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Monier-Williams Search
5 results for pastya
pastyan. (fr. pas-and tya-[?]; confer, compare paś-ca-), a stall, stable (as the back-building? but confer, compare also Latin postis) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pastyasadm. a member of a family View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśvapastya(/āśva--5) mfn. having horses in the stable, filling the stable with horses View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tripastyamfn. having 3 dwellings (agni-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vājapastya(v/āja--) mfn. possessing or bestowing a house full of wealth or treasure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
pastyam पस्त्यम् 1 A house, habitation, abode; पस्त्यं प्रयातुमथ तं प्रभुरापपृच्छे Kīr. K.9.74. -2 Household, family. -3 Ved. Divine progeny. -4 A man. -5 A priest. -स्त्या The goddess presiding over domestic affairs; प्र पस्त्याम- दितिं सिन्धुमर्कैः स्वस्तिमीळे सख्याय देवीम् Rv.4.55;3;8.27.5.
Macdonell Search
1 result
pastya n. stall; â, f. pl. homestead, dwelling, household.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
1 result1 result
pastyasad (‘ Sitting in the house ’) occurs in one passage of the Rigveda, where the sense seems to be ‘inmate,’ ‘com­panion.’
1 result
pastya noun (neuter) a stall (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
stable (as the back-building) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 57625/72933
Wordnet Search
"pastya" has 1 results.


gṛham, geham, udvasitam, veśma, sadma, niketanam, niśāntam, natsyam, sadanam, bhavanam, agāram, sandiram, gṛhaḥ, nikāyaḥ, nilayaḥ, ālayaḥ, vāsaḥ, kuṭaḥ, śālā, sabhā, pastyam, sādanam, āgāram, kuṭiḥ, kuṭī, gebaḥ, niketaḥ, sālā, mandirā, okaḥ, nivāsaḥ, saṃvāsaḥ, āvāsaḥ, adhivāsaḥ, nivasati, vasati, ketanam, gayaḥ, kṛdaraḥ, gartaḥ, harmyam, astam, duroṇe, nīlam, duryāḥ, svasarāṇi, amā, dame, kṛttiḥ, yoniḥ, śaraṇam, varūtham, chardichadi, chāyā, śarma, ajam   

manuṣyaiḥ iṣṭikādibhiḥ vinirmitaṃ vāsasthānam।

gṛhiṇyā eva gṛhaṃ śobhate।

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