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Monier-Williams Search
10 results for patu
abhrif. a wooden scraper or shovel, a spatula, spade View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhrikhāta(/abhri--) mfn. dug up with a spatula
ātap -t/apati- (imperative -tapatu-;See ā-t/apat-and ā-t/apas- ss.vv.) to radiate heat : Passive voice (parasmE-pada -tapyamāna-) to suffer pain, be afflicted ; (with tapas-) to inflict (austerities) upon one's self View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghaṭṭajīvinm. "living on a landing-place", a ferryman (commonly Patuni, son of a washerman by a vaiśya- woman;"an attendant at a landing-place, taking care of the clothes of the bathers etc." ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jap cl.1. j/apati- (rarely A1. ; perfect tense jajāpa-; 3. du. jepatur- ; infinitive mood japitum- ; ind.p. ptvā- ; pitvā- ) to utter in a low voice, whisper, mutter (especially prayers or incantations) etc. ; to pray to any one (accusative) in a low voice ; to invoke or call upon in a low voice : Intensive jañjapyate-, pīti- (; parasmE-pada py/amāna-) to whisper repeatedly (implying blame, )
cl.1 P. () p/ibati- (Ved. and Epic also A1. te-; rarely pipati-, te- ) cl.2. pāti-, pāth/as-, pānti- ; parasmE-pada A1. papān/a- , p/ipāna- (perfect tense P. pap/au-,2. sg. papātha- ; papitha- ; papīyāt- ; p. papiv/as- ; A1. pape-, papire- ; p. papān/a- ; Aorist or imperfect tense apāt- [ confer, compare ] ; 3. plural apuḥ-[?] ; -pāsta- ; preceding 3. sg. peyās- ; future pāsyati-, te- etc.; pātā- grammar; ind.p. pītv/ā- etc., tvī- ; -pāya- etc.; -pīya- ; pāyam- ; infinitive mood p/ibadhyai- ; pātum- etc.; p/ātave- ; p/ātava/ī- ), to drink, quaff, suck, sip, swallow (with accusative,rarely genitive case) etc. ; (met.) to imbibe, draw in, appropriate, enjoy, feast upon (with the eyes, ears etc.) etc. ; to drink up, exhaust, absorb ; to drink intoxicating liquors : Passive voice pīy/ate- etc. etc.: Causal pāyayati-, te- (perfect tense pāyayām āsā- ; Aorist apīpyat- ; ind.p. pāyayitvā- ; infinitive mood p/āyayitav/ai- ), to cause to drink, give to drink, water (horses or cattle) etc. etc.: Desiderative pipāsati- ( also pipīṣati-), to wish to drink, thirst : Desiderative of Causal pipāyayiṣati-, to wish or intend to give to drink : Intensive pepīyate- (parasmE-pada yamāna-also with pass meaning) , to drink greedily or repeatedly [ confer, compare Greek; AEolic = ; Latin pa1-tus,po1tum,biboforpi-bo; Slavonic or Slavonian pi-ja,pi-ti] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.2 P. () p/āti- (imperative pāh/i-; pr. p. P. p/āt- A1. pān/a- ; perfect tense papau- grammar; Aorist apāsīt- subjunctive pāsati- ; future pāsyati-, pātā- grammar; preceding pāyāt- ; infinitive mood pātum- ), to watch, keep, preserve ; to protect from, defend against (ablative) etc. ; to protect (a country) id est rule, govern ; to observe, notice, attend to, follow : Causal pālayati- See pāl-: Desiderative pīpāsati- grammar : Intensive pāpāyate-, pāpeti-, pāpāti- [ confer, compare Zend pa1,paiti; Greek , , etc.; Latin pa-sco,pa-bulum; Lithuanian pe0-mu4] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāttvikam. a state of body caused by some natural emotion (constituting a class of 8 bhāva-s holding a middle place between the sthāyi-- and vyabhicāri-bhāva-s, viz. stambha-, sveda-, romāñca-, svara-vikāra-, vepathu-, varṇavikāra-, aśru-, pralaya-,qq. vv.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tṛp cl.4. t/ṛpyati- ([ etc.;metrically also te-]) cl.5. [Subj. 2. sg. tṛpṇ/avas- imperative ṇuhi-, ṇut/am- (See also /a-tṛpṇuvat-); noti- and gaRa kṣubhnādi-] cl.6. [2. sg. tṛmp/asi- imperative p/a-, patu-,etc. ; see Va1rtt. 1 ; tṛpati- ; perfect tense parasmE-pada A1. tātṛpāṇ/a- ; P. tatarpa-;3. plural tātṛpur- ; Aorist atṛpat- or atrāpsīt- vArttika; atarpīt-, atārpsīt- ; future 1st tarpiṣyati-(but see ), tarpsy-, trapsy-; Conditional atrapsyat- ; future 2nd tarpitā-, ptā-, traptā- on ] to satisfy one's self, become satiated or satisfied, be pleased with (genitive case instrumental case,or rarely locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' gnis tṛpyati kāṣṭhānām-,"fire is not satisfied with wood"; /atṛpyan brāhmaṇ/ā dh/anaiḥ-,"the brahman-s were pleased with wealth") etc. ; to enjoy (with ablative) ; to satisfy, please : cl.1. tarpati-, to kindle : Causal tarpayati-, rarely te- (imperfect tense atarpayat- etc.; parasmE-pada tarp/ayat- ; Aorist atītṛpat- ; /atītṛpāma- ; infinitive mood t/arpayitav/ai- ) to satiate, satisfy, refresh, gladden etc. ; A1. to become satiated or satisfied ; to kindle : Desiderative (subjunctive t/itṛpsāt-) to wish to enjoy : Causal Desiderative (Potential titarpayiṣet-) to wish to satiate or refresh or satisfy : Intensive tarītṛpyate-, tarītarpti-, trapti- ; ([ see tṛph-;.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udvapP. -v/apati-, (perfect tense 2. dual number -ūp/athus-and -ūpathus- ) to pour out, take out ; to scrape, dig up ; to throw away, destroy, annul : Causal -vāpayati-, to cause to pour out or away ; to cause to dig up View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
upatu उपतुला A part of the column (Bṛi. S.5.53.3).
Macdonell Search
1 result
apatuṣāra a. free from mist; -tâ, f. abst. n.
Vedabase Search
7 results
āpatu obtainedSB 10.8.25
āpatu they both experiencedSB 10.45.10
mudam āpatu became joyfulSB 11.7.60
jugupatu ruledSB 3.21.2
mudam āpatu became joyfulSB 11.7.60
suṣupatu the two of Them sleptSB 10.15.46
vilepatu They both lamentedSB 10.57.9
Wordnet Search
"patu" has 1 results.



ekaṃ sthānam ।

kaśyapatuṅgasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate

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