praty | in compound before vowels for prati- above. |
pratyabdam | ind. every year, yearly |
pratyabhibhāṣin | mfn. ( bhāṣ-) speaking to, addressing (accusative) |
pratyabhibhūta | mfn. ( bhū-) overcome, conquered (varia lectio aty-abhibh-). |
pratyabhicar | P. -carati-, to use spells or charms against |
pratyabhicaraṇa | mfn. using spells or charms against |
pratyabhicita | mfn. (1. cī-) built up in defence (wrong reading -jita-). |
pratyabhidhā | P. A1. -dadhāti-, -dhatte-, to take or draw back, re-absorb ; (A1.) to reply, answer |
pratyabhidhāv | P. -dhāvati-, to run or hasten towards |
pratyabhighāraṇa | n. sprinkling over afresh |
pratyabhighṛ | Caus. -ghārayati-, to sprinkle over repeatedly |
pratyabhihita | mfn. answered, having received an answer from (instrumental case) |
pratyabhihita | mfn. approved |
pratyabhihṛ | Caus. -hārayati-, to offer, present (varia lectio) |
pratyabhijñā | P. A1. -jānāti-, -jānīte-, to recognize, remember, know, understand etc. ; to come to one's self, recover consciousness : Causal -jñāpayati-, to recall to mind |
pratyabhijñā | f. recognition etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' jña- mfn. ) |
pratyabhijñā | f. regaining knowledge or recognition (of the identify of the Supreme and individual soul) |
pratyabhijñādarśana | n. Name of a philos. system |
pratyabhijñāhṛdaya | n. Name of work |
pratyabhijñāna | n. recognition etc. |
pratyabhijñāna | n. a token of recognition (brought by a messenger to prove that he has accomplished his mission) |
pratyabhijñāna | n. reciprocity |
pratyabhijñānaratna | n. a jewel (given as token) of recognition |
pratyabhijñāpana | n. causing to recognize |
pratyabhijñāśāstra | n. Name of a philos. manual |
pratyabhijñāsūtra | n. Name of work |
pratyabhijñāta | mfn. recognized, known etc. |
pratyabhijñātavat | mfn. |
pratyabhijñāvimarśinī | f. Name of Comm. on -hṛdaya- |
pratyabhijñāyamānatva | n. the being recognized |
pratyabhilekhya | n. ( likh-) a counter document, a document brought forward by the opposing party |
pratyabhimarśa | m. () stroking or rubbing over, rubbing, touching. |
pratyabhimethana | n. a scornful reply |
pratyabhimith | P. -methati-, to answer scornfully or abusively |
pratyabhimṛś | P. -mṛśati-, to stroke or rub over, touch, lay hold of |
pratyabhimṛśana | n. () stroking or rubbing over, rubbing, touching. |
pratyabhimṛṣṭa | mfn. touched (a-praty-abh-) |
pratyabhinand | P. -nandati-, to greet in return, return a salutation ; to bid welcome (varia lectio for abhi-n-). |
pratyabhinandin | mfn. receiving thankfully (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
pratyabhinandita | mfn. saluted, welcomed |
pratyabhiprasthā | A1. -tiṣṭhate-, to set out for, depart |
pratyabhiskandana | n. ( skand-) a counter plaint or charge, an accusation brought against the accuser or plaintiff (see praty-abhiyoga-). |
pratyabhivad | P. -vadati-, to return a salute, greet in return : Causal A1. -vādayate- idem or 'n. ( likh-) a counter document, a document brought forward by the opposing party ' |
pratyabhivāda | m. return salutation |
pratyabhivādaka | mfn. returning a salutation |
pratyabhivādana | n. the act of returning a salutation |
pratyabhivādayitṛ | mfn. one who returns a salutation |
pratyabhiyā | P. -yāti-, to go against (accusative) |
pratyabhiyoga | m. a counter plaint or charge, recrimination |
pratyabhiyuj | A1. -yuṅkte-, to make a counter attack against (accusative) : Causal -yojayati-, to make a counter plaint or charge against (accusative) |
pratyabhiyukta | mfn. attacked by (instrumental case) ( pratyabhiyuktavat -vat- mfn. ) |
pratyabhiyukta | mfn. accused in return or by a counter plaint |
pratyabhiyuktavat | mfn. pratyabhiyukta |
pratyābhū | P. -bhavati-, to be at hand or at a person's (accusative) command |
pratyabhyanujñā | f. ( jñā-) leave, permission |
pratyabhyanujñāta | mfn. dismissed on taking leave, allowed to depart |
pratyabhyāsam | ind. at each repetition commentator or commentary |
pratyabhyutthāna | n. ( sthā-) rising from a seat through politeness (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) |
pratyābrū | P. -bravīti-, to reply to, answer (accusative) |
pratyācakṣ | A1. -caṣṭe-, to refuse, decline, reject, repulse (with accusative of Persian or thing) etc. ; to answer, refute, oppose in argument |
pratyācakṣāṇaka | mfn. desirous of refuting or objecting to (accusative) |
pratyācāra | m. suitable behaviour, conformable conduct |
pratyācchid | ( chid-; only in Causal ind.p. - cchedya-), to break to pieces, |
pratyad | P. -atti-, to eat in return or in compensation for anything |
pratyādā | A1. -datte-, to receive back ; to take back, revoke ; to draw forth from (ablative) ; to repeat, return |
pratyadana | n. eating, food |
pratyādāna | n. re-obtaining, recovery |
pratyādāna | n. repetition, reiteration |
pratyādarśa | m. wrong reading for -ādeśa- q.v |
pratyādeśa | m. order, command |
pratyādeśa | m. an offer |
pratyādeśa | m. rejection, refusal |
pratyādeśa | m. warning, determent, prevention |
pratyādeśa | m. obscuring, eclipsing |
pratyādeśa | m. putting to shame |
pratyādeśa | m. who or what puts to shame, shamer of, reproach to (genitive case) |
pratyādeṣṭṛ | m. one who warns or cautions |
pratyādeya | mfn. to be received back, to be (or being) received |
pratyādhāna | n. ( dhā-) a place where anything is deposited or laid up, repository |
pratyadhī | ( adhi-i-) A1. -adhīyate-, to read through or study severally |
pratyadhidevatā | f. a tutelary deity who stays in front or near one |
pratyadhikaraṇam | ind. at each paragraph |
pratyadhiśri | P. -śrayati-. to put down beside (the fire) |
pratyādhmāna | n. ( dhmā-) a particular nervous disease, a kind of tympanites or wind-dropsy |
pratyādiś | P. -diśati-, to enjoin, direct, advise ; to report, relate (with 2 accusative) ; to summon ; to decline, reject, repel |
pratyādiṣṭa | mfn. enjoined, directed, etc. |
pratyādiṣṭa | mfn. overcome, surpassed |
pratyādiṣṭa | mfn. informed, apprised |
pratyādiṣṭa | mfn. warned, cautioned |
pratyādiṣṭa | mfn. declared (as from heaven) |
pratyāditsu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) desirous of recovering or obtaining |
pratyāditya | m. a mock sun, parhelion |
pratyāditya | (in the beginning of a compound) towards the sun (exempli gratia, 'for example' p-guda-,one whose hinder parts are towards the sun ) |
pratyādṛ | A1. -driyate-, to show respect to (accusative) |
pratyādru | P. -dravati-, to run against, rush upon (accusative) |
pratyag | in compound for tyañc-. |
pratyagakṣa | n. an inner organ |
pratyagakṣa | mfn. having inner organs |
pratyagakṣaja | mfn. discerned by the internal faculties, visible to the eye of the soul |
pratyagam | ind. on every mountain |
pratyāgam | P. -gacchati-, to come back again, return etc. ; to come to one's self, recover consciousness, revive |
pratyāgama | m. idem or 'f. coming back, return, arrival ' etc. |
pratyāgamana | n. coming back, return to (accusative), coming home again etc. |
pratyāgamana | n. (nirūha-pr-) the coming back of a clyster |
pratyāgamāvadhi | ind. till (my) return |
pratyagānanda | mfn. inwardly rejoicing, appearing as inward delight |
pratyagapavarga | mfn. ending in the west, |
pratyāgāra | (?) m. former place or state |
pratyagāśāpati | m. "lord of the western quarter", Name of varuṇa- |
pratyagāśis | f. a personal wish |
pratyagāśis | mfn. containing a personal wish |
pratyāgata | mfn. come back again, returned, arrived etc. |
pratyāgataprāṇa | mfn. one who has recovered his breath or life |
pratyāgatasmṛti | mfn. one who has recovered his memory |
pratyāgatāsu | mfn. equals -prāṇa- |
pratyāgati | f. coming back, return, arrival |
pratyagātma | mfn. concerning the personal soul or self |
pratyagātman | m. the individual soul etc. |
pratyagātman | m. an individual |
pratyagātmatā | f. being an individual soul |
pratyagātmatva | n. universal permeation of spirit |
pratyagdakṣiṇā | ind. towards the south-west |
pratyagdakṣiṇāpravaṇa | mfn. sloping towards the s-west, |
pratyagdakṣiṇatas | ind. towards the south-west |
pratyagdhāman | mfn. radiant within, internally illuminated |
pratyagdiś | f. the western quarter |
pratyagdṛś | f. a glance directed inwards |
pratyagdṛś | mfn. one whose glance is directed inwards |
pratyagekarasa | mfn. having taste or pleasure only for the interior, delighting only in one's own soul |
pratyagjyotis | n. the inward light |
pratyagni | ind. towards the fire |
pratyagni | ind. at or near or in every fire |
pratyagni | ind. prati |
pratyāgṝ | P. -gṛṇāti-, to speak to in return, answer, respond |
pratyagra | mf(ā-)n. fresh, recent, new, young etc. |
pratyagra | mf(ā-)n. repeated, reiterated |
pratyagra | mf(ā-)n. pure |
pratyagra | mf(ā-)n. (in the beginning of a compound and pratyagram am- ind.) recently |
pratyagra | m. Name of a son of vasu- uparicara- and prince of the cedi-s (see agraha-below) |
pratyagragandhā | f. a species of shrub, Rhinacanthus Communis |
pratyagraha | m. Name of a son of vasu- and king of the cedi-s |
pratyagraha | m. (equals -agra-;prob. a contracted form for pratyaggraha-). |
pratyagrakṣarat | mfn. fresh-flowing, flowing freshly |
pratyagram | ind. pratyagra |
pratyagraprasavā | f. recently delivered, having lately brought forth |
pratyagrarūpa | mf(ā-)n. juvenile, young |
pratyagraśodhita | mfn. recently purified, pure |
pratyagratā | f. newness, freshness |
pratyagratha | m. Name of a prince |
pratyagratha | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe (also called ahi-cchattra-; see prātyagrathi-) |
pratyagratva | n. newness, freshness |
pratyagravayas | mfn. young in age, youthful |
pratyagravayas | n. youth |
pratyagrayauvana | mf(ā-)n. being in the bloom of youth |
pratyagudak | ind. towards the north-west |
pratyagvahanaprayoga | m. Name of work |
pratyah | (only perfect tense -āha-), to say anything in the presence of (accusative) ; to tell, relate (with accusative of Persian and thing) ; to answer, reply to (accusative) |
pratyaha | mfn. daily |
pratyāha | mfn. wrong reading for -aha- q.v |
pratyāhāhārya | mfn. to be taken back or withheld etc. |
pratyāhāhārya | mfn. to be heard or learnt from (ablative) |
pratyāhāhṛta | mfn. resumed, restrained, withheld |
pratyaham | ind. day by day, every day etc. |
pratyaham | ind. in the morning |
pratyāhan | P. -hanti- (perfect tense A1. -jaghne-), to drive back, keep away, ward off |
pratyāhāra | m. drawing back (troops from a battle), retreat |
pratyāhāra | m. withdrawal (especially of the senses from external objects), abstraction (see ) |
pratyāhāra | m. withdrawing (of created things), re-absorption or dissolution of the world |
pratyāhāra | m. (in gram.) the comprehension of a series of letters or roots etc. into one syllable by combining for shortness the first member with the anubandha- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) of the last member |
pratyāhāra | m. a group of letters etc. so combined (as ac-or hal-in the śivasūtra-s) |
pratyāhāra | m. (in dramatic language) Name of a particular part of the pūrva-raṅga- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) |
pratyāhāra | m. speaking to, address (raṃ-kṛ-,with genitive case,to speak to a person) (prob. wrong reading for pravyāh-) |
pratyāhāra | m. sound (prob. wrong reading for idem or 'm. speaking to, address (raṃ-kṛ-,with genitive case,to speak to a person) (prob. wrong reading for pravyāh-)') |
pratyāharaṇa | n. drawing hither and thither |
pratyāharaṇa | n. bringing back, recovery |
pratyāharaṇa | n. drawing back, withdrawing (especially the senses from external objects) |
pratyāharaṇīya | mfn. to be taken back or withheld or restrained or controlled |
pratyāhartavya | mfn. to be taken back or withheld or restrained or controlled |
pratyāhata | mfn. driven back, repelled, repulsed, rejected |
pratyāhṛ | P. -harati-, to draw in or back etc. ; to withdraw (the senses from worldly objects) ; to replace, fetch or bring back, recover etc. ; to rearrange, restore ; to take up again, continue (a business, sacrifice etc.) ; to report, relate ; to utter (a speech), cry ; to withdraw (what has been created), destroy ; wrong reading for pra-vyā-hṛ- |
pratyāhuti | ind. at each oblation |
pratyāhvāna | n. answering a call |
pratyāhvaya | m. echo, resonance |
pratyāhve | A1. -hvayate- (ind.p. -hūya-), to answer a call ; to respond to the āhāva- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) |
pratyājan | A1. -jāyate-, to be born again (Potential -jāyeyam- ) |
pratyajira | n. gaRa aṃśv-ādi- |
pratyak | See praty/añc-. |
pratyak | See . |
pratyak | ind. backwards, in an opposite direction |
pratyak | in compound for tyañc-. |
pratyākalita | mfn. (3. kal-) enumerated, held forth, reproached |
pratyākalita | mfn. interposed, introduced (as a step in legal process) |
pratyākalita | n. judicial decision as to which of the litigants is to prove his case after the defendant has pleaded |
pratyākalita | n. (defendant's) supplement to the written deposition of two litigants |
pratyākāṅkṣ | A1. -kāṅkṣate-, to be desirous of, long for, expect |
pratyākāra | m. a scabbard, sword-sheath |
pratyakcetana | mfn. one whose thoughts are turned inwards or upon himself |
pratyakcetanā | f. thoughts turned inwards or upon one's self |
pratyakcintāmaṇi | m. Name of work |
pratyākhyā | P. -khyāti-, to proclaim one by one ; to refuse, repudiate, reject etc. ; to deny ; to refute ; to counteract (by remedies) : Desiderative -cikhyāsati-, to wish to refute |
pratyākhyāna | mfn. conquered, overcome (as a passion) |
pratyākhyāna | n. rejection, refusal, denial, disallowance, repulse etc. |
pratyākhyāna | n. counteracting, combating (of feelings etc.) |
pratyākhyāna | n. non-admittance, refutation |
pratyākhyāna | n. Name of a jaina- work |
pratyākhyānasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
pratyākhyāta | mfn. rejected, refused, disallowed, denied ( pratyākhyātatva -tva- n.) etc. |
pratyākhyāta | mfn. prohibited, interdicted |
pratyākhyāta | mfn. set aside, outvied, surpassed |
pratyākhyāta | mfn. informed, apprised |
pratyākhyāta | mfn. celebrated, notorious |
pratyākhyātatva | n. pratyākhyāta |
pratyākhyātavya | mfn. to be opposed or refuted |
pratyākhyātṛ | m. a refuser |
pratyākhyāyam | ind. enumerating one by one |
pratyākhyāyin | mfn. rejecting, refuting (a-pr-) |
pratyākhyeya | mfn. to be declined or refused |
pratyākhyeya | mfn. to be refuted or denied |
pratyākhyeya | mfn. to be cured, curable (as a disease) |
pratyakparṇī | f. Achyranthes Aspera (equals apāmārga-) |
pratyakparṇī | f. Anthericum Tuberosum (equals dravantī-) |
pratyakprakāśa | m. Name of a teacher |
pratyakpravaṇa | mfn. devoted to the individual soul |
pratyakpravaṇatā | f. |
pratyakpuṣkara | mf(ā-)n. having the bowl turned westward (as a ladle) |
pratyakpuṣpī | f. Achyranthes Aspera |
pratyakpuṣpī | f. (according to to Va1rtt. 1 the correct form would be -puṣpā-). |
pratyākram | P. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate-, to step back |
pratyākroṣṭavya | mfn. to be reviled in return |
pratyākṛṣ | P. -kṛṣati-, to withdraw |
pratyākruś | P. -krośati-, to challenge or revile in return |
pratyakṣa | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order |
pratyakṣa | mf(ā-)n. present before the eyes, visible, perceptible (opp. to paro'kṣa- q.v) etc. |
pratyakṣa | mf(ā-)n. clear, distinct, manifest, direct, immediate, actual, real etc. |
pratyakṣa | mf(ā-)n. keeping in view, discerning (with genitive case) |
pratyakṣa | n. ocular evidence, direct perception, apprehension by the senses (in nyāya- one of the 4 pramāṇa-s or modes of proof. see pramāṇa-) |
pratyakṣa | n. superintendence of, care for (genitive case) |
pratyakṣa | n. (in rhetoric) a kind of style descriptive of impressions derived from the senses |
pratyakṣabandhu | (praty/akṣa--) mfn. with evident relation |
pratyakṣabhakṣa | m. real eating |
pratyakṣabhoga | m. enjoyment or use of anything in the presence or with the knowledge of the owner |
pratyakṣabhūta | mfn. become visible, appeared personally |
pratyakṣabṛhatī | f. an original bṛhatī- |
pratyakṣacārin | mfn. walking personally before the eyes of (genitive case) |
pratyakṣadarśana | n. seeing with one's own eyes |
pratyakṣadarśana | n. the power of discerning (the presence of a god) |
pratyakṣadarśana | m. an eye-witness |
pratyakṣadarśin | mfn. seeing anything (genitive case) with one's own eyes, one who has seen with his own eyes |
pratyakṣadarśivas | mfn. one who has seen anything with his own eyes |
pratyakṣadarśivas | mfn. seeing anything (accusative) clearly as if before the eyes |
pratyakṣadharman | mfn. keeping in view the merits (of men) |
pratyakṣadīpikā | f. Name of work |
pratyakṣadṛś | mfn. seeing distinctly, one who sees anything (accusative) clearly as if before the eyes |
pratyakṣadṛṣṭa | mfn. seen with the eyes, |
pratyakṣadṛśya | mfn. to be seen with the eyes, visible, perceptible |
pratyakṣadviṣ | (praty/akṣa--) mfn. not liking that which is clear |
pratyakṣāgamana | n. approaching in person |
pratyakṣajñāna | n. immediate perception |
pratyakṣakaraṇa | n. one's own perception |
pratyakṣakhaṇḍa | m. n. Name of part I of the tattvacintāmaṇi- |
pratyakṣakhaṇḍacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work |
pratyakṣakhaṇḍavyākhyā | f. Name of work |
pratyakṣakṛta | mfn. addressed directly or personally, containing a personal address |
pratyakṣakṛtā | f. (scilicet ṛc-) a hymn or verse in which a deity is addressed directly or in the 2nd person |
pratyakṣam | ind. (also kṣa- in the beginning of a compound) before the eyes, in the sight or presence of (genitive case or compound), clearly, explicitly, directly, personally etc. |
pratyakṣamaṇi | m. Name of work |
pratyakṣamaṇiraśmicakra | n. Name of work (= -vāda-). |
pratyaksaṃstham | ind. so as to end in the west, |
pratyakṣānumāna | n. Name of work |
pratyakṣānumānaśabdakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work |
pratyakṣānumānaṭīkā | f. Name of work |
pratyakṣapara | mfn. setting the highest value on the visible |
pratyakṣapariccheda | m. Name of work (also pratyakṣaparicchedamañjūṣā da-mañjūṣā- f.and pratyakṣaparicchedarahasya da-rahasya- n.) |
pratyakṣaparicchedamañjūṣā | f. pratyakṣapariccheda |
pratyakṣaparicchedarahasya | n. pratyakṣapariccheda |
pratyakṣaparīkṣaṇa | n. real observation |
pratyakṣaphala | mfn. having visible consequences ( pratyakṣaphalatva -tva- n.) |
pratyakṣaphala | n. a visible consequence |
pratyakṣaphalatva | n. pratyakṣaphala |
pratyakṣapramā | f. a correct notion obtained through the senses |
pratyakṣapramāṇa | n. ocular or visible proof, the evidence of the senses |
pratyakṣapramāṇa | n. an organ or faculty of perception |
pratyakṣapramāṇa | n. Name of work (also pratyakṣapramāṇyālokaṭippaṇī ṇyāloka-ṭippaṇī- f.) |
pratyakṣapramāṇyālokaṭippaṇī | f. pratyakṣapramāṇa |
pratyakṣapṛṣṭha | m. a particular pṛṣṭhya- |
pratyakṣara | (in the beginning of a compound) in each syllable |
pratyakṣaraśleṣamaya | mf(ī-)n. containing a śleṣa- in each syllable |
pratyaksarasvatī | f. the western sarasvatī- |
pratyakṣasiddha | mfn. determined by evidence of the senses |
pratyakṣāt | ind. explicitly, actually, really |
pratyakṣatā | f. the being before the eyes, before visible, visibility etc. |
pratyakṣatā | f. addressing in the 2nd person |
pratyakṣatamām | ind. most perceptibly or directly or really etc. |
pratyakṣatamāt | ind. most perceptibly or directly or really etc. |
pratyakṣatas | ind. before the eyes, visibly, perceptibly (taḥ śrutam-,heard perceptibly or with the ears) |
pratyakṣatas | ind. evidently, clearly, plainly |
pratyakṣatayā | ind. before the eyes of any one |
pratyakṣatva | n. ocular evidence, explicitness |
pratyakṣatva | n. the being ocular evidence or immediate perception |
pratyakṣatva | n. addressing in the 2nd person |
pratyakṣavāda | m. Name of work by ruci-datta-. |
pratyakṣavādin | mfn. "asserting perception by the senses", one who admits of no other evidence than perception by the senses |
pratyakṣavādin | m. a Buddhist |
pratyakṣāvagama | mfn. plainly intelligible |
pratyakṣavat | ind. as if it were evident |
pratyakṣavidhāna | n. an express injunction |
pratyakṣavihita | mfn. expressly enjoined, , |
pratyakṣaviṣayībhū | P. -bhavati-, to move only within range of the sight commentator or commentary |
pratyakṣavṛtti | mfn. having a form visible to the eye |
pratyakṣavṛtti | mfn. composed clearly or intelligibly (as a word) |
pratyakṣaya | Nom. P. yati-, to make visible or perceptible ; to see with one's own eyes |
pratyakṣāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to come clearly before the eyes, be visible |
pratyakṣāyamāṇatva | n. coming clearly before the eyes |
pratyakṣe | ind. before one's face, publicly |
pratyakṣeṇa | ind. before the eyes, visibly, publicly, expressly, directly |
pratyākṣepaka | mf(ikā-)n. ( kṣip-) reviling in turn, deriding ( pratyākṣepakatva -tva- n.) |
pratyākṣepakatva | n. pratyākṣepaka |
pratyakṣī | in compound for kṣa-. |
pratyakṣībhū | to come before the eyes, be visible, appear in person |
pratyakṣīkaraṇa | n. looking at, viewing |
pratyakṣīkaraṇa | n. making manifest or apparent |
pratyakṣīkṛ | to make visible or evident ; to inspect, look at or See with one's own eyes |
pratyakṣīkṛta | mfn. seen with the eyes |
pratyakṣīkṛta | mfn. made present or visible, manifested, displayed |
pratyakṣin | mfn. seeing with one's own eyes |
pratyakṣin | m. an eye-witness |
pratyakśiras | mfn. ( etc.) () having the head turned towards the west. |
pratyakśīrṣī | f. () having the head turned towards the west. |
pratyakśreṇī | f. Name of various plants (Anthericum Tuberosum, Croton Polyandrum or Croton Tiglium, Salvinia Cucullata etc.) |
pratyakśrotas | mfn. wrong reading for -srotas-. |
pratyaksrotas | mfn. flowing towards the west |
pratyaksthalī | f. Name of a vedī- |
pratyaksvarūpa | m. Name of an author |
pratyaktattvadīpikā | f. Name of work (or -pradīpikā-) |
pratyaktattvaviveka | m. Name of philos. work |
pratyaktva | n. backward direction, direction towards one's self |
pratyālabh | A1. -labhate-, to seize by the opposite side ; to take up an attitude of resistance (See a-pratyālabhamāna-). |
pratyālayam | ind. in every house |
pratyālī | (only A1. perfect tense -lilye-) to cling to (accusative) |
pratyālīḍha | mfn. ( lih-) eaten |
pratyālīḍha | mfn. extended towards the left |
pratyālīḍha | n. a particular attitude in shooting (the left foot advanced and right drawn back) |
pratyāliṅg | P. -liṅgati-, to embrace in return |
pratyamitra | mfn. opposed as an enemy, hostile |
pratyamitra | m. an enemy, opponent, adversary |
pratyāmnā | (only -mnāyus-), to repeat or recite again |
pratyāmnāna | n. contrary determination, altered purpose |
pratyāmnātavya | mfn. to be rejected (a-pr-) |
pratyāmnāya | m. idem or 'n. contrary determination, altered purpose ' |
pratyāmnāya | m. (in logic) the proposition re-stated, conclusion (equals nigamana-). |
pratyāmnāyam | ind. for every single text-book commentator or commentary |
pratyaṃśa | m. a portion, share |
pratyaṃsa | m. equals -aṃśa- q.v |
pratyaṃśa | see under praty-, parasmE-pada 663. |
pratyaṃsam | ind. on the shoulders |
pratyaṃśu | m. equals pratigato 'ṃśuḥ- |
pratyaṃśu | mfn. equals pratigata aṃśavo 'sya- |
pratyaṅ | in compound for tyañc-. |
pratyānah | P. -nahyati-, to put upon, cover with |
pratyānāha | m. inflammation in the chest, pleuritis |
pratyanantara | mfn. being in the immediate neighbourhood of (genitive case) |
pratyanantara | mfn. standing nearest (as an heir) |
pratyanantara | mfn. closely connected with, immediately following |
pratyanantaram | ind. immediately after (ablative) |
pratyanantaram | ind. next in succession |
pratyanantarībhū | to betake one's self close to (genitive case) |
pratyānayana | n. leading or bringing back, recovery, restoration |
pratyañc | See p.674. |
pratyañc | mfn. (Nominal verb praty/aṅ-. prat/īcī-, pratīc/ī-[and pratyañcī- ]; praty/ak-) turned towards, facing (accusative) |
pratyañc | mfn. coming (opp. to arvāñc-,"going") |
pratyañc | mfn. being or coming from behind, turning the back, averted, moving in an opposite direction |
pratyañc | mfn. westward, western, occidental, to the west of (ablative) etc. |
pratyañc | mfn. turned back or inward, inner, interior |
pratyañc | mfn. equal to, a match for (accusative) |
pratyañc | mfn. past, gone |
pratyañc | m. the individual soul |
pratyañc | m. Name of a river |
pratyañc | m. behind (ablative) |
pratyañc | m. down (opp. to ūrdhvam-) |
pratyañc | m. westward, to the west of (ablative) |
pratyañc | m. inwardly, within |
pratyañc | m. in former times |
pratyandhakāra | mfn. spreading shadow |
pratyāneya | mfn. to be repaired or made good |
pratyaṅga | n. a minor or secondary member of the body (as the forehead, nose, chin, fingers, ears etc.;the 6 aṅga-s or chief members being the trunk, head, arms and legs) etc. |
pratyaṅga | n. a division, section, part |
pratyaṅga | n. a subdivision (of a science etc.) |
pratyaṅga | n. a weapon |
pratyaṅga | m. a kind of measure |
pratyaṅga | m. Name of a prince |
pratyaṅga | (in the beginning of a compound or pratyaṅgam am- ind.) on every part or member of the body, on the limbs severally |
pratyaṅga | (in the beginning of a compound or pratyaṅgam am- ind.) for one's own person (see -vartin-) |
pratyaṅga | (in the beginning of a compound or pratyaṅgam am- ind.) for every part or subdivision (of a sacrifice etc.) |
pratyaṅga | (in the beginning of a compound or pratyaṅgam am- ind.) (in gram.) in each base |
pratyaṅgadakṣiṇā | f. a fee for each part (of a sacrifice) |
pratyaṅgam | ind. pratyaṅga |
pratyaṅgam | ind. pratyaṅga |
pratyaṅgam | ind. pratyaṅga |
pratyaṅgam | ind. pratyaṅga |
pratyaṅgatva | n. the belonging to |
pratyaṅgavartin | mfn. occupying one's self with one's own person |
pratyaṅgirā | f. Acacia Sirissa |
pratyaṅgirā | f. a form of durgā-, one of the goddesses of the tāntrika-s |
pratyaṅgirākalpa | m. Name of work |
pratyaṅgirāmantra | m. Name of work |
pratyaṅgirāmantraṛksamudāya | m. Name of work |
pratyaṅgirāpañcāṅga | n. Name of work |
pratyaṅgirāprayoga | m. Name of work |
pratyaṅgiras | m. Name of a mythical personage (who like aṅgiras- married several of the daughters of dakṣa-) |
pratyaṅgirasa | m. Name of a mythical personage regarded as the father of certain ṛca-s |
pratyaṅgirāsahasranāman | n. Name of work |
pratyaṅgirāsahasranāmastotra | n. Name of work |
pratyaṅgirāsiddhamantroddhāra | m. Name of work |
pratyaṅgirāstotra | n. Name of work |
pratyaṅgirāstotropāsanādi | mn. Name of work |
pratyaṅgirāsūkta | n. Name of work |
pratyaṅgirātattva | n. Name of work |
pratyānī | P. A1. -nayati-, te- (infinitive mood -nayitum- ), to lead or bring back, restore ; to recover, regain ; to pour or fill up again : Desiderative A1. -ninīṣate-, to wish to bring back, try to rearrange or restore |
pratyanīka | mfn. hostile, opposed, injuring (with genitive case) |
pratyanīka | mfn. withstanding, resisting |
pratyanīka | mfn. opposite |
pratyanīka | mfn. equal, vying with |
pratyanīka | m. an adversary, enemy |
pratyanīka | n. a hostile army |
pratyanīka | n. hostility, enmity, a hostile relation, hostility position, rivality (sg. and plural) |
pratyanīka | n. injuring the relatives of an enemy who cannot be injured himself |
pratyanīka | n. injuring one who cannot retaliate (?) |
pratyānīka | m. (with rājan-) a particular personification |
pratyanīkabhāva | m. being the contrary |
pratyanīkatva | n. equals -bhāva- |
pratyanīkatva | n. the state of an enemy, hostility |
pratyanilam | ind. against the wind |
pratyāninīṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) desirous of bringing back |
pratyānīta | mfn. led or brought back |
pratyañj | P. -anakti-, or -añjati-, to smear over, besmear ; to decorate, adorn |
pratyañjana | n. smearing, anointing |
pratyaṅka | mf(ā-)n. recently marked (as cattle) |
pratyaṅkam | ind. in every act (of a drama) |
pratyaṅmukha | mf(ī-)n. having the face turned away or westward etc. |
pratyaṅmukhatva | n. facing the west |
pratyanta | mfn. bordering on, adjacent or contiguous to, skirting |
pratyanta | m. a border, frontier |
pratyanta | m. a bordering country id est a country occupied by barbarians |
pratyanta | m. (plural) barbarous tribes |
pratyantadeśa | m. a country bordering upon another, |
pratyantajanapada | n. a bordering country |
pratyantajanapadopapatti | f. birth in a bordering or barbarous country (with Buddhists one of the eight inauspicious ways of being born) |
pratyantaparvata | m. an adjacent (small) hill |
pratyantarībhū | equals -anantarī-bhū- |
pratyantāt | ind. in each case to the end |
pratyantavāsa | n. (!) a frontier-place |
pratyantika | mfn. being or situated at the border |
pratyantima | mfn. equals -antika- |
pratyanubhū | P. -bhavati-, to enjoy singly or severally |
pratyanujñā | P. -jānāti-, to refuse, reject, spurn |
pratyanūkāntam | ind. at the end of each back part of the altar commentator or commentary |
pratyanumāna | n. a contrary deduction, opposite conclusion |
pratyanunī | P. A1. -nayati-, te-, to speak friendly words, induce to yield, persuade ; (A1.) to beg a person's (accusative) pardon for (accusative) |
pratyanuprāsa | m. a kind of alliteration commentator or commentary |
pratyanusmṛ | P. -smarati-, to remember |
pratyanutap | Passive voice -tapyate-, to feel subsequent remorse, repent, regret |
pratyanuvāśita | mfn. ( vāś-) roared against, answered by roaring |
pratyanuyāc | P. -yācati-, to beseech, implore (with accusative) |
pratyanuyoga | m. a counter-question, question in return |
pratyāp | only Desiderative pratīpsati-, to ask (a girl) in marriage |
pratyapakāra | m. offending or injuring in return, retaliation |
pratyapakṛ | (only ind.p. -kṛtya-), to take vengeance on (accusative) |
pratyāpanna | mfn. returned, regained, restored |
pratyapara | mfn. equals -avara- q.v |
pratyapasṛp | Caus. -sarpayati-, to cause to go back, put to flight |
pratyāpatti | f. ( pad-) return |
pratyāpatti | f. turning back (from evil), conversion (equals vairāgya- ) |
pratyāpatti | f. restoration, restitution Va1rtt. 6; viii, 4, 68 Va1rtt. 1 |
pratyāpatti | f. expiation (equals śuddhi- Scholiast or Commentator) |
pratyapavah | P. -vahati-, to drive back, repel |
pratyapāya | m. perishing again, |
pratyapayā | P. -yāti-, to go back, withdraw, retreat, flee into (accusative) |
pratyāpīḍa | m. a kind of metre |
pratyāplavana | n. ( plu-) springing or leaping back |
pratyaporṇu | ( -apa-ūrṇu-) A1. -aporṇute-, to uncover one's self in the presence of (accusative) |
pratyara | m. ( commentator or commentary) () an intermediate spoke of a wheel. |
pratyarā | f. () an intermediate spoke of a wheel. |
pratyārambha | m. ( rabh-) beginning again, recommencement |
pratyārambha | m. prohibition |
pratyārambha | m. annulment |
pratyaraṇya | (in the beginning of a compound), near or in a forest |
pratyarc | P. -arcati-, to shine upon (accusative) : Causal -arcayati-, to greet in return or one by one |
pratyarcana | n. returning a salutation or obeisance |
pratyarcita | mfn. saluted in return |
pratyard | Caus. -ardayati-, te-, to oppress or assault in return |
pratyardha | gaRa aṃśv-ādi- |
pratyārdhapura | gaRa aṃśv-ādi- ( praty-ardha-, prati-pura-). |
pratyardhi | (pr/aty--) mfn. (prob.) possessing or claiming half of, having equal claims, equal to (genitive case) |
pratyārdra | mfn. fresh |
pratyārdrā | f. gaRa aṃśv-ādi- to |
pratyārdratara | mfn. |
pratyārdrīkṛ | to moisten again, refresh again ; to wipe out, efface |
pratyargala | n. the rope by which a churning-stick is moved |
pratyarham | ind. in yathā-p- q.v |
pratyari | m. a well-matched opponent, equally powerful enemy |
pratyarka | m. a mock sun, parhelion |
pratyarṇam | ind. at each syllable |
pratyarpaṇa | n. giving back, restoring, returning |
pratyarpaṇarpaṇīya | mfn. to be given back |
pratyarpaṇarpita | mfn. restored |
pratyarth | P. -arthayati-, to challenge (to combat) |
pratyarthaka | m. an opponent, adversary |
pratyartham | ind. in relation to anything |
pratyartham | ind. at every object, in every case |
pratyartham | ind. wrong reading for aty-a- |
pratyarthibhūta | mfn. become an obstacle |
pratyarthika | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') idem or 'm. an opponent, adversary ' |
pratyarthin | mfn. hostile, inimical |
pratyarthin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') opposing, rivalling, emulating etc. |
pratyarthin | m. an adversary, opponent, rival |
pratyarthin | m. (in law) a defendant etc. |
pratyarthitā | f. the state of a defendant at law |
pratyarthitva | n. the state of a defendant at law |
pratyarthyāvedana | n. (in law) the verbal information or deposition of the defendant which is written down by the officers of the court |
pratyāruh | Caus. -ropayati-, to cause to mount again |
pratyas | P. -asti-, to be equal to or a match for (accusative) |
pratyas | P. -asyati-, to throw to or down ; to turn over or round |
pratyās | A1. -āste-, to sit down opposite, or in the direction of (accusative) |
pratyāśā | f. confidence, trust, hope, expectation etc. ( pratyāśatva śa-tva- n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ) |
pratyāsad | P. -sīdati-, to be near or close at hand ; to wait for, expect |
pratyāśam | ind. in all directions |
pratyāsaṃkalita | n. (3. kal-) the putting together or combining of various evidence, consideration pro and con |
pratyāśaṃs | A1. -śaṃsate-, to expect, presuppose |
pratyāsaṅga | m. ( sañj-) combination, connection |
pratyāsanna | mfn. near at hand, close to (genitive case or compound), proximate, neighbouring etc. |
pratyāsanna | mfn. imminent etc. |
pratyāsanna | mfn. closely connected or related |
pratyāsanna | mfn. feeling repentance () |
pratyāsanna | n. equals -tā- f. proximity, neighbourhood |
pratyāsannamṛtyu | mfn. one whose death is imminent, at the point of death |
pratyāsatti | f. immediate proximity (in space, time etc.), close contact etc. |
pratyāsatti | f. good humour, cheerfulness |
pratyāsatti | f. (in gram.) analogy. |
pratyāśatva | n. pratyāśā |
pratyāsev | A1. -sevate- equals prati-juṣ-, Causal |
pratyāśī | A1. -śete-, to lie before (accusative) |
pratyāsic | to pour in again, |
pratyāśin | mfn. hoping, expecting |
pratyāśin | mfn. trusting, relying upon |
pratyaśman | m. red chalk |
pratyāśrāva | m. () the ejaculatory response (a particular sacrificial formula). |
pratyāśrāvaṇa | n. ( ) the ejaculatory response (a particular sacrificial formula). |
pratyāśrāvita | () n. idem or 'n. ( ) the ejaculatory response (a particular sacrificial formula).' |
pratyāśraya | m. ( śri-) a shelter, refuge, dwelling |
pratyāśru | Caus. -śrāvayati-, to pronounce the ejaculatory response |
pratyāśruta | () n. idem or '() n. idem or 'n. ( ) the ejaculatory response (a particular sacrificial formula).' ' |
pratyaṣṭa | mfn. (1. aś-) fallen to a person's (locative case) lot or share |
pratyasta | mfn. (pr/aty--) thrown down, laid low |
pratyasta | mfn. thrown off, given up |
pratyastagamana | n. the setting (of the sun) |
pratyastam | ind. (with gam-) to go down, cease |
pratyastamaya | m. the setting (of the sun) |
pratyastamaya | m. cessation, disappearance, end, destruction |
pratyāsthā | P. -tiṣṭhati-, to keep firm, stand fast |
pratyaṣṭhīlā | f. a kind of nervous disease |
pratyastra | n. missile hurled in return |
pratyastra | n. a missile hurled in return |
pratyāsvādaka | m. ( svad-) a fore-taster (?) |
pratyāsvara | mfn. ( svṛ-) shining back, reflecting |
pratyāśvas | P. -śvasiti-, to breathe again, respire, revive, take heart again etc.: Causal -śvāsayati-, to comfort, console, encourage |
pratyāśvāsa | m. breathing again, respiration, recovery |
pratyāśvāsana | n. (fr. Causal) consolation |
pratyāśvasta | mfn. refreshed, revived, recollected |
pratyātan | P. A1. -tanoti-, -tanute-, to extend in the direction of, shine upon or against, irradiate ; to bend (a bow) against (accusative) |
pratyātāpa | m. a sunny place |
pratyātma | (in the beginning of a compound) for every soul, in every soul |
pratyātma | (in the beginning of a compound) singly |
pratyātmaka | mfn. belonging to one's self |
pratyātmam | ind. for every soul, in every soul |
pratyātmam | ind. singly |
pratyātmaviniyata | mfn. individual |
pratyātmika | mfn. equals -ātmaka- |
pratyātmika | mfn. peculiar, original |
pratyātmya | n. similarity with or resemblance to one's self |
pratyātmyena | ind. after one's own image |
pratyavabhāṣ | A1. -bhāṣate-, to call to |
pratyavabhāṣa | wrong reading for -bhāsa- q.v |
pratyavabhāṣā | wrong reading for -bhāsa- q.v |
pratyavabhāsa | m. ( bhās-) becoming visible, appearance (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) (wrong reading bhāṣā-). |
pratyavabhuj | P. -bhujati-, to bend back |
pratyavadhā | P. -dadhāti-, to put in again |
pratyavado | P. -dāt/i-, or -dyati-, to divide again |
pratyavagam | P. -gacchati- to know singly or exactly |
pratyavagrah | P. -gṛhṇāti-, to draw or put back ; to retract, revoke, recall |
pratyavahan | P. -hanti-, to strike back, repel |
pratyavahṛ | (only Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -hartos-), to lessen, shorten, diminish : Causal -hārayati-, to suspend, interrupt, finish |
pratyavakarśana | mfn. ( kṛś-) bringing down, baffling, annihilating |
pratyavamarṣa | wrong reading for ava-marśa-, śa-vat- q.v |
pratyavamarṣavat | wrong reading for ava-marśa-, śa-vat- q.v |
pratyavamṛś | P. -mṛśati-, to touch ; to reflect, meditate |
pratyavamṛṣ | P. A1. -mṛṣyati-, te-, or -marṣati-, te-, to endure reluctantly, suffer beyond endurance |
pratyavanejana | n. ( nij-) washing off again |
pratyavāp | ( ava-āp-), only perfect tense -avāpuḥ-, to re-obtain, recover |
pratyāvap | P. -vapati- to cast or throw upon once more |
pratyavara | mfn. lower, more insignificant, less honoured than, (ablative) etc. |
pratyavarakālam | ind. after, later than (with ablative or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
pratyāvartana | n. coming back, returning |
pratyavarudh | (only ind.p. -rudhya-), to recover |
pratyavaruh | P. -rohati-, to come down again, descend from (ablative), alight upon (accusative) ; to descend (from a seat, chariot etc.) in honour of (accusative) ; to celebrate the festival called pratyavarohaṇa- : Causal -ropayat/i-, to bring down from, deprive of (ablative or instrumental case) |
pratyavasad | P. -sīdati-, to sink down, perish |
pratyāvāsakam | ind. to every station, to every tent |
pratyāvāsam | ind. in every house |
pratyavasāna | n. consuming, eating |
pratyavasita | mfn. relapsed into the old (bad) way of life (Scholiast or Commentator"one who has given up the life of a religious mendicant") |
pratyavasita | mfn. consumed, eaten (see ) |
pratyavaskanda | m. ( skand-) an attack, surprise |
pratyavaskanda | m. equals next |
pratyavaskandavaskandana | n. a special plea at law (admitting a fact, but qualifying or explaining it so as not to allow it to be a matter of accusation), |
pratyavaso | P. -syati-, to come back, return to (locative case) |
pratyavasṛj | P. -sṛjati-, to throw on (locative case) ; to relinquish, leave |
pratyavasṛp | P. -sarpati-, to creep towards |
pratyavasṛta | mfn. ( sṛ-) gone away |
pratyavasthā | A1. -tiṣṭhate-, to return, re-appear (with punar-) ; to resist, oppose, object to ; to stand alone or separately ; to re-attain, recover : Causal -sthāpayati-, to cause to stand firm, encourage (with ātmānam-"to collect one's self, recover") |
pratyavasthita | mfn. standing separately or opposite |
pratyavasthita | mfn. being in a particular condition |
pratyavatṝ | P. -tarati-, to disembark |
pratyavavahāra | m. drawing back, withdrawal |
pratyavavahāra | m. dissolution, re-absorption |
pratyavavamarśa | m. (wrongly spelt ṣa-) inner contemplation, profound meditation |
pratyavavamarśa | m. counter conclusion |
pratyavavamarśa | m. recollection |
pratyavavamarśa | m. consciousness |
pratyavavamarśana | n. contemplation, meditation |
pratyavavamarśavat | mfn. absorbed in thought, meditative |
pratyavavarodhana | n. obstruction, interruption |
pratyavavaroha | m. idem or 'f. descending towards ' |
pratyavavaroha | m. a descending series |
pratyavavaroham | ind. descending |
pratyavavarohaṇa | n. equals avarūḍhi- |
pratyavavarohaṇa | n. Name of a particular gṛhya- festival in the month mārgaśīrṣa- |
pratyavavarohaṇīya | m. a particular ekāha- sacrifice forming part of the vājapeya- |
pratyavavarohin | mfn. descending, moving downwards |
pratyavavarohin | mfn. moving or rising from a seat (a-pratyav-) |
pratyavavarohiṇī | f. Name of a particular litany |
pratyavavaruddha | mfn. stopped, suppressed |
pratyavavarūḍhi | f. descending towards |
pratyavavasthā | f. equals pary-avasthā- |
pratyavavasthāna | n. objection |
pratyavavasthāna | n. removal, setting aside |
pratyavavasthāna | n. former state or place, status quo |
pratyavavasthāna | n. opposition, hostility |
pratyavavasthāpana | n. (fr. Causal) refreshing, strengthening |
pratyavavasthātṛ | m. an opponent, adversary |
pratyavāya | m. decrease, diminution |
pratyavāya | m. reverse, contrary course, opposite, conduct |
pratyavāya | m. annoyance, disappointment |
pratyavāya | m. offence, sin, sinfulness |
pratyavāya | m. disappearance of what exists or non-production of what does not exist |
pratyavayava | (in the beginning of a compound) on or at every part of the body commentator or commentary |
pratyavayava | (in the beginning of a compound)in every part or particular, in detail |
pratyavayavam | (ind.), on or at every part of the body commentator or commentary |
pratyavayavam | (ind.) in every part or particular, in detail |
pratyavayavavarṇanā | f. a detailed or minute description |
pratyave | ( -ava-i-) P. avaīti-, to come down again, reach in descending ; to offend, sin |
pratyavekṣ | ( -ava-īkṣ-) A1. -avekṣate- (Epic also P. ti-), to look at ; to inspect, examine, look or inquire after etc. ; to consider, have regard for (accusative) |
pratyavekṣā | f. equals prec. n. |
pratyavekṣaṇa | n. looking after, care, attention |
pratyavekṣaṇā | f. (with Buddhists) one of the 5 kinds of knowledge |
pratyavekṣya | mfn. to be regarded or paid attention to |
pratyāvraj | P. -vrajati-, to go back, return |
pratyāvṛt | A1. -vartate-, to turn against (accusative) ; to return, come back etc.: Causal -vartayati-, to drive back, repel |
pratyāvṛtta | mfn. turned back (as a face) |
pratyāvṛtta | mfn. returned, come back etc. |
pratyāvṛtta | mfn. repeated |
pratyāvṛtti | f. coming back, return |
pratyaya | m. belief firm conviction, trust, faith, assurance or certainty of (genitive case locative case or compound) |
pratyaya | m. proof, ascertainment etc. (pratyayaṃ-gam-,to acquire confidence, repose confidence in ; asty atra pratyayo mama-,that is my conviction ; kah pratyayo 'tra-,what assurance is there of that? ) |
pratyaya | m. conception, assumption, notion, idea etc. |
pratyaya | m. (with Buddhists and jaina-s) fundamental notion or idea ( pratyayatva -tva- n.) |
pratyaya | m. consciousness, understanding, intelligence, intellect (in sāṃkhya- equals buddhi-) |
pratyaya | m. analysis, solution, explanation, definition |
pratyaya | m. ground, basis, motive or cause of anything etc. (in med.) equals nimitta-, hetu- etc. |
pratyaya | m. (with Buddhists) a co-operating cause |
pratyaya | m. the concurrent occasion of an event as distinguished from its approximate cause |
pratyaya | m. an ordeal |
pratyaya | m. want, need |
pratyaya | m. fame, notoriety |
pratyaya | m. a subsequent sound or letter |
pratyaya | m. an affix or suffix to roots (forming verbs, substantives, adjectives and all derivatives) |
pratyaya | m. an oath |
pratyaya | m. usage, custom |
pratyaya | m. religious meditation |
pratyaya | m. a dependant or subject |
pratyaya | m. a householder who keeps a sacred fire |
pratyāya | m. toll, tribute |
pratyāyā | P. -yāti-, to come back, return to (accusative) |
pratyayadhātu | m. the stem of a nominal verb |
pratyāyaka | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing to know or understand ( pratyāyakatva -tva- n.) |
pratyāyaka | mfn. convincing, credible |
pratyayakara | mfn. one who awakens confidence, trustworthy () |
pratyayakāraka | mfn. one who awakens confidence, trustworthy () |
pratyayakāraṇa | mfn. one who awakens confidence, trustworthy () |
pratyayakārin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who awakens confidence, trustworthy ()' |
pratyayakāriṇī | f. a seal, signet |
pratyāyakatva | n. pratyāyaka |
pratyayalopa | m. (in gram.) elision of an affix |
pratyayamauktikamālā | f. Name of work |
pratyāyana | mfn. (for 2.See praty-e-) convincing, credible (varia lectio āyaka-) |
pratyāyanā | f. convincing, persuasion |
pratyāyanā | f. consolation, comfort |
pratyāyana | n. elucidation, explanation, demonstration |
pratyāyana | n. (for 1. āy-See) setting (of the sun) |
pratyayanam | ind. every half year |
pratyāyanam | ind. (after a finite verb) |
pratyayanastva | n. obtaining again, recovery |
pratyayāntaśabdakṛdantavyūha | m. Name of work |
pratyayaprativacana | n. a certain or distinct answer, |
pratyayasarga | m. (in sāṃkhya-) the creation which proceeds from buddha- |
pratyayasvara | m. (in gram.) an accent on an affix |
pratyayatattvaprakāśikā | f. Name of work |
pratyayatva | n. (see above) the being a cause, causality |
pratyayatva | n. pratyaya |
pratyayāya | Nom. P. yati-, to convince (prob. wrong reading for Causal praty-āyayati-). |
pratyayayādhi | m. a pledge which causes confidence in regard to a debt |
pratyayayātma | mfn. causing confidence (varia lectio pratyag-ātma-) |
pratyāyayitavya | mfn. to be explained or demonstrated |
pratyayika | mfn. (in ātma-pr-) that of which everybody can convince himself. |
pratyayin | mfn. deserving confidence, trustworthy |
pratyayin | mfn. trusting, believing |
pratyayita | mfn. proved, trustworthy (Comparative degree -tara-) |
pratyayita | mfn. wrong reading for tyāyita- |
pratyāyita | mfn. convinced of, trusting (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') (wrong reading ayita-) |
pratyāyita | m. a trustworthy person, confidential agent, commissioner, |
pratyayitavya | mfn. credible |
pratyāyitavya | wrong reading for āyayitavya- |
pratyāyya | mfn. to be encouraged or comforted |
pratye | ( -ā-i-; P. proper 3. plural -ā-yanti-, parasmE-pada -ā-yat-; Potential -eyāt-; perfect tense -eyāya-; ind.p. -etya-), to come back, return to (accusative) |
pratyeka | mfn. each one, each single one, every one |
pratyeka | n. a particular sin |
pratyeka | n. (in the beginning of a compound or pratyekam am- ind.) one by one, one at a time, singly, for every single one etc. |
pratyeka | see parasmE-pada 664, column 2. |
pratyekabodhi | f. equals -buddhatva- |
pratyekabuddha | m. a buddha- who lives in seclusion and obtains emancipation for himself only (as opp. to those buddha-s who liberate others also) (see ) |
pratyekabuddhacatuṣṭaya | n. Name of work |
pratyekabuddhakathā | f. Name of work |
pratyekabuddhatva | n. the state of a pratyeka-buddha- |
pratyekam | ind. pratyeka |
pratyekanaraka | m. a particular hell |
pratyekaśas | ind. one by one, singly, severally |
pratyenas | (pr/aty--) m. an officer of justice, punisher of criminals |
pratyenas | (pr/aty--) m. a surety, the heir nearest of kin who is responsible for the debts of a deceased person |
pratyenasya | n. the nearest heirship to (genitive case) |
pratyeṣ | ( ā-īṣ-) A1. -eṣate-, to attach one's self to, enter into (locative case) |
pratyetavya | mfn. to be acknowledged, or admitted, to be understood as (Nominal verb) |
pratyetavya | See . |
pratyetṛ | mfn. believing, trusting, a believer |
pratyṛ | Caus. -arpayati-, to cause to go towards, throw towards ; to fasten, fix, put on ; to render up, deliver back, restore, return ; to give again or anew |
pratyṛcam | ind. at or in each verse |
pratyṛta | mfn. fixed, inserted |
pratyṛtu | ind. in each season |
pratyūbana | n. interruption, discontinuance |
pratyuccar | ( -ud-car-), Causal -cārayati-, to rouse up, excite, urge ; to repeat |
pratyuccāra | m. repetition |
pratyuccāraṇa | n. speaking in return, answering (a-pratyuc-) |
pratyucchri | ( -ud-śri-) P. A1. -chrayati-, te-, (P.) to erect against ; (A1.) to rise against, revolt |
pratyucchrita | mfn. rising |
pratyudadhi | ind. at the sea |
pratyudāharaṇa | n. a counter example or illustration |
pratyudāhārya | mfn. to be adduced as a counter example |
pratyudāhṛ | P. -harati-, to speak in return, reply, answer ; (in gram.) to adduce a contrary example |
pratyudāhṛta | mfn. named, answered |
pratyudāvraj | P. -vrajati-, to go in a contrary direction |
pratyuddhā | (-ud--1. hā-), only Aorist -ahāsata-, to ascend towards (accusative) |
pratyuddhāra | m. offering, tendering |
pratyuddharaṇa | n. ( hṛ-) recovering, re-obtaining |
pratyuddhṛta | mfn. re-obtained |
pratyuddhṛta | mfn. rescued, delivered from (ablative) |
pratyuddīp | A1. -dīpyate-, to flame against |
pratyudgā | (only Aorist -/udgāḥ-), to rise before or over (accusative) |
pratyudgam | P. -gacchati- (Epic also A1. te-), to go out towards, advance to meet (a friend or an enemy) etc. ; to come forth again, ; to set out for (accusative or locative case) |
pratyudgama | m. ( etc.) going forth towards, rising from a seat (as a mark of respect) and going out to meet (especially a guest). |
pratyudgamana | n. () going forth towards, rising from a seat (as a mark of respect) and going out to meet (especially a guest). |
pratyudgamanīya | mfn. to be met or treated respectfully |
pratyudgamanīya | mfn. fit or suitable for the respectful salutation of a guest |
pratyudgamanīya | n. a clean suit of clothes, the upper and lower garments as worn at meals etc. |
pratyudgāra | m. ( gṝ-) a kind of nervous disease |
pratyudgata | mfn. gone to meet (a friend or an enemy) |
pratyudgata | mfn. met, encountered |
pratyudgata | mfn. risen as from a seat |
pratyudgati | f. ( etc.) going forth towards, rising from a seat (as a mark of respect) and going out to meet (especially a guest). |
pratyudghāta | prob. wrong reading for praty-udyāta-. |
pratyudgīta | mfn. ( gai-) answered in singing or in chanting |
pratyudgrah | P. -gṛhṇāti-, to set aside, dismiss |
pratyudgraha | m. |
pratyudgrahaṇa | n. setting aside, dismissing |
pratyūḍha | mfn. rejected, refused |
pratyūḍha | mfn. neglected |
pratyūḍha | mfn. surpassed, excelled |
pratyūḍha | mfn. covered, enveloped |
pratyudi | P. -eti-, to ascend to (accusative) ; to rise and go towards (accusative) |
pratyudīkṣ | A1. -īkṣate-, to look up at, perceive, behold |
pratyudīr | (only ind.p. -īrya-), to utter in return, reply |
pratyudita | mfn. rejected, repelled |
pratyudita | See prati-vad-. |
pratyudvad | Caus. -vādayati-, to cause to resound |
pratyudvraj | P. -vrajati-, to go forth to meet |
pratyudyā | P. -yāti-, to rise and go towards or against, go to meet (a friend or an enemy) |
pratyudyam | P. -yacchati-, to counterbalance (accusative) |
pratyudyama | m. () f. () counterbalance, equipoise. |
pratyudyamin | mfn. maintaining an equipoise, counterbalancing |
pratyudyāmin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. maintaining an equipoise, counterbalancing ' , resisting, refractory |
pratyudyāna | n. the act of going forth against etc. |
pratyudyata | mfn. presented, offered |
pratyudyata | mfn. wrong reading for udgata-. |
pratyudyāta | mfn. met, encountered, received |
pratyudyātṛ | mfn. going forth against, attacking an assailant |
pratyūh | P. A1. -ūhati-, te- (ind.p. -uhya- ), to push back, strip off ; to bring back, recover ; to ward off, keep away ; to interrupt ; to offer, present |
pratyūha | m. an obstacle, impediment |
pratyujjīv | (-ud-jīv-) P. -jīvati-, to return to life, revive : Causal -jīvayati-, to restore to life, revivify, resuscitate |
pratyujjīvana | n. returning to life, reviving |
pratyujjīvana | n. (fr. Causal) restoring to life, revivifying |
pratyukṣ | P. -ukṣati-, to sprinkle |
pratyukta | mfn. answered (Persian and thing) etc. |
pratyukta | n. equals next |
pratyukta | See prati-vac-, p.670. |
pratyukti | f. an answer, satr-. |
pratyulūka | m. a bird resembling an owl |
pratyulūka | m. (according to the Scholiast or Commentator) a hostile owl or a crow regarded as an owl's enemy |
pratyulūkaka | m. a bird resembling an owl |
pratyunmiṣ | (-ud--1. miṣ-) P. -miṣati-, to rise or shine forth (as the sun) |
pratyunnamana | n. ( nam-) rising or springing up again, rebounding |
pratyupabhuj | A1. -bhuṅkte-, to eat, enjoy |
pratyupabhupabhoga | m. enjoyment |
pratyupadeśa | m. instruction or advice in return |
pratyupadhā | P. -dadhāti-, to put or place upon, cover |
pratyupādhā | A1. -dhatte-, to regain, recover |
pratyupadiś | P. -diśati- to explain singly or severally ; to teach anything (accusative) in return to (dative case) |
pratyupadiṣṭa | mfn. advised or cautioned in return |
pratyupadru | P. -dravati-, to rush against, fall upon, assail (accusative) |
pratyupagam | P. -gacchati-, to come near, approach |
pratyupagata | mfn. come near, approached |
pratyupahāra | m. ( hṛ-) handing back, restitution |
pratyupahava | m. a response to an invitatory formula or the repetition of it |
pratyupāhṛ | P. -harati-, to give up, desist |
pratyupahve | A1. -havate-, to call, invite |
pratyupakāra | m. returning a service or favour, gratitude |
pratyupākaraṇa | n. (1. kṛ-) recommencement of Vedic study |
pratyupakārin | mfn. requiting a favour, grateful |
pratyupakṛ | A1. -kurute-, to do a service in return, requite a favour |
pratyupakram | A1. -kramate-, to go or march forth against (accusative) |
pratyupakriyā | f. equals upakāra- |
pratyupalabdha | mfn. ( labh-) gained back, recovered |
pratyupalabdhacetas | mfn. one who has recovered his senses |
pratyupamāna | n. a counter comparison, the ideal of an ideal |
pratyupapanna | varia lectio for pratyutpanna-, in -mati-, ti-tva-, Sak. v, 19/20. |
pratyuparuddha | mfn. (2. rudh-) obstructed, choked |
pratyupasadam | ind. at each celebration of an upasad- |
pratyupāsanam | ind. for every kind of worship |
pratyupasparśana | n. touching or sipping (water) again |
pratyupaspṛś | P. -spṛśati-, to touch or sip again (water for internal ablution) |
pratyupasṛ | P. -sarati-, to return |
pratyupasthā | P. A1. tiṣṭhati-, te-, (A1.) to stand opposite to ; (A1.) to wait on ; (P.) to insist on (locative case) : Causal -sthāpayati-, to call forth, manifest |
pratyupasthāna | n. proximity, imminence |
pratyupasthāpana | n. mental realization |
pratyupasthita | mfn. come near to (accusative), approached, arrived etc. |
pratyupasthita | mfn. standing or being in (locative case or compound) |
pratyupasthita | mfn. present, assisting at (locative case) |
pratyupasthita | mfn. gone against, standing opposite to (accusative) |
pratyupasthita | mfn. assembled |
pratyupasthita | mfn. happened, occurred (or about to happen, imminent) etc. |
pratyupasthita | mfn. collecting, pressing (as urine) |
pratyupaveśa | m. besetting or besieging a person (to make him yield) |
pratyupaveśana | n. besetting or besieging a person (to make him yield) |
pratyupaviś | P. -viśati-, to sit down opposite to or before (accusative) ; to beset or besiege a person (to make him yield) : Causal -veśayate-, to cause a person to beset or besiege another ; to oppose, resist, |
pratyupaviṣṭa | mfn. one who besets or besieges another |
pratyupavraj | P. -vrajati-, to go against, attack (accusative) |
pratyupayā | P. -yāti-, to go again towards, return |
pratyupe | ( -upa-i-) P. -upaiti-, to approach again, recommence |
pratyupekṣita | mfn. ( īkṣ-) disregarded, neglected |
pratyupeya | mfn. to be met or dealt with |
pratyupodita | mfn. ( vad-) addressed with offensive words |
pratyupta | mfn. fixed into (locative case) |
pratyupta | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') set with |
pratyupta | See prati-vap-, p.670. |
pratyurasa | n. equals pratigatam uraḥ- |
pratyurasam | ind. against the breast, upon the breast (see ) . |
pratyūrdhvam | ind. on the upper side of (accusative), above, |
pratyuṣ | P. -oṣati-, to singe, scorch |
pratyuṣṭa | (pr/aty--) mfn. burnt or consumed one by one |
pratyuṣṭra | m. gaRa aṃśv-ādi- to |
pratyuṣya | mfn. to be singed or scorched |
pratyuta | See p.677. |
pratyuta | ind. on the contrary, rather, even (see 2. ut/a-). |
pratyutkarṣa | m. ( kṛṣ-) outdoing, surpassing |
pratyutkrama | m. ( kram-) undertaking, the first step or measure in any business |
pratyutkrama | m. setting out to assail an enemy |
pratyutkrama | m. declaration of war |
pratyutkramaṇa | n. idem or 'm. declaration of war ' |
pratyutkrānta | mfn. about to pass away |
pratyutkrāntajīvita | mfn. one whose life is about to pass away, almost dead |
pratyutkrānti | f. equals -utkrama- |
pratyutpā | A1. -pipīte-, to rise against (accusative) |
pratyutpanna | mfn. ( pad-) existing at the present moment, present, prompt, ready etc. |
pratyutpanna | mfn. reproduced, regenerated |
pratyutpanna | mfn. (in arithmetic) produced by multiplication, multiplied |
pratyutpanna | n. multiplication or the product of a sum in multiplication |
pratyutpannajāti | f. (in arithmetic) assimilation consisting in multiplication, or reduction to homogeneousness by multiplication |
pratyutpannamati | mfn. ready-minded, sharp, confident, bold ( pratyutpannamatitva -tva- n.presence of mind varia lectio) |
pratyutpannamati | m. "Ready-wit", Name of a fish |
pratyutpannamatitva | n. pratyutpannamati |
pratyutsad | P. -sīdati-, to resort to (accusative) |
pratyuttabdhi | f. upholding, propping up, supporting, fixing |
pratyuttambh | ( stambh-) P. -tabhnāti-, or -tabhnoti- to prop up, support |
pratyuttambha | m. () idem or 'f. upholding, propping up, supporting, fixing ' |
pratyuttambhana | n. () idem or 'm. () idem or 'f. upholding, propping up, supporting, fixing ' ' |
pratyuttara | n. a reply to an answer, rejoinder, answer etc. |
pratyuttarīkaraṇa | n. replying, an answer |
pratyuttarīkṛ | to answer |
pratyutthā | ( sthā-) P. -tiṣṭhati- to rise up before (accusative), rise to salute, go to meet |
pratyutthāna | n. rising from a seat to welcome a visitor, respectful salutation or reception etc. |
pratyutthāna | n. rising up against, hostility (varia lectio abhy-utth-). |
pratyutthāyika | varia lectio (or wrong reading) for yuka-. |
pratyutthāyin | mfn. rising again |
pratyutthāyuka | mfn. rising respectfully (a-pratyutth-) (varia lectio yika-). |
pratyuttheya | mfn. to be honoured or saluted by rising from the seat |
pratyutthita | mfn. risen to meet (accusative) |
pratyuttṝ | (only ind.p. -uttīrya-), to come home, return ; to betake one's self to (accusative) idem or 'etc. See p.664.' |
abhipratyavaruh | to step down upon (accusative) |
abhipratyave | ( i-) to move down towards |
abhipratye | ( i-) to come back towards (accusative) |
anātmapratyavekṣā | f. reflection that there is no spirit or self |
anityapratyavekṣā | f. consciousness that all is passing away |
apatyapratyaya | m. a patronymical affix |
apavādapratyaya | m. an exceptional affix |
apratyākhyāna | n. non-refutation. |
apratyākhyāta | mfn. uncontradicted, unrefuted, assented to. |
apratyākhyeya | mfn. not to be contradicted, undeniable. |
apratyakṣa | mfn. not present to the sight, invisible, imperceptible. |
apratyakṣaśiṣṭa | mfn. not distinctly taught. |
apratyakṣatā | f. imperceptibility. |
apratyālabhamāna | mfn. not offering resistance |
apratyāmnāya | m. not a contradictory statement |
apratyaya | m. distrust, disbelief, doubt |
apratyaya | m. not an affix |
apratyaya | mfn. distrustful (with locative case) |
apratyaya | mfn. causing distrust |
apratyaya | mfn. having no affix. |
apratyayastha | mfn. (in grammar) not pertaining to an affix. |
apratyṛta | mfn. (equals an-arv/a-), not encountering any resistance in (locative case) |
apratyutthāyuka | mfn. not rising before (wrong reading yika-), |
āśrāvitapratyāśrāvita | n. dual number address and response, Jaim |
bahupratyarthika | mfn. having many adversaries or opponents |
bahupratyavāya | mfn. connected with many difficulties |
bhārapratyavara | mfn. (actions) lowest by reason of the bearing of loads |
bhāṣyapratyaya | m. Name of work |
bhāṣyapratyayodbodha | m. Name of work |
bhāvapratyayaśaktivicāra | m. |
bhāvapratyayavādārtha | m. |
bhedapratyaya | m. belief in dualism (see -dṛṣṭi-) |
dakṣiṇāpratyac | mf(tīcī-)n. "south-western" |
dakṣiṇāpratyagapavarga | mfn. terminating in the south-west |
dakṣiṇāpratyak | ind. south-westwards, 1 |
dakṣiṇāpratyakpravaṇa | mfn. sloping south-westwards |
dharmitāvacchedakapratyāsatti | f. Name of work |
dharmitāvacchedakapratyāsattinirūpaṇa | n. Name of work |
dhātupratyayapañcaka | n. Name of work |
dhātupratyayapañjikā | f. Name of work |
dīdhitipratyakṣaṭikā | f. Name of Comm. |
dṛḍhapratyaya | m. firm confidence |
dṛṣṭapratyaya | mfn. having confidence manifested |
duṣpratyabhijña | mfn. difficult to be recognised |
ekasampratyaya | m. having the same signification, |
evampratyaya | mfn. having such a belief, |
gandharvapratyupasthita | mfn. pregnant, |
gatapratyāgata | mfn. ( Va1rtt. 5) gone away and returned, come back again after having gone away |
glānapratyaya | m. a requisite for sick persons |
hemantapratyavarohaṇa | n. redescending into winter (a kind of ceremony) |
īśvarapratyabhijñāsūtra | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a śaiva- work by utpala- |
itaretarapratyaya | mfn. dependent on each other |
itaretarapratyayatva | n. mutual dependance |
jātapratyaya | mfn. inspired with confidence |
labdhapratyaya | mfn. one who has won confidence, one who has firm belief in ( labdhapratyayatā -tā- f.) (in Prakrit) . |
labdhapratyayatā | f. labdhapratyaya |
lokapratyaya | m. world-currency, universal prevalence (of a custom etc.), |
maṇipratyakṣa | n. Name of work |
mantraśāstrapratyaṅgirā | f. Name of work |
mithyāpratyaya | m. false conception, error, illusion, sāṃkhya-s. Scholiast or Commentator |
niṣpratyāśa | mfn. hopeless, despondent of (locative case or compound) |
niṣpratyāśībhū | to give up all hope in (prati-), |
niṣpratyūha | mfn. unimpeded, irremediable, |
niṣpratyūham | ind. |
pariṇatapratyaya | mfn. (an action) whose results are matured |
pravṛttipratyaya | m. a belief in or conception of the things relating to the external world |
prāyaścittapratyāmnāya | m. Name of work |
punaḥpratyupakāra | m. retribution, retaliation |
pūraṇapratyaya | m. an affix forming an ordinal |
rājapratyenas | m. (prob.) the nearest heir to the throne |
rapratyāhāra | m. Name of a particular pratyāhāra- (q.v) |
rapratyāhārakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work |
rapratyāhāramaṇḍana | n. Name of work |
rapratyāhāravarṇana | n. Name of work |
sākṣipratyaya | m. the evidence or testimony of an eye-witnesses |
sāmantapratyaya | m. the evidence or testimony of near neighbours |
sampratyāgata | mfn. ( gam-) come back, returned |
sampratyavekṣaṇatā | f. ( īkṣ-) complete perception or comprehension. |
sampratyaya | m. assent, agreement (See yathā-s-) |
sampratyaya | m. firm conviction, perfect trust or faith or belief. etc. |
sampratyaya | m. right conception |
sampratyaya | m. notion, idea |
sampratyaya | See sam-prati-. |
sampratyāyaka | mf(ikā-)n. (fr. Causal) causing any one to mean anything (genitive case) by ( sampratyāyakatva -tva- n.) |
sampratyāyakatva | n. sampratyāyaka |
sapratyabhijñam | ind. with recognition, |
sapratyādhāna | (s/a--) mfn. together with (its) repository |
sapratyāśam | ind. hopefully, expectantly |
sapratyaya | mf(ā-)n. having trust or confidence, trusting in (locative case) |
sapratyaya | mf(ā-)n. certain, secure, sure (with vṛtti- f."sure means of subsistence") |
sapratyaya | mf(ā-)n. equals next |
sapratyayaka | mfn. together with a suffix |
sarvalokadhātūpadravodvegapratyuttīrṇa | m. Name of a buddha- |
sarvapratyakṣa | mf(ā-)n. being before the eyes of all |
sarvapratyayamālā | f. Name of work |
smṛtipratyavamarśa | m. retentiveness of memory, accuracy of recollection |
spārśanapratyakṣa | n. tactile perception, perception by touching or feeling |
strīpratyaya | m. a feminine suffix |
strīpratyayaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work |
sukhapratyarthin | mfn. opposed or hostile to happiness ( sukhapratyarthintā -tā- f.) (varia lectio for -pratibandhi-tā-). |
sukhapratyarthintā | f. sukhapratyarthin |
supratyañc | mf(tīcī-)n. well turned back |
supratyavasita | mfn. (perhaps) safely returned to one's own country |
supratyūdha | (yūḷha-) mfn. properly pushed back |
suvibhaktāṅgapratyaṅgatā | f. having every limb and member well proportioned (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-) |
tatpratyayam | ind. to make anything sure |
tatpratyayatva | (n.) |
uktapratyukta | n. speech and reply, discourse, conversation |
uktapratyukta | n. a kind of anthem or alternate song |
uktipratyuktikā | f. speech and answer, |
uttarapratyuttara | n. "reply and rejoinder", a dispute, altercation, discussion |
uttarapratyuttara | n. the pleadings in a lawsuit. |
vāyupratyakṣavāda | m. Name of work |
vāyupratyakṣavicāra | m. Name of work |
vijayapratyarthin | mfn. desirous of victory |
viparītapratyaṅgirā | f. Name of a Tantric work |
vipratipratyanīka | mfn. equals -pratyanīka- |
vipratyanīka | mfn. hostile |
vipratyanīyaka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. hostile ' |
vipratyaya | m. distrust |
viṣayalaukikapratyakṣakāryakāraṇabhāvarahasya | n. Name of work |
viṣayapratyabhijñāna | n. (in philosophy) the recognition of objects |
vṛttapratyabhijña | mfn. well versed in sacred rites |
vṛttapratyaya | m. Name of work |
vṛttapratyayakaumudī | f. Name of work |
yathāpratyakṣadarśanam | ind. as if in one's view, as if one saw it with one's eyes |
yathāpratyarham | ind. according to merit |
yathāsampratyayam | ind. according to agreement |
yuvapratyaya | m. a suffix forming the so-called yuvan- patronymics Scholiast or Commentator |