gaṇā | f. Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue (see ahar--, mar/ud--, v/ṛṣa--, s/a--, sapt/a--, s/arva--; deva--, mahā--,and vida-gaṇ/a-.)  |
jāmi | mfn. related like brother and sister, (f. with[ ] or without sv/asṛ-) a sister, (rarely m.) a brother ("sisters" , = fingers;"7 sisters"= 7 acts of devotion in soma- worship ; see sapt/a--)  |
jāmi | n. ef. /a--, v/i--, sapt/a--, samāvaj--, su--, s/oma--  |
jāni | mfn. see arundhatī-, bh/adray/uva-, v/i--, vitt/a--, sum/aj--, sapt/a--  |
jihva | m. the tongue or tongues of agni- id est various forms of flame (3 are named ;generally 7 [ kālī-, karālī-, mano-javā-, su-lohitā-, su-dhūmra-varṇā-, sphuliṅginī-, viśvarūpī-] ; see sapt/a-jihva-;also identified with the 7 winds pra--, ā--, ud--, saṃ--, vi--, pari--,and ni-vaha-)  |
sapta | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (see tri-ṣapt/a-, tri-sapt/a-) and in compound for sapt/an-, seven  |
sāpta | n. or sāpt/a- (fr. saptan-,of which it is also the vṛddhi- form in compound) the number seven, a heptade  |
saptakapāla | (sapt/a--) mfn. being in or on 7 dishes or receptacles  |
saptan | sg. and plural (Nominal verb accusative sapt/a-; instrumental case t/abhis-; dative case ablative t/abhyas-; genitive case tān/ām- locative case t/asu-) seven (a favourite number with the Hindus, and regarded as sacred, often used to express an indefinite plurality [in the same manner as "three" , by which it is sometimes multiplied];hence 7 mātṛ-s, 7 streams, 7 oceans, 7 cities[ ] , 7 divisions of the world, 7 ranges of mountains, 7 ṛṣi-s, 7 vipra-s[ ] , 7 āditya-s, 7 dānava-s, 7 horses of the Sun, 7 flames of fire, 7 yoni-s of fire, 7 steps round the fire at marriage, 7 samidh-s, 7 tones, 7 sacrificial rites, 7 maryādā-s, thrice 7 padāni- or mystical steps to heaven[ ], thrice 7 cows etc.) [ confer, compare Zendhapta; Greek ; Latin septem; Lithuanian septyni1; Slavonic or Slavonian sedmi8; Gothic sibun; German sieben; English seven.] |
saptasvasṛ | (sapt/a--) mf(ṛ-)n. having 7 sisters  |
tantu | m. see kāṣṭha--, vara--, sapt/a--.  |
tris | ind. ( ) thrice, 3 times (sapt/a-,3 x 7, ; /ahnas-or /ahan-,"thrice a day", ; see ) (abdasya-,"thrice a year", ) etc.  |
triṣapta | m(/ās-)fn. plural equals -sapt/a-  |