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Grammar Search
"rundhati" has 5 results
rundhati: third person singular present present class 6 parasmaipadarudh
rundhati: neuter locative singular stem: rundhat.
rundhati: masculine locative singular stem: rundhat.
rundhati: neuter locative singular stem: rundhat.
rundhati: masculine locative singular stem: rundhat.
Monier-Williams Search
9 results for rundhati
akṣamālāf. Name of arundhatī-, wife of vasiṣṭha- (from her wearing a rosary) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arundhatīf. the little and scarcely visible star Alcor (belonging to the Great Bear, and personified as the wife of one of its seven chief stars, vasiṣṭha-, or of all the seven, the so-called seven ṛṣi-s;at marriage ceremonies arundhatī- is invoked as a pattern of conjugal excellence by the bridegroom) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arundhatīdarśananyāyam. the rule of the view of the star arundhatī-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arundhatījāni m. "husband of arundhatī-", vasiṣṭha- (one of the seven ṛṣi-s or saints, and stars in the Great Bear) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arundhatīnātham. "husband of arundhatī-", vasiṣṭha- (one of the seven ṛṣi-s or saints, and stars in the Great Bear) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arundhatīsahacaram. companion of arundhatī-, vasiṣṭha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rundhatikamfn. together with arundhatī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sasādhvīkamfn. with arundhatī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasiṣṭham. (wrongly written vaśiṣṭha-),"the most wealthy", Name of a celebrated Vedic ṛṣi- or sage (owner of the"cow of plenty" , called nandinī-, offspring of surabhi-, which by granting all desires made him, as his name implies, master of every vasu-or desirable object;he was the typical representative of Brahmanical rank, and the legends of his conflict with viśvā-mitra-, who raised himself from the kingly or kṣatriya- to the Brahmanical class, were probably founded on the actual struggles which took place between the Brahmans and kṣatriya-s;a great many hymns of the are ascribed to these two great rivals;those of the seventh maṇḍala-, besides some others, being attributed to vasiṣṭha-, while those of the third maṇḍala- are assigned to viśvā-mitra-;in one of vasiṣṭha-'s hymns he is represented as king su-dās-'s family priest, an office to which viśvā-mitra- also aspired;in another hymn vasiṣṭha- claims to have been inspired by varuṇa-, and in another[ ] he is called the son of the apsaras- urvaśī- by mitra- and varuṇa-, whence his patronymic maitrāvaruṇi-;in manu- , he is enumerated among the ten prajā-pati-s or Patriarchs produced by manu- svāyambhuva- for the peopling of the universe;in the he is mentioned as the family priest of the solar race or family of ikṣvāku- and rāma-candra-, and in the purāṇa-s as one of the arrangers of the veda-s in the dvāpara- age;he is, moreover, called the father of aurva-[ ],of the sukālin-s[ ],of seven sons[ ] , and the husband of akṣa-mālā- or arundhatī-[ ]and of ūrjā-[ ];other legends make him one of the 7 patriarchal sages regarded as forming the Great Bear in which he represents the starSee ṛṣi-) etc. (see )
Apte Search
1 result
arundhatī अरुन्धती [न रुन्धती प्रतिरोधकारिणी] 1 A medicinal climbing plant. -2 N. of the wife of Vasiṣṭha; अन्वासितमरुन्धत्या स्वाहयेव हविर्भुजम् R.1.56. -3 The morning star personified as the wife of Vasiṣṭha; one of the Pleiades. -4 N. of the daughter of प्राचेतसदक्ष, one of the 1 wives of Dharma. [In mythology Arundhatī is represented as the wife of the sage Vasiṣṭha, one of the 7 sages. She was one of the 9 daughters of Kardama Prajāpati by Devahūti. She is regarded as the highest pattern of conjugal excellence and wifely devotion and is so invoked by the bridegroom at nuptial ceremonies. Though a woman she was regarded with the same, even more, veneration as the Saptarṣis; cf. Ku.6.12; तामगौरवभेदेन मुनींश्चापश्यदीश्वरः । स्त्री पुमानि- त्यनास्थैषा वृत्तं हि महितं सताम् ॥ cf. also Janaka's remarks in U.4.1. She, like her husband, was the guide and controller of Raghu's line in her own department and acted as guardian angel to Sitā after she had been abandoned by Rāma. It is said that Arundhatī (the star) is not seen by persons whose end has approached. cf. Suśruta. न पश्यति सनक्षत्रां यस्तु देवीमरुन्धतीम् । ध्रुवमाकाशगङ्गां च तं वदन्ति गतायुषम् ॥; See H.1.66. also]. -5 The tongue (personified). -Comp. -जानिः, -नाथः -पतिः N. of Vasiṣṭha one of the seven Ṛiṣis or stars in the Ursa Major. -दर्शनन्यायः see under न्याय.
Macdonell Search
1 result
sārundhatīka a. together with Arundhatî.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results12 results
atho hāsy arundhatī # AVP.9.11.10d.
abhi dasyed arundhatī # AVP.15.15.8b.
ariṣyanty arundhati # AVP.2.20.4d.
āgan devy arundhatī # AVP.15.15.9d,10d.
ā harāmy arundhatīm # AVP.1.85.4d; 8.7.10d.
ṛṣīṇām arundhatī # TA.3.9.2.
oṣadhīnām arundhatī # AVP.15.16.2d.
jambhayāśv (AVP. -yāsy) arundhati # AVP.8.7.9d; NīlarU.21d.
jāgṛviś ca mārundhatī cottarād (MG. cottarato) gopāyatām # KS.37.10; MG.2.15.1. Cf. under gopāyaṃś ca.
dhenubhyas tvam arundhati # AVś.6.59.1b.
pari pāhy arundhati # AVP.15.15.1d.
bodha pratībodhāsvapnānavadrāṇa gopāyamāna rakṣamāṇa jāgṛve 'rundhati ye devās tanūpāḥ stha te ma iha tanvaṃ pāta # KS.37.10. Cf. next but two and next but three.
Vedabase Search
1 result
Wordnet Search
"rundhati" has 1 results.



ṛṣeḥ kardamasya tathā ca devahūteḥ ekā kanyā।

arundhateḥ vivāhaḥ ṛṣiṇā vasiṣṭhena saha abhavat।

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