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25 results for pape
abhayapattran. (a modern term) , a written document or paper granting assurance of safety, a safe conduct. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cīrakāf. a public announcement on a slip of paper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmādharmaparīkṣāf. the test of right and wrong, a kind of ordeal by drawing lots or slips of black and white paper Scholiast or Commentator on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmādharmaparīkṣaṇan. the test of right and wrong, a kind of ordeal by drawing lots or slips of black and white paper Scholiast or Commentator on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janmapattran. "nativity-paper", horoscope (paper or scroll on which are recorded the year, lunar day, configuration, and relative position of the planets, of any one's birth, table of his fortunes throughout life) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kācana n. a string or tape or wrapper which ties or keeps together a parcel or bundle of papers or leaves of a manuscript etc. (see kacela-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kācanakan. a string or tape or wrapper which ties or keeps together a parcel or bundle of papers or leaves of a manuscript etc. (see kacela-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāgadan. paper (Hindustani kāghaś-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārpāsamn. paper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khallam. a little case or cap formed by rolling up paper etc. (used for holding any small articles of grocery) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lagnapattrikāf. a paper on which the auspicious moment for a marriage etc. is noted down View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lipikāf. lipi-, a writing, written paper etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mudrikāf. a sealed or signed paper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.1 P. () p/ibati- (Ved. and Epic also A1. te-; rarely pipati-, te- ) cl.2. pāti-, pāth/as-, pānti- ; parasmE-pada A1. papān/a- , p/ipāna- (perfect tense P. pap/au-,2. sg. papātha- ; papitha- ; papīyāt- ; p. papiv/as- ; A1. pape-, papire- ; p. papān/a- ; Aorist or imperfect tense apāt- [ confer, compare ] ; 3. plural apuḥ-[?] ; -pāsta- ; preceding 3. sg. peyās- ; future pāsyati-, te- etc.; pātā- grammar; ind.p. pītv/ā- etc., tvī- ; -pāya- etc.; -pīya- ; pāyam- ; infinitive mood p/ibadhyai- ; pātum- etc.; p/ātave- ; p/ātava/ī- ), to drink, quaff, suck, sip, swallow (with accusative,rarely genitive case) etc. ; (met.) to imbibe, draw in, appropriate, enjoy, feast upon (with the eyes, ears etc.) etc. ; to drink up, exhaust, absorb ; to drink intoxicating liquors : Passive voice pīy/ate- etc. etc.: Causal pāyayati-, te- (perfect tense pāyayām āsā- ; Aorist apīpyat- ; ind.p. pāyayitvā- ; infinitive mood p/āyayitav/ai- ), to cause to drink, give to drink, water (horses or cattle) etc. etc.: Desiderative pipāsati- ( also pipīṣati-), to wish to drink, thirst : Desiderative of Causal pipāyayiṣati-, to wish or intend to give to drink : Intensive pepīyate- (parasmE-pada yamāna-also with pass meaning) , to drink greedily or repeatedly [ confer, compare Greek; AEolic = ; Latin pa1-tus,po1tum,biboforpi-bo; Slavonic or Slavonian pi-ja,pi-ti] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.2 P. () p/āti- (imperative pāh/i-; pr. p. P. p/āt- A1. pān/a- ; perfect tense papau- grammar; Aorist apāsīt- subjunctive pāsati- ; future pāsyati-, pātā- grammar; preceding pāyāt- ; infinitive mood pātum- ), to watch, keep, preserve ; to protect from, defend against (ablative) etc. ; to protect (a country) id est rule, govern ; to observe, notice, attend to, follow : Causal pālayati- See pāl-: Desiderative pīpāsati- grammar : Intensive pāpāyate-, pāpeti-, pāpāti- [ confer, compare Zend pa1,paiti; Greek , , etc.; Latin pa-sco,pa-bulum; Lithuanian pe0-mu4] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pattran. a leaf for writing on, written leaf, leaf of a book, paper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pattran. a letter, document (pattram āropya-,"having committed to paper") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pattrahastamf(ā-)n. holding a leaf of paper in the hand View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pattrāñjanan. "paper-unguent", ink View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pattrārūḍhamfn. committed to paper, written down View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praviśP. A1. -viśati-, te-, to enter, go into, resort to (accusative or locative case) etc. etc. (with agnim-, agnau-, madhyam- agneḥ-, vahnau-,or citāyām-,"to ascend the funeral pyre";with karṇayoḥ-,"to come into the ears id est be heard ";with ātmani-,or cittam-,"to take possession of the heart";in dramatic language "to enter the stage") ; to reach, attain ; to have sexual intercourse with (accusative,applied to both sexes) ; to enter upon, undertake, commence, begin, devote one's self to (accusative,rarely locative case) etc. (with piṇḍīm-or tarpaṇam-,"to accept or enjoy an oblation") ; to enter into id est be absorbed or thrown into the shade by (accusative) (with[ svāni-] aṅgāni-or gātrāṇi-),"to shrink, shrivel" : Causal -veśayati-, te-, to cause or allow to enter, bring or lead or introduce to, usher into (accusative or locative case) etc. etc. (without an object,"to bring into one's house etc.", especially "to bring on the stage") ; to lead home as a wife id est marry ; to lay or store up, deposit in, put or throw into (locative case or accusative) etc. ; to enter id est commit to paper, write down ; to initiate into (accusative) ; to instil into (locative case) = teach, impart ; to spend (money) ; to enter, come or be brought into (accusative) : Desiderative -vivikṣati-, to wish to enter into (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śodhapattran. a sheet or paper of corrections (see śuddhi-p-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuddhipattran. a sheet or paper of corrections, errata list (often at the end of works) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tālikam. a cover for binding a parcel of papers or a manuscript View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vācikapattran. a newspaper, gazette View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
11 results
abhaya अभय a. [न. ब.] Free from fear or danger, secure, safe; वैराग्यमेवाभयम् Bh.3.35. -यः [न भयं यस्मात्] 1 An epithet of the Supreme Being, or knowledge concerning that being. -2 N. of Śiva. -3 One devoid of all worldly possessions. -4 One who fearlessly executes scriptural commandments. -5 N. of a Yoga (conjunture or time) favourable to a march or expedition. -6 A refugeoffering pose of the hand of an image; Māna.12. 12-21. See अभयमुद्रा. -या 1 N. of a plant (हरीतकी), Mar. हिरडा). -2 A form of the goddess Durgā. -यम् 1 Absence or removal of fear. -2 Security, safety, protection from fear or danger. मया तस्याभयं दत्तम् Pt.1; अभयस्य हि यो दाता Ms.8.33; Ś.2.17. -2 N. of a sacrificial hymn. -3 The root of a fragrant grass (वीरणमूलम्, उशीरम्). -Comp. -कृत् a. 1. not terrific, mild. -2. giving safety. -गिरिवासिन् m. one dwelling on the mountain of safety, N. of a class of Kātyāyana's pupils. -गिरिविहारः Buddhist monastery on the Abhayagiri. -डिण्डिमः 1 proclamation of assurance of safety. -2 a military or war-drum. -द, -दायिन्, -प्रद a. giving a guarantee or promise of safety; भयेष्वभयदः Rām.; ˚प्रद; ऐश्वर्यमभयप्रदः Ms.4.232. (-दः) an Arhat of the Jainas; N. of Viṣṇu. -दक्षिणा, -दानम्, -प्रदानम् giving a promise, assurance, or guarantee of safety or protection (from danger); सर्वप्रदानेष्वभयप्रदानम् (प्रधानम्) Pt.1.29; सर्वतः प्रतिगृह्णीयान्मध्वथाभयदक्षिणाम् Ms.4.247. -पत्रम् a written document or paper granting assurance of safety; cf. the modern 'safe-conduct'. -मुद्रा a variety of mudrā in Tantra literature. -याचना asking for protection; ˚अञ्जलिः; बध्यतामभययाचनाञ्जलिः R.11.78. -वचनम्, -वाच् f. an assurance or promise of safety. -सनि a. Ved. giving safety.
āruh आरुह् 1 P. 1 To ascend, mount, bestride, get upon (with acc., sometimes loc.); सिंहासनमारुरोह K.111; आरुरुह् रथादिषु Bk.14.8; आरूढकुलालचक्रमिव Mu.5.5; mounted on a potter's wheel; 7.12. -2 To ride upon, get ascendancy over, domineer over (fig.); वृषल भृत्यमिव मामारोढुमिच्छसि Mu.3; Pt.1.36. -3 To venture upon, undertake, enter upon, make; प्रतिज्ञामारोढुं पुनरपि चलत्येष चरणः Mu.3.3,27; so यौवनारूढ, योगारूढ. -4 To attain, gain, get to, reach; सौन्दर्यस्य पारमारूढा न वा Dk.88; Ki.2.13; तुलां यदारोहति दन्तवाससा Ku.5.34; आरुरोह कुमदाकरोपमाम् R.19,34. The senses of this root are modified according to the noun with which it is joined; आरूढरुषा Ku.7.67 excited to anger; तदागमारूढगुरुप्रहर्षः R. 5.61; मन्त्रिपदमारूढः Mu.6; तर्कारूढा 6.19 engaged in guessing; Ś.5.9; शीघ्रं बुद्धिमारोहति Ś. B. strikes the mind; यौवनपदवीमारूढः attained his majority; अवस्थान्तर- मारूढा M.3; संशयं पुनरारुह्य H.1.7 running a risk; संशयमारुरोह शैलः Ki.13.16. -Caus. (रोह-प-यति) 1 To cause to go up or ascend, raise up, elevate; अमात्यो$- स्मान्पुरातनीमवस्थामारोपयिष्यति Mu.2 will raise or elevate; शूलानारोपयेत् Y.2.273; आरोपिता मनोविषयमात्मनः Ku.6.17. -2 To cause to mount or sit (on oneself) (Ātm.); करेणुरारोहयते निषादिनम् Śi.12.5. -3 To cause to grow, plant (lit). -4 To establish, instal, seat (fig.); राज्ये चारोपिता वयम् Mu.7.18; इत्यारोपितपुत्रास्ते R.15.91. -5 To cause, produce, bring out; उष्माणम् K.15; प्रणयम् 134,142; आरोपितप्रीतिरभूत् 173,212; प्रतापमारोपयितुम् 11, 119 show or exhibit. -6 To place, fix, direct; अङ्कमा- रोप्य placing in the lap; R.3.26,14.27; Ku.1.37; चक्षुः˚ cast a look at; Pt.1.243; आशीर्वादमारोपयन्तः Ki.18.46 conferring or pronouncing; आभरणभारमङ्गेषु नारोपयन्ति K.23 put or wear; पत्रे आरोपितं कुरु Ś.6. commit to paper; आरोप्यते शिला शैले H.2.46. -7 To entrust to, appoint to, charge with; मन्त्रिणि राज्यभार- मारोप्य K.57; अमात्यपदे आरोपितः Pt.1. -8 To cause to go to or attain a particular state; करतलं कर्णपूरता- मारोपितम् K.6; आरोपय गरीयस्त्वम् 27 raise to greatness 315; Dk.118. -9 To ascribe, attribute, impute; आत्मन्या- रोपिताभिमानाः K.18,185; छाया हि भूमेः शशिनो मलत्वेनारो- पिता शुद्धिमतः प्रजाभिः R.14.4. -1 To string (as a bow); धनुरारोपयन् U.4; तं देशमारोपितपुष्पचापे Ku.3.35; Bk.14.8.
unmardanam उन्मर्दनम् A rubbing down of the sacrificer with sweet-smelling substances before sprinkling him with fat. cf. सर्वसुरभ्युन्मर्दनं भवति Śat. Br. and Sāyaṇa says उन्मर्दनं उद्वर्तनं भवति । (For details read Dr. Gode's paper on, 'Massage in Ancient and Medieval India', Annals of Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute XXXVI, parts I-II, pp. 85.113).
kācana काचन काचनकम् A string or tape which ties a parcel or bundle of papers or the leaves of a manuscript; cf. कचेल.
kārpāsa कार्पास a. (-सी f) [कर्पास्याः अवयवः अण्] Made of cotton; वेष्टन्ते तस्य लाङ्गूलं जीर्णैः कार्पासिकैः पटैः Rām.5. 53.6. -सः, -सम् 1 Anything made of cotton; क्रोञ्चः कार्पासिकं हृत्वा मृतो जायति मानवः Mb.13.111.16. Ms.8.326. अयमपि विधिर्न मृदुनामिव कार्पासानां कृतः मतिषेधविषय आरभ्यते Mbh. on P.IV.1.55. -2 Paper. -सी The cotton plant. -Comp. -अस्थि n. the seed of the cotton plant; Ms.4.78. -तान्तवम् Texture made of cotton; Ms.12.64. -नासि (लि) का a spindle. -सौत्रिक a. made of cotton thread; Y.2.179.
tālikaḥ तालिकः [तालेन निर्वृत्तः ठक्] 1 The open palm of the hand. -2 Clapping the hands (तालिका also); यथैकेन न हस्तेन तालिका संप्रपद्यते Pt.2.132; उच्चाटनीयः करतालिकानां दानादिदानीं भवतीभिरेषः N.3.7. -3 A tie, seal. -4 A cover for binding a parcel of papers or a manuscript.
patram पत्रम् [पत्-ष्ट्रन्] 1 A leaf (of a tree); पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति Bg.9.26; धत्ते भरं कुसुमपत्रफलावलीनाम् Bv.1. 94. -2 The leaf of a flower, lotus &c.; नीलोत्पलपत्रधारया Ś.1.18. -3 A leaf for writing upon, a paper, a leaf written upon; सुरवरतरुशाखा लेखनी पत्रमुर्वी Mahimna 32. पत्रमारोप्य दीयताम् Ś.6. 'commit to writing', V.2.14. -4 A letter, document; विवादे$न्विष्यते पत्रं पत्राभावे तु साक्षिणः Pt.1.43. -5 A challenge; आत्मनः पूजाख्यात्यर्थं गुणोत्कर्ष- प्रतिपादको लेखो यद्विपक्षोपरि दीयते तत्पत्रम् N.7.93; विद्याधर com. -6 Any thin leaf or plate of metal, a goldleaf. -7 The wing of a bird, a pinion, feather of an arrow; यावद्वा मक्षिकायाः पत्रम् Bṛi. Up.3.3.2; R.2.31; सद्यः प्रवालोद्गमचारुपत्रे नीते समाप्तिं नवचूतबाणे Ku.3.27. -8 A vehicle in general (car, horse, camel &c.); दिशः पपात पत्रेण वेगनिष्कम्पकेतुना R.15.84; N.3.16; Mb.12. 67.25; Śi.12.2. -9 Painting the person (particularly the face) with musk, sandal-juice or other fragrant substances; रचय कुचयोः पत्रं चित्रं कुरुष्व कपोलयोः Gīt.12; R.13.55. -1 The blade of a sword, knife &c. -11 A knife, dagger. -Comp. -अङ्गम् 1 the Bhūrja tree. -2 red sanders. -अङ्गुलिः drawing lines of painting with the finger on the person (throat, forehead &c.) with coloured sandal, saffron, or any other fragrant substance. -अञ्जनम् 1 ink. -2 blacking. -आढ्यम् the root of long pepper. -आलम्बनम् a challenge; cf. पत्रा- लम्बनं करोति 'to challenge to a controversy'. -आरूढ a. written down. -आवलिः f. 1 red chalk. -2 a row of leaves. -3 the lines of painting drawn on the body with cosmetics as a decoration. -आवली 1 a row of leaves. -2 = ˚आवलि (3). -3 mixture of young Aśvattha leaves with barley and honey. -आहारः feeding on leaves. -ऊर्णम् wove-silk, a sik-garment; स्नानीयवस्त्र- क्रियया पत्रोर्णं वोपयुज्यते M.5.12. -उल्लासः the bud or eye of a plant. -काहला the noise or sound made by the flapping of wings or rustling of leaves. -कृच्छ्रम् a sort of penance, drinking the infusion of leaves of various plants. -गर्भा a small cake with very thin layers inside (Mar. चिरोटा). -घना a plant with full leaves (सातल). -झङ्कारः the current of a river. -तण्डुला a woman. -दारकः a saw. -नाडिका the fibre of a leaf. -न्यासः inserting feathers (into an arrow). -परशुः a file. -पालः a long dagger, large knife. (-ली) 1 the feathered part of an arrow. -2 a pair or scissors. -पाश्या an ornament (a gold-leaf) on the forehead. -पिशाचिका An umbrella or a kind of cap made of leaves. -पुटम् a vessel of leaves; दुग्ध्वा पयः पत्रपुटे मदीयं पुत्रोपभुङ्क्ष्वेति तमादिदेश R.2.65. -पुष्पा the holy basil. -बन्धः adorning with flowers. -बा(वा)लः an oar. -भङ्गः, -भङ्गिः, -ङ्गी f. 1 drawing lines or figures of painting on the face and person with fragrant and coloured substances, such as musk, saffron, sandal-juice, yellow pigment &c., as a mark of decoration; कस्तूरीवरपत्रभङ्गनिकरो मृष्टो न गण्डस्थले Ś. Til.7. (used frequently in K.). -2 leaves or leafy branches fed to elephants; Mātaṅga L.9.1. -मालः Calamus Rotung (Mar. वेत). -यौवनम् a young leaf or sprout. -रञ्जनम् embellishing a page. -रथः a bird; Rām.3.19. 1; ज्वलन्तमग्निं तममित्रतापनः समास्तरत्पत्ररथो नदीभिः Mb.1. 32.25; व्यर्थीकृतं पत्ररथेन तेन N.3.6. ˚इन्द्रः N. of Garuḍa. ˚इन्द्रकेतुः N. of Viṣṇu; R.18.13. -लता a long knife or poniard. -रे (ले) -खा, -वल्लरी, -वल्लि:, -वल्ली f. see पत्रभङ्ग above; R.6.72;16.67; Ṛs.6.7; Śi.8.56,59; विपत्रलेखा निरलक्तकाधरा निरञ्जनाक्षीरपि विभ्रतीः श्रियम् Ki.8.4. -वाज a. furnished with feathers (as an arrow). -वाहः 1 a bird; अध्याकाशं बभ्रमुः पत्रवाहाः Śi.18.73. -2 an arrow; प्रमुखे$भिहताश्च पत्रवाहाः प्रसन्नं माधवमुक्तवत्सदन्तैः Śi.2.25. -3 a letter-carrier. -विशेषकः lines of painting &c.; see पत्रभङ्ग; स्वेदोद्गमः किंपुरुषाङ्गनानां चक्रे पदं पत्रविशेषकेषु Ku.3.33; R.3.55;9.29. -वेष्टः a kind of ear-ring; विश्लेषिमुक्ताकल- पत्रवेष्टः R.16.67. -शाकः a vegetable consisting chiefly of leaves; पत्रशाकं तु बर्हिणः Ms.12.65; Y.3.213. -शिरा the vein or fibre of a leaf. -श्रेष्ठः the Bilva tree. -सूचिः f. a thorn. -हिमम् wintry or snowy weather.
mudrikā मुद्रिका 1 A little seal. -2 A seal-ring. -3 A stamp or impression. -4 A stamped coin, coin. -5 A signed or sealed paper. -6 A particular surgical instrument. -7 = मुद्रा (1).
vācika वाचिक a. (-का, की f.) [वाचा कृतं वाच्-ठक् चस्य न कः] 1 Consisting of or expressed by words; वाचिकं पारुष्यम्. -2 Oral, verbal, expressed by word of mouth. -कः A declamatory speech. -कम् 1 A message, an oral or verbal communication; वाचिकमप्यार्येण सिद्धार्थकाच्छ्रोतव्यमिति लिखितम् Mu.5; निर्धारिते$र्थे लेखेन खलूक्त्वा खलु वाचिकम् Śi. 2.7; तव क्रीतसुतो$स्मीति वाचिकेन व्यजिज्ञपत् Śiva B.31.32. -2 News, tidings, intelligence in general. -Comp. -पत्रम् 1 A letter. -2 A newspaper. -3 A written agreement, contract. -हारकः 1 a letter. -2 a messenger, news-bearer.
vīthikā वीथिका 1 A road &c. -2 A picture-gallery; or a large scroll of paper on which pictures are drawn (according to some); a wall (according to others); आर्यस्य चरित्रमस्यां वीथिकायामालिखितम् U.1.
śāsana शासन a. 1 Teaching, instructing; इति मे न तु बोधाय कल्पते शासनं वचः Bhāg.1.8.5. -2 Punishing, chastising. -नम् [शास्-ल्युट्] 1 Instruction, teaching, discipline. -2 Rule, sway, government; अनन्यशासनामुर्वीम् R.1.3; so अप्रतिशासन. -3 An order, a command, direction; तरुभिरपि देवस्य शासनं प्रमाणीकृतम् Ś.6; R.3.69;14.83. 18.28. -4 An edict, enactment, a decree. -5 A precept, rule. -6 A royal grant (of land &c.), charter; अहं त्वां शासनशतेन योजयिष्यमि Pt.1; Y.2.24.295. -7 A deed, writing, written agreement शासनप्रधाना हि राजानः स्युः Kau. A.2.9. -8 Control of passions. -9 A written book of authority. -1 A (religious) doctrine. -11 A message. (At the end of comp. शासन often means 'punisher, destroyer, killer'; as in स्मरशासनः, पाक- शासनः). -Comp. -अतिवृत्तिः f. violation of commands, disobedience. -द्रूषक a. disobeying a command. -धरः a messenger, envoy. -पत्रम् 1 a plate (usually of copper) on which a grant of land &c. is inscribed. -2 a sheet of paper on which an order is written. -पराङ्मुख a. disobedient to an order. -लङ्घनम् transgression of order. -हरः a royal messenger. -हारिन् m. 1 an envoy, a messenger; तमभ्यनन्दन प्रथमं प्रबोधितः प्रजेश्वरः शासनहारिणा हरेः R.3.68. -2 a conveyer of royal writs.
Macdonell Search
1 result
pattra n. wing; feather (also of an arrow); vehicle (car, horse, or camel); (plum age of a tree), leaf, petal; leaf prepared for writing on (-m âropaya=put on paper); letter, document; foil of metal;ornamental leaf painted with (--°ree;): -ka(ikâ)=pattra --°ree; a.; -kkhedya, a. having its feathers plucked out; n. a kind of artistic skill (?); -pati, m. ep. of Garuda; -puta, m. n.: i-kâ, f. leaf rolled up into a funnel-shape;-bha&ndot;ga, m. streaks painted with musk and other frag rant substances on the face or parts of the body; -ratha, m. (riding on wings), bird: -½indra, m. lord of birds, ep. of Garuda: -ketu, m. having Garuda as his badge, Vishnu; -rekhâ, f.=-bha&ndot;ga; -latâ, f. id.; N.; -le khâ, f. id.; N.; -vâha, m. (borne on wings), bird; arrow; -viseshaka, m. (?) leaf-like painted mark; -veshta, m. kind of earring; -sâka, n. vegetable with leaves;-½âlî, f.= -bha&ndot;ga; -½âhâra, m. pl. feeding on leaves.
Vedabase Search
1 result


Plant Betula utilis; bark of this tree was used to write as a paper in ancient India, Himalayan silver birch.


Plant sandpaper mulberry, stembark of Strebulus asper.


Plant paper-flower climber, Calycopteris floribunda.

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