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Monier-Williams Search
9 results for prayojya
prayojyamfn. to be cast or shot (missile) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayojyamfn. to be used or employed or practised ( prayojyatva -tva- n.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayojyamfn. to be appointed or commissioned, dependent, a servant or slave View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayojyamfn. to be represented (on the stage) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayojyan. capital (to be lent on interest) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayojyatvan. the state of being used or employed (a-pray-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayojyatvan. the state of being appointed or commissioned, dependence (a-pray-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayojyatvan. prayojya
samprayojyamfn. to be executed or performed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
prayojya प्रयोज्य pot. p. 1 To be used or employed. -2 To be practised. -3 To be produced or caused. -4 To be appointed. -5 To be thrown or discharged (as a missile). -6 To be set to work. -ज्यः A servant, an employee. -ज्यम् Capital, principal.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"prayojya" has 1 results
prayojyathat which is employed or incited or urged; the word which is the subject in the primitive construction and becomes an object in the causal construction, and as a result, which is put in the accusative case being प्रयोज्यकर्म. As, however, the प्रयोज्यकर्म originally occupies the place of the subject in the primitive construction, the term प्रयोज्यकर्ता ( प्रयोज्यश्चासौ कर्ता च ) is often used in connection with it, as contrasted with the term प्रयोजककर्ता which is used with respect to the subject in the causal construction; confer, compare इह च भेदिका देवदत्तस्य यज्ञदत्तस्य काष्ठानामिति प्रयोज्ये कर्तरि षष्ठी न प्राप्नोति । M.Bh. on P. III. 1.26 Vart. l ; confer, compare also Kaiy. on P. I. 2.65.
Wordnet Search
"prayojya" has 2 results.


dūtaḥ, sandeśaharaḥ, sandeśahārakaḥ, vārtābaraḥ, vārtāyanaḥ, vācikaharaḥ, ākhyāyakaḥ, adhvagaḥ, prayojyaḥ, sañcārakaḥ, cāraḥ, dhāvakaḥ, samācāradāyakaḥ, kāryaṅkaraḥ, nisṛṣṭārthaḥ   

yaḥ sandeśaṃ harati।

aṅgadaḥ rāmasya dūtaḥ bhūtvā rāvaṇasya pārśve gataḥ।


yojyaḥ. yojyā, yojyam, yojanīyaḥ, yojanīyā, yojanīyam, yoktavyaḥ, yoktavyā, yoktavyam, prayojyaḥ. prayojyā, prayojyam, prayojanīyaḥ, prayojanīyā, prayojanīyam, prayoktavyaḥ, prayoktavyā, prayoktavyam, upayojyaḥ, upayojyā, upayojyam, upayojanīyaḥ, upayojanīyā, upayojanīyam, upayoktavyaḥ, upayoktavyā, upayoktavyam   

yojayituṃ yojayituṃ vā yogyaḥ।

pañcāt ekaḥ yojyaḥ yena ṣaṭ saṃkhyā prāpyate। / sabhāyāṃ śiṣṭaśabdāḥ eva prayojyāḥ।

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