abhipā | -p/āti-, to guard ; to behold with attention : Causal P. -pālayati-, to protect, assist  |
ahaḥpati | m. equals aharp/ati- q.v commentator or commentary  |
brahmaṇaspati | m. (fr. brahmaṇas- genitive case of brahman-+ p-) equals b/ṛhas-p/ati- etc. ( brahmaṇaspatisūkta -sūkta- n.Name of work)  |
bṛhaspatipraṇutta | (bṛhas-p/ati-.) mfn. expelled by bṛhaspati-  |
bṛhaspatiprasūta | (bṝhas-p/ati--) mfn. enjoined by bṛhaspati-  |
bṛhaspatisuta | (b/ṛhas-p/ati--) mfn. pressed out (as soma- juice) by bṛhas-pati-  |
dam | m. p/atir d/an- (genitive case sg.) equals d/am-patis-,  |
dam | m. p/ati d/an- equals d/am-patī-,  |
dānu | n. a fluid, drop, dew (nas p/atī- m.du, Name of mitra-- varuṇa- or of the aśvin-s ; see ārdr/a--, jīr/a--).  |
diya | n. diy/ānām p/ati- lord of gifts, a very liberal man.  |
gavāmpati | m. (g/avām p/ati- )"cow-lord" , a bull  |
jagatpati | m. the lord of the world (tas p/ati- )  |
kṛṣṭi | f. plural (once only sg. ) men, races of men (sometimes with the epithet m/ānuṣīs-[ ] or n/āhuṣīs-[ ] or mānav/īs-[ ]; see carṣaṇ/i-;originally the word may have meant cultivated ground, then an inhabited land, next its inhabitants, and lastly any race of men; indra- and agni- have the N. r/ājā-or p/atiḥ kṛṣṭīn/ām-;the term p/añca kṛṣṭ/ayas-,perhaps originally designating the five Aryan tribes of the yadu-s, turvaśa-s, druhyu-s, anu-s, and pūru-s, comprehends the whole human race, not only the Aryan tribes)  |
kṣetra | n. (2. kṣi-) landed property, land, soil (kṣ/etrasya p/ati-,"lord of the soil", Name of a kind of tutelary deity ;also kṣ/etrasya p/atnī-,"mistress of the soil", and kṣ/etrāṇām p/ati-,"the lord of the soil", Name of tutelary deities )  |
kṣetrapati | m. equals kṣ/etrasya p/ati- (See s. v. kṣ/etra-)  |
kṣip | cl.6 P. kṣip/ati- A1. kṣipate- ( etc.; cl.4 P. kṣipyati-,only ; subjunctive kṣip/at-; perf. cikṣepa- etc.; Epic also cikṣipe-; future 2nd kṣepsyati- etc.; Epic also te-; infinitive mood kṣeptum-; confer, compare ), to throw, cast, send, despatch (Passive voice pr. p. kṣipyat-, ) etc. ; to move hastily (the arms or legs) ; to throw a glance (as the eye) ; to strike or hit (with a weapon) ; to put or place anything on or in (locative case), pour on, scatter, fix or attach to (locative case) etc. ; to direct (the thoughts) upon (locative case) ; to throw away, cast away, get rid of ; to lay (the blame) on (locative case) ; to utter abusive words, insult, revile, abuse etc. ; "to disdain" id est to excel, beat, outvie ; to strike down, ruin, destroy ; (A1."to destroy one another, go to ruin" Potential 3. plural kṣiperan- ) ; to pass or while away (the time or night, kālam-, kṣapām-) ; to lose (time, kālam-; confer, compare kālakṣepa-) ; to skip or pass over (a day, dinam-.) ; (in mathematics) to add : Causal P. kṣepayati-, to cause to cast or throw into (antar-) ; to throw into ; to cause to descend into (locative case) ; to pass or while away (the night, kṣapām-) ; (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. cikṣipas-) to hurt, injure (confer, compare subjunctive kṣepayat- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 2. kṣi-); ([ confer, compare Latin sipo,dissipo,forxipo.])  |
lip | (cf rip-) cl.6.1.P. A1. ( ) limp/ati-, te- (perfect tense lilepa-. etc.; Aorist alipat- ; alispata-, alipta- grammar; -alipsata- ; future lepta1-, lepsyati-, te- grammar; infinitive mood leptum- ; ind.p. -lipya- etc.) , to smear, besmear, anoint with (instrumental case), stain, soil, taint, pollute, defile etc. ; to inflame, kindle, burn : Passive voice lipyate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist alepi-), to be smeared etc. ; to be attached to (locative case), stick, adhere : ; Causal lepayati- (Aorist alīlipat-), to cause to smear etc. ; to smear or anoint anything (accusative) with (instrumental case) or on (locative case) ; to cover ; to cast blame on any one ; (limpayati-), to smear anything (accusative) with (instrumental case): Desiderative lilipsati-, te- grammar : Intensive leliyate-, lelepti- [ confer, compare Greek , Latin lippus; Lithuanian li4pti; Gothic bileiban; Germ,bili4ian,bli7ben,bleiben,leben,Leib; Anglo-Saxon libban; English live,life.]  |
lup | (see rup-), cl.6. P. A1. ( ) lump/ati-, te- (perfect tense lulopa-, lulupe- etc.; Aorist alupat-, alupta- grammar; preceding, lopsiya- ; loptā-, lopsyati-, te- grammar; infinitive mood loptum- ; ind.p. luptvā- etc.; -l/upya- ; -l/umpam- ; lopaṃ- ), to break, violate, hurt, injure, spoil ; to seize, fall or pounce upon (accusative) ; to rob, plunder, steal ; to cheat (said of a merchant) ; to take away, suppress, waste, cause to disappear ; to elide, erase, omit (a letter, word etc.) ; cl.4 P. lupyati- (perfect tense lulopa-; future lopitā-, lopiṣyati-,etc.) , to disturb, bewilder, perplex, confound : Passive voice lupy/ate- ( l/upyate-; Aorist alopi-), to be broken etc. etc. ; to be wasted or destroyed ; (in gram.) to be suppressed or lost or elided, disappear ; to be confounded or bewildered : Causal lopayati-, te- (Aorist alūlupat- ; alulopat- grammar; Passive voice lopyate-), to cause to break or violate, cause to swerve from (ablative) ; to break, violate, infringe, neglect etc. ; (A1.) to cause to disappear, efface : Desiderative lulupsati- or lulopiṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive lolopti- (parasmE-pada lolupat-), to confound, bewilder, perplex ; lolupyate- equals garirhitaṃ- lumpati- ; to be greedy, in a-lolupyamāna- q.v ([For cognate wordsSee under rup-.])  |
nṛbhartṛ | m. equals -p/ati-  |
pā | cl.2 P. ( ) p/āti- (imperative pāh/i-; pr. p. P. p/āt- A1. pān/a- ; perfect tense papau- grammar; Aorist apāsīt- subjunctive pāsati- ; future pāsyati-, pātā- grammar; preceding pāyāt- ; infinitive mood pātum- ), to watch, keep, preserve ; to protect from, defend against (ablative) etc. ; to protect (a country) id est rule, govern ; to observe, notice, attend to, follow : Causal pālayati- See pāl-: Desiderative pīpāsati- grammar : Intensive pāpāyate-, pāpeti-, pāpāti- [ confer, compare Zend pa1,paiti; Greek , , etc.; Latin pa-sco,pa-bulum; Lithuanian pe0-mu4]  |
pat | cl.4 A1. ( ) p/atyate-, to be master, reign, rule, govern, control, own, possess, dispose of (accusative or instrumental case) ; to partake of, share in (locative case) ; to be fit or serve for (dative case) [Prob. Nom.of p/ati-; confer, compare Latin potiri.]  |
patijuṣṭā | (p/ati--) f. (a woman) liked by her husband  |
patikāma | (p/ati--) mfn. wishing for a husband  |
prakṣip | P. A1. -kṣip/ati-, -kṣipate-, to cast, hurl, throw or fling at or into (locative case), place in, put before etc. ; to let down ; to launch a ship ; to add ; to insert, interpolate : Causal -kṣepayati-, to cause or order to cast or put into (locative case)  |
raśmirāja | m. "ray-lord", Name of a man (see raśmi-p/ati-).  |
rathaspati | (r/athas--) m. (r/athas-prob. a form of the genitive case; see v/anas-p/ati-) the"lord of chariots", a deity presiding over chariots or over pleasure and enjoyment  |
sadas | n. (according to to some also f.) a seat, residence, abode, dwelling, place of meeting, assembly (especially at a sacrifice; sadasaspati s/adasas-p/ati- m. equals s/adas-p/ati-; sadasi-,"in public") etc.  |
upācarita | m. (in grammar) a particular saṃdhi- rule (by which a visarga- in the pada-pāṭha- becomes s-before k-and p-in the saṃhitā- exempli gratia, 'for example' y/as p/atiḥ- )  |
vanaspati | m. (vanas--) (vanas-prob. a form of the genitive case; see 2. van-and r/aithas-p/ati-) "king of the wood"a, forest-tree (especially a large tree bearing fruit apparently without blossoms, as several species of the fig, the jack tree etc., but also applied to any tree) etc. |
vīrudh | f. (once in m.;fr. 3. vi-+1. rudh- equals ruh- see vi-sruh-) a plant, herb (especially a creeping plant or a low shrub) etc. (vīr/udhām p/atiḥ-,"lord of plants", in applied to soma-, in to the moon)  |
viś | f. (m.only ; Nominal verb sg. v/iṭ-; locative case plural vikṣ/u-) a settlement, homestead, house, dwelling (viś/as p/ati-"lord of the house"applied to agni- and indra-)  |