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Grammar Search
"samudram" has 3 results
samudram: neuter nominative singular stem: samudra
samudram: masculine accusative singular stem: samudra
samudram: neuter accusative singular stem: samudra
Monier-Williams Search
10 results for samudram
samudramahiṣīf. "chief wife of the ocean", Name of the Ganges View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudramālinmfn. sea-wreathed (the earth) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudramathanam. Name of a daitya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudramathanan. the churning of the ocean, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudramathanan. Name of a drama. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudramātran. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudramekhalāf. "sea-girdled", the earth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudramīṅkhayamfn. causing the soma--vessel to shake or move (as soma-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anusamudramind. along the sea View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyesamudramind. in the middle of the sea, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Search
1 result
madhyenagaram ad. within a city; -nadi, ad. in or into the river; -na resvara-sabham, ad. in the midst of the assembly of the princes; -padmam, ad. in a lotus; -prishtham, ad. on the back; -vin dhya½atavi, ad. in the forests of the Vindhya; -vindhya½antar, ad. in the midst of the Vin dhya; -vyoma, ad. in the air; -sabham, ad. in the assembly, in public; -samudram, ad. in the midst of the sea.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results53 results
ā samudram adadhād antarikṣe AVś.13.3.22b.
ā samudram adhāvayaḥ AVP.9.7.2b.
achā samudraṃ rathyeva yāthaḥ RV.3.33.2b.
achā samudram asṛjo rathāṃ iva RV.1.130.5b.
achā samudram āśavaḥ RV.9.64.16b.
achā samudram indavaḥ RV.9.66.12a; SV.2.9a; JB.1.104.
ādbhiḥ samudraṃ pṛṇa TS.; 10.3; MS.2.4.7: 45.3; 2.4.8: 46.4; KS.11.9,10.
añjaḥ samudram ava jagmur āpaḥ RV.1.32.2d; AVś.2.5.6d; AVP.12.12.2d; MS.4.14.13d: 237.10; TB.
āpaḥ samudraṃ rathyeva jagmuḥ RV.3.36.6b; TB.
apaḥ samudram airayat RV.8.6.13c.
ataḥ samudram udvataḥ RV.8.6.29a.
divaṃ samudram ād bhūmim AVś.13.2.41c. See under divam antarikṣam.
drapsaḥ samudram abhi yaj jigāti RV.10.123.8a; SV.2.1198a; AB.1.22.8; Aś.4.7.4.
imaṃ samudraṃ (VSṃS.KS.śB. sāhasraṃ) śatadhāram utsam VS.13.49a; TS.; MS.2.7.17a: 102.14; KS.16.17a; śB.; TA.6.6.1a. P: imaṃ samudram Apś.16.27.16. See śatadhāraṃ sahasradhāram, and sahasradhāraṃ śatadhāram.
indo samudram ā viśa SV.2.586c; JB.3.222c. See priyaḥ samudram.
indo samudram īṅkhaya RV.9.35.2a. Cf. indo na dānam.
induḥ samudram ud iyarti vāyubhiḥ RV.9.84.4c.
induḥ samudram urviyā vibhāti JB.2.85,86.
mahaḥ samudraṃ varuṇas tiro dadhe RV.9.73.3c; TA.1.11.1c; N.12.32c.
priyaḥ samudram ā viśa RV.9.63.23c; 64.27c. See indo samudram.
proḍhaḥ samudram avyathir jaganvān RV.1.117.15b.
tarat samudraṃ pavamāna ūrmiṇā RV.9.107.15a; SV.2.207a; JB.3.213a.
tiraḥ samudram ati rocase 'rṇavam AVś.13.1.36c.
tiraḥ samudram arṇavam RV.1.19.7b; AVP.6.17.8b; MS.4.11.2b: 167.6. See next.
tiraḥ samudram ojasā RV.1.19.8b; AVP.6.17.7b. See prec.
tvaṃ samudraṃ prathamo vi dhārayaḥ (SV. samudraḥ prathame vidharman) RV.9.107.23c; SV.1.521c.
yāḥ samudram abhy arcanti dhenavaḥ AVP.14.2.1b.
yasya samudraṃ rasayā sahāhuḥ RV.10.121.4b; VS.25.12b; TS. See samudraṃ yasya, and samudre yasya.
yat samudram anu śritam AVś.13.2.14a.
yathā samudraṃ sravantīḥ SMB.2.6.5a.
atūrte baddhaṃ savitā samudram # RV.10.149.1d; N.10.32d.
adhvaryavo 'pa itā samudram # RV.10.30.3a.
anayā tvā pṛthivyā pātreṇa samudraṃ rasayā prajāpataye juṣṭaṃ gṛhṇāmi # Apś.21.10.2.
apām agram asi samudraṃ vo 'bhyavasṛjāmi # AVś.16.1.6.
apām ūrmiṃ sacamānaḥ samudram # RV.9.96.19c; SV.2.527c; JB.3.205.
avāsṛjo apo (TB. 'po) achā samudram # RV.6.30.4d; MS.4.14.18d: 248.16; KS.38.7d; TB.
āsiñcantīr avanayaḥ samudram # RV.5.85.6d.
indo na dānam īṅkhaya # RV.9.52.3b. Cf. indo samudram īṅkhaya.
imaṃ sāhasraṃ etc. # see imaṃ samudraṃ etc.
ekaḥ suparṇaḥ sa samudram ā viveśa # RV.10.114.4a; ā.; N.10.46a.
kāmaṃ (AVś.AVP.PB. kāmaḥ; KS. kāmas) samudram ā viśa (AVś.AVP. viveśa; KS.PB. viśat) # AVś.3.29.7; AVP.1.30.6; KS.9.9,12; PB.1.8.17; TB.; TA.3.10.2,4; Aś.5.13.15; Apś.14.11.2.
kāmaḥ (and kāmas) samudram # see kāmaṃ samudram.
divam antarikṣam ād bhūmim # AVś.4.20.1c. See divaṃ samudram, and dyām antarikṣam.
divyaṃ suparṇaṃ (AVP. samudraṃ) vāyasaṃ (AVś.AVP. payasaṃ; KS.VS.śBṭS., vayasā; MSṭS., vayasaṃ) bṛhantam # RV.1.164.52a; AVś.4.14.6b; 7.39.1a; AVP.3.38.5b; VS.18.51b; TS.;; MS.2.12.3b: 146.5; KS.18.15b; 19.14a; śB.; Aś.2.8.3; 3.8.1; Suparṇ.17.4. P: divyaṃ suparṇam śś.6.11.8; Kauś.24.9.
pary asya mahimā pṛthivīṃ samudram # AVś.13.2.45a.
pra yat samudram ati śūra parṣi # RV.1.174.9c.
pra yat samudram īrayāva madhyam # RV.7.88.3b.
prārdayo nīcīr apasaḥ samudram # RV.6.17.12d.
prairayad ahihāchā samudram # RV.2.19.3b.
matsad ahiṃ vṛtram apāṃ jinvad udāryam udyān divi samudraṃ parvatāṃ iha # Aś.6.2.11.
mahiṣaṃ naḥ subhvaṃ (AVP. na subhuvas) tasthivāṃsam # AVP.4.2.4c; MS.2.1.9c: 11.11. See samudraṃ na suhavaṃ.
yat te samudram arṇavam # RV.10.58.5a; AVP.1.84.4a.
yathā purīṣaṃ nadyaḥ samudram # Kauś.98.2a.
Vedabase Search
11 results
2 results
samudramahiṣī noun (feminine) name of the Ganges (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 40465/72933
samudramaṇḍūkī noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 40464/72933
Wordnet Search
"samudram" has 3 results.



jalayānānāṃ samudre gamanāgamanasya mārgaḥ।

samudramārgeṇa gamanasamaye jaladasyubhyaḥ jāgaryāt।



ekaṃ nāṭakam ।

samudramathanasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ daityaḥ ।

samudramathanaḥ ullekhaḥ harivaṃśe asti

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