vijigīṣā | f. desire to overcome or conquer (ac., d., --°ree;); -gigîshu, des. a. de siring to vanquish (also in argument: ac., --°ree;); ambitious of conquest: -tâ, f., -tva, n. desire of conquest;-gighâmsu, des. a. wishing to slay or destroy; -gighrikshu, des. a. wish ing to go to war; -gigñ&asharp;sâ, f. desire to learn or know, inquiry, about (--°ree;); -gigñ&asharp;s-ya (or yã), des. fp. that one should wish to know or learn; (ví)-gita, pp. √ gi; m. or n. con quered country (V.); country (Br.); n. vic tory, conquest (Br., S.): -½asu, m. N. of a sage; (ví)-giti, f. conflict, fight (V.); gain or acquisition of (--°ree;); -git-in, a.victorious (Br.); -gita½indriya, a. controlling one's organs of sense; -gitvara, a. victorious; -gihîrshu, des. a. wishing to walk about; wishing to enjoy oneself; -gihma, a. crooked, curved, frowning (face); sidelong(glance); -gîvita, a. lifeless, dead; -grimbha, m. knit ting of the brows (--°ree;): -ka, m. N. of a fairy, i-kâ, f. gasping; yawning; -grimbhana, n. yawning, blossoming, blowing; extension; -grimbhita, pp. √ grimbh; n.yawning; manifestation, consequences; deed (--°ree; with vîra-); -getavya, fp. to be conquered or con trolled (senses); -getri, m. vanquisher, con queror; -geya, fp. to be conquered (only in a-). |