स | the last of the three sibilants (it belongs to the dental class and in sound corresponds tosinsin).  |
स | (in prosody) an anapest ($-) . -2.  |
स | (in music) an abbreviated term for ṣaḍ-ja- (See) .  |
स | m. (only ) a snake  |
स | m. air, wind  |
स | m. a bird  |
स | m. Name of viṣṇu- or śiva-  |
स | n. knowledge  |
स | n. meditation  |
स | n. a carriage road  |
स | n. a fence.  |
स | mfn. (fr. san-) procuring, bestowing (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see palu-ṣ/a-and priya-s/a-).  |
स | the actual base for the Nominal verb case of the 3rd Persian pronoun t/ad- q.v (occurring only in the Nominal verb sg. mf.[ s/a-or s/as-, sā-],and in the Vedic or Veda locative case [ s/asmin- ];the final s-of the Nominal verb m.is dropped before all consonants [except before p-in , and before t-in ] and appears only at the end of a sentence in the form of visarga-; sa-occasionally blends with another vowel [as in saīṣaḥ-];and it is often for emphasis connected with another pronoun as with aham-, tvam-, eṣa-, ayam-etc.[ exempli gratia, 'for example' so 'ham- sa tvam-,"I (or thou) that very person"; confer, compare under t/ad-,p.434] , the verb then following in the 1st and 2nd Persian even if aham-or tvam-be omitted[ exempli gratia, 'for example' sa- tvā pṛcchāmi-"I that very person ask you" ; sa- vai no brūhi-"do thou tell us" ];similarly, to denote emphasis, with bhavān-[ exempli gratia, 'for example' sa bhavān vijayāya pratiṣṭhatām-,"let your Highness set out for victory" ];it sometimes [and frequently in the brāhmaṇa-s] stands as the first word of a sentence preceding a rel. pronoun or adverb such as ya-, yad-, yadi-, yathā-, ced-;in this position sa-may be used pleonastically or as a kind of ind.,even where another gender or number is required[ exempli gratia, 'for example' sa yadi- sthāvarā āpo bhananti-,"if those waters are stagnant" ];in the sāṃkhya- sa-,like eṣa-, ka-,and ya-,is used to denote puruṣa-, "the Universal Soul")  |
स | ind. (connected with saha-, sam-, sama-,and occasionally in standing for saha-with instrumental case) an inseparable prefix expressing "junction" , "conjunction" , "possession"(as opp. to a- privative),"similarity","equality"  |
स | ind. (and when compounded with nouns to form adjectives and adverbs it may be translated by"with","together or along with","accompanied by","added to","having","possessing","containing","having the same"[ confer, compare sa-kopa-, sāgni-, sa-bhāya-, sa-droṇa-, sa-dharman-, sa-varṇa-];or it may ="ly", as in sa-kopam-,"angrily", sopadhi-,"fraudulently") [ confer, compare Greek in ; Latin siminsimplex;seminsemel,semper English same.]  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) .  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
स | See 5. sa-, .  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following)  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following)  |
स | (to be similarly prefixed to the following) :  |
सबाध् | mfn. harassed, annoyed, afflicted  |
सबाध | mfn. painful, detrimental to (genitive case)  |
सबाधस् | mfn. equals -b/ādh-  |
सबाधस् | ind. urgently, eagerly  |
सबाधस् | m. equals ṛtvij-  |
सबहुमानम् | ind. with great honour or reverence, very respectfully  |
सबाह्यान्तःकरण | mfn. with the external and internal organs (with ātman- m."the whole self")  |
सबल | mfn. (s/a--) powerful, strong etc.  |
सबल | mfn. together with strength or power  |
सबल | mfn. accompanied by a force or army.  |
सबल | mfn. together with bala- (kṛṣṇa-'s eldest brother)  |
सबल | m. Name of a son of manu- bhautya-  |
सबल | m. of a son of vasiṣṭha- (and one of the 7 ṛṣi-s)  |
सबल | m. of one of the 7 ṛṣi-s under manu- sāvarṇa-  |
सबलानुग | mfn. followed by an army  |
सबलानुग | mfn. equals sa-balavāhana-  |
सबलसिंह | m. Name of a king  |
सबलता | f. ( ) power, strength  |
सबलात्कारम् | ind. with force, forcibly  |
सबलत्व | n. ( ) power, strength  |
सबलवाहन | mfn. with an army and followers  |
सबालवृद्ध | mfn. with children and old men  |
सबलि | mfn. endowed with royal revenue  |
सबलि | mfn. accompanied with the bali- offering  |
सबलि | m. evening twilight (when the offering is made)  |
सबन्ध | mfn. (id est 7. sa-+ b-) having a pledge, secured by a pledge  |
सबन्धक | mfn. equals sa-bandha- above  |
सबान्धव | mfn. having kindred or relations  |
सबन्धु | mfn. (s/a--) being of the same race or family, related, of kin  |
सबन्धु | mfn. possessing a kinsman having a friend, befriended  |
सबर् | (prob.) n. (according to to =) milk, nectar (only in compound and prob. connected with German saf,Saft; Anglo-Saxon soep; English sap; perhaps also with Latin sapio,sapor). |
सबर्धु | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (Nominal verb -dh/uk-) idem or 'mf(ā-)n. yielding milk or nectar ' '  |
सबर्दुघ | mf(ā-)n. yielding milk or nectar  |
सबर्दुह् | mfn. (Nominal verb -dh/uk-) idem or 'mf(ā-)n. yielding milk or nectar '  |
सबर्हिस् | mfn. furnished with sacrificial grass  |
सबार्थीभाव | m. sabārthībhū |
सबार्थीभू | P. -bhavati-, to accompany, attend ( sabārthībhāva rthī-bhāva- m."companionship, community") Va1rtt. 3.  |
सबाष्प | mf(ā-)n. tearful, weeping ( sabāṣpam am- ind.)  |
सबाष्पगद्गदम् | ind. with tears and in a faltering voice  |
सबाष्पक | mfn. steaming, fuming, emitting vapour  |
सबाष्पम् | ind. sabāṣpa |
सब्द | m. (in a formula) equals sagara-  |
सब्द | m. equals ahaḥ-  |
सभ् | = 1. sah- (see pra-sabham-).  |
सभ | See sabhā- below.  |
सभा | f. (of unknown derivation, but probably to be connected with 7. sa-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' also n(sabha-).; see , and eka-sabh/a-) an assembly, congregation, meeting, council, public audience etc.  |
सभा | f. social party, society, good society (See compound)  |
सभा | f. Society (personified as a daughter of prajāpati-)  |
सभा | f. a place for public meetings, large assembly-room or hall, palace, court of a king or of justice, council-chamber, gambling-house etc.  |
सभा | f. a house for lodging and accommodating travellers ; an eating-house (See mahā-s-). ([ confer, compare Gothic sibja; German sippa,Sippe; Anglo-Saxon sibb; English god-sib,gossip.])  |
सभाभरण | (prob.) wrong reading for sabhyābh-.  |
सभाचर | mfn. equals -g/a-  |
सभाचार | (sabhāc-) m. the customs or usages of society, court-manners  |
सभाचातुर्य | n. politeness in society  |
सभाधैर्य | n. boldness in company  |
सभद्रमुस्त | mfn. full of the grass Cyperus Rotundus  |
सभाग | mfn. (for sabhā-ga-See under sabhā-) having a share (See compound)  |
सभाग | mfn. common, universal  |
सभाग | mfn. corresponding, answering  |
सभाग | mfn. (for sa-bhāga-See above) going into an assembly or council  |
सभागता | f. participation, companionship, association  |
सभागत | mfn. one who appears before or is present at a court of justice  |
सभागय | Nom. y/ati-, to impart  |
सभागृह | n. an assembly-hall  |
सभाग्य | mf(ā-)n. having good fortune, fortunate  |
सभाज् | cl.10 P. ( ;rather Nom.fr. 7. sa- bhāj-) sabhājayati- (rarely te-), to serve, honour, worship etc. ; to praise, celebrate ; to visit, frequent ; to beautify ; to show  |
सभाजन | mfn. (for sabhājana-See under sabhāj-, column 3) furnished with vessels (Bombay edition mahājana-).  |
सभाजन | n. (for sa-bhājana-See above, column 2) service, honour, courtesy, politeness, civility (especially in receiving or taking leave of a friend)  |
सभाजित | mfn. served, honoured, gratified, pleased etc.  |
सभाजित | mfn. praised, celebrated  |
सभाज्य | mfn. to be honoured or praised by (genitive case)  |
सभाकार | m. the builder of a hall etc.  |
सभाकौमुदी | f. Name of work  |
सभक्ष | m. a messmate (in yathā-sabhakṣam- q.v)  |
सभाक्ष | (sabhākṣa-) m. Name of a man  |
सभक्तिकम् | ind. (fr. 7. sa-+ bhakti-) respectfully  |
सभामध्ये | ind. in society  |
सभामण्डन | n. the adorning or arranging of an assembly-room  |
सभामण्डप | m. an assembly-hall  |
सभानर | m. Name of a son of kakṣeyu-  |
सभानर | m. of a son of anu-  |
सभानाटक | n. Name of a drama (by maheśvara-).  |
सभानायक | m. the president of an assembly, chairman  |
सभानायक | m. the keeper of a gambling-house  |
सभाण्ड | mfn. being in a vessel or receptacle  |
सभाण्ड | sa-bhārya-, sa-bhīti- etc. See column 2. |
सभङ्ग | mfn. with division (of a word into different parts)  |
सभङ्गश्लेष | m. a śleṣa- formed by the above division  |
सभान्तरे | (sabhānt-) ind. in society  |
सभापाल | m. the keeper of a public, building or assembly  |
सभापरिषद् | f. the session of an assembly or council  |
सभापर्वन् | n. Name of the second book of the mahā-bhārata- (describing the great assembly at hastināpura- and the gambling between yudhi-ṣṭhira- and śakuni-, in which the former staked all his possessions, including his wife draupadī-).  |
सभापति | m. the president of an assembly or council etc. |
सभापति | m. Name of bhūta-karman-  |
सभापति | m. of an author  |
सभापतिविलास | m. Name of work  |
सभाप्रपादिन् | mfn. frequenting assemblies  |
सभाप्रवेशन | n. entering a court of justice  |
सभापूजा | f. respectful words addressed to an audience (in the prelude of a drama)  |
सभारञ्जन | n. Name of a kāvya- (by nīla-kaṇṭha- dīkṣita-).  |
सभारण्यवितङ्कवत् | (sabhār-), mfn. one to whom the sabhā- and araṇya-parvan- (of the mahā-bhārata-) are the highest point  |
सभरस् | (s/a--) mfn. (perhaps) harmonizing with (instrumental case;others "furnished with oblations or gifts")  |
सभारता | f. fulness, abundance, great prosperity  |
सभर्तृका | f. (a woman) whose husband is alive  |
सभार्य | mfn. with a wife, having a wife  |
सभार्यक | mfn. with a wife, having a wife  |
सभासद् | m. "sitting at an assembly", an assistant at a meeting or assessor in a court of justice  |
सभासद | m. idem or 'm. "sitting at an assembly", an assistant at a meeting or assessor in a court of justice '  |
सभासाह | m. one who is superior in an assembly, superior, eminent  |
सभासंनयन | n. on Va1rtt. 2.  |
सभासिंह | m. Name of a king of Bundelkhand (patron of śaṃkara- dīkṣita-)  |
सभासीन | (sabhās-) mfn. sitting in (or presiding at) a council or court of justice  |
सभस्मद्विज | m. plural Name of pāśupata- or śaiva- mendicants  |
सभस्मक | mfn. together with ashes  |
सभस्मन् | mfn. mixed or smeared with ashes  |
सभास्तार | m. (sabhāst-) an assistant at an assembly, assessor in a court of justice  |
सभास्तार | m. a partaker of a game  |
सभास्थ | mfn. being at an assembly or court  |
सभास्थ | m. one who sits in an assembly, a courtier  |
सभास्थानस्थ | mfn. being in the audience-hall (said of a king)  |
सभास्थाणु | m. "post at a gambling-house", either"a gambling-table"or"a man who sits like a post at a gambling-table", a persistent gambler  |
सभातरंग | m. Name of work on polite conversation in Sanskrit (by jagan-nātha-miśra-).  |
सभव | m. together with bhava- (id est śiva-)  |
सभावन | m. Name of śiva-  |
सभावशकर | mfn. controlling or influencing an assembly  |
सभावसर | (sabhāv-) m. the occasion of an assembly  |
सभावत् | (sabh/ā--) mfn. fit for a council or assembly  |
सभाविन् | m. the keeper of a gambling-house (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
सभाविनोद | m. Name of work (by daiva-jña- dāmodara-) on proper conduct in assemblies.  |
सभय | mf(ā-)n. fearful, apprehensive ( sabhayam am- ind.) etc.  |
सभय | mf(ā-)n. riskful, dangerous  |
सभयम् | ind. sabhaya |
सभायोग्य | mfn. suitable for (good) society  |
सभेश्वरस्तोत्र | n. Name of a hymn.  |
सभेय | mfn. fit for an assembly or council, civilized, clever, well-behaved, decent  |
सभिक | m. the keeper of a gambling-house  |
सभीक | m. idem or 'm. the keeper of a gambling-house '  |
सभीम | mfn. together with bhīma-  |
सभीति | mfn. having fear, fearful, timid  |
सभोचित | mfn. fit for an assembly or for good society  |
सभोचित | m. a learned Brahman or any educated person  |
सभोद्देश | m. the neighbourhood of any place of meeting  |
सभोपविष्ट | mfn. equals sabhāsīna-  |
सभ्रातृ | mfn. with a brother, attended by brethren  |
सभ्रातृक | mfn. with a brother, attended by brethren  |
सभृकुटीमुख | mfn. having a frowning face, frowning  |
सभृति | (s/a--) mfn. (prob.) offering or serving food  |
सभृत्य | mfn. attended by servants, with (the assistance of) servants  |
सभ्रूभङ्ग | mfn. with a frown, frowning, knitting the brows ( sabhrūbhaṅgam am- ind.)  |
सभ्रूभङ्गम् | ind. sabhrūbhaṅga |
सभ्रूभेदम् | ind. frowningly (varia lectio)  |
सभ्रूक्षेपम् | ind. with a frown  |
सभ्रूविलासम् | ind. with play of the brows  |
सभूमि | (s/a--) mfn. with landed property, including landed property  |
सभूत | mfn. attended by demons  |
सभ्य | mfn. being in an assembly-hall or meeting-room, belonging to or fit for an assembly or court, suitable to good society, courteous, polite, refined, civilized, not vulgar, decorous (as speech) etc.  |
सभ्य | mfn. being at the court of (genitive case)  |
सभ्य | m. an assistant at an assembly or council, (especially) an assessor, judge etc.  |
सभ्य | m. the keeper of a gambling. house  |
सभ्य | m. a person of honourable parentage  |
सभ्य | m. Name of one of the five sacred fires (See pañcāgni-)  |
सभ्याभरण | n. Name of a poem by rāma-candra-.  |
सभ्याभिनवयति | m. Name of an author  |
सभ्यकण्ठाभरण | n. Name of work  |
सभ्यता | f.  |
सभ्यतम | mfn. very worthy of good society, very courteous or polite or refined  |
सभ्यतम | m. a very polite or refined person, an ornament of society  |
सभ्यत्व | n. politeness, refinement, good manners or breeding  |
सभ्येतर | mfn. "other than refined", vulgar, indecorous, opposite to good manners  |
सबीभत्सम् | ind. with disgust or abhorrence  |
सबीज | mf(ā-)n. with seed or germ (literally and figuratively), containing seed or germ ( sabījatva -tva- n.)  |
सबीजत्व | n. sabīja |
सबिन्दु | m. Name of a mountain  |
सब्रह्मचारिक | m. (prob.) equals next  |
सब्रह्मचारिन् | m. a fellow-student, one who studies the same śākhā- of the veda- ( f(iṇī-).)  |
सब्रह्मचारिन् | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') a fellow, companion (in duḥkha-s-)  |
सब्रह्मचारिन् | mfn. rivalling, vying with  |
सब्रह्मक | mfn. together with (the priest called) brahman-  |
सब्रह्मक | mfn. together with (the god) brahmā-  |
सब्रह्मक | mfn. together with the world of brahmā-  |
सब्राह्मण | (s/a--) mfn. together with Brahmans  |
सब्राह्मणस्पत्य | mfn. together with the pragātha-s addressed to brāhmaṇas-pati-  |
सबुव | mfn. accompanied by the sound b/uvam- (varia lectio sabva-) (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
सब्व | n. digested food (equals pakvāśayagatam annam-) (sabv/am-may perhaps be accusative of a f. sab/ū-; see sa-b/uvam-).  |
सच् | (connected with2. sajj-, sañj-, sakh-; confer, compare sap-) cl.1 A1. ( ) s/acate- (in also P. sacati-and s/iṣakti-,2. sg. s/aścasi-,3. plural saścati-,2. 3. plural saścata-,1. sg. A1. saśce-; parasmE-pada s/acamāna-, sacān/a-and s/aścat-or saśc/at-[ quod vide ]; perfect tense Ved. saścima-, saśc/uḥ-; A1. saścir/e- ; secire- ; Aorist 3. plural asakṣata- ; sakṣat-, sakṣata-, sakṣante-, sakṣīm/ahi- ; asaciṣṭa- grammar; future sacitā-, saciṣyate- ; infinitive mood sac/adhyai- ), to be associated or united with, have to do with, be familiar with, associate one's self with (instrumental case) ; be possessed of, enjoy (instrumental case or accusative) ; to take part or participate in, suffer, endure (instrumental case) ; to belong to, be attached or devoted to, serve, follow, seek, pursue, favour, assist (accusative) ; to he connected with (instrumental case) on ; to fall to the lot of (accusative) ; to be together ; (s/iṣakti-), to go after, follow, accompany, adhere or be attached to (accusative) ; to help any one to anything (two dative case) ; to abide in (locative case) ; (3. plural saścati-and saścata-), to follow, obey ; to belong to (accusative) ; to be devoted to or fond of (accusative) [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin sequor; Lithuanian seku4.]  |
सच् | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' strong form sāc-), in apatya--, ayajñasac-, āyu-ṣak- etc. (qq.vv.)  |
सच् | = sañj- in ā-sac-, to adhere to  |
सच् | in compound for sat-.  |
सच | mfn. attached to, worshipping, a worshipper (See a-saca-dviṣ-).  |
सचा | ind. near, at hand, along, together, together with, in the presence of. before, in, at, by (with locative case either preceding or following)  |
सचाभू | m. a fellow, companion, friend, associate  |
सचाभू | mfn. attended or accompanied by (instrumental case)  |
सचध्यै | See sac-.  |
सचैल | mfn. equals -cela- ( sacailam am- ind.)  |
सचैलम् | ind. sacaila |
सचैतन्य | mfn. having consciousness, conscious  |
सचकित | mfn. (id est 7. sa-+ c-) trembling, timid, startled ( sacakitam am- ind.)  |
सचकितम् | ind. sacakita |
सचक्र | mf(ā-)n. having wheels, wheeled  |
सचक्र | mf(ā-)n. having a circle or discus  |
सचक्र | mf(ā-)n. having troops (of soldiers)  |
सचक्रम् | ind. together with a wheel or discus  |
सचक्रिन् | m. a charioteer (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
सचक्रोपस्कर | mfn. with wheels and appendages  |
सचक्षुस् | (s/a--) mfn. idem or 'mfn. having eyes, seeing '  |
सचक्षुष | mfn. having eyes, seeing  |
सचल | mfn. having moving things, moving  |
सचामर | mfn. furnished with chowries  |
सचमत्कारम् | ind. with astonishment or surprise  |
सचन | mfn. ready to befriend or help, kindly disposed, doing kind offices (also nā-vat-)  |
सचनस् | See s/a-canas- below.  |
सचनस् | (s/a--) mfn. being in harmony with  |
सचनस्तम | mfn. (superl.)  |
सचनस्य | Nom. A1. yate-, to treat tenderly, cherish, foster  |
सचन्द्रक | mf(ikā-)n. having a moon-like spot  |
सचन्द्रिकाप्रकाश | m. Name of work  |
सचनीय | mfn. to be followed or honoured or served  |
सचाङ्काचपुष्पी | (?) f. a kind of plant  |
सचराचर | mfn. comprehending everything moving and motionless  |
सचराचर | n. the universe  |
सचरणलाक्षाराग | mfn. having the colour of lac or dye used for the feet  |
सचर्म | mfn. along with the skin  |
सचारु | mf(vī-)n. very beautiful  |
सचस्य | Nom. A1. sy/ate-, to receive assistance or care  |
सचथ | m. companionship, assistance  |
सचथ्य | mfn. helpful, kind  |
सचथ्य | n. assistance, help  |
सच्चन्द्रिका | f. splendid moonlight  |
सच्चार | m. a good spy (wrong reading saṃc-).  |
सच्चरित | n. good conduct etc.  |
सच्चरित | n. history or account of the good  |
सच्चरित | mfn. well-conducted, virtuous  |
सच्चरितमिमांसा | f. Name of work  |
सच्चरित्र | n. good conduct  |
सच्चरित्र | n. history of the good  |
सच्चरित्र | mfn. virtuous  |
सच्चरित्रपरित्राण | n. Name of work  |
सच्चरित्ररक्षा | f. Name of work  |
सच्चरित्रसुधानिधि | m. Name of work  |
सच्चर्या | f. equals -carita- n.  |
सच्छदिस् | mfn. covered, hidden  |
सच्छाक | (s-+ śāka-) n. a leaf of the ginger  |
सच्छल | mf(ā-)n. deceitful, fraudulent  |
सच्छलजातिनिग्रहमय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of defeat (in disputation) accompanied by self-refuting objections and unfair arguments  |
सच्छन्द | (s/a--) mf(ā-)n. consisting of the same metres (ā- f.[ scilicet ric-]a verse consisting of the same metres)  |
सच्छन्दस् | (s/a--) mfn. equals prec.  |
सच्छन्दस्य | mfn. idem or '(s/a--) mfn. equals prec. '  |
सच्छन्दोम | mfn. connected with the chandoma- ( sacchandomatva -tva- n.)  |
सच्छन्दोमत्व | n. sacchandoma |
सच्छास्त्र | n. (s-+ śā-) a good or genuine doctrine or treatise etc.  |
सच्छास्त्रवत् | mfn. possessed of a good or genuine doctrine  |
सच्छाय | mf(ā-)n. giving shade, shady  |
सच्छाय | mf(ā-)n. having beautiful colours, glittering  |
सच्छाय | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') having the same colour as  |
सच्छेद | mfn. having cuttings or divisions, interrupted  |
सच्छिद्र | mfn. having defects, faulty  |
सच्छील | n. (s-+ śī-) a good character  |
सच्छील | mfn. of a virtuous disposition, benevolent  |
सच्छ्लोक | (s-+ śl-) mfn. having a good reputation  |
सच्छूद्र | m. (s-+ śū-) a good śūdra-, a śūdra- who has gone through the ceremonies customary in some places even for men of the lower caste  |
सच्छूद्राचार | m. Name of work  |
सच्छूद्राह्निक | n. Name of work  |
सच्चिद् | in compound for sac-cit- above.  |
सच्चिदंश | m. a portion of existence and thought  |
सच्चिदानन्द | m. plural existence and thought and joy  |
सच्चिदानन्द | mfn. consisting of existence and thought and joy  |
सच्चिदानन्द | n. (pure)"Existence and Thought and Joy", Name of the One self-existing Spirit (= brahma-) etc.  |
सच्चिदानन्द | n. Name of viṣṇu- as identified with brahma-  |
सच्चिदानन्दभारती | m. Name of scholars and authors  |
सच्चिदानन्दभुजंग | m. Name of work  |
सच्चिदानन्दचाटु | m. Name of work  |
सच्चिदानन्दमय | mfn. consisting of existence and thought and joy  |
सच्चिदानन्दनाथ | m. Name of scholars and authors  |
सच्चिदानन्दानुभवदीपिका | f. Name of work  |
सच्चिदानन्दानुभवप्रदीपिका | f. Name of work  |
सच्चिदानन्दसरस्वती | m. Name of scholars and authors  |
सच्चिदानन्दशास्त्रिन् | m. Name of scholars and authors  |
सच्चिदानन्दाश्रम | m. Name of scholars and authors  |
सच्चिदानन्दस्तोत्र | n. Name of a hymn.  |
सच्चिदानन्दस्वामिन् | m. Name of scholars and authors  |
सच्चिदानन्दतीर्थ | m. Name of scholars and authors  |
सच्चिदानन्दयोगीन्द्र | m. Name of scholars and authors  |
सच्चिदात्मन् | m. the soul which consists of existence and thought  |
सच्चिन् | in compound for sac-cit-.  |
सच्चिन्मय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of existence and thought  |
सच्चित् | n. "(pure) existence and thought", Name of brahma- or the One self-existent Spirit (See saccid-ānanda-below)  |
सचेल | mfn. having clothes, clothed, dressed  |
सचेष्ट | mfn. making effort or exertion, active  |
सचेष्ट | m. the mango tree  |
सचेतन | mfn. having reason or consciousness or feeling, sentient, sensible, animate, rational  |
सचेतस् | mfn. (s/a--) having the same mind, unanimous  |
सचेतस् | mfn. conscious, intelligent, rational  |
सचि | ind. together, along with  |
सचिह्न | mfn. having marks, marked, branded ( sacihnam am- ind.)  |
सचिह्नम् | ind. sacihna |
सचिल्लक | mfn. having sore eyes, blear-eyed  |
सचीनक | mfn. together with Panicum Miliaceum  |
सचिन्त | mf(ā-)n. absorbed in thought, thoughtful ( sacintam am- ind.)  |
सचिन्ताकुलम् | ind. thoughtfully  |
सचिन्तम् | ind. sacinta |
सचित् | mfn. thinking, wise (others"of the same mind") .  |
सचित्क | m. thinking  |
सचित्र | mfn. garnished with pictures  |
सचित्र | mfn. together with pictures  |
सचित्र | mfn. painted, variegated  |
सचित्र | mfn. citra |
सचित्त | mfn. (s/a--) of the same mind |
सचित्त | mfn. endowed with reason on Va1rtt. 1 (quot.)  |
सचिव | m. an associate, companion, friend, (f(ī-).)  |
सचिव | m. especially a king's friend or attendant, counsellor, minister (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = "assisted by","provided with") etc.  |
सचिव | m. the dark thorn-apple  |
सचिवामय | m. a disease to which king's attendants are liable (said to be a kind of"jaundice")  |
सचिवता | f. ( ) the position or rank of a minister.  |
सचिवत्व | n. ( ) the position or rank of a minister.  |
सचिविद् | mfn. belonging together, familiar, intimate  |
सच्युति | (s/a--) mfn. (said to =) accompanied by seminal effusion,  |
सद् | in compound for sat-.  |
सद् | cl.1. or cl.6. P. ( ) sīdati- (Epic also te-;Ved. s/adati-or s/īdati-, te-; perfect tense sas/āda-, sas/attha-, sed/us-, sedir/e- ; sīdatus- ; sasadyāt-. ; Aorist asadat-[ confer, compare present tense stem-] grammar;2. 3. sg. s/atsi-, s/atsat- ; asādīt- ; future sattā- grammar; satsyati- ; sīdiṣyati- ; infinitive mood s/ade- ; sattum- ; sīditum- ; ind.p. -s/adya-, -s/adam- ; -sādam- ), to sit down (especially at a sacrifice), sit upon or in or at (accusative or locative case) ; to sit down before, besiege, lie in wait for, watch (accusative) ; to sink down, sink into despondency or distress, become faint or wearied or dejected or low-spirited, despond, despair, pine or waste away, perish etc. : Passive voice sadyate- (Aorist asādi-, sādi- ) : Causal sād/ayati-, te- (Aorist asīṣadat-), to cause to sit down or be seated, place down, put upon or in (locative case) etc. ; to put in distress, afflict, weary, exhaust, ruin, destroy etc.: Desiderative siṣatsati- grammar : Intensive sāsadyate- (grammar also sāsatti-), to sit down in an indecent posture [ confer, compare Greek for ; Latin sidere,sedere; Lithuanian se4sti,sede4ti; Slavonic or Slavonian se8sti; Gothic sitan; German sitzen; Anglo-Saxon sittan; English sit.]  |
सद् | mfn. (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';for 1.See) sitting or dwelling in (see adma--, antarikṣa--, apsu-sad-etc.)  |
सद् | covering (the female)  |
सड | mfn. equals saha ḍena vartate-  |
सद | mfn. equals prec. (see barhi--, samanī-ṣada-; sabhā-sada-)  |
सद | m. fruit (see śada-)  |
सद | m. a particular ekāha-  |
सद | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- (if sadaḥ-suvāc-is not one word)  |
सद | n. a particular part of the back of a sacrificial animal  |
सदा | ind. always, ever, every time, continually, perpetually (with na-,"never")  |
सदाभद्रा | f. Gmelina Arborea  |
सदाभास | mfn. reflecting the really existent  |
सदाभास | mfn. having the appearance of really existence  |
सदाभव | mf(ā-)n. perpetual, continual  |
सदाभव्य | mfn. always present  |
सदाभव्य | mfn. attentive  |
सदाभ्रम | mfn. always wandering  |
सदाचन्द्र | m. Name of a king  |
सदाचार | m. practice of good men, virtuous conduct, good manners, approved usage etc.  |
सदाचार | m. Name of work  |
सदाचार | mf(ā-)n. well-conducted, virtuous etc.  |
सदाचारचन्द्रोदय | m. Name of work  |
सदाचारचिन्तन | n. Name of work  |
सदाचारधर्म | m. Name of work  |
सदाचाराह्निकविधि | m. Name of work  |
सदाचारक्रम | m. Name of work  |
सदाचरण | n. the manner of acting or behaviour of the good or wise  |
सदाचारनिर्णय | m. Name of work  |
सदाचारपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
सदाचारप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
सदाचारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सदाचारसमृद्धि | f. Name of work  |
सदाचारसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सदाचारस्मृति | f. Name of work  |
सदाचारस्मृतिविवरण | n. Name of work  |
सदाचारस्मृतिव्याख्या | f. Name of work  |
सदाचारस्तुतिस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
सदाचारवर्णन | n. Name of work  |
सदाचारवत् | mfn. well-conducted, well-behaved, having approved usages  |
सदाचारविधि | m. Name of work  |
सदाचारविवरण | n. Name of work  |
सदाचारिन् | mfn. (in vimala-bhrājat-sad-āc-,"having pure and bright and good conduct")  |
सदाचार्य | m. Name of an author  |
सदादान | n. (See 1. dāna-) "always giving", liberality  |
सदादान | mfn. always liberal  |
सदादान | mfn. (See 2. dāna-) always exuding rut-fluid (as an elephant)  |
सदादान | mfn. an elephant in rut  |
सदादान | mfn. Name of airāvata- (the elephant of indra-)  |
सदादान | mfn. of gaṇeśa-  |
सदधन् | mfn. mixed with sour milk  |
सददि | ind. (see next) generally, usually  |
सदागम | m. (for sadā-g-See) a good doctrine  |
सदागम | m. arrival of a good man  |
सदागम | m. (for sad-āg-See under 1. sad-),"always moving", wind  |
सदागति | m. (for sadā-g-See under sadā-) equals nirvāṇa-  |
सदागति | m. equals sad-īśvara-  |
सदागति | f. (for sad-āg-See under 1. sad-) constancy  |
सदागति | mfn. always in motion  |
सदागति | m. wind (also in medical sense), the god of wind  |
सदागति | m. the sun  |
सदागति | m. the Universal Spirit  |
सदः | in compound for sadas-.  |
सदाहम् | ind. with a burning sensation  |
सदःसद | m. the partaker of a sadas-  |
सदःस्थ | mfn. present at an assembly  |
सदःसुवाच् | See sada-.  |
सदाहुत | mfn. always sacrificed,  |
सदैकरस | mfn. having always only one object of desire  |
सदैकरूपरूप | mfn. always continuing the same  |
सदैवत | mfn. together with the deities  |
सदक | m. or n. (?) unhusked grain  |
सदाकालवह | mf(ā-)n. flowing at all seasons (opp. to prāvṛṭ-kāla-v-)  |
सदाकान्ता | f. Name of a river  |
सदाकारिन् | mfn. (for sadā-k-See under sadā-) having a good appearance  |
सदाकारिन् | mfn. (for sad-āk-See under 1. sad-) always active  |
सदक्ष | (s/a--) mfn. endowed with reason  |
सदक्षिण | mf(ā-)n. having presents, accompanied by gifts  |
सदलंकारचन्द्रिका | f. Name of work  |
सदलंकृति | f. a genuine ornament ( sadalaṃkṛtitā -tā- f.)  |
सदलंकृतिता | f. sadalaṃkṛti |
सदम् | ind. (prob. fr. sadā-below and connected with 7. sa-) always, ever, for ever, at any time  |
सदाम | (s/a--) mfn. together with a band or ligament  |
सदम | m. or n. (?) a particular high number  |
सदामद | mfn. always excited with joy  |
सदामद | mfn. always drunk  |
सदामद | mfn. ever-furious  |
सदामद | mfn. always proud  |
सदामद | mfn. always in rut (said of an elephant)  |
सदामद | m. Name of gaṇeśa-  |
सदामर्ष | (dām-) mfn. always impatient, very impatient, petulant  |
सदामत्त | mfn. always excited with joy  |
सदामत्त | mfn. always in rut (as an elephant)  |
सदामत्त | m. Name of a man (plural of his family) gaRa yaskādi-  |
सदामत्त | m. plural Name of a class of divine beings  |
सदामत्तक | n. Name of a town  |
सदम्भ | mfn. (for sadambha-See p.1139) having good water  |
सदम्भ | mfn. (for sad-ambha-See) with hypocrisy, hypocritical (see )  |
सदंदि | mfn. (prob. fr. sadam-+ di-fr.4. dā-) binding or lasting for ever (applied to the disease called takman-)  |
सदंश | mfn. (id est 7. sa+d-) having a sharp beak or bill  |
सदंशक | mfn. having teeth  |
सदंशक | m. "having nippers", a crab |
सदंशवदन | m. "having a mouth with a sharp beak", a heron  |
सदामुदित | n. a particular siddhi-  |
सदन | mf(ī-)n. causing to settle down or remain  |
सदन | n. a seat, dwelling, residence, house, home (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = "abiding or dwelling in") etc.  |
सदन | n. settling down, coming to rest  |
सदन | n. relaxation, exhaustion  |
सदन | n. water (equals udaka-)  |
सदन | n. the abode of sacrifice, sacrificial hall  |
सदन | n. the abode of yama-  |
सदान | (s/a--) mfn. having gifts, with gifts  |
सदान | mfn. having ichor (exuding from the temples), being in rut (as an elephant)  |
सदानन | mfn. fair-faced  |
सदानन्द | m. perpetual bliss  |
सदानन्द | mfn. feeling or giving perpetual bliss  |
सदानन्द | m. Name of śiva-  |
सदानन्द | m. of various writers (especially of the author of the vedānta-sāra-, a modern Vedantist)  |
सदानन्दचिदात्मक | mfn. consisting of existence and joy and thought  |
सदानन्दगणि | m. Name of author  |
सदानन्दगिरि | m. Name of author  |
सदानन्दगिरीय | n. Name of work  |
सदानन्दकाश्मीर | m. Name of author  |
सदानन्दाख्यधर्मार्णव | m. Name of work  |
सदानन्दमय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of perpetual bliss  |
सदानन्दनाथ | m. Name of author  |
सदानन्दरत्नमाला | f. Name of work  |
सदानन्दसरस्वती | m. Name of author  |
सदानन्दशुक्ल | m. Name of author  |
सदानन्दव्यास | m. Name of author  |
सदानन्दयोगीन्द्र | m. Name of author  |
सदानन्दोपनिषद् | f. Name of work  |
सदानर्त | mfn. always dancing  |
सदानर्त | m. the wagtail  |
सदनासद् | mfn. sitting on a seat  |
सदण्ड | mfn. punished, fined  |
सदनि | m. or f. water  |
सदानीरा | f. Name of a river (equals kara-toyā- )  |
सदानिरामया | f. Name of a river  |
सदानीरवहा | f. equals next  |
सदञ्जन | n. calx of brass used as collyrium  |
सदानोनुव | mfn. (fr. Intensive of nu-) used to explain next  |
सदनुग्रह | m. favour towards the good  |
सदानुकालदर्शिनी | (dān-) f. Name of kiṃ-narī-s  |
सदानुवृत्ति | (dān-) f. Name of kiṃ-narī-s  |
सदान्व | mfn. (fr. nu-) always crying out  |
सदान्वा | f. Name of a class of female demons  |
सदान्वचतन | mfn. scaring them away  |
सदान्वक्षयण | mfn. destroying the sadā-nvā-s  |
सदन्य | See sādany/a-.  |
सदाप | mfn. provided with good water,  |
सदपदेश | mfn. possessing reality only in semblance  |
सदापरिभूत | m. Name of a bodhisattva-  |
सदापर्ण | mfn. always leafed  |
सदाफल | mf(ā-)n. always bearing fruit  |
सदाफल | m. a particular kind of fruit tree (according to to "Ficus Glomerata;Aegle Marmelos;the cocoa-nut tree;Artocarpus Integrifolia")  |
सदाफल | f(ā-or ī-). Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis  |
सदाफल | f(ā-or ī-). a kind of Solanum  |
सदाप्रमुदित | n. "perpetual gladness", Name of one of the 8 sāṃkhya- perfections  |
सदाप्रस्रवणी | f. (prob.) always menstruous  |
सदाप्रसून | mfn. (only ) always in flower  |
सदाप्रसून | m. Andersonia Rohitaka  |
सदाप्रसून | m. Calotropis Gigantea  |
सदाप्रसून | m. equals kunda-.  |
सदापृण | mfn. always munificent  |
सदापृण | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic ātreya- and author of the hymn )  |
सदापुष्प | mfn. always in flower  |
सदापुष्प | m. the cocoa-nut  |
सदापुष्प | m. a kind of jasmine  |
सदापुष्पफलद्रुम | mfn. provided with trees always in flower and bearing fruit  |
सदापुष्पी | f. Calotropis Gigantea and another species  |
सदर | mfn. fearful, afraid  |
सदर | m. Name of an asura-  |
सदार | mfn. accompanied by a wife  |
सदाराम | m. (also ma-tri-pāṭhin-) Name of various authors  |
सदारपुत्र | mfn. together with wife and son  |
सदार्जव | (dār-) mfn. always honest  |
सदर्प | mfn. having pride, haughty, arrogant ( sadarpam am- ind.)  |
सदर्पम् | ind. sadarpa |
सदर्थ | m. a matter in question  |
सदर्थ | mfn. wealthy  |
सदर्थ | mfn. being  |
सदर्थ | sad-aśva- etc. See .  |
सदर्थसारमञ्जरी | f. Name of work  |
सदस् | n. (according to to some also f.) a seat, residence, abode, dwelling, place of meeting, assembly (especially at a sacrifice; sadasaspati s/adasas-p/ati- m. equals s/adas-p/ati-; sadasi-,"in public") etc.  |
सदस् | n. a shed erected in the sacrificial enclosure to the east of the prācīnavaṃśa- :  |
सदस् | n. dual number heaven and earth (equals dyāvā-pṛthivī-) [ confer, compare Greek .]  |
सदस | See antaḥ-- and bahiḥ-sadasam-.  |
सदश | mfn. (fr. daśan-) having decades (of stoma-s)  |
सदश | mfn. (fr. daśā-) having a fringe, fringed  |
सदासा | mfn. (Nominal verb pl. -sāḥ-) always gaining (superl. -tama-)  |
सदासा | mfn. always subsisting abundantly  |
सदशबन्धक | mfn. that to which a tenth part is added  |
सदसद् | for -asat- in compound  |
सदसदात्मक | mf(ikā-)n. having the nature both of entity and non-entity  |
सदसदात्मता | f. the having the nature both of entity and non-entity  |
सदसद्भाव | m. reality and unreality, truth and falsehood  |
सदसद्रूप | mf(ā-)n. having the appearance of being and non-being  |
सदसद्विवेक | m. discrimination between true and false or between good and bad |
सदसद्व्यक्तिहेतु | m. the cause of the discrimination between true and false or between good and bad  |
सदासह् | mfn. (accusative -s/aham-) always holding out or lasting  |
सदासह् | mfn. always conquering  |
सदाशंकर | m. Name of an author  |
सदसन् | for -asat- in compound  |
सदशनज्योत्स्न | mf(ā-)n. displaying the brightness of the teeth, having bright teeth  |
सदशनार्चिस् | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. displaying the brightness of the teeth, having bright teeth '  |
सदसन्मय | mf(ī-)n. formed or consisting of existent and non-existence  |
सदशापवित्र | mfn. having a fringed straining cloth  |
सदशरथ | mfn. See below. -2.  |
सदशरथ | mf(ā-)n. having daśa-ratha- (q.v)  |
सदसस्पति | m. sadas |
सदसत् | mfn. being and not being, real and unreal  |
सदसत् | mfn. true and false (See n.)  |
सदसत् | mfn. good and bad  |
सदसत् | m. plural the good and the bad  |
सदसत् | n. what is existent and non-existence (also dual number)  |
सदसत् | n. the true and the false  |
सदसत् | n. good and evil  |
सदसत् | n. dual number existence and existence, truth and falsehood  |
सदसत्ख्यातिविचार | m. Name of work  |
सदसत्पति | m. a lord of what is existent and non-existence  |
सदसत्फल | (in the beginning of a compound) good and evil consequences  |
सदसत्फलमय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of good and evil consequences  |
सदसत्त्व | n. existence and non-existence  |
सदाशय | mfn. of a good or noble mind  |
सदाशिस् | f. a good wish or prayer  |
सदाशिव | mfn. always kind etc.  |
सदाशिव | mfn. always happy or prosperous  |
सदाशिव | m. Name of śiva- ( sadāśivatā -tā- f.)  |
सदाशिव | m. of various authors and other men (also -kavi-rāja-go-svāmin-, -tīrtha-, -tri-pāṭhin-, -dīkṣita-, -deva-, -dvi-vedin-, -brahmendra-, -bhaṭṭa-, -muni-sārasvata-, -mūlopākhya-, -śukla-; vānanda-nātha-, vānanda-sarasvatī-, vendra-, vendra-sarasvatī-)  |
सदाशिवा | f. Name of durgā-  |
सदाशिवभट्टीय | n. Name of work  |
सदाशिवब्रह्मन् | n. Name of work  |
सदाशिवब्रह्मार्या | f. Name of work  |
सदाशिवब्रह्मवृत्ति | f. Name of work  |
सदाशिवगीता | f. Name of work  |
सदाशिवकवच | n. Name of work  |
सदाशिवमाला | f. Name of work  |
सदाशिवनाममन्त्र | m. Name of work  |
सदाशिवपद | n. Name of work  |
सदाशिवार्या | f. Name of work  |
सदाशिवसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
सदाशिवसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
सदाशिवषण्मुखसंवाद | m. Name of work  |
सदाशिवाष्टक | n. Name of work  |
सदाशिवस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
सदाशिवता | f. sadāśiva |
सदस्पति | (s/adas--) m. dual number "lords of the seat or of the sacrificial assembly", Name of indra- and agni-  |
सदाश्रित | mfn. (for sadāś-See) having recourse or attaching one's self to the virtuous, belonging to the good, virtuous  |
सदाश्रित | (dāś-) mfn. (for sad-āś-See under 1. sad-) always resorting to or dependent on  |
सदस्थिमाला | f. Name of commentator or commentary  |
सदासुख | n. perpetual welfare or happiness  |
सदश्व | m. a good horse etc.  |
सदश्व | mfn. possessing good horse  |
सदश्व | mfn. drawn by good horse  |
सदश्व | m. Name of a son of samara-  |
सदाश्व | m. Name of a man (varia lectio for sad-aśva-)  |
सदश्वसेन | m. Name of a man  |
सदश्ववत् | ind. like a good horse  |
सदश्वोर्मि | m. Name of a man (varia lectio sadasyormi-).  |
सदस्य | m. "present in the sacrificial enclosure", an assessor, spectator, member of an assembly (at a sacrifice), a superintending priest, the seventeenth priest (whose duties according to to the kuṣītakin-s, are merely to look on and correct mistakes)  |
सदस्य | m. a person belonging to a learned court-circle  |
सदस्यापद्धति | f. Name of work  |
सदस्योर्मि | m. Name of a man (varia lectio sadaśvormi-)  |
सदत् | mfn. having teeth, preserving one's teeth ( sadattva -tva- n.)  |
सदातन | mfn. continual, perpetual ( sadātanatva -tva- n.)  |
सदातन | m. equals aja- Name of viṣṇu-  |
सदातनत्व | n. sadātana |
सदात्मन् | mfn. possessing a good nature, good, virtuous  |
सदात्मन् | m. (with muni-) Name of an author  |
सदातोया | f. the plant Mimosa Octandra  |
सदातोया | f. the karatoyā- river (see sadā-nīrā-) |
सदत्त्व | n. sadat |
सदावरदायक | m. a particular samādhi-  |
सदावृध | mf(ā-)n. (sad/ā--) always delighting  |
सदावृध | mf(ā-)n. always increasing or prospering  |
सदावृत्ति | f. Name of work  |
सदय | mf(ā-)n. merciful, compassionate, kind, gentle (in the beginning of a compound and sadayam am- ind."mercifully, kindly, gently, gradually")  |
सदयहृदय | mfn. having a compassionate heart, tender-hearted  |
सदयम् | ind. sadaya |
सदयत्व | n. kindness, gentleness  |
सदायोगिन् | mfn. always practising yoga-  |
सदायोगिन् | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
सद्भाग्य | n. good fortune, felicity  |
सद्भाष्य | n. Name of work  |
सद्भाव | m. real being, existence etc.  |
सद्भाव | m. the being true, truth, real state of things (śāstra-bh-,"the true purport of a work") etc.  |
सद्भाव | m. the quality of goodness  |
सद्भाव | m. uprightness  |
सद्भाव | m. goodness, kindness, affection for (prati-), faithfulness etc.  |
सद्भावश्री | f. Name of a goddess  |
सद्भृत्य | m. a good servant  |
सद्भूत | mfn. who or what is really good or true ( sadbhūtotpādaka totpādaka- mfn."producing what is true")  |
सद्भूतदक्षिणीय | m. Name of pratyeka-buddhi-  |
सद्भूतोत्पादक | mfn. sadbhūta |
सद्ब्रह्मन् | n. the true brahman-  |
सड्ड | m. Name of two men  |
सद्धन् | (for -han-) m. Name of a deva-gandharva- (varia lectio satvan-, ṛtvan-).  |
सद्धन | n. good wealth or property  |
सद्धर्म | m. the good law, true justice  |
सद्धर्म | m. (with Buddhists and jaina-s) designation of the Buddhist or jaina- doctrines  |
सद्धर्मचन्द्रोदय | m. Name of work  |
सद्धर्मचिन्तामणि | m. Name of work  |
सद्धर्मलङ्कावतार | m. Name of work  |
सद्धर्मपुण्डरीक | n. Name of work ( )  |
सद्धर्मसम्परिग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सद्धर्मतत्त्वाख्याह्निक | n. Name of work  |
सद्धेतु | (for -hetu-) m. the existence of cause and effect  |
सद्धी | mfn. wise, sage  |
सद्ध्यायिन् | mfn. meditating on what is true  |
सदेश | mfn. possessing a country or of the same country  |
सदेश | mfn. proximate, neighbouring (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see )  |
सदेश | m. neighbourhood  |
सदेशत्व | n. proximity, neighbourhood  |
सदेव | mf(ā-)n. (s/a--) accompanied or protected by gods ( sadevatva -tv/a- n.)  |
सदेवक | mfn. together with the gods  |
सदेवमणि | mfn. (See deva-m-) with curls or twists of hair on their necks  |
सदेवमनुष्य | mfn. together with gods and men  |
सदेवासुरराक्षस | mfn. accompanied by gods and asura-s and rākṣasa-s  |
सदेवत्व | n. sadeva |
सदेवीक | mfn. along with or accompanied by a queen  |
सद्गति | f. good or happy state or fortune etc.  |
सद्गति | f. the way of good men  |
सद्गव | m. a good bull  |
सद्घन | m. wholly existence, nothing but existence  |
सद्गोरक्ष | m. Name of an author  |
सद्ग्रह | m. a good or auspicious planet  |
सद्ग्रह | mfn. clinging or attached to what is good or true (with kṛṣṇe-,"attached to kṛṣṇa- as to the really true")  |
सद्गुण | m. a good quality, virtue etc.  |
सद्गुण | mf(ā-)n. having good quality, virtuous  |
सद्गुणाचार्य | m. Name of an author  |
सद्गुणनिर्गुणवाद | m. Name of work  |
सद्गुरु | m. a good teacher  |
सद्गुरुस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
सध | (= 2. saha-), with, together with, in the same manner (only in compound; see ).  |
सध | n. or sadhā- f. (only in dual number,"heaven and earth" varia lectio for svadhe-)  |
सधैर्यम् | ind. with firmness, firmly, gravely  |
सधमद् | m. (only in strong cases; n. sg. -m/ād-or -m/ās-) a drink-companion, fellow-reveller, comrade or friend in general  |
सधमाद् | m. (only in strong cases; n. sg. -m/ād-or -m/ās-) a drink-companion, fellow-reveller, comrade or friend in general  |
सधमाद | m. drinking together, drinking bout, convivial party, feast (dam-mad-with instrumental case,"to feast or revel with")  |
सधमाद | m. fellowship, companionship  |
सधमादिन् | mfn. equals -mad-  |
सधमाद्य | mfn. relating to a convivial party or feast, convivial, festal  |
सधमाद्य | m. equals mad-  |
सधमाद्य | n. a convivial feast  |
सधमित्र | m. Name of a man gaRa kāśy-ādi-.  |
सधन | n. (id est 7. sa-+ dh-) common property  |
सधन | mfn. possessing riches, wealthy, opulent  |
सधन | mfn. together with riches  |
सधनता | f. wealthiness  |
सधनी | m. (in sa-dhanī-) a fellow, comrade  |
सधनित्व | n. companionship  |
सधनुस् | mfn. having or armed with a bow  |
सधनुष्क | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having or armed with a bow '  |
सधनुष्क | mfn. together with a bow  |
सधनुष्पाणि | mfn. bow in hand  |
सधर्म | m. the same nature or qualities  |
सधर्म | mfn. having the same nature or qualities  |
सधर्म | mfn. subject to, the same law, equal, like (also maka- )  |
सधर्म | mfn. virtuous, honest  |
सधर्मचारिणी | f. "practising the same duties (with a husband)", a wife, (especially) a legal or virtuous wife etc.  |
सधर्मक | mfn. equals -dharma- above.  |
सधर्मन् | mfn. having the same duties (varia lectio min-)  |
सधर्मन् | mfn. having the same nature or similar properties, resembling, like, equal to (genitive case instrumental case,or compound) |
सधर्मत्व | n. the having a similar nature, homogeneousness  |
सधर्मिन् | mfn. having the same duties (see prec.)  |
सधर्मिन् | mfn. having the same properties, like, resembling (compound)  |
सधर्मिणी | f. a legal or virtuous wife  |
सधस्थ | mfn. (sadh/a--) "standing together", present  |
सधस्थ | n. "place where people stand together", place of meeting, any place, spot, abode, home, region, world  |
सधस्तुति | f. (sadh/a--) joint praise (when used as instrumental case = "with joint praise")  |
सधस्तुति | mfn. praised together (as indra- and agni-)  |
सधस्तुत्य | (sadh/a--) n. joint praise or applause  |
सधातु | See pada-sadhātu-.  |
सधवा | f. idem or 'f. a wife whose husband is living ' (see vi-dhavā-).  |
सधवस्त्री | f. a wife whose husband is living  |
सधवीर | mfn. joined with men or heroes (= saha-v-)  |
सधी | (s/a--) mfn. endowed with reason or intellect  |
सधि | m. (said to be fr. sadh- equals sah-) fire  |
सधि | m. a bull  |
सधिस् | n. (prob. fr. sadh- equals sādh-) the end or goal of any movement, the place where it comes to rest  |
सध्रि | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic vairūpa- and author of )  |
सध्रि | m. Name of agni-  |
सध्रि | (= 2. saha-), with, along with, together with  |
सध्री | ind. (/ī-) to the same goal or centre  |
सध्रीची | f. a woman's companion or female friend  |
सध्रीचीन | mf(ā-)n. (fr. sadhryañc-) directed to one aim, pursuing the same goal, united  |
सध्रीचीन | mf(ā-)n. furthered or promoted by (compound)  |
सध्रीचीन | mf(ā-)n. leading to the right goal, right, correct (instrumental case"in the right way")  |
सध्र्यक् | ind. together with, jointly, unitedly (as opp. to pṛthak-)  |
सध्र्यञ्च् | mf(sadhr/īcī-)n. turned in the same direction or to one centre, converging, associated  |
सध्र्यञ्च् | mf(sadhr/īcī-)n. leading in the right direction, right, correct  |
सध्र्यञ्च् | mf(sadhr/īcī-)n. tending towards, flowing into (compound)  |
सध्र्यञ्च् | m. a friend, companion  |
सध्र्यञ्च् | n. equals manas-  |
सध्र्यञ्च् | n. in the right way  |
सधूम | mfn. (s/a--) enveloped in smoke  |
सधूमक | mfn. smoky ( sadhūmakam am- ind.)  |
सधूमकम् | ind. sadhūmaka |
सधूमवर्णा | f. Name of one of the seven tongues of agni-  |
सधूम्र | mfn. dusky, dark  |
सधूम्रवर्णा | f. equals sa-dhūma-v-  |
सधुर | (s/a--) mfn. harnessed to the same yoke, agreeing together  |
सध्वज | mfn. having a banner, bannered, with a flag  |
सध्वंस | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic kāṇva-, the supposed author of )  |
सदि | See pathi-ṣ/adi-.  |
सदीक्षोपसत्क | mfn. with dīkṣā- and upasad-  |
सदीनम् | ind. lamentably  |
सडिण्डिमम् | ind. by sound of drum  |
सदीपक | mfn. together with a lamp  |
सदिश् | mfn. together with the quarters (of the sky)  |
सदीश्वर | m. equals -āgati-  |
सदिवस् | ind. (equals sady/as-)  |
सदिवस् | ind. (equals sa-dyas-) on the same day, at once, immediately  |
सद्म | in compound for sadman-.  |
सद्मबर्हिस् | (s/adma--) mfn. preparing the sacrificial grass  |
सद्मचिति | f. a collection of houses |
सद्ममखस् | (s/adma--) mfn. performing a sacrifice in a sacred precinct  |
सद्मन् | m. a sitter, assessor, spectator  |
सद्मन् | n. a seat, abode, dwelling, house, place (especially of sacrifice), temple etc.  |
सद्मन् | n. a stand, stable  |
सद्मन् | n. (?) an astrological house  |
सद्मन् | n. water  |
सद्मन् | n. war, battle (equals saṃ-grāma-)  |
सद्मन् | n. (dual number) heaven and earth  |
सद्मन् | mfn. dwelling in, inhabiting (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
सद्मनिवासिन् | mfn. dwelling in houses  |
सद्मनिवेशित | mfn. deposited in a shed (as a carriage)  |
सदो | in compound for sadas-.  |
सदोबिल | n. the entrance into the sadas-  |
सदोद्यम | mfn. one who always exerts himself  |
सदोगत | mfn. gone to or present at an assembly  |
सदोगृह | n. "assembly house", the court of a prince, council-chamber etc.  |
सदोहविर्धान | n. dual number and plural the sadas- and the havirdhāna-  |
सदोहविर्धान | n. plural (with prajāpateḥ-) Name of various sāman-s  |
सदोहविर्धानिन् | mfn. provided with sadas- and havirdhāna-  |
सदोजिर | n. a vestibule  |
सदोपचारमुक्तावली | f. Name of work  |
सदोपवासिन् | mfn. always fasting |
सदोपयोग | m. constant use  |
सदोष | mfn. together with the night  |
सदोष | mfn. having faults, defective, wrong, objectionable  |
सदोषक | mfn. faulty, defective  |
सदोषवत् | mfn. containing anything defective  |
सदोषविकाश | m. a defective exhibition  |
सदोत्सव | mfn. ever-festive  |
सदोविशीय | n. (also prajāpateḥ-) Name of a sāman-  |