pi | cl.6 P. piyati-, to go, move (see 2. pī-).  |
pi | See under api-.  |
piba | mfn. (1. pā-) drinking, who or what drinks (see tri--).  |
pibavat | mfn. containing a form of the verb pibati-  |
pibd | (prob. equals pi-pad-), only pr. p. A1. pibdamāna-, becoming or being firm or solid  |
pibdana | mfn. firm, hard, solid, compact  |
picaṇḍa | mn. the belly or abdomen  |
picaṇḍa | m. a particular part or limb of an animal  |
picaṇḍaka | mfn. equals de kuśalaḥ- gaRa ākarṣādi-  |
picaṇḍikā | f. the calf of the leg or the instep  |
picaṇḍika | (gaRa tundādi-) mfn. big-bellied, corpulent.  |
picaṇḍila | ( ) mfn. big-bellied, corpulent.  |
picaṇḍin | (gaRa tundādi-) mfn. big-bellied, corpulent.  |
picavya | m. the cotton plant  |
picc | cl.10 P. piccayati-, to press flat, squeeze (varia lectio for pich- q.v)  |
piccā | f. a collection or string of 16 pearls weighing a dharaṇa- (varia lectio pivā-.; see pikkā-).  |
piccaṭa | mfn. pressed flat, squeezed  |
piccaṭa | m. inflammation of the eyes, ophthalmia  |
piccaṭa | n. a substance pressed flat, cake (see tila-p-)  |
piccaṭa | n. tin or lead  |
piccha | n. a feather of a tail (especially of a peacock, prob. from its, being spread or expanded) etc.  |
piccha | n. (plural) the feathers of an arrow  |
piccha | n. a tail (also m.)  |
piccha | n. a wing  |
piccha | n. a crest  |
picchā | f. the scum of boiled rice and of other grain  |
picchā | f. the gum of Bombax Heptaphyllum  |
picchā | f. slimy saliva  |
picchā | f. the venomous saliva of a snake  |
picchā | f. a multitude, mass, heap  |
picchā | f. the calf of the leg  |
picchā | f. a sheath or cover  |
picchā | f. the areca-nut  |
picchā | f. a row or line  |
picchā | f. a diseased affection of a horse's feet  |
picchā | f. Dalbergia Sissoo  |
picchā | f. equals mocā- and picchila-  |
picchā | f. armour, a sort of cuirass  |
picchabāṇa | m. "arrow feathered", a hawk  |
picchaka | m. or n. a tail-feather (see citra-p-)  |
picchala | mfn. slimy, slippery, smeary (varia lectio picchila-)  |
picchala | m. Name of a nāga- of the race of vāsuki-  |
picchalā | f. Name of several plants (Dalbergia Sissoo, Bombax Heptaphyllum etc.)  |
picchala | m. of a river (varia lectio pitchilā-).  |
picchaladalā | f. Zizyphus Jujuba  |
picchaḷāṅga | m. Pimelodus Gagora (equals gargara-)  |
picchalatikā | f. a tail-feather  |
picchana | n. pressing flat, squeezing  |
picchāsrāva | m. slimy saliva |
picchavat | mfn. having a tail, tailed  |
picchikā | f. a bunch of peacock's tail-feathers (used by conjurors)  |
picchila | mf(ā-)n. slimy, lubricous, slippery, smeary (opp. to viśada-) ( picchilatva -tva- n.), etc.  |
picchila | mf(ā-)n. having a tail  |
picchila | m. Cordia Latifolia  |
picchila | m. Tamarix Indica  |
picchilā | f. Name of a river (varia lectio picchalā-)  |
picchila | m. of several trees and other plants (Dalbergia Sissoo, Bombax Heptaphyllum, Basella Lucida or Rubra, a kind of grass etc.)  |
picchilabīja | n. the fruit of Dillenia Indica  |
picchilacchadā | f. Basella Cordifolia  |
picchilaka | m. Grewia Elastica  |
picchilasāra | m. the gum of Bombax Heptaphyllum  |
picchilātantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
picchilatva | n. picchila |
picchilatvac | m. Grewia Elastica  |
picchilatvac | m. an orange tree or orange-peel  |
picchilīkṛ | to make slippery or smeary  |
picchitikā | (!) f. Dalbergia Sissoo (wrong reading for picchilikā-?).  |
piccholā | f. idem or 'f. a pipe, flute ' equals oṣadhi-  |
picchorā | f. a pipe, flute  |
piccita | mfn. equals piccaṭa-  |
picciṭa | m. a species of venomous insect  |
picciṭaka | m. a species of venomous insect  |
pich | cl.10 P. picchayati-, to press flat, squeeze, expand, divide (varia lectio picc-; see above) ; cl.6 P. picchati-, to inflict pain, hurt  |
picila | m. an elephant  |
piciṇḍa | m. equals picaṇḍa-  |
piciṇḍavat | mfn. corpulent  |
piciṇḍikā | f.  |
piciṇḍila | mfn. equals picaṇḍikā-, ḍila-.  |
picu | m. cotton  |
picu | m. Vangueria Spinosa  |
picu | m. a sort of grain  |
picu | m. a karṣa- or weight of 2 tola-s  |
picu | m. a kind of leprosy  |
picu | m. Name of bhairava- or of one of his 8 faces  |
picu | m. of an asura-  |
picuka | m. Vangueria Spinosa  |
picukīya | mfn. gaRa utkarādi-.  |
picula | m. a species of tree (Barringtonia Acutangula or Tamarix Indica) (see )  |
picula | m. cotton  |
picula | m. a kind of cormorant or sea crow  |
picumanda | m. the Nimb tree, Azadirachta Indica  |
picumarda | m. the Nimb tree, Azadirachta Indica  |
picutūla | n. cotton  |
picuvaktrā | f. Name of a yoginī-  |
pidadhat | mfn. covering, veiling, hiding  |
piḍaka | m. (andf(ā-).) a small boil, pimple, pustule  |
piḍakāvat | mfn. having boils or pustules  |
piḍakin | mfn. having boils or pustules  |
pidāku | m. prob. wrong reading for p/ṛdāku-  |
pidhā | equals api-dhā- (q.v)  |
pidhāna | n. (m. gaRa ardharcādi-) covering, stopping, shutting, closing  |
pidhāna | n. a cover, lid, sheath etc. etc.; ( -vat- mfn.covered with a lid )  |
pidhāna | n. a particular process to which quicksilver is subjected  |
pidhānaka | n. a cover, sheath (See khaḍga-pidh-)  |
pidhānavat | mfn. |
pidhānī | f. a cover, lid  |
pidhānikā | f. a cover, lid  |
pidhātavya | mfn. to be covered or shut or closed  |
pidhāya | ind. having covered  |
pidhāyaka | mf(ikā-)n. covering, hiding, concealing ( pidhāyakatā -tā- f.),  |
pidhāyakatā | f. pidhāyaka |
pidhāyin | mfn. idem or 'mf(ikā-)n. covering, hiding, concealing ( pidhāyakatā -tā- f.), '  |
pidhitsu | mfn. wishing to cover conceal  |
pidṛbh | for api-- dṛbh- (only. -dṛhmas-), to adhere firmly to or hope in (accusative)  |
pidva | m. a species of animal  |
pihita | mfn. shut, hidden, concealed, covered or filled with (instrumental case) etc.  |
pihita | n. a particular figure of speech which consists in insinuating to a person that one knows his secrets  |
pihita | pi-hiti- See pi-dhā-.  |
pihiti | f. covering, stopping  |
piḥpala | ( Scholiast or Commentator) = pippala-,  |
pihuli | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
pijavana | m. Name of a man (see paijavana-).  |
pijūla | m. Name of a man gaRa aśvādi-.  |
pika | m. the Indian cuckoo, Cuculus Indicus etc.  |
pikabādhava | m. "id.", the spring  |
pikabaudhu | m. "cuckoo's friend", the mango tree  |
pikabhakṣā | f. "cuckoo's food" equals bhūmi-jambū-  |
pikākṣa | n. "cuckoo's eye" equals rocanī-  |
pikānanda | m. "cuckoo's joy", the spring  |
pikāṅga | m. "cuckoo-shaped", a particular bird  |
pikanikara | m. a pseudonym of a poet  |
pikapriyā | f. "dear to the cuckoo", a species of jambū-  |
pikarāga | m. "cuckoo's favourite", the mango tree  |
pikasvarā | f. "cuckoo's note", Name of a surāṅganā-  |
pikavallabha | m. "cuckoo's favourite", the mango tree  |
pikekṣaṇā | f. "cuckoo's eye", Asteracantha Longifolia  |
pikī | f. a female cuckoo  |
pikka | m. an elephant 20 years old (equals vikka-), any young elephant  |
pikkā | f. a collection or string of 13 pearls weighing a dharaṇa- (see piccā-).  |
pil | cl.10 P. pelayati-, to throw, send, impel, incite (see pel-, vil-).  |
pili | m. Name of a man,  |
pilindavatsa | m. Name of a disciple of gautama- buddha-  |
pilipiccha | m. Name of a demon  |
pilipicchi | m. Name of a demon  |
pilipicchika | m. Name of a demon  |
pilipiñja | m. Name of a demon  |
pilippila | mf(/ā-)n. slippery ( )  |
pilla | mfn. blear-eyed  |
pilla | m. a bleared eye (see paillya-).  |
pillakā | f. a female elephant  |
pilpila | mf(/ā-)n. idem or 'mf(/ā-)n. slippery ( )'  |
pilpilā | f. Name of lakṣmī-  |
pilu | m. a species of tree (equals pīlu-)  |
piluka | m. a species of tree (equals pīlu-)  |
piluparṇi | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
pimpalā | f. Name of a river (perhaps wrong reading for pippalā-).  |
pimpari | f. Ficus Infectoria  |
pimparī | f. Ficus Infectoria  |
piṃś | and piṃṣ- See piś- and piṣ-.  |
piṃs | cl.1.10. piṃsati-, sayati-, to speak ; to shine  |
pinaddha | mfn. tied or put on, fastened, wrapped, covered, dressed, armed  |
pinaddhaka | mf(ikā-)n. dressed, clothed, covered (m.ornament )  |
pinah | equals api-nah- (q.v)  |
pinahya | ind. having put on or dressed  |
pināka | m. n. a staff or bow, (especially) the staff or bow of rudra-- śiva- etc.  |
pināka | m. śiva-'s trident or three-pronged spear (equals śūla-and tri-śūla-)  |
pināka | m. falling dust  |
pināka | n. a species of talc (Perhaps fr. pi-api-nam-; see nāka-.)  |
pinākabhṛt | m. equals -dhṛk-  |
pinākadhṛk | m. "bearer of pināka-", id.,  |
pinākagoptṛ | m. "preserver of pināka-", Name of śiva-  |
pinākahasta | (pin-) m. = equals -pāṇi- Name of rudra-  |
pinākapāṇi | m. " pināka- in hand" idem or 'm. "bearer of pināka-", id., '  |
pinākasena | m. "armed with pināka-", Name of skanda-  |
pinākāvasa | m. Name of rudra- ("concealing pināka-", )  |
pinākī | f. (in music) a kind of stringed instrument  |
pināki | m. (only accusative kim-) equals pinākin- Name of śiva-  |
pināki | in compound for kin-.  |
pinākidiś | f. " śiva-'s quarter", the north-east  |
pinākin | m. "armed with the bow or spear pināka-", Name of rudra-- śiva-  |
pinākin | m. of one of the 11 rudra-s  |
pinākinī | f. Name of 2 fivers  |
pinākinīmāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of  |
pinasa | varia lectio for pīnasa-.  |
piñcadeva | m. Name of a man  |
piñcha | n. a wing (equals piccha-)  |
piṇḍ | cl.1 A1. cl.10. P. piṇḍate-, ḍayati-, to roll into a lump or ball, put together, join, unite, gather, assemble ; (prob. Nom.fr. next).  |
piṇḍa | m. (rarely n.) any round or roundish mass or heap, a ball, globe, knob, button, clod, lump, piece (see ayaḥ--., māṃsa--etc.) (only and here applied to lumps of flesh) etc.  |
piṇḍa | m. a roundish lump of food, a bite, morsel, mouthful  |
piṇḍa | m. (especially) a ball of rice or flour etc. offered to the pitṛ-s or deceased ancestors, a śrāddha- oblation ( ) etc.  |
piṇḍa | m. food, daily bread, livelihood, subsistence etc.  |
piṇḍa | m. any solid mass or material object, the body, bodily frame  |
piṇḍa | m. the calf of the leg  |
piṇḍa | m. the flower of a China rose  |
piṇḍa | m. a portico or particular part of a house  |
piṇḍa | m. power, force, an army  |
piṇḍa | m. (dual number) the fleshy parts of the shoulder situated above the collar-bone  |
piṇḍa | m. (dual number) the two projections of an elephant's frontal sinus  |
piṇḍa | m. the embryo in an early stage of gestation  |
piṇḍa | m. a particular kind of incense ("myrrh"or"olibanum" )  |
piṇḍa | m. meat, flesh  |
piṇḍa | m. alms (see -pāta-below)  |
piṇḍa | m. Vangueriya Spinosa  |
piṇḍa | m. quantity, collection  |
piṇḍa | m. (in arithmetic) sum, total amount  |
piṇḍa | m. (in astronomy) a sine expressed in numbers  |
piṇḍa | m. (in music) a sound, tone  |
piṇḍa | m. Name of a man gaRa naḍādi-  |
piṇḍa | n. ( ) iron  |
piṇḍa | n. steel  |
piṇḍa | n. fresh butter  |
piṇḍā | f. a kind of musk  |
piṇḍabhāj | mfn. partaking of the śrāddha- oblation  |
piṇḍabhāj | m. plural deceased ancestors  |
piṇḍabhājbhāktva | n.  |
piṇḍabhañjanaśānti | f. Name of work  |
piṇḍābhra | n. hail  |
piṇḍabhṛti | f. means of subsistence, livelihood  |
piṇḍabīja | m. Nerium Odorum  |
piṇḍabījaka | m. Pterospermum Acerifolium  |
piṇḍada | mf(ā-)n. offering or qualified to offer oblations to deceased ancestors  |
piṇḍada | m. the nearest male relation |
piṇḍada | m. a son  |
piṇḍada | m. a patron or master  |
piṇḍadā | f. a mother ) Cf. sa-piṇḍa-.  |
piṇḍadāna | n. the offering of balls of rice etc. (to deceased ancestors)  |
piṇḍadāna | n. the offering of śrāddha- oblations on the evening of new moon  |
piṇḍadāna | n. -giving alms  |
piṇḍadātṛ | mfn. equals -da- mfn.  |
piṇḍagosa | m. gum myrrh  |
piṇḍāgra | n. a small morsel of a piṇḍa-  |
piṇḍaharitāla | n. a particular kind of orpiment  |
piṇḍāhvā | f. the resin of Gardenia Gummifera  |
piṇḍaka | mn. a lump, ball, knob  |
piṇḍaka | mn. a fragment, morsel  |
piṇḍaka | mn. a round protuberance (especially on an elephant's temples)  |
piṇḍaka | mn. the ball of rice etc. offered at śrāddha-s (see tri-p-)  |
piṇḍaka | m. a species of bulbous plant (equals piṇḍālu-)  |
piṇḍaka | m. Daucus Carota  |
piṇḍaka | m. incense, myrrh  |
piṇḍaka | m. a sine expressed in numbers  |
piṇḍaka | m. a piśāca-  |
piṇḍakanda | m. a species of bulbous plant (= piṇḍā/iu-)  |
piṇḍakaraṇa | n. equals -nirvapaṇa-,  |
piṇḍakharjūra | mf(ikā-and ī-). ( ) ( ) a species of date tree.  |
piṇḍākṣara | mfn. containing a conjunct consonant  |
piṇḍala | m. a bridge, causeway  |
piṇḍala | m. a passage over a stream or a raised path across inundated fields (see piṇḍana-, piṇḍila-).  |
piṇḍalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
piṇḍālaktaka | m. a red dye  |
piṇḍalepa | m. the particles or fragments of the śrāddha- oblations which cling to the hands (they are offered to the three ancestors preceding the great-grandfather) on (see -tarkaka-).  |
piṇḍalopa | m. a neglect or cessation of śrāddha- oblations  |
piṇḍālu | m. a species of Cocculus  |
piṇḍālu | m. Dioscorea Globosa  |
piṇḍāluka | n. a kind of bulbous plant  |
piṇḍālūka | m. or n. a batatas  |
piṇḍamātropajīvin | mfn. subsisting on a mere morsel  |
piṇḍamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of a lump of clay  |
piṇḍamūla | n. Daucus Cirota  |
piṇḍamūlaka | n. Daucus Cirota  |
piṇḍamustā | f. Cyperus Pertenuis  |
piṇḍana | n. forming globules or round masses  |
piṇḍana | n. forming balls of rice etc. for a śrāddha- (?)  |
piṇḍana | m. a mound or bank (see piṇḍala-). |
piṇḍanidhāna | n. equals -nirapaṇa-,  |
piṇḍanirhāraka | m. a class of attendants in a monastery  |
piṇḍanirvapaṇa | n. the oblation of balls of rice etc. to deceased ancestors  |
piṇḍaniryukti | f. Name of work  |
piṇḍanivṛtti | f. cessation of relationship by the śrāddha- oblations (see -sambandha-)  |
piṇḍānvāhārya | n. a particular śrāddha- ceremony in which meat is eaten after offering the balls of rice etc.  |
piṇḍānvāhāryaka | n. a particular śrāddha- ceremony in which meat is eaten after offering the balls of rice etc.  |
piṇḍapada | n. a kind of arithmetical calculation  |
piṇḍapāda | m. "thick-footed", an elephant  |
piṇḍapādya | m. "thick-footed", an elephant  |
piṇḍapāta | m. giving alms  |
piṇḍapātaviā | f. the hour for giving alms  |
piṇḍapātika | m. a receiver of alms  |
piṇḍapātra | n. the vessel in which śrāddha- oblations are offered  |
piṇḍapātra | n. an alms-dish  |
piṇḍapātra | n. alms  |
piṇḍaphala | mfn. bearing (long) round fruits  |
piṇḍaphalā | f. a kind of bitter gourd  |
piṇḍapitṛyajiña | m. the oblation to deceased ancestors on the evening of new moon  |
piṇḍapitṛyajiñaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
piṇḍaprada | mfn. equals -da- mfn.  |
piṇḍapuṣpaka | m. Chenopodium Album  |
piṇḍapuṣya | m. (L) Jonesia Asoka  |
piṇḍapuṣya | m. the China rose  |
piṇḍapuṣya | m. the pomegranate tree  |
piṇḍapuṣya | n. ( ) the flower of Jonesia Asoka  |
piṇḍapuṣya | n. of the China rose  |
piṇḍapuṣya | n. of Tibernaemonsana Coronaria  |
piṇḍapuṣya | n. of a lotus.  |
piṇḍāra | m. a beggar, religious mendicant  |
piṇḍāra | m. a buffalo-herdsman or cowherd  |
piṇḍāra | m. Trewia Nudiflora  |
piṇḍāra | m. an expression of censure  |
piṇḍāra | m. Name of a nāga-  |
piṇḍāra | n. a kind of vegetable  |
piṇḍaraka | m. or n. a bridge (see next) .  |
piṇḍāraka | m. Name of a nāga-  |
piṇḍāraka | m. of a vṛṣṇi-  |
piṇḍāraka | m. of a son of vasu-deva- and rohiṇī-  |
piṇḍāraka | n. Name of a sacred bathing-place  |
piṇḍarohiṇika | m. Flacourtia Sapida  |
piṇḍāśa | m. "eating morsels", a beggar  |
piṇḍaśa | m. a beggar, mendicant living on alms (see piṇḍāśa-under piṇḍa-).  |
piṇḍāśaka | m. "eating morsels", a beggar  |
piṇḍasambandha | m. relationship qualifying a living individual to offer śrāddha- oblations to a dead person  |
piṇḍasambandhin | mfn. qualified to receive the śrāddha- oblations from a living person  |
piṇḍaśarkarā | f. sugar prepared from yavanāla-  |
piṇḍasektṛ | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
piṇḍaśikṣā | f. Name of work  |
piṇḍāśin | m. "eating morsels", a beggar  |
piṇḍaśīrṣa | mfn. having a (long) round head  |
piṇḍāśma | m.  |
piṇḍastha | mfn. "mingled in a lump", mixed together  |
piṇḍasveda | m. a hot poultice  |
piṇḍatā | f. condition of a body  |
piṇḍāta | m. incense  |
piṇḍatailaka | m. incense, olibanum  |
piṇḍatarkaka | m. plural "inquirers for the śrāddha- oblation (?)", ancestors preceding, the great-grandfather (who eat the remnants of the oblation made to the pitṛ-s) (varia lectio -tarkuka-[also para-tarkaka-or kuka-], -takṣaka-, -takṣuka-, piṇḍa-tarkya-, piṇḍidaka-).  |
piṇḍatas | ind. from a ball or lump  |
piṇḍatva | n. being a lump or ball, density, condensation (-tvam ā-gam-,to become thick or intense)  |
piṇḍaveṇu | m. a species of bamboo  |
piṇḍaviśuddhidīpikā | f. Name of work  |
piṇḍaya | See piṇḍ-.  |
piṇḍayajña | m. oblation of balls of rice etc. to deceased ancestors  |
piṇḍāyasa | n. steel  |
piṇḍayati | See piṇḍ-.  |
piṇḍī | f. See 1. piṇḍī-.  |
piṇḍi | f. the nave of a wheel (see piṇḍī-, ḍikā-).  |
piṇḍī | f. (gaRa gaurādi-) a ball, lump, lump of food  |
piṇḍī | f. a pill  |
piṇḍī | f. the nave of a wheel  |
piṇḍī | f. a kind of tree (Tabernaemontina Coronaria or a species of date tree )  |
piṇḍī | f. Cucurbita Lagenaria  |
piṇḍī | f. performance of certain gesticulations accompanying the silent repetition of prayers etc. in meditation on real or divine knowledge  |
piṇḍī | f. Name of a woman gaRa kurv-ādi-.  |
piṇḍī | ind. in compound for piṇḍa-.  |
piṇḍībhāva | m. the being rolled together in to a ball  |
piṇḍībhū | to be made into a lump or ball, to become a solid body  |
piṇḍībhūta | mfn. lumped, heaped, joined, united  |
piṇḍījaṅgha | m. Name of a man  |
piṇḍījaṅgha | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi-.  |
piṇḍikā | f. a globular fleshy swelling (in the shoulders, arms, legs, etc.; especially the calf of the leg) etc.  |
piṇḍikā | f. a base or pedestal for the image of a deity or for a liṅga-  |
piṇḍikā | f. a bench for lying on  |
piṇḍikā | f. the nave of a wheel  |
piṇḍikā | f. a species of musk  |
piṇḍika | n. the penis  |
piṇḍikā | f. See piṇḍaka-.  |
piṇḍīkaraṇa | n. making into a lump or ball on  |
piṇḍīkhaṇḍa | m. or n. a small wood of Tabernaemontana Coronaria trees (or"of aśoka- trees" )  |
piṇḍīkṛ | (ind.p. -kṛtya-), to make into a lump or ball, press together, join, unite, concentrate etc. ; to identify with (raha-)  |
piṇḍīkṛta | mfn. made into a lump or ball, heaped, collected, joined, united  |
piṇḍila | mfn. (only ) having large calves  |
piṇḍila | mfn. skilled in calculations  |
piṇḍila | m. a skilful arithmetician, an astrologer or astronomer  |
piṇḍila | m. a bridge, causeway, mound  |
piṇḍilā | f. Cucumis Maderaspatanus.  |
piṇḍīlepa | m. a kind of unguent.  |
piṇḍin | mfn. possessing or receiving the śrāddha- oblations  |
piṇḍin | m. an offerer of balls of rice etc. to the pitṛ-s  |
piṇḍin | m. a beggar  |
piṇḍin | m. a male creature (literally"having a body")  |
piṇḍin | m. Vangueria Spinosa  |
piṇḍinī | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
piṇḍipāla | wrong reading for bhinadipāla-.  |
piṇḍipāla | wrong reading for bhindipāla- q.v  |
piṇḍīpuṣpa | m. Jonesia Asoka  |
piṇḍīra | mfn. sapless, arid, dry  |
piṇḍīra | m. the pomegranate tree  |
piṇḍīra | m. equals hiṇḍīra-  |
piṇḍīśūra | m. "cake-hero", a cowardly boaster, poltroon  |
piṇḍita | mfn. rolled into a ball or lump, thick, massy, densified etc.  |
piṇḍita | mfn. mixed, mingled with (compound)  |
piṇḍita | mfn. heaped, collected, united, added  |
piṇḍita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' after a numeral) repeated, counted, numbered  |
piṇḍita | mfn. multiplied  |
piṇḍitadruma | mfn. full of trees  |
piṇḍītagara | m. a species of Tabernaemontana Coronaria  |
piṇḍītagaraka | m. a species of Tabernaemontana Coronaria  |
piṇḍitailika | m. incense (see piṇḍatailaka-).  |
piṇḍītaka | m. Vangtieria Spinosa (n. the fruit)  |
piṇḍītaka | m. Tabernaemontana Coronaria  |
piṇḍītaka | m. a species of basil  |
piṇḍitamūlya | n. a payment in a lump sum  |
piṇḍitārtha | m. the condensed id est abridged meaning, the chief point or matter  |
piṇḍītaru | m. a thorny Gardenia  |
piṇḍitasneha | mfn. containing a thick fatty substance (as the brain) on  |
piṇḍodakakriyā | f. the ceremony of offering balls of rice etc. and water  |
piṇḍoddharaṇa | n. participating in śrāddha- offerings, presenting them to common ancestors  |
piṇḍola | m. Name of a man  |
piṇḍoli | f. leavings of a meal  |
piṇḍolikā | f. leavings of a meal  |
piṇḍopajīvin | mfn. living on morsels offered by another, nourished by another  |
piṇḍopaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
piṇḍūṣa | m. ear-wax,  |
piṅga | piṅgara-, piṅgala- See under piñj-, column 3.  |
piṅga | mf(ā-)n. yellow, reddish-brown, tawny etc. (see gaRa kaḍārādi-)  |
piṅga | m. yellow (the colour)  |
piṅga | m. a buffalo : a mouse  |
piṅga | m. Name of one of the sun's attendants  |
piṅga | m. of a man (see paiṅgi-, gin-)  |
piṅga | m. (piṅg/a-,in one place p/inga-), Name of a kind of divine being (?)  |
piṅgā | f. a bow-string ( ; see piṅgala-jya-)  |
piṅga | m. a kind of yellow pigment (see go-rocanā-)  |
piṅga | m. the stalk of Ferula Asa Foetida  |
piṅga | m. turmeric, Indian saffron  |
piṅga | m. bamboo manna  |
piṅga | m. Name of a woman  |
piṅga | m. of durgā-  |
piṅga | m. a tubular vessel of the human body which according to the yoga- system is the channel of respiration and circulation for one side  |
piṅga | n. orpiment  |
piṅga | n. a young animal  |
piṅgacakṣus | m. "yellow-eyed", a crab  |
piṅgadanta | m. "yellow-toothed", Name of a man  |
piṅgadeha | m. "yellow-bodied" idem or 'm. "yellow-eyed", Name of śiva- '  |
piṅgadṛś | m. "yellow-eyed", Name of śiva-  |
piṅgajaṭa | m. "having yellow-braided hair", Name of śiva-  |
piṅgakapiśā | f. "reddish-brown", a species of cockroach  |
piṅgākṣa | mf(ī-)n. equals ga-locana- etc.  |
piṅgākṣa | m. an ape  |
piṅgākṣa | m. Name of agni-  |
piṅgākṣa | m. of śiva-  |
piṅgākṣa | m. of a rakṣas-  |
piṅgākṣa | m. of a daitya-  |
piṅgākṣa | m. of a wild man  |
piṅgākṣa | m. of a bird (one of the 4 sons of droṇa-)  |
piṅgākṣa | m. of one of skanda-'s attendant mātṛ-s  |
piṅgākṣī | f. Name of a deity presiding over families  |
piṅgala | mf(/ā-and ī-)n. (see gaRa gaurādi-and kaḍārādi-), reddish-brown, tawny, yellow, gold-coloured etc.,  |
piṅgala | mf(/ā-and ī-)n. (in algebra also as Name of the 10th unknown quantity)  |
piṅgala | mf(/ā-and ī-)n. having reddish-brown eyes  |
piṅgala | m. yellow colour  |
piṅgala | m. fire.  |
piṅgala | m. an ape  |
piṅgala | m. an ichneumon  |
piṅgala | m. a small kind of owl  |
piṅgala | m. a small kind of lizard  |
piṅgala | m. a species of snake  |
piṅgala | m. a particular vegetable poison  |
piṅgala | m. (with jaina-s) Name of a treasure  |
piṅgala | m. the 51st (or 25th) year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter  |
piṅgala | m. Name of śiva- or a kindred being etc. |
piṅgala | m. of an attendant of śiva-  |
piṅgala | m. of an attendant of the Sun  |
piṅgala | m. of a rudra-  |
piṅgala | m. of a yakṣa-  |
piṅgala | m. of a dānava-  |
piṅgala | m. of a nāga- or serpent-demon (the supposed author of the chandas- or treatise on metre regarded as one of the vedāṅga-s, identified by some with patañjali-, author of the mahā-bhāṣya-)  |
piṅgala | m. of several ancient sages etc.  |
piṅgala | m. plural Name of a people  |
piṅgalā | f. a species of bird  |
piṅgalā | f. a kind of owl  |
piṅgalā | f. Dalbergia Sissoo  |
piṅgalā | f. equals karṇikā-  |
piṅgalā | f. a kind of brass  |
piṅgalā | f. a particular vessel of the body (the right of 3 tubular vessels which according to the yoga- philosophy are the chief passages of breath and air; see )  |
piṅgalā | f. a kind of yellow pigment (equals go-rocanā-)  |
piṅgalā | f. Name of lakṣmī-  |
piṅgalā | f. of a courtezan who became remarkable for her piety  |
piṅgalā | f. of the female elephant of the South quarter  |
piṅgalā | f. of an astrological house or period  |
piṅgalā | f. heart-pea  |
piṅgala | n. a particular metal  |
piṅgala | n. yellow orpiment  |
piṅgalacchandaḥsūtra | n. Name of piṅgala-'s work on metrics  |
piṅgalacchandovṛtti | f. Name of Comm. on this work  |
piṅgalacchandovyākhyā | n. Name of Comm. on this work  |
piṅgalagāndhāra | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara-  |
piṅgalajya | mfn. having a brown string (śiva-'s bow) (see piṅgā-).  |
piṅgalaka | mf(ik/ā-)n. reddish-brown, yellow, tawny  |
piṅgalaka | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
piṅgalaka | m. of a man (plural his descendants) gaRa upakādi-  |
piṅgalaka | m. of a lion  |
piṅgalaka | m. a sort of crane  |
piṅgalaka | m. a kind of bee  |
piṅgalaka | m. Name of a woman  |
piṅgalakāṇva | m. Name of a teacher  |
piṅgalākṣa | mfn. having reddish-brown eyes  |
piṅgalākṣa | m. Name of śiva-  |
piṅgalaloha | n. a kind of metal  |
piṅgalāmata | n. Name of work  |
piṅgalamataprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
piṅgālāmṛta | n. Name of work  |
piṅgalanāga | m. the serpent-demon piṅgala-  |
piṅgalapradyota | m. Name of work  |
piṅgalaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
piṅgalaroman | mfn. tawny-haired (said of a piśāca-)  |
piṅgalārthadīpa | m. Name of work  |
piṅgalāryā | f. Name of work  |
piṅgalasāra | m. Name of work  |
piṅgalasāravikāśinī | f. Name of work  |
piṅgalasūtra | n. Name of work  |
piṅgalāśvara | n. Name of a liṅga- ( piṅgalāśvaratīrtha -tīrtha- n.Name of a tīrtha- ; piṅgalāśvaramāhātmya -māhātmya- n.Name of work )  |
piṅgalāśvaramāhātmya | n. piṅgalāśvara |
piṅgalāśvaratīrtha | n. piṅgalāśvara |
piṅgalāśvarī | f. a form of dākṣāyaṇī-  |
piṅgalātantra | n. Name of work  |
piṅgalatattvaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
piṅgalatattvaprakāśinī | f. Name of work  |
piṅgalatva | n. a tawny or yellow colour  |
piṅgalavārttika | n. Name of work  |
piṅgalavatsajīva | m. Name of a man  |
piṅgalavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
piṅgalikā | f. a variety of the owl (equals piṅgalā-)  |
piṅgaliman | m. tawny or yellow colour  |
piṅgalin | mfn. reddish-brown  |
piṅgalita | mf(ā-)n. made reddish-brown, become tawny  |
piṅgalocana | mfn. having reddish-brown eyes  |
piṅgamūla | m. "having a reddish root", a carrot  |
piṅgara | m. Name of a man  |
piṅgāśa | m. (only ) the chief of a community of wild tribes  |
piṅgāśa | m. the head man or proprietor of a village  |
piṅgāśa | m. a kind of fish, Pimelodius Pangasius (equals piṅgāsya-)  |
piṅgāśa | n. virgin gold.  |
piṅgasāra | m. yellow orpiment  |
piṅgāśī | f. equals nālikā- or nīlikā-  |
piṅgasphaṭika | m. "yellow-crystal", a kind of gem  |
piṅgāsya | m. "tawny-faced", a species of fish, Pilemodius Pangasius  |
piṅgatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
piṅgavarṇavatī | f. turmeric  |
piṅgekṣaṇa | mfn. equals ga-locana-  |
piṅgekṣaṇa | mfn. Name of śiva-  |
piṅgeśa | m. "lord of the yellow hue", Name of agni-  |
piṅgeśvara | m. "id.", Name of a being attendant on pārvatī-  |
piṅgī | f. Mimosa Suma  |
piṅgiman | m. tawny or yellow colour  |
pinī | P. -nayati-, to put into (accusative), introduce |
piñj | cl.2 A1. piṅkte-, to tinge, dye, paint ; to join (confer, compare pṛc-) ; to sound ; to adore ; cl.10. P. piñjayati-, to kill ; to be strong ; to give or to take (?) ; to dwell ; to shine ; to speak, ; to emit a sound [ confer, compare Latin pingo?]  |
piñja | mfn. confused, disturbed in mind  |
piñja | mfn. full of (see pari-p-)  |
piñja | m. the moon  |
piñja | m. a species of camphor  |
piñjā | f. hurting, injuring  |
piñja | m. turmeric  |
piñja | m. cotton  |
piñja | m. a species of tree resembling the vinepalm  |
piñja | m. a switch  |
piñja | n. strength, power  |
piñjala | mfn. (fr. piñja-) extremely confused or disordered (see ut-piñjala-)  |
piñjalā | f. Name of a river  |
piñjala | f. (ī-). a bunch of stalks or grass (see piñjula-)  |
piñjala | n. ( ) idem or 'f. (ī-). a bunch of stalks or grass (see piñjula-)'  |
piñjala | n. Curcuma Zerumbet  |
piñjala | n. yellow orpiment.  |
piñjalaka | mfn. See ut-piñjalaka-, samut-p-.  |
piñjana | n. a bow or bow-shaped instrument used for cleaning cotton  |
piñjāna | n. gold  |
piñjara | mf(ā-)n. reddish-yellow, yellow or tawny, of a golden colour etc.  |
piñjara | m. a tawny-brown colour (also piñjaratā -tā- f. ; piñjaratva -tva- n. )  |
piñjara | m. a horse (prob. bay or chestnut)  |
piñjara | m. Name of a mountain  |
piñjara | n. (only ) gold  |
piñjara | n. yellow orpiment  |
piñjara | n. the flower of Mesua Roxburghii  |
piñjara | n. wrong reading for pañjara- ("skeleton"or"cage") .  |
piñjaraka | m. Name of a nāga-  |
piñjaraka | n. orpiment  |
piñjaratā | f. piñjara |
piñjaratva | n. piñjara |
piñjaraya | Nom. P. yati-, to dye reddish-yellow,  |
piñjarika | n. a kind of musical instrument  |
piñjarīkṛ | to dye reddish-yellow  |
piñjariman | m. a reddish-yellow colour  |
piñjarita | mfn. coloured reddish-yellow  |
piñjaṭa | m. the concrete rheum of the eyes  |
piñjeṭa | n. the excretion or concrete rheum of the eyes (see piñjaṭa-). |
piñjī | f. See tila-piñjī-  |
piñjikā | f. a roll of cotton from which threads are spun  |
piñjotā | f. the rustling of leaves  |
piñjula | n. a bunch of stalks or grass (in darbha-piñjulai-)  |
piñjūla | nf(ī-). idem or 'n. a bunch of stalks or grass (in darbha-piñjulai-) '  |
piñjūlaka | m. Name of a man  |
piñjūlaka | m. plural his descendants gaRa upaskādi-.  |
piñjūṣa | m. the wax of the ear  |
pinv | cl.1 P. ( ) p/invati- (parasmE-pada p/invat- ; pinv/at- ; perfect tense pipinva- ; A1.3. plural pinvir/e-; parasmE-pada pinvān/a- ; Aorist apinvīt- grammar; future pinviṣyati-, vitā- ), to cause to swell, distend ; to cause to overflow or abound ; A1. p/invate-, to swell, be distended, abound, overflow (also A1. P.and in P.for A1.) : Causal pinv/ayati- = P. pinvati-  |
pinva | mfn. causing to swell or flow (See dānu-p-).  |
pinvamāna | mfn. swollen, swelling, full  |
pinvana | n. a particular vessel used in religious ceremonies  |
pinvantyapīyā | f. (sc. ṛc-) Name of (beginning pinvaty apo-).  |
pinvita | mfn. swollen, swelling, full  |
piṇyā | f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum  |
piṇyāka | mn. oil-cake etc.  |
piṇyāka | mn. Asa Foetida  |
piṇyāka | mn. incense  |
piṇyāka | mn. saffron  |
piṇyākā | f. a species of plant  |
pinyāsa | m. (2, as-with pi-ni-) Asa Foetida (see piṇyāka-).  |
pipakṣ | mfn. (fr.2. pac- Desiderative)  |
pipāsā | f. thirst etc.  |
pipāsāla | mfn. always thirsty  |
pipāsat | mf(antī-)n. (fr.1. pā- Desiderative) wishing to drink, thirsty  |
pipāsāvat | mfn. thirsty  |
pipāsin | ( ) mfn. thirsty, athirst.  |
pipāsita | ( ) mfn. thirsty, athirst.  |
pipāsu | ( ) mfn. thirsty, athirst.  |
pipāṭhaka | m. Name of a mountain  |
pipaṭhiṣ | mfn. (fr. paṭh- Desiderative)  |
pipatiṣā | f. wish to come down or fall  |
pipatiṣat | equals pitsat-  |
pipatiṣat | ṣā-, ṣu- See pitsat-.  |
pipatiṣu | equals pitsat-  |
pipaviṣu | mfn. (fr.1. pū- Desiderative) wishing to purify  |
pipīla | m. ( pīḍ-?) an ant  |
pipīlaka | m. a large black ant  |
pipilī | f. equals pipīlī-  |
pipilī | f. an ant  |
pipīlī | f. idem or 'm. ( pīḍ-?) an ant '  |
pipīlikā | f. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
pipīlika | m. an ant etc.  |
pipīlika | n. a kind of gold supposed to be collected by ants  |
pipīlikā | f. the common small red ant or a female ant  |
pipīlikamadhya | mf(ā-)n. thin in the middle like an ant  |
pipīlikamadhyā | f. Name of any metre the middle pāda- of which is shorter than the preceding and following,  |
pipīlikāmadhya | mfn. Name of a kind of fast (beginning on the day of full moon with 15 mouthfuls, decreasing by one daily until the day of new moon, and after that increasing by one daily until the next day of full moon) on  |
pipīlikamadhyama | mf(ā-)n. thin in the middle like an ant  |
pipīlikamadhyamā | f. Name of any metre the middle pāda- of which is shorter than the preceding and following,  |
pipīlikāparisarpaṇa | n. the running about of ants  |
pipīlikapuṭa | n. an ant-hill  |
pipīlikāvat | ind. like ants  |
pipīlikotkiraṇa | n. ( ) an ant-hill.  |
pipīlikotkodvāpa | m. ( ) an ant-hill.  |
pipīlikotsaraṇa | n. the creeping upwards of ants  |
pipīṣat | ( ) mfn. (1. pā- Desiderative) wishing to drink, thirsty.  |
pipīṣu | ( ) mfn. (1. pā- Desiderative) wishing to drink, thirsty.  |
pipiṣvat | (fr. pi- equals pī-, pyā-), swollen, overfull, abundant  |
pipītaka | m. Name of a Brahman who was the first to perform a particular ceremony in honour of viṣṇu- on the day called after him (See f.)  |
pipītakadvādaśīvrata | n. Name of work  |
pipītakī | f. the 12th day of the light half of the month vaiśākhā-  |
piplu | m. (pi for api-+ plu-?) a freckle, mark, mole  |
piplukarṇa | mfn. having a mark on the ear  |
piplupracchādana | mfn. covering or concealing a mole  |
pippakā | f. a species of bird (see pippīka-).  |
pippala | m. the sacred fig-tree, Ficus Religiosa (commonly called Peepal) etc. (see )  |
pippala | m. a kind of bird  |
pippala | m. a nipple  |
pippala | m. equals niraṃśuka-, or śula-  |
pippala | m. the sleeve of a jacket or coat  |
pippala | m. Name of a son of mitra- and revati-  |
pippala | m. plural Name of a school of (prob. for pippalāda-)  |
pippalā | f. Name of a river  |
pippala | n. a berry (especially of the Peepal tree) etc.  |
pippala | n. sensual enjoyment  |
pippala | n. water  |
pippala | n. the sleeve of a coat  |
pippalāda | mfn. eating the fruit of the Peepal tree  |
pippalāda | mfn. given to sensual pleasures  |
pippalāda | m. Name of an ancient teacher of the etc.  |
pippalāda | m. plural his school (also daka-)  |
pippalādaśrāddhakalpa | m. Name of work  |
pippalādaśruti | f. Name of work  |
pippalādasūtra | n. Name of work  |
pippalādatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
pippalādi | m. Name of a man (varia lectio papp-).  |
pippalādopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
pippalaka | m. a pin  |
pippalaka | n. a nipple  |
pippalaka | n. sewing thread  |
pippalamātra | mfn. having the size of a berry |
pippalanātha | m. Name of a deity  |
pippalāśana | mfn. equals pippalāda-,  |
pippalāvatī | f. Name of a river  |
pippalāyana | m. Name of a man  |
pippalāyani | m. Name of a teacher (varia lectio papp-).  |
pippaleśa | m. Name of a man,  |
pippalī | f. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
pippali | f. long pepper,  |
pippali | n. (with vasiṣṭhasya-) Name of a sāman-.  |
pippalī | f. a berry  |
pippalī | f. Piper Longum (both plant and berry)  |
pippalīkā | f. the small Peepal tree  |
pippalīlavaṇa | n. dual number pepper and salt =  |
pippalīmūla | n. the root of long pepper  |
pippalīmūlīya | mfn. gaRa utkarādi-.  |
pippaliśroṇi | f. Name of a river  |
pippalīvardhamāna | n. Name of a particular kind of medical treatment in which grains of pepper are given in increasing and decreasing quantity  |
pippalīvardhamānaka | n. Name of a particular kind of medical treatment in which grains of pepper are given in increasing and decreasing quantity  |
pippalīya | mfn. gaRa utkarādi-.  |
pippalū | m. Name of a man gaRa gargādi-.  |
pippaṭā | f. a kind of sweetmeat  |
pippikā | f. the tartar of the teeth (see piṭṭaka-).  |
pippīkā | f. a species of bird  |
piprīṣā | f. ( prī- Desiderative) desire of pleasing or showing kindness  |
piprīṣu | mfn. wishing to give pleasure  |
pipṛkṣu | ( ), pipṛcchiṣu- ( ) mfn. ( prach- Desiderative) wishing to ask or inquire.  |
pipru | m. ( pṛ-) Name of a demon conquered by indra-  |
pipyaṭā | f. sugar  |
piroja | (with sāka-, sāhi-), m. Name (also title or epithet) of a Sultan (Firo1z Shah),  |
piś | (piṃś-) cl.6 P. ( ) piṃśati-, Ved. also A1. te- (perfect tense pip/eśa-, pipiś/e- śre- ; Aorist parasmE-pada piśān/a- ; apeśīt- grammar; future peśiṣyati-, peśitā- grammar), to hew out, carve, prepare (especially meat), make ready, adorn (A1. also"one's self") ; to form, fashion, mould : Passive voice piśy/ate- : Causal peśayate- Aorist apīpiśat- grammar : Desiderative pipiśiṣati- or pipeśiṣati- : Intensive See p/epiśat-, śāna-. ([ confer, compare Greek ; Slavonic or Slavonian pisati; Anglo-Saxon fa7h.]) |
piś | f. ornament, decoration (see viśva--, śukra--, su--.).  |
piṣ | cl.7 P. ( ) pinaṣṭi- (rarely A1.; subjunctive 2. 3. sg. piṇak- ; imperative piṃṣ/a- ; piṃṣe-; apiṃṣat-; piṣeyam- ; perfect tense pip/eṣa-, pipiṣe- ; Aorist apikṣan- ; future pekṣyati- ; peṣṭā- grammar; ind.p. piṣṭv/ā-, -p/eṣam- ; piṣya- ; infinitive mood pesṭum-, p/eṣṭav/ai- ), to crush, bruise, grind, pound, hurt, injure, destroy (figuratively also with genitive case ) etc. ; Causal peṣayati- (Aorist apīpiṣat- grammar), to crush, bruise, grind etc. (grammar also "to give; to be strong; to dwell"). [Cf Zend piS; Greek [?] ; Latin pinsere,pIsere.]  |
pis | cl.4 P. ( ) p/isyati- (perfect tense 3. plural pipisuḥ-), to stretch, expand ; cl.1. pesati-, to go, move ; cl.10. pesayati- idem or ' wrong reading for pippala- q.v ' ; to hurt ; to be strong ; to give or to take ; to dwell, (see piṣ-, Causal)  |
piśa | m. equals ruru-, a sort of deer (probably so called from its colour; see next) ( )  |
piśāca | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) Name of a class of demons (possibly so called either from their fondness for flesh[ piśa-for piśita-]or from their yellowish appearance;they were perhaps originally a personification of the ignis fatuus;they are mentioned in the veda- along with asura-s and rākṣasa-sSee also ;in later times they are the children of krodhā- see )  |
piśāca | m. a fiend, ogre, demon, imp, malevolent or devilish being etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"a devil of a -" )  |
piśāca | m. Name of a rakṣas-  |
piśācā | f. Name of a daughter of dakṣa- and mother of the piśāca-s  |
piśācabādhā | f. demoniacal possession  |
piśācabhāṣā | f. " piśāca- language", a corrupt dialect or gibberish (mostly used in plays)  |
piśācabhāṣya | n. Name of commentator or commentary on (see paiśāca-bh-).  |
piśācabhikṣā | f. alms (such as given) among piśāca-s (see -dakṣiṇā-).  |
piśācacaryā | f. the practice of piśāca-s  |
piśācacātana | mfn. driving away piśāca-s  |
piśācadakṣiṇā | f. a gift (such as given) among piśāca-s  |
piśācadīpikā | f. "lamp of the piśāca-s", an ignis fatuus  |
piśācadru | m. Trophis Aspera (the favourite haunt of piśāca-s)  |
piśācagṛhītaka | m. one possessed of piśāca-s or demons  |
piśācahan | mfn. "slaying piśāca-s"  |
piśācajambhana | mfn. crushing piśāca-s  |
piśācaka | mf(ikā-)n. equals piśāce kuśalaḥ- gaRa ākarṣādi-  |
piśācaka | m. a piśāca- etc.  |
piśācaka | m. Name of a river  |
piśācaka | m. (sc. bhāṣā-) f. equals piśāca-bh-  |
piśācakālacakrayuddhavaṇana | n. Name of work  |
piśācakapura | n. Name of a village  |
piśācakin | m. Name of kubera- (vaiśravaṇa-) on  |
piśācakṣayaṇa | mfn. destroying piśāca-s  |
piśācālaya | m. "abode of piśāca-s", phosphorescence  |
piśācamocana | n. "deliverance of the piśāca-s"Name of chapter of  |
piśācamocana | n. equals -tīrtha-  |
piśācamocanakathana | n. Name of chapter of  |
piśācamocanatīrtha | n. Name of a sacred bathing-place  |
piśācāṅganā | f. a female piśāca-s, a she-devil  |
piśācapati | m. "lord of piśāca-s", Name of śiva-  |
piśācasabba | n. assemblage of piśāca-s or fiends, pandemonium  |
piśācasaṃcāra | m. equals -bādhā-  |
piśācaśvan | m. "dog- piśāca-s", Name of a demon malevolently disposed towards children  |
piśācatā | f.  |
piśācatva | n. the state or condition of a piśāca-, demoniacal nature  |
piśācavadana | mfn. having the face of a piśāca-  |
piśācaveda | m. equals -vidyā-veda-  |
piśācavidyāveda | m. the veda- of the piśāca-s  |
piśācavṛkṣa | m. equals -dru-  |
piśācī | f. a female piśāca-, a she-devil etc. etc. (also in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = m.)  |
piśācī | f. excessive fondness for (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; exempli gratia, 'for example' āyudha-p-,excessive fondness for fighting)  |
piśācī | f. a species of Valerian  |
piśācī | f. Name of a yoginī-  |
piśāci | m. equals piśāca- or Name of a demon  |
piśācikā | f. equals piśācī- (especially in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see āśā--, āyudha--, gandha--.etc.)  |
piśācīkaraṇa | n. transforming into a piśāca-  |
piśācikī | f. Name of a river (equals daśārnā-) (see under piśācaka-).  |
piśācodumbara | m. a species of tree  |
piśācoragarākṣasa | m. plural piśāca-s, serpents, and rākṣasa-s  |
piśaṅga | mf(ī-)n. reddish, reddish-brown or -yellow, tawny etc.  |
piśaṅga | m. a reddish or tawny colour  |
piśaṅga | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
piśaṅgabhṛṣṭi | (piś/aṅga-.) mfn. having reddish prongs  |
piśaṅgajaṭa | m. "having a reddish braid of hair", Name of an ascetic  |
piśaṅgaka | m. Name of an attendant of viṣṇu-  |
piśaṅgarāt | mfn. giving reddish id est golden gifts  |
piśaṅgarūpa | (piś/aṅga--.), of a reddish or yellow appearance  |
piśaṅgasaṃdṛś | (piś/aṅga--.), of a reddish or yellow appearance  |
piśaṅgāśva | mfn. having reddish or tawny horses  |
piśaṅgatā | f. ( ) reddish or tawny colour.  |
piśaṅgatva | n. ( ),reddish or tawny colour.  |
piśaṅgaya | Nom. P. yati-, to dye reddish  |
piśaṅgīkṛ | to dye reddish  |
piśaṅgila | mf(/ā-)n. reddish  |
piśaṅgita | mfn. dyed reddish-yellow  |
piśaṅka | (probably) = piśaṅga-,  |
piśī | f. Nardostachys Jatamansi  |
piśī | f. of piśa- q.v  |
piśika | m. pl. Name of a people in the south  |
piśīla | n. a wooden vessel or dish (also -ka- )  |
piśīlamātra | n. equals bāhvor antarālam-  |
piśīlavīṇā | f. a kind of stringed instrument  |
piśīlī | f. equals piśila-vīṇā-  |
piśita | mfn. made ready, prepared, dressed, adorned  |
piśitā | f. Nardostschys Jatamansi  |
piśita | n. (also plural) flesh which has been cut up or prepared, any flesh or meat etc.  |
piśita | n. a small piece |
piśitabhuj | mfn. eating flesh, a flaccid-eater  |
piśitākāṅkṣin | mfn. greedy for flaccid  |
piśitalocana | mfn. having fleshy eyes  |
piśitāma | (prob.) n. raw flaccid  |
piśitanibha | mfn. resembling flesh  |
piśitapaṅkāvanaddhāsthipañjaramaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of a skeleton of bones covered with flaccid flesh  |
piśitapiṇḍa | m. a piece of flaccid  |
piśitapraroha | m. a fleshy excrescence  |
piśitāśa | m. a flaccid-eating demon, a piśāca- or rakṣas-  |
piśitāśā | f. Name of a yoginī-  |
piśitāsana | mfn. flaccid-eating  |
piśitāsana | m. a wolf.  |
piśitāsana | m. equals prec. m.  |
piśitāśin | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
piśitāśin | m. a flaccid-eating demon  |
piśitāśin | m. Name of a demon  |
pisitaudana | m. or n. boiled rice with meat  |
piśitavasāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of flaccid and fat  |
piśitepsu | mfn. eager for flaccid or meat  |
piṣpala | = pippala-,  |
pispṛkṣu | mfn. ( spṛs-) wishing or being about to touch  |
pispṛkṣu | mfn. (with jalam-,or salilam-) being about to rinse the mouth or to perform ablutions  |
piṣṭa | mfn. (for 2.See piṣ-) fashioned, prepared, decorated (superl. -tama-)  |
piṣṭa | n. equals rūpa-  |
piṣṭa | mfn. (for 1.See above) crushed, ground etc. etc.  |
piṣṭa | mfn. clasped, squeezed, rubbed together (as the hands)  |
piṣṭa | mfn. kneaded  |
piṣṭa | m. a cake, pastry  |
piṣṭa | m. Name of a man gaRa śivādi-  |
piṣṭa | m. plural his descendants gaRa upakādi-  |
piṣṭa | n. flour, meal, anything ground (na pinaṣṭi piṣṭam-,"he does not grind flour" id est he does no useless work)  |
piṣṭa | n. lead  |
piṣṭabhājana | mfn. receiving meal  |
piṣṭabhuj | mfn. eating meal  |
piṣṭāda | mfn. eating flour  |
piṣṭaja | mfn. made of flour  |
piṣṭaka | m. a cake or anything made of flour, pastry  |
piṣṭaka | m. a disease of the eyes, opacity of the cornea  |
piṣṭaka | n. flour or meal  |
piṣṭaka | n. pounded sesamum-seeds  |
piṣṭakasaṃkrānti | f. Name of a particular festival  |
piṣṭalepa | m. flour-blot, impurity from meal or flour sticking to clothes etc.  |
piṣṭamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of or mixed with flour etc.  |
piṣṭamaya | n. (with jala-) water sprinkled with flour  |
piṣṭameha | m. flour-like diabetes  |
piṣṭamehin | mfn. suffering from it  |
piṣṭānna | n. food prepared from flour  |
piṣṭānnadāna | n. Name of work  |
piṣṭapa | varia lectio for viṣṭapa- q.v  |
piṣṭapācaka | n. equals -pacana-  |
piṣṭapacana | n. a pan for baking flour  |
piṣṭapāka | m. a quantity of baked flour  |
piṣṭapākabhṛt | mfn. containing baked flour  |
piṣṭapākabhṛt | m. a boiler  |
piṣṭapaśu | m. an effigy of a sacrificial animal made with flour or dough  |
piṣṭapaśukhaṇḍanamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work  |
piṣṭapaśunirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
piṣṭapaśusādhakagrantha | m. Name of work  |
piṣṭapaśusaraṇi | f. Name of work  |
piṣṭapaśutiraskariṇī | f. Name of work  |
piṣṭapātrī | f. a pastry-dish  |
piṣṭapeṣa | m. "grinding flour or what is already ground", useless labour  |
piṣṭapeṣaṇa | n. idem or 'm. "grinding flour or what is already ground", useless labour '  |
piṣṭapeṣaṇanyāya | m. the rule of grinding flour (yena-,on the principle of"grinding the ground" id est labouring uselessly)  |
piṣṭapiṇḍa | m. a cake of flour  |
piṣṭapūra | m. a sort of cake (made of flour and butter) (see ghṛta-p-).  |
piṣṭarasa | m. water mixed with flour  |
piṣṭarātrī | f. an effigy made of flour symbolizing an inauspicious night  |
piṣṭarātryāḥkalpa | m. Name of 5th pariśiṣṭa- of  |
piṣṭasaṃyavana | n. one of the sacrificial utensils,  |
piṣṭasaurabha | n. pulverized sandal-wood  |
piṣṭasvedam | ind. (with svid-, Causal , to foment) until the dough swells |
piṣṭāta | m. perfumed powder or dust (which the Hindus sprinkle over each other at the holī- or spring festival) (see ) .  |
piṣṭātaka | m. perfumed powder or dust (which the Hindus sprinkle over each other at the holī- or spring festival) (see ) .  |
piṣṭauṇḍī | f. Tamarindus Indica (see under piṣṭaka-).  |
piṣṭavarti | f. a sort of cake made of flour  |
piṣṭī | f. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
piṣṭi | f. powder  |
piṣṭī | f. flour, meal  |
piṣṭikā | f. a sort of grit  |
piṣṭikā | f. Tamarindus Indica  |
piṣṭika | n. a cake made of rice flour  |
piṣṭīkṛ | to grind down  |
piṣṭīrasa | m. a particular medicinal preparation,  |
piṣṭodaka | n. water mixed with flour  |
piṣṭodvapanī | f. a particular sacrificial vessel  |
piśuna | mfn. back-biting, slanderous, calumnious, treacherous, malignant, base, wicked  |
piśuna | mfn. a backbiter, informer, betrayer etc.  |
piśuna | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') showing, betraying, manifesting, telling of, memorable for  |
piśuna | m. cotton  |
piśuna | m. a crow  |
piśuna | m. Name of nārada-  |
piśuna | m. of a goblin dangerous to pregnant women  |
piśuna | m. of a Brahman  |
piśuna | m. of a minister of duṣyanta-  |
piśunā | f. Medicago Esculenta  |
piśuna | n. informing against, betraying  |
piśuna | n. saffron  |
piśunatā | f. slander, scandal, detraction  |
piśunavacana | n. ( )  |
piśunavāda | m. ( ) evil speech, detraction, slander.  |
piśunavākya | n. ( )  |
piśunaya | Nom. P. yati-, to betray, manifest, show, indicate  |
piśunī | f. Name of a river (described as the mandākinī-) (see ) .  |
piśunita | mfn. betrayed, shown  |
piṣyala | wrong reading for pippala- q.v  |
piṭ | cl.1 P. peṭati-, to sound, to assemble or heap together  |
pit | See 1. 2. a-pit-.  |
piṭa | m. or n. a basket (from piṭ- in the sense of gathering together), box  |
piṭa | m. a roof  |
piṭa | m. a sort of cupboard or granary made of bamboos or canes  |
pitā | Nominal verb of pitṛ- in compound  |
piṭaka | mf(ā-)n. (usually n.) a basket (from piṭ- in the sense of gathering together) or box  |
piṭaka | mf(ā-)n. etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ikā- )  |
piṭaka | mf(ā-)n. a granary  |
piṭaka | mf(ā-)n. a collection of writings (ci1. tri-p-)  |
piṭaka | mf(ā-)n. a boil, blister (printed piṭhaka-)  |
piṭaka | mf(ā-)n. a kind of ornament on indra-'s banner  |
piṭaka | m. Name of a man (also piṭāka-) gaRa śivādi-  |
piṭākyā | f. a multitude of baskets gaRa pāśādi-.  |
pitāmaha | m. a paternal grandfather etc. etc.  |
pitāmaha | m. Name of brahmā- etc.  |
pitāmaha | m. of several authors  |
pitāmaha | m. plural the Pitris or ancestors  |
pitāmahasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
pitāmahasaras | n. Name of a place of pilgrimage (also hasya saraḥ-)  |
pitāmahasmṛti | f. Name of work  |
pitāmahī | f. a paternal grandmother  |
piṭaṅkākī | or piṭaṅkokī- f. Cucumis Colocynthis  |
piṭaṅkāśa | m. Silurus Pabda  |
pitāputra | m. dual number father and son etc.  |
pitāputra | m. plural father and sons  |
pitāputrasamāgama | m. Name of a sūtra-  |
pitāputravirodha | m. a contest between father and sons  |
pitāputrīya | mfn. relating to father and sons (with sampradāna- n.transmission of bodily capacities and powers from father to sons)  |
pitāputrīya | mfn. containing the words pitṛ- and putra-  |
pitari | locative case of pitṛ- in compound  |
pitariśūra | pitā-putra- etc. See under pitṛ-  |
pitariśūra | m. "a hero against his father", a cowardly boaster gaRa pātre-samitādi-.  |
pitāsumatisaṃvāda | m. Name of chapter of  |
piṭh | cl.1 P. peṭhati-, to inflict or feel pain  |
piṭha | m. pain, distress  |
piṭhaka | wrong reading for piṭaka-.  |
piṭhana | n. equals anu-śāsana- (?)  |
piṭhara | mf(ī-)n. a pot, pan etc.  |
piṭhara | m. an addition to a building shaped like a hollow vessel  |
piṭhara | m. a kind of hut or store-room  |
piṭhara | m. Name of a particular agni-  |
piṭhara | m. of a dānava-  |
piṭhara | n. a churning stick  |
piṭhara | n. the root of Cyperus Rotundus  |
piṭharaka | mf(ikā-)n. (ikā- f. ) a pot, pan (see next)  |
piṭharaka | m. Name of a nāga-  |
piṭharakakapāla | n. a fragment of a pot, potsherd  |
piṭharapāka | m. the union of cause and effect (id est of atoms) by means of heat  |
pithaya | yati-, to shut (a door)  |
piṭhīnas | m. Name of a man (see paiṭhīnasi-).  |
pithita | mfn. shut, covered (Prob. connected with pi-dhā-.)  |
pitṛ | m. (irreg. accusative plural pitaras- ; genitive case plural pitriṇām- ) a father etc. etc. (in the veda- Name of bṛhas-pati-, varuṇa-, prajā-pati-, and especially of heaven or the sky; antarā pitaraṃ mātaraṃ ca-,"between heaven and earth" )  |
pitṛ | m. dual number (tarau-) father and mother, parents etc. etc. (in the veda- Name of the araṇi-s [q.v.] and of heaven and earth)  |
pitṛ | m. plural (taras-) the fathers, forefathers, ancestors, (especially) the pitṛ-s or deceased ancestors (they are of 2 classes, viz. the deceased father, grandfathers and great-grandfathers of any particular person, and the progenitors of mankind generally;in honour of both these classes rites called śrāddha-s are performed and oblations called piṇḍa-s [ q.v ] are presented;they inhabit a peculiar region, which, according to some, is the bhuvas- ar region of the air, according to others, the orbit of the moon, and are considered as the regents of the nakṣatra-s maghā- and mūla-; see ) etc.  |
pitṛ | m. a father and his brothers, father and uncles, paternal ancestors  |
pitṛ | m. a particular child's-demon [Origin fr.3 pā-very doubtful; confer, compare Zend pita; Greek ; Latin pater,Jup-piter; Gothic fadar; German Vater; English father.]  |
pitr | in compound for pitṛ- before vowels.  |
pitrādyanta | mfn. beginning and ending with (a rite to) the pitṛ-s (as a śrāddha-), .  |
pitrarjita | mfn. acquired by or derived from a father (as property)  |
pitrartham | ind. for a father's sake  |
pitṛbāndhava | m. equals (prec. m.)  |
pitṛbandhu | m. a kinsman by the father's side  |
pitṛbandhu | n. relationship by the father's side  |
pitṛbhakta | mfn. devoted to a father  |
pitṛbhakti | f. filial duty to a father  |
pitṛbhakti | f. Name of work  |
pitṛbhaktitaraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
pitṛbhogīṇa | mfn. (fr. -bhoga-)  |
pitṛbhojana | n. a father's food  |
pitṛbhojana | m. Phaseolus Radiatus  |
pitṛbhrātṛ | m. a father's brother  |
pitṛbhūti | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on  |
pitṛceṭa | (?) m. Name of a man  |
pitṛdaivata | mf(ī-)n. relating to the worship of the pitṛ-s,  |
pitṛdaivata | n. Name of the 10th lunar mansion maghā- (presided over by the pitṛ-s)  |
pitṛdaivata | n. equals next  |
pitṛdaivatya | n. a sacrifice offered to the pitṛ-s on the day called aṣṭakā-  |
pitṛdāna | n. an oblation to the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛdānaka | n. an oblation to the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛdatta | mfn. given by a father (as a woman's peculiar property)  |
pitṛdatta | mfn. Name of a man (-ka-,endearing form; see pitṛka-) Va1rtt. 1  |
pitṛdāya | m. property inherited from a father, patrimony  |
pitṛdayitā | f. Name of work  |
pitṛdeva | m. pl. the pitṛ-s and the gods  |
pitṛdeva | m. a particular class of divine beings (equals kavyavāhanādayaḥ- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
pitṛdeva | mfn. worshipping a father  |
pitṛdeva | mfn. connected with the pitṛ-s and the gods  |
pitṛdevata | mf(ā-)n. having the pitṛ-s for deities, sacred to them,  |
pitṛdevatā | f. plural the pitṛ-s and the gods  |
pitṛdevatya | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
pitṛdevatya | n. equals daivatya- Va1rtt.9  |
pitṛdina | n. the day of new moon (see -tithi-)  |
pitṛdravya | n. "father's substance", patrimony  |
pitṛdrohin | mfn. plotting against one's father  |
pitṛgāmin | mfn. belonging or pertaining to a father  |
pitṛgaṇa | m. a group or class of pitṛ-s  |
pitṛgaṇā | f. Name of durgā-(?)  |
pitṛgāthā | f. plural "songs of the pitṛ-s", Name of particular songs  |
pitṛghātaka | ( ) m. a parricide.  |
pitṛghātin | ( ) m. a parricide.  |
pitṛghna | ( ) m. a parricide.  |
pitṛgīta | n. pl. equals -gāthā-  |
pitṛgītākathana | n. Name of work  |
pitṛgraha | m. "Pitri-demon", a particular demon causing diseases  |
pitṛgrāma | m. " pitṛ- village", place of the dead  |
pitṛgṛha | n. house of the fathers, place of the dead  |
pitṛhan | m. a parricide |
pitṛhatyā | f. equals -vadha-  |
pitṛhū | mfn. invoking the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛhū | mfn. f. (sc. dvār-) Name of the southern aperture of the human body id est the right ear (see deva-hū-).  |
pitṛhūya | n. invoking or summoning the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛka | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (f(ā-).) equals pitṛ-, father (see jīva--, aneka--, sa-.)  |
pitṛka | endearing diminutive for pitṛ-datta- q.v  |
pitṛkalpa | m. precepts relating to rites in honour of the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛkalpa | m. Name of a particular kalpa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order), brahmā-'s day of new moon  |
pitṛkānana | n. "ancestor-grove", place frequented by the pitṛ-s, place of the departed  |
pitṛkāṇḍa | m. or n. Name of work  |
pitṛkarman | n. a rite. performed in honour of the pitṛ-s, obsequial rites,  |
pitṛkārya | n. equals -karman-  |
pitṛkilbiṣa | n. an offence committed against the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛkriyā | f. ( ) equals -karman-  |
pitṛkṛta | mfn. (t/ṛ--) done against or by a father  |
pitṛkṛta | mfn. committed against the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛkṛtya | n. ( ) equals -karman-  |
pitṛkulyā | f. "rivulet of the pitṛ-s", Name of a river rising in the malaya- mountains  |
pitṛliṅga | m. (scilicet, mantra-) a verse or formula addressed to the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛloka | m. a father's house  |
pitṛloka | m. the world or sphere of the pitṛ-s etc. (see ) .  |
pitṛmāhāsmya | n. Name of chapter of  |
pitṛmandira | n. equals gṛha-  |
pitṛmat | mfn. ( pitṛ-mat-) having a father etc.  |
pitṛmat | mfn. having an illustrious father  |
pitṛmat | mfn. accompanied by or connected with the pitṛ-s etc.  |
pitṛmat | mfn. mentioning the pitṛ-s (as a hymn)  |
pitṛmātrartha | mfn. one who begs for his father and mother  |
pitṛmātṛguruśuśrūṣādhyānavat | mfn. only intent on obeying father and mother and teacher  |
pitṛmātṛhina | mfn. destitute of father and mother, orphan  |
pitṛmātṛmaya | mf(ī-)n. one who thinks only of father and mother  |
pitṛmedha | m. oblation made to the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛmedha | m. Name of work  |
pitṛmedhasāra | m. Name of work  |
pitṛmedhasūtra | n. Name of work  |
pitṛnāman | mfn. called after a father's name |
pitṛpada | n. the world or state of the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
pitṛpaitāmaha | mf(ī-)n. inherited or derived from father and grandfather, ancestral (with nāman- n.the names of father and grand father) etc.  |
pitṛpaitāmaha | m. pl. (and in the beginning of a compound) father and grand father, ancestors (mostly mc. for -pitāmaha-).  |
pitṛpaitāmahika | mfn. equals prec. mfn.,  |
pitṛpakṣa | m. the half month of the pitṛ-s, Name of the dark half in the gauṇa- āśvina- (particularly dedicated to the performance of the śrāddha- ceremonies)  |
pitṛpakṣa | m. the paternal side or party or relationship  |
pitṛpakṣa | m. plural the fathers or ancestors  |
pitṛpakṣa | mfn. being on the father's side on  |
pitṛpāṇa | w.r. for -yāṇa-.  |
pitṛpaṅktvidhāna | n. conferring the rights of a sa-piṇḍa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
pitṛpati | m. "lord of the pitṛ-s", Name of yama-  |
pitṛpati | m. plural the pitṛ-s and the prajā-pati-s  |
pitṛpātra | n. a cup os vessel used at śrāddha- rites  |
pitṛpīta | (pitṛ-.) mfn. drunk by the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛpitṛ | m. a father's father  |
pitṛprāpta | mfn. received from a father, inherited patrimonially  |
pitṛprasū | f. a father's mother  |
pitṛprasū | f. "mother of the pitṛ-s", twilight (the time when the pitṛ-s are abroad)  |
pitṛpriya | m. "dear to the pitṛ-s", Eclipta Prostrata  |
pitṛpūjana | n. worship of the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛrāj | m. "king of the pitṛ-s", Name of yama-  |
pitṛrāja | m. "king of the pitṛ-s", Name of yama-  |
pitṛrājan | m. "king of the pitṛ-s", Name of yama-  |
pitṛrūpa | mfn. appearing in the shape of an ancestor,  |
pitṛrūpa | m. Name of a rudra-  |
pitṛṣad | mfn. living unmarried with a father  |
pitṛṣad | mfn. "dwelling with the pitṛ-s", Name of rudra-  |
pitṛṣadana | mfn. inhabited by the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛsadman | n. equals -vasati-  |
pitṛsāmānya | n. the pitṛ-s collectively  |
pitṛsaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
pitṛsaṃnibha | mfn. like a father, fatherly  |
pitṛsaṃyukta | mfn. connected with (the worship of) the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛśarman | m. Name of a dānava-  |
pitṛśrāddha | n. Name of the rites in which the pitṛ-s are worshipped  |
pitṛśravaṇa | mfn. bringing honour to a father  |
pitṛsthāna | m. "one who takes the place of a father", a guardian (also nīya-)  |
pitṛsthāna | m. the sphere of the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛsū | f. equals -prasū-  |
pitṛsūkta | n. Name of a Vedic hymn  |
pitṛṣvasāmātula | m. (in the beginning of a compound), paternal aunt and maternal uncle  |
pitṛṣvasṛ | f. a father's sister  |
pitṛsvasṛ | incorrect for -ṣvasṛ-, rīya-.  |
pitṛṣvasrīya | m. a father's sister's son  |
pitṛsvasrīya | incorrect for -ṣvasṛ-, rīya-.  |
pitṛtama | (t/ṛ-tama-) m. (with pitṝṇām-) the most fatherly of fathers  |
pitṛtarpaṇa | n. the refreshing of the pitṛ-s (with water thrown from the right hand), offering water etc. to deceased ancestors (see )  |
pitṛtarpaṇa | n. the part of the hand between the thumb and forefinger (sacred to the pitṛ-s)  |
pitṛtarpaṇa | n. sesamum  |
pitṛtas | ind. from the father, on the father side  |
pitṛtīrtha | n. " tīrtha- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) of the pitṛ-s ", Name of the place called gayā-  |
pitṛtīrtha | n. a particular part of the hand (equals -tarpaṇa-), Scholiast or Commentator  |
pitṛtithi | f. the day of new-moon (sacred to the pitṛ-s)  |
pitṛtva | n. fatherhood, paternity  |
pitṛtva | n. the state or condition of a pitṛ- or deified progenitor  |
pitṛvadha | n. murder of a father, parricide  |
pitṛvākpara | mfn. obedient to (the voice of) parents  |
pitṛvaṃśa | m. the paternal family  |
pitṛvaṃśya | mfn. belonging to it  |
pitṛvana | n. equals -kānana- etc.  |
pitṛvanecara | m. "haunting the groves of the dead", Name of śiva-  |
pitṛvanecara | m. a demon, goblin, vetāla- etc.  |
pitṛvartin | m. "staying with ancestors", Name of king brahma-datta-  |
pitṛvasati | f. "abode of pitṛ-s", place of the dead  |
pitṛvat | mfn. having a father living  |
pitṛvat | ind. like a father  |
pitṛvat | ind. like the pitṛ-s, as if for the pitṛ-s etc.  |
pitṛveśman | n. a father's house  |
pitṛvitta | mfn. acquired by ancestors  |
pitṛvitta | n. patrimony  |
pitṛvrata | m. a worshipper of the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛvrata | n. worship of the pitṛ-s  |
pitṛvya | m. a father's brother, paternal uncle etc. (also -ka- )  |
pitṛvya | m. any elderly male relation [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin patruus.]  |
pitṛvyaghātin | m. the murderer of his father's brother  |
pitṛvyaputra | m. a father's brother's son, cousin  |
pitrya | mf(ā-)n. derived from or relating to a father, paternal, patrimonial, ancestral etc.  |
pitrya | mf(ā-)n. relating or consecrated to the pitṛ-s etc. (with tīrtha- n. equals pitṛ-t- ;with diś- f.the south ;with pra-diś- idem or 'mf(ā-)n. derived from or relating to a father, paternal, patrimonial, ancestral etc.' )  |
pitrya | m. the eldest brother (who takes the place of a father)  |
pitrya | m. the month māgha-  |
pitrya | m. the ritual for oblations to the pitṛ-s  |
pitrya | m. Phaseolus Radiatus  |
pitryā | f. plural the nakṣatra- called maghā- (presided over by the pitṛ-s)  |
pitrya | m. the day of full moon and the worship of the pitṛ-s on that day  |
pitrya | n. the nature or character of a father  |
pitrya | n. (with or sc: karman-) worship of the pitṛ-s, obsequial ceremony etc.  |
pitrya | n. the nakṣatra- maghā-  |
pitrya | n. honey  |
pitrya | n. equals pitṛ-tīrtha- (see above)  |
pitṛyajña | m. equals -medha-  |
pitṛyāṇa | (Ved.) mfn. trodden by or leading to the pitṛ-s (path)  |
pitṛyāṇa | m. (Ved.) (with or scilicet pathin-) the path leading to the pitṛ-s etc.  |
pitṛyāṇa | n. (Ved.)the vehicle of the pitṛ-s, a car to convey virtuous persons after their decease to heaven  |
pitṛyāna | mfn. trodden by or leading to the pitṛ-s (path)  |
pitṛyāna | mfn. m. (with or scilicet pathin-) the path leading to the pitṛ-s etc.  |
pitṛyāna | n. idem or 'mfn. m. (with or scilicet pathin-) the path leading to the pitṛ-s etc.'  |
pitṛyāna | n. the vehicle of the pitṛ-s, a car to convey virtuous persons after their decease to heaven  |
pitryapitryāvat | mfn. (prob.) possessing property inherited from a father  |
pitryupavīta | n. (for yāp-) investiture with the thread sacred to the pitṛ-s  |
pitryupavītin | mfn. invested with it  |
pitsala | n. a road, path, way  |
pitsaru | See soma-p-.  |
pitsat | mf(antī-)n. ( pat- Desiderative) being about to fly or fall etc.  |
pitsat | m. a bird  |
pitsu | mfn. being about to fly or fall  |
pitta | n. (etymology unknown) bile, the bilious humour (one of the three humours[ see kapha-and vāyu-]or that secreted between the stomach and bowels and flowing through the liver and permeating spleen, heart, eyes, and skin;its chief quality is heat)  |
pittābhiṣyanda | m. equals pittasyanda-  |
pittadāha | m. a bilious fever  |
pittadhara | mfn. containing bilious, bilious  |
pittadrāvin | m. "bile-dispersing", the sweet citron  |
pittagadin | mfn. suffering from bilious complaints, bilious  |
pittaghna | mfn. "bile-destroying", antibilious  |
pittaghna | n. an antidote to bilious complaints (see -han-).  |
pittaghnī | f. Cocculus Cordifolius (see -ghna-).  |
pittagulma | m. a swelling of the abdomen caused by (excess of) bile  |
pittahan | mf(ghnī-)n. bile-destroying  |
pittahara | mf(ī-)n. bilious removing, antibilious  |
pittajvara | m. a bilious fever  |
piṭṭaka | n. the tartar or secretion of the teeth (see kiṭṭa-, kiṭṭaka-, pippikā-).  |
pittakośa | (or ṣa-) m. the gall-bladder  |
pittakṣobha | m. excess and disturbance of the bilious humour  |
pittakuṣṭha | n. a kind of leprosy  |
pittala | mf(ā-)n. bilious, secreting bile (gaRa sidhmādi-)  |
pittalā | f. Jussiaea Repens  |
pittala | n. brass, bell-metal  |
pittala | n. Betula Bhojpatra (its bark is used for writing upon; see bhūrja-pattra-)  |
pittalī | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
pittanibarhaṇa | mfn. destroying bilious  |
pittāntakarasa | m. a particular medicinal preparation  |
pittaprakopa | m. excess and vitiation of the bilious humour  |
pittaprakṛti | mfn. being of a bilious temperament  |
pittarakta | n. plethora (see rakta-pitta-).  |
pittāri | m. "bile-enemy", anything antibilious, Name of several plants and vegetable substances (exempli gratia, 'for example' parpaṭa-, takṣā-etc.)  |
pittarogin | mfn. equals -gadin-  |
pittaśamana | mfn. "bilious-destroying", antibilious  |
pittasāraka | m. Azadirachta Indica  |
pittaśleṣmala | mfn. producing bile and phlegm  |
pittaśoṇita | n. equals -rakta-  |
pittaśopha | m. a swelling caused by (excess of) bilious  |
pittāsra | n. equals pitta-rakta-  |
pittasthāna | n. equals -kośa-  |
pittasyanda | m. a bilious form of ophthalmia  |
pittātīsāra | m. a bilious form of dysentery |
pittātīsārin | mfn. suffering from it  |
pittavat | mfn. having bilious, bilious  |
pittavāyu | m. flatulence arising from excess and vitiation of the bilious humour  |
pittavidagdha | mfn. burnt or impaired by bile (as sight)  |
pittavināśana | mfn. "bilious-destroying", antibilious  |
piṭṭaya | Nom. P. (fr. piṭṭa- equals piṣṭa-?) yati-, to stamp or press into a solid mass  |
pittha | and pitthaka- m. Name of a man  |
piṭṭita | mfn. pressed flat  |
pittodara | n. equals pitta-gulma-  |
pittodarin | mfn. suffering from a bilious swelling of the abdomen  |
pittopahata | mfn. equals pittavidagdha-  |
pittopasṛṣṭa | mfn. suffering from bile  |
pitu | m. once n. ( pī-, pyai-) juice, drink, nourishment, food (see )  |
pitubhāj | mfn. enjoying food  |
pitubhṛt | mfn. bringing food  |
pituḥ | genitive case of pitṛ- in compound  |
pituḥputra | m. the father's son  |
pituḥṣvasṛ | father's the father's sister  |
pituḥsvasṛ | father's the fathers's sister  |
pitukṛt | mfn. providing food  |
pitumat | mfn. abounding in or accompanied by meat and drink, nourishing |
pituṣaṇi | (ṣ-for s-) mfn. bestowing food  |
pitustoma | m. "praise of food", Name of  |
pitūya | Nom. P. yati- (only p. genitive case yat/as-), to desire food  |
piyāka | m. Name of a poet (see priyāka-).  |
piyāla | m. (for priyāla- q.v) the tree Buchanania Latifolia (in Bengal commonly called Piyal)  |
piyāla | n. its fruit  |
piyālabīja | n. the seed of the Piyal tree  |
piyālamajjā | f. the marrow of the Piyal tree  |
piyaroja | (with sāka-, sāhi-), m. Name (also title or epithet) of a Sultan (Firo1z Shah),  |
piyāru | mfn. ( pīy-) censuring, mocking, overbearing, mischievous  |
abhidharmapiṭaka | m. "basket of metaphysics", Name of the third section of Buddhist writings.  |
abhipiṅgala | mfn. "very red", reddish-brown  |
abhipiś | (imperfect tense -apiṃśat-, perf. A1.3. plural -pipiśre-) to adorn with (instrumental case)  |
abhipitva | n. (see apa-pitv/a-), approaching, visiting, putting up (for the night at an inn)  |
abhipitva | n. (with or without the genitive case plural /ahnām-) close or departure of the day, evening  |
abhipitva | See abhi--2. pat-.  |
abhipratipiṣ | (perf. -pipeṣa-) to dash or crush out  |
abhitāpin | mfn. intensely hot,  |
abhitripiṣṭapa | mfn. being over the three worlds  |
abhividīpita | mfn. entirely inflamed  |
abhivyāpin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (in grammar) extending to (accusative;as a rule) , including, comprehending.'  |
abhrapiśāca | m. "sky-demon", Name of rāhu- (the descending node personified)  |
abhrapiśācaka | m. "sky-demon", Name of rāhu- (the descending node personified)  |
adhikalpin | m. a sharp gambler  |
adhikalpin | according to to others,"supreme umpire".  |
adhiropita | mfn. raised, placed above.  |
adhonāpita | m. the son of a karaṇa- and an ambaṣṭhā- (who catches fish),  |
adhoraktapitta | n. discharge of blood from the anus and the urethra.  |
adhosrapitta | n. equals adhorakta-pitta- q.v  |
adhyāpita | mfn. instructed  |
adhyāropita | mfn. (in vedānta- philosophy) erroneously transferred from one thing to another.  |
ādīpita | mfn. inflamed  |
ādipitāmaha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of brahmā-,  |
ādityapuṣpikā | f. equals -pattra-  |
adivāsvāpin | not sleeping by day, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
adṛpita | mfn. not infatuated, not vain  |
advaitadīpikā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
adyāpi | ind. even now, just now  |
adyāpi | ind. to this day  |
adyāpi | ind. down to the present time  |
adyāpi | ind. henceforth.  |
ājñāpita | mfn. ordered, commanded (locative case aśane-,"to eat")  |
akalpita | mfn. not manufactured, not artificial, not pretended  |
akalpita | mfn. natural, genuine.  |
akampita | mfn. unshaken, firm  |
akampita | m. Name of one of the 11 chief pupils (gaṇadhara-or gaṇādhipa-) of mahāvīra- (the last tīrtha-kara-).  |
ākampita | mfn. caused to tremble, shaken, agitated  |
ākapila | mfn. brownish  |
ākapiśa | mfn. brownish,  |
ākhyāpita | mfn. made known  |
ākīṭapataṃgapipīlakam | ind. down to worms (and) flying insects (and) ants,  |
ākṣepin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' applying to, concerning  |
ākṣepin | mfn. hinting at  |
ākṣepiṇī | f. (with siddhi-) the magical power of attraction, (= ākarṣiṇī- siddhiḥ-, Scholiast or Commentator).  |
ālāpikavaṃśa | m. a kind of flute.  |
ālāpin | mfn. speaking or conversing with  |
ālāpin | f. (in music) a particular interval.  |
ālāpinī | f. a lute made of a gourd  |
ālapita | n. talk, conversation,  |
ālapitavya | mfn. to be addressed or spoken to  |
ālekhyasamarpita | mfn. fixed on a picture, painted  |
alipi | mfn. unstained (and"unwritten"),  |
alpiṣṭha | mfn. least, smallest  |
alpiṣṭhakīrti | mfn. of very little reputation  |
alpita | perf.Pass.p. mfn. lessened in value or influence  |
alpiyaḥkhā | f. having a very small vulva  |
amarapuṣpikā | f. a kind of anise (Anethum Sowa Roxb.)  |
ambukapi | m. Delphinus Gangeticus,  |
ambusarpiṇī | f. "water-glider"a leech  |
amlapitta | n. acidity of stomach.  |
amṛtāpidhāna | n. water sipped after eating nectar-like food so as to overlay it like a cover (see amṛt/opast/araṇa-),  |
aṃśarūpiṇī | f. (with śakti-) a female personification of the divine energy, .  |
anāhūtopajalpin | m. an uncalled-for boaster.  |
ānandadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
anāpi | mf(Nominal verb iḥ-)n. having no friends , (indra-)  |
anapinaddha | mfn. unbound,  |
anāthapiṇḍada | m. "giver of cakes or food to the poor", Name of a merchant (in whose garden śākyamuni- used to instruct his disciples).  |
anāthapiṇḍika | m. "giver of cakes or food to the poor", Name of a merchant (in whose garden śākyamuni- used to instruct his disciples).  |
aṅgalipi | f. written character of aṅga-.  |
anibaddhapralāpin | mfn. chattering incoherently, talking at random  |
animittalipi | f. a particular mode of writing,  |
anirūpita | mfn. not determined, undefined.  |
antadvīpin | m. an inhabitant of it  |
antardhāpita | mfn. rendered invisible.  |
anudhūpita | mfn. ( dhūp-), puffed up, proud  |
ānukalpika | mfn. (fr. anu-kalpa- q.v gaRa ukthādi- ), one who knows or studies the alternative rules  |
ānukalpika | mfn. obtained by alternative rules  |
ānukalpika | n. a substitute  |
anukalpita | mfn. followed by (instrumental case)  |
anukampin | mfn. sympathizing with.  |
anukampita | mfn. compassionated.  |
anukampitātman | mfn. having a compassionate spirit.  |
anulepikā | f. (gaRa mahiṣy-ādi- q.v)  |
anulepin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') smeared or anointed with,  |
anupasthāpita | mfn. not placed near, not ready, not at hand, not offered or produced.  |
anupiṇḍam | ind. at every piṇḍa- (quod vide),  |
anupiś | (perf. -pipeśa-) to fasten along  |
anupiṣ | (ind.p. -piṣya-) to strike against, to touch  |
anuprasarpin | ( ), mfn. creeping after  |
anutāpin | mfn. penitent, regretting.  |
anuvyāpin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') spreading over, covering, filling,  |
ānvīpika | mfn. (fr. anv-īpa-), being along (the water)  |
ānvīpika | mfn. conformable (?)  |
anyarūpin | mfn. having another shape.  |
anyopatāpin | mfn. paining others,  |
apalāpin | mfn. one who denies, evades or conceals (with genitive case)  |
apalapita | mfn. denied, concealed  |
apalapita | mfn. suppressed, embezzled commentator or commentary on  |
apāmpitta | n. fire  |
apāmpitta | n. a plant  |
apapitva | n. (probably for -pittv/a-fr.2. pat-; see abhi-pitv/a-, ā-pitv/a-, pra-pitv/a-;but see also api-tv/a- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /api-), turning away, separation  |
apapivas | m(genitive case /a-pupuṣas-)fn. (perf. p.) , who has not drunk  |
aparāvapiṣṭha | mfn. not to be removed at all,  |
apatrapiṣṇu | mfn. bashful  |
api | or sometimes pi- (See pi-dṛbh-, pi-dhā-, pi-nah-), expresses placing near or over, uniting to, annexing, reaching to, proximity, etc. ([ confer, compare Greek Zend api; German and English prefixbe])  |
api | in later Sanskrit its place seems frequently supplied by abhi-.  |
api | ind. (As a separable adverb) and, also, moreover, besides, assuredly, surely  |
api | suppose that, perhaps,  |
api | api api- or api-ca-, as well as  |
api | na vāpi- or na apivā- or na nacāpi-, neither, nor, cāpi-, (and at the beginning of a sentence) api-ca-, moreover.  |
api | is often used to express emphasis, in the sense of even, also, very  |
api | exempli gratia, 'for example' anyad api-, also another, something more  |
api | adyāpi-, this very day, even now  |
api | tathāpi-, even thus, notwithstanding  |
api | yady api-, even if, although  |
api | yadyapi tathāpi-, although, nevertheless  |
api | na kadācid api-, never at any time: sometimes in the sense of but, only, at least exempli gratia, 'for example' muhūrtam api-, only a moment.  |
api | may be affixed to an interrogative to make it indefinite, exempli gratia, 'for example' ko 'pi-, any one  |
api | kutrāpi-, anywhere.  |
api | imparts to numerals the notion of totality exempli gratia, 'for example' caturṇām api varṇānām-, of all the four castes.  |
api | may be interrogative at the beginning of a sentence.  |
api | may strengthen the original force of the Potential, or may soften the Imperative, like the English"be pleased to"  |
api | sometimes it is a mere expletive.  |
api | api tu- but, but yet.  |
api | (api-- api-), as well-as, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
āpi | m. an ally, a friend, an acquaintance (according to on ,from the Causal) causing to obtain [wealth etc.]  |
āpi | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' reaching to, entering.  |
āpi | 2 mfn. (from ā-- pyai-, according to to some,"swelling","refreshing", ).  |
apibaddha | mfn. fastened  |
apibandh | A1. to fasten upon, put on (a wreath)  |
āpibd | p. ā-p/ibdamāna-, making a noise, crackling ([ ])  |
apibhāga | mfn. having part in, sharing in  |
apibhū | to be in ; to have part in  |
apicchila | mfn. clear, free from sediment or soil.  |
apidah | -dahati- (imperfect tense -adahat-) to touch with fire, to singe  |
apidhā | Ved. to place upon or into, put to, give ; chiefly Vedic or Veda to shut, close, cover, conceal (in later texts more usually pi-dhā- q.v)  |
apidham | to blow upon  |
apidhāna | n. placing upon covering  |
apidhāna | n. a cover, a cloth for covering etc.  |
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