Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
madhūkaḥ | 2.4.27 | Masculine | Singular | guḍapuṣpaḥ, madhudrumaḥ, vānaprasthaḥ, madhuṣṭhīlaḥ | |
prasthaḥ | 3.3.94 | Masculine | Singular | aṅghriḥ, turyāṃśaḥ, raśmiḥ | |
samīraṇaḥ | Masculine | Singular | maruvakaḥ, prasthapuṣpaḥ, phaṇijjakaḥ, jambīraḥ | ||
snuḥ | Masculine | Singular | prasthaḥ, sānuḥ | ||
vānaprasthaḥ | 2.7.3 | Masculine | Singular |
prastha | mfn. going on a march or journey, going to or abiding in (see vana-pr-) | ||||||
prastha | mfn. stable, firm, solid | ||||||
prastha | mfn. expanding, spread | ||||||
prastha | m. n. table-land on the top of a mountain etc. | ||||||
prastha | m. a level expanse, plain (especially at the end of names of towns and villages; see indra--, oṣadhi--, karīra-pr-andSee ) | ||||||
prastha | m. a particular weight and measure of capacity (= 32 pala-s or = 1/4 of an āḍhaka-;or = 16 pala-s = 4 kuḍava-s = 1/4 of an āḍhaka-;or = 2 śarāva-s;or = 6 pala-s;or = 1/16 of a droṇa-) etc. | ||||||
prastha | m. Name of a monkey | ||||||
prasthakusuma | m. "flowering on mountain-tops", a species of plant, a variety of tulasi- or basil | ||||||
prasthampaca | mf(ā-)n. cooking the amount of a prastha- (said of a cooking utensil capable of containing one Prastha) | ||||||
prasthapuṣpa | m. "flowering on mountain-tops", a species of plant, a variety of tulasi- or basil | ||||||
prasthavat | m. a mountain | ||||||
anuprastha | mfn. latitudinal | ||||||
anuprastha | mfn. according to width, following the breadth or latitude. | ||||||
badarīprastha | m. Name of a city gaRa karky-ādi-. | ||||||
bhogaprastha | m. plural Name of a people | ||||||
devaprastha | m. Name of the city of senā-bindu- | ||||||
dharmaprastha | m. "habitation of the god dharma-", Name of a place of pilgrimage | ||||||
drākṣāprastha | n. Name of a city gaRa mālā | ||||||
ekaprastha | m. "having one table-land", Name of a mountain ([ ]) gaRa mālā | ||||||
giriprastha | m. the table-land of a mountain | ||||||
himaprastha | m. "having snowy table-land", the himā | ||||||
indraprastha | n. " indra-'s place", Name of a city (now called Delhi, the residence of the pāṇḍava-s) | ||||||
jambuprastha | m. Name of a village (mbū-p-,B) . | ||||||
jambūprastha | See bu-p-. | ||||||
kāmaprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa mālā | ||||||
kāñcīprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa mālā | ||||||
kandukaprastha | n. Name of a town gaRa karkyādi- (not in ) | ||||||
karīraprastha | m. Name of a town | ||||||
karīraprastha | m. (varia lectio karīriprastha-.) | ||||||
karkandhuprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa karky-ādi- | ||||||
karkiprastha | m. Name of a town | ||||||
karkīprastha | m. Name of a town | ||||||
kavalaprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa karkyādi-. | ||||||
khāṇḍavaprastha | m. (equals indra-pr-) Name of a town situated in the khāṇḍava- forest (founded by the pāṇḍava-s) | ||||||
kṣāmāprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa mālā | ||||||
kuṇḍaprastha | m. Name of a town | ||||||
kuralaprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa karcyādi- | ||||||
kuvalaprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa karky-ādi- (varia lectio for kurala-pr-). | ||||||
maghīprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa karky-ādi- ( for maghnī-pr-). | ||||||
maghnīprastha | See maghī-pr-. | ||||||
māhakīprastha | mf(ī-)n. on (varia lectio māhikī-prastha-). | ||||||
māhikīprastha | See māhakī-pr-. | ||||||
makarīprastha | m. Name of a town gaRa karky-ādi-. | ||||||
mālāprastha | m. Name of a city | ||||||
mālāprasthaka | mfn. | ||||||
maṅgalaprastha | m. "auspicious-peak", Name of a mountain | ||||||
maṇiprastha | (prob.) wrong reading for -prabhā- (q.v) | ||||||
oṣadhiprastha | n. Name of the city of himālaya- | ||||||
pañcaprastha | mfn. having 5 elevations or rising grounds (said of a forest) | ||||||
pātālaprastha | n. Name of a village of the bāhīka-s ( pātālaprasthika thika- mfn.) | ||||||
pātānaprastha | Name (also title or epithet) of a village, on Va1rtt. 26. | ||||||
rajataprastha | m. Name of kailāsa- | ||||||
rītiprastha | m. n. a prastha- weight of brass | ||||||
śailaprastha | m. n. a mountain-plain plateau | ||||||
śakraprastha | n. Name of ancient Delhi (= indra-prastha-) | ||||||
śamīprastha | n. gaRa karky-ādi-. | ||||||
sānuprastha | m. Name of a monkey | ||||||
śatakratuprastha | n. Name of the residence of the yādava-s (see indra-pr-) | ||||||
śilaprastha | n. a N. on | ||||||
śoṇaprastha | varia lectio for śoṇā-pr-. | ||||||
śoṇāprastha | gaRa mālā | ||||||
svarṇaprastha | m. Name of an upadvīpa- in jambu-dvīpa- | ||||||
tuṅgaprastha | m. Name of a mountain | ||||||
udayaprastha | m. the plateau of the eastern mountain. | ||||||
vanaprastha | m. or n. (?) a forest situated on elevated or table land | ||||||
vanaprastha | m. Name of a place | ||||||
vanaprastha | mfn. retiring into a forest, living the life of an anchorite | ||||||
vānaprastha | m. (fr. vana-prastha-) a Brahman in the third stage of life (who has passed through the stages of student and householder and has abandoned his house and family for an ascetic life in the woods;See āśrama-), hermit, anchorite (mentioned by Megasthenes under the name) etc. | ||||||
vānaprastha | m. a class of supernatural beings | ||||||
vānaprastha | m. Bassia Latifolia or Butea Frondosa | ||||||
vānaprastha | mfn. relating to a vānaprastha- | ||||||
vānaprastha | m. (scilicet āśrama-) the third stage of a Brahman's life, forest-life | ||||||
vānaprasthadharma | mfn. the law or duty of a vānaprastha- | ||||||
viṣaprastha | m. Name of a mountain | ||||||
vṛkaprastha | m. or n. (?) Name of a village | ||||||
yamaprasthapura | n. Name of a town (where yama- was especially worshipped) | ||||||
yātānaprastha | thaka- wrong reading for pāt- on Va1rtt. 26. |
prastha | प्रस्थ a. 1 Going to, visiting, abiding in; as in वानप्रस्थ. -2 Going on a journey. -3 Spreading, expanding. -4 Firm, stable. -स्थः, -स्थम् 1 A level expanse, level plain; as in ओषधिप्रस्थ, इन्द्रप्रस्थ &c. -2 Table-land on the top of a mountain; प्रस्थं हिमाद्रेर्मृगनाभिगन्धि किंचित् क्कणत्किन्नरमध्युवास Ku.1.54; Me.6. -3 The top or peak of a mountain; Śi.4.11.(where it has sense 4 also). -4 A particular measure of capacity equal to thirty-two palas. -5 Anything measuring a Prastha (a seer); प्रस्थभुग्देवदत्त इत्युच्यते । यद्यपि सूपशाकादिभिरधिकः प्रस्थो भवति तथापि भुजौ प्रस्थो निर्दिश्यते । व्यञ्जनानि ओदनार्थानि ŚB. on MS.1.8.29; प्रस्थं वाहसहस्रेषु यात्रार्थं चैव कोटिषु Mb.12.288.3; (com. प्रस्थं पुरुषाहारपरिमितं धान्यम्). -Comp. -पुष्पः a variety of holy basil. |
prasthaṃpaca | प्रस्थंपच a. Cooking a Prastha. |
anuprastha | अनुप्रस्थ a. Latitudinal, following the breadth or latitude. |
vānaprasthaḥ | वानप्रस्थः [वाने वनसमूहे प्रतिष्ठते स्था-क] 1 A Brāhmaṇa in the third stage of his religious life; तपसा कर्षितो$त्यर्थं यस्तु ध्यानपरो भवेत् । संन्यासीह स विज्ञेयो वानप्रस्थाश्रमे स्थितः ॥ -2 An anchorite, a hermit. -3 The Madhuka tree. -4 The Palāśa tree. |
prastha | m. n. [standing forth, promi nent], table-land on a mountain, plateau; level expanse, plain; a measure of capacity (=32 Palas); -sthâna, n. setting out, march ing forth, proceeding, departure; advent; de spatch (of wares), journey to the next world; religious mendicancy; way of thinking, method, system, sect; kind of inferior drama: -dundubhi, m. drum giving the sig nal for marching; -sthânîya, a. relating to departure; -sthâpana, n. sending away, de spatching, dismissing; giving currency to (an expression); -sthâpita, cs. pp. (√ sthâ) sent away, despatched; -sthâpya, cs. fp. to be sent away or dismissed; -sthâyin, a.setting out, departing; -sthita, pp. (√ sthâ) set out, departed; marched forth; gone on a journey; n. departure: -yâgyâ, f. verse pro nounced on offering the Soma vessels called &open;prasthita;&close; -sthiti, f.setting out, depar ture; -stheya, fp. n. imps. one should set out or depart. |
vānaprastha | m. (betaking oneself to forest-uplands: vanaprastha), Brâh man of the third order (who has retired from domestic life to the forest), hermit; a. relating to the forest hermit; m. (sc.âsrama) third stage of a Brâhman's life, forest life; -prasth-ya, n. condition of a hermit. |
prastha | noun (masculine neuter) a level expanse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a particular weight and measure of capacity (32 Palas or 1/4 of an Āḍhaka) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) plain (esp. at the end of names of towns and villages) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) table-land on the top of a mountain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 1647/72933 | |
prasthakusuma | noun (masculine) a kind of Ocimum Frequency rank 59539/72933 | |
prasthala | noun (masculine) name of a people Frequency rank 21871/72933 | |
prasthapuṣpa | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 29266/72933 | |
indraprastha | noun (neuter) name of a city (now called Delhi) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 7931/72933 | |
oṣadhiprastha | noun (neuter) name of the city of Himālaya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27306/72933 | |
khāṇḍavaprastha | noun (masculine) name of a town situated in the Khāṇḍava forest (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9818/72933 | |
catuṣprastha | adjective Frequency rank 52023/72933 | |
candraprastha | noun (masculine) name of a mountain Frequency rank 52058/72933 | |
jambūprastha | noun (masculine) name of a town (?) Frequency rank 52704/72933 | |
yājñavalkyoktavānaprasthadharmanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.102 Frequency rank 62996/72933 | |
yājñavalkyoktavānaprasthasaṃnyāsadharmanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāna, 1.103 Frequency rank 62997/72933 | |
vānaprastha | adjective relating to a Vānaprastha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 65122/72933 | |
vānaprastha | noun (masculine neuter) a Brāhman in the third stage of life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a class of supernatural beings (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) anchorite (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Bassia Latifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Butea Frondosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) forest-life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) hermit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the third stage of a Brāhman's life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 4361/72933 | |
vṛṣaprastha | noun (masculine) name of a place (?) Frequency rank 66500/72933 | |
śakraprastha | noun (neuter) name of ancient Delhi (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39865/72933 | |
sānuprastha | noun (masculine) name of a monkey (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 70299/72933 |