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Grammar Search
"sarpayati" has 3 results
sarpayati: third person singular present causative present class parasmaipadasṛp
sarpayati: neuter locative singular causative stem: sarpayat.
sarpayati: masculine locative singular causative stem: sarpayat.
Monier-Williams Search
2 results for sarpayati
प्रत्यपसृप्Caus. -sarpayati-, to cause to go back, put to flight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विसृप्P. -sarpati- (mc. also A1.;Ved. infinitive mood -s/ṛpas-), to glide, move along or about, sneak, steal etc. ; to fly about (as arrows) ; to be scattered or dispersed ; to be spread or diffused over (accusative) etc. ; to spread, diffuse, divulge : Causal -sarpayati-, to spread, extend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Parse Time: 1.765s Search Word: sarpayati Input Encoding: Devanagari IAST: sarpayati