रे | ind. a vocative particle (generally used contemptuously or to express disrespect;often doubled)  |
रेब् | See rev-.  |
रेभ् | rebha- etc. See ribh-, .  |
रेभ | mfn. creaking, crackling, murmuring, resounding  |
रेभ | m. a praiser, panegyrist, celebrator |
रेभ | m. a prattler, chatterer  |
रेभ | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (who was cast into a well by the asura-s and lay there for ten nights and nine days until rescued by the aśvin-s;he is the supposed author of , having the patronymic kāśyapa-)  |
रेभा | f. equals śobhā- (see rebhāya-).  |
रेभण | n. the lowing of kine  |
रेभसूनु | m. dual number two sons of rebha-, authors of  |
रेभटि | f. deceit  |
रेभाय | Nom. P. yati-, to shine, beam  |
रेभिल | m. Name of a man  |
रेभिलक | m. Name of a man  |
रेभिन् | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') causing to resound  |
रेच | m. the emptying of the lungs by exhalation (See next) , emission of breath,  |
रेच | recaka- etc. See column 1.  |
रेचक | mf(ikā-)n. emptying, purging, aperient, cathartic  |
रेचक | mf(ikā-)n. emptying the lungs, emitting the breath  |
रेचक | m. the act of breathing out, exhalation  |
रेचक | m. (especially) expelling the breath out of one of the nostrils (one of the three prāṇāyāma-s [ q.v ] or breath-exercises performed during saṃdhyā-) , etc.  |
रेचक | m. a syringe  |
रेचक | m. a particular movement of the feet  |
रेचक | m. saltpetre  |
रेचक | m. Croton Jamalgota  |
रेचक | m. Clerodendrum Phlomoides  |
रेचक | m. Name of a forester (varia lectio redhaka-)  |
रेचक | m. plural Name of a people (Bombay edition ārocaka-)  |
रेचक | n. a kind of soil or earth  |
रेचक | n. the fruit of the yellow myrobalan  |
रेचक | n. a purge, cathartic  |
रेचक | m. or n. (?) equals bhramaṇa- (see next) .  |
रेचकित | mfn. equals bhramita-  |
रेचन | mf(ī-)n. purging, cathartic, aperient  |
रेचन | mf(ī-)n. clearing (the head)  |
रेचन | n. the act of emptying, lessening, exhausting  |
रेचन | n. emission of breath, exhalation (see reca-and recaka-)  |
रेचन | n. purging, evacuation  |
रेचन | n. clearing (the head)  |
रेचन | n. a kind of earth  |
रेचन | n. mucus  |
रेचनक | m. a kind of red powder (see recin-).  |
रेचनी | f. Name of various plants (Ipomoea Turpethum;Croton Polyandrum; equals kālāñanī-, gundrā-, kāmpilla-etc.)  |
रेचिन् | m. Alangium Hexapetalum  |
रेचिन् | m. a kind of red powder (see recanaka-).  |
रेचित | mfn. (fr. Causal) emptied, purged, cleared  |
रेचित | mfn. left, abandoned  |
रेचित | m. (scilicet hasta-) Name of a particular position of the hands in dancing  |
रेचिता | f. contraction of one eye-brow  |
रेचित | n. Name of one of a horse's paces, cantering  |
रेच्य | m. equals reca-  |
रेड् | or reḷ- cl.1 A1. r/eḷate-, to be angry (= krudhyati-) (only in /a-reḍat- equals anādaram akurvat- )  |
रेधक | m. Name of a man (varia lectio recaka-).  |
रेहत् | gaRa bhṛśādi- ( rehas-).  |
रेहाय | Nom. P. yate- (fr. prec.)  |
रेज् | cl.1 P. A1. r/ejati-, te-, (P.) to go ; to cause to tremble or shake ; (A.) to shine (see rāj-) ; to shake, tremble, quiver : Causal rej/ayati-, to cause to tremble or quake, to shake  |
रेज् | mfn. (Nominal verb reṭ-; see 2. reṣ-) trembling, quaking  |
रेज् | m. fire  |
रेज | mfn. equals tejiṣṭha- (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
रेक् | cl.1 A1. rekate-, to suspect, doubt  |
रेक | m. (only ) suspicion, doubt, fear  |
रेक | m. a man of low caste  |
रेक | m. a frog (see bheka-)  |
रेक | m. a kind of fish.  |
रेक | m. ( ric-) emptying, loosening, purging  |
रेख | m. (mc. for rekhā-,fr. rikh- equals likh-) a scratch, line  |
रेख | m. Name of a man gaRa śivādi-  |
रेखा | f. See below.  |
रेखा | f. a scratch, streak, stripe, line etc.  |
रेखा | f. a continuous line, row, range, series etc.  |
रेखा | f. the first or prime meridian (considered to be a line drawn from laṅkā- to meru- id est from Ceylon [supposed to lie on the equator] to the north pole)  |
रेखा | f. a right or straight position of all the limbs in dancing  |
रेखा | f. delineation, outline, drawing, sketch  |
रेखा | f. appearance (rekhayā- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' under the appearance of ; rekhāṃ na-labh-,not to attain even to the appearance of, not to be at all equal to )  |
रेखा | f. deceit, fraud (equals chadman-)  |
रेखा | f. fulness, satisfaction (equals ābhoga-)  |
रेखा | f. a small quantity, little portion (see -mātram-).  |
रेखागणित | n. "line-reckoning, geometry", Name of a work by bhāskarācārya-  |
रेखागणितक्षेत्रव्यवहार | m. "geometry and mensuration", Name of a work by jagan-nātha- (18th century).  |
रेखाजातकसुधाकर | m. Name of work (on prognostications from lines on various parts of the body).  |
रेखक | See bindu-r-.  |
रेखाकार | (rekhāk-) mfn. formed in lines, striped  |
रेखामात्रम् | ind. even by a line or by a hair's breadth  |
रेखांश | (rekhāṃśa-). m. a degree of longitude  |
रेखान्तर | (rekhānt-) n. geographical longitude, distance east or west from the first meridian  |
रेखान्यास | m. the marking down of lines or lineaments, outline, sketch  |
रेखाप्रदीप | m. Name of astronomy works.  |
रेखाप्रतीति | f.  |
रेखाय | Nom. A1. yate- gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-.  |
रेखायनि | m. patronymic (also plural)  |
रेखिन् | mfn. having lines on the hand, lined (bahu-r-) |
रेक्णस् | n. property left by bequest, inherited possession, any property or valuable object, wealth, gold  |
रेक्णस्वत् | (r/e-) mfn. possessed of valuable property, wealthy, rich  |
रेकु | mfn. empty, void, deserted  |
रेमि | ( ram-) on Va1rtt. 2.  |
रेणा | f. Name of a woman  |
रेणु | m. (or f. ;or n. gaRa ardharcādi-;fr. ri-, rī-) dust, a grain or atom of dust, sand etc. etc.  |
रेणु | m. the pollen of flowers etc.  |
रेणु | m. powder of anything  |
रेणु | m. a particular measure (= 8 trasa-reṇus- )  |
रेणु | m. Name of a particular drug, Piper Aurantiacum (see reṇukā-)  |
रेणु | m. Oldenlandia Herbacea  |
रेणु | m. Name of the author of (with the patronymic vaiśvāmitra-)  |
रेणु | m. of a descendant of ikṣvāku-  |
रेणु | m. of a son of vikukṣi-  |
रेणु | f. Name of a wife of viśvāmitra-  |
रेणुदीक्षित | m. Name of an author  |
रेणुगर्भ | m. "sand-vessel", (prob.) a kind of hourglass (used for astronomy purposes)  |
रेणुगुण्ठित | mfn. covered with dust  |
रेणुजाल | n. a dense mass or cloud of dust  |
रेणुक | m. a particular formula recited over weapons  |
रेणुक | m. Name of a yakṣa- ( )  |
रेणुक | m. of a son of reṇu-  |
रेणुक | m. of a mythical elephant  |
रेणुका | f. See below  |
रेणुक | n. a species of gem  |
रेणुका | f. a particular drug or medicinal substance (said to be fragrant, but bitter and slightly pungent in taste, and of greyish colour; see reṇu-)  |
रेणुका | f. Name of a kārikā- (composed by hari-hara-; see reṇu-kārikā-)  |
रेणुका | f. of the wife of jamad-agni- and mother of paraśu-rāma- (she was the daughter of reṇu- and of king prasena-jit-)  |
रेणुका | f. of a river  |
रेणुकाचार्य | m. Name of an author (who lived in the 13th century).  |
रेणुकदम्बक | m. a species of Kadamba  |
रेणुककाट | (reṇ/u--) mfn. whirling up dust (?) (others"having the head covered with dust"; see kakāṭikā-).  |
रेणुकाकवच | n. Name of a particular kavaca-.  |
रेणुकामाहात्म्य | n. Name of work  |
रेणुकामालामन्त्र | m. Name of work  |
रेणुकारिका | f. Name of a kārikā-.  |
रेणुकासहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
रेणुकाष्टक | n. Name of work (kāṣṭ-)  |
रेणुकास्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
रेणुकासुत | m. equals -tanaya-  |
रेणुकातनय | m. "son of reṇukā-" patronymic of paraśu-rāma- ( reṇukātanayatā -tā- f.)  |
रेणुकातनयता | f. reṇukātanaya |
रेणुकातीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
रेणुलक्ष्मन् | m. "marked by dust", the wind  |
रेणुमत् | m. Name of a son of viśvāmitra- by reṇu-  |
रेणुप | m. plural Name of a people (Bombay edition veṇu-pa-).  |
रेणुपदवी | f. a path of dust  |
रेणुपालक | m. Name of a man  |
रेणुरूषित | m. "covered with dust, dusty", an ass  |
रेणुसहस्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
रेणुसार | m. "essence of dust", camphor  |
रेणुसारक | m. "essence of dust", camphor  |
रेणुशस् | ind. to dust, into dust (-śaḥ-kṛ-,to make into dust, turn to dust)  |
रेणूत्पात | m. rising or sudden appearance of dust  |
रेणुत्व | n. the state of being dust (reṇu-tvam-i-,to become dust)  |
रेणुवास | m. "covered with dust or with the pollen of flowers", a bee  |
रेप् | cl.1 A1. repate-, to go ; to sound  |
रेप | mfn. low, vile, wicked, cruel, savage  |
रेप | repas- See .  |
रेपस् | n. a spot, stain, fault  |
रेपस् | mfn. equals prec.  |
रेपस् | mfn. miserly, niggardly  |
रेफ | m. a burring guttural sound, the letter r- (as so pronounced)  |
रेफ | m. a word  |
रेफ | m. (in prosody) a cretic ($)  |
रेफ | m. passion, affection of the mind  |
रेफ | mfn. low, vile, contemptible (see repa-).  |
रेफ | phas-, phin- See  |
रेफलकारोपान्त | mfn. having a name whose last letter but one is r- or l-,  |
रेफस् | mfn. (only ) low, vile  |
रेफस् | mfn. wicked  |
रेफस् | mfn. cruel  |
रेफस् | mfn. niggardly (see repas-).  |
रेफसंधि | m. the euphonic junction of r-  |
रेफवत् | mfn. giving a burring sound, having the sound of r- (said of the vowel ṛ-),  |
रेफविपुला | f. a kind of metre (equals ra-v-),  |
रेफाय | varia lectio for rebhāya-  |
रेफिन् | mfn. having or containing the letter r-, having the nature of r-  |
रेरिह | mfn. (fr. Intensive of rih-) continually or repeatedly licking  |
रेरिहाण | mfn. repeatedly licking or caressing  |
रेरिहाण | m. Name of śiva- (see lelihāna-)  |
रेरिहाण | m. a thief.  |
रेरिहाण | m. equals ambara-, vara- or asura-  |
रेरिहत् | mfn. excessively licking, licking up, consuming  |
रेरिवन् | mfn. equals prerayitṛ- ( )  |
रेष् | cl.1 A1. reṣate- (perfect tense rireṣe-etc. grammar), to howl, roar, yell (as wolves) (others"to neigh"or,"to utter any inarticulate sound") .  |
रेष् | mfn. (Nominal verb reṭ-; see 2. rej-) any animal that howls or yells or neighs, howling, neighing  |
रेषा | f. idem or 'n. the howl of a wolf, howling, yelling, roaring '  |
रेष | m. (1. riṣ-) injury, hurt on (see ratha-r-).  |
रेषण | n. the howl of a wolf, howling, yelling, roaring  |
रेषण | mfn. injuring, hurting  |
रेषण | n. injury, damage, failure  |
रेशय | mfn. ( riś-) injuring, hurting (equals hiṃsat-)  |
रेशयदारिन् | mf(iṇī-)n. destroying those who injure (used to explain riśādas-; varia lectio -dāśin-).  |
रेशी | f. Name of water  |
रेषिन् | mf(iṇī-)n. equals prec. (See puruṣa-r-).  |
रेषित | mfn. yelled, sounded  |
रेषित | n. neighing, roaring  |
रेष्म | in compound for reṣman-.  |
रेष्मछिन्न | (reṣm/a--) mfn. rent or torn up by a storm  |
रेष्ममथित | mfn. idem or '(reṣm/a--) mfn. rent or torn up by a storm '  |
रेष्मन् | m. a storm, whirlwind, storm-cloud ( "the dissolution or destruction of the world") .  |
रेष्मण्य | mfn. equals reṣmya-  |
रेष्म्य | mfn. being in a storm or in a storm-cloud  |
रेष्टृ | mfn. one who injures or hurts, an injurer  |
रेट् | cl.1 P. A1. reṭati-, te- (perfect tense rireṭa-, rireṭe-etc. grammar), to speak ; to ask, request : Causal reṭayati- (Aorist arireṭat-) grammar : Desiderative rireṭiṣati-, te- : Intensive rereṭyate-, rereṭṭi-  |
रेत | equals retas-, semen virile  |
रेतः | in compound for retas-.  |
रेतःकुल्या | f. a stream or river of semen virile (in a particular hell)  |
रेतःपात | m. effusion of semen virile on  |
रेतःपातिन् | mfn. discharging semen, having sexual intercourse with (locative case)  |
रेतःपीत | mfn. one who has swallowed semen  |
रेतःसेक | m. idem or 'n. discharge of semen ' , sexual intercourse with (locative case)  |
रेतःसेक्तृ | m. "impregnator", one who has offspring  |
रेतःसिच् | mfn. discharging semen  |
रेतःसिच् | f. Name of particular iṣṭakā-s  |
रेतःसिच्य | n. discharge of semen  |
रेतःस्कन्दन | ( ) n. effusion of semen.  |
रेतःस्खलन | ( ) n. effusion of semen.  |
रेतज | mfn. born from (one's own) seed, one's own or beloved (son)  |
रेतन | n. semen virile |
रेतस् | n. ( ri-, rī-) a flow, stream, current, flow of rain or water, libation  |
रेतस् | n. flow of semen, seminal fluid, sperm, seed etc. (retaḥ-sic-or ni-sic-or ā-dhā-with locative case,"to discharge semen into", impregnate; reto-dhā- ,to conceive; retaso 'nte-,after the discharge of semen)  |
रेतस् | n. offspring, progeny, descendants  |
रेतस् | n. quicksilver (regirded as śiva-'s semen)  |
रेतस् | n. water  |
रेतस् | n. sin (?) on  |
रेतस | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals retas- (see agni--and kapota-r-).  |
रेतस्वत् | mfn. (r/etas--) possessed of seed, prolific, impregnating  |
रेतस्वत् | m. Name of agni-  |
रेतस्विन् | mfn. abounding in seed, prolific, productive  |
रेतस्य | mf(ā-)n. conveying seed  |
रेतस्या | f. (with or without ṛc-) Name of the first verse of the bahiṣ-pavamāna- stotra-  |
रेटि | f. the sound of fire  |
रेटि | f. harsh or unrestrained speech  |
रेतिन् | mfn. abounding in seed, prolific, impregnating  |
रेतो | in compound for retas-.  |
रेतोधा | mfn. equals prec. mfn. etc.  |
रेतोधा | f. equals next  |
रेतोधस् | mfn. impregnating, fertilizing, begetting offspring  |
रेतोधस् | m. (with or without pitṛ-) "a begetter", natural father  |
रेतोधेय | n. discharge of semen, impregnation  |
रेतोक | m. Name of a poet  |
रेतोमार्ग | m. the seminal duct or canal  |
रेतोवह | m. conveying or producing semen  |
रेतोवसिक्त | mfn. "sprinkled with seed"(said of ascetics who live on the flesh of animals killed by other animals)  |
रेत्र | n. (only ) semen virile  |
रेत्र | n. quicksilver  |
रेत्र | n. nectar, ambrosia  |
रेत्र | n. perfumed or aromatic powder (see vetra-).  |
रेट्टमत | n. Name of an astronomy work  |
रेत्य | n. equals rīti-, bell-metal  |
रेउइ | Name of a village  |
रेव् | or reb- (prob. artificial and of doubtful connection with the following words ), to go, move; to leap, jump.  |
रेव | m. Name of a son of ānarta- and father of raivata-  |
रेवा | f. See below  |
रेव | n. Name of various sāman-s  |
रेवा | f. the indigo plant  |
रेवा | f. Name of rati- (the wife of kāma-deva-)  |
रेवा | f. (in music) a particular rāga-  |
रेवा | f. Name of the narma-dā- or Nerbudda river (which rises in one of the vindhya- mountains called āmra-kūṭa- or more commonly amara-kaṇṭaka- in Gondwana, and after a westerly course of about 800 miles falls into the sea below Broach)  |
रेवाखण्ड | mn. Name of work  |
रेवामाहात्म्य | n. Name of work  |
रेवण | m. Name of a writer on mīmāṃsā-  |
रेवन्त | m. Name of a son of sūrya- and chief of the guhyaka-s  |
रेवन्त | m. the 5th manu- of the present kalpa- (see next and raivata-).  |
रेवन्तमनुसू | f. "mother of manu- revanta-", Name of saṃjñā- (wife of sūrya-)  |
रेवन्तोत्तर | prob. n. Name of work (varia lectio revatottara-).  |
रेवत् | mfn. (prob. contracted fr. rayi-vat-) wealthy, opulent, rich, prosperous  |
रेवत् | mfn. abundant, plentiful  |
रेवत् | mfn. brilliant, splendid, beautiful ( revat /at- ind.) (here applied to the gaṅgā-)  |
रेवत् | n. wealth, prosperity  |
रेवत् | n. Name of a sāman-  |
रेवत् | ind. revat |
रेवट | m. (only ) a boar  |
रेवट | m. a bamboo or dust (veṇu-or reṇu-)  |
रेवट | m. a whirlwind  |
रेवट | m. a doctor skilled in antidotes  |
रेवट | m. oil of the Morunga tree  |
रेवट | m. the fruit of the plantain  |
रेवट | n. a muscle or a conch-shell which coils from right to left  |
रेवत | m. a species of plant (the citron tree or Cathartocarpus Fistula )  |
रेवत | m. Name of various persons (see revataka-)  |
रेवत | m. of a son of andhaka- (varia lectio raivata-)  |
रेवत | m. of a son of ānarta- (see reva-)  |
रेवत | m. of the father of revatī- and father-in-law of bala-rāma- |
रेवत | m. of a varṣa- (?)  |
रेवत | f(i-and ī-). See under rev/at- below.  |
रेवतक | m. Name of a man  |
रेवतक | n. a species of date (prob. wrong reading for raivataka-).  |
रेवती | f. See below  |
रेवति | f. equals revatī-, the wife of bala-rāma-  |
रेवति | f. Name of rati- (wife of kāma-deva-)  |
रेवती | f. of rev/at- above  |
रेवती | f. (also plural) Name of the fifth nakṣatra- etc.  |
रेवती | f. a woman born under the nakṣatra- revatī- Va1rtt. 1  |
रेवती | f. (in music) a particular rāgiṇī-  |
रेवती | f. Name of a female demon presiding over a particular disease or of a yoginī- (sometimes identified with durgā- or with aditi-) etc.  |
रेवती | f. of the wife of mitra-  |
रेवती | f. of a daughter of the personified light (kānti-) of the nakṣatra- revatī- and mother of manu- raivata-  |
रेवती | f. of the wife of bala-rāma- (daughter of kakudmin-)  |
रेवती | f. of a wife of amṛtodana-  |
रेवती | f. of various other women |
रेवती | f. Tiaridium Indicum  |
रेवती | f. Jasminum Grandiflorum  |
रेवती | f. plural "the wealthy ones"or"the shining one's"(applied to cows and the waters)  |
रेवती | f. Name of the verse (beginning with revatī-) etc.  |
रेवती | f. of the sāman- formed from this verse  |
रेवती | f. of the divine mothers  |
रेवतीभव | m. "son of revatī-", Name of the planet Saturn  |
रेवतीद्वीप | m. Name of an island  |
रेवतीग्रह | m. Name of a demon presiding over diseases  |
रेवतीहालान्त | m. Name of a drama.  |
रेवतीकान्त | m. "beloved of revatī-", Name of bala-rāma-  |
रेवतीपृष्ठ | mfn. whose pṛṣṭha- (q.v) consists of the revatī- verses  |
रेवतिपुत्र | m. a son of revati-  |
रेवतीरमण | m. "husband of revatī-", Name of bala-rāma-  |
रेवतीरमण | m. of viṣṇu-  |
रेवतीश | (tīśa-) m. "lord of revatī-", Name of bala-rāma-  |
रेवतीसुत | m. "son of revatī-", Name of skanda-  |
रेवतीतन्त्र | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
रेवतोत्तर | prob. n. Name of work (varia lectio revantottara-).  |
रेवत्य | n.  |
रेवोत्तरस् | m. Name of a man  |
अभिपरे | ( i-), (Imper. 2. sg. -p/arehi-) to go away towards (accusative)  |
अभिप्रे | ( i-), -praiti- (Imper. 2. sg. -pr/ehi-2. plural pr/eta- ; ) to go near to, approach ; to approach with one's mind, to think of ; to aim at, intend.  |
अभिप्रेक्ष् | ( īkṣ-), (generally ind.p. -preṣya-) to look at, to see, view  |
अभिप्रेप्सु | mfn. desirous of gaining  |
अभिप्रेप्सु | See abhi-prāp-.  |
अभिप्रेर् | ( īr-), Causal -preayati- to drive forwards, push on  |
अभिप्रेरण | n. pushing, setting in motion (as a see-saw).  |
अभिप्रेष् | (1 iṣ-), (1. sg. -preṣyāmi-) to summon, command  |
अभिप्रेषण | n. sending out (messengers),  |
अभिप्रेषित | mfn. that which has been commanded or ordered, (/an-- negative)  |
अभिप्रेत | mfn. meant, intended etc.  |
अभिप्रेत | mfn. accepted, approved etc. |
अभिप्रेत | mfn. to whom one's heart is devoted, dear  |
अभिप्रेत्य | ind. intending, meaning by  |
अभिसम्प्रेक्ष् | ( īkṣ-), (ind.p. -prekṣya-) to look at, perceive  |
अभिस्वरे | ind. dative case "for calling into one's presence", just behind (with genitive case)  |
अभ्रेष | m. non-deviation, fitness, propriety  |
अभ्याचरे | locative case ind. See abhy-āgāre-.  |
अभ्याचारे | ind. See abhy.āgāre-.  |
अभ्यागारे | ind. locative case in the house  |
अभ्यागारे | ind. varia lectio abhy-ācāre- ([ ]) and abhy-ācare- ([ ]),"in the reach or compass."  |
अचलश्रेष्ठ | m. chief of mountains.  |
अच्छिद्रेण | ind. uninterruptedly, without break from first to last. |
अचिरेण | ind. not long, not for long  |
अधरेद्युस् | ind. the day before yesterday  |
अध्वरेष्ठा | ([ ]) mfn. standing at or engaged in an adhvara-.  |
अद्रेश्य | mfn. invisible  |
अदूरे | ind. (with ablative or genitive case) not far, near  |
अद्याग्रेण | ind. henceforth,  |
अघ्रेय | mfn. ( ghra-), improper to be smelled at  |
आघ्रेय | mfn. to be smelled at  |
अग्निहोत्रेष्टि | f. a libation or offering at the agnihotra- ([ see iṣṭi-])  |
अग्निरेतस | mfn. sprung from agni-'s seed  |
अग्नित्रेता | ([ ]) f. the three sacred fires, called respectively gārhapatya-, āhavanīya-, and dakṣiṇa-.  |
अगोचरेण | ind. instrumental case out of the sight of any one (genitive case), behind one's back  |
अग्रे | ind. in front, ahead of, in the beginning, first  |
अग्रे | ind. further on, subsequently, below (in a book)  |
अग्रे | ind. from - up to (ā-) , before (in time) ([ confer, compare Greek ]) .  |
अग्रे | ind. (locative case) See /agra-.  |
अग्रेभ्रू | ( bhram-) m. wandering in front commentator or commentary  |
अग्रेदधिषु | ([ ]) m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-didhiṣu-or -didhiṣu-)  |
अग्रेदधिषु | f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried.  |
अग्रेदधुस् | ([ ]) m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-didhiṣu-or -didhiṣu-)  |
अग्रेदधुस् | f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried.  |
अग्रेदिधिषु | ([ ]) m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-didhiṣu-or -didhiṣu-)  |
अग्रेदिधिषु | f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried.  |
अग्रेग | ([ ]) ([ etc.]) mfn. going in front or before.  |
अग्रेगा | ([ etc.]) mfn. going in front or before.  |
अग्रेगू | mfn. (said of the waters) moving forwards  |
अग्रेण | ind. in front, before (without or with accusative)  |
अग्रेणी | m. a leader  |
अग्रेपा | ([ iv, 34, 7 and 10]) ([ ]) mfn. having the precedence in drinking.  |
अग्रेपू | ([ ]) mfn. having the precedence in drinking.  |
अग्रेसर | mf(ī-)n. going in front, preceding, best  |
अग्रेसरिक | m. a leader  |
अग्रेतन | mfn. occurring further on, subsequently (in a book).  |
अग्रेत्वन् | mf(arī-)n. going in front  |
अग्रेवध | m. hitting or killing whatever is in front  |
अग्रेवण | n. the border of a forest (gaRa rājadantādi- q.v)  |
आग्रेय | varia lectio for āgneya- (Name of a people) q.v  |
अहहारे | ind. idem or 'ind. an interjection, as Ah! aha-! etc. (implying surprise, fatigue, pain, sorrow, pleasure, calling) '  |
अहंश्रेष्ठिका | f. idem or 'n. idem or 'n. claiming superiority for one's self ' ( ) '  |
अहंश्रेयस् | n. claiming superiority for one's self  |
अहंश्रेयस | n. idem or 'n. claiming superiority for one's self ' ( )  |
अइरेय | n. (fr. irā-), an intoxicating beverage  |
अइतरेय | m. a descendant of itara- or itarā-, Name of mahidāsa- (author of a brāhmaṇa- and āraṇyaka- called after him)  |
अइतरेय | mfn. composed by aitareya-.  |
अइतरेयब्राह्मण | n. Name of the brāhmaṇa- composed by aitareya- (attached to the ṛg-- veda- and prescribing the duties of the hotṛ- priest;it is divided into forty adhyāya-s or eight pañcikā-s).  |
अइतरेयक | n. the aitareya-brāhmaṇa-.  |
अइतरेयारण्यक | n. Name of the āraṇyaka- composed by aitareya- (consisting of five books or āraṇyaka-s, the second and third books of which form the upaniṣad-).  |
अइतरेयिन् | m. plural the school of aitareya-  |
अइतरेयोपनिषद् | f. Name of either the second and third books of the aitareya-āraṇyaka- or of the four last sections of the second book only  |
अइतरेयोपनिषद्भाष्य | n. Name of a treatise and commentary on the last.  |
अजस्रेण | ind. perpetually, for ever, ever. [ ]  |
आजिरेय | m. a descendant of ajira-, (gaRa śubhrādi-, q.v)  |
आखरेष्ठ | mfn. abiding or dwelling in a hole (quoted in on ) .  |
अक्षरेस्था | mfn. consisting of syllables  |
अक्षर्यंरेवत् | n. Name of a sāman-  |
अमरेज्य | m. equals amara-guru- q.v  |
अमरेश | m. equals amara-pa- q.v  |
अमरेश | m. Name of śiva- or rudra-  |
अमरेश्वर | m. equals amara-pa- q.v  |
अमरेश्वर | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
अमरेश्वर | m. Name of a liṅga-.  |
अमरेश्वरतीर्थ | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
आम्रेड् | Causal P. -mreḍayati-, to repeat  |
आम्रेड | m. repetition  |
आम्रेडन | n. tautology, reiteration of words and sounds  |
आम्रेडित | mfn. reiterated, repeated  |
आम्रेडित | n. repetition of a sound or word  |
आम्रेडित | n. (in grammar) reduplication, reiteration, the second word in a reiteration  |
आम्रेडितयमक | n. a yamaka- (in which every pāda- ends with a word repeated twice).  |
अनभिप्रेत | n. an occurrence different from what was intended.  |
अनतिरेच | n. not abundance  |
अङ्गरेज | mfn. English,  |
अनिष्टोत्प्रेक्षण | n. expectation of evil.  |
अन्तःपुरेवास | mfn. living in the women's apartments,  |
अन्तरप्रेक्षिन् | mfn. perceiving a weak point,  |
अन्तरे | ind. amidst, among, between  |
अन्तरे | ind. with regard to, for the sake of, on account of.  |
अन्तरेण | ind. amidst, between  |
अन्तरेण | ind. (with accusative) within, between, amidst, during  |
अन्तरेण | ind. except, without, with regard to, with reference to, on account of.  |
अन्तरेष | m. the space between the two shafts of a carriage,  |
अनुपरे | ( -parā-i-), (Imper. 2. sg. -p/arehi-; imperfect tense -p/araīt-) to follow in walking off  |
अनुप्रे | ( i-) cl.2 P. -praiti-, to follow etc. ; to follow in death ; to seek after  |
अनुप्रेक्ष् | ( īkṣ-) to follow with the eyes.  |
अनुप्रेष् | ( iṣ-), Causal P. -preṣayati- to send forth after.  |
अनुप्रेषण | n. sending after, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
अणुरेणु | mf. atomic dust (as seen in sun-beams).  |
अणुरेणुजाल | n. an aggregate of such atomic dust.  |
अणुरेवती | f. the plant Croton Polyandrum.  |
अनुरेवती | f. Name of a plant.  |
अन्वयव्यतिरेक | n. agreement and contrariety  |
अन्वयव्यतिरेक | n. a positive and negative proposition  |
अन्वयव्यतिरेक | n. species and difference  |
अन्वयव्यतिरेक | n. rule and exception  |
अन्वयव्यतिरेक | n. logical connection and disconnection.  |
अन्वयव्यतिरेकिन् | mfn. (in philosophy) affirmative and negative.  |
अन्यतरेद्युस् | ind. on either of two days  |
आन्यतरेय | m. (fr. anya-tara- gaRa śubhrādi- ), Name of a grammarian ([ ]), (perhaps rather) belonging to the school [and family] of another [teacher] ?.  |
अपह्रेपण | n. putting to shame,  |
अपपरे | ( i-), (perf. 1. sg. /apa p/areto asmi-; /apa asmi-may also be taken by itself as fr. 1. apās-) to go off  |
अपप्रे | ( i-), (3. pl. -pra-y/anti-,or -pr/a-yanti-;Opt. -pr/eyāt-) to go away, withdraw  |
अपरेद्युस् | ind. on the following day  |
अपरेद्युस् | See 2. /apara-.  |
अपरेण | ind. (with accusative) behind, west, to the west of ([ confer, compare Gothic and Old German afar,and the modern German aber,in such words asAber-mal,Aber-witz]).  |
अपरेतरा | f. opposite to or other than the west, the east  |
अफलप्रेप्सु | mfn. one who desires no recompense  |
अप्रतिकरेण | ind. without recompense (see a-prat/ā-.)  |
अप्रेमन् | n. dislike, aversion  |
अप्रेमन् | mfn. unfriendly  |
अप्रेत | mfn. not gone away  |
अप्रेतराक्षसी | f. a plant (also called preta-rākṣasī-,or apeta-rākṣasī- q.v)  |
अररे | ind. a vocative particle (expressing haste)  |
अरे | ind. interjection of calling (see arare-, arere-,and re-).  |
आरे | See ss.vv.  |
आरे | ind. (locative case;See ār/āt-) far, far from, outside, without  |
आरे | ind. near  |
आरेअघ | mfn. having evil far removed  |
आरेअवद्य | mfn. one from whom blame or insult is far removed  |
आरेचिन् | mfn. emptying.  |
आरेचित | mfn. emptied  |
आरेचित | mfn. contracted, mixed.  |
आरेचितभ्रू | mfn. having contracted eye-brows  |
आरेहण | n. licking, kissing  |
आरेहण | See ā-rih-.  |
आरेक | m. emptying  |
आरेक | m. doubt |
अरेणु | mfn. not dusty (said of the gods and their cars and roads)  |
अरेणु | mfn. not earthly, celestial  |
अरेणु | m. plural (/avas-) the gods  |
अरेप | mfn. = a-- repas-,  |
अरेपस् | mfn. spotless  |
अरेफ | mfn. without the letter r.  |
अरेफ | See a-riphita-.  |
अरेफजात | mfn. idem or 'mfn. without the letter r.'  |
अरेफवत् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. without the letter r.' '  |
अरेफिन् | mfn. equals a-riphita-  |
अरेरे | ind. (probably are 're-,repetition of are-, q.v), interjection of calling to inferiors or of calling angrily  |
आरेशत्रु | mfn. one whose enemies are driven far away  |
अरेतस् | mfn. not receiving seed  |
अरेतस्क | mfn. seedless  |
अर्करेतोज | m. "son of sūrya-", revanta-  |
अस्मत्प्रेषित | (asm/at--) mfn. sent or driven towards us  |
अस्रेधत् | mfn. (pr. p. P.) idem or 'mfn. (Aorist parasmE-pada A1.) idem or 'mfn. not failing, not erring ' '  |
अस्रेमन् | mfn. (said of agni-) faultless, perfect  |
आश्रेष | m. ( śriṣ-= śliṣ-See below) , one who embraces  |
आश्रेष | m. Name of an evil spirit or goblin  |
आश्रेषा | f. equals āśleṣ/ā- q.v  |
अश्रेष्मन् | mfn. (2. śriṣ-), without bands  |
अश्रेष्ठ | mfn. not the best, inferior  |
आश्रेतृ | mfn. leaning on, resorting to (genitive case),  |
अश्रेयस् | mfn. (Comparative degree) not the better, inferior  |
अश्रेयस् | n. (as-) mischief.  |
अश्रेयस्क | mfn. fatal, noxious  |
असूरे | ind. locative case in the night  |
असुरेज्य | m. equals asura-guru- q.v  |
असुरेन्द्र | m. lord of the asura-s  |
अतिप्रेषित | n. the time following the praiṣa- ceremony  |
अतिरेक | m. surplus, excess  |
अतिरेक | m. redundancy  |
अतिरेक | m. difference.  |
अतीरेक | m. ([only once ]) surplus, excess  |
अतीरेक | m. redundancy  |
अतीरेक | m. difference.  |
अतीरेक | See ati-ric-.  |
अतिरेकिन् | mfn. surpassing.  |
अतिश्रेष्ठ | mfn. superior to the best, best of all.  |
अतिश्रेष्ठत्व | n. pre-eminence.  |
अतिश्रेयसि | m. a man superior to the most excellent woman.  |
आत्रेय | m. ( commentator or commentary) a descendant of atri-  |
आत्रेय | m. Name of a physician  |
आत्रेय | m. a priest who is closely related to the sadasya- (perhaps because this office was generally held by a descendant of atri-)  |
आत्रेय | m. Name of śiva-  |
आत्रेय | m. chyle  |
आत्रेया | f. (with śākhā-) the śākhā- of the ātreya-s  |
आत्रेया | f. a woman who has bathed after her courses  |
आत्रेया | f. Name of a river in the north of Bengal (otherwise called Tista)  |
आत्रेय | n. Name of two sāman-s etc.  |
आत्रेय | m. plural Name of a tribe  |
आत्रेय | m. (for atrayas- m. plural of atri- q.v) the descendants of atri-  |
आत्रेयायण | m. a descendant of an ātreya-, (gaRa aśvādi- q.v)  |
आत्रेयी | f. a female descendant of atri-  |
आत्रेयिका | f. a woman in her courses  |
आत्रेयीपुत्र | m. Name of a teacher  |
आत्रेयीय | mfn. fr. ātreya-  |
अउदरेइष | mfn. directed to agni-,  |
अउग्रेय | m. a descendant of ugra- gaRa śubhrādi-  |
अउत्तरेय | m. a descendant of uttarā-  |
अवघ्रेय | mfn. to be smelt at  |
अवान्तरेडा | f. an iḍā- subdivided into five parts  |
अवरेण | ind. instrumental case below (with accusative)  |
अवसरे | ind. at the right moment  |
अवतारप्रेक्षिन् | mfn. watching opportunities, espying faults, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
अविदूरे | ind. not far off (with ablative), near  |
अविक्रेय | mfn. not to be sold, unsaleable (edition Bomb.)  |
अविरेचन | n. anything which constipates or stops the passage of the food.  |
अविरेचनिय | mfn. not to be purged,  |
अविरेच्य | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not to be purged, '  |
अव्यभिचारेण | ind. with absolute necessity kāśi-. and Scholiast or Commentator  |
अव्यतिरेक | m. non-exclusion, non-exception  |
अव्यतिरेक | mfn., (equals avyabhicārin-) unerring  |
अव्यतिरेकिन् | mfn. unerring.  |
अयथाभिप्रेत | mfn. not desired, not agreeable  |
बाध्यरेतस् | m. one whose generative fluid is obstructed, impotent on  |
बहुप्रेयसी | mfn. having many loved ones  |
बहुरेख | m. plural many lines or wrinkles, marks of care or pain  |
बहुरेतस् | m. "having much seed", Name of brahmā-  |
बहुश्रेयसी | mfn. Va1rtt. 3  |
बलात्कारेण | ind. balātkāra |
बलिमहानरेन्द्राख्यान | n. Name of work  |
बम्बुरेवण | m. or n. (?) Name of a place  |
बाणरेखा | f. "arrow-line", a long wound made by an arrow  |
बारेज्य | Name of a town  |
भद्ररेणु | m. Name of indra-'s elephant (varia lectio -veṇu-).  |
भद्रश्रेण्य | m. Name of a king  |
भद्रेन्द्र | m. Name of a man  |
भद्रेश | See bhadreśa- etc. 1. bhadrā- below.  |
भद्रेश | m. "husband of bhadrā- id est durgā- ", Name of śiva- (see umeśa-).  |
भद्रेश्वर | See bhadreśa- etc. 1. bhadrā- below.  |
भद्रेश्वर | m. Name of various statues and liṅga-s of śiva- (see prec.)  |
भद्रेश्वर | m. of a place  |
भद्रेश्वर | m. of a kāyastha-  |
भद्रेश्वर | m. of an author (also -sūri-and rācārya-).  |
भङ्ग्यन्तरेण | ind. in an indirect manner  |
भङ्ग्यन्तरेण | ind. in another manner  |
भरतश्रेष्ठ | m. the best of the bharata-varṣa-  |
भरेहनगरी | f. Name of a town (see bharaha-pāla-).  |
भरेण | ind. bhara |
भरेषुजा | mfn. existing in id est fit for wars and battles (said of soma-)  |
भरेषुजा | See .  |
भार्गवश्रेष्ठ | m. the best of the descendants of bhṛgu-  |
भास्करेष्टा | f. Polanisia Icosandra  |
भस्मरेणु | m. the dust of ashes  |
भिल्लीचक्रेश्वर | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
भोजनरेन्द्र | m. Name of bhoja-deva-, king of dhārā-  |
भ्रमरेष्ट | m. "loved by bees", a sort of Bignonia  |
भ्रमरेष्टा | f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus  |
भ्रमरेष्ट | f. equals bhūmi-jambū-  |
भ्राष्ट्रेय | m. plural Name of a family (varia lectio tra-kṛt-).  |
भ्रास्त्रेय | varia lectio for bhrāṣṭreya-, .  |
भ्रात्रेय | m. equals prec. m.  |
भ्रेज् | (allied to1. bhrāj-) cl.1 A1. bhrāj- (perfect tense bibhreje-etc.) , to shine, glitter : Causal bhrejayati- (Aorist abibhrejat-) grammar  |
भ्रेष् | (allied to bhraṃś-and hreṣ-) cl.1 P. A1. ( ) bhreṣati-, te- (perfect tense bibreṣa-, ṣe-etc. grammar), to totter, waver, slip, make a false step ; to be angry ; to fear ; to go (gatau- )  |
भ्रेष | m. tottering, slipping, going astray or amiss, failure  |
भ्रेष | m. loss, deprivation  |
भ्रेष | n. the act of going, moving etc.  |
भृगुश्रेष्ठ | m. "best of bhṛgu-s", Name of paraśu-rāma-  |
भूधरेवर | m. "mountain-lord", Name of hima-vat-  |
भुक्तमात्रे | ind. immediately on having eaten  |
भूरिप्रेमन् | m. "full of affection", Anas Casarca  |
भूरिरेतस् | (bh/ūri--) mfn. abounding in seed, prolific  |
भूरिश्रेष्ठक | or |
भूरिश्रेष्ठिक | m. or n. (?) Name of a place near Benares  |
भूतप्रेतपिशाचाद्य | m. plural the bhūta-s, preta-s, piśāca-s etc. (see ) .  |
भूतपुरेमाहात्म्य | n. Name of work  |
बीजरेचन | n. Croton Jamalgota  |
बिन्दुरेखा | f. a row or line of points or dots  |
बिन्दुरेखा | f. Name of a daughter of caṇḍavarman-  |
बिन्दुरेखक | m. a kind of bird (see prec. and next) .  |
ब्रह्मरेखा | f. " brahmā-'s line", the lines of a man's destiny supposed to be written by brahmā- on the forehead of a child on the 6th day after its birth  |
ब्रह्मतन्त्रेगायत्रीपञ्जर | n. Name of work  |
बृहदात्रेय | m. "the larger ātreya-", Name of a work on med.  |
बृहद्रेणु | (bṛh/ad--) mfn. stirring up thick dust  |
बृहत्पारेवत | m. a kind of fruit tree (= mahā-p-)  |
बुद्धिश्रेष्ठ | mfn. best (when effected) by the intellect  |
चैत्रेय | mfn. coming from a speckled cow (citr/ā-)  |
चैत्रेय | m. metron. fr. citrā-  |
चक्रश्रेणी | f. Odina pinnata (bearing a curved fruit)  |
चक्रेन्द्रक | m. a kind of mustard  |
चक्रेश | m. (equals kra-vartin-) sovereign of the world  |
चक्रेश्वर | m. "lord of the discus", viṣṇu-  |
चक्रेश्वर | m. "lord of the troops", bhairava-  |
चक्रेश्वर | m. equals śa-  |
चक्रेश्वरी | f. one of the vidyā-devī-s (executing the orders of the 1st arhat-)  |
चाक्रेय | fr. cakr/a- gaRa sakhy-ādi- (not in )  |
चम्पकश्रेष्ठिकथानक | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a tale.  |
चन्द्ररेखा | f. a digit of the moon  |
चन्द्ररेखा | f. Serratula anthelminthica  |
चन्द्ररेखा | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
चन्द्ररेणु | m. "having only the dust of the moon", a plagiarist  |
चन्द्रात्रेय | m. plural Name of a family  |
चन्द्रेशलिङ्ग | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
चन्द्रेष्टा | f. "moon-loved", a night lotus  |
चन्द्रेश्वरतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
चारेक्षण | mfn. equals ra-dṛś-  |
छिदुरेतर | mfn. not breaking, strong  |
चिररात्रेप्सित | mfn. equals cirābhilaṣita-  |
चिरतरेण | ind. instrumental case more slowly Va1rtt. 4  |
चिरे | ind. locative case with some delay, not immediately  |
चिरेण | ind. instrumental case after a long time, late, not immediately, slowly Va1rtt. 4  |
चिरेण | ind. for a long time (See also k/iyat-)  |
चिरेण | ind. ever, at all times  |
चित्ररेखा | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
चित्ररेफ | m. Name of a son of medhātithi- (king of śāka-dvīpa-)  |
चित्रेश | m. "lord of citrā-", the moon  |
दाध्रेयक | m. a patronymic (also plural)  |
दैवतरेय | m. patronymic fr. deva-tara- gaRa śubhrādi-. 2.  |
दरेन्द्र | m. viṣṇu-'s conch  |
दात्रेय | m. a patron., ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
दत्तात्रेय | m. Name of a sage (son of atri- by anasūyā- who favoured arjuna- kārtavīrya-). (brahmā-, viṣṇu-, and śiva- propitiated by his penance became in portions of themselves severally his sons soma-, datta-, and dur-vāsas-;hence worshipped as representing the Triad)  |
दत्तात्रेय | m. Name of an author  |
दत्तात्रेय | m. plural Name of a family  |
दत्तत्रेयापनिषद् | f. Name of an  |
दत्तत्रेयाष्टोत्तरशतनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of a chapter of  |
दत्तात्रेयीय | n. "story of treya- ", Name of  |
दौरेश्रवस | m. (fr. dūre-śravas-) patronymic of the serpent-priest pṛthu-śravas-  |
दौरेश्रुत | m. (fr. dūre-śruta-) patronymic of the serpent-priest timirgha-  |
देवनिश्रेणी | f. "ladder towards the gods", Name of a particular penance  |
देवरेतस | mfn. sprung from divine seed  |
देवश्रेणी | f. Sanseviera Zeylanica  |
देवश्रेष्ठ | m. "best of the gods", Name of a son of the 12th manu-  |
देवासुरेश्वर | m. Name of śiva-  |
धनुःश्रेणी | f. equals dhanu-ś- or = mahendra-vāruṇī-.  |
धनुश्रेणी | f. Sanseviera Zeylanica  |
धान्यश्रेष्ठ | n. "the best of corn", a kind of rice  |
धराधरेन्द्र | m. "mountain-king", Name of himālaya-  |
धारेश्वर | m. the lord of dhārā- id est King bhoja-  |
धर्मप्रेक्ष | mfn. having an eye for what is right |
धर्मश्रेष्ठिन् | m. Name of a Buddhist arhat-.  |
धात्रेयिका | f. foster-sister (a sort of confidante)  |
धात्रेयिका | f. wet-nurse  |
धात्रेयिका | f. female slave  |
धात्रेयिकायी | f. foster-sister  |
धात्रेयिकायी | f. wet-nurse  |
धौरेय | mf(ī-)n. (fr. dhur-) fit to be harnessed or for a burden  |
धौरेय | mf(ī-)n. being foremost, at the head of (see puruṣa--)  |
धौरेय | m. beast of burden, draught-horse (also yaka- ) .  |
धीरेन्द्र | m. Name of an author  |
धीरेशमिश्र | m. Name of a teacher  |
धीरेश्वर | m. Name of the father of jyotir-īśvara- (author of )  |
ध्रेक् | cl.1 A1. dhrekate-, to sound (see drek-).  |
ध्वस्तप्रेमन् | mfn. whose love has vanished  |
दिक्प्रेक्षण | n. looking round in all directions (from fear etc.)  |
दीर्घप्रेक्षिन् | mfn. equals -darśana-  |
द्रेक् | cl.1 A1. drekate-, to sound ; to be in high spirits ; to grow or increase (see dhrek-).  |
द्रेका | f. Melia Sempervifrens  |
द्रेक्क | or drekkāṇa- or dreṣkāṇa- equals dṛkāna-  |
द्रेष्काणाध्याय | m. Name of chapter of  |
द्रेश्य | mfn. (prob. fr. dris.- equals dṛ-) visible  |
द्रेश्य | mfn. see a--.  |
द्रुमश्रेष्ठ | m. "the best of trees", Name of the palm-tree (equals tāla-)  |
दूरतरे | ind. Comparative degree , some way from (ablative)  |
दूरतरेण | ind. Comparative degree  |
दूरे | ind. ( ) in a distant place, far, far away (opp. /anti-) and c (opp. antike-) etc.  |
दूरे | ind. -kṛ- to discard  |
दूरे | ind. -bhū- to be far away or gone off  |
दूरे | ind. -gam- to be far away or gone off  |
दूरे | ind. re tiṣṭhatu-, let it be far id est let it be unmentioned, never mind  |
दूरे | locative case of dūra- (q.v) in compound  |
दूरेअमित्र | (r/e--) mfn. whose enemies are far away  |
दूरेअन्त | mfn. ending in the remote distance, boundless (heaven and earth)  |
दूरेअर्थ | (r/e--) mfn. whose aim is far off  |
दूरेबान्धव | m. a distant kinsman  |
दूरेभा | (r/e--) mfn. shining to a distance  |
दूरेचर | mfn. going or being far, distant  |
दूरेदेवत | mfn. having far distant divinities,  |
दूरेदृश् | mfn. visible far and wide  |
दूरेगव्यूति | (r/e--) mfn. whose domain is or reaches far  |
दूरेहेति | mfn. (r/e--) whose arrows fly to a distance  |
दूरेहेति | m. a particular form of agni- commentator or commentary  |
दूरेजनान्तनिलय | mfn. living far away from men  |
दूरेण | ind. ( ) far, from afar, by far etc.  |
दूरेपानीयगोचर | mfn. having remote watering places (said of animals)  |
दूरेपश्या | f. "far-seeing", Name of an apsaras-  |
दूरेरितेक्षण | mfn. "who sends his glances far apart", squint-eyed  |
दूरेश्रवस् | mfn. far-renowned (see ra-śr-)  |
दूरेश्रवस् | m. Name of a man (See daureśravasa-).  |
दूरेश्रुत | m. Name of a man (see daure--).  |
दूरेषुपातिन् | mfn. shooting arrows to a distance  |
दूरेत्य | mfn. being far off, distant Va1rtt. 1  |
दुरेव | mfn. ill-disposed, malignant  |
दुरेव | m. evildoer, criminal  |
दूरेवध | mfn. far-striking  |
दूरेयम | mfn. one from whom yama- is distant  |
दुर्नरेन्द्र | m. a miserable sorcerer or conjurer  |
दुर्विरेच्य | mfn. difficult to be purged  |
दुष्प्रेक्ष | mfn. difficult to be looked at, disagreeable to the sight  |
दुष्प्रेक्षणीय | mfn. difficult to be looked at, disagreeable to the sight  |
दुष्प्रेक्षित | mfn. badly looked at  |
दुष्प्रेक्ष्य | mfn. difficult to be looked at, disagreeable to the sight  |
दूतसम्प्रेषण | n. the sending forth ambassadors  |
द्विजश्रेष्ठ | m. equals -mukhya-  |
द्वीपश्रेष्ठ | m. the best of islands  |
द्विरेफ | m. "shaped like 2 r's or having 2 r's in its name (bhramara-)?", a large black bee etc.  |
द्विरेफचय | m. ( ) a flight or swarm of bees.  |
द्विरेफगणसंकुला | f. Rosa Glanulifera  |
द्विरेफगणसम्मिता | f. a kind of rose  |
द्विरेफमाला | f. ( ) a flight or swarm of bees.  |
द्विरेफवृन्द | n. ( ) a flight or swarm of bees.  |
द्विरेतस् | mfn. (dv/i-) (a male ass) doubly impregnating (sc. mare and she-ass)  |
द्विरेतस् | mfn. (a mare) doubly impregnated (sc. by horse and male ass)  |
द्विरेतस् | mfn. a kind of hermaphrodite  |
एकवारे | ind. idem or 'ind. at once, suddenly '  |
गह्वरेष्ठ | mfn. being at the bottom or lowest depths  |
गैरेय | n. "mountain-born", bitumen  |
गैरेय | n. red chalk  |
गजरेव | m. Name of an author of Prakrit verses  |
गान्धारेय | m. metron. fr. rī- Name of duryodhana- (son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-)  |
गारेध | See gādhera-.  |
गौरात्रेय | m. plural Name of a family  |
घ्रेय | n. "to be smelled", what may be smelled, smell, odour,  |
गोपारेश्वरतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
गोपीप्रेमामृत | n. "nectar of (kṛṣṇa-'s) love for the cowherdesses", Name of work  |
गोप्रेक्षक | Name of a liṅga-  |
गोप्रेरक | m. "cow-inciter", the bird bhṛṅga-rāja-  |
गोत्रेण | ind. instrumental case with regard to one's family name gaRa prakṛty-ādi-  |
गोत्रेश | m. "earth-lord", a king  |
ग्रहाग्रेसर | m. "planet-chief", the moon  |
ग्रामप्रेष्य | m. the messenger or servant of a village or community  |
ग्रामप्रेष्य | m. (preṣya grāmasya- )  |
गृध्रेश्वर | m. Name of a mountain,  |
गृहश्रेणी | f. a street,  |
गुरेटक | a kind of grass  |
हंसश्रेणी | f. a line or row of geese  |
हरेकृष्णमहामन्त्रार्थनिरूपण | n. Name of work  |
हरेणु | m. a kind of pea or pulse (with slightly globular seeds)  |
हरेणु | m. a creeper marking the boundary of a village  |
हरेणु | m. Name of laṅkā-  |
हरेणु | f. a sort of drug or perfume (equals reṇukā-)  |
हरेणु | f. a respectable woman  |
हरेणु | f. a copper-coloured deer  |
हरेणुक | m. (orf(ā-).) a kind of pea or pulse  |
हरेश्वर | m. śiva- and viṣṇu- forming one person  |
हस्तरेलिहा | f. a line on the hand  |
हेमरेणु | m. "gold dust", a kind of atom (= trasareṇu-)  |
हेतूत्प्रेक्षा | ( ) ( ) f. a simile accompanied with reasons.  |
हिरण्यरेतस् | mfn. having golden seed  |
हिरण्यरेतस् | m. Name of agni- or fire etc.  |
हिरण्यरेतस् | m. of the sun  |
हिरण्यरेतस् | m. of śiva-  |
हिरण्यरेतस् | m. of one of the 12 āditya-s  |
हिरण्यरेतस् | m. of various men  |
हिरण्यरेतस् | m. a kind of plant (equals citraka-)  |
हिरण्यरेतस | m. Name of a man  |
हिरण्यरेतस | m. plural his family  |
हितप्रेप्सु | mfn. equals -kāma-  |
ह्रेप् | cl.1 A1. hrepate-, to go (varia lectio) hrepayati- See hrī-.  |
ह्रेपण | n. (fr. Causal) shame, embarrassment  |
ह्रेपित | mfn. ashamed, put to shame, surpassed  |
ह्रेष् | (see 1. heṣ-) cl.1 A1. ( ) hreṣate- (mc. also P. ti-; perfect tense jihreṣe-etc. grammar), to neigh (as a horse), whinny etc. ; to go, move (varia lectio for preṣ-): Causal hreṣayati-, to cause to neigh  |
ह्रेषा | f. neighing (of a horse), whinnying  |
ह्रेषिन् | mfn. neighing, whinnying  |
ह्रेषित | mfn. neighed  |
ह्रेषित | n. equals prec.  |
ह्रेषुक | m. an instrument for digging, a kind of spade  |
इन्द्रश्रेष्ठ | (/indra-) mfn. having indra- as chief, led by indra- (see indra-jyeṣṭha-)  |
इन्द्रेज्य | m. Name of bṛhaspati-, the preceptor of the gods  |
इन्द्रेणत | mf(ā-)n. naturally curved (as a reed)  |
इन्द्रेषित | mfn. sent or driven or instigated by indra-  |
इन्द्रेश्वर | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
इन्द्रेश्वरलिङ्ग | n. Name of a liṅga-.  |
इन्दुरेखा | f. a digit of the moon.  |
इरेश | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
इरेश | m. a king, sovereign  |
इरेश | m. varuṇa-  |
इरेश | m. brahman-  |
इतरेद्युस् | ind. on another or different day  |
इतरेतर | mfn. (occurring chiefly in oblique cases of singular and in compound;perhaps for itaras-itara-; see anyo'nya-, paras-para-), one another, one with another, mutual, respective, several  |
इतरेतर | n. or adverb mutually, etc. etc.  |
इतरेतरकाम्या | f. respective or several fancies or inclinations  |
इतरेतरप्रत्यय | mfn. dependent on each other  |
इतरेतरप्रत्ययत्व | n. mutual dependance  |
इतरेतराश्रय | mfn. taking refuge with or depending on each other, concerning mutually  |
इतरेतराश्रय | m. a particular logical error, circular reasoning  |
इतरेतरयोग | m. mutual connexion or relation (of the simple members, as in a dvaṃdva- compound) |
इतरेतरोपकृतिमत् | mfn. helping each other  |
जघन्यरात्रे | locative case ind. at the end of the night  |
जलमात्रेण | instrumental case ind. by mere water  |
जलरेखा | f. equals -lehhā-  |
जलरेखा | f. a stripe or streak of water ( )  |
जठरेण | ind. instrumental case (opposed to pṛṣṭha-tas-) so as to turn the face towards  |
झषश्रेष्ठ | m. "most excellent fish", the fish Rohita  |
जिह्मप्रेक्षिन् | mfn. squinting  |
जीवश्रेष्ठा | f. equals -bhadrā-  |
ज्ञानश्रेष्ठ | mfn. pre-eminent in wisdom  |
ज्ञातमात्रे | locative case ind. on its being merely ascertained  |
कालान्तरेण | ind. after some time  |
कामचारेण | ind. at pleasure, at will commentator or commentary on  |
कामकारेण | ind. according to one's desires or inclinations, willingly, spontaneously  |
कामरेखा | f. a harlot, courtezan (see -lekhā-)  |
कनकरेखा | f. Name of a woman  |
कञ्चुकिरेचक | m. dual number the chamberlain and the forester.  |
कनिष्ठात्रेय | m. "the younger ātreya-", Name of an author on medicine.  |
कण्टकश्रेणी | f. idem or 'f. Solanum Jacquini '  |
कण्टकश्रेणी | f. a porcupine  |
कान्तारेक्षु | m. a kind of sugar-cane  |
कपोतरेतस | m. Name of a man.  |
कापोतरेतस | m. a patronymic fr. kapota-r- commentator or commentary on  |
करेडुक | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'f. the Numidian crane ' ' (see karaṭu-,etc.)  |
करेनर | m. benzoin, storax  |
कारेणव | mfn. (fr. kareṇu-), drawn from a female elephant (as milk)  |
कारेणव | mfn. a patronymic of pālakāpya-  |
करेन्दुक | m. a sort of grass  |
करेणु | m. ( ) an elephant etc.  |
करेणु | m. Pterospermum Acerifolium  |
करेणु | f. (us-[and ūs- ]) a female elephant etc.  |
करेणु | f. a sort of plant  |
करेणु | f. the svarabhakti- (q.v) between r- and h- commentator or commentary on  |
करेणुभू | m. Name of pālakāpya-  |
करेणुक | n. the poisonous fruit of the plant kareṇu-  |
करेणुका | f. a female elephant  |
करेणुमती | f. Name of the wife of nakula- (and daughter of a king of the cedi-s)  |
करेणुपाल | m. "keeper of an elephant", Name of a man.  |
कारेणुपालायन | m. a descendant of kāreṇupāli-, gaRa taulvaly-ādi-.  |
कारेणुपालि | m. a son or descendant of kareṇu-pāla-  |
करेणुसुत | m. equals -bhū- above.  |
करेणुवर्य | m. a large or powerful elephant.  |
करेट | m. a finger-nail  |
करेट | See .  |
करेटव्या | f. the Numidian crane  |
करेटु | m. idem or 'f. the Numidian crane '  |
करेवर | m. Olibanum  |
कर्कचन्द्रेश्वरतन्त्र | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
कर्करेडु | m.  |
कर्करेडुक | m. idem or 'm.'  |
कर्करेट | (connected with karka-?) m. the hand curved like a claw for the purpose of grasping anything  |
कर्करेटु | m. idem or 'm. the Numidian crane '  |
कर्मश्रेष्ठ | m. Name of a son of pulaha- by gati-  |
कार्पूरेय | mfn. Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-.  |
कार्यप्रेष्य | m. a person sent on any business, messenger  |
काशफरेय | mfn. fr. pharī-  |
कात्त्रेयक | mfn. (fr. 2. k/ad-+ tri-), produced from or pertaining to any combination of three inferior articles  |
कौद्रेय | m. (gaRa gṛṣṭy-ādi-) patronymic fr. kudri-  |
कौम्भकारेय | m. the son of a female potter on vArttika 5 and 48 Va1rtt. 8.  |
कौश्रेय | m. patronymic fr. kuśri-  |
केदारेश | m. Name of a statue of śiva- in kāśī-  |
केदारेश | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
केदारेश्वर | m. (equals reśa-), śiva-'s statue in kāśī-  |
केदारेश्वर | n. Name of a tīrtha- in the himālaya-  |
केदारेश्वरलिङ्ग | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
केदारेश्वरस्थली | f. Name of a locality  |
केशवश्रेष्ठिन् | m. Name of a merchant.  |
केवलव्यतिरेकिन् | mfn. pertaining only to separateness  |
खादिरेय | mfn. fr. rī- gaRa nady-ādi-.  |
खाडूरेय | varia lectio for khāṭvar-.  |
खलुरेष | m. a kind of wild quadruped  |
खलुरेषक | m. idem or 'm. a kind of wild quadruped '  |
खाट्वरेय | m. patronymic fr. khaṭvara- gaRa śubhrādi- ( )  |
किंचिद्परे | ind. locative case a little after  |
किंनरेश | m. "the lord of the kiṃnara-s", Name of kubera-  |
किंनरेश्वर | m. "the lord of the kiṃnara-s", Name of kubera-  |
कीरेष्ट | m. the tree Mangifera indica  |
कीरेष्ट | m. the walnut tree  |
कीरेष्ट | m. another plant (equals jala-madhūka-)  |
कियद्दूरे | ind. kiyaddūra |
कोल्लगिरेय | m. plural "dwelling on the Kolla mountain", Name of a people or tribe (kolvag- edition Calc.)  |
कोल्वगिरेय | See kollag-.  |
कृच्छ्रेण | ind. instrumental case (or a--in compound) with difficulty, with great exertion, painfully, hardly, scarcely etc. (alpa-kṛcchreṇa-,"easily" )  |
कृच्छ्रेश्रित् | mfn. undergoing danger  |
क्रेणि | m. buying, purchasing  |
क्रेणी | f. idem or 'm. buying, purchasing ' commentator or commentary on  |
क्रेणि | ṇī-, kretavya-, etc. See 1. krī-.  |
क्रेङ्कार | m. the sound kreṅ-  |
क्रेङ्कार | m.  |
क्रेङ्कारव | equals kekā-r-  |
क्रेङ्कृति | f. idem or 'm. '  |
क्रेतव्य | mfn. purchasable, .  |
क्रेतृ | m. a buyer, purchaser  |
क्रेय | mfn. ( ) purchasable (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
क्रेयद | m. one who exhibits anything for sale, seller  |
कृशानुरेतस् | m. "whose semen virile is fire", Name of śiva-  |
कृष्णप्रेमामृत | n. "nectar of kṛṣṇa-'s love", Name of a poem.  |
कृष्णसैरेयक | m. a variety of Barleria  |
कृष्णात्रेय | m. Name of a sage  |
कृष्णोस्याखरेष्ठक | mfn. (an adhyāya- or anuvāka-) beginning with the words k/ṛṣṇo 'sy ākhare-ṣṭh/aḥ-. ( ) gaRa goṣad-ādi-.  |
क्षैरेय | mf(ī-)n. prepared with milk, milky  |
क्षैरेयी | f. a dish prepared with milk  |
क्षणमात्रेण | ind. instrumental case in a mere moment  |
क्षणान्तरे | ind. locative case after a little while, the next moment, thereupon  |
क्षारश्रेष्ठ | m. idem or 'm. equals -dru- '  |
क्षारश्रेष्ठ | m. the tree Butea frondosa  |
क्षारश्रेष्ठ | n. alkaline earth (equals vajra-kṣāra-)  |
क्षरेज | mfn. equals ra-ja-  |
क्षौद्रेय | n. (fr. kṣudrā-), wax  |
क्षेत्रेक्षु | m. Andropogon bicolor (equals yāvanāla-)  |
क्षिप्रे | ind. locative case idem or 'ind. ablative directly, immediately '  |
क्षिप्रेषु | mfn. one who has quick arrows (rudra-)  |
क्षीरेयी | for kṣair- (q.v)  |
क्षुद्रेक्ष | for drākṣa- q.v  |
क्षुद्रेङ्गुदी | f. Alhagi Maurorum  |
क्षुद्रेर्वारु | m. a species of gourd  |
कुलश्रेष्ठिन् | mfn. of good family, eminent in family  |
कुलश्रेष्ठिन् | m. the chief of a guild  |
कुमारेश्वरतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
कुम्भरेतस् | n. semen virile deposited in a kumbha-  |
कुम्भरेतस् | m. a form of agni-  |
कुनरेन्द्र | m. a bad king  |
कुण्डोदरेश्वर | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
कुङ्कुमरेणु | f. the pollen of saffron.  |
कुरुश्रेष्ठ | m. Name of arjuna-  |
लैखाभ्रेय | m. patronymic fr. lekhābhra- or metron. fr. lekhā-bhrū- gaRa śubhrādi-.  |
लक्ष्मीश्रेष्ठा | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis  |
ललाटरेखा | f. (only ) a line on the forehead supposed to indicate long life  |
ललाटरेखा | f. a wrinkled or corrugated brow  |
ललाटरेखा | f. a coloured sectarial mark on the forehead.  |
ललिताङ्गनरेश्वरचरित | n. Name of work  |
लम्बरेखा | f. (in astronomy) the complement of latitude, co-latitude  |
लीलामात्रेण | ind. out of mere sport, in mere play, without the least effort  |
लोकश्रेष्ठ | mfn. best in the world  |
मदनरेखा | f. Name of the supposed mother of vikramāditya-  |
मदनरेखा | f. of a divine female  |
मधुकरश्रेणि | f. a line of bees  |
मधुमैरेय | m. an intoxicating drink made of honey  |
मधुरेण | ind. madhura |
मधुरेणु | m. a species of plant  |
मधुश्रेणि | m. the son of a niṣṭya- and a śūdrā- (identical with a śauṇḍika- and maṇḍa-hāraka-)  |
मधुश्रेणि | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
मध्यमरेखा | f. (in astronomy) the central meridian of the earth (a line conceived to be drawn through laṅkā-, ujjayinī-, kuru-kṣetra-, and meru-; see madhya-rekhā-).  |
मध्यमात्रेय | m. the middle sized ātreya-  |
मध्यरेखा | f. the middle line the central or first meridian (the line conceived by the Hindus to be drawn through laṅkā-, ujjayinī-, kurukṣetra-, and other places to mount meru-)  |
मध्येनरेश्वरसभम् | ind. in the middle of the assembly of princes  |
मदिरेक्षण | mf(ā-)n. equals ra-driś-  |
मदिरेक्षणवल्लभा | f. a mistress with fascinating eyes (varia lectio)  |
मदोद्रेक | m. Melia Bukayun  |
मद्रेश | m. a sovereign of the Madras  |
मद्रेश्वर | m. a sovereign of the Madras  |
माद्रेय | m. "son of mādri-", metron. of nakula- and saha-deva- (dual number of both together)  |
माद्रेय | m. plural Name of a people  |
महैतरेय | n. Name of the  |
महाकालभैरवतन्त्रेशरभकवच | n. Name of work  |
महाकालयोगशास्त्रेखेचरीविद्या | f. Name of work  |
महानरेन्द्र | m. a great conjuror or magician  |
महापारेवत | n. a species of fruit tree  |
महापवित्रेष्टि | f. Name of work  |
महाप्रेत | m. a noble departed spirit  |
महरेणु | m. or n. (?) Name of a place  |
महारेतस् | mfn. abounding in seed (Name of śiva-)  |
महसेननरेश्वर | m. Name of the father of the 8th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
महासेननरेश्वर | m. Name of the father of the 8th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī- (see mahasena-n-)  |
महीन्द्रेन्द्र | m. an indra- among kings  |
महोदरेश्वर | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
महोद्रेक | m. a particular measure of capacity (= 4 prastha-s)  |
मैरेय | m. n. a kind of intoxicating drink (according to to a combination of surā-and āsava-)  |
मैरेयक | mn. idem or 'm. n. a kind of intoxicating drink (according to to a combination of surā-and āsava-) '  |
मैरेयक | m. plural Name of a mixed caste (see maitreyaka-).  |
मैत्रेय | mfn. (fr. maitri-) friendly, benevolent  |
मैत्रेय | m. (fr. mitrayu- ) patronymic of kauṣārava-  |
मैत्रेय | m. of glāva- (according to to Scholiast or Commentator metron. fr. mitrā-)  |
मैत्रेय | m. of various other men  |
मैत्रेय | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- and future buddha- (the 5th of the present age) ( )  |
मैत्रेय | m. of the vidūṣaka- in the mṛc-chakaṭikā-  |
मैत्रेय | m. of a grammarian (equals -rakṣita-)  |
मैत्रेय | m. of a particular mixed caste (equals maitreyaka-) on  |
मैत्रेयक | m. Name of a particular mixed caste or degraded tribe (the offspring of a vaideha- and an ayogavī-, whose business is to praise great men and announce the dawn by ringing a bell)  |
मैत्रेयरक्षित | m. Name of a grammarian  |
मैत्रेयसूत्र | n. Name of a sūtra- work  |
मैत्रेयवन | n. Name of a forest  |
मैत्रेयी | f. See below.  |
मैत्रेयी | f. Name of the wife of yājñavalkya-  |
मैत्रेयी | f. of ahalyā-  |
मैत्रेयी | f. of sulabhā-,  |
मैत्रेयीब्राह्मण | n. Name of  |
मैत्रेयिका | f. descent from mitrayu-  |
मैत्रेयिका | f. a contest between friends or allies  |
मैत्रेयीशाखोपनिषद् | f. -next.  |
मैत्रेयोपनिषद् | f. equals maitry-up-.  |
मैत्रेय्युपनिषद् | f. equals maitryup-  |
मांसविक्रेतृ | ( ) m. a flesh-seller (the former also used as a term of reproach).  |
मन्दप्रेमन् | mfn. having little affection  |
मन्दरेगिन् | mfn. rarely ill,  |
मान्दोदरेय | m. metron. fr. mandodarī-  |
मणिपुरपुरेश्वर | m. equals -pūr- q.v ,  |
मणिपूरेश्वर | m. equals rapati- q.v  |
मनोहरवीरेश्वर | m. Name of a teacher  |
मन्थरेषण | m. Name of a man  |
मन्थरेषण | m. plural his descendants  |
मान्थरेषणि | m. patronymic fr. manthareṣaṇa-  |
मन्त्रेश | m. "supreme lord of spells", (with śaiva-s) Name of a particular superhuman being  |
मन्त्रेश्वर | m. "supreme lord of spells", (with śaiva-s) Name of a particular superhuman being  |
मन्त्रिश्रेष्ठ | ( ) m. equals -pati-.  |
मनुश्रेष्ठ | m. "best among men", Name of viṣṇu-  |
मरणाग्रेसर | mfn. preceding in death  |
मयूरेश | m. "peacock-lord", Name of a man  |
मयूरेशविवाहवर्णन | n. Name of chapter of the  |
मयूरेश्वर | m. "peacock-lord" Name of the father of khaṇḍa-bhaṭṭa-  |
मयूरेश्वर | m. of a liṅga-  |
मेघरेखा | f. a line of cloud  |
मेरुविरहतन्त्रेभुवनेश्वरीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
मिहिरेश्वर | m. Name of a temple (built by mihirakula-)  |
मीनाक्षीसुन्दरेश्वर | m. Name of a temple sacred to mīnākṣī- and śiva- (considered as her husband)  |
मिश्रेया | f. Anethum Panmori or dill  |
मित्रेरु | mfn. (or miśtr'-eru-?) (according to to ) troubling friends  |
मित्रेरु | mfn. (prob.) one who breaks an alliance, faithless  |
मित्रेरु | See under 1. mitr/a- above.  |
मित्रेश्वर | m. (with hara-) Name of a statue of śiva- erected by mitra-śarman-  |
मित्रेयु | See mitrāy/u- above.  |
मोरेश्वर | m. (with bhaṭṭa-) Name of an author  |
म्रेड् | cl.1 P. mreḍati-, to be mad (see ā--and upa-ri-mreḍ-).  |
म्रेट् | (see mleṭ-) varia lectio for next.  |
मृगप्रेक्षिन् | mfn. looking at (anything) like a deer, having the eyes of a deer (see vṛka-p-).  |
मृगारेष्टि | f. Name of and (prob.) of  |
मृगारेष्टिहौत्र | n. Name of work  |
मृगारेष्टिपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
मृगारेष्टिप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
मृगारेष्ट्यादिप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
मृगश्रेष्ठ | m. "best of beasts","chief of animals", a tiger  |
मृतिरेखा | f. a line (on the hand) denoting death  |
मूढश्रेष्ठ | m. equals -prabhu-  |
मुखमात्रे | ind. as high as the mouth  |
मुखप्रेक्ष | ( ) ( ) mfn. observing or watching the face (to detect any one's intentions).  |
मुखप्रेक्षिन् | ( ) mfn. observing or watching the face (to detect any one's intentions). |
मुखरेखा | f. feature, mien, air  |
मूलविरेचन | n. a purgative prepared from root,  |
नभोरेणु | f. "sky-dust", fog, mist  |
नचिरेण | ind. idem or 'ind. not long, for a short time' , shortly, soon  |
नागरेणु | m. red lead  |
नागरेयक | mfn. belonging to a town, city-like, civic gaRa kattry-ādi-.  |
नगश्रेष्ठ | m. the finest tree  |
नैःश्रेयस | mf(ī-)n. leading to happiness or future beatitude (sika-, )  |
नैःश्रेयस | n. Name of a wood in the world of viṣṇu-  |
नैष्प्रेम्य | mfn. gaRa saṃtāpādi-  |
नैष्प्रेम्य | n. absence of any inclination  |
नैष्प्रेम्यत्व | n.  |
नैश्रेयस | wrong reading for naiḥ-śr-.  |
नक्षत्रसत्त्रेष्टिहौत्रप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
नक्षत्रसत्त्रेष्टिप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
नक्षत्रेश | m. equals tra-nātha-  |
नक्षत्रेष्टका | f. Name of particular sacrificial bricks  |
नक्षत्रेष्टि | f. a sacrifice to the nakṣatra-s  |
नक्षत्रेष्टि | f. Name of work  |
नक्षत्रेष्टिहौत्र | n. Name of work  |
नक्षत्रेष्टिहोम | m. Name of work  |
नक्षत्रेष्टिनिरूपण | n. Name of work  |
नक्षत्रेष्टिपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
नक्षत्रेष्टिप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
नक्तंचरेश्वर | m. naktaṃcara |
नाममात्रेण | ind. nominally, merely  |
नरश्रेष्ठ | m. the best of men  |
नरेन्द्र | m. "man-lord", king, prince, etc.  |
नरेन्द्र | m. a physician, master of charms or antidotes (see dur-n-)  |
नरेन्द्र | m. equals narendra-druma- (see narādhipa-)  |
नरेन्द्र | m. equals vārttika- or rājika-  |
नरेन्द्र | m. Name of a poet  |
नरेन्द्र | m. of another man  |
नरेन्द्र | m. a kind of metre  |
नरेन्द्र | m. Name (also title or epithet) of tathāgata-s, .  |
नरेन्द्राचार्य | m. Name of a grammarian  |
नरेन्द्रदेव | m. Name of a king  |
नरेन्द्रादित्य | m. Name of 2 kings of kaśmīra-  |
नरेन्द्रद्रुम | m. Cathartocarpus Fistula  |
नरेन्द्राह्व | n. Agallochum  |
नरेन्द्रकन्या | f. a princess  |
नरेन्द्रमार्ग | m. "king's road", high street  |
नरेन्द्रनगरी | m. (?) Name of a grammarian  |
नरेन्द्रपुत्र | m. a prince  |
नरेन्द्ररज | m. Name (also title or epithet) of tathāgata-s, .  |
नरेन्द्रस्वामिन् | m. Name of a temple built by narendrāditya-,  |
नरेन्द्रता | f. ( ) kingship, royalty  |
नरेन्द्रत्व | n. ( ) kingship, royalty  |
नरेश | m. "lord of men", king  |
नरेश्वर | m. idem or 'm. "lord of men", king '  |
नरेश्वर | m. Name of an author  |
नरेश्वरपरीक्षा | f. Name of work  |
नरेश्वरविवेक | m. Name of work  |
नरेतर | m. "different from men", a god  |
नरेतर | m. a beast or beast-like man  |
नारेय | m. (prob. fr. nārī-) Name of a son of bhaṅga-kāra-  |
नटश्रेष्ठ | ( ) m. chief actor or dancer.  |
नातिचिरे | ind. shortly, soon  |
नवज्वरेभसिंह | m. Name of particular medicaments  |
नेरेल्ल | m. Name of a race  |
निःक्षत्रे | ind. niḥkṣatra |
निःश्रेणि | niḥśreṇī f. equals ni-śreṇī-  |
निःश्रेणि | niḥśreṇī f. the wild date tree  |
निःश्रेणी | niḥśreṇi f. equals ni-śreṇī-  |
निःश्रेणी | niḥśreṇi f. the wild date tree  |
निःश्रेणिका | f. a ladder  |
निःश्रेणिका | f. a kind of grass  |
निःश्रेणिपुष्पक | m. a species of thorn-apple  |
निःश्रेयणी | f. equals ni-śrayṇī- =  |
निःश्रेयस | mf(ī-)n. "having no better", best, most excellent etc.  |
निःश्रेयस | m. Name of śiva-  |
निःश्रेयस | n. the best id est ultimate bliss, final beatitude, or knowledge that brings it etc.  |
निःश्रेयस | n. belief, faith  |
निःश्रेयस | n. apprehension, conception  |
निःश्रेयसकर | mfn. conferring final happiness or emancipation  |
निरभ्रे | ind. when the sky is cloudless  |
निरे | (equals nir-ā-i-,only imperative nir/aitu-), to go off, depart  |
निरेभ | mfn. soundless, noiseless  |
निरेक | mfn. excluding"one"  |
निरेक | m. ( ric-) prominence, superiority, pre-eminence over (genitive case)  |
निरेके | ind. above all, in a high degree  |
निरेनस् | mfn. free from guilt  |
नीरेणुक | mf(ā-)n. free from dust, -2.  |
नीरेणुक | mfn. without reṇukā-  |
निर्म्रेतुक | mf(ā-)n. ( mrit-) fading away, withering (varia lectio metuka-, mṝtuka-).  |
निशाचरेश | m. Name of rāvaṇa-  |
निश्रेणी | f. idem or 'ind. going to ' (also written ni-śreṇi-, niḥ-śreṇī-).  |
नृपश्रेष्ठ | m. a kind of jujube  |
पादचारेण | ind. pādacāra |
पादान्तरे | ind. close by (with genitive case)  |
पादान्तरे | ind. after the interval of a step (varia lectio for pad-).  |
पदश्रेणि | f. a series of steps  |
पद्मरेखा | f. "lotus-line", a line in the palm of the hand indicating the acquisition of great wealth  |
पाण्डरेतर | mfn. "other than white", black, dark  |
पाण्डरेतरवासस् | mfn. dark-robed  |
पाण्डवस्रेष्ट | m. "best of the sons of pāṇḍu-", Name of yudhi-ṣṭhira-  |
पाण्डुरेक्षु | m. a kind of sugar-cane  |
पाण्ड्यनरेश्वर | m. a king or sovereign of the pāṇḍya-s  |
पाणिरेखा | f. a line on the hand  |
परापरेश | m. "lord of the remote and property, etc.", Name of viṣṇu-  |
परप्रेष्यत्व | n. the service of another, slavery  |
पराशरेश्वर | m. Name of a liṅga-  |
पराशरेश्वरतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
परावरेश | m. Name of viṣṇu- (see parāpareśa-).  |
परे | ind. later, farther, in future, afterwards [ confer, compare Zend para; Greek , ; Latin peren-die; Gothic fai4rra; German fern; English farandfore.]  |
परे | (for 2.See) locative case of para- in compound  |
परे | ( parā-i-;for 1.See) P. paraiti- (imperative 2. 3. sg. p/arehi-, paraitu-; pr. p. parā-y/at-; ind.p. paretya-), to go or run away, go along, go towards (accusative) etc. ; to depart, die ; to reach, attain, partake of (accusative)  |
पारे | locative case of s. pāra- in compound  |
पारेबड्वा | f.  |
पारेधन्व | m. or n. Name of a place  |
पारेधन्वक | mfn.  |
परेद्यवि | ind. to-morrow (see ) .  |
परेद्यवि | pare-dyus- etc. See .  |
परेद्युस् | ind. idem or 'ind. to-morrow (see ) .'  |
पारेगङ्गम् | ind. on the other side of the gaṅgā-, beyond the Ganges  |
पारेगङ्गम् | pāre-taramiṇi- etc. See under 1. pāra-.  |
पारेजलम् | ind. on the other side of the water, on the opposite bank of a river  |
परेक्ष् | equals parā-īkṣ- (Potential p/arekṣeta-; ind.p. parekṣya-), to look at (anything at one's side)  |
परेमन् | prob. wrong reading for parīman-  |
परेण | ind. farther, beyond, past (with accusative) etc.  |
परेण | ind. thereupon, afterwards, later than, after (with ablative or genitive case). etc.  |
परेण | See under 1. p/ara-, .  |
परेप | mfn. (fr. ap-) any place whence the water has receded  |
परेप्राण | mfn. of higher value or more precious than life  |
पारेरक | m. a sword, scimitar (?)  |
परेश | m. "the highest lord", Name of brahmā- or viṣṇu-  |
परेशेश | m. "lord of the highest lord", Name of viṣṇu-  |
पारेसिन्धु | ind. on the other side of the sindhu-, beyond the indu-s  |
पारेश्मशानम् | ind. beyond or behind the burial-place  |
परेष्टि | m. "having the highest worship", Name of brahman-  |
परेष्टु | f. a cow which has often calved  |
परेष्टुका | f. "highest desire (?)", a cow which has often calved  |
परेष्टुका | f. a cow which has often calved  |
परेत | mfn. departed, deceased, dead  |
परेत | m. a kind of spectre, a ghost, spirit  |
परेतभर्तृ | m. "lord of the departed", Name of yama-  |
परेतभूमि | f. "place of the departed", a cemetery  |
परेताचरित | mfn. frequented or inhabited by the departed  |
परेतकल्प | mfn. almost dead  |
परेतर | mfn. other than hostile, faithful, friendly  |
परेतराज् | m. (L.) equals -bhartṛ-  |
परेतराज | m. ( ) equals -bhartṛ-  |
पारेतरंगिणि | ind. beyond the river  |
परेतावास | m. equals -bhūmi-  |
परेति | f. departure  |
पारेवत | m. a kind of date |
पारेविशोकम् | ind. on the other side of (the mountain) viśoka- |
परेयिवस् | mfn. one who has departed or died  |
परिग्रेध | (!) m. excessive greediness  |
परिप्रे | (-pra-+ i-,only pr. p. -pray/at-), to run through on all sides  |
परिप्रेप्सु | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wishing to gain or obtain, desirous of (accusative)  |
परिप्रेरक | mfn. ( īr-) exciting, causing, effecting  |
परिप्रेष् | ( -pra-- 1 iṣ-), Causal praiṣayati-, to send forth, despatch  |
परिप्रेषण | n. sending forth  |
परिप्रेषण | n. abandoning  |
परिप्रेषित | mfn. sent forth  |
परिप्रेषित | mfn. abandoned  |
परिप्रेष्य | m. a servant (varia lectio pare pr-).  |
पर्जन्यरेतस् | (j/an-) mfn. sprung from the seed of parjanya- id est nourished by rain (as reed)  |
पार्थिवश्रेष्ठ | m. best of kings  |
पर्वतश्रेष्ठ | m. the best of mountains  |
पशुमारेण | ind. according to the manner of slaughtering  |
पशुप्रेरण | n. the driving of cattle  |
पटान्तरे | (prob.) wrong reading for ntam-  |
पात्रे | locative case of pātra-, in compound  |
पात्रेबहुल | mfn. (plural) frequently present at meals, parasitical gaRa pātre-samistādi- and yuktārohādi-  |
पात्रेसमित | mfn. (plural) idem or 'mfn. (plural) frequently present at meals, parasitical gaRa pātre-samistādi- and yuktārohādi-'  |
पात्रेसमित | mfn. sg. a treacherous or hypocritical person  |
पत्त्ररथश्रेष्ठ | m. "chief of birds", Name of garuḍa-  |
पत्त्ररेखा | f. equals -bhaṅga-.  |
पत्त्रश्रेणी | f. Anthericum Tuberosum  |
पत्त्रश्रेष्ठ | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
पत्त्रेश्वरतीर्थ | n. Name of a sacred bathing-place  |
पौरेय | mfn. (fr. pūra-) gaRa sakhyādi-.  |
पौर्वनगरेय | mfn. fr. pūrva-nagarī- gaRa nady-ādi-.  |
पौष्करेयक | mfn. gaRa kattry-ādi-.  |
पवित्रेष्टि | f. Name of a particular sacrifice (see above)  |
पवित्रेष्टि | f. Name of work  |
पवित्रेष्टिहौत्र | n. Name of work  |
पवित्रेष्टिपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
पवित्रेष्टिप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
पवित्रेष्टिसूत्र | n. Name of work  |
फलप्रेप्सु | mfn. wishing to obtain fruit, desirous of attaining results  |
फलश्रेष्ठ | m. "best of fruits", the mango tree  |
फलोत्प्रेक्षा | f. a kind of comparison  |
फणश्रेणी | f. a line or row of serpents' hoods  |
फणीन्द्रेश्वर | m. Name of one of the 8 vīta-rāga-s of the Buddhists  |
फरेन्द्र | m. Pandanus Odoratissimus  |
प्रद्रेक् | A1. -drekate-, to begin to neigh or roar or bellow etc.  |
प्रागुत्तरेण | ind. north-eastwards, to the north-east of (with ablative or genitive case) [ ]  |
प्राणप्रेप्सु | mfn. wishing to preserve his life, being in mortal fright  |
प्रप्रे | ( -pra-i-) P. 3. plural -yanti-, to go forth, move on, advance  |
प्ररेचन | n. abundance, plenty  |
प्ररेज् | A1. -rejate-, to tremble at (accusative) : Causal -rejayati-, to cause to tremble  |
प्ररेक | m. (i, 17, 6) abundance, plenty  |
प्ररेक | r/ecana- See pra-ric-.  |
प्रस्तरेष्ठ | mfn. (or -ṣṭh/ā-) being on a couch or bed  |
प्रथमैकरेखा | f. the first and best of its kind,  |
प्रतिक्षेत्रे | ind. instead of (genitive case)  |
प्रतिमन्वन्तरे | ind. in each Manv-antara. ( )  |
प्रतिपरे | ( -parā-i-) ind.p. -paretya-, to return again  |
प्रतिप्रेक्षण | n. looking at in return |
प्रतिवासरे | ind. equals -tad-dinam-  |
प्रत्यक्श्रेणी | f. Name of various plants (Anthericum Tuberosum, Croton Polyandrum or Croton Tiglium, Salvinia Cucullata etc.)  |
प्रवरेकृतशान्ति | f. Name of work  |
प्रवरेश | m. a noble lord (?)  |
प्रवरेश | m. Name of a prince (equals ra-sena-)  |
प्रवरेश्वर | m. Name of a temple built by pravara-sena-  |
प्रावरेय | m. patronymic fr. pra-vara-  |
प्रयत्नप्रेक्षणीय | mfn. hardly visible  |
प्रे | ( pra-- 5 i-) cl.2 P. praiti- (Ved. infinitive mood praitos- ), to come forth, appear, begin ; to go on, proceed, advance (especially as a sacrifice) ; to go forwards or farther, come to, arrive at, enter (accusative) ; to go out or away, depart (this life, with or without asmāl lokāt-,or itas-), die etc.: Intensive A1. preyate-, to drive or go forth (said of uṣas-)  |
प्रेड् | ( pra-īḍ-) A1. preṭṭe-, to implore, praise, celebrate  |
प्रेडक | mfn. equals preraka- ( preḍakatva -tva- n.)  |
प्रेडकत्व | n. preḍaka |
प्रेद्ध | (pra-iddha-) mfn. kindled, lighted, aflame  |
प्रेधा | ind. equals priya-dh/ā- (q.v)  |
प्रेदि | m. Name of a man (varia lectio proti-,) .  |
प्रेहण | n. (fr. pra-īh-)  |
प्रेहि | 2. sg. imperative in compound (see 1. proha-under proh-).  |
प्रेहिद्वितीया | f. a rite at which no second person is allowed to be present  |
प्रेहिकर्दमा | f. a rite in which no impurity of any kind is allowed  |
प्रेहिकटा | f. a rite in which no mats are allowed, gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-.  |
प्रेहिवणिजा | f. a rite at which no merchants are allowed to be present  |
प्रेजितृ | m. equals prājaka-  |
प्रेकीय | Nom. P. yati- (fr. pra-+ eka-) (see praikīya-).  |
प्रेक्ष् | ( pra-īkṣ-) A1. prekṣate- (Epic also P. ti-), to look at, view, behold, observe etc. ; to look on (without interfering), suffer, say nothing |
प्रेक्षा | f. seeing, viewing, beholding, regarding, looking on (at a performance) (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see dharma-prekṣa-, mukha-pr-)  |
प्रेक्षा | f. a sight or view (especially a beautiful sight or view)  |
प्रेक्षा | f. a public show or entertainment  |
प्रेक्षा | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the being understood or meant as  |
प्रेक्षा | f. circumspection, consideration, reflection  |
प्रेक्षा | f. the branch of a tree  |
प्रेक्षागार | (kṣāg-) m. n. a play-house, theatre  |
प्रेक्षागृह | n. idem or '(kṣāg-) m. n. a play-house, theatre '  |
प्रेक्षक | mf(ikā-)n. looking at, viewing or intending to view  |
प्रेक्षक | mf(ikā-)n. considering, judging  |
प्रेक्षक | m. a spectator, member of an audience  |
प्रेक्षाकारिन् | mfn. one who acts with deliberation  |
प्रेक्षकेरित | mfn. (a word) uttered by a spectator  |
प्रेक्षण | n. viewing, looking at or on (at a performance)  |
प्रेक्षण | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ā-) a view, look, sight  |
प्रेक्षण | n. the eye  |
प्रेक्षण | n. any public show or spectacle  |
प्रेक्षण | n. a place where public exhibitions are held  |
प्रेक्षणक | mfn. looking at, a spectator  |
प्रेक्षणक | n. a spectacle, show (as opp. to reality)  |
प्रेक्षणकूट | n. the pupil of the eye  |
प्रेक्षणालम्भ | n. sg. looking at and touching (women)  |
प्रेक्षणिक | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
प्रेक्षणिक | m. an actor (?)  |
प्रेक्षणिका | f. a woman fond of seeing shows  |
प्रेक्षणीय | mfn. to be seen, visible  |
प्रेक्षणीय | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') looking like, resembling  |
प्रेक्षणीय | mfn. worth seeing, sightly, beautiful to the view  |
प्रेक्षणीय | n. a show, spectacle  |
प्रेक्षणीयक | n. equals prec. n.  |
प्रेक्षणीयता | f. sightliness, beautifulness  |
प्रेक्षणीयतम | most sightly or beautiful  |
प्रेक्षणीयतर | more sightly or beautiful  |
प्रेक्षाप्रपञ्च | m. a stage-play  |
प्रेक्षापूर्व | (in the beginning of a compound) ind. with deliberation  |
प्रेक्षापूर्वम् | ind. with deliberation  |
प्रेक्षार्थम् | ind. for looking at, for show,  |
प्रेक्षासमाज | n. sg. public shows and assemblies (varia lectio prekṣāsamājau jau- m. dual number )  |
प्रेक्षासमाजौ | m. dual number prekṣāsamāja |
प्रेक्षावत् | mfn. circumspect, deliberate, prudent  |
प्रेक्षाविधि | m. a stage-play  |
प्रेक्षिन् | mfn. looking at, viewing, regarding ( prekṣitva kṣi-tva- n.)  |
प्रेक्षिन् | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') having the eyes or glance of (see mṛga-p-).  |
प्रेक्षित | mfn. looked at etc.  |
प्रेक्षित | n. a look, glance  |
प्रेक्षितव्य | mfn. to be seen or beheld  |
प्रेक्षितृ | mfn. one who looks on, spectator  |
प्रेक्षित्व | n. prekṣin |
प्रेक्ष्य | mfn. to be seen, visible  |
प्रेक्ष्य | mfn. to be looked at or regarded  |
प्रेक्ष्य | mfn. worth seeing, sightly  |
प्रेम | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) equals prem/an- love, affection (see sa-p-)  |
प्रेमा | f. See below.  |
प्रेम | in compound for prem/an-.  |
प्रेमा | in compound for prem/an-.  |
प्रेमबन्ध | m. ( ) ( ) the ties of love, love, affection.  |
प्रेमाबन्ध | m. equals prema-b- (above)  |
प्रेमबन्धन | n. ( ) the ties of love, love, affection.  |
प्रेमभक्तिचन्द्रिका | f. Name of work  |
प्रेमभक्तिस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
प्रेमभाव | m. state of affection, love  |
प्रेमधर | m. Name of an author  |
प्रेमाकर | m. abundance of love  |
प्रेमलतिका | f. the small creeping plant"love"  |
प्रेमामृत | n. "love-ambrosia", Name of a metrical list of 112 names of kṛṣṇa- and of several other works.  |
प्रेमन् | mn. love, affection, kindness, tender regard, favour, predilection, fondness, love etc. towards (locative case or compound) etc. (also plural)  |
प्रेमन् | mn. joy  |
प्रेमन् | m. sport, a jest, joke  |
प्रेमन् | m. wind  |
प्रेमन् | m. Name of indra-  |
प्रेमन् | m. of various men  |
प्रेमन् | preyas- etc. See .  |
प्रेमनारायण | m. Name of a king  |
प्रेमनिधि | m. Name of several authors  |
प्रेमणीय | mfn. fit for exciting love etc.  |
प्रेमपर | mfn. intent on love, filled with affection, affectionate, loving, constant  |
प्रेमपातन | n. rheum  |
प्रेमपातन | n. tears (of joy)  |
प्रेमपात्र | n. an object of affection, a beloved person or thing  |
प्रेमपत्तनिका | , f. Name of work  |
प्रेमपीयूषलताकर्तरी | f. Name of work  |
प्रेमराज | m. Name of work  |
प्रेमरसायन | n. Name of work  |
प्रेमरसायनानुराग | m. Name of work  |
प्रेमराशीभू | P. -bhavati-, to become one mass of affection  |
प्रेमर्द्धि | (ma-ṛd-) f. increase of affection, ardent love  |
प्रेमार्द्र | mfn. overflowing with love  |
प्रेमसागर | m. an ocean of love  |
प्रेमसाहि | (sāhi-= $) m. equals -nārāyaṇa-  |
प्रेमसेन | m. Name of a prince  |
प्रेमाश्रु | n. a tear of affection  |
प्रेमतत्त्वनिरूपण | n. Name of a Bengali poem by kṛṣṇadāsa-.  |
प्रेमवत् | mfn. full of love, affectionate  |
प्रेमवती | f. a mistress  |
प्रेमावती | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
प्रेमविश्वासभूमि | f. an object of love and confidence  |
प्रेमेन्दुसागर | m. Name of work  |
प्रेमिन् | mfn. loving, affectionate  |
प्रेम्णा | ind. through love or affection  |
प्रेमोक्त्युदय | m. Name of work  |
प्रेणा | instrumental case for premṇ/ā- See prem/an-.  |
प्रेणा | ind. Vedic or Veda through love or affection  |
प्रेणा | preṇi- See . |
प्रेङ्गण | n. (fr. pra-+ iṅg-)  |
प्रेणि | mfn. equals pret/ṛ- (of obscure meaning ).  |
प्रेङ्ख् | ( pra-īṅkh-). P. A1. pre |