ā | ind. a particle of reminiscence  |
ā | ind. also of compassion or pain [more correctly written 1. ās- q.v ], and of assent ([This particle remains unaltered in orthography even before vowels (which causes it to be sometimes confounded with 1. ās-) ])  |
ā | (as a conjunctive particle) moreover, further, and (it is placed either between the two words connected [rarely after the second ,or after both ]or,if there are more, after the last[ ];See also ātaś ca- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) In classical Sanskrit it may denote the limit "to","until","as far as","from", either not including the object named or including it (sometimes with accusative or ablative or forming an adverb) exempli gratia, 'for example' ā-maraṇam- or ā-maraṇāt-,"till death" (see ā-maraṇānta-etc.)  |
a | (pragṛhya- q.v), a vocative particle ([ a ananta-,O viṣṇu-])  |
ābarha | m. hurting, violating  |
abhāgin | mfn. not participating in, excluded from (genitive case)  |
ābhāsvara | m. Name of a particular set of twelve subjects (ātmā jñātā damo dāntaḥ śāntir jñānaṃ śamas tapaḥ kāmaḥ krodho mado moho dvādaśābhāsvarā ime- )  |
abhibhava | m. humiliation, mortification.  |
abhibhūti | a particular ekāha-,  |
abhighāta | m. abrupt or vehement articulation (of Vedic text)  |
abhighātin | mfn. (generally in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') striking, attacking, hurting  |
abhijñānapattra | n. certificate.  |
abhikṣepa | m. a particular manner of handling a club,  |
abhimādyatka | mfn. partially intoxicated, half-drunk  |
abhivyāhāra | m. an articulate significant word or phrase  |
abhiyoga | m. energetic effort, exertion, perseverance in, constant practice (with locative case or infinitive mood)  |
abhrakhaṇḍa | m. n. a portion of a cloud,  |
abhraṃkaṣa | mfn. (abhraṃ-k-) ([ ])"grazing (hurting) the clouds" , very high  |
abhranāga | m. plural Name of the eight elephants supporting the globe  |
abhujaṃgavat | mfn. without snakes (and"withont libertines"), .  |
abhyāgārika | mfn. diligent in supporting a family  |
abhyamanavat | mfn. paining, hurting  |
ābhyantaraprayatna | m. internal effort (of the mouth in producing articulate utterance) commentator or commentary on  |
abhyarcita | mfn. incorrectly for abhy-arthita-  |
abhyart | (Aorist A1.2. plural -artiḍhvam-) ([ ]) incorrectly for abhy-arth- ; see anvart- (anv-art-?).  |
abhyarthita | n. request (see yathābhyarthitam-.)  |
ābhyavahārika | mfn. (fr. abhy-avahāra-), supporting life, belonging to livelihood  |
abhyutsāha | m. energy, exertion,  |
abjāsana | n. a particular posture in sitting (= padmā- sana-),  |
acchāvāka | m. "the inviter", title of a particular priest or ṛtvij-, one of the sixteen required to perform the great sacrifices with the soma- juice.  |
adbhutabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a portion of a brāhmaṇa- belonging to the sāma-veda-.  |
addhābodheya | m. plural adherents of a particular śākhā- or recension of the white yajur-veda-.  |
adha | or /adhā- ind., Ved. (equals /atha-, used chiefly as an inceptive particle), now, then, therefore, moreover, so much the more, and, partly. /adha- /adha-as well as, partly partly.  |
ādhāraṇa | n. bearing, holding, supporting.  |
ādhikārika | mf(ā-)n. belonging to particular sections or head chapters (adhikāra-)  |
adhimukta | m. a particular samādhi-,  |
adhipati | m. (in med.) a particular part of the head (where a wound proves instantly fatal) .  |
adhivāsa | m. pertinacity.  |
adhiyoga | m. a particular constellation,  |
ādhmāpana | n. a method of healing particular wounds (see śalya-)  |
adhṛti | f. want of firmness or fortitude  |
adhvaryu | m. a priest of a particular class (as distinguished from the hotṛ-,the udgātṛ-,and the brahman-classes. The adhvaryu- priests"had to measure the ground, to build the altar, to prepare the sacrificial vessels, to fetch wood and water, to light the fire, to bring the animal and immolate it";whilst engaged in these duties, they had to repeat the hymns of the yajur-veda-, hence that veda- itself is also called adhvaryu-)  |
adhyaṇḍā | f. the plants Carpopogon Pruriens (cowage) and Flacourtia Cataphracta.  |
adhyavasāna | n. attempt, effort, exertion  |
adhyavasiti | f. exertion, effort.  |
ādi | the third part in the 7-partite sāman-,  |
ādiś | f. Name of a particular direction or point of the compass (enumerated with diś-, pra-, vi-,and ud-) (see infinitive mood ā-d/iśe-= dative case)  |
ādiṣṭa | n. Name of a particular kind of treaty (in making peace)  |
ādityagraha | m. a particular ladle-full of soma- in the evening-oblation  |
ādityakīlaka | m. a particular phenomenon in the sky, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
ādityaśayanavrata | n. a particular vow or religious observance.  |
ādityasūkta | n. a particular hymn.  |
adṛṣṭa | m. Name of a particular venomous substance or of a species of vermin  |
adṛṣṭanara | m. a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen).  |
adṛṣṭapuruṣa | m. a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen).  |
adurgaviṣaya | m. an unfortified country.  |
advayavāda | m. assertion of non-duality,  |
agāra | a particular high number,  |
āgāra | a particular high number,  |
aghamarṣaṇa | mfn. "sin-effacing", Name of a particular Vedic hymn ([ ]) still used by Brahmans as a daily prayer  |
āghāraṇa | m. a particular sacrificial ladle,  |
aghoraghaṇṭa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of an adherent of a particular sect worshipping devī-, (confer, compare ).  |
aghoramārga | m. a particular sect of śaiva-s who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices.  |
aghorapathin | m. a particular sect of śaiva-s who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices.  |
aghoṣa | m. (in grammar) "non-sonance, absence of all sound or soft murmur", hard articulation or effort as applied to the hard consonants and visarga-  |
āghṛ | -jigharti- (1. sg. -jigharmi-) to sprinkle (with fat) ; to throw towards (locative case) : Caus. -ghār/ayati-, to sprinkle  |
agnidāha | m. a particular disease  |
agnikaṇa | m. "fire-particle", a spark.  |
agnikumāra | m. a particular preparation of various drugs. Name of a class of bhavanavāsin- deities  |
agnistoka | m. a particle of fire, spark.  |
agnitanu | f. plural Name (also title or epithet) of particular texts,  |
agnituṇḍa | m. a particular fire-spitting animal (existing in a hell),  |
agratalasaṃcāra | m. a partic, posture in dancing,  |
aha | ind. (as a particle implying ascertainment, affirmation, certainty, etc.) surely, certainly  |
aha | ind. (as admitting, limiting, etc.) it is true, I grant, granted, indeed, at least ([For the rules of accentuation necessitated in a phrase by the particle /aha- see ])  |
aha | 1 (also) a particle answering to ha- in a preceding sentence (ha-- aha- = $),  |
āha | ind. a particle implying reproof  |
ahaḥstoma | m. a stoma- belonging to a particular day,  |
ahamahamikā | f. (gaRa mayū-ravyaṃsakādi- q.v) assertion or conceit of superiority  |
ahar | n. a sacrificial or festival day, portion of a sacrifice appointed for one day's performance etc. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',as dvādaśāh/a-,etc.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 2. /aha-)  |
āhata | n. assertion of an impossibility  |
āhāva | m. a particular invocation (śoṃsāvom-corrupt from śaṃsāva-,"let us two pray!") by which the hotṛ- addresses the adhvaryu- (see ā-hvāna-)  |
ahe | ind. a particle (implying reproach, rejection, separation ) (only in a sacrificial formula beginning with /ahe daidhiṣavya-and reoccurring in several other texts) .  |
aheḍamāna | mfn. not sporting or joking, being in earnest,  |
ahetusama | m. a particular sophism tending to prove an argument to be untenable  |
ahibhayadā | f. the plant Flacourtia Cataphracta Roxb.  |
ahiṃsā | f. not injuring anything, harmlessness (one of the cardinal virtues of most Hindu sects, but particularly of the Buddhists and Jains;also personified as the wife of dharma- ) etc.  |
ahiṃsaka | mfn. not hurting, harmless, innocuous  |
ahiṃsāna | mfn. not hurting  |
ahiṃsat | mfn. not hurting  |
āhita | n. a particular mode of fighting (varia lectio a-- h-),  |
aho | ind. a particle (implying joyful or painful surprise) Ah! (of enjoyment or satisfaction) Oh! (of fatigue, discontent, compassion, sorrow, regret) Alas! Ah! (of praise see ) Bravo! (of reproach) Fie! (of calling ) Ho! Halo! (of contempt) Pshaw! Often combined with other particles of similar signification, as aho dhik- or dhig aho-, aho bata-, etc.  |
āhosvit | ind. an interrogative particle (often after kim- exempli gratia, 'for example' kim īśvarānapekṣikam āho svid īśvarāpekṣam-,"is it independent of God or dependent on God?")  |
āhvāna | n. a particular calling in rites = 2. ā-hāva- q.v  |
ai | ind. a particle of addressing  |
aila | n. a particular number ( )  |
aindrāgnakulāya | m. a particular ekāha- (q.v)  |
airāvata | m. Name of a particular portion of the moon's path  |
airāvata | f(ī-, ā-). a particular portion of the moon's path (including the lunar mansions punarvasu-, puṣya-, and āśleṣa-)  |
ajagava | m. the southern portion of the path of the sun, moon, and planets  |
ajapāla | Name (also title or epithet) of a particular tree (under which buddha- meditated),  |
ajaṭā | f. Flacourtia Cataphracta equals ajaḍā- and ajjhaṭā-.  |
ajātaulvali | m. Name of a muni- who lived on the milk of goats (an example of compounds in which the middle term is left out, gaRa śākapārthivādi- q.v).  |
ajita | m. a particular antidote  |
ajjhaṭā | f. the plant Flacourtia Cataphracta (equals ajaṭā-and ajaḍā-).  |
ājyabhāga | m. (/ājya--) a portion of clarified butter  |
ājyabhāga | m. dual number (au-) the two portions of clarified butter belonging to agni- and soma- etc.  |
akalpita | mfn. not manufactured, not artificial, not pretended  |
akaṇaka | mfn. (rice) without red particles adhering to the husks,  |
ākāramat | mfn. with vah-,"to behave with a particular behaviour", affect a gesture or appearance  |
ākarṣa | a particular part of an elephant's trunk,  |
ākhaṇḍi | m. a kind of artisan, (gaRa chāttry-ādi-, q.v)  |
ākhaṇḍiśālā | f. the workshop of the above artisan  |
ākrīḍin | mfn. sporting  |
ākṛtigaṇa | m. a list of specimens, collection of words belonging to a particular grammatical rule (not exhibiting every word belonging to that rule but only specimens, whereas a simple gaṇa- exhibits every word) ([Examples of ākṛti-- gaṇa-s are arśa-ādi-, ādy-ādi-, kaṇḍv-ādi-,etc.])  |
akṛtrima | mf(ā-)n. inartificial.  |
akṣāralavaṇa | mfn. not composed of artificial salt, ([ on])  |
akṣarasadhātu | n. a particular manner of singing,  |
akṣaraśūnya | mfn. inarticulate.  |
ākṣepa | m. charming, transporting etc.  |
ākṣepaṇa | mf(ī-)n. charming, transporting  |
ākṣiptikā | f. a particular air or song sung by an actor on approaching the stage  |
akṣivikūṇita | n. a glance with the eye-lids partially closed.  |
akula | n. Name (also title or epithet) of particular lunar mansions.  |
ākurvatī | mfn. (pr. p. f.), Name of a particular rocky hill  |
alakṣita | mfn. un-characterized having no particular mark  |
alakṣya | mfn. having no particular marks, insignificant in appearance (See -janma-tā-below)  |
ālāla | a particular slimy substance in the human body,  |
ālambam | ind. holding, supporting  |
ālambana | n. supporting, sustaining  |
ālambin | mfn. laying hold of, supporting, maintaining  |
ālambya | supporting, sustaining  |
ālāpā | f. (in music) a particular mūrchanā- or melody.  |
ālāpin | f. (in music) a particular interval.  |
ālīḍha | n. a particular attitude in shooting (the right knee advanced, the left leg drawn back) commentator or commentary on  |
ālokakara | m. a particular samādhi-,  |
āloṣṭī | ind. hurting (?) gaRa ūryādi-  |
āluka | n. a particular fruit (equals āruka- q.v)  |
alūna | m. no remnant or remaining particles,  |
āmājīrṇa | n. a particular form of indigestion,  |
āmarākṣasī | f. a particular remedy against dysentery.  |
āmaśrāddha | n. a particular śrāddha- offering (of raw flesh).  |
āmavidhi | m. a particular observance,  |
amiśra | mfn. "unmixed", exclusive (id est without participation of others)  |
amitradambhana | mfn. hurting enemies  |
āmohanikā | f. ( muh-, Causal) , a particular fragrant odour  |
āmra | n. a particular weight.  |
āmrapañcama | m. a particular rāga- (in music).  |
āmrapeśī | f. a portion of dried mango fruit  |
āmṛṇa | mfn. ( mṛṇ-), violating, hurting  |
amṛta | n. a particular poison  |
aṃśa | m. (probably fr.1. aś-, perf. ān-/aṃśa-,and not from the above aṃś-fictitiously formed to serve as root) , a share, portion, part, party  |
aṃśa | m. partition, inheritance  |
aṃśakalpanā | f. allotment of a portion.  |
aṃśāṃśa | m. part of a portion (of a deity), secondary incarnation.  |
aṃśapradāna | n. allotment of a portion.  |
aṃśaprakalpanā | f. allotment of a portion.  |
aṃśāvataraṇa | n. partial incarnation  |
aṃśu | m. end of a thread, a minute particle |
āmur | m. and ā-m/uri- ( mṝ-), destroying, hurting  |
amūrtarajas | m. a son of kuśa- (by vaidarbhī-) (edition Bomb. asūrti-rajasa- q.v)  |
amūrtarajasa | m. a son of kuśa- (by vaidarbhī-) (edition Bomb. asūrti-rajasa- q.v)  |
amūrtarayasa | m. a son of kuśa- (by vaidarbhī-) (edition Bomb. asūrti-rajasa- q.v)  |
anabhihitavācya | omission of a particle required by the sense,  |
anaddhā | or (with particle u-) /anaddho- ind. not truly, not really, not definitely, not clearly  |
anaiścārika | mfn. not averting or distracting,  |
anakṣara | mfn. unable to articulate a syllable.  |
anamitra | m. Name of various persons, particularly a king of ayodhyā-.  |
anaṃśa | or an-aṃśin- mfn. portionless, not entitled to a share in an inheritance.  |
ānandana | n. civility, courtesy, courteous treatment of a friend or guest at meeting and parting  |
ānandayoga | m. (in astronomy) Name of a particular yoga-.  |
ananta | m. a silken cord (tied round the right arm at a particular festival)  |
ānantaryasamādhi | m. a particular samādhi-, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding 101.  |
anapaga | ([ ]) or an-apag/a- ([ ]) mf(ā-)n. not departing from (ablative or in compound)  |
anapakramin | mfn. not departing from  |
anapekṣa | mfn. impartial  |
anaphā | f. a particular configuration of the planets. [ Greek ]  |
anāyāsa | m. absence of exertion, facility, ease, idleness, neglect  |
anāyuṣya | mfn. not imparting long life, fatal to long life.  |
aṇḍa | a particular part of a stūpa-,  |
andhakāla | m. a particular hell,  |
andhakūpa | m. a particular hell.  |
āndhāsvara | n. a particular mode of singing,  |
andhavyūha | m. a particular samādhi-,  |
andhikā | f. a woman of a particular character (one of the classes of women)  |
anekātmavādin | mfn. asserting a plurality of souls, Sa1m2khyas., Scholiast or Commentator  |
aṅga | ind. a particle implying attention, assent or desire, and sometimes impatience, it may be rendered, by well  |
aṅgāravallarī | f. Ovieda Verticallata  |
aṅgāravallī | f. Ovieda Verticallata  |
āṅgirasa | m. a particular magical implement,  |
anīhamāna | mfn. not exerting one's self, indifferent, .  |
aṇiman | n. the smallest particle  |
animittalipi | f. a particular mode of writing,  |
anirbheda | m. not blurting out, not revealing.  |
anirukta | mfn. unuttered, not articulated  |
aniruktagāna | n. humming (of hymns), a particular mode of chanting the sāma-veda-.  |
anivārya | mfn. not to be warded off, inadvertible, unavoidable, irresistible.  |
añjanaka | m. portion of a text containing the word añjana-, (gaRa goṣad-ādi- q.v)  |
aṅku | dual number a particular part of a chariot, .  |
annadevatā | f. the divinity supposed to preside over articles of food.  |
antadīpaka | n. a particular rhetorical figure (exempli gratia, 'for example' )  |
antaḥpāta | m. (in grammar) insertion of a letter  |
antaḥpātya | m. (in grammar) insertion of a letter  |
antarada | mfn. (3. dā-), cutting or hurting the interior or heart.  |
antargatopamā | f. a concealed simile (the particle of comparison being omitted).  |
antarikṣāsana | n. a particular posture in sitting,  |
anubandha | m. an indicatory letter or syllable attached to roots, etc. (marking some peculiarity in their inflection; exempli gratia, 'for example' an i-attached to roots, denotes the insertion of a nasal before their final consonant)  |
anubhartṛ | mf(tr/ī-)n. supporting, strengthening ( ), penetrating ( )  |
anubhuj | to suffer the consequence of one's actions ; to enjoy successively ; to enjoy, participate ; to pass (an asterism)  |
anuddhāra | m. non-partition, not taking a share  |
anuddhṛta | mfn. undivided, unpartitioned  |
anudruta | n. a measure of time in music (half a druta-, or one-fourth of a mātrā- or of the time taken to articulate a short vowel).  |
anudyoga | m. absence of exertion or effort, inactivity, laziness.  |
anupāta | m. proportion (in arithmetic)  |
anupatana | n. (in mathem.) proportion.  |
anusaṃdhānin | mfn. investigating, searching, skilful at concerting or carrying out schemes.  |
aṇuśas | ind. into or in minute particles.  |
anutsāha | m. non-exertion, want of effort  |
anutthāna | n. ( sthā-), the not rising, want of exertion or of energy  |
anuvraj | to go along ; to follow (especially a departing guest, as a mark of respect) ; to visit seriatim ; to obey, do homage.  |
anuvṛtti | f. reverting to  |
anuvyākhyāna | n. that portion of a brāhmaṇa- which explains or illustrates difficult sūtra-s, texts or obscure statements occurring in another portion  |
anvākṛ | to give to any one to take with him, to give a portion to a daughter  |
anvavārj | ( arj-) to cause to go after or in a particular direction ; to afflict with (instrumental case)  |
anvṛ | (cl.3. P. -iyarti-) Aorist A1. -arta-, to follow in rising  |
anyathākhyāti | f. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) the assertion that something is not really what it appears to be according to sensual perception  |
anyonyāpatitatyāgin | mfn. deserting each other without either losing caste,  |
anyonyavibhāga | m. mutual partition (of an inheritance).  |
apa | ind. When prefixed to nouns, it may sometimes = the negative particle a- exempli gratia, 'for example' apa-bhī-, fearless ; or may express deterioration, inferiority, etc. (confer, compare apa-pāṭha-).  |
apa | ind. (As a separable particle or adverb in Vedic or Veda , with ablative) away from, on the outside of, without, with the exception of ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin ab; Gothic af; English of]).  |
apabarhis | mfn. not having the portion constituting the barhis-  |
apacārin | mfn. departing from, disbelieving in, infidel  |
apacikīrṣā | f. (1. kṛ- Desiderative), desire of hurting any one.  |
apahvara | m. a particular demon causing illness,  |
apakṣa | mfn. without followers or partisans  |
apakṣapāta | m. impartiality.  |
apakṣapātin | mfn. not flying with wings (and"a partisan of A id est viṣṇu-"),  |
apaṇya | n. an unsaleable article  |
apapa | m. (with Buddhists) a particular cold hell, .  |
aparājita | m. a class of divinities (constituting one portion of the so-called anuttara- divinities of the jaina-s)  |
aparājitagaṇa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a gaṇa- of martial hymns,  |
aparkyapṛṣṭha | m. a particular ekāha-,  |
apās | (1. as-),"to be absent from, not to participate in" See apa-pare-.  |
apāsaraṇa | n. departing  |
apasiddhānta | m. an assertion or statement opposed to orthodox teaching or to settled dogma  |
apāśraya | m. the upper portion of a bed or couch on which the head rests  |
apāśrita | mfn. resorting to.  |
apathya | mfn. (in med.) unwholesome as food or drink in particular complaints.  |
apatitānyonyatyāgin | mfn. deserting one another (as the father deserting a son, the teacher a pupil etc.) without (the latter) being ejected from caste, .  |
apātrabhṛt | mfn. supporting the unworthy, cherishing the undeserving.  |
apavaktṛ | m. "speaking away", warning off, averting  |
apāvya | mfn. Name of particular gods and mantra-s (Comm. equals apa-āvya-) (Comm. equals apa-avya-,fr. av-).  |
apāyin | mfn. going away, departing, vanishing, perishable.  |
āpeya | m. plural (fr. 1. ap-?) , a particular class of gods.  |
aphala | m. Flacourtia Cataphracta.  |
āpīḍa | m. giving pain, hurting  |
āpīḍana | n. hurting, giving pain  |
apivāpa | m. "scattering upon", Name of particular puroḍāśa-  |
apodaka | mf(ā-)n. waterless, watertight  |
āpṝ | P. -piparti-, -pṛṇāti-, and -pṛṇati-, to fill up, fulfil, fill ; to do any one's desire, satisfy any one's wish : A1. -pṛṇate-, to surfeit one's self, satiate or satisfy one's self : Passive voice -pūryate-, to be filled, become full, increase ; to be satiated, satisfied etc.: Causal -pūrayati-, to fill up, fulfil, fill etc. ; to fill with noise ; to fill with air, to inflate ; to cover ; to load anything with  |
āpracchana | n. expression of civility on receiving or parting with a visitor, welcome, bidding farewell etc. |
āprach | A1. -pṛcchate-, rarely P. (imperative -pṛccha- ) to take leave, bid farewell ; to salute on receiving or parting with a visitor etc. ; to call (on a god), implore ; to ask, inquire for ; to extol  |
aprahan | m(accusative haṇam-)fn. not hurting  |
aprākṛta | mfn. special, particular  |
aprapāda | m. non-abortiveness  |
aprapāduka | mfn. not abortive  |
apratiyatnapūrva | mf(ā-)n. not produced ("by force"=) artificially, natural  |
apravṛtti | f. abstaining from action, inertion, non-excitement  |
āprī | f. plural (-pr/iyas-[ ] and -pryas-[ nārāyaṇa-]) Name of particular invocations spoken previous to the offering of oblations (according to they are different in different schools; exempli gratia, 'for example' s/amiddho agn/ir- ,in the school of śunaka-; juṣ/asva naḥ- ,in that of vasiṣṭha-; s/amiddho ady/a- ,in that of others; nārāyaṇa- on this passage gives ten hymns belonging to different schools;See also on [ s/usamiddho na /ā vaha-,the āprī--hymn of the school of kaṇva-] , who enumerates twelve āprī-s and explains that twelve deities are propitiated;those deities are personified objects belonging to the fire-sacrifice, viz. the fuel, the sacred grass, the enclosure, etc., all regarded as different forms of agni-;hence the objects are also called āprī-s, or, according to others, the objects are the real āprī-s, whence the hymns received their names)  |
apṛthaktvin | mfn. not asserting a separate existence,  |
āptavāc | f. a credible assertion or the assertion of a credible person, true affirmation, trustworthy testimony  |
āptavāc | mfn. one whose assertion is credible, a muni-  |
aptoryāma | ([ etc.]) ([PBr. ]) m. a particular way of offering the soma- sacrifice.  |
aptoryāman | ā- ([PBr. ]) m. a particular way of offering the soma- sacrifice.  |
apūrṇakālaja | mfn. born before the proper time, abortive.  |
arālahasta | m. a particular position of the hands,  |
ārāma | m. Name of a particular daṇḍaka- metre  |
ārambaṇacchedana | m. a particular samādhi-, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ārambha | m. effort, exertion  |
arapas | mfn. not hurting, beneficial  |
arare | ind. a vocative particle (expressing haste)  |
arāti | f. particular evil spirits (who frustrate the good intentions and disturb the happiness of man)  |
ārāva | n. a particular high number,  |
arbuda | the cartilage of a rib,  |
arbudodāsarpiṇī | f. "creeping near of arbuda- ", Name (also title or epithet) of a particular sacrificial path,  |
ardhabṛgala | n. half a portion  |
ardhacakravartin | m. "half a cakravartin- ", Name of the nine black vāsudeva-s (of the jaina-s)  |
ardhacakrin | m. "half a cakravartin- ", Name of the nine black vāsudeva-s (of the jaina-s)  |
ardhadvicaturaska | n. a particular posture,  |
ardhakṣetra | n. plural Name of particular lunar mansions  |
ardhanārāca | m. a particular kind of arrow  |
ardhaparyaṅka | m. sitting half (id est partly) upon the hams (a particular posture practised in meditation; see paryaṅka-) |
ardhaphālaka | m. or n. Name (also title or epithet) of a particular garment,  |
ardhaphālaka | m. plural a particular jaina- sect, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ardhāstamaya | m. half (id est partial) setting of the sun or the moon  |
ardhatūra | m. a particular kind of musical instrument  |
ardhavrata | n. the half portion of milk  |
ardhodaya | m. half (id est partial) rising of the sun or the moon.  |
arghyadāna | n. a particular act of homage to the sun,  |
ariṣṭaroga | m. a particular disease, , Sch (also ṭy-- āmaya-, ).  |
ārjīka | m. a particular soma- vessel ([ ])  |
arjuna | n. a particular grass (used as a substitute for the soma- plant) etc.  |
arṇikā | f. a particular weight (= 2 māṣa-s),  |
ārogya | n. a particular ceremony  |
āroha | m. a particular measure  |
ārohaṇa | n. a particular measure  |
aromaśa | n. absence of a particular faulty pronunciation of the sibilants, .  |
āropyamāṇa | mfn. being strung ( in the sense of trying to string [Comm.];perhaps straining at or making great exertions with ?) . |
arpaṇa | n. inserting, fixing  |
ārṣabha | n. a particular metre.  |
ārṣabhi | m. Name of the first cakra-vartin- in bhārata-  |
arthāntaranyāsa | m. introduction of some other matter (an illustration of a particular case by a general truth or of a general truth by a particular case)  |
arthapūrvaka | mfn. having a particular aim or object, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
artharacana | n. pursuing an aim, exertion, endeavour,  |
arthasiddhi | f. Name of a particular magical faculty  |
arthatas | ind. towards a particular object,  |
arthin | mfn. one who wants or desires anything (instrumental case or in compound; see putrārthin-, balārthin-)  |
arthīya | mfn. relating to (see evam-arthīya and tad-arthīya-).  |
arthopama | n. a simile which merely states the object of comparison (without adding the tertium comparationis or any particle of comparison exempli gratia, 'for example'"he is a lion", said in praise)  |
arthotpāda | m. (in rhetoric), production of a (different) sense, putting words in an artificial order so that they give a different sense.  |
arthuṣya | mfn. having a purpose, desirous of etc. (= arthin-),  |
arti | f. equals ārti-, pain  |
ārūḍha | a particular samādhi-,  |
āruka | mfn. hurting, injuring  |
aruṃtuda | (mf(ā-)n.) ( )"beating or hurting a wound" , causing torments, painful  |
āryāṣṭāṅgamārga | m. (pāli- ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo-) "the holy eightfold path"pointed out by buddha- for escape from the misery of existence: 1. right views, 2. right thoughts, 3. right words, 4. right actions, 5. right living, 6. right exertion, 7. right recollection, 8. right meditation.  |
āryasthavira | m. plural a particular Buddhist sect,  |
aryī | f. the wife of any particular vaiśya- (see aryāṇī-.)  |
ās | cl.2 A1. /āste- (and /āsate- ; imperative 2. sg. ās-sva-, āsva-,and āsasva-;2. plural ādhvam-; parasmE-pada āsān/a-, āsat-[ ],and āsīna-[see below]; āsāṃ-cakre-[ ]; āsiṣyate-; āsiṣṭa-; āsitum-) to sit, sit down, rest, lie etc. ; to be present ; to exist ; to inhabit, dwell in ; to make one's abode in etc. ; to sit quietly, abide, remain, continue etc. ; to cease, have an end etc. ; to solemnize, celebrate ; to do anything without interruption ; to continue doing anything ; to continue in any situation ; to last ; (it is used in the sense of"continuing" , with a participle, adjective (cf. mfn.),or substantive exempli gratia, 'for example' etat sāma gāyann āste-,"he continues singing this verse";with an indeclinable participle in tvā-, ya-,or am- exempli gratia, 'for example' upa-rudhya arim āsīta-,"he should continue blockading the foe";with an adverb exempli gratia, 'for example' tūṣṇīm āste-,"he continues quiet"; sukham āsva-,"continue well";with an inst. case exempli gratia, 'for example' sukhenāste-,"he continues well";with a dative case case exempli gratia, 'for example' āstāṃ tuṣṭaye-,"may it be to your satisfaction") : Causal āsayati-, to cause any one to sit down commentator or commentary on : Desiderative A1. āsisiṣate- ; ([ confer, compare Greek , ()-, -: Latin a7sachanged toA7ra;A7-nusforA7s-nus.])  |
asamagra | mfn. incomplete, unentire, partial etc.  |
asamāti | mfn. having no equal, unparalleled ( vi, 79, 1 for /a-samarti-? )  |
asaṃvṛttavidheya | (in rhetoric) the insertion into a compound of a word which ought to be independent,  |
āsāraśarkarā | f. a particular metre.  |
asarvahoma | m. not offering the whole of an oblation (keeping back a portion),  |
aśastihan | mfn. averting curses or cursers  |
āśāvarītarī | f. a particular rāgiṇī- or musical mode,  |
aśayya | m. "having no bed", a particular class of ascetics,  |
asenya | (4) mfn. not striking or wounding, not hurting (as words)  |
aśipada | mf(/ā-)n. not causing id est averting the sickness called śipada-  |
āśīrvacanākṣepa | m. a deprecatory benediction ([ exempli gratia, 'for example' if a wife wishes "a happy journey"to her departing husband though deprecating his departure])  |
āśis | f. a particular medicament  |
asita | a particular intoxicating drink,  |
aśokavanikānyāya | m. the rule of the grove of aśoka- trees (applied to cases in which a preference of any particular thing among many cannot be accounted for, just as rāvaṇa- kept sītā- in an aśoka- grove, but might equally well have kept her in a grove of other trees),  |
āsphānaka | n. a particular meditation (?),  |
aspṛṣṭa | mfn. not touched by the organs of articulation (as the vowels, the anusvāra-, and the sibilants)  |
āsrāva | m. a particular disease of the body  |
āśraya | m. a recipient, the person or thing in which any quality or article is inherent or retained or received  |
āśrayabhūta | mfn. one who is the refuge or support of another person, protecting, supporting  |
āśrayaṇa | mf(ī-)n. having recourse to, resorting or applying to, seeking refuge or shelter from  |
āśretṛ | mfn. leaning on, resorting to (genitive case),  |
āśrita | mfn. having recourse to, resorting to as a retreat or asylum, seeking refuge or shelter from  |
āśru | P. -śṛṇoti- A1. -śṛṇute-, to listen to ; to hear ; to perceive (with the ear) etc. ; to accept, promise : Causal -śrāvayati- ([but /ā-śravayatam- ; Aorist -aśuśravus- ]), to cause to hear ; to announce, make known, tell ; to address, speak to, call to (especially at particular rites) etc.: Desiderative -śuśrūṣati- ([only P. ]), to wish to hear ; to listen.  |
aśrupāta | m. Name of a particular part of a horse's head  |
aśrupramārjana | consoling, comforting,  |
aṣṭāṅgārghya | n. an offering of eight articles (water, milk, kuśa- grass, curds, ghee, rice, barley, and mustard;or honey, red oleander flowers, and sandal are substituted for the last three).  |
āstāva | m. ( stu-), the place where a particular stotra- is sung  |
āsthāpita | n. (gaṇa- ācitādi- ), a particular saṃdhi-  |
asthicchallita | n. a particular fracture of the bones  |
asti | ind. (3. sg. proper 1. as-; gaRa cādi-and svar-ādi- q.v) sometimes used as a mere particle at the beginning of fables  |
asumat | m. (ān-) life, the principle of vitality, the portion of the spirit connected with the attributes of existence  |
asuṃbhara | mf(ā-)n. only (supporting id est) caring for one's life  |
aśva | m. a particular kind of lover (horse-like in strength)  |
aśvājāneya | m. a h belonging to a cakra-vartin-,  |
aśvakarṇa | mfn. "resembling the ear of a horse", said of a particular fracture of the bones  |
aśvakarṇaka | mfn. (equals -karṇa- mfn.) said of a particular fracture of the bones  |
aśvaratna | n. a jewel of a horse (one of the 7 treasures of a cakra-vartin-),  |
āśvāsaka | mfn. causing to take breath or courage, consolatory, comforting  |
āt | ind. (ablative of 4. a-) afterwards, then (often used in a concluding paragraph antithetically to y/ad-, yadā-, y/adi-.and sometimes strengthened by the particles /aha-, /id-, īm-, u-)  |
aṭaṭa | a particular hell,  |
aṭata | (for a-- taṭa-?) a particular hell,  |
atha | ind. (or Vedic or Veda /athā-) (probably fr. pronominal base a-) an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English), now  |
aticchandas | n. (as-) Name of a particular brick in the sacrificial fire-place.  |
atikarṣaṇa | (for -karśana-?) n. excessive exertion.  |
atikṣipta | n. (in med.) sprain or dislocation of a particular kind  |
atimukti | f. (also) a particular class of oblations,  |
atipraṇaya | m. excessive kindness, partiality.  |
atisara | m. effort, exertion  |
atisarasvatī | f. a particular personification,  |
atisarga | m. act of parting with, dismissal, giving away  |
atiśayokti | f. extreme assertion  |
atīta | m. Name of a particular śaiva- sect  |
ātmanepada | n. "word to one's self", form for one's self id est that form of the verb which implies an action belonging or reverting to self, the terminations of the middle voice  |
ātmavattā | f. self-resemblance, proportion, analogy  |
atyācāra | mfn. negligent of or departing from the established customs.  |
atyakṣara | mfn. inarticulate,  |
atyantagata | mfn. completely pertinent  |
atyūmaśā | ind. a particle of abuse (used in compound with1. as-, bhū-,1. kṛ-; gaRa ūry-ādi- q.v)  |
au | ind. a particle of addressing  |
auḍavā | f. a particular rāgiṇī- q.v (see oḍava-.)  |
audgrabhaṇa | n. (fr. ud-grabhaṇa-), Name of a particular offering  |
aupadheya | mfn. serving for the upadhi- (a particular part of the wheel of a carriage)  |
aupadhika | m. an extortioner of money , (copadhikā-misprint for caupadhikā-.)  |
aupādhika | mfn. (fr. upādhi-), relating to or depending on special qualities, limited by particular conditions, valid only under particular suppositions commentator or commentary on &  |
aupānuvākya | mfn. (fr. upānuvākya-), contained in the portion of the called upānuvākya- |
aupasada | m. a particular ekāha- (incorrect varia lectio for aupaśada-,).  |
aurjasya | n. (fr. ūrjas-), a particular style of composition,  |
aurmya | m. (fr. ūrmi-?), a particular personification  |
autsargika | mfn. (fr. ut-sarga-), belonging to or taught in a general rule, general, not particular or special, generally valid etc.  |
avacana | n. absence of a special assertion etc.  |
avaccheda | m. part, portion (as of a recitation)  |
avaccheda | m. (in logic) distinction, particularising, determining  |
avacchedaka | mfn. distinguishing, particularising, determining  |
avacchinna | mfn. (in logic) predicated (id est separated from everything else by the properties predicated) , distinguished, particularised  |
avadāna | n. a part, portion  |
avadānīya | n. particle or portion (of meat)  |
avadha | mfn. ( vadh-), not hurting, innoxious, beneficent ([ ;"indestructible", ])  |
avadha | m. the not striking or hurting  |
āvāhanī | f. a particular position of the hands (the palms being placed together, and the thumbs turned towards the root of the ring-finger)  |
avakāśa | m. "a glance cast on anything", Name of certain verses, during the recitation of which the eyes must be fixed on particular objects (which therefore are called avakāśya- q.v)  |
avalagita | n. an addition made in the prologue of a drama and not having any particular reference to the latter  |
avalopa | hurting, wounding,  |
avantikhaṇḍa | n. a portion of the skanda-purāṇa-  |
āvāpa | m. insertion,  |
āvāpa | m. mixing, inserting  |
āvapana | n. instilling, inserting  |
āvarjita | n. a particular position of the moon  |
avaṛti | for /ava-rti-, q.v  |
āvartin | n. Name of particular stotra-s  |
āvasatha | m. a particular religious observance  |
avasthāyin | mfn. staying residing in placed (behind, paścā-;as an army), abiding in a particular condition commentator or commentary on  |
avatāra | m. ( ) descent (especially of a deity from heaven), appearance of any deity upon earth (but more particularly the incarnations of viṣṇu- in ten principal forms, viz. the fish tortoise, boar, man lion, dwarf, the two rāma-s, kṛṣṇa-, buddha-, and kalki- )  |
avaṭavirodhana | m. a particular hell  |
avayava | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a limb, member, part, portion  |
avayavin | mfn. having portions or subdivisions, a whole etc.  |
āvedaka | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' making known, reporting, announcing  |
avibhājyatā | f. indivisibility, unfitness for partition  |
avibhājyatva | n. indivisibility, unfitness for partition  |
avīci | m. a particular hell  |
avīcisaṃśoṣaṇa | m. a particular samādhi-  |
āviddha | n. a particular manner of fencing  |
avighnakaraṇavrata | n. Name of a particular rite on the fourth day of phālguna-,  |
avikalpa | mfn. not distinguished or particularized etc.  |
avikāra | m. a particular samādhi-,  |
avikṛta | mfn. not prepared, not changed by artificial means, being in its natural condition , (said of cloth) not dyed  |
avimūḍha | m. plural a particular class of ṛṣi-s  |
avimukham | ind. without averting the face, straightforward (varia lectio abhi-- m-),  |
avimukteśa | m. a particular from of śiva-  |
avivarta | m. a particular samādhi-,  |
avṛka | mfn. not hurting, inoffensive  |
avyāja | m. "absence of fraud, simplicity", (only in compound) without fraud or artifice  |
avyāja | mfn. not pretended or artificial  |
avyaktānukaraṇa | n. the imitating of inarticulated sound  |
avyaktapada | mfn. inarticulate.  |
avyāpyavṛtti | mfn. being of limited application, of partial inherence (with reference to place and time, as pain, pleasure, love, hatred, virtue, vice, etc.)  |
avyaya | n. ([or m. ]) an indeclinable word, particle etc.  |
avyāyāma | m. non-exertion, want of bodily exercise  |
āya | m. Name of a kind of formulas inserted at particular occasions of a sacrifice commentator or commentary  |
āyāna | a particular ornament for horses,  |
ayānaya | m. a particular movement of the pieces on a chess or backgammon board (see aya-).  |
āyāsa | m. effort, exertion (of bodily or mental power), trouble, labour etc.  |
āyāsin | mfn. making exertion, active, laborious  |
āyāsita | n. exertion, endeavour (varia lectio pra-- y-),  |
āyasta | mfn. labouring, toiling, making effort or exertion etc.  |
āyatā | f. a particular interval (in music)  |
ayatna | m. absence of effort or exertion  |
ayatnakārin | mfn. making no exertion, idle.  |
ayatnāt | ind. (orin compound ayatna--) without effort or exertion.  |
ayatnatas | without effort or exertion.  |
ayatnena | ind. without effort or exertion. [ ]  |
āyatta | mfn. exerting one's self, making efforts  |
aye | ind. a vocative particle, an interjection (of surprise, recollection, fatigue, fear, passion, especially used in dramas, see ayi-).  |
ayi | ind. a vocative particle (especially used in dramas)  |
ayi | ind. a particle of encouragement or introducing a kind inquiry.  |
ayoga | m. vigorous effort, exertion  |
āyojana | n. Name of particular mantra-s  |
āyus | n. Name of a particular ceremony (equals āyuḥ-ṣṭoma- q.v)  |
āyuṣṭoma | m. for āyuḥ-ṣṭoma- q.v , a particular ceremony.  |
babhru | m. a particular constellation (equals babhruka-)  |
badarāmalaka | n. Flacourtia Cataphracta (rather its fruit)  |
baddhasūta | m. a particular preparation of quicksilver  |
bādhaka | m. a particular disease of women  |
bāḍham | ind. (or vāḍham-) assuredly, certainly, indeed, really, by all means, so be it, yes (generally used as a particle of consent, affirmation or confirmation)  |
baḍiśa | m. a particular surgical instrument in the form of a hook  |
bahalavartman | mn. a particular disease of the eyes, a swollen eyelid  |
bahiḥśri | (h/ih--) ind. said of a particular pronunciation  |
bahiḥvaiśravaṇa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a particular divinity,  |
bahirdvāraprakaṣṭhaka | n. a portico, a covered terrace in front of the door of a house  |
bahudalakaniśa | m. a particular species of grain  |
bahujana | m. a great multitude of people ( bahujanaparivāra -parivāra- m.a particular samādhi-; bahujanahita -hita- n.the common weal)  |
bahula | n. a particular high number  |
bāhuniḥsṛta | n. a particular method of fighting (by which a sword is twisted out of a person's hands)  |
bāhupāśa | m. a particular attitude in fighting  |
bahupattrā | f. a particular fragrant flower  |
bahupattrikā | f. Flacourtia Cataphracta  |
bahuphala | mfn. "many-fruited", fertile  |
bahuphala | m. a particular fruit tree  |
bahuphalā | f. Name of various plants (Solanum Indicum or another variety of Solanum;Glycine Debilis;a species of Convolvulus Turpethum;various kinds of cucurbitaceous plants, Flacourtia Cataphracta)  |
bāhuphala | n. the sine of an arc of a circle of position contained between the sun and the prime vertical  |
bahuputra | m. Flacourtia Cataphracta  |
bahurandhrikā | f. "much perforated", Name of a particular medicinal root  |
bahusu | mfn. much-bearing, fertile  |
bāhuvighaṭṭaṇa | n. a particular attitude in wrestling  |
bāhuvighaṭṭita | n. a particular attitude in wrestling  |
bahuvīryā | f. Flacourtia Cataphracta |
bahvagni | mf(ī-)n. Name of particular verses in which various agni-s are mentioned  |
bāhyaprayatna | m. (in gram.) the external effort in the production of articulate sounds  |
bāhyāyāma | m. a particular disease of the nerves  |
baida | m. a particular try-aha-  |
baidatrirātra | m. a particular tri-rātra-  |
bailmavegarudra | m. plural Name of a particular class of śaiva- ascetics |
bakakalpa | m. Name of a particular kalpa- or period of the world  |
bakayantra | n. "crane-instrument", Name of a particular form of retort  |
bala | n. force or power of articulation  |
balā | f. Name of a particular charm (see ati-b-)  |
bāla | m. a particular mystical prayer  |
balabha | m. a particular venomous insect  |
balabhid | m. a particular ekāha-  |
balacakra | n. "circle of power", dominion, sovereignty ( balacakravartin -vartin- m.a powerful sovereign)  |
bālacandra | n. a cavity of a particular shape (made in a wall)  |
bālacāturbhadrikā | f. a particular mixture for children  |
balada | m. "strength-giving", a particular form of agni-  |
balada | m. a particular medicinal plant (equals jīvaka-)  |
baladā | ( ) mfn. conferring or imparting power.  |
baladāvan | ( ) mfn. conferring or imparting power.  |
balālaka | m. Flacourtia Cataphracta  |
bālapramathanī | f. a particular sakti-  |
balāsa | m. (also written balāśa-) a particular disease, consumption or phthisis  |
balāsabasta | m. a particular disease of the eye  |
balavyūha | m. a particular samādhi-  |
bali | m. any offering or propitiatory oblation (especially an offering of portions of food, such as grain, rice etc., to certain gods, semi-divine beings, household divinities, spirits, men, birds, other animals and all creatures including even lifeless objects; it is made before the daily meal by arranging portions of food in a circle or by throwing them into the air outside the house or into the sacred fire; it is also called bhūta-yajña-and was one of the 5 mahā-yajñas-,or great devotional acts; see ) etc. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with the object, the receiver, the time, or the place of the offering)  |
bāṇa | m. a particular part of an arrow  |
bandha | m. a particular mode of sexual union (there are said to be 16, 18, 36, or even 84 ),  |
bandha | m. arrangement of a stanza in a particular shape  |
bandhana | n. hurting, killing  |
bandhujīvaka | m. Name of a cakra-vartin-  |
bandhura | m. a particular bulbous plant growing on the hima-vat- mountain  |
bandin | m. (also written vandin- q.v,and metri causa di-) a praiser, bard, herald (who sings the praises of a prince in his presence or accompanies an army to chant martial songs;these bards are regarded as the descendants of a kṣatriya- by a śūdra- female)  |
bāpyadeva | m. Name of the writer of a particular inscription  |
barāsī | f. a particular article of clothing or kind of woven cloth (also spelt varāsi-and varāśi-).  |
barbara | m. a particular fragrant plant  |
barbarā | f. a particular flower  |
barbaratā | f. a particular stammering pronunciation of the letter r-  |
barbarīgandha | m. a particular plant (equals aja-modā-)  |
barbarīka | n. (only ) curly hair or a particular mode of wearing the hair  |
barhiṣad | m. (plural) the pitṛ-s or deceased ancestors (also a particular class of pitṛ-s) etc.  |
bāṣpakala | mfn. inarticulate through tears  |
bāṣpodbhava | m. the rising or starting of tears  |
bastagandhākṛti | f. a particular plant growing in mālava- (equals lakṣmaṇā-)  |
bembārava | m. a particular sound (see bambhā-r-).  |
bhaḍa | m. Name of a particular mixed caste (see bhaṭa-).  |
bhadra | m. a particular kind of elephant (also Name of a world elephant ) a bullock  |
bhadra | m. (with Buddhists) Name of a particular world  |
bhadra | m. of a daughter of śruta-kīrti- and wife of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadra | n. a particular posture in sitting  |
bhadra | n. a particular karaṇa- (see f.)  |
bhadra | n. a particular mystic sign  |
bhadra | n. a particular part of a house  |
bhadrabāhu | m. Name of a particular four-footed animal  |
bhadraka | n. a particular posture in sitting (equals bhadrāsana-)  |
bhadraka | n. a particular mystic sign  |
bhadralakṣaṇa | n. the mark of a bhadra- elephant (whose chief and inferior limbs are in good proportion)  |
bhadramallikā | f. Name of a particular plant (= gavākṣī-)  |
bhadramanda | m. a particular kind of elephant (also dra-and dra-mṛga-) (Bombay edition)  |
bhadrāsana | n. a particular posture of a devotee during meditation  |
bhadrāvaha | n. (with ghṛta-) a particular medicine preparation  |
bhadrāvrata | n. a particular religious ceremony (also called vithṭi-vrata-)  |
bhadrayoga | m. a particular astrological yoga-  |
bhadrodaya | n. a particular medicine compound  |
bhadropavāsavrata | n. a particular religious observance  |
bhaga | n. a particular muhūrta-  |
bhaga | mn. equals yatna-, prayatna-, kīrti-, yaśas-, vairāgya-, icchā-, jñāna-, mukti-, mokṣa-, dharma-, śrī- [ confer, compare Zend bagha= Old Persian baga; Greek ; Slavonic or Slavonian bogu8,bogatu8; Lithuanian bago4tas,na-ba4gas.],  |
bhāga | m. ( bhaj-) a part, portion, share, allotment, inheritance (in Vedic or Veda also = lot, especially fortunate lot, good fortune, luck, destiny) etc.  |
bhagadāraṇa | n. a particular disease (see bhagaṃ-dara-).  |
bhagadeva | mfn. "whose god is the female organ", lustful, a libertine  |
bhāgadhā | f. a share, portion  |
bhāgadheya | n. a share, portion, property, lot, fate, destiny etc. etc. happiness, prosperity  |
bhāgadugha | m. one who deals out portions, distributer  |
bhāgaka | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals bhāga-, a part, portion, share  |
bhāgamātṛ | f. (in algebra) a particular rule of division.  |
bhāgapāṭha | m. "partial quotation"the quotation of a verse by the pratīka- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
bhāgārha | mfn. entitled to a portion or inheritance  |
bhāgaśas | ind. in parts or portions (with Causal of kḷp-,"to divide in parts")  |
bhagīrathapatha | (A.) m. " bhagī-ratha-'s path or labour", Name of any Herculean effort or exertion.  |
bhagīrathaprayatna | ( ) m. " bhagī-ratha-'s path or labour", Name of any Herculean effort or exertion.  |
bhairava | m. plural Name of a particular sect  |
bhairavī | f. Name of a particular form of durgā-  |
bhaiṣajya | n. a particular ceremony performed as a remedy for sickness  |
bhaj | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) bh/ajati-, te- (2. sg. as imperative bhakṣi- ; perfect tense P. babh/āja- A1. bhej/e- etc.;2. sg. babhaktha- ; bhejitha- ; Aorist P.2. 3. sg. abhāk- ; abhākṣīt-, kṣus- ; subjunctive bhakṣat- ; A1. /abhakṣi-, kta- etc.; preceding A1. bhakṣīy/a- ;3. sg. kṣīṣṭa- ; kṣīta- ; future bhakṣyati-, te- etc.; bhajiṣyati-, te- etc.; bhaktā- grammar; infinitive mood bhaktum- etc.; bhajitum- ; ind.p. bhaktvā- etc., tvāya- ; -bhajya-and -bh/ājam- ), to divide, distribute, allot or apportion to (dative case or genitive case), share with (instrumental case) etc. ; (A1.) to grant, bestow, furnish, supply ; A1. (rarely P.) to obtain as one's share, receive as (two accusative), partake of, enjoy (also carnally) , possess, have (accusative,Ved. also genitive case) ; (A1.,rarely P.) to turn or resort to, engage in, assume (as a form) , put on (garments) , experience, incur, undergo, feel, go or fall into (with accusative, especially of abstract noun exempli gratia, 'for example' bhītim-,to feel terror; nidrām-,to fall asleep; maunam-,to become silent) etc. ; to pursue, practise, cultivate ; to fall to the lot or share of (accusative) etc. ; to declare for, prefer, choose (exempli gratia, 'for example' as a servant) ; to serve, honour, revere, love, adore etc.: Causal bhāj/ayati-, te- (Aorist abībhajuḥ- , ababhājat- grammar), to divide ; to deal out, distribute ; to cause any one (accusative) to partake of or enjoy (accusative or genitive case) ; to put to flight, pursue, chase, drive into (accusative) ; to cook, dress (food) : Desiderative bibhakṣati-, te- (confer, compare bhikṣ-): Intensive bābhajyate-, bābhakti-, [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin fa1gus; Gothic Old S.bo1k; German Buch,Buchstabe; English buck-,beech.]  |
bhāj | mfn. (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';exceptionally with genitive case) sharing or participating in, entitled to, possessing, enjoying, perceiving, feeling, sensible of. devoted to, intent upon etc.  |
bhāj | mfn. going or resorting to, falling into, seeking  |
bhajaka | m. a distributer, apportioner (See civara-bh-)  |
bhajamāna | mfn. apportioning etc.  |
bhājana | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') sharing or participating in, entitled or relating or belonging to etc.  |
bhājana | n. a particular measure (= an āḍhaka-= 14 pala-s)  |
bhajanavārika | m. a particular official in a Buddhist monastery  |
bhājin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') sharing, participating in  |
bhājita | mfn. distributed, portioned  |
bhājita | n. a share, portion  |
bhakṣita | mfn. eaten (said of a particular bad pronunciation of words)  |
bhakta | n. a share, portion  |
bhaktakara | m. artificially prepared incense  |
bhakti | f. distribution, partition, separation etc. (see kṣetra--, bhaṅgī-bh-)  |
bhakti | f. a division, portion, share  |
bhaktoddeśaka | m. "food-prescriber", a particular official in a Buddhist monastery  |
bhalānas | m. plural Name of a particular race or tribe  |
bhalla | m. a kind of arrow or missile with a point of a particular shape etc. (alsof(ī-).and n.)  |
bhalla | m. a particular part of an arrow  |
bhalla | n. an arrow-head of a particular shape  |
bhallāṭa | m. Name of a particular supernatural being (wrong reading bhalvāṭa-)  |
bhallūka | m. a particular plant (a species of śyonāka- or Bignonia Indica )  |
bhāṃśa | m. portion of an asterism  |
bhaṃsas | n. a particular part of the intestine or abdomen (see bhas/ad-).  |
bhaṇḍa | m. a jester, buffoon, mime (also as Name of a particular mixed caste)  |
bhāṇḍapuṭa | m. a particular contrivance for calcining metals  |
bhaṇḍara | m. a particular kind of combat  |
bhāṇḍarañjakamṛttikā | f. a particular colouring earth used by potters  |
bhaṇḍila | m. an artisan  |
bhaṅgivikāra | m. distortion of the features (mukha-bhaṅgiv-) a wry face, grimace  |
bhañjikā | f. breaking, plucking (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' after the names of plants to denote particular games; see uddālaka-puṣpa-bh-and śāla-bhañjikā-)  |
bhara | mf(ā-)n. maintaining, supporting (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see ṛtam--, kulam--, deham--, vājam-bh-and Calcutta edition )  |
bhara | m. a burden, load, weight (also a particular measure of weight equals bhāra- q.v ) etc. (accusative with kṛ-,to place one's weight, support one's self )  |
bhāra | m. a particular weight (= 20 tulā-s = 2000 pala-s of gold)  |
bhāra | m. a particular manner of beating a drum  |
bhāradaṇḍa | n. plural Name of particular sāman-s  |
bhāraka | m. a particular weight (equals bhāra-)  |
bharaṇa | n. maintaining, supporting, nourishing etc.  |
bharata | m. of a particular agni- (father of bharata- and bharatī-)  |
bharata | m. of a celebrated hero and monarch of India (son of duṣyanta- and śakuntalā-, the first of 12 cakra-vartin-s or sārvabhauma-s id est universal emperors) etc. |
bharata | n. plural Name of a particular varṣa-  |
bharatadvādaśāha | m. Name of a Partic. festival  |
bharaṭaka | m. a particular class of mendicants (also ḍaka-)  |
bharatasamuccaya | m. (a particular rhetoric figure consisting of an) accumulation of dramatic terms,  |
bhāratī | f. (with vṛtti-), a particular kind of style (see )  |
bhārika | mfn. forming a load, heavy, swollen (said of a particular form of elephantiasis)  |
bhariman | m. supporting, nourishing  |
bharīman | m. supporting, nourishing, nourishment  |
bhārīṭa | m. a particular bird  |
bharma | n. a particular coin  |
bhartṛprāptivrata | n. a particular observance performed to obtain a husband  |
bhartṛsūkta | n. Name (also title or epithet) of particular mantra-s (in the ).  |
bharūja | mf(ā-)n. ( bhrajj- ) of a particular colour (?)  |
bhāruṇḍa | m. a particular bird (see bhāraṇḍa-, bhuruṇḍa-)  |
bhāṣā | f. any Prakrit dialect or a particular group of 5 of them (viz. māhārāṣṭrī-, śaurasenī-, māgadha-, prācyā-, and avanti-, also called pañca-vidhā- bhāṣā-; see under prākṛta-,p.703)  |
bhāskaralavaṇa | n. a particular mixture  |
bhāskarāvarta | m. a particular kind of headache  |
bhāskaravrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance  |
bhasmagraha | m. "taking ashes", a particular part of a Brahman's education  |
bhasmaka | n. a particular disease of the eyes or morbid appetite from over-digestion (see bhasmāgni-)  |
bhasmeśvara | m. a particular medicinal preparation  |
bhastrā | f. a particular manner of recitation  |
bhaṭodyoga | m. exertion of soldiers  |
bhaṭṭa | m. Name of a particular mixed caste of hereditary panegyrists, a bard, encomiast  |
bhaṭṭakārikā | f. plural Name of particular kārikā-s.  |
bhaṭṭāraka | m. a great lord, venerable or worshipful person (used of gods and of great or learned men, especially of Buddhist teachers and of a particular class of śaiva- monks) etc.  |
bhaṭṭikāvya | n. "the poem of bhaṭṭi-", Name of an artificial poem by bhaṭṭa-svāmin- (originally called rāvaṇa-vadha-;celebrating the exploits of rāma- and illustrating Sanskrit grammar by the systematic application of all possible forms and constructions).  |
bhauma | m. metron. of a particular earth-deity  |
bhaumavrata | n. Name of a particular observance or ceremony  |
bhaumika | mf(ī-)n. being on the earth, collected on the ground or any particular piece of ground  |
bhāvagambhīram | ind. (to laugh) from the bottom of the heart id est heartily  |
bhavakalpa | m. Name of a particular kalpa-  |
bhavaketu | m. Name of a particular phenomenon in the sky  |
bhavanapati | m. plural (with jaina-s) a particular class of gods  |
bhavānīdāsa | m. Name of a king (also with cakra-vartin-)  |
bhavasaṃśodhana | m. a particular samādhi-  |
bhāvasnigdha | mfn. heartily attached, affectionately disposed  |
bhavatī | f. a particular kind of poisoned arrow  |
bhāvin | m. a particular musical composition  |
bhavottāraka | m. a particular samādhi-  |
bhavya | m. (plural) a particular class of gods under manu- cākṣuṣa-  |
bhayavyūha | m. "fear-array", Name of a particular mode of marshalling an army  |
bheda | m. bursting asunder, opening, gaping, parting asunder  |
bheda | m. separation, division, partition, part, portion  |
bheda | m. (in astronomy) a particular crossing or conjunction of the planets  |
bhedaka | mfn. diverting (water-courses)  |
bhedana | mfn. loosening (the faeces), cathartic, purgative  |
bhedana | n. bursting, parting asunder, breach, fracture  |
bhedin | mfn. loosening (the bowels), cathartic, purgative  |
bhedinī | f. (with tāntrika-s) Name of a particular śakti-  |
bheditva | n. separation, division, parting asunder  |
bhelu | m. or n. (?) a particular high number  |
bheruṇḍa | m. a particular form of śiva- (?)  |
bhettṛ | m. Name of a particular magical spell recited over weapons  |
bhikṣu | m. a particular buddha-  |
bhikṣuhala | m. or n. (?) Name of a particular square-measure  |
bhīmadvādaśīvrata | n. a particular observance  |
bhinna | n. a fragment, bit, portion  |
bhinna | n. a particular mode of fighting  |
bhinnadarśin | mfn. seeing different things, state a difference, making a different (opp. to sama-d-), partial  |
bhinnakarṇa | mfn. having divided ears (said of particular animals)  |
bhiṣagvatī | f. plural Name of particular verses containing the word bhiṣaj-  |
bhīṣmapañcakavrata | n. Name of a particular observance performed during this period  |
bhitta | n. equals bhitti-, a partition, wall  |
bhitti | f. a wall (of earth or masonry), partition, panel etc.  |
bhitti | f. a fragment, bit, portion  |
bhittikā | f. a partition, wall  |
bhoga | m. a particular kind of military array  |
bhogin | m. a person who accumulates money for a particular expenditure  |
bhos | (fr. bhavas- vocative case of bhavat- q.v;before vowels and soft consonants bho-;before hard consonants bhos-and bhoḥ-;the latter form also in pause see ;but there is occasional confusion of these forms, especially in later literature;often also bhobhoḥ-.), an interjection or vocative case particle commonly used in addressing another person or several persons = O! Ho! Hallo l, in soliloquies = alas! etc. etc. (according to a particle of sorrow and of interrogation).  |
bhṛ | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) bh/arati-, te- ; cl.3 P. A1. ( ) b/ibharti- (bibh/arti-only ), bibhṛte- ; cl.2 P. bh/arti- (parasmE-pada P. b/ibhrat-, q.v; A1. bibhrāṇa-with act. meaning , bibhramāṇa-with pass. meaning ; perfect tense jabh/āra-, jabh/arat-; jabhre-, ajabhartana- ; babhāra-, babhṛma- etc.; parasmE-pada babhrāṇ/a-with pass. meaning ; bibharāmbabhūva- , rām-āsa- ; Aorist abhār- ; bhart/am-, bhṛt/am- ; abhṛta- grammar; abhārṣam- subjunctive bharṣat- ; abhāriṣam- ; preceding bhriyāsam-, yāt- ; future bhariṣyati- Conditional /abhariṣyat- ; bhart/ā- ; infinitive mood bh/artum-, bh/artave-, bh/artav/ai-,Ved.; bh/aradhyai- ; ind.p. -bh/ṛtya- etc.) , to bear, carry, convey, hold ("on"or"in" locative case) etc. ; to wear id est let grow (hair, beard, nails) etc. ; to balance, hold in equipoise (as a pair of scales) ; to bear id est contain, possess, have, keep (also"keep in mind") etc. ; to support, maintain, cherish, foster ; to hire, pay ; to carry off or along (A1. bharate-,"for one's self" id est gain, obtain, or =ferri"to be borne along") ; to bring, offer, procure, grant, bestow etc. ; to endure, experience, suffer, undergo ; to lift up, raise (the voice or a sound; A1. bharate-,also "to rise, be heard") ; to fill (the stomach) ; (with garbham-) to conceive, become pregnant (confer, compare under dhṛ-) ; (with kṣitim-) to take care of, rule, govern ; (with, ājñām-) to submit to, obey ; (with ūrjām-) to exert, employ : Passive voice bhriy/ate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist abhāri-), to be borne etc. etc. etc.: Causal bhārayati- (Aorist abībharat-), to cause to bear etc. ; to engage for hire : Desiderative b/ubhūrṣati- ( ), bibhariṣati- ( ) , to wish to bear or support or maintain: Intensive b/aribharti- (3. plural bhrati- , where also 2. dual number jarbhṛt/aḥ-), barībharti- ( ), to bear repeatedly or continually, carry hither and thither. [ confer, compare Zend bar; Greek ; Latin fero; Slavonic or Slavonian brati; Gothic bai4ran; German beran,ge-ba0ren; English bear.]  |
bhrādinī | f. (in music) a particular śruti-  |
bhrāja | m. of a particular kind of fire  |
bhramara | m. a gallant, libertine  |
bhramara | m. a particular position of the hand  |
bhrāmara | n. vertigo, giddiness, epilepsy  |
bhramaravilasita | n. the hovering or sporting of bees  |
bhrāmarin | mfn. (fr. prec.) affected with vertigo or epilepsy  |
bhramātra | m. or n. (?) a particular high number  |
bhrānta | n. a particular mode of fighting  |
bhrāntimat | mfn. a particular figure of rhetoric (describing an error)  |
bhṛguharītakī | f. a particular mixture  |
bhṛjjakaṇṭaka | m. a particular mixed tribe (varia lectio bhūrja--, bhūta-k-etc.; see next) .  |
bhṛjjakaṇṭha | m. a particular mixed tribe (the son of a Brahman vrātya- and a brāhmaṇī-. )  |
bhṛṅga | m. a libertine  |
bhṛśa | m. a particular tutelary deity  |
bhṛt | mfn. bearing, carrying, bringing, procuring, possessing, wearing, having, nourishing, supporting, maintaining (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see iṣu--, kṣiti--, dharma--, vaṃśa-bhṛt-etc.)  |
bhrūṇaghna | mfn. killing an embryo, one who produces abortion  |
bhū | cl.1 P. ( ) bh/avati- (rarely A1. te-; perfect tense babh/ūva-,2. Persian /ūtha-or ūvitha- confer, compare ; babhūyās-, y/ār-, babhūtu- ; A1. babhūve-or bubhūve- ; confer, compare below; Aorist /abhūt-, ūvan-; imperative bodh/i-[ confer, compare budh-], bhūtu- ; Aorist or imperfect tense /abhuvat-, bh/uvat-, bhuvāni- ; preceding bhūyāsam-,2. 3. sg. yās- ; bhūyāt- ; bhūyiṣṭhās- ; bhaviṣāt-[?] ; abhaviṣṭa-, bhaviṣīṣta-. grammar; future bhaviṣy/ati-, Epic also te-and 2. plural ṣyadhvam-; bhavitā- etc.; infinitive mood bhuv/e-, -bhv/e-, bhūṣ/aṇi- ; bhavitum-, tos- ; ind.p. bhūtv/ā-; bhūtv/ī- ; -bh/ūya- etc.; -bh/ūyam-, -bh/avam- ), to become, be (with nom, or adverb or indeclineable words ending in ī-or ū- confer, compare kṛṣṇī-bhū-etc.) , arise, come into being, exist, be found, live, stay, abide, happen, occur etc. (often used with participles and other verbal nouns to make periphrastical verbal forms;with a fut.p. =to be going or about to exempli gratia, 'for example' anuvakṣyan bhavati-,he is going to recite ;the future of bhū-with a perfect tense parasmE-pada =a future perfect tense exempli gratia, 'for example' kṛtavān bhaviṣyasi-,you will have done ;the perfect tense P. babhūva-after the syllable ām-is put for the perfect tense of verbs of the 10th classetc.[ confer, compare 1. as-and1. kṛ-];the A1.appears in this meaning ;observe also bhavati-with a future tense, it is possible that, exempli gratia, 'for example' bhavati bhavān yājayiṣyati-,it is possible that you will cause a sacrifice to be performed ; bhavet-,may be, granted, admitted on ; bhavatu- idem or ' bhusukha-or bhusura- m. Name of a yogin- ',well, good, enough of this ; iticed bhavet-,if this question should be asked ; kva tad bhavati-,what is to become of this, it is quite useless ;with na-= to cease to exist, perish, die etc.;with iha na-,not to be born on earth ;with śata-dhā-,to fall into a hundred pieces ;with dūrataḥ-,to keep aloof. ;with manasi-or cetasi-and genitive case,to occur to the mind of any one ; idem or ' bhusukha-or bhusura- m. Name of a yogin- ' with genitive case alone ) ; to fall to the share or become the property of, belong to (confer, compare"esse alicujus";with genitive case,rarely dative case or locative case according to to also with pari-or prati-and preceding accusative) etc. ; to be on the side of, assist (with genitive case or -tas-) (confer, compare ) ; to serve for, tend or conduce to (with dative case of thing) etc. (with phalāya-.to bear fruit ) ; to be occupied with or engaged in, devote one's self to (with locative case) ; to thrive or prosper in (instrumental case), turn out well, succeed ; to be of consequence or useful ; (also A1. ) to fall, or get into, attain to, obtain ; (with id/am-) to obtain it id est be successful or fortunate : Passive voice bhūyate- (or ti- ; Aorist abhāvi-) sometimes used impersonal or used impersonally exempli gratia, 'for example' yair bhaviṣyate-, by whom it will be existed id est who will be : Causal bhāvayati- (rarely te-; Aorist abībhavat- grammar; infinitive mood bhāvitum- ; Passive voice bhāvyate-etc. ), to cause to be or become, call into existence or life, originate, produce, cause, create ; to cherish, foster, animate, enliven, refresh, encourage, promote, further etc. ; to addict or devote one's self to, practise (accusative) ; to subdue, control ; (also A1. ) to obtain ; to manifest, exhibit, show, betray ; to purify ; to present to the mind, think about, consider, know, recognize as or take for (two accusative) etc. ; to mingle, mix, saturate, soak, perfume (confer, compare bhāvita-,): Desiderative of Causal bibhāvayiṣati- ( ), to wish to cause to be etc. : Desiderative b/ubhūṣati- (te-), to wish or strive to become or be etc. ; (with kṣipram-), to strive to be quickly possessed ; to want to get on, strive to prosper or succeed ; to want to have, care for, strive after, esteem, honour ; to want to take revenge : Intens, b/obhavīti-, bobhavati-, bobhoti-, bobhūyate-, to be frequently, to be in the habit of ; to be transformed into (accusative) ; (with tiraḥ-), to keep anything (instrumental case) secret [ confer, compare Zend bu1; Greek , ; Latin fuit,fuatetc.; Slavonic or Slavonian byti; Lithuanian bu4ti; German bim,bim; Anglo-Saxon beo4; English be.] |
bhū | f. (also) a particular land-measure,  |
bhūbhāga | m. a portion of ground, a place, spot, station  |
bhūdhara | m. "earth-supporting", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhūdharatā | f. the state or act of supporting the earth  |
bhūdharayantra | n. a particular apparatus for boiling  |
bhūdhātirī | f. Flacourtia Cataphracta  |
bhugnadṛś | mfn. accompanied by distortion of the eyes (as a fever)  |
bhugnanetra | mfn. accompanied by distortion of the eyes (as a fever)  |
bhūgṛha | n. a particular part of a diagram  |
bhūjambu | f. Flacourtia Sapida or its fruit  |
bhūjambū | f. Flacourtia Sapida or its fruit  |
bhujāntara | n. a particular astron, correction  |
bhujman | mfn. abounding in windings or valleys, fertile ( ;read bhujmā-).  |
bhūkanda | m. a particular medicinal plant  |
bhuktavibhukta | mfn. gaRa śāka-pārthivādi-.  |
bhūmakatṛtīyā | f. Name of the 3rd day in a particular , month  |
bhūmibhāga | m. (also n. ) a portion or plot of land, place, spot  |
bhūmyāmalakī | f. Flacourtia Cataphracta  |
bhūmyāmalī | f. Flacourtia Cataphracta  |
bhūmyekadeśa | m. one portion of territory  |
bhuṅ | a syllable inserted in particular sāman-s  |
bhūpālī | f. Name of a particular scale in the Hindu musical system  |
bhūpati | m. a particular bulbous plant existing on the himavat-  |
bhūpati | m. a particular rāga-  |
bhūpati | m. plural Name of a particular class of gods under manu- raivata-  |
bhūpiṭharī | f. a particular plant (varia lectio bhūmivalli-).  |
bhūpura | n. a particular part of a diagram (see -gṛha-).  |
bhūridhāyas | (bh/ūri--) mfn. nourishing or supporting many  |
bhūrigandhā | f. a particular perfume  |
bhurij | f. Name of particular insertions in liturgical formularies  |
bhūtabhairava | m. Name of a particular medical compound  |
bhūtadharā | f. "supporting beings", the earth  |
bhūtadrāvin | m. a particular tree (equals bhūtāṅkuśa-)  |
bhūtagandhā | f. a species of fragrant plant or a particular perfume  |
bhūtalipi | f. "demon-writing", Name of a particular magical formula  |
bhūtamārī | f. a particular resin  |
bhūtamātṛtetsava | n. (!) a particular festival  |
bhūteṣṭakā | f. a particular kind of brick  |
bhuvana | m. Name of a particular month  |
bhūyaskṛt | f. plural Name of a particular kind of brick  |
biḍāla | m. a particular remedy for the eye (see laka-)  |
biḍālapada | n. a particular measure of weight (= karṣa-)  |
biḍālapadaka | n. a particular measure of weight (= karṣa-)  |
biḍālī | f. a particular disease and the female demon presiding over it (reckoned among the yoginī-s)  |
bījakāṇḍaprarohin | ( ) (i, 48) mfn. springing from a seed or from the (slip or portion taken from a) stalk,  |
bījakāṇḍaruha | mfn. springing from a seed or from the (slip or portion taken from a) stalk,  |
bījayajña | m. "seed-offering", Name of a particular allegorical sacrifice  |
bilva | n. a particular weight (= 1 pala-, = 4 akṣa-s, 1/4= kuḍava-)  |
bimbara | m. n. a particular high number  |
bindu | m. (once n. ;in later language mostly written vindu-) a detached particle, drop, globule, dot, spot etc.  |
bindu | m. a particular mark like a dot made in cauterizing  |
bindubheda | m. Name of a particular yoga- posture  |
bindughṛta | n. a particular medicine compound taken in small quantities,  |
bindula | m. a particular venomous insect (written vi-).  |
bisagranthi | m. a particular disease of the eyes  |
bisavartman | n. a particular disease of the eyes, (see -granthi-)  |
bodhanī | f. a particular śakti-  |
bodhāyanīyā | f. a particular drug  |
bodhisaṃcodiṇī | f. Name of a particular ray of light  |
bodhyaṅgavatī | f. a particular samādhi-  |
bradhma | m. a particular disease (written vr-; see bradhna-and budhna-roga-).  |
bradhna | m. a particular disease (see bradhma-and budhna-roga-)  |
brahmabhāvana | mfn. revealing or imparting religious knowledge  |
brahmacakra | n. Name of a particular magical circle  |
brahmada | mfn. imparting religious knowledge  |
brahmadaṇḍa | m. Name of a particular ketu-  |
brahmadatta | m. of the 12th cakra-vartin- in bhārata-  |
brahmadāya | mfn. imparting or teaching sacred knowledge  |
brahmadhātu | m. an essential portion of brahma-  |
brahmagītā | f. plural Name of particular verses ( ) ascribed to brahmā-  |
brahmagītikā | f. "the song of brahmā-", Name of particular verses  |
brahmagranthi | m. of a particular joint of the body  |
brahmahṛdaya | Name (also title or epithet) of a particular anuvāka- ( ),  |
brahmaja | m. plural Name of particular clouds  |
brahmajapa | m. a particular formula of prayer  |
brahmakāṇḍa | n. the inner portion of the veda- which relates to sacred knowledge or the knowledge of brahma- (= jñāna-k-,and opp. to karma-k- q.v),  |
brāhmakārikā | f. plural Name of particular kārikā-s  |
brahmakāya | m. plural Name of a particular class of deities  |
brahmakṣatrasava | m. plural Name of particular rites |
brahmakūrca | n. a particular kind of penance (in which the 5 products of the cow are eaten; see pañcagavya-)  |
brahmamuhūrta | m. a particular hour of the day  |
brāhmamuhūrta | m. n. a particular period of the day (that included between the 4th ghaṭikā- and the 2nd before sunrise), dawn (see ) .  |
brahman | n. the brāhmaṇa- portion of the veda-  |
brahman | n. religious or spiritual knowledge (opp. to religious observances and bodily mortification such as tapas-etc.)  |
brahman | m. a particular astronomy yoga-  |
brahman | m. (with jaina-s) a particular kalpa-  |
brāhmaṇa | n. the brāhmaṇa- portion of the veda- (as distinct from its mantra- and upaniṣad- portion) and consisting of a class of works called brāhmaṇa-s (they contain rules for the employment of the mantra-s or hymns at various sacrifices, with detailed explanations of their origin and meaning and numerous old legends;they are said by sāyaṇa- to contain two parts: 1. vidhi-,rules or directions for rites;2. artha-vāda-,explanatory remarks;each veda- has its own brāhmaṇa-, that of the is preserved in 2 works, viz. the aitareya-, sometimes called āśvalāyana-, and the kauṣītaki- or śāṅkhāyana-- brāhmaṇa-;the white yajur-veda- has the śata-patha-brāhmaṇa-;the black yajur-veda- has the brāhmaṇa- which differs little from the text of its saṃhitā-;the has 8 brāhmaṇa-s, the best known of which are the prauḍha- or pañca-viṃśa- and the ṣaḍviṃśa-;the has one brāhmaṇa- called go-patha-) etc.  |
brāhmaṇabhakta | mfn. apportioned to Brahmans,  |
brāhmaṇābhāṣaṇa | n. Name of a kind of artifical composition (contained in the kavi-kalpa-latā- q.v)  |
brāhmaṇamukhīna | m. plural Name of particular verses or formulas  |
brāhmaṇasava | m. Name of a particular sacrifice  |
brāhmaṇavatī | f. Name of particular iṣṭakā-s  |
brahmāṇīmantra | m. a particular verse or formula  |
brahmapāramaya | mf(ī-)n. (with japa-,m.) a particular prayer  |
brahmarāśi | m. a particular constellation  |
brahmarātra | m. " brahmā-'s night", Name of a particular hour of night  |
brahmarṣi | m. (= and for -ṛṣi-) "Brahmanical sage", Name of a particular class of sages supposed so belong to the Brahman caste (as vasiṣṭha- etc.) etc. (see deva-rṣi-, maha-rṣi-, rāja-rṣi-)  |
brahmāsanā | f. a particular posture suited to devout religious meditation  |
brahmasava | m. Name of a particular libation (equals brahma-kṣatra-s-).  |
brahmāstra | n. of a particular kind of incantation (see )  |
brahmavadalipi | f. a particular mode of writing  |
brahmavallīlipi | f. a particular mode of writing  |
brahmavarman | n. " brahmā-'s armour."Name of particular oblations  |
brahmavīṇā | f. a particular stringed instrument  |
brahmayajña | m. "Vedic offering", recitation of portions of the veda- and sacred books at the saṃdhyā- etc. (one of the 5 mahā-yajña-s or great devotional acts ; see )  |
brahmayātu | m. Name of a particular class of demons  |
brāhmeṣṭi | f. a particular iṣṭi-  |
brahmottara | m. (with jaina-s) of a particular kalpa-  |
brāhmyatīrtha | n. a particular part of the hand (see under brāhma-)  |
bṛhacchātātapa | (hac-+ śā-) m. "the larger śātātapa-", Name of a particular recension of śātātapa-'s law-book  |
bṛhadagnimukha | n. a particular medicinal powder  |
bṛhadamara | m. "the larger amara-koṣa-", Name of a particular recension of the amara- with interpolations.  |
bṛhadamarakośa | m. "the larger amara-koṣa-", Name of a particular recension of the amara- with interpolations.  |
bṛhadaṅgiras | m. "the larger aṅgiras-", Name of a particular recension of a law-book by aṅgiras-.  |
bṛhadasṛnmati | m. "having a great inclination for blood", a particular demon  |
bṛhadbhānu | m. Name of a particular agni-  |
bṛhaddhātrī | f. a particular medicament  |
bṛhadgaurīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance  |
bṛhadratha | m. a particular mantra-  |
bṛhallakṣahoma | m. a particular oblation  |
bṛhannakhī | f. a particular perfume  |
bṛhannāṭa | m. (in music) a particular rāga-  |
bṛhaspaticakra | n. a particular astrological diagram  |
bṛhatī | f. fr. bṛk/at- Name of a particular metre of 36 (originally 8+ 8+12+8) syllables or (later) any metre containing 36 syllables (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (tīka-) mfn.) etc.  |
bṛhatī | f. (plural) Name of particular bricks forming part of the sacrificial fire-altar  |
bṛhatī | f. a particular Solanum ( bṛhatīdvaya -dvaya- n.two species of it)  |
bṛhatkālaśāka | m. a particular shrub (wrong reading)  |
bṛhatkāśa | m. a particular kind of reed (equals khaḍgaṭa-)  |
bṛhatkṣata | m. Name of a particular mythical being  |
bṛhatparāśara | m. "the larger parāśara-", Name of a particular recension of parāśara-'s law-book,  |
bṛhatpracetas | m. "the larger pracetas-", Name of a particular recension of a law-book by pracetas-.  |
bṛhattantrapati | m. a particular functionary  |
bṛhattapas | n. great self-mortification, a particular severe penance  |
bṛhattapas | mfn. practising great self-mortification or austerity  |
bṛhattapovrata | n. a particular penitential observance  |
bubhūrṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative of bhṛ-) desire of supporting (genitive case)  |
budbuda | n. a particular disease of the eye,  |
budbudākṣa | mfn. one who has particular disease of the eyes  |
buddhadvādaśīvrata | n. a particular observance  |
buddhakāyavarṇapariniṣpattyabhinirhārā | f. a particular dhāraṇī-  |
buddhakṣetravaralocana | n. a particular samādhi-  |
buddhālaṃkārādhiṣṭhitā | f. a particular dhāraṇi-  |
buddhibala | n. a particular kind of play  |
buddhivisphuraṇa | m. a particular samādhi-  |
budhnaroga | m. a particular disease (see bradhna-and bradhma-).  |
ca | ind. and, both, also, moreover, as well as (= , Latin que,placed like these particles as an enclitic after the word which it connects with what precedes;when used with a personal pronoun this must appear in its fuller accented form(exempli gratia, 'for example' t/ava ca m/ama ca-[not te ca me ca-],"both of thee and me") , when used after verbs the first of them is accented ;it connects whole sentences as well as parts of sentences;in the double ca-occurs more frequently than the single(exempli gratia, 'for example' ah/aṃ ca tv/aṃ ca-,"I and thou", );the double ca-may also be used somewhat redundantly in class. Sanskrit(exempli gratia, 'for example' kva hariṇakānāṃ jīvitaṃ cātilolaṃ kva ca vajra-sārāḥ śarās te-,"where is the frail existence, of fawns and where are thy adamantine arrows?" );in later literature, however, the first ca-is more usually omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' ahaṃ tvaṃ ca-),and when more than two things are enumerated only one ca-is often found(exempli gratia, 'for example' tejasā yaśasā lakṣmyā sthityā ca parayā-,"in glory, in fame, in beauty, and in high position" );elsewhere, when more than two things are enumerated, ca-is placed after some and omitted after others(exempli gratia, 'for example' ṛṇa-dātā ca vaidyaś ca śrotriyo nadī-,"the payer of a debt and a physician [and] a Brahman [and] a river" );in Vedic or Veda and even in class. Sanskrit[ ] , when the double ca-would generally be used, the second may occasionally be omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' indraś ca soma-,"both indra- [and thou] soma-" ; durbhedyaś cāśusaṃdheyaḥ-,"both difficult to be divided [and] quickly united" );with lexicographers ca-may imply a reference to certain other words which are not expressed(exempli gratia, 'for example' kamaṇḍalau ca karakaḥ-,"the word karaka-has the meaning "pitcher"and other meanings");sometimes ca-is equals eva-,even, indeed, certainly, just(exempli gratia, 'for example' su-cintitaṃ cauṣadhaṃ na nāma-mātreṇa karoty arogam-,"even a well-devised remedy does not cure a disease by its mere name" ; yāvanta eva te tāvāṃśca saḥ-,"as great as they [were] just so great was he" );occasionally ca-is disjunctive,"but","on the contrary","on the other hand","yet","nevertheless"(varam ādyau na cāntimaḥ-,"better the two first but not the last" ; śāntam idam āśrama-padaṃ sphurati ca bāhuḥ-,"this hermitage is tranquil yet my arm throbs" ); ca-ca-,though-yet ; ca-na ca-,though - yet not ; ca-- na tu-(varia lectio nanu-) idem or 'm. the letter or sound ca-.', ; na ca-- ca-,though not - yet ; ca-may be used for vā-,"either","or"(exempli gratia, 'for example' iha cāmutra vā-,"either here or hereafter" ; strī vā pumān vā yac cānyat sattvam-,"either a woman or a man or any other being" ) , and when a negative particle is joined with ca-the two may then be translated by"neither","nor";occasionally one ca-or one na-is omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' na ca paribhoktuṃ naiva śaknomi hātum-,"I am able neither to enjoy nor to abandon" ; na pūrvāhṇe nā ca parāhṇe-,"neither in the forenoon nor in the afternoon"); ca-ca-may express immediate connection between two acts or their simultaneous occurrence(exempli gratia, 'for example' mama ca muktaṃ tamasā mano manasijena dhanuṣi śaraś ca niveśitaḥ-,"no sooner is my mind freed from darkness than a shaft is fixed on his bow by the heart-born god", ); ca-is sometimes equals ced-,"if"(confer, compare ;the verb is accented) ; ca-may be used as an expletive(exempli gratia, 'for example' anyaiś ca kratubhiś ca-,"and with other sacrifices"); ca-is often joined to an adverb like eva-, api-, tathā-, tathaiva-,etc., either with or without a negative particle(exempli gratia, 'for example' vairiṇaṃ nopaseveta sahāyaṃ caiva vairiṇaḥ-,"one ought not to serve either an enemy or the ally of an enemy" );(See eva-, api-,etc.) For the meaning of ca-after an interrogativeSee 2. k/a-,2. kath/ā-, k/im-, kv/a-); ([ confer, compare , Latin que,pe(innempeetc.); Gothic uh; Zend ca; Old Persian ca1.]) |
cādi | a gaṇa- of (including the indeclinable particles)  |
cakāra | m. the particle ca-  |
cakra | n. a particular constellation in the form of a hexagon  |
cakrabandha | m. a stanza artificially arranged in a diagram,  |
cakrabandham | ind. so as to fasten or bind in a particular way  |
cakraka | n. a particular way of fighting (varia lectio citraka-)  |
cakrakā | f. a kind of plant having great curative properties (white Abrus )  |
cakravālayamaka | n. a kind of artificial stanza (as )  |
cakravartin | m. a ruler the wheels of whose chariot roll everywhere without obstruction, emperor, sovereign of the world, ruler of a cakra- (or country described as extending from sea to sea; 12 princes beginning with bharata- are especially considered as cakravartin-s) etc.  |
cakravṛddhi | f. wages for transporting goods in a carriage, 156.  |
cakreśa | m. (equals kra-vartin-) sovereign of the world  |
calasaṃdhi | m. loose articulation of the bones, diarthrosis  |
camara | mn. a particular high number  |
campaka | m. a particular part of the bread-fruit  |
cana | ind. (ca n/a- ) and not, also not, even not, not even (this particle is placed after the word to which it gives force;a preceding verb is accentuated[ ];in Vedic language it is generally, but not always, found without any other negative particle, whereas in the later language another negative is usually added exempli gratia, 'for example' /āpaś can/apr/a minanti vrat/aṃ vāṃ-,"not even the waters violate your ordinance" ; n/āha vivyāca pṛthiv/ī can/āinaṃ-,"the earth even does not contain him", iii, 36, 4;in class. Sanskrit it is only used after the interrogatives k/a-, katar/a-, katam/a-, katham-, k/ad-, kad/ā-, kim-, k/utas-, kva-,making them indefinite) etc. also  |
cañcala | m. a lover, libertine  |
caṇḍā | f. (gaRa bahv-ādi-), Name of durgā- (especially as incarnation for the purpose of destroying the asura- mahiṣa-, this exploit forming the subject of the and being particularly celebrated in Bengal at the durgāpūjā- about Oct. Nov.)  |
caṇḍālikābandham | ind. so as to form a particular knot (not in )  |
candana | mn. sandal (Sirium myrtifolium, either the tree, wood, or the unctuous preparation of the wood held in high estimation as perfumes;hence in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' a term for anything which is the most excellent of its kind gaRa vyāghrādi-) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
caṇḍikāmahānavamī | f. a particular 9th day on which durgā- is worshipped  |
candra | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "the moon of" id est the most excellent among (exempli gratia, 'for example' pārthiva--[ gaRa vyāghrādi- ]or narendra--[ ],"a most excellent king")  |
candramauli | f. a particular blood-vessel in the vulva  |
candrāmṛtarasa | m. "essence of the moon's nectar", a particular medicine.  |
candramukhī | f. a particular blood-vessel in the vulva  |
caṅga | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' understanding, being a judge of. particular in the choice of  |
cāpa | mn. a particular constellation (equals dhanus-)  |
cāpa | a particular measure of length,  |
car | cl.1. c/arati-, rarely te- (subjunctive c/arat-,3 plural c/arān- ; perf. cac/āra-[ etc.] , 2 sg. cacartha- ; plural cerur-,etc.; ratur- etc.; A1. cere- ; future cariṣyati-, te-; Aorist acārīt-[ ]; infinitive mood c/aritum-[ ]or cartum-[ ] , Vedic or Veda car/adhyai-[ ], c/aritave-[ ], car/ase-[ ], car/āyai-[ ], caritos-[ ]; ind.p. caritv/ā- ; cartvā- ; cīrtvā-, ; parasmE-pada c/arat-) to move one's self, go, walk, move, stir, roam about, wander (said of men, animals, water, ships, stars, etc.) etc. ; to spread, be diffused (as fire) ; to move or travel through, pervade, go along, follow etc. ; to behave, conduct one's self, act, live, treat (with instrumental case or locative case) etc. ; to be engaged in, occupied or busy with (instr exempli gratia, 'for example' yajñ/ena c-,"to be engaged in a sacrifice" ) etc. ; (with[ ]or without[ ] mithun/am-) to have intercourse with, have to do with (instrumental case) ; (with a parasmE-pada or adjective (cf. mfn.) or ind.p. or adverb) to continue performing or being (exempli gratia, 'for example' arcantaś cerur-,"they continued worshipping" ; svāminam avajñāya caret-,"he may go on despising his master" ) etc. ; (in astronomy) to be in any asterism or conjunction ; to undertake, set about, under go, observe, practise, do or act in general, effect, make (exempli gratia, 'for example' vrat/āni-"to observe vows" etc.; vighnaṃ c-,"to put a hindrance" ; bhaikṣaṃ c-"to beg" ; vivādaṃ c-,"to be engaged in a lawsuit" ; mṛgayāṃ c-,"to hunt" ; sambandhāṃś c-,"to enter into connections" ; mārgaṃ cacāra bāṇaiḥ-,"he made a way with arrows" ; tapasā indriyāṇi c-,to exercise one's organs with penance ) etc. ; to consume, eat (with accusative), graze ; to make or render (with double accusative) exempli gratia, 'for example' nar/endraṃ satya-sthaṃ carāma-,"let us make the king keep his word" : Causal cārayati-, to cause to move or walk about (Aorist /acīcarat-) ; to pasture ; to send, direct, turn, move etc. ; to cause any one (accusative) to walk through (accusative) ; to drive away from (ablative) ; to cause any one (accusative) to practise or perform (with accusative) ; to cause (any animal accusative) to eat ; to cause to copulate ; to ascertain (as through a spy instrumental case) ; to doubt (see vi--) : Desiderative cicariṣati-, to try to go (parasmE-pada cicarṣat-) ; to wish to act or conduct one's self ; to try to have intercourse with (instrumental case), : Intensive carcarīti- A1. or rarely ([ ]) Passive voice cañcūryate- (curīti-and cūrti- ; ind.p. cūrya- ; parasmE-pada once P. cūryat- ) to move quickly or repeatedly, walk about, roam about (in locative case) etc. ; to act wantonly or coquettishly (see ) ; ([ see, etc.]) |
cara | in astronomy, read,"the difference of time between the rising of a heavenly body at laṅkā- or Ceylon, over which the first meridian passes, and that of its rising at any particular place".  |
cārakatrirātra | m. a particular ceremony lasting three days (prescribed by caraka- or by the caraka-s?)  |
carama | m. a particular high number  |
caraṇa | n. a particular high number (see dvi--, puraś--, ratha--).  |
cāraṭī | f. Flacourtia cataphracta  |
cārī | f. a particular step (in dancing)  |
cariṣṇu | m. of a son of kīrtimat- by dhenukā- (variṣṭa- edition)  |
carṣaṇīdhṛt | mfn. supporting or protecting men  |
caru | m. (gaRa bhīmādi-) a kind of vessel (in which a particular oblation is prepared), saucepan, pot  |
cāru | m. (in music) a particular vāsaka-  |
cāru | m. of a cakra-vartin-  |
carucelin | mfn. (for cār-?) having portions of offerings on the clothes (śiva-)  |
cārumat | m. Name of a cakra-vartin-  |
catura | m. (scilicet hasta-) a particular position of the hand  |
caturaṅga | n. a kind of chess (played by 4 parties)  |
caturaśra | m. (scilicet hasta) a particular position of the hands (in dancing)  |
caturaśra | n. a particular posture (in dancing)  |
caturaśraka | m. a particular posture (in dancing)  |
caturbhadra | n. 4 objects of human wishes (viz. dharma-, kāma-, artha-, bala- ;or the first 3 with mokṣa- ;or kīrti-, āyus-, yaśas-, bala- ;or dharma-, jñāna-, vairāgya-, aiśvarya-, ;or dāna-, jñāna-, śaurya-, bhoga-or vitta- )  |
cāturhotrīyabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a particular chapter (called brāhmaṇa-)  |
caturthamandrātisvārya | mfn. "to be lengthened in a particular way", said of a kind of recitation of the  |
caturthī | f. "the 4th day of a marriage" See rthī-karman-  |
caturthodāttatama | mfn. "reciting the 4th as the highest tone (or accent)", said of a particular way of reciting the  |
caturvyūhavādin | m. "asserting the 4 forms (of puruṣottama-, viz. vāsudeva-, saṃkarṣaṇa-, pradyumna-, aniruddha-)", a vaiṣṇava-  |
catuṣpada | n. sg. or plural , 4 partitions or divisions  |
catuṣpada | mf(ā-)n. comprising 4 partitions or divisions  |
catuṣpada | n. Name of a particular karaṇa- ic, 5 and 8  |
cāyamāna | m. patronymic of abhyāvartin-  |
ceṣṭā | f. action, activity, effort, endeavour, exertion (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc.  |
ceṣṭaka | mfn. making effort or exertion  |
ceṣṭana | n. effort, exertion  |
chala | n. deceitful disputation, perverting the sense of words  |
chāṇaka | m. a particular mixed caste,  |
chattra | n. a particular constellation  |
cheda | m. a cut, section, piece, portion etc.  |
chidra | n. a hole, slit, cleft, opening etc. (daiva-kṛta-,"opening or hole made by nature", the cartilage of the ear, pupil of the eye ; draṃ- dā-,"to yield an opening or free access" )  |
ciraparṇa | m. Name of a plant (having curative properties)  |
citrahasta | m. plural particular movements of the hands in fighting  |
citrahetu | m. a particular rhetoric fignre,  |
citraka | n. a particular manner of fighting (see tra-hasta-), 15979 (varia lectio cakraka-) |
cittānuvartin | mfn. equals tta-cārin- ( cittānuvartitva rti-tva- n.abstr.) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
cittaviśleṣa | m. "parting of hearts", breach of friendship  |
corakabandham | ind. so as to tie in a particular way  |
cṛt | cl.6. tati- (future cartsyati-and caitiṣy- ) to tie ; to hurt, kill : cl.1. cartati-, to shine ; to light (varia lectio for chṛd-): Causal (or cl.10.) cartayati- idem or 'mfn. equals cūṣaṇīya- (cūṣ-C) ' : Desiderative cicṛtsati-, or cartiṣati- ; See ati--, ava--, ā--, upa--, etc. ; see 2. & 3. kṛt-.  |
cūḍāmaṇi | m. a particular way of foretelling the future,  |
curu | m. a particular worm in the bowels  |
dābha | mf(ī-)n. hurting, injuring  |
daivakṛta | mfn. caused by divine power or nature, natural (opp. to,"artificial")  |
daivaśrāddha | n. a particular śrāddha-.  |
daivata | mf(ī-)n. (fr. devatā-) relating to the gods or to a particular deity, divine and  |
daivāvṛdh | n. (fr. dev-) a particular formula  |
daivika | n. a particular śrāddha- (on behalf of the gods, especially the viśve- devā-s)  |
dākṣa | m. plural Name of the disciples of a particular school (See kumārī-d-).  |
dakṣa | m. a particular form of temple  |
dākṣāyaṇa | m. a particular sacrifice (see -yajña-)  |
dākṣāyaṇayajña | m. a particular sacrifice  |
dakṣiṇāpratigraha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of particular mantra-s,  |
dāman | n. a particular constellation  |
damanāropaṇa | n. a particular ceremony,  |
ḍambara | m. great noise, loud assertion of (in compound), verbosity  |
dāna | n. communicating, imparting, teaching (see brakma--)  |
dāna | m. imparting, communicating, liberality  |
dānakā | f. a particular coin = 4 paṇa- Scholiast or Commentator  |
dāṇḍā | f. a particular game with sticks  |
daṇḍapadmāsana | n. a particular posture in yoga-,  |
dāṇḍapātā | f. (fr. daṇḍa-pāta-, scilicet tithi-) "stick-throwing", a particular festival (see tailam--, śainam--).  |
dantakāṣṭha | n. a small piece of the wood (of particular trees) used for cleaning the teeth  |
dantakāṣṭha | m. Name of various trees the wood of which is used for cleaning the teeth (Flacourtia sapida ;Asclepias gigantea, Ficus indica, Acacia Catech, Pongamia glabra, Terminalia alata)  |
dāru | m. an artist  |
dārubrahmarasa | m. a particular medicine.  |
dāruṣaṭka | n. a particular mixture  |
daśāpanna | (śap-) mfn. being in a particular state or condition.  |
dāśaudanika | m. (scilicet yajña-) Name of a particular sacrificial rite  |
daśavidhasnānamantra | m. plural Name of particular hymns  |
daśāviśeṣa | m. any particular state ,  |
dātra | n. (dātr/a-) allotted portion, share, possession  |
dattātreya | m. Name of a sage (son of atri- by anasūyā- who favoured arjuna- kārtavīrya-). (brahmā-, viṣṇu-, and śiva- propitiated by his penance became in portions of themselves severally his sons soma-, datta-, and dur-vāsas-;hence worshipped as representing the Triad)  |
dātu | n. part, division, allotted portion or task  |
dāya | m. share, portion, inheritance etc. (dāyād upāgata-,obtained through inheritance, Mit.; dāyam upaiti pitus-,he obtains his father's inheritance )  |
dāyabhāga | m. partition of inheritance  |
dāyaka | mf(ikā-)n. imparting, communicating, uttering, telling  |
dehadhāraṇa | n. "supporting the body", living, life, existence  |
dehātmavāda | m. "assertion that the soul is body", materialism  |
dehayātrā | f. supporting the body or prolonging life  |
deśa | m. (1. diś-) point, region, spot, place, part, portion & etc.  |
deśakālavibhāga | m. apportioning of place and time  |
deśāntarabhāṇḍānayana | n. importing wares from foreign countries  |
deśāvakāśika | n. (with jaina-s) a particular vow or observance  |
deva | m. a man following any particular line or business  |
devabhāga | m. "the portion of the gods", the northern hemisphere (opp. to asura--)  |
devābhimukha | m. a particular samādhi-  |
devagāndhāra | n. or m. a particular mode of singing (see -gandharva-)  |
devagavī | f. Name of particular verses or formulas  |
devahotra | m. Name of the father of yogeśvara- (a partial incarnation [ aṃśa-] of hari-)  |
devamaṇḍala | m. Name of a particular samādhi-  |
devāṃśa | m. a portion id est partial incarnation of a god  |
devanāma | m. plural Name of particular formulas  |
devaniśrayaṇī | f. "ladder towards the gods", Name of a particular penance  |
devaniśreṇī | f. "ladder towards the gods", Name of a particular penance  |
devasena | m. a particle of mūla-prakṛti-  |
devaśilpin | m. "the artist of the gods", Name of tvaṣṭṛ-  |
devaṭa | m. ( dev-? ) artist, artisan.  |
devī | f. a particular supernatural power (equals kuṇḍalinī-)  |
devīdāsa | m. Name of several authors (also -cakra-vartin-and -paṇḍita-)  |
dhairya | n. (2. dhīra-) firmness, constancy, calmness, patience, gravity, fortitude, courage, (ryaṃ-kṛ-or ava-lamb-or ā-lamb-,to compose one's self, gather courage) etc.  |
dhamana | m. or n. a particular high number  |
dhamani | f. (also nī-) a pipe or tube, (especially) a canal of the human body, any tubular vessel, as a vein, nerve etc. etc. (24 tubular vessels starting from the heart or from the navel are supposed to carry the raca-or chyle through the body)  |
dhamara | m. or n. a particular high number (see dhamana-).  |
dhamātra | m. or n. a particular high number (see dhamana-).  |
dhanadāmantra | m. Name of a particular prayer  |
dhanadhānī | (dh/ana--) f. receptacle for valuable articles  |
dhānaka | m. a particular coin of a certain weight (= 4 kārṣāpaṇas-)  |
dhanakeli | m. "sporting with wealth", Name of kubera-  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. a particular vital air supposed to nourish the body  |
dhanarūpa | n. a particular kind of property  |
dhanurāsana | n. a particular mode of sitting  |
dhanuṣkhaṇḍa | n. a portion of a bow  |
dhānyābhra | n. a particular preparation of talc  |
dhānyābhraka | n. a particular preparation of talc  |
dhānyamāṣa | m. a particular measure  |
dhanyatithi | m. an auspicious or a particular day  |
dhara | mf(ā-)n. ( dhṛ-) bearing, supporting (scilicet the world, said of kṛṣṇa- and śiva-)  |
dhāra | mf(ī-)n. ( dhṛ-) holding, supporting, containing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see karṇa--, chattra--, tulā--etc.)  |
dhārā | f. (see tri--, dvi--, śata--, sahasra--), flood, gush, jet, drop (of any liquid), shower, rain (also figuratively of arrows, flowers, etc.; v/asor dh-,"source of good", Name of a particular libation to agni- ;of a sacred bathing-place ;of agni-'s wife )  |
dhāralopaka | m. or n. Name of a particular observance  |
dharaṇa | mf(ī-)n. bearing, supporting  |
dharaṇa | n. a particular high number (see dhamana-, dhamara-)  |
dhāraṇā | f. (see ṇa-, column 1) the act of holding, bearing, wearing, supporting, maintaining  |
dhāraṇī | f. a particular bulbous plant  |
dharaṇīvrata | n. Name of a particular observance  |
dhāraṇīyā | f. a particular bulbous plant (equals dharaṇīkanda-)  |
dhārayadvat | mfn. possessing the quality of sustaining or supporting (āditya-s)  |
dhārayāṇa | mfn. bearing, holding, supporting, containing etc. (see ) .  |
dhārayatkavi | (y/at-k-) mfn. supporting or cherishing sages  |
dharma | m. nature, character, peculiar condition or essential quality, property, mark, peculiarity (equals sva-bhāva- ; see daśa-dharma-gata- etc.; upamānopameyayor dh-,the tertium comparationis )  |
dharma | m. a particular ceremony  |
dharmābhimukha | m. "turned to virtue", Name of a particular samādhi-  |
dharmacakra | n. a particular mythical weapon  |
dharmadhara | m.,"law-supporter", Name of a particular samādhi-  |
dharmadhātuniyata | m. a particular samādhi-  |
dharmamegha | m. a particular samādhi- ( dharmameghadhyāna -dhyāna-; n.a particular state of mind connected with it )  |
dharmaparyāya | m. Name of particular Buddhist works.  |
dharmapāśa | m. "band of law or duty", Name of a particular mythical weapon  |
dharmāpeta | mfn. departing from virtue, wicked, unrighteous  |
dharmarathābhirūḍha | m. a particular samādhi-  |
dharmasaṃhitā | f. Name of a particular work  |
dharmasāstrin | m. plural Name of a particular school  |
dharmya | mfn. endowed with qualities or properties,"propertied" (see tad--)  |
dharṇasa | mfn. holding, supporting  |
dharṣaṇa | mfn. offending, hurting, assaulting  |
dhartṛ | m. (t/ari-) locative case infinitive mood in bearing or supporting or preserving  |
dhātrīpattra | n. the leaf of Flacourtia Cataphracta  |
dhātu | m. a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body (distinct from the 5 mentioned above and conceived either as 3 humours [called also doṣa-]phlegm, wind and bile [ see purīṣa-, māṃsa-, manas-, ];or as the 5 organs of sense, indriyāṇi-[ see sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order and , where śrotra-, ghrāṇa-, āsya-, hṛdaya-and koṣṭha-are mentioned as the 5 dhātu- of the human body born from the either] and the 5 properties of the elements perceived by them, gandha-, rasa-, rūpa-, sparśa-and śabda- ;or the 7 fluids or secretions, chyle, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow, semen [ rasādi-or rasa-raktādi-,of which sometimes 10 are given, the above 7 and hair, skin, sinews ])  |
dhaumra | n. a particular place for building (see dhūma-).  |
dhauṣya | m. plural a particular school of the yajur-veda-  |
dhavara | n. a particular high number  |
dhemātra | m. or n. a particular high number ( ), v.r. for dhamātra- (See dhamara-).  |
dhenukā | f. Name of the wife of kīrti-mat- (son of aṅgiras-)  |
dheya | n. giving, imparting (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see nāma--, bhāga--, mitra--etc. Va1rtt. 2, 3) .  |
dhīralalita | mfn. firm and brave, but reckless and sportive (hero of a play)  |
dhīrapattrī | f. a particular bulbous plant  |
dhīratva | n. firmness, fortitude, courage  |
dhīvan | m. an artisan  |
dhmāta | n. a particular wrong pronunciation of vowels  |
dhṛ | cl.1 P. A1. dharati-, te- ( ; A1. Potential dhareran- ), but more commonly in the same sense the Causal form dhārayati-, te- (perf. P. dādh/āra-, dh/artha-[Impv. dadhartu- ]; A1. dadhr/e-,3. plural dhrir/e- etc.; Aorist adhāram- ; adhṛta-, dhṛthās- ; /adīdharat- etc.[ dīdhar-, didhṛtam-, ta- ;3. plural rata- ]; adārṣīt- grammar; future dhariṣyati- ; ṣy/e- ; dhartā- ; infinitive mood dhartum- , tavai- [ dhart/ari-See under tṛ-]; ind.p. dhṛtvā-, -dhṛtya- ) to hold, bear (also bring forth), carry, maintain, preserve, keep, possess, have, use, employ, practise, undergo etc. ; (with or scil ātmānam-, jīvitam-, prāṇān-, deham-, śarīram-etc.) to preserve soul or body, continue living, survive etc. (especially future dhariṣyati-; confer, compare Passive voice below) ; to hold back, keep down, stop, restrain, suppress, resist etc. ; to place or fix in, bestow or confer on (locative case) etc. ; to destine for (dative case; A1.also to be destined for or belong to) ; to present to (genitive case) ; to direct or turn (attention, mind, etc.) towards, fix or resolve upon (locative case or dative case) ; A1. to be ready or prepared for ; P. A1. to owe anything (accusative) to (dative case or genitive case) (confer, compare ) ; to prolong (in pronunciation) ; to quote, cite ; (with garbham-) to conceive, be pregnant (older bham-bhṛ-) etc. ; (with daṇḍam-) to inflict punishment on (locative case) (also damam-) ; (with keśān-,or śmaśru-) to let the hair or beard grow ; (with raśmīn-[ ] or praharān-[ ]) to draw the reins tight ; (with dharamam-) to fulfil a duty ; (with vrat/am-) to observe or keep a vow etc. ; (with dhāraṇām-) to practise self-control ; (wit. ipas-) to perform penance ; (with mūrdhnā-or dhni-, śirasā-or si-) to bear on the head, honour highly ; (with or scilicet tulayā-) to hold in a balance, weigh, measure etc. ; (with or scilicet manasā-) to bear in mind, recollect, remember ; (with samaye-) to hold to an agreement, cause to make a compact (Bombay edition dṛṣṭvā-for dhṛtvā-): Passive voice dhriy/ate- (Epic also yati-; perfect tense dadhr/e-etc. = A1.; Aorist adhāri-) to be borne etc. ; so be firm, keep steady etc. ; continue living, exist, remain etc. (also dhāryate- ) ; to begin, resolve upon, undertake (dative case; accusative or infinitive mood) : Causal dhār/ayati-, te- See above: Desiderative didhīrṣati- (See ṣā-), didhariṣate- ; didhārayiṣati-, to wish to keep up or preserve (ātmānam-) : Intensive d/ardharti- ( ) and dādharti- (3. plural dhrati- ; confer, compare ) to hold fast, bear firmly, fasten. [ confer, compare Zend dar; Greek ,; Latin fre1-tus,fre1-num.] |
dhṛt | mfn. holding, bearing, supporting, wearing, having possessing, etc. (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
dhṛta | n. a particular manner of fighting  |
dhṛtarāṣṭra | m. particular bird  |
dhṛti | f. holding, seizing, keeping, supporting (see carṣaṇī--, vi--), firmness, constancy, resolution, will, command etc. |
dhṛti | f. Name of particular evening oblations at the aśvamedha-  |
dhṛtimālin | m. a particular magic. formula spoken over weapons  |
dhṛtimat | m. of a son of kīrti-mat- (son of aṅgiras-)  |
dhṛtimuṣ | mfn. "fortitude-stealing", disheartening, agitating  |
dhruva | m. a particular water-bird  |
dhruva | m. (in music) the introductory verse of a song (recurring as a kind of burthen) or a particular time or measure (tāla-viśeṣa-)  |
dhruva | m. of a serpent supporting the earth  |
dhruva | m. (scilicet vṛtti-) a particular mode of life  |
dhruvagītanṛtya | n. (in music) a particular dance.  |
dhruvakṣiti | m. a particular personification  |
dhruvanṛtya | n. (in music) a particular dance (see -gīta-n-).  |
dhruvāśva | m. of a particular sacrificial act  |
dhūli | f. a particular number  |
dhumāvatīmantra | m. Name of particular magical formulas  |
dhumāvatīmanu | m. Name of particular magical formulas  |
dhūmīkā | f. a particular bird of prey (varia lectio mākā-).  |
dhundhuka | n. a particular defect (or a place full of holes) in a piece of wood  |
dhundhuri | (or rī-), a particular musical instrument  |
dhūnvat | m. a particular personification  |
dhur | f. Name of 6 particular verses of the bahiṣ-pavamāna-  |
dhur | f. part, portion  |
dhūrta | m. a particular fragrant plant  |
dhūrvan | n. causing to fall, hurting (dative case ṇe-as infinitive mood)  |
dhūsara | m. a particular plant (sweet vetch )  |
dhvaja | m. (in grammar) a particular kind of krama-pāṭha-  |
dhvajāgra | m. a particular samādhi-  |
dhvajāgra | m. a particular roma-vivara-  |
dhvajāgrakeyūra | m. "the ring on the top of a standard", Name of a particular samādhi-  |
dhvajanavamī | f. a particular festival  |
dhvaṃsaka | m. a particular disease (caused by overdrinking)  |
dhvāṅkṣī | f. a particular medicinal plant  |
dhvāṅkṣikā | f. a particular medicinal plant  |
dhvāṅkṣikṣolī | f. a particular medicinal plant  |
dhvāṅkṣikṣolikā | f. a particular medicinal plant  |
dhvanyātmaka | mfn. inarticulate (sound)  |
dhvaras | f. ( dhvṛ-) destructive, mischievous, Name of particular female demons or noxious beings  |
dhyāma | n. any or a particular fragrant grass  |
dhyāna | m. Name of a particular personification  |
dhyānagocara | m. plural a particular class of deities  |
dhyānālaṃkāra | m. Name of a particular samādhi-  |
dīkṣā | f. preparation or consecration for a religious ceremony, undertaking religious observances for a particular purpose and the observances themselves etc.  |
dikśūla | n. Name of particular days on which it is not allowed to travel in certain directions  |
dinānśa | m. "day-portion", day-time  |
dinānśaka | m. "day-portion", day-time  |
ḍiṇḍika | m. a particular mixed caste,  |
ḍiṇḍima | m. great noise, murmuring, clamour, loud assertion ( ḍiṇḍimatva -tva- n.abstr.) etc.  |
dīpaka | m. Name of two plants having digestive properties, Ptychotis Ajowan or Celosia cristata  |
dīpaka | n. a particular class of rhetoric figures (throwing light upon an idea)  |
dīpana | n. a particular process to which minerals are subjected  |
dīpana | n. a particular procedure with a magic formula  |
dīpta | m. (in music) a particular tone  |
dīpta | m. a particular śakti-  |
dīptarūpin | m. a particular personification  |
diśodaṇḍa | m. "sky-staff", a particular appearance in the sky.  |
divaḥśyenī | f. Name of particular sacrifices,  |
divākaravaralocana | m. a particular samādhi-  |
divākīrtya | n. Name of particular recitations  |
divastambhana | mf(ī-)n. sky-supporting,  |
divya | mfn. (d/ivya- ) divine, heavenly, celestial (opp. to pārthiva-, āntarīkṣa-or mānuṣa-) etc.  |
dohada | m. (also n. ;probably Prakrit for. daurhṛda- literally sickness of heart, nausea) the longing of a pregnant woman for particular objects (figuratively said of plants which at budding time long to be touched by the foot or by the mouth[ ] of a lovely woman)  |
dola | m. a particular position of the closed hand  |
dolā | f. litter, hammock, palanquin, swing (figuratively = fluctuation, incertitude, doubt) etc. (rarely la- m.orf(ī-).)  |
doṣabheda | m. a particular disease of the 3 humours  |
dṝ | cl.9 P. dṛṇāti- Potential -dṛṇīyāt- ; cl.2 P. 2. sg. subjunctive d/arṣi-, 2. 3. sg. d/art- imperfect tense 2. sg. adar- (perfect tense dad/āra-,[2. sg. dadaritha- plural dadrur-or dadarur-, ] Aorist adarat-[Ved. adārīt-] ; subjunctive P. darṣasi-, d/arṣat-; A1. darṣate-; Potential ṣīṣṭa- ; preceding dīryāt- ) to burst, break asunder, split open (confer, compare above) ; to cause to burst, tear, rend, divide : Passive voice dīryate- (ti- ) , p. dīryamāṇa- and dīryat- ; perfect tense dadre- ( ) to be split, break open, fall asunder, decay ; to be dispersed or scattered (as an army) ; to be frightened or afraid (also darati-) : Causal P. darayati-, to split, tear, break open ; P. A1. dārayati-, te- ; Aorist adadarat- ( ) to tear asunder, divide by splitting or digging etc. ; to scatter, disperse : Intensive P. d/ardarti- or d/ādarti- ; imperative 2. sg. dādṛh/i- ; subjunctive 3. sg. dardirat- ; imperfect tense 2. 3. sg. /adardar-, 3. plural adardirur- = Causal [ confer, compare Greek and ; Lithuanian diru4; Slavonic or Slavonian drati; Gothic tairan; Anglo-Saxon te0ran; English to@tear; German zerren,zehren.]  |
drabuddha | m. or n. a particular high number  |
draḍhiman | m. affirmation, assertion  |
drākṣāghṛta | n. a particular medicine  |
drākṣāriṣṭa | m. (in med.) a particular beverage.  |
draupadeya | m. plural metron. of the 5 sons of draupadī- (viz. of prativindhya-, son of yudhi-ṣṭhira-;of suta-soma-, son of bhīma-;of śruta-kīrti- or śrutakarman-, son of arjuna-;of śatānīka-, son of nakula-;and of śruta-sena-, son of sahadeva-)  |
drāvaka | m. a libertine  |
dravatā | f. ( ) natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance, fluidity, wetness.  |
dravatva | ( ) n. natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance, fluidity, wetness.  |
dravatvaka | ( ) n. natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance, fluidity, wetness.  |
drāviḍa | m. a particular number  |
dravyaprayojana | n. use or employment of any article  |
dravyasaṃskāra | m. consecration of articles for a sacrifice  |
dravyasaṃskāra | m. purification or cleansing of soiled or defiled articles  |
dravyaśuddhi | f. cleansing of soiled articles  |
dṛḍhagātrikā | f. "having hard particles", granulated sugar  |
dṛḍhavikrama | mfn. of firm fortitude  |
dṛglambana | n. vertical parallax  |
dṛgvṛtta | n. vertical circle  |
dṛṃhita | mfn. (or dṛhita- ) made firm, fortified  |
dṛṃhitṛ | m. strengthener, fortifier  |
dṛṅmaṇḍala | n. vertical circle, Azimuth  |
drohin | mfn. hurting, harming  |
dṛṣṭānta | m. a particular high number  |
druhvan | mfn. hurting, injuring  |
druta | n. a particular faulty pronunciation of vowels  |
dugdhākṣa | m. "having milk-white eyes", a particular precious stone  |
dugdhavaṭī | f. a particular mixture against diarrhoea (med.)  |
duḥkhabhāgin | mfn. having pain as one's portion, unhappy  |
duḥṣama | n. a particular weight (= 6 dānaka-) (printed ḥ-kh-).  |
duḥśikṣita | mfn. ill-bred, impertinent  |
dumela | n. and particular high number  |
dundubhī | f. a particular throw of the dice in gambling  |
dundubhi | n. Name of a particular varṣa- in krauñca-dvīpa- |
durbhaga | mfn. "having a bad portion", unfortunate, unlucky  |
durdharā | f. Name of a particular constellation (see durudharā-)  |
dūreheti | m. a particular form of agni- commentator or commentary  |
durgakarman | n. fortification  |
durgapura | n. a fortified city  |
durgāṣṭamī | (gāṣṭ-) f. Name of a particular eighth day connected with durgā-  |
durṇāman | m. Name of particular evil demons causing diseases (or according to Name of a worm see -nāman-)  |
durvacakayoga | m. plural a particular art Scholiast or Commentator on  |
dūrvāgaṇapativrata | n. Name of a particular observance  |
dūrvāvrata | n. Name of a particular observance  |
duryodhanavīryajñānamudrā | f. "mark of knowledge of invincible heroism", a particular intertwining of the fingers  |
duṣkṛta | n. a particular class of sins  |
duṣṭalāṅgala | n. Name of a particular form of the moon  |
dvādaśapattraka | n. Name of a yoga- or particular religious observance in which the 12 syllables oṃ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya- are connected with the 12 signs of the zodiac and with the 12 months  |
dvādaśīvrata | n. a particular observance on the 12th day of a half-month  |
dvaidham | ind. ( ) into two portions, in two parts or ways, doubly  |
dvaipakṣa | n. 2 factions or parties  |
dvaipakṣya | n. 2 factions or parties  |
dvāparacchandas | n. plural a particular class of metre  |
dvārajapasūkta | n. plural Name of particular hymns.  |
dveṣaparimocana | m. a particular samādhi-  |
dvibhāga | m. (dv/i--) double portion or share  |
dvibhāga | m. a particular sin  |
dvicakra | m. a particular phenomenon in the sky  |
dvicaturaśraka | m. Name of a particular gesture or posture (varia lectio catur-asr-).  |
dvijihva | m. a particular disease of the tongue  |
dvipada | m. Name of particular signs of the zodiac  |
dvipadikā | f. a particular manner of singing (?)  |
dvīparāja | m. Name of a particular samādhi-  |
dvipāttva | n. (see -pad-) 2-footeduess, bipartiteness  |
dviradarata | m. a particular samādhi-  |
dvisama | mfn. consisting of 2 equal portions  |
dvisthūṇa | m. (sc. daṇḍa-) a particular form of military array  |
dvitīyin | mfn. receiving the half as portion or share commentator or commentary  |
dviyajus | (dv/i--) f. a particular brick  |
dyāvāpṛthivīya | n. (scilicet sūkta-) a particular hymn  |
dyū | mfn. (fr.2. div-) playing or sporting with, delighting in (see akṣa--, eka--, kama--, mṛga--)  |
dyūna | mfn. playing, sportive  |
e | ind. a particle of recollection  |
ed | ind. (according to to some = 2. ā-+ /id-) behold! (followed by a particular with an accusative and preceded by a verb of motion, e. gaRa /eyāya- vāy/ur- / ed- dhat-/ am- vṛtrā- m-,"Vayur went [to see, and] behold vṛtra- was slain"; sometimes the verb of motion must be supplied, sometimes the substantive, and sometimes the participle),  |
eka | mfn. (sometimes used as an indefinite article) , a, an etc. (the fem. of eka-before a taddhita- suffix and as first member of a compound is eka-not ekā- )  |
ekādaśaviṣṇugaṇaśrāddha | n. a particular śrāddha-  |
ekadeśa | m. a part, portion or division of the whole etc.  |
ekadeśatva | n. the state of being a part or portion of the whole |
ekadeśavivartin | mfn. extending or relating to one part only, partial  |
ekadeśin | mfn. consisting of single parts or portions, divided into parts (as a whole) commentator or commentary on  |
ekadhana | n. a choice portion of wealth  |
ekadhana | n. (/eka-dhana-),"put down in an odd number", Name of particular water-vessels by means of which water is taken up at certain sacrificial observances etc.  |
ekadhanavid | mfn. obtaining the chief portion of wealth  |
ekadhanin | mfn. having one part of wealth, having the choice portion of wealth  |
ekadharma | mfn. of the same properties or kind,  |
ekadharmin | mfn. of the same properties or kind,  |
ekagu | m. a particular agni-ṣṭoma- (q.v)  |
ekajīvavāda | m. (in philosophy) the assertion of a living soul only.  |
ekākṣaragaṇapatistotra | n. a hymn in honour of gaṇeśa- (a portion of the rudrayāmala-)  |
ekānaṃśā | f. (scilicet kalā-) "the single portionless one", Name of kuhū- or the new moon  |
ekāṅgī | f.< |