सह् | cl.1 A1. ( ) s/ahate- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also ti-and exceptionally sāhati-,once in sg. sahyāmi-; parasmE-pada s/ahat- s/ahamāna-[ q.v ]; perfect tense sehe-, sasāha-; Vedic or Veda also sasāh/e-and sāsāhat-; sās/ahat-; sāsahīṣṭ/āḥ-,; sāsahy/āma-,; parasmE-pada sehān/a-, sāsahān/a-, sāsahv/as-and sāhv/as-[ q.v ]; Aorist asākṣi-, sākṣi-, sākṣate- ; sākṣīt- ; sakṣati- ; sakṣat-, s/ākṣāma- ; imperative sakṣi-, sākṣva- ; parasmE-pada s/akṣat- ; /asahisṭa- ; preceding sahyās-, sāhy/āma- ; sākṣīya-. ; s/āhiṣīm/ahi- ; future soḍhā- etc.; sahitā- grammar; sakṣyati- , te- ; sākṣye-[?] ; -sahiṣyati-, te- ; Conditional asahisyat- ; infinitive mood s/ahadhyai- ; s/āḍhyai- ; soḍhum-, sahitum- ; ind.p. soḍhvā- ; sādhvā-, sahitvā- grammar; s/ahya- etc.; s/aham- ), to prevail, be victorious ; to overcome, vanquish, conquer, defeat (enemies), gain, win (battles) ; to offer violence to (accusative) ; to master, suppress, restrain etc. ; to be able to or capable of (infinitive mood or locative case) ; to bear up against, resist, withstand etc. ; to bear, put up with, endure, suffer, tolerate (with na-,"to grudge") etc. ; to be lenient towards, have patience with any one (genitive case) ; to spare any one ; to let pass, approve anything ; (with kalam-, kala-kṣepam-etc.) to bide or wait patiently for the right time : Causal or cl.10. sāhayati- (Aorist asīṣahat-), to forbear : Desiderative of Causal sisāhayiṣati- : Desiderative s/īkṣate- (parasmE-pada s/īkṣat-; according to to , also sisahiṣa-), to wish to overcome : Intensive sāsaṣyate-, sāsoḍhi- (see sāsah/i-) grammar ([ see sahas-and for ; , .]) |
सह् | (strong form sāh-) mfn. bearing, enduring, overcoming (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';See abhimāti-ṣ/āh-etc.)  |
सह् | cl.4 P. sahyati-, to satisfy, delight ; to be pleased ; to bear, endure (see 1. sah-)  |
सह | mf(ā-)n. powerful, mighty  |
सह | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') overcoming, vanquishing  |
सह | mf(ā-)n. bearing, enduring, withstanding, defying, equal to, a match for (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
सह | mf(ā-)n. causing, effecting, stimulating, exerting  |
सह | mf(ā-)n. able to, capable of (infinitive mood cr compound)  |
सह | m. the month mārgaśīrṣa- (See sahas-)  |
सह | m. a particular agni-  |
सह | m. a species of plant  |
सह | m. Name of a son of manu-  |
सह | m. of a son of prāṇa- and ūrjasvatī-  |
सह | m. of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra-  |
सह | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa- and mādrī-  |
सहा | f. the earth  |
सह | m. (with Buddhists) Name of a division of the world (with loka-dhātu-,"the world inhabited by men")  |
सह | m. Name of various plants (according to to = Aloe Perfoliata, daṇḍopatā-, rāsnā-etc.)  |
सह | m. Unguis Odoratus  |
सह | n. equals bala-  |
सह | n. kind of salt  |
सहा | See under 1. saha-, column 1.  |
सह | ind. (prob. fr. 7. sa+dhā-,which in veda- may become dha-; see 1. sadha-) together with, along with, with (with grah-and ā-dā-,"to take with one";with dā-,"to give to take away with one";with kṛtvā-and accusative,"taking with one","in the company of";often as a preposition governing instrumental case case, but generally placed after the governed word exempli gratia, 'for example' tena saha-,"along with him";exceptionally with ablative exempli gratia, 'for example' aiśvaryāt saha-,"with sovereignty" ) |
सह | ind. in common, in company, jointly, conjointly, in concert (often used as a prefix in compound,expressing"community of action", exempli gratia, 'for example' sahādhyayana- q.v;or forming adjectives expressing"the companion of an action", exempli gratia, 'for example' saha-cara- q.v)  |
सह | ind. at the same time or simultaneously with (prefixed to adverbs of time exempli gratia, 'for example' saha-pūrvāhṇam- q.v;rarely in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' vainateya-s-,"with vainateya-" ) etc.  |
सह | m. a companion  |
सहा | f. a female companion  |
सहबान्धव | mfn. with relatives  |
सहभक्ष | (sah/a--) mfn. eating or enjoying together  |
सहभार्य | mfn. with a wife  |
सहभस्मन् | mfn. with the ashes  |
सहभाव | m. the being together, companionship, community  |
सहभाव | m. connection together, concomitance, inseparability  |
सहभावनिक | mfn. along with bhāvanikā-  |
सहभाविन् | mfn. connected together, coherent, connected with (compound)  |
सहभाविन् | m. a friend, adherent, partisan  |
सहभोजन | n. eating together, commensality with (compound)  |
सहभोजन | n. common enjoyment or possession of (genitive case)  |
सहभोजिन् | m. one who eats together, a messmate  |
सहभ्रातृ | mfn. together with a brother or brothers  |
सहभू | mfn. being together (used in explaining sacā-bhū-)  |
सहभू | mfn. appearing together with (compound)  |
सहभू | mfn. innate, natural  |
सहभू | mfn. counterpart of (genitive case)  |
सहभुज् | mfn. eating together with (compound),  |
सहभूत | mfn. being together, joined, connected  |
सहभूति | f. (varia lectio for abhi-bh-in )  |
सहचैत्यवत् | mfn. together with sanctuaries  |
सहचन्द्रललाम | mfn. along with the moon-crested id est śiva-  |
सहचर | mfn. going with, accompanying, associating with etc.  |
सहचर | mfn. belonging together  |
सहचर | mfn. similar, like  |
सहचर | m. a companion, friend, follower  |
सहचर | m. a surety  |
सहचर | m. Barleria Prionitis and Cristata  |
सहचर | m. equals pratibandhaka-  |
सहचर | m. Barleria Prionitis or Cristata  |
सहचार | m. going together  |
सहचार | m. agreement, harmony. congruence, concomitance (especially in logic"the invariable accompaniment of the hetu-or middle term by the sādhya-or major term" , as opp. to vyabhicāra-; sahacāratva -tva- n.)  |
सहचार | m. equals saha-gamana- (See -vidhi-), Name of various philosophy works.  |
सहाचर | m. (for saha-c-) a Baeleria with yellow flowers  |
सहचरभिन्न | m. (in rhetoric) separation of what belongs together, joining discordant things or ideas (also sahacarabhinnnatā nna-tā- f. sahacarabhinnatva -tva- n.)  |
सहचरभिन्नत्व | n. sahacarabhinna |
सहचरभिन्न्नता | f. sahacarabhinna |
सहचारग्रन्थप्रकाश | m. Name of work  |
सहचरण | mfn. going or belonging together  |
सहचाररहस्य | n. Name of work  |
सहचरत् | mfn. going with, accompanying, attending  |
सहचारत्व | n. sahacāra |
सहचारवाद | m. Name of work  |
सहचारविधि | m. Name of work on the ceremonies enjoined upon a widow burning herself on the pyre of her husband.  |
सहचरी | f. a female companion or friend, mistress, wife  |
सहचरीधर्म | m. "the wife's duty", sexual intercourse  |
सहचारिग्रन्थरहस्य | n. Name of work  |
सहचारिंस्त्व | n. the being connected together, concomitance, inseparability  |
सहचारिन् | mfn. going or living together, gregarious  |
सहचारिन् | mfn. connected or associated together, essentially belonging to (comp)  |
सहचारिन् | m. a follower, associate, companion etc.  |
सहचारिणी | f. a female companion, confidante, friend  |
सहचरित | mfn. gone or going with etc.  |
सहचरित | mfn. congruent, homogeneous ( sahacaritatva -tva- n.)  |
सहचरितत्व | n. sahacarita |
सहच्छन्दस् | (sah/a--) mfn. along with metre  |
सहदान | n. common oblation (to various gods)  |
सहदण्ड | mfn. with an army  |
सहदानु | (sah/a--) mfn. with a dānu- or with dānu-s  |
सहदार | mfn. along with a wife, having a wife, married  |
सहादरम् | ind. with reverence, reverentially  |
सहदेव | mfn. (sah/a--) with the gods  |
सहदेव | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (with the patronymic vārṣāgira-)  |
सहदेव | m. of a man (with the patronymic śāñjaya-)  |
सहदेव | m. of the youngest of the five pāṇḍava- princes (son of mādrī- and reputed son of pāṇḍu-, but really son of the aśvin-s, and twin-brother of nakula-;See mādrī- )  |
सहदेव | m. of a son of haryaśvata-  |
सहदेव | m. of a son of harṣa-vardhana-  |
सहदेव | m. of a son of haryavana-  |
सहदेव | m. of a son of soma-datta-  |
सहदेव | m. of a son of jarā-saṃdha-  |
सहदेव | m. of a son of divā-kara-  |
सहदेव | m. of a son of devāpi-  |
सहदेव | m. of a son of divārka-  |
सहदेव | m. of a son of su-dāsa-  |
सहदेव | m. of a son of su-prabuddha- and uncle of gautama- buddha-  |
सहदेव | m. of a rājaputra- (mentioned together with yudhi-ṣṭhira-)  |
सहदेव | m. of an author (also with bhaṭṭa-).  |
सहदेवा | f. Name of various plants (according to to Sida Cordifolia Echites Frutescens equals daṇḍotpalā- etc.) (varia lectio)  |
सहदेवा | f. of a daughter of devaka- and wife of vasudeva-  |
सहदेवज | mfn. together with deva-ja-  |
सहदेवज | m. "Name of kṛśāśva-"  |
सहदेवशास्त्र | n. Name of work  |
सहदेवत | (sah/a-) mfn. together with the deities  |
सहदेवी | f. Name of various plants (according to to "Sida Cordifolia and Rhombifolia equals sarpākṣī- etc.")  |
सहदेवि | wrong reading for sāhad-  |
सहदेवीगण | m. a collection of herbs used in certain ablutions at the consecration of an idol etc.  |
सहधान्य | mfn. provided with corn or grain or food  |
सहधर्म | m. community of duty or law, common usage or characteristic  |
सहधर्मचर | mfn. one following the same law or duties  |
सहधर्मचरण | n. the fulfilment of duties (in common with a husband)  |
सहधर्मचरी | f. a wife who helps in the fulfilment of duties  |
सहधर्मचारिन् | mfn. sharing the duties of (genitive case)  |
सहधर्मचारिणी | f. a wife who helps a husband in fulfilling duties, a helpmate, lawful or legitimate wife  |
सहधर्मन् | mfn. along with duties, sharing duties etc.  |
सहधर्मिन् | mfn. following the same duties or customs  |
सहधर्मिणी | f. a wife who shares duties, a lawful or legitimate wife  |
सहध्यै | See under 1. sah-, p.1192, col, 3.  |
सहाध्ययन | n. studying together, companionship in study  |
सहाध्यायिन् | m. a fellow-student, condisciple etc.  |
सहाध्यायिन् | m. one who studies the same science  |
सहदीक्षितिन् | mfn. undertaking the dīkṣā- (q.v) together, ,  |
सहद्रोण | mfn. along with droṇa-  |
सहगमन | n. going with or accompanying (especially a widow's going with her deceased husband id est burning herself with his dead body)  |
सहगामिन् | mfn. equals -gata-  |
सहगामिनी | f. a woman who burns herself with her deceased husband  |
सहगत | mfn. gone or going with, accompanied, associated  |
सहगोप | (sah/a--) mf(ā-)n. with the cowherd  |
सहगु | mfn. together with cows  |
सहगुड | mfn. provided with sugar  |
सहहुत | mfn. with the oblation  |
सहज | mf(ā-)n. born or produced together or at the same time as (genitive case)  |
सहज | mf(ā-)n. congenital, innate, hereditary, original, natural (in the beginning of a compound,by birth,"by nature","naturally";with deśa- m."birthplace","home") etc.  |
सहज | mf(ā-)n. always the same as from the beginning  |
सहज | m. natural state or disposition (said to be also n.)  |
सहज | m. a brother of whole blood  |
सहज | m. Name of various kings and other men etc.  |
सहज | m. of a Tantric teacher  |
सहजा | f. Name of various women  |
सहज | n. Name of the third astrology mansion (said to be also m.)  |
सहज | n. emancipation during life  |
सहजा | mfn. born or produced together  |
सहजधार्मिक | mfn. innately honest  |
सहजाधिनाथ | m. Name of a king  |
सहजग्धि | f. eating together (used in explaining sa-gdhi-)  |
सहजकीर्ति | m. Name of a jaina- author |
सहजललित | m. Name of a man  |
सहजमलिन | mfn. naturally dirty, spotty by nature  |
सहजमित्र | m. a natural friend (as a sister's son, cousin etc.)  |
सहजानन्द | m. Name of the founder of a vaiṣṇava- sect (also called svāmi-nārāyaṇa-, born about 1780 A.D.)  |
सहजानन्द | m. of an author (also da-tīrtha-and -nātha-)  |
सहजान्धदृश् | mfn. blind by nature or from birth  |
सहजानि | (sah/a--) mfn. together with a wife  |
सहजन्मन् | mfn. inherited from birth (as a servant)  |
सहजानुष | (sahd--) mfn. with offspring ,  |
सहजन्य | m. Name of a yakṣa- (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
सहजन्यी | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
सहजपाल | m. Name of various men  |
सहजारि | m. a natural enemy, one hostile by birth (as the son of the same father by another mother, the son of a paternal uncle etc.)  |
सहजशत्रु | m. equals jāri-  |
सहजसिद्धि | f. Name of work  |
सहजाष्टक | n. Name of work by śaṃkarācārya-  |
सहजसुहृद् | m. a natural friend  |
सहजात | mfn. born together or at the same time, equal in age  |
सहजात | mfn. innate, natural  |
सहजात | mfn. both from the same mother, twin-born  |
सहजवत्सल | mf(ā-)n. fond or tender by nature  |
सहजविलास | m. Name of a man  |
सहजेन्द्र | m. Name of a man  |
सहजेतर | mfn. other than natural, not innate or inherent or congenital, accidental  |
सहजित् | mfn. victorious at once (said of princes)  |
सहजीविन् | mfn. living together  |
सहजोदासीन | m. one who is born neutral or who is naturally neither an enemy nor a friend, a common acquaintance, friend, unconnected by birth  |
सहजोषण | mfn. (used in explaining sa-joṣas-)  |
सहक | mfn. patient, suffering, enduring (genitive case)  |
सहकण्ठक | (saha--) mf(ikā-)n. with the throat  |
सहकार | m. (for sa-hakāra-See) acting with, co-operation, assistance,  |
सहकार | m. a kind of fragrant mango tree etc.  |
सहकार | n. a mango blossom  |
सहकार | n. mango juice  |
सहकार | mfn. (for saha-k-See) having the sound ha- (id est the sound used in calling)  |
सहकारभञ्जिका | f. "the breaking of mango blossoms", a kind of game  |
सहकारमञ्जरी | f. Name of a woman  |
सहकरण | n. acting together, common action or performance  |
सहकारता | f. the state of a mango tree  |
सहकारतैल | n. mango oil  |
सहकारिभाव | m. ( ) concurrence, co-operation, assistance.  |
सहकारिन् | mfn. acting together, co-operating, concurrent  |
सहकारिन् | m. a concurrent agent, expedient, assistant  |
सहकारिता | f. ( ) concurrence, co-operation, assistance.  |
सहकारित्व | n. ( ) concurrence, co-operation, assistance.  |
सहकारोपदेश | m. Name of work  |
सहकर्तृ | m. a co-worker, assistant ,  |
सहखट्वासन | n. sitting together on a bed  |
सहक्रम्य | mfn. to be taken into or concluded in the krama--text  |
सहकृत् | mfn. co-operating, assisting, an assistant  |
सहकृत | mfn. co-operated with, accompanied by, assisted, aided  |
सहकृत्वन् | mf(arī-)n. co-operating, assisting, a coadjutor  |
सहलक्ष्मण | mfn. with lakṣmaṇa-  |
सहलनीय | m. (prob.) a plough-mate (used in explaining sāmanta-)  |
सहालाप | m. colloquy, conversation with (compound)  |
सहालिन् | m. "plough-mate (?)", Name of a man  |
सहलोकधातु | m. the world inhabited by men, the earth  |
सहम | n. (fr. Arabic $) good or evil luck arising from the influence of the stars.  |
सहमचन्द्रिका | f. Name of work  |
सहमाद | m. (used in explaining sadha-m-) on  |
सहमकल्पलता | f. Name of work  |
सहमान | mfn. (for saha-m-See under 2. saha-) conquering, victorious  |
सहमाना | f. a kind of plant  |
सहमाना | f. Name of that part of the frame enshrining the Universal Spirit which faces the south (the 3 others being juhū-, rājñī-,and su-bhūta-)  |
सहमान | mfn. (for saham-See) possessing pride, full of arrogance  |
सहमनस् | mfn. with intelligence  |
सहमरण | n. dying together, concremation, burning with the corpse of a husband  |
सहमारीच | mfn. with mārīca-  |
सहमर्मास्थिसंघात | mfn. with the joints and the whole frame of bones  |
सहमातृक | mfn. along with the mother  |
सहामात्य | mfn. with a minister or councillor or councillor, attended by ministers  |
सहमित्र | m. Name of a man  |
सहाम्पति | m. (rather fr. accusative of sahā-than fr. genitive case plural of 2. sah+p-; see saka-pati-) Name of brahmā- (with Buddhists) ( )  |
सहाम्पति | m. of a bodhi-sattva-  |
सहाम्पति | m. of a serpent-demon  |
सहाम्पति | f. Name of a kiṃ-narī-  |
सहमृता | f. a woman who has burned herself with her dead husband (see saha-maraṇa-)  |
सहंसपात | mfn. (id est 7. sa-+ h-) accompanied with, flights of swans or geese  |
सहंसवालव्यजन | mf(ā-)n. with swans as chowries or fly-whisks,  |
सहमुख | mfn. with the mouth  |
सहमूल | (sah/a-.) mfn. along with the root (see sa-mūla-)  |
सहमूर | (sah/a-.) mfn. along with the root (see sa-mūla-)  |
सहन | mf(ā-)n. powerful, strong (in explanation of the etymology of siṃha-)  |
सहन | mf(ā-)n. patient, enduring (See a-s-)  |
सहन | m. (saṃjñāyām-) (gaRa nandyādi-)  |
सहन | n. patient endurance, forbearance  |
सहनन | mfn. with the drum-stick  |
सहनर्तन | n. the act of dancing together  |
सहनशिल | mfn. of a patient disposition  |
सहनौ | mfn. with the ship  |
सहण्डुक | n. a particular condiment prepared with meat etc.  |
सहनिर्वाप | m. a common oblation  |
सहनिवासिन् | mfn. dwelling together with (instrumental case; sahanivāsitā si-tā- f.)  |
सहनिवासिता | f. sahanivāsin |
सहनीय | mfn. to be borne or endured, pardonable  |
सहनृत्य | n. equals -nartana-  |
सहन्तम | mfn. (superl. of sahat-) strongest, most powerful  |
सहन्त्य | mfn. prevailing, conquering  |
सहानुगमन | n. equals saha-maraṇa-  |
सहानुज | mfn. with a younger brother  |
सहनुमरण | n. (equals saha-maraṇa-)  |
सहनुमरणविवेक | m. Name of work on widow-burning.  |
सहान्य | m. a mountain  |
सहपांसुकिल | m. "one who has played with another in the dust or sand", a friend from childhood, cotemporary  |
सहपांसुक्रीडन | n. playing together with dust or sand (in childhood)  |
सहपांसुक्रीडित | mfn. one with whom another has played etc. (See above) , a friend from childhood  |
सहपान | ( ) (L) n. drinking together.  |
सहपानक | (L) n. drinking together.  |
सहपाठ | m. the being mentioned together  |
सहपथिन् | m. and f. (Nominal verb -panthās-, pathī-) going by the same road, a companion on a journey, fellow-traveller  |
सहपति | m. "lord of the world of men", Name of brahmā-  |
सहपत्नि | mfn. with a wife  |
सहपत्नी | (sah/a-.) f. along with a husband  |
सहपत्नीक | mfn. with a wife |
सहापत्य | mfn. accompanied with offspring  |
सहापविद | mfn. containing contradictions, disagreeing  |
सहपिण्डक्रिया | f. offering of the piṇḍa- (q.v) in common  |
सहपीति | f. (used in explaining s/a-pīti-)  |
सहप्रकॢप्ति | f. a precept about simultaneousness or concomitance (and varia lectio)  |
सहप्रकृति | f. a precept about simultaneousness or concomitance (and varia lectio)  |
सहप्रम | (sah/a--) mfn. with the measure  |
सहप्रथायिन् | mfn. equals -prayāyin-  |
सहप्रवाद | mfn. with the case-forms (equals sa-pr-)  |
सहप्रयायिन् | mfn. setting out together, a fellow-traveller  |
सहप्रयोग | m. simultaneous practice or application  |
सहपुरुष | mfn. with men  |
सहपूरुष | (sahd--) mfn. idem or 'mfn. with men '  |
सहपूर्वाह्णम् | ind. simultaneously with the beginning of forenoon  |
सहपुत्र | mf(ā-)n. with a son or children  |
सहर | m. Name of a dānava- (varia lectio saṃ-h-)  |
सहर | ri- etc. See column I.  |
सहार | m. (prob. a Prakrit form for saha-kāra-) a species of mango tree  |
सहार | m. universal dissolution (equals mahā-pralaya-;prob. wrong reading for saṃ-h-)  |
सहराजक | mfn. together with the king  |
सहरक्ष | See under 2. saha-, .  |
सहरक्ष | ( ) (sah/a--TS) m. one of the three kinds of sacrificial fire (that which receives the offering to the rākṣasa-s;the latter also, "a forest fire", L).  |
सहरक्षस् | See under 2. saha-, .  |
सहरक्षस् | (sah/a--TS) m. one of the three kinds of sacrificial fire (that which receives the offering to the rākṣasa-s;the latter also, "a forest fire", L).  |
सहारम्भ | mfn. beginning together  |
सहरसा | f. Phaseolus Trilobus (a sort of bean)  |
सहार्द | mf(ā-)n. feeling or betraying affection, affectionate  |
सहार्ध | mfn. together with a half  |
सहरि | m. a bull  |
सहरि | m. the sun  |
सहरि | ind. like hari- id est viṣṇu-  |
सहार्जुन | mfn. with arjuna-  |
सहारोग्य | (?) mfn. possessing freedom from disease, healthy  |
सहर्ष | mf(ā-)n. joyful, glad ( saharṣam am- ind.) (also wrong reading for saṃ-harṣa-)  |
सहऋषभ | mf(ā-)n. (see saharṣ-) together with a bull,  |
सहर्षभ | (for -ṛṣabha-; sah/a--) mf(ā-)n. along with the bull  |
सहर्षाकूतम् | ind. with joy and eagerness |
सहर्षम् | ind. saharṣa |
सहर्षमृगयुग्रामनिनादमय | mf(ī-)n. resounding with the shouts of the joyful troop of hunters  |
सहर्षसाध्वसम् | ind. with joy and (yet) trepidation  |
सहर्षवैराग्यम् | ind. joyfully and (yet) with disgust  |
सहर्षित | mf(ā-)n. joyful, glad  |
सहार्थ | m. accompanying or accessory matter  |
सहार्थ | m. a common object  |
सहार्थ | mfn. having the same object or meaning, synonymous  |
सहार्थनाश | mfn. one who is the same (id est unchanged) in profit and loss or fortune and misfortune  |
सहार्थत्व | n. (prob.) co-operation  |
सहार्थिन् | mfn. seeking a companion, desirous of an ally  |
सहस् | mfn. powerful, mighty, victorious (superl. tama-)  |
सहस् | m. the month mārgaśīrṣa- or agrahāyaṇa- (November-December), the winter season  |
सहस् | n. strength, power, force, victory (sahasas putra-or sah sūnu- m."son of strength", Name of agni- in ; sahasā sahasā- ind.See below; sahobhih sahobhih- ind.= "mightily, intensely") etc.  |
सहस् | n. water  |
सहस् | n. light ; Name of various sāman-s [ confer, compare Gothic sigis; Anglo-Saxon sigor,sege; German Sieg],  |
सहस् | sa- etc. See .  |
सहसा | (instrumental case of sahas-), forcibly, vehemently, suddenly, quickly, precipitately, immediately, at once, unexpectedly, at random, fortuitously, in an unpremeditated manner, inconsiderately (with instrumental case"together with").  |
सहस | mf(ā-)n. having laughter, laughing, smiling.  |
सहास | mf(ā-)n. accompanied with a laugh, laughing ( sahāsam am- ind.)  |
सहसा | ind. sahas |
सहसादृष्ट | m. "seen fortuitously", an adopted son  |
सहासहाकारम् | ind. laughing and uttering the exclamation hā-  |
सहासम् | ind. sahāsa |
सहसामन् | (sah/a--) mf(mnī-)n. accompanied with songs or hymns, rich in songs  |
सहसम्भला | (sah/a-) f. with (her) suitor  |
सहसम्भव | mfn. born or produced together or at the same time (with janmanā-= "innate")  |
सहसंजातवृद्ध | mfn. born and grown up together  |
सहसंसर्ग | m. carnal contact or intercourse with (instrumental case)  |
सहसंवाद | m. speaking together, conversation  |
सहसंवास | m. dwelling together  |
सहसंवेग | mfn. vehemently excited  |
सहसान | mfn. powerful, mighty.  |
सहसान | m. a peacock  |
सहसान | m. a sacrifice, oblation |
सहासन | n. sitting or abiding together  |
सहसानु | mfn. patient, enduring  |
सहसानु | m. equals prec.  |
सहासरभस | mfn. (in the beginning of a compound) laughingly and violently  |
सहसौमित्रि | mfn. with saumitri- (id est lakṣmaṇa-)  |
सहशव | See digdha-s-.  |
सहसावत् | mfn. (-sahas-vat-) strong, mighty (mostly said of agni-)  |
सहशय्या | f. the lying together with  |
सहशय्यासनाशन | mfn. lying and sitting and eating together  |
सहसेविन् | mfn. having intercourse with  |
सहशेय्य | n. equals -śayyā-  |
सहसिद्ध | mfn. innate ( sahasiddhatva -tva- n.) (quot)  |
सहसिद्धत्व | n. sahasiddha |
सहसिन् | mfn. powerful, mighty  |
सहशिष्ट | mfn. taught or enjoined together or at once ( sahaśiṣṭatva -tva- n.)  |
सहशिष्टत्व | n. sahaśiṣṭa |
सहस्कृत् | mfn. bestowing strength or power (varia lectio)  |
सहस्कृत | mfn. (s/ahas--) produced by strength (said of agni-)  |
सहस्कृत | mfn. invigorated, increased, excited  |
सहस्नायु | mfn. living a thousand years  |
सहसोद्गत | m. Name of a man  |
सहसोम | (sah/a--) mfn. with soma- draughts  |
सहस्फ्य | mfn. with the sacrificial implement called sphya- (q.v)  |
सहस्र | See below.  |
सहस्र | n. (rarely) m. (perhaps fr. 7, sa-+ hasra-= Greek for ; confer, compare Persian haza1r) a thousand (with the counted object in the same case sg. or plural exempli gratia, 'for example' sahasreṇa bāhunā-,"with a thousand arms" ; sahasraṃ bhiṣajaḥ-,"a thousand drugs" ;or in the genitive case exempli gratia, 'for example' dv-sahāsre suvarṇasya-,"two thousand pieces of gold" ; catvāri- sahasrāṇ varṣāṇam-,"four thousand years" ;sometimes in compound,either in the beginning of a compound exempli gratia, 'for example' yuga-sahāsram-,"a thousand ages" , or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' sahāsrāśvena-,"with a thousand horses"; sahasram sahasram-may also be used as an ind. exempli gratia, 'for example' sahasram riṣibhiḥ-,"with a thousand ṛṣi-s" ;with other numerals it is used thus, ekādhikaṃ sahasram-,or eka-sahasram-,"a thousand + one", 1001; dvyadhikaṃ s-,"a thousand + two" , 1002; ekādaśādhikam ssahasram- or ekādaśaṃ s-or ekādaśa-s-,"a thousand + eleven"or"a thousand having eleven", 1011; viṃśaty-adhikaṃ s-or vimaṃ s-,"a thousand + twenty", 1020; dve sahasre-or dvi-sahacram-,"two thousand"; trīṇi sahasrāṇi-or tri-sahasram-,"three thousand"etc.) etc.  |
सहस्र | n. a thousand cows or gifts (equals sahasraṃ gavyam-etc., used to express wealth; sahasraṃ śatāśvam-,"a thousand cows and a hundred horses" ) (in later language often ="1000 paṇa-s" , exempli gratia, 'for example' )  |
सहस्र | n. any very large number (in among the bahu-nāmāni-; see sahasra-kiraṇa-etc. below)  |
सहस्र | mf(ī-)n. a thousandth or the thousandth (equals sahasra-tama-which is the better form; see ) .  |
सहस्रबाहवीय | n. (with indrasya-) Name of a sāman-  |
सहस्रबाहु | mfn. (sah/asra-.) having a thousand arms, thousand-armed  |
सहस्रबाहु | mfn. (also applied to ,beginning with the above word)  |
सहस्रबाहु | m. Name of śiva-  |
सहस्रबाहु | m. of arjuna-  |
सहस्रबाहु | m. of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
सहस्रबाहु | m. of the asura- bāṇa-  |
सहस्रबाहु | mf. a N. (others,"battle, war")  |
सहस्रबल | m. Name of a king  |
सहस्रभागवती | f. Name of a divinity  |
सहस्रभक्त | n. a particular festival at which thousands are treated  |
सहस्रभानु | mfn. thousand-rayed  |
सहस्रभर | (sah/asra--) mfn. carrying off a thousand as spoil  |
सहस्रभर्णस् | (sah/asra--) mfn. (prob.) a thousand fold  |
सहस्रभाव | m. the becoming a thousand  |
सहस्रभेदशस् | ind. in a thousand different ways, thousand-fold  |
सहस्रभिद् | m. musk  |
सहस्रभृष्टि | (sah/asra--) mfn. thousand-pointed  |
सहस्रभुज | mf(ā-)n. thousand-armed  |
सहस्रभुज | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रभुज | m. of a gandharva-  |
सहस्रभुजा | f. Name of durgā-  |
सहस्रभुजजिह्वाक्ष | mfn. having a thousand arms and tongues and eyes  |
सहस्रभुजरामध्यान | n. Name of work (wrong reading -dhyāna-rāma-).  |
सहस्रबुद्धि | mfn. thousand-witted  |
सहस्रबुद्धि | m. Name of a fish (see -dhī-).  |
सहस्रचक्षस् | (sah/asra--) mfn. thousand-eyed  |
सहस्रचक्षस् | mfn. id,  |
सहस्रचक्षस् | m. Name of indra-  |
सहस्रचक्षु | mfn. idem or '(sah/asra--) mfn. thousand-eyed '  |
सहस्रचण्डीशतचण्डीविधान | n. Name of work  |
सहस्रचण्डीविधान | n. Name of work  |
सहस्रचण्डीविधि | m. Name of work  |
सहस्रचण्ड्यादिप्रयोगपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
सहस्रचण्ड्यादिविधि | m. Name of work  |
सहस्राचार | m. Barleria Prionitis  |
सहस्रचरण | mfn. thousand footed (said of viṣṇu-)  |
सहस्रचेतस् | (sah/asra--) mfn. having a thousand aspects or appearances  |
सहस्रचित्य | m. Name of a king  |
सहस्रद | mfn. giving a thousand (cows)  |
सहस्रद | m. Name of śiva-  |
सहस्रद | m. of a son of indu-  |
सहस्रदा | mfn. giving a thousand  |
सहस्रदक्षिण | mfn. (sah/asra--) accompanied with a fee or recompense of a thousand (kine), containing or giving a thousand (kine) etc.  |
सहस्रदक्षिण | m. or n. (?) a particular ceremony  |
सहस्रदल | mfn. having a thousand petals  |
सहस्रदंष्ट्र | mfn. thousand-toothed  |
सहस्रदंष्ट्र | m. equals next  |
सहस्रदंष्ट्रिन् | m. a sort of sheat fish  |
सहस्रदान | (sah/asra--) mf(ā-)n. bestowing a thousand gifts  |
सहस्रदातम | mfn.  |
सहस्रदातु | (sah/asra--) mfn. thousand-fold  |
सहस्रदावन् | mfn. giving a thousand  |
सहस्रदावन् | m. a giver of thousand  |
सहस्रधा | ind. thousand-fold, in a thousand ways or parts  |
सहस्रधामन् | mfn. (sah/asra--) having thousand-fold splendour  |
सहस्रधामन् | m. the sun  |
सहस्रधार | mf(ā-)n. (sah/asra--) "thousand-streamed", discharging a thousand streams  |
सहस्रधार | mf(ā-)n. flowing in a thousand streams  |
सहस्रधारा | f. a streams of water conveyed through a vessel pierced with a thousand little holes  |
सहस्रधार | mfn. having a thousand edges  |
सहस्रधार | m. the discus of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रधौत | mfn. cleansed a thousand times  |
सहस्रधायस् | mfn. nourishing or sustaining a thousand  |
सहस्रधी | mfn. thousand-witted  |
सहस्रधी | m. Name of a fish  |
सहस्रदीधिति | m. "thousand-rayed", the sun  |
सहस्रदोस् | mfn. having a thousand arms  |
सहस्रदोस् | m. Name of arjuna- kārtavīrya-  |
सहस्रदृश् | mfn. thousand-eyed  |
सहस्रदृश् | mfn. Name of indra-  |
सहस्रदृश् | mfn. of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रद्वार् | (sah/asra--) mfn. thousand-gated  |
सहस्रद्वार | mf(ā-)n. idem or '(sah/asra--) mfn. thousand-gated '  |
सहस्रगणनामन् | n. Name of work  |
सहस्रघातिन् | mfn. killing a thousand  |
सहस्रघातिन् | n. a particular engine of war  |
सहस्रघ्नि | mfn. killing a thousand (varia lectio -ghny/a-).  |
सहस्रगीति | f. Name of work  |
सहस्रगोदानपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
सहस्रगु | mfn. possessing a thousand cows  |
सहस्रगु | mfn. thousand-rayed  |
सहस्रगु | mfn. thousand eyed,  |
सहस्रगु | m. the sun  |
सहस्रगु | m. Name of indra-  |
सहस्रगुण | mfn. a thousandfold ( sahasraguṇatā -tā- f.)  |
सहस्रगुणता | f. sahasraguṇa |
सहस्रगुणित | mfn. multiplied a thousand times  |
सहस्रह | mfn. slaying a thousand  |
सहस्राह | mfn. worth a thousand (cows)  |
सहस्रह | n. a thousand days  |
सहस्रहर्यश्व | m. ( ) "having a thousand bay horses", the car of indra-.  |
सहस्रहर्याश्व | (?) m. ( ) "having a thousand bay horses", the car of indra-.  |
सहस्रहस्त | mfn. thousand-handed  |
सहस्रहस्त | m. Name of śiva-  |
सहस्राह्न्य | n. a thousand days' journey  |
सहस्रजलधार | m. "having a thousand clouds", Name of a mountain  |
सहस्रजिह्व | mfn. thousand-tongued  |
सहस्राजित् | m. Name of a son of bhajamāna-  |
सहस्रज्योतिस् | m. Name of a son of su-bhrāj-  |
सहस्रक | mfn. (for sahasraka-See p.1196) thousand-headed  |
सहस्रक | n. (for sahasra-ka-See) a thighs  |
सहस्रक | mf(ikā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') amounting to a thousand, having a thousand  |
सहस्रकला | f. Name of a woman  |
सहस्रकलसाभिषेकप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
सहस्रकलशस्नपनादि | m. Name of work |
सहस्रकंधररामायण | n. Name of work  |
सहस्रकाण्ड | mfn. (sah/asra--) consisting of a thousand parts  |
सहस्रकाण्डा | f. white-flowering dūrvā- grass  |
सहस्रकर | m. "thousand-rayed", the sun  |
सहस्रकरपन्नेत्र | mfn. having a thousand hands and feet and eyes  |
सहस्रकवच | m. Name of a mythical personage,  |
सहस्रकेतु | mfn. (sah/asra--) having a thousand forms  |
सहस्रकेतु | mfn. thousand-bannered  |
सहस्राख्य | m. "having a thousand names", Name of a mountain  |
सहस्राख्य | n. Name of work  |
सहस्रकिरण | m. equals -kara-  |
सहस्रकिरण | m. Name of a man  |
सहस्रकिरणावलि | f. Name of wk  |
सहस्रकिरणी | f. Name of work  |
सहस्रकृत्वस् | ind. a thousand times  |
सहस्राक्ष | mfn. thousand-eyed etc.  |
सहस्राक्ष | mfn. all-perceiving, all-inspecting  |
सहस्राक्ष | m. Name of indra- (so called from the curse of gautama- who detecting indra- in a desire to seduce his wife ahalyā- covered him with a thousand marks of the female organ, afterwards changed to eyes;a different legend is in )  |
सहस्राक्ष | m. of indra- in the 9th manv-antara-  |
सहस्राक्ष | m. of puruṣa-  |
सहस्राक्ष | m. of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्राक्ष | m. of Fire and rudra-  |
सहस्राक्ष | m. of śiva-  |
सहस्राक्ष | m. a clear sky  |
सहस्राक्ष | m. Name of a particular mantra-  |
सहस्राक्ष | m. or n. (?) of a place  |
सहस्राक्ष | m. of work  |
सहस्राक्षधनुष्मत् | mfn. provided with a rainbow  |
सहस्राक्षजित् | m. Name of a son of rāvaṇa-  |
सहस्राक्षर | mf(ā-)n. having a thousand syllables  |
सहस्राक्षेश्वर | m. Name of a liṅga-  |
सहस्राक्षी | f. Name of a goddess  |
सहस्रकुणप | (sah/asra--) mf(ā-)n. having a thousand dead bodies  |
सहस्रलिङ्गी | f. a thousand liṅga-s  |
सहस्रलोचन | mfn. thousand-eyed  |
सहस्रलोचन | m. Name of indra-  |
सहस्रलोचन | m. of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रम् | ind. sahasra |
सहस्रामघ | mfn. having a thousand treasures or gifts  |
सहस्रमङ्गल | Name of a place  |
सहस्रमन्यु | (sah/asra--) mfn. having a thousand-fold courage  |
सहस्रमरीचि | m. thousand-rayed, Name of the sun  |
सहस्रमौलि | m. "thousand-crested", Name of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रम्भर | mfn. bringing a thousand  |
सहस्रम्भरि | mfn. nourishing a thousand,  |
सहस्रमीढ | (sah/asra--) mfn. characterized by a thousand combats (said of a battle)  |
सहस्रमील्ह | (sah/asra--) mfn. characterized by a thousand combats (said of a battle)  |
सहस्रांशु | mfn. thousand-rayed  |
सहस्रांशु | m. the sun etc.  |
सहस्रांशुज | m. "sun-born", Name of Saturn  |
सहस्रांशुसम | mfn. sun-like  |
सहस्रमुख | mfn. having a thousand exits  |
सहस्रमूल | mfn. (sah/asra-.) having a thousand roots  |
सहस्रमूली | f. Anthericum Tuberosum  |
सहस्रमूर्ध | m. "thousand -headed"Name of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रमूर्धन् | mfn. thousand-headed  |
सहस्रमूर्धन् | m. Name of śiva-  |
सहस्रमूर्धन् | m. of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रमूर्धश्रवणाक्षिनासिक | mfn. having a thousand heads and ears and eyes and noses  |
सहस्रमूर्ति | mfn. appearing in a thousand forms  |
सहस्रमुष्क | (sah/asra--) mfn. having a thousand testicles (according to to also"having many flames") .  |
सहस्रमूति | (sah/asra--) mfn. helping a thousand-fold (see sahasroi-).  |
सहस्रनामभाष्य | n. Name of work  |
सहस्रनामकारिका | f. Name of work  |
सहस्रनामन् | mf(mnī-)n. thousand-named, containing a thousand names  |
सहस्रनामन् | n. plural (or -nāma- in the beginning of a compound) the thousand names (of any deity, especially of viṣṇu-)  |
सहस्रनामार्थश्लोकसहस्रावति | f. Name of work  |
सहस्रनामसरयु | f. Name of work  |
सहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
सहस्रनामस्तुति | f. Name of work  |
सहस्रनामविवरण | n. Name of work  |
सहस्रानन | m. "thousand-faced", Name of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्राननशीर्षवत् | mfn. having a thousand faces and heads  |
सहस्रनयन | mfn. thousand-eyed  |
सहस्रनयन | m. Name of indra- etc.  |
सहस्रनयन | m. of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रनेत्र | mfn. thousand-eyed  |
सहस्रनेत्र | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) Name of indra-  |
सहस्रनेत्र | m. of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रनेत्राननपादबाहु | mfn. having a thousand eyes and faces and feet and arms  |
सहस्रणी | m. (fr. s-+ nī-) a leader of a thousand or thousand  |
सहस्राणीक | m. equals rānīka-  |
सहस्रानीक | m. Name of a king  |
सहस्रनिर्णिज् | (sah/asra--) mfn. having a thousand ornaments  |
सहस्रञित् | mfn. conquering or winning a thousand  |
सहस्रञित् | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रञित् | m. of a king  |
सहस्रञित् | m. of a son of indu-  |
सहस्रञित् | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
सहस्रञित् | m. equals sahajrā-jit-  |
सहस्रणीथ | mfn. (sah/asra-) (fr. s-+ nītha-) having a thousand expedients or artifices  |
सहस्रणीथ | mfn. praised in a thousand hymns  |
सहस्रणीथ | mfn. skilled in a thousand sciences  |
सहस्रनीथ | See -nītha-.  |
सहस्रणीति | (sah/asra--) mfn. (fr. s-+ nīti-) having a thousand ways and means  |
सहस्राङ्क | (?) m. the sun  |
सहस्रपद् | mfn. (sah/asra--;strong base -pād-) thousand-footed etc.  |
सहस्रपद् | mfn. having a thousand columns  |
सहस्रपद् | m. Name of puruṣa-  |
सहस्रपद् | m. of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रपद् | m. of śiva-  |
सहस्रपद् | m. of brahmā-  |
सहस्रपद् | m. of a ṛṣi-  |
सहस्रपाद् | See -pad-.  |
सहस्रपाद | m. "thousand-footed"or"thousand-rayed", the sun  |
सहस्रपाद | m. a sort of dock  |
सहस्रपाद | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रपादाक्षिशिरोरुबाहु | mfn. having a thousand feet and eyes and heads and thighs and arms  |
सहस्रपाजस् | (sah/asra--) mfn. glittering in a thousand ways  |
सहस्रपाक्य | m. "boiled a thousand times", (with sneha-) a particular kind of oil  |
सहस्रपरम | mf(ā-)n. the most excellent among thousand  |
सहस्रपर्ण | mf(/ī-). (sa-h/asra-.) thousand-feathered (said of an arrow) |
सहस्रपर्ण | mf(/ī-). thousand-leafed |
सहस्रपर्णी | f. (prob.) a kind of plant |
सहस्रपर्वा | f. white dūrvā- grass  |
सहस्रपाश | mf(ā-)n. forming a thousand fetters  |
सहस्रपाथस् | (sahāsra--) mfn. appearing in a thousand places  |
सहस्रपति | m. chief of a thousand (villages)  |
सहस्रपत्त्र | m. Name of a mountain  |
सहस्रपत्त्र | m. "having a thousand petals", a lotus  |
सहस्रपत्त्राभरण | mfn. adorned with lotuses  |
सहस्रपोष | m. ( ) ( ) welfare or wealth (increased) a thousand-fold  |
सहस्रपोषा | f. ( ) welfare or wealth (increased) a thousand-fold  |
सहस्रपोष | mfn. prosperity (increasing) a thousand-fold  |
सहस्रापोष | m. equals sahasra-p-  |
सहस्रपोषकाम | mfn. "desirous of a thousand-fold wealth"  |
सहस्रपोषकाम | mfn. "desirous of a thousand-fold wealth"  |
सहस्रपोषपुषि | mfn. (?)  |
सहस्रपोषपुषि | mfn. (?)  |
सहस्रपोषिन् | mfn. thriving a thousand-fold  |
सहस्रपोष्य | n. equals -poṣ/a- m.  |
सहस्रप्रधन | mfn. (sah/asra--) having a thousand prizes gained in battle  |
सहस्रप्रधन | mfn. one who has experienced a thousand battles  |
सहस्रप्रकार | mf(ā-)n. a thousand-fold  |
सहस्रप्राण | (sah/asra--) mfn. having a thousand lives (not in manuscript)  |
सहस्रपृष्ठ | (sah/asra--) mfn. having a thousand level places  |
सहस्राप्सस् | mfn. thousand-shaped ( )  |
सहस्रपूरण | mfn. the thousandth, (and) obtaining a thousand (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
सहस्रपुत्र | mfn. having a thousand sons,  |
सहस्रार | mfn. thousand-spoked  |
सहस्रार | m. n. a kind of cavity said to be found in the top of the head and to resemble a lotus reversed (fabled as the seat of the soul)  |
सहस्रारज | m. plural Name of a class of gods (with jaina-s)  |
सहस्ररश्मि | mfn. thousand-rayed  |
सहस्ररश्मि | m. the sun  |
सहस्ररश्मितनय | m. "son of the sun", the planet Saturn  |
सहस्ररविणचरित्र | n. Name of work  |
सहस्रार्चिस् | mfn. thousand-rayed  |
सहस्रार्चिस् | m. the sun  |
सहस्ररेतस् | (sah/asra--) mfn. having thousand fold seed  |
सहस्रार्घ | mfn. equivalent to thousand  |
सहस्रार्घ | mfn. equivalent to thousand  |
सहस्ररोमन् | n. "having a thousand hairs", a blanket  |
सहस्ररुच् | m. the sun  |
सहस्रसा | mfn. gaining or granting a thousand  |
सहस्रशाख | mfn. having a thousand branches (also figuratively)  |
सहस्रशक्ति | mfn. able to give a thousand  |
सहस्रशल | (sah/asra--), a distance of a thousand śala-s  |
सहस्रसम | mfn. lasting a thousand years (as a sacred rite)  |
सहस्रसंख्य | mfn. numbering a thousand  |
सहस्रसंख्या | f. the sum of a thousand  |
सहस्रसंख्याक | mfn. amounting to a thousand  |
सहस्रसम्मित | (sah/asra--) mfn. measuring a thousand  |
सहस्रसंवत्सर | (sah/asra--) n. a sacred rite of a thousand years  |
सहस्रसनि | mfn. gaining or bestowing a thousand  |
सहस्रसनि | f. a gift of a thousand  |
सहस्रशस् | ind. by thousands  |
सहस्रशतदक्षिण | mfn. accompanied with a fee of a hundred thousand (cows)  |
सहस्रसातम | mfn. giving thousand  |
सहस्रसव | mfn. having a thousand libations  |
सहस्रसाव | m. thousandfold soma--pressing  |
सहस्रसाव्य | n. a particular ayana-  |
सहस्रशिखर | mfn. thousand-peaked  |
सहस्रशिखर | m. Name of the vindhya- mountains  |
सहस्रशिरस् | mfn. thousand-headed  |
सहस्रशिरस | mfn. idem or 'mfn. thousand-headed '  |
सहस्रशिरसोदर | mfn. having a thousand heads and abdomens  |
सहस्रशीर्ष | mfn. thousand-headed  |
सहस्रशीर्षा | f. a particular mantra- or the Name of the ṛg-- veda- hymn x, 90 (usually called the puruṣa- hymn)  |
सहस्रशीर्ष | f. see  |
सहस्रशीर्षन् | (sah/asra--) mfn. thousand-headed  |
सहस्रसीत | mfn. having a thousand furrows  |
सहस्रशोकस् | (sah/asra--) mfn. emitting a thousand flames  |
सहस्रश्रवण | m. "thousand-eared", Name of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रशृङ्ग | (sah/asra--) mfn. thousand-horned  |
सहस्रस्रोत | m. Name of a mountain  |
सहस्रस्रोतस् | m. Name of a mountain  |
सहस्रश्रुति | m. Name of a mountain  |
सहस्रस्तरि | (sah/asra--) mfn. having a thousand barren cows  |
सहस्रस्थूण | (sah/asra--) mfn. supported by a thousand columns  |
सहस्रस्तोत्रिय | mfn. consisting of a thousand stotriya-s  |
सहस्रस्तुक | (sah/asra-.) mf(ā-)n. having a thousand tufts or curls of hair  |
सहस्रस्तुति | f. Name of a river  |
सहस्राश्व | m. "having a thousand horses", Name of a king  |
सहस्राश्वीन | n. a distance equivalent to a thousand days' journey for a horse  |
सहस्रास्य | m. "thousand-faced","thousand-headed", Name of the Serpent ananta-  |
सहस्रतम | mf(/ī-)n. the thousandth  |
सहस्रतय | mfn. a thousand fold  |
सहस्रतय | n. a thousand  |
सहस्रात्मन् | mfn. having a thousand natures  |
सहस्रातृण्ण | mfn. pierced with a thousand holes  |
सहस्रवाच् | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
सहस्रवदन | mfn. idem or 'mfn. containing the word sahasra- '  |
सहस्रवदन | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
सहस्रवाज | (sah/asra-.) mfn. having thousand-fold vigour or energy |
सहस्रवाक | mfn. containing . thousand words or verses  |
सहस्रवक्त्र | mfn. thousand-mouthed,  |
सहस्रवलिस | (sah/asra-.) mfn. thousand-branched  |
सहस्रवल्श | (sah/asra-.) mfn. thousand-branched  |
सहस्रवर | m. a fine below a thousand or from five hundred to a thousand paṇa-s  |
सहस्रवर्चस् | (sah/asra-.) mfn. having thousand-fold power or efficacy  |
सहस्रावर्ता | f. (with Buddhists) Name of a goddess.  |
सहस्रावर्तकतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
सहस्रवर्तानि | mfn. having a thousand paths  |
सहस्रवर्तनिन् | mfn. having a thousand wheels  |
सहस्रवर्तनिन् | n. Name of a saman-  |
सहस्रवर्त्मन् | mfn. having a thousand paths  |
सहस्रवत् | mfn. (sah/asra-.) a thousand fold  |
सहस्रवत् | mfn. containing the word sahasra-  |
सहस्रवेध | n. a kind of sorrel  |
सहस्रवेध | n. a kind of sour gruel  |
सहस्रवेधिन् | m. a kind of sorrel  |
सहस्रवेधिन् | m. musk  |
सहस्रवेधिन् | m. Calamus Fasciculatus  |
सहस्रवेधिन् | n. Asa Foetida  |
सहस्रवीर | (sah/asra--) mfn. sufficient for a thousand men  |
सहस्रवीर्य | mf(ā-)n. (sah/asra--) having a thousand energies  |
सहस्रवीर्या | f. a kind of plant  |
सहस्रवीर्या | f. dūrvā- grass (with white or blue flowers)  |
सहस्रवीर्या | f. equals mahā-śatāvarī-.  |
सहस्रवीर्या | f. Asa Foetida  |
सहस्रवृत् | mfn. including thousands (according to to Scholiast or Commentator vṛt- equals vriyamāṇa-, prārthyamāna-).  |
सहाश्राय | m. Name of a king  |
सहस्रयाज् | mfn. next  |
सहस्रयाज् | m. one who sacrifices a thousand victims  |
सहस्रयाजिन् | mfn. one who conducts a sacrifice for a recompense of a thousand (cows)  |
सहस्रयज्ञ | m. a sacrifice of a thousand  |
सहस्रयज्ञ | m. Name of a man  |
सहस्रयज्ञतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
सहस्रयामन् | (sah/asra--) mfn. having a thousand paths  |
सहस्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
सहस्रयोगचिकित्सा | f. Name of work  |
सहस्रयोजन | n. a distance of a thousand yojana-s  |
सहस्रायुध | mfn. having a thousand weapons  |
सहस्रायुध | m. Name of a man  |
सहस्रायुधीय | Nom. P. yudhīyati-, to resemble one who has a thousand weapons  |
सहस्रयुग | n. a period of a thousand ages  |
सहस्रायुस् | mfn. equals rāyu-  |
सहस्रायुस् | m. Name of a man  |
सहस्रायुष्ट्व | n. the living a thousand years |
सहस्रायुतीय | n. dual number (with indra-sya) Name of two sāman-s  |
सहस्रेध्म | a thousand pieces of wood  |
सहस्रेक्षण | mfn. thousand-eyed  |
सहस्रेक्षण | m. Name of indra-  |
सहस्रिक | n. a thousand (prob. wrong reading for sahasraka-)  |
सहस्रिक | mf(ī-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',after varṣa-or abda-) lasting a thousand years  |
सहस्रिन् | mfn. numbering a thousand, thousandfold  |
सहस्रिन् | mfn. gaining a thousand  |
सहस्रिन् | mfn. containing a thousand different things  |
सहस्रिन् | mfn. having a thousand (also in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc.  |
सहस्रिन् | mfn. paying a thousand (paṇa-s as a fine)  |
सहस्रिन् | mfn. consisting of a thousand soldiers  |
सहस्रिन् | mfn. amounting to a thousand (as a fine)  |
सहस्रिन् | m. a body of a thousand men etc.  |
सहस्रिन् | m. the commander of a thousand  |
सहस्रिय | mfn. a thousandfold  |
सहस्रिय | mfn. giving thousandfold  |
सहस्रीय | mfn. giving thousandfold (varia lectio r/iya-; see varṣa-s-)  |
सहस्रोपनिषद् | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
सहस्रोर्वङ्घ्रिबाह्वक्स | having a thousand thighs and feet and arms and eyes  |
सहस्रोति | mfn. equals sah/asramūti-  |
सहस्त | mfn. having hands  |
सहस्त | mfn. dexterous or skilled in handling weapons  |
सहस्ततलम् | ind. with clapping of hands,  |
सहस्थ | mfn. being together with, being present  |
सहस्थ | m. a companion.  |
सहस्थान | n. (used in explaining sadha-stha-and sadana-)  |
सहस्थित | mfn. equals -stha-  |
सहस्थिति | f. abiding together in (compound)  |
सहस्तोम | (sah/a--) mfn. with hymns, having hymns  |
सहसूक्तवाक | (sah/a--) mfn. accompanied with sacred hymns or formulas  |
सहसुरललनाललामयूथपति | mfn. with the leaders of the troops who form the ornament of the gods' wives  |
सहस्वत् | mfn. (s/ahas--.) powerful, mighty, victorious ( sahasvat vat- ind.mightily)  |
सहस्वत् | mfn. containing the word sahas-  |
सहस्वत् | m. Name of a king (varia lectio mahas-vat-)  |
सहस्वत् | ind. sahasvat |
सहस्वती | f. (prob.) (atī-) Name of a plant.  |
सहस्य | mfn. mighty, strong  |
सहस्य | m. the month pauṣa- (December-January)  |
सहास्या | f. idem or 'n. sitting or abiding together ' (with instrumental case)  |
सहस्यचन्द्र | m. the wintry moon  |
सहत् | mfn. mighty, strong.  |
सहत् | mfn. lasting, solid  |
सहता | f.  |
सहता | f. (for 1.See 1. saha-) association, connection, communion  |
सहत्व | n. (for.See under 2. saha-) sufferance, endurance, capacity of enduring, capacity, ability  |
सहत्व | n. (for 1.See ) idem or 'f. (for 1.See 1. saha-) association, connection, communion '  |
सहत्वकर्मन् | n. an action to be performed together  |
सहौजस् | mfn. endowed with strength or power  |
सहौत्र | mfn. together with the functions of the hotṛ-  |
सहौत्रनक्षत्रसत्त्वप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
सहाव | mfn. employing amorous gestures, wanton ( sahāvam am- ind.)  |
सहवाच्य | mfn. to be spoken together  |
सहवाद | m. "speaking together", colloquy, disputation ,  |
सहवह् | (strong form -vāh-) mfn. drawing together (said of horses)  |
सहवाहन | mfn. along with vehicles  |
सहवैशिक्य | mfn. with the vaiśikya-s  |
सहावम् | ind. sahāva |
सहावन् | mfn. ( sah/a-van-) idem or 'mfn. possessing strength, powerful, mighty '  |
सहवार्ष्णेयबाहुक | mfn. with vārṣṇeya- and bāhuka- equals vārṣṇeya-sārathi-  |
सहवार्ष्णेयजीवल | mfn. with vārṣṇeya- and jīvala-  |
सहवार्ष्णेयसारथि | mfn. with the charioteer vārṣṇeya-  |
सहवर्तिन् | mfn. being together, keeping company  |
सहवास | m. dwelling together, common abode  |
सहवास | m. equals next  |
सहवसति | f. dwelling together  |
सहवासिक | mfn. one who lives with another, a fellow-lodger or neighbour  |
सहवासिन् | mfn. one who lives with another, a fellow-lodger or neighbour |
सहवसु | (sah/a--) mfn. with wealth or with one's property (according to to "Name of an asura-")  |
सहावत् | mfn. possessing strength, powerful, mighty  |
सहावत् | See under 1. saha-, column 1.  |
सहवत्स | mf(ā-)n. with the calf  |
सहवीर | (sah/a--) mfn. together with men or heroes  |
सहवीर्य | n. fresh butter  |
सहविवक्षा | f. the intention to utter anything together or at once  |
सहव्रत | mf(ā-)n. having common observances or duties  |
सहव्रता | f. equals -dharmacāriṇī-, column 1  |
सहव्रता | f. a religious community, sect  |
सहवृद्धिक्षयभाव | mfn. possessing or partaking of the increase and wane (of the moon)  |
सहाय | mfn. along with clarified butter  |
सहाय | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).prob. fr. saha-+ aya- see sahāyana-;but according to to some, a Prakrit form of sakhāya-See sakhi-,p.1130)"one who goes along with (another)" , a companion, follower, adherent, ally, assistant, helper in or to (locative case or compound; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"having as a companion or assistant, accompanied or supported by") etc.  |
सहाय | m. (ibc.) companionship, assistance (See compound)  |
सहाय | m. Name of śiva-  |
सहाय | m. the ruddy goose  |
सहाय | m. a kind of drug or perfume  |
सहय | mfn. with horses  |
सहयज्ञ | mf(ā-)n. with sacrifices  |
सहायक | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals sahāya-  |
सहायकरण | n. the act of rendering assistance, aiding  |
सहायकृत् | m. "rendering assistance", a friend, companion  |
सहायकृत्य | n. equals karaṇa-  |
सहायन | n. going together, fellowship, company  |
सहायार्थम् | ind. for the sake of company  |
सहयशस् | (sah/a--) mfn. glorious, splendid  |
सहयात | wrong reading for -jāta-  |
सहायता | f. a number of companions etc. on  |
सहायता | f. equals next  |
सहायतन | mfn. with the fire-shrine  |
सहायत्व | n. companionship, association, friendship, assistance, help  |
सहयौगंधरायण | mfn. with yaugaṃdharāyaṇa-  |
सहायवत् | mfn. having a companion or assistant, accompanied or befriended or assisted by, provided with (compound)  |
सहयायिन् | mfn. going together, a fellow-traveller  |
सहायी | in compound for sahāya-.  |
सहायीभाव | m. the being or becoming a companion  |
सहायीभू | P. -bhavati-, to be or become a companion  |
सहायिन् | mfn. going together, a companion, follower (mostly inī- f."a female companion")  |
सहयोषित् | mfn. with a wife  |
सहयुध्वन् | mfn. fighting together, a brother-in-arms  |
सहयुज् | mfn. yoked or harnessed together  |
सहेल | mfn. full of play or sport, wanton, careless, unconcerned ( sahelam am- ind.) etc.  |
सहेल | m. Name of a man (also laka-)  |
सहेलम् | ind. sahela |
सहेमक | mfn. together with the gold pieces  |
सहेमकक्ष्य | mfn. having golden girths  |
सहेन्द्र | mfn. with indra-  |
सहेति | mfn. with the particle iti-, followed by it  |
सहेतिकार | mfn. (or n. scilicet pada-,a word) followed by the particle iti-  |
सहेतिकरण | mfn. followed by the particle iti-  |
सहेतु | mfn. having a cause or reason, well-founded, reasonable,  |
सहेतुक | mfn. id  |
सहेतुक | mfn. together with a reason  |
सहील | m. "having semen (?)", Name of a man  |
सहिम | mfn. having ice or snow  |
सहिम | mfn. cold (as wind)  |
सहिर | m. a mountain  |
सहिरण्य | mfn. (s/a--) provided with gold  |
सहिरण्यपात्र | mfn. (s/a-h-) with a golden vessel  |
सहिष्णु | mfn. patient, forbearing  |
सहिष्णु | mfn. bearing, enduring, putting up with (accusative genitive case,or compound) etc.  |
सहिष्णु | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
सहिष्णु | m. of one of the 7 ṛṣi-s under the 6th manu-  |
सहिष्णु | m. of a son of pulaha-  |
सहिष्णु | m. of viṣṇu-  |
सहिष्णुता | f.  |
सहिष्णुत्व | n. patience, resignation, forbearance  |
सहिष्ठ | mfn. strongest, most mighty or powerful  |
सहित | mfn. (for 2.See) borne, endured, supported  |
सहित | mf(ā-.)n. (for 1.See) equals saṃhita- (see Va1rtt. 1 ), joined, conjoined, united (dual number"both together"; plural [also with sarve-],"all together")  |
सहित | mf(ā-.)n. accompanied or attended by, associated or connected with, possessed of (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
सहित | mf(ā-.)n. attached or cleaving to  |
सहित | mf(ā-.)n. being quite near  |
सहित | mf(ā-.)n. (in astronomy) being in conjunction with (instr, or comp)  |
सहिता | f. Name of a river  |
सहित | n. a bow weighing 300 pala-s  |
सहित | See .  |
सहितकुम्भक | m. a particular mode of suppressing the breath (See prāṇāyāma-).  |
सहितम् | ind. together,along with  |
सहितम् | ind. near, close by  |
सहिताङ्गुलि | mfn. having fingers which have grown together  |
सहितस्थित | mfn. standing together  |
सहितत्व | n. the being joined together, junction with (compound)  |
सहितव्य | mfn. to be borne or endured  |
सहितोरु | mf(rū-)n. saṃhitoru- on  |
सहितोत्तर | n. a bow weighing 500 pala-s  |
सहितृ | mfn. equals soḍhṛ-  |
सहित्र | n. patience, endurance  |
सहीयस् | mfn. more (or most) mighty or power. ful  |
सह्ल | sahlaṇa- See salh- p.1190.  |
सह्लादम् | ind. joyfully, gladly  |
सहो | in compound for sahas-.  |
सहोबल | n. great force or violence, cruelty  |
सहोभरि | mfn. supporting strength  |
सहोभिह् | ind. sahas |
सहोदा | mfn. bestowing strength  |
सहोदैर्घतमस | n. dual number Name of two sāman-s  |
सहोदक | mfn. equals samānodaka-  |
सहोदकुम्भ | mfn. together with the water-jar  |
सहोदन | mfn. together with rice  |
सहोदर | mf(ā-and ī-)n. co-uterine, born of the same womb etc.  |
सहोदर | mf(ā-and ī-)n. closely resembling or similar  |
सहोदर | m. uterine brother etc.  |
सहोदर | f(ā-or ī-). a uterine sister  |
सहोदय | mf(ā-)n. together with the following (words, letters etc.)  |
सहोढ | m. (for sa-hodha-See p.1195),"brought with (a woman pregnant at her marriage)" , a son by another man than her husband etc.  |
सहोढ | mf(ā-)n. (for sahāḍha-See p.1194, col, 3) one who has the stolen property with him, vaś-.  |
सहोढ | See p.1194, col, 3.  |
सहोढज | mfn. idem or 'm. (for sa-hodha-See p.1195),"brought with (a woman pregnant at her marriage)" , a son by another man than her husband etc.'  |
सहोढजा | f. a woman married at the same time with another  |
सहोदित | mfn. said together, declared comprehensively or collectively  |
सहोहा | Name of a sāman-  |
सहोजा | mfn. strength born, produced by strength  |
सहोजित् | mfn. victorious by strength  |
सहोक्ति | f. speaking together or at the same time  |
सहोक्ति | f. (in rhetoric) a comparison of many objects by using the word saha- (opp. to vinokti- q.v) etc. (see ) .  |
सहोपध | mfn. together with a penultimate sound or letter  |
सहोपलम्भ | m. simultaneous perception  |
सहोपमा | f. "comparison by the word saha- ", equals sahokti- above  |
सहोपपतिवेश्मन् | mfn. living together with a wife's paramour  |
सहोर | mfn. (according to to fr.1. sah-) good, excellent  |
सहोर | m. a saint, pure or pious man  |
सहोरयिष्ठीय | n. Name of two sāman-s  |
सहोरु | mf(ū-)n. equals saṃhitāru- on  |
सहोषित | mfn. one who has dwelt with another  |
सहोटज | m. a kind of hut made of leaves (sometimes but with the body of an ascetic)  |
सहोत्पत्ति | f. simultaneous birth or origin  |
सहोत्थ | mfn. innate (equals sahaja-)  |
सहोत्थ | m. Name of the third astrology mansion |
सहोत्थायिन् | mfn. rising together, conspiring with, accomplice in a plot  |
सहोवन् | (s/aho--) mfn. mighty, superior  |
सहोवृध् | mfn. increasing strength  |
सह्र | m. a mountain  |
सहृद् | mfn. accompanied with the formula hṛdā hri-  |
सहृदय | mf(ā-)n. (s/a--) with the heart  |
सहृदय | mf(ā-)n. hearty, sincere  |
सहृदय | mf(ā-)n. possessing a heart, good-hearted, full of feeling, sensible, intelligent  |
सहृदय | m. a learned man  |
सहृदय | mn. (?) Name of work on ācāra-  |
सहृदयलीला | f. Name of a rhetoric work by rucaka-  |
सहृदयालोक | m. Name of work also called dhvany-āloka-.  |
सहृल्लेख | mfn. "having distress of heart", doubtful, restless  |
सहृल्लेख | mfn. questionable, causing doubt or suspicion, suspected,  |
सहृल्लेख | n. questionable food  |
सहृष्टकम् | ind. with bristling hair, with a thrill  |
सहुड | mfn. having a ram, with rams  |
सहुरि | mfn. mighty, strong, victorious  |
सहुरि | m. the sun, Scholiast or Commentator  |
सहुरि | f. the earth  |
सहुरि | f. Name of agni-  |
सहूति | (s/a--) f. (instr, tī-) conjoint or united invocation  |
सह्वन् | mfn. powerful, mighty  |
सह्य | mfn. to be borne or endured, endurable, tolerable, resistible etc.  |
सह्य | mfn. able to bear, equal to  |
सह्य | mfn. powerful, strong  |
सह्य | mfn. sweet, agreeable  |
सह्य | m. Name of one of the 7 principal ranges of mountains in India (See kula-giri-)  |
सह्य | m. of a mountainous district (in which the go-dāvarī- rises in the N. W of the Deccan) etc.  |
सह्य | m. of a son of vivasvat- (varia lectio mahya-)  |
सह्य | mn. help. assistance (oftener sāhya-)  |
सह्य | m. health, convalescence  |
सह्याद्रि | m. the sahya- mountain  |
सह्याद्रिखण्ड | m. Name of a chapter of the  |
सह्यकर्मन् | n. help, assistance  |
सह्यमहीभृत् | m. the sahya- range of mountains  |
सह्यपर्वत | m. the sahya- range of mountains  |
सह्यस् | mfn. equals sahīyas-  |
सह्यता | f. endurableness  |
सह्यात्मजा | f. " sahya-'s daughter", Name of the river kāverī-  |
सह्यवर्णन | n. Name of a chapter of the (containing a description of the sahya- mountains) .  |
सह्यवासिनी | f. "inhabiting the sahya- mountains"Name of durgā-  |
सह्यु | mfn. conquering, victorious  |
अब्दसहस्र | n. a thousand years.  |
अभिप्रसह् | to be able to (Inf.)  |
अभ्युत्सह् | to be able to resist (with accusative) ; to feel competent, venture (with infinitive mood)  |
अध्वसह | m. an indefatigable traveller,  |
अध्यर्धसहस्र | mfn. amounting to or worth one thousand five hundred.  |
अघशंसहन् | m. slaying the wicked  |
अग्निसहाय | m. "friend of fire", the wind  |
अग्निसहाय | m. a wild pigeon  |
अहःसहस्र | n. a thousand days  |
अइकसहस्रिक | mfn. (fr. eka-sahasra-), possessing 1001.  |
अकालसह | mfn. unable to bide one's time.  |
अमित्रसह | varia lectio for mitra-saha- q.v  |
अमृतसहोदर | m. "brother of Nectar", a horse (see -bandhu-)  |
अन्तःपुरसहाय | m. belonging to the women's apartments (as a eunuch, etc.)  |
आपत्सहाय | m. a friend in need,  |
अप्रसहिष्णु | mfn. quite unable (to)  |
अप्रसह्य | mfn. intolerable  |
अप्रसह्य | mfn. irresistible  |
अर्धमाससहस्र | n. a thousand of half months  |
अरुन्धतीसहचर | m. companion of arundhatī-, vasiṣṭha-.  |
असह | mfn. incapable of bearing (or producing young ones)  |
असह | mfn. not bearing or enduring (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' or with genitive case)  |
असह | mfn. not able to, not capable of (Inf. or in compound)  |
असह | mfn. intolerant, impatient  |
असह | n. the middle of the breast  |
असहमान | mfn. not tolerating  |
असहन | mf(ā-)n. not able to endure, unenduring (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
असहन | mf(ā-)n. envious, jealous etc.  |
असहन | m. an enemy  |
असहन | n. not tolerating  |
असहनता | f. weakness,  |
असहत् | mf(antī-)n. unable to (infinitive mood), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
असहत्व | n. inability to endure  |
असहत्व | n. not tolerating  |
असहत्व | n. not being at hand  |
असहाय | mfn. without companions, friendless  |
असहाय | mfn. solitary (as a house)  |
असहायता | f. loneliness, solitude the life of a hermit  |
असहायवत् | mfn. without companions  |
असहिष्णु | mfn. unable to endure (with accusative locative case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc.  |
असहिष्णु | mfn. impatient, unenduring, envious, quarrelsome  |
असहिष्णुता | f. inability to endure etc.  |
असहिष्णुता | f. impatience, envy  |
असहिष्णुत्व | n. inability to endure etc.  |
असहिष्णुत्व | n. impatience, envy  |
असहृदय | mfn. not sensible of what is beautiful,  |
असह्य | mf(ā-)n. unbearable, insufferable, insuperable  |
असह्य | mf(ā-)n. impracticable, impossible  |
असह्य | mf(ā-)n. with draṣṭum-,"impossible to be seen" id est invisible  |
असह्य | lost beyond aid (as a sinking ship),  |
असह्यपीड | mfn. causing intolerable pain  |
अतर्क्यसहस्रशक्ति | m. endowed with a thousand in comp.ehensible powers.  |
अतिदुःसह | mfn. very hard to bear, quite unbearable.  |
आयुधसहाय | mfn. armed  |
बाहुसहस्रभृत् | m. "having a thousand arm", Name of arjuna- kārtavīrya- (killed by paraśu-rāma-)  |
बाहुसहस्रिन् | mfn. having a thousand arm  |
बहुवर्षसहस्रिक | mfn. lasting many thousand years  |
बहुवर्षसहस्रिन् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. lasting many thousand years ' , many thousand years old  |
बकसहवासिन् | m. "fellow-lodger of the heron", a lotus flower  |
बलीन्द्रसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
बटुकभैरवसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
बटुकभैरवसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
भागवतसमुच्चयेसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
भैरवसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
भारसह | mf(ā-)n. able to carry a great load, very strong or powerful  |
भारसह | m. an ass  |
भार्गवनामसहस्र | n. Name of work  |
भवानीसहस्रनामबीजाक्षरी | f. Name of work  |
भवानीसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of chapter of bhaviṣyottara-purāṇa-.  |
भवानीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
भवानीसहस्रनामयन्त्र | n. Name of work  |
भवानीसहाय | m. Name of an author  |
भेदसह | mfn. capable of being disunited or seduced  |
भ्रातृव्यसहन | n. overpowering a rivals  |
भूमीसह | m. a species of tree  |
भुवनेश्वरीसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
भुवनेश्वरीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
बृहतीसहस्र | n. a thousand bṛhatī-s  |
बृहतीसहस्र | n. Name of work  |
बृहत्सहाय | mfn. having a Powerful companion  |
बुद्धिसहाय | m. a counsellor minister  |
चर्षणीसह् | mfn. ruling over or overpowering men (ix, 24, 4 dative case -s/ahe- -dh/ṛtiḥ-).  |
चतुःसहस्र | (c/at-) n. 4000  |
दर्शपौर्णमासहौत्र | n. Name of work  |
दशसहैक | mfn. 10 + 1  |
देवसह | m. Name of a mountain  |
देवसहा | f. Name of plants (equals saha-devī-or (?) bhikṣā-sūtra-)  |
देवतासहायिन् | mfn. accompanied (only) by the gods id est alone  |
देवीसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
देवीसहाय | m. Name of author  |
धन्वासह् | (sāh-) mfn. skilled in archery  |
धर्मसहाय | m. a companion in religious duties sāh-  |
दिग्धसहशय | mfn. lying in mud or along with any soiled person Va1rtt. 2  |
दोःसहस्रभृत् | m. "1000-armed", Name of arjuna- kārtavīrya-  |
दुःसह | mfn. difficult to be borne, unbearable, irresistible ( duḥsahatva -tva- n.; compound -tara-) etc.  |
दुःसह | m. N. an evil demon  |
दुःसह | m. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
दुःसह | m. of puru-kutsa-  |
दुःसहा | f. Name of śrī-  |
दुःसह | m. of a shrub (equals nāga-damanī-)  |
दुःसहत्व | n. duḥsaha |
दुःसहाय | mfn. having bad companions, forsaken by all  |
दुरासह | mfn. difficult to be accomplished (varia lectio sada-)  |
दुरासह | m. mystical Name of a sword (v. prec.)  |
दुर्गसह | mfn. overcoming difficulties or dangers  |
दुरुत्सह | mfn. difficult to bear or resist  |
दुष्प्रसह | mfn. difficult to be borne or supported or suffered, irresistible  |
दुष्प्रसह | mfn. terrible, frightful  |
दुष्प्रसह | m. Name of a jaina- teacher  |
द्वंद्वसहिष्णुता | f. ( )  |
द्विसहस्र | mfn. worth 2000  |
द्विसहस्र | n. vArttika (see -ṣāh-and -sāh-)  |
द्विसहस्राक्ष | m. "the 2000-eyed one", Name of the serpent-king śeṣa-  |
द्व्यष्टसहस्र | n. 16000  |
द्युम्नासह् | (strong -sāh-) mfn. bearing strength, .  |
एकसहस्र | n. 1001  |
एकसहस्र | n. ([v]ṛṣabhaikasahasraṃ-[ ] or hasrās- scilicet gāvas-,a thousand cows and one bull )  |
गणेशसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of a part of the  |
गर्जितासह | m. "not bearing (an elephant's) roaring", a lion  |
गौसहस्रिक | mf(ī-)n. possessing 1000 cows  |
घनासह | mfn. what may not be hammered  |
गोपालसहस्रनामभूषणा | f. "decorated with the thousand names of kṛṣṇa-", Name of work |
गोरक्षसहस्रनामन् | n. "the thousand names of śiva-", Name of work  |
गोसहस्र | n. a thousand kine  |
गोसहस्र | mfn. possessing a thousand kine  |
गोसहस्री | f. Name of two festive days (the 15th day in the dark half of month kārttika- and of month jyaiṣṭha-).  |
हनुमत्सहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
हयग्रीवसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
हुताशनसहाय | m. "friend of fire", Name of śiva-  |
जलासह् | Ved. mfn. equals -ṣah-, .  |
जानकीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. a hymn containing the 1000 names of sītā-  |
जनंसह | mfn. subduing men (indra-)  |
जिनसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
कालीसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
कंसहन् | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-.  |
कंसहनन | n. the slaying of kaṃsa-.  |
करिणीसहाय | m. the mate of the female elephant.  |
केलिश्वेतसहस्रपत्त्र | Nom. P. ttrati-, to represent a white lotus for playing with  |
खारसहस्रिक | mfn. containing or sown with a thousand khāra- measures  |
कीर्तिप्रतापबलसहित | mfn. attended with or possessed of fame and majesty and power.  |
क्षुद्रसहा | f. Phaseolus trilobus (varia lectio -mahā-)  |
क्षुद्रसहा | f. equals -ruhā-  |
कुसहाय | m. a bad companion  |
कुसहाय | etc. See 1. ku-.  |
लघुसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
लक्ष्मीनारायणसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
लक्ष्मीनृसिंहसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
लक्ष्मीसहज | m. "produced together with lakṣmī-", the moon (supposed to have arisen together with lakṣmī- from the ocean when churned by the gods and asura-sSee lakṣmī-above )  |
लक्ष्मीसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
लक्ष्मीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
लक्ष्मीसहोदर | m. equals -saha-ja- (q.v)  |
ललितासहस्र | n.  |
ललितासहस्रनामभाष्य | n. Name of work  |
ललितासहस्रनामन् | n. plural Name of work  |
लोपामुद्रासहचर | m. husband of lopā-mudrā-, Name of agastya-  |
मधुमाधवसहाय | m. Name of author  |
मधुसहाय | m. "having Spring for a companion", the god of love  |
मध्वसहस्रनामभाष्य | n. Name of work  |
महादेवसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
महादेवसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of stotra-  |
महागणपतिसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
महाकालसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
महासह | mfn. much-enduring, bearing much  |
महासह | m. Rosa Moschata  |
महासहा | f. Name of various plants (Gomphraena Globosa, Glycine Debilis ;Wrightia Antidysenterica etc. )  |
महासहस्रनामन् | n. a list of 1000 names of rāma- from the  |
महासहस्रप्रमर्दन | n. Name of a sūtra-  |
महासहस्रप्रमर्दनी | f. Name of one of the 5 great tutelary goddesses  |
महासहस्रप्रमर्दिनी | f. equals prec. f.  |
महात्रिपुरसुन्दरीमन्त्रनामसहस्र | n. Name of a chapter of the vāmakeśvara-tantra-.  |
महीसह | m. Tectona Grandis (see -ruha-).  |
मकारादिसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of chapter of the rudra-yāmala- (containing 1000 names of rāma- beginning with m-).  |
मल्लारिसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
मांसहासा | f. skin  |
मानसहरण | n. Name of work  |
मन्त्राक्षरिभवानीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
मरुत्सहाय | mfn. having the word for a companion (said of fire)  |
मातापितृसहस्र | n. plural thousands of mother and father  |
मेरुविरहतन्त्रेभुवनेश्वरीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
मित्रसह | m. "indulgent towards friends", Name of a king (also called kalmāṣa-pāda-) R etc. of a brahman-  |
मोहिनीराजसहस्रनामावली | f. Name of work  |
मृगादनसहदेवी | f.  |
नैष्कसहस्रिक | mfn. containing or worth 100 (1000) niṣkas-  |
नारदीयसप्तसहस्र | n. Name of work  |
नरसिंहसहस्रनामन् | n. plural Name of work  |
नवखण्डयोगसहस्र | n. Name of work  |
निःसह | mf(ā-)n. not able to support or resist (compound)  |
निःसह | mf(ā-)n. powerless, weak ( niḥsahatā -tā- f. niḥsahatva -tva- n.) (compound -tara-, )  |
निःसह | mf(ā-)n. intolerable, irresistible  |
निःसहता | f. niḥsaha |
निःसहत्व | n. niḥsaha |
निःसहाय | mfn. without helpers, unassisted, ,  |
निर्घातदुःसह | mfn. difficult to be destroyed or overcome (sorrow)  |
निर्वेददुःसहम् | ind. in a despairingly insupportable manner  |
नृसिंहसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
नृसिंहसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
न्यासहर | m. robber of a deposit  |
पादुकासहस्र | n. Name of work  |
पादुकासहस्रपरीक्षा | f. Name of work  |
पञ्चसहस्री | f. sg. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (-ka-)mfn.) 5000  |
पञ्चाशत्सहस्रीमहाकालसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
परःसहस्र | ( ; p/araḥ-sahasra- ) mf(ā-)n. plural more than 1000.  |
परमहंससहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
परशुवनसहस्रनामन् | n. "forest of axes", Name of a hell  |
परिहासहरि | m. Name of a temple of viṣṇu-  |
परिक्रमसह | m. "one who bears running about", a goat  |
परिपूर्णसहस्रचन्द्रवती | f. "possessing a thousand full moons", Name of indra-'s wife  |
परिसहस्र | mfn. plural a full thousand  |
पार्श्वनाथदशभावविसह | m. Name of work  |
पार्वतीसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
पतिसहगमननिषेधनिरासप्रकाश | m. Name of work  |
फलसहस्र | n. a thousand fruits  |
फलसहस्र | n. dual number two thousand fruit  |
फल्गुप्रासह | (g/u--) m. of little strength  |
फणामणिसहस्ररुच् | f. the splendour of the thousand jewels on the hood (of the surface-king)  |
प्रचण्डचण्डिकासहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
प्रज्ञासहाय | mfn. "having wisdom for a companion", wise, intelligent  |
प्रसह् | A1. -sahate- (rarely P. ti-: ind.p. -sahya-See below) , to conquer, be victorious ; to bear up against, be a match for or able to withstand, sustain, endure (accusative) etc. ; to check, restrain ; to be able to (infinitive mood)  |
प्रसह् | (s/āh-) mfn. idem or 'mfn. overpowering, victorious '  |
प्रासह् | mfn. mighty, strong.  |
प्रासह् | f. force  |
प्रसह | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') enduring withstanding  |
प्रसह | m. endurance, resistance (See duṣ-pr-)  |
प्रसह | m. a beast or bird of prey  |
प्रसहा | f. Solanum Indicum  |
प्रासहा | ind. by force, violently, mightily  |
प्रासह | m. force, power ( prāsahāt hāt- ind.by force )  |
प्रासहा | f. Name of the wife of indra-  |
प्रसहन | m. a beast of prey  |
प्रसहन | n. resisting, overcoming (nekṛ- gaRa sākṣād-ādi-,where pra-hasane-)  |
प्रसहन | n. embracing  |
प्रासहात् | ind. prāsaha |
प्रसहिष्णु | See a-pras-. 1.  |
प्रसह्वन् | mfn. overpowering, defeating  |
प्रसह्य | mfn. to be conquered or resisted etc.  |
प्रसह्य | mfn. capable of being conquered or resisted (infinitive mood with pass. sense)  |
प्रसह्य | ind. having conquered or won  |
प्रसह्य | ind. using force, forcibly, violently etc.  |
प्रसह्य | ind. exceedingly, very much  |
प्रसह्य | ind. at once, without more ado  |
प्रसह्य | ind. necessarily, absolutely, by all means (with na-,"by no means")  |
प्रसह्यचौर | m. "violent thief", a robber, plunderer  |
प्रसह्याढा | f. married by force  |
प्रसह्यहरण | n. forcible abduction, robbing, plundering  |
प्रसह्यकारिन् | mfn. acting with violence  |
प्रतिसह् | A1. -sahate-, to be a match for, overcome (accusative)  |
प्रत्यङ्गिरासहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
प्रत्यङ्गिरासहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
प्रियसहचरी | f. a dear female companion, beloved wife  |
प्रियवाक्सहित | mfn. priyavāc |
प्रोत्सह् | (pra-ud-sah-) P. -sahati-, to take courage or heart, boldly prepare to (infinitive mood) : Causal -sāhayati- (irreg. -sāhati- ), to exhort, urge on, inspirit, instigate (wrong reading -sād-) ( wrong reading for -sād-)  |
पुरावृत्तसह् | mfn.(Nominal verb -ṣāṭ-; see ) superior from ancient times ( "conqueror of cities") .  |
पुरुषोत्तमसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
पुत्रसहस्रक | mf(ikā-)n. having 1000 sons  |
पुत्रसहस्रिन् | mfn. idem or 'mf(ikā-)n. having 1000 sons '  |
राधासहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
रकारादिरामसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of a collection of the thousand names of rāma- (from the brahmayāmala-).  |
रक्तसहा | f. the red globe-amaranth  |
रामसहस्रनामन् | n. " rāma-s's thousand names", Name of chs. of the and  |
रामसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of similar work  |
रामसहस्रनामविवरण | n. Name of similar work  |
रणसहाय | m. "war-helper", an ally  |
रङ्गनाथपादुकासहस्र | n. Name of work  |
रसहरण | n. the sucking up or imbibing of juice  |
रसहरण | mf(ī-)n. equals -vaha-  |
रसहारिन् | mfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. equals -vaha- '  |
रसहेमन् | n. Name of work  |
रसहृदय | n. Name of work  |
रश्मिशतसहस्रपरिपूर्णध्वज | m. Name of a buddha-  |
रथासह् | mfn. (the same stem in the strong cases) able or fit to draw a chariots  |
रतिसहचर | m. " rati-'s consort", Name of kāma-deva-  |
रात्रिसहस्र | n. a thousand night  |
रौप्यायसहिरण्मय | mf(ī-)n. consisting or made of silver and iron and gold  |
रेणुकासहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
रेणुसहस्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
ऋतुसहस्र | n. a thousand seasons  |
रुद्रसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
रुजासह | m. Grewia Elastica  |
सदासह् | mfn. (accusative -s/aham-) always holding out or lasting  |
सदासह् | mfn. always conquering  |
सदाशिवसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
सखीसहित | mfn. attended by female friends  |
सामग्रीसहचार | m. Name of work  |
संगीतसहायिनी | f. a female who accompanies another in singing  |
समीपसहकार | m. a mango tree standing near (varia lectio)  |
समीरणसहाय | mfn. accompanied or fanned by the wind (as a forest fire)  |
सम्प्रसह् | P. -sahati- (future -sahiṣyati-,or -sakṣyati- varia lectio -śakṣyati-), to have power over, become a match for, withstand, check, curb, restrain ; to endure, tolerate ; to overcome  |
सम्प्रसह्य | ind. thoroughly. by all means  |
संसह् | A1. -sahate-, to cope with, be a match for (accusative) ; to bear, resist, hold out, stand ; -R.  |
संसह | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equal to, a match for  |
संसहस्र | mfn. accompanied by a thousand  |
संसहायक | m. a comrade, companion  |
समुत्सह् | A1. -sahate- (rarely P ti-), to be able to or capable of, have energy to do anything (infinitive mood) : Causal -sāhayati-, to strengthen or encourage together, animate, incite  |
संवत्सरसहस्र | n. a thousand years  |
सप्तषष्टिसहस्र | n. saptaṣaṣṭi |
शरभसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
शारदासहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
सर्पसहा | f. a kind of plant  |
सर्वकर्मसह | mfn. sarvakarman |
सर्वंसह | mfn. all-bearing, all-enduring, bearing everything patiently etc.  |
सर्वंसहा | f. the earth  |
सर्वंसहा | f. a particular śruti-  |
सार्वंसह | m. (fr. sarvaṃ-s-) a kind of salt  |
सर्वसह | mf(ā-)n. all enduring, very patient  |
सर्वसह | m. bdellium  |
सर्वसहा | f. the earth  |
सर्वसह | m. Name of a mythical cow  |
सार्वसह | varia lectio for sarvaṃ-s- q.v  |
सर्वसाम्राज्यमेधसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
सर्ववातसह | mfn. able to bear every wind (said of a ship)  |
सासहान | mfn. (for sa-s-) overcoming, conquering  |
शासहस्त | mfn. holding a butcher's knife in the hand  |
ससहाय | mfn. along with associates, having companions or accomplices  |
सासहि | mfn. (fr. Intensive) conquering, victorious  |
सासहि | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') able to bear  |
सासहि | sāsahvas- See p.1193.  |
सासह्वस् | and sāhv/as- mfn. equals -sāsahāna-  |
षष्टिसहस्र | n. plural 60 thousand  |
षष्टिसहस्रिन् | mfn. plural numbering 60 thousand  |
शतचण्डीसहस्रचण्डीप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
शतचण्डीसहस्रचण्डीविधि | m. Name of work  |
शतचण्डीसहस्रचण्ड्यादिविधान | n. Name of work  |
शतसहस्र | n. sg. or plural a hundred thousand (the counted object may be in genitive case or in apposition or compound) etc.  |
शतसहस्रधा | ind. into a hundred hundred pieces  |
शतसहस्रांशु | mfn. having a hundred hundred rays (said of the moon)  |
शतसहस्रान्त | mfn. spreading in a hundred hundred directions (said of the moon) (varia lectio)  |
शतसहस्रपत्त्र | n. kind of flower  |
शतसहस्रशस् | ind. by hundred of hundred (in connexion with a Nominal verb, accusative,or instrumental case)  |
शतसहस्रयान | n. a hundred hundred roads  |
शतवर्षसहस्रिन् | mfn. living a hundred thousand years  |
शठकोपसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
सत्रासह | (or -sāh/a-) mfn. always overcoming or conquering, irresistible  |
शत्रुंसह | mfn. bearing or patient with an enemy (also a proper N.)  |
शत्रुसह | mfn. equals -sāha-  |
षट्सहस्र | mfn. plural numbering 6000  |
षट्सहस्रकर | m. ṣaṭsahasrī |
षट्सहस्रशत | mfn. (in the beginning of a compound) 600,000  |
षट्सहस्री | f. Name of work ( ṣaṭsahasrakara ra-kara- m. )  |
सत्सहाय | m. a good companion  |
सत्सहाय | mfn. one who has good or virtuous friends  |
षट्त्रिंशत्सहस्र | mfn. consisting of 36 thousands  |
सत्यसह् | mfn. (Nominal verb -s/āṭ-) equals ṛtā-ṣ/ah-  |
सत्यसहस् | m. Name of the father of sva-dhāman-  |
शीतसह | mfn. (only ) bearing or enduring cold  |
शीतसह | m. Careya Arborea or Salvadora Persica  |
शीतसहा | f. Vitex Negundo  |
शीतसहा | f. equals vāsantī-.  |
सीतासहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
सीतासहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
शिवदयासहस्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
शिवसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
शिवसहस्रनामावलि | f. Name of work  |
शिवसहाय | m. " śiva-'s companion", Name of two authors.  |
स्कन्दसहस्रनामन् | n. "the thousand names of skanda-", Name of work  |
स्मरसह | mfn. capable of exciting love  |
षोडशसहस्र | ( ) ( ) n. 16 thousand.  |
सोत्प्रासहसित | n. derisive or sarcastic laughter  |
स्पर्शासह | mfn. intolerant of touch, sensitive to touch ( sparśāsahatva -tva- n.)  |
स्पर्शासहत्व | n. sparśāsaha |
स्पर्शासहिष्णु | mfn. intolerant of touch, sensitive to touch ( sparśāsahiṣṇutva -tva- n.)  |
स्पर्शासहिष्णुत्व | n. sparśāsahiṣṇu |
श्रीगुणसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
श्रीगुरुसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
श्रीमुखीसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
श्रीसहस्र | n. Name of stotra-.  |
श्रीसहोदर | m. "brother of śrī-", the moon (as produced together with śrī- at the churning of the ocean; see śrī-putra-)  |
शृङ्गारसहाय | m. an assistant in affairs of love, confidant of a dramatic hero  |
सुब्रह्मण्यसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
सुदर्शनसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
शुद्धाख्यसहस्रसंहिता | f. Name of a chapter of the vātula-tantra-.  |
सुदुःसह | mfn. very difficult to be borne or endured, quite intolerable  |
सूक्तिसहस्र | n. Name of a collection of a thousand beautiful verses.  |
सूर्यसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
सूर्यसहस्रनामावली | f. Name of work  |
सुसह | (s/u--) ind. good company  |
सुसह | mfn. easy to be borne or suffered  |
सुसह | mfn. bearing or enduring well  |
सुसह | m. Name of śiva- (equals saumya- )  |
सुसहाय | mfn. having a good companion or assistant  |
सुसहायवत् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having a good companion or assistant '  |
स्वकार्यसह | mfn. able to do one's own duty or effect one's own business |
श्वासहेति | f. "remedy for asthma", sound sleep  |
श्वासहिक्का | f. a kind of hiccough ( śvāsahikkkin kkin- mfn.suffering from it)  |
श्वासहिक्क्किन् | mfn. śvāsahikkā |
श्यामलासहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
श्यामासहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
तपःक्लेशसह | mfn. enduring the pain of austerities  |
तपःसहाय | m. companion in penance, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
त्रिःसहवचन | n. Name of a text  |
उडुपसहा | f. plural the female companions of the moon,  |
उमासहाय | m. " umā-'s companion", Name of śiva-.  |
उर्वशीसहाय | m. " urvaśī-'s companion", Name of purū-ravas-  |
उष्णासह | m. (scilicet kāla-) "the time in which heat is tolerable", the winter  |
उत्सह् | (ud-sah-) A1. -sahate- (infinitive mood -s/aham- ) to endure, bear ; to be able, be adequate, have power (with infinitive mood or dative case of abstr. noun) ; to act with courage or energy etc.: Causal -sāhayati-, to animate, encourage, excite : Desiderative of the Causal (parasmE-pada -sisāhayiṣat-) to wish to excite or encourage  |
उत्सह | See dur-utsaha-.  |
वचनसहाय | m. a companion to converse with, any sociable companion  |
वाचासहाय | m. a conversable or sociable companion  |
वगलासहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
वज्रपातदुःसहतर | mfn. more dangerous than a thunder-clap  |
वाराहीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
वर्षसहस्र | n. 1000 years  |
वर्षसहस्रक | n. idem or 'n. 1000 years '  |
वर्षसहस्रक | mfn. living or lasting 1000 years  |
वर्षसहस्राय | Nom. A1. yate-, to appear like 1000 years  |
वर्षसहस्रिक | mf(ā-)n. lasting 1000 years  |
वार्षसहस्रिक | mfn. (fr. varṣa-sahasra-) 1,000 years old  |
वर्षसहस्रिन् | mfn. 1000 years old, becoming 1000 years old  |
वर्षसहस्रीय | mfn. idem or 'mfn. 1000 years old, becoming 1000 years old '  |
वार्ष्णेयसहित | mfn. accompanied by vārṣṇeya-  |
वसन्तसहाय | m. equals -bandhu-  |
वासुदेवसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
वातसह | mf(ā-)n. bearing or enduring the wind (as a ship)  |
वातसह | mf(ā-)n. suffering from gout or rheumatism  |
वातासह | mfn. equals vāta-s-, rheumatic, gouty  |
वत्सहनु | m. Name of a son of sena-jit-  |
वेदान्तनामरत्नसहस्रव्याख्यान | n. Name of work  |
वेदसारसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
वेदसारशिवसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
वेङ्कटेशसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
वेङ्कटेश्वरसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
विभ्वासह् | mfn. (vibhvā-for vi-bhvan-) conquering or overcoming the rich  |
विघ्नेश्वरसहस्रनामन् | n. vighneśvara |
विजयेशसहस्रनामन् | n. plural Name of work  |
विकल्पासह | mfn. not standing (the test of) a dilemma ( vikalpāsahatva -tva- n.)  |
विकल्पासहत्व | n. vikalpāsaha |
विनायकसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work or chapter from work  |
वीरयोगसह | mfn. resisting men or heroes (Bombay edition)  |
वीर्यसह | m. Name of a son of saudāsa-  |
विषासहि | mfn. victorious  |
विषासहिव्रत | n. Name of a particular observance Paddh. on  |
विष्णुसहस्रनामभाष्य | n. Name of śaṃkara-'s commentator or commentary on the thousand names of viṣṇu-.  |
विष्णुसहस्रनामकथन | n. viṣṇusahasranāman |
विष्णुसहस्रनामन् | n. the thousand names of viṣṇu-  |
विष्णुसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of a portion of the anuśāsana-parvan- of the mahā-bhārata- (also viṣṇusahasranāmakathana ma-kathana- n.or viṣṇusahasranāmastotra ma-stotra- n.) and of a chapter of the  |
विष्णुसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. viṣṇusahasranāman |
विष्णुवृद्धसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of chapter of the padma-purāṇa-.  |
विश्वासह् | (strong form s/āh-) mfn. all-conquering  |
विश्वसह | mfn. all-bearing, all-enduring  |
विश्वसह | m. Name of several men  |
विश्वसहा | f. the earth  |
विश्वसह | m. Name of one of the seven tongues of fire  |
विश्वासहन्तृ | m. "destroyer or stealer of confidence", a traitor ( )  |
विश्वासहर्तृ | m. "destroyer or stealer of confidence", a traitor ( )  |
विश्वसहाय | mfn. joined with the viśve- devāḥ-  |
विट्ठलसहस्रनामन् | n. |