pha | aspirate of pa-.  |
pha | mfn. (only ) manifest  |
pha | m. a gale  |
pha | m. swelling  |
pha | m. gaping  |
pha | m. gain  |
pha | m. equals vardhaka-  |
pha | m. equals yakṣa-sādhana-  |
pha | n. flowing  |
pha | n. bursting with a popping noise  |
pha | n. bubbling, boiling  |
pha | n. angry or idle speech.  |
phā | m. (Nominal verb phās-) heat  |
phā | m. idle talk  |
phā | m. increase or increaser  |
phaḍiṅgā | f. a grasshopper  |
phagula | (?) m. Name of a man  |
phakāra | m. the letter or sound pha-.  |
phakīracandra | m. Name of an author  |
phakk | cl.1 P. ( ) to swell (?) ; to creep, steal along ; to have a preconceived opinion (see phakkikā-) ; to act wrongly, behave ill |
phakka | m. a cripple  |
phakkikā | f. a previous statement or thesis to be maintained (equals purva-pakṣa-, codya-, deśya-)  |
phakkikā | f. logical exposition  |
phakkikā | f. a sophism, trick, fraud  |
phakkikā | f. a collection of 32 letters, a grantha-  |
phakkikāprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
phakkikāvyākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
phal | cl.1 P. ( ) phalati- (Epic also A1. te-; perfect tense paphāla- plural pheluḥ- ; confer, compare ; Aorist aphālīt- grammar; future phaliṣyati- ; phalitā- grammar), to burst, cleave open or asunder, split (intrans.) etc. ; to rebound, be reflected ; ( ;but rather Nom.fr. phala-below) to bear or produce fruit, ripen (literally and figuratively), be fruitful, have results or consequences, be fulfilled, result, succeed etc. ; to fall to the share of (locative case) ; to obtain (fruit or reward) ; to bring to maturity, fulfil, yield, grant, bestow (with accusative,rarely instrumental case) etc. ; to give out, emit (heat) ; ( ) to go (confer, compare pal-): Causal phālayati- Aorist apīphalat- grammar (confer, compare phālita-): Desiderative piphaliṣati- grammar : Intensive pamphulyate-, pamphulīti-, pamphulti- [ confer, compare sphaṭ-, sphuṭ-; German spalten; English split.]  |
phala | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-or ī-).) fruit (especially of trees) etc.  |
phala | n. the kernel or seed of a fruit,  |
phala | n. a nutmeg  |
phala | n. the 3 myrobalans (equals tri-phalā- q.v)  |
phala | n. the menstrual discharge (see puṣpa-)  |
phala | n. fruit (met.), consequence, effect, result, retribution (good or bad), gain or loss, reward or punishment, advantage or disadvantage etc.  |
phala | n. benefit, enjoyment  |
phala | n. compensation |
phala | n. (in rhetoric) the issue or end of an action  |
phala | n. (in mathematics) the result of a calculation, product or quotient etc.  |
phala | n. corrective equation  |
phala | n. area or superficial contents of a figure  |
phala | n. interest on capital  |
phala | n. the third term in a rule of three sum  |
phala | n. a gift, donation ; a gaming board ([ confer, compare Gothic spilda; Icelandic spjald])  |
phala | n. a blade (of a sword or knife)  |
phala | n. the point of an arrow  |
phala | n. a shield  |
phala | n. a ploughshare (equals phāla-)  |
phala | n. a point or spot on a die  |
phala | m. Wrightia Antidysenterica  |
phalā | f. a species of plant  |
phala | f. wrong reading for tula-  |
phāla | m. (or n. ) a ploughshare  |
phāla | m. a kind of hoe or shovel  |
phāla | m. a bunch or bundle  |
phāla | m. a nosegay  |
phāla | m. a jump  |
phāla | m. the core of a citron  |
phāla | m. Name of śiva-  |
phāla | m. of bala-rāma-  |
phāla | n. a garment of cotton  |
phāla | n. a ploughed field  |
phāla | n. = (or wrong reading for) bhāla-, the forehead  |
phāla | mf(ī-)n. made of cotton  |
phalabandhin | mfn. forming or developing fruit  |
phalābdhi | m. Name of work  |
phalabhāga | m. a share in any product, share of advantage or profit  |
phalabhāga | m. Name of work  |
phalabhāgin | mfn. sharing in profit or advantage, partaking of a reward  |
phalabhāj | mfn. receiving fruit, sharing in a reward  |
phalabhakṣa | mfn. feeding on fruit  |
phalabhakṣatā | f.  |
phalābhiṣeka | m. Name of work  |
phalabhoga | m. enjoyment of consequences  |
phalabhoga | m. possession of rent or profit, usufruct  |
phalābhoga | m. non-enjoyment of profits etc.  |
phalabhogin | mfn. enjoying fruits or consequences, receiving profits  |
phalabhogya | mfn. that of which one has the usufruct (a pledge)  |
phalabhṛt | mfn. fruit-bearing, fruitful  |
phalabhuj | mfn. enjoying fruit  |
phalabhuj | m. a monkey  |
phalabhūmi | f. "retribution-land", place of reward or punishment (id est heaven or hell)  |
phalabhūti | m. Name of a Brahman  |
phalabhūyastva | n. a greater reward  |
phalacamasa | m. a cup containing pounded figs (with young leaves and sour milk instead of soma-)  |
phalacamasa | m. (others"ground bark of the Indian fig-tree with sour milk") .  |
phālacamasa | n. (?) a particular part of the ploughshare  |
phalacandrikā | f. Name of several works.  |
phalacāraka | m. "fruit-distribution", a particular official in Buddhist monasteries  |
phalacchadana | n. a house built of wooden boards  |
phalacoraka | m. a kind of perfume  |
phalada | mf(ā-)n. "fruit-giving", yielding or bearing fruit  |
phalada | mf(ā-)n. bringing profit or gain, giving a reward, rewarding, giving anything (genitive case or compound) as a reward etc.  |
phalada | mf(ā-)n. a fruit tree, tree  |
phalādana | m. "fruit-eater", a parrot (see phalāśana-).  |
phaladantavat | mfn. having fruit-teeth or fruit for teeth  |
phāladatī | f. "ploughshare-toothed", Name of a female demon  |
phaladātṛ | mfn. "fruit-giving", yielding fruit, giving a result  |
phaladāyin | mfn. "fruit-giving", yielding fruit, giving a result  |
phaladharman | mfn. "having the nature of fruit", ripening soon and then falling to the ground or perishing  |
phalādhikāra | m. a claim for wages  |
phalāḍhya | mf(ā-)n. "rich in fruit", covered with fruit  |
phalāḍhyā | f. the wild plantain  |
phalādhyakṣa | m. "superintendent of fruit", Mimusops Kauki  |
phaladīpikā | f. Name of work  |
phalāgama | m. "access of fruits", production of fruit, load of fruit  |
phalāgama | m. the fruit season, autumn  |
phalaghṛta | n. "fruit-ghee", a particular aphrodisiac  |
phalaghṛta | n. a medicament used in diseases of the uterus  |
phalāgra | n. "fruit-beginning", fruit-time, |
phalagraha | mfn. "receiving fruits", deriving profit or advantage  |
phalagraha | m. the act of doing so  |
phalagrahi | ( ) mfn. fruit-bearing, fruitful.  |
phalagrāhin | m. a fruit tree  |
phalagrahiṣṇu | ( ) mfn. fruit-bearing, fruitful.  |
phalagrantha | m. a work describing the effects (of celestial phenomena on the destiny of men)  |
phalagrantha | m. Name of works.  |
phalāgraśākhin | mfn. having fruits at the ends of its branches  |
phālagupta | m. "ploughshare-defended", Name of bala-rāma- (see halāyudha-).  |
phalahaka | m. a plank, board (equals phalaka-) (others"Name of a place") .  |
phalahāni | f. loss of fruit or profit  |
phalāhāra | m. feeding or living on fruit  |
phalahārī | f. Name of kālī- (a form of durgā-)  |
phalahārin | mfn. fruit-seizing, stealing fruit  |
phālāhata | mfn. "ploughshare-struck", ploughed  |
phalahetu | mfn. one who has results for a motive, acting with a view to roots  |
phalahī | f. the cotton tree, cotton plant  |
phalahīna | mfn. "yielding no fruits"and"giving no wages"  |
phalaka | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (ikā-)f.) equals phala-, fruit, result, gain ( phalakatva -tva- n.) on  |
phalaka | menstruation (see nava-phalikā-)  |
phalaka | (ph/alaka-) n. (m. gaRa ardharcādi-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a board, lath, plank, leaf. bench  |
phalaka | n. a slab or tablet (for writing or painting on;also = page, leaf)  |
phalaka | n. a picture (equals citra-ph-).  |
phalaka | n. a gaming-board (see śāri-ph-)  |
phalaka | n. a wooden bench  |
phalaka | n. a slab at the base (of a pedestal; see sphaṭika-ph-)  |
phalaka | n. any flat surface (often in compound with parts of the body, applied to broad flat bones see aṃsa--, phaṇā--, lalāṭa-ph-etc.)  |
phalaka | n. the palm of the hand  |
phalaka | n. the buttocks  |
phalaka | n. the top or head of an arrow on  |
phalaka | n. a shield  |
phalaka | n. bark (as a material for clothes)  |
phalaka | n. the pericarp of a lotus  |
phalaka | n. equals -yantra-  |
phalaka | n. a layer  |
phalaka | n. the stand on which a monk keeps his turban  |
phalaka | m. Mesua Roxburghii  |
phalaka | f. (ā-or ikā-) See below.  |
phalakā | f. varia lectio for halakā- gaRa prekṣādi-.  |
phalakākhyayantra | n. equals ka-yantra-  |
phalakakṣa | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
phalakāla | m. the time of fruits  |
phalakalpalatā | f. Name of work  |
phalakāma | m. desire of reward  |
phalakāmanā | f. desire of a result or consequence  |
phalākāṅkṣā | f. hope or expectation of favourable consequences  |
phalakāṅkṣin | mfn. desirous of reward  |
phalākāṅkṣin | mfn. desirous of results, wishing for favourable consequences  |
phalakaṇṭakā | f. Asclepias Echinata  |
phalakapāṇi | m. a soldier armed with a shield  |
phalakaparidhāna | n. putting on a bark garment  |
phalakapura | n. Name of a town in the east of India (see phala-pura-).  |
phalakāsādana | n. the obtaining or reaching a plank (said of a drowning person)  |
phalakasaktha | n. a thigh like a board |
phalakatva | n. phalaka |
phalakāvana | n. Name of a forest sacred to sarasvatī- (kī-vana- )  |
phalakayantra | n. an astronomical instrument invented by bhās-kara-  |
phalakesara | m. "having hairy fruit", the cocoa-nut tree (the fruit of which is covered with a fibrous coat resembling hair)  |
phalakhaṇḍana | n. fruit destruction, frustration of results  |
phalakhaṇḍava | m. the pomegranate tree  |
phalakhelā | f. a quail (equals phāla-kh-)  |
phālakhelā | f. a quail (see phaṇi--and phala-khela-).  |
phalakin | mfn. having a board or a shield  |
phalakin | mfn. varia lectio for halakin- gaRa prekṣādi-  |
phalakin | m. a wooden bench (varia lectio phalaka-)  |
phalakin | m. a kind of fish  |
phalakin | (prob. n.) sandal-wood  |
phalakinī | f. a plank  |
phalakośa | ( ) (L.) m. sg. and dual number "seed receptacle", the scrotum.  |
phalakośaka | (L.) m. sg. and dual number "seed receptacle", the scrotum.  |
phalakriyā | f. acting with an object in view,  |
phalakṛṣṇa | m. Carissa Carandas  |
phalakṛṣṇapāka | m. idem or 'm. Carissa Carandas '  |
phālakṛṣṭa | mfn. tilled with the plough  |
phālakṛṣṭa | mfn. growing on arable land, produced by cultivation (opp. to āraṇya-)  |
phālakṛṣṭa | m. or n. a ploughed or cultivated soil  |
phālakṛṣṭa | m. fruit grown on a cotton soil  |
phālakuddālalāṅgalin | mfn. furnished with a hoe and a spade and a plough  |
phalamatsyā | f. the aloe plant  |
phalamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of fruits  |
phalaṃdadā | f. Name of a female gandharva-  |
phalāmla | m. Rumex Vericarius  |
phalāmla | n. a tamarind  |
phalāmlapañcaka | n. the 5 acid or sour fruits, viz. bergamot, orange, sorrel, tamarind and citron (see amla-pañca-and phala-pañcāmla-).  |
phalāmlika | mfn. having anything made with sour fruit  |
phalamudgarikā | f. a kind of date tree  |
phalamukhyā | f. a species of plant (equals aja-modā-)  |
phalamūla | n. sg. or dual number or plural fruits and roots  |
phalamūlamaya | mf(ī-)n. formed of fruit and roots  |
phalamūlavat | mfn. supplied with fruit and roots  |
phalamūlin | mfn. having (edible) fruit and roots  |
phalana | n. bearing fruit or producing consequences  |
phalanirvṛtti | f. equals -niṣpatti-  |
phalanirvṛtti | f. final consequence or result  |
phalaniṣpatti | f. production of fruit, fulfilment of consequences, attainment of reward  |
phalanivṛtti | f. cessation of consequences  |
phalānta | m. "ending with fruit", a bamboo  |
phalānubandha | m. sequence of results, the consequences or results of (compound),  |
phalānumeya | mfn. inferable from consequences or roots  |
phalānusaraṇa | n. rate or aggregate of profits  |
phalānveṣin | mfn. seeking fruit or results, looking for a reward  |
phalapādapa | m. a fruit tree  |
phalapāka | m. the ripening of fruit (See below)  |
phalapāka | m. the fulfilment of consequences  |
phalapāka | m. Carissa Carandas (see pāka-phala-and kṛṣṇa-p-ph-)  |
phalapākaniṣṭhā | f. a plant ending or perishing with the ripening of fruit, an annual plant. ( )  |
phalapākāntā | f. a plant ending or perishing with the ripening of fruit, an annual plant. ( )  |
phalapākāvasānā | f. a plant ending or perishing with the ripening of fruit, an annual plant. ( )  |
phalapākāvasānikā | f. a plant ending or perishing with the ripening of fruit, an annual plant. ( )  |
phalapākin | m. Thespesia Populneoides  |
phalapañcāmla | n. a collection of 5 kinds of acid vegetables and fruits (see phalāmla-pañcaka-).  |
phalapariṇāma | m. idem or 'f. the ripeness of fruit '  |
phalapariṇati | f. the ripeness of fruit  |
phalaparivṛtti | f. a fruitful harvest  |
phalapātana | n. knocking down or gathering fruit  |
phalāpekṣā | f. regard to results, expectation of consequences  |
phalāpeta | mfn. deprived of fruit, unproductive, unfertile  |
phalāphalikā | f. gaRa śāka-pārthivādi-.  |
phalapracayana | n. gathering fruits |
phalaprada | mfn. bringing profit or a reward  |
phalapradāna | n. the giving of fruit (a marriage-ceremony)  |
phalapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
phalaprajanana | n. the production of fruit  |
phalaprakarṣa | mfn. prakarṣa |
phalaprāpti | f. obtaining (the desired) fruit or result, success  |
phalaprasūti | f. a growth of fruit, crop of  |
phalapravṛtti | f. idem or 'mfn. connected with or producing consequences, yielding fruit ',  |
phalaprayukta | mfn. connected with or producing consequences, yielding fruit  |
phalaprepsu | mfn. wishing to obtain fruit, desirous of attaining results  |
phalapriyā | f. Aglaia Odorata  |
phalapriyā | f. a species of crow  |
phalapuccha | m. a particular species of esculent root or bulb  |
phalapura | n. Name of a city (equals phalaka-p-)  |
phalapūra | m. "full of kernels", the citron tree  |
phalapūraka | m. idem or 'm. "full of kernels", the citron tree '  |
phalapūraka | n. (prob.) the citron  |
phalāpūrva | n. the mystic power which produces the consequences of a sacrificial act commentator or commentary  |
phalapuṣpa | (in the beginning of a compound) fruits and flowers  |
phalapuṣpā | f. a species of date tree  |
phalapuṣpā | f. Ipomoea Turpethum  |
phalapuṣpavat | mfn. adorned with fruits and flowers  |
phalapuṣpavṛddhi | f. increase or growth of fruits and flowers  |
phalapuṣpī | f. Ipomoea Turpethum  |
phalapuṣpita | mfn. covered with fruits and flowers  |
phalapuṣpopaśobhita | mfn. adorned with fruits and flowers  |
phalarājan | m. "king of fruits", a water-melon  |
phalārāma | m. a fruit-garden, orchard  |
phalarāśi | m. the 3rd term in rule of three  |
phalārthin | mfn. one who aims at fruits or reward  |
phalārthitva | n.  |
phalasa | mfn. (fr. phala-) gaRa tṛṇādi-  |
phalasa | m. the bread-fruit or jaka- tree (equals panasa-)  |
phalaśāḍava | See -ṣāḍava-.  |
phalaṣāḍava | m. the pomegranate tree (written śāḍ-).  |
phalasādhana | n. effecting any result on  |
phalasādhana | n. a means of effecting any result  |
phalasahasra | n. a thousand fruits  |
phalasahasra | n. dual number two thousand fruit  |
phalaśaiśira | m. Zizyphus Jujuba  |
phalāsakta | mfn. attached to fruit or results, acting for the sake of reward  |
phalāsakta | mfn. fond of fruit, seeking to pluck fruit  |
phalaśālin | mfn. yielding wages  |
phalaśālin | mfn. experiencing consequences, sharing in results ( phalaśālitva li-tva- n.)  |
phalaśālitva | n. phalaśālin |
phalasambaddha | m. "fruit-endowed", the tree Ficus Glomerata  |
phalasambhārā | f. "having abundance of fruit", the tree Ficus Oppositifolia  |
phalasambhava | mfn. produced in or by fruit  |
phalasambhū | mfn. produced in or by fruit  |
phalasāṃkaryakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
phalasampad | f. abundance of fruit, good result, success, prosperity  |
phalasaṃstha | mfn. bearing fruit  |
phalasaṃyoga | m. the being connected with a reward  |
phalasaṃyukta | mfn. connected with a reward  |
phalāśana | m. "fruit-eater", a parrot (see phalādana-).  |
phalasatīṇa | m. or n. (?) Name of country (Palestine?)  |
phalāsava | m. a decoction of fruit  |
phalasiddhi | f. realising an object, success, a prosperous issue on  |
phalāśin | mfn. feeding or living on fruit  |
phalasneha | m. "having oil in its fruit", a walnut tree  |
phalaśreṣṭha | m. "best of fruits", the mango tree  |
phalastanavatī | f. (a female) having fruits for breasts  |
phalastha | mfn. useful (confer, compare - saṃstha-), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
phalasthāna | n. the stage in which fruits or results are enjoyed  |
phalāsthi | n. "having fruit with a hard rind", a cocoa-nut  |
phalatā | f. the being fruit, the state of fruit  |
phalatantra | mfn. aiming only at one's own advantage commentator or commentary  |
phalatas | ind. in relation to the reward or result  |
phalatas | ind. consequently, accordingly, virtually  |
phalatraya | n. "fruit-triad", the 3 myrobalans ; 3 sorts of fruit collectively (the fruit of the vine, of Grewia Asiatica or Xylacarpus Granatum and Gmelina Arborea)  |
phalatrika | n. "fruit-triad", the 3 myrobalans  |
phalatva | n. equals -tā-  |
phalavākya | n. promise of reward commentator or commentary  |
phalavallī | f. a series of quotients commentator or commentary  |
phalavandhya | mfn. barren or destitute of fruits, not bearing fruit (see phalāv-).  |
phalāvandhya | mfn. not barren of fruit, bearing fruit  |
phalavarti | f. (in med.) a suppository  |
phalavartula | m. Gardenia Latifolia  |
phalavartula | n. a water-melon  |
phalavat | mfn. (ph/ala--) fruit-bearing, fructiferous, covered or laden with fruits etc.  |
phalavat | mfn. yielding results, successful, profitable, advantageous ( phalavattā -tā- f. ; phalavattva -tva- n. , ; )  |
phalavat | mfn. having profit or advantage  |
phalavat | mfn. (in dramatic language) containing the result or end of a plot  |
phalavatī | f. (atī-) a twig of a particular thorn tree  |
phalavatī | f. (others"the plant priyaṅgu-"; see phalinī-)  |
phalavatī | f. Name of work  |
phalavattā | f. phalavat |
phalavattva | n. phalavat |
phalavikrayiṇī | f. a female fruit-seller  |
phalavṛkṣa | m. a fruit tree  |
phalavṛkṣaka | m. the bread-fruit tree  |
phalāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to be the fruit or result of (ph/alāyetām- wrong reading for p/al- )  |
phalaya | m. Name of a mountain  |
phalayoga | m. the attainment of an object  |
phalayoga | m. remuneration, reward  |
phalayogāt | ind. because the reward falls to (his) share  |
phalāyoṣit | f. a cricket (see phaḍiṅgā-).  |
phalayukta | mfn. connected with a reward  |
phalegrahi | mfn. bearing fruit, fruitful, successful (equals phala-g-) (see ) .  |
phalegrāhi | mfn. bearing fruit  |
phalegrāhin | mfn. bearing fruit  |
phalelāṅku | n. equals puñjātuka- (?)  |
phalendrā | f. a species of jambū-  |
phalepāka | gaRa nyaṅkv-ādi-.  |
phalepākā | gaRa nyaṅkv-ādi-.  |
phalepākin | m. Hibiscus Populneoides  |
phalepāku | gaRa nyaṅkv-ādi-.  |
phalepsā | f. desire of future reward, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
phalepuṣpā | f. Phlomis Zeylanica  |
phaleruhā | f. Bignonia Suaveolens  |
phaletaratā | f. the being other than fruit  |
phalgu | mf(/ū-,or vī-)n. reddish, red  |
phalgu | mf(/ū-,or vī-)n. small, minute, feeble, weak, pithless, unsubstantial, insignificant, worthless, unprofitable, useless etc.  |
phalgu | f. Ficus Oppositifolia  |
phalgu | f. a red powder usually of the root of wild ginger (coloured with sappan wood and thrown over one another by the Hindus at the holī- festival; see phalgūtsava-)  |
phalgu | f. the spring season  |
phalgu | f. (scilicet vāc-) a falsehood lie  |
phalgu | f. Name of a river flowing Past gayā-  |
phalgu | f. dual number (in astrology) Name of a nakṣatra-.  |
phalguda | mfn. "giving little"avaricious  |
phalgudā | f. Name of a river (equals phalgu-)  |
phalguhastinī | f. Name of a poetess  |
phalguluka | m. plural Name of a people  |
phalguṇa | wrong reading for phalguna-, naka-, nī-.  |
phalguna | mf(ī-)n. reddish, red  |
phalguna | mf(ī-)n. born under the nakṣatra- phalgunī-  |
phalguna | m. Name of a man ( phalgunasvāmin -svāmin- m.a temple built by phalgunī-)  |
phalguna | m. the month phālguna-  |
phalguna | m. Name of arjuna-  |
phālguṇa | wrong reading for phālguna-, nī-.  |
phālguna | mf(/ī-)n. relating to the nakṣatra- phalgunī-  |
phālguna | mf(/ī-)n. born under the nakṣatra- phalgunī- (varia lectio)  |
phālguna | m. (with or scilicet māsa-) the month during which the full moon stands in the nakṣatra- phalgunī- (February-March)  |
phālguna | m. Name of arjuna- (equals phalguna-)  |
phālguna | m. Terminalia Arjuna (equals nadī-ja-)  |
phālguna | n. a species of grass used as a substitute for the soma- plant (and also called arjunānī-) |
phālguna | n. Name of a place of pilgrimage  |
phalguṇaka | wrong reading for phalguna-, naka-, nī-.  |
phalgunaka | m. Name of a man  |
phalgunaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
phalgunāla | m. the month phālguna- (equals phālgunāla-)  |
phālgunāla | m. the month phālguna- (equals phalgunāla-)  |
phālgunamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
phālgunānuja | m. "younger brother of the month phālguna-", the vernal month caitra-  |
phalgunasvāmin | m. phalguna |
phalguṇī | wrong reading for phalguna-, naka-, nī-.  |
phalgunī | f. See below.  |
phalgunī | f. (sg. dual number and plural) Name of a double lunar mansion (pūrvā-and uttarā-) etc.  |
phalgunī | f. Ficus Oppositifolia  |
phalgunī | f. Name of a woman  |
phālguṇī | wrong reading for phālguna-, nī-.  |
phālgunī | f. See below  |
phālguni | m. patronymic fr. phālguna- (equals arjuna-)  |
phālgunī | f. the lunar mansion phalgunī- (q.v)  |
phālgunī | f. equals -paurṇamāsī-  |
phalgunībhava | m. Name of the planet Jupiter  |
phālgunībhava | m. Name of the planet Jupiter (see phalgunī-bh-).  |
phālgunika | mfn. relating to the nakṣatra- phalgunī- or to the day of full moon in the month phālguna-  |
phālgunika | m. (scilicet māsa-) the month phālguna-  |
phālgunīpakṣa | m. the dark half in the month phālguna-  |
phālgunīpaurṇamāsī | f. the day of full moon in the month phālguna- (on which the holī- or great vernal festival is celebrated)  |
phalgunīpūrṇamāsa | m. the full moon in the nakṣatra- uttara-phalgunī-  |
phalgunīpūrvasamaya | m. the time when the moon is in the nakṣatra- pūrva-phalgunī-  |
phālgunya | m. Name of the planet Jupiter  |
phalguprāsaha | (g/u--) m. of little strength  |
phalgurakṣita | m. Name of a man  |
phalguśrāddha | n. a kind of śrāddha-  |
phalgutā | f. ( ) worthlessness, vanity, insignificance.  |
phalgutīrtha | n. Name of a sacred bathing-place near gayā-  |
phalgūtsava | m. the vernal festival commonly called holī- (see )  |
phalgutva | n. ( ) worthlessness, vanity, insignificance.  |
phalguvāṭikā | f. Ficus Oppositifolia  |
phalguvṛnta | m. a species of Symplocos  |
phalguvṛntāka | m. a species of Calosanthes  |
phalgva | mfn. weak, feeble  |
phalī | f. Aglaia Odorata  |
phalī | f. a kind of fish (equals phali-)  |
phali | m. a kind of fish (equals phalakin-)  |
phali | m. a bowl or cup,  |
phalī | in compound for phala-.  |
phāli | m. or f. a leaf.  |
phalībhū | P. -bhavati-, to obtain fruit or reward  |
phaliga | ( li-g/a-) m. (prob.) a cask or leather-bag or anything to hold fluids (applied to clouds or water-receptacles in mountains)  |
phalika | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') enjoying the reward for  |
phalika | m. a mountain  |
phalikā | f. Dolichos Lablab or Thespesia Populneoides  |
phalīkāra | m. plural equals prec. m. plural  |
phalīkaraṇa | n. separating the grain from the husks, cleansing of grain  |
phalīkaraṇa | m. plural chaff (of rice) or smallest grains  |
phalīkaraṇa | m. (sg.)  |
phālīkaraṇa | mfn. (fr. phalī-k-) made of husks or the smallest grains  |
phalīkaraṇahoma | m. an oblation of chaff or smallest grains  |
phalīkaraṇamiśra | mfn. mixed with rice-chaff,  |
phalīkaraṇamuṣṭi | f. a handful of rice-chaff, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
phalīkṛ | P. -karoti- (Ved. infinitive mood phal/ī-kartav/ai-), to separate the fruit or grain from the husks, thresh, winnow  |
phalīkṛta | mfn. threshed, winnowed  |
phalin | mfn. bearing or yielding fruit, fruitful (met. = productive of results or consequences) etc.  |
phalin | mfn. reaping advantage, successful  |
phalin | mfn. having an iron point (as an arrow)  |
phalin | m. a fruit tree  |
phalin | m. (with yoni-) the vagina injured by too violent sexual intercourse  |
phalina | mfn. bearing fruit (see Va1rtt. 4 )  |
phalina | m. the bread-fruit tree  |
phalinī | f. a species of plant (equals agni-śikhā-or priyaṅgu-)  |
phalīśa | m. Thespesia Populneoides  |
phalita | mfn. bearing or yielding fruit, producing consequences, fruitful, successful, fulfilled, developed, accomplished etc. (n. impersonal or used impersonally with instrumental case"fruit was borne by" )  |
phalita | mfn. resulting as a consequence  |
phalita | m. a tree (especially a fruit tree)  |
phalitā | f. a menstruous woman  |
phalita | n. a fragrant resin (equals śaileya-) (prob. wrong reading for palita-).  |
phālita | mfn. expanded, blown ( )  |
phalitavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) fruit should be borne by (instrumental case)  |
phalīya | mfn. (fr. phala-) gaRa utkarādi-.  |
phalka | mfn. one who has an expanded or extended body (= visāritāṅga-)  |
phalka | mfn. equals viśodhitāṅka- (?)  |
phallakin | m. a kind of fish (equals phalakin-)  |
phallaphala | m. the wind raised in winnowing grain (= phulla-phāla-)  |
phaloccaya | m. collecting or a collection of fruits  |
phalodaka | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
phalodaya | m. arising or appearance of consequences or results, recompense, reward, punishment (with genitive case or locative case or compound) etc.  |
phalodaya | m. joy  |
phalodaya | m. heaven  |
phalodbhava | mfn. obtained or derived from fruit  |
phaloddeśa | m. regard to results  |
phalodgama | m. plural development of fruits  |
phaloni | (!) f. pudenda muliebria  |
phalonmukha | mfn. being about to give fruit  |
phalopabhoga | m. enjoyment of fruit, partaking of reward or of the consequences of anything  |
phalopagama | mfn. bearing fruit  |
phalopajīvin | mfn. living by the cultivation or sale of fruit  |
phalopeta | mfn. possessing fruit, yielding fruit  |
phalotpati | (!) m. the mango tree  |
phalotpatti | f. production of fruit, profit, gain, advantage  |
phalotprekṣā | f. a kind of comparison  |
phalottamā | f. "best of fruit", a kind of grape without stones  |
phalottamā | f. the 3 myrobalans  |
phalottamā | f. the benefit arising from sacred study (?)  |
phalottamā | f. a small sort of rope(?)  |
phalph | to grow, increase (vṛddhau-)  |
phalpha | See vi-phalpha-.  |
phalūṣa | m. a species of creeper  |
phalya | n. a flower, bud  |
phaṇ | cl.1 P. ( ) ph/aṇati- ( ; perfect tense paphāṇa-,2. sg. paphaṇitha-,or pheṇitha- ; Aorist aphāṇīt-, ; future phaṇiṣyati-, ṇitā- grammar), to go, move (with samāptim-,"to be accomplished" ) : Causal phāṇ/ayati- (or phaṇ- ), to cause to bound ; to draw off (the surface of a fluid) , skim : Desiderative piphaṇiṣati- grammar : Intensive pr.p. -paṇiphaṇat- ( ), pamphaṇat- ( ),bounding, leaping.  |
phaṇa | m. scum, froth (see phena-)  |
phaṇa | m. (also f(ā-).)the expanded side of the nose, a nostril  |
phaṇa | m. (also f(ā-).) the expanded hood or neck of a serpent (especially of the Coluber nāga-) etc.  |
phaṇa | m. a stick shaped like a serpent's hood  |
phaṇa | mfn. having the fingers shaped like a serpent's hood  |
phaṇā | f. of phaṇa-, in compound  |
phaṇābhara | m. equals -dhara-  |
phaṇabhṛt | m. equals -kara-  |
phaṇabhṛt | m. Name of the number 9 (or 8)  |
phaṇābhṛt | mfn. having a hood (as a serpent).  |
phaṇadhara | m. idem or 'm. a serpent, snake (especially the Coluber nāga-) '  |
phaṇadhara | m. Name of śiva-  |
phaṇakara | m. a serpent, snake (especially the Coluber nāga-)  |
phaṇākara | m. equals ṇa-kara-  |
phaṇamaṇḍala | n. "hood-orb", the rounded hood of a snake  |
phaṇamaṇi | m. "hood-gem", a jewel in the hood of a snake  |
phaṇāmaṇisahasraruc | f. the splendour of the thousand jewels on the hood (of the surface-king)  |
phaṇāphalaka | n. the flat surface of a surface's hood  |
phaṇāphaṇādhara | m. equals ṇa-dhara-  |
phaṇaśreṇī | f. a line or row of serpents' hoods  |
phaṇastha | mfn. being in a snake's hood (as a gem)  |
phaṇātapa | varia lectio for phaṭāṭ- (q.v)  |
phaṇātapatra | mfn. having a hood for a parasol (said of a snake)  |
phaṇātapin | varia lectio for phaṭāṭ- (q.v)  |
phaṇavat | mfn. having a hood, hooded (as a snake)  |
phaṇavat | m. equals -kara-  |
phaṇāvat | m. "possessing a hood", Coluber nāga-  |
phaṇāvat | m. a kind of supernatural being  |
phaṇḍa | m. the belly ( phāṇḍa-)  |
phāṇḍa | n. the belly (equals phaṇḍa-)  |
phāṇḍin | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
phaṇi | m. a serpent (only genitive case plural phaṇ/īnām-)  |
phaṇi | in compound for phaṇin-.  |
phaṇī | f. Name of a river  |
phāṇi | f. ( phaṇ-?) unrefined sugar, molasses  |
phāṇi | f. flour or meal mixed with curds (equals karambha-)  |
phaṇibhārikā | f. Ficus Oppositifolia  |
phaṇibhāṣitabhāṣyābdhi | m.  |
phaṇibhāṣya | n.  |
phaṇibhāṣyābdhi | m. Name of patañjali-'s mahā-bhāṣya-  |
phaṇibhuj | m. "serpent-eater", a peacock  |
phaṇīcakra | n. Name of work  |
phaṇihantrī | f. Piper Chaba(?)  |
phaṇihṛt | f. a species of Alhagi  |
phaṇijā | f. a species of plant  |
phaṇijihvā | f. "species's tongue", Name of 2 plants (mahā-śatāvarī-and mahā-samaṅga-)  |
phaṇijihvikā | f. idem or 'f. "species's tongue", Name of 2 plants (mahā-śatāvarī-and mahā-samaṅga-) ' and Emblica Officinalis  |
phaṇijjha | m. marjoram and another similar plant  |
phaṇijjhaka | m. marjoram and another similar plant  |
phaṇijjhakā | f. (akā-) a species of basil with small leaves (commonly called rāma-dūti-)  |
phaṇikā | f. Ficus Oppositifolia  |
phaṇikanyā | f. the daughter of a serpent-demon  |
phaṇikāra | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio karṇikāra-).  |
phaṇikesara | m. Mesua Roxburghii  |
phaṇikeśvara | m. equals phaṇīndreśvara-  |
phaṇikhela | m. a quail (prob. wrong reading for phāla-kh-).  |
phaṇilatā | ( ) .  |
phaṇimukha | n. "species's mouth", a kind of spade used by housebreakers  |
phaṇin | m. "hooded", a serpent (especially Coluber nāga-)  |
phaṇin | m. Name of rāhu- and patañjali-  |
phaṇin | m. a species of shrub  |
phaṇin | n. (prob.) tin or lead  |
phaṇināyaka | m. "species-chief", Name of vāsuki-  |
phaṇīndra | m. "serpent-king", Name of śeṣa-  |
phaṇīndra | m. of patañjali-  |
phaṇīndreśvara | m. Name of one of the 8 vīta-rāga-s of the Buddhists  |
phaṇipati | m. a huge species  |
phaṇipati | m. Name of śeṣa-  |
phaṇipati | m. of patañjali-  |
phaṇipheṇa | m. "species's saliva", opium  |
phaṇipriya | m. "species's friend", the wind  |
phaṇīśa | m. Name of patañjali- (see nīndra-).  |
phaṇīśvara | m. equals ṇīndra- |
phaṇita | mfn. gone or diluted (?)  |
phaṇita | nf(i-). wrong reading for bhaṇita-, ti-  |
phāṇita | m. ( ) n. (fr. Causal of phaṇ-; confer, compare ) the inspissated juice of the sugar cane and other plants [ confer, compare Arabic $; Persian $; medieval Latin penidium.]  |
phaṇitalpaga | m. "resorting to a serpent as a couch", Name of viṣṇu-  |
phāṇitībhūta | mfn. inspissated  |
phaṇivallī | ( ; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' līka-),  |
phaṇivīrudh | ( ) f. betel-pepper.  |
phaṇīya | n. the wood of Cerasus Puddum  |
phañjī | f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus  |
phañjikā | f. idem or 'f. Clerodendrum Siphonantus '  |
phañjikā | f. Lipeocercis Serrata  |
phañjikā | f. Alhagi Maurorum  |
phañjipattrikā | f. Salvinia Cucullata  |
phañjiputtrikā | f. Salvinia Cucullata  |
phāṇṭa | mf(ā-)n. (contracted from phāṇita-; see ) obtained by straining or filtering,  |
phāṇṭa | mf(ā-)n. made or won by an easy process, readily or easily prepared  |
phāṇṭa | mf(ā-)n. one who does not exert himself or takes things easy  |
phāṇṭa | m. an infusion, decoction, pounded medicinal substances mixed with four parts of hot water and then filtered (also phāṇṭaka ṭaka-,m.)  |
phāṇṭa | n. the first particles of butter that are produced by churning  |
phāṇṭāhṛta | m. Name of a man  |
phāṇṭāhṛta | m. patronymic fr. phāṇṭāhṛti-  |
phāṇṭāhṛta | m. plural the disciples of phāṇṭāhṛti-, iv, 1, 150 Scholiast or Commentator  |
phāṇṭāhṛtāyani | m. patronymic fr. phāṇṭāhṛti-  |
phāṇṭāhṛti | m. Name of a man (a sauvīra-)  |
phāṇṭāhṛti | m. patronymic fr. hṛta-,  |
phāṇṭaka | m. phāṇṭa |
phāṇṭaya | Nom. fr. phāṇṭa- (ind.p. yitvā-)  |
phar | (equals sphar-), only Intensive subjunctive pharpharat-, to scatter ( "to fill") .  |
phara | n. a shield (equals phalaka-)  |
pharañja | Name of a place  |
pharendra | m. Pandanus Odoratissimus  |
phārī | f. black cumin  |
phāriva | phariva mfn. (prob.) scattering, distributing, liberal  |
phariva | phāriva mfn. (prob.) scattering, distributing, liberal  |
phāriva | See under phar-.  |
pharpharāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to dart to and fro  |
pharpharīka | m. ( sphar-, sphur-) the palm of the hand with the fingers extended  |
pharpharīkā | f. a shoe  |
pharpharīka | f. equals madana-  |
pharpharīka | n. softness  |
pharpharīka | n. a young shoot or branch (see parpharīka-).  |
pharuṇḍa | m. green onion  |
pharuvaka | n. a betel-box or a spittoon  |
pharv | cl.1 P. pharvati-, to go on  |
pharvara | m. (prob.) a scatterer, sower ( "filling") .  |
pharvara | See phar-.  |
pharvī | See prapharv/ī-.  |
phaṣājiga | and phaṣājima- m. or n. (?) Name of two places  |
phaṭ | ind. (onom.) crack! (also a mystical syllable used in incantation) .  |
phat | ind., an interjection (in phat-kṛ-,prob. wrong reading for phuṭ-kṛ-).  |
phāṭ | ind. an interjection of calling  |
phaṭa | m. the expanded hood or neck of a serpent  |
phaṭā | f. idem or 'm. the expanded hood or neck of a serpent '  |
phaṭā | f. a tooth  |
phaṭā | f. a cheat (!)  |
phāṭakī | f. alum (equals sphāṭī-)  |
phaṭāṭopa | m. the expanding of a serpent's hood  |
phaṭāṭopin | m. a serpent  |
phatepura | n. Name of a city  |
phatihabhūpati | and phatihaśāha- m. Name of a king of kaśmīra- (= $) .  |
phatkārin | m. a bird  |
phattesāhaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
phaulli | f. (fr. phulla-) Va1rtt. 4  |
phel | cl.1 P. phelati-, to go, move  |
phela | n. remnants of food, refuse, orts (also lā-, li-, likā-, lī-)  |
phela | n. a particular high number  |
phelā | f. (prob.) wrong reading for pelā- equals peṭā-, a small box  |
pheluka | m. the scrotum  |
phena | m. once n. (often written pheṇa-and prob. connected with phaṇ-;butSee ) foam, froth, scum etc.  |
phena | m. moisture of the lips, saliva  |
phena | n. (m. ) Os Sepiae (white cuttle-fish bone, supposed to be indurated foam of the sea)  |
phena | m. Name of a man (son of uṣad-ratha- and father of su-tapas-)  |
phenā | f. a kind of shrub (equals sātalā-)  |
phenadharman | mfn. "having the nature of foam", transient  |
phenadugdhā | f. a kind of small shrub (= dugdha-phenī-)  |
phenagiri | m. Name of a mountain near the mouth of the indu-s (varia lectio pheṇa-g-).  |
phenāgra | n. "point of foam", a bubble on the water  |
phenāhāra | mfn. feeding on foam (see phena-pa-).  |
phenaka | m. Os Sepiae  |
phenaka | m. ground rice boiled in water (alsof(ā-).)  |
phenaka | m. a kind of pastry (also f(ikā-). )  |
phenala | mfn. frothy, foamy (see phenila-).  |
phenamehin | mfn. discharging frothy urine  |
phenapa | mfn. "foam-drinking", feeding on foam  |
phenapa | mfn. (feeding on fruits fallen from the trees )  |
phenapiṇḍa | m. "mass of foam", a mere bubble, nonsense  |
phenaprakhya | mfn. foam-like, resembling foam  |
phenāśani | m. "having foam for a thunderbolt", Name of indra- (see phenavāhin-).  |
phenatā | f. frothiness, vapour  |
phenavāhin | mfn. "carrying of the scum"  |
phenavāhin | n. (with vastra-) a filtering cloth |
phenavāhin | m. indra-'s thunderbolt (rather"Name of indra-"; see phenāśani-).  |
phenavat | mfn. frothy, foaming  |
phenavat | ind. like foam,  |
phenāya | Nom. A1. yate- (also P. yati- gaRa lohitādi-), to foam, froth  |
pheñcaka | m. a kind of bird  |
phenī | f. a kind of food [ confer, compare Slavonic or Slavonian $; Anglo-Saxon fam; English foam; German Feim.]  |
phenila | mf(ā-)n. foamy, frothy, spumous etc.  |
phenila | m. a kind of tree,  |
phenila | m. Zizyphus Jujuba  |
phenila | m. Sapindus Detergens  |
phenilā | f. Sepindus Detergens  |
phenila | m. Hingcha Repens  |
phenila | m. equals sarpākṣī-  |
phenila | n. the fruit of Sepindus Detergens or of Zizyphus Jujuba or of madana-  |
phenopama | mfn. resembling foam (said of life)  |
pheṇṭa | m. a kind of bird  |
phenya | mfn. existing in foam  |
phera | m. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) a jackal  |
pherala | m. or n. Name of a place (perhaps wrong reading for kerala-).  |
pheraṇḍa | m. a jackal (also ruṇḍa- )  |
pherava | m. (from onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) phe-+ rava-) a jackal  |
pherava | m.  |
pherava | m. a rākṣasa-  |
pherava | mfn. fraudulent, malicious, injurious  |
pheravītantra | n. Name of work  |
pheru | m. a jackal  |
pheruvinnā | f. a species of plant  |
pheṭ | ind. an onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) word.  |
phet | ind. an onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) word.  |
pheṭkāra | m. howling, a howl (see phet-etc.)  |
phetkāra | m. howling (of the wind or of animals)  |
phetkāra | m.  |
phetkārin | mfn. howling, yelling (as a jackal)  |
phetkāriṇītantra | n. Name of work  |
phetkārīyatantra | n. Name of work  |
phetkṛta | n. howling, a howl  |
phi | m. a wicked man  |
phi | m. idle talk  |
phi | m. anger  |
phiṅgaka | m. the fork-tailed shrike (equals kaliṅga-, kuliṅga-)  |
phirāla | m. or n. (?) Name of a place  |
phiraṅga | mfn. Frankish, European (with vyādhi- m. equals gāmaya-)  |
phiraṅga | m. the country of the Franks id est Europe, or equals gāmaya-  |
phiraṅgāmaya | m. the disease of the Franks id est syphilis  |
phiraṅgaroṭī | f. European bread  |
phiraṅgin | m. a Frank, a European (f. iṇī-)  |
phiriṇḍa | m. Name of a prince |
phiṭsūtra | n. Name of a grammat. work by śāṃtanavācārya-.  |
phiṭsūtravṛtti | f. the same with comm.  |
phu | m. a magical formula  |
phu | m. useless or idle talk  |
phuḍut | ind. an interjection  |
phuka | m. a bird  |
phuliṅga | m. syphilis (see phiraṅga-).  |
phull | cl.1 P. phullati- ( ) See under phulla-, .  |
phulla | mf(ā-)n. ( ) split or cleft open, expanded, blown (as a flower) etc.  |
phulla | mf(ā-)n. abounding in flowers, flowery  |
phulla | mf(ā-)n. opened wide, dilated (as eyes)  |
phulla | mf(ā-)n. puffed inflated (as cheeks)  |
phulla | mf(ā-)n. loose (as a garment)  |
phulla | mf(ā-)n. beaming, smiling (as a face)  |
phulla | m. Name of a saint  |
phulla | (prob.) n. a full-blown flower  |
phulla | Nom. P. phullati- (see ) to open, expand, blow (as a flower) |
phulladāman | n. a kind of metre  |
phulladṛṣṭi | mfn. having eyes dilated (with joy), smiling, happy  |
phullaka | m. a worm or a snake  |
phullalocana | mfn. equals -dṛṣṭi-  |
phullalocana | m. "full-eyed", a kind of antelope  |
phullalocana | n. a large full eye  |
phullāmbikā | f. Name of a woman  |
phullana | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') puffing up, inflating  |
phullanalinī | f. a lotus plant in full bloom  |
phullanayana | mfn. having eyes dilated (with joy), smiling, happy  |
phullanetra | mfn. having eyes dilated (with joy), smiling, happy  |
phullapadmotpalavat | mfn. abounding in full-blown lotus flowers of various kinds  |
phullaphāla | m. the wind raised in winnowing corn (see phalla-, phala-).  |
phullapura | n. Name of a town  |
phullāraṇyamāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of  |
phullarīka | m. a district, place  |
phullarīka | m. a serpent (see phullaka-, column 1) .  |
phullasūtra | n. Name of work  |
phullatubarī | f. alum  |
phullavadana | mfn. "smiling-faced", looking pleased or happy  |
phullavat | mfn. expanded, blossoming blowing  |
phulli | f. expanding, blossoming  |
phullita | mfn. expanded, blown  |
phullotpala | n. "having blooming lotus flowers", Name of a lake  |
phulti | f. full expansion or perfection (?)  |
phumphuā | ind. imitation of the sound made by the crackling of a fire  |
phuphusa | n. ( ) the lungs.  |
phupphu | ind. an onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) word.  |
phupphukāraka | mf(ikā-)n. panting, gasping  |
phupphusa | m. ( ) ( ) the lungs.  |
phurāphurāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to tremble, flicker  |
phut | or phūt- ind. an onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) word (used only with kṛ-,and its derivatives;sometimes expressive of contempt).  |
phūt | phūt-kāra- etc. See phut- above.  |
phuṭa | mfn. the hood or expanded neck of a snake (equals phaṭa-, phaṇa-)  |
phuṭāṭopa | m. the swelling of a serpent's hood  |
phutkara | m. "making a crackling noise", fire  |
phutkāra | m. puffing, blowing, hissing, the hiss of a serpent (also phūt-k-)  |
phutkāra | m. shrieking, screaming  |
phutkārarandhra | n. the hole to which the mouth is applied in playing a flute  |
phutkāravat | mfn. hissing, shrieking  |
phutkartumanas | mfn. wishing to make a derisory noise, intending to cry aloud  |
phutkārya | mfn. in a-phūt-k-, requiring no blowing  |
phutkṛ | P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute-, to puff, blow, make a bubbling noise, blow into ; to shriek, yell ; to be insolent or defiant  |
phutkṛta | mfn. puffed, blown etc.  |
phutkṛta | n. the sound of a wind instrument  |
phutkṛta | n. a loud scream, shriek  |
phutkṛti | f. the blowing of a wind instrument  |
phutkṛti | f. blowing, hissing  |
phutkṛti | f. crying aloud  |
phuṭṭaka | n. a kind of cloth (also phuṭṭakavastra ka-vastra- n.)  |
phuṭṭakavastra | n. phuṭṭaka |
phuṭṭikā | f. a sort of woven texture  |
abdhikapha | m. cuttle fish bone, being considered as the froth of the sea.  |
abdhiphena | m. cuttle fish bone.  |
abhigumphita | mfn. strung together, interwoven  |
abhisphurita | mfn. expanded to the full (as a blossom).  |
abhisphūrj | -sphūrjati-, to sound towards  |
abhraphullaka | m. an actor,  |
adhiṣavaṇaphalaka | n. dual number Name (also title or epithet) of two boards used in pressing the soma-,  |
adṛṣṭaphala | mfn. having consequences that are not yet visible  |
adṛṣṭaphala | n. a result or consequence which is not yet visible or hidden in the future.  |
ahiphena | n. (equals a-phena- q.v) "the saliva or venom of a snake", opium  |
aikaśapha | mfn. (fr. eka-śapha-), coming from or relating to an animal with uncloven hoofs  |
ajinaphalā | f. Name of a plant, (gaRa ajādi- q.v)  |
ākāśasphaṭika | m. a kind of crystal (supposed to be formed in the atmosphere and of two kinds, sūrya-kānta- and candra-kānta- q.v)  |
akaṭuphala | m. a kind of plant.  |
alpaphala | mf(ā-)n. yielding little fruit, of small results or consequences,  |
āmalakīpattraphala | n. the fruit of the Emblic Myrobalan  |
ambukapha | m. cuttlefish-bone,  |
amlapañcaphala | n. a collection of five kinds of sour vegetables and fruits.  |
amlaphala | m. the tamarind tree, Magnifera Indica  |
amlaphala | n. the fruit of this tree  |
āmraphalaprapānaka | n. a cooling drink made of mangoes,  |
amṛtaphala | m. a pear tree  |
amṛtaphala | m. the plant Trichosanthes Dioeca Roxb.  |
amṛtaphala | n. a pear  |
amṛtaphala | n. the fruit of Trichosanthes D. Roxb.,  |
amṛtaphalā | f. the vine  |
amṛtaphala | n. the plant Emblica Officinalis Gaertn.  |
amṛtāphala | n. (equals amṛtaphala- n. q.v) the fruit of Trichosanthes  |
aṃsaphalaka | n. shoulder-blade  |
aṃśumatphalā | f. Musa Paradisiaca.  |
anaṃśumatphalā | f. the plantain (= aṃśumat-phalā-).  |
anapasphur | ([ ]) mf(ā-)n. "not withdrawing", not refusing to be milked (said of a cow).  |
anapasphura | ([ ]) mf(ā-)n. "not withdrawing", not refusing to be milked (said of a cow).  |
anapasphurat | ([ ]) mfn. "not withdrawing", not refusing to be milked (said of a cow).  |
anaphā | f. a particular configuration of the planets. [ Greek ]  |
anekaśapha | mfn. cloven-hoofed commentator or commentary  |
aṅgasphuraṇavicāra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a work on prognosticating events from quiverings of the limbs  |
aṅgulisphoṭana | n. snapping or cracking the fingers.  |
aniṣṭaphala | n. evil result.  |
anusphur | to whizz towards  |
anusphura | mfn. whizzing (as an arrow)  |
āpannārtipraśamanaphala | mf(ā-)n. having as result the relieving of the pains of the afflicted  |
apasphiga | mfn. one who has badly formed buttocks  |
apasphigam | ind. except the buttocks  |
apasphur | (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -spharīs-) to move suddenly aside or to lash out (as a cow during milking)  |
apasphur | mfn. bounding or bursting forth, (or figuratively) splashing out (said of the soma-) (see /an-apasphur-,etc.)  |
aphala | mf(/ā-)n. unfruitful, barren  |
aphala | mf(/ā-)n. vain, unproductive  |
aphala | mf(/ā-)n. deprived of virility  |
aphala | m. Tamarix Indica  |
aphalā | f. the Aloe (Aloes Perfoliata)  |
aphala | m. Flacourtia Cataphracta.  |
āphalaka | m. enclosure, palisade  |
aphalakāṅkṣin | mfn. disinterested, not looking to beneficial consequences.  |
aphalākāṅkṣin | mfn. equals a-phala-kāṅkṣin- q.v  |
aphalaprepsu | mfn. one who desires no recompense  |
aphalatā | f. barrenness, unprofitableness.  |
aphalatva | n. barrenness, unprofitableness.  |
aphalgu | mfn. not vain, productive, profitable  |
āphalodayakarman | mfn. persevering in a work until it bears fruit  |
āphalya | n. (fr. a-phala-), fruitlessness  |
āphaṇ | Intensive -p/anīphaṇat- ( ) to skip, jump  |
aphena | mf(ā-)n. frothless  |
aphena | n. opium  |
aphenila | mfn. frothless,  |
āphīna | āphūka- n. opium  |
āphīna | n. (Hindi āphīm-and āphū- see a-phena-.)  |
aphulla | mf(ā-)n. unblown (a rose)  |
apuṣpaphala | m. "bearing fruits without flowering","having neither flowers nor fruits", the jack tree, Artocarpus Integrifolia, the glomerous fig tree.  |
apuṣpaphalada | m. "bearing fruits without flowering","having neither flowers nor fruits", the jack tree, Artocarpus Integrifolia, the glomerous fig tree.  |
ardhaphālaka | m. or n. Name (also title or epithet) of a particular garment,  |
ardhaphālaka | m. plural a particular jaina- sect, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ardhaphālakamata | n. (its doctrine), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ardhaśaphara | m. a kind of fish  |
arepha | mfn. without the letter r.  |
arepha | See a-riphita-.  |
arephajāta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. without the letter r.'  |
arephavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. without the letter r.' '  |
arephin | mfn. equals a-riphita-  |
āriph | P. (parasmE-pada -rephat-) to snore  |
ariphita | mfn. (said of the visarga-) not changed into r-  |
āsaphakhāna | m. = Asaf Khan,  |
asaptaśapha | mf(ā-)n. not having seven hoofs (or claws)  |
āsphal | Caus. -sphālayati-, to cause to flap ; to rock, shake, throw etc. ; to tear asunder  |
āsphāla | m. causing to flap or move  |
āsphāla | m. striking  |
āsphāla | m. flapping, clapping  |
āsphāla | m. rebounding, recoiling  |
āsphāla | m. the flapping motion of an elephant's ears towards each other  |
āsphālana | n. rubbing, stirring, flapping  |
āsphālana | n. striking  |
āsphālana | n. clashing, colliding, collision etc.  |
āsphālana | n. pride, arrogance  |
āsphālita | mfn. struck gently  |
āsphālita | mfn. stirred  |
āsphālita | mfn. caused to move  |
āsphālita | mfn. flapped, clapped, struck together.  |
āsphānaka | n. a particular meditation (?),  |
āsphāra | m. (fr. sphar-= sphal-?), a dice-board on  |
āsphāy | A1. -sphāyate-, to grow, increase  |
āsphoṭa | m. (andf(ā-). ) moving or flapping to and fro  |
āsphoṭa | m. quivering, trembling, shaking  |
āsphoṭa | m. the sound of clapping or striking on the arms (as made by combatants, wrestlers, etc.)  |
āsphoṭa | m. a species of plant  |
āsphota | m. (probably for ā-sphoṭa-above) , Name of several plants, viz. Calotropis Gigantea ( ), Bahinia Variegata, Echites Dichotoma  |
āsphotā | f. Name of several plants, viz. Jasminum Sambac ( ), Clitoria Ternatea (of two kinds, with white and blue flowers ), Echites Frutescens, Echites Dichotoma  |
āsphoṭaka | m. a species of plant  |
āsphotaka | m. Calotropis Gigantea  |
āsphoṭana | n. shaking, moving to and fro  |
āsphoṭana | n. slapping or clapping the arms or the noise made by it  |
āsphoṭana | n. stretching  |
āsphoṭana | n. blowing, expanding  |
āsphoṭana | n. closing, sealing  |
āsphoṭanī | f. a gimlet or auger  |
āsphujit | = Name of the planet Venus.  |
āsphul | equals ā-sphal- above.  |
āsphura | m. a place for gambling with dice (confer, compare ā-- sphāra-),  |
āsphuṭ | Caus. -sphoṭayati-, to split open, crush, grind ; to move, agitate quickly ; to shake  |
asphuṭa | mf(ā-)n. indistinct etc.  |
asphuṭa | mf(ā-)n. not quite correct, approximate (as a number)  |
asphuṭa | n. (in rhetoric) indistinct speech.  |
asphuṭabhāṣaṇa | mf(ā-)n. lisping,  |
asphuṭālaṃkāra | m. an indistinct embellishment of speech  |
asphuṭaphala | n. approximate result (as the gross area of a triangle etc.)  |
asraphalā | f. the plant Boswellia Thurifera Roxb.  |
aṣṭāśapha | (aṣṭ/ā-) mfn. having eight hoofs or claws  |
āśuphala | m. a kind of weapon  |
aśvaśapha | m. a horse's hoof.  |
aśvaśaphabudhna | mfn. having ground shaped like a horse's hoof.  |
aśvaśaphamātra | mfn. having the measure of a horse-hoof.  |
atisphira | mfn. very tremulous.  |
avākphala | mfn. having evil consequences,  |
avariph | (p. -riphat-) to utter a murmuring guttural sound  |
avasphoṭana | n. cracking the fingers,  |
avasphur | (future -sphuriṣyati-) to cast away  |
avasphūrj | (p. -sph/ūjat-) Ved.to thunder, make a noise like a thunder-clap etc. ; to snort (edition Bomb.) ; to fill with noise  |
avasphūrja | m. the rolling of thunder  |
avasphūrjathu | m. rolling of thunder, (varia lectio).  |
aviphala | mfn. not fruitless or vain.  |
ayaḥśapha | mfn. having iron hoofs  |
badaraphallī | f. a species of jujube tree  |
badarīphalā | f. a Vitex with blue flowers  |
baddhaphala | m. Pongamia Glabra  |
bahumālyaphala | mfn. rich in garlands and fruits  |
bahumūlaphalānvita | mfn. provided or furnished with many roots and fruits  |
bahuphala | mfn. "many-fruited", fertile  |
bahuphala | m. a particular fruit tree  |
bahuphala | m. Nauclea Cadamba  |
bahuphalā | f. Name of various plants (Solanum Indicum or another variety of Solanum;Glycine Debilis;a species of Convolvulus Turpethum;various kinds of cucurbitaceous plants, Flacourtia Cataphracta)  |
bāhuphala | n. (in geometry) the result from the base sine  |
bāhuphala | n. the sine of an arc of a circle of position contained between the sun and the prime vertical  |
bahuphalī | f. Name of various plants (Emblica Officinalis;Ficus Oppositifolia etc.)  |
bahuphālikā | f. a species of jujube  |
bahuphenā | f. a species of plant (equals sātala-)  |
bahuphenarasā | f. equals saptalā-  |
bahupuṣpaphalopeta | mfn. having many flowers and fruits  |
bahuvārakaphala | n. bahuvāraka |
baphāra | and babakāṇa- m. or n. (?) Name of places |
bhāgavatamuktāphala | n. Name of work  |
bhānuphalā | f. Musa Sapientum  |
bhāspheru |  |
bhastraphalā | prob. wrong reading for bhastrā-phalā-.  |
bhastrāphalā | f. a species of plant Va1rtt. 2  |
bhaṭṭaphalguna | m. Name of a man  |
bhāvaphala | n. Name of work  |
bhāvaphalādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
bhāveśaphala | n. Name of work  |
bhṛṅgīphala | m. Spondias Mangifera  |
bhujaphala | n. equals bāhu-phala-, the result from the base sine  |
bhūphala | m. Phaseolus Mungo  |
bhūphala | m. a kind of rat (see -pala-).  |
bhūriphalī | f. a species of shrub  |
bhūriphenā | f. a species of plant (equals saptalā-)  |
bhūsphoṭa | m. "earth-blister", a mushroom  |
bījaphalaka | m. Citrus Medica  |
bimbaphala | n. the bimba- fruit  |
bimbaphalādharoṣṭha | mfn. having lips as red as the bimba- fruit  |
binduphala | n. a pearl  |
brahmasphuṭasiddhānta | m. Name of an astronomy work by brahma-gupta- (also called brahma-siddhānta-):  |
bṛhatphala | mfn. having large fruit bringing great profit or reward  |
bṛhatphala | m. a species of Plant (equals caceṇḍā-)  |
bṛhatphala | m. plural Name of a class of Buddhist gods  |
bṛhatphalā | f. Name of various plants (a species of wild cucumber;Beninkasa Cerifera; equals mahājumbū- equals mahendra-vāruṇī-)  |
bṛhatsphij | m. "having large buttocks", Name of a man  |
buddhivisphuraṇa | m. a particular samādhi-  |
cakraphala | n. a missile weapon (kind of discus)  |
caphaṭṭaka | m. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) ) Name of a king gaRa kurv-ādi- ( and )  |
caphaṭṭaka | m. See cāphaṭṭaki-.  |
cāphaṭṭaki | m. patronymic fr. caphaṭṭaka- gaRa taulvaly-ādi-.  |
cāphaṭṭakya | m. idem or 'm. patronymic fr. caphaṭṭaka- gaRa taulvaly-ādi-.' gaRa kurv-ādi- ( )  |
cāruphalā | f. equals -gucchā-  |
catuḥśapha | (c/at-) mfn. four-hoofed  |
caturthaphala | n. the 2nd inequality or equation of a planet  |
catuṣphalā | f. "four-fruited", Uraria lagopodioides  |
cavyaphala | m. idem or 'f. Scindapsus officinalis '  |
chaṭāphala | m. the betel-nut tree  |
chidrāphala | n. a thorn-apple  |
churikāphala | n. equals kṣur-  |
citraphala | m. the fish Mystus Citala  |
citraphala | m. Cucumis sativus  |
citraphala | f(ā-, ī-). the fish Mystus Karpirat  |
citraphalā | f. Name of several plants (cirbhiṭā-, mṛgervāru-, citra-devī-, vārtākī- kaṇṭakāri-)  |
citraphalaka | m. a tablet for painting  |
citraphalaka | m. a painting and (in Prakrit)  |
citraphalaka | m. and (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
citrarepha | m. Name of a son of medhātithi- (king of śāka-dvīpa-)  |
cukraphala | n. the tamarind fruit  |
dadhiphala | m. Feronia elephantum (its fruit having the acid taste of d/adhi-)  |
dāḍimaphala | n. the kernel or seed of a pomegranate,  |
dālimaphala | n. a pomegranate  |
dantaphala | m. Feronia elephantum  |
dantaphala | n. equals -puṣpa-  |
dantaphalā | f. long pepper  |
dantaphala | n. Name of a gourd  |
dantaśopha | m. swelling of the gums  |
dapharakhāna | m. Zaphar Khan (Sultan),  |
dāruphala | m. or n. Pistachio (tree and nut)  |
dāruphalaka | n. window-shutter  |
daśāphala | n. result of condition of life, future fate of a man,  |
daśāphala | n. Name of work  |
daśaphalavrata | n. Name of an observance  |
dāśaphalī | f. ( dāsī--).  |
deśāntaraphala | n. the equation for difference of meridian  |
dhānāphalavratakathā | f. Name of work  |
dhārāphala | m. Name of a tree with prickly fruits (= madana-)  |
dhātrīphala | n. the fruit of Emblica Officinalis  |
dhūmravṛttaphalā | f. a kind of gourd  |
dhvāṅkṣatuṇḍaphala | m.  |
dhyānaphala | n. "fruit of meditation", Name of chapter of  |
digdhaphala | n. the point of a poisoned arrow, .  |
dīkṣāphala | n. "the fruit of initiation", Name of a chapter of the  |
dīptaphala | mf(ā-)n. bearing glorious fruit,  |
dīrghaphala | mfn. having long fruit  |
dīrghaphala | m. Name of plants (Cathartocarpus Fistula, Butea Frondosa, Asclepias Gigantea)  |
dīrghaphalā | f. a red-colouring Oldenlandia  |
dīrghaphala | m. a vine with reddish grapes  |
dīrghaphala | m. Odina Pennata  |
dīrghaphala | m. a kind of cucumber =  |
dīrghaphalaka | m. Agati Grandiflora  |
dīrghavṛttaphalā | (vṛnta--?) f. a kind of gourd  |
doṣaphala | n. the fruit or consequence of a sin  |
doṣaphala | mfn. sinful, wicked  |
dṛḍhaphala | m. "having hard fruit", the cocoa-nut tree  |
dṛmph | cl.6 P. to pain, torture  |
dṛmphū | or bhū- See dṛnphū- etc.  |
dṛnphū | m. a kind of snake (varia lectio dṛmphū-).  |
dṛph | cl.6 P. to pain, torture  |
dṛśāsphutamālā | (or śā-sph-?) f. Name of work  |
dṛṣṭiphala | n. "the results of the aspect of the planets", Name of chapter of  |
dṛṣṭiphalabhāvādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
dugdhaphena | m. the froth of milk, cream  |
dugdhaphenī | f. a kind of small shrub (equals gojā-parṇī-, payaḥ-phenī-,etc.)  |
duḥsphoṭa | m. "difficult to be burst", a sort of weapon  |
duphāra | m. Name of a place  |
duruḥpha | m. (astrology) Name of the 15th yoga- (varia lectio durapha-and durupha-).  |
dvādaśabhāvaphala | n. Name of work  |
dvādaśarāśiphala | n. Name of work  |
dvaitanirṇayaphakkikā | f. dvaitanirṇaya |
dvāraphalaka | n. equals kapāṭa-  |
dvirepha | m. "shaped like 2 r's or having 2 r's in its name (bhramara-)?", a large black bee etc.  |
dvirephacaya | m. ( ) a flight or swarm of bees.  |
dvirephagaṇasaṃkulā | f. Rosa Glanulifera  |
dvirephagaṇasammitā | f. a kind of rose  |
dvirephamālā | f. ( ) a flight or swarm of bees.  |
dvirephavṛnda | n. ( ) a flight or swarm of bees.  |
dviśapha | mfn. cloven-hoofed  |
dviśapha | m. a cloven-hoofed animal  |
dvitīyatriphalā | f. the 2nd set of 3 fruits (viz grape, date, and the fruit of Gnielina Arborea) |
dyūtaphalaka | n. gambling-board  |
ekaphalā | f. producing only one fruit, Name of a plant  |
ekaśapha | mfn. whole-hoofed, not cloven-hoofed, solidungulate etc.  |
ekaśapha | m. a whole-hoofed animal (as a horse etc.)  |
ekaśapha | n. the race of solidungulate animals  |
ekasphyā | f. (scilicet lekhā-) a line scratched with one piece of wood  |
elāphala | n. equals elavālu-.  |
eraṇḍaphalā | f. idem or ' Name (also title or epithet) of a town, '  |
gajadantaphalā | f. a kind of pumpkin  |
gaṇḍaphalaka | n. the cheek fancifully regarded as a flat piece of wood (see -bhitti-)  |
gandhaphala | m. "having a fragrant fruit", Feronia elephantum  |
gandhaphala | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
gandhaphala | m. the plant tejaḥ-phala-  |
gandhaphalā | f. the plant priyaṃgu-  |
gandhaphalā | f. Trigonella foenum graecum  |
gandhaphalā | f. Batatas paniculata  |
gandhaphalā | f. the Olibanum tree  |
gandhaphala | f. equals -mohinī-  |
gandhaphalī | f. the plant priyaṃgu-,  |
garjāphala | m. Asteracantha longifolia.  |
gauphila | See laka-.  |
gauphilaka | m. patronymic gaRa śivādi- ( ; la-and gauhila- ; lika- varia lectio gaubhilika-).  |
gauphileya | mfn. fr. gophila- gaRa sakhy-ādi- (gaubhil- )  |
gayasphāna | mfn. equals -s/ādhana-  |
gayasphāna | mfn. ( )  |
gayasphāti | (g/aya--) f. for p/aya-sph- (= p/ayaḥ-sph-)  |
gayasphāyana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. ( )' Va1rtt. 7  |
ghanakapha | m. "cloud-phlegm", hail  |
ghanaphala | m. "thick-fruited", Asteracantha longifolia  |
ghanaphala | n. the solid or cubical contents of a body.  |
ghoṇṭāphala | n. the betel-nut  |
ghoṇṭāphala | m. Uraria lagopodioides  |
gocaraphala | n. Name of  |
gophaṇā | f. a bandage hollowed out to fit the chin or nose etc.  |
gophaṇikā | f. idem or 'f. a bandage hollowed out to fit the chin or nose etc. ' ,  |
gophila | gaRa sakhy-ādi- (gobh- ; gop-and goh- vv.ll.)  |
gośapha | m. a cow's hoof  |
gosphuraṇa | n. a twitching of any particular part of the hide of a cow (as on being touched etc.)  |
grahaṇaphala | n. Name of two astronomical works.  |
grahavarṣaphala | n. Name of (describing the good and evil fortune belonging to certain days, months, or years ruled over by particular planets) .  |
grāhiphala | m. "having astringent fruits", Feronica elephantum  |
granthimatphala | m. "bulb-fruited", Artocarpus Lacucha  |
granthiphala | m. "knotty-fruited", Feronia elephantum  |
granthiphala | m. Vanguiera spinosa : the plant sākuruṇḍa-  |
gucchaphala | m. "bunch-fruited", a kind of karañja- (riṭhā-karañja-)  |
gucchaphala | m. Strychnos potatorum  |
gucchaphala | m. Mimusops hexandra  |
gucchaphalā | f. equals -dantikā-  |
gucchaphalā | f. the vine  |
gucchaphalā | f. Solanum indicum  |
gucchaphalā | f. Solanum Jacquini  |
gucchaphalā | f. a kind of leguminous plant (niṣpāvī-)  |
guḍaphala | m. Careya arborea or Salvadora persica  |
guḍaphala | m. (equals gūḍha-ph-) jujube  |
gūḍhagulphatā | f. the having the ankle hidden (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-),  |
gūḍhaphala | m. "hidden-fruited", for guḍaph-  |
gulpha | m. (equals kulph/a-; gal- ) the ancle etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).[ ] ) .  |
gulphadaghna | mfn. reaching down to the ancle  |
gulphadvayasa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. reaching down to the ancle '  |
gulphajāha | n. the root of the ancle gaRa karṇādi-.  |
gulphinī | f. (for lminī-?) an army  |
gulphita | n. (equals guṣpit/a-) accumulation (see vi-gulpha-.)  |
gumph | (= guph-) cl.6 P. phati- ( ; ind.p. gumphitvā-[ ] ) , to string together, tie or string as a garland : Causal phayati- idem or 'n. equals guṃ-kāra-, '  |
gumpha | m. tying or stringing as a garland  |
gumpha | m. stringing, filing, combining with each other  |
gumpha | m. a bracelet  |
gumpha | m. a whisker  |
gumphaka | mf(ikā-)n. See mauktika--.  |
gumphana | n. winding (a garland)  |
gumphana | n. stringing, filing (as words)  |
gumphanā | f. idem or 'n. stringing, filing (as words) ' (among the śabdālaṃkārāḥ-)  |
gumphana | f. See mauktika--. |
gumphanikā | f. "word-garland", a literary composition,  |
gumphita | mfn. tied, strung together  |
gumphita | mfn. arranged, placed in order  |
gundraphalā | f. Aglaia Roxburghiana  |
guph | (= gumph-) cl.6. phati- ( Vii, 1, 59 ; ind.p. guphitvā-, ) , to string together, tie or string as a garland  |
guphita | mfn. (fr. guṣpit/a-), arranged, placed in order  |
hāmpha | (?)  |
hāphikā | f. gaping, yawning  |
hāraphala | n. a necklace of five strings  |
hāraphalaka | n. a necklace of five strings  |
harṣotphullalocana | mfn. one whose eyes are opened wide in rapture  |
hastidantaphalā | f. Cucumis Utilissimus  |
hāyanaphala | n. Name of work  |
hemaphalā | f. "having golden fruit", a kind of plantain  |
hillājagrahaphala | n. Name of work  |
hrasvaphala | m. "having small fruit or kernels", the date tree  |
hrasvaphalā | f. the tree bhūmi-jambū-.  |
hrasvaśākhāśipha | m. "having short branch roots", a small tree, shrub  |
hṛtsphoṭa | m. breaking of the heart, broken heart  |
hṛtsphoṭam | ind. (to die) of a broken heart  |
huḍaromāśrayaphalā | f. a kind of shrub  |
hūmpha | (of unknown meaning)  |
humphaḍanta | m. plural (scilicet mantrāḥ-) mystical texts ending in the exclamations hum- and phaṭ-  |
icchāphala | n. (in mathematics) result or solution of a question or problem.  |
indraphala | n. equals indra-yava- q.v  |
induphala | m. Spondias Mangifera  |
induśapharī | f. Bauhinia Tomentosa  |
īsarāpha | m. (fr. the Arabic), Name of the fourth yoga- (in astrology)  |
jaghanephalā | f. "last-ripening."Ficus oppositifolia  |
jalaphala | n. the nut of Trapa bispinosa  |
jalaphena | m. "water-froth", os Sepiae  |
janapriyaphalā | f. the egg-plant  |
janmasāphalya | n. attainment of the object or end of existence  |
jantuphala | m. Ficus glomerata  |
jānuprahṛtaphalaka | n. the knee-pan  |
jātiphala | n. equals -kośa-  |
jātīphala | n. equals ti-ph-  |
jātīphala | n.  |
jātīphalā | f. Emblica officinalis  |
jātīphalā | f. equals tī.ph-  |
jīrṇaphañjī | f. equals -dāru-  |
jīvasāphalya | n. realisation of a life's wishes  |
kacaripuphalā | f. equals śamī- q.v  |
kākaphala | m. the tree Azadirachta Indica (nimba-)  |
kākaphalā | f. a kind of jambū-  |
kākasphūrja | m. the plant Diospyrus tomentosa  |
kākeṣṭaphalā | f. a kind of plant  |
kalkaphala | m. the pomegranate plant  |
kāmaphala | m. a species of mango tree  |
kamphilla | vv.ll. for the above.  |
kamphilla | m. varia lectio for kapphiṇa- q.v  |
kanakaphala | n. the seed of Croton Tiglium.  |
kandaphalā | f. Name of a cucurbitaceous plant  |
kāṇḍaphala | m. the plant Ficus glomerata  |
kaṇṭakaphala | m. Artocarpus Integrifolia  |
kaṇṭakaphala | m. Ruellia Longifolia  |
kaṇṭakaphala | m. (the term is applicable to any plant the fruit of which is invested with a hairy or thorny coat ; see kaṇṭaki-phala-.)  |
kaṇṭakiphala | m. equals kaṇṭaka-phala- q.v  |
kaṇṭapattraphalā | f. a particular plant  |
kaṇṭaphala | m. Name of several plants (Asteracantha Longifolia;bread-fruit tree;Datura Fastuosa;Guilandina Bonduc;Ricinus Communis)  |
kaṇṭaphalā | f. a sort of Cucurbita  |
kaṇṭāphala | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
kapālasphoṭa | m. "splitting the skull", Name of a rakṣas-  |
kapha | m. phlegm (as one of the three humors of the bodySee also vāyu-and pitta-)  |
kapha | m. watery froth or foam in general (see abdhik-, megha-k-,etc.)  |
kaphada | mfn. equals -kara- above.  |
kaphagaṇḍa | m. a particular disease of the throat,  |
kaphaghna | mf(ī-)n. removing phlegm, antiphlegmatic, curing colds (said of several plants) |
kaphaghnī | f. a particular plant  |
kaphagulma | m. a disease of the belly.  |
kaphahara | mfn. removing phlegm, antiphlegmatic  |
kaphahṛt | mfn. idem or 'mfn. removing phlegm, antiphlegmatic '  |
kaphaja | mfn. arising from or produced by phlegm  |
kaphajvara | m. fever arising from excess of phlegm.  |
kaphakara | mfn. producing phlegm  |
kaphakara | mfn. occasioning cold.  |
kaphakarakṣaya | m. pulmonary consumption.  |
kaphakarakūrcikā | f. saliva, spittle  |
kaphala | mfn. phlegmatic  |
kāphala | m. equals kaṭphala-  |
kaphanāśana | mfn. equals -ghna- above.  |
kaphaṇi | mf. the elbow  |
kaphāntaka | m. Name of a plant  |
kaphāntika | m. Name of a plant  |
kaphaprāya | m. phlegmatic  |
kaphāri | m. dry ginger  |
kaphasaṃbhava | mfn. arising from phlegm  |
kaphātmaka | mfn. phlegmatic  |
kaphauḍa | m. the elbow (? )  |
kaphavairin | m. idem or 'n. black pepper '  |
kaphavardhaka | mfn. exciting or increasing phlegm.  |
kaphavardhana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. exciting or increasing phlegm.'  |
kaphavardhana | m. a species of Tabernaemontana.  |
kaphavātika | mfn. (fr. kaphavāta-), one in whom phlegm and wind prevail.  |
kaphavirodhin | mfn. obstructing the phlegm  |
kaphavirodhin | n. black pepper  |
kaphelū | m. Cardia Latifolia commentator or commentary on  |
kaphila | vv.ll. for the above.  |
kaphin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. phlegmatic '  |
kaphin | m. an elephant  |
kaphin | m. varia lectio for kapphiṇa- q.v  |
kaphina | vv.ll. for the above.  |
kaphinī | f. Name of a river  |
kaphoṇi | mf. the elbow  |
kaphoṇighāta | m. a stroke with the elbow  |
kaphoṇiguḍa | m. a ball on the elbow (as a symbol of unsteadiness or uncertainty).  |
kaphoṇiguḍāya | Nom. A1. āyate-, to be like a ball on the elbow id est to be unsteady or uncertain  |
kapikacchuphalopamā | f. a kind of creeping plant  |
kapilaphalā | f. equals -drākṣā- above.  |
kapilomaphalā | f. idem or 'm. an arm, '  |
kapiromaphalā | f. Mucuna Pruritus  |
kapitthaphala | m. a species of Mango tree  |
kapolaphalaka | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).), the cheekbone  |
kapphilla | vv.ll. for the above.  |
kapphiṇa | m. Name of a man ( )  |
karaṇḍaphalaka | m. Feronia Elephantum  |
karañjaphalaka | m. Feronia Elephantum  |
karaphu | a particular high number ( )  |
karasphoṭa | m. extending the hands  |
karasphoṭa | (2. kara-sphoṭa-;for 1.See) m. extending the rays.  |
karburaphala | m. a particular plant  |
karkaphala | n. Name of a plant  |
karmaphala | n. the fruit or recompense of actions (as pain, pleasure etc., resulting from previous acts or acts in a former life)  |
karmaphala | n. the fruit of Averrhoa Carambola  |
karmaphalahetu | mfn. one who is actuated by the (thought of the) result of his acts,  |
karmaphalodaya | m. the appearance of consequences of actions  |
karṇaphala | m. a sort of fish (Ophiocephalus Kurrawey)  |
karṇāsphāla | m. the flapping to and fro of an elephant's ears  |
karṇasphoṭā | f. Gynandropsis pentaphylla  |
karphara | m. a mirror (see karkara-.)  |
karśapha | m. a class of imps or goblins  |
karṣaphala | m. Terminalia Bellerica  |
karṣaphalā | f. Emblica officinalis  |
kartarīphala | n. the blade of a knife  |
kāśaphareya | mfn. fr. pharī-  |
kāśapharī | f. gaRa nady-ādi-.  |
kaṣphila | m. Name of a bhikṣu- (kasphila- edition Calc.)  |
kasphila | m. Name of a Buddhist bhikṣu- (varia lectio for kaṣphila-).  |
kāṣṭhadhātrīphala | n. the fruit of the plant Emblica officinalis  |
kataphala | n. = the next.  |
kaṭhinaphala | m. Feronia Elephantum  |
kāṭhinyaphala | n. the plant Feronia Elephantum (kapittha-)  |
kaṭphala | m. (for kaṭu-phala-,but different in meaning from it), Name of a small tree (found in the north-west of Hindustan, the aromatic bark and seeds of which are used in medicine;the fruit is eaten;the common name is Kayaphal)  |
kaṭphalā | f. Name of several plants.  |
kaṭphala | See above.  |
kaṭukaphala | n. Name of a plant (equals kakkolaka-) |
kaṭuphala | m. Trichosanthes Dioeca  |
kaṭuphalā | f. Luffa Foetida  |
kaṭuphala | n. a species of plant.  |
kauśikaphala | m. the cocoa-nut (said to have been created by viśvā-mitra- id est kauśika-, when endeavouring to form a human being in rivalry of brahmā-, the nut being the rudiment of a head )  |
kauṭaphala | n. a fruit of kauṭa-  |
keśahantṛphalā | f. "having fruits that destroy the hair" equals -damanī-  |
keśahṛtphalā | f. equals -hantṛ-ph-  |
khaḍgaphala | n. equals -dhārā-  |
khaṇḍaphaṇa | m. a kind of serpent  |
khaṇḍasphuṭapratisaṃskaraṇa | n. repairing of dilapidations  |
khaṇḍasphuṭapratisaṃskaraṇa | n. (pāli- ṇḍa-phulla--.)  |
khasaphalakṣīra | n. poppy-juice, opium  |
khasphaṭika | m. "aerial crystal", N. for the sun- and moon-gem (sūrya-kānta-and candra-k-; see ākāśa-sph-)  |
kimphala | mfn. giving what kind of fruit?  |
kośaphala | n. the scrotum  |
kośaphala | n. a nutmeg  |
kośaphala | n. a kind of perfume (a berry containing a waxy and fragrant substance)  |
kośaphala | m. Luffa foetida or a similar plant  |
kośaphalā | f. a cucurbitaceous plant (equals pīta-ghoṣā-)  |
kośaphala | m. the plant Cucumis utilissimus  |
kośaphala | m. the plant Ipomoea Turpethum  |
kramukaphala | n. the Areca nut  |
kratuphala | n. the reward of a sacrifice, object for which it is performed.  |
kriyāphala | n. result or consequence of acts.  |
kṛmiphala | m. the tree Ficus glomerata  |
kroṣṭuphala | m. Terminalia Catappa  |
kṛṣiphala | n. harvest  |
kṛṣṇapākaphala | m. idem or 'm. Carissa Carandas (bearing a small fruit which, when ripe, is of a black colour;commonly Karinda or Karonda) '  |
kṛṣṇaphala | m. "having a black fruit", equals -pāka-  |
kṛṣṇaphalā | f. the plant Vernonia anthelminthica  |
kṛṣṇaphalā | f. a variety of Mucuna  |
kṛṣṇaśapha | (ṣṇ/a--) mfn. having black hoofs (= )  |
kṛṣṭaphala | n. the product of a harvest  |
kṛtaphala | mfn. "fruitful", successful  |
kṛtaphalā | f. Name of a plant (equals kola-śimbī-)  |
kṛtaphala | n. consequence of an act, result  |
kṛtaphala | n. Name of a poisonous substance  |
kṣamāśipha | mfn. having patience as fibres (said of the tree of knowledge), . 1.  |
kṣemaphalā | f. Ficus oppositifolia |
kṣemāphalā | for ma-ph-  |
kṣetraphala | n. (in geometry) the superficial contents of a figure  |
kṣīragucchaphala | m. Mimusops Kauki  |
kṣīraphala | m. Carissa Carandas  |
kṣīrasphaṭika | m. a precious stone (described as a kind of milky crystal, perhaps a species of opal)  |
kṣudrajātīphala | n. a kind of Myrobalan  |
kṣudraphalā | f. "having small fruits", Name of several plants (Ardisia solanacea, Solanum Jacquini, etc.)  |
kṣudraphalaka | m. Name of a plant (equals jīvana-,Celtis orientalis)  |
kṣudrasphoṭa | m. a pustule  |
kṣurikāphala | n. the blade (of a dagger)  |
kucaphala | m. "having fruits shaped like the female breast", the pomegranate  |
kucaphala | m. the plant Feronia elephantum  |
kulpha | m. (equals gulph/a-;3. kal- ) the ankle  |
kulpha | mn. a disease  |
kulphadaghna | mfn. reaching down to the ancle  |
kumbhaphalā | f. the plant Cucurbita Pepo  |
kuñcaphalā | f. a kind of gourd (Beninkasa cerifera)  |
kusumaphala | m. the plant Croton Tamalgota  |
laghupattraphalā | f. Ficus Oppositifolia  |
laghusadāphalā | f. Ficus Oppositifolia  |
lājasphoṭam | ind. (with sphuṭ-) to crack asunder like parched grain  |
lakṣmīphala | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
lalāṭaphalaka | n. the flat surface of the forehead  |
lambasphic | mfn. having large or protuberant buttocks  |
lampha | m. a leap, spring, jump (see jhampa-).  |
lamphana | See ul-- and pra-l-.  |
lāṅgalaphāla | m. n. a ploughshare  |
lasopharañja | m. or n. (?) Name of a place  |
lāsphoṭanī | f. equals āsphoṭanī-, a gimlet, auger  |
latāphala | n. the fruit of Trichosanthes Dioeca  |
lavalīphalapāṇḍura | mfn. pale as the fruit of the Lavail tree  |
liṅgapūjāphala | n. Name of work  |
liṅgaśopha | m. swelling on the penis  |
lipiphalaka | n. a writing-tablet, leaf for writing on  |
lomaphala | n. the fruit of Dillenia Indica  |
madanaphala | n. the fruit of Vanguiera Spinosa  |
madanecchāphala | n. a species of mango  |
madhuphala | m. a kind of cocoa-nut tree  |
madhuphala | m. Flacourtia Sapida  |
madhuphalā | f. water-melon  |
madhuphalā | f. a kind of grape  |
madhuphalikā | f. a kind of date  |
madhurāmlaphala | m. a species of fruit-tree  |
madhuraphala | m. a species of jujube  |
madhuraphalā | f. the sweet melon  |
mādhvīkaphala | m. a species of cocoa-nut tree  |
mahābhāratasphuṭaśloka | m. plural Name of work  |
mahābhāṣyasphūrti | f. Name of commentaries on the mahā-bhāṣya-.  |
mahākośaphalā | f. a species of gourd  |
mahāphala | n. a great fruit  |
mahāphala | n. a testicle  |
mahāphala | n. great reward  |
mahāphala | mf(ā-)n. having great fruits, bearing much fruit  |
mahāphala | mf(ā-)n. bringing a rich reward  |
mahāphala | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
mahāphalā | f. (only ) a kind of colocynth |
mahāphala | m. the big jujube  |
mahāphala | m. a species of jambū-  |
mahāphala | m. a citron tree  |
mahāphala | m. a kind of spear.  |
mahāphaṇaka | m. Name of a nāga-  |
mahāpheṇā | f. Os Sepiae  |
mahāpheṭkārīya | n. Name of a tantra-  |
mahārājaphala | m. a kind of mango  |
mahāśaphara | m. a species of carp  |
mākṣikaphala | m. a species of cocoa-nut  |
mālāphala | n. the seed of Elaeocarpus Ganitrus (employed for rosaries)  |
mālatīphala | n. a nutmeg  |
māṃsalaphalā | f. Solanum Melongena  |
māṃsaphala | m. Cucurbita Citrullus  |
māṃsaphalā | f. Solanum Melongena  |
mandaphala | n. (in astronomy) equation of the apsis or (according to some) the anomalous motion of a planet  |
mandaphala | mfn. bearing little fruit or having unimportant results  |
maṇitthavarṣaphala | n. Name of work  |
mañjiphalā | f. Musa Sapientum  |
mantraphala | n. fruit of counsel or advice  |
maphira | (?) , Name of a place  |
māraphī | (?) f. (in music) . a particular rāgiṇī-  |
marutphala | n. "fruit of the wind", hail  |
māsādibhāvaphala | n. Name of work  |
māsaphala | mf(ā-)n. having results in, a month  |
māseśvaraphala | n. Name of work  |
mātuluṅgaphala | n. the fruit of the citron tree, a citron  |
maṭusphaṭi | m. incipient arrogance or pride (= darpārambha-)  |
mauktikagumphikā | f. a female stringer of properly  |
maulikapha | m. the phlegm secreted in the head,  |
māyāphala | n. a gall-nut  |
māyiphala | n. a gall-nut  |
meghakapha | m. "cloud-lump", hail  |
meghavisphūrjita | n. the rumbling of cloud, thundering  |
meghavisphūrjitā | f. a particular metre  |
mirapha | m. or n. (?) a particular high number  |
miśravarṇaphalā | f. Solanum-Melongena  |
mithyāphala | n. an imaginary or vain advantage |
mṛdaṃgaphala | m. the bread fruit-tree  |
mṛdaṃgaphala | n. Luffa Acutangula  |
mṛdaṃgaphalinī | f. equals mṛdaṃgī-  |
mṛduphala | m. Flacourtia Sapida  |
mṛduphala | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
mṛduphala | m. a species of cocoa-nut tree  |
mṛgaśapha | m. a stag's hoof  |
mṛtphalī | f. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus  |
mṛtyuphala | m. a species of cucumber  |
mṛtyuphalā | f. Musa Sapientum  |
mṛtyuphala | n. a sort of fruit considered as poisonous  |
mṛtyuphalī | f. Musa Sapientum  |
mudgaraphala | m. Averrhoa Carambola  |
mudiraphala | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
mugdhagaṇḍaphalaka | mfn. (a face compared to a young lotus) whose pericarps are lovely cheeks  |
mukhaphullaka | n. a kind of ornament  |
mukhaśapha | mfn. foul-mouthed, scurrilous  |
muktāphala | n. a pearls etc.  |
muktāphala | n. a species of flower  |
muktāphala | n. the fruit of the lavali- plant  |
muktāphala | n. camphor  |
muktāphala | n. Name of work  |
muktāphala | m. Name of a king of the śabara-s  |
muktāphaladhvaja | m. Name of a king  |
muktāphalajala | n. equals muktā-j- (q.v)  |
muktāphalaketu | m. Name of a king of the vidyā-dhara-s,  |
muktāphalalatā | f. a string of pearls  |
muktāphalamaya | mfn. formed of pearls  |
muktāphalaparīkṣā | f. Name of chapter of work  |
muktāphalatā | f. the being a pearl state of a pearls,  |
muktaphūtkāra | mfn. uttering a scream, screaming  |
muktaphūtkṛti | f. uttering a shriek, shrieking, hissing  |
muktāsphoṭa | m. a pearls-oyster  |
muktāsphoṭā | f. a pearls-oyster  |
mūlaphala | n. sg. roots and fruits,  |
mūlaphala | n. the interest of capital  |
mūlaphalada | m. the jaka- or bread fruit tree  |
mūlaphalāśana | n. feeding on roots and fruits  |
mūlaphalāśana | mf(ā-)n. aśana |
muṇḍaphala | m. a cocoa-nut tree (the fruit being one step towards a human head made by viśvāmitra-, when attempting a creation in opposition to that, of brahmā-)  |
munthāphalavicāra | m. Name of work  |
murajaphala | m. Attocarpus Integrifolia  |
mūsariḥpha | and mūsarīpha- = $ (in astrology) Name of the fourth yoga-.  |
muṣkaśopha | m. swelling of the testicles,  |
mūtraphalā | f. Cucumis Utilissimus or another species of cucumber  |
nāgaphala | m. Trichosanthes Dioeca  |
nāgaphalā | f. Momordica Monadelpha  |
nāgapuṣpaphalā | f. Benincasa Ceriftra  |
nāgasphoṭā | f. Croton Pol |