prati | ind. (as a prefix to roots and their derivative nouns and other nouns, sometimes pratī-;for 2.See p.664) towards, near to  |
prati | ind. against, in opposition to  |
prati | ind. back, again, in return  |
prati | ind. down upon, upon, on  |
prati | ind. before nouns it expresses also likeness or comparison (see prati-candra-)  |
prati | ind. or it forms avyayībhāva-s of different kinds (see prati-kṣaṇam-, prati-graham-, praty-agni-etc.;rarely in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' sūpaprati-,a little broth )  |
prati | ind. or as a preposition with usually preceding accusative , in the sense of towards, against, to, upon, in the direction of (exempli gratia, 'for example' śabdam p-,in the direction of the sound ; agnim pr-,against the fire ;also pratyagni ty-agni- ind. ; ripum pr-,against the enemy ; ātmānam pr-,to one's self )  |
prati | ind. opposite, before, in the presence of (exempli gratia, 'for example' rodasī pr-,before heaven and earth )  |
prati | ind. in comparison, on a par with, in proportion to (exempli gratia, 'for example' indram pr-,in comparison with little ; sahasrāṇi pr-,on a par with id est equivalent to thousands ;also with ablative or -tas-; see )  |
prati | ind. in the vicinity of, near, beside, at, on (exempli gratia, 'for example' yūpam pr-,near the sacrificial post ; gaṅgām pr-,at or on the Ganges ; etat pr-,at this point ; āyodhanam pr-,on the field of battle )  |
prati | ind. at the time of, about, through, for (exempli gratia, 'for example' phālgunam pr-,about the month phālguna- ; ciram pr-,for a long time ; bhṛśam pr-,often, repeatedly )  |
prati | ind. or used distributively (see ) to express at every, in or on every, severally (exempli gratia, 'for example' yajñam pr-,at every sacrifice ; yajñaṃ yajñam pr- ; varṣam pr-,every year, annually ;in this sense often compound; see above)  |
prati | ind. in favour of, for ( ; exempli gratia, 'for example' pāṇḍavān pr-,in favour of the pāṇḍava-s. ) |
prati | ind. on account of, with regard to, concerning ( exempli gratia, 'for example' sīmām pr-,concerning a boundary ; gautamam pr-,with regard to Ganges )  |
prati | ind. conformably or according to (exempli gratia, 'for example' mām pr-,according to me, id est in my opinion ; see mām praty araṇyavat pratibhāti-,"it seems to me like a forest" ; na bubhukṣitam prati bhāti kiṃ cit-,"to a hungry man nothing is of any account" on )  |
prati | ind. as, for (after a verb meaning,"to regard or consider"; see )  |
prati | ind. or as preposition with ablative in return or as compensation for, instead or in the place of ( )  |
prati | ind. with ablative or -tas- See above  |
prati | ind. with ablative or genitive case (?) to express,"about","at the time of"(only prati vastoḥ-,"at daybreak" )  |
prati | ind. as preposition with genitive case = with reference to . [ confer, compare Zend paiti; Greek , .]  |
prati | in compound with nouns not immediately connected with roots.  |
prati | m. Name of a son of kuśa-  |
pratibaddha | mfn. tied or bound to, fastened, fixed  |
pratibaddha | mfn. twisted, wreathed (as a garland),  |
pratibaddha | mfn. dependent on, subject to (compound)  |
pratibaddha | mfn. attached to, joined or connected or provided with (instrumental case)  |
pratibaddha | mfn. harmonizing with, (locative case)  |
pratibaddha | mfn. fixed, directed (upari-,or compound)  |
pratibaddha | mfn. hindered, excluded, cut off,  |
pratibaddha | mfn. kept at a distance  |
pratibaddha | mfn. entangled, complicated  |
pratibaddha | mfn. disappointed, thwarted, crossed, vexed  |
pratibaddha | mfn. (in philosophy) that which is always connected or implied (as fire in smoke)  |
pratibaddhacitta | mfn. one whose mind is turned to or fixed on (compound)  |
pratibaddhaprasara | mfn. hindered or blunted in its course (as a thunderbolt), on  |
pratibaddharāga | mfn. having passion in harmonious connection with (locative case),  |
pratibaddhatā | f. the being connected with (compound)  |
pratibādh | A1. -bādhate- (Epic also P. ti-), to beat back, ward off, repel ; to check, restrain ; to pain, torment, vex  |
pratibādhaka | mf(ikā-)n. thrusting back, repelling (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pratibādhaka | mf(ikā-)n. preventing, obstructing  |
pratibādhana | n. beating back, repulsion (genitive case, accusative,or compound)  |
pratibādhin | mfn. obstructing  |
pratibādhin | m. an opponent  |
pratibādhita | mfn. beaten back, repelled  |
pratibadhya | mfn. to be obstructed or hindered |
pratibāhu | m. fore-arm  |
pratibāhu | m. an opposite side (in a square or polygon)  |
pratibāhu | m. Name of several men  |
pratibala | n. a hostile army  |
pratibala | mfn. having equal strength or power, equally matched, a match for (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' astra-p-,equal in arms), being able to (dative case or infinitive mood) (see a-p-).  |
pratibanddhṛ | m. a hinderer, preventer, obstructor  |
pratibanddhṛtā | f.  |
pratibandh | P. A1. -badhnāti-, -badhnīte- (Epic imperfect tense also -abandhat-), to tie to, fasten, fix, moor (A1.,anything of one's own) etc. ; to set, enchase ; to exclude, cut off ; to keep back or off, keep at a distance ; to stop, interrupt  |
pratibandha | m. connection, uninterruptedness,  |
pratibandha | m. a prop, support  |
pratibandha | m. investment, siege  |
pratibandha | m. obstacle, hindrance, impediment  |
pratibandha | m. opposition, resistance (ena-,by all kinds of resistance )  |
pratibandha | m. a logical impediment, obstructive argument  |
pratibandha | m. stoppage, suspension, cessation (see varṣapr-)  |
pratibandhaka | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals bandha-, impediment, obstacle  |
pratibandhaka | mf(ikā-)n. obstructing, preventing, resisting  |
pratibandhaka | m. a branch  |
pratibandhaka | m. Name of a prince  |
pratibandhakārin | mfn. creating obstacles, hindering, preventing  |
pratibandhamukta | mfn. freed from obstacles  |
pratibandhana | n. binding, confinement, obstruction  |
pratibandhavat | mfn. beset with obstacles, difficult to attain  |
pratibandhi | m. contradiction, objection  |
pratibandhikalpanā | f. (in logic) an assumption liable to a legitimate contradiction  |
pratibandhiṃstā | f.  |
pratibandhin | mfn. meeting with an obstacle, being impeded or prevented  |
pratibandhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') impeding, obstructing  |
pratibandhu | m. an equal in rank or station  |
pratibāṇi | See -vāṇi- below.  |
pratibhā | P. -bhāti-, to shine upon (accusative) ; to come in sight, present or offer one's self to (genitive case or accusative) etc. ; to appear to the mind (also with manasi-), flash upon the thoughts, become clear or manifest, occur to (accusative or genitive case) etc. (n/ottaram pratibhātime-,"no answer occurs to me" ) ; to seem or appear to (genitive case accusative with or without prati-) as or like (Nominal verb with or without iva-,or yathā-,or -vat- ind.) etc. (iti pratibhāti me manaḥ-,"so it seems to my mind" ) ; to seem fit, appear good, please to (genitive case or accusative) etc. (sā bhāryā pratibhāti me-,"this one would please me as a wife" ) |
pratibha | mfn. wise, intelligent (varia lectio)  |
pratibhā | f. an image  |
pratibhā | f. light, splendour (See niṣ-pr-)  |
pratibhā | f. appearance (a-pr-)  |
pratibhā | f. fitness, suitableness (a-pr-),  |
pratibhā | f. intelligence, understanding  |
pratibhā | f. presence of mind, genius, wit  |
pratibhā | f. audacity, boldness (a-pr-)  |
pratibhā | f. a thought, idea  |
pratibhā | f. a founded supposition  |
pratibhā | f. fancy, imagination  |
pratibhābalāt | ind. by force of reason or intelligence, wisely  |
pratibhāga | (in the beginning of a compound), for every degree (for 2.See under prati-bhaj-).  |
pratibhāga | m. (for 1.See) division (wrong reading for pra-vibh-?)  |
pratibhāga | m. a share, portion, daily present (consisting of fruit, flowers etc. and offered to a king)  |
pratibhāgaśas | ind. in divisions or classes  |
pratibhāhāni | f. privation of light, dulness, darkness  |
pratibhāhāni | f. equals -kṣaya-  |
pratibhairava | mf(ā-)n. dreadful  |
pratibhaj | P. -bhajati-, to fall again to one's share, return to (accusative)  |
pratibhakṣ | P. -bhakṣayati-, to eat separately or alone  |
pratibhākṣaya | m. loss or absence of knowledge, want of sense  |
pratibhāmukha | mfn. at once hitting the right, quick-witted (confident, arrogant )  |
pratibhaṇ | P. -bhaṇati-, to speak in reply, answer  |
pratibhāna | n. becoming clear or visible, obviousness  |
pratibhāna | n. intelligence  |
pratibhāna | n. eloquence  |
pratibhāna | n. brilliancy  |
pratibhāna | n. boldness, audacity  |
pratibhāna | n. varia lectio for bhāta-  |
pratibhānakūṭa | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
pratibhānavat | mfn. endowed with presence of mind, quick-witted, shrewd, intelligent etc. ( pratibhānavattva -tva- n. )  |
pratibhānavat | mnf. bright, brilliant  |
pratibhānavat | mfn. bold, audacious  |
pratibhānavattva | n. pratibhānavat |
pratibhaṇḍitavya | mfn. ( bhaṇḍ-) to be derided or scoffed in return  |
pratibhaṇita | mfn. answered, replied  |
pratibhañj | P. -bhanakti-, to fracture, break in pieces  |
pratibhānvita | mfn. intelligent, wise  |
pratibhānvita | mfn. confident, hold  |
pratibhāṣ | A1. -bhāṣate- (Epic also P. ti-), to speak in return or to (accusative), answer, relate, tell ; to call, name (2 accusative),  |
pratibhās | A1. -bhāsate-, to manifest one's self. appear as or look like or as (Nominal verb) (nānā-tvena-,"to appear different" ) ; to shine, be brilliant, have a bright appearance  |
pratibhāṣā | f. an answer, rejoinder  |
pratibhāsa | m. appearance, look, similitude, vedānta-s.  |
pratibhāsa | m. appearing or occurring to the mind  |
pratibhāsa | m. illusion  |
pratibhāsana | n. appearing, appearance  |
pratibhāsana | n. look, semblance  |
pratibhāṣya | n. Name of chapter of  |
pratibhaṭa | mfn. a match for, vying with (genitive case or compound), rivalling  |
pratibhāta | n. (prob.) a symbolical offering (varia lectio bhāna-and bhāva-).  |
pratibhātas | ind. by fancy or imagination  |
pratibhaṭatā | f. emulousness, emulation  |
pratibhaṭī | mfn. (ṭī-kṛ-,to equalize to ; m.an adversary )  |
pratibhāva | m. counterpart ( pratibhāvatā -tā- f.)  |
pratibhāva | m. corresponding character or disposition  |
pratibhavam | ind. for this and all future births  |
pratibhāvaśāt | ind. equals -tas-,  |
pratibhāvat | mfn. endowed with presence of mind, shrewd, intelligent  |
pratibhāvat | mfn. confident, bold  |
pratibhāvat | m. (L.) the sun, the moon, fire  |
pratibhāvatā | f. pratibhāva |
pratibhāvavat | mfn. having corresponding characters, social  |
pratibhāvilāsa | m. Name of several works.  |
pratibhaya | mf(ā-)n. exciting fear, formidable, terrible, dangerous etc.  |
pratibhaya | n. fear (with ablative or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pratibhaya | n. danger  |
pratibhayakara | mfn. causing fear  |
pratibhayākāra | mfn. having a formidable aspect  |
pratibhayam | ind. formidably, frightfully  |
pratibhayaṃkara | mfn. causing fear  |
pratibheda | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) splitting, dividing (?)  |
pratibheda | m. discovery, betrayal  |
pratibhedana | n. piercing, cutting, dividing  |
pratibhedana | n. putting out (as the eyes)  |
pratibhī | f. fear  |
pratibhid | P. -bhinatti-, to pierce, penetrate ; to disclose, betray ; to reproach, censure, be indignant with (accusative)  |
pratibhinna | mfn. pierced, divided  |
pratibhinna | mfn. distinguished by (instrumental case or compound)  |
pratibhinnaka | mfn. undecided (?)  |
pratibhoga | m. enjoyment  |
pratibhoga | m. equals next  |
pratibhoga | m. varia lectio for -bhāga-  |
pratibhojana | n. prescribed diet  |
pratibhojin | mfn. eating the prescribed diet  |
pratibhojita | mfn. one who has been allowed to eat food besides the prescribed diet  |
pratibhṛ | P. -bharati-, to carry towards, offer, present ; (-bibharti-), to support (a parent)  |
pratibhṛta | mfn. offered, prevented |
pratibhū | P. -bhavati-, to be equal to or on a par with (accusative) : Causal -bhāvayati-, to observe, become acquainted with (accusative) : Passive voice -bhāvyate-, to be considered as, pass for (Nominal verb)  |
pratibhū | m. a surety, security, bail  |
pratibhūbhṛt | m. a hostile prince  |
pratibhuj | P. -bhunakti-, to enjoy ; to eat food besides the prescribed diet  |
pratibhuja | m. equals -bāhu-  |
pratibhukta | mfn. one who has eaten food reserved for him  |
pratibhukta | mfn. one who has eaten food other than the prescribed diet  |
pratibhūpāla | m. equals next  |
pratibhūpāla | m. (plural) each single prince, all the princes together.  |
pratibhūṣ | P. -bhūṣati-, to make ready, prepare, fit out ; to serve, wait upon, honour, worship ; to concede, acquiesce in, agree to (accusative)  |
pratibīja | n. bad seed  |
pratibījam | ind. for every sort of grain  |
pratibimba | n. (rarely m.) the disc of the sun or moon reflected (in water)  |
pratibimba | n. a reflection, reflected image, mirrored form etc. (also baka-)  |
pratibimba | n. a resemblance or counterpart of real forms, a picture, image, shadow  |
pratibimba | n. (among the synonyms of"equal" )  |
pratibimba | n. Name of the chapters of the kāvya-prakāśādarśa-  |
pratibimba | Nom. P. bati-, to be reflected or mirrored  |
pratibimbana | n. the being reflected,  |
pratibimbana | n. reflection  |
pratibimbana | n. comparing together, comparison  |
pratibimbāta | (?) m. a mirror  |
pratibimbavartin | mfn. being reflected or mirrored  |
pratibimbaya | Nom. P. yati-, to reflect, mirror (see bita-above) .  |
pratibimbīkṛ | to reflect, represent, equal  |
pratibimbita | mfn. reflected, mirrored ( pratibimbitatva -tva- n.) etc.  |
pratibimbitatva | n. pratibimbita |
pratibodha | m. (see pratī-b-) awaking, waking  |
pratibodha | m. perception, knowledge  |
pratibodha | m. instruction, admonition  |
pratibodha | m. Name of a man gaRa bidādi-  |
pratibodhaka | mfn. awakening (with accusative)  |
pratibodhaka | m. a teacher, instructor  |
pratibodhana | mfn. awakening, enlivening, refreshing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pratibodhanā | f. awaking, recovering consciousness  |
pratibodhana | n. awaking, expanding, spreading  |
pratibodhana | n. awakening (trans.)  |
pratibodhana | n. instruction, explanation  |
pratibodhanīya | mfn. to be awakened  |
pratibodhavat | mfn. endowed with knowledge or reason  |
pratibodhin | mfn. awaking, about to awake (see gaRa gamy-ādi-).  |
pratibodhita | mfn. awakened  |
pratibodhita | mfn. instructed, taught, admonished  |
pratibrū | P. A1. -bravīti-, -brūve-, to speak in reply, answer etc. etc. (also with 2 accusative ) ; (A1.) to answer id est return (an attack etc.) ; to refuse, deny  |
pratibuddha | (pr/ati--) mfn. awakened, awake (also said of the Dawn) etc.  |
pratibuddha | (pr/ati--) mfn. one who has attained to perfect knowledge (see )  |
pratibuddha | (pr/ati--) mfn. illuminated, enlightened  |
pratibuddha | (pr/ati--) mfn. observed, recognized  |
pratibuddha | (pr/ati--) mfn. known, celebrated  |
pratibuddha | (pr/ati--) mfn. made prosperous or great  |
pratibuddhaka | mfn. known, recognized (a-pratib-)  |
pratibuddhātman | mfn. having the mind roused or awakened, awake  |
pratibuddhavastu | mfn. understanding the real nature of things  |
pratibuddhi | f. awakening  |
pratibuddhi | f. hostile disposition or purpose (equals śatru-b-)  |
pratibuddhivat | mfn. having hostile intentions  |
pratibudh | A1. -budhyate- (Epic also P. ti-), to awaken (intr.), awake, wake etc. ; to perceive, observe, learn (2. perfect tense subjunctive -b/ubodhatha-; parasmE-pada A1. b/udhyamāna-,"attentive") ; to awaken (trans.) : Passive voice (only Aorist abodhi-) to expand : Causal bodhayati-, to awaken (trans.) ; to instruct, inform, admonish etc. ; to commission, charge, order  |
praticakra | n. a discus which is a match for any other  |
praticakra | n. a hostile army  |
praticakṣ | A1. -caṣṭe-, to see, perceive ; to expect ; to cause to see, let appear, show  |
praticakṣa | See su-praticakṣ/a-.  |
praticakṣaṇa | n. looking at, at viewing (showing, displaying Scholiast or Commentator)  |
praticakṣaṇa | n. appearance, look, aspect  |
praticakṣin | mfn. regarding, observing  |
praticakṣya | mf(ā-)n. visible, conspicuous  |
praticandra | m. a mock moon, paraselene  |
praticar | P. -carati-, to advance towards, approach ; Causal -cārayati- See below.  |
praticāra | m. personal adornment, toilet,  |
praticaraṇam | ind. in every school or branch  |
praticārin | mfn. exercising, practising  |
praticārita | mfn. (fr. Causal) circulated, proclaimed, published  |
praticchad | ( chad-) P. -cchādayati- to cover, envelop, hide, conceal,  |
praticchadana | n. a cover, covering  |
praticchanda | m. a reflected image  |
praticchanda | m. any image, likeness, substitute  |
praticchandaka | m. equals -cchanda-  |
praticchandaka | mfn. versed in, familiar with  |
praticchandakalyāṇa | mfn. obliging, complaisant  |
praticchanna | mfn. covered, enveloped, hidden, concealed, disguised etc.  |
praticchanna | mfn. endowed or furnished with (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
praticchāyā | f. reflection, likeness, image, shadow, phantom  |
praticchāyā | f. the distorted image of a sick man (indicative of approaching death)  |
praticchāyāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of the distorted image of a sick man  |
praticchāyikā | f. an image, phantom  |
praticcheda | m. cutting off  |
praticcheda | m. resistance, opposition  |
praticchid | ( chid-) P. -cchinatti- to cut or tear off (varia lectio pra-cch-) ; to retaliate by cutting to pieces  |
praticikīrṣ | mfn. (fr. Desiderative; Nominal verb cikīr-before b-) wishing to requite (loc)  |
praticikīrṣ | See prati-kṛ-.  |
praticikīrṣā | f. wish to requite, desire to be revenged upon (accusative or locative case)  |
praticikīrṣu | mfn. wishing to return or requite (varia lectio -jihīrṣu-).  |
praticint | P. A1. -cintayati-, te-, to consider again, reflect upon, remember ; Caur.  |
praticintana | n. thinking repeatedly, considering  |
praticintanīya | mfn. to be thought over again  |
praticiti | ind. in every layer or pile  |
praticodanā | f. prevention, prohibition (= niṣedha-, opp. to vidhi-,or equals smriti-, opp. to śruti- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
praticodanam | ind. on every order or injunction  |
praticodanam | See .  |
praticodita | mfn. impelled or excited against (accusative)  |
praticud | Caus. -coḍayati-, to drive or urge on, impel  |
praticyavīyas | mfn. ( cyu-) pressing closer against or towards  |
pratidā | P. A1. -dadāti-, -datte-, to give back, restore, return etc. ; to give, offer, present : Causal -dāpayati-, to cause to be given back or restored  |
pratidah | P. -dahati- (future -dhakṣyati-), to burn towards, encounter with flames, consume : Passive voice -dahyate- (ti-), to be burnt or consumed by fire  |
pratidaivatam | ind. for each deity  |
pratidāna | n. restitution (of a deposit), restoration  |
pratidāna | n. giving or a gift in return  |
pratidāna | n. exchange, barter (varia lectio for pari-d-).  |
pratidaṇḍa | mfn. refractory under the rod, disobedient, obstinate  |
pratidantin | m. equals -kuñjara-  |
pratidantyanīkam | ind. against the army of elephants  |
pratidāpya | mfn. to be caused to be restored  |
pratidāraṇa | n. ( dṝ-) battle, fighting, fierce conflict  |
pratidarśa | m. (see pratī-d-) looking at, viewing  |
pratidarśana | n. idem or 'm. (see pratī-d-) looking at, viewing '  |
pratidarśanā | f. sight, look, appearance  |
pratidātavya | mfn. to be given back or restored  |
pratideham | ind. in each body  |
pratideśam | ind. equals -diśam-  |
pratideśam | See .  |
pratideśanīya | mfn. to be reported or related  |
pratidevatā | f. a corresponding deity  |
pratidevatam | ind. equals -daivatam-  |
pratideya | mfn. to be given back or returned  |
pratideya | n. a pledge, pawn  |
pratideya | n. an article purchased and given back  |
pratidhā | P. A1. -dadhāti-, -dhatte- (Ved. infinitive mood pr/ati-dhātave-), to put on or in or near or back, return, restore (locative case or dative case) ; to adjust (an arrow), aim ; to put to the lips (for drinking) ; to put down (the feet), step out ; to offer, present ; to use, employ ; to restrain ; (A1.) to commence, begin, approach  |
pratidhā | f. putting to the lips, a draught  |
pratidhāna | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') putting to or on  |
pratidhāna | n. adopting precautions  |
pratidhartṛ | m. one who keeps back or stops  |
pratidhāv | P. A1. -dhāvati-, te-, to run back ; to rush upon (accusative), attack  |
pratidhāvana | n. rushing upon, onset, attack (varia lectio -bādhana-).  |
pratidhī | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') as intelligent as,  |
pratidhi | m. a cross-piece on the pole of a carriage  |
pratidhī | (only perfect tense -didhima-), to expect, hope  |
pratidhī | mfn. See .  |
pratidhṛ | P. A1. -dhārayati-, te-, to keep back, stop, check ; to keep erect, support  |
pratidhṛṣ | (only perfect tense -dadharṣa-and Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -dh/ṛṣe-), to be bold against, brave, defy (see a-pratidhṛṣṭa-and dhṛṣya-).  |
pratidhuktva | n.  |
pratidhura | m. a horse harnessed by the side of another (see apratidh-).  |
pratidhvāna | m. (n. ) idem or 'm. (2. dhvan-) echo, reverberated sound '  |
pratidhvani | m. (2. dhvan-) echo, reverberated sound  |
pratidhvānin | ( ) mfn. sounding, resounding.  |
pratidhvānita | ( ) mfn. sounding, resounding.  |
pratidhvasta | mfn. ( dhvaṃs-) sunk, hanging down  |
pratidhyāta | mfn. ( dhyai-) thought upon, meditated (varia lectio pra-dhyāta-).  |
pratidinam | ind. day by day, daily, every day  |
pratidīpta | mfn. ( dīp-) flaming against  |
pratidiś | Caus. -deśayati-, to point towards, point out ; to confess  |
pratidiśam | ind. in every direction or quarter, all around  |
pratidiśam | See .  |
pratidiv | P. -dīvyati-, to throw or cast against ; to play at dice with (accusative), to stake anything (genitive case or accusative) at dice against  |
pratidivan | m. the sun  |
pratidivan | m. a day  |
pratidīvan | m. an adversary at play  |
pratidīvan | m. the sun  |
pratidivasam | ind. day by day, daily, every day  |
pratidoṣam | ind. in the evening, in the dark  |
pratidṛś | mfn. similar, like  |
pratidṛś | (ind.p. -dṛśya-), to look at, behold, perceive, notice ; A1. and Passive voice -dṛśyate-, to become visible, appear, appear as, be etc. etc.: Causal -darśayati-, to cause to see, show, teach  |
pratidṛś | See .  |
pratidṛśam | ind. in or for every eye  |
pratidṛśam | See .  |
pratidṛṣṭa | mfn. beheld, visible, conspicuous, famous, celebrated (equals pra-khyāta- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
pratidṛṣṭānta | m. a counter example  |
pratidṛṣṭānta | See .  |
pratidṛṣṭāntasama | m. an irrelevant objection by adducing a counter example which ignores the opponent's example  |
pratidru | (only Aorist -adu bruvat-), to run towards (accusative) |
pratidruh | m. ( druh-) one who seeks to injure in return (a-p-)  |
pratiduh | (P. imperfect tense -aduhat- Aorist -adhukṣat-), to add by milking ; (P. Potential -duhīyat- subjunctive -dohate-) to yield (like milk), grant (see ) .  |
pratiduh | n. (nom dhuk-; genitive case instrumental case also dhuṣas-, ṣā-) fresh milk, milk still warm  |
pratidūṣita | mfn. (2. duṣ-, Causal) defiled, rendered unclean, contaminated  |
pratidūta | m. a messenger sent in return  |
pratidvādaśan | mfn. plural twelve in each case  |
pratidvaṃdva | m. an adversary, rival, foe (in a-pratidv-) etc.  |
pratidvaṃdva | n. opposition, hostility  |
pratidvaṃdvaya | Nom. P. yati-, to rival  |
pratidvaṃdvībhūta | mfn. being an adversary,  |
pratidvaṃdvin | m. equals dva- m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' vying with)  |
pratidvāram | ( ) ind. at every gate or door.  |
pratidvāri | ( ) ind. at every gate or door.  |
pratidvipa | m. equals -kuñjara-  |
pratidvīpam | ind. in every part of the world  |
pratidvirada | m. idem or 'm. equals -kuñjara- '  |
pratigā | (only Aorist -agāt-), to go back, return.  |
pratigad | P. -gadati-, to speak in return, answer  |
pratigāh | A1. -gāhate-, to penetrate, enter  |
pratigaja | m. equals -kuñjara- |
pratigam | P. -gacchati-, to go towards, go to meet etc. ; to go back, return, go home  |
pratigamana | n. ( ) return.  |
pratigara | m. the responsive call of the adhvaryu- to the address of the hotṛ-  |
pratigaritṛ | m. one who makes a responsive cry or chant  |
pratigarj | P. -garjati-, to roar against or in return, answer with roars ; to resist, oppose ; to vie with (instrumental case or genitive case),  |
pratigarjana | n. ( ) thundering or roaring against or in return, an answering roar.  |
pratigarjanā | f. ( ) thundering or roaring against or in return, an answering roar.  |
pratigata | mfn. gone towards or back  |
pratigata | mfn. flying backwards and forwards, wheeling in flight  |
pratigata | mfn. lost from the memory  |
pratigati | f. ( ) return.  |
pratigātram | ind. in every limb (only in the beginning of a compound)  |
pratigeham | ( ) ind. in every house.  |
pratigha | m. ( han-) hindrance, obstruction, resistance, opposition (see a-p-)  |
pratigha | m. struggling against (compound)  |
pratigha | m. anger, wrath, enmity (one of the 6 evil passions )  |
pratigha | m. equals mūrchā-  |
pratigha | m. combat, fighting  |
pratigha | m. an enemy  |
pratigha | m. opposition, contradiction  |
pratighāta | m. (see pratī-gh-) warding off, keeping back, repulse, prevention, resistance, opposition etc.  |
pratighāta | m. rebound  |
pratighātaka | mf(ikā-)n. disturbing  |
pratighātaka | mf(ikā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals ghāta-  |
pratighātakṛt | mfn. depriving any one (genitive case) of (genitive case)  |
pratighātana | n. warding off, repulsing  |
pratighātana | n. killing, slaughter  |
pratighātavid | mfn. knowing how to resist, apt to resist  |
pratighātaya | (Caus. of prati-han-), yati-, to ward off  |
pratighātin | mfn. keeping off, repulsing, disturbing, injuring  |
pratighātin | mfn. dazzling (netra--)  |
pratighna | n. the body  |
pratighoṣin | mfn. ( ghuṣ-) roaring or crying out against  |
pratighoṣiṇī | f. Name of a class of demons  |
pratigiri | m. an opposite mountain  |
pratigīrya | mfn. to be answered in recitation or chanting  |
pratigṝ | P. A1. -gṛṇāti-, -gṛṇīte-, to invoke, salute (accusative) ; (with dative case; see ) to respond in recitation or chanting (also with prati-garam-) ; to agree with (dative case)  |
pratigrah | P. A1. -gṛhṇāti-, -gṛhṇīte- (irreg. 2. sg. imperative -gṛhṇa- ; Aorist -ajagrabhat- ), to take hold of, grasp, seize (in astrology = to eclipse, obscure) etc. ; to take (as a present or into possession), appropriate, receive, accept etc. (śirasā-,"with the head"i e."humbly, obediently" ) ; to gain, win over ; to take as a wife, marry etc. ; to take = eat, drink ; to receive (a friend or guest) etc. ; to receive (anything agreeable as a good word or omen) ; to assent to, acquiesce in, approve ; (rarely) to receive (an enemy) , oppose, encounter : Causal -grāhayati-, to cause to accept, present with (2 accusative) ; to answer, reply : Desiderative -jighṛkṣati-, to wish to accept  |
pratigraha | m. receiving, accepting, acceptance of gifts (as the peculiar prerogative of Brahmans; see ) etc. (grahaṃ-kṛ-,to receive presents )  |
pratigraha | m. friendly reception  |
pratigraha | m. favour, grace  |
pratigraha | m. taking a wife, marrying  |
pratigraha | m. receiving with the ear id est hearing  |
pratigraha | m. a grasper, seizer (keśa--,a hair-cutter, barber) a receiver  |
pratigraha | m. a chamber-vessel or any similar convenience for sick persons  |
pratigraha | m. a spittoon  |
pratigraha | m. a gift, present (especially a donation to a Brahman at suitable periods) etc. (instrumental case"as a present" )  |
pratigraha | m. Name of the objects or functions corresponding to the 8 graha-s  |
pratigraha | m. equals kriyā-kāra-  |
pratigraha | m. the reserve of an army (a detachment posted with the general 400 yards in the rear of a line)  |
pratigraha | m. the sun near the moon's node  |
pratigrāha | m. a spittoon  |
pratigrāha | m. accepting gifts  |
pratigrahadhana | n. money received as a present |
pratigrahadhana | mfn. one whose wealth consists only in presents  |
pratigrāhaka | mfn. one who receives or accepts (See /a-pratig-).  |
pratigrahakalpa | m. Name of pariśiṣṭa- of  |
pratigrahaṇa | mfn. accepting (perhaps wrong reading)  |
pratigrahaṇa | n. receipt, acceptance  |
pratigrahaṇa | n. taking a wife, marrying (see /a-pratig-)  |
pratigrahaṇa | n. a vessel  |
pratigrahaṇīya | mfn. to be taken or accepted, acceptable  |
pratigrahaprāpta | mfn. received as a present  |
pratigrahaprāyaścittaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
pratigrahin | mfn. one who receives, a receiver (opp. to dātṛ-)  |
pratigrāhin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who receives or accepts (See /a-pratig-).'  |
pratigrahītavya | mfn. to be received  |
pratigrahītṛ | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be received ' etc.  |
pratigrahītṛ | m. one who takes a wife, one who marries (Nominal verb tā-,also as 3. sg. future)  |
pratigrāhya | mfn. to be taken or accepted, acceptable (see a-pratig-)  |
pratigrāhya | mfn. one from whom anything may be received (see gṛhya-and )  |
pratigrāhya | m. Name of particular graha-s  |
pratigrāmam | ind. in every village  |
pratigrāmamasamīpam | ind. near every village  |
pratigṛbhāya | Nom. P. yati-, to take, receive ; (especially) to take into the mouth, eat  |
pratigṛdh | P. -gṛdhyati-, to be greedy or eager for (accusative)  |
pratigṛham | ( ) ind. in every house.  |
pratigṛhīta | mfn. taken, received, accepted, married  |
pratigṛhītavya | wrong reading for grahītavya-  |
pratigṛhītṛ | wrong reading for grahītṛ-.  |
pratigṛhya | mfn. to be accepted, acceptable ("from" genitive case Va1rtt. 1 )  |
pratigṛhya | mfn. one from whom anything may be accepted (See a-pratigṛhy/a-).  |
pratigu | ind. against a cow  |
pratigu | (only Intensive -j/oguve-), to proclaim  |
pratigupta | mfn. ( gup-) guarded protected  |
pratigupya | mfn. to be guarded  |
pratigupyam | ind. one must guard against (abl .)  |
pratihā | P. -jahāti-, to leave unheeded, neglect : Passive voice -hīyate-, to stay behind (ablative), be defeated  |
pratihan | P. -hanti- (Epic also A1. perfect tense -jaghne-), to beat against (genitive case) ; to attack, assail ; to strike down ; to crush, break ; to put on a spit ; to strike in return, strike back, ward off remove, dispel, check, prevent, frustrate etc. ; (with ājñām-), to disregard a command : Passive voice -hanyate-, to be beaten back etc. etc. ; to be kept away from or deprived of (ablative) : Causal -ghātayati- See under prati-gha-.  |
pratihāna | (?) see next.  |
pratihānākūṭa | m. a particular samādhi- (prob. wrong reading for pratihāra-k-).  |
pratihanana | n. impeding, suppressing  |
pratihanana | n. striking again, returning a blow  |
pratihantavya | mfn. to be opposed or resisted  |
pratihantṛ | m. one who wards off, preventer (varia lectio hartṛ-).  |
pratihāra | m. striking against, touch, contact (especially of the tongue with the teeth in the pronunciation of the dentals)  |
pratihāra | m. shutting, closing, stopping (a-pr-)  |
pratihāra | m. Name of particular syllables in the sāman- hymns (with which the pratihartṛ- begins to join in singing, generally at the beginning of the last pada- of a stanza;also pratī-h- ) etc.  |
pratihāra | m. Name of a particular magical formula spoken over weapons (varia lectio ra-tara-)  |
pratihāra | m. (that which keeps back), a door, gate (also pratī-h- ; see compound below)  |
pratihāra | m. a door-keeper, porter etc. (also pratī-h-; dual number two door-keeper id est two statues at the entrance of a temple ;f(ī-).a female door-keeper, portress, )  |
pratihāra | m. a juggler  |
pratihāra | m. juggling, trick, disguise  |
pratihārabhūmi | f. "door-place", a threshold  |
pratihārabhūmi | f. the office of a porter or a portress  |
pratihāragoptrī | f. a female door-keeper  |
pratihāraka | m. a juggler  |
pratiharaṇa | n. throwing back, repelling, rejecting  |
pratiharaṇa | n. avoiding, shunning  |
pratihārapa | m. a door-keeper |
pratihārarakṣī | f. equals -goptrī-  |
pratihārasūtra | n. Name of work  |
pratihāratara | m. See above  |
pratihāravat | mfn. containing the Priyad syllables (above)  |
pratihārāya | Nom. to act as door-keeper (yitam- impersonal or used impersonally)  |
pratiharṣa | m. expression of joy  |
pratiharṣaṇa | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing joy in return  |
pratihartṛ | m. (see pratī-h-) one who draws back or absorbs, a destroyer  |
pratihartṛ | m. one who keeps or wards off, an averter  |
pratihartṛ | m. Name of one of the 16 priests (the assistant of the udgātṛ-) etc.  |
pratihartṛ | m. Name of a king (son of pratihāra- or of pratīha-)  |
pratihary | P. A1. -h/aryati-, te-, to desire, love, accept gladly, long for ; to despise, reject  |
pratihārya | mfn. to be pushed back or repelled, resistible (see a-pr-)  |
pratihārya | n. jugglery  |
pratihārya | n. Name of an avadāna-.  |
pratihāsa | m. ( has-) returning a laugh, laughing with or at  |
pratihāsa | m. fragrant oleander, Nerium Odorum  |
pratihasta | m. a deputy, substitute, proxy. ( pratihastatva -tva- n. ),  |
pratihastaka | ( ) m. a deputy, substitute, proxy.  |
pratihastatva | n. pratihasta |
pratihasti | ind. towards elephants  |
pratihastin | m. the keeper of a brothel (Scholiast or Commentator"a neighbour") .  |
pratihata | mfn. struck or striking against  |
pratihata | mfn. repelled, warded off, checked, impeded, obstructed, prevented, omitted etc.  |
pratihata | mfn. dazzled (as eyes id est impeded in their functions)  |
pratihata | mfn. dulled, blunted (as teeth by acids equals hṛṣita-) (see on )  |
pratihata | mfn. hostile (see below)  |
pratihata | mfn. disappointed  |
pratihata | mfn. hated, disliked  |
pratihata | mfn. tied, bound  |
pratihata | mfn. sent, despatched (prob. w.r. for pra-hita-)  |
pratihatadhī | mfn. hostile-minded, having hostile intentions  |
pratihatamati | mfn. idem or 'mfn. hostile-minded, having hostile intentions '  |
pratihataraya | mfn. whose current is impeded  |
pratihati | f. a stroke, blow  |
pratihati | f. beating back, recoil, rebound  |
pratihati | f. disappointment  |
pratihatya | ind. in inverse direction  |
pratiheṣ | A1. -heṣate-, to neigh towards (accusative)  |
pratihiṃsā | f. ( hiṃs-) retaliation, revenge  |
pratihiṃsita | mfn. injured in return  |
pratihiṃsita | n. equals prec.  |
pratihita | mfn. put on or in etc.  |
pratihitā | f. an arrow fitted to the bow-string  |
pratihitāyin | mfn. one who has adjusted the arrow  |
pratihiteṣu | mfn. equals hitāyīn-  |
pratihiti | f. adjusting an arrow  |
pratihoma | m. a supplementary sacrifice,  |
pratihotavya | mfn. to be offered as a supplementary sacrifice  |
pratihṛ | P. A1. -harati-, te- (ind.p. pratī-hāram- ; infinitive mood prati-hartave- ), to throw back ; to strike or pound ; to keep shut, close by pressure (an udder) ; to bring back ; to deliver, offer, present ; to procure ; (A1.) to take id est eat ; to join in the sāman- hymns as pratihartṛ- (See below) : Causal hārayati-, to have one's self announced to (genitive case) : Desiderative -jihīrṣati-, to wish to requite or revenge (see prati-jihīrṣu-).  |
pratihrāsa | m. ( hras-) abbreviation, abridgment,  |
pratihṛdayam | ind. in every heart  |
pratihṛṣ | A1. -hṛṣyate-, to show joy in return for anything : Causal harṣayati-, to gladden, rejoice  |
pratihṛta | mfn. held back  |
pratihṛta | mfn. fastened  |
pratihu | P. -juhoti-, to offer a supplementary sacrifice  |
pratihvara | m. ( hvṛ-) a slope, the rising vault (of the sky)  |
pratihve | A1. -huv/ate-, to call  |
pratijāgara | m. watchfulness, attention  |
pratijāgaraṇa | n. watching, guarding, attending to  |
pratijāgaraṇaka | m. or n. (?) a district  |
pratijagdha | mfn. (2. jakṣ-) eaten, consumed  |
pratijāgṛ | P. -jāgarti-, to watch beside (accusative) ; to keep (?)  |
pratijāgṛvi | mfn. watchful, attentive  |
pratijalp | P. -jalpati-, to answer, reply  |
pratijalpa | m. an answer, reply  |
pratijalpaka | m. a polite but evasive answer  |
pratijan | A1. -jāyate-, to be born or produced again  |
pratijana | m. an adversary  |
pratijanam | ind. in every one  |
pratijaṅghā | f. the shin-bone  |
pratijanman | See prati-jan-.  |
pratijanman | n. re-birth |
pratijanya | mfn. adverse, hostile  |
pratijap | P. -japati-, to mutter in response  |
pratijāpa | m. the act of muttering against  |
pratijāta | mfn. born again, renewed  |
pratijātakopa | mfn. once more angry  |
pratiji | P. -jayati-, to conquer, defeat (in battle or at play) : Desiderative -jigīṣati-, to wish to conquer or defeat, attack, assail  |
pratijihīrṣu | mfn. ( hṛ- Desiderative) wishing to return or requite (varia lectio cikīrṣu-; see) .  |
pratijihvā | f. the uvula  |
pratijihvikā | f. the uvula  |
pratijīvana | n. ( jīv-) returning to life, resuscitation  |
pratijīvita | n. idem or 'n. ( jīv-) returning to life, resuscitation '  |
pratijñā | P. A1. -jānāti-, -jānīte-, to admit, own, acknowledge, acquiesce in, consent to, approve ; to promise (with genitive case dative case or locative case of Persian,and accusative with or without prati-,or dative case of thing, also with infinitive mood etc.;with vākyam-and genitive case"to promise fulfilment of a person's word" ;with satyam-"to promise verily or truly" ) ; (A1.) to confirm, assert, answer in the affirmative etc. ; to maintain, assert, allege, state etc. (śabdaṃ nityatvena-,"to assert the eternity of sound" ) ; (A1.) to bring forward or introduce (a topic) ; to perceive, notice, learn, become aware of ; to remember sorrowfully (only in this sense P.by ;but really A1. ).  |
pratijña | mfn. acknowledging (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pratijñā | f. See below.  |
pratijñā | f. admission, acknowledgment, assent, agreement, promise, vow etc.  |
pratijñā | f. a statement, assertion, declaration, affirmation  |
pratijñā | f. (in logic) a proposition, the assertion or proposition to be proved, the first member or avyaya- of the five-membered nyāya- syllogism  |
pratijñā | f. (in law) a plaint, complaint, indictment, prosecution  |
pratijñābhaṅga | m. breach of a promise  |
pratijñābhaṅgabhīru | mfn. apprehensive of breaking a promise  |
pratijñāhāni | f. giving up a proposition or argument  |
pratijñākara | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on (usually called prajñā-k-).  |
pratijñālakṣaṇa | n. (prob.)"the characteristic of a proposition"  |
pratijñālakṣaṇadidhitiṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
pratijñālakṣaṇakroḍa | m. Name of work  |
pratijñālakṣaṇāloka | m. Name of work  |
pratijñālakṣaṇānugama | m. Name of work  |
pratijñālakṣaṇarahasya | n. Name of work  |
pratijñālakṣaṇaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
pratijñālakṣaṇavivecana | n. Name of work  |
pratijñāna | n. admission, assertion, assent, agreement, promise,  |
pratijñāna | n. bringing forward or introducing (a topic)  |
pratijñānavākya | n. Name of pariśiṣṭa- of the white yajur-veda- .  |
pratijñāntara | (jñānt-) n. (in logic) a subsequent proposition on failure of the first  |
pratijñāpālana | n. equals -paripālana-  |
pratijñāpāraga | mfn. one who keeps his word  |
pratijñāpāraṇa | n. fulfilment of a vow  |
pratijñāparipālana | n. adherence to a promise, keeping one's word  |
pratijñāpariśiṣṭa | n. Name of pariśiṣṭa- of the white yajur-veda-.  |
pratijñāpattra | n. a promissory note, a written contract, bond  |
pratijñāpattraka | n. a promissory note, a written contract, bond  |
pratijñāpita | mfn. betrayed (varia lectio; see pra-jñāpita-).  |
pratijñāpūrvakam | ind. so as to begin with the plaint  |
pratijñāsaṃnyāsa | m. abandonment of one's own proposition (after hearing the argument of the opponent)  |
pratijñāsaṃnyāsa | m. breaking a promise  |
pratijñāsūtra | n. Name of pariśiṣṭa- on the white yajur-veda-.  |
pratijñāta | (pr/ati--) mfn. admitted, acknowledged  |
pratijñāta | (pr/ati--) mfn. promised, agreed etc.  |
pratijñāta | (pr/ati--) mfn. declared, stated, asserted, proposed, alleged  |
pratijñāta | (pr/ati--) mfn. agreeable, desirable  |
pratijñātārtha | (pr/ati--) m. a statement, averment  |
pratijñātavya | mfn. to be promised or assented to  |
pratijñāti | (prob.) wrong reading for pratiprajñāti-.  |
pratijñāvāda | m. Name of work  |
pratijñāvādārtha | m. Name of work  |
pratijñāvirodha | m. contradiction between a logical proposition and the argument  |
pratijñāvirodha | m. acting contrary to a promise or agreement  |
pratijñāvivāhita | mfn. promised in marriage, betrothed  |
pratijñeya | mfn. to be promised or assented to  |
pratijñeya | m. a panegyrist, herald, bard  |
pratijṛ | A1. -jarate- (infinitive mood -jar/adhyai-), to roar (as fire) in the direction of, to call out to, salute (accusative)  |
pratijuṣ | A1. -juṣate-, to be kind or tender towards (accusative), honour, serve ; to be gratified by, delight in (accusative)  |
pratijūtivarpas | (pr/ati--) mfn. assuming any form according to impulse  |
pratijval | P. -jvalati-, to flame, blaze, shine  |
pratika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. 1. prati-) worth a kārṣāpaṇa- or 16 paṇa-s of cowries Va1rtt. 2.  |
pratikalam | ind. at every moment, constantly, perpetually  |
pratikalpa | m. counter-part (see apr-andSee also prati-kḷp-).  |
pratikalpam | ind. in each cosmic period  |
pratikalpya | mfn. to be arranged or prepared (for pratikalpa-See) .  |
pratikāma | mfn. being according to wish or desire, desired, beloved  |
pratikāmam | ind. according to wish, at will  |
pratikāmin | mfn. contrary to desire, disagreeable  |
pratikāminī | f. a female rival  |
pratikamp | Caus. -kampayati-, to shake, cause to tremble  |
pratikāmya | mfn. being according to wish or liking  |
pratikañcuka | m. (prob.) a critic, a critical work  |
pratikāṇḍam | ind. for every section or chapter  |
pratikāṅkṣ | A1. -kāṅkṣate-, to wish or long for  |
pratikāṅkṣin | mfn. wishing for, desirous of (genitive case or compound)  |
pratikāṅkṣitavya | mfn. to be expected  |
pratikaṇṭham | ind. "throat by throat", singly, severally, one by one (so that each is reckoned),  |
pratikaṇṭhikayā | ind. idem or '(prob.) wrong reading for'  |
pratikaṇṭhukayā | (prob.) wrong reading for  |
pratikapālam | ind. in every cup  |
pratikara | mf(ī-)n. acting against, counteracting(in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pratikara | m. requital, compensation  |
pratikāra | m. (see pratīk-) requital, retaliation, reward, retribution, revenge.  |
pratikāra | m. opposition, counteraction, prevention, remedy  |
pratikāra | m. equals sama- and bhaṭa-  |
pratikārajña | mfn. knowing what remedy should be applied  |
pratikārakarman | n. opposition, resistance  |
pratikaraṇīya | mfn. to be counteracted or prevented, remediable  |
pratikāravidhāna | n. medical treatment  |
pratikārin | See a-pratikārin-.  |
pratikarkaśa | mf(ā-)n. equally hard, of the same hardness as (compound)  |
pratikarma | ind. in every work, at each performance or celebration  |
pratikarman | n. requital, retaliation, corresponding action  |
pratikarman | n. counteraction, cure, medical treatment  |
pratikarman | n. decoration, toilet, personal adornment etc.  |
pratikarṣa | m. ( kṛṣ-) aggregation, combination  |
pratikarṣa | m. anticipating that which occurs afterwards  |
pratikartavya | mfn. to be requited or returned, to be repaid (literally and figuratively)  |
pratikartavya | mfn. to be counteracted or resisted  |
pratikartavya | mfn. to be treated or cured  |
pratikartṛ | m. a requiter, recompenser  |
pratikartṛ | m. an opponent, adversary  |
pratikārya | mfn. (see pratī-k-) to be revenged  |
pratikārya | n. retribution ( m."an enemy") .  |
pratikaśa | mfn. (prob.) not obeying the whip  |
pratikāśa | m. equals pratī-k-  |
pratikaṣṭa | mfn. comparatively (id est beyond expectation) bad  |
pratikāya | m. "counter-body", an adversary  |
pratikāya | m. a target, butt, mark  |
pratikāya | m. an effigy, likeness, picture  |
pratikāya | m. a bow  |
pratikheṭaka | gaRa aśvādi-.  |
pratikhura | m. a particular wrong position of a child at birth  |
pratikhyā | P. -khyāti- (imperfect tense -akhyat-), to see, behold  |
pratikhyāti | f. renown (varia lectio for pra-vikh-)  |
pratikīla | m. an opposite post or peg  |
pratikīrṇa | mfn. scattered towards  |
pratikitava | m. an adversary at play  |
pratikḷp | A1. -kalpate- (perfect tense -cākḷpe-), to be at the service of (accusative), receive hospitably ; to regulate, arrange  |
pratikoṇam | ind. for or in every quarter of the sky  |
pratikopa | ( kup-) m. anger against (any one), wrath  |
pratikṛ | P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute-, (infinitive mood pratī-kartum- ), to do or make an opposition ; to return, repay, requite (good or evil [ accusative ] , with genitive case dative case or locative case of Persian) etc. ; to counteract, resist (accusative or genitive case) ; to treat, attend to, cure (a disease) ; to repair, mend, restore ; to pay back (a debt) : Causal A1. -kārayate-, to cause to be repeated : Desiderative -cikīrṣati-, to wish to take revenge on (accusative or locative case) for (accusative)  |
pratikṝ | P. -kirati-, to scatter towards (see prati-s-kṝ-and ) .  |
pratikram | P. -krāmati- (perfect tense -cakrāma-and -cakrame-), to come back, return ; to descend, decrease (in number, opp. to abhi-kram-) ; to confess  |
pratikrama | m. reversed or inverted order  |
pratikramaṇa | n. stepping to and fro  |
pratikramaṇa | n. going to confession  |
pratikramaṇasūtra | n. Name of work  |
pratikramaṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
pratikriyā | f. requital (of good or evil), retaliation, compensation, retribution etc.  |
pratikriyā | f. opposition, counteraction, prevention, remedy, help (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = removing, destroying)  |
pratikriyam | ind. for each action (See also under prati-kṛ-).  |
pratikriyāśūlinīstotra | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
pratikriyātva | n.  |
pratikriyātva | n. venting (of anger)  |
pratikriyātva | n. embellishment, decoration (of the person)  |
pratikrodha | m. anger in return  |
pratikrośa | m. crying out to, halloing  |
pratikṛṣṭa | mfn. ploughed back again  |
pratikṛṣṭa | mfn. thrust back  |
pratikṛṣṭa | mfn. rejected, despised  |
pratikṛta | mfn. returned, repaid, requited etc.  |
pratikṛta | n. recompense, requital  |
pratikṛta | n. resistance, opposition  |
pratikṛti | f. resistance, opposition, prevention  |
pratikṛti | f. retaliation, return, revenge  |
pratikṛti | f. an image, likeness, model  |
pratikṛti | f. counterpart, substitute  |
pratikṛttikā | f. gaRa aśvādi-.  |
pratikrudh | P. -krudhyati-, to be angry with (accusative) in return  |
pratikrūra | mfn. cruel in return, returning harshness (a-pratikr-).  |
pratikruṣṭa | mfn. ( kruś-) miserable, poor  |
pratikṣaṇam | ind. at every moment, continually  |
pratikṣapam | ind. every night  |
pratikṣatra | m. Name of a descendant of atri- (author of )  |
pratikṣatra | m. of a son of an-enas-  |
pratikṣatra | m. of a son of kṣatra-vṛddha-  |
pratikṣatra | m. of a son of śamin-  |
pratikṣaya | m. a guard  |
pratikṣepa | See pra-kṣip-.  |
pratikṣepa | m. contest (varia lectio vyati--)  |
pratikṣepa | m. objection, contradiction, repudiation  |
pratikṣepaṇa | See pra-kṣip-.  |
pratikṣepaṇa | n. contradiction, opposing, contesting  |
pratikṣetra | n. place, stead  |
pratikṣetre | ind. instead of (genitive case)  |
pratikṣi | (only pr. p. -kṣiy/at- , -kṣy/at- ), to settle near (accusative)  |
pratikṣip | P. -kṣipati- (see ), to throw into (locative case) (varia lectio pari--) ; to push against, hurt ; to reject, despise, oppose, contradict, ridicule, confute  |
pratikṣipta | mfn. thrown into etc. (see prec.; pratikṣiptatva -tva- n. ) sent, dispatched  |
pratikṣipta | n. medicine  |
pratikṣiptatva | n. pratikṣipta |
pratikṣita | mfn. contemplated, considered  |
pratikṣita | mfn. respected, honoured  |
pratikṣita | mfn. expected, hoped  |
pratikṣoṇibhṛt | m. opposition king  |
pratikṣuta | n. ( kṣu-) sneezing, wheezing  |
pratikūj | P. -kūjati-, to coo or warble in return (with accusative)  |
pratikūla | mf(ā-)n. "against the bank"(opp. to anu-kūla- q.v), contrary, adverse, opposite, inverted, wrong, refractory, inimical, disagreeable, unpleasant etc.  |
pratikūla | n. inverted order, opposition  |
pratikūla | n. (ena-,in inverted order ; leṣu sthitaḥ-,offering opposition )  |
pratikūlabhāṣin | mfn. speaking against, contradicting  |
pratikūlācarita | n. an offensive action, injurious conduct  |
pratikūladaiva | mfn. opposed by fate ( pratikūladaivatā -tā- f.hostility of fate)  |
pratikūladaivatā | f. pratikūladaiva |
pratikūladarśana | mfn. looking cross or awry, having an ungracious aspect  |
pratikūlakārin | ( ) mfn. acting adversely, inimical  |
pratikūlakṛt | ( ) mfn. acting adversely, inimical  |
pratikūlam | ind. contrarily, against, in inverted order etc.  |
pratikūlapravartin | mfn. (a ship) taking an adverse course or (tongue) causing unpleasantness (varia lectio)  |
pratikūlaśabda | mfn. sounding unpleasantly  |
pratikūlatā | f. ( etc.)  |
pratikūlatas | ind. in contradiction to (-to-vṛt-,to be in contradiction to)  |
pratikūlatva | n. ( ) adverseness, opposition, hostility  |
pratikūlatva | n. perverseness, contumacy  |
pratikūlavacana | n. refractory speech, contradiction  |
pratikūlavāda | m. equals -vacana-  |
pratikūlavādin | mfn. equals -bhāṣin-  |
pratikūlavartin | mfn. being adverse to, disturbing, troubling  |
pratikūlavat | mfn. refractory, contumacious  |
pratikūlavedanīya | mfn. causing an unpleasant effect  |
pratikūlavisarpin | mfn. (a ship) moving against the wind or stream, (a tongue) moving unpleasantly (see -pravartin-)  |
pratikūlavṛtti | mfn. resisting, opposing (with genitive case)  |
pratikūlaya | Nom. P. yati-, to resist, oppose  |
pratikūlika | mfn. hostile, inimical (prob. wrong reading for prāt-).  |
pratikūlokta | n. plural contradiction  |
pratikuñcita | mfn. ( kuñc-) bent, curved |
pratikuṇḍam | ind. in every fire-pit  |
pratikuñjara | m. a hostile elephant  |
pratikūpa | m. a moat, ditch  |
pratil | P. -tilati-, to be desirous of sexual intercourse (equals snihyati-,Mahidh.)  |
pratilabh | A1. -labhate-, to receive back, recover etc. ; to obtain, gain, partake of (accusative) ; to get back id est get punished ; to learn, understand ; to expect : Passive voice -labhyate-, to be obtained or met with, appear : Causal -lambhayati-, to provide or present with (instrumental case), HParit.  |
pratilābha | m. recovering, receiving, obtaining |
pratilabhya | mfn. to be received or obtained, obtainable  |
pratilakṣaṇa | n. "a counter-mark", mark, sign  |
pratilamb | (only ind.p. -lambya-) to hang up, suspend (varia lectio)  |
pratilambha | m. receiving, obtaining, finding, getting  |
pratilambha | m. recovering, regaining (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pratilambha | m. conceiving, understanding  |
pratilambha | m. censure, abuse  |
pratilambhita | n. (fr. Causal) obtaining, getting  |
pratilambhita | n. censure, reviling  |
pratilaṅgh | Caus. -laṅghayati-, to mount, sit down upon (accusative) ; to transgress, violate  |
pratilekhana | n. the regular cleaning of all implements or objects for daily use  |
pratilekhanā | f. the regular cleaning of all implements or objects for daily use  |
pratilī | Passive voice -līyate-, to disappear  |
pratilih | Caus. -lehayati-, to cause to lick at (2 accusative) (see prati-rih-).  |
pratilikh | P. -likhati-, to write back, answer by letter ; to wipe off, cleanse, purify  |
pratilikhita | mfn. written back, answered  |
pratilīna | mfn. unmoved or retired,  |
pratiliṅgam | ind. at every liṅga-  |
pratilipi | f. a copy, transcript, written reply  |
pratiloḍita | mfn. (from Causal of luḍ-) disarranged, spoiled,  |
pratiloka | m. every world  |
pratiloma | mf(ā-)n. against the hair or grain (opp. to anu-l-), contrary to the natural course or order, reverse, inverted  |
pratiloma | mf(ā-)n. adverse, hostile, disagreeable, unpleasant  |
pratiloma | mf(ā-)n. low, vile etc.  |
pratiloma | mf(ā-)n. left, not right  |
pratiloma | mf(ā-)n. contrary to caste (where the mother is of a higher caste than the father)  |
pratiloma | mf(ā-)n. (in the beginning of a compound and pratilomam am- ind.) against the hair, against the grain, in reversed or inverted order etc.  |
pratiloma | m. Name of a man  |
pratiloma | m. plural his descendants gaRa upakādi-  |
pratilomā | f. a particular incantation (to be recited from the end to the beginning)  |
pratiloma | n. any disagreeable or injurious act  |
pratiloma | see under prati-, parasmE-pada 663, column 1.  |
pratilomaja | mfn. born in the inverse order of the classes (as of a kṣatriya- father and brāhmaṇī- mother, or of a vaiśya- father and kṣatriyā- man or brāhmaṇī- man, in which cases the wife is of a higher caste than the husband; see )  |
pratilomaka | mfn. against the hair or grain, reverse, inverted  |
pratilomaka | n. inverted order, perversion  |
pratilomam | ind. pratiloma |
pratilomānuloma | mfn. speaking against or for anything  |
pratilomānuloma | mfn. (in the beginning of a compound and pratilomānulomam am- ind.) in inverted order or course and in the natural order or course  |
pratilomānulomam | ind. pratilomānuloma |
pratilomānulomatas | ind. in an unfriendly and friendly manner  |
pratilomarūpa | mfn. inverted  |
pratilomatas | ind. in consequence of the inverted order or course  |
pratilomatas | ind. invertedly, in inverted order or series  |
pratilomena | ind. in an unfriendly manner, unpleasantly  |
pratilubh | Caus. -lobhayati-, to illude, infatuate ; to attract, allure  |
pratimā | A1. -mimīte- (Ved. infinitive mood prati-mai-), to imitate, copy  |
pratimā | m. a creator, maker, framer  |
pratimā | f. an image, likeness, symbol etc.  |
pratimā | f. a picture, statue, figure, idol ( )  |
pratimā | f. reflection (in compound after a word meaning"moon" see below)  |
pratimā | f. measure, extent (see below)  |
pratimā | f. Name of a metre  |
pratimā | f. the part of an elephant's head between the tusks (also ma- m.) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' like, similar, resembling, equal to etc.;having the measure of, as long or wide etc. as exempli gratia, 'for example' tri-nalva-pr-,3 nalva-s long ; pratimatā ma-tā- f. pratimatva ma-tva- n.reflection, image, shadow )  |
pratimācandra | m. "reflection-moon", image of the moon  |
pratimādāna | n. Name of work  |
pratimādravyādivacana | n. Name of work  |
pratimāgata | mfn. present in an idol (as a deity)  |
pratimahānasa | n. every kitchen commentator or commentary  |
pratimahāvyāhṛti | ind. at each mahā-vyāhṛti-  |
pratimahiṣa | m. a hostile buffalo  |
pratimālā | f. an exercise analogous to capping verses, reciting verse for verses as a trial of memory or skill (one of the 64 kalā-s )  |
pratimālakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
pratimalla | m. an opponent in wrestling or boxing, an antagonist or rival  |
pratimallatā | f. rivalry  |
pratimāṃsa | n. new or restored flesh  |
pratiman | A1. -manute-, to render back in return or in reply, contrast with (also with 2 accusative) : Causal -mānayati-, to honour, esteem, approve, consider, regard  |
pratimāna | n. a counterpart, well-matched opponent, adversary  |
pratimāna | n. a model, pattern  |
pratimāna | n. an image, picture, idol  |
pratimāna | n. comparison, likeness, similarity, resemblance  |
pratimāna | n. a weight (see pratī-m-)  |
pratimāna | n. equals -bhāga-  |
pratimānabhāga | m. the part of an elephant's head between the tusks  |
pratimānakalpa | mfn. like, similar  |
pratimānanā | f. homage, reverence  |
pratimānayitavya | mfn. to be regarded or considered  |
pratimañca | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
pratimañcaka | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
pratimaṇḍala | n. a secondary disk (of the sun etc.)  |
pratimaṇḍala | n. an eccentric orbit  |
pratimandiram | ind. in every house  |
pratimaṇḍita | mfn. ( maṇḍ-) decorated, adorned  |
pratimaṅgalavāra | m. plural (prob.) every Tuesday  |
pratimaṇṭhaka | (prob.) m. idem or 'm. (in music) a kind of measure ' (see maṇṭhaka-).  |
pratimantr | P. -mantrayati-, to call out or reply to ; to consecrate with sacred texts  |
pratimantram | ind. with or at every formula or verse  |
pratimantraṇa | n. an answer, reply  |
pratimantraṇa | magic, conjuring,  |
pratimantrayitavya | mfn. to be answered  |
pratimantrita | mfn. consecrated with sacred texts  |
pratimanvantara | n. every manv-antara-  |
pratimanvantaram | ind. in each Manv-antara. ( )  |
pratimanvantare | ind. in each Manv-antara. ( )  |
pratimanyūya | Nom. A1. yate- See /a-pratimanyūyamāna-.  |
pratimāparicāraka | m. an attendant upon an idol (equals devala-) (see )  |
pratimāpratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work  |
pratimāpratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
pratimāpūjā | f. worship of images  |
pratimārga | m. the way back  |
pratimārgaka | m. the city of hari-ścandra- (said to hover in the air)  |
pratimārge | ind. on the way  |
pratimārodanādiprāyaścittavidhi | m. Name of work  |
pratimarśa | m. ( mṛś-) a kind of powder used as a sternutatory (wrong reading -marṣa-).  |
pratimāsa | (in the beginning of a compound) ind. every month, monthly  |
pratimāsam | ind. every month, monthly  |
pratimāsamprokṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
pratimāśaśāṅka | m. equals -candra-  |
pratimāsya | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio for -matsya- q.v)  |
pratimatā | f. pratimā |
pratimātavya | mfn. comparable  |
pratimātṛ | ind. mother by mother, every mother  |
pratimātrā | f. plural every measure (of time)  |
pratimatsya | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -māsya-).  |
pratimatva | n. pratimā |
pratimāviśeṣa | m. a sort of image, a kind of figure  |
pratimāyā | f. counter-spell, counter-charm  |
pratimendu | m. equals mācandra-  |
pratimeya | mfn. comparable (See a-pratim-).  |
pratimih | P. -mehati-, to make water in the direction of (accusative)  |
pratimit | f. ( mi-) a prop, stay, support  |
pratimita | mfn. imitated, reflected, mirrored  |
pratimiti | f. reflected image,  |
pratimitra | wrong reading for praty-amitra- q.v  |
pratimīv | P. -mīvati-, to push or press back ; to close by pressing, shut  |
pratimocana | n. liberation, release from (compound)  |
pratimocita | mfn. released, saved, delivered  |
pratimoka | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') putting or hanging round  |
pratimokṣa | m. ( mokṣ-) liberation, deliverance  |
pratimokṣa | m. (with ) emancipation  |
pratimokṣa | m. the formulary for releasing monks by penances  |
pratimokṣaṇa | n. remission (of taxes)  |
pratimokṣasūtra | n. Name of sūtra-s  |
pratimuc | P. A1. -muñcati-, te-, to put (clothes, a garland etc.) on (dative case genitive case locative case), to fix or fasten on, append etc. ; (A1.,later also P.) to put on one's self, dress one's self, assume (a shape or form) etc. ; to attach or fasten to (locative case) ; to inflict on (locative case) ; to set at liberty, release, let go, send away ; to give up, resign ; to return, restore, pay back (as a debt) ; to fling, hurl : Passive voice -mucyate-, to be freed or released from (ablative) etc.: Causal -mocayati-, to set free, rescue, save  |
pratimud | A1. -modate- (rarely P.) ti-, to rejoice at, welcome with joy, be glad to see (with accusative,rarely genitive case) etc. etc.: Causal -modayate-, to gladden, cheer : Desiderative of Causal -mumodayiṣati-, to wish to make cheerful |
pratimudrā | f. a counter-seal  |
pratimudrā | f. the impression of a seal  |
pratimuh | Caus. -mohayati-, to bewilder, confound  |
pratimuhūrta | (in the beginning of a compound) ind. every moment, constantly  |
pratimuhūrtam | ind. every moment, constantly  |
pratimuhus | ind. again and again, repeatedly  |
pratimukha | n. the reflected image of the face  |
pratimukha | n. (in dramatic language) a secondary plot or incident which hastens or retards the catastrophe, the Epitasis (also khasaṃdhi-)  |
pratimukha | n. an answer  |
pratimukha | mf(ā-or ī-)n. standing before the face, facing  |
pratimukha | mf(ā-or ī-)n. being near, present  |
pratimukha | mf(ā-or ī-)n. (in the beginning of a compound or pratimukham am- ind.) towards, in front, before  |
pratimukham | ind. pratimukha |
pratimukhāṅga | n. (in dramatic language) progressive narration of events  |
pratimukharī | f. a particular mode of drumming  |
pratimukhī | (f.) wrong reading for -mukharī- q.v  |
pratimukta | mfn. put on, applied  |
pratimukta | mfn. fastened, tied, bound  |
pratimukta | mfn. released, liberated, freed from (ablative)  |
pratimukta | mfn. given up, relinquished  |
pratimukta | mfn. flung, hurled  |
pratimukula | (in the beginning of a compound), in or upon every bud  |
pratimūrti | f. a corresponding form, image  |
pratimūṣikā | f. a species of rat  |
pratimuṭ | Caus. -moṭayati-, to put an end to, kill  |
pratinad | P. -nadati-, to sound back, answer with a cry or shout etc.: Causal -nādayati-, to cause to resound, make resonant, fill with cries  |
pratināda | m. echo, reverberation  |
pratinadi | ind. at every river  |
pratināḍī | f. a branch vein  |
pratinādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) filled with sounds, resonant, echoing or echoed  |
pratināga | m. equals -kuñjara-  |
pratinagaram | ind. in every town  |
pratināha | ( nah-) See karṇapr- and see pratī-nāha- under 1. pratī-, p.673.  |
pratinam | (only perfect tense -nānāma-), to bow or incline towards (accusative)  |
pratināma | (pr/ati--) ind. by name, mentioning the name  |
pratināmagrahaṇam | (pr/ati--) ind. mentioning each individual name  |
pratināman | (pr/ati--) mf(minī-)n. having corresponding names, related by name  |
pratinamaskāra | mfn. one who returns a salutation  |
pratinand | P. -nandati-, to greet cheerfully, salute (also in return), bid welcome or farewell, address kindly, favour, befriend etc. ; to receive joyfully or thankfully, to accept willingly (with na-,to decline, refuse, reject) etc.: Causal -nandayati-, to gladden, delight, gratify  |
pratinanda | m. Name of a poet  |
pratinandana | n. greeting, salutation, friendly acceptance  |
pratinandana | n. thanksgiving  |
pratinandita | mfn. saluted or accepted kindly or cheerfully  |
pratinaptṛ | m. a great grandson, a son's grandson (see praṇapāt-).  |
pratinard | P. A1. -nardati-, te-, to roar or cry against or after (food), greet or hail with cries  |
pratinārī | f. a female rival  |
pratinava | mfn. new, young, fresh  |
pratinavajavāpuṣpa | n. a newly opened China rose  |
pratināyaka | m. "counter hero", the adversary of the hero (in a play)  |
pratināyaka | m. an image, likeness, counterfeit,  |
pratināyaka | See .  |
pratinayana | (in the beginning of a compound), into the eye  |
pratiṅgirā | f. Name of a deity  |
pratinī | P. -nayati-, to lead towards or back etc. ; to put into, mix  |
pratinidhā | P. -dadhāti-, to put in the place of another, substitute ; to order, command ; to slight, disregard |
pratinidhāpayitavya | mfn. to be caused to be substituted  |
pratinidhātavya | mfn. to be substituted  |
pratinidheya | mfn. to be substituted  |
pratinidhi | m. substitution  |
pratinidhi | m. a substitute, representative, proxy, surety etc.  |
pratinidhi | m. a resemblance of a real form, an image, likeness, statue, picture  |
pratinidhi | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') an image of id est similar, like (dhī-kṛ-,to substitute anything [ accusative ] for [ compound ] )  |
pratinigad | P. -gadati-, to speak to, address ; to recite or repeat singly  |
pratinigrah | A1. -gṛhṇīte-, to take up (liquids), ladle out  |
pratinigrāhya | mfn. to be ladled out (see nirgr-).  |
pratinihan | (only 2. Persian perfect tense -jagh/antha-), to aim a blow at (accusative)  |
pratinihata | mfn. hit, slain, killed  |
pratiniḥsarga | m. giving back, abandonment (wrong reading niḥsaṅga-).  |
pratiniḥsṛj | P. -sṛjati-, to drive towards, give up to (dative case)  |
pratiniḥsṛjya | mfn. to be given up or abandoned  |
pratiniḥsṛṣṭa | mfn. driven away  |
pratinikṣip | P. -kṣipati-, to put down or deposit again  |
pratininada | m. equals nāda-  |
pratinind | P. -nindati-, to abuse, blame, censure  |
pratinipāta | m. ( pat-) falling down, alighting  |
pratiniras | P. -asyati-, to throw back  |
pratinirdeśa | m. a reference back to (with genitive case), renewed mention  |
pratinirdeśaka | mfn. pointing or referring back (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pratinirdeśya | mfn. referred to or mentioned again  |
pratinirdiś | (only Passive voice -diśyate-), to point or refer back on  |
pratinirdiṣṭa | mfn. referred to again  |
pratinirgrāhya | mfn. ( grah-) to be taken up with a ladle (see prati-nigr-).  |
pratinirjita | mfn. ( ji-) appropriated, turned to one's own advantage  |
pratinirvap | P. -vapati-, to distribute in return  |
pratiniryā | P. -yāti-, to come forth again  |
pratiniryat | Caus. -yātayati-, to give back, return  |
pratiniryātana | n. giving back, returning  |
pratiniryātana | n. rewarding, retaliation  |
pratiniśam | ind. every night  |
pratiniścaya | m. a contrary opinion  |
pratiniṣka | m. or n. (?) a niṣka- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) in each case  |
pratiniṣkraya | m. ( krī-) retaliation, retribution  |
pratiniṣpū | P. -punāti-, to cleanse or winnow again, purify  |
pratiniṣpūta | mfn. cleansed, winnowed  |
pratiniṣṭha | mfn. standing on the opposite side  |
pratinistṝ | P. -tarati-, to accomplish  |
pratinivāraṇa | n. (1. vṛ-) keeping off, warding off  |
pratinivartana | n. returning, coming back (See punaḥ-pr-).  |
pratinivartita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to return, led back  |
pratinivāsana | n. (4. vas-) a kind of garment  |
pratiniveśa | m. obstinacy, obdurateness  |
pratiniviṣṭa | mfn. ( viś-) quite prepossessed with (locative case)  |
pratiniviṣṭa | mfn. obstinate, obdurate  |
pratiniviṣṭamūrkha | m. an obstinate fool  |
pratinivṛt | A1. -vartate- (P.2. plural future -vartsyatha- ), to turn back or round, return etc. ; to turn away from (ablative), escape, run away, take flight ; to cease, be allayed or abated : Causal -vartayati-, to cause to go back, turn back, avert  |
pratinivṛtta | mfn. turned back or from (ablative), come back, return  |
pratinivṛtti | f. coming back, return  |
pratiniyama | m. a strict rule as to applying an example to particular persons or things only  |
pratiniyata | mfn. ( yam-) fixed or adopted for each single case, particular or different for each case  |
pratinoda | m. thrusting back, repulse (see /a-pr-).  |
pratinṛpati | m. equals -kṣoṇibhṛt-  |
pratinṛt | P. -nṛtyati-, to dance before (in token of contempt), mock in turn by dancing before (accusative) : Intensive -narnṛtīti-, to dance before (in token of love), delight or gladden by dancing before (accusative)  |
pratinu | P. -nauti-, to commend, approve  |
pratinud | P. A1. -nudati-, te-, to thrust back, repulse, ward off  |
pratinyāgam | P. -gacchati-, to come back, return  |
pratinyas | (only ind.p. -nyasya-), to place apart or lay down separately (for different persons) deposit (varia lectio pra-vi-n-).  |
pratinyāsa | a counter deposit  |
pratinyāsa | See .  |
pratinyāyam | ind. in inverted order  |
pratinyūṅkha | m. a corresponding insertion of the vowel o-  |
pratinyūṅkhaya | Nom. yati-, to insert the vowel o- in the corresponding stanza or verse |
pratipa | m. Name of a prince (prob. wrong reading for pratīpa- q.v)  |
pratipacanam | ind. at each cooking  |
pratipaccandra | m. the moon on the first day, the new moon (especially revered and saluted)  |
pratipad | ind. (see prati-pad-,p.667) equals -padam-  |
pratipad | A1. -padyate- (Epic future also -patsyati-), to set foot upon, enter, go or resort to, arrive at, reach, attain etc. ; to walk, wander, roam ; to come back to (accusative), return ; to happen, occur, take place ; to get into (accusative), meet, with, find, obtain, receive, take in or upon one's self. etc. ; to receive back, recover ; to restore to favour ; to undertake, begin (accusative dative case or infinitive mood), practise, perform, accomplish etc. ; to do anything to any person, act or proceed or behave towards or against (locative case genitive case or accusative) ; to make, render ; to fall to a person's (accusative) lot or share, ; to let a person (dative case) have anything ; to give back, restore ; to perceive, find out, discover, become aware of or acquainted with, understand, learn etc. ; to deem, consider, regard ; to answer affirmatively say yes (with or scilicet tathā-,or tatheti-), acknowledge, assent, agree, promise etc. ; to begin to speak, commence (with accusative or instrumental case) ; to answer (also with uttaram- ) : Causal -pādayati-, to convey or lead to, procure, cause to partake of (2 accusative). give a present to, bestow on (locative case dative case or genitive case) etc. ; to give in marriage ; to spend. ; to present with (instrumental case) ; to put in, appoint to (locative case) ; to produce, cause, effect etc. ; to establish, substantiate, prove, set forth, explain, teach, impart etc. ; to deem, consider, regard as (2 accusative) (varia lectio -vadasi-for -pādayasi-): Desiderative -pitsate- ( ) , to wish to attain ; to wish to know : Desiderative of Causal -pipādayiṣati-, to wish or intend to explain or analyze  |
pratipad | f. access, ingress. entrance  |
pratipad | f. the path to be walked, the right path  |
pratipad | f. beginning, commencement  |
pratipad | f. an introductory verse or stanza  |
pratipad | f.(also padā-or padī-) the first day of a lunar fortnight (especially of the moon's wane)  |
pratipad | f. understanding, intelligence  |
pratipad | f. taste for anything  |
pratipad | f. rank, consequence  |
pratipad | f. a kettle-drum  |
pratipada | n. Name of an upāṅga-  |
pratipadā | f. See under pad-.  |
pratipādaka | mf(ikā-)n. causing to obtain, giving, presenting to (locative case) (a-pratip-)  |
pratipādaka | mf(ikā-)n. stating, demonstrating, explaining, teaching ( pratipādakatva -tva- n.)  |
pratipādaka | mf(ikā-)n. effective, accomplishing, promoting  |
pratipādaka | m. or n. (?) a receptacle for hair  |
pratipādakatva | n. pratipādaka |
pratipadam | ind. (also da- in the beginning of a compound) at every step, on every occasion, at every place, everywhere  |
pratipadam | ind. at every word, word by word  |
pratipadam | ind. literally, expressly ( Va1rtt.1; vi, 2, 26 Sch. )  |
pratipadam | ind. each, singly (equals pratyekam- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
pratipādam | ind. in each pāda-, in each quarter of a verse  |
pratipādana | n. causing to attain, giving, granting, bestowing on, presenting to (locative case or compound) etc.  |
pratipādana | n. giving back, restoring, returning (a-pratip- )  |
pratipādana | n. bringing back  |
pratipādana | n. putting in, appointing to (locative case), inauguration  |
pratipādana | n. producing, causing, effecting, accomplishing  |
pratipādana | n. stating, setting forth, explaining, teaching, pro. pounding, illustrating  |
pratipādana | n. beginning, commencement  |
pratipādana | n. action, worldly conduct  |
pratipādanīya | mfn. to be given, to be married  |
pratipādanīya | mfn. to be propounded or discussed or treated of  |
pratipādanīya | mfn. to be accomplished  |
pratipādapam | ind. in every tree  |
pratipadatva | n. walking step by step  |
pratipādayitavya | mfn. to be offered or given, kā-.  |
pratipādayitṛ | m. a giver, bestower on (locative case)  |
pratipādayitṛ | m. a teacher, propounder, instructor  |
pratipaddarśinī | f. "looking at every step", a woman  |
pratipadī | f. See under pad-.  |
pratipādita | mfn. caused to attain, given (also in marriage), delivered, presented  |
pratipādita | mfn. stated, proved, set forth, explained, taught  |
pratipādita | mfn. ( pratipāditatva -tva- n.),  |
pratipādita | mfn. caused, effected, produced  |
pratipāditatva | n. pratipādita  |
pratipadmam | ind. at every lotus flower  |
pratipāduka | mf(ī-)n. recovering  |
pratipāduka | mf(ī-)n. determining, ascertaining  |
pratipāduka | mf(ī-)n. causing, effecting  |
pratipādya | mfn. to be treated of or discussed, to be explained or propounded ( pratipādyatva -tva-. n.)  |
pratipādyatva | n. pratipādya |
pratipakṣa | m. the opposite side, hostile party, opposition etc.  |
pratipakṣa | m. an obstacle  |
pratipakṣa | m. an adversary, opponent, foe (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = a rival in, match for, equal, similar )  |
pratipakṣa | m. a respondent, defendant (in law)  |
pratipakṣa | m. Name of a king  |
pratipakṣacaṇḍabhairava | m. Name of the chief of a particular sect  |
pratipakṣagraha | m. the taking of the opposite side (haṃ cakruḥ-,they took the opposite side)  |
pratipakṣajanman | mfn. caused by the enemy.  |
pratipakṣatā | f. ( ) opposition, hostility  |
pratipakṣatva | n. ( ) opposition, hostility  |
pratipakṣin | m. an opponent, adversary  |
pratipakṣita | mfn. containing a contradiction, contradictory  |
pratipakṣita | mfn. nullified by a contradictory premiss (one of the 5 kinds of fallacious middle terms)  |
pratipakṣitā | f. self-contradiction, the being self-contradictory  |
pratipāl | P. -pālayati- (Epic also te-), to protect, defend, guard, keep ; to observe, maintain ; to wait, wait for, expect  |
pratipālaka | mf(ikā-)n. protecting preserving  |
pratipālaka | mf(ikā-)n. a protector  |
pratipalam | ind. every moment  |
pratipālana | n. guarding, protecting, keeping, cherishing etc.  |
pratipālana | n. maintaining, observing  |
pratipālana | n. waiting, expecting  |
pratipālanīya | ( ) mfn. to be guarded or watched or waited for.  |
pratipālayitavya | ( ) mfn. to be guarded or watched or waited for.  |
pratipālin | mfn. guarding  |
pratipālita | mfn. cherished, protected  |
pratipālita | mfn. practised, followed  |
pratipallava | m. an opposite or outstretched branch  |
pratipālya | mfn. equals pālanīya-  |
pratipaṇa | m. (for 2.See p.667) the stake of an adversary at play  |
pratipāṇa | m. (for 2.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) a counter-pledge, anything staked against another thing  |
pratipāṇa | m. a counter-stake, counter-game, revenge at play (see -paṇa-,above) .  |
pratipaṇa | m. ( paṇ-) barter, exchange (for 1.See) .  |
pratipāṇa | ( paṇ-) m. (for 1.See) ready to exchange, bartering |
pratipāna | n. (1. pā-) drinking (see pratī-p-)  |
pratipāna | n. water for drinking  |
pratipanmaya | mfn. obedient, willing  |
pratipanna | mfn. come up or resorted to, got into (accusative), approached, arrived  |
pratipanna | mfn. met with, obtained, found, gained, won  |
pratipanna | mfn. overcome, conquered, subdued  |
pratipanna | mfn. undertaken, begun, done  |
pratipanna | mfn. ascertained, known, understood  |
pratipanna | mfn. familiar with (locative case)  |
pratipanna | mfn. convinced, sure of anything  |
pratipanna | mfn. one who has consented or agreed to or promised (also -vat-)  |
pratipanna | mfn. agreed upon, promised, consented to, to (-tva- )  |
pratipanna | mfn. avowed, acknowledged (as a brother), admitted (as a debt)  |
pratipanna | mfn. answered, replied  |
pratipanna | mfn. offered, given, presented to (locative case)  |
pratipanna | mfn. acting or behaving towards (locative case)  |
pratipannaka | m. "arrived at an aim", (with ) Name of the 4 orders of ārya-s (viz. the śrota-āpanna-, sakṛd-āgāmin-, an-āgāmin-, and arhat-)  |
pratipannaprayojana | mfn. one who has attained his object  |
pratipaṇya | n. merchandise in exchange  |
pratipāpa | mfn. wicked or evil in return, recompensing evil for evil  |
pratipāpin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. wicked or evil in return, recompensing evil for evil '  |
pratiparāhṛ | P. -harati-, to hand over  |
pratiparāṇī | ( nī-) P. A1. -ṇayati-, te- to lead back  |
pratipare | ( -parā-i-) ind.p. -paretya-, to return again  |
pratiparī | ( -pari-i-) P. -paryeti-, to go round in a reverse direction  |
pratiparigamana | n. ( gam-) walking round backwards or again  |
pratiparṇaśiphā | f. Anthericum Tuberosum  |
pratiparva | ind. at every change of the moon  |
pratiparyāhṛ | P. -harati-, to turn round again  |
pratiparyāvṛt | A1. -vartate-, to turn round in an opposite direction  |
pratiparyāyam | ind. at every turn  |
pratipaś | only proper P. -paśyati-, to look at, perceive, see, behold ; to live to see, experience ; (A1. te-) to see in one's own possession  |
pratipaśu | ind. at every sacrificial victim  |
pratipat | P. -patati-, to hasten towards, run to meet (accusative)  |
pratipatha | m. way back  |
pratipathagati | mfn. going along the road  |
pratipatham | ind. along the road (see )  |
pratipatham | ind. backwards  |
pratipathika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. going along the road '  |
pratipatni | f. (mc. for tnī-) a female rival (-vat- )  |
pratipatni | ind. for each wife  |
pratipātram | ind. (in dramatic language) in each part, in each character, by every actor  |
pratipattavya | mfn. to be obtained or received  |
pratipattavya | mfn. to be given (as an answer)  |
pratipattavya | mfn. to be conceived or understood  |
pratipattavya | mfn. to be done or begun  |
pratipattavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be assumed or stated  |
pratipattavya | n. one should act or proceed or behave  |
pratipatti | f. gaining, obtaining, acquiring  |
pratipatti | f. perception, observation, ascertainment, knowledge, intellect etc.  |
pratipatti | f. supposition, assertion, statement  |
pratipatti | f. admission, acknowledgment  |
pratipatti | f. giving, granting, bestowing on (locative case or comp)  |
pratipatti | f. causing, effecting  |
pratipatti | f. beginning, action, procedure in or with (locative case genitive case or compound) etc. (tatra kā pratipattiḥ syāt-,what is to be done there? ; kā tasya pratipattiḥ-.what is to be done with it? )  |
pratipatti | f. respectful reception or behaviour, homage, welcome (ttiṃ-dā-,to show honour )  |
pratipatti | f. confidence, assurance, determination (see a-pratp-)  |
pratipatti | f. resource, means for (locative case), expedient against (genitive case)  |
pratipatti | f. high rank or dignity, rule, reign  |
pratipatti | f. conclusion  |
pratipattibheda | m. diversity of views, difference of opinions  |
pratipattidakṣa | mfn. knowing how to act or what is to be done  |
pratipattidarśin | mfn. showing what ought to be done  |
pratipattikarman | n. a concluding rite or ceremony  |
pratipattimat | mfn. possessing appropriate knowledge, knowing what is to be done, active, prompt  |
pratipattimat | mfn. celebrated, high in rank  |
pratipattiniṣṭhura | mfn. difficult to be understood  |
pratipattiparāṅmukha | mf(ī-)n. averse from compliance, obstinate, unyielding  |
pratipattipaṭaha | m. a kind of kettle-drum (allowed only to chiefs of a certain rank)  |
pratipattipradāna | n. the giving of preferment, conferring promotion  |
pratipattiviśārada | mfn. equals -dakṣa-  |
pratipattṛ | mfn. one who perceives or hears  |
pratipattṛ | mfn. one who comprehends or understands |
pratipattṛ | mfn. one who maintains or asserts  |
pratipattraphalā | f. a kind of gourd  |
pratipattūrya | n. a kind of kettle-drum (see patti-paṭaha-)  |
pratipeṣam | ind. rubbing or pressing against each other (uraḥ-pratipeṣaṃ yudhyante-,they fight breast to breast)  |
pratiphal | P. -phalati-, to bound against, rebound, be reflected ; to requite  |
pratiphala | m. ( ) reflection, image, shadow  |
pratiphalana | n. ( ) reflection, image, shadow  |
pratiphalana | n. ( ) return, requital, retaliation.  |
pratiphalīkaraṇam | ind. at each cleaning of the corn commentator or commentary  |
pratiphullaka | See p.668.  |
pratiphullaka | mfn. flowering, in blossom  |
pratipīḍ | P. -pīḍayati-, to press, oppress, harass, afflict  |
pratipīḍana | n. oppressing, harassing, molesting  |
pratipiṇḍam | ind. in each piṇḍa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
pratipipādayiṣā | f. desire of setting forth or discussing or treating of (accusative)  |
pratipipādayiṣu | mfn. wishing to explain, about to treat of  |
pratipiṣ | P. -pinaṣṭi- (Epic imperfect tense -apiṃṣat-), to rub one thing against another, rub together (karaṃ kare-,or hastair hastāgram-,the hands) ; to bruise, grind, crush, destroy.  |
pratipiṣṭa | mfn. rubbed or rubbing against each other (as horses), struck against each other, crossed (as swords)  |
pratipiṣṭa | mfn. bruised, crushed  |
pratipitsā | f. (fr. Desiderative) desire of obtaining, striving after (compound)  |
pratipitsā | -pitsu-, -pipādayiṣā-, -pipādayiṣu- See column 2.  |
pratipitsu | mfn. desirous of obtaining, longing for (accusative or compound)  |
pratipitsu | mfn. desirous of hearing or learning (accusative)  |
pratipīy | P. -p/īyati-, to abuse, revile  |
pratiplavana | n. ( plu-) jumping or leaping back  |
pratipṝ | P. -pṛṇāti- (only 2. dual number imperative -pṛṇīt/am-), to bestow in return : Causal -pūrayati-, to fill up, make full ; to fill (said of a noise) ; to sate, satiate, satisfy ; to fulfil, accomplish  |
pratiprabha | m. Name of an ātreya- (author of )  |
pratiprabhā | f. reflection (of fire)  |
pratiprabhātam | ind. every morning  |
pratiprabrū | P. -bravīti-, to speak in return, reply, answer  |
pratiprach | P. -pṛcchati-, to ask, question, inquire of (2 accusative)  |
pratipradā | P. -dadāti-, to give back again  |
pratipradāna | n. giving back, returning  |
pratipradāna | n. giving in marriage  |
pratipragrah | P. -gṛhṇāti-, to take up or receive again  |
pratiprahāra | m. ( hṛ-) a counter-blow, returning a blow  |
pratiprahi | P. -hiṇoti-, to drive or chase back  |
pratiprahve | (only Passive voice -hūyate-), to call near, invite to (accusative)  |
pratipraiṣa | m. a cry or call in return, direction given in return  |
pratiprajñā | P. -jānāti-, to seek out or find again  |
pratiprajñāti | f. discrimination, ascertainment, statement  |
pratiprākāra | m. an outer rampart  |
pratipramuc | P. -muñcati-, to admit (a calf to the cow)  |
pratipraṇāma | m. a bow or obeisance in return, saluting in turn  |
pratipraṇavaṃ | ind. at every repetition of the syllable om-  |
pratipraṇavasaṃyukta | mfn. accompanied each time with the syllable om-  |
pratiprāni | ind. in or for every living creature  |
pratiprāś | (pr/ati--) m. an opponent in controversy, adversary in a lawsuit (See prati-prach-)  |
pratiprāś | See p.662, ccl. 2.  |
pratiprāś | -prāśita- See pratiprach- and .  |
pratiprās | ( -pra-as-) P. -prāsyati-, to throw or cast upon  |
pratiprasava | See under prati-pra-- 1. sū-.  |
pratiprasava | m. counter-order, suspension of a general prohibition in a particular case  |
pratiprasava | m. an exception to an exception  |
pratiprasava | m. return to the original state  |
pratiprasavam | ind. in each birth  |
pratiprasavam | ind. See .  |
pratiprāśita | mfn. opposed in debate  |
pratiprāśita | See p.662, ccl. 2.  |
pratipraśna | m. a question asked in return  |
pratipraśna | m. an answer  |
pratipraśna | m. a question in return  |
pratipraśna | m. an answer  |
pratipraśna | See prati-prach-.  |
pratipraśnam | ind. with regard to the controversy ( )  |
pratipraśrabdhi | f. ( śrambh-) omission, removal  |
pratiprasṛp | P. -sarpati-, to creep near again  |
pratiprasthāna | m. Name of a particular soma-graha-  |
pratiprasthāna | n. the office of the prati-prasthātṛ- (See prāsthānika-)  |
pratiprasthāna | n. the milk-vessel of the prati-  |
pratiprāsthānika | mfn. relating to the office of the prati-  |
pratiprāsthānika | n. (with karman-) the office of the prati-  |
pratiprasthātṛ | m. ( sthā-) Name of a priest who assists the adhvaryu-  |
pratiprasū | A1. -suvate-, to allow or enjoin again  |
pratiprasūta | mfn. re-enjoined after having been forbidden  |
pratiprati | mf(t/inī-)n. being a counter-part, counter-balancing  |
pratiprati | mf(t/inī-)n. being a match for, equal to (accusative)  |
pratipratīka | (in the beginning of a compound) at each initial word  |
pratipratīka | on or at every part of the body  |
pratipratīkam | ind. at each initial word  |
pratipratīkam | ind. on or at every part of the body  |
pratipratta | mfn. given up, delivered  |
pratipravac | (only perfect tense -pr/ovāca-and ind.p. -prorya-), to report, relate, tell  |
pratipravid | Caus. -vedayati-, to proclaim, announce  |
pratipraviś | P. -viśati-, to go back, return  |
pratipravṛt | Caus. -vartayati-, to lead towards  |
pratiprayā | P. -yāti-, to go back, return  |
pratiprāyā | P. -yāti-, to come near, approach  |
pratiprayam | P. -yacchati-, to give back, return, restore  |
pratiprayāṇa | n. going back, return (ṇakam-See) . |
pratiprayāṇakam | ind. with each day's journey  |
pratiprayāta | mfn. gone back, returned  |
pratiprayavaṇa | n. (2. yu-) repeated mixture  |
pratiprayoga | m. counter-application or parallel setting forth of a proposition,  |
pratiprayuj | P. A1. -yunakti-, -yuṅkte-, to add instead of something else, substitute ; (A1.) to pay back, restore (a debt) (Bombay edition)  |
pratiprekṣaṇa | n. looking at in return |
pratipriya | mfn. agreeable to (genitive case)  |
pratipriya | n. kindness or service in return  |
pratiprokta | mfn. returned, answered  |
pratipṛṣṭhā | f. each page of a leaf.  |
pratipūj | P. -pūjayati-, to return a salutation, reverence, salute respectfully, honour, praise, commend, approve  |
pratipūjā | f. id (with genitive case or locative case)  |
pratipūjaka | mfn. honouring, revering, a reverer (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pratipūjana | n. doing homage, honouring, revering (with genitive case)  |
pratipūjita | mfn. honoured, revered, presented with (instrumental case) etc.  |
pratipūjita | mfn. exchanged as civilities  |
pratipūjya | mfn. to be honoured  |
pratipuṃniyata | mfn. settled for every soul singly  |
pratipur | f. a hostile castle  |
pratipura | gaRa aṃśv-ādi-  |
pratipūraṇa | n. filling up, filling  |
pratipūraṇa | n. injecting a fluid or other substance, pouring a fluid over  |
pratipūraṇa | n. the being filled with (instrumental case)  |
pratipūraṇa | n. obstruction, congestion (of the head)  |
pratipūrita | mfn. filled with, full of  |
pratipūrita | mfn. satisfied, contented  |
pratipūrṇa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. satisfied, contented ' etc.  |
pratipūrṇabimba | mfn. "having its disc filled", full (the moon)  |
pratipūrṇamānasa | mfn. (having one's heart) satisfied  |
pratipūrti | f. fulfilment, perfection  |
pratipuruṣa | m. "a counter-person", a similar man  |
pratipuruṣa | m.a companion, assistant  |
pratipuruṣa | m.a deputy, substitute  |
pratipuruṣa | m.(a-pratip-,unmatched )  |
pratipuruṣa | m.the effigy of a man (which thieves push into the interior of a house before entering it themselves)  |
pratipuruṣa | m.(in the beginning of a compound and pratipuruṣam ṣ/am- ind.) man by man, every man, for each man  |
pratipuruṣa | m. for each soul  |
pratipūruṣa | m. "a counter-person", a similar man  |
pratipūruṣa | m. a companion, assistant  |
pratipūruṣa | m. a deputy, substitute  |
pratipūruṣa | m. (a-pratip-,unmatched )  |
pratipūruṣa | m. the effigy of a man (which thieves push into the interior of a house before entering it themselves)  |
pratipūruṣa | m. (in the beginning of a compound and pratipūruṣam ṣ/am- ind.) man by man, every man, for each man  |
pratipūruṣa | m. for each soul  |
pratipūruṣa | See -puruṣa- above.  |
pratipuruṣam | ind. pratipuruṣa |
pratipūruṣam | ind. pratipūruṣa |
pratipūrvāhṇam | ind. every forenoon  |
pratipustaka | n. a copy of an original manuscript, a copy in general on  |
pratipuṣyam | ind. at each time of the moon's entrance into the constellation puṣya-  |
pratira | ram- See under pra-tṝ-. |
pratira | mfn. furthering, granting success or victory  |
pratira | mfn. (?) carrying across, furthering, helping (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
pratirāddha | mfn. counteracted  |
pratirādh | (only ind.p. -rādhya-), to counteract, oppose (accusative) : Desiderative -ritsati- Va1rtt. 1  |
pratirādha | m. "obstacle, hindrance", Name of particular verses of the (see pratī-r-,p.673) .  |
pratirāj | A1. -rājate-, to shine like (iva-), equal in splendour  |
pratirāja | ( ) ( ) m. a hostile king, royal adversary.  |
pratirājam | ind. king by king, for every king  |
pratirājan | ( ) m. a hostile king, royal adversary.  |
pratirajani | ind. every night  |
pratirakṣ | P. -rakṣati-, to preserve, guard, protect ; to keep (a promise) ; to be afraid of, fear (accusative)  |
pratirakṣā | f. safety, preservation  |
pratirakṣaṇa | n. preserving, protecting  |
pratirakṣārtham | ind. for the sake of saving  |
pratiram | P. -ramati-, to look towards with joy, long for, expect (accusative) < |