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Grammar Search
"pada" has 2 results
pada: masculine vocative singular stem: pada
pada: neuter vocative singular stem: pada
Root Search
pada has 1 results
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Amarakosha Search
20 results
ayanam2.1.15NeuterSingularpada, mārgaḥ, vartanī, saraṇiḥ, panthāḥ, vartma, padyā, sṛtiḥ, adhvā, ekapadī, paddhatiḥ
dyauḥ1.2.1FeminineSingularvyoma, nabhaḥ, anntam, viyat, vihāyaḥ, dyuḥ, meghādhvā, dyauḥ, puṣkaram, antarīkṣam, suravartma, viṣṇupadam, vihāyasaḥ, tārāpathaḥ, mahābilam, abhram, ambaram, gaganam, kham, ākāśam, nākaḥ, antarikṣamsky
kakudaḥ3.3.99MasculineSingulargosevitam, gopadamānam
kamalaḥ3.3.202MasculineSingularśaṭhaḥ, śvāpada, sarpaḥ
madhuvrataḥ2.5.31MasculineSingularbhramaraḥ, puṣpaliṭ, madhupaḥ, ṣaṭpada, dvirephaḥ, madhuliṭ, aliḥ, bhṛṅgaḥ, alī, madhukaraḥ
mahīlatā1.10.21FeminineSingulargaṇḍūpada, kiñculakaḥa worm
nabhasyaḥ1.4.17MasculineSingularprauṣṭhapada, bhādraḥ, bhādrapadafoggy, misty
padam3.3.100NeuterSingularmūḍhaḥ, alpapaṭuḥ, nirbhāgyaḥ
padātiḥ2.8.68MasculineSingularpādātikaḥ, pa‍dājiḥ, padgaḥ, padikaḥ, pa‍ttiḥ, padagaḥ
rāśiḥ3.3.222MasculineSingularnimittam, padam, lakṣyam
ratnam2.9.94NeuterSingularhiraṇyam, ‍tapanīyam, ‍bharma, jātarūpam, rukmam, a‍ṣṭāpada, suvarṇam, hema, śātakumbham, karburam, mahārajatam, kārtasvaram, kanakam, hāṭakam, gāṅgeyam, cāmīkaram, kāñcanam, jāmbūnadam
strī2.6.2FeminineSingularsīmantinī, abalā, mahilā, pratīpadarśinī, nārī, yoṣit, vanitā, vadhūḥ, yoṣā, vāmā
luptavarṇapadamMasculineSingulargrastamspoken fast
anupadam3.1.77MasculineSingularanvak, anvakṣam, anugam
goṣpadam3.3.101NeuterSingularpratyagraḥ, apratibhaḥ
āspadam3.3.101NeuterSingularvidvān, supragalbhaḥ
Monier-Williams Search
772 results for pada
पदn. (rarely m.) a step, pace, stride View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a footstep, trace, vestige, mark, the foot itself, etc. (padena-,on foot; pade pade-,at every step, everywhere, on every occasion; trīṇi padāni viṣṇoḥ-,the three steps or footprints of viṣṇu- [i.e. the earth, the air, and the sky; see ],also Name of a constellation or according to some"the space between the eyebrows"; sg. viṣṇoḥ padam-Name of a locality; padaṃ--, padāt padaṃ-gam-or cal-,to make a step, move on; padaṃ-kṛ-,with locative case to set foot in or on, to enter;with mūrdhni-,to set the foot upon the head of [ genitive case ] id est overcome;with citte-or hṛdaye-,to take possession of any one's heart or mind;with locative case or prati-,to have dealings with padaṃ ni-dhā-with locative case,to set foot in = to make impression upon;with padavyām-,to set the foot on a person's [ genitive case or in the beginning of a compound ]track, to emulate or equal; padam ni-bandh-with locative case,to enter or engage in) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a sign, token, characteristic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a footing, standpoint View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. position, rank, station, site, abode, home etc. (padam ā-tan-,to spread or extend one's position; padāt padam bhrāmayitvā-,having caused to wander from place to place) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a business affair, matter, object or cause of (genitive case or compound) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a pretext View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a part, portion, division (see dvi--, tri--) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a square on a chess-board View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a plot of ground View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. the foot as a measure of length (= 12 or 15 fingers' breadth, or 1/2 or 1/3 or 3/7 of a prakrama-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a ray of light (m. ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a portion of a verse, quarter or line of a stanza etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a word or an inflected word or the stem of a noun in the middle cases and before some taddhita-s
पदn. equals pada-pāṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. common Name of the parasmE-pada and Atmane-pada View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. any one in a set of numbers the sum of which is required View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a period in an arithmetical progression View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a square root View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. a quadrant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदn. protection [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin peda;op-pidumforop-pedum.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदबन्धm. a footstep, pace View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदभञ्जनn. separation or analysis or explanation of words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदभञ्जिकाf. a commentary which separates or analyses or explains words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदभञ्जिकाf. a register, journal, calendar or almanac View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदभावार्थचन्द्रिकाf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदभ्रंशm. loss of a place, dismissal from an office View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदचन्द्रिकाf. "elucidation of words", Name of several works. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदचतुरूर्ध्वn. a kind of metre (in which every pada- is 4 syllables longer than the preceding) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदच्छेदseparation of words at a particular place, caesura, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदचिह्नn. a foot-words (in speaking), parsing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदच्युतmfn. fallen from a position, dismissed from office View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पददार्ढ्यn. fixedness or security of text, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पददेवताf. a deity supposed to preside over a particular class of words (see -gotra-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पददीपिकाf. Name of several works. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदद्योतिनीf. Name of commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदगmfn. going on foot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदगm. a footman, foot-soldier View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदगाढm. or n. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदगतmfn. gone on foot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदगतmfn. described or recorded in a line or stanza View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदगतिf. going on foot, manner of going, gait View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदघातम्ind. (with han-) to strike with the feet upon (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदगोत्रn. a family supposed to preside over a particular class of words (see -devatā-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदहितm. the substitute for a husband, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदैकदेशm. a part of a word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदजातn. a class of words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदजातn. a group of (connected) words, a sentence or period View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदज्ञाmfn. knowing places or one's own place (id est home) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदज्योतिस्n. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकmfn. versed in the pada-pāṭha- (gaRa kramādi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकm. a kind of ornament (equals niṣka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकm. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकm. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकn. a step, pace View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकn. an office, dignity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकn. a foot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकालm. equals -pāṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकमलn. a lotus-like foot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकारm. the author of the pada-pāṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकारिकारत्नमालाf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकौमुदीf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदक्रमm. a series of steps, pace, walking (see citra-padakramam-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदक्रमm. a series of quarters of verses View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदक्रमm. a particular method of reciting or writing the veda- (See krama-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदक्रमm. plural (or in the beginning of a compound) the pada-pāṭha- and the different krama-pāṭha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदक्रमकn. the pada-- and krama-pāṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदक्रमलक्षणn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदक्रमविद्mfn. familiar with the pada- and krama-pāṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकृत्m. equals -kāra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदकृत्यn. Name of commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदमालाf. "word-wreath", a magical formula, an incantation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदमञ्जरीf. Name of various works. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदनmfn. who or what goes or moves (see ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदनीmfn. following the steps of another View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदनिधनmfn. having the nidhana- (q.v) at the end of every quarter of a verse (as a sāman-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदनीयmfn. to be investigated ( padanīyatva -tva- n. ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदनीयत्वn. padanīya
पदनुषङ्गm. anything appended to a pada- or quarter of a verse (see padānuṣ-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदन्यासm. putting down the feet, step, footmark etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदन्यासm. position of the feet in a particular attitude View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदन्यासm. conduct, procedure (?) idem or 'm. position of the feet in a particular attitude ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदन्यासm. writing down (quarters of) verses View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदन्यासm. Asteracantha Longifolia or Tribulus Lanuginosus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदपद्धतिf. a series or row of footsteps View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदपद्मn. equals -kamala- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदपञ्चकm. or n. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदपङ्कजn. equals -kamala- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदपङ्क्तिf. a series of footsteps, track View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदपङ्क्तिf. a series of words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदपङ्क्तिf. a kind of metre (of 5 pada-s of 5 syllables each) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदपङ्क्तिf. a sacred brick called after this metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदपातm. foot-fall, tread, step View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदपाठm. the pada- method of recitation or writing (a method of arranging each word of a Vedic text separately in its original form[ see pada-]without regard to the rules of saṃdhi-; see krama-and saṃhitā-pāṭha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदपूरणmfn. filling out or completing a verse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदपूरणn. the action of completing a verse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदरचनाf. arrangement of words, literary composition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदरत्नावलीf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदशब्दm. the noise of footsteps View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदसधातुn. a manner of singing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदसमयm. equals -pāṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदसंदर्भm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदसंधानn. putting together words (writing them into one word), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदसंधिm. the euphonic combination of words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदसंघाटm. connecting those words together which in the saṃhitā- are separated by a kind of refrain Va1rtt. 3 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदसंघातm. idem or 'm. connecting those words together which in the saṃhitā- are separated by a kind of refrain Va1rtt. 3 ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदसंघातm. a writer, an annotator, one who collects or classifies words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदसंहिताf. equals -pāṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदसंतानm. combination of words, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदसमूहm. a series of words or parts of verses View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदसमूहm. equals -pāṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदशस्ind. step by step, gradually View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदशस्ind. word by word, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदशास्त्रn. the science of separately written words, Scholiast or Commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदश्रेणिf. a series of steps View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदस्थmfn. standing on one's feet, going on foot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदस्थmfn. equals -sthita- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदस्थानn. footprint, footmark View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदस्थितmfn. being in a station or office View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदष्ठीवn. sg. the feet and knees View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदस्तोभm. Name of several sāman-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदस्तोभm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदताf. the original form of a word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदताf. equals next View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदत्वn. the state of (being) a word, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदत्वराf. "foot-speeder (?)", a shoe View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदवाद्यn. (in music) a sort of drum. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदवाक्यरत्नाकरm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदवाक्यरत्नाकरकारिकासंग्रहm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदवाक्यार्थपञ्जिकाf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदवामीकm. elephantiasis, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदवायm. ( -) a leader, guide, forerunner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदवेदिन्m. "acquainted with words", a linguist or philologist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदविf. equals --, a way, path View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदवीm. (Nominal verb s-) a leader, guide, forerunner (see -vāya-)
पदवीf. (Nominal verb -) a road, path, way, track, reach, range View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदवीf. accusative with gam-, - etc., to go the way of (see under artha-padavī-, ghana--, pavana--, mokṣa--, yauvana--, sādhu--, smaraṇa--, hāsya--; padam-dhā-or ni-dhā padavyām-[comp. or genitive case ],to tread in the footsteps of a person id est imitate or rival him) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदवीf. station, situation, place, site View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदविच्छेद() m. separation of words. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदविद्mfn. conversant or familiar with (genitive case) (see -jñā-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदविग्रह() m. separation of words. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदविक्षेपm. a step, pace, walking View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदविक्षेपm. a horse's paces View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदविरामm. the pause after a quarter of a verse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदविष्टम्भm. tread, step, stamp with the foot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदवीयn. footsteps, track (if not accusative for vy/am-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदवृत्तिf. the hiatus between two words in a sentence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदवृत्तिf. Name of commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदव्याख्यानn. explanation of words gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदयोजनn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदयोजना f. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदयोजनिकाf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पदयोपनmf(ī-)n. destroying (n. the act of destroying) the footsteps View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभीपद(varia lectio -pāda-) m. "whose foot or step is without fear", Name of a ṛṣi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अभीपद abhīpāda See 1. a-bhī-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अधस्पदmfn. Ved. placed under the feet, under foot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अधस्पद(/am-) n. the place under the feet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अधस्पदम्ind. under foot. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अधिक्षिपदब्जनेत्रmfn. having eyes which eclipse the lotus. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अग्निपदm. "whose foot has stepped on the sacrificial fire place", Name of a horse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आग्निपदmfn. (gaRa vyuṣṭādi- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अजपद mfn. goat-footed. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अलब्धपदmfn. one who has found no place in or has made no impression upon (locative case), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अल्पदक्षिणmfn. defective in presents (as a ceremony) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अल्पदर्शन([ ]) mfn. of confined views, narrow-minded. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अन्तःपदम् ind. in the middle of an inflected word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अन्त्यपद n. (in arithmetic) the last or greatest root (in the square) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनुपदmfn. following closely View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनुपदm. Name of a man or tribe, (gaRa upakādi- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनुपदn. a chorus, refrain, burden of a song or words sung again after regular intervals View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनुपदn. Name of an upāṅga- belonging to the sāma-veda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनुपदn. word for word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनुपदn. on the heels of, close behind or after. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनुपदम्ind. step by step View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनूपदस्to fail (or become extinct) after (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनुपदस्त([ ]) or an-upadasya- ([ ]) or /an-upadasyat- ([ ]) or /an-upadasvat- ([ ]) or /an upadāsuka- ([ ]) mfn. not drying up, not decaying. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनुपदसूत्रn. a commentary explaining the text (of a brāhmaṇa-) word for word. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अनुपदवीf. a road followed after another View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदn. no place, no abode View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदn. the wrong place or time etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदmfn. footless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदह्to burn up, to burn out so as to drive out View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदक्षिणम्ind. away from the right, to the left side View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदमmfn. without self-restraint View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदमmfn. of wavering fortune. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदरोहिणिf. the parasitical plant Epidendron Tesselloides. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदर्पmf(ā-)n. free from pride or self-conceit, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदरुहा f. the parasitical plant Epidendron Tesselloides. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदस्(3. plural -dasyanti-) to fail id est become dry View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदशmfn. (fr. daśan-), (any number) off or beyond ten View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदशmfn. (fr. daśā-), without a fringe (as a garment) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदस्थmfn. not being in its place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदस्थmfn. out of office. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदवmfn. free from forest-fire. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपदवापद्mfn. free from the calamity of fire. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपलापदण्डm. a fine imposed on one who denies or evades (in law). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपापद mfn. = apa-- vipad-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आप्रपदम्ind. to the end or fore part of the foot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अप्रपदनn. a bad place of refuge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अप्रसिद्धपदn. an obsolete word. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अपूर्वपदmfn. not preceded by another word (id est not standing at the end of a compound), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अर्धान्तरैकपदताf. (in rhetoric) placing a single word (which belongs grammatically to one hemistich) into the other half or hemistich of the verse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अर्धपदn. half a pāda- (or the fourth part of a verse) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आर्द्रपदmf(ī-)n. moist-footed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आर्द्रपदmfn. having wet feet, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अर्थपदn. Name of the vārttika-s on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अर्थपदवीf. the path of advantage (vīṃ- gam-,"to be intent on one's advantage"), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आरुणेयपदn. Name of an āraṇyaka-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अशिपदmf(-)n. not causing id est averting the sickness called śipada- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आशिरःपदम्ind. from the foot up to the head View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आस्पदn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' mf(ā-) pada-with ā-prefixed, s-being inserted) , place, seat, abode etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आस्पदn. the tenth lunar mansion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आस्पदn. business, affair View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आस्पदn. dignity, authority View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आस्पदn. power View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आस्पदताf. the state of being the place or abode of. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आस्पदत्वn. the state of being the place or abode of. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आश्रमपदn. a hermitage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आश्रमपदn. a period in the life of a Brahman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अष्टपदmf(ā-)n. having eight pada-s (as a metre) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अष्टपदconsisting of 8 words, , Scholiast or Commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अष्टापदm. "having eight legs", a spider View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अष्टापदm. a worm View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अष्टापदm. the fabulous animal sarabha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अष्टापदm. a wild sort of jasmin View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अष्टापदm. a pin or bolt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अष्टापदm. the mountain kailāsa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अष्टापदa chess-board on which each line has 8 squares or 64 in all, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अष्टापदmn. (gaRa ardharcādi- q.v) a kind of chequered cloth or board for drafts, dice, etc. etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अष्टापदmn. (equals -pruṣ- q.v) gold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अस्थानस्थपदmfn. having a word in the wrong place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अस्वाङ्गपूर्वपदmfn. (a compound) the first part of which is not (a word denoting) part of the body View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अश्वपदn. the print of a horse's foot, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अतिपदmfn. (in prosody) too long by one pada- or foot, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
आत्मनेपदn. "word to one's self", form for one's self id est that form of the verb which implies an action belonging or reverting to self, the terminations of the middle voice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अवस्तात्प्रपदनmfn. (anything) attained from below (as heaven) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अविषमपदताf. having equal feet (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-), . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
अव्यक्तपदmfn. inarticulate. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बहुपदmfn. many-footed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
भदन्तगोपदत्त m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
भद्रपदn. Name of a metre
भाद्रपदm. (fr. bhadra-padā-) the month bhādra- (a rainy month corresponding to the period from about the middle of August to the middle of September) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
भगवद्गीताप्रतिपदn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
भारतपदप्रकाशm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
भ्रमरपदn. a kind of metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
भूपदm. "earth-fixed, earth-rooted", a tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बिडालपद n. a particular measure of weight (= karṣa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
बिडालपदकn. a particular measure of weight (= karṣa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ब्रह्मपदn. the place of brahma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ब्रह्मपदn. the station or rank of brahmā- or of a Brahman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ब्रह्मसूत्रपदn. the word or statement of a brahma-sūtra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ब्रह्मसूत्रपदmf(ā-or ī-)n. consisting of such a word or statement View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चलत्पदम्ind. so as to move View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चर्चापदn. plural the words repeated (in reciting the veda- while iti-is added) Introd. on Va1rtt. 11 and 14. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चारुपदm. Name of a son of namasyu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चतुरिडस्पदस्तोभm. (see iḍas-pad/e-) Name of a sāman-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चतुष्पद(in compound) 4 pāda-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चतुष्पदn. sg. or plural , 4 partitions or divisions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चतुष्पदmf(ā-)n. (c/at-), quadruped View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चतुष्पदmf(ā-)n. consisting of 4 pāda-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चतुष्पदmf(ā-)n. consisting of 4 words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चतुष्पदmf(ā-)n. comprising 4 partitions or divisions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चतुष्पदmf(ā-)n. (in algebra) tetranomial View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चतुष्पदm. a quadruped View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चतुष्पदm. (equals pāśava-?) a kind of coitus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चतुष्पदm. (plural) certain zodiacal signs (viz. meṣa-, vṛṣa-, siṃha-, makara-pūr vārdha-, dhanuḥ-parārdha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चतुष्पदm. Name of a shrub View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चतुष्पदn. Name of a particular karaṇa- ic, 5 and 8 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चत्वारिंशत्पद(ś/at--) mf(ā-)n. having 40 feet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चित्रपदmfn. full of various (or graceful) words and expressions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चित्रपदn. a metre of 4x23 syllables View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चित्रपदn. a metre of 4 x 8 syllables View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चित्रपदक्रमम्ind. at a good or brisk pace View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चूर्णपदn. a peculiar movement (walking backwards and forwards) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
चूर्णपदn. a kind of easy prose View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दक्षिणापदmf(ī-)n. having the feet towards the south, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दर्पदm. śiva-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दशनपदn. "teeth-mark", a bite View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दशपदmf(ā-)n. 10 feet long and broad View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
देवपदn. a word containing a god's name View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
देवपदn. equals -pāda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ध्रौपदn. (in music) a kind of dance (see dhrupadākhya-nṛtya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ध्रौवपदटीकाf. Name of a commentator or commentary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ध्रुवपदn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ध्यानास्पदn. place of meditation, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दीपदmfn. one who gives a lamp View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्रौपदmf(ī-)n. belonging to or descendant from drupada- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्रोणशर्मपदn. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्रुपदn. a wooden pillar, a post (to which captives are tied), any pillar or column View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्रुपदm. Name of a king of the pañcāla-s (son of pṛṣata- and father of dhṛṣṭa-dyumna-, of śikhaṇḍinī- or śikhaṇḍinī-, and of kṛṣṇā-, the wife of the pāṇḍu- princes, hence called draupadī-)
द्रुपदपुत्रm. patronymic of dhṛṣṭa-dyumna- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्रुतपदn. a quick pace or step View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्रुतपदn. a form of metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्रुतपदम्ind. quickly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दुर्बोधपदभञ्जिकाf. Name of a commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दुर्बोधपदभञ्जिनीf. of a commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दुर्गपदप्रबोधm. Name of a commentator or commentary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दुष्पदmfn. unfathomable or inaccessible (river) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
दुष्प्रपदनmfn. difficult to be attained or entered on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्वादशपदmf(ā-)n. consisting of 12 words, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्वैपदm. a combination or compound of 2 words ( dvaipadaśas -śas- ind. ) ; 2 pāda-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्वैपदmfn. relating to a stanza consisting of 2 pāda-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्वैपदशस्ind. dvaipada
द्विपदmf(ā-)n. (dv/i--) 2-footed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्विपदmf(ā-)n. consisting of 2 pāda-s etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्विपदmf(ā-)n. containing 2 words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्विपदmf(ā-)n. binomial View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्विपदm. a biped, (contemptuously) a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्विपदm. a brick 2 pāda-s long View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्विपदm. Name of particular signs of the zodiac View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्विपदn. a kind of metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्विपदपतिm. "lord of men", a king, prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
द्विपदराशिm. any one of the signs Gemini, Libra Aquarius, Virgo, and half of Sagittarius View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकपदn. one and the same place or spot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकपदn. the same panel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकपदn. a single word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकपदn. a simple word, a simple nominal formation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकपदn. one and the same word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकपदmf(ā-and ī-[ ])n. taking one step View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकपदmf(ā-and ī-[ ])n. having only one foot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकपदmf(ā-and ī-[ ])n. occupying only one panel
एकपदmf(ā-and ī-[ ])n. consisting of a single word, named with a single word etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकपदm. a kind of coitus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकपदm. plural Name of a fabulous race View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकपदम्ind. (= - pade-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकपदस्थmfn. being in the same word. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एकपदवत्ind. like one word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
एणीपदm. a kind of snake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गद्गदपदn. inarticulate speech View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गन्धर्वपदn. the abode of the gandharva-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गण्डूपदm. a kind of worm, earth-worm View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गण्डूपदभवn. lead View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गेयपदn. a song sung before any one with the lute View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
घनपदn. the cube root View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
घनपदwater, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
घनपदवीf. "cloud-path", the sky View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गीर्वाणपदमञ्जरिf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोपदn. the mark or impression of a cow's hoof in the soil (see g/oṣp-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोपदलm. the betel-nut tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोपदन्तm. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोपदत्तm. Name of a Buddhist author. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोप्रपदनीयn. Va1rtt. 1 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोष्पदmfn. (g/oṣ--) ()"showing marks of cow's hoofs" , frequented by kine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोष्पदn. "mark of a cow's foot in the soil", water filling up such a mark, any small puddle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोष्पदetc. See View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोष्पदमात्रmfn. as large as the impression of a cow's hoof (see go-pada-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोष्पदप्रम्ind. so as to fill only the impression of a cow's hoof on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोष्पदपूरम्ind. so as to fill only the impression of a cow's hoof on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोष्पदत्रिरात्रव्रतn. idem or 'n. a kind of religious observance ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गोष्पदतृतीयाव्रतn. a kind of religious observance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
गृहप्रपदनn. (solemn) entrance into a house, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हंसपदn. goose-foot (as a mark), Nar. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हंसपदn. a particular weight (equals karṣa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हंसपदm. plural See prec. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हंसपदm. a kind of metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हंसपदm. Name of an apsaras- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हरास्पदn. idem or 'm. śiva-'s abode, kailāsa- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हरिचन्दनास्पदn. a place where yellow sandal grows View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हरिपदn. (according to to some) the vernal equinox View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हासास्पदn. an object of jest or laughter. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हस्तिपदn. the track of an elephants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हस्तिपदm. "elephants-footed", Name of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हास्तिपदm. (fr. hasti-p-) Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हास्तिपदmfn. relating or belonging to hasti-pada- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हास्यपदवीf. the roar of laughter (vīṃ--,"to incur ridicule") ( hāsyapadavībhāva -bhāva- m. equals -- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हास्यपदवीf. a jest, joke (plural) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हास्यपदवीभावm. hāsyapadavī
हास्यास्पदn. a laughing-stock, butt ( hāsyāspadatva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
हास्यास्पदत्वn. hāsyāspada
हतसम्पदmfn. idem or 'mfn. whose prosperity is blighted, reduced to penury ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ह्रीपदn. cause of shame View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
इलास्पदn. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
इन्द्रपदm. equals indra--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
इन्दुपदm. a moon-ray, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जालपदmfn. Name of a locality gaRa varaṇādi- (varia lectio -) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जालपदmfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जलपदविf. equals -nirgama- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जनपदm. sg. or plural a community, nation, people (as opposed to the sovereign) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जनपदm. sg. an empire, inhabited country etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जनपदm. mankind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जानपदmfn. (gaRa utsādi-) living in the country (jana-pad/a-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जानपदm. inhabitant of the country () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जानपदm. belonging to or suited for the inhabitants of the country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जानपदm. one who belongs to a country, subject View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जानपदm. Name of an apsaras- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जनपदघातकm. a plunderer of a country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जनपदमहत्तरm. the chief of a country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जनपदमण्डलn. the district formed by a country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जन्मास्पदn. equals ma-kṣetra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
जातिजानपदmfn. relating to the (4) castes and to the country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
काकपदn. the mark of a crow's foot or a similar mark or figure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
काकपदn. marks or lines in the skin similar to a crow's foot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
काकपदn. the foundation or base of anything so shaped View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
काकपदn. the sign V in manuscripts marking an omission View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
काकपदn. a particular flourish of the pen indicating an oft-recurring word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
काकपदm. a modus coeundi View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कल्पानुपदn. Name of work belonging to the sāma-veda-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कामाश्रमपदn. idem or 'm. the hermitage of the god of love ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
काञ्चीपदn. the hips, haunches (equals -guṇa-sthāna-)
कन्दर्पदहनn. a section of the śiva-purāṇa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कनिष्ठपदn. least root (that quantity of which the square multiplied by the given multiplicator and having the given addend added or subtrahend subtracted is capable of affording an exact square root) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कपोतपददर्शनn. the sight of the foot-print of a dove, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कररुहपदn. a scratch with the finger-nail View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कार्यपदवीf. the way to action, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कथितपदn. repetition, tautology View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कौणपदन्तm. Name of bhīṣma- (uncle of the pāṇḍu-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
खुरपदवीf. a horse's footmarks View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कोपपदn. appearance of anger, pretended wrath View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
क्रमपदn. the conjunction of words in the krama- reading (more usually pada-krama-)
क्रियापदn. "action-word", a verb. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कृतपदmfn. being about to (infinitive mood), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कृतास्पदmfn. one who takes up a station or residence or abode View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कृतास्पदmfn. supporting, resting on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कृतास्पदmfn. governed, ruled. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
क्षेत्रपदn. a place sacred to a deity (genitive case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
क्षुद्रपदn. "a small foot", a kind of measure of length (equal to 10 aṅgula-s), . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कूपदन्डm. a mast, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
कूपदर्दुरm. equals -kacchapa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
लब्धास्पदmfn. one who has gained a footing or secured a position View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
लघुसंदेशपदmf(ā-)n. (speech) expressing a request in few words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ललितपदmf(ā-)n. consisting of amorous or graceful words, elegantly composed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ललितपदn. a kind of metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ललितपदबन्धनn. an amorous composition in verse, a metrical composition treating of love View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
लिङ्गोपदंशm. equals liṅgārśas- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
लुप्तपदmfn. wanting (whole) words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मध्यमपदn. the middle number (which is sometimes omitted and requires to be supplied in a compound consisting of two words) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मध्यमपदलोपm. the omission of the middle member of a compound (as in, śāka-pārthiva-,the king of the era, for sākapriya-pārthiva-,the king dear to the era) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मध्यमपदलोपिन्m. (scilicet samāsa-) a compound which omits the middle member View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
महापदn. (perhaps) great space View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
महापदपङ्क्तिf. a kind of metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
महास्पद(s-) mfn. "having a great position", mighty, powerful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
महत्तमपदmfn. holding a great or high position (said of a saint) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
माहेश्वरपदn. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मन्त्रपदn. a sacred or magical word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मयूरपदकn. a scratch or impression in the form of a peacock's foot made with the fingernails View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मेघास्पदn. "cloud-region", the atmosphere, sky View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मेखलापदn. "girdle -place", the hips View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मित्रपदn. " mitra-'s place", Name of a locality View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मृगपदn. equals mṛryāḥ padam- gaRa kukkuty-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मुहूर्तपदवीf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
मूलकोपदंशम्ind. with a bite at a radish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
नागपदm. a kind of coitus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
नखपदn. nail-mark, scratch View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
नखपदn. Unguis Odoratus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
नामपदn. name View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
नानापदn. a different or independent word ( nānāpadavat -vat- ind. ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
नानापदवत्ind. nānāpada
नन्दिपदच्छन्दस्n. Name of work on Prakrit metres (in Prakrit.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
नष्टोद्दिष्टप्रबोधकध्रौवपदटीकाf. Name of work on music. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
नयनपदवीf. () range or field of sight. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
निःशब्दपदम्ind. with soundless id est inaudible steps View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
निरास्पदmfn. restless, homeless, portionless, objectless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
निराश्रमपदmfn. (a wood) having no hermitages in it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
निरुपपदmfn. having no epithet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
निरुपपदmfn. not connected with a subordinate word Scholiast or Commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
निष्पदmfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. footless gaRa kumbhapady-ādi-.' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
निष्पदn. (with, yāna-) a vehicle moving without feet (as a ship etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
निवापदत्तिf. sacrificial gift View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
नृपास्पदn. "a king's place", a palace View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
न्यायसारपदपञ्जिकाf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
न्यूनपदताf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
न्यूनपदत्वn. want of one word in a sentence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पद्मपदm. equals -pāda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पञ्चालपदवृत्तिf. (prob.) a kind of hiatus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पञ्चपदmf(ā-)n. (p/a-) containing 5 pada-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पनिष्पदmf(ā-)n. (Intensive of spand-) quivering, palpitating View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पापदmfn. bringing misfortune, inauspicious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पापदर्शन mfn. looking at faults, malevolent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पापदर्शिन्mfn. looking at faults, malevolent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पराभवपदn. an object of contempt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
परमपदn. the highest state or position, eminence, final beatitude View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
परमपदनिर्णायकm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
परमपदसोपानn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
परपदn. the highest position, final emancipation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
परस्मैपदn. "word for another", the transitive or active verb and its terminations View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
परस्मैपदn. (plural) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
परिभवपदn. an object or occasion of contempt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
परिभवाश्पदn. equals va-pada- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पर्यायपदमञ्जरीf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पौरजानपदmf(ī-)n. belonging to town and country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पौरजानपदm. plural townsmen and country-people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पवनपदवीf. path of the wind, the air View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पिण्डपदn. a kind of arithmetical calculation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पितृपदn. the world or state of the pitṛ-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रभापदशक्तिf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्राच्यपदवृत्तिf. a term applied to the rule according to which e- remains in particular cases unchanged before a- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रगृहीतपदmf(ā-)n. having the words pronounced separately View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्राक्पदn. the first member of a compound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रमदास्पदn. the gynaeceum of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रपदn. idem or 'f. (fr. 3. pad-) the fore part of the foot ' the point of the foot, tip of the toes ( prapadais dais- ind.on tiptoe) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रपदैस्ind. prapada
प्रपदम्ind. a term applied to a particular mode of recitation (in which the Vedic verses are divided, without reference to the sense and construction, into parts of an equal number of syllables and between these parts particular formulas inserted containing the word pa-padye-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रपदनn. entering, entrance into (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रपदनn. access, approach View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रतिपदn. Name of an upāṅga- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रातिपदmf(ī-)n. (fr. -pad-) forming the commencement View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रातिपदm. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रतिपदम्ind. (also da- in the beginning of a compound) at every step, on every occasion, at every place, everywhere View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रतिपदम्ind. at every word, word by word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रतिपदम्ind. literally, expressly ( Va1rtt.1; vi, 2, 26 Sch. ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रतिपदम्ind. each, singly (equals pratyekam- Scholiast or Commentator) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रतीपदर्शनी f. "turning away the face", a woman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रतिपदत्वn. walking step by step View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रतिष्ठितपदmfn. containing verses of a fixed or constant number of syllables View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रत्यन्तजनपदn. a bordering country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रौष्ठपदmf(ī-)n. relating to the nakṣatra- proṣṭha-pada- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रौष्ठपदm. (with or scilicet māsa-), the month bhādra- or August-September (also called pūrva-bhādrapadā-and uttara-bh-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रौष्ठपदm. Name of one of kubera-'s treasure-keepers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रौष्ठपदn. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
प्रोष्ठपदm. (andf(ā-).) sg. dual number and plural "the foot of a stool", Name of a double nakṣatra- of the 3rd and 4th lunar mansions (pr/oṣṭhāp-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पृथग्जनपदn. each single country or people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पृथक्पदmfn. consisting of single id est uncompounded words ( pṛthakpadatva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पृथक्पदत्वn. pṛthakpada
पुनःपदn. "repeated verse or line", a refrain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुनःपदmf(ā-)n. containing a repeated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुरीषपदn. Name of particular passages inserted (to fill up) in the recitation of the mahānāmnī- verses View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पूर्वभद्रपदm. (andf(ā-). plural) equals -bhādrap- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पूर्वभाद्रपदm. (andf(ā-).pl.) the 25th nakṣatra-, the former of the two called bhādrapadā- (containing two stars) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पूर्वपदn. the first member of a compound etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पूर्वपदप्रकृतिस्वरmfn. having the original accent of the first member of a compound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पूर्वपदत्वn. Va1rtt. 2. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदm. "flower-giving", a tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदंष्ट्रm. "having flower for fangs", Name of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तm. "flower-toothed", Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तm. of an attendant of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तm. of an attendant of viṣṇu-.
पुष्पदन्तm. (also -ka-) of a gandharva- (author of the mahimnaḥ- stavaḥ-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तm. of a vidyā-dhara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तm. of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तm. (with jaina-s) of the 9th arhat- of present avasarpiṇī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तm. of a particular being View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तm. of the elephant of the north-west quarter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तm. of the mountain śatruṃ-jaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तm. (dual number) sun and moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तn. Name of a temple View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तn. of a palace View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तn. of a gate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तभिद्m. Name of śiva- (prob. wrong reading for pūṣa-danta-bhid-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तान्वयm. in an elephant with particular marks (descended from the race of puṣpa-danta-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्ततीर्थn. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तवत्mfn. one who has flowered teeth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पदन्तीf. Name of a rākṣasī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
पुष्पपदवीf. () "course of the menses", the vulva. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
राधाकृष्णपदचिह्नn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रहस्यपदवीf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
राजपदn. the rank of a king, royalty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
राज्ञीपदn. the rank or dignity of a queen View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
राज्यपदn. royal rank, majesty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रामहृदयास्पदn. rāmahṛdaya
रामानुजसिद्धान्तपदवीf. Name of work
रशनागुणास्पदn. "place for the cord of a girdle", the waist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रशनापदn. "place for the girdle", the hip View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रथपदn. "carriage-foot", a wheel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रात्रिपदविचारm. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
रेणुपदवीf. a path of dust View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ऋक्पदn. a part of a ṛc-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शब्दपदमञ्जरीm. Name of a grammar. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सदाशिवपदn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
साधुपदवीf. the path or way of the good View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सजनपदmfn. having the same country, a fellow-countryman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
समाक्षरपदक्रमmfn. containing a succession of pada-s or metrical feet of the succession of syllables View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
समानजनपदmfn. being of the same people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
समपदm. "holding the feet even", a particular posture in sexual union View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
समपदm. an attitude in shooting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
समर्थपदविधिm. Name of a gram. work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
समयपदn. plural any matters or points agreed upon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
संदेहपदmfn. subject to doubt, doubtful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
संदेशपदn. plural the words of a message View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
संगितकपदn. a situation or office at a conceit or theatre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
संख्यापदn. a numeral (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
संन्यासपदमञ्जरीf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सम्पद(for 2.See column 2) equals sam-panna- furnished with (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सम्पदn. (for 1.See column 1) standing with the feet together or even (equals samam pada-yugmam-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
साम्पदmfn. (fr. sam-pad-) relating to the equipment or preparation of, requisite for (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सम्पद्विपदn. (prob.) good and ill-luck on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सम्प्रपदn. plural standing on tiptoe (see ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
संसारपदवीf. the road of the world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
संसारपदवीf. equals prec. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
संयुगगोष्पदn. a contest in a cow's footstep (met."an insignificant struggle") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सानन्दगद्गदपदम्ind. speaking indistinctly through joy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सान्द्रपदn. a kind of metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शङ्कास्पद(śaṅkāsp-) n. cause of doubt, ground or matter of suspicion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शङ्खपदm. Name of a son of manu- svārociṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शङ्खपदm. equals next View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सप्तपदmf(ā-)n. making the 7 steps (described above) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सप्तपदmf(ā-)n. consisting of 7 pāda-s etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
साप्तपदmfn. (fr. sapta-pada-) belonging to seven steps, based or depending on seven steps (="sincere","true") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शारपदm. a kind of bird (varia lectio for sāra-p-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सारपदm. "having strong feet", a kind of bird reckoned among the viṣkira-s (varia lectio, śāra-p-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्पदमनीf. a kind of plant (= vandhyā-karkoṭakī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्पदंष्ट्रm. a snake's fang View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्पदंष्ट्रm. Croton Polyandrum or Tiglium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्पदंष्ट्राf. Tragia Involucrata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्पदंष्ट्रीf. Odina Pinnata or Tragia Involucrata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्पदंष्ट्रिका f. Odina Pinnata or Tragia Involucrata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्पदण्डाf. a kind of pepper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्पदण्डीf. a kind of plant (equals go-rakṣī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्पदन्तीf. Tiaridium Indicum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्पदष्टn. a snake-bite View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्वधर्मपदप्रभेदm. a particular samādhi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सर्वपदn. plural (or ibc.) words of every kind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ससम्पदmfn. happy, delighted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शशपदn. a hare's track (easily got over) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शशपदशक्तिf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शशिखण्डपदm. Name of a vidyā-dhara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शस्त्रपदn. "knife-mark", incision View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शतपदn. (with cakra-) an astronomical circle with a hundred divisions for exhibiting the various divisions of the nakṣatra-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शतपदचक्रn. idem or 'n. (with cakra-) an astronomical circle with a hundred divisions for exhibiting the various divisions of the nakṣatra-s ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
षट्पदmfn. having six places or quarters (as a town) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
षट्पदmfn. six-footed, (a verse) consisting of six divisions or pāda-s etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
षट्पदm. a six-footed animal, insect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
षट्पदn. a particular advantageous position in chess View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
षट्पदज्यmfn. "having bees for a string", Name of kāma-deva-'s bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
षट्पदप्रियm. "beloved by bees", Mesua Roxburghii View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
षट्त्रिंशत्पदकज्ञानn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सौख्यास्पदn. Name of a town View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शौवापदmfn. (fr. śvā-pada-) relating to or coming from a wild beast, ferocious, savage, wild View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शयनास्पदn. equals na-bhūmi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सिद्धपदn. Name of a sacred place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सिद्धाश्रमपदn. (the place of) the hermitage of the Blest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शिक्षापदn. moral precept View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शिक्षापदप्रज्ञप्तिf. Name of a part of the vinaya- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शिलीपदm. (equals ślī-p-) enlarged or swelled leg, elephantiasis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शिमिषीपदm. (see śamanīṣada-) a rākṣasa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शिपदSee a-śipad/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शिरस्पदn. the upper part View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शिवपदn. final liberation, emancipation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्लेषार्थपदसंग्रहm. Name of a dictionary of ambiguous words (by śrīharṣa-kavi-).
श्लीपदn. (thought by some to be fr. śliṣ-+ pada-;others suppose ślī-to have the meaning "elephant") morbid enlargement of the leg, swelled leg, elephantiasis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्लीपदप्रभवm. "source of elephantiasis", the Mango tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्मरणपदवीf. "road of (mere) memory", death (vīṃ gamitaḥ-= "dead, killed") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
षोडशपदmf(ā-)n. consisting of 16 pada-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सोमपदm. plural Name of particular worlds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सोमपदn. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सोपपदmfn. together with a secondary word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्रीकण्ठपदलाञ्छनm. "marked by the name śrī-kaṇṭha-", Name of the poet bhava-bhūti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्रोत्रपदवीf. the range of hearing (vīm upa--,"to come within the range of hearing") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्थिरपदmf(ā-)n. firmly rooted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्थूलषट्पदm. a kind of large wasp or bee View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्तोभपदn. Name of a treatise on the stobha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्तुतिपदn. an object of praise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुचरितार्थपदmfn. (speech) containing well selected sense and words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सूक्तामृतपुनरुक्तोपदंशनदशनn. Name of a medicine work by saj-jana-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
शून्यपदवीf. "path to non-existence", the way or passage of the soul (equals brahma-randhra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुपदn. a good word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुपदn. the word su- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुप्रसिद्धपदमञ्जरीf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
सुरास्पदn. "god's abode", a temple View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्वपदn. a dog's foot (or its mark branded on the body) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्वापदm. (śv/ā--) n. a beast of prey, wild beast etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्वापदm. a tiger View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्वापदm. plural Name of a people (wrong reading svāp-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्वापदmfn. relating or belonging to a wild beast (equals śauvāpada-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्वापद śvā-vidh- etc. See . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्वपदn. one's own place or abode View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्वपदn. one's own position or rank View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्वापदSee śvā-pada-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्वापदराजन्m. a king of the beasts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
श्वापदसेवितmfn. frequented or infested by wild beasts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्वर्गपदm. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
स्वत्वास्पदn. site of ownership, that in which any one has proprietorship View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तापदmfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' causing pain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तत्पदn. the place of that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तत्पदn. the word tad- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तत्पदm. Ficus religiosa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तेजस्पदn. a mark of dignity, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तीर्थपदmfn. idem or ' Nominal verb pād- mfn. having sanctifying feet (kṛṣṇa-) ' , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्रैपदn. three-fourths View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्रिपदmfn. three-footed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्रिपदmfn. extending over 3 squares View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्रिपदmfn. () having 3 divisions (a stanza) and (f. tr/ipadā-) (f. p/adā-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्रिपदmfn. measuring 3 feet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्रिपदmfn. containing 3 words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्रिपदn. 3 words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्रिपदn. the gāyatrī- metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
त्रिपदप्रभृतिmfn. containing 3 or more words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
तृणषट्पदm. "grass-infesting six-footed", a wasp View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उच्चैःपदn. a high situation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उच्चपदn. a high situation, high office.
उदारवृत्तार्थपदmfn. of excellent words and meaning and metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उद्ग्राहपदवृत्तिf. the udgrāha- saṃdhi- before a long vowel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपचारपदn. a courteous or polite word, a mere compliment View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदधिmfn. placing upon, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदद्य ind.p. having taken or taking upon one's self View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदग्धmfn. burnt, set on fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदह्P. -dahati- (Aorist -adhā-- kṣīt- ) to burn, set fire to
उपदम्भ् Causal P. (3. plural -dambhayanti-) to lessen, diminish, destroy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदम्भ्to fail, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदंश् View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदंशm. anything eaten in addition (to excite thirst or appetite), a relish, spice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदंशm. a kind of venereal disease View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदंशm. the tree Moringa Hyperanthera (the scraped root of which is used for horse-radish) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदंशm. a kind of shrub View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदंशकm. a particular plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदंशम् ind.p. having taken an additional bit or morsel of (with instrumental case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदंशिन्mfn. afflicted with the upadaṃśa- (q.v) disease View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदर्शकetc. See upa-dṛś-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदर्शकm. one who shows the way, a door-keeper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदर्शनn. the act of exhibiting, representing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदर्शनn. a commentary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदर्शितmfn. caused to appear, shown View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदर्शितmfn. perceived, distinguished View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदर्शितmfn. explained. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदस्P. -dasyati- (subjunctive -dasat- ) to fail, be wanting, be extinguished or exhausted, dry up ; to want, lose, be deprived of (instrumental case) : Causal -dāsayati-, to cause to fail or cease, extinguish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदशmfn. nearly ten, almost ten commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदस्तetc. See an-upadasta-, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपदश्यind. p. equals upa-daṃśam- above. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपहासास्पदn. a laughing-stock. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपपदn. a word standing near or accompanying another to which it is subordinate (either a subordinate word in a compound [but not in a bahu-vrīhi- compound] generally forming the first member, or a discriminative appellation at the end of proper names, as varman-, śarman-etc.;or a preposition, particle etc. prefixed to a verb or noun;or a secondary word of any kind which is governed by or limits the general idea contained in the principal word) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपपदn. (vṛkṣāḥ kalpo-papadāḥ-,"those trees which have the word kalpa-as accompanying word "equals kalpa-vṛkṣāḥ- ; see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपपदn. a bit, little View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उपपदसमासm. a compound containing an upa-pada- (exempli gratia, 'for example' kumbha-kāra-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उत्तमपदn. a high office. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उत्तमोपपदmfn. one to whom the best term is applicable, best, good. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उत्तरपदn. the last member of a compound word etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उत्तरपदकीयmfn. relating to or studying the last word or term commentator or commentary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
उत्त्रिपदn. an upright tripod View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वाचकपदmfn. containing expressive (not senseless) words View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वाचकपदn. an expressive or significant word, explicit term View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वैयाकरणपदमञ्जरीf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वैयापदmfn. (fr. vyāpad-), Kaiy. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वक्रपदn. a cloth marked with various patterns View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वाक्यपदn. a word in a sentence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वल्लीपदn. a kind of cloth with various markings or patterns View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वापदण्डm. a weaver's loom (see vāna--and vāya-d-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वर्गपदn. a square root View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वर्षपदn. a calendar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वसुकल्पदत्तm. Name of poets View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वाय्वास्पदn. "wind-place", the atmosphere, sky View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वेदान्ताचार्यप्रपदनn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वेदपददर्पणm. Name of a treatise on the pada--text of the veda- (see padapāṭha-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वेदपदस्तव(prob.) wrong reading for -pādastava-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विधेयपदn. an object to be accomplished View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विघ्नितपदmfn. one whose steps are impeded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विलीनषट्पदmfn. having bees clinging or attached View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विरचितपदmfn. (a speech or song etc.) the words of which are artificially composed or arranged, rhythmic, poetic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विषमपदmf(ā-)n. having unequal steps (as a path) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विषमपदmfn. having unequal pāda-s (a stanza) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विषमपदवृत्तिf. Name of various commentaries View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विशेषणपदn. a title of honour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विष्णुपदn. "station or footmark of viṣṇu-", the zenith View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विष्णुपदn. the sky etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विष्णुपदn. the mark of viṣṇu-'s foot worshipped at gayā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विष्णुपदn. Name of a sacred hill (also called viṣṇupadagiri da-giri-,m.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विष्णुपदn. a lotus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विष्णुपदm. n. the sea of milk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विष्णुपदm. Name of the Ganges (as issuing from viṣṇu-'s foot) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विष्णुपदm. of the town dvārikā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विष्णुपदगिरिm. viṣṇupada
विष्णुपदश्राद्धn. Name of a particular śrāddha- (performed in the temple containing viṣṇu-'s footprint) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विष्णुपदतीर्थn. the sacred place called gayā- (equals viṣṇu-pada-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विषुपदn. the autumnal equinox(?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विश्वरूपदर्शनn. Name of two chs. in the krīḍā-khaṇḍa- of the View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
वितर्कपदवीf. the path of conjecture or supposition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विवादपदn. the subject of a dispute or lawsuit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विवादास्पदn. the subject of a lawsuit ( vivādāspadibhūta di-bhūta- mfn.become the subject of a lawsuit, litigated, contested at law) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
विवेकपदवीf. "path of discrimination", reflection View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
व्यधिकरणपदmfn. containing words in different cases (as a bahuvrīhi-, exempli gratia, 'for example' kaṇṭhe-kāla-,"one who has black colour in the throat"[= kālakaṇṭha-,"black-throated"]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
व्याघ्रपदm. a species of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
व्यस्तपदn. confused statement of a case (in a law-court;as, when a man is accused of debt, it is stated in defence that he has been assaulted), counter-plaint View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
व्यस्तपदn. (in gram.) a simple or uncompounded word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
व्यवहारपदn. a title or head of legal procedure, occasion or case of litigation (see -mātṛkā-below ), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
यजुर्वेदपदn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
यकारादिपदn. a word beginning with ya- (euphemistically applied to any form of yabh-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
यमपदn. a repeated word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
यथाजनपदम्ind. according to countries View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
यथापदम्ind. according to word, word by word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
यथोपपदम्ind. as it happens, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
यौगपदn. equals next View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
यौवनपदवीf. the path of youth (vīm ārūḍhaḥ-,having entered on adolescence) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
योगपदn. a state of self-concentration or meditation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
योगपदकn. wrong reading for -paṭṭaka- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
44 results
padakam पदकम् A step, position, office; see पद. -कः 1 An ornament of the neck. -2 One conversant with the पदपाठ q. v. -3 A निष्क or weight of gold.
padam पदम् [पद्-अच्] 1 A foot (said to be m. also in this sense); पदेन on foot; शिखरिषु पदं न्यस्य Me.13; अपथे पदमर्पयन्ति हि R.9.74 'set foot on (follow) a wrong road'; 3.5;12.52; पदं हि सर्वत्र गुणैर्निधीयते 3.62 'good qualities set foot everywhere' i. e. command notice or make themselves felt; जनपदे न गदः पदमादधौ 9.4. 'no disease stepped into the country'; यदवधि न पदं दधाति चित्ते Bv.2.14; पदं कृ (a) to set foot in, on or over (lit.); शान्ते करिष्यसि पदं पुनराश्रमे$स्मिन् Ś.4.2. (b) to enter upon or into, take possession of, occupy (fig.); कृतं वपुषि नवयौवनेन पदम् K.137; कृतं हि मे कुतूहलेन प्रश्नाशया हृदि पदम् 133; so Ku.5.21; Pt.1.24; कृत्वा पदं नो गले Mu.3.26 'in defiance of us'; (lit. planting his foot on our neck); मूर्ध्नि पदं कृ 'to mount on the head of', 'to humble'; पदं मूर्ध्नि समाधत्ते केसरी मत्तदन्तिनः Pt.1.327; आकृतिविशेषेष्वादरः पदं करोति M.1 'good forms attract attention (command respect); जने सखी पदं कारिता Ś.4; 'made to have dealings with (to confide in)'; धर्मेण शर्वे पार्वतीं प्रति पदं कारिते Ku.6.14. -2 A step, pace, stride; तन्वी स्थिता कतिचिदेव पदानि गत्वा Ś.2.13; पदे पदे 'at every step'; अक्षमालामदत्त्वा पदात् पदमपि न गन्तव्यम् or चलितव्यम् 'do not move even a step' &c.; पितुः पदं मध्यममुत्पतन्ती V.1.19 'the middle pace or stride of Viṣṇu.'; i. e. the sky (for mythologically speaking, the earth, sky, and lower world are considered as the three paces of Viṣṇu in his fifth or dwarf incarnation वामनावतार); so अथात्मनः शब्दगुणं गुणज्ञः पदं विमानेन विगाहमानः R.13.1. -3 A foot-step, footprint, foot-mark; पदपङ्क्तिः Ś.3.7; or पदावली foot-prints; पदमनुविधेयं च महताम् Bh.2.28 'the foot-steps of the great must be followed'; पदैगृर्ह्यते चौरः Y.2.286. -4 A trace, mark, impression, vestige; रतिवलयपदाङ्के चापमासज्य कण्ठे Ku.2.64; Me.37,98; M.3. -5 A place, position, station; अधो$धः पदम् Bh.2.1; आत्मा परिश्रमस्य पदमुपनीतः Ś.1, 'brought to the point of or exposed to trouble'; तदलब्धपदं हृदि शोकघने R.8.91, 'found no place in (left no impression on) the heart'; अपदे शङ्कितो$स्मि M.1, 'my doubts were out of place', i. e. groundless; कृशकुटुम्बेषु लोभः पदमधत्त Dk.162; Ku.6.72;3.4; R.2.5;9.82; कृतपदं स्तनयुगलम् U.6.35, 'brought into relief or bursting forth'. -6 Dignity, rank, office, station or position; भगवत्या प्रश्निकपदमध्यासितव्यम् M.1; यान्त्येवं गृहिणीपदं युवतयः Ś.4.18, 'attain to the rank or position, &c.; स्थिता गृहिणीपदे 4.19; so सचिव˚, राज˚ &c. -7 Cause, subject, occasion, thing, matter, business, affair; व्यवहारपदं हि तत् Y.2.5; 'occasion or matter of dispute, title of law, judicial proceeding'; Ms.8.7; सतां हि सन्देहपदेषु वस्तुषु Ś.1.22; वाञ्छितफलप्राप्तेः पदम् Ratn.1.6. -8 Abode, object, receptacle; पदं दृशः स्याः कथमीश मादृशाम् Śi.1.37; 15.22; अगरीयान्न पदं नृपश्रियः Ki.2.14; अविवेकः परमापदां पदम् 2.3; के वा न स्युः परिभवपदं निष्फलारम्भयत्नाः Me.56; संपदः पदमापदाम् H.4.65. -9 A quarter or line of a stanza, verse; विरचितपदम् (गेयम्) Me.88,15; M.5.2; Ś.3.14. -1 A complete or inflected word; सुप्तिडन्तं पदम् P.I. 4.14. वर्णाः पदं प्रयोगार्हानन्वितैकार्थबोधकाः S. D.9; R.8.77; Ku.4.9. -11 A name for the base of nouns before all consonantal case-terminations except nom. singular. -12 Detachment of the Vedic words from one another, separation of a Vedic text into its several constituent words; वेदैः साङ्गपदक्रमोपनिषदैर्गायन्ति यं सामगाः Bhāg.12.13.1. -13 A pretext; अनिभृतपदपातमापपात प्रियमिति कोपपदेन कापि सख्या Śi.7.14. -14 A sqare root. -15 A part, portion or division (as of a sentence); as त्रिपदा गायत्री. -16 A measure of length. -17 Protection, preservation; ते विंशतिपदे यत्ताः संप्रहारं प्रचक्रिरे Mb.7.36.13. -18 A square or house on a chessboard; अष्टापदपदालेख्यैः Rām. -19 A quadrant. -2 The last of a series. -21 A plot of ground. -22 (In Arith.) Any one in a set of numbers the sum of which is required. -23 A coin; माता पुत्रः पिता भ्राता भार्या मित्रजनस्तथा । अष्टापदपदस्थाने दक्षमुद्रेव लक्ष्यते ॥ Mb.12.298.4. (com. अष्टापदपदं सुवर्णकार्षापणः). -24 A way, road; षट्पदं नवसंख्यानं निवेशं चक्रिरे द्विजाः Mb.14.64.1. -25 Retribution (फल); ईहोपरमयोर्नॄणां पदान्यध्यात्मचक्षुषा Bhāg.7.13.2. -दः A ray of light. -Comp. -अङ्कः, चिह्नम् a foot-print. -अङ्गुष्ठः the great toe, thumb (of the foot). -अध्ययनम् study of the Vedas according to the पदपाठ q. v. -अनुग a. 1 following closely, being at the heels of (gen.). -2 suitable, agreeable to. (-गः) a follower, companion; एतान्निहत्य समरे ये चृ तस्य पदानुगाः । तांश्च सर्वान् विनिर्जित्य सहितान् सनराधिपान् ॥ Mb.3.12.6. -अनुरागः 1 a servant. -2 an army. -अनुशासनम् the science of words, grammar. -अनुषङ्गः anything added to a pada. -अन्तः 1 the end of a line of a stanza. -2 the end of a word. -अन्तरम् another step, the interval of one step; पदान्तरे स्थित्वा Ś.1; अ˚ closely, without a pause. -अन्त्य a. final. -अब्जम्, -अम्भोजम्, -अरविन्दम्, -कमलम्, -पङ्कजम्, -पद्मम् a lotus-like foot. -अभिलाषिन् a. wishing for an office. -अर्थः 1 the meaning of a word. -2 a thing or object. -3 a head or topic (of which the Naiyāyikas enumerate 16 subheads). -4 anything which can be named (अभिधेय), a category or predicament; the number of such categories, according to the Vaiśeṣikas, is seven; according to the Sāṅkhyas, twentyfive (or twenty-seven according to the followers of Patañjali), and two according to the Vedāntins. -5 the sense of another word which is not expressed but has to be supplied. ˚अनुसमयः preforming one detail with reference to all things or persons concerned; then doing the second, then the third and so on (see अनुसमय). Hence पदार्थानुसमयन्याय means: A rule of interpretation according to which, when several details are to be performed with reference to several things or persons, they should be done each to each at a time. -आघातः 'a stroke with the foot', a kick. -आजिः a foot-soldier. -आदिः 1 the beginning of the line of a stanza. -2 the beginning or first letter of a word. ˚विद् m. a bad student (knowing only the beginnings of stanzas). -आयता a shoe. -आवली a series of words, a continued arrangement of words or lines; (काव्यस्य) शरीरं तावदिष्टार्थव्यवच्छिन्नापदावली Kāv. 1.1; मधुरकोमलकान्तपदावलीं शृणु तदा जयदेवसरस्वतीम् Gīt.1. -आसनम् a foot-stool. -आहत a. kicked. -कमलम् lotus-like foot. -कारः, -कृत् m. the author of the Padapāṭha. -क्रमः 1 walking, a pace; न चित्रमुच्चैः श्रवसः पदक्रमम् (प्रशशंस) Śi.1.52. -2 a particular method of reciting the Veda; cf. क्रम. -गः a foot-soldier. -गतिः f. gait, manner of going. -गोत्रम् a family supposed to preside over a particular class of words. -छेदः, -विच्छेदः, -विग्रहः separation of words, resolution of a sentence into its constituent parts. -च्युत a. dismissed from office, deposed. -जातम् class or group of words. -दार्ढ्यम् fixedness or security of text. -न्यासः 1 stepping, tread, step. -2 a foot-mark. -3 position of the feet in a particular attitude. -4 the plant गोक्षुर. -5 writing down verses or quarters of verses; अप्रगल्भाः पदन्यासे जननीरागहेतवः । सन्त्येके बहुलालापाः कवयो बालका इव ॥ Trivikramabhaṭṭa. -पङ्क्तिः f. 1 a line of foot-steps; द्वारे$स्य पाण्डुसिकते पदपङ्क्तिर्दृश्यते$भिनवा Ś.3.7; V.4.6. -2 a line or arrangement of words, a series of words; कृतपदपङ्क्तिरथर्वणेव वेदः Ki.1.1. -3 an iṣtakā or sacred brick. -4 a kind of metre. -पाठः an arrangement of the Vedic text in which each word is written and pronounced in its original form and independently of phonetic changes (opp. संहितापाठ). -पातः, विक्षेपः a step, pace (of a horse also). -बन्धः a foot-step, step. -भञ्जनम् analysis of words, etymology. -भञ्जिका 1 a commentary which separates the words and analyses the compounds of a passage. -2 a register, journal. -3 a calendar. -भ्रंशः dismissal from office. -माला a magical formula. -योपनम् a fetter for the feet (Ved.). -रचना 1 arrangement of words. -2 literary composition. -वायः Ved. a leader. -विष्टम्भः a step, footstep. -वृत्तिः f. the hiatus between two words. -वेदिन् a linguist, philologist. -व्याख्यानम् interpretation of words. -शास्त्रम् the science of separately written words. -संघातः (टः) 1 connecting the words which are separated in the संहिता. -2 a writer, an annotator. -संधिः m. the euphonic combination of words. -स्थ a. 1 going on foot. -2 being in a position of authority or high rank. -स्थानम् a foot-print.
padanīya पदनीय a. To be investigated or known (ज्ञातव्य); तदेतत्पदनीयमस्य सर्वस्य यदयमात्मानेन ह्येतत्सर्वं वेद Bṛi. Up.1.4.7.
padaśaḥ पदशः ind. 1 Step by step, gradually. -2 Word by word. पदाजिः padājiḥ पदातः padātḥ पदातिः padātiḥ पदाजिः पदातः पदातिः [पद्भ्यामतति, अत्-अच्] 1 A foot-soldier; 'पदातिपत्तिपदगपादातिकपदाजयः' Ak.; R. 7.37. -2 A pedestrian (walking on foot); U.5.12. -Comp. -अध्यक्षः the commander-in-chief of the infantry. -लव (पदातिलव) a. most humble.
padaviḥ पदविः वी f. [पद्-अवि वा ङीप] A way, road, path, course (fig. also); पवनपदवी Me.8; अनुयाहि साधुपदवीम् Bh.2.77 'follow in the footsteps of the good'; Ś.4. 14; R.3.5;7.7;8.11;15.99; Bh.3.46; Ve.6.27; so स यौवनपदवीमारूढः Pt.1, 'he attained his majority' (grew up to man's estate). -2 Position, station, rank, dignity, office, post; एतत् स्तोत्रं प्रपठता विचार्य गुरवाक्यतः । प्राप्यते ब्रह्मपदवी सत्यं सत्यं न संशयः ॥ Tattvamasi Strotra.12. -3 A place, site. -4 Good conduct or behaviour.
atipada अतिपद a. [अतिक्रान्तः पदम्] 1 Having no feet. -2 Too long by one foot.
anupada अनुपद a. [पदान्यनुगतः] 1 Following the feet closely. -2 Following every word; ˚सूत्रम् a commentary (of a Brāhmana) explaining the text word for word. -दः N. of a man or tribe. -दम् A chorus, burden of a song or words sung again at regular intervals. -ind. [पदानां पश्चात्] 1 Along the feet, near the feet; अनुपदं बद्धा अनुपदीना Sk. -2 Step by step, at every step; स्खलिताभिरप्यनुपदं प्रमदाः प्रणयातिभूमिमगमन्गतिभिः Śi.9.78. -3 Word for word. -4 On the heels of, close behind or after, immediately after (of time or space); अनुपदमन्वेष्टा अनुपदी Sk.; गच्छतां पुरो भवन्तौ । अहमप्यनुपदमागत एव Ś.3 I shall be close behind you, just follow you; ˚दमुच्चलित एव K.263,264; oft. with gen. or in comp. in this sense; लक्ष्मीवाननुपदमस्य संप्रतस्थे Ki.12. 54; (तौ) आशिषामनुपदं समस्पृशत् पाणिना R.11.31; अमोघाः प्रतिगृह्णन्तावर्ध्यानुपदमाशिषः; दर्शनानुपदमेव Śi. 14.48.
anupada अनुपदवी A way, road.
apada अपद a. 1 Footless. -2 Having no office or post. -दः A reptile. -दम् No place or abode. -2 A wrong or bad place or abode; wrong timer चिरमपदे शङ्कितो$स्मि M.1 my doubts were out of place, ill-founded; प्रेम पश्यति भयान्यपदे$पि Ki.9.7 unreasonably. -3 A word which is not a pada or an inflected word. -4 Ether. -Comp. -अन्तर a. adjoining, cont iguous, very near. धर्मराजमिदं वाक्यमपदान्तरमब्रवीत् Mb.7.17.38. (-रम्) proximity, contiguity. -रुहा, -रोहिणी N. of a parasitical plant; (Mar. बादांगुळ, बांडगूळ).
apadakṣiṇam अपदक्षिणम् ind. To the left side.
apadama अपदम a. 1 Without self-restraint. -2 Of wavering fortune.
apadava अपदव a. Free from forest fire.
apadaśa अपदश a. 1 Far from ten. -2 Without a fringe (दशा) as a garment; तथानान्यधृतं धार्यं न चापदशमेव च Mb.13.14.86.
aprapadanam अप्रपदनम् Ved. A bad place of refuge.
ātmanepadam आत्मनेपदम् [आत्मने आत्मार्थफलबोधनाय पदं अलुक् स˚] 1 A voice for oneself, one of the two voices in which roots are conjugated in Sanskrit. -2 The terminations of this voice.
āprapadam आप्रपदम् [प्रपदं पदाग्रं तत्पर्यन्तं अव्ययी˚] A dress reaching to the feet. -ind. To the end of the foot, reaching to the feet.
āspadam आस्पदम् [आ-पद्-घ सुट् च] 1 A place, site, seat, room; तस्यास्पदं श्रीर्युवराजसंज्ञितम् R.3.36; ध्यानास्पदं भूतपतेर्विवेश Ku.3.43,5.1,48,69; कथं तादृशानां गिरि वैतथ्यमास्पदं कुर्यात् K.174; राजन्यास्पदमलभत Dk.16 obtained a hold on the king. -2 (Fig.) An abode, subject, receptacle; निधनता सर्वापदामास्पदम् Mk.1.14; करिण्यः कारुण्यास्पदम् Bv.1.2. आस्पदं त्वमसि सर्वसंपदाम् Ki.13.39; so दोष˚, उपहास˚ &c. -3 Rank, position, station; काव्यार्थभावनेनायमपि सभ्यपदास्प- दम् D. -4 Dignity, authority, office; लब्धास्पदो$स्मीति विवादभीरोः M.1.17. -5 Business, affair. -6 Prop, support. -7 The tenth place from the लग्न (in Astrol.) q. v.
uttripadam उत्त्रिपदम् An upright tripod.
upadaṃś उपदंश् 1 P. To bite or eat anything (as a relish or condiment).
upadaṃśaḥ उपदंशः 1 Anything which excites thirst or appetite, a relish, condiment &c.; मूलकेनोपदंशं भुङ्क्ते Mbh. on P. IV.1.48; cf. P.III.4.47. द्वित्रानुपदंशानुपपाद्य Dk.133; अग्रमांसोपदंशं पिव नवशोणितासवम् Ve.3. -2 Biting, stinging. -3 The venereal disease, chancre. -4 (a) A tree the root of which is used for horse-radish (शिग्रु). (b) N. of another plant (समष्ठिल). -नम् Context; छागोपकरण- मस्योपदंशितं यदुपदंशने पशुशब्दच्छागाभिप्राय इति गम्यते । ŚB. on MS.6.8.35.
upadaṃśitam उपदंशितम् Context, mention of a thing by way of context; छागोपकरणमस्योपदंशितम् । ŚB. on MS.6.8.35; युगवरत्रे उपदंशिते ईषाचक्रादिसन्निधाने चेदक्षमानय इत्युच्यते &c. ŚB. on MS.6.8.35.
upadaṃśin उपदंशिन् a. Afflicted with chancre.
upadaśa उपदश a. (pl.) About or nearly ten; अथोपदशा इति को$यं समासः बहुर्वीहिरित्याह Mbh. on P.II.2.25.
upadas उपदस् 4 P. To fail, be wanting, dry up or be consumed. -Caus. To cause to fail or cease, extinguish; अनुगच्छन्ती प्राणानुप दासयति ब्रह्मगवी ब्रह्मज्यस्य Av.12.5.27.
upadarśaka उपदर्शक a. Showing. -कः 1 One who shows the way, a guide. -2 A door-keeper. -3 A witness.
upadarśanam उपदर्शनम् 1 Exhibiting, representing. -2 A commentary.
upapadam उपपदम् 1 A word prefixed or previously uttered; धनुरुपपदं वेदम् Ki.18.44 (धनुर्वेदम्); तस्याः स राजोपपदं निशान्तम् R.16.4. -2 A title, a degree; epithet of respect, such as आर्य, शर्मन्; कथं निरुपपदमेव चाणक्यमिति न आर्यचाणक्यमिति Mu.3. -3 A secondary word of a sentence, a preposition, particle &c. prefixed to a verb or a noun derived from a verb which determines or qualifies the sense of the verb; उपपदमतिङ् P.II.2.19; (see Sk. thereon). ˚तत्पुरुषः a kind of Tat. comp. in which the last member is some form of a verbal character; e. g. वेदविद्, ग्रामणी, आकर्णलम्बिन् &c. उपपरीक्षा upaparīkṣā क्षणम् kṣaṇam उपपरीक्षा क्षणम् Investigation, examination.
kauṇapadantaḥ कौणपदन्तः N. of an author on अर्थशास्त्र mentioned by Kauṭilya in connection with राजपुत्ररक्षण; Kau. A.1.17.
goṣpadam गोष्पदम् 1 A cow's foot. -2 The mark or impression of a cow's foot in the soil. -3 The quantity of water sufficient to fill such an impression; i. e. a very small puddle; गोष्पदे संप्लुतोदके Mb.1.31.9. ˚प्रम् (णमुल्) in such a manner that a cow's foortprint be filled; ददाल भूर्नभो रक्तं गोष्पदप्रं ववर्ष च Bk.14.2. -4 As much as a cows foot-step will hold. -5 A spot frequented by cows.
jānapada जानपदः [जानेन उत्पत्त्या पद्यते पद् अप्; जनपदे भवः, अण् वा] 1 An inhabitant of the country, a rustic, boor, peasant (opp. पौर); ततः कतिपयाहःसु वृद्धो जानपदो युवा Rām.7.73.2. -2 A country. -3 A tax &c. from peasants. -4 subject. -दा A popular expression. -दी Profession, business.
drupada द्रुपदः N. of a king of the Pāñchālas [He was a son of Prisata. He and Drona were school-fellows, as they learnt the science of archery from Droṇa's father, Bharadvāja. After Drupada had succeeded to the throne, Droṇa, when in pecuniary difficulties, went to him on the strength of his former friendship; but the proud monarch disrespected and slighted him. For this Droṇa afterwards got him captured by his pupils the Pāṇḍavas, but was kind enough to spare his life, and allowed him to retain half his kingdom. But the defeat sustained by him at Droṇa's hands rankled in his soul, and with the desire of getting a son who would avenge the wrong done to him, he performed a sacrifice, when a son named Dhṛiṣtadyumna (and a daughter called Draupudī) sprang up from the fire. This son afterwards treacherously cut off the head of Droṇa. See Droṇa also.]
paraṃpadam परंपदम् 1 The abode of Viṣṇu. -2 Eternal felicity. -3 A high position.
prapadam प्रपदम् 1 The forepart of the foot; स तं गृहीत्वा प्रपदो- र्भ्रामयित्वैकपाणिना Bhāg.1.15.32. -2 Tip of the toe.
prapadanam प्रपदनम् 1 Entrance. -2 Access, approach; लोकद्वारं विदुषां प्रपदनं निरोधो$विदुषाम् Ch. Up.8.6.5. -3 Approaching for protection; प्रपदनधनतुष्टाः पञ्चसंस्कारदानात् Viś. Guṇa.255.
prātipada प्रातिपद a. (-दी f.) 1 Forming the commencement. -2 Produced in, or belonging to, the day called प्रतिपद् q. v.
prauṣṭhapada प्रौष्ठपदः = प्रोष्ठपद q. v.
yaugapadam यौगपदम् द्यम् 1 Simultaneity; तुल्यानां तु यौगपद्यम् etc. MS.11.1.54; Bhāg.4.4.2. -2 Simultaneous perception of one and the same thing in many more places than one; आदित्यवद् यौगपद्यम् MS.1.1.5. ˚द्येन ind. simultaneously; न हि यौगपद्येन विधातुं शक्यते लक्षणत्वेन चोच्चारयितुम् ŚB. on MS.3.1.14.
śilīpada शिलीपदः Elephantiasis.
śauvāpada शौवापद a. (-दी f.) [श्वापद-अण्] 1 Relating to a wild beast; A. Rām. -2 Savage, fierce, wild.
ślīpadam श्लीपदम् Swelled leg, elephantiasis. -Comp. -अपहः removing elephantiasis, the पुत्रजीवी tree, Putrañjiva Roxburghii. -प्रभवः the mango tree.
śvāpada श्वापद a. (-दी f.) Savage, ferocious. -दः 1 A beast of prey, wild beast. -2 A tiger.
saṃprapada संप्रपदः दम् Roaming about; standing on tip-toe, (cf. Ms.6.22 com.); स्वप्याद्भूमौ शुची रात्रौ दिवा संप्रपदैर्नयेत् Y.3.51.
sāptapada साप्तपद a. (-दी f.), साप्तपदीन a. [cf. P.V.2.22] Formed by walking together seven steps, or by talking together seven words; यतः सतां संनतगात्रि संगतं मनी- षिभिः साप्तपदीनमुच्यते Ku.5.39 (where the latter sense appears better); सतां साप्तपदं मैत्रमित्याहुर्विबुधा जनाः Pt.2.43; 4.13. -दम्, -दीनम् 1 Circumambulation of the nuptial fire by the bride and bridegroom in seven steps (which makes the marriage tie irrevocable). -2 Friendship, intimacy.
svāpada स्वापदः See श्वापद.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
pada pad-á, n. step, i. 154, 3. 4. 5. 6; ii. 35, 14 [pad walk; Gk. πέδ-ο-ν ‘ground’].
Macdonell Search
36 results
pada (m.) n. step; stride; footstep; trace; mark, sign; footing, place, abode, home; station, position, office; dignity, rank; object (of contempt, dispute, etc.); cause, oc casion; foot (also as a measure); quarter verse; word; nominal base before consonant terminations (so-called because treated like a word in external Sandhi); word-reading of the Veda (in which the words are given sepa rately irrespective of the rules of Sandhi): padam kri, set foot on, enter (lc.); have a regard for (prati); have to do with (lc.): mûrdhni, place one's foot on the head of (g.) =overcome, surpass, hridaye or kitte --, take complete possession of the heartor mind; padam â-tan, gain ground; -dhâ, gain a footing; -ni-dhâ, set foot on=make an im pression on (lc.): -padavyâm, set foot on the path of=emulate (g.); padam ni-bandh= engage in (lc.); pade pade, at every step, everywhere, on every occasion.
padaka n. step; office, position; -krama, m. kind of gait; peculiar method of reciting and writing the Veda; -gati, f. gait; -kihna, n. footprint; -tâ, f. original form of a word; condition of a word; -nyâsa, m. putting down the foot, step; footprint; inditing of verses; (á)-pa&ndot;kti, f. series of footsteps, track; a metre (5 X 5 syllables); series of words; -paddhati, f. series of foot steps, track; -pâtha, m. word-reading, a mode of reciting and writing the Veda in which every word is given in its original form irrespective of Sandhi; -pûrana, a. verse filling; -yópana, a. (î) pace-retarding; -rak anâ, f. arrangement of words, literary work; -vigraha, m. separation of words; -víd, a. (knowing the place), familiar with (g.).
padasaṃdhi m. euphonic combi nation of words; -stha, a. pedestrian; in vested with office; -sthâna, m. footprint; -sthita, pp. invested with office.
padaśas ad. step by step, by de grees; word for word.
padaśāstra n. science of words written separately in the Veda; -sreni, f. line of footsteps, track.
pada m. (nm. -s) leader, guide (V.); f. (nm. î) track, path; way or road, to (--°ree;); sphere, ken (of eyes, ears, memory); post, office: -m abhi½i, tread the path of (--°ree;), equal, resemble; -pra½âp or sam-â-ruh, enter the path of, devote oneself to (--°ree;); -yâ, enter the path of, become an object of, e. g. laughter (--°ree;).
padavṛtti f. hiatus between two words in a sentence.
anupadam ad. immediately after (g., --°ree;); repeatedly; at every step.
antarniviṣṭapada a. having a footing gained within, having taken possession of his heart (curse).
apada a. footless.
apada n. no abode; wrong place.
aṣṭapada a. consisting of 8 words; -pâda, a. eight-footed; -pushpikâ, f. wreath of 8 kinds of flowers; -bhâga, m. eighth part.
aṣṭāpada m. n. dice-board with 64 squares: -vyâpâra, m. game of dice; -pâdya, a. eightfold.
ātmanepada n. the middle terminations (gr.); -in, a. having the middle terminations.
āprapadam ad. to the tip of the foot; -îna, a. reaching to the tip of the foot.
āspada n. position, seat, abode, site; place for, object of (g.): -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -î-bhû, become an object of (g.).
upapada n. secondary word accom panying another (gr.).
kṛtapada a. having found a foot ing; -punya, a. happy; -pûrva, a. done be fore: -nâsana, n. non-recognition of previous benefits, ingratitude; -pûrvin, a. having done something (ac.) before; -pragña, a. wise; -pratikrita, n. attack and resistance; -pra yatna, a. well cared for; -prayogana, a. having attained his object; -buddhi, a. whose mind is matured, discriminating; resolved (to, d. or inf.); -bhûmi, f. spot prepared for the purpose; -mati, a. having made up his mind; -manda-pada-nyâsa, a. stepping slowly and using few words; -mandâra, m. N.; -mâr ga, a. made accessible, pervious; -mûla, a. firmly rooted, having gained firm footing; -mauna, a. observing silence: -tva, n. abst. n.
goṣpada n. cow's footprint; small puddle: fig.=mere trifle.
cūrṇapada n. forward and back ward movement performed with varying speed.
jānapada a. living in the country; relating to districts; referring to or meant for the country-people; m. countryman; subject: î, f. provincial expression; -padika, a. con cerning a realm.
jātijānapada a. relating to the castes and to the districts; -bhâg, a. sub ject to birth; -bhramsa, m. loss of caste; -bhrashta, pp. having lost caste; -mat, a. high-born; capable of being classed under a general notion; -mâtra, n. mere rank: -½upa- gîvin, a. subsisting by the name of his caste only; -vakana, n. generic term; -sampanna, pp. endowed with good family, high-born; -smara, a. remembering one's former exist ence: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -smarana, n. remembrance of a former birth; -hîna, pp. destitute of good family, of low birth or rank.
tatpada n. its place; the word tad; -padavî, f. his path: y-âm padam dhâ, set foot in his path=imitate or vie with him; -para, a. 1. following upon that; 2. (having that as the highest), occupied with that only; exclusively devoted to, intent on, (lc., --°ree;): -tâ, f. exclusive devotion, intentness; -pará yana, a. having that as their final aim; -pârsva, n. his side; -purusha, m. his servant: the example used to designate the class of determinative compounds (i. e. those in which the first part determines or limits the second, specifically those in which the first part has the sense of a case); -pûrva, a. happening for the first time; -pradhâna, a.dependent on her; -prahrishta, pp. pleased with that.
traipada n. three quarters.
drupada n. wooden column, post; m. N. of a king of the Pâñkâlas; â, f. N. of a verse in the TB. (II, vi, 6, 3).
dvipada a. id.; m. man; n. a metre; â, f. verse containing two pâdas.
dvādaśapada a. consisting of twelve words; -râtra, n. period of twelve days; -vârshika, a. (î) twelve years old; lasting twelve (years); -vidha, a. twelvefold; -sata, n. 112: î, f. 1200; -sâhasra, a.(î) con sisting of 12,000 years.
dvaipada a. consisting of dvipadâs.
parasmaipada n. (word for an other), transitive form, personal endings of the active (gr.).
prauṣṭhapada a. (î) relating to the lunar mansion Proshthapada; m. a month (=Bhâdrapada); â, f. pl. a certain double lunar mansion; î, f. day of full moon in the month Praushthapada.
madhyamapadalopin a. in which the middle word is dropped (com pound: e. g. sâka-pârthiva=vegetable, sc. loving, king); -purusha, m. kind of personi fication; second person (gr.); -pûrusha, m. mediocre person; -bhâva, m. moderate dis tance; -râtra, m. midnight; -loka, m. mid dle world=earth: -pâla, m. protector of earth, king, -½indu, m. moon of earth, king; -vayas-á, n. middle age; -½ashtakâ,f. eighth day in the dark fortnight of Mâgha.
ślīpada n. elephantiasis.
śvāpada m. n. beast of prey: -râg an, m. king of the beasts; -sevita, pp. in fested by beasts of prey.
ṣoḍaśapada a. consisting of sixteen Pâdas; -bhâga, m. one-sixteenth; -bhuga, a. sixteen-armed; -vidha, a. of sixteen kinds; -½amsa, m. sixteenth part.
svapada n. one's own (his etc.) place or abode; one's own position or rank.
haraîpada n. cause of shame; -bhaya, n. fear of shame; -mat, a. embarrassed, bash ful; ashamed; -mûdha, pp. bewildered with shame.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
36 results8 results
pada In the sense of quarter of a stanza ’ is found as early as the Rigveda and often later. In the Brāhmanas it also denotes a word ’ as opposed to a letter ’ (Varna).
janapada In the Brāhmanas denotes both the ‘people,’ as opposed to the king, and the ‘land’ or ‘realm.’ The * subjects ’ are also denoted by the adjectival jāηapada,
jānapada See Janapada.
traipada neut., occurs as a measure of distance, ‘ three- quarters ’ of a Yojana, in the Pañcāvimśa Brāhmana, where half a Yojana is termed Gavyūti and a quarter Krośa.
drupada A ‘wooden pillar’ or ‘ post,’ is several times referred to in the Rigveda and later. śunahsepa was bound to three posts for sacrifice. Thieves, there is some evidence to show, were tied to posts as a penalty for stealing.
proṣṭhapada m., -padā, f. (‘ foot of a bench ’), is the name of a double Nakçatra.
śipada Occurs only in the Rigveda in the negative form a-śipada, together with a-śimida. Both śipada and śimida are perhaps names of unknown diseases.
śvāpada Like śvapad, denotes a ‘ savage animal ’ or ‘ beast of prey.’ It is mentioned in the Rigveda, in the Atharvaveda, and occasionally later.
Bloomfield Vedic
36 results8 results29 results
padair āpnoti nividaḥ VS.19.25b.
padajñā stha ramatayaḥ AVś.7.75.2a.
pada yad asya parame vyomani RV.9.86.15c.
pada yad asya matuthā ajījanan RV.9.71.5d.
pada yad viṣṇor upamaṃ nidhāyi RV.5.3.3c.
pada yujāna ṛkvabhiḥ RV.9.64.19b.
pada vindanti vidyutaḥ RV.1.105.1d; AVś.18.4.89d; SV.1.417d.
pada kalyāṇy avapaśyamānā AVP.12.10.7b.
pada juṣanta yad divi RV.8.13.29b.
pada devasya namasā vyantaḥ (TB. viy-) RV.6.1.4a; MS.4.13.6a: 206.11; KS.18.20a; TB.; N.4.19.
pada devasya mīḍhuṣaḥ RV.8.102.15a; SV.2.922a.
pada na gor apagūḍhaṃ vividvān RV.4.5.3c.
pada na tāyur guhā dadhānaḥ RV.5.15.5c.
pada navīyo akramuḥ RV.9.23.2b; SV.1.502b.
pada na vety odatī RV.1.48.6b.
padam ekasya piprataḥ RV.9.10.7c; SV.2.475c.
padapaṅktiś chandaḥ VS.15.4; TS.; MS.2.8.7: 111.15; KS.17.6; śB.
adhaspada śatravas te bhavantu # AVP.1.75.1b.
adhaspada kṛṇutāṃ (AVś.7.34.1c, kṛṇuṣva; TS. kṛṇute) ye pṛtanyavaḥ # AVś.7.34.1c; 62.1d; VS.15.51d; TS.; MS.2.12.4d: 147.12; KS.18.18d; śB.
adhaspada kṛṇuṣva durdharāyataḥ # AVP.2.72.5b.
adhaspada kṛṇuṣva ye pṛtanyavaḥ # see prec. but one.
adhaspada tam īṃ kṛdhi # RV.10.133.4c; 134.2c; SV.2.442c; TS.; MS.4.12.3c: 183.13.
adhaspada dviṣatas pādayāmi # AVś.11.1.12d,21d.
adhaspada pṛtanyavaḥ # AVP.5.29.8c.
anupadasyam annādyam āpnavāni # śś.4.8.6.
apadagdhaṃ duḥṣvapnyam # AVP.7.7.9a.
apadagdhā arātayaḥ # AVP.7.7.9b.
tavaivādhaspada carān # AVP.2.89.5b.
dvipada chanda indriyam (TB. ihendriyam) # VS.28.32e; TB.
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"pada" has 178 results
padaa word; a unit forming a part of a sentence; a unit made up of a letter or of letters, possessed of sense; confer, compare अक्षरसमुदायः पदम् । अक्षरं वा । V.Pr. VIII. 46, 47. The word originally was applied to the individual words which constituted the Vedic Samhitā; confer, compare पदप्रकृतिः संहिता Nir.I.17. Accordingly, it is defined in the Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya as ' अर्थः पदम् ' (Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.III. 2) as contrasted with ' वर्णानामेकप्राणयोगः संहिता ' (V.Pr.I.158). The definition ' अर्थः पदम् ' is attributed to the ancient grammarian 'Indra', who is believed to have been the first Grammarian of India. Pāņini has defined the term पद as ' सुप्तिङन्तं पदम् ' P.I.4.14. His definition is applicable to complete noun-forms and verb-forms and also to prefixes and indeclinables where a case-affix is placed and elided according to him; confer, compare अव्ययादाप्सुपः P. II. 4. 82. The noun-bases before case affixes and taddhita affix. affixes, mentioned in rules upto the end of the fifth adhyāya, which begin with a consonant excepting य् are also termed पद by Pāņini to include parts of words before the case affixes भ्याम् , भिस्, सु et cetera, and others as also before the taddhita affix. affixes मत्, वत् et cetera, and others which are given as separate padas many times in the pada-pātha of the Vedas; confer, compare स्वादिष्वसर्वनामस्थाने P. I. 4. 17. See for details the word पदपाठ. There are given four kinds of padas or words viz. नाम, अाख्यात, उपसर्ग and निपात in the Nirukta and Prātiśākhya works; confer, compare also पदमर्थे प्रयुज्यते, विभक्त्यन्तं च पदम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I. 2. 64 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 19, वर्णसमुदायः पदम् M.Bh. on I.1.21 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 5, पूर्वपरयोरर्थोपलब्धौ पदम् Kātantra vyākaraṇa Sūtra.I.1.20, पदशब्देनार्थ उच्यते Kaiyata on P.I.2.42 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 2; confer, compare also पद्यते गम्यते अर्थः अनेनेति पदमित्यन्वर्थसंज्ञा Kāśikāvivaraṇapañjikā, a commentary on the Kāśikāvṛtti by Jinendrabuddhi, called Nyāsa. on P.III. 1.92. The verb endings or affixs ति, तस् and others are also called पद. The word पद in this sense is never used alone, but with the word परस्मै or अात्मने preceding it. The term परस्मैपद stands for the nine affixes तिप्, तस्, ...मस्,while the term आत्मनेपद stands for the nine affixes त, आताम् ... महिङ्. confer, compare ल: परमैपदम्, तङानावात्मनेपदम्. It is possible to say that in the terms परस्मैपद and अात्मनेपद also, the term पद could be taken to mean a word, and it is very likely that the words परस्मैपद and अात्मनेपद were originally used in the sense of 'words referring to something meant for another' and 'referring to something meant for self' respectively. Such words, of course, referred to verbal forms, roughly corresponding to the verbs in the active voice and verbs in the passive voice. There are some modern scholars of grammar, especially linguists, who like to translate परस्मैपद as 'active voice' and आत्मनेपद as ' passive voice'. Pāņini appears, however, to have adapted the sense of the terms परस्मैपद and आत्मनेपद and taken them to mean mere affixes just as he has done in the case of the terms कृत् and तद्धित. Presumably in ancient times, words current in use were grouped into four classes by the authors of the Nirukta works, viz. (a) कृत् (words derived from roots)such as कर्ता, कारकः, भवनम् et cetera, and others, (b) तद्धित (words derived from nouns ) such as गार्ग्यः , काषायम् , et cetera, and others, (c) Parasmaipada words viz. verbs such as भवति, पचति, and (d) Ātmanepada words id est, that is verbs like एधते, वर्धते, et cetera, and othersVerbs करोति and कुरुते or हरति and हरते were looked upon as both परस्मैपद words and आत्मनेपद words. The question of simple words, as they are called by the followers of Pāņini, such as नर, तद् , गो, अश्व, and a number of similar underived words, did not occur to the authors of the Nirukta as they believed that every noun was derivable, and hence could be included in the kŗt words.
asvapadavigrahaa term used for those compounds, the dissolution of which cannot be shown by the members of the compound: e. g. सुमुखी; confer, compare भवति वै कश्चिदस्वपदविग्रहोपि बहुव्रीहिः । तद्यथा । शोभनं मुखमस्याः सुमुखीति । M.Bh. on V.4.5.
ātmanepadaa technical term for the affixes called तड् (त, आताम् et cetera, and others) and the affix अान ( शानच् , चानश्, कानच् ), called so possibly because, the fruit of the activity is such as generally goes to the agent (आत्मने) when these affixes are usedition Contrast this term (Ātmanepada) with the term Parasmaipada when the fruit is meant for another. For an explanation of the terms see P. VI.3.7 and 8.
uktipadaउक्तिपदानि a short anonymous treatise on case-relations, compounds et cetera, and others written mostly in Gujarati.
uttarapadathe latter member or portion of a compound word as contrasted with पूर्वपद; confer, compare पतिरुत्तरपदमाद्युदात्तम् Atharvaveda Prātiśākhya. II. 3. 11; cf also अलुगुत्तरपदे P. VI. 3.1.
udgrāhapadavṛttiname given in the Rk. Prātiśākhya to the Udgrāhasaṁdhi where the vowel अ is followed by a long vowel; e.g, कः ईषते =क ईषते R.Pr.II.10.
upapadaliterallya word placed near; an adjoining word. In Pāṇini's grammar, the term उपपद is applied to such words as are put in the locative case by Pāṇini in his rules prescribing kṛt affixes in rules from 1 II. 1, 90 to III. 4 end; confer, compare तत्रोपपदं सप्तमीस्थम् P.III.1.92; exempli gratia, for example कर्मणि in कर्मण्यण् P. III.2.1. The word is also used in the sense of an adjoining word connected in sense. e. g. युष्मद्युपपदे as also प्रहासे च मन्योपपदे P.I.4.105,106; confer, compare also क्रियार्थायां क्रियायामुपपदे धातोर्भविष्यति काले तुमुन्ण्वुलौ भवतः Kāś. on P.III.3.10; confer, compare also इतरेतरान्योन्योपपदाच्च P.I.3.10, मिथ्योपपदात् कृञोभ्यासे P.I.3.71, as also उपपदमतिङ् P.II.2.19; and गतिकारकोपपदात्कृत् P. VI.2.139. Kaiyaṭa on P.III.1. 92 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 2 explains the word उपपद as उपोच्चारि or उपोच्चारितं पदं उपपदम्. The word उपपद is found used in the Prātiśākhya literature where it means a word standing near and effecting some change: confer, compare च वा ह अह एव एतानि चप्रभृतीनि यान्युपपदानि उक्तानि आख्यातस्य विकारीणिo Uvaṭa on Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.VI. 23.
upapadavidhia grammatical operation caused by a word which is near; cf उपपदविधौ भयाढ्यादिग्रहणं P. I.1.72 Vārt 9, also अतिप्रसङ्ग उपपदविधौ P. IV 1.1. Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 8 where rules such as 'कर्मण्यण्' and the following are referred to as उपपदविधि, the words कर्मणि, स्तम्ब, कर्ण, et cetera, and others being called उपपद by the rule तत्रोपपदं सप्तमीस्थम्; P. III.1.92.
upapadavibhaktia case termination added to a word on account of the presence of another word requiring the addition;confer, compare the well-known Paribhāṣā,उपपदविभक्तेः कारकविभक्तिर्बलीयसी. Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari. 94; and M.Bh. on I.4. 96 stating the possession of greater force in the case of a kāra-kavibhakti than in the case of an upapadavibhakti.
upapadasamāsathe compound of a word, technically termed as उपपद by Pāṇini according to his definition of the word in III.1.92., with another word which is a verbal derivative; confer, compare कुम्भकारः, नगरकारः Here technically the compound of the words कुम्भ, नगर et cetera, and others which are upapadas is formed with कार,before a case-termination is added to the nominal base कार; confer, compare गतिकारकोपपदानां कृद्भिः सह समासवचनं प्राक् सुबुत्पत्तेः Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari. 75.
ubhayapada(1)double voice--the Parasmaipada as well as the Ātmanepada; (2) both the words or members (in a compound); confer, compare उभयपदार्थप्रधानो द्वन्द्वः Kāś on P.I.2.57.
ekapadamade up of one word; consisting of one word; confer, compare अथवा सन्त्येकपदान्यप्यवधारणानि । यथा अब्भक्षो वायुभक्षः । अप एव भक्षयति वायुमव भक्षयति । M.Bh. first Āhnika; (2) a continuous word paraphrased as अखण्डपद and समानपद by commentators; confer, compare तेनानन्तरा षष्ठयेकपदवत् V.Pr.II. 18: (3) every individual word: confer, compare बहुक्रमे क्रमेत तस्यैकपदानि नि:सृजन् R.Pr.XI.18.
galatpadathe word occurs in the Prātiśākhya works in connection with the definition of संक्रम, in the kramapātha. The word संक्रम means bringing together two words when they are combined according to rules of Samdhi. (See the word संक्रम). In the Kramapātha, where each word occurs twice by repetition, a word occurring twice in a hymn or a sentence is not to be repeated for Kramapātha, but it is to be passed over. The word which is passed over in the Kramapātha is called गलत्पद; e. g. दिशां च पतये नमो नमो वृक्षेभ्यो हरिकेशेभ्यः पशूनां पतये नमो नमः सस्पिञ्जराय त्विषीमतॆ पथीनां पतये नमः । In the Kramapātha पतये नमः and नमः are passed over and पशूनां is to be connected with सस्पिञ्जराय. The words पतये नमः and नमः are called galatpada; confer, compare गलत्पदमतिक्रम्य अगलता सह संधानं संक्रम; Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.IV. 197. There is no गलत्पद in पदपाठ.
gīrvāṇapadamañjarīa grammatical work written by वरदराज, pupil of Bhattoji Diksita in the 17th century who wrote many works on grammar such as मध्यकौमुदी, लघुकौमुदी et cetera, and others
caṃrcāpadacomponent words of a running text or of a compound word.
tripadamade up of a collection of three padas or words; the word is used in connection with a Rk or a portion of the kramapatha: confer, compare यथॊक्तं पुनरुक्तं त्रिपदप्रभृति T.Pr.I.61. The word is found used in connection with a bahuvrihi compound made up of three words; confer, compare the term त्रिपदबहुव्रीहि.
nānāpadadifferent words as opposed to समानपद or a single word; confer, compare Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.III. 80; T.Pr. XXIV. 3, XX. 3.
pañcālapadavṛttithe usage or the method of the Pañcālas; the eastern method of euphonic combinations, viz. the retention of the vowel अ after the preceding vowel ओ which is substituted for the Visarga; e. g. यो अस्मै; confer, compare Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) II. 12; Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.XI. 19. This vowel अ which is retained, is pronounced like a short ओ or अर्धओकार by the followers of the Sātyamugri and Rāņāyaniya branches of the Sāmavedins; confer, compare commentary on Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.XI. 19 as also Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). Āhnika 1.
padakāṇḍa(1)a term used in connection with the first section of the Vākyapadīya named ब्रह्मकाण्ड also, which deals with padas, as contrasted with the second section which deals with Vākyas; (2) a section of the Așțadhyāyī of Pāņini, which gives rules about changes and modifications applicable to the pada, or the formed word, as contrasted with the base (अङ्ग) and the suffixes. The section is called पदाधिकार which begins with the rule पदस्य P.VIII.1.16. and ends with the rule इडाया वा VIII. 3. 54.
padakāraliterally one who has divided the Samhitā text of the Vedas into the Pada-text. The term is applied to ancient Vedic Scholars शाकल्य, आत्रेय, कात्यायन and others who wrote the Padapātha of the Vedic Samhitās. The term is applied possibly through misunderstanding by some scholars to the Mahābhāsyakāra who has not divided any Vedic Samhitā,but has, in fact, pointed out a few errors of the Padakāras and stated categorically that grammarians need not follow the Padapāțha, but, rather, the writers of the Padapāțha should have followed the rules of grammar. Patañjali, in fact, refers by the term पदकार to Kātyāyana, who wrote the Padapātha and the Prātiśākhya of the Vājasaneyi-Samhitā in the following statement--न लक्षणेन पदकारा अनुवर्त्याः। पदकारैर्नाम लक्षणमनुवर्त्यम्। यथालक्षणं पदं कर्तव्यम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. III.1. 109; VI. 1. 207; VIII. 2.16; confer, compare also अदीधयुरिति पदकारस्य प्रत्याख्यानपक्षे उदाहरणमुपपन्नं भवति ( परिभाषासूचन of व्याडि Pari. 42 ) where Vyādi clearly refers to the Vārtika of Kātyāyana ' दीधीवेव्योश्छन्दोविषयत्वात् ' P. I. 1.6 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). I. The misunderstanding is due to passages in the commentary of स्कन्दस्वामिन् on the Nirukta passage I. 3, उब्वटटीका on ऋक्प्रातिशाख्य XIII. 19 and others where the statements referred to as those of Patañjali are, in fact, quotations from the Prātiśākhya works and it is the writers of the Prātiśākhya works who are referred to as padakāras by Patañ jali in the Mahābhāsya.
padacandrikāa grammar work on the nature of words written by कृष्णशेष of the sixteenth century.
padapakṣathe same as पदसंस्कारपक्ष. See पदसंस्कारपक्ष.
padapāṭhathe recital of the Veda text pronouncing or showing each word separately as detached from the adjoining word. It is believed that the Veda texts were recited originally as running texts by the inspired sages, and as such, they were preserved by people by oral tradition. Later on after several centuries, their individually distinct words were shown by grammarians who were called Padakāras. The पदपाठ later on had many modifications or artificial recitations such as क्रम, जटा, घन et cetera, and others in which each word was repeated twice or more times, being uttered connectedly with the preceding or the following word, or with both. These artificial recitations were of eight kinds, which came to be known by the term अष्टविकृतयः.
padaprakṛtia term used in connection with the Samhitā text or संहितापाठ which is believed to have been based upon words ( पदानि प्रकृति: यस्याः सा ) or which forms the basis of words or word-text or the padapātha (पदानां प्रकृतिः); cf पदप्रकृतिः संहिता Nir.I.17.
padaprabhedalit, divisions of words: parts of speech. There are four parts of speech viz.नामन् , आख्यात, उपसर्ग and निपात given by ancient grammarians and the authors of the Prātiśākhya works, while there are given only two, सुबन्त and तिङन्त by Pāņini. For details see pp. 145, 146 Vol. VII. Mahābhāșya D. E. Society's edition.
padamañjarīthe learned commentary by Haradatta on the काशिकावृत्ति. Haradatta was a very learned grammarian of the Southern School, and the Benares School of Grammarians follow पदमञ्जरी more than the equally learned another commentary काशिकाविवरणपञ्जिका or न्यास. In the Padamanjarī Haradatta is said to have given everything of importance from the Mahābhāșya; confer, compare अधीते हि महाभाष्ये व्यर्था सा पदमञ्जरी. For details see Mahābhāșya D. E. S. Ed. Vol. VII P. 390-391.
padavākyaratnākaraa disquisition on grammar dealing with the different ways in which the sense of words is conveyedition The work consists of a running commentary on his own verses by the author Gokulanātha Miśra who, from internal evidence, appears to have flourished before Koņdabhațța and after Kaiyața.
padavāda or padavādipakṣaview that words are real and have an existence and individuality of their own. The view is advocated by the followers of both the Mīmāmsā schools and the logicians who believe that words have a real existence. Grammarians admit the view for practical purposes, while they advocate that the अखण्डवाक्यस्फोट alone is the real sense. confer, compare Vākyapadīya II.90 and the foll.
padavidhian operation prescribed in connection with words ending with case or verbal affixes and not in connection with noun-bases or root-bases or with single letters or syllables. पदविधि is in this way contrasted with अङ्गविधि ( including प्रातिपदिकविधि and धातुविधि ), वर्णविधि and अक्षरविधि, Such Padavidhis are given in Pāņini's grammar in Adhyāya2, Pādas l and 2 as also in VI.1.158, and in VIII. 1.16 to VIII.3.54 and include rules in connection with compounds, accents and euphonic combinations. When, however, an operation is prescribed for two or more padas, it is necessary that the two padas or words must be syntactically connectible; confer, compare समर्थः पदविधिः P. II.1.1.
padavirāmapause between two words measuring two mātrās, or equal to the time required for the utterance of a long vowel; e. g. in इषे त्वोर्जे त्वा, the pause between इषे and त्वा is measured by two mātrās; confer, compare पदविरामो द्विमात्रः Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.XXII.13.Some Prātiśākhya texts declare that the pause between two words is of one mātra as at avagraha; confer, compare R Pr. II.1 and Ṛktantra Prātiśākhya. 35-38.
padavyavasthāsūtrakārikāa metrical work on the determination of the pada or padas of the roots attributed to Vimalakīrti.
padavyavasthāsūtrakārikāṭīkāa short gloss on the पदव्यवस्थासूत्रकारिका written by Udayakīrti, a Jain grammarian
padasaṃskārapakṣaan alternative view with वाक्यसंस्कारपक्ष regarding the formation of words by the application of affixes to crude bases. According to the Padasamskāra alternative, every word is formed independently, and after formation the words are syntactically connected and used in a sentence. The sense of the sentence too, is understood after the sense of every word has been understood; confer, compare सुविचार्य पदस्यार्थं वाक्यं गृह्णन्ति सूरयः Sira. on Pari. 22. According to the other alternative viz. वाक्यसंस्कारपक्ष, a whole sentence is brought before the mind and then the constituent individual words are formed exempli gratia, for example राम +सु, गम् + अ + ति । Both the views have got some advantages and some defects; confer, compare Par. Sek. Pari. 56.
padasphoṭaexpression of the sense by the whole word without any consideration shown to its division into a base and an affix. For instance, the word रामेण means 'by Rama' irrespective of any consideration whether न is the affix or इन is the affix which could be any of the two, or even one, different from the two; confer, compare उपायाः शिक्षमाणानां वालानामपलापनाः Vākyapadīya II.240.
parasmaipadaa term used in grammar with reference to the personal affixs ति, त: et cetera, and others applied to roots. The term परस्मैपद is given to the first nine afixes ति, त:, अन्ति, सि, थ:, थ, मि, व: and म:, while the term आत्मनेपद is used in connection with the next nine त, आताम् et cetera, and others; confer, compare परस्मै परोद्देशार्थफलकं पदम् Vac. Kosa. The term परस्मैपद is explained by some as representing the Active_Voice as contrasted with the Passive Voice which necessarily is characterized by the Aatmanepada affixes. The term परस्मैभाष in the sense of परस्मैपद was used by ancient grammarians and is also found in the Vaarttika अात्मनेभाषपस्मैभाषयोरुपसंख्यानम् P. VI. 3.8 Vart.1 . The term परस्मैभाष as applied to roots, could be explained as परस्मै क्रियां (or क्रियाफलं) भाषन्ते इति परस्मैभाषाः and originally such roots as had their activity meant for another, used to take the परस्मैपद् affixes, while the rest which had the activity meant for self, took the अात्मनेपद affixes. Roots having activity for both, took both the terminations and were termed उभयपदिनः.
pūrvapadaanterior member, the first out of the two members of a compound, as contrasted with the next member which is उत्तरपद; confer, compare पूर्वपदोत्तरपदयोरेकोदशः पूर्वपदत्यान्तवद्भवति, Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.VI.1.85 Vart. 4.
pūrvapadaprakṛtisvararetention of the original acute accent of the first member in a compound as is generally noticed in the bahuvrihi compound and in special cases in other compounds; cf बहुव्रीहौ प्रकृत्या पूर्वपदम् and the following rules P. WI. 2.1 to 63.
pratipadapāṭha(1)recital ofeach and every word; (2) enumeration of every word; confer, compare किं शब्दानां प्रतिपत्तौ प्रतिपदपाठः कर्तव्यः, Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on Ahn. 1.
pratipadavidhānaexpress statement by a definite wording; confer, compare एवं तर्हि उभयमनेन क्रियते अपवादविषये चानिवृत्तिः उत्सर्गविषये च प्रतिपदविधानम् । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on III 3. 12. Vart.l: confer, compare also प्रतिपदविधाना च षष्ठी न समस्येत । का पुनः षष्ठी प्रतिपदविधाना का कृद्योगा । सर्वा षष्ठी प्रतिपदविधाना शेषलक्षणां वर्जयित्वा । क्रतृकर्मणोः कृति इति या षष्ठी सा कृद्योगा; Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. II. 2.8 and II.2.10.
pratipadavidhian injunction or operation stating expressly the word or words for which it is meant; confer, compare यं विधिं प्रति उपदेशोनर्थकः स विधिर्बाध्यते । दत्वं प्रति नुमः प्रतिपदविधिरनर्थकः, रोः पुनर्निमित्तमेव. M.Bh. on P. VIII. 2.72.
prācyapadavṛttisuccession of two vowels where the former vowel, which is either ए, or ओ remains without coalescence with the following vowel अ, even though by rules it is liable to be changed; exempli gratia, for exampleसुजाते अश्वसूनृते । अध्वर्यो अद्रिभिः सुतम् । In such cases the vowel अ is pronounced like ए. This view is held by the senior Sakalya (स्थविरशाकल्य); confer, compare प्राच्यपञ्चाल-उपधानिभोदयाः शाकल्यस्य स्थविरस्येतरा स्थितिः, R.Pr. II.44; confer, compare also स पूर्वस्यार्धसदृशमेकेषाम् Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.XI.19 and the commentaries thereon; confer, compare also छन्दोगानां सात्यमुग्रिराणायनीया अर्धमेकारमर्धमोकारं चाधीयते । सुजाते ए अश्वसूनृते । अध्वर्यो ओ अद्रिभिः सुतम् । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on Siva Sutra 3, 4 as also on P.I.1.48.
madhyamapadalopaliterally the dropping of the middle word or member ( of a compound generally) as for instance in शाकपार्थिक for शाकप्रियपार्थिव; the word मध्यमपदलोप is also used in the sense of a compound. The compounds which have the middle word dropped are enumerated by the Vārttikakāra under the Vārttika शाकपार्थिवादीनां मध्यमपदलेापश्च Bh. Vṛ. II.1.60 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).; cf also Kātantra vyākaraṇa Sūtra.II.6.30.
yugapadadhikaraṇavacanatādenotation of two or more things by one single member by virtue of their being put together in a dvandva compound of two or more words; the grammarians advocate this doctrine stating that in a dvandva compound such as घटपटौ or घटपटम् , the word घट has the capacity of expressing the sense of both घट and पट, which in a sentence घटः पटश्च, it does not possess. Similarly पट also has the capacity of conveying the sense of both पट and घट. Possibly this theory is advocated by grarnmarians, on the analogy of words like पितरौ or मातरौ for मातापितरौ, द्यावा for द्यावापृथिवी and so on; confer, compare सिद्धं तु युगपदधिकरणवचने द्वन्द्ववचनात् P. II 2.29 Vart. 2. For details see Vyakaranamahabhasya on चार्थे द्वन्द्वः P. II. 2.29.
yugapadadhikaraṇavivakṣādesire to express two or more senses simultaneously (by one word) ; confer, compare सर्वाणि द्वन्द्व बह्वर्थानि। युगपदधिकरणविवक्षायां द्वन्द्वो भवति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. II.4.62. See युगपदधिकरणवचनता.
viṣamapadavyākhyāor विषमी (1) a critical commentary on Nāgeśa's Laghuśabdenduśekhara written by Rāghavendrācārya Gajendragadkar of Satara who lived in the first half of the nineteenth century and who has also written a gloss named त्रिपथगा on the Paribhāṣenduśekhara; (2) name of a commentary on Nāgeśa's Paribhāṣenduśekhara by Cidrūpāśraya: (3) name of a commentary on Sīradeva's Paribhāṣāvṛtti.
akṣarapaṅktiname given to the dvipada virāj verses divided into padās of five syllables. cf विराजो द्विपदाः केचित् सर्वा आहुश्चतुष्पदाः । कृत्वा पञ्चाक्षरान्पादांस्तास्तथाSक्षरपङ्क्तयः Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XVII. 50.
agrathe original Samhita text as opposed to pratṛṇna ( प्रतृण्ण ) or padapāṭha, (पदपाठ) which is the recital of separate words.
at(1)tech. term in Pāṇini's grammar for short अ, cf तपरस्तत्कालस्य P. I. 1. 70; अदेङ् गुणः P.I.1.2; (2) personal ending अ for इ ( इट् ) of the Ist person. singular. or Ātmanep. Ātmanepada in the Potential, P III. 4. 106; (3) caseaffix in the case of युष्मद् and अस्मद् for ablative case. singular. and plural P.VII. 1.31,32: (4) tad-affix अत् (अ) prescribed after किम् in the sense of the locative case case before which किम् is changed to कु, क्व being the taddhita affix. formation; confer, compare P. V.3.12 and VII.2.105:(5) substitute अत्(शतृ) for लट् forming the present and future participles in the Parasmaipada. active voice confer, compare लटः शतृशानचौ. P.III. 2.124 and लृटः सद्वा P. III.3.14.
aniṅgyanot separable into two padas or words by means of avagraha; confer, compare संध्य ऊष्माप्यनिङ्ग्ये: Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) V.41; confer, compare also Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) IX.25, XIII.30. See इङ्ग्य below.
anudāttetliterally one whose mute significatory letter is uttered with a grave accent: a term applied to a root characterized by an indicatory mute vowel accented grave, the chief feature of such a root being that it takes only the Ātmanepada affixes c. g. आस्ते, वस्ते, et cetera, and others; confer, compare अनुदात्तङित आत्मनेपदम् P. I.3.12; such a root, in forming a derivative word in the sense of habit, takes the affix युच् e. g. वर्त्तनः, वर्धन: et cetera, and others provided the root begins with a consonant; confer, compare अनुदात्तेतश्र हलादेः P. III.2.149.
antaraṅgaa highly technical term in Pāṇini's grammar applied in a variety of ways to rules which thereby can supersede other rules. The term is not used by Pāṇini himselfeminine. The Vārtikakāra has used the term thrice ( Sec I. 4. 2 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 8, VI.1.106 Vart.10 and VIII.2.6 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). I) evidently in the sense of immediate', 'urgent', 'of earlier occurrence' or the like. The word is usually explained as a Bahuvrīhi compound meaning 'अन्त: अङ्गानि निमित्तानि यस्य' (a rule or operation which has got the causes of its application within those of another rule or operation which consequently is termed बहिरङ्ग). अन्तरङ्ग, in short, is a rule whose causes of operation occur earlier in the wording of the form, or in the process of formation. As an अन्तरङ्ग rule occurs to the mind earlier, as seen a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page., it is looked upon as stronger than any other rule, barring of course अपवाद rules or exceptions, if the other rule presents itself simultaneously. The Vārtikakāra, hence, in giving preference to अन्तरङ्ग rules, uses generally the wording अन्तरङ्गबलीयस्त्वात् which is paraphrased by अन्तरङ्गं बहिरङ्गाद् बलीयः which is looked upon as a paribhāṣā. Grammarians, succeeding the Vārtikakāra, not only looked upon the बहिरङ्ग operation as weaker than अन्तरङ्ग, but they looked upon it as invalid or invisible before the अन्तरङ्ग operation had taken placcusative case. They laid down the Paribhāṣā असिद्धं बहिरङ्गमन्तरङ्गे which has been thoroughly discussed by Nāgeśa in his Paribhāṣendusekhara. The अन्तरङ्गत्व is taken in a variety of ways by Grammarians : (l) having causes of application within or before those of another e. g. स्येनः from the root सिव् (सि + उ+ न) where the यण् substitute for इ is अन्तरङ्ग being caused by उ as compared to guṇa for उ which is caused by न, (2) having causes of application occurring before those of another in the wording of the form, (3) having a smaller number of causes, (4) occurring earlier in the order of several operations which take place in arriving at the complete form of a word, (5) not having संज्ञा (technical term) as a cause of its application, ( 6 ) not depending upon two words or padas, (7) depending upon a cause or causes of a general nature (सामान्यापेक्ष) as opposed to one which depends on causes of a specific nature ( विशेषापेक्ष).
avagraha(1)separation of a compound word into its component elements as shown in the Pada-Pāṭha of the Vedic Saṁhitās. In the Padapāṭha, individual words are shown separately if they are combined by Saṁdhi rules or by the formation of a compound in the Saṁhitāpāṭha; exempli gratia, for example पुरोहितम् in the Saṁhitāpāṭha is read as पुरःsहितम्. In writing, there is observed the practice of placing the sign (ऽ) between the two parts, about which nothing can be said as to when and how it originatedition The AtharvaPrātiśākhya defines अवग्रह as the separation of two padas joined in Saṁhitā. (Atharvaveda Prātiśākhya. II.3.25; II.4.5). In the recital of the pada-pāṭha, when the word-elements are uttered separately, there is a momentary pause measuring one matra or the time required for the utterance of a short vowel. (See for details Vāj. Prāt. Adhāya 5). (2) The word अवग्रह is also used in the sense of the first out of the two words or members that are compounded together. See Kāśikā on P.VIII.4.26; confer, compare also तस्य ( इङ्ग्यस्य ) पूर्वपदमवग्रहः यथा देवायत इति देव-यत. Tai. Pr. I. 49. The term अवग्रह is explained in the Mahābhāṣya as 'separation, or splitting up of a compound word into its constitutent parts; confer, compare छन्दस्यानङोवग्रहो दृश्येत पितामह इति ।(Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on IV.2.36); also confer, compare यद्येवमवग्रहः प्राप्नोति । न लक्षणेन पदकारा अनुवर्त्याः। पदकारैर्नाम लक्षणमनुवर्त्यम् । यथालक्षणं पदं कर्तव्यम् (Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on III.1.109) where the Bhāṣyakāra has definitely stated that the writers of the Padapāṭha have to split up a word according to the rules of Grammar. (3) In recent times, however, the word अवग्रह is used in the sense of the sign (ऽ) showing the coalescence of अ (short or long) with the preceding अ (short or long ) or with the preceding ए or ओ exempli gratia, for example शिवोऽ र्च्यः, अत्राऽऽगच्छ. (4) The word is also used in the sense of a pause, or an interval of time when the constituent elements of a compound word are shown separately; confer, compare समासेवग्रहो ह्रस्वसमकालः (Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.V.1). (5) The word is also used in the sense of the absence of Sandhi when the Sandhi is admissible.
āgamaaugment, accrement, a word element which is added to the primitive or basic word during the process of the formation of a complete word or pada. The āgama is an adventitious word element and hence differs from ādeśa, the substitute which wholly takes the place of the original or ( आदेशिन् ). Out of the several āgamas mentioned by Pāṇini, those that are marked with mute ट् are prefixed, those, marked with क्, are affixed, while those, marked with म्, are placed immediately after the last vowel of the word. The augments become a part and parcel of the word to which they are added, and the characteristics of which they possess;confer, compareयदागमास्तद्गुणीभूतास्तद्ग्रहणेन गृह्यन्ते, also आगमानां आगमिधर्मिवैशिष्ट्यम् Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari.11. Those grammarians, who hold the view that words are unproduced and eternal, explain the addition of an augment as only the substitution of a word with an augment in the place of a word without an augment; confer, compare आदेशास्तर्हिमे भविष्यन्ति अनागमकानां सागमकाः Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I.1.20; I.1.46. The term āgama is defined as अन्यत्र विद्यमानस्तु यो वर्णः श्रुयतेधिकः । आगम्यमानतुल्यत्वात्स आगम इति स्मृतः Com. on Tait. Prāt.I. 23.
ātāmĀtmanepada third person dual ending, technically substituted for लकार by P.III.4.78
aātmanepadina root which always takes the Ātmanepada affixes. (See a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.).
aātmanebhāṣaa technical term used for such roots as speak for the agent himself; the term अात्मनेभाष means the same as the term अात्मनेपदिन्. The term अात्मनेभाष is not mentioned by Pāṇini; but the writer of the Vārtikas explains it, confer, compare आत्मनेभाषपरस्मैभाषयोरुपसंख्यानम् P. VI.3.7 and 8 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 1; confer, compare also आत्मनेपदिनश्च धातवो वैयाकरणैरात्मनेभाषशब्देन व्यवह्रियन्ते,Kaiyaṭa on VI.3.7.The term is found in the Atharva-Prātiśākhya. III. 4.7. It cannot be said whether the term came in use after Pāṇini or, although earlier, it belonged to some school other than that of Pāṇini or, Pāṇini put into use the terms Ātmanepada and Parasmaipada for the affixes as the ancient terms Ātmanebhāṣa and Parasmaibhāṣa were in use for the roots.
ārṣaderived from the holy sages; founded on sacred tradition, such as the Vedāṅgas;confer, compare कृत्स्नं च वेदाड्गमनिन्द्यमार्षम् R. Prāt. XIV 30. The word is explained as स्वयंपाठ by the commentary on Vāj Prāt. IX.2I, and as Vaidika saṁdhi on X.l3. Patañjali has looked upon the pada-pāṭha or Pada-text of the Saṁhitās of the Vedas, as anārṣa, as contrasted with the Saṁhitā text which is ārṣa; confer, compare आर्ष्याम् in the sense संहितायाम् R. Prāt. II.27; confer, compare also पदकारैर्नाम लक्षणमनुवर्त्यम् M.Bh. on III.1.109.
iṅgyaa separable word as opposed to अनिङ्ग्य; part of a compound word which is separated or may be separated from the remaining part when the word is split up into its constituent parts. Generally the word is applied to the first part of a compound word when it is split up in the recital of the padapāṭha. The 'iṅgya' word is shown by a pause or avagraha after it which is shown in writing by the sign (ऽ): confer, compare इङ्गयेत विभागेन चाल्यते इति इङ्गयम् । इङ्गयमिति विभागपदस्य संशा commentary on Tait. Prāt. 1.48. सावग्रहं पदमिङ्गयम् Com.on T.Pr. I.48.
it(1)a letter or a group of letters attached to a word which is not seen in actual use in the spoken language: cf अप्रयोगी इत्, Śāk. I.1.5, Hemacandra's Śabdānuśāsana.1.1.37. The इत् letters are applied to a word before it, or after it, and they have got each of them a purpose in grammar viz. causing or preventing certain grammatical operations in the formation of the complete word. Pāṇini has not given any definition of the word इत् , but he has mentioned when and where the vowels and consonants attached to words are to be understood as इत्; (confer, compare उपदेशेजनुनासिक इत् , हलन्त्यम् । et cetera, and others P. I.3.2 to 8) and stated that these letters are to be dropped in actual use, confer, compareP.I.3.9. It appears that grammarians before Pāṇini had also employed such इत् letters, as is clear from some passages in the Mahābhāṣya as also from their use in other systems of grammar as also in the Uṇādi list of affixes, for purposes similar to those found served in Pāṇini 's grammar. Almost all vowels and consonants are used as इत् for different purposes and the इत् letters are applied to roots in the Dhātupāṭha, nouns in the Gaṇapāṭha, as also to affixes, augments and substitutes prescribed in grammar. Only at a few places they are attached to give facility of pronunciation. Sometimes the इत् letters, especially vowels, which are said to be इत्, when uttered as nasalized by Pāṇini, are recognised only by convention; confer, compare प्रतिज्ञानुनासिक्याः पाणिनीयाः(S.K.on P.I.3.2).The word इत्, which literally means going away or disappearing, can be explained as a mute indicatory letter. In Pāṇini's grammar, the mute vowel अ applied to roots indicates the placing of the Ātmanepada affixes after them, if it be uttered as anudātta and of affixes of both the padas if uttered svarita; confer, compare P.I.3. 12, 72. The mute vowel आ signifies the prevention of इडागम before the past part, affixes; confer, compare P. VII. 2. 16. Similarly, the mute vowel इ signfies the augment न् after the last vowel of the root; confer, compareP.VII.1.58; ई signifies the prevention of the augment इ before the past participle.affixes cfP.VII.2.14;उ signifies the inclusion of cognate letters; confer, compareP.I.1.69, and the optional addition of the augment इ before त्वा; confer, compare P.VII.2. 56; ऊ signifies the optional application of the augment इट्;confer, compareP.VII. 2.44; क signifies the prevention of ह्रस्व to the vowel of a root before the causal affix, confer, compareVII.4.2: लृ signifies the vikarana अङ् in the Aorist cf P.III.1.55; ए signifies the prevention of vrddhi in the Aorist,confer, compare P.VII.2.55; ओ signifies the substitution of न् for त् of the past participle. confer, compare P VIII.2.45; क् signifies the Prevention of गुण and वृद्धि, confer, compareP, I. 1.5; ख् signifies the addition of the augment मुम्(म्)and the shortening of the preceding vowel: confer, compareP.VI.3 65-66: ग् signifies the prevention of गुण and वृद्धि, confer, compare P.I.1.5 घ् signifies कुत्व, confer, compare P.VII.3.62; ङ्, applied to affixes, signifies the prevention of गुण and वृद्धि, confer, compare P.I.1.5; it causes संप्रसारणादेश in the case of certain roots, confer, compare P. VI.1.16 and signifies आत्मनेपद if applied to roots; confer, compare P.I. 3.12, and their substitution for the last letter if applied to substitutes. confer, compare P I.1.53. च् signifies the acute accent of the last vowel;confer, compareP.VI.1. 159; ञ् signifies उभयपद i.e the placing of the affixes of both the podas after the root to which it has been affixed;confer, compareP.I.3.72, ट् in the case of an augment signifies its application to the word at the beginning: confer, compareP I.1.64, while applied to a nominal base or an affix shows the addition of the feminine. affix ई (ङीप्) confer, compareP.IV.1. 15;ड् signifies the elision of the last syllable; confer, compare P.VI.4.142: ण् signifies वृद्धि, confer, compareP.VII.2.115;त् signifies स्वरित accent, confer, compare VI.1.181, as also that variety of the vowel ( ह्रस्व, दीर्ध or प्लुत) to which it has been applied confer, compare P.I.1.70; न् signifies आद्युदात्त, confer, compare P.VI.1.193:प् signifies अनुदात्त accent confer, compare अनुदात्तौ सुप्पितौ P. III.1.4. as also उदात्त for the vowel before the affix marked with प् confer, compare P.VI.1.192: म् signifies in the case of an augment its addition after the final vowel.confer, compareP.I.1.47,while in the case of a root, the shortening of its vowel before the causal affix णि,confer, compare P.VI.4.92: र् signifies the acute accent for the penultimate vowel confer, compare P.VI.1.217,ल् signifies the acute accent for the vowel preceding the affix marked with ल्; confer, compareP.VI. 193; श् implies in the case of an affix its सार्वधातुकत्व confer, compare P. II1.4.113, while in the case of substitutes, their substitution for the whole स्थानिन् cf P.I.1.55; प् signifies the addition of the feminine. affix ई ( ङीप् ) confer, compareP.IV-1.41 ;स् in the case of affixes signifies पदसंज्ञा to the base before them, cf P.I.4.16. Sometimes even without the actual addition of the mute letter, affixes are directed to be looked upon as possessed of that mute letter for the sake of a grammatical operation exempli gratia, for example सार्वधातुकमपित् P.I.2.4; असंयेागाल्लिट कित् P.I.2.5: गोतो णित् P.VII.1.90 et cetera, and others (2) thc short vowel इ as a substitute: confer, compare शास इदङ्हलोः P.VI.4.34.
īyaṅ'afix ईय added to the root ऋत्, ङ् showing the application of the Ātmanepada affixes; e. g. ऋतीयते confer, compare P. III.1.29
udayakīrtiauthor of a treatise giving rules for the determination of the pada or padas of roots; the treatise is named पदव्यवस्थासूत्रकारिकाटीका He was a Jain grammarian, and one of the pupils of Sādhusundara.
upagrahaa term used by the ancient grammarians in the sense of the Parasmaipada and the Ātmanepada affixes. The word is not found in Pāṇini's Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī.. The Vārttikakāra has used the word in his Vārttika उपग्रहप्रतिषेधश्च on P. III.2.127 evidently in the sense of Pada affixes referring to the Ātmanepada as explained by Kaiyaṭa in the words उपग्रहस्य आत्मनेपदसंज्ञाया इत्यर्थ: । The word occurs in the Ślokavārttika सुप्तिङुपग्रहलिङ्गनराणां quoted by Patañjali in his Mahābhāṣya on व्यत्ययो बहुलम् P. III. 1.85, where Nāgeśa writes लादेशव्यङ्ग्यं स्वार्थत्वादि । इह तत्प्रतीतिनिमित्ते परस्मै-पदात्मनेपदे उपग्रहशब्देन लक्षणयोच्येते । The word is found in the sense of Pada in the Mahābhāṣya on P. III. 1.40. The commentator on Puṣpasūtra explains the word as उपगृह्यते समीपे पठ्यते इति उपग्रहः. The author of the Kāśikā on P. VI. 2.134 has cited the reading चूर्णादीन्यप्राण्युपग्रहात् instead of चूर्णादीन्यप्राणिषष्ठ्याः and made the remark तत्रेापग्रह इति षष्ठ्यन्तमेव पूर्वाचार्योपचारेण गृह्यते. This remark shows that in ancient times उपग्रह meant षष्ठ्यन्त i. e. a word in the genitive case. This sense gave rise to, or was based upon, an allied sense, viz. the meaning of 'षष्ठी' i. e. possession. Possibly the sense 'possession' further developed into the further sense 'possession of the fruit or result for self or others' referring to the तिङ् affixes which possessed that sense. The old sense 'षष्ठ्यन्त' of the word 'उपग्रह' having gone out of use, and the sense 'पद' having come in vogue, the word षष्ठी' must have been substituted for the word 'उपग्रह' by some grammarians before the time of the Kāśikākāras. As Patañjali has dropped the Sūtra (VI. 2.134), it cannot be said definitely whether the change of reading took place before Patañjali or after him.
upasargapreposition, prefix. The word उसपर्ग originally meant only 'a prefixed word': confer, compare सोपसर्गेषु नामसु Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XVI. 38. The word became technically applied by ancient Sanskrit Gratmmarians to the words प्र, परा, अप, सम् et cetera, and others which are always used along with a verb or a verbal derivative or a noun showing a verbal activity; confer, compare उपसर्गाः क्रियायोगे P. I. 4.59. 'These prefixes are necessariiy compounded with the following word unless the latter is a verbal form; confer, compare कुगतिप्रादयः P.II. 2.18. Although they are not compounded with a verbal form, these prepositions are used in juxtaposition with it; sometimes they are found detached from the verbal form even with the intervention of one word or more. The prefixes are instrumental in changing the meaning of the root. Some scholars like Śākaṭāyana hold the view that separated from the roots, prefixes do not express any specific sense as ordinary words express, while scholars like Gārgya hold the view that prefixes do express a sense e. g. प्र means beginning or प्रारम्भ; confer, compare न निर्बद्धा उपसर्गा अर्थान्निराहुरिति शाकटायनः । नामाख्यातयोस्तु कर्मोपसंयोगद्योतका भवन्ति । उच्चावचाः पदार्था भवन्तीति गार्ग्यः । तद्य एषु पदार्थः प्राहुरिमं तं नामाख्यातयोरर्थविकरणम् Nirukta of Yāska.I. 8. It is doubtful, however, which view Pāṇini himself held. In his Ātmanepada topic, he has mentioned some specific roots as possessing some specific senses when preceded by some specific prefixes (see P. I. 3.20, 24, 25, 40, 4l, 46, 52, 56, et cetera, and others), which implies possibly that roots themselves possess various senses, while prefixes are simply instrumental in indicating or showing them. On the other hand, in the topic of the Karmapravacanīyas,the same words प्र, परा et cetera, and others which, however, are not termed Upasargas for the time being, although they are called Nipātas, are actually assigned some specific senses by Pāṇini. The Vārttikakāra has defined उपसर्ग as क्रियाविशेषक उपसर्गः P. I. 3.I. Vārt 7, leaving it doubtful whether the उपसर्ग or prefix possesses an independent sense which modifies the sense of the root, or without possessing any independent sense, it shows only the modified sense of the root which also is possessed by the root. Bhartṛhari, Kaiyaṭa and their followers including Nāgeśa have emphatically given the view that not only prefixes but Nipātas, which include प्र, परा and others as Upasargas as well as Karmapravacanīyas, do not denote any sense, but they indicate it; they are in fact द्योतक and not वाचक. For details see Nirukta of Yāska.I. 3, Vākyapadīya II. 190, Mahābhāṣya on I. 3.1. Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 7 and Kaiyaṭa's Mahābhāṣyapradīpa.and Mahābhāṣya-Pradīpoddyota by Nāgeśa.thereon. The Ṛk Prātiśākhya has discussed the question in XII. 6-9 where, as explained by the commentator, it is stated that prefixes express a sense along with roots or nouns to which they are attachedition It is not clear whether they convey the sense by denotation or indication, the words वाचक in stanza 6 and विशेषकृत् in stanza 8 being in favour of the former and the latter views respectively; cf उपसर्गा विंशतिरर्थवाचकाः सहेतराभ्यामितरे निपाताः; क्रियावाचकभाख्यातमुपसर्गो विशेषकृत्, सत्त्वाभिधायकं नाम निपातः पादपूरणः Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XII. st. 6 and 8. For the list of upasargas see Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XII. 6, Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.I. 15, Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.VI.24, and S. K. on P. I.4.60.
ubhayatobhāṣaliterally speaking or showing both the padas or voices; possessed of both the padas viz. the Parasmaipada and the Ātmanepada. The word is found commonly used in the Dhātupaṭha of Pāṇini.
ubhayapadina root conjugated in both the Padas; a root to which both, the Parasmaipada and the Ātmanepada terminations are affixed; exempli gratia, for example roots वृ, भी, मुच् et cetera, and others
urobṛhatīa variety of the Vedic metre बृहती in which the first pada consists of twelve syllables and the rest of eight syllables; confer, compare Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XVI. 33.
uṣṇih(उष्णिक्)name of the second of the main seven Vedic metres which are known by the name प्रजापतिच्छन्दस्. The Uṣṇik metre consists of 28 syllables divided into three padas of 8, 8 and 12 sylla bles. It has got many varieties such as पुरउष्णिह्, ककुभ् and others; for details see Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XVI 20-26.
ūrdhvabṛhatī( विराज् )a variety of the metre Bṛhatī which has three padas of twelve syllables each; confer, compare त्रयो द्वादशका यस्याः सा होर्ध्ववृहती विराट् Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XVI.33.
ekavibhaktia pada having the same case in the various dissolutions of the compound word; e. g. the word कौशाम्बी in the compound word निष्कौशाम्बिः, which stands only in the ablative case कौशाम्ब्याः, although the word निष्क्रान्त, which stands for the word निस्, could be used in many cases. The word नियतविभक्तिक is also used in the same sense.
aikapadikagiven in the group of ekapadas or solitarily stated words as contrasted with anekapadas or synonymanuscript. See एकपद a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page..
kartrabhiprāyameant for the agent of the action. The word is used in connection with the fruit or result of an action; when the result is for the agent, roots having both the Padas get the Ātmanepada terminations; confer, compare स्वरितञ्जितः कर्त्रभिप्राये क्रियाफले P.I.3.72.
karmavyatihāraexchange of verbal activity; reciprocity of action; कर्मव्यतिहार means क्रियाव्यतिहार or क्रियाविनिमय; confer, compare कर्तरि कर्मव्यतिहारे P.I.3.14.; also कर्मव्यतिहारे णच् स्त्रियाम् । व्यावक्रोशी, व्यात्युक्षी Kāś. on P.III.3.43. The roots having their agents characterized by a reciprocity of action take the Ātmanepada terminations; confer, compare P. I. 3.14.
kārakaliterally doer of an action. The word is used in the technical sense ; 1 of ’instrument of action'; cf कारकशब्दश्च निमित्तपर्यायः । कारकं हेतुरिति नार्थान्तरम् । कस्य हेतुः । क्रियायाः Kāś. on P.I. 4.23: confer, compare also कारक इति संज्ञानिर्देशः । साधकं निर्वर्तकं कारकसंज्ञं भवति । M.Bh. on P. I. 4.28. The word 'kāraka' in short, means 'the capacity in which a thing becomes instrumental in bringing about an action'. This capacity is looked upon as the sense of the case-affixes which express it. There are six kārakas given in all grammar treatises अपादान, संप्रदान, अधिकरण, करण , कर्मन् and कर्तृ to express which the case affixes or Vibhaktis पञ्चमी, चतुर्थी, सप्तमी, तृतीया, द्वितीया and प्रथमा are respectively used which, hence, are called Kārakavibhaktis as contrasted with Upapadavibhaktis, which show a relation between two substantives and hence are looked upon as weaker than the Kārakavibhaktis; confer, compare उपपदविभक्तेः कारकविभक्तिर्बलीयसी Pari. Śek. Pari.94. The topic explaining Kārakavibhaktis is looked upon as a very important and difficult chapter in treatises of grammar and there are several small compendiums written by scholars dealing with kārakas only. For the topic of Kārakas see P. I. 4.23 to 55, Kat, II. 4.8-42, Vyākaraṇa The Volume of the introduction in Marathi to the Pātañjala Mahābhāṣya, written by K. V. Abhyankar and published by the O. E. Society, Poona.. pp.262-264 published by the D. E. Society, Poona.
kārakavibhaktibalīyastvathe dictum that a Kāraka case is stronger than an Upapada case,e. g. the accusative case as required by the word नमस्कृत्य,which is stronger than the dative case as required by the word नमः. Hence the word मुनित्रयं has to be used in the sentence : मुनित्रयं नमस्कृत्य and not the word मुनित्रयाय confer, compare उपपदविभक्तेः कारकविभक्तिर्बलीयसी Pari. Śek. Pari. 94.
kit(1)marked with the mute letter क् which is applied by Pāṇini to affixes, for preventing guṇa and vṛddhi substitutes to the preceding इक् vowel (इ, उ, ऋ or लृ); confer, compareक्ङिति च, Pāṇ. I.1.5; (2) considered or looked upon as marked with mute indicatory क् for preventing guna; confer, compare असंयोगाल्लिट् कित् and the following P.I.2.5 et cetera, and others The affixes of the first type are for instance क्त, क्त्वा, क्तिन् and others. The affixes of the second type are given mainly in the second pada of the first Adhyāya by Pāṇini. Besides the prevention of guṇa and wrddhi, affixes marked with कु or affixes called कित्, cause Saṁprasāraṇa (see P. VI.1.15,16), elision of the penultimate न् (P.VI.4.24), elision of the penultimate vowel (P. VI.4.98,100), lengthening of the vowel (VI.4.15), substitution of ऊ (VI.4.19,21), elision of the final nasal (VI. 4.37), substitution of अI (VI.4.42). The taddhita affixes which are marked with mute क् cause the Vṛddhi substitute for the first vowel in the word to which they are addedition
kyaṅaffix य taking Ātmanepada terminations after it, added in the sense of similar behaviour to a substantive. The substantive to which this affix य is added, becomes a denominative root; e. g. काकः श्येनायते, कुमुदं पुष्करायते, confer, compare Kāś. on P. III. 1.11-12, also on P. III, 1.14-18.
kyapkṛt afix य applied to the roots व्रज् and यज् in the sense of 'verbal activity' and to the roots अजू with सम्, षद् with नि et cetera, and others to form proper nouns e. g. व्रज्या, इज्या, समज्या, निषद्या et cetera, and others, confer, compare P. III. 3.98 and 99; (2) kṛtya affix य in the sense of 'should be done' applied to the roots वद्, भू and हन् (when preceded by certain words put as upapada), as also to roots with penultimate ऋ and the roots मृज्, इ, स्तु and others; e. g. ब्रह्मोद्यम् , ब्रह्मभूयम् , इत्यम् , स्तुत्यम् et cetera, and others confer, compare Kāś. on P. III. 1. 106,121.
kyaṣaffix य added to certain nouns like लोहित and others to form denominative roots after which terminations of both the padas are placed exempli gratia, for example लोहितायति, लोहितायते; confer, compare Kāś. on P. III. 1.13.
kanipkṛt affix वन् in the sense of agent added to (l) a root preceded by an Upasarga or a Subanta Upapada or sometimes even without any preceding word; exempli gratia, for exampleप्रतरित्वा, धीवा, पीवा; (2) to the root दृश्, preceded by an Upapada which is the object of the root दृश्, exempli gratia, for example पारदृश्वा; (3) to roots युध् and कृञ् having राजन् as their object, exempli gratia, for example राजयुध्वा, राजकृत्वा ; confer, compare Pāṇini III.2.94-96.
kvip(1)kṛt affix zero, added to the roots सद्, सू, द्विष् and others with a preceding word as upapada or with a prefix or sometimes even without any word, as also to the root हन् preceded by the words ब्रह्मन्, भ्रूण and वृत्र, and to the root कृ preceded by सु, कर्मन् et cetera, and others, and to the roots सु, and चि under certain conditions exempli gratia, for example उपसत्, सूः, प्रसूः, पर्णध्वत्, ब्रह्महा, वृत्रहा, सोमसुत्, अग्निचित्; confer, compareP.III. 2.61, 76, 77, 87-92: 177-179; (2) the denominative affix zero applied to any substantive in the sense of behaviour अश्वति, गर्दभति et cetera, and others; confer, compare M.Bh. and Kāś, on P.III.1.11.
khalkṛt afix अ added to any root preceded by the word ईषद्, दुस् or सु, and to the roots भू and कृ preceded by an upapada word forming either the subject or the object of the roots, e. g. ईषत्करः कटो भवता, ईषदाढ्यंभवं भवता; confer, compare P. III. 3.126, 127.
khaśkṛt affix added to the roots यज् (causal), ध्मा, धे,रुज्, वह्, लिह्, पच् , दृश् , तप्, मन् et cetera, and others preceded by certain specified upapada words. The root undergoes all the operations such as the addition of the conjugational sign et cetera, and others before this खश् on account of the mute letter श् which makes खश् a Sārvadhātuka affix, and the augment म् is added to the preceding उपपद if it is not an indeclinable on account of the mute letter ख्; e. g. जनमेजयः, स्तनंधयः, नाडिंधमः, असूयै. पश्यः पण्डितंमन्यः etc,; confer, compare Pāṇ. III2.28-37, 83.
ghanaa variety of the क्रमपाठ or recital of the Vedic hymns to show the serial order of words there; one of the eight vikrtis of the padapātha.
ṅit(l)affixes with the mute letter ङ् attached to them either before or after, with a view to preventing the guna and vrddhi substitutes for the preceding इ, उ, ऋ, or लृ, as for example, the affixes चङ्, अङ् and others (2) affixes conventionally called ङित् after certain bases under certain conditions; confer, compare गाङ्कुटादिम्यो ञ्णिन्ङित् P. I. 2. 1-4; (3) roots marked with the mute letter ङ् signifying the application of the Atmanepada terminations to them: (4) substitutes marked with mute ङ् which are put in the place of the last letter of the word for which they are prescribed as substitutes; (5) case affixes marked with mute letter ङ् which cause the substitution of guna to the last vowel इ or उ of words termed घि.
ṅyāppāda popular name given by grammarians to the first pada of the fourth adhyaya of Panini's Astadyayi as the pada begins with the rule ङ्याप्प्रातिपदिकात् IV. I.I.
ciṇsubstitute इ causing vrddhi, in the place of the aorist vikarana affix च्लि, prescribed in the case of all roots in the passive voice and in the case of the roots पद्, दीप्, जन् et cetera, and others in the active voice before the affix त of the third person. singular. in the Atmanepada, which in its turn is elided by P. VI. 4. 104. cf P. III. 1.60-66.
chpādaa popular name given by grammarians to the first pada of the fifth Adhyaya of Painis Astadhyayi as the pada begins with the rule प्राक् क्रीताच्छः P. V. 1.1.
chastaddhita affix. affix ईय added to the word भवत् in the general शैषिक senses, e. g. भवदीयः; cf P. IV.2.115. The mute letter स् has been attached to the affix छस् So that the base भवत् before it could be termed pada (confer, compare सिति च P, I.4.16) and as a result have the consonant त् changed into द् by P. VIII.2.39.
jaśtvasubstitution of a जश् consonant prescribed by Panini for any consonant excepting a semi-vowel or a nasal, if followed by any fourth or third consonant out of the class consonants, or if it is at the end of a pada; confer, compare P.VIII. 2.39, VIII.4. 53.
jātābhīyāsiddhatvainvalidity of a grammatical operation prescribed by a rule in the अाभीय section (P. VI. 4.22 upto the end of the fourth pada ) which, although it has taken place, is to be looked upon as not having taken place when any other operation in the same section is to take effect. See आभीयासिद्व.
jainendravyākaraṇaname of a grammar work written by Pujyapada Devanandin, also called Siddhanandin, in the fifth century A.D. The grammar is based on the Astadhyay of Panini,the section on Vedic accent and the rules of Panini explaining Vedic forms being,of course, neglectedition The grammar is called Jainendra Vyakarana or Jainendra Sabdanusasana. The work is available in two versions, one consisting of 3000 sutras and the other of 3700 sutras. it has got many commentaries, of which the Mahavrtti written by Abhayanandin is the principal one. For details see Jainendra Vyakarana, introduction published by the Bharatiya Jnanapitha Varadasi.
jhi(1)verb-ending of the 3rd person. plural Parasmaipada, substituted for the लकार of the ten lakaras, changed to जुस in the potential and the benedictive moods, and optionally so in the imperfect and after the sign स् of the aorist; confer, compareP,III. 4. 82, 83, 84, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112: (2) a conventional term for अव्यय (indeclinable) used in the Jainendra Vyakaraha.
ñ(1)the nasal (fifth consonant) of the palatal class of consonants possessed of the properties नादानुप्रदान, घोष, कण्टसंवृतत्व, अल्पप्राण and अानुनासिक्य; (2) mute letter, characterized by which an affix signifies वृद्धि for the preceding vowel; ञ् of a taddhita affix, however, signifies वृद्धि for the first vowel of the word to which the affix is added; (3) a mute letter added to a root at the end to signify that the root takes verb-endings of both the padas.
ñit(1)an afix marked with the mute letter ञ्; causing the substitution of vrddhi for the preceding vowel and acute accent for the first vowel of the word to which it is added, but, causing vrddhi for the first vowel of the word to which it is added in case the affix is a taddhita affix. affix: confer, compare P.VII.2, 115, 116, 117; (2) a root marked with the consonant ञ् , taking verb-endings of both the Parasmaipada and the Atmanepada kinds; exempli gratia, for example करोति, कुरुते, बिभर्ति, बिभृते, क्रीणाति, क्रीणीते elc.; confer, compare स्वरितञितः कत्राभिप्राये, क्रियाफले P.I.3.72.
the first consonant of the lingual class ( टवर्ग ) possessed of the properties श्वासानुप्रदान, अघोष, विवृतकण्ठत्व and अल्पप्राणत्व. When prefixed or affixed to an affix as an indicatory letter, it signifies the addition of the feminine. affix ङीप् ( ई ); confer, compare P. IV. 1.15, When added to the conjugational affixes ( लकार ) it shows that in the Atmanepada the vowel of the last syllable is changed to ए. confer, compare P. III. 4.79. When added to an augment ( अागम ), it shows that the augment marked with it is to be prefixed and not to be affixed; e. g. नुट्, तुट् et cetera, and others; cf P. I. 1.46.
ṭhakpādaa popular name given to the fourth pada of the fourth adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi.The pada begins with the rule प्राग्वहतेष्ठक् P.IV.4.1 prescribing the taddhita affix ठक् in the senses prescribed in rules be. ginning with the next rule ' तेन दीव्यति खनति जयति जितम् ' and ending with the rule 'निकटे वसति' P.IV.4.73.
ḍas(1)affix अस् applied to the word श्वेतवाह and others at the end of a pada i.e when the word श्वेतवाह has got the पदसंज्ञा. exempli gratia, for example श्वेतवाः इन्द्रः । श्वेतवोभ्याम् confer, compareP.III.2.71 Vārt,1 and 2.
ṇatvapādaa popular name given by grammarians to the fourth pada confer, compare Panini's Astadhyayi, as the pada begins with the rule रषाभ्यां नो णः समानपदे and mainly gives rules about णत्व i. e. the substitution of the consonant ण् for न्.
ṇicommon term for णिङ् ( signifying Atmanepada ) and णिच्: cf; णेरणौ यस्कर्मं P. I. 3.67, णेरनिटि VI. 4.51 ; cf also P. I. 3.86, I. 4.52, II.4.46, 51: III. 2.137: VI. 1.31, 48, 54, VI. 4.90; VII. 2.26, VII. 3.36; VII.4.1, VIII. 4.80.
ṇiṅaffix इ causing vrddhi, prescribed after the root कम् , the base ending in इ i. e. कामि being called a root: confer, compare P. III. 1.30, 32. The mute letter ङ् signifies that the root कामि is to take only the Atmanepada affixes e. g. कामयते, अचीकमत.
ṇicaffix इ causing Vrddhi (1) applied to roots of the tenth conjugation ( चुरादिगण ) such as चुर् , चित् et cetera, and others e. g. चोरयति, चोरयते; confer, compare P. III. 1.25: (2) applied to any root to form a causal base from it, e. g. भावयति from भू, गमयति from गम्: confer, compare हेतुमति च P. III. 1.26: (3) applied to the words मुण्ड, मिश्र etc, in the sense of making, doing, practising et cetera, and others ( करण ); e. g. मुण्डं करोति मुण्डयति, व्रतयति (eats something or avoids it as an observance), हलं गृह्नाति हलयति et cetera, and others; cf P. III. 1.21; (4) applied to the words सत्य, पाश, रूप, वीणा, तूल, श्लोक, सेना, लोमन, त्वच्, वर्मन्, वर्ण and चूर्ण in the various senses given by the Varttikakara to form denominative roots ending in इ: e. g. सत्यापयति, पाशयति etc; confer, compare P. III.1.25: (5) applied to suitable words in the sense of composing, exempli gratia, for example सूत्रं करोति सूत्रयति, et cetera, and others: (6)applied to a verbal noun ( कृदन्त ) in the sense of 'narrating' with the omission of the krt affix and the karaka of the verbal activity put in a suitable case; e. g. कंसं घातयति for the sentence कंसवधमाचष्टे or बलिं बन्धयति for बलिबन्धमाचष्टे,or रात्रिं विवासयति, सूर्यमुद्गमयति, पुष्येण योजयति et cetera, and others: confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. III. 1.26. Roots ending in णिच् (णिजन्त) take the conjugational endings of both the Parasmaipada and the, Atmanepada: confer, compare णिचश्च P. I. 3.74. They have perfect forms by the addition of अाम् with a suitable form of the perfect tense of the root कृ, भू or अस् placed after अाम्, the word ending with अाम् and the verbal form after it being looked upon as separate words e. g. कारयां चकार कारयां चक्रे et cetera, and others; cf P. III.1.35, 40. They have the aorist form, with the substitution of the Vikarana चङ् ( अ ) for च्लि before which the root is reduplicated; e. g. अचीकरत्, अबीभवत् et cetera, and others: confer, compare P.III.1.48, VI.1.11 as also VII.4.93-97.
ṇinikrt affix इन् signifying vrddhi (1) applied to the roots headed by ग्रह् ( i. e. the roots ग्रह्, उद्वस्, स्था et cetera, and others ) in the sense of an agent;e. g. ग्राही, उद्वासी, स्थायी. confer, compare P. III.1.134; (2) applied to the root हन् preceded by the word कुमार or शीर्ष as उपपद: e. g. कुमारघाती, शीर्षघाती, confer, compare P. III.2.51: (3) applied to any root preceded by a substantive as upapada in the sense of habit, or when compari son or vow or frequency of action is conveyed, or to the root मन्, with a substantive as उपपद e. gउष्णभोजी, शीतभोजी, उष्ट्रकोशी, ध्वाङ्क्षरावीः स्थण्डिलशायी, अश्राद्धभोजीः क्षीरपायिण उशीनराः; सौवीरपायिणो वाह्रीकाः: दर्शनीयमानी, शोभनीयमानी, confer, compare P. III.2.78-82; (4) applied to the root यज् preceded by a word referring to the करण of यागफल as also to the root हन् preceded by a word forming the object ( कर्मन् ) of the root हन् , the words so formed referring to the past tense: e. g. अग्निष्टो याजी, पितृव्याघाती, confer, compare P. III 2.85, 86; (5) applied to a root when the word so formed refers to a kind of necessary activity or to a debtor; confer, compare अवश्यंकारी, शतंदायी, सहस्रदायी confer, compare P. III.4. 169-170: (6) tad-affix इन् , causing vrddhi for the first vowel, applied to the words काश्यप and कौशिक referring to ancient sages named so, as also to words which are the names of the pupils of कलापि or of वैशम्पायन, as also to the words शुनक, वाजसनेय et cetera, and others in the sense of 'students learning what has been traditionally spoken by those sages' e. g. काश्यपिनः, ताण्डिनः, हरिद्रविणः शौनकिनः, वाजसनेयिनः et cetera, and others; cf P. IV.3, 103 104, 106; (7) applied to words forming the names of ancient sages who are the speakers of ancient Brahmana works in the sense of 'pupils studying those works' as also to words forming the names of sages who composed old Kalpa works in the sense of those कल्प works; e. g. भाल्लविनः, एतरेयिणः । पैङ्गी कल्पः अरुणपराजी कल्पः; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 3.105: (8) applied to the words पाराशर्य and शिलालिन् in the sense of 'students reading the Bhiksusutras (of पाराशार्य) and the Nata sutras ( of शिलालिन् ) respectively; e. g. पाराशरिणो भिक्षव:, शैलालिनो नटाः: cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV.3.110.
ṇaupādaa popular name given to the fourth pada of the seventh Adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi, which begins with the rule णौ चङ्युपघाया ह्रस्त्रः P. VII. 4.1.
ṇvikrt, affix ण्वि i. e. zero, causing vrddhi, applied to the root भज् and to सह् and वह् in Vedic Literature if the root is preceded by any preposition ( उपसर्ग ) or a substantive as the upapada ; e. g. अर्द्धभाक्, प्रभाक्, तुराषाट् , दित्यवाट्; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. III, 2.62, 63, 64.
taṅ(1)a short term used for the nine personal endings of the Atmanepada viz. त,अाताम्...महिङ् which are themselves termed Atmanepada; confer, compare तङानौ अात्मनेपदम् P. 1.4. 100 (2) the personal-ending त of the 2nd person. plural (substituted for थ by III.4 101) looked upon as तङ् sometimes, when it is lengthened in the Vedic Literature: confer, compare तङिति थादेशस्य ङित्त्वपक्षे ग्रहणम् । भरता जातवेदसम् Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. VI. 3. 133.
tana(1)personal ending for त of the second person. plural Parasmaipada in the imperative in Vedic Literature e.g जुजुष्टन for जुषत confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. On P VII. 1.45; (2) taddhita affix. affixes टयु and टयुल् id est, that is अन which, with the augment त्, in effect becomes तन exempli gratia, for example सायंतन, चिरंतन, et cetera, and others: confer, compare P. IV. 3.23.
tas(1)personal ending of the third person. dual Parasmaipada substituted technically for ल् (लकार); cf P. III.4.78; (2) taddhita affix. affix तस् ( तसि or तसिल् ). See तसि and तसिल्.
tāt(1)the same as तातङ् substituted for तु and हि of the imperative second. and third singular. Parasmaipada; confer, compare P.VII.1.35; (2) substitute तात् for त of the imperative 2nd plural in Vedic Literature; exempli gratia, for example गात्रं गात्रमस्यानूनं कृणुतात् confer, compare Kas on P.VII.1.44.
tiṅ(1)a brief term (प्रत्याहार) for the 18 personal endings. Out of these eighteen personal endings, which are common for all tenses and moods, the first nine तिप्, तस् et cetera, and others all called Parasmaipada, while the other nine त, अाताम् et cetera, and others are named Atmanepada and तङ् also; confer, compare तङानावात्मनेपदम्; (2) a verbal form called also अाख्यातक; confer, compare तिङ् खलु अाख्यातका भवान्ति । पचति पठति । V.Pr.I.27.
tipthe personal ending of the 3rd person. singular. substituted for ल (लकार) in the Parasmaipada. For substitutes for तिप् in special cases, see P. VI.1.68, III.4.82, 83, 84.
tu(1)short term ( प्रत्याहार ) for the dental consonants त्, थ्, द्, ध् and न् confer, compare P. I. 1.69; (2) personal-ending substituted for ति in the 2nd person. imper. singular. Parasmaipada confer, compare P. III, 4.86; (3) taddhita affix. affix तु in the sense of possession added in Vedic Literature to कम् and शम् e. g. क्रन्तुः, शन्तु: confer, compare P. V. 2.138; (4) unadi affix तु ( तुन्) prescribed by the rule सितनिगमिमसिसच्यविधाञ्कुशिभ्यस्तुन् ( Unadi Sitra I.69 ) before which the augment इ is not added exempli gratia, for example सेतुः सक्तुः et cetera, and others confer, compare P. VII. 2.9
th(1)personal-ending of the 2nd person. plural Parasmaipada,substituted for the ल् of the ten lakara affixes; (2) substitute ( थल् ) for the 2nd pers singular. personal ending सिप् in. the perfect tense: (3) unadi affix ( थक् ) added to the roots पा, तॄ, तुद् et cetera, and others e. g. पीथः, तीर्थः, et cetera, and others; cf unadi sutra II. 7; (4) unadi affix ( क्थन् ) | added to the roots हन्, कुष् ,नी et cetera, and others; e. g, हथः, कुष्टं, नीथः et cetera, and others cf unadi sutra II. 2: (5) unadi affix (थन्) added to the roots उष्, कुष्, गा and ऋ, e. g. ओष्ठः, कोष्ठम् et cetera, and others cf unadi sutra_II. 4; (6) a technical term for the term अभ्यस्त or the reduplicated wording of Panini ( confer, compare उभे अभ्यस्तम् ) P. VI. 1. 5, used in the Jainendra Vyakarana.
thanapersonal-ending थन substituted for त of the 2nd person. plural of the imperative Parasmaipada in Vedic ' Literature, e. g. यदिष्ठन for यदिच्छथ: confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. VII. 1.45.
thalpersonal ending थ substituted for सिप् of the 2nd person.singular. Parasmaipada in the perfect tense as also in the present tense in specific cases; confer, compare P. III. 4.82, 88,84.
thaspersonal ending of the 2nd person. dual Parasmaipada, which is substituted for ल् of the lakara affixes; confer, compare P. III 4.78.
thāspersonal ending of the 2nd person. singular. Atmanepada, substituted for ल् of the lakara affixes.
dthird consonant of the dental class of consonants possessed of the properties नादानुप्रदान, घोष, संवृतकण्ठत्व and अल्पप्राणता;(2) consonant द् substituted for the final letter of nouns ending with the affix वस् as also for the final letter of स्रंस्, ध्वंस् and अनडुह् provided the final letter is at the end of a pada; exempli gratia, for example विद्वद्भयाम् et cetera, and others; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P, VIII. 2.72; (3) consonant द् substituted for the final स् of roots excepting the root.अस्, before the personal ending तिप् of the third person. singular.; e. g. अचकाद् भवान् ; confer, compare P. VIII. 3.93.
devikāpādaa popular name given to the third pada of the seventh adhyaya of Parinis Asadhyāyi as the pada begins with the Sutra दविकाशिंशपादित्यवाट्दीर्घसत्त्रश्रेयसामात् P.VII 3. 1.
ghātusabandhapādaconventional name given to the fourth pada of Panini's Astadhyayi which begins with the Sutra धातुसंबन्धे प्रत्ययाः P. III.4.1
dhānyapādaa popular name given to the second pada of the fifth adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi possibly because the pada begins with the Sutra धान्यानां भवने क्षेत्रे खञ्, P. V.2.1
dhvampersonal-ending of the second. person. plural Atmanepada, substituted for ल् of the 10 lakaras.
dhvātpersonal-ending in Vedic Literature, substituted for ध्वम् of the second. person. plural Atmanepada; exempli gratia, for exampleवारयध्वात् for वारयध्वम् confer, compare P. VII. 1.42.
dhvePersonal-ending of the second. person. Pl. Atmanepada in the present and perfect tenses. न् fifth consonant of the dental class of consonants which is possessed of the properties घोष, नादानुप्रदान, अल्पप्राणत्व, संवृतकण्ठत्व and अानुनासिक्य. In Panini's grammar the nasal consonant न् (a)is added as an augment prescribed\ \नुट् or नुम् which originally is seen as न्, but afterwards changed into अनुस्वार or परसवर्ण as required, as for example in पयांसि, यशांसि, निन्दति, वन्दति et cetera, and others; confer, compare P. VII. 1.58-73, VII. 1.7983; VIII. 3.24; (b) is changed into ण् when it directly follows upon ऋ, ॠ, र् or ष् or even intervened by a vowel, a semivowel except ल् , a guttural consonant, a labial consonant or an anusvara; confer, compare P. VIII. 4.1.1-31. (c) is substituted for the final म् of a root, e. g. प्रशान्, प्रतान् confer, compare P. VIII. 2.64, 65.
navāhnikīname given to the first nine Ahnikas or lessons of the Mahabhasya which are written in explanation of only the first pada of the first Adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi and which contain almost all the important theories, statements and problems newly introduced by Patanjali.
nityasamāsaan invariably effective compound; the term is explained as अस्वपदविग्रहो नित्यसमासः i. e. a compound whose dissolution cannot be shown by its component words as such; e. g. the dissolution of कुम्भकारः cannot be shown as कुम्भं कारः, but it must be shown as कुम्भं करोति स: । The upapadasamasa, the gatisamsa and the dative tatpurusa with the word अर्थ are examples of नित्यसमास.
padādhikārathe topic concerning padas id est, that is words which are regularly formed, as contrasted with words in formation. Several grammatical operations, such as accents or euphonic combinations, are specifically prescribed together by Pāņini at places which are said to be in the Padādhikāra formed by sūtras VIII.1.16 to VIII.3.54.
padyaforming a part of a word or pada; confer, compare उपोत्तमं नानुदात्तं न पद्यम् Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) I. 29; confer, compare also पूर्वपद्यः Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) I. 30. The word is used in this sense ( पदावयव ) mostly in the Prātiśākhya works. The word is used in the sense of पादसंपन्न, made up of the feet (of verses), in the Rk Prātiśākhya in contrast with अक्षर्य, made up of syllables. In this sense the word is derived from the word पाद; confer, compare पद्याक्षर्ये स उत्थितः R. Pr, XVIII. 3.
paribhāṣāsegraha'a work containing a collection of independent works on Paribhasas in the several systems of Sanskrit Grammar, compiled by M. M. K. V. Abhyankar. The collectlon consists of the following works (i) परिभाषासूचन containing 93 Paribhasas with a commentary by Vyadi, an ancient grammarian who lived before Patanjali; ( ii ) ब्याडीयपरिभाषापाठ, a bare text of 140 Paribhaasaas belonging to the school of Vyadi (iii) शाकटायनपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 98 Paribhasa aphorisms, attributed to the ancient grammarian Saka-tayana, or belonging to that school; [iv) चान्द्रपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 86 Paribhasa aphorisms given at the end of his grammar work by Candragomin; (v) कातन्त्रपरिभाषासूत्रवृत्ति a gloss on 65 Paribhas aphorisms of the Katantra school by Durgasimha; (vi) कातन्त्रपारभाषासूत्रवृत्ति a short gloss on 62 Paribhasa aphorisms of the Katantra school by Bhavamisra; (vii) कातन्त्रपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 96 Paribhasa rules belonging to the Katantra school without any author's name associated with it; (viii) कालापपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 118 Paribhasa rules belonging to the Kalapa school without any author's name associated with it; (ix) जैनेन्द्रपरिभाषावृत्ति a gloss written by M. M. K. V. Abhyankar ( the compiler of the collection), on 108 Paribhasas or maxims noticeable in the Mahavrtti of Abhayanandin on the Jainendra Vyakarana of Pujyapada Devanandin; (x) भोजदेवकृतपरि-भाषासूत्र a text of 118 Paribhasa rules given by Bhoja in the second pada of the first adhyaaya of his grammar work named Sarasvatikanthabharana; (xi) न्यायसंग्रह a bare text of 140 paribhasas(which are called by the name nyaya) given by Hema-hamsagani in his named न्यायसंग्रह; (xii) लधुपरिभाषावृत्ति a gloss on 120 Paribhasas of the Panini school written by Puruso-ttamadeva; (xiii) वृहत्परिभाषावृत्ति con-taining 130 Paribhasas with a commentary by Siradeva and a very short,gloss on the commentary by Srimanasarman ( xiv ) परिभाषावृत्ति a short gloss on 140 Paribhasas of the Panini school written by Nilakantha; (xv) परिभाषाभास्कर a collection of 132 Paribhasas with a commentary by Haribhaskara Agnihotri; (xvi) bare text of Paribhasa given and explained by Nagesabhatta in his Paribhasendusekhara. The total number of Paribhasas mentioned and treated in the whole collection exceeds five hundredition
parvanword, pada; literally member of a sentence; the word is found used in the sense of पद in the old Pratisaakhya Literature: confer, compare अन्तरेण पर्वणी । पर्वशबेदन पदमुच्यते । पदयोर्मध्ये पद अागमो भवति । यथा प्राङ्कसोमः, प्राङ्क्सोम: । Uvvata on Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.I. 138.
pūrvāparapādaname given to the second pada of the second adhyaya of Panini's Asadhyayi which begins with the Sutra पूर्वापराधरोत्तरमेकदेशिनैकाधिकरणे P. II. 2.1.
pratyayapādaa conventional name given to the first pada of the third adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi which begins with the rule प्रत्ययः III. 1.1.
phala(1)fruit or benefit of an action which goes to the agent; confer, compare फलव्यापारयोर्धातुः Vaiyakarana-bhusana. A root which is given as Ubhayapadin in Panini's Grammar takes the Atmanepada affixes when the fruit of the activity is meant for the agent, while otherwise it takes the Parasmaipada affixes; (2) The word फल also means the result of a grammatical operation or grammatical injunction.
bahulapādaname given by grammarians to the third pada of the third adhyaya of the Astdhyayi.
bahuvrīhipādaconventional term used for the second pada of the sixth adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi.
bṛhatīa Vedic metre consisting of four padas and 36 syllables. There are three padas of eight syllables and the fourth has twelve syllables. It has got further subdivisions known as पुरस्ताद्बृहती, उपरिष्टाद्बृहती, न्यङ्कुसारिणी or उरोबृहती, ऊर्ध्वबृहती विष्टारबृहती, पिपीलिकमध्यमा and विषमपदा. For details see R.Pr. XVI. 31-37.
bha(1)the letter or sound भ् with the vowel अ added for facility of utterance; (2) a technical term in the Grammar of Panini given to a noun base before such case and taddhita affixes as begin with any vowel or with the consonant य्. The utility of this designation of भ to the base is (l) to prevent the substitutes which are enjoined for the final vowel or consonant of a pada (a word ending with a case-affix or a base before case and taddhita affix. affixes beginning with any consonant excepting य् ) just as the substitution of Visarga, anusvara, the first or third consonant, and others given in P. VIII. 4.37 and the following. For the various changes and operations for a base termed भ see P. VI. 4.129 to 175.
mahiṅpersonal ending of the Atmanepada first person (उत्तमपुरुष) plural;confer, compare तिप्तस्झि ... वहिमहिङ् P. III.4.78. महिष्यादि a class of words headed by the word महिषी to which the taddhita affix. affix अ (अण्) is added in the sense Of 'proper for' ( धर्म्यम् ); exempli gratia, for example माहिषम् पौरोहितम् , हौत्रम्: confer, compare Kas,on P.IV.4.48.
mippersonal ending मि of the first person ( उत्तमपुरुष ) singular. Parasmaipada: confer, compare तिप्तस्झि...महिङ् P. III.4.78.
mukaugment म् prefixed to the affix अान (id est, that is शानच् , चानच् , and शानन्) of the present tense. participle. Atmanepada; e. g. एधमान:, वर्धमानेः पवमानः, यजमानः, et cetera, and others; confer, compare आने मुक् P. VII. 2. 82. See मान.
yaḍlugantaa secondary root formed by adding the affix यङ् to roots specified in P. III. 1.22,23,24, which affix is sometimes dropped: confer, compare यङोचि च ; P. II. 4. 74. The yanluganta roots take the parasmaipada personal endings and not the atmanepada ones which are applied to yananta roots.
yāsuṭaugment यास् prefixed to the parasmaipada case-endings of लिङ् (the potential and the benedictive) which is accented acute; exempli gratia, for example कुर्यात्, क्रियात्.
yuvapādaa conventional term used for the first pada of the seventh adhyaya which begins with the sutra युवोरनाकौ P.VII.i.1.
yuṣmatpādconventional name given to the third pada of the fourth adhyaya of Paini's Astadhyayi which begins with the sutra युष्मदस्मदोरन्यतरस्यां खञ् च P. IV. 3.1.
raktapādaconventional name given to the second pada of the fourth Adhyaya of Paini's Astadhyayi as the Pada begins with the Sutra तेन रक्तं रागात् P. IV. 2.1.
ranpersonal ending रन् substituted for the personal ending झ of the प्रथमपुरुष (third person) Atmanepada of 'lin' (potential and benedictive); confer, compare झस्य रन् P.III. 4.105.
riphita(1)a Visarga in the Padapatha which has originated from र् in the Samhita-patha; (2) a word or pada which has got a रिफित at its end; confer, compare क:, स्व: प्रातः et cetera, and others (which in the Samhitapatha are कर् , स्वर् , प्रातर् et cetera, and others;) confer, compare R.Pr. I.30 to 36 V.Pr.IV. 18.192.
liṭan affix of the perfect tense; confer, compare परोक्षे लिट् P.III.2.115 for which the specific affixes णल्, अतुस् उस् et cetera, and others are substituted after roots which take Parasmaipada affixes. Before the lit affixes, a monosyllabic root is reduplicated while dissyllabic roots and denominative and other secondary roots, formed by adding an affix to an original root,take the affix अाम् after which all 'liț' personal endings are dropped and the forms of the roots कृ,भू and अस् with the necessary personal-endings, are placed immediately after the word ending in अाम् , but often with the intervention of a word or more in the Vedic language and rarely in the classical language; confer, compare तं पातयां प्रथममास पपात पश्चात् ; confer, compare कास्प्रत्ययादाममन्त्रे लिटि P.III.I. 35 to 42.
lohitādi(1)a class of words headed by लोहित to which the affix क्यव् ( य ) is added in the sense of 'becoming', to form a denominative root-base which gets the verb-endings of both the padas; e. g. लोहितायति, लोहितायते; निद्रायति, निद्रायते; the class लोहितादि is considered as अाकृतिगण so that similar denominative verb-bases could be explained; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.III.1. 13; (2) a class of words headed by लेहित, to which the feminine. affix ष्फ ( अायनी ) is added after they have got the taddhita affix यञ् added to them in the sense of 'a grandchild'; e. g. लौहित्यायनी, कात्यायनी et cetera, and others; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 1.18.
vahiatmanepada personal-ending of the first person ( उत्तमपुरुष) dual, substituted for the general ल् affix; confer, compare तिप्तसझि... महि़्ङ् P.III.4.78.
vigrahalit, separation of the two parts of a thing; the term is generally applied to the separation of the constituent words of a compound word: it is described to be of two kinds : ( a ) शास्त्रीयविग्रहृ or technical separation; e. g. राजपुरुष्: into राजन् ङस् पुरुष सु and ( 2 ) लौकिकविग्रहं or common or popular separation ; e. g. राजपुरूष: into राज्ञ: पुरुष:. It is also divided into two kinds according to the nature of the constituent words (a) स्वपदाविग्रह separation by means of the constituent words, exempli gratia, for example राजहितम् into राज्ञे हृितम्;(b) अस्वपदविग्रह, e. g. राजार्थम् into राज्ञे इदम् ;or exempli gratia, for example सुमुखीं into शोभनं मुखं अस्याः confer, compare M.Bh. on P.V.4.7. The compounds whose separation into constituent words cannot be shown by those words (viz. the constituent words) are popularly termed nityasamsa. The term नित्यसमास is explained as नित्यः समासो नित्यसमासः | यस्य विग्रहो नास्ति । M.Bh. on P.II.2.19 Vart. 4. The upapadasamsa is described as नित्यसमास. Sometimes especially in some Dvandva compounds each of the two separated words is capable of giving individually the senses of both the words exempli gratia, for example the words द्यावा and क्षामा of the compound द्यावाक्षामा. The word विग्रह is found used in the Pratisakhya works in the sense of the separate use of a word as contrasted with the use in a compound; cf अच्छेति विग्रहे प्लुतं भवति R.Pr.VII.1. विग्रहृ is defined as वृत्यर्थावबोधकं वाक्यं विग्रहः in the Siddhantakaumudi.
vimalakīrtia Jain grammarian of the sixteenth century who wrote a short metrical work on the padas of roots, known by the name पदव्यवस्थासूत्रकारिका.
vṛtādia class of roots headed by the root वृत् which take optionally the Parasmaipada affixes when the vikaraṇa स्य of the future tense and the conditional mood, or the desiderative vikaraṇa सन् is added to them; exempli gratia, for example वर्त्स्यति,वर्तिष्यते; अवर्त्स्यत्, अवर्तिष्यत्,; विवृत्सति, विवर्तिषते confer, compare Kāś. on P.I.3.92; confer, comparealso P.VII.2.59.
vṛtti(1)treatment, practice of pronunciation; (2) conversion of one phonetic element into another; confer, compare R.Pr.I.95;(3) position of the padas or words as they stand in the Saṁhhitā text, the word is often seen used in this way in the compound word पदवृत्ति; आन्पदा: पदवृत्तयः R.Pr. IV.17: (4) modes of recital of the Vedic text which are described to be three द्रुत, मध्य and विलम्बित based upon the time of the interval and the pronunciation which differs in each one; confer, compare Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I.4. 109, Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 4; also I.l.69 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini).ll ; ( 5 ) nature confer, compare गुर्वक्षराणां गुरुवृत्ति सर्वम् R.Pr.XVIII.33; (6) interpretation of a word; (7) verbal or nominal form of a root; confer, compare अर्थनित्यः परीक्षेत केनचिद् वृत्तिसामान्येन Nirukta of Yāska.II.1; (8)mode or treatment followed by a scientific treatise; cf का पुनर्वृत्तिः । वृत्तिः शास्त्रप्रवृत्तिः | M.Bh. in Āhnika l on वृत्तिसमवायार्थ उपदेश: Vārttika 10; (9) manner of interpretation with the literal sense of the constituents present or absent, described usually as two-fold जहत्स्वार्था and अजहत्स्वार्था, | but with a third kind added by some grammarians viz. the जहदजहत्स्वार्था; (10) a compound word giving an aggregate sense different from the exact literal sense of the constituent words; there are mentioned five vṛittis of this kind; confer, compare परार्थाभिधानं वृत्तिः । कृत्तद्धितसमासैकदेशधातुरूपाः पञ्च वृत्तयः | वृत्त्यर्थावबोधकं वाक्यं विग्रहः S. K. at the end of the Ekaśeṣaprakaraṇa; ( 11 ) interpretation of a collection of statements; the word was originally applied to glosses or comments on the ancient works like the Sūtra works, in which the interpretation of the text was given with examples and counterexamples where necessary: confer, compare वृत्तौ भाष्ये तथा नामधातुपारायणादिषु; introductory stanza in the Kāśikā.Later on, when many commentary works were written,the word वृत्ति was diferentiated from भाष्य, वार्तिक, टीका,चूर्णि, निर्युक्ति, टिप्पणी, पञ्जिका and others, and made applicable to commentary works concerned with the explanation of the rules with examples and counter-examples and such statements or arguments as were necessary for the explanation of the rules or the examples and counter examples. In the Vyākaraṇa-Śāstra the word occurs almost exclusively used for the learned Vṛtti on Pāṇini-sūtras by Vāmana and Jayāditya which was given the name Kāśikā Vṛtti; confer, compare तथा च वृत्तिकृत् often occurring in works on Pāṇini's grammar.
vṛddhipādaname given to the first pada of Panini's Astadhyayi by grammarians, as the beginning of the pada is made by the Sutra वृद्धिरादैच्.
vyapetahaving an intervention of ( a letter, or letters or a pada); the word is used in the same sense as व्यवाहित; confer, compare स्वापिग्रहणं व्यपेतार्यम् | व्यपेतार्थोयमारम्भः। सुष्वापयिषति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.VII.4.67.
śatapādaconventional name given to the fourth pada of the fifth adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi which begins with the sutra पादशतस्य संख्यांदेवींप्सायां वुन् लेपश्च P. V. 4.1.
śatṛkrt affix अत् in the sense of ' the agent of the present time ', applied to any root which takes the Parasmaipada personal affixes confer, compare लट: शतृशानचावप्रथमासमानाधिकरणे P. III. 2.126,8. The words formed with this शतृ (अत्) affix are termed present participles in the declension of which, by virtue of the indicatory vowel ऋ in शतृ, the augment नुम् is inserted after the last vowel of the base, and the root receives such modifications as are caused by a Sarvadhatuka affix, the affix शतृ being looked upon as a Sarvadhatuka affix on account of the indicatory letter श्. The word ending in this affix शतृ governs a noun forming its object, in the accusative case.
śānac(1)krt affix ( अान ) substituted for the Atmanepada लट् affixes, to which म् is prefixed if the base before the affix ends in अ; e. g. एधमान, विद्यमान, etc; cf P. III. 2. 124, 125, 126; (2) Vikarana affix ( अान ) substituted for श्ना before the personal ending हि of the imperative second person singular, if the preceding root ends in a consonant: e. g. पुषाण, मुषाण, confer, compare P. III. 1. 83.
śānānkrt affix (आन) substituted for the Atmampada affixes instead of शानच्, prescribed after the roots पू and यज्; the application of शानन् for शानच् is for the acute accent on the initial vowel of the root;exempli gratia, for example पवमानः with the acute accent on the initial vowel as contrasted with विद्यमान; with the acute accent on the last vowel; confer, compare P. III. 2.128.
śeṣakṛṣṇaone of the prominent grammarians belonging to the Sesa family, who was the son of नरससिंहशेत्र. He wrote a gloss on the Prakriyakaumudi and two small works Prakrtacandrika and Padacandrika. Two other minor grammar works viz. the Yanlugantasiromani and Upapadamatinsutravyakhyana are ascribed to शेषकृष्ण who may be the same as शेषकृष्ण the son of नरसिंह, or another, as there were many persons who had the name Krsna in the big family.
saṃbandhapādaname given by convention by grammarians to the fourth pada of the third adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi , which begins with the sutra धातुसंबन्धे प्रत्ययाः P. III. 4.1.
saṃhitāposition of words or parts of words in the formation ofa word quite near each other which results into the natural phonetic coalescence of the preceding and the following letters. Originally when the Vedic hymns or the running prose passages of the Yajurveda were split up into their different constituent parts namely the words or padas by the Padakaras, the word संहिता or संहितापाठ came into use as contrasted with the पदपाठ. The writers of of the Pratisakhyas have conseguently defined संहिता as पदप्रकृतिः संहिता, while Panini who further split up the padas into bases ( प्रकृति ) and affixes ( प्रत्यय ) and mentioned several augments and substitutes, the phonetic combinations, which resulted inside the word or pada, had to be explained by reason of the close vicinity of the several phonetic units forming the base, the affix, the augment, the substitute and the like, and he had to define the word संहृिता rather differently which he did in the words परः संनिकर्षः संहिता; cf P.I.4.109: confer, compare also संहितैकपदे नित्या नित्या धातूपसर्गयोः । नित्य समासे वाक्ये तु सा विवक्षामपेक्षते Sabdakaustubha on Maheshvara Sutra 5.1.
saṃhitāpāṭhathe running text or the original text of the four Vedas as originally composedition This text, which was the original one, was split up into its constituent padas or separate words by ancient sages शौनक, अात्रेय and others,with a view to facilitating the understanding of it, and consequently to preserving it in the oral tradition.The original was called मूलप्रकृति of which the पदपाठ and the क्रमपाठ which were comparatively older than the other artificial recitations such as the जटापाठ, घनपाठ and others, are found mentioned in the Pratisakhya works.
sapādasaptādhyāyīa term used in connection with Panini's first seven books and a quarter of the eighth, as contrasted with the term Tripadi, which is used for the last three quarters of the eighth book. The rules or operations given in the Tripadi, are stated to be asiddha or invalid for purposes of the application of the rules in the previous portion, viz. the Sapadasaptadhyayi, and hence in the formation of' words all the rules given in the first seven chapters and a quarter, are applied first and then a way is prepared for the rules of the last three quarters. It is a striking thing that the rules in the Tripadi mostly concern the padas or formed words, the province, in fact, of the Pratisakhya treatises, and hence they should, as a matter of fact, be applicable to words after their formation and evidently to accomplish this object, Panini has laid down the convention of the invalidity in question by the rule पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् P. VIII. 2,1.
samarthapādaname given by Siradeva and other grammarians to the first pada of the second adhyaya of Paninis Astadhyayi which begins with the sutra समर्थः पदविधिः P.II.1.1.
samarthādhikārathe province or the jurisdiction of the rule समर्थानां प्रथमाद्वा (P. IV. 1. 82), all the three words in which continue further on, and become valid in every rule upto the end of the second pada of the fifth adhyaya; confer, compare समर्थानां प्रथमाद्वा । त्रयमप्यधिक्रियते समर्थानामिति च प्रथमादिति च वेति च । स्वार्थिकप्रत्ययावधिश्चायमधिकारः । प्राग्दिशो विभक्तिरिति यावत् । स्वार्थिकेषु ह्यस्य उपयोगो नास्ति । विकल्पोपि तत्रानवस्थितः । Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.IV.1.82.
samāpattirestoration of the resultant to the original, as for instance, restoration of the padapatha and the kramapatha to the Samhitapatha; confer, compare प्रकृतिदर्शनं समापत्तिः Atharvaveda Prātiśākhya. III. I.7.
sarvavibhaktyantaliterally ending with all cases; the term is used as an adjective of the word समास and refers to a compound which can be dissolved by putting the first member in any case: cf सर्वविभक्यन्तः समासो यथा विज्ञायेत | अल: परस्य विधिः; अलि विधिरित्यादि Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.I.1.56. सर्वस्यद्वेपाद conventional name given to the first pada of the eighth adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi which begins with the Sutra सर्वस्य द्बे VIII.1.1.
sāmatantravyākaraṇaan anonymous ancient work of the type of the Pratisakhya works dealing with the euphonic changes and accents in the padapatha of the Samaveda.
sicipādname given by convention to the second pada of the seventh adhyaya of Paninis Astadhyayi as the pada begins with the sutra सिचि वृद्धि; परस्मैपदेषु. P. VII. 2. 1.
sīyuṭaugment सीय्, prefixed to the personal affixes which are substituted for the लिङ् affixes in the Atmanepada; exempli gratia, for example पचेत पचेयाताम् confer, compare P. III. 4.102.
subantaname given to a word formed with the addition of a case-affix and hence capable of being used in a sentence by virtue of its being called a पद by the rule सुप्तिङन्तं पदम् The ancient grammarians gave four kinds of words or padas viz. नाम, अाख्यात, उपसर्ग and निपात which Panini has brought under two heads सुबन्त including नाम, उपसर्ग and निपात and तिङन्त standing for आख्यातः confer, compare सुप्तिङन्तं पदम् P. I. 4. 14.
sthitiutterance of a pada or padas in the Padapatha without इति; the utterance with इति being called उपस्थिति; confer, compare पदं यदा केवलमाह सा स्थितिः Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XI.15; (2) established practice or view: confer, compare शाकल्यस्य स्थविरस्येतरा स्थितिः। Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) II. 44.
snañtaddhita affix.affix स्न,added in many taddhita senses, अपत्य, जात,समूहृ, अागत and others mentioned upto P. V. Ist pada end; e. g. स्त्रैणः पौस्नः, confer, compareस्त्रीपुंसाभ्यां नत्र्स्नर्ञौ भवनात् P.IV.1.87.
sva(1)personal-ending of the second person singular. Atmanepada in the imperative mood; cf थास: से | सवाभ्यां वामौ | P.III.4.80, 91 ; (2) a term used in the sense of स्ववर्गीय (belonging to the same class or category) in the Pratisakhya works; cf स्पर्श: स्वे R.T.25; confer, compare also कान्त् स्वे Ṛktantra Prātiśākhya. 1. 55;confer, comparealso R, Pr.IV.1 ; and VI.1 ;(3) cognate, the same as सवर्ण defined by Panini in तुल्यास्यप्रयत्नं सवर्णम् P. P.I.1.9; the term is found used in the Jain grammar works of Jainendra, Sakatayana and Hemacanda cf ]ain. I.1.2 SikI. 1.2; Hema. I.1.17.
svara(l)vowel, as contrasted with a consonant which never stands by itself independently. The word स्वर is defined generally :as स्वयं राजन्ते ते स्वराः ( Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on pan. The word स्वर is always used in the sense of a vowel in the Pratisakhya works; Panini however has got the word अच् (short term or Pratyahara formed of अ in 'अइउण्' and च् at the end of एऔच् Mahesvara sutra 4 ) always used for vowels, the term स्वर being relegated by him to denote accents which are also termed स्वर in the ancient Pratisakhyas and grammars. The number of vowels, although shown differently in diferent ancient works, is the same, viz. five simple vowels अ,इ,उ, ऋ, लृ, and four diphthongs ए, ऐ, ओ, and अौ. These nine, by the addition of the long varieties of the first four such as आ, ई, ऊ, and ऋ, are increased to thirteen and further to twentytwo by adding the pluta forms, there being no long variety for लृ and short on for the diphthongs. All these twentytwo varieties have further subdivisions, made on the criterion of each of them being further characterized by the properties उदात्त, अनुदIत्त and स्वरित and निरनुनासिक and सानुनासिक. (2) The word स्वर also means accent, a property possessed exclusively by vowels and not by consonants, as they are entirely dependent on vowels and can at the most be said to possess the same accent as the vowel with which they are uttered together. The accents are mentioned to be three; the acute ( उदात्त ), the grave अनुदात्त and the circumflex (स्वरित) defined respectively as उच्चैरुदात्तः, नीचैरनुदात्तः and समाहारः स्वरितः by Panini (P. I. 2.29, 30,3l). The point whether समाहार means a combination or coming together one after another of the two, or a commixture or blending of the two is critically discussed in the Mahabhasya. (vide Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I. 2.31). There are however two kinds of svarita mentioned by Panini and found actually in use : (a) the independent स्वरित as possessed by the word स्वर् (from which possibly the word स्वरित was formed) and a few other words as also many times by the resultant vowel out of two vowels ( उदात्त and अनुदात्त ) combined, and (b) the enclitic or secondary svarita by which name, one or more grave vowels occurring after the udatta, in a chain, are called cf P. VIII. 2.4 VIII. 2.6 and VIII 4.66 and 67. The topic of accents is fully discussed by the authors of the Pratisakhyas as also by Panini. For details, see Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) III. 1.19; T.Pr. 38-47 Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.I. 108 to 132, II. I.65 Atharvaveda Prātiśākhya. Adhyaya l padas 1, 2, 3 and Rk. Tantra 51-66; see also Kaiyata on P. I. 2.29; (3) The word स्वर is used also in the sense of a musical tone. This meaning arose out of the second meaning ' accent ' which itself arose from the first viz. 'vowel', and it is fully discussed in works explanatory of the chanting of Samas. Patanjali has given Seven subdivisions of accents which may be at the origin of the seven musical notes. See सप्तस्वर a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page..
svaritetmarked with a mute circumflex vowel; the term is used in connection with roots in the Dhatupatha which are said to have been so marked for the purpose of indicating that they are to take personal endings of both the padas; confer, compare स्वरितञित: कर्त्रभिप्राये क्रियाफले P. I.3.72.
hemacandraa Jain sage and scholar of remarkable erudition in the religious works of the Jainas as also in several Shastras. He was a resident of Dhandhuka in Gujarat, who, like Sankarācārya took संन्यासदीक्षा at a very early age and wrote a very large number of original books and commentaries, the total number of which may well nigh exceed fifty, during his long life of eighty-four years ( 1088 to ll 2 ). He stayed at AnhilavalaPattana in the North Gujarat and was patronised with extreme reverence by King Kumarapala who in fact, became his devoted pupil. Besides the well-known works on the various Shastras like Kavyanusasana, Abhidhanacintamani, Desinamamla, Yogasastra, Dvyasrayakavya, Trisastisalakapurusacarita and others which are well-known, he wrote a big work on grammar called सिद्धहेमचन्द्र by him,but popularly known by the name हेमव्याकरण or हैमशब्दानुशासन The , work consists of eight books or Adhyayas, out of which the eighth book is devoted to prakrit Grammar, and can be styled as a Grammar of all the Prakrit dialects. The Sanskrit Grammar of seven chapters is based practically upon Panini's Astadhyayi, the rules or sutras referring to Vedic words or Vedic affixes or accents being entirely omittedThe wording of the Sutras is much similar to that of Panini; at some places it is even identical. The order of the treatment of the subjects in the सिद्धहैम. शब्दानुशासनमृत्र is not, however, similar to that obtaining in the Astadhyayi of Panini. It is somewhat topicwise as in the Katantra Vyakarana. The first Adhyaya and a quarter of the second are devoted to Samjna, Paribhasa and declension; the second pada of the second Adhyaya is devoted to karaka, while the third pada of it is devoted to cerebralization and the fourth to the Stripratyayas.The first two Padas of the third Adhyaya are devoted to Samasas or compound words, while the last two Padas of the third Adhyaya and the fourth Adhyaya are devoted to conjugation The fifth Adhyaya is devoted to verbal derivatives or krdanta, while the sixth and the seventh Adhyayas are devoted to formations of nouns from nouns, or taddhita words. On this Sabda nusasana, which is just like Panini's Astadhyayi, the eighth adhyaya of Hemacandra being devoted to the grammar of the Arsa language similar to Vedic grammar of Panini, Hemacandra has himself written two glosses which are named लधुवृति and वृहृदवृत्ति and the famous commentary known as the Brhannyasa. Besides these works viz the हैमशब्दानुशासन, the two Vrttis on it and the Brhannyasa, he has given an appendix viz the Lingnusasana. The Grammar of Hemacandra, in short, introduced a new system of grammar different from, yet similar to, that of Panini, which by his followers was made completely similar to the Paniniya system by writing works similar to the Siddhantakaumudi, the Dhatuvrtti, the Manorama and the Paribhasendusekhara. हेमहंसगणि a grammarian belonging to the school of Hemacandra, who lived in the fifteenth century and wrote a work on Paribhasas named न्यायसंग्रह, on which he himself wrote a commentary called न्यायार्थमञ्जूषा and another one called by the name न्यास.
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pada by the feetSB 10.46.22
pada feetCC Madhya 12.126
MM 33
SB 10.87.35
pada footCC Antya 14.29
pada from their position in VaikuṇṭhaSB 7.1.33
pada having stanzasSB 10.29.40
pada her footCC Antya 14.24
pada legsCC Adi 14.23
CC Adi 5.185
pada lotus feetSB 4.20.29
pada of feetSB 5.2.6
pada of the feetMM 21
SB 10.14.58
SB 10.64.27-28
pada one verseCC Antya 15.83
pada positionSB 1.18.21
pada stanzaCC Madhya 1.54
pada the legsCC Madhya 2.13
pada the lotus feetCC Adi 17.309
pada the lotus feet of the LordCC Madhya 15.154
pada the positionCC Adi 6.97
pada the verseCC Antya 19.84
pada verseCC Antya 15.85
CC Antya 15.89
pada versesCC Antya 13.79
CC Madhya 3.121
pada wordsCC Madhya 6.194
pada dhari' keeping His feetCC Antya 6.138
pada dhari' keeping His feetCC Antya 6.138
pada dhari' keeping Your feetCC Antya 6.133
pada dhari' keeping Your feetCC Antya 6.133
pada śuni' by hearing the stanzasCC Madhya 3.122
pada śuni' by hearing the stanzasCC Madhya 3.122
pada-abhipīḍitā distressed due to the heavy weight of the lotus feet of the LordSB 7.8.33
pada-abhipīḍitā distressed due to the heavy weight of the lotus feet of the LordSB 7.8.33
pada-abhivandane in offering obeisances to the lotus feetSB 9.4.18-20
pada-abhivandane in offering obeisances to the lotus feetSB 9.4.18-20
pada-abhivandane in offering prayers at the lotus feetCC Madhya 22.137-139
pada-abhivandane in offering prayers at the lotus feetCC Madhya 22.137-139
pada-abja from the lotus feetSB 10.21.17
pada-abja from the lotus feetSB 10.21.17
pada-abja lotus feetSB 4.8.22
pada-abja lotus feetSB 4.8.22
pada-abja of the lotus feetSB 10.35.16-17
pada-abja of the lotus feetSB 10.35.16-17
SB 10.60.45
pada-abja of the lotus feetSB 10.60.45
SB 6.16.32
pada-abja of the lotus feetSB 6.16.32
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pada-abja-yugmam whose two lotus feetSB 6.17.13
pada-abja-yugmam whose two lotus feetSB 6.17.13
pada-abjam lotus feetSB 10.51.57
pada-abjam lotus feetSB 10.51.57
SB 3.5.44
pada-abjam lotus feetSB 3.5.44
SB 4.24.67
pada-abjam lotus feetSB 4.24.67
pada-abjayoḥ at the lotus feetCC Adi 15.1
pada-abjayoḥ at the lotus feetCC Adi 15.1
pada-abje for the lotus feetMM 24
pada-abje for the lotus feetMM 24
pada-āhataḥ being trampled by the footSB 7.8.3-4
pada-āhataḥ being trampled by the footSB 7.8.3-4
pada-āhatām beaten on the legsSB 1.17.3
pada-āhatām beaten on the legsSB 1.17.3
pada-ākrāntān following at her heelsSB 3.31.38
pada-ākrāntān following at her heelsSB 3.31.38
pada-ālambhaḥ the taking hold of the lotus feetCC Adi 3.63
pada-ālambhaḥ the taking hold of the lotus feetCC Adi 3.63
pada-ambhoja from the lotus feetSB 4.20.25
pada-ambhoja from the lotus feetSB 4.20.25
pada-ambhoja lotus feetCC Adi 11.1
pada-ambhoja lotus feetCC Adi 11.1
SB 1.16.6
pada-ambhoja lotus feetSB 1.16.6
SB 3.4.15
pada-ambhoja lotus feetSB 3.4.15
pada-ambhoja of the lotus feetSB 10.89.19
pada-ambhoja of the lotus feetSB 10.89.19
SB 4.6.24
pada-ambhoja of the lotus feetSB 4.6.24
pada-ambhoja the lotus feetCC Adi 10.1
pada-ambhoja the lotus feetCC Adi 10.1
pada-ambhojam lotus feetSB 10.86.31
pada-ambhojam lotus feetSB 10.86.31
pada-ambhojam upon the lotus feetSB 10.22.28
pada-ambhojam upon the lotus feetSB 10.22.28
pada-ambhojāt than the lotus feetSB 10.49.12
pada-ambhojāt than the lotus feetSB 10.49.12
pada-ambhojau whose lotus feetCC Adi 1.15
pada-ambhojau whose lotus feetCC Adi 1.15
CC Antya 1.5
pada-ambhojau whose lotus feetCC Antya 1.5
CC Madhya 1.3
pada-ambhojau whose lotus feetCC Madhya 1.3
pada-ambuja by the lotus feetSB 10.47.1-2
pada-ambuja by the lotus feetSB 10.47.1-2
pada-ambuja from the lotus feetSB 10.21.10
pada-ambuja from the lotus feetSB 10.21.10
pada-ambuja of the lotus feetSB 10.29.37
pada-ambuja of the lotus feetSB 10.29.37
SB 10.35.6-7
pada-ambuja of the lotus feetSB 10.35.6-7
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetCC Madhya 11.104
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetCC Madhya 11.104
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetCC Madhya 11.104
CC Madhya 6.84
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetCC Madhya 6.84
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetCC Madhya 6.84
SB 10.14.29
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetSB 10.14.29
pada-ambuja-dvaya of the two lotus feetSB 10.14.29
pada-ambujaḥ having lotus feetSB 3.24.17
pada-ambujaḥ having lotus feetSB 3.24.17
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 1.18.4
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 1.18.4
SB 1.8.36
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 1.8.36
SB 10.31.7
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 10.31.7
SB 10.62.4
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 10.62.4
SB 3.5.43
pada-ambujam lotus feetSB 3.5.43
pada-ambujam the lotus feetSB 1.11.26
pada-ambujam the lotus feetSB 1.11.26
pada-ambujam whose lotus feetSB 3.32.22
pada-ambujam whose lotus feetSB 3.32.22
pada-ambujam Your lotus feetSB 11.29.3
pada-ambujam Your lotus feetSB 11.29.3
pada-ambujāt from the lotus feetSB 1.8.37
pada-ambujāt from the lotus feetSB 1.8.37
pada-ańguṣṭha the toes of His lotus feetSB 4.21.31
pada-ańguṣṭha the toes of His lotus feetSB 4.21.31
pada-ańguṣṭha-viniḥsṛtā emanating from the toe of the LordCC Madhya 24.217
pada-ańguṣṭha-viniḥsṛtā emanating from the toe of the LordCC Madhya 24.217
pada-ańguṣṭha-viniḥsṛtā emanating from the toe of the LordCC Madhya 24.217
pada-antikam near the lotus feetSB 11.5.5
pada-antikam near the lotus feetSB 11.5.5
pada-anugaiḥ by infantrySB 9.10.35-38
pada-anugaiḥ by infantrySB 9.10.35-38
pada-anusarpaṇe in walking toCC Madhya 22.137-139
pada-anusarpaṇe in walking toCC Madhya 22.137-139
pada-anusarpaṇe walking to those placesSB 9.4.18-20
pada-anusarpaṇe walking to those placesSB 9.4.18-20
pada-anusmṛti constant remembrance of the lotus feet of the LordSB 3.5.13
pada-anusmṛti constant remembrance of the lotus feet of the LordSB 3.5.13
pada-aravinda lotus feetSB 4.9.12
pada-aravinda lotus feetSB 4.9.12
pada-aravinda of the lotus feetCC Madhya 17.142
pada-aravinda of the lotus feetCC Madhya 17.142
CC Madhya 24.115
pada-aravinda of the lotus feetCC Madhya 24.115
CC Madhya 24.45
pada-aravinda of the lotus feetCC Madhya 24.45
CC Madhya 25.158
pada-aravinda of the lotus feetCC Madhya 25.158
MM 22
pada-aravinda of the lotus feetMM 22
SB 3.15.43
pada-aravinda of the lotus feetSB 3.15.43
pada-aravindam lotus feetCC Madhya 1.81
pada-aravindam lotus feetCC Madhya 1.81
CC Madhya 13.136
pada-aravindam lotus feetCC Madhya 13.136
SB 10.82.48
pada-aravindam lotus feetSB 10.82.48
SB 3.5.39
pada-aravindam lotus feetSB 3.5.39
pada-aravindam the lotus feetSB 3.33.37
pada-aravindam the lotus feetSB 3.33.37
pada-aravindam to the lotus feetSB 11.6.7
pada-aravindam to the lotus feetSB 11.6.7
pada-aravindāt from the lotus feetSB 11.2.53
pada-aravindāt from the lotus feetSB 11.2.53
pada-aravindayoḥ of the lotus feetSB 4.9.36
pada-aravindayoḥ of the lotus feetSB 4.9.36
pada-aravinde unto the lotus feetCC Adi 1.42
pada-aravinde unto the lotus feetCC Adi 1.42
pada-artha categoriesCC Adi 2.93
pada-artha categoriesCC Adi 2.93
pada-artha knowledgeSB 4.7.31
pada-artha knowledgeSB 4.7.31
pada-artha meaningsCC Antya 17.40
pada-artha meaningsCC Antya 17.40
pada-artha subject matterCC Madhya 6.272
pada-artha subject matterCC Madhya 6.272
pada-arthābhiḥ the words and ideas comprising whichSB 11.6.6
pada-arthābhiḥ the words and ideas comprising whichSB 11.6.6
pada-arthasya of physical bodiesSB 3.11.2
pada-arthasya of physical bodiesSB 3.11.2
pada-artheṣu within material objectsSB 12.7.20
pada-artheṣu within material objectsSB 12.7.20
pada-āśrayaḥ taken shelter of the lotus feetSB 4.12.49-50
pada-āśrayaḥ taken shelter of the lotus feetSB 4.12.49-50
pada-chāyā the shade of the feetCC Adi 5.230
pada-chāyā the shade of the feetCC Adi 5.230
pada-cihna footprintsCC Adi 14.8
pada-cihna footprintsCC Adi 14.8
pada-cyutaḥ nor do I fear being deprived of my positionSB 8.22.3
pada-cyutaḥ nor do I fear being deprived of my positionSB 8.22.3
pada-dhūli dust of the feetCC Madhya 15.82
pada-dhūli dust of the feetCC Madhya 15.82
pada-dhūli dust of the lotus feetCC Antya 7.46
pada-dhūli dust of the lotus feetCC Antya 7.46
pada-dhūli the dust of the feetCC Adi 6.65-66
pada-dhūli the dust of the feetCC Adi 6.65-66
CC Antya 6.154
pada-dhūli the dust of the feetCC Antya 6.154
CC Madhya 25.272
pada-dhūli the dust of the feetCC Madhya 25.272
CC Madhya 6.38
pada-dhūli the dust of the feetCC Madhya 6.38
pada-dhūli-sama like a particle of dust at Your lotus feetCC Antya 20.34
pada-dhūli-sama like a particle of dust at Your lotus feetCC Antya 20.34
pada-dhūli-sama like a particle of dust at Your lotus feetCC Antya 20.34
pada-dvaya two lotus feetCC Madhya 13.137
pada-dvaya two lotus feetCC Madhya 13.137
pada-ekena on one legSB 8.1.8
pada-ekena on one legSB 8.1.8
pada-hasta legs and handsCC Madhya 13.107
pada-hasta legs and handsCC Madhya 13.107
pada-kamala tomāra Your lotus feetCC Madhya 13.141
pada-kamala tomāra Your lotus feetCC Madhya 13.141
pada-kamala tomāra Your lotus feetCC Madhya 13.141
pada-kamalam to the lotus feetCC Antya 1.212
pada-kamalam to the lotus feetCC Antya 1.212
CC Madhya 19.134
pada-kamalam to the lotus feetCC Madhya 19.134
pada-kamalayoḥ of the two lotus feetCC Madhya 13.80
pada-kamalayoḥ of the two lotus feetCC Madhya 13.80
pada-krama the special sequential arrangement of mantrasSB 12.13.1
pada-krama the special sequential arrangement of mantrasSB 12.13.1
pada-nakha of the nails on the toesCC Madhya 21.128
pada-nakha of the nails on the toesCC Madhya 21.128
pada-nyāsaiḥ footprintsSB 1.17.26
pada-nyāsaiḥ footprintsSB 1.17.26
pada-padmam lotus feetSB 10.47.13
pada-padmam lotus feetSB 10.47.13
pada-pańktibhiḥ by the series of the marksSB 5.8.23
pada-pańktibhiḥ by the series of the marksSB 5.8.23
pada-pravālam feet reddish like coralSB 8.12.19
pada-pravālam feet reddish like coralSB 8.12.19
pada-reṇu the dust of the feetCC Adi 5.230
pada-reṇu the dust of the feetCC Adi 5.230
CC Antya 11.54
pada-reṇu the dust of the feetCC Antya 11.54
pada-reṇu the dust of the lotus feetCC Antya 20.152
pada-reṇu the dust of the lotus feetCC Antya 20.152
pada-tala His footCC Madhya 13.83
pada-tala His footCC Madhya 13.83
pada-tala the soles of His feetCC Madhya 2.34
pada-tala the soles of His feetCC Madhya 2.34
pada-tale under the shelter of the lotus feetCC Adi 10.91
pada-tale under the shelter of the lotus feetCC Adi 10.91
pada-trayam three feetSB 8.19.19
pada-trayam three feetSB 8.19.19
pada-trayam three paces of landSB 8.13.13
pada-trayam three paces of landSB 8.13.13
pada-trayam three stepsSB 8.15.1-2
pada-trayam three stepsSB 8.15.1-2
pada-trayam three steps onlySB 1.3.19
pada-trayam three steps onlySB 1.3.19
pada-upasarpaṇam worship of the lotus feetSB 8.24.30
pada-upasarpaṇam worship of the lotus feetSB 8.24.30
pada-vinyāsa with styles of walkingSB 5.2.5
pada-vinyāsa with styles of walkingSB 5.2.5
pada-yuga-ālaya fully absorbed in meditation on the lotus feetSB 7.9.18
pada-yuga-ālaya fully absorbed in meditation on the lotus feetSB 7.9.18
pada-yuga-ālaya fully absorbed in meditation on the lotus feetSB 7.9.18
pada a kingdomSB 5.24.28
pada of the placeSB 10.2.38
padaiḥ by His feetSB 11.1.6-7
padaiḥ by His footprintsSB 10.16.17
padaiḥ by the aphorismsBG 13.5
padaiḥ by the feetSB 1.8.39
padaiḥ by the soles of the feetSB 1.16.32-33
padaiḥ by the touch of the lotus feetSB 8.18.31
padaiḥ footprintsSB 10.30.26
padaiḥ the marks on the sole of the footSB 1.14.21
padaiḥ with the footprintsSB 10.30.26
padaiḥ with the marks of Their feet vṛndāvanamŚrī Vṛndāvana
padaiḥ with wordsCC Antya 1.186
SB 10.50.32-33
padakaiḥ because of the footprintsSB 10.47.50
padam a permanent situationSB 11.9.12
padam a placeSB 8.24.20
padam a situationSB 11.13.8
padam abodeBG 18.56
CC Madhya 21.100
CC Madhya 21.51
CC Madhya 21.88
SB 11.12.3-6
SB 3.2.20
SB 3.29.43
SB 4.12.35
padam an abodeSB 6.5.43
padam any placeSB 3.17.6
padam as the placeSB 10.90.28
padam destinationSB 12.5.11-12
padam feetSB 10.31.11
SB 3.24.28
SB 3.25.28
SB 3.3.3
SB 4.12.30
padam her positionSB 10.29.37
padam his footSB 11.4.10
padam in positionSB 3.6.25
padam lotus feetSB 2.2.18
SB 4.24.52
padam material worldSB 3.21.20
padam My lotus feet or My eternal abodeSB 11.11.25
padam on the pathCC Antya 15.97
padam one stepSB 10.29.34
padam original positionSB 8.24.51
padam personal situationSB 12.6.33
padam personalitySB 2.1.19
padam place of habitationSB 4.31.16
padam positionBG 2.51
SB 1.12.27
SB 12.12.64
SB 4.28.53
SB 4.28.55
SB 4.31.27
SB 4.8.20
SB 4.8.37
SB 4.9.30
SB 5.11.8
SB 5.24.25
SB 6.5.23
SB 8.3.6
SB 8.8.19
padam postSB 3.6.14
SB 4.24.29
padam regionSB 3.30.33
padam reservoirSB 10.32.14
padam residenceSB 4.9.26
padam respective positionsSB 3.6.12
padam situationBG 15.3-4
BG 15.5
BG 8.11
SB 12.6.32
SB 2.2.18
SB 2.7.10
SB 4.11.11
SB 4.12.26
SB 4.9.28
padam stepSB 8.20.34
SB 8.22.2
padam the abodeSB 10.83.41-42
SB 11.30.39
SB 5.19.23
SB 7.4.13
padam the dwelling placeCC Madhya 2.65
padam the lotus feetSB 11.19.3
SB 8.3.7
padam the pathCC Madhya 13.207
padam the PersonalitySB 12.6.7
padam the placeSB 11.24.12
SB 2.6.11
SB 7.14.29
padam the positionCC Madhya 8.206
SB 10.60.35
SB 12.11.11-12
SB 4.11.28
SB 9.15.39
padam the receptacleSB 3.19.38
padam the shelterSB 10.14.58
SB 8.3.26
padam the situation in which such can be achievedSB 11.25.16
padam the status of understandingSB 3.26.21
padam the subject matterSB 7.5.49
padam the subject of discussionSB 11.22.6
padam the substanceSB 12.4.20-21
padam Their locationSB 10.52.11
padam this positionSB 8.22.16
padam to the abodeCC Adi 3.66
CC Adi 4.51
MM 53
SB 11.4.10
SB 3.14.6
SB 4.12.37
padam to the placeSB 8.5.24
SB 9.4.60
padam to the standardSB 4.3.21
padam to the transcendental positionSB 3.32.25
padam ultimate phaseSB 2.7.47
padam ultimate standSB 3.2.12
padam Your true natureSB 10.87.16
padam atra here is the same Personality of Godhead, Śrī KṛṣṇaSB 1.10.23
padam atra here is the same Personality of Godhead, Śrī KṛṣṇaSB 1.10.23
padam padam at every stepSB 10.14.58
padam padam at every stepSB 10.14.58
padam padam in every stepSB 3.5.41
padam padam in every stepSB 3.5.41
padanyāsa activitiesSB 3.5.45
padasya positionMM 17
pada designationCC Adi 13.59
pada the positionCC Adi 17.281
CC Antya 1.153
CC Madhya 9.150
pada the surnameCC Madhya 6.51
padavīm abodeSB 3.32.43
padavīm any traceSB 4.13.49
padavīm gloriesSB 1.3.38
SB 3.1.42
padavīm pathSB 10.30.26
SB 4.8.31
padavīm positionSB 5.1.38
SB 5.1.5
SB 8.6.20
padavīm position of liberationSB 7.14.1
padavīm situationSB 3.13.28
SB 4.23.31
padavīm the destinationSB 11.31.14
padavīm the means of attainingSB 10.59.44
SB 10.61.5
padavīm the pathCC Madhya 2.36
SB 10.60.13
SB 10.69.44
SB 3.24.34
SB 3.27.3
SB 5.9.13
padavīm the placeSB 8.12.31
padavīm the positionSB 7.14.14
SB 7.15.74
padavīm the trailSB 11.30.41
padavīm to the placeSB 10.29.35
padavīm to the siteCC Antya 4.64
padavyā along the pathSB 10.16.17
padavyaḥ opulencesSB 4.4.21
padayoḥ at Your lotus feetSB 3.15.49
padayoḥ of the feetSB 10.29.35
SB 10.90.49
padayoḥ of the lotus feetCC Antya 4.64
padayoḥ on the feetSB 1.15.10
adhipadavi on the main roadCC Madhya 13.207
adhyātma-padaviḥ the path of philosophical speculationSB 4.7.42
prabhu-pada-āghāte by the kicking of Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 13.12
alabdha-āspadam without a secure positionCC Adi 2.74
alabdha-āspadam without having achieved a proper placeCC Adi 16.58
tat-amala-pada-padme at the spotless lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Antya 20.154
bhavat-pada-ambhoruha Your lotus feetSB 10.2.31
rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pada-ambuja on the lotus feet of Rādhā and KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 8.253
anavasita-padavya whose path cannot be ascertainedSB 5.3.14
hasta-pada-ańguli fingers and toesCC Antya 3.210
anu-padam in each and every verseSB 12.12.66
tīrthapada-anukīrtanam glorifying the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is known as TīrthapadaSB 6.13.22-23
anupadam every stepSB 1.5.26
anupadam with every stepSB 5.2.5
madhukara-anupadavīm the road followed in pursuance of devotees who are attached like bumblebeesSB 5.14.1
anupadavīm the pathSB 6.5.30
anupadavīm on the pathSB 10.60.41
śloka-anurūpa pada other verses following that particular verseCC Antya 1.76
anya-pada the other footprintsSB 10.16.18
āpada from the dangerSB 5.13.19
āpada dangerous or miserable conditionSB 5.14.41
apada the living entities without legs, like the grassSB 6.4.9
apada having no legsSB 11.7.22
prāṇa-āpadam affecting lifeSB 1.7.21
āpadam sufferingSB 11.17.47
apadasya which has no perceptible qualitiesSB 10.87.29
kṛṣṇa-pada-aravindayoḥ unto the two lotus feet of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 6.1.19
uttama-śloka-pada-aravindayoḥ to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by transcendental prayersSB 7.4.42
kṛṣṇa-pada-aravindayoḥ (fixed) upon the two lotus feet of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 9.4.18-20
kṛṣṇa-pada-aravindayoḥ of Lord Kṛṣṇa's lotus feetSB 12.12.55
kṛṣṇa-pada-aravindayoḥ on the two lotus feet of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 22.137-139
kṛṣṇa-pada-arcana worshiping the lotus feet of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 20.336
artha-padavīm the path of my objectSB 7.7.9
yukta-pada-artheṣu the appropriate application of thingsCC Madhya 24.69
āścarya-padam wonderful thingsSB 7.4.16
āspada of the shelter (Lord Kṛṣṇa)SB 10.55.40
āspada which is the shelterSB 10.86.42
prema-āspada the object of loveCC Adi 6.100
nija-āspada the reservoirCC Madhya 10.171
āspadam placeSB 1.5.14
śańka-āspadam based on many doubtsSB 1.15.1
āspadam shelterSB 2.6.7
dhyāna-āspadam object of meditationSB 3.15.45
āspadam the causeSB 3.29.37
āspadam suitableSB 9.14.35
āspadam place of shelterSB 10.38.14
āspadam the reservoirSB 10.39.25
āspadam whose shelterSB 10.64.27-28
āspadam the sourceSB 10.84.26
āspadam the abodeSB 11.5.33
āspadam the abodeCC Adi 2.2
alabdha-āspadam without a secure positionCC Adi 2.74
alabdha-āspadam without having achieved a proper placeCC Adi 16.58
āśrama-padam the holy hermitageSB 3.21.37
āśrama-sampada the prosperity of the beautiful hermitagesSB 3.22.26-27
āśrama-padam to the place of the hermitageSB 3.24.9
āśrama-padam hermitageSB 4.1.22
sva-āśrama-padam to their own respective hermitagesSB 4.14.35
āśrama-padam to the āśramaSB 5.8.7
āśrama-padam the place of residenceSB 8.18.9-10
āśrama-padam the residential placeSB 9.15.23
kaṇva-āśrama-padam to the residence of KaṇvaSB 9.20.7
āśrama-padam place of hermitageSB 12.8.18-20
nārāyaṇa-pada-āśrayāḥ their real weapon being shelter at the lotus feet of NārāyaṇaSB 8.10.4
āśrita-pada surrendered soulSB 2.7.42
āśrita-pada those who have taken shelter of the LordCC Madhya 6.235
aṣṭā-padam goldCC Antya 1.169
jayantaḥ śrutadevaḥ ca puṣpadantaḥ atha sātvataḥ Jayanta, Śrutadeva, Puṣpadanta and SātvataSB 8.21.16-17
avyakta-pada who sing unclear songsSB 5.13.16
bhagavat-padam to the position of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 4.12.24
bhagavat-padam the kingdom of GodSB 4.23.27
bhakta-pada the position of a devoteeCC Adi 6.100
bhakta-pada-dhūli the dust of the lotus feet of a devoteeCC Antya 16.60
bhakta-pada-jala the water that washed the feet of a devoteeCC Antya 16.60
bhavat-pada-ambhoruha Your lotus feetSB 10.2.31
jayantaḥ śrutadevaḥ ca puṣpadantaḥ atha sātvataḥ Jayanta, Śrutadeva, Puṣpadanta and SātvataSB 8.21.16-17
pada khāñā getting the slapCC Madhya 13.95
cārupada King CārupadaSB 9.20.2
catuḥ-pada you are four-leggedSB 1.17.12
catuḥ-pada the four-legged (bulls)SB 5.1.14
catuḥ-pada four-leggedSB 5.18.27
catuḥ-pada the four-legged animals like the deerSB 6.4.9
laghu-pada-cihna the marks of the lotus feet, which were very small at that timeCC Adi 14.7
citra-padam decorativeSB 1.5.10
citra-padam flowerySB 4.21.20
citra-padam decorative wordsSB 12.12.51
dakṣiṇa-padam the right footCC Antya 1.166
dākṣiṇya-dṛṣṭi-padavīm the position bestowed by the merciful glanceSB 8.23.7
nija-pada-dāna shelter at Your lotus feetCC Antya 11.5
kṛṣṇa-pada-dāsī a maidservant at the lotus feet of KṛṣṇaCC Antya 20.48
prabhu-pada dhari' catching the feet of Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 14.6
prabhu-pada dhari' catching hold of the lotus feet of the LordCC Madhya 16.279
bhakta-pada-dhūli the dust of the lotus feet of a devoteeCC Antya 16.60
dhyāna-āspadam object of meditationSB 3.15.45
draviṇa-padavīm the way to achieve that wealthSB 5.8.23
dākṣiṇya-dṛṣṭi-padavīm the position bestowed by the merciful glanceSB 8.23.7
drupada-putreṇa by the son of DrupadaBG 1.3
drupada-geham in the palace of King DrupadaSB 1.15.7
drupada-jā the daughter of Drupada (Draupadī)SB 10.75.4-7
drupada-rāja of King DrupadaSB 10.75.32
drupada DrupadaBG 1.4
drupada Drupada, the King of PāñcālaBG 1.16-18
drupada DrupadaSB 9.22.2
purujit drupadaḥ śalyaḥ Purujit, Drupada and ŚalyaSB 10.82.23-26
dvi-pada-paśubhiḥ who are nothing but animals with two legsSB 5.9.9-10
dvi-pada two-leggedSB 5.18.27
dvi-pada of the two-legged (humans)SB 10.50.25-28
dvipada-patīn rulers of the human beingsSB 4.31.22
dvipada to humansSB 10.50.48
ei pada this verseCC Madhya 3.115
ei pada this stanzaCC Madhya 3.126
yaugapada-eka-kartari both activities in one personSB 4.4.20
eka pada a single stepCC Madhya 14.51
ekādaśa pada eleven wordsCC Madhya 24.10
ekapada the ekapadaSB 4.6.21
drupada-geham in the palace of King DrupadaSB 1.15.7
goḥ-padaiḥ with the hoofprintsSB 10.19.4
govatsa-padam like the hoofprint of a calfSB 10.2.30
gṛha-sampada all household paraphernaliaSB 4.26.15
hari-pada at the two lotus feet of Hari, the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 3.15.20
hasta-pada-ańguli fingers and toesCC Antya 3.210
hasta-pada the arms and legsCC Antya 17.16
hasta-pada arm and legCC Antya 18.52
mukti-pada haya is known as mukti-padaCC Madhya 6.272
indra-padam the post of IndraSB 8.13.13
drupada-jā the daughter of Drupada (Draupadī)SB 10.75.4-7
bhakta-pada-jala the water that washed the feet of a devoteeCC Antya 16.60
jana-padam the stateSB 4.14.39-40
jana-padam citySB 4.25.47
jana-pada desiring to serve the people in generalSB 5.4.5
jana-padam to the city or townSB 7.2.12
jayantaḥ śrutadevaḥ ca puṣpadantaḥ atha sātvataḥ Jayanta, Śrutadeva, Puṣpadanta and SātvataSB 8.21.16-17
kala-padaiḥ by chosen wordsSB 1.8.44
kala-padam pleasing songsSB 3.2.34
kala-padaiḥ having sweet tonesSB 10.21.19
kala-pada by the rhythmsCC Madhya 24.56
kala-padaiḥ having sweet tonesCC Madhya 24.207
kala-pada by the rhythmsCC Antya 17.31
śrī-yuta-pada-kamalam unto the opulent lotus feetCC Antya 2.1
śrī-yuta-pada-kamalam unto the opulent lotus feetCC Antya 3.1
kaṇva-āśrama-padam to the residence of KaṇvaSB 9.20.7
kara-pada-tala the palms and the soles of the feetCC Antya 15.76
karma-padavīm the path of fruitive activitiesSB 3.31.16
yaugapada-eka-kartari both activities in one personSB 4.4.20
pada khāñā getting the slapCC Madhya 13.95
kṛṣṇa-pada-aravindayoḥ unto the two lotus feet of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 6.1.19
kṛṣṇa-pada-aravindayoḥ (fixed) upon the two lotus feet of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 9.4.18-20
kṛṣṇa-padavīm the path Kṛṣṇa has takenSB 10.30.9
kṛṣṇa-pada-aravindayoḥ of Lord Kṛṣṇa's lotus feetSB 12.12.55
rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pada-ambuja on the lotus feet of Rādhā and KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 8.253
kṛṣṇa-pada-arcana worshiping the lotus feet of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 20.336
kṛṣṇa-pada-aravindayoḥ on the two lotus feet of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 22.137-139
kṛṣṇa-padavīm where Kṛṣṇa has goneCC Antya 15.32
kṛṣṇa-pada-dāsī a maidservant at the lotus feet of KṛṣṇaCC Antya 20.48
kurvanti-pada the word kurvantiCC Madhya 24.25
labdha-padam fixedSB 3.28.20
labdha-padam being establishedSB 11.14.44
laghu-pada-cihna the marks of the lotus feet, which were very small at that timeCC Adi 14.7
madhukara-anupadavīm the road followed in pursuance of devotees who are attached like bumblebeesSB 5.14.1
mahat padam the supreme abodeCC Madhya 20.258
mahat padam the superexcellent stationBs 5.2
martya-padavīm the way of mortalsSB 10.16.23
mukti-pada-śabde by the word mukti-padaCC Madhya 6.271
mukti-pada haya is known as mukti-padaCC Madhya 6.272
mukunda-padavīm the lotus feet of Mukunda, KṛṣṇaSB 10.47.61
mukunda-padavīm the lotus feet of Mukunda, KṛṣṇaCC Antya 7.47
nāhi pada You never readCC Adi 16.92
nāma-padaiḥ by the syllables of the holy nameSB 6.2.11
nārāyaṇa-pada-āśrayāḥ their real weapon being shelter at the lotus feet of NārāyaṇaSB 8.10.4
nija-āspada the reservoirCC Madhya 10.171
nija-pada Your lotus feetCC Madhya 13.147
nija-pada-dāna shelter at Your lotus feetCC Antya 11.5
nityānanda-pada the lotus feet of Lord NityānandaCC Adi 11.47
catuḥ-pada you are four-leggedSB 1.17.12
hari-pada at the two lotus feet of Hari, the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 3.15.20
tīrtha-pada of the Lord's lotus feetSB 3.23.56
vaikuṇṭha-pada to the abode of ViṣṇuSB 4.13.1
dvi-pada-paśubhiḥ who are nothing but animals with two legsSB 5.9.9-10
avyakta-pada who sing unclear songsSB 5.13.16
kṛṣṇa-pada-aravindayoḥ unto the two lotus feet of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 6.1.19
tīrtha-pada about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, at whose feet all the holy places standSB 6.2.46
uttama-śloka-pada-aravindayoḥ to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by transcendental prayersSB 7.4.42
ṣaṭ-pada beesSB 8.2.14-19
nārāyaṇa-pada-āśrayāḥ their real weapon being shelter at the lotus feet of NārāyaṇaSB 8.10.4
tri-pada-vyāja-yācñayā by simply asking three steps of landSB 8.21.9
kṛṣṇa-pada-aravindayoḥ (fixed) upon the two lotus feet of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 9.4.18-20
bhavat-pada-ambhoruha Your lotus feetSB 10.2.31
anya-pada the other footprintsSB 10.16.18
sva-pada because of the marks of His lotus feetSB 10.21.5
dvi-pada of the two-legged (humans)SB 10.50.25-28
tīrtha-pada the abode of all holy placesSB 11.16.5
kṛṣṇa-pada-aravindayoḥ of Lord Kṛṣṇa's lotus feetSB 12.12.55
bhakta-pada the position of a devoteeCC Adi 6.100
nityānanda-pada the lotus feet of Lord NityānandaCC Adi 11.47
laghu-pada-cihna the marks of the lotus feet, which were very small at that timeCC Adi 14.7
nāhi pada You never readCC Adi 16.92
prabhu-pada the lotus feet of the LordCC Madhya 1.216
ei pada this verseCC Madhya 3.115
ei pada this stanzaCC Madhya 3.126
tat-tat-pada all those itemsCC Madhya 6.195
prabhu-pada the lotus feet of the LordCC Madhya 6.208
mukti-pada-śabde by the word mukti-padaCC Madhya 6.271
mukti-pada haya is known as mukti-padaCC Madhya 6.272
rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pada-ambuja on the lotus feet of Rādhā and KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 8.253
prabhu-pada the lotus feet of the LordCC Madhya 8.262
prabhu-pada the lotus feet of Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 9.103
prabhu-pada-āghāte by the kicking of Lord JagannāthaCC Madhya 13.12
nija-pada Your lotus feetCC Madhya 13.147
prabhu-pada dhari' catching the feet of Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Madhya 14.6
eka pada a single stepCC Madhya 14.51
prabhu-pada Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu's lotus feetCC Madhya 15.290
prabhu-pada dhari' catching hold of the lotus feet of the LordCC Madhya 16.279
kṛṣṇa-pada-arcana worshiping the lotus feet of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 20.336
kṛṣṇa-pada-aravindayoḥ on the two lotus feet of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 22.137-139
ekādaśa pada eleven wordsCC Madhya 24.10
kurvanti-pada the word kurvantiCC Madhya 24.25
parasmai-pada a verb form indicating things done for othersCC Madhya 24.25
kala-pada by the rhythmsCC Madhya 24.56
yukta-pada-artheṣu the appropriate application of thingsCC Madhya 24.69
śloka-anurūpa pada other verses following that particular verseCC Antya 1.76
śrī-yuta-pada-kamalam unto the opulent lotus feetCC Antya 2.1
prabhu-pada the lotus feet of Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 2.147
prabhu-pada pāilā achieved the shelter of the lotus feet of Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 2.166
śrī-yuta-pada-kamalam unto the opulent lotus feetCC Antya 3.1
hasta-pada-ańguli fingers and toesCC Antya 3.210
uḍiyā-pada a line of a song in the language of OrissaCC Antya 10.67
sei pada that special lineCC Antya 10.67
nija-pada-dāna shelter at Your lotus feetCC Antya 11.5
kara-pada-tala the palms and the soles of the feetCC Antya 15.76
sei pada that verseCC Antya 15.88
bhakta-pada-dhūli the dust of the lotus feet of a devoteeCC Antya 16.60
bhakta-pada-jala the water that washed the feet of a devoteeCC Antya 16.60
hasta-pada the arms and legsCC Antya 17.16
kala-pada by the rhythmsCC Antya 17.31
hasta-pada arm and legCC Antya 18.52
kṛṣṇa-pada-dāsī a maidservant at the lotus feet of KṛṣṇaCC Antya 20.48
tat-amala-pada-padme at the spotless lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Antya 20.154
sthiti-pada the reservoir of all material opulenceSB 2.6.19
āśrita-pada surrendered soulSB 2.7.42
tīrtha-pada of the Supreme LordSB 3.1.17
tīrtha-pada whose lotus feet are all the places of pilgrimageSB 3.5.11
tīrtha-pada one whose lotus feet are as good as a place of pilgrimageSB 3.5.41
tīrtha-pada of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 3.23.42
catuḥ-pada the four-legged (bulls)SB 5.1.14
jana-pada desiring to serve the people in generalSB 5.4.5
dvi-pada two-leggedSB 5.18.27
catuḥ-pada four-leggedSB 5.18.27
catuḥ-pada the four-legged animals like the deerSB 6.4.9
upānat-pada for a person who has suitable shoesSB 7.15.17
tīrtha-pada the Lord, at whose feet are the holy placesSB 9.5.16
rūḍha-pada when it is acuteSB 10.4.38
āśrita-pada those who have taken shelter of the LordCC Madhya 6.235
tīrtha-pada of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, at whose lotus feet are all places of pilgrimageCC Madhya 8.72
kala-padaiḥ by chosen wordsSB 1.8.44
nāma-padaiḥ by the syllables of the holy nameSB 6.2.11
goḥ-padaiḥ with the hoofprintsSB 10.19.4
kala-padaiḥ having sweet tonesSB 10.21.19
ṣaṭ-padaiḥ by beesSB 10.47.6
kala-padaiḥ having sweet tonesCC Madhya 24.207
tvat-padakaiḥ by Your lotus feetSB 10.2.38
citra-padam decorativeSB 1.5.10
tat-padam at the lotus feet of the LordSB 1.5.31
tejāḥ-padam source of brillianceSB 1.15.14
ūna-padam devoid of strength to standSB 1.16.34
putra-padam the position of the sonSB 2.7.9
kala-padam pleasing songsSB 3.2.34
āśrama-padam the holy hermitageSB 3.21.37
āśrama-padam to the place of the hermitageSB 3.24.9
labdha-padam fixedSB 3.28.20
siddha-padam SiddhapadaSB 3.33.31
āśrama-padam hermitageSB 4.1.22
ṣaṭ-padam beesSB 4.6.29
bhagavat-padam to the position of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 4.12.24
viṣṇu-padam planet known as Vaikuṇṭhaloka or ViṣṇulokaSB 4.12.25
tat-padam His abodeSB 4.12.43
sva-āśrama-padam to their own respective hermitagesSB 4.14.35
jana-padam the stateSB 4.14.39-40
param padam to the lotus feet of the Supreme LordSB 4.21.7
citra-padam flowerySB 4.21.20
saṃśaya-padam position of doubtfulnessSB 4.23.11