sam | or stam- cl.1 P. samati- or stamati-, to be disturbed (according to to some"to be undisturbed"; see śam-) ; cl.10 P. samayati- or stamayati-, to be agitated or disturbed  |
sam | ind. (connected with 7. sa-and 2. sama-,and opp. to 3. vi- q.v) with, together with, along with, together, altogether (used as a preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives, like Greek , Latin con,and expressing"conjunction","union","thoroughness","intensity","completeness" exempli gratia, 'for example' saṃyuj-,"to join together"; saṃ-dhā-,"to place together"; saṃ-dhi-,"placing together"; saṃ-tap-,"to consume utterly by burning"; sam-uccheda-,"destroying altogether, complete destruction";in Vedic or Veda the verb connected with it has sometimes to be supplied, exempli gratia, 'for example' /āpo agn/im yaś/asaḥ s/aṃ h/i pūrv/īih-,"for many glorious waters surrounded agni-";it is sometimes prefixed to nouns in the sense of 2. sama-,"same"; confer, compare samartha-)  |
sama | mfn. (connected with 7. sa-and with 2. sam/a-and samāna-; confer, compare samaha-,used as pronoun :declined like sarva- exempli gratia, 'for example' samasmai- ) any, every [ confer, compare Greek , ; Gothic suma; Anglo-Saxon sum; English some.]  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. (prob. originally identical with prec.; see samāna-) even, smooth, flat, plain, level, parallel (karṇa-s-,"on a level with the ear"; bhūmi--or bhūmeḥ samaṃ-kṛ-,"to make level with the earth") etc.  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. same, equal, similar, like, equivalent, like to or identical or homogeneous with (instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' mayā sama-,"like to me";or genitive case,rarely ablative), like in or with regard to anything (instrumental case genitive case locative case,or -tas-,or compound; samaṃ-kṛ-,"to make equal, balance")  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. always the same, constant, unchanged, fair, impartial towards (locative case or genitive case)  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. even (not"odd"), a pair  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. having the right measure, regular, normal, right, straight (samaṃ-kṛ-,"to put right or in order") etc. etc.  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. equable, neutral, indifferent  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. equally distant from extremes, ordinary, common, middling etc.  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. just, upright, good, straight, honest  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. easy, convenient  |
sama | mf(/ā-)n. full, complete, whole, entire  |
sama | m. peace (perhaps wrong reading for śama-)  |
sama | m. the point of intersection of the horizon and the meridian line  |
sama | m. Name of particular zodiacal signs (especially vṛṣa-, karkaṭa-, kanyā-, vṛścika-, makara-, and Mina)  |
sama | m. a kind of straight line placed over a numerical figure to mark the process of extracting the square root  |
sama | m. (in music) a kind of time  |
sama | m. a grass-conflagration  |
sama | m. a jina-  |
sama | m. Name of a son of dharma-  |
sama | m. of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra-  |
sama | m. of a king of the nandi-vega-s (varia lectio śama-)  |
samā | f. a year See samā- p.1153  |
sama | n. level ground, a plain (sam/e bh/ūmyāḥ-,"on level ground")  |
sama | n. equability, equanimity, imperturbability  |
sama | n. likeness, similarity, equality (ena-,"equally, in the same manner") on  |
sama | n. right measure or proportion (ena-,"exactly, precisely")  |
sama | n. settlement, compensation  |
sama | n. good circumstances  |
sama | n. (in rhetoric) a particular figure, sameness of objects compared to one another  |
sama | n. (in geometry) a mean proportional segment (described as a fourth proportional to the two perpendiculars and the link or segment, and used for solving problems in a trapezium)  |
sama | n. equals samā- f. a year (See pāpa-s-, puṇya-s-,and su-ṣama-)  |
samā | f. (of 2. sama-above) a year etc. etc. (also sama- n.in pāpa-s/ama-, puṇya-s-, su-ṣ/ama-)  |
samā | f. a half-year  |
samā | f. season, weather  |
samā | f. a day  |
sama | mfn. (fr. 7. sa+mā-) "together with lakṣmi-", happy, prosperous  |
samā | See .  |
samābandh | (only in ind.p. -badhya-), to bind or fasten on firmly  |
samābhā | P. -bhāti-, to appear like (iva-)  |
samabhāga | m. an equal share  |
samabhāga | mfn. (prob.) receiving an equal share  |
samābhāṣ | A1. -bhāṣate-, to talk with, converse together, address, speak to ; to speak about, communicate  |
samābhāṣaṇa | n. talking together, conversation with (compound)  |
samabhāva | m. equability, homogeneousness  |
samabhāva | mfn. of like nature or property  |
samabhī | ( -abhi-i-) P. -abhy-eti-, to go towards, come near, approach etc. ; to accrue to (accusative) ; to follow, attend, wait upon  |
samabhibhāṣ | A1. -bhāṣate- (Epic also P. ti-), to speak with or to, address (accusative)  |
samabhibhāṣaṇa | n. conversation, colloquy with (instrumental case or compound)  |
samabhicchanna | mfn. ( chad-) completely covered with (instrumental case)  |
samabhidhā | p. -dadhāti-, to speak to, address (accusative) ; to proclaim, announce ; to direct all one's thoughts to (accusative)  |
samabhidhā | f. (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') a name, appellation  |
samabhidhāv | P. A1. -dhāvati-, te-, to run hastily up to or towards, fly or dart at, assail  |
samabhidhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, or -dhyāti-, to reflect deeply on, meditate on ; to direct all the thoughts upon, long for (accusative) |
samabhidru | P. -dravati- (Epic also A1. te-), to run or hasten towards or against, rush full upon, attack, assail (accusative)  |
samabhidruta | mfn. running towards or against, rushing upon  |
samabhidruta | mfn. rushed upon, attacked, infested  |
samabhidrutam | ind. hurriedly, quickly  |
samabhigam | P. -gacchati-, to go towards together, approach ; to go to, have sexual intercourse with (instrumental case)  |
samabhigarj | P. -garjati-, to shout or cry at defiantly, challenge with a shout (accusative)  |
samabhiguh | A1. -gūhate-, to crouch down, cower  |
samabhiharaṇa | n. the act of seizing upon, taking etc.  |
samabhiharaṇa | n. repetition on  |
samabhiharaṇabhihāra | m. seizing or taking together  |
samabhiharaṇabhihāra | m. repetition, reiteration (kriyā-samabhihāreṇa-,"by a repetition of acts","by repeated acts")  |
samabhiharaṇabhihāra | m. excess, surplus  |
samabhihita | mfn. addressed, spoken to  |
samabhihṛ | P. A1. -harati-, te-, to seize upon or take together ; to seize, take, take out  |
samabhihṛṣ | Caus. -harṣayati-, to cause great joy or exultation, gladden, delight  |
samabhijan | A1. -jāyate-, to spring up together, arise  |
samabhijñā | (only ind.p. -jñāya-), to recognize fully, entirely acknowledge or Perceive  |
samabhikīrt | (only ind.p. -kīrtya-), to relate or tell fully, narrate  |
samabhikram | (only ind.p. -kramya-), to go near to, approach  |
samabhikruddha | mfn. ( krudh-) greatly enraged, angry  |
samabhilaṣ | P. -laṣati-, to long for, be eager for  |
samabhinand | P. -nandati-, to rejoice together with (See next) ; to greet, salute  |
samabhinandita | mfn. rejoiced with, congratulated  |
samabhiniḥsṛta | mfn. ( sṛ-) come forth, gushed forth (as blood from a wound)  |
samabhipad | A1. -padyate-, to come to, arrive at, attain (accusative) ; to get one's reward ; to reply, answer  |
samabhipāl | P. -pālayati-, to protect, rule, govern (accusative)  |
samabhipat | P. -patati-, to fall upon, attack (accusative)  |
samabhipīḍ | P. -pīḍayati-, to squeeze together, crush  |
samabhiplu | A1. -plavate-, to inundate, wash (See next) ; to overwhelm, cover  |
samabhipluta | mfn. inundated, flooded, washed  |
samabhipluta | mfn. overwhelmed, covered  |
samabhipluta | mfn. eclipsed (as the moon)  |
samabhipluta | mfn. (with rajasā-) covered with menstrual excretions  |
samabhipṝ | Caus -pūrayati-, to till up, fill  |
samabhiprekṣ | ( -pra-īkṣ-) A1. -prekṣate-, to look at, perceive, view  |
samabhipūj | P. -pūjayati-, to worship, honour  |
samabhirañj | A1. or Passive voice -rajyate-, to be reddened, appeared, flash, glitter  |
samabhiruh | P. -rohati-, to grow up together, ascend, (varia lectio sam-adhi-r-): Causal -rohayati- (Passive voice -ropyate-), to cause to grow up or ascend, place or impose on (as a burden etc.)  |
samabhisaṃdhā | cl.1. P. A1. -dadhāti-, -dhatte-, to place or put into (locative case) ; to aim at, strive after, determine on (accusative)  |
samabhisaṃvṛta | mfn. (1. vṛ-) entirely surrounded, encompassed  |
samabhisaraṇa | n. the act of going towards or against, approaching, seeking, wishing or endeavouring to gain  |
samabhiṣic | ( sic-) P. -ṣiñcati-, to sprinkle down upon, wet ; to anoint, consecrate  |
samabhisṛ | P. -sarati- (ind.p. -sṛtya-), to go towards, approach, advance, attack  |
samabhiṣṭhā | ( sthā-) P. -tiṣṭhati-, to mount upon (as upon an elephant)  |
samabhiṣṭu | ( stu-) P. A1. -ṣṭauti-, -ṣṭute-, to praise highly, extol  |
samabhiṣṭuta | mfn. extolled, celebrated  |
samabhiśubh | A1. -śobhate-, to be beautiful or shine with (instrumental case)  |
samabhiśyāna | mfn. ( śyai-) thoroughly coagulated on  |
samabhiṣyand | ( syand-), Causal -ṣyandayati- to cause to flow towards (accusative),  |
samabhiṣyandin | mfn. causing hypertrophy  |
samabhitarj | P. -tarjayati-, to threaten or menace greatly, abuse, blame, scold  |
samabhitas | ind. towards, to (accusative)  |
samabhityaj | P. -tyajati-, to give up entirely, wholly renounce or resign  |
samabhityakta | mfn. wholly given up, renounced, risked  |
samabhityaktajīvita | mfn. one who has quite renounced his life  |
samabhivad | Caus. -vādayati-, to address or salute respectfully  |
samabhivadh | (defective;See vadh-), to strike or hit at any one (accusative)  |
samabhivāñch | P. -vāñchati-, to long for, be eager for  |
samabhivīkṣ | ( -vi-īkṣ-) P. -vīkṣate-, to perceive, become aware of (accusative) (varia lectio)  |
samabhivṛdh | A1. -vardhate-, to grow up, increase : Causal -vardhayati-, to make larger, enlarge, increase, augment  |
samabhivṛṣ | P. -varṣati- to rain down upon  |
samabhivṛt | A1. -vartate-, to go towards, advance ; to attack, assail ; to come near, approach ; to turn back, return, recur ; to remain, continue (tūṣṇīm-,"silent") ; wrong reading for sam-ati-vṛt-.  |
samabhivyāhāra | m. mentioning together  |
samabhivyāhāra | m. bringing together, association, company  |
samabhivyāhāra | m. association with a word of well-known meaning (= prasiddhārthakasya śabdasya saṃnidhiḥ-)  |
samabhivyāhārin | mfn. mentioning together  |
samabhivyāhārin | mfn. accompanying.  |
samabhivyāhṛ | P. A1. -harati-, te-, to mention together ; to bring together, associate together  |
samabhivyāhṛta | mfn. mentioned or spoken of together |
samabhivyāhṛta | mfn. associated (equals sahita-), accompanied by  |
samabhiyā | P. -yāti-, to approach any one (accusative) together, go towards or near, advance  |
samabhiyāc | P. A1. -yācati-, te-, to ask earnestly, implore  |
samābhṛ | P. -bharati-, or -bibharti-, to bring together, produce, procure  |
samābhṛta | mfn. brought together, procured  |
samābhuj | P. -bhunakti-, to enjoy or possess entirely, rule over (accusative)  |
samabhūmi | f. even ground (mi-tale-,"on even ground")  |
samabhūmi | ind. (prob.) equals -m-bhūm/i- (below) gaRa tiṣṭhad-gu-.  |
samabhyādā | A1. -datte-, to comprehend |
samabhyāgā | P. -jigāti-, to come near, approach ; to come upon, seize, visit (with affliction)  |
samabhyāgam | P. -gacchati-, to come near (See next) ; to meet  |
samabhyāgata | mfn. come near, approached  |
samabhyāhāra | m. bringing together, association, accompaniment  |
samabhyānī | P. -nayati-, to lead near or towards, introduce  |
samabhyarc | P. -arcati-, to pay great honour to, worship, greet, salute (accusative)  |
samabhyarcana | n. the act of paying great honour to, worshipping, reverencing  |
samabhyarcanabhyarcita | mfn. greatly honoured, worshipped, saluted  |
samabhyarth | A1. -arthayate-, to petition, solicit, request  |
samabhyarthayitṛ | mfn. seeking, petitioning, a petitioner  |
samabhyas | P. -asyati-, to practise, exercise  |
samabhyāsa | m. practice, exercise, study  |
samabhyāśa | m. nearness, presence  |
samabhyāśīkaraṇa | n. bringing near on  |
samabhyatikram | P. -krāmati-, to come upon or into, enter into  |
samabhyavagā | P. -jigāti-, to go into (accusative)  |
samabhyave | ( -ava-- 5 i-) P. -avaiti-, to penetrate entirely into (accusative) ; to come to an agreement with (instrumental case)  |
samabhye | ( -ā-- 5 i-) P. -āiti-, to come up to, approach, go near to (accusative)  |
samabhyuccaya | m. heaping, piling up ( samabhyuccayavat -vat- ind.)  |
samabhyuccayavat | ind. samabhyuccaya |
samabhyuddharaṇa | n. drawing out, rescuing  |
samabhyuddhṛ | ( hṛ-) A1. -dharate-, to draw out, extract ; to draw out of danger or distress, rescue, raise, promote further  |
samabhyudgam | (only ind.p. -gamya-), to come forth or spread from (ablative)  |
samabhyudyata | mfn. ( yam-) striving, endeavouring  |
samabhyunnata | mfn. ( nam-) raised, risen, towering high (as clouds)  |
samabhyupagamana | n. the act of approaching or going near  |
samabhyupagamana | n. following, approving, agreeing with  |
samabhyupe | ( -upa-- 5 i-) P. upaiti-, to go very near, approach  |
samabhyupeya | mfn. to be gone or approached or followed  |
samabhyupeya | n. equals sam-abhyupagamana-  |
samabhyutthā | ( sthā-) A1. -tiṣṭhate-, to rise (said of a planet)  |
samabuddhi | mfn. esteeming all things alike, indifferent  |
samabuddhi | m. Name of a muni-  |
samacakravāla | n. a circle.  |
samācakṣ | A1. -caṣṭe-, to relate fully, tell, report  |
samācam | (only ind.p. -camya-), to sip water (as a religious act in ceremonial observances see ā-cam-)  |
samācana | m. colloquy, conversation (equals saṃvadana-) ālocin- varia lectio for ālokin-.  |
samācar | P. -carati- (Epic also A1. te-), to act or behave or conduct one's self towards (locative case) ; to practise, perform thoroughly, do, accomplish (with āhāram-and instrumental case,"to feed upon") etc. ; to associate with (instrumental case) ; (with dūrāt-) to remove  |
samācāra | m. (for samācāra-See sam-ā-car-) equal manners or customs  |
samācāra | m. equal or virtuous conduct  |
samācāra | mfn. equal or similar in practice or in virtuous conduct  |
samācara | mfn. practising, observing  |
samācāra | m. (for samāc-See) procedure, practice, conduct, behaviour in (compound) etc.  |
samācāra | m. custom, usage, usual way or method  |
samācāra | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the customary presentation of.  |
samācāra | m. "doings", news, report, information, tradition  |
samācaraṇa | n. practising, performing, observing, be having, performance  |
samācaraṇīya | mfn. to be practised or observed  |
samācarita | mfn. practised, performed, done, committed  |
samacaturaśra | mf(ā-)n. (or -asra-) having four equal angles, square etc.  |
samacaturaśra | mn. a rectangular tetragon, square  |
samacaturaśra | m. an equilateral tetragon  |
samacaturaśrī | ind. (with kṛ-) to transform into a square  |
samacaturbhuja | mfn. having four equal sides  |
samacaturbhuja | m. or n. (?) a square or rhombus  |
samacatuṣkoṇa | mfn. having four equal angles (distinguished from sama-catur-aśra-),  |
samacatvāriṃśadantatā | f. the having 40 even teeth (one of the 32 signs of perfection in a buddha-)  |
samācayana | o. Putting or heaping together, accumulation, aggregation on Va1rtt. 3 , |
samācchad | ( chad-), Causal -cchādayati- to cover completely with, overspread veil, cloud (also figuratively to obscure or stupefy the mind)  |
samācchanna | mfn. completely covered with etc.  |
samaccheda | mfn. having an equal denominator  |
samacchedana | mfn. having like divisions or denominators  |
samacchedīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to cause to have an equal denominator  |
samācchid | ( chid-only ind.p. -cchidya-), to cut or tear off, snatch away  |
samāceṣṭita | n. ( ceṣṭ-) gesture, procedure, behaviour, conduct  |
samacetas | mfn. equals -citta-  |
samāci | P. A1. -cinoti-, -cinute-, to put together, heap up, accumulate ; to load or cover with (instrumental case) etc. ; to fill up (cavities in a road)  |
samācīrṇa | mfn. performed, done, practised, committed  |
samācita | mfn. heaped together, covered with, overspread  |
samacitta | mfn. even-minded, possessing equanimity, equable  |
samacitta | mfn. indifferent  |
samacitta | mfn. having the thoughts directed to the same subject  |
samacittatā | f. ( ) equanimity towards (locative case)  |
samacittatva | n. ( ) equanimity towards (locative case)  |
samacodita | mfn. equals saṃ-c-, driven or shot off  |
samad | P. -atti-, to eat completely up, entirely devour  |
samad | f. (prob. fr. 7. sa-+ mad-,"raging together"; according to to yāska- either fr. sam-ad-,or fr. sam-mad-; according to to others fr. 2. sam-+ suffix ad-; see s/amana-) strife, battle (often in locative case plural; accusative with kṛ-or dhā-and dative case,"to cause strife among or between")  |
samada | mf(ā-)n. intoxicated, excited with passion  |
samada | mf(ā-)n. ruttish  |
samādā | P. A1. -dadāti-, -datte-, (P.) to give, bestow, present ; to give back, restore ; (A1.) to take away fully or entirely, take away with one, accept, receive etc. ; to take out or away, remove, with draw ; to take hold of. grasp, seize ; to gather, collect ; to apprehend, perceive, comprehend, find out ; to take to heart, reflect on ; to undertake, begin (with vacanam-,or vākyam-,"a speech") : Causal -dāpayati-, to establish ; to instigate (See sam-ādāpaka-etc.)  |
samādādānika | mfn. (fr. prec.) ,  |
samādādāpaka | mfn. (fr. Causal) exciting, instigating  |
samādādāpana | n. excitation, instigation  |
samādādāya | ind. having undertaken  |
samadaṃṣṭratā | f. the having equal eye-teeth (one of the 50 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
samadana | n. conflict, strife  |
samadana | mf(ā-)n. impassioned, enamoured  |
samadana | mf(ā-)n. furnished with thorn-apple trees  |
samādāna | n. taking fully or entirely, taking upon one's self. contracting, incurring  |
samādāna | n. beginning, undertaking  |
samādāna | n. resolve, determination ( also"receiving suitable donations";"the daily observances of the jaina- sect";"the middle part of the sacrificial post") .  |
samadanta | mfn. having even teeth  |
samadantatā | f. one of the 32 signs of perfection (of a buddha-)  |
samādara | m. ( dṛ-) great respect, veneration  |
samādaraṇīya | mfn. to be greatly respected or venerated  |
samadarśana | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') of similar appearance, like  |
samadarśana | mfn. (also with sarvatra-or sarveṣām-) looking on all (things or men) with equal or indifferent eyes  |
samadarśin | mfn. looking impartially on (locative case), regarding all things impartially  |
samādatta | mfn. taken away, taken hold of. seized, received  |
samadeśa | m. even ground  |
samādeśa | m. direction, advice, instruction, order, command  |
samādeśana | n. information, instruction  |
samādeya | mfn. to be taken or received  |
samadhā | ind. equally with (instrumental case)  |
samādhā | P. A1. -dadhāti-, -dhatte-, to place or put or hold or fix together etc. ; to compose, set right, repair, put in order, arrange, redress, restore ; to put to, add, put on (especially fuel on the fire) ; to kindle, stir (fire) ; to place, set, lay, fix, direct, settle, adjust (with astram-,"to adjust an arrow";with garbham-,"to impregnate";with savituḥ-,"to lay in the sun";with dṛṣṭim-, cittam-, cetas-, matim-, manas-,"to direct or fix the eyes or mind upon [ locative case ]";with matim-,"to settle in one's mind, resolve","make up one's mind"[followed by iti-];with ātmānam-,or manas-,"to collect the thoughts or concentrate the mind in meditation etc.";without an accusative - "to be absorbed in meditation or prayer") etc. ; to impose upon (locative case) ; to entrust or commit to (locative case) ; to establish in (locative case) ; to effect, cause, produce ; (in the following meanings only A1.) to take to or upon one's self. conceive (in the womb), put on (a garment or dress), assume (a shape), undergo (effort), show, exhibit, display etc. ; to devote one's self entirely to, give one's self up to (accusative) etc. (once in P.) ; to lay down as settled, settle, establish, prove, declare, ; to admit, grant on : Desiderative -dhitsati-, to wish to put together, desire to collect the thoughts  |
samādhā | m. (only ) putting together, adjusting, settling, reconciling, clearing up difficulties etc.  |
samādhā | m. completion, accomplishment.  |
samādhādhātavya | mfn. to be put in order or set right  |
samādhādhāyaka | mfn. composing, reconciling  |
samādhāna | n. putting together, laying, adding (especially fuel to fire)  |
samādhāna | n. composing, adjusting, settling, and  |
samādhāna | n. reconciliation  |
samādhāna | n. intentness, attention (accusative with kṛ-,"to attend") , eagerness  |
samādhāna | n. fixing the mind in abstract contemplation (as on the true nature of spirit), religious meditation, profound absorption or contemplation  |
samādhāna | n. justification of a statement, proof (see -rūpaka-)  |
samādhāna | n. (in logic) replying to the pūrva-pakṣa-  |
samādhāna | n. (in dramatic language) fixing the germ or leading incident (which gives rise to the whole plot exempli gratia, 'for example' )  |
samādhānadhānīya | mfn. to be put together or joined  |
samādhānamātra | n. mere contemplation or meditation  |
samādhānarūpaka | n. a kind of metaphor (used for the justification of a bold assertion)  |
samadharma | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') of equal nature or character, resembling  |
samādhāv | P. A1. -dhāvati-, te-, to run together towards, rush towards, run near to  |
samādheya | mfn. to be put in order or set right  |
samādheya | mfn. to be directed or informed or instructed  |
samādheya | mfn. to be granted or admitted  |
samadhī | ( -adhi-i-) A1. -adhīte-, to go over, repeat or read through or study thoroughly  |
samādhi | m. putting together, joining or combining with (instrumental case)  |
samādhi | m. a joint or a particular position of the neck  |
samādhi | m. union, a whole, aggregate, set  |
samādhi | m. completion, accomplishment, conclusion  |
samādhi | m. setting to rights, adjustment, settlement  |
samādhi | m. justification of a statement, proof  |
samādhi | m. bringing into harmony, agreement, assent  |
samādhi | m. intense application or fixing the mind on, intentness, attention (dhiṃ-kṛ-,"to attend") etc.  |
samādhi | m. concentration of the thoughts, profound or abstract meditation, intense contemplation of any particular object (so as to identify the contemplator with the object meditated upon;this is the eighth and last stage of yoga- [ ];with Buddhists samādhi- is the fourth and last stage of dhyāna- or intense abstract meditation[ ];in the kāraṇḍa-vyūha- several samādhi- are enumerated) etc.  |
samādhi | m. intense absorption or a kind of trance etc.  |
samādhi | m. a sanctuary or tomb of a saint  |
samādhi | m. (in rhetoric) Name of various figures of speech (defined as ārohāvarohakrama-, artha-dṛṣṭi-, anya-dharmāṇām anyatrādhirohaṇa-etc.), etc.  |
samādhi | m. Name of the 17th kalpa- (q.v), of the 17th arhat- of the future utsarpiṇī-  |
samādhi | m. of a vaiśya- (according to to also "silence;a religious vow of intense devotion or self-imposed abstraction;support, upholding;continuance;perseverance in difficulties;attempting impossibilities;collecting or laying up grain in times of dearth")  |
samādhibala | n. the force of meditation  |
samādhibhaṅga | m. the disturbing or interruption of meditation  |
samādhibheda | m. (equals -bhaṅga-)  |
samādhibhedin | mfn. one who interrupts meditation  |
samādhibhṛt | mfn. absorbed in meditation  |
samadhigam | P. -gacchati-, to go towards together, come quite near, approach ; to acquire. obtain etc. ; to go completely over, surpass ; to go over, study, read  |
samādhigarbha | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
samadhigata | mfn. gone quite near to, approached  |
samadhigatadhigama | m. thoroughly understanding, perceiving |
samadhigatadhigamana | n. going beyond or above, surpassing, overcoming  |
samadhigatadhigamya | mfn. to be understood or perceived  |
samadhika | mf(ā-)n. superabundant, superfluous, excessive, exceeding (with māsa- m."more than a month, a month and more")  |
samadhika | mf(ā-)n. exceeding what is usual, extra ordinary, intense, plentiful ( samadhikam am- ind.)  |
samadhikalajjāvatī | f. excessively ashamed or bashful  |
samadhikalāvaṇya | n. excessive loveliness or charm  |
samadhikam | ind. samadhika |
samadhikārambha | m. an extraordinary enterprise  |
samadhikatara | mfn. more abundant, exceeding, excessive  |
samadhikatararūpa | mfn. more beautiful thin (ablative)  |
samadhikatarocchvāsin | mfn. breathing or sighing more heavily  |
samadhikṛt | (only ind.p. -kṛtya-), to cut up in addition or completely  |
samādhimat | mfn. absorbed in meditation  |
samādhimat | mfn. attentive  |
samādhimat | mfn. making a promise or assent or permission  |
samādhimatikā | f. Name of a woman (varia lectio for samāhitikā-in Bombay edition)  |
samādhin | mfn. absorbed in contemplation  |
samādhiniṣṭha | mfn. devoted to meditation  |
samādhiparihāṇi | f. diminution of meditation  |
samādhiprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
samādhirāja | m. Name of work  |
samadhirūḍha | mfn. one who has risen up or mounted (with tulām-,"brought into a critical condition")  |
samadhirūḍha | mfn. convinced or (accusative)  |
samadhirūḍhadhirohaṇa | n. mounting up, ascending  |
samadhiruh | P. -rohati-, to rise up, mount, ascend ; to rise up to (the knowledge of), be convinced of  |
samādhisamānatā | f. Name of a samādhi-  |
samadhiśī | Caus. -sāyayati-, to lay or put anything in the place of any other thing  |
samadhiśri | P. A1. -srayati-, te-, to proceed or advance towards, approach, attack ; to put in or on the fire  |
samadhisṛp | P. -sarpati-, to glide or slide along  |
samadhiṣṭhā | ( sthā-) P. A1. -tiṣṭhati-, te- to stand over, preside, govern, guide ; to administer, manage ; to mount upon, ascend  |
samādhistha | mfn. absorbed in meditation  |
samādhisthala | n. Name of a place in brahmā-'s world  |
samadhiṣṭhāna | n. abiding, residing  |
samadhiṣṭhita | mfn. standing upon (accusative)  |
samadhiṣṭhita | mfn. standing above or at the highest place  |
samadhiṣṭhita | mfn. filling, penetrating (accusative)  |
samadhiṣṭhita | mfn. ridden or guided by (instrumental case)  |
samadhīta | mfn. gone over, read through, studied  |
samādhita | mfn. propitiated, reconciled  |
samādhitsā | f. (fr. Desiderative) desire of settling or adjusting  |
samādhitsu | mfn. (fr. idem or 'f. (fr. Desiderative) desire of settling or adjusting ') wishing to set right or prove  |
samādhitva | n. the state of profound meditation or devotion  |
samādhividhi | m. Name of work  |
samādhivigraha | m. embodiment of meditation  |
samādhiyoga | m. employment of meditation, the efficacy of contemplation |
samādhiyogarddhitapovidyāviraktimat | mfn. possessing or accompanied with meditation and self-abstraction and supernatural power and mortification and knowledge and indifference  |
samādhmā | P. -dhamati- (only perfect tense -dadhmuḥ-), to cause (musical instruments) to sound forth together, blow (a horn etc.)  |
samādhmāta | mfn. made to sound forth together, blown into  |
samādhmāta | mfn. swelled up, puffed up, swollen, inflated  |
samadhṛta | mfn. made equal in weight  |
samadhṛta | mfn. equal or equivalent to  |
samadhura | mfn. (for sa-madh-See p.1154) bearing an equal burden with (genitive case)  |
samadhura | mfn. (for sama-dh-See) sweet  |
samadhurā | f. a grape  |
samādhūta | mfn. ( dhū-) driven away, dispersed, scattered  |
samadhva | mfn. being on the same road, travelling in company  |
samādhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, to meditate deeply upon, reflect upon, be lost in thought  |
samadhyama | mfn. moderate on  |
samadhyās | A1. -āste-, to sit upon together, inhabit, occupy : Desiderative -āsisiṣate-, to wish to occupy  |
samadhyāsita | mfn. sat upon or occupied together (as a scat)  |
samadhyayana | n. going over or studying together, (or) that which is gone over or repeated together  |
samādiś | P. -diśati-, to assign, allot ; to point out, indicate, announce, communicate, declare ; to appoint, name, designate etc. ; to foretell, foreshow ; to direct, advise, order, command to (dative case infinitive mood,or -artham-) etc.: Causal -deśayati-, to order, command  |
samādiṣṭa | mfn. assigned, indicated, directed, commanded, enjoined  |
samadṛś | mfn. looking indifferently or impartially upon  |
samadṛś | mfn. regarding all things impartially  |
samadṛṣṭi | f. the act of looking on all equally or impartially  |
samadṛṣṭi | mfn. looking on all impartially ( samadṛṣṭitva -tva- n.)  |
samadṛṣṭi | mfn. even-eyed  |
samadṛṣṭipāta | m. "an equal glance"and"a glance with even (not three) eyes",  |
samadṛṣṭitva | n. samadṛṣṭi |
samādṛta | mfn. very respectful, showing great regard  |
samādru | P. -dravati- (cp. also A1. te-), to run together towards or against, rush at, attack, assail (accusative) |
samadu | (?) f. a daughter  |
samaduḥkha | mf(ā-)n. feeling pain in common with another, compassionate  |
samaduḥkhasukha | mfn. sharing grief and joy with another  |
samaduḥkhasukha | mfn. indifferent to pain and pleasure  |
samadvādaśāśra | m. n. an equilateral dodecagon or dodecahedron  |
samadvan | mfn. fighting, warlike  |
samadvibhuja | mfn. having 2 equal sides  |
samadvibhuja | m. n. a rhomboid having 2 sides equal  |
samadvidvibhuja | mfn. having 2 x 2 equal sides |
samadvidvibhuja | m. or n. (?) a rhomboid  |
samadyuti | mfn. equal in radiance  |
samāgāḍha | mfn. ( gāh-) intense, violent (only in -tara-,"more or most intense or violent")  |
samāgalita | mfn. ( gai-) fallen down, fallen  |
samāgam | P. -gacchati-, to come together (in a friendly or hostile manner;also sexually), meet, be united with (instrumental case with and without saha-,or sārdham-) etc. ; to come together (as heavenly bodies in conjunction or occultation) ; to come to, come near, approach, arrive at (accusative or locative case) etc. ; to come back, return from (ablative) ; to meet with, come upon, find (accusative) : Causal -gamayati-, to cause to come together, bring together, unite one thing or person (accusative) with another (instrumental case or locative case)  |
samāgama | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) coming together (either in a hostile or friendly manner), union (also sexual), junction, encounter or meeting with (instrumental case with or without saha- genitive case,[rarely] locative case,or compound) etc.  |
samāgama | m. association, assembly of (compound)  |
samāgama | m. conjunction (of planets)  |
samāgama | m. approach, arrival  |
samāgamakārin | mfn. causing union  |
samāgamakṣaṇa | m. the moment of union  |
samāgamamanoratha | m. the desire of union  |
samāgamana | n. coming together, meeting, union (also = sexual intercourse)  |
samāgamaprārthanā | f. the desire of association  |
samāgamin | mfn. coming together, meeting, Ind. Ant.  |
samāgamin | mfn. future, imminent  |
samāgamopāya | m. means of union  |
samagandha | m. constant odour (one of the 4 kinds of odours)  |
samagandha | mfn. having the same odour  |
samagandhaka | m. a perfume compounded of similar ingredients  |
samagandhika | mfn. having equal or similar fragrance  |
samagandhika | n. the fragrant root of the Andropogon Muricatus  |
samāgantavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be met or approached  |
samāgata | mfn. come together, met, encountered, joined, assembled etc.  |
samāgata | mfn. being in conjunction with (instrumental case)  |
samāgata | mfn. come to, approached, arrived, returned etc.  |
samāgatā | f. a kind of riddle or enigma (the meaning of which is hidden by the saṃdhi- q.v)  |
samāgati | f. coming together, meeting, union  |
samāgati | f. approach, arrival, similar condition or progress  |
samāghāta | See sam-ā-han-.  |
samāghāta | m. striking together, collision  |
samāghāta | m. conflict, war, battle  |
samāghrā | P. -jighrati-, to smell at, smell ; to kiss  |
samāghrāṇa | n. smelling at anything  |
samagra | mf(/ā-)n. (See 2. sam-) all, entire, whole, complete, each, every (in the beginning of a compound ="fully","entirely"; n."all, everything") etc. etc.  |
samagra | mf(/ā-)n. fully provided with (instrumental case or compound)  |
samagra | mf(/ā-)n. one who has everything or wants nothing  |
samagrabhakṣaṇaśila | mfn. eating everything  |
samagradhana | mfn. possessing the whole of one's property  |
samagramalahāraka | mfn. taking (upon one's self) all impurity  |
samagrāṅga | mfn. one who has his body or limbs complete  |
samagraṇī | mfn. the very first among (genitive case)  |
samagraśakti | mfn. possessing full force  |
samagrasampad | mfn. one who has every happiness  |
samagrasauvarṇa | mfn. entirely golden  |
samagravartin | mfn. entirely resting or fixed upon (locative case)  |
samagraya | Nom. P. yati-, to make full or complete, restore  |
samāgṛbhāya | P. -gṛbhāyati- ( grah-), to seize together or at once, take hold of.  |
samagrendu | m. the full moon  |
samagrendunibhānana | mfn. having a face like the full moon  |
samaha | ind. (fr. 1. sama-) anyhow, somehow (according to to vocative case of an adjective (cf. mfn.), praśasta-, sadhana-etc.)  |
samāhāhārya | mfn. to be collected or united or combined  |
samāhan | P. -hanti-, to strike together ; to strike upon or against : etc. ; to strike down, slay, kill ; to clash together, meet with (instrumental case) ; to beat (a drum)  |
samāhanana | n. the act of striking upon or against  |
samāhara | mfn. crushing together, destroying  |
samāhāra | m. seizing, taking hold of.  |
samāhāra | m. aggregation, summing up, sum, totality, collection, assemblage, multitude etc.  |
samāhāra | m. (in gram.) conjunction or connecting of words or sentences (as by the particle ca-)  |
samāhāra | m. compounding of words, a compound (especially applied to a dvaṃdva- whose last member is in the neuter gender[ exempli gratia, 'for example' ahi-nakulam-,"a snake and an ichneumon"] , or to a dvigu-, when it expresses an aggregate;See trilokī-).  |
samāhāra | m. equals pratyāhāra- (see )  |
samāhāra | m. withdrawal (of the senses from the world)  |
samāhāra | m. contraction, abridgment  |
samāharaṇa | n. bringing together, collection, accumulation, combination, composition  |
samāhāravarṇa | m. Name of the diphthongs ai- and au-  |
samāhartṛ | m. a collector (in artha-s-)  |
samahas | wrong reading for su-mahas- q.v  |
samāhata | mfn. struck together  |
samāhata | mfn. joined, united  |
samāhata | mfn. struck down, wounded, killed etc.  |
samāhata | mfn. beaten (as a drum)  |
samahāvrata | mfn. having a mahāvrata- day  |
samahīdhara | mfn. having mountains, mountainous  |
samāhita | mfn. put or held together, joined, assembled, combined, united (plural"all taken together") etc.  |
samāhita | mfn. joined or furnished or provided with (instrumental case or compound)  |
samāhita | mfn. put to, added (as fuel to fire)  |
samāhita | mfn. put or placed in or upon, directed, applied, fixed, imposed, deposited, entrusted, delivered over etc.  |
samāhita | mfn. composed, collected, concentrated (as the thoughts upon, with locative case)  |
samāhita | mfn. one who has collected his thoughts or is fixed in abstract meditation, quite devoted to or intent upon (with locative case), devout, steadfast, firm etc.  |
samāhita | mfn. put in order, set right, adjusted  |
samāhita | mfn. suppressed, repressed, lowered (as speech)  |
samāhita | mfn. made, rendered  |
samāhita | mfn. completed, finished, ended  |
samāhita | mfn. concluded, inferred, demonstrated, established  |
samāhita | mfn. granted, admitted, recognised, approved  |
samāhita | mfn. corresponding or equal to, like, resembling (compound)  |
samāhita | mfn. harmonious, sounding faultlessly  |
samāhita | m. a pure or holy man  |
samāhita | n. great attention or intentness  |
samāhita | n. (in rhetoric) a particular kind of comparison  |
samāhita | See .  |
samāhitadhī | mfn. one who has concentrated his thoughts in devotion  |
samāhitamanas | mfn. having the mind absorbed in (anything)  |
samāhitamanobuddhi | mfn. having the mind or thoughts collected or composed  |
samāhitamati | mfn. one who has an attentive mind  |
samāhitātman | mfn. (saṃ/āh-) one whose spirit is united with (instrumental case)  |
samāhitikā | f. Name of a woman (see samādhimatikā-)  |
samāhṛ | P. A1. -harati-, te- (ind.p. -h/ṛtya- q.v), to bring together, collect, assemble, contract, combine, unite etc. ; to bring back, restore to its place (locative case) ; to draw back, withdraw ; to ravish, enrapture ; to take off, put aside ; to crush together, destroy, annihilate ; to Perform, offer (a sacrifice)  |
samāhṛta | mfn. brought together, collected, fetched etc.  |
samāhṛta | mfn. gathered, assembled, met  |
samāhṛta | mfn. taken together, contracted, combined, all  |
samāhṛta | mfn. drawn (as a bowstring)  |
samāhṛta | mfn. related, told  |
samāhṛta | mfn. accepted, received, taken  |
samāhṛti | f. taking together, collecting (= saṃgraha-)  |
samāhṛti | f. withdrawal (of the senses) from (ablative)  |
samāhṛtya | ind. (taking) together, all at once  |
samāhūta | See sam-ā-hve-.  |
samāhūta | mfn. called or collected together, assembled, summoned, challenged (to fight or to a game of chance)  |
samāhva | mfn. having the same name as (compound)  |
samāhvā | f. a kind of plant (equals go-jihvā-) |
samāhva | m. calling out, mutual calling, challenge, defiance  |
samāhvā | f. a particular plant (equals go-jihvā-).  |
samāhva | mfn. (fr. sam-+ āhvā-) bearing the same name  |
samāhvāna | n. calling upon or together  |
samāhvāna | n. summons, challenge (to fight or to grumble)  |
samāhvāna | n. betting on the battles of animals |
samāhvātṛ | m. one who summons, a challenger to (dative case)  |
samāhvaya | m. challenge, conflict  |
samāhvaya | m. setting animals to fight for sport, betting (especially betting on animals, as distinguished from gaming with dice etc.;See dyūta-)  |
samāhvaya | m. an appellation, name (also n.)  |
samāhve | P. A1. -hvayati-, te- (ind.p. -hūya-), to call together, convoke etc. ; to call near, invite ; to summon, challenge, provoke (to battle or to a game of chance) : Desiderative -juhūṣate- See next.  |
samāhvī | f. idem or 'm. calling out, mutual calling, challenge, defiance '  |
samahyā | (?) f. fame, reputation (see sam-ajyā-)  |
samairaya | (of unknown meaning, in vaiśvadevāḥ samairayāḥ-)  |
samaj | P. -ajati-, to bring or collect together ; to bring into conflict ; to subdue, overcome  |
samaja | m. Name of indra-  |
samaja | m. a multitude of animals  |
samaja | m. a number of fools  |
samaja | n. a forest, wood  |
samāja | m. meeting with, falling in with (genitive case or compound)  |
samāja | m. a meeting, assembly, congregation, congress, conclave, society, company (see dyūta-s-), association, collection (according to to not applied to animals) etc.  |
samāja | m. a convivial meeting, party, club  |
samāja | m. a quantity, plenty, abundance (in sukha-s-)  |
samāja | m. a particular conjunction of planets  |
samāja | m. an elephant (prob. wrong reading for sāmaja-)  |
samajajyā | f. place of meeting  |
samajajyā | f. meeting, assembly  |
samajajyā | f. fame, celebrity (varia lectio for samājñā-)  |
samājasaṃniveśana | n. a building or place suitable for an assembly, assembly-room, meeting-house  |
samajāti | mfn. equal in kind, homogeneous  |
samajātīya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equal in kind, homogeneous '  |
samājika | wrong reading for sāmājika-.  |
samajñā | f. fame (varia lectio for samājñā-).  |
samajñā | wrong reading for sam-ājñā-.  |
samājñā | to know or understand thoroughly, become acquainted with, ascertain, perceive, observe, recognize : Causal -jnāpayati- (see next) , to order, command, direct, authorize  |
samājñā | f. appellation, name  |
samājñā | f. reputation, fame  |
samājñājñāna | n. the being acknowledged as (compound)  |
samājñapta | mfn. (fr. Causal) ordered, commanded, directed  |
samājñāta | mfn. known, ascertained, acknowledged as (Nominal verb or compound)  |
samājuhūṣamāṇa | See samā-hve-, .  |
samājuhūṣamāṇa | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) challenging (exempli gratia, 'for example' samarāya-,"to battle")  |
samaka | mfn. equal, alike  |
samakakṣa | mfn. having equal weight ( samakakṣatā -tā-, f.; samakakṣatva -tva- n.)  |
samakakṣā | f. equilibrium (kṣāṃ-tul- P. tulayati-,"to balance one another")  |
samakakṣatā | f. samakakṣa |
samakakṣatva | n. samakakṣa |
samakāla | m. the same time or moment  |
samakālabhava | m. a contemporary of (compound)  |
samakālam | ind. (or in the beginning of a compound,once also e-[ varia lectio ]) simultaneously etc.  |
samakālīna | mfn. simultaneous with (compound) |
samākāṅkṣ | P. -kāṅkṣati-, to long or hope for, desire  |
samakanyā | f. a suitable maiden, a girl fit to be married  |
samakara | mfn. (for sa-makara-See) levying regular or fair taxes  |
samākara | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' or m. Calcutta edition) equals next  |
samākāra | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') of like appearance, similar, like  |
samakara | mfn. (for sama-kara-See) having marine monsters.  |
samākāraṇa | n. (fr. Causal) calling, summoning  |
samakarman | mfn. having equal occupation  |
samākarṇ | P. -karṇayati-, to give ear to, listen to, hear  |
samakarṇa | m. "having equal ears", Name of śiva-  |
samakarṇa | m. of buddha- ( samakarṇatā -tā- f.one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha)  |
samakarṇa | mn. "having two equal diagonals", an equi-diagonal tetragon  |
samakarṇatā | f. samakarṇa |
samākarṇitaka | n. any gesture which expresses the act of listening (ena-="with an attitude of listening";as a stage direction) |
samākarṣa | m. drawing near or towards  |
samākarṣaṇa | n. idem or 'm. drawing near or towards '  |
samākarṣin | mfn. (only ) drawing together, attracting  |
samākarṣin | mfn. spreading or extending far, diffusing fragrance  |
samākarṣiṇī | f. a far-spreading odour  |
samakhāta | n. a cavity having the figure of a regular solid with equal sides, a parallelepipedon, cylinder etc.  |
samākhyā | P. -khyāti-, to reckon up, count up, calculate, enumerate ; to relate fully, report, communicate, tell, declare  |
samākhyā | f. name, appellation  |
samākhyā | f. explanation, interpretation  |
samākhyā | f. report, fame, celebrity  |
samākhyābhakṣa | m. drinking the soma- while mentioning by name (the particular receptacles for holding it)  |
samākhyākhyāna | n. naming, mentioning  |
samākhyākhyāna | n. report, narrative  |
samākhyākhyāna | n. appellation, name  |
samākhyākhyāta | mfn. reckoned up, enumerated  |
samākhyākhyāta | mfn. completely or fully related  |
samākhyākhyāta | mfn. proclaimed or declared to be (iti-)  |
samākhyākhyāta | mfn. acknowledged as (compound) |
samākhyākhyāta | mfn. named, called  |
samākhyākhyāta | mfn. famed, celebrated, notorious  |
samākhyākhyāya | mfn. to be addressed or exhorted (varia lectio)  |
samākhyākhyāyam | ind. while mentioning by name (in aṅga-s-)  |
samākīrṇa | mfn. strewn over, bestrewed, completely covered, overspread  |
samāklinna | mfn. ( klid-) well moistened, wet (with vasu- n.prob. = "food and drink")  |
samakna | See sam-añc-, column 3.  |
samakna | mfn. bent together  |
samakna | mfn. going or moving together or simultaneously, going. moving  |
samakola | m. "having an even breast", a serpent, snake  |
samakoṣṭhamiti | f. the measure of compartments or number of equal squares of the same denomination (as cubit, fathom etc.) in which the dimension of the side is given  |
samakoṣṭhamiti | f. the area or superficial contents  |
samākṛ | P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute- ; -kṛṇoti-, -kṛṇute-, to bring together, unite ; to gather, collect ; to make ready, prepare : Causal -kārayati- See next.  |
samākṝ | P. -kirati-, to scatter or pour or strew over, cover or fill with anything  |
samākram | P. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate-, to tread or step upon  |
samakrama | mfn. keeping pace with  |
samākramaṇa | n. treading upon, stepping in, entering, frequenting  |
samakramatā | f. having the steps equal (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
samākrand | P. A1. -krandati-, te-, to cry out together, cry or lament piteously  |
samākrandana | n. crying, shouting  |
samākrānta | mfn. trod or stepped upon  |
samākrānta | mfn. pressed or borne down  |
samākrānta | mfn. overrun, attacked, assailed, seized upon  |
samākrānta | mfn. kept (as a promise)  |
samākrīḍ | P. -krīḍati-, to play or sport along with (another)  |
samakriya | mfn. acting uniformly in or towards (locative case)  |
samakriya | mfn. subject to the same medical treatment ( samakriyatva -tva- n.)  |
samakriyatva | n. samakriya |
samākṛṣ | P. -karṣati-, to draw together, draw towards, attract ; to draw away or out, extract, take out : Causal -karṣayati-, to draw away, carry off  |
samākṛṣṭa | mfn. drawn together, attracted  |
samākṛta | mfn. brought or collected together  |
samākruṣṭa | mfn. ( kruś-) reviled, abused  |
samakṣa | mfn. being within sight or before the eyes, present, visible  |
samakṣadarśana | n. the act of seeing with the eyes, ocular evidence  |
samakṣam | ind.before the eyes, visibly, manifestly, in the sight or presence of (dative case genitive case,or compound) |
samākṣara | mfn. having the same number of syllables  |
samākṣarapadakrama | mfn. containing a succession of pada-s or metrical feet of the succession of syllables  |
samākṣarāvakara | m. a particular samādhi-  |
samakṣāt | ind.before the eyes, visibly, manifestly, in the sight or presence of (dative case genitive case,or compound) |
samakṣatā | f. visibility  |
samakṣatas | ind.before the eyes, visibly, manifestly, in the sight or presence of (dative case genitive case,or compound) |
samakṣe | ind.before the eyes, visibly, manifestly, in the sight or presence of (dative case genitive case,or compound) |
samākṣepa | m. hinting at, suggestion of (compound)  |
samakṣetra | n. (in astronomy)"having an even or complete figure" , Name of a particular division or arrangement of the nakṣatra-s  |
samākṣika | n. together with honey  |
samākṣip | P. A1. -kṣipati-, te-, to throw together, heap or pile up ; to thrust or throw away, hurl ; to move violently, toss about (lips, arms etc.) ; to send forth, utter (words) ; to drive away, expel ; to throw down from, tear off ; to take away, withdraw ; to destroy, annihilate ; to insult, mock, ridicule ; to hint at, suggest, indicate  |
samākṣipta | mfn. thrown or heaped together, thrown or cast off etc.  |
samakta | See sam-añj-, column 3.  |
samakta | mfn. prepared, made ready  |
samakta | mfn. furnished with (instrumental case)  |
samakta | mfn. combined or united with (instrumental case)  |
samākula | mf(ā-)n. crowded together, crowded or filled with, full of, abounding in (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
samākula | mf(ā-)n. greatly agitated or confounded, troubled, confused, flurried, bewildered by (compound)  |
samākulatā | f.  |
samākulatva | n. great agitation or confusion, great bewilderment or trouble of mind  |
samākuñcita | mfn. ( kuñc-) drawn in, brought to an end, stopped (as speech)  |
samala | mfn. having stains or spots, dirty, foul, impure  |
samala | mfn. sinful  |
samala | m. Name of an asura- (varia lectio sṛmara-)  |
samala | n. (see śamala-) excrement, feculent matter, ordure  |
samālabdha | mfn. taken hold of etc.  |
samālabdha | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') come into contact with  |
samālabh | A1. -labhate-, to take hold of seize, touch etc. ; to stroke, handle ; to obtain, acquire (varia lectio) ; to rub, anoint, smear over  |
samālabhana | n. unguent (varia lectio)  |
samālagna | mfn. ( lag-) adhering or clasped or united together, closely attached  |
samālakṣ | (only ind.p. -lakṣya-), to look at, behold, observe, consider, watch  |
samālakṣya | mfn. visible, perceptible  |
samālamb | A1. -lambate-, to hang on, cling to (accusative) ; to lean on, depend on, trust to (accusative) ; to take to (accusative) ; to take hold of. seize, grasp ; to have recourse to, assume ; to acquire, obtain, appropriate (varia lectio) ; to fall to the lot of (locative case) : Causal lambayati-, to cause to hang or rest, suspend to (locative case)  |
samalamba | mfn. having equal perpendiculars  |
samalamba | m. or n. (?) a trapezoid  |
samālambana | n. the act of clinging to, learning on, support |
samālambbana | n. taking hold of, touching (in a-s-)  |
samālambbana | n. anointing, unguent  |
samālambha | m. taking hold of seizing a victim (for sacrifice)  |
samālambha | m. unguent (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' - "anointed with") ,  |
samālambham | ind. while taking hold of.  |
samālambhin | mfn. seizing (the sacrificial victim), killing  |
samālambin | mfn. clinging to, laying hold etc.  |
samālambin | m. a kind of fragrant grass  |
samālambita | mfn. suspended  |
samālambita | mfn. clung to  |
samālambita | mfn. rested on, supported, upheld, maintained  |
samalaṃkṛ | P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute-, to decorate highly, embellish, adorn  |
samalaṃkṛta | mfn. highly decorated, well adorned  |
samālap | P. -lapati-, to speak to, address (accusative)  |
samālāpa | m. talk, conversation with (saha-or anyo 'nyam-,also anyo 'nya-s-)  |
samalepanī | f. a bricklayer's instrument for levelling, a plane  |
samālī | f. a collection of flowers, nosegay  |
samālikh | P. -likhati-, to scratch or mark down, mark out, write down, delineate, paint  |
samalīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make dirty, stain, pollute, defile  |
samāliṅg | P. A1. -liṅgati-, te-, to embrace closely, clasp or hold in a firm embrace  |
samāliṅgana | n. a close embrace  |
samāliṅgita | mfn. clasped firmly, embraced closely  |
samālip | P. A1. -limpati-, te-, to anoint all over (A.,"one's self") : Causal -lepayati-, to anoint or smear over, anoint well  |
samālipta | mfn. well anointed or smeared  |
samallikākṣa | mfn. with white spots on (their) eyes (said of horses)  |
samāloc | P. -locayati-, to look at attentively, consider well or thoroughly (varia lectio)  |
samālok | P. -lokayati-, to look at attentively, inspect, view, behold, regard etc. ; to consider or acknowledge as (two accusative)  |
samāloka | m. looking at, viewing, beholding  |
samālokana | n. idem or 'm. looking at, viewing, beholding ' , contemplation, inspection  |
samālokin | mfn. looking into, one who has considered or studied (compound)  |
samālokya | n. (fr. sama-loka- mc. for sāmal-) sharing the same world with (genitive case)  |
samaloṣṭakāñcana | mfn. one to whom a clod and piece of gold are all the same  |
samaloṣṭāśmakāñcana | mfn. one to whom a clod and stone and gold are all the same,  |
samaloṣṭrakāñcana | mfn. (prob. wrong reading) equals -loṣṭa-k-  |
samāluḍ | Caus. -loḍayati-, to stir up, stir in, mix together, mingle with (instrumental case) ; to agitate, disturb, confuse ; to rummage, investigate  |
samālya | mfn. garlanded, crowned  |
samam | ind. in like manner, alike, equally, similarly etc.  |
samam | ind. together with or at the same time with or in accordance with (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
samam | ind. just, exactly, precisely  |
samam | ind. honestly, fairly [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin similis; German same,-sam; English same.]  |
samam | A1. -amate-, to ask eagerly, solicit, win over ; to fix or settle firmly ; to ally or connect one's self with  |
samāma | m. (see vy-āma-) length  |
samamaṇḍala | n. "even-circle", the prime vertical circle ( samamaṇḍalaśaṅku -śaṅku- m.prime vertical pin or gnomon)  |
samamaṇḍalaśaṅku | m. samamaṇḍala |
samāmantr | A1. -mantrayate-, to call upon, invoke ; to bid farewell to (accusative)  |
samamati | mfn. even minded, equable  |
samamātra | mfn. of the same size or measure  |
samamātra | mfn. of the same prosodial measure.  |
samamaya | mf(ī-)n. of like origin  |
samambhūmi | ind. even with the ground  |
samambhūmi | mfn. being on a level with the ground,  |
samambila | mf(ī-)n. filled with (instrumental case) to the aperture or brim  |
samamiti | f. mean measure  |
samāmnā | P. A1. -manati-, te-, to repeat or mention together, repeat memoriter, hand down from memory or by tradition (especially collections of sacred words or texts) etc. ; to suppose to be, take for (accusative)  |
samāmnāmnātṛ | m. a repeater memoriter, collector or editor of Vedic texts |
samāmnāmnāyika | See pāśu-samāmnāyika-.  |
samāmnāna | n. mentioning together, enumeration, repetition from memory  |
samāmnāta | mfn. repeated or mentioned together, handed down by tradition or from memory  |
samāmnāta | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') mentioned as gaRa kṛtādi-  |
samāmnāta | n. mentioning together, enumeration  |
samāmnāya | m. mention together, traditional collection, enumeration, list etc.  |
samāmnāya | m. handing down by tradition or from memory  |
samāmnāya | m. collection or compilation of sacred texts (especially any special redaction of a Vedic text)  |
samāmnāya | m. the sacred texts in general  |
samāmnāya | m. the destruction of the world (equals samhāra-)  |
samāmnāya | m. totality, aggregate  |
samāmnāya | m. Name of śiva-  |
samāmnāyamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of (or containing) the sacred texts  |
samāṃśa | m. an equal share (as in an inheritance; samāṃśena śena- ind."in equal share")  |
samāṃśa | mfn. containing equal parts  |
samāṃśa | mfn. entitled to or obtaining an equal share  |
samāṃśā | f. Sida Cordifolia  |
samāṃsa | mfn. connected or combined with meat, containing meat, fleshy  |
samāṃśabhāgin | mfn. sharing in equal portions  |
samāṃśahārin | mfn. taking an equal portions, sharing equally, a co-heir  |
samāṃśaka | mf(ikā-)n. obtaining an equal share  |
samāṃsamīnā | f. (fr. samāṃ samām-) a cow bearing a calf every year  |
samāṃśena | ind. samāṃśa |
samāṃśika | mfn. consisting of equal parts  |
samāṃśika | mfn. entitled to an equal share  |
samāṃśin | mfn. obtaining an equal share  |
samāmya | mfn. stretching or extending in length  |
saman | P. -aniti-, to breathe, live  |
samāna | m. (for samāna-and sa-māna-See p.1160) one of the five vital airs (that which circulates about the navel and is essential to digestion;it is personified as a son of sādhya-)  |
samana | n. (prob. connected with 2. sam-,or 2. sama-) meeting (see a-saman/a-), assembly, concourse, festival  |
samana | n. intercourse, commerce, pursuit  |
samana | n. amorous union, embrace  |
samana | n. conflict, strife ( ) .  |
samanā | ind. in one point, together  |
samanā | ind. at a time, all at once  |
samanā | ind. likewise, uniformly  |
samāna | mf(/ī-,or ā-)n. (connected with 1. and 2. sama-;in ablative sg. samān/asmās-for samān/āt-See 1. sama-;for sam-ana-See sam-an-,for sa-māna-See column 3) same, identical uniform, one (equals eka- ) etc.  |
samāna | mf(/ī-,or ā-)n. alike, similar, equal (in size, age, rank, sense or meaning etc.), equal or like to (with instrumental case genitive case,or compound) etc.  |
samāna | mf(/ī-,or ā-)n. having the same place or organ of utterance, homogeneous (as a sound or letter)  |
samāna | mf(/ī-,or ā-)n. holding the middle between two extremes, middling moderate  |
samāna | mf(/ī-,or ā-)n. common, general, universal, all  |
samāna | mf(/ī-,or ā-)n. whole (as a number, opp. to"a fraction") Va1rtt. 4  |
samāna | mf(/ī-,or ā-)n. being (equals sat-,after an adjective (cf. mfn.))  |
samāna | mf(/ī-,or ā-)n. virtuous, good  |
samāna | mf(/ī-,or ā-)n. equals varṇa-bhid-  |
samāna | m. an equal, friend  |
samāna | (prob.) n. Name of work (see śākhā-s-).  |
samāna | mfn. (for samāna-See column 1;for sam-āna-See) possessing honour or esteem, honoured by (genitive case)  |
samāna | mfn. with anger  |
samāna | mfn. (for 1.See above) having the same measure  |
samānabala | mfn. of equal strength ( samānabalatva -tva- n.)  |
samānabalatva | n. samānabala |
samānabandhu | (n/a--) mf(u-)n. having the same relatives  |
samānabarhis | (n/a--) mfn. having the same sacrificial grass  |
samānābhihāra | m. intermixture of equal things,  |
samānabhṛt | f. Name of particular bricks  |
samānabrahmacārin | equals sa-b-  |
samānabrāhmaṇa | mfn. having the same (directions given in the) brāhmaṇa- texts  |
samānabrāhmaṇīya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having the same (directions given in the) brāhmaṇa- texts ' ( samānabrāhmaṇīyatva -tva- n.)  |
samānabrāhmaṇīyatva | n. samānabrāhmaṇīya |
samānācārya | m. a common or universal teacher  |
samānadakṣa | mfn. having the same will, agreeing  |
samānadakṣiṇa | mfn. attended with an equal reward,  |
samānadevata | mfn. relating to the same deity  |
samānadevatya | mf(/ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. relating to the same deity '  |
samānadharman | mfn. having the same qualities, similar to (instrumental case)  |
samānadharman | mfn. a sympathizer, appreciator of merits  |
samānādhikāra | m. the same rule or government or generic character  |
samānādhikaraṇa | n. grammatical agreement in case with (compound)  |
samānādhikaraṇa | n. common or same government or case-relation  |
samānādhikaraṇa | n. same predicament or category, common substratum  |
samānādhikaraṇa | mfn. being in the same case-relation with (instrumental case or compound), relating to the same subject ( samānādhikaraṇatā -tā- f.; samānādhikaraṇatva -tva- n.) etc.  |
samānādhikaraṇa | mfn. being in the same category or predicament or government  |
samānādhikaraṇa | mfn. having a common substratum (in the vaiśeṣika- philosophy)  |
samānādhikaraṇatā | f. samānādhikaraṇa |
samānādhikaraṇatva | n. samānādhikaraṇa |
samānadhiṣṇya | (n/a-.) mfn. having the same dhiṣṇya- (q.v)  |
samānadṛś | looking at (locative case) equally  |
samānaduḥkha | mfn. having the same griefs, sympathizing  |
samanaga | mfn. going to an assembly  |
samānagati | mfn. "going together", agreeing together ( samānagatitva -tva- n.)  |
samānagatitva | n. samānagati |
samānagotra | mfn. being of the same family  |
samānagrāma | m. the same village  |
samānagrāmīya | mfn. dwelling in the same village  |
samānaguṇa | mfn. having equal virtues  |
samānajana | m. a person of the same rank  |
samānajana | m. a person of the same family or race  |
samānajanapada | mfn. being of the same people  |
samānajanman | mfn. (n/a--) having the same origin  |
samānajanman | mfn. of equal age  |
samānajanya | mfn. proceeding from or belonging to persons of the same rank  |
samānajāti | mfn. of the same kind  |
samānajātīya | mf(ā-)n. of the same kind with (compound; samānajātīyatva -tva- n.)  |
samānajātīyatva | n. samānajātīya |
samānajñātitvamaya | mf(ī-)n. based on equality of race  |
samānakāla | mfn. simultaneous ( samānakālam am- ind.)  |
samānakāla | mfn. of equal length or quantity (as a vowel)  |
samānakālam | ind. samānakāla |
samānakālīna | mfn. simultaneous, contemporaneous ( samānakālīnatva -tva- n.)  |
samānakālīnatva | n. samānakālīna |
samānakāraka | mfn. making all things equal or the same (said of time) |
samānakaraṇa | mfn. having the same organ of utterance (said of a sound)  |
samānakāraṇa | See a-s-  |
samānakarmaka | mfn. (in gram.) having the same object (See -karman-).  |
samānakarman | n. the same object, (in the beginning of a compound) the same action  |
samānakarman | mfn. expressing the same action  |
samānakartṛka | mfn. (in gram.) having the same subject (id est that which is spoken of) in a sentence ( samānakartṛkatā -tā-, f.; samānakartṛkatva -tva- n.) (See kartri-).  |
samānakartṛkatā | f. samānakartṛka |
samānakartṛkatva | n. samānakartṛka |
samānakartṛtva | n. identity of subject,  |
samānakhyāna | mfn. equals sakhi- (see samānākhy-).  |
samānākhyāna | mfn. equals sakhi- (see samāna-khy-)  |
samānākṣara | n. a simple vowel (short or long; opp. to saṃdhy-ak-or, "diphthong")  |
samānakṣema | mfn. having the same or an equal basis, balancing each other ( samānakṣematva -tva- n.)  |
samānakṣematva | n. samānakṣema |
samānālaṃkāra | mfn. wearing the same ornaments  |
samānaloka | (n/a-) mfn. gaining the same heaven  |
samānam | ind. like, equally with (instrumental case)  |
samānamāna | mfn. equally honoured with (instrumental case)  |
samānamūrdhan | mf(dhnī-)n. equal-headed  |
samānana | mfn. (for sa-mānana-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) having a like face with (instrumental case)  |
samanana | n. breathing together  |
samānana | mfn. (for samānana-See) being in honour or respect  |
samānanāman | mfn. having the same name  |
samānand | Caus. -nandayati-, to gladden, rejoice  |
samānanidhana | (n/a--) mfn. having the same conclusion  |
samanantara | mf(ā-)n. immediately contiguous to or following (ablative or genitive case; yaccātra sam-anantaram-,"and what is immediately connected with it")  |
samanantaram | ind. immediately behind or after (genitive case or ablative or compound)  |
samānapakuha | m. the same half-month  |
samānapātra | (n/a--) mfn. having the same cup  |
samānaprabhṛti | (n/a--) mfn. beginning equally  |
samānaprasiddhi | mfn. having equal success  |
samānapratipatti | mfn. of equal intelligence, judicious  |
samānapravaragrantha | m. Name of work  |
samānaprayojana | mfn. having the same object  |
samānapreman | mfn. equally loving  |
samanara | m. equals -śaṅku-  |
samānārṣapravara | mf(ā-)n. descended from the same ṛṣi- and having the same pravara-s  |
samānārṣeya | mfn. descended from the same ṛṣi-,  |
samānarṣi | (fr. na-+ ṛṣi-) mf(ī-)n. having the same ṛṣi- (for ancestor)  |
samānārtha | m. equivalence  |
samānārtha | mf(ā-)n. having the same object or end  |
samānārtha | mf(ā-)n. having the same meaning as (instrumental case or compound)  |
samānārthaka | mfn. having the same meaning  |
samānārthaprayojana | mfn. having a common object and purpose  |
samānārthatā | f. equivalence, equality of birth or rank  |
samānārthatva | n. having the same object  |
samānārthatva | n. identity of meaning  |
samānaruci | mfn. having the same taste ( samānarucitā -tā- f.)  |
samānarucitā | f. samānaruci |
samānarūpa | mf(ā-)n. having the same colour as (genitive case or compound)  |
samānarūpa | mf(ā-)n. having the same appearance as (compound)  |
samānarūpā | f. a kind of riddle in which the same words are to be understood in a literal and figurative sense  |
samanas | mfn. being of the same mind, unanimous  |
samanas | mfn. endowed with understanding  |
samānāsa | (?) m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
samānaśabdā | f. a kind of riddle  |
samānaśākhīya | mfn. belonging to the same śākhā- gaRa gahādi-.  |
samānasalila | mfn. equals samānodaka-  |
samānasambandhana | (n/a--) mf(ā-)n. equally connected  |
samānasaṃkhya | mf(ā-)n. of an equal number with (instrumental case) |
samānaśayya | mfn. having the same bed ( samānaśayyatā -tā- f.)  |
samānaśayyatā | f. samānaśayya |
samānaśīla | mf(ā-)n. of a similar disposition  |
samanaska | mfn. unanimous  |
samānasthāna | n. interposition  |
samānasthāna | mfn. being in the same place  |
samānasthāna | mfn. occupying the same position (in the month)  |
samānastotriya | mfn. having the same stotriya-,  |
samānasukhaduḥkha | mfn. having joys and sorrows in common ( samānasukhaduḥkhatā -tā- f.)  |
samānasukhaduḥkhatā | f. samānasukhaduḥkha |
samānasūtranipāta | m. "falling of the same line"  |
samānasūtranipāte | ind. on the diametrically opposite side  |
samānāsyaprayatna | mfn. being pronounced with the same effort of the organs  |
samānatā | f. (n/a--) equality with (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
samānatā | f. community of kind or quality  |
samānatantra | mfn. having the same chief, action, proceeding in one and the same line of action  |
samānatas | ind. (n/a-.) uniformly  |
samānatas | ind. (prob.) wrong reading for sa-nāma-tas-,"with the same name"  |
samānatejas | mfn. having equal splendour, equal in glory  |
samānatra | (n/a--) ind. on the same spot  |
samānatva | n. equality with (instrumental case) etc.  |
samānatva | n. community of quality  |
samānavacana | mfn. equals sa-v-  |
samānavarcas | mfn. (n/a--) having equal vigour etc.  |
samānavarcas | mfn. of equal splendour  |
samānavarcasa | mfn. having equal splendour with (compound)  |
samānavarṇa | mf(ā-)n. having the same colour  |
samānavarṇa | mf(ā-)n. having the same vowels  |
samānavasana | mfn. clothed in the same way  |
samānavayas | ( ) ( ) mfn. of the same age  |
samānavayaska | ( ) mfn. of the same age  |
samānavidya | mfn. possessing equal knowledge ( samānavidyatā -tā- f.)  |
samānavidyatā | f. samānavidya |
samānavratabhṛt | mfn. leading a similar life  |
samānavratacārin | mfn. having the same practices with any one (genitive case; samānavratacāritva ri-tva- n.)  |
samānavratacāritva | n. samānavratacārin |
samānaya | Nom. P. yati-, to make equal or similar, equalise  |
samānayama | m. the same pitch of voice,  |
samānayana | n. bringing together or near  |
samānayana | n. pouring together  |
samānayogakṣema | mf(ā-)n. being under the same circumstances of security etc. with (instrumental case)  |
samānayogakṣema | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') having the same value with ( samānayogakṣematva -tva- n.)  |
samānayogakṣematva | n. samānayogakṣema |
samānayojana | (n/a--) mfn. yoked in the same way, equally harnessed  |
samānayoni | (n/a--) mfn. born from the same womb  |
samañc | (only ind.p. -acya-), to bend together : Passive voice -acyate-, to be pressed or thrown together  |
samañcana | n. bending in, contracting.  |
samandhakāra | m. great or universal darkness on  |
samandhakārīkṛta | mfn. made dark or inaccessible on all sides  |
samaṅga | mf(ā-)n. (See 2. sam-) having all the limbs, complete (in applied to the mythical cow bahulā-)  |
samaṅga | m. a kind of game  |
samaṅga | m. Name of two men  |
samaṅga | m. (plural) of a people  |
samaṅgā | f. Name of various plants (according to to "Rubia Munjista and Cordifolia, Mimosa Pudica, Aloe Indica, etc.")  |
samaṅga | m. of a river  |
samaṅgala | mfn. endowed with happiness, auspicious  |
samāṅghrika | mfn. standing evenly on (all four) feet (as a lion)  |
samaṅgin | mfn. complete in all parts, furnished with all requisites  |
samaṅginī | f. Name of a bodhi-vṛkṣa-devatā-  |
samānī | f. a kind of metre  |
samānī | P. A1. -nayati-, te-, to lead or conduct together, join, unite, collect, assemble etc. ; to lead anyone to another, unite one person (accusative) with another (instrumental case with or without saha-) ; to lead towards, bring near ; to bring home ; to pour together, mingle (liquids) ; to bring or offer (an oblation) : Causal -nāyayati- (ind.p. -nāyya-), to cause to be brought together or near, convoke, assemble |
samānicaya | mfn. one who has a store (of provisions) sufficient for a year  |
samanīka | n. battle, war ( )  |
samānikā | f. a kind of metre  |
samanīkamūrdhan | m. the front of battle-array  |
samanīkatas | ind. in battle-array  |
samanindānavana | mf(ā-)n. indifferent to blame and praise  |
samānīta | mfn. brought together or near, brought, conducted, convoked, assembled  |
samānitam | ind. honourably, respectfully  |
samañj | P. A1. -anakti-, -aṅkte-, to smear over, anoint, adorn, beautify ; to prepare, make ready ; to honour, worship ; to fit or put together, unite, compose ; to devour (A1.with instrumental case,"to feed on")  |
samāñjana | n. a particular eye-ointment  |
samañjana | mfn. fitting together  |
samañjana | n. smearing, anointing (See next)  |
samañjanañjanīya | mfn. employed in anointing  |
samañjanavat | mfn. well smeared  |
samañjasa | mfn. proper, right, fit, correct, sound, good, excellent ( samañjasam am- ind.) etc.  |
samañjasa | m. Name of śiva-  |
samañjasā | f. (with vṛtti-) Name of a commentator or commentary on the brahma-sūtra-  |
samañjasa | n. propriety, fitness, truth, consistency, correct evidence  |
samañjasam | ind. samañjasa |
samañjasārthadīpikā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on the rasa-mañjarī-. |
samaṅka | mfn. (for 2.See samañc-) bearing the same mark or sign  |
samaṅka | m. (for 1.See above) a hook, crotchet (figuratively = "pain, ache")  |
samaṅka | m. a particular animal destroying corn  |
samanmatha | mfn. filled with love, enamoured  |
samānodaka | mfn. having (only) libations of water (to ancestors) in common, distantly related (the relationship according to to some, extending to the 14th degree, the first 7 being both sa-piṇḍa-s and samānodaka-s, while the remaining 7 are samānodaka-s only)  |
samānodakabhāva | m. the above relationship  |
samānodarka | mfn. ending equally  |
samānodarya | mfn. descended from the same mother  |
samānodarya | m. a brother of whole blood  |
samānolba | mfn. having equal or similar embryo-membranes  |
samānopādhyāya | m. a common or general preceptor  |
samānopamā | f. a simile in which the common term is one in sound but yields two senses (exempli gratia, 'for example' sālakānana-,"a face with curls", and sālakānana-,"a wood with sāla- trees")  |
samānottamamadhyamādhama | mfn. one to whom the best and the middle and worst are all the same  |
samānta | m. (for 2. samānta-See under samā-) a borderer, neighbour (see s/amanta-). 1.  |
samānta | (mān-) m. (for 1. samān-See under 2. sama-, column 1) the end of a year  |
samanta | mf(ā-)n. "having the ends together", contiguous, neighbouring, adjacent  |
samanta | mf(ā-)n. "being on every side", universal, whole, entire, all ( samantam s/amantam- ind."in contiguity or conjunction with","together with"; samantam samant/am- ind.or samantāt tāt- ind.or samantatas ta-tas- ind."on all sides, around","or, wholly, completely"; samantena tena- ind."all round";with na-= "nowhere") etc.  |
samantā | f. (plural) neighbour. hood  |
samantā | f. Name of a grammar  |
samanta | n. (also with agneḥ-, varuṇasya-,or vasiṣṭhasya-) Name of various saman-s  |
samanta | n. or m. (?) Name of a country  |
samānta | samāntara- See p.1153, columns 1 and 2.  |
samantabhadra | mfn. wholly auspicious  |
samantabhadra | m. a buddha- or a jina-  |
samantabhadra | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- (see )  |
samantabhadra | m. of a poet etc.  |
samantabhadra | n. Name of a grammar.  |
samantabhuj | m. "all-devouring", Name of agni- or fire  |
samantacāritramati | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
samantadarśin | m. Name of a buddha-  |
samantadugdhā | f. a species of Euphorbia  |
samantadugdhī | f. equals snuhā-  |
samantagandha | m. a kind of flower  |
samantagandha | m. Name of a deva-putra-  |
samantakusuma | m. Name of a deva-putra-  |
samantāloka | m. a particular samādhi-  |
samantam | ind. samanta |
samantam | ind. samanta |
samantamukhadhārinī | f. Name of a Buddhist sūtra-.  |
samantanetra | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
samantapañcaka | n. Name of the district kuru-kṣetra- or of a tīrtha- in it (where paraśu-rāma- is said to have destroyed the kṣatriya-s) |
samantaparyāyin | mfn. all-embracing  |
samantaprabha | m. a kind of flower  |
samantaprabha | m. Name of a bodhisattva-  |
samantaprabhāsa | m. Name of a buddha-  |
samantaprasādika | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- (varia lectio -prās-)  |
samantaprāsādika | mfn. affording help or assistance on all sides (also varia lectio for prec.)  |
samantaprāsādikatā | f. complete readiness to offer help (one of the 8 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
samāntara | mfn. (for 2. samānt-See under samā-) being a constant unit of difference (in measurement; exempli gratia, 'for example'"if a man forms the unit, a horse is tri-samāntar aḥ- id est = three men ")  |
samāntara | mfn. parallel  |
samāntara | n. (mān-) (for 1. samān-See column 1) the interval of a year  |
samantara | m. pl, Name of a people  |
samantaraśmi | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
samāntare | ind. (e-) within a year  |
samantaśitibāhu | (samant/a--) mfn. having both fore-feet white  |
samantaśitirandhra | (samant/a--) mfn. having both ear-cavities white on Va1rtt. 27.  |
samantasphāraṇamukhadarśana | m. Name of a garuḍa-rāja-  |
samantasthūlāvalokana | m. or n. (?) a kind of flower  |
samantāt | ind. samanta |
samantatas | ind. See above.  |
samantatas | ind. samanta |
samantāvalokita | m. Name of a bodhisattva-  |
samantavilokitā | f. Name of a particular Buddhist world  |
samantavyūhasāgaracaryavyavalokana | m. Name of a garuḍa-rāja-  |
samantena | ind. samanta |
samaṇṭha | m. or n. (?) a kind of culinary herb  |
samantikam | ind. contiguously, near (Comparative degree ka-taram-)  |
samantra | mfn. accompanied with sacred verses or texts  |
samantraka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. accompanied with sacred verses or texts ' ,  |
samantraka | mfn. possessing charms or spells  |
samantrika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. together with or accompanied by counsellors ( samantritva tri-tva- n.) '  |
samantrin | mfn. together with or accompanied by counsellors ( samantritva tri-tva- n.)  |
samantritva | n. samantrin |
samanubandha | m. equals anubandha-  |
samanubhū | P. -bhavati- to enjoy together, feel, perceive  |
samanucint | P. -cintayati-, to reflect deeply about, meditate on, remember (accusative)  |
samanudhāv | P. -dhāvati-, to run after together, follow, pursue  |
samanudhyai | P. -dhyāyati-, to reflect upon, think of (accusative)  |
samanudiś | P. -diśati-, to assign or apportion anything (accusative) to any one (dative case)  |
samanudṛś | See sam-anupaś-.  |
samanudru | P. -dravati- (Epic also A1. te-), to run after together, follow, pursue  |
samanugā | (only Aorist -anv-agāt-), to go after together, follow quite closely, follow  |
samanugai | P. -gāyati-, to repeat in verse or metre  |
samanugam | P. -gacchati-, to go after, follow, pursue (accusative) ; to penetrate, pervade  |
samanugata | mfn. gone after or through, followed, pervaded  |
samanugata | mfn. coherent or connected with (instrumental case)  |
samanugrah | P. A1. -gṛhṇāti-, -gṛhṇīte-, to collect or gather together, arrange or put in order ; to show favour or grace to (accusative)  |
samanugrāhya | mfn. to be favoured or treated graciously  |
samanuja | mfn. together with a younger brother  |
samanujan | A1. -jāyate-, to be born similar to or resembling (accusative)  |
samanujñā | P. A1. -jānāti-, -janīte-, to fully permit or allow or consent to, wholly acquiesce in or approve of (accusative) ; to authorize, empower ; to indulge, pardon, forgive, excuse (genitive case of Persian) ; to grant leave of absence, allow to go away, dismiss ; to favour : Causal -jñāpayati-, to beg or request any favour from (ablative) ; to ask leave, beg permission from (ablative) ; to take leave of, bid adieu (accusative) etc. ; to greet, salute  |
samanujñā | f. leave, permission  |
samanujñāna | mfn. entirely acquiesced in, permitted, allowed  |
samanujñāna | mfn. assent, permission  |
samanujñāta | mfn. entirely consented or agreed to etc.  |
samanujñāta | mfn. authorized, empowered  |
samanujñāta | mfn. allowed to go away, dismissed  |
samanujñāta | mfn. favoured, treated kindly  |
samanukamp | A1. -kampate-, to sympathize with, have pity on (accusative)  |
samanukīrtana | n. praising highly, high praise |
samanukḷp | Caus. -kalpayati-, to make any one (acc) attain to any state or condition (locative case)  |
samanukram | (only ind.p. -kramya-), to go or pass through completely, run through (accusative)  |
samanuman | A1. -manyate-, to assent, consent to (See next) ; to recognize together as (accusative)  |
samanumata | mfn. consented to, agreed upon  |
samanumata | n. consent  |
samanuniśam | (only ind.p. -śamya-), to perceive, learn  |
samanupad | A1. -padyate- (Epic also P. ti-), to enter into or upon, attain to (varia lectio -vatsyati-for -patsyati-).  |
samanupāl | P. -pālayati-, to maintain or observe well, keep (a promise etc.)  |
samanupaś | P. A1. -paśyati-, te- (only present tense base) , to look well after, look at or on ; to perceive, observe ; to regard as, consider  |
samanuprach | P. -pṛcchati-, to ask or inquire about (accusative)  |
samanuprāp | ( -pra-āp-) P. -prāpnoti-, to attain or reach or arrive at (accusative)  |
samanuprāpta | mfn. come, arrived at  |
samanuprāpta | mfn. one who has attained to (accusative) |
samanuprāpta | mfn. obtained, assumed  |
samanuprāpta | mfn. entirely covered or overspread  |
samanuśās | P. -śāsti-, to teach thoroughly, instruct (two accusative) ; (with rājyam-,or rājya-akṣmīm-) to rule or regulate well, govern  |
samanuśiṣṭa | mfn. well taught or instructed in (accusative)  |
samanusmṛ | P. -smarati-, to remember together, recollect  |
samanusṛp | P. -sarpati-, to come near together, approach  |
samanuṣṭeya | mfn. to be accomplished or performed  |
samanuṣṭhita | mfn. ( sthā-) furnished or provided with, rich in (compound)  |
samanuśuc | P. -śocati-, to mourn over, regret (accusative)  |
samanusvṛ | P. -svarati-, to resound, leave a sound  |
samanuṣya | mfn. together with men  |
samanuṣya | mfn. visited or frequented by men  |
samanuṣyarājanya | mfn. together with the princely among men  |
samanutap | Passive voice -tapyate-, to suffer great subsequent pain, be very penitent, repent  |
samanuvarṇita | mfn. ( varṇ-) well described or narrated, explained  |
samanuvartin | mfn. obedient, willing, devoted to (genitive case)  |
samanuvas | P. -vasati-, to abide by, follow, conform to (accusative) (varia lectio -patsyati-for -vatsyati-).  |
samanuvid | Caus -vedayati-, to cause to know or remember, remind  |
samanuvīkṣ | ( -vi-īkṣ-) A1. -vīkṣate-, to well observe, behold  |
samanuvraj | P. -vrajati-, to go after, follow or pursue with others  |
samanuvrata | mf(ā-)n. entirely devoted or attached to (accusative)  |
samanuvṛt | A1. -vartate-, to follow after, obey, conform to (accusative) etc. ; to ensue, be the result or consequence : Causal -vartayati-, to cause to take place or happen  |
samanuyā | P. -yāti-, to go after, follow  |
samanuyāta | mfn. gone after, followed  |
samanuyojya | mfn. to be combined or mixed with (instrumental case)  |
samanuyuj | (only ind.p. -yujya-and Passive voice -yujyate-), to inquire after, ask about ; to appoint, order, enjoin  |
samanvāgata | mfn. ( gam-) attended by, furnished or provided with (compound)  |
samanvaṅgībhūta | mfn. possessed by, provided with (instrumental case)  |
samanvārabdha | mfn. taken hold of.  |
samanvārabdha | mfn. holding, touching  |
samanvārabdha | mfn. (plural) taking hold of one another  |
samanvārabdhanvārambha | m. taking hold of from behind  |
samanvārabdhanvārambhaṇa | n. idem or 'm. taking hold of from behind '  |
samanvārabh | A1. -rabhate-, to take hold of or clasp together, take hold of one another  |
samanvāruh | P. -rohati-, to ascend after (as a wife the funeral pyre after her husband)  |
samanvaya | m. regular succession or order, connected sequence or consequence, conjunction, mutual or immediate connection ( samanvayāt yāt- ind."in consequence of")  |
samanvayapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
samanvayapradīpasaṃketa | m. Name of work  |
samanvayasūtravivṛti | f. Name of work  |
samanvayāt | ind. samanvaya |
samanveṣaṇa | n. searching or seeking every. where  |
samanvi | P. -eti-, to go together after, follow ; to infer or ensue as a consequence  |
samanvīkṣ | (only ind.p. -īkṣya-), to look towards, look or gaze after ; to keep looking at, keep in view  |
samanviṣ | P. -iṣyati-, to seek out, look for or after  |
samanviṣ | P. -icchati- (ind.p. -iṣya-), to search through, seek about everywhere |
samanvita | mfn. connected or associated with, completely possessed of, fully endowed with, possessing, full of (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
samanvita | mfn. corresponding or answering to (compound)  |
samanya | mfn. fit for an assembly or for a festival (as a garment)  |
samanya | See  |
samānyā | ind. equally, jointly, together  |
samanyu | mfn. or sa-many/u- having the same mind, unanimous (applied to the marut-s)  |
samanyu | mfn. wrathful, angry ,  |
samanyu | mfn. filled with sorrow, sorrowful  |
samanyu | m. Name of śiva-  |
samāp | P. -āpnoti-, to acquire or obtain completely, gain etc. ; to accomplish, fulfil ; to reach : Causal āpayati-, to cause to gain or obtain completely ; to bring to an end, finish, complete, conclude etc. ; to put an end to, put to death, destroy (with or scilicet atmānam-"one's self") : Desiderative of Causal -āpipayithati-, to wish or try to accomplish : Desiderative -ipsati-, to wish to obtain or reach or accomplish, wish for, desire  |
samāpa | m. sacrificing, offering oblations to the gods (= deva-yajana-)  |
samāpā | P. -pibati-, to drink in entirely, suck in, absorb  |
samapacchid | ( chid-) P. -cchinatti- to cut off  |
samāpad | A1. -padyate-, to fall upon, attack, assail ; to fall into any state or condition, attain to, undergo, incur etc. ; to undertake, begin, ; to take place, occur, appear : Causal -padayati-, to cause to come to pass ; to bring about, complete, accomplish ; to restore  |
samapada | m. "holding the feet even", a particular posture in sexual union  |
samapada | m. an attitude in shooting  |
samapāda | n. "holding the feet even", a particular posture in dancing  |
samapāda | n. a posture in shooting  |
samāpādana | n. (fr. Causal) the act of bringing about, accomplishing etc.  |
samāpādana | n. restoration  |
samapadāti | ind. gaRa tiṣṭhad-gu-.  |
samapadhyai | P. -dhyāyati- (Epic also A1. te-), to think ill or badly of, meditate evil or injury against, injure  |
samāpadyana | n. (?fr. samāpadya-stem of present tense tense) the being absorbed, absorption into  |
samāpaka | mf(ikā-)n. (fr.) completing, finishing, supplying ( samāpakatva -tva- n.)  |
samāpakakakriyā | f. a finishing act, finishing stroke  |
samāpakatva | n. samāpaka |
samapakṣapāta | mf(ā-)n. favouring both sides equally, impartial  |
samāpana | mfn. (in some meanings fr. Causal) accomplishing, completing, concluding  |
samāpanā | f. highest degree, perfection  |
samāpana | n. the act of causing to complete or completing, completion, conclusion etc.  |
samāpana | n. coming to an end, dissolution, destruction (of the body)  |
samāpana | n. section, chapter, division (of a book)  |
samāpana | n. profound meditation (equals samādhāna-)  |
samāpanīya | mfn. relating to completion  |
samāpanna | mfn. fallen into (accusative)  |
samāpanna | mfn. meeting with (?)  |
samāpanna | mfn. having  |
samāpanna | mfn. one who has undertaken (instrumental case)  |
samāpanna | mfn. arrived, come, happened, occurred (varia lectio sam-āsanna-)  |
samāpanna | mfn. furnished or endowed with (compound) etc.  |
samāpanna | mfn. perfect, proficient (in any science)  |
samāpanna | mfn. accomplished, concluded, done  |
samāpanna | mfn. distressed, afflicted  |
samāpanna | mfn. killed  |
samāpanna | n. death  |
samāpāpādanīya | mfn. to be brought together or in accordance with (compound)  |
samāpāpādya | mfn. to be restored to its original form  |
samāpāpādya | n. the change of visarga- to s- or ṣ- (equals upā-carita-)  |
samāpāpādya | n. the change to ṣ- (in Vedic phonetics equals ṣa-tva-)  |
samāpat | P. -patati-, to fly together towards, rush violently upon, attack, assail (accusative) etc. ; to descend, alight ; to come together, be united sexually with (saha-) ; to come to, attain  |
samapaṭavāsa | m. (prob.) equals -gandhaka-  |
samāpatita | mfn. come, arrived, taken place  |
samāpatti | f. coming together, meeting, encountering  |
samāpatti | f. accident, chance (See compound)  |
samāpatti | f. falling into any state or condition, getting, becoming (compound)  |
samāpatti | f. assuming an original form,  |
samāpatti | f. completion, conclusion (varia lectio sam-āpti-)  |
samāpatti | f. yielding, giving way (in a-s-) |
samāpatti | f. (with Buddhists) a subdivision of the fourth stage of abstract meditation (there are eight samāpatti-s)  |
samāpattidṛṣṭa | mfn. seen by chance  |
samapāvṛ | P. -vṛṇoti-, to unfasten, open (wrong reading sam-upā-vṛ-).  |
samapavṛj | Caus. -varjayati- (past participle varjita-), to deliver over, present with, offer to (dative case)  |
samapavṛt | Caus. -vartayati-, to cause to roll away, drive away  |
samāpayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be furnished or provided with anything  |
samāphala | Name of work  |
samapidhā | (only ind.p. -dhāya-), to cover completely  |
samāpikā | f. a verb or any part of speech used as a verb to complete a sentence  |
samāpin | mfn. concluding, forming the conclusion of anything  |
samāpipayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wishing to cause to complete, desirous of accomplishing  |
samapiruh | P. -rohati-, to grow together, grow over  |
samāpita | mfn. (fr. Causal) accomplished, finished, concluded, done  |
samāplava | m. immersion in water, bathing, a bath  |
samāplāva | m. immersion in water, bathing, a bath  |
samāplu | A1. -plavate-, to immerse together, immerse in water, bathe ; to overflow, inundate, overwhelm ; to spring or rush upon (accusative) ; to come into violent collision with  |
samāpluta | mfn. immersed, flooded, overwhelmed, bathed  |
samapoh | ( -apa-- 1 ūh-) P. -apāhati-, to dispel completely, entirely exclude  |
samāpṝ | Passive voice -pūryate-, to become completely full, be quite filled : Causal -pūrayati-, to make quite full, fill out with (instrumental case) ; to draw or bend (a bow)  |
samaprabha | mfn. having equal splendour  |
samāprach | (only ind.p. -pṛcchya-), to take leave of.  |
samaprādhānyasaṃkara | m. (in rhetoric) the artificial combination of two metaphors  |
samaprepsu | mfn. eager for an equal position in regard to (locative case)  |
samāpriya | mfn. equals saṃtatāni ā samantāt priyāṇi yasmin- (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
samāpta | mfn. completely obtained or attained or reached, concluded, completed, finished, ended etc.  |
samāpta | mfn. perfect, clever  |
samāptabhūyiṣṭha | mfn. nearly completed or ended  |
samāptacinta | m. (?) Name of a man  |
samāptāla | (?) m. a lord, master  |
samāptalambha | m. a particular high number  |
samāptaprāya | mfn. nearly finished  |
samāptaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
samāptapunarātta | mfn. concluded and again resumed  |
samāptapunarātta | n. a particular kind of pleonasm (also samāpttatva tta-tva- n.)  |
samāptapunarāttaka | mfn. concluded and again resumed  |
samāptapunarāttaka | n. a particular kind of pleonasm  |
samāptaśikṣa | mfn. one who has completed his studies  |
samāpti | f. complete acquisition (as of knowledge or learning) ,  |
samāpti | f. accomplishment, completion, perfection, conclusion, solution (of the body)  |
samāpti | f. reconciling differences, putting an end to disputes  |
samāptisādhana | n. means of accomplishment or completion  |
samāptivāda | m. Name of a nyāya- work  |
samāpttatva | n. samāptapunarātta |
samāptyarthā | f. varia lectio for samacyārthā- (q.v)  |
samāpū | P. -punāti-, to purify thoroughly, purge  |
samāpūrṇa | mfn. completely full, whole, entire  |
samāpya | mfn. to be reached or attained  |
samāpya | mfn. to be accomplished or concluded or completed (n. impersonal or used impersonally)  |
samāpyai | A1. -pyāyate- (only in perfect tense -pipye-), to grow larger, swell, grow, increase : Causal -pyāyayati-, te-, to cause to increase or grow, refresh, reanimate, enliven  |
samāpyāyita | mfn. nourished, invigorated, refreshed  |
samara | m. (or n. gaRa ardharcādī-) coming together, meeting, concourse, confluence  |
samara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) hostile encounter, conflict, struggle, war, battle with (saha-) etc.  |
samara | m. Name of a king of the vidyā-dhara-s  |
samara | m. of a king of kāmpilya-  |
samara | m. of a brother of king avantivarman-  |
samarabala | m. "battle-force", Name of warrior  |
samārabdha | mfn. taken in hand, undertaken, begun (also"begun to be built") etc.  |
samārabdha | mfn. one who has begun or commenced  |
samārabdha | mfn. happened, occurred  |
samārabdhatara | mfn. more frequent  |
samārabh | A1. -rabhate- (rarely P. ti-), to take in hand, undertake, begin, commence (with accusative or infinitive mood; ind.p. -rabhya-with accusative ="beginning from") etc. ; to try to get near to or propitiate  |
samarabha | m. "equal-embrace", a kind of coitus  |
samarabhaṭa | m. "battle-soldier", Name of warrior  |
samarabhū | f. field of battle  |
samarabhūmi | f. field of battle  |
samārabhya | mfn. (see above) to be undertaken or begun (superl. -tama-)  |
samārādh | Causal -rādhayati- (mc. also A1. te-), to conciliate, propitiate, win over  |
samārādhana | n. conciliation, propitiation, gratification |