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Grammar Search
"padmam" has 3 results
padmam: neuter nominative singular stem: padma
padmam: masculine accusative singular stem: padma
padmam: neuter accusative singular stem: padma
Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
10 results for padmam
padmamālinmfn. lotus-garlanded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padmamālinm. Name of a rakṣas- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padmamālinīf. Name of śrī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padmamayamf(ī-)n. made or consisting of lotus-flowers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padmamihiram. "lotus-sun", Name of a writer of the history of kaśmīra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padmamukhīf. Alhagi Maurorum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padmamūlan. lotus-root View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyepadmamind. in a lotus flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratipadmamind. at every lotus flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
supadmamakarandam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Search
1 result
madhyenagaram ad. within a city; -nadi, ad. in or into the river; -na resvara-sabham, ad. in the midst of the assembly of the princes; -padmam, ad. in a lotus; -prishtham, ad. on the back; -vin dhya½atavi, ad. in the forests of the Vindhya; -vindhya½antar, ad. in the midst of the Vin dhya; -vyoma, ad. in the air; -sabham, ad. in the assembly, in public; -samudram, ad. in the midst of the sea.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results2 results
mātaraṃ padmamālinīm RVKh.5.87.11d.
piṅgalāṃ padmamālinīm RVKh.5.87.14b.
Vedabase Search
44 results
padmam a lotusBs 5.18
Bs 5.22
SB 11.24.10
SB 11.27.25-26
SB 3.20.16
padmam a lotus flowerSB 8.8.16
padmam His lotusSB 12.11.13
padmam lotusSB 3.10.5
SB 3.28.25
padmam lotus feetSB 4.8.20
padmam lotus flowerSB 2.8.8
SB 3.8.15
padmam the lotus shelterSB 3.8.5
kāma-dugha-ańghri-padmam the lotus feet of the Lord, which can award all desired fruitsSB 3.8.26
pragṛhīta-ańghri-padmam his lotus feet having been taken shelter ofSB 4.6.5
ańghri-padmam the lotus feetSB 10.38.7
ańghri-padmam at the lotus feetSB 11.16.5
kāma-dugha-ańghri-padmam the lotus feet of the Lord, which can award all desired fruitsSB 3.8.26
kāma-dugha-ańghri-padmam the lotus feet of the Lord, which can award all desired fruitsSB 3.8.26
pāda-padmam lotus feetSB 1.15.17
pāda-padmam lotus feetSB 3.20.36
yat-pāda-padmam the lotus feet of whomSB 4.4.15
pāda-padmam lotus feetSB 4.6.38
pāda-padmam lotus feetSB 4.8.19
pāda-padmam lotus feetSB 4.9.17
tat-pāda-padmam Lord Nṛsiṃhadeva's lotus feetSB 7.9.6
pāda-padmam the lotus feetSB 8.22.10
pada-padmam lotus feetSB 10.47.13
pāda-padmam lotus feetSB 1.15.17
kāma-dugha-ańghri-padmam the lotus feet of the Lord, which can award all desired fruitsSB 3.8.26
pāda-padmam lotus feetSB 3.20.36
yat-pāda-padmam the lotus feet of whomSB 4.4.15
pragṛhīta-ańghri-padmam his lotus feet having been taken shelter ofSB 4.6.5
pāda-padmam lotus feetSB 4.6.38
pāda-padmam lotus feetSB 4.8.19
pāda-padmam lotus feetSB 4.9.17
tat-pāda-padmam Lord Nṛsiṃhadeva's lotus feetSB 7.9.6
pāda-padmam the lotus feetSB 8.22.10
ańghri-padmam the lotus feetSB 10.38.7
pada-padmam lotus feetSB 10.47.13
ańghri-padmam at the lotus feetSB 11.16.5
pragṛhīta-ańghri-padmam his lotus feet having been taken shelter ofSB 4.6.5
tat-pāda-padmam Lord Nṛsiṃhadeva's lotus feetSB 7.9.6
yat-pāda-padmam the lotus feet of whomSB 4.4.15
1 result
padmamālinī noun (feminine) name of Śrī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 57098/72933
Wordnet Search
"padmam" has 9 results.


padmakandaḥ, kamalakandaḥ, śālūkam, padmamūlam, kaṭāhvayam, śālukam, jalālūkam   

kamalasya mūlam।

śīlā padmakandasya śākaṃ pācayati।


kamalam, aravindam, sarasijam, salilajam, rājīvam, paṅkajam, nīrajam, pāthojam, nalam, nalinam, ambhojam, ambujanma, ambujam, śrīḥ, amburuham, ambupadmam, sujalam, ambhoruham, puṣkaram, sārasam, paṅkajam, sarasīruham, kuṭapam, pāthoruham, vārjam, tāmarasam, kuśeśayam, kañjam, kajam, śatapatram, visakusumam, sahasrapatram, mahotpalam, vāriruham, paṅkeruham   

jalajakṣupaviśeṣaḥ yasya puṣpāṇi atīva śobhanāni santi khyātaśca।

bālakaḥ krīḍāsamaye sarovarāt kamalāni lūnāti।


lakṣmīḥ, ramā, kamalā, nārāyaṇī, padmahastā, śrīḥ, viṣṇupriyā, mā, māyā, haripriyā, padmā, padmālayā, bhārgavī, cañcalā, indirā, abjavāhanā, abjā, abdhijā, ambujāsanā, amalā, īśvarī, devaśrī, padmamālinī, padmaguṇā, piṅgalā, maṅgalā, śriyā, śrīpradā, sindhujā, jaganmayī, amalā, varavarṇinī, vṛṣākapāyī, sindhukanyā, sindhusutā, jaladhijā, kṣīrasāgarasutā, dugdhābdhitanayā, kṣīrasāgarakanyakā, kṣīrodatanayā, lokajananī, lokamātā   

dhanasya adhiṣṭhātrī devatā yā viṣṇupatnī asti iti manyate।

dhanaprāptyarthe janāḥ lakṣmīṃ pūjayanti।


nīlakamalam, nīlāmbujam, nīlotpalam, nīlapadmam   

nīlavarṇīyaṃ kamalam।

asmin taḍāge nīlakamalasya ādhikyam asti।



kṣupaviśeṣaḥ yasya puṣpaṃ sugandhitaṃ tathā ca kṣupaḥ kaṇṭakayuktaḥ।

puṣpavāṭikāyāṃ naikāni sthalapadmāni dṛśyante।


puṇḍarīkam, sitāmbhojam, śatapatram, mahāpadmam, sitāmbujam, śvetapadmam, śvetavārijam, sitābjam, harinetram, śaratpadmam, śāradam, śambhuvallabham   

śvetavarṇayuktaṃ padmam।

gītayā bhagavataḥ mūrtaye puṇḍarīkam arpitam।


padmam, antyam   

saṅkhyāviśeṣaḥ, sahasranikharvāṇām samāhāram padmam;

padmam iti mahatī saṅkhyā




padmamālinaḥ varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu prāpyate।


mālinī, samudrānta, durālabha, ātmamūlī, idamkāryā, sutā, kacchurā, kṣudreṅgudī, gāndhārikā, girikarṇī, tāmramūlā, triparṇikā, dīrghamūlī, duḥsparśā, padmamukhī, phañjikā, marūdbhavā, rodanī, rodanikā, virūpā, viśāladā   

ekaḥ kṣupaḥ ।

mālinyāḥ ullekhaḥ kośe vartate

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