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Grammar Search
"ratam" has 3 results
ratam: neuter accusative singular past passive participle stem: rata.
ratam: neuter nominative singular past passive participle stem: rata.
ratam: masculine accusative singular past passive participle stem: rata.
Amarakosha Search
6 results
etahi2.4.22MasculineSingularadhunā, sāmpratam, saṃprati, idānīm
mauthunam2.7.61NeuterSingularnidhuvanam, ratam, vyavāyaḥ, grāmyadharmaḥ
satatam1.1.66NeuterSingularanavaratam, aśrāntam, ajasram, santatam, aviratam, aniśam, nityam, anāratameternal or continually
Monier-Williams Search
56 results for ratam
ratamānasamfn. having a delighted mind or heart View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amitratampanamfn. tormenting enemies View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anāratamind. continually. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anavaratamind. incessantly. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antaratamamfn. nearest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antaratamamfn. immediate, intimate, internal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antaratamamfn. like, analogous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antaratamam. a congenial letter, one of the same class. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āntaratamyan. (fr. antara-tama-), nearest or closest relationship (as of two letters) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apāntaratamasm. Name of an ancient sage (who is identified with kṛṣṇa- dvaipāyana-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asāṃpratamind. unfitly, improperly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asuratamasan. the darkness of the (world of the) demons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aviratamind. uninterruptedly, continually View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
badhiratamamfn. quite deaf View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāratamālākośam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bharatamallam. Name of a grammarian View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bharatamallika m. Name of an author (equals -sena-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bharatamallīkam. Name of an author (equals -sena-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāratamañjarīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ciratamamfn. superl. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ciratamenaind. instrumental case extremely slowly Va1rtt. 4 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hariharatāratamyan. Name of various works. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
indratamamfn. most indra--like View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahābhāratamañjarīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahābhāratamīmāṃsāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mandratama (mandr/a--) mfn. most or more pleasant or charming View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paratama mfn. superl. and Comparative degree of para-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratamP. -tāmyati-, to become exhausted or breathless, faint away, lose self-consciousness, perish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratamakam. a particular form of asthma View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratamāmind. (fr. 1. pr/a-) especially, particularly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rāmanavamīvratamāhātmyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasratamamf(-)n. the thousandth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmpratamind. fitly, properly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvatsaradīpavratamāhātmyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvatsaratamamf(ī-)n. completing a full year, happening after a year (-tam/īṃ r/ātrim-,"this day year") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāndratamamfn. most compact or dense View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratamamfn. the very best ( sāratamatva -tva- n.) on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratamatvan. sāratama
sītānavamīvratamāhātmyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śūratamamfn. most heroic or valiant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suratamañjarīf. Name of a daughter of the vidyā-dhara- mataṃga-deva- and of the 16th lambaka- of the kathā-sarit-sāgara- (called after her) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suratamṛditamfn. worn out by sexual intercourse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryavratamahimanm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratamamfn. very loud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taratamatasind. more or less, 87, 19 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taratamatasind. see tāratamya-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratamyan. (fr. 1. tara-and 2. tama-) gradation, proportion, difference View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratamyan. see tara-tama-tas-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratamyenaind. instrumental case in different degrees View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
varatamamfn. most preferable or excellent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipratama(v/ipra--) mfn. most wise, wisest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratama(vīr/a--) m.(in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a very strong or powerful man, an eminent hero View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vratamālāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vratamayūkham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vratamīmāṃsāf. inquiry into or discussion about religious observances View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vratamiśramfn. mixed with vrata--milk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
2 results
āntara आन्तर a. [अन्तर् मध्ये भवः अण्] 1 Internal, secret, hidden; व्यतिषजति पदार्थानान्तरः को$पि हेतुः U.6.12; Māl.1.24. -2 Inmost, inward; U.2. -रम् Inmost nature; न बाह्यं किंचन वेद नान्तरम् Bṛi. Up.4.3.21. -Comp. -ज्ञ Knowing the hidden secret (of things &c.); विवृण्वतेव कल्याणमान्तरज्ञेन चक्षुषा Māl.1.8. -प्रपञ्चः (In phil.) The fantasies of the soul produced by ignorance. आन्तरतम्यम् āntaratamyam आन्तर्यम् āntaryam आन्तरतम्यम् आन्तर्यम् Nearest or closest relationship (as of letters); यथाप्यान्तरतम्यपरीक्षायामुपयोक्ष्यन्ते । Sk. -आन्तरागारिक a. belonging to the duties of a storekeeper or chamberlain. -कः The chamberalain -कम् The office of the above.
prage प्रगे ind. Early in the morning, at day-break; इत्थं रथाश्वेभनिषादिनां प्रगे गणो नृपाणामथ तोरणाद् बहिः Śi.12.1; सायं स्नायात् प्रगे तथा Ms.6.6;4.62; अथ प्रगे प्रजानाथः स आस्थाय हयोत्तमम् Śiva B.29.65. -Comp. -तन a. to be performed in the morning; उत्थाय च धौतवक्त्रौ प्रगेतनानि मङ्गलान्यनुष्ठाय Dk.2.2. -निश, -शय a. who is asleep at day-break; उत्सूर्यशायिनश्चासन् सर्वे चासन् प्रगेनिशाः Bhāratam. नैनानभ्युदियात् सूर्यो न चाप्यासन् प्रगेशयाः Mb.12.228.37.
Macdonell Search
2 results
namra a. bent, crooked; bowed (by, in.); bowing, to or with (--°ree;); humble, sub missive: -tâ, f., -tva, n. bowing; respect; lowliness, submissiveness, humility, towards (lc. or --°ree;): vinîtair namratâmsamâkaret, one should be courteous towards the well-bred.
ya prn. rel. (n. -d) who, that, which, what: nearly always followed by the ordinary correlative tad (± etad or idam) or less frequently idam (m. ayam), adas (m. asau), îdris, tâdrisa, etâvat (tathâ sts. corresponding to the n. yad); occasionally either the rel. or the corr. is dropped. Ya is sts. inaccurately employed in the sense of if any (one). Uses of the relative calling for special mention are the following: 1. Ya is often added (without the copula) to emphasize a subject (e.g. âtma parityâgena yad âsritânam rakshanam, tan nîtividâm na sammatam, protection of dependents at the sacrifice of one's own life is not approved by moralists).Sts. it is thus used without emphasis by the side of a simple subject (e. g. andhah sthaviras ka yah, a blind man and one who is old); rarely a nm. rel. of this kind=an ac. (e.g. sarvân rasân apo heta pasavo ye ka mânushâh, he should avoid selling all sorts of condiments, cattle, and human beings). The n. sg. yad of this emphatic rel. is frequently employed without regard to gender or number, when it may be translated by as for, as regards (e.g. asidhâ râvratam idam manye yad arinâ saha samvâ sah, as for dwelling with an enemy, that I consider as hard as the sword-blade vow); before a noun this yad=that is to say (Br.). Immediately following oratio recta ending with iti yad=at the thought that (cp. cj. yad). 2. Two relatives often occur in the same sentence, when the second may be translated by any (e.g. yad rokate yasmai, bhavet tat tasya sundaram, what pleases any one, that to him is beautiful). 3. The meaning of the rel. when repeated (sts. separated by hi) is generalised, ya ya being=whoever, whichever, whatever (followed by the doubled or single corr. tad). 4. Ya is often combined with other prns.: (a) w. tvam, sa, esha, ayam, asau; (b) w. aham (tvam, etc.): yo &zip; ham, I who=since I, or (after a question) that I; (c) w. tad, any soever: yad vâ tad vâ, any, any kind of; anything; (d) w. tvad=or any other (Br., rare); (e) w. intr. ka + ka (V., C., common), + kid (C., very common), + kid api (C., not common), + kana (E., rare), + vâ (C., rare), or + api (C., late, not yet in Manu), immediately following or sts. sepa rated (m. yah kás ka, kas kid, kas kid api, kas kana, ko vâ, or ko &zip; pi, n. yad kim ka, kim kid, kim kid api, kim kana, kim vâ or kim api), whoever, whatever, any soever, any one, no matter who.
Bloomfield Vedic
2 results0 results151 results
imaṃ rātaṃ sutaṃ piba RV.8.32.21c. See asya rātau.
akrātām # Aś.1.9.3. See maho jyāyo 'krātām.
agachad u vipratamaḥ sakhīyan # RV.3.31.7a.
agniḥ svam anu vratam # RV.1.128.1c.
agne devāṃ ā vaha naḥ priyavratam # RV.10.150.3c.
agne vratapate vrataṃ cariṣyāmi # VS.1.5; TS.; 6.7.2; MS.4.9.24: 137.8; śB.; TB.; TA.4.41.3; śś.4.8.3; Apś.4.3.2; 15.20.3; Kauś.56.6; SMB.1.6.9; HG.1.7.8; JG.1.12. P: agne vratapate Kś.2.1.11; Mś.4.7.4; GG.2.10.16; KhG.2.4.7; JG.1.12. Cf. VāDh.28.13. See next but one.
agne vratapate vratam acāriṣam (MS. vḷ. acārṣam) # VS.2.28; TS.; 7.6.6; MS.4.1.26: 138.5; KS.5.6; 32.6; śB.; KA.1.199.2 (in fragments); śś.4.12.10; Apś.4.16.11; Mś.; HG.1.8.7; 9.8; JG.1.12. P: agne vratapate TA.4.41.6; KA.3.198A.
agne vratapate vratam ālapsye (KS.KA. ālabhe) # MS.1.4.1: 47.3; 1.4.5: 52.15; KS.4.14; 31.15; KA.1.198A (in fragments); Mś. P: agne vratapate KA.3.155. See prec. but one.
aghnyāv aśunam āratām # AVś.14.2.16d. See aghnyau śūnam.
aghnyau śūnam āratām # RV.3.33.13d. See aghnyāv aśunam.
ati kramiṣṭaṃ jurataṃ paṇer asum # RV.1.182.3c.
ati vrataṃ cakṛmā ko vi veda # RV.10.12.5b; AVś.18.1.33b.
anu ma idaṃ vrataṃ vratapatir manyatām anu dīkṣāṃ dīkṣāpatir añjasā # MS.1.2.7: 16.14. See anu me dīkṣāṃ, and upa mā dīkṣāyāṃ.
anu vrataṃ rakṣamāṇāv ajuryam # RV.5.69.1d.
anu vrataṃ varuṇo yanti mitraḥ # RV.4.13.2c.
anu vrataṃ vratapā dīdhyānāḥ # RV.3.4.7d; 7.8d.
anu vrataṃ savitur daivyasya # RV.2.38.6d.
anu vrataṃ savitur moky āgāt # RV.2.38.3d.
anu vrataṃ carasi viśvavāre # RV.3.61.1d.
aparāhṇe vratam upaiti yājñikam # Kauś.73.9d.
apād ita ud u naś citratamaḥ # RV.6.38.1a; KB.24.8; śś.11.11.12.
apo bibhrataṃ tamasā parīvṛtam # RV.10.113.6d.
apsarā bharataṃ dadhe # śB.
abhūd uṣā indratamā maghonī # RV.7.79.3a.
amuṣya vīratāṃ pāhi # MS.4.6.3: 81.8.
ayaṃ no agnir adhyakṣaḥ (śG. bhagavān) # śG.3.7.2a; Kauś.89.13a. See under ayam agnir vīratamaḥ.
ayam agnir vīratamaḥ # PG.3.2.7a. See ayam agniḥ śreṣṭhatamaḥ, and ayaṃ no agnir adhyakṣaḥ.
ayam agnir vīratamo vayodhāḥ # VS.15.52a; TS.; MS.2.12.4a: 147.13; KS.17.14a; śB. Ps: ayam agnir vīratamaḥ MS.4.12.4: 190.11; ayam agniḥ KS.39.14; Mś. (24).
ayam agniḥ śreṣṭhatamaḥ # TS.; KS.7.14a; Svidh.3.4.4. See under ayam agnir vīratamaḥ.
avīraghno (ApMB. -nī) vīrataraḥ (HG. vīratamaḥ; Aś.Apś.ApMB. vīravataḥ) suvīrān (HG. suśevān) # Aś.2.5.17b; Apś.16.16.4d; śG.3.5.3b; HG.1.29.2b; ApMB.1.8.2b. See prec.
asme vājāsa īratām # RV.4.8.7c.
asya rātau sutaṃ piba # SV.1.223c. See imaṃ rātaṃ.
ahaṃ cittam ahaṃ vratam # AVP.2.77.1b. Cf. mayi cittaṃ.
ahaṃ nāv ubhayor vrataṃ cariṣyāmi # Apś.6.3.8.
āditya vratapate vrataṃ cariṣyāmi (vrataṃ cariṣyāmi is implied in all texts but JG.) # TB.; TA.4.41.4; Apś.4.3.2; HG.1.7.8; JG.1.12. See sūrya vratapate vrataṃ cariṣyāmi.
āditya vratapate vratam acāriṣam # TA.4.41.6. See āditya vratapate vratam acāriṣam.
ādityasya vratam upakṣiyantaḥ (TB. upakṣyantaḥ) # RV.3.59.3c; MS.4.10.2c: 146.16; TB.
āpaś cana pra minanti vrataṃ vām # RV.2.24.12b.
āpaḥ satyaṃ mayi vratam # Kś.4.15.4.
āpo vratapatnyaḥ etc. # Kauś.56.7. Cf. agne vratapate vrataṃ etc.
āpyāyayantau saṃcaratām # TB.; Apś.1.6.10c.
ā bharataṃ śikṣataṃ vajrabāhū # RV.1.109.7a; TB.; Aś.3.7.13.
āmikṣāṃ duhratāṃ dātre # AVś.10.9.13c--24c.
ā vaś cittam ā vo vratam # RV.10.166.4c.
iti smaiva pratāmyati # AB.8.22.8b.
idaṃ havir maghavan tubhyaṃ rātam # RV.10.116.7a.
indrāgnī ā bharatāṃ no vasūni # AVś.5.7.6b. See indrāgnī na ā bhajatāṃ.
indrāgnī na ā bhajatāṃ vasūni # AVP.7.9.8b. See indrāgnī ā bharatāṃ.
indrāgnyor anu vratam # RV.8.40.8c.
ukthair ya enoḥ paribhūṣati vratam # RV.1.136.5f.
uccairghoṣābhy eti yā vratam # AVś.9.1.8b.
uttamaṃ tu mahāvratam # Aś.8.13.31b.
ut taṃ bharatam aśvinā # AVP.9.8.9d.
ud īratāṃ sūnṛtā ut puraṃdhīḥ # RV.1.123.6a.
ud īratām avara ut parāsaḥ # RV.10.15.1a; AVś.18.1.44a; VS.19.49a; TS.; MS.4.10.6a: 157.4; AB.3.37.12; Aś.2.19.22; 5.20.6; AG.2.4.6; N.11.18a. Ps: ud īratām avare Apś.1.8.8; ud īratām śś.3.16.5; 8.6.12; 7.16; (14.57.11); Vait.30.14; 37.23; Mś.; Kauś.80.43; 87.14,29; BṛhD.6.159. Cf. udīrāṇā avare.
ud īratāṃ pṛthivī jīradānuḥ # AVP.11.14.1a.
udīrāṇā avare pare ca # TB.; Apś.8.15.17b. Cf. ud īratām avara.
ud oṣadhayo jihatāṃ preratām irāḥ # AVP.5.15.7b.
ud vandanam airataṃ daṃsanābhiḥ # RV.1.118.6a.
upa ṛjīṣaṃ jighratām # N.5.12.
upeyāṃ tava putratām # AB.7.17.6d,7d; śś.15.25d (bis).
uṣāsānaktā karatām adabdhe # RV.4.55.3d.
ūrjaḥ putraṃ bharataṃ sṛpradānum # RV.1.96.3c.
ūrdhvaṃ yajñaṃ nayataṃ mā jihvaratam # VS.5.17; TS.; śB.
ṛjūyantam anu vratam # RV.1.136.5e.
ṛtuś ca me vrataṃ ca me # TS. See next, vrataṃ ca ma, and vrataṃ cartuś.
ṛtuś ca vrataṃ ca # MS.2.11.6: 143.12; 3.4.2: 46.4. See under prec.
ekajānāṃ vīratamaḥ # śś.8.17.1.
ekarājñīm ekavratām (text ekabratām) # AVP.7.12.1a.
etam apsarasāṃ vrātam # AVP.1.29.1c.
eti pra hotā vratam asya māyayā # RV.1.144.1a; KB.20.2. P: eti pra hotā śś.6.4.11; 11.4.13; 14.56.5.
kavir devānāṃ pari bhūṣasi vratam # RV.1.31.2b.
kṛtaṃ satyaṃ śrutaṃ vratam # AG.3.9.1d.
ketumanta ud īratām # AVś.3.19.6d; AVP.1.56.3b.
kva vrataṃ kva śraddhāsya tiṣṭhati # AVś.10.7.1c.
kṣatram ekā rakṣati devayūnām # MS.2.13.10d: 160.6; KS.39.10d. See vratam ekā.
garbhaś ca sthātāṃ garbhaś carathām (read caratām) # RV.1.70.3b.
guhābhyaḥ kirātam # VS.30.16; TB.
ghṛtaṃ tubhyaṃ duhratāṃ gāvo agne # AVś.7.82.6d.
ghṛtam annaṃ duhratāṃ gopurogavam # AVś.8.7.12e.
candram agniṃ candrarathaṃ harivratam (Apś. haritvacam; Mś. harivṛtam, vḷ. harivratam) # RV.3.3.5a; KS.7.12a; Apś.5.10.4a; Mś.
candra vratapate vrataṃ cariṣyāmi # SMB.1.6.12. P: candra vratapate Kauś.56.7.
citrakṣatra citratamaṃ vayodhām # RV.6.6.7b.
jīvaṃ vrātaṃ sacemahi # RV.10.57.5c; VS.3.55c; TS.; MS.1.10.3c: 144.1; KS.9.6c; śB.; Lś.5.2.11c; Kauś.89.1c.
jīvānāṃ vrātam apy agāt # AVś.2.9.2b; AVP.2.10.4b.
tatrāpi brahmaṇo vratam # AVP.3.25.7c.
tad vā anaḍuho vratam (AVP. balam) # AVś.4.11.11d; AVP.3.25.8d. Cf. tatrāpy anaḍuho.
tad vratam # TB.,4,5,7; Apś.8.4.3.
taṃ tvā nṛmṇāni bibhratam # RV.9.48.1a; SV.2.186a.
tapaś ca me 'tapaś ca me tan ma ubhayaṃ vratam # ApMB.2.5.8 (ApG.4.11.18).
tava devā ajanayann anu vratam # RV.10.122.2d.
tava vratam anv āpaḥ sacante # RV.9.82.5d.
tasya venīr anu vratam # RV.8.41.3d.
tasya vrataṃ rakṣataṃ pātam aṃhasaḥ # RV.1.93.8c; TB.
tasyāṃ tvayy etāṃ dakṣiṇāṃ nidadhe 'kṣitim akṣīyamāṇāṃ śriyaṃ devānāṃ bṛhaj jyotir vasānāṃ prajānāṃ śaciṣṭhām ā vratam (read āvṛtam ?) anugeṣam # JB.2.258. Cf. śabali prajānāṃ.
tasyā vrataṃ na hata # MS.4.2.9: 31.1.
naḥ kṣitīḥ karatam ūrjayantīḥ # RV.7.65.2b.
naḥ prajāḥ saṃ duhratāṃ samagrāḥ # AVś.12.1.16a.
tritaṃ jarāya juratām adābhyāḥ # RV.2.34.10d.
tvaṃ vratānāṃ vratapatir asi # Aś.8.14.6. See vratānāṃ vratapate vrataṃ cariṣyāmi.
tvaṃ hotā mandratamo no adhruk # RV.6.11.2a.
tvayi vratam # MS.1.5.3: 70.6; 1.5.10: 79.7.
tvāṃ hi mandratamam arkaśokaiḥ # RV.6.4.7a; VS.33.13a.
tvām āhur vipratamaṃ kavīnām # RV.10.112.9b.
darviṃ karikrataṃ śvitram # AVś.10.4.13c.
dīrghaṃ vo dātram aditer iva vratam # RV.1.166.12b.
dīrghāyutvāya pra tirataṃ na āyuḥ # RV.8.59 (Vāl.11).7d.
devasya citratamā martyeṣu # RV.4.1.6b.
devā vratapatayaḥ (sc. vrataṃ cariṣyāmi) # Kauś.56.7.
devebhyas tad uśadbhyo rātam astu # RV.1.162.11d; VS.25.34d; TS.; MS.3.16.1d: 183.1; KSA.6.5d.
dhattaṃ ratnāni jarataṃ ca sūrīn # RV.7.67.10c.
na devānām ati vratam # RV.10.33.9a.
naśyeto maraṭāṃ abhi # AVP.5.21.3d; 12.2.1d.
nindā ca me 'nindā ca me tan ma ubhayaṃ vratam # ApMB.2.5.3 (ApG.4.10.18).
nir avratāṃ adhamo rodasyoḥ # RV.1.33.5d.
niśāmanaṃ naśāmahai mayi vratam # RVKh.10.151.4c.
pitaiṣāṃ pratno abhi rakṣati vratam # RV.9.73.3b; TA.1.11.1b; N.12.32b.
puroḍāśaṃ vīratamāya nṛṇām # RV.3.52.8b.
pra ṇo navyebhis tirataṃ deṣṇaiḥ # TB. See pra no etc.
pra deva varuṇa vratam # RV.1.25.1b; TS.; MS.4.12.6b: 197.9.
pra no navyebhis tirataṃ deṣṇaiḥ # RV.7.93.4d; MS.4.13.7d: 208.9; KS.4.15d. See pra ṇo etc.
pra vrataṃ yachata # Apś.11.15.3.
pretaṃ pādau pra sphuratam # AVś.1.27.4a. P: pretaṃ pādau Kauś.50.8.
brahmedaṃ bhārataṃ janam # RV.3.53.12d.
madhu hutam indratame agnau (Lś. 'gnau) # VS.38.16; śB.; Lś.5.7.6. P: madhu hutam Kś.26.6.20. See hutaṃ havir.
mamaivopehi putratām # AB.7.17.5d; śś.15.25d.
mayi cittaṃ mayi vratam # AVP.3.29.4b. Cf. ahaṃ cittam.
mayi satyaṃ goṣu me vratam # Kś.4.15.5.
mahaś caranti bibhrataṃ vapūṃṣi # RV.3.57.3d.
mahānāmnīr mahāvratam # AVś.11.7.6b.
mahi jyotir bibhrataṃ tvā vicakṣaṇa # RV.10.37.8a.
maho jyāyo 'krātām # MS.4.13.9: 212.6; TB. (bis); Aś.1.9.1 (comm.),3; śś.1.14.9,11,12.
mā dyāvāpṛthivī saṃtāptaṃ mā mādyābhi śvaś ca caratam # Mś. Cf. pātaṃ mā dyāvāpṛthivī adyā-.
mo ṣv anyāṃ upāratam # RV.8.5.13c.
ya indrāgnī citratamo ratho vām # RV.1.108.1a. Cf. BṛhD.3.131.
yac cacārānanuvratam # Apś.1.9.9b. See under caraty.
yad agneḥ sendrasya saprajāpatikasya saṛṣikasya saṛṣirājanyasya sapitṛkasya sapitṛrājanyasya samanuṣyasya samanuṣyarājanyasya sākāśasya sātīkāśasya sānūkāśasya sapratīkāśasya sadevamanuṣyasya sagandharvāpsaraskasya sahāraṇyaiś ca paśubhir grāmyaiś ca yan ma ātmana ātmani vrataṃ tan me sarvavratam idam aham agne sarvavrato bhavāmi svāhā # AG.3.9.1. See yad brāhmaṇānāṃ.
yad indra śāso avratam # SV.1.298a.
yadi śrāto (AVś. śrātaṃ) juhotana # RV.10.179.1c; AVś.7.72.1c; Apś.13.3.4; Mś.4.5.4.
yad brāhmaṇānāṃ brahmaṇi vrataṃ yad agnes sendrasya saprajāpatikasya sadevasya sadevarājasya samanuṣyasya samanuṣyarājasya sapitṛkasya sapitṛrājasya sagandharvāpsaraskasya yan ma ātmana ātmani vrataṃ tenāhaṃ sarvavrato bhūyāsam # ApMB.2.5.10 (ApG.4.11.18). See yad agneḥ sendrasya.
yad vratam atipede # Kauś.42.17a.
yan me vrataṃ vratapate lulobha # Kauś.42.17a.
yaṃ bibhrataṃ nānu (AVP. nanu) pāpmā viveda # AVś.19.32.9c; AVP.11.12.9c.
yayor viśvam api vratam # SV.1.361c.
yayor vrataṃ na mame jātu devayoḥ # TB.
yaḥ śambaraṃ yo ahan piprum avratam # RV.1.101.2b.
yasya vrataṃ na mīyate # RV.2.8.3c.
yasya vratam (AVś. -ta) upatiṣṭhanta (MS. -tā) āpaḥ # RVKh.7.96.1b; AVś.7.40.1b; TS.; MS.4.10.1b: 142.13; KS.19.14a; Aś.3.8.1b; śś.6.11.8b.
yasya vrataṃ (KS. -te) paśavo yanti sarve # RVKh.7.96.1a; AVś.7.40.1a; TS.; MS.4.10.1a: 142.13; KS.19.14b; Aś.3.8.1a; śś.6.11.8a. P: yasya vratam Vait.8.2.
yasyendrasya sindhavaḥ saścati vratam # RV.1.101.3c.
yuvaṃ bhagaṃ saṃ bharataṃ samṛddham # AVś.14.1.31a. P: yuvaṃ bhagam Kauś.75.8.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"ratam" has 5 results
antaratamavery close or very cognate being characterized (l) by the same place of utterance, or (2) by possessing the same sense, or (3) by possessing the same qualities, or (4) by possessing the same dimension ; cf स्थानेन्तरतमः P.I. I.50 and Kāś. thereon अान्तर्यं स्थानार्थगुणुप्रमाणतः स्थानतः दण्डाग्रम् , अर्थतः वतण्डी चासौ युवतिश्च वातण्ड्ययुवतिः । गुणतः पाकः, त्यागः, रागः । प्रमाणतः अमुष्मै अमूभ्याम् ॥
aāntaratamyaclosest affinity; confer, compare अष्टन्जनादिपथिमथ्यात्वेषु आन्तरतम्यादनुनासिकप्रसङ्गः M.Bh. on VII.2.84, as also अान्तरतम्याच्च सिद्धम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on VII.1. 96 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 6.
bharatamallaa grammarian of Bengal who lived in the sixteenth century and who wrote उपसर्गवृत्ति, दुतबोध and other works on grammar.
upasargavṛttia treatise on upasargas by Bharatamalla in the Sixteenth Century A.D.
drutabodhaname of a treatise on grammar written for beginners by Bharatasena or Bharatamalla of Bengal in the sixteemth century.
Vedabase Search
133 results
ratam addictedSB 10.74.36
ratam attachedSB 3.25.15
ratam engagedSB 10.69.27
bhāratam abhivarṣam on all sides of Bhārata-varṣaSB 5.17.9
aloka-vratam vows of brahmacarya, vānaprastha or sannyāsaSB 8.3.7
anavaratam constantlySB 5.24.29
anuvratam followerSB 1.11.39
anuvratam followerSB 5.2.16
anuvratam following the instruction of the brāhmaṇasSB 8.15.34
apāntaratamāḥ Vyāsa's previous name, ApāntaratamāSB 6.15.12-15
apāntaratamaḥ VyāsadevaSB 9.4.57-59
arcana-vratam the vow of worshipSB 10.22.1
asāmpratam without any etiquetteSB 9.18.5
aviratam alwaysSB 3.30.7
aviratam incessantlySB 3.31.43
aviratam constantlySB 4.31.20
aviratam constantlySB 5.6.17
aviratam constantlySB 10.6.34
aviratam incessantlySB 10.59.44
aviratam incessantlySB 10.61.5
aviratam constantlySB 10.72.4
bāla-hatyā-vratam the atonement fur killing the childSB 6.16.14
bhāratam the great MahābhārataSB 1.4.25
bhāratam the MahābhārataSB 1.5.3
bhāratam BhārataSB 1.16.12
bhāratam IndiaSB 3.1.20
bhāratam the MahābhārataSB 3.5.12
bhāratam BhārataSB 5.4.9
bharatam BharataSB 5.5.20
bharatam Bharata MahārājaSB 5.5.28
bhāratam BhārataSB 5.7.3
bharatam Bharata MahārājaSB 5.9.1-2
bhāratam abhivarṣam on all sides of Bhārata-varṣaSB 5.17.9
bhāratam known as Bhārata-varṣaSB 5.17.11
bhāratam varṣam the land of Bhārata (India)SB 10.78.40
bhāratam Bhārata-varṣaSB 11.2.17
bhāratam the MahābhārataCC Madhya 19.96
bibhratam bearingSB 4.6.36
bibhratam possessingSB 4.17.28
bṛhat-vratam avowed brahmacārīSB 4.27.21
dhṛta-vratam completely dedicated to a vowSB 4.1.42
dvādaśī-vratam the vow for observing Ekādaśī and DvādaśīSB 9.4.29
bāla-hatyā-vratam the atonement fur killing the childSB 6.16.14
vratam idam this process of worshiping with a vowSB 8.16.46
vratam idam this payo-vrata ritualistic ceremonySB 8.17.1
jitavratam of the name JitavrataSB 4.24.8
madhu-vratam with beesSB 3.33.18
niratam engagedSB 1.7.8
niratam alwaysSB 8.7.33
niratam absorbedSB 10.70.30
payaḥ-vratam accepting the vow of taking only milkSB 8.16.25
payaḥ-vratam the observance of the vrata known as payo-vrataSB 8.16.47
payaḥ-vratam ceremony known as payo-vrataSB 8.16.58
payaḥ-vratam the ritualistic ceremony known as payo-vrataSB 8.17.2-3
praiyavratam coming from King PriyavrataSB 5.15.16
praiyavratam the story of Mahārāja PriyavrataSB 12.12.14-15
priyavratam unto PriyavrataSB 5.1.10
yoga-ratam engaged in devotional serviceSB 3.29.20
sāmpratam recentlySB 1.13.22
sāmpratam very recentlySB 1.16.26-30
sāmpratam nowadaysSB 4.3.8
sāmpratam at presentSB 8.5.50
sāmpratam at the present momentSB 10.10.34-35
sāmpratam nowCC Madhya 22.16
samuddharatam please saveSB 10.64.19-20
sarva-vratam all religious ceremoniesSB 8.16.60
satya-vratam the Personality of Godhead, who never deviates from His vow*SB 10.2.26
satyavratam unto SatyavrataSB 8.24.31
taratamataḥ according to hierarchiesSB 10.87.19
ratamya comparisonsCC Madhya 8.82
ratamya upper and lower gradationsCC Madhya 16.73
ratamye by comparisonCC Madhya 22.71
ratamyena in different degreesSB 5.26.2
ratamyena comparatively, more or lessSB 7.14.38
ratamyena in different degreesCC Madhya 6.156
ratamyena in different degreesCC Madhya 20.115
uparatam ceasedBG 2.35
upāratam inactiveSB 1.18.26
upāratam silentSB 3.22.1
uparatam passed awaySB 4.28.45
uparatam stoppedSB 7.5.33
upāratam ceasingSB 8.12.44
uparatam ceasedSB 10.25.25
upāratam finishedSB 10.25.26
bhāratam varṣam the land of Bhārata (India)SB 10.78.40
vratam vowSB 3.24.42
madhu-vratam with beesSB 3.33.18
dhṛta-vratam completely dedicated to a vowSB 4.1.42
vratam a vowSB 4.11.12
vratam VrataSB 4.13.15-16
bṛhat-vratam avowed brahmacārīSB 4.27.21
vratam the behaviorSB 5.5.32
bāla-hatyā-vratam the atonement fur killing the childSB 6.16.14
vratam vowSB 6.18.45
vratam vowSB 6.18.46
vratam the vowSB 6.18.46
vratam vowSB 6.18.54
vratam the vowSB 6.18.55
vratam vowSB 6.18.69
vratam the vowSB 6.19.1
vratam vowSB 6.19.2-3
vratam vowSB 6.19.19-20
vratam vowSB 6.19.25
vratam the vowSB 6.19.26-28
vratam executing vowsSB 7.14.25
vratam vowsSB 8.1.22
aloka-vratam vows of brahmacarya, vānaprastha or sannyāsaSB 8.3.7
vratam in the form of worshipSB 8.16.24
payaḥ-vratam accepting the vow of taking only milkSB 8.16.25
vratam idam this process of worshiping with a vowSB 8.16.46
payaḥ-vratam the observance of the vrata known as payo-vrataSB 8.16.47
payaḥ-vratam ceremony known as payo-vrataSB 8.16.58
sarva-vratam all religious ceremoniesSB 8.16.60
vratam observing vowsSB 8.16.61
vratam observance of a vrata ceremonySB 8.16.62
vratam idam this payo-vrata ritualistic ceremonySB 8.17.1
payaḥ-vratam the ritualistic ceremony known as payo-vrataSB 8.17.2-3
vratam the vow of brahmacaryaSB 9.2.10
dvādaśī-vratam the vow for observing Ekādaśī and DvādaśīSB 9.4.29
satya-vratam the Personality of Godhead, who never deviates from His vow*SB 10.2.26
arcana-vratam the vow of worshipSB 10.22.1
vratam their vowSB 10.22.5
vratam vowSB 10.22.27
vratam with our vow (of celibacy)SB 10.23.40
vratam the vowSB 10.45.29
vratam her vowSB 10.53.50
vratam this fixed practiceSB 11.7.37
vratam vowsSB 11.16.43
vratam the vow (of brahmacarya)SB 11.17.30
vratam vows, such as fasting on EkādaśīSB 11.19.20-24
vratam the vowSB 12.6.61
vratam vowCC Madhya 22.34
yoga-ratam engaged in devotional serviceSB 3.29.20


cardiac asthma.

Wordnet Search
"ratam" has 38 results.


aviratam, nirantaram, anavaratam, avicchinnam, prabandhena   

virāmeṇa vinā।

dvau horāṃ yāvat avirataṃ varṣā bhavati।


kartavyam, dharmaḥ, svadharmaḥ, kartavyatā, kāryam, kṛtyam, kriyā, niyamaḥ, yamaḥ, vratam, dhurā, tapaḥ   

yat avaśyaṃ karaṇīyam।

deśasevā iti asmākaṃ paramaṃ kartavyam।


maunam, maunavratam   

bhāṣaṇābhāvasya vratam।

somavāsare tasya maunam asti।


saṅkalpaḥ, vratam   

kasyāpi kāryārthe kṛtaḥ dṛḍhaḥ niścayaḥ।

chātraiḥ asteyasya saṅkalpaḥ kṛtaḥ।


nirṇayaḥ, nirṇayapādaḥ, ādharṣaṇam, tīraṇam, tīratam   

nyāyālaye vādiprativādināṃ doṣādoṣaviṣaye adhikārānadhikāraviṣaye vā prastūtān tarkān śrutvā daṇḍādhikāriṇā kṛtaṃ nirdhāraṇam।

tasya nyāyālayasya nirṇaye yaḥ viśvāsaḥ āsīt saḥ naṣṭaḥ।



anyaiḥ kṛtasya atyācārasya sahanasya saṅkalpaḥ।

adyāpi kecana bandhuā-śramikāḥ kapotavrataṃ dhārayati।


mahābhāratam, bhāratam   

vedavyāsaracitaṃ tad saṃskṛtamahākāvyaṃ yasmin kauravapāṇḍavānāṃ yuddhasya varṇanaṃ prāpyate।

idānīṃ paryantaṃ mahābhāratasya anuvādaḥ anekāsu bhāṣāsu jātaḥ।


strīdharmaḥ, strīrajaḥ, rajaḥ, ṛtvam, kanyāvratam, ṛtuḥ, ārtavam, puṣpam   

strīṣu niyatakālaparyantaṃ pratimāse garbhāśayāt sravan raktasrāvaḥ।

strīdharmasya samaye stribhiḥ viśeṣatayā avadhātavyam।


bharataḥ, bharatamuniḥ   

nāṭyaśāstrasya pradhānaḥ ācāryaḥ।

bharataḥ nāṭyaśāstrasya jñātā āsīt।



dharma-karmārthaṃ puṇyaprāptyarthaṃ vā niyamapūrvakaṃ dhārmika-kāryāṇām upavāsādīnām ca ācaraṇam।

saḥ pratyekasmin śanivāsare bhagavataḥ hanumataḥ vratam ācarati।


bhāratavarṣam, bharatavarṣam, bhāratam, bhāratadeśaḥ, jambuḥ, jambu, jambudvipaḥ   

āśiyākhaṇḍe vartamānaḥ āsetuhimācalam tathā ca āsindhubrahmaputraṃ yāvat deśaḥ। bhāratavarṣe lokatantram asti।


pativratam, pātivratyam, satitvam   

patnyaḥ svasya patiṃ prati vartamānā ananyā prītiḥ bhaktiḥ ca।

bhāratīyāḥ striyaḥ pativratasya pālanaṃ kurvanti।


adhunā, samprati, sāmpratam, idānīm, itaḥ, sadyaḥ   

asmin samaye eva।

adhunā ahaṃ suṣupsāmi।


maithunam, ratam, saṃbhogaḥ, kāmakeliḥ, ratikarma, suratam, saṅgatam, ratilakṣam, saṃveśanam, abhimānitam, gharṣitam, saṃprayogaḥ, anāratam, abrahmacaryakam, upasṛṣṭam, tribhadram, krīḍāratnam, mahāsukham, vyavāyaḥ, grāmyadharmaḥ, nidhuvanam, abhigamanam, abhigamaḥ, maithunagamanam, yābhaḥ   

strībhiḥ saha puruṣāṇāṃ ratikriyā।

anucitaṃ maithunaṃ naikāḥ vyādhīḥ utpādayanti।



tat māsapūrṇaṃ vrataṃ yasmin candramasaḥ vṛddhiṃ tathā ca hrāsam anusṛtya bhojanaṃ kriyate।

raviśaṅkaraḥ cāndrāyaṇa-vratam dhārayati।



gaṇanāyāṃ sahasrasthāne vartamānaḥ।

madhyagena sahasratamaḥ bhāgaḥ śulkarūpeṇa gṛhītaḥ।



bhādraśuklacaturdaśyāṃ kartavyam anantadevasya vratam।

pitāmahī prativarṣam anantavrataṃ karoti।



jainānāṃ vrataviśeṣaḥ।

diśāvakāśakavrate prātaḥkāle niścayaḥ bhavati yad adya asyām diśi etāvat antaraṃ gamanīyam।



pratyekasmin pakṣe trayodaśyāṃ kriyamāṇaṃ vratam।

pradoṣavrate sāyaṃkāle śivapūjanāt anantaraṃ bhojanaṃ kurvanti।



kārtikamāsasya śuklapakṣasya pañcamyāṃ kriyamāṇaṃ vratam।

śyāmā śubhavrate bhūri arcanāṃ karoti।


vibhutvam, vyāptiḥ, sarvagatatvam, sarvasāmpratam, sarvatrasattvam   

vibhavasya guṇaḥ avasthā vā।

īśvarasya vibhutve mama sampūrṇaḥ viśvāsaḥ asti।



vartamāneṣu sarveṣu adhikatamaṃ sundaram।

atratyeṣu sundaratameṣu mandireṣu idaṃ śivamandiram ekam।


nikaṭatama, antaratama, upama, antama, nediṣṭhatama   

atyantaṃ nikaṭaḥ।

kutra asti nikaṭatamaṃ vimānapattanaṃ ।



māghamāsasya śuklapakṣe saptamyāṃ tithau kriyamāṇaṃ vratam।

pitāmahī arkavrataṃ karoti।



sūryasya jalaśoṣaṇavat prajāyāḥ karagrahaṇasya kriyā।

vijalena pīḍitā prajā arkavrataṃ niṣedhayati।



kalkipurāṇānusāreṇa tad vrataṃ yasya ācaraṇena strī pativiyogaṃ na anubhavati।

mārgaśīrṣaśuklatṛtīyāyām aviyogavrataṃ ācarantyaḥ mahilāḥ candramasaḥ darśanaṃ kṛtvā eva dugdhaṃ pibanti।



jainamatānusāreṇa vratasya tyāgaḥ।

tena avratasya niścayaḥ kṛtaḥ।



śrāvaṇamāsasya kṛṣṇapakṣasya dvitīyāyāṃ kriyamāṇaṃ vratam।

bhagavataḥ viṣṇoḥ pūjanārtham aśūnyaśayanavrataṃ kriyate।



ekaṃ kāvyam ।

saṃskṛta-vāṅmaye prāsabhārata-kāvyaṃ suvikhyātam



ekaṃ vratam ।

kokilāvratasya varṇanaṃ kośe prāpyate



ekaḥ vaiyākaraṇaḥ ।

saṃskṛtabhāṣāyāḥ vyākaraṇaparaṃparāyāṃ bharatamallasya sthānam atīva mahatvapūrṇam avartata


bharatamallikaḥ, bharatamallīkaḥ   

ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

kośeṣu bharatamallikasya nirdeśaḥ asti



ekaṃ vratam ।

kokilāvratasya varṇanaṃ kośe prāpyate



kṛtiviśeṣaḥ ।

hariharatāratamyam iti nāmakānāṃ kṛtīnām ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaṃ dhārmikaṃ vratam ।

kamalaṣaṣṭhīvratasya ullekhaḥ bhaviṣyapurāṇe asti



ekaṃ viśiṣṭaṃ vratam ।

umāmaheśvaravratasya ullekhaḥ bhaviṣyapurāṇe asti



ekaṃ dhārmikaṃ kāryam ।

ānandacaturdaśīvratasya ullekhaḥ bhāgavatapurāṇe asti



mahābhāratasya ādhunikaṃ pāṭhāntaram ।

jaiminibhāratasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti

Parse Time: 1.768s Search Word: ratam Input Encoding: IAST: ratam