ juṣethām # TS.
naḥ setuḥ siṣed ayam # RV.8.67.8a.
no dyāvāpṛthivī hīḍiṣethām (KA. yāvāpṛthivī helate helayethām) # MS.4.9.12d: 133.5; KA.1.198.12d. See mā dyāvā-.
vaḥ kṣetre parabījāni vāpsuḥ # ApDh.
mitraṃ na kṣetrasādhasam # RV.8.31.14d; TS.; MS.2.13.7d: 156.11; KS.11.12d.
ya āśaṃseta bhūtyām # AVś.12.4.44d,46d.
yaṃ smā pṛchanti kuha seti ghoram # RV.2.12.5a; AVś.20.34.5a; AVP.12.14.5a.
yat kiṃ ca kṣetriyaṃ hṛdi # AVP.3.2.2d. See yad asya kṣetriyaṃ.
yat kṣetram abhitiṣṭhātha # AVP.9.23.4a.
yatra kṣetrasya durgandhi # AVP.8.16.9c.
yad asya guṣpitaṃ (AVś. kṣetriyaṃ; Apś. gulphitaṃ) hṛdi # AVś.3.7.2d; MS.1.2.2d: 11.8; Apś.10.10.3b; 13.7.16d. See yat kiṃ ca kṣetriyaṃ.
yadi vā gha kṣetriyāt # AVP.2.4.2a. See yadi stha kṣetriyāṇām.
yadi stha kṣetriyāṇām # AVś.2.14.5a. See yadi vā gha kṣetriyāt.
yas te sītābhagaḥ kṣetre # AVP.6.15.3a.
yasya śuṣmād rodasī abhyasetām # RV.2.12.1c; AVś.20.34.1c; AVP.12.14.1c; TS.; MS.4.12.3c: 186.5; KS.8.16c; N.3.21; 10.10c.
yāṃ kṣetre cakrur yāṃ goṣu (AVP. gobhyaḥ) # AVś.4.18.5c; 10.1.4c; AVP.5.24.6c.
yāni kṣetrāṇi yā vanā # AVś.14.2.7b. See yāni dhanvāni.
yāni dhanvāni ye vanā # ApMB.1.7.9b. See yāni kṣetrāṇi.
yāṃ titarpayiṣet kāṃ cit # śG.1.2.7a.
yuvā ha yad yuvatyāḥ kṣeti yoniṣu # RV.10.40.11b.
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setusaṃgrahaname of a commentary on Bopadeva's Mugdhabodha Grammar written by a grammarian named Gangadhara.
adhikāragoverning rule consisting of a word (exempli gratia, for example प्रत्ययः, धातोः, समासान्ताः et cetera, and others) or words (exempli gratia, for example ङ्याप्प्रातिपदिकात्, सर्वस्य द्वे et cetera, and others) which follows or is taken as understood in every following rule upto a particular limit. The meaning of the word अधिकार is discussed at length by Patañjali in his Mahābhāṣya on II.1.1, where he has given the difference between अधिकार and परिभाषा; confer, compare अधिकार: प्रतियोगं तस्यानिर्देशार्थ इति योगे योगे उपतिष्ठते। परिभाषा पुनरेकदेशस्था सती सर्वं शास्त्रमभिज्वलयति प्रदीपवत् । See also Mahābhāṣya on I.3.11, I. 4.49 and IV. I.83. The word or wording which is to repeat in.the subsequent rules is believed to be shown by Pāṇini by characterizing it with a peculiarity of utterance known as स्वरितोच्चार or स्वरितत्वेन उच्चारणम्. The word which is repeated in the following Sūtras is stated to be अधिकृत. The Śabda Kaustubha defines adhikāra as एकंत्रोपात्तस्यान्यत्र व्यापार: अधिकारः Śab. Kaus. on P.1.2.65. Sometimes the whole rule is repeated e. g. प्रत्यय: P.III.1.1, अङ्गस्य P.VI.4.1 समासान्ताः P.V.4.68 while on some occasions a part only of it is seen repeatedition The repetition goes on upto a particular limit which is stated as in असिद्धवदत्राभात् P.VI.4.22, प्राग्रीश्वरान्निपाताः P.I.4.56. Many times the limit is not stated by the author of the Sūtras but it is understood by virtue of a counteracting word occurring later on. On still other occasions, the limit is defined by the ancient traditional interpreters by means of a sort of convention which is called स्वरितत्वप्रतिज्ञा. This अधिकार or governance has its influence of three kinds: ( 1 ) by being valid or present in all the rules which come under its sphere of influence, e. g. स्त्रियाम् or अङ्गस्य; (2) by showing additional properties e. g. the word अपादान being applied to cases where there is no actual separation as in सांकाश्यकेभ्यः पाटलिपुत्रका अभिरूपतराः: (3) by showing additional force such as setting aside even subsequent rules if opposingular. These three types of the influence which a word marked with स्वरित and hence termed अधिकार possesses are called respectively अधिकारगति, अधिक क्रार्य and अधिक कार. For details see M.Bh. on I.3.11. This अधिकार or governing rule exerts its influence in three ways: (1) generally by proceeding ahead in subsequent rules like the stream of a river, (2)sometimes by jumps like a frog omitting a rule or more, and (3)rarely by proceeding backward with a lion's glance; confer, compare सिंहावलोकितं चैव मण्डूकप्लुतमेव च ।; गड्गाप्रवाहवच्चापि अधिकारास्त्रिधा मताः ॥
anavakāśahaving no occasion or scope of application; used in connection with a rule the whole of whose province of application is covered by a general rule, and hence which becomes technically useless, unless it is allowed to set aside the general rule: confer, compare अनवकाशा हि विधयो बाधका भवन्तिrules which have no opportunity of taking effect( without setting aside other rules ) supersede those rules; M.Bh. on V.4.154, also Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. on Pari. 64.
anavakāśatvaabsence of any opportunity of taking effect, scopelessness considered in the case of a particular rule, as a criterion for setting aside that general rule which deprives it of that opportunity confer, compare अनवकाशत्वं निरवकाशत्वं वा बाधकत्वे बीजम्. This अनवकाशत्व is slightly different from अपवादत्व or particular mention which is defined usually by the words सामान्यविधिरुत्सर्गः । विशेषविधिरपवादः ।
antaraṅgaparibhāṣāthe phrase is used generally for the परिभाषा "असिद्धं बहिरङ्गमन्तरङ्गे' described a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.. See the word अन्तरङ्ग. The परिभाषा has got a very wide field of application and is used several times in setting aside difficulties which present themselves in the formation of a word. Like many other paribhāṣās this paribhāṣā is not a paribhāṣā of universal application.
antaraṅgalakṣaṇacharacterized by the nature of an antaraṅga operation which gives that rule a special strength to set aside other rules occurring together with it.
apavādaa special rule which sets aside the general rule; a rule forming an exception to the general rule. exempli gratia, for example आतोनुपसर्गे कः III.2.2 which is an exception of the general rule कर्मण्यण् III.2.1; confer, compare येन नाप्राप्तो यो विधिरारभ्यते स तस्य बाधको भवति, तदपवादोयं येागो भवति; Pari. Śekh. Par 57; for details see Pari. Śekh. Pari. 57-65: cf न्यायैर्मिश्रानपवादान् प्रतीयात् । न्याया उत्सर्गाः महाविधयः । अपवादा अल्पविषयाः विधय: । तानुत्सर्गेण मिश्रानेकीकृताञ् जानीयात् । अपवादविषयं मुक्त्वा उत्सर्गाः प्रवर्तन्ते इत्यर्थः । Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) I. 23 and commentary thereon ; (2) fault; confer, compare शास्त्रापवादात् प्रतिपत्तिभेदात् Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XIV. 30 on which उव्वट remarks शास्त्राणामपवादा दोषाः सन्ति पुनरुक्तता अविस्पष्टार्थता, कष्टशब्दार्थता...
asiddhainvalid; of suspended validity for the time being: not functioning for the time being. The term is frequently used in Pāṇini's system of grammar in connection with rules or operations which are prevented, or held in suspense, in connection with their application in the process of the formation of a word. The term (असिद्ध) is also used in connection with rules that have applied or operations that have taken place, which are, in certain cases, made invalid or invisible as far as their effect is concerned and other rules are applied or other operations are allowed to take place, which ordinarily have been prevented by those rules which are made invalid had they not been invalidatedition Pāṇini has laid down this invalidity on three different occasions (1) invalidity by the rule पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् VIII.2.1. which makes a rule or operation in the second, third and fourth quarters of the eighth chapter of the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. invalid when any preceding rule is to be applied, (2) invalidity by the rule असिद्धवदत्राभात् which enjoins mutual invalidity in the case of operations prescribed in the Ābhīya section beginning with the rule असिद्धवत्राभात् (VI. 4.22.) and going on upto the end of the Pāda (VI.4.175), (3) invalidity of the single substitute for two letters, that has already taken place, when ष् is to be substituted for स्, or the letter त् is to be prefixed, confer, compare षत्वतुकोरसिद्धः (VI. 1.86). Although Pāṇini laid down the general rule that a subsequent rule or operation, in case of conflict, supersedes the preceding rule, in many cases it became necessary for him to set, that rule aside, which he did by means of the stratagem of invalidity given a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.. Subsequent grammarians found out a number of additional cases where it became necessary to supersede the subseguent rule which they did by laying down a dictum of invalidity similar to that of Pāṇini. The author of the Vārttikas, hence, laid down the doctrine that rules which are nitya or antaraṅga or apavāda, are stronger than, and hence supersede, the anitya, bahiraṅga and utsarga rules respectively. Later gram marians have laid down in general, the invalidity of the bahiraṅga rule when the antaraṅga rule occurs along with it or subsequent to it. For details see Vol. 7 of Vvyākaraṇa Mahābhāṣya(D. E. Society's edition) pages 217-220. See also Pari. Śek. Pari. 50.
nañsvarabalīyastvathe superiority, or strength of the accent caused by नञ्समास which sets aside the accent caused by the case affix; confer, compare विभक्तिस्वरान्नञ्स्वरो बलीयान् P. VI. 2.158 Vart. 13,
nitya(1)eternal, as applied to word or Sabda in contrast with sound or dhvani which is evanescent (कार्य ). The sound with meaning or without meaning,made by men and animals is impermanent; but the sense or idea awakened in the mind by the evanescent audible words on reaching the mind is of a permanent or eternal nature; confer, compare स्फोटः शब्दो ध्वनिस्तस्य व्यायामादुपजायते; confer, compare also व्याप्तिमत्त्वा्त्तु शब्दस्य Nir.I.1 ; (2) constant; not liable to be set aside by another; confer, compare उपबन्धस्तु देशाय नित्यम्, न रुन्धे नित्यम्। नित्यशब्दः प्राप्त्यन्तरानिषेधार्थः T.Pr.I.59, IV.14; (3) original as constrasted with one introduced anew such as an augment; confer, compare Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.VI.14; (4) permanently functioning, as opposed to tentatively doing so; confer, compare नित्यविरते द्विमात्रम् Ṛktantra Prātiśākhya.37; (5) unchangeable, permanent, imperishable; confer, compare अयं नित्यशब्दोस्त्येव कूटस्थेष्वविचालिषु भावेषु वर्तते M.Bh. on P. VIII. 1.4; (6) always or invariably applying, as opposed to optional; the word in this sense is used in connection with rules or operations that do not optionally apply; confer, compare उपपदसमासो नित्यसमासः, षष्ठीसमासः पुनार्वेभाषा; Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.II.2.19; (7) constant,as applied to a rule which applies if another simultaneously applying rule were to have taken effect, as well as when that other rule does not take effect; confer, compare क्वचित्कृताकृतप्रसङ्गमात्रेणापि नित्यता Par. Sek. Pari 46. The operations which are nitya according to this Paribhasa take effect in preference to others which are not 'nitya', although they may even be 'para'; confer, compare परान्नित्यं बलवत् Par. Sek. Pari. 42.
niravakāśapossessed of no scope of, or occasion for, application; the word अनवकाश is also used in this sense. The niravakasa rules always set aside the general rules which are always present wherever they i. e. the niravakasa rules are possible to be appliedition Niravakasatva is looked upon as one of the two criteria for बाध or sublation, the other one being सामान्यविशेषभाव as illustrated by the usual maxim, known as तक्रकौण्डिन्यन्याय. See तक्रकौण्डिन्यन्याय; confer, compare also अनवकाशा हि विधयो बाधका भवन्ति Par. Sek. on Pari. 64.
nirākṛta(1)set aside; answered; the word is frequently used in connection with faults which are stated to occur or present themselves if a particular explanation is given; (2) prevailed over by another; confer, compare तदा न रूपं लभते निराकृतम् Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XI. 30, where Uvvata paraphrases निराकृत as विस्मृत.
pārṣada parṣadi bhavaṃ pārṣadamliterally the interpretation or theory discussed and settled at the assembly of the learnedition The word is used in the sense of works on Nirukti or derivation of words as also works of the type of the Prātiśākhyās; confer, compare पदप्रकृतीनि सर्वचरणानां पार्षदानि Nirukta of Yāska.I. 17 and the commentary of, दुर्गाचार्यः confer, compare also पार्षदकृतिरेषा तत्रभवतां नैव लोके नान्यस्मिन्वेदे अर्ध एकारः अर्ध ओकारो वास्ति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I. 1. 48: see also pp. 104, 105 Vol. VII Mahābhāsya D. E. Society's edition. See पारिषद.
punaḥprasaṅgavijñānaoccurrence or possibility of the application of a preceding grammatical rule or operation a second time again, after once it has been set aside by a subsequent opposing rule or rules in conflict; confer, compare पुनःप्रसङ्गविज्ञानात् सिद्धम् Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari. 39; confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I. 4.2 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 7; confer, comparealso Puru. Pari. 40.
prāgdeśadistricts of the east especially districts to the east of Ayodhya and Pataliputra, such as Magadha, Vanga and others; nothing can definitely be said as to which districts were called Eastern by Panini and his followers Katyayana and Patanjali. A Varttika given in the Kasika but not traceable in the Mahabhasya defines Pragdesa as districts situated to the east of शरावती (probably the modern river Ravi or a river near that river ): confer, compare प्रागुदञ्चौ विभजते हंसः क्षीरोदके यथा । विदुषां शब्दसिद्ध्यर्थे सा नः पातु शरावती ॥ Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on एङ् प्राचां देशे P. I. 1.75. There is a reading सरस्वती in some manuscript copies and सरस्वती is a wellknown river in the Punjab near Kuruksetra, which disappears in the sandy desert to the south: a reading इरावती is also found and इरावती may stand for the river Ravi. शरावती in Burma is simply out of consideration. For details see Vyakarana Mahabhasya Vol. VII. pp. 202-204 and 141-142 D. E. Society's Edition.
bādhasublation, setting aside; , सामान्यशास्त्रस्य विशेषशास्त्रेण बाध: Par. Sek. on Pari. 51.
bādhakaliterally that which sublates or sets aside; generally a special rule which sets aside a general rule: confer, compare येन नाप्राप्ते यो विधिरारभ्यते स तस्य बाधको भवति, Pari. Patha of पुरुषोत्तमदेव Pari. 51; confer, compare also नैतज्ज्ञापकसाध्यं अपवादैरुत्सर्गा बाध्यन्त इति । बाधकेनानेन भवितव्यं सामान्यविहितस्य विशेषविहितेन । M.Bh. on P. II. 1.24 Vart. 5. बाधक is used as a synonym of अपवाद, confer, compare अपवादशब्दोत्र बाधकपरः Par. Sek. Pari. 58.
bādhakatvathe same as बाध ; sublation; setting aside; this sublation is described to be of two types(1) complete sublation when the rule set aside, is for ever set aside and cannot, by the maxim called तक्रकौण्डिन्यन्याय, be applied again; confer, compare दधि ब्राह्मणेभ्यो दीयतां तक्रं कौण्डिन्यायेति सत्यपि संभवे दधिदानस्य तक्रदानं निवर्तकं भवति । confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I. 1.47; VI. 1.2. VI. 2.1. et cetera, and others; ( 2 ) temporary sublation when the rule set aside, can be applied, if possible after the special rule has been applied; confer, compare सर्वथा अनवकाशत्वादेव बाधकत्वे स्वस्य (अनवकाशशास्त्रस्य) पूर्वप्रवृत्तिरित्येव बाधः । तत्र बाधके प्रवृत्ते यद्युत्सर्गप्राप्तिर्भवति तदा भवत्येव यथा तत्रैव याडादयः Par.Sek.on Pari.57, The sublation or बाधकत्व is not only in the case of सामान्यविशेषभाव and अनवकाशत्व as given a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page., but a rule or operation which is पर (cited later), or नित्य, or अन्तरङ्ग sets aside the rule or operation which is पूर्व,or अनित्य,or बहिरङ्ग respectively. This बाध्यबाधकभाव occupies a very important position in respect of the application of grammar rules for arriving at the correct forms (इष्टरूपसिद्धि) and grammarians have laid down a number of Paribhasas in the field of बाध्यबाधकभाव.
bhaṭṭojīsurnamed Diksita; a stalwart grammarian of the Panini system who flourished in the first half of the seventeenth century and wrote many independent books and commentaries such as the Siddhantakaumudi, the Praudhamanorama, the Vaiyakaranasiddhantakarika, the Sabdakaustubha and others. The most reputed work out of these, however, is the Siddhantakaumudi which is very popular even today and which has almost set aside other works of its kind such as the Prakriyakaumudi and others. Bhattoji was a Telagu Brahmana, as generally believed, and although he belonged to the South, he made Varanasi his home where he prepared a school of learned Grammarians. Although he carried on his work silently in Varanasi, he was envied by the reputed rhetorician of his time Pandita Jagannātha, who criticised his work ( Bhattojis work ) named Manorama very severely. See प्रौढमनोरमा a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.. The Siddhāntakaumudi has got many commentaries of which the Tattvabodhini written by Bhattoji's pupil Jnanendrasarasvati is appreciated much by learned grammarians.
madhyepavādaa rule forming an exception to other general rules being placed between them, one or many of which are placed before and the others afterwards. Such a rule sets aside the previous rules and not the succeeding ones. The statement laying down this dictum is मध्येपवादाः पूर्वान् विधीन् बाधन्ते नोत्तरान् Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa.Pari. 60, also Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.VI.4.148 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 5.
vipratiṣedhaconfict, opposition; opposition or conflict between two rules of equal strength, which become applicable simultaneously when Pāṇini's dictum विप्रतिषेधे परं कार्यम् applies and the rule mentioned later on, or subsequently, in the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. is allowed to apply: confer, compare विप्रतिषेधे परं कार्यम् P.I.4.2: confer, compare also यत्र द्वौ प्रसङ्गौ अन्यार्थौ एकस्मिन्युगपत् प्राप्नुतः स तुल्यबलविरोधी विप्रतिषेध: Kāś. on P.I. 4.2: confer, compare also विप्रतिषेध उत्तरं बलवदलोपे Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.I.159. The dictum of the application of the subsequent rule is adopted only if the conflicting rules are of equal strength; hence, rules which are either nitya, antaraṅga or apavāda, among which each subsequent one is more powerful than the preceding one and which are all more powerful than the पर or the subsequent rule, set aside the पर rule. There is another dictum that when by the dictum about the subsequent rule being more powerful, an earlier rule is set aside by a later rule, the earlier rule does not apply again in that instance, barring a few exccptional cases; confer, compare सकृद्गतौ विप्रतिषेधे यद् वाधितं तद् बाधितमेव | पुनःप्रसङ्गविज्ञानात् सिद्वम् Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari. 40, 39.
viśeṣavihitaspecifically prescribed, as contrasted with prescribed in general which is set aside; confer, compare सामान्यविहितस्य विशेषविहितेन वाधः; M.Bh. on P.II.1.24: cf also M.Bh. on P.III. 1.94 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).10, III.2.77 et cetera, and others
vyāvṛtipushing aside; removal; the word is frequently used in connection with the setting aside or removal of the application of such rules, as also of the contingency of such rules as are not desired in the formation of a correct word, by means of applying another rule necessary for the correct formation; cf तद्वि इदं तिष्यपुनर्वसु इत्यत्र तद्वथावृत्त्यर्थम् Par. Sek. on Pari. 34; as also तद्धि असवर्णग्रहणं ईषतुरित्यादौ इयङादिव्यावृत्त्यर्थम् Par.Sek. on Pari.55: cf also the usual statement ब्यावृत्तिः क्रियते ।
vyudāsasetting aside of a rule or operation by means of another more powerful rule, or by means of a conventional dictum.
śāstrāsiddhatvathe supposed invalidity of a rule or a set of rules by virtue of the dictum laid down by Panini in पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् VIII.2.1: confer, compare शास्त्रासिद्धत्वमनेन क्रियेत | एकादेशशास्त्रं तुक्शास्त्रे असिद्धं भवति | M.Bh. on P.VI.1.86 Vart. 5.
sakṛdgatior सकृद्गतिन्याय the maxim or convention of the non-application of a grammatical rule of Operaton any longer when, on conflict with another, it has been once set aside. The maxim is सकृद्वतौ विप्रतिषेधे यद्बाधितं तद्वाधितमेव Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ).on P. I. 1. 56, I.4. 2, VI.3.42 et cetera, and others cf also Par. Sek. Pari. 40.
sakṛdgatior सकृद्गतिन्याय the maxim or convention of the non-application of a grammatical rule of Operaton any longer when, on conflict with another, it has been once set aside. The maxim is सकृद्वतौ विप्रतिषेधे यद्बाधितं तद्वाधितमेव Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ).on P. I. 1. 56, I.4. 2, VI.3.42 et cetera, and others cf also Par. Sek. Pari. 40.
Vedabase Search
Results for set106 results
setavaḥ religious codesSB 3.21.52-54
setavaḥ respect for the varṇāśrama institutionSB 4.6.44
setavaḥ the dikesSB 10.20.23
setavaḥ whose laws of morality concerning the varṇāśrama system in human societySB 7.8.48
setu bridgesSB 7.2.15
setu codes of religionSB 10.38.13
setu obligationsSB 3.9.19
setu religious ritesSB 3.14.29
setu the codes of religionSB 10.58.37
setu-bandhaiḥ by constructing an artificial bridge on the oceanSB 10.11.59
setu-bandhaiḥ by constructing an artificial bridge on the oceanSB 10.11.59
setu-bandhaiḥ with the building of bridgesSB 10.14.61
setu-bandhaiḥ with the building of bridgesSB 10.14.61
setu-bandhe at Cape ComorinCC Madhya 1.116
setu-bandhe at Cape ComorinCC Madhya 1.116
setu-śailāḥ the ranges of mountains marking the borders of the varṣasSB 5.20.3-4
setu-śailāḥ the ranges of mountains marking the borders of the varṣasSB 5.20.3-4
setubandha and from Cape ComorinCC Madhya 1.19
setubandha Cape ComorinCC Adi 13.36
setubandha the extreme southern point of IndiaCC Madhya 7.12
setubandha the place where Lord Rāmacandra constructed His bridgeCC Adi 7.167
setubandha haite from RāmeśvaraCC Madhya 9.171
setubandha haite from RāmeśvaraCC Madhya 9.171
setubandhe to the southernmost part of IndiaCC Madhya 7.108
setubandhe āsi' coming to SetubandhaCC Madhya 9.199
setubandhe āsi' coming to SetubandhaCC Madhya 9.199
setubhiḥ with dikesSB 10.20.41
setuḥ a bridgeSB 10.56.28
setuḥ SetuSB 9.23.14
setuḥ Setubandha, where Lord Rāmacandra constructed a bridge between India and LańkāSB 7.14.30-33
setuḥ the protectorSB 11.4.5
setuḥ the walls of a paddy fieldSB 10.33.22
setum a bridgeSB 9.10.15
SB 9.10.16
setum the respect of religionSB 3.1.36
setum to the bridge (Setubandha)SB 10.79.11-15
setum Vedic principlesSB 4.2.30
setūn the codes of religionSB 10.63.27
setūn the protectorSB 1.18.35
setūnām of the lawsSB 10.60.2
setuṣu respective social ordersSB 4.21.22
abhyaset one should practiceSB 2.1.17
abhyaset should try to understand or cultivateSB 7.13.8
abhyaset one should practice prāṇāyāmaSB 11.14.32-33
akhila-dharma-setave whose spokes are considered to be a breech of the entire universeSB 9.5.6
baddha-setu-bhuja-uru-ańghri whose arms, thighs and feet were strongly built bridgesSB 10.6.14
baddha-setuḥ one who constructed a bridge over the oceanSB 9.10.4
baddha-setu-bhuja-uru-ańghri whose arms, thighs and feet were strongly built bridgesSB 10.6.14
bhinna-setave having broken all rules of civilitySB 4.2.13
bhinna-setuḥ beyond the Vedic principles of moralityCC Antya 18.25
baddha-setu-bhuja-uru-ańghri whose arms, thighs and feet were strongly built bridgesSB 10.6.14
cikitseta would treatSB 6.1.8
dharma-setūnām of religious principlesSB 4.12.12
dharma-setūnām of the principles of religionSB 4.16.4
dharma-setūn the bounds of prescribed religious principlesSB 5.26.22
dharma-setave who protects religious principlesSB 7.11.5
akhila-dharma-setave whose spokes are considered to be a breech of the entire universeSB 9.5.6
dharma-setūnām of the restrictive codes of moral behaviorSB 10.33.26-27
dharma-setu protector of religionCC Adi 3.110
dharma-setoḥ the bridge of religionCC Antya 1.155
dharmasetu the avatāra named DharmasetuCC Madhya 20.327
dharmasetuḥ DharmasetuSB 8.13.26
graset one should eatSB 11.8.2
graset one should eatSB 11.8.9
lipset one should feelSB 4.8.34
lipseta one should desireSB 11.17.49
na praśaṃset one should not praiseSB 11.28.1
niraset one should give upSB 11.10.11
nyaset should placeSB 5.23.6
nyaset should placeSB 6.8.8-10
nyaset should placeSB 6.8.8-10
nyaset one should mergeSB 7.12.24
nyaset one should giveSB 7.12.26-28
nyaset one should depictSB 7.14.5
nyaset one should give upSB 7.15.53
nyaset one should place by concentrationSB 11.14.36-42
nyaset he should placeSB 11.18.16
na praśaṃset one should not praiseSB 11.28.1
praśaṃset one should praiseCC Antya 8.78
samaya-setu-rakṣāyām to protect the people strictly according to the Vedic principles of religious lifeSB 5.4.5
samabhyaset one should practiceSB 3.28.8
samabhyaset one should carefully practiceSB 11.14.35
samaya-setu-rakṣāyām to protect the people strictly according to the Vedic principles of religious lifeSB 5.4.5
sannyaset one should surrenderSB 11.19.1
bhinna-setave having broken all rules of civilitySB 4.2.13
dharma-setave who protects religious principlesSB 7.11.5
akhila-dharma-setave whose spokes are considered to be a breech of the entire universeSB 9.5.6
dharma-setoḥ the bridge of religionCC Antya 1.155
samaya-setu-rakṣāyām to protect the people strictly according to the Vedic principles of religious lifeSB 5.4.5
baddha-setu-bhuja-uru-ańghri whose arms, thighs and feet were strongly built bridgesSB 10.6.14
dharma-setu protector of religionCC Adi 3.110
baddha-setuḥ one who constructed a bridge over the oceanSB 9.10.4
bhinna-setuḥ beyond the Vedic principles of moralityCC Antya 18.25
dharma-setūn the bounds of prescribed religious principlesSB 5.26.22
dharma-setūnām of religious principlesSB 4.12.12
dharma-setūnām of the principles of religionSB 4.16.4
dharma-setūnām of the restrictive codes of moral behaviorSB 10.33.26-27
upavaset should observe fastingSB 7.12.5
baddha-setu-bhuja-uru-ańghri whose arms, thighs and feet were strongly built bridgesSB 10.6.14
vaset should resideSB 7.12.13-14
vaset one should liveSB 11.9.10
vaset he should liveSB 11.17.30
vaset one should dwellSB 11.18.1
vidhitset should wish to deviseSB 4.6.7
vinyaset one should placeSB 6.8.4-6
vinyaset he should offerSB 11.17.31
Results for set9 results
setikā noun (feminine) ?
Frequency rank 41082/72933
setu noun (masculine) a bond (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a help to the understanding of a text (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a landmark (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a ridge of earth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an established institution (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an explanatory commentary (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
any raised piece of ground separating fields (serving as a boundary or as a passage during inundations) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bank (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
boundary (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bridge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Crataeva Roxburghii (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
causeway (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dam (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dike (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fetter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fixed rule (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
limit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mound (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Babhru (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Druhyu and brother of Babhru (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Tapia Crataeva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the Praṇava or sacred syllable Om (which is said to be mantrāṇāṃ setuḥ) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 2817/72933
setubandha noun (masculine) a dam or bridge (esp. the ridge of rocks extending from Rāmeśvara to Ceylon) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of various wks. (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the forming of a causeway or bridge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31105/72933
setubandhana noun (neuter) a bridge or dam (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a limit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
barrier (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Paurānic wk (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 71419/72933
setuka noun (masculine) a causeway (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bridge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Crataeva Roxburghii (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a people
Frequency rank 71418/72933
dharmasetu noun (masculine) name of a son of Aryaka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 35992/72933
nalasetu noun (masculine) the causeway constructed by the monkey Nala for Rāma (the modern Adam's Bridge) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 19492/72933
rāmasetu noun (masculine) name of a poem (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the ridge of coral rocks by which Rṝma crossed to Ceylon (now called Adam's bridge) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38746/72933
sīmāsetu noun (masculine) a ridge or causeway serving as a boundary (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 70671/72933


Plant bījapūraka (citron), jambīra (lemon), nāranga (orange), amlavetasa (bladderdock), tintriṇi (tamarind) is one set; leaves, stembark, flowers, fruits and roots of lime together is another set.


Plant leaves of heart-leaved moonseed guḍūci, neem nimba, vasaka vāsā, febrifuge plant kanṭakāri, wild snake gourd paṭola (kantakari, guduci, sunthi, kiratatikta, puṣkaramūla is another set).


cooling down, settling in situ.


1. purity or pure state of mind; mental strength, one of the psychic humors; 2. extract prepared from a mineral substance. 3. sun-dried paste prepared from a cold infusion which is set in the sun until all the moisture evaporates and the concentrate becomes solid.


sun salutation, two sets of twelve yogic postures practiced in serie

Wordnet Search
"set" has 8 results.


setuḥ, piṇḍalaḥ, piṇḍilaḥ, saṃvaraḥ, sambaraḥ   

nadyādayaḥ jalapravāhān vāhanena padbhyāṃ vā ullaṅghanārthe lohakāṣṭharañjvādibhiḥ vinirmitaṃ śilpam।

nadyāṃ sthāne sthāne naike setavaḥ baddhāḥ।



laghuḥ setuḥ yaḥ jalastrotādeḥ pāraṃ gantuṃ vartate।

vidyālaye gamanakāle bālakāḥ setukasya upayogaṃ kurvanti।


setuḥ, setubandhaḥ, jalabandhakaḥ, dharaṇam, piṇḍanaḥ, āliḥ   

nadyādīṣu jalabandhanārthe vinirmitā bhittisadṛśī racanā।

nadyāṃ setoḥ bandhanaṃ kṛtvā vidyut nirmīyate।


tittirīphalam, rūkṣā, vīśodhanī, śīghrā, daśānikaḥ, sarpadaṃṣṭraḥ, setubhedin, vārāhāṅgī, madhupuṣpā, citrā, sāmānya-jayapālam   

eraṇḍasya jāteḥ vṛkṣaḥ।

tittirīphalasya mūlapatrādīni oṣadhyāṃ prayujyante।


setukaḥ, uttaraṇasetuḥ   

kāṣṭheṣu niryuktaḥ setuḥ।

asya setukasya prāyaḥ catvāri mānāni bhavet।



aphrikādeśīyā bṛhatī daṃśa-makṣī।

tsetse-makṣikā stanapāyijantūnāṃ raktaṃ pītvā jīvati nidrāyāḥ rogaṃ ca prasārayati।



ekā kṛtiḥ ।

saṃskṛta-vāṅmaye prāyaścittasetuḥ iti suvikhyātā racanā



ekaḥ ṭīkāgranthaḥ ।

vṛttaratnākarasetoḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti

Parse Time: 1.769s Search Word: set Input Encoding: IAST: set