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Grammar Search
"sasyam" has 3 results
sasyam: neuter nominative singular stem: sasya
sasyam: masculine accusative singular stem: sasya
sasyam: neuter accusative singular stem: sasya
Amarakosha Search
3 results
upalā3.3.207FeminineSingularsasyam, hetukṛtam
Monier-Williams Search
3 results for sasyam
sasyamālinmfn. "corn-wreathed", abounding in corn or crops (as the earth) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sasyamañjarīf. an ear of corn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sasyamārinm. "corn-destroying", a kind of rat or large mouse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
sasyam सस्यम् [सस्-यत् Uṇ.4.119] 1 Corn, grain; (एतानि) सस्यैः पूर्णे जठरपिठरे प्राणिनां संभवन्ति Pt.5.97; see शस्य also. -2 Fruit or produce of any plant. -3 A weapon. -4 A good quality, merit. -Comp. -अद्, भक्षक a. granivorous. -इष्टिः f. a sacrifice made on the ripening of new grain; Ms.4.27. -पालः a. field-guarder. -प्रद a. fertile; क्षेम्यां सस्यप्रदां नित्यं पशुवृद्धिकरीमपि Ms.7.212. -मञ्जरी an ear of corn. -मारिन् a. destructive of grain. (-m.) a kind of rat or mouse. -मालिन् a. abounding in corn. -वेदः the science of agriculture. -शूकम् an awn of grain. -संवरः the Sāla tree.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results16 results
bhadraṃ sasyaṃ pacyatāṃ modatāṃ jagat AVP.5.15.7d.
idaṃ śasyam upā cara AVP.15.23.10d.
paktā sasyam TS. See panthā sasyam.
panthā sasyam KSA.5.17. See paktā sasyam.
ṛtubhiḥ sasyam uta kḷptam astu AVP.5.16.5c.
uktheṣu śasyamāneṣu RV.10.72.1c.
imā brahma śasyamānāni jinvata # RV.10.66.12d.
uktha-uktha (MS. uktha-ukthā; KS. uktha) ā bhaja śasyamāne # RV.10.45.10b; VS.12.27b; TS.; KS.16.9b; MS.2.7.9b: 87.3; ApMB.2.11.29b.
ukthaṃ cana śasyamānam # RV.8.2.14a; SV.1.225a; 2.1155a.
kām u svadhām ṛṇavaḥ śasyamānaḥ # RV.7.8.3b.
kṛṣiṃ susasyām ut kṛṣe (KS. kṛdhi) # MS.1.2.2a: 11.7; 3.6.8: 70.10; KS.2.3; Mś.,13.
prati stomaṃ śasyamānaṃ gṛbhāya # RV.4.4.15b; TS.; MS.4.11.5b: 174.7; KS.6.11b.
pra vāṃ giraḥ śasyamānā avantu # RV.6.69.2c.
no vadhīr vidyutā deva sasyam # AVś.7.11.1c. Cf. mā no hiṃsīr divyenāgninā.
no hiṃsīr divyenāgninā sasyāṃ (followed by y-, read sasyān) # AVP.15.22.5c. Cf. mā no vadhīr vidyutā.
jāgṛvir vidathe śasyamānā # RV.3.39.1c.
1 result
sasyamārin noun (masculine) a kind of rat or large mouse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 69634/72933
Wordnet Search
"sasyam" has 3 results.


śasyam, sasyam   

vṛkṣāṇāṃ latādīnāñca phalaniṣpannatvam।

asmin saṃvatsare varṣā samyak na jātā ataḥ śasyam api samyak nāsti।



āṣāḍhamāsāt ārabhya mārgaśīrṣamāsaṃ yāvat lūyamānaṃ dhānyam।

asmin saṃvatsare śaratsasyaṃ samyak abhavat।



vasante lūyamānaṃ dhānyam।

godhūmādīni vāsantikasasyāni santi।

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