prasthita | mfn. set forth, prepared, ready (as sacrifice) | ||||||
prasthita | mfn. rising, upright | ||||||
prasthita | mfn. standing forth, prominent | ||||||
prasthita | mfn. appointed, installed | ||||||
prasthita | mfn. set out, departed, gone to (accusative with or without prati- dative case or locative case) or for the purpose of (dative case) etc. | ||||||
prasthita | mfn. ( prasthitavat -vat- mfn. equals pra-tasthe-,"he has set out") | ||||||
prasthita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') reaching to, (varia lectio prati-ṣṭhita-) | ||||||
prasthita | n. setting out, going away, departure | ||||||
prasthita | n. Name of particular soma- vessels (See next) | ||||||
prasthitam | ind. impersonal or used impersonally a person (instrumental case) has set out | ||||||
prasthitavat | mfn. prasthita | ||||||
prasthitayājyā | f. a verse pronounced on offering the prasthita- vessels, ( prasthitayājyāhoma -homa- m.the oblation connected with it ) | ||||||
prasthitayājyāhoma | m. prasthitayājyā | ||||||
abhiprasthita | mfn. one who has set out, started | ||||||
pūrvaprasthita | mfn. gone before, set out in advance | ||||||
samprasthita | mfn. set out on a journey, departed etc. | ||||||
samprasthita | mfn. advancing towards buddha- hood (?) | ||||||
susamprasthita | m. Name of a man | ||||||
vimārgaprasthita | mfn. following a wrong road. () | ||||||
viprasthita | mfn. set out on a journey, departed |
prasthita | प्रस्थित p. p. 1 Set out, gone forth, departed, gone on a journey; (see स्था with प्र); वक्रः पन्था यदपि भवतः प्रस्थितस्योत्तराशाम् Me.27. -2 Dead; तस्यापि सुमहांस्तापः प्रस्थितस्योपजायते Mb.12.291.9. -3 Appointed, installed. -तम् Departure, going away; Bh. |
viprasthita | विप्रस्थित p. p. Departed. |
pūrvapakṣa | m. fore part or side; first half of a lunar month (when the moon increases), light fortnight; (primâ facie case), action at law; first objection to a proposi tion; -pakshin, a. making the first objection to a proposition; -pakshî-kri, make the first objection to a proposition; -patha, m. pre vious path, same way as before; -pada, n. previous member of a compound (gr.); -pad ya, a. belonging to the first member of a compound; -parigraha, m. first claim, pre cedence, privilege; a. claimed as a privilege by (g.); -pâda, m. fore-foot; -pitâmaha, m. fore-grandfather=ancestor; -pîthikâ, f. in troduction; -purusha, m.forefather (pl. ancestors); primaeval spirit, ep. of Brahman: -½upârgita, pp. collected by one's ancestors; -pûgita, pp. previously consecrated; -pûrva, a. every preceding one, each previously men tioned one; m. pl.ancient ancestors; -pûr va½ukta, pp. respectively mentioned before; -péya, n. precedence in drinking; precedence (in general); -pragñ&asharp;, f. knowledge of the past, memory; -prati-panna, pp. having previously agreed to or promised something; -pravritta, pp. having occurred previously; -prasthita, pp. having started previously, hastening on before. |
prastha | m. n. [standing forth, promi nent], table-land on a mountain, plateau; level expanse, plain; a measure of capacity (=32 Palas); -sthâna, n. setting out, march ing forth, proceeding, departure; advent; de spatch (of wares), journey to the next world; religious mendicancy; way of thinking, method, system, sect; kind of inferior drama: -dundubhi, m. drum giving the sig nal for marching; -sthânîya, a. relating to departure; -sthâpana, n. sending away, de spatching, dismissing; giving currency to (an expression); -sthâpita, cs. pp. (√ sthâ) sent away, despatched; -sthâpya, cs. fp. to be sent away or dismissed; -sthâyin, a.setting out, departing; -sthita, pp. (√ sthâ) set out, departed; marched forth; gone on a journey; n. departure: -yâgyâ, f. verse pro nounced on offering the Soma vessels called &open;prasthita;&close; -sthiti, f.setting out, depar ture; -stheya, fp. n. imps. one should set out or depart. |
prasthitam | (sc. preṣya) Kś.6.6.26; 8.16. |
prasthitaḥ | departed | SB 10.71.20 |