ओम् | ind. ( av- ;originally oṃ- equals āṃ-,which may be derived from ā- ), a word of solemn affirmation and respectful assent, sometimes translated by "yes, verily, so be it"(and in this sense compared with Amen;it is placed at the commencement of most Hindu works, and as a sacred exclamation may be uttered [but not so as to be heard by ears profane] at the beginning and end of a reading of the veda-s or previously to any prayer;it is also regarded as a particle of auspicious salutation [Hail!]; om-appears first in the upaniṣad-s as a mystic monosyllable, and is there set forth as the object of profound religious meditation, the highest spiritual efficacy being attributed not only to the whole word but also to the three sounds a-, u-, m-,of which it consists;in later times om-is the mystic name for the Hindu triad, and represents the union of the three gods, viz. a (viṣṇu-), u-(śiva-), m-(brahmā-);it may also be typical of the three veda-s; om-is usually called praṇava-,more rarely akṣara-,or ekākṣara-,and only in later times oṃkāra-) etc.  |
ओम् | ind. (Buddhists place om-at the beginning of their vidyā ṣaḍakṣarī-or mystical formulary in six syllables [viz. om maṇi padme hūṃ-];according to om-may be used in the following senses: praṇave-, ārambhe-, svīkāre-, anumatau-, apākṛtau-, asvīkāre-, maṅgale-, śubhe-, jñeye-, brahmaṇi-;with preceding a-or ā-,the o-of om-does not form vṛddhi-(au-),but guṇa-(o-) )  |
ओम | (omāsas- vocative case plural) m. ( av-), a friend helper, protector  |
ओमला | f. Name of a śakti-  |
ओमला | f. (varia lectio aupalā-.)  |
ओमन् | m. help, protection, favour, kindness  |
ओमन् | m. (/oman-, ā-) a friend, helper, protector  |
ओमन्वत् | mfn. (/oman--) helping, useful  |
ओमन्वत् | mfn. favourable, propitious  |
ओमात्रा | f. protection, favour, readiness to help  |
ओमिल | m. Name of a man.  |
ओम्कारभट्ट | m. Name of a man.  |
ओम्कारग्रन्थ | m. Name of work of nārāyaṇa-  |
ओम्कारपीठ | n. Name of a place  |
ओम्कारतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
ओम्कारीय | Nom. P. oṃkārīyati-, to be an oṃkāra- (?) commentator or commentary on  |
ओम्या | f. idem or 'f. protection, favour, readiness to help '  |
ओम्यावत् | mfn. helping, useful, favourable  |
अभिचारहोम | m. a sacrifice for the same purpose.  |
अभिहोम | m. = abhi-hava-1  |
अधोमर्मन् | n. the anus.  |
अधोमयूख | mfn. shining downwards,  |
अधोमुख | mf(ā-[ ]or ī-)n. having the face downwards  |
अधोमुख | mf(ā-[ ]or ī-)n. headlong  |
अधोमुख | mf(ā-[ ]or ī-)n. upside down  |
अधोमुख | m. viṣṇu-  |
अधोमुख | m. a division of hell  |
अधोमुखा | f. the plant Premna Esculenta.  |
आधोमुख्य | n. going downwards,  |
अदोमद | or a-doma-dh/a- mfn. not occasioning inconvenience  |
अदोमय | mfn. made of that, containing that  |
अदोमय | etc. See ad/as-.  |
अदोमूल | mfn. rooted in that. |
अग्निहोम | m. oblation put into the fire  |
अग्निहोत्रहोम | m. a libation at the agnihotra-  |
अग्नीषोमा | m. dual number agni- and soma-  |
अग्नीषोमप्रणयन | n. bringing out the fire and the soma-, a ceremony in the jyotiṣṭoma- sacrifice.  |
अग्नीषोमौ | m. dual number agni- and soma-  |
अग्नीषोमीय | mfn. related or sacred to agni- and soma-  |
अग्नीषोमीयैकादसकपाल | m. cake sacred to agni- and soma- See above.  |
अग्नीषोमीयपशु | m. a victim, generally a sheep or goat, sacred to agni- and soma-  |
अग्नीषोमीयपश्वनुष्ठान | n. the rite connected with that victim at the jyotiṣṭoma- sacrifice  |
अग्नीषोमीयपुरोडाश | m. cake sacred to agni- and soma- (baked in eleven bowls)  |
अग्नीषोमीयषोमीयनिर्वाप | m. making libations with the cake sacred to agni- and soma-, a ceremony in the darśapūrṇamāsa- sacrifice  |
अग्नीषोमीययाग | m. one of the three sacrifices of the pūrṇamāsa-  |
अग्निष्टोम | m. "praise of agni-", Name of a protracted ceremony or sacrifice (forming one of the chief modifications,[ saṃsthās-]of the jyotiṣṭoma- offered by one who is desirous of obtaining heaven; the performer is a brahman- who maintains the sacred fire, the offering is the soma-, the deities to whom, the offering is made are indra- etc., the number of priests required is 16, the ceremonies continue for five, days)  |
अग्निष्टोम | m. a mantra or kalpa connected with the agniṣṭoma-  |
अग्निष्टोमहोत्र | n. title of a Vedic text.  |
अग्निष्टोमसद् | mfn. performing the agniṣṭoma-  |
अग्निष्टोमसद्य | n. the performance of agniṣṭoma-  |
अग्निष्टोमसाम | m. the passage of the sāma-veda- chanted at the agniṣṭoma-  |
अग्निष्टोमसामन् | n. the passage of the sāma-veda- chanted at the agniṣṭoma-  |
अग्निष्टोमयाजिन् | mfn. one who has performed the agniṣṭoma-  |
आग्निष्टोमिक | mf(ī- commentator or commentary)n. ( commentator or commentary) belonging to the agniṣṭoma- sacrifice .  |
आग्निष्टोमिक | mf(ī- commentator or commentary)n. studying or knowing the ceremonies of the agniṣṭoma- commentator or commentary  |
आग्निष्टोमीय | mfn. belonging to the agniṣṭoma-  |
आग्निष्टोम्य | n. the state or condition of the agniṣṭoma-  |
आगोमुच् | mfn. liberating from crimes or sins  |
आगोमुच् | See /āgas-.  |
अहःस्तोम | m. a stoma- belonging to a particular day,  |
अहोम | m. no oblation  |
अजलोम | n. goat's hair  |
अजलोमन् | m. Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens  |
अजलोमन् | mf(mnī-)n. hairy as a goat,  |
अजलोमन् | n. goat's hair  |
अजलोमी | f. Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens  |
अजातलोमन् | mf(mnī-)n. whose signs of puberty are not yet developed.  |
आज्यहोम | m. an oblation consisting of clarified butter  |
अक्षिलोमन् | n. the eyelash.  |
अक्ष्णयास्तोमीया | f. Name of an iṣṭakā-  |
अकुतोमृत्यु | mfn. not threatened by death from any quarter,  |
अलोमहर्षण | mfn. not causing erection of the hair of the body (from joy).  |
अलोमक | ([ ]) or a-l/amaka- ([ ]) mf(Ved. makā-,class. mikā-[ ;but also ] commentator or commentary) n. hairless.  |
अलोमन् | mfn. idem or '([ ]) or a-l/amaka- ([ ]) mf(Ved. makā-,class. mikā-[ ;but also ] commentator or commentary) n. hairless.'  |
आमनहोम | m. an offering at which the above two verses of the are spoken  |
अम्भोमुच् | m. "water-shedder", a cloud  |
अंहोमुच् | mfn. delivering from distress  |
अन्नहोम | m. a sacrifice connected with the aśvamedha-  |
अन्तःस्तोमभागम् | mfn. within the bricks called stoma-bhāgā-,  |
अन्तर्लोम | mfn. (ant/ar--) (said of anything) the hairy side of which is turned inwards  |
अन्तर्लोम | mfn. covered with hair on the inner side.  |
अनुहोम | m. after-oblation,  |
अनुलोम | mf(ā-)n. "with the hair or grain"(opposed to prati-loma- q.v), in a natural direction, in order, regular, successive  |
अनुलोम | mf(ā-)n. conformable  |
अनुलोमा | f. a woman of a lower caste than that of the man's with whom she is connected  |
अनुलोम | m. plural "descendants of an anulomā-", mixed castes, (gaRa upakādi- q.v)  |
अनुलोमज | mfn. offspring of a mother inferior in caste to the father ([ ]), (as the mūrdhāvasikta- of a Brahman father and kṣatriyā- mother, and so on with the ambaṣṭha- niṣāda- or pāraśava-, māhiṣya-, ugra-, karaṇa-.)  |
अनुलोमकल्प | m. the thirty-fourth of the atharva-pariśiṣṭa-s.  |
अनुलोमकृष्ट | mfn. ploughed in the regular direction (with the grain).  |
अनुलोमम् | ind. in regular order  |
अनुलोमन | n. due regulation, sending or putting in the right direction  |
अनुलोमन | n. carrying off by the right channels, purging  |
अनुलोमपरिणीता | f. married in regular gradation.  |
अनुलोमप्रतिलोम | (said of a mythical sea and mountain),  |
अनुलोमार्थ | mfn. one who holds favourable views on any question.  |
अनुलोमाय | mfn. having fortune favourable.  |
अनुलोमय | Nom. P. anu-lomayati-, to stroke or rub with the hair ; to send in the right direction or so as to carry off by the right channels  |
अनुलोमय | to make favourable,  |
आनुलोमिक | mf(ī-)n. (fr. anu-loma-), in the direction of the hair, in natural or regular order, in due course  |
आनुलोमिक | mf(ī-)n. conformable, favourable, benevolent  |
अनुलोमिकी | f. (with kṣānti-) resignation to natural consequences, (confer, compare an-- utpattika-- dharma-- kṣānti-, and ghoṣā- nugā-, ).  |
आनुलोम्य | mf(ī-)n. in the direction of the hair, produced in natural or direct order  |
आनुलोम्य | n. a direction similar to that of hairs, natural or direct order  |
आनुलोम्य | n. the state of being prosperous, doing well  |
आनुलोम्य | n. bringing to one's right place  |
आनुलोम्य | n. favourable direction, fit disposition, favourableness  |
आनुलोम्य | n. regular series or succession  |
अनुसोमम् | ind. according to the (practice with the) soma-, as with the soma-  |
अन्यतोमुख | (any/ato--), mfn. hiving a face only on one side,  |
अन्यतोमुख | (any/ato--), mfn. hiving a face only on one side,  |
अपिसोमोपीथ | mfn. partaking of soma- drink,  |
आपोमात्रा | f. the subtle elementary principle of water.  |
आपोमय | mfn. consisting of water  |
अपोम्भन | n. a fetter  |
आपोमूर्ति | m. Name of a son of manu- svārociṣa-  |
आपोमूर्ति | m. Name of one of the seven ṛṣi-s of the tenth manvantara-.  |
अप्रतिलोमयत् | mfn. not adverse or contrary,  |
अप्रातिलोम्य | n. the not being hostile to  |
अप्सुहोम्य | m. Name of a man  |
अप्सुषोम | m. " soma- in water", a cup filled with water  |
आप्तस्तोम | mfn. complete in the Stomas, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding, Scholiast or Commentator  |
अर्धसोम | m. half the soma-  |
अरिसोम | m. a kind of soma- plant  |
अरोम | mf(ā-)n. hairless  |
अरोमश | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. hairless '  |
अरोमश | n. absence of a particular faulty pronunciation of the sibilants, .  |
असर्वहोम | m. not offering the whole of an oblation (keeping back a portion),  |
असिलोमन् | m. Name of a dānava-  |
असोम | m. not soma-juice  |
असोम | m. not a soma- sacrifice  |
असोम | mfn. without soma- juice  |
असोमप | mfn. one who does not drink or is not admitted to drink the soma- juice etc.  |
असोमपीथ | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who does not drink or is not admitted to drink the soma- juice etc. '  |
असोमपीथिन् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who does not drink or is not admitted to drink the soma- juice etc. ' '  |
असोमयाजिन् | (/a-soma--) mfn. one who has not offered a soma- sacrifice  |
अश्वलोमन् | m. horse-hair  |
अश्वस्तोमीय | n. "relating to the praise of the sacrificial horse", Name of the hymn  |
अश्वस्तोमीय | m. (sc. homa-), Name of an oblation  |
आस्यलोमन् | n. the hair of the face, beard  |
अतेजोमय | mfn. not consisting of light or brightness  |
अतिलोम | (/ati--) ([ ]) mfn. very hairy, too hairy.  |
अतिलोमश | (/ati--) ([ ]) mfn. very hairy, too hairy.  |
अतिलोमशा | f. Convolvulus Argenteus.  |
अतिरोमश | mfn. very hairy, too hairy  |
अतिरोमश | m. a wild goat, a kind of monkey.  |
आत्तसोमपीथीय | (/ātta--), mfn. deprived of the soma- drink,  |
अत्यग्निसोमार्क | mfn. brighter than fire or the moon or the sun.  |
अत्यग्निष्टोम | m. Name of the second of the seven modifications of the jyotiṣṭoma- sacrifice  |
अत्यग्निष्टोम | m. the Vedic verse chanted at the close of that ceremony.  |
अउडुलोमि | m. a descendant of uḍu-loman-, Name of a philosopher  |
अवलोम | mfn.  |
अवन्तिसोम | m. sour gruel (prepared from the fermentation of, rice-water)  |
अविलोमन् | n. sheep's wool,  |
अयासोमीय | n. Name of some verses of the (so called from their beginning with the words ay/ā s/oma-).  |
अयोमल | n. rust of iron ,  |
अयोमणि | m. f. a magnet,  |
अयोमय | mf(ī-)n. made of iron (Vedic or Veda ayas-m/aya- q.v)  |
अयोमिश्र | mfn. set with iron,  |
अयोमुख | mfn. having an iron mouth  |
अयोमुख | mfn. having an iron beak  |
अयोमुख | mfn. iron-pointed (as a plough[ ] or a stake for impaling criminals[ ])  |
अयोमुख | m. an arrow  |
अयोमुख | m. Name of a dānava- and  |
अयोमुख | m. of a mountain and  |
आयुःष्टोम | m. a ceremony performed to obtain longevity and forming - together with the go- and jyotis- - part of the abhi-plava- ceremony (see /āyus-)  |
आयुष्टोम | m. for āyuḥ-ṣṭoma- q.v , a particular ceremony.  |
आयुष्यहोम | m. Name of a kind of oblation  |
अयुतहोम | m. Name of a sacrifice  |
बभ्रुलोमन् | (bhr/u--) mf(mnī-)n. brown-haired  |
बहिःस्तोमभागम् | ind. outside the bricks called stoma-bhāgā-  |
बहिर्लोम | (h/ir--) mfn. having the hair turned outwards  |
बहिर्लोमन् | mfn. idem or '(h/ir--) mfn. having the hair turned outwards '  |
बहुरोमन् | m. "having much hair or wool"  |
बहुरोमन् | m. a sheep  |
बालार्ककोमल | mfn. soft as the orient sun  |
बलिहोम | m. the offering of oblations  |
बन्धुरकोमलाङ्गुलि | mfn. (a hand) that has rounded or delicate fingers  |
बर्हिर्होम | m. an oblation (prepared) for the sacrificial grass  |
भद्रसोमा | f. Name of a river in uttara-kuru-  |
भद्रसोमा | f. of the Ganges  |
भट्टाचार्यशिरोमणि | m. Name of raghu-nātha-.  |
भट्टसोमेश्वर | m. Name of various scholars and authors  |
भयसंहृष्टरोमन् | mfn. having the hair erect with terror, horrified  |
भोमीरा | f. coral  |
भूमिस्तोम | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
भूयोमात्र | n. the greatest part, most of (genitive case)  |
ब्रह्मसोम | m. Name of a sage  |
ब्रह्मतेजोमय | mf(ī-)n. brahmatejas |
बृहद्धोमपद्धति | (d-ho-) f. Name of work  |
बृहद्रोम | Name of places  |
बृहद्रोमपट्टन | Name of places  |
बृहल्लक्षहोम | m. a particular oblation  |
बृहस्पतिस्तोम | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
बृहत्सोम | wrong reading for -sāma- commentator or commentary  |
चन्द्रगोमिन् | m. Name of a grammarian (also called candra-)  |
चन्द्रसोम | m. Name of a hero of kālikā-  |
चरुहोम | m. offering the caru- oblation  |
चतुःष्टोम | See tu-ṣṭ-.  |
चतुरुत्तरस्तोम | m. with gotamasya- Name of an ekāha-  |
चतुर्विंशस्तोम | mfn. connected with the caturviṃśa- stoma-  |
चतुष्टोम | m. a stoma- consisting of 4 parts (the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th having 4 verses more than the preceding)  |
चतुष्टोम | mfn. connected with a catuṣṭoma- (an ekāha-)  |
चेतोमत् | mfn. endowed with consciousness, living  |
चेतोमुख | mfn. one whose mouth is intelligence,  |
छागरोममय | mfn. consisting of goat-hair  |
छन्दोम | m. (fr. do-'ma-,"hymn's or metre's home"?) the 8th, 9th, and 10th day in the dvādaśāha- rite (but see )  |
छन्दोम | m. Name of the 3 stoma-s sung in that rite ,  |
छान्दोम | mfn. taken from the chandoma-s  |
छन्दोमदशाह | m. idem or 'm. Name of a daśa-rātra- rite '  |
छन्दोमदशरात्र | m. Name of a daśa-rātra- rite  |
छन्दोमाला | f. a similar work.  |
छन्दोमान | n. (gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-),"measure of a metre", a syllable regarded as the metrical unit  |
छन्दोमान | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
छान्दोमान | mfn. fr. chando-m- gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-.  |
छन्दोमञ्जरि | f. gaṅgā-dāsa-'s work on metre.  |
छन्दोमञ्जरी | f. gaṅgā-dāsa-'s work on metre.  |
छन्दोमपवमानत्रिरात्र | m. equals -tri-kakud-  |
छन्दोमार्तण्ड | m. Name of work on metre.  |
छन्दोमत्रिककुद् | m. Name of a try-aha- rite  |
छन्दोमवत् | mfn. accompanied by a chandoma-  |
छन्दोमवत्पराक | m. equals -tri-kakud-  |
छन्दोमय | mfn. consisting of or containing or representing sacred hymns |
छान्दोमिक | mfn. belonging to the chandoma-s  |
छन्दोरुट्स्तोम | m. (fr. -ruh-st-) Name of a ṣaḍ-aha- rite  |
छात्त्रगोमिन् | mfn. any one attendant on pupils  |
दधिघर्महोम | m. idem or 'm. a warm oblation of d/adhi- '  |
दैवज्ञशिरोमणि | m. Name of work  |
दाक्षिणहोम | m. the oblation connected with the sacrificial fee  |
दलकोमल | the lotus  |
दर्विहोम | m. an oblation made with a ladle  |
दर्वीहोम | m. equals vi--,  |
दर्वीहोम | m. see dārvīhaumika-.  |
दार्विहोमिक | mfn. equals vīhaumika- commentator or commentary on  |
दर्विहोमिन् | mfn. offering m/a-  |
देवसोम | m. Name of a man  |
देवसोमक | m. Name of a man  |
धानासोम | m. plural grains with soma-  |
धिष्ण्यहोम | m. a sacrifice offered in a dhiṣṇya-  |
ध्वस्तरजःसत्त्वतमोमल | mfn. freed from the impurity of passion, goodness and darkness  |
दीप्तरोमन् | m. "red-haired", Name of one of the viśve- devā-s  |
दीर्घरोम | m. " equals next "  |
दीर्घरोम | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
दीर्घरोमन् | mfn. "long-haired"  |
दीर्घरोमन् | m. a bear  |
दीर्घरोमन् | m. Name of one of the attendants on śiva-  |
डोम | m. a man of low caste (living by singing and music),  |
दोमन् | n. (2. du-) pain, inconvenience (See a-doma-d/a-and dh/a-).  |
डोम्ब | m. idem or 'm. a man of low caste (living by singing and music), ' (varia lectio ḍumba-)  |
डोम्ब | m. Name of a man,  |
डोम्बी | f. a kind of drama  |
डोम्बुली | f. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
दृढलोमन् | mfn. coarse-haired, bristled  |
दृढलोमन् | m. coarse hair, bristles  |
दृढलोमन् | m. a hog  |
द्रोमिण | m. Name of cāṇakya- (see drāmila-).  |
दुर्वाससोमहिमन् | m. Name of work  |
दुर्वाससोमततन्त्र | n. Name of work  |
दूर्वासोम | m. a species of soma- plant.  |
द्वापरस्तोम | m. plural of stoma-s  |
एकस्तोम | mfn. accompanied or celebrated by only one stoma-  |
एकतोमुख | mf(ā-)n. turned to one side,  |
एकतोमुख | (a vessel) having a spout only on one side, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
एकविंशस्तोम | m. a stoma- (q.v) consisting of twenty-one parts  |
एनोमुच् | mfn. rescuing from sin or evil  |
गगनरोमन्थ | m. "ruminating on the sky", nonsense, absurdity  |
गगनरोमन्थायित | n. "something like ruminating on the sky", absurdity, iv, 48.  |
गणहोम | m. Name of work  |
गन्धसोम | n. the white esculent water-lily  |
गौलोमन | mfn. resembling cow's hair (go-loman-) gaRa śarkarādi- (ma- )  |
घृतहोम | m. a sacrificial offering of ghee  |
घृतस्तोमीय | mfn. relating to ma- id est to the praise of ghee  |
घृतस्तोम्य | mfn. idem or 'mfn. relating to ma- id est to the praise of ghee ' (said of certain verses)  |
गोलोमन् | n. a cow's hair (from which dūrvā- grass is said to spring)  |
गोलोमी | f. Name of a plant (white dūrvā- grass ; bhūta-keśa-or śī- ; vacā- )  |
गोलोमी | f. equals vara-yoṣā- ("an excellent woman"or"a harlot")  |
गोलोमिका | f. Hemionitis cordifolia  |
गोमचर्चिका | f. equals -prakāṇḍa-  |
गोमध्यमध्य | mfn. slender in the waist  |
गोमघ | (g/o--) mfn. granting cattle or cows  |
गोमहिषदा | f. "granting cattle and buffaloes", Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-  |
गोमक्षिका | f. a gad-fly (daṃśa-)  |
गोमन्द | See -manta-. 1.  |
गोमण्डल | n. a herd of cows on vArttika Va1rtt. 1  |
गोमण्डल | n. "earth-orb", the globe  |
गोमणिंद | m. a cowherd,  |
गोमन्त | m. Name of a mountain (varia lectio nda-) etc.  |
गोमन्त | m. an owner of cattle  |
गोमन्त | m. a herd of cattle  |
गोमन्त | m. a multitude of cattle-owners  |
गोमन्त | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio goghnata-).  |
गोमत् | mfn. (g/o--) possessing or containing cattle or cows or herds, rich in cattle, consisting of cattle |
गोमत् | mfn. containing or mixed with milk  |
गोमत् | n. possession of cattle  |
गोमत | Nom. tati-, to behave like a cattle-owner  |
गोमतल्लिका | f. ( ) an excellent cow  |
गोमथ | gaRa kumudādi-.  |
गोमती | f. (g/o-matī-) a place abounding in herds of cattle  |
गोमती | f. Name of a village in the north gaRa palady-adi-  |
गोमती | f. (go-mat/ī-) Name of a river falling into the indu-s  |
गोमती | f. another river falling into the Ganges (metrically ti-, ), etc.  |
गोमती | f. (with or without vidyā-) Name of a Vedic hymn or formula to be repeated during expiation for killing a cow  |
गोमती | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī- in the go-manta- mountain  |
गोमति | for tī- See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order -mat-.  |
गोमती | f. of -mat- q.v  |
गोमतीपुत्र | m. Name of a prince  |
गोमतीसार | m. Name of work  |
गोमतीतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
गोमातृ | mfn. (g/o--) having a cow for mother (the marut-s; see p/ṛśni-m-and g/o-bandhu-)  |
गोमातृ | f. "mother of cows", cow of plenty  |
गोमत्स्य | m. a kind of fish living in rivers  |
गोमत्य | Nom. P. tyati- equals gomantam icchati- and ; A1. tyate-, to behave like a cattle-owner Va1rtt. 25  |
गोमय | mfn. consisting of cattle  |
गोमय | mfn. defiled with cow-dung  |
गोमय | n. often plural , rarely m. (gaRa ardharcādi-) cow-dung etc.  |
गोमय | n. dung  |
गोमय | (for the sake of euphony shortened for yaya-), Nom. P. yati-, to smear with (cow-dung)  |
गोमयच्छत्त्र | n. a fungus  |
गोमयच्छत्त्रिका | f. a fungus  |
गोमयकार्षी | f. a piece of dried cow-dung  |
गोमयमय | mf(ī-)n. made of cow-dung  |
गोमयाम्भस् | n. water with cow-dung  |
गोमयपायसीयन्यायवत् | ind. "in the manner of cow-dung and of milky food" id est very different in nature though having the same origin  |
गोमयप्रिय | m. "fond of cow-dung", Andropogon Schoenanthus  |
गोमयाय | Nom. yate-, to resemble cow-dung (in taste)  |
गोमयोद्भव | m. "originating in cow-dung", Cathartocarpus fistula  |
गोमयोत्था | f. "originating in cow-dung", a gad-fly or a kind of beetle found in cow-dung  |
गोमायु | mfn. (g/o--) making sounds like cattle (a frog)  |
गोमायु | m. a kind of frog  |
गोमायु | m. a jackal etc.  |
गोमायु | m. Name of a jackal  |
गोमायु | m. the bile of a cow  |
गोमायु | m. Name of a gandharva- or celestial musician  |
गोमायुभक्ष | m. plural "jackal-eaters", Name of a people  |
गोमायुकेश्वर | Name of a liṅga-  |
गोम्भस् | n. idem or 'n. equals -jala- '  |
गोम्बु | n. equals -jala-  |
गोमेद | m. "cow-fat", a gem brought from the himālaya- and the indu-s (being of 4 sorts, white, pale yellow, red, and dark blue) p.468  |
गोमेद | m. the tree kakkola-  |
गोमेद | m. a kind of fish  |
गोमेद | m. Name of a mountain  |
गोमेद | m. of a dvīpa-  |
गोमेदक | m. n. Name of a gem (equals da-)  |
गोमेदक | m. a kind of poison (?, kākola-,for kakk-?)  |
गोमेदक | m. equals pattraka- (smearing the body with unguents )  |
गोमेदक | m. the dvīpa- da-  |
गोमेदसंनिभ | m. "resembling the gomeda-", dolomite  |
गोमेदसंनिभ | m. the plant dugdha-pāṣāṇa-  |
गोमेध | m. (see gavāṃ-m-) a cow-sacrifice  |
गोमेध | m. Name of the attendant of the 22nd arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
गोमिन् | m. ( ; gaRa aśvādi-) the owner of cattle or cows  |
गोमिन् | m. a jackal  |
गोमिन् | m. a layman adhering to buddha-'s faith  |
गोमिन् | m. equals nindya- and equals praśasta-  |
गोमीन | m. equals -matsya-  |
गोमिथुन | n. sg. a bull and a cow  |
गोमिथुन | m. dual number idem or 'n. sg. a bull and a cow '  |
गोमित्र | m. for g/o-mūtra-  |
गोमृग | m. (= 2. gavay/a- q.v) the Gayal  |
गोमृगकाकचर्या | f. the manner of cows (when going), of deer (when standing), and of crows (when sitting)  |
गोमृगेन्द्र | m. equals g/a-  |
गोमूढ | mfn. stupid as an ox  |
गोमुख | m. ( )"cow-faced" , a crocodile  |
गोमुख | m. a hole in a wall of a peculiar shape made by thieves  |
गोमुख | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
गोमुख | m. of a son of mātali-  |
गोमुख | m. of a king of kauśāmbī-,  |
गोमुख | m. of a son of the treasurer of king vatsa-  |
गोमुख | m. of an attendant of the 1st arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
गोमुख | m. varia lectio for -khala-  |
गोमुख | m. (n. ) a kind of musical instrument (sort of horn or trumpet ?) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
गोमुख | n. (equals -mukhī-) a cloth-bag for containing a rosary  |
गोमुख | n. a house built unevenly (viz. with angles or projections)  |
गोमुख | n. a particular method of sitting,  |
गोमुख | n. plastering, smearing with (in compound) (plural)  |
गोमुखव्याघ्र | m. "cow-faced tiger", a wolf in sheep's clothing  |
गोमुखी | f. a cloth-bag for containing a rosary (the beads of which are counted by the hand thrust inside) ( pp. 92 and 406)  |
गोमुखी | f. a chasm in the himālaya- mountains (through which the Ganges flows, erroneously conceived to be shaped like a cow's mouth)  |
गोमुखी | f. Name of a river in rāḍha-  |
गोमुख्या | f. a particular way of beating a drum.  |
गोमुण्ड | m. anything put up for measuring or protecting a field, 494. |
गोमूत्र | n. cow's urine etc.  |
गोमूत्र | m. plural Name of a family  |
गोमूत्रजाति | f. a verse called gomūtrikā- q.v  |
गोमूत्रक | mfn. "similar to the course of cow's urine", going alternately to the one and to the other side, zigzagging  |
गोमूत्रक | mfn. ? gaRa sthūlādi-  |
गोमूत्रिका | f. zigzag  |
गोमूत्रिका | f. an artificial verse to be read in zigzag  |
गोमूत्रिका | f. a form of calculation  |
गोमूत्रिका | f. the reddish grass Tambadu  |
गोमूत्रिकाबन्ध | m. equals tra-jāti-.  |
गोमूत्रिन् | m. a kind of Terminalia  |
गोष्टोम | (g/o--) m. (st/oma- ) an ekāha- ceremony forming part of the abhiplava- which lasts 6 days (also called g/o- q.v) (see -stoma-.) 1.  |
गोस्तोम | m. ( ) equals -ṣṭoma-  |
गोतमस्तोम | m. Name of an ekāha- sacrifice (see )  |
हंसलोमश | n. green sulphate of iron  |
हंसरोमन् | n. equals -tūla-  |
हरिलोमन् | mfn. yellow-haired  |
हरिरोमन् | mfn. having fair hair on the body  |
हरिसोम | m. Name of a man  |
हरितगोमय | m. plural fresh cow-dung  |
हरियशोमिश्र | m. Name of authors  |
हस्तहोम | m. an oblation offered with the hand  |
हस्तिसोमा | f. Name of a river  |
हीनरोमन् | mfn. deprived of hair, bald  |
हिरण्यलोमन् | m. Name of a ṛṣi- in the 5th manv-antara-  |
हिरण्यरोमन् | m. "golden-haired", Name of a loka-pāla- (son of marīci-)  |
हिरण्यरोमन् | m. of bhīṣmaka-  |
हिरण्यरोमन् | m. of a son of parjanya-  |
हिरण्यरोमन् | m. of various ṛṣi-s  |
होम | m. the act of making an oblation to the deva-s or gods by casting clarified butter into the fire (See deva-yajña-and ) , oblation with fire, burnt-offering, any oblation or sacrifice (ayuta-h-,"a sacrifice of 10,000 burnt-offerings to the planets")  |
होमभाण्ड | n. a sacrificial implement  |
होमभस्मन् | n. the ashes of a burnt-offering  |
होमदर्पणविधि | wrong reading for -tarp- (q.v) |
होमदर्वी | f. the sacrificial ladle  |
होमधान्य | n. "sacrificial grain", sesamum  |
होमधेनु | f. a cow yielding milk for an oblation  |
होमधूम | m. the smoke of a burnt-offering  |
होमद्रव्य | n. anything employed for a homa--sacrificial or oblation  |
होमद्रव्यपरिणाम | m. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the sāmaveda-.  |
होमदुह् | mfn. (a cow) giving milk for an oblation  |
होमद्वयप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
होमद्वयसमासप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
होमाग्नि | m. sacrificial fire  |
होमक | m. equals hotraka- (8 in number)  |
होमकाल | m. the time of sacrifice  |
होमकालातिक्रमप्रायश्चित्तप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
होमकल्प | m. mode or manner of sacrificing,  |
होमकर्मन् | n. sacrificial act or rite  |
होमकाष्ठी | f. an implement for blowing on fire  |
होमकुण्ड | n. a hole in the ground for the sacred fire for oblations (equals agni-k-)  |
होमलोपप्रायश्चित्तप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
होममन्त्रभाष्य | n. Name of work  |
होमानल | m. idem or 'm. sacrificial fire '  |
होमनिर्णय | m. Name of work  |
होमपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
होमप्रायश्चित्त | n. Name of work  |
होमार्जुनी | f. equals homa-dhenu-  |
होमशाला | f. a chamber or place for keeping the sacred fire for oblations  |
होमस्वरोत्तर | n. Name of a tantra- work  |
होमतर्पणविधि | m. Name of work  |
होमतत्त्वविधि | m. Name of work  |
होमतुरंग | m. the sacrificial horse  |
होमवत् | mfn. one who has offered an oblation or performed a sacrifice  |
होमवेला | f. equals -kāla-  |
होमविधान | n. Name of work  |
होमविधि | m. Name of work  |
होमयूप | m. the sacrificial post at the homa-  |
होमेन्धन | n. sacrificial firewood  |
होमि | m. fire  |
होमि | m. clarified butter  |
होमि | m. water  |
होमिन् | mfn. offering, presenting an oblation of (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';See kṣīra--, tila-h-etc.)  |
होमिनी | f. saṃjñāyām-  |
होमीय | mfn. relating or belonging to or fit or destined for an oblation or sacrifice  |
होमीयद्रव्य | n. anything used for an oblation (as clarified butter)  |
होम्य | mfn. equals homīya-  |
होम्य | n. clarified butter  |
ह्रस्वरोमन् | m. "short-haired", Name of a king of videha- (son of svarṇa-roman-)  |
हृष्टरोमन् | mfn. having the hair of the body bristling or thrilling (with delight or rapture)  |
हृष्टरोमन् | m. Name of an asura-  |
हुडरोमाश्रयफला | f. a kind of shrub  |
हुतहोम | m. one who has offered oblation  |
इन्द्रासोम | m. dual number indra- and soma-  |
इन्द्रासोमीय | mfn. consecrated to indra- and soma-  |
इन्द्रस्तोम | m. "praise of indra-"  |
इन्द्रस्तोम | m. Name of particular hymns to indra- in certain ceremonies  |
इतोमुखम् | ind. hitherwards, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
जपहोम | m. sg. and plural muttering prayers as a religious offering  |
जपहोम | m.  |
जपहोम | m. (maka-)  |
जपहोम | m. dual number a muttered prayer and an offering  |
जातरोम | mfn. haired (a-- negative)  |
झोम्बक | mfn. making grimaces when singing.  |
जोमा | f. a kind of broth  |
ज्येष्ठस्तोम | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
ज्योतिःष्टोम | See ti-ṣṭ-.  |
ज्योतिष्टोम | m. (fr. tis-stoma- ) Name of a soma- ceremony (typical form of a whole class of ceremonies consisting originally of 3, and later of 4, 5, or 7 subdivisions, viz. agni-ṣṭoma-(q.v), ukthya-, and ati-rātra-, or in addition to these ṣoḍaśin-, aty-agni-ṣṭoma-, vāja-peya-, and aptor-yāma-)  |
ज्योतिष्टोमिक | mfn. fr. ma-  |
काकव्याघ्रगोमायु | m. plural the crow, the tiger, and the jackal.  |
कक्षलोमन् | n. the hair under the armpit  |
कलिस्तोम | m. a particular stoma-.  |
कण्वीयसंहिताहोम | m. Name of work  |
कपिलोमफला | f. idem or 'm. an arm, '  |
कपिरोमलता | f. idem or 'f. Mucuna Pruritus '  |
कपिरोमफला | f. Mucuna Pruritus  |
कपोतरोमन् | m. Name of a king  |
कौतोमत | n. (fr. kuto matam-), an inquiry as to the origin of an opinion (?)  |
कौतोमत | m. the mantra- beginning with kautomatam- (?)  |
केशरोमा | f. Mucuna pruritus  |
केशश्मश्रुलोमनख | n. plural hair and beard and down of the body and nails,  |
खड्गरोमन् | m. "sword-haired", Name of the charioteer of jālaṃdhara-  |
खरकोमल | m. "bracing yet mild", the month jyaiṣṭha-  |
खरलोमन् | varia lectio for -roman-  |
खररोमन् | m. "having rough hair", Name of one of the nāga- chiefs inhabiting hell  |
कीर्तिसोम | m. Name of a man  |
क्लोम | n. equals kl/oman-  |
क्लोमन् | m. the right lung etc.  |
क्लोमन् | m. plural (ānas-) the lungs  |
क्लोमन् | n. the right lung  |
क्लोमन् | n. ([ confer, compare Greek and ; Latin pulmo.])  |
क्लोमन्हृदय | n. sg. the right lung and the heart  |
कोम | n. equals kloma- commentator or commentary on  |
कोमल | mf(ā-)n. (fr. ko- equals ku-, mala-fr. mlai-,"easily fading away"?), tender, soft (opposed to karkaśa-), bland, sweet, pleasing, charming, agreeable etc. (said of the style, rīti- )  |
कोमल | of like colour,  |
कोमला | f. a kind of date  |
कोमल | n. water  |
कोमल | n. silk  |
कोमल | n. nutmeg  |
कोमल | n. (for kosala- )  |
कोमलच्छद | m. "tender-leaved", Name of a plant  |
कोमलदल | m. n. "tender-leaved" equals kamala- (Lotus Nelumbium)  |
कोमलगीत | n. a sweet song.  |
कोमलगीतक | n. idem or 'n. a sweet song.'  |
कोमलक | n. the fibres of the stalk of a lotus  |
कोमलाङ्ग | mf(ī-)n. having a tender body  |
कोमलस्वभाव | mfn. tender-natured.  |
कोमलता | f. softness, tenderness.  |
कोमलतण्डुल | m. a sort of rice  |
कोमलत्व | n. idem or 'f. softness, tenderness.'  |
कोमलवल्कला | f. "having tender bark", the plant Cicca disticha  |
कोमासिका | f. a budding fruit (equals jālikā-)  |
कोम्य | mfn. polished (?; equals kāmya-,"lovely" )  |
कोटिहोम | m. a kind of sacrificial offering  |
कोटिहोमविधि | m. Name of work  |
क्रोडलोमन् | n. plural hairs on the breast  |
कृतस्तोम | m. Name of certain stoma-s.  |
कृतिरोमन् | m. Name of a son of kṛti-rāta-  |
क्षिप्रहोम | m. a speedy sacrifice (in which several ceremonies are omitted) commentator or commentary on  |
क्षीरहोमिन् | mfn. idem or '(r/a--) mfn. (gaRa yuktārohy-ādi-) equals -yāj/in- '  |
क्षोम | mn. ( kṣu- ) a room on the house-top (aṭṭa-) commentator or commentary on  |
क्षोम | n. (for kṣauma-) linen (dukūla-)  |
क्षोमक | m. equals kṣaum- (see kṣema-.)  |
कुसुमकोमल | mfn. tender as a flower  |
कुतोमूल | mfn. having what origin?  |
लघुहोमपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
लघुलक्षहोम | m. a particular sacrifice  |
लघुलक्षहोम | m. Name of the 30th pariśiṣṭa- of the atharva-- veda-.  |
लक्षहोम | m. a particular sacrifice offered to the planets  |
लक्षहोमपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
लक्षहोमविधि | m. Name of work  |
लोम | in compound for loman-.  |
लोम | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals loman- (See aja-lom/a-)  |
लोम | n. a hairy tail, tail  |
लोमाद | m. a species of parasitic worm  |
लोमधि | m. Name of a prince  |
लोमद्वीप | m. a species of parasitic worm  |
लोमगर्त | ( ) m. "hair-hole", a pore of the skin.  |
लोमघ्न | n. "hair-destruction", loss of hair through disease  |
लोमहारिन् | mfn. equals -vāhin-  |
लोमहर्ष | m. the bristling or erection of the hair of the body, thrill or shudder (caused by excessive joy, fear etc.) (see romah-)  |
लोमहर्ष | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |
लोमहर्षण | mf(ā-)n. causing the hair to bristle, exciting a thrill of joy or terror, thrilling  |
लोमहर्षण | m. Name of sūta- (the pupil of vyāsa-)  |
लोमहर्षण | m. of the father of sūta-  |
लोमहर्षण | n. the bristling of the hair, horripilation, thrill or shudder  |
लोमहर्षणक | mf(ikā-)n. wrong reading for lausumah- q.v  |
लोमहर्षिन् | mfn. equals -harṣaṇa- mfn. above  |
लोमहृत् | mfn. hair-removing, depilatory  |
लोमहृत् | n. yellow orpiment  |
लोमक | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals loman- (See a--, prati--, mṛdu-l-).  |
लोमकागृह | n.  |
लोमकाखण्ड | m.  |
लोमकरणी | f. a species of plant  |
लोमकर्ण | m. "hair-eared", a hare  |
लोमकिन् | m. a bird  |
लोमकीट | m. "hair-insect", a louse  |
लोमकूप | ( ) ( ) m. "hair-hole", a pore of the skin.  |
लोमलताधार | m. the belly  |
लोमालि | f. equals lomāvali-  |
लोमालिका | f. a fox  |
लोममणि | m. an amulet made of hair,  |
लोमन् | n. (later form of roman- q.v) the hair on the body of men and animals (especially short hair, wool etc.;not so properly applicable to the long hair of the head or beard, nor to the mane and tail of animals) etc.  |
लोमन् | n. a tail  |
लोमन् | n. dual number (with bharad-vājasya-), Name of sāman-  |
लोमन | m. n. gaRa ardharcādi- (varia lectio)  |
लोमाञ्च | m. equals romāña-, curling or erection of the hair, a thrill of rapture or terror, shudder etc.  |
लोमपाद | m. Name of a king of the aṅga-s.  |
लोमपादपुर् | f. Name of campā-, the capital of loma-pāda-  |
लोमपादपुरी | f. Name of campā-, the capital of loma-pāda-  |
लोमफल | n. the fruit of Dillenia Indica  |
लोमप्रवाहिन् | mfn. equals loma-vāhin-  |
लोमराजि | f. equals lomāvali- below  |
लोमरन्ध्र | n. equals -kūpa- above  |
लोमरुह | f(ā-)n. (any surface) having short hair growing (on it)  |
लोमश | mf(/ā-)n. hairy, woolly, shaggy, bristly, covered or mixed with hair, made of hair, containing hair etc.  |
लोमश | mf(/ā-)n. consisting in sheep or other woolly animals (as property)  |
लोमश | mf(/ā-)n. overgrown with grass  |
लोमश | m. a ram, sheep  |
लोमश | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
लोमश | m. of a cat  |
लोमश | m. or n. Name of a particular plant or its root  |
लोमशा | f. (only ) a fox  |
लोमश | m. a female jackal  |
लोमश | m. an ape  |
लोमश | m. Name of various plants (Nardostachys Jatamansi;Leea Hirta;Carpopogon Pruriens etc.)  |
लोमश | m. green vitriol  |
लोमश | m. Name of a śākinī- or female attendant of durgā-  |
लोमश | m. (with or scilicet śikṣā-) equals lomaśa-śikṣā-  |
लोमश | n. a kind of metre  |
लोमाश | m. a jackal or fox (see lomaśā-, lopāśa-).  |
लोमशकाण्डा | f. Cucumis Utilissimus  |
लोमशकर्ण | m. a species of animal living in holes  |
लोमशमार्जार | m. the civet cat  |
लोमसंहर्षण | mfn. causing the hair of the body to bristle or stand erect  |
लोमशपर्णी | f. Glycine Debilis  |
लोमशपर्णिनी | f. Glycine Debilis  |
लोमशपत्त्रिका | f. a species of gourd  |
लोमशपुष्पक | m. Acacia Sirissa  |
लोमसार | m. an emerald  |
लोमशसक्थ | (lomaś/a-) mfn. having hair or bristles on the thighs or hind feet ,"having a hairy tail").  |
लोमशसक्थि | mfn. having hair or bristles on the thighs or hind feet ,"having a hairy tail").  |
लोमशसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
लोमशशिक्षा | f. Name of a śikṣā- attributed to garga-.  |
लोमसातन | n. "hair-remover", a depilatory  |
लोमसातन | wrong reading for śātana- above  |
लोमशवक्षण | mf(ā-)n. covered with hair on the body, shaggy  |
लोमशी | f. spikenard  |
लोमाशिका | f. the female of the jackal or fox  |
लोमश्य | n. hairiness, woolliness  |
लोमश्य | n. "roughness", Name of a particular pronunciation of the sibilants  |
लोमटक | m. a fox  |
लोमतस् | ind. on the hairy side (of a skin; opp. to māma-tas-)  |
लोमवाहन | mfn. (see next) sharp enough to cut a hair (varia lectio)  |
लोमवाहिन् | mfn. either"bearing or having feathers, feathered", or"sharp enough to cut a hair"(said of an arrow)  |
लोमावलि | f. the line of hair from the breast to the navel  |
लोमावली | f. the line of hair from the breast to the navel |
लोमवत् | (l/oma--) mfn. having hair, hairy  |
लोमवेताल | m. Name of a demon  |
लोमविष | mfn. having poisonous hair  |
लोमविवर | n. "hair-hole", a pore of the skin  |
लोमविवर | n. Name of particular mythical regions (equals roma-v-),  |
लोमाययणि | (?) patronymic  |
लोमयूक | m. a hair-louse  |
माधवसोमयाजिन् | m. Name of a man (= mādhavācārya-)  |
मध्येव्योम | ind. in the air  |
महालोमन् | m. Name of the superior of a Buddhist monastery (wrong reading -loma-; see -roman-).  |
महामृत्युंजयहोम | m. Name of work  |
महारोमन् | mfn. having large or thick hair on the body (said of śiva-)  |
महारोमन् | m. Name of a king  |
महारोमन् | m. of the superior of a Buddhist monastery (wrong reading -roma-; see -loman-).  |
महारोमश | mfn. having large or thick hair  |
महासतोमुखा | f. ( ) two kinds of metre.  |
महासोम | m. a species of soma- plant  |
महास्तोम | mfn. having a great stoma-  |
मैत्रावरुणसोमप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
मल्लासोमयाजिन् | m. Name of an author  |
मञ्जीरध्वनिकोमल | n. Name of work  |
मनोमथन | m. "heart-agitator", the god of love  |
मनोमय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of spirit or mind, spiritual, mental etc.  |
मनोमयकोश | m. the mental sheath (the 2nd of the subtle sheaths in which the soul is encased)  |
मनोमोहिनी | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
मनोमृग | m. the heart conceived of as a deer  |
मनोमुह् | mfn. perplexing or bewildering the mind  |
मनोमुषिगृहीत | mfn. seized by the stealer of the mind (a demon)  |
मरुत्स्तोम | m. a stoma- of the marut-s  |
मरुत्स्तोम | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
मासस्तोम | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
मयूररोमन् | (may/ūra--) mfn. "peacock-haired"(said of indra-'s horses)  |
मीमांसाशिरोमणि | m. "crest-gem of the Mi1ma1n6sa1", Name of an author (also called nīla-kaṇṭha-)  |
मोमहण | m. Name of an author (15th century)  |
मोमहणविलास | m. Name of momahaṇa-'s work  |
मोमुघ | mfn. (fr. Intensive of1. muh-) mad, insane  |
मृदुलोमक | m. equals -romaka- q.v  |
मृदुरोमक | or m. "having soft hair", a hare.  |
मृदुरोमन् | (A.) m. "having soft hair", a hare.  |
मृदुरोमवत् | ( ) m. "having soft hair", a hare.  |
मृगलोमिक | mfn. "made of the hair of animals", woollen  |
मृगरोमज | mfn. "produced from animal's hair", woollen  |
मृणालकोमल | mfn. delicate like a lotus-fibre  |
मृत्स्तोम | m. a heap of earth  |
मृत्युंजयादिहोमविधि | m. Name of work  |
मुद्गरगोमिन् | m. Name of a man  |
मुहूर्तस्तोम | m. plural Name of a particular ekāha-  |
नभोमध्य | n. "sky-centre", the zenith  |
नभोमण्डल | n. "sky-circle", firmament  |
नभोमण्डलदीप | m. "firmament-lamp", the moon  |
नभोमणि | m. "sky-jewel", the sun  |
नभोम्बुप | m. "drinking sky-water or rain"the cātaka- bird |
नभोमुद्रा | f. a particular position of the fingers  |
नागारितन्त्रहोम | m. a kind of sacrifice  |
नक्षत्रस्तोम | m. Name of a particular ekāha-  |
नक्षत्रेष्टिहोम | m. Name of work  |
नक्तंहोम | m. night-oblation  |
नामलिङ्गाख्याकोमुदी | f. Name of work  |
नञ्शिरोमणि | m. Name of work  |
नारिष्ठहोम | m. Scholiast or Commentator  |
नातिलोमश | mfn. not too hairy  |
नवग्रहहोम | m. Name of work  |
नेदीयोमरण | mfn. whose death is near or imminent  |
नेत्ररोमन् | n. the eyelash  |
निबन्धशिरोमण्युक्तनिर्णय | m. plural Name of work  |
नीचनखरोमन् | mfn. having short nails and hair  |
निगूढरोमन् | mfn. having concealed hair  |
निःसोमक | mfn. moonless  |
निर्लोम | mfn. hairless, smooth  |
नित्यहोम | perpetual sacrifice  |
नित्यहोमादिप्रकीर्णक | n. Name of work  |
नित्यहोमादिविधि | m. Name of work  |
नित्यहोमप्रायश्चित्त | n. Name of work  |
नित्यहोमविधि | m. Name of work  |
नृसोम | m. "man-moon", a great or illustrious man |
न्यायशिरोमणि | m. Name of work  |
ओजोमानी | f. Name of a plant  |
ओषधिहोम्न | m. a kind of oblation,  |
पदाभिहोम | m. pouring out the oblation (homa-) upon a footprint  |
पक्षहोम | m. an oblation lasting for a fortnight or to be offered every fortnight  |
पक्षहोमसमस्यविधान | n. Name of work  |
पक्षहोमविधि | m. Name of work  |
पण्डितशिरोमणि | m. Name of rāmakṛṣṇa-bhaṭṭa-  |
पाण्डुलोमा | (L.) f. Glycine Debilis.  |
पाण्डुलोमपर्णी | ( ) f. Glycine Debilis.  |
पाण्डुलोमशा | (L.) f. Glycine Debilis.  |
पण्यहोम | m. a sacrifice consisting of wares  |
परमव्योम्निक | mfn. dwelling in the highest heaven  |
परिभाषाछन्दोमञ्जरी | f. Name of work |
परिभाषाशिरोमणि | m. Name of work |
परिष्टोम | m. equals paristoma-  |
परिस्तोम | m. a coverlet, cushion  |
परोमात्र | (r/o--) mfn. immense, huge, vast  |
पश्चासोमप | mfn. drinking the soma- later or afterwards  |
पश्चासोमपीथ | m. the act of drinking etc.  |
पश्चात्पुरोमारुत | m. dual number east and west wind  |
पशुसोम | m. plural the animal and soma- sacrifices  |
पशुस्तोम | m. Name of the pañcadaśa-stoma-  |
पाटलरोमक | mfn. red-maned (as a horse),  |
पौलोम | mfn. relating to or treating of pulomā- (Name of the 4th-12th adhyāya-s of ; see )  |
पौलोम | mfn. relating to puloman- or pulomā- or pulomī-  |
पौलोम | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
पौलोम | m. (plural) of a class of demons  |
पौलोमी | f. See next.  |
पौलोमी | f. "daughter of puloman-", Name of the wife of indra-  |
पौलोमी | f. of the wife of bhṛgu- (see pulomā-)  |
पौलोमीपति | m. "lord or husband of paulomī-", Name of indra-  |
पौलोमीश | m. equals mi-pati-  |
पौलोमीवल्लभ | m. "lover of paulomī-", Name of indra-  |
पवमानहोम | m. equals -havis-  |
पवमानहोम | m. Name of work  |
पवमानहोमपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
पवमानहोमप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
पवमानहोमविधि | m. Name of work  |
पवमानसोमयज्ञ | m. Name of work  |
पवनोम्बुज | (!) m. Grewia Asiatica  |
पयोमानुषी | f. a water-nymph  |
पयोमय | mf(ī-)n. consisting of water  |
पयोमृततीर्थ | n. Name of a sacred bathing-place  |
पयोमुच् | mfn. discharging or yielding water or milk  |
पयोमुच् | m. a cloud  |
पयोमुख | mfn. having milk on the surface, milk-faced  |
फलीकरणहोम | m. an oblation of chaff or smallest grains  |
पिङ्गलरोमन् | mfn. tawny-haired (said of a piśāca-)  |
पीतसोमपूर्व | mfn. (a Brahman) who has drunk before the soma--juice (at a sacrifice)  |
पितुस्तोम | m. "praise of food", Name of  |
प्रचुरलोम | mfn. having too much hair  |
प्रदक्षिणानुलोम | mfn. respectful and obedient (said of a slave)  |
प्रदक्षिणावर्तैकरोमता | f. having single hairs on the body and all turning to the reverential  |
प्राग्घोम | m. (prāg-homa- commentator or commentary) a previous oblation.  |
प्राघोम | See -ghoma-, column 2.  |
प्रहृष्टरोमन् | mfn. one who has erected hair  |
प्रहृष्टरोमन् | m. Name of an asura-  |
प्राक्सोम | mfn. ( ) ( ) preceding the soma- sacrifice.  |
प्रामाण्यवादशिरोमणि | m. Name of work  |
प्रमुच्यमानहोम | m. plural Name of particular oblations accompanied with prayers beginning with pramucyamānaḥ-  |
प्रश्नशिरोमणि | m. Name of work  |
प्रस्थितयाज्याहोम | m. prasthitayājyā |
प्रातर्होम | m. idem or 'n. early sacrifice '  |
प्रातर्होमप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
प्रातर्होमविधि | m. Name of work  |
प्रथमसोम | m. the first oblation of soma-  |
प्रथमसोमता | f. commentator or commentary  |
प्रतीचीनस्तोम | m. a particular ekāha-  |
प्रतिहोम | m. a supplementary sacrifice,  |
प्रतिलोम | mf(ā-)n. against the hair or grain (opp. to anu-l-), contrary to the natural course or order, reverse, inverted  |
प्रतिलोम | mf(ā-)n. adverse, hostile, disagreeable, unpleasant  |
प्रतिलोम | mf(ā-)n. low, vile etc.  |
प्रतिलोम | mf(ā-)n. left, not right  |
प्रतिलोम | mf(ā-)n. contrary to caste (where the mother is of a higher caste than the father)  |
प्रतिलोम | mf(ā-)n. (in the beginning of a compound and pratilomam am- ind.) against the hair, against the grain, in reversed or inverted order etc.  |
प्रतिलोम | m. Name of a man  |
प्रतिलोम | m. plural his descendants gaRa upakādi-  |
प्रतिलोमा | f. a particular incantation (to be recited from the end to the beginning)  |
प्रतिलोम | n. any disagreeable or injurious act  |
प्रतिलोम | see under prati-, parasmE-pada 663, column 1.  |
प्रतिलोमज | mfn. born in the inverse order of the classes (as of a kṣatriya- father and brāhmaṇī- mother, or of a vaiśya- father and kṣatriyā- man or brāhmaṇī- man, in which cases the wife is of a higher caste than the husband; see )  |
प्रतिलोमक | mfn. against the hair or grain, reverse, inverted  |
प्रतिलोमक | n. inverted order, perversion  |
प्रतिलोमम् | ind. pratiloma |
प्रतिलोमानुलोम | mfn. speaking against or for anything  |
प्रतिलोमानुलोम | mfn. (in the beginning of a compound and pratilomānulomam am- ind.) in inverted order or course and in the natural order or course  |
प्रतिलोमानुलोमम् | ind. pratilomānuloma |
प्रतिलोमानुलोमतस् | ind. in an unfriendly and friendly manner  |
प्रतिलोमरूप | mfn. inverted  |
प्रतिलोमतस् | ind. in consequence of the inverted order or course  |
प्रतिलोमतस् | ind. invertedly, in inverted order or series  |
प्रतिलोमेन | ind. in an unfriendly manner, unpleasantly  |
प्रातिलोमिक | mf(ī-)n. (fr. -lomam-) against the hair or grain, adverse, disagreeable.  |
प्रातिलोम्य | n. (fr. -loma-) contrary direction, inverse order etc.  |
प्रातिलोम्य | n. opposition (a-prātil-).  |
प्रतिषेधोमा | f. a comparison expressed in a negative form  |
प्रतिसोमा | f. a kind of plant (equals mahiṣa-vallī-)  |
प्रतिसोमोदकद्विजम् | ind. against the moon or water or a Brahman  |
प्रतिव्योम | m. Name of a prince  |
प्रतिव्योमन् | m. Name of a prince  |
प्रवृतहोम | m. an oblation offered on the appointment of a priest,  |
प्रवृतहोमीय | mfn. relating to it  |
प्रोम्भण | n. filling (see )  |
प्रोम्भित | mfn. filled  |
पृष्ठहोम | m. a libation connected with the singing of the pṛṣṭha- sāman-,  |
पृष्ठतोमुख | mfn. with back turned  |
पृष्ठ्यस्तोम | m. Name of 6 ekāha-s or of a period of 6 sacrificial days (see above)  |
पृथुरोमन् | m. "having broad hairs or scales", a fish  |
पृथुरोमयुग्म | n. the zodiacal sign Pisces  |
पुलोम | m. (m. Calcutta edition) equals puloman-  |
पुलोमा | f. Name of a daughter of the demon vaiśvānara- (she was loved by the demon puloman-, but became the wife of bhṛgu- or kaśyapa-)  |
पुलोमा | f. Acorus Calamus (equals vacā-)  |
पुलोम | in compound for man-.  |
पुलोमभिद् | (L.) m. "destroyer of puloma-", Name of indra- (who destroyed his father-in-law puloma- in order to avert his imprecation consequent on the violation of his daughter).  |
पुलोमद्विष् | m. "enemy of puloma-", Name of indra-  |
पुलोमही | f. opium  |
पुलोमजा | f. "daughter of puloman-", Name of indrāṇī-  |
पुलोमजित् | m. "conqueror of puloman-", Name of indra-  |
पुलोमन् | m. Name of a demon (the father-in-law of indra- by whom he was destroyed)  |
पुलोमन् | m. of a prince  |
पुलोमनिषूदन | ( ) m. "destroyer of puloma-", Name of indra- (who destroyed his father-in-law puloma- in order to avert his imprecation consequent on the violation of his daughter).  |
पुलोमार्चिस् | m. "having the lustre of puloma- ", Name of a prince  |
पुलोमारि | m. equals ma-dvith-,  |
पुलोमत् | m. Name of two princes (see pulimat-).  |
पुलोमतनया | f. equals -ja-  |
पुलोमावि | m. (prob.) wrong reading for māri-  |
पुनःस्तोम | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
पुरस्तादग्निष्टोम | mfn. beginning with an agni-ṣṭoma- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
पुरस्ताद्धोम | m. (for homa-) an introductory sacrifice  |
पुरस्ताद्धोमभाज् | mfn. ( ) having an introductory sacrifice.  |
पुरस्ताद्धोमवत् | mfn. ( ) having an introductory sacrifice.  |
पूर्णहोम | m. equals pūrṇāhuti-  |
पुरोमारुत | m. a wind blowing from before or in front, east wind (opp. to paścān.m-)  |
पुरोमुख | mfn. having its face or aperture directed towards the east,  |
पूर्वहोम | m. an introductory, sacrifice  |
रहोमानिन् | mfn. thinking one's self hidden  |
रजस्तमोमय | mf(ī-)n. made up or consisting of r- and t- (see prec.)  |
रजोमेघ | m. a cloud of dust  |
रक्षोमुख | m. Name of a man  |
रक्षोमुख | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi-.  |
रामकृष्णविलोमकाव्य | n. Name of an artificial poem (by the astronomer sūrya- paṇḍita-) celebrating the praises of rāma- and kṛṣṇa- (read either backwards or forwards; see vilomākṣara-kāvya-)  |
रसकोमल | n. a particular mineral  |
रसराजशिरोमणि | m. Name of medical work  |
रेतोमार्ग | m. the seminal duct or canal  |
रोम | m. (of uncertain derivation, but see 1. ropa-) a hole, cavity  |
रोम | n. water  |
रोम | m. the city Rome (see bṛhad-roma-and next)  |
रोम | m. plural Name of a people  |
रोम | 3. 4. roma-. See under 1. roman-.  |
रोम | in compound for roman-.  |
रोम | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals roman- (see a-- dīrgha--, sa-r-).  |
रोमबद्ध | mfn. "hairs-bound", woven with hairs  |
रोमबन्ध | m. hairs-texture (varia lectio)  |
रोमभू | f. "hair-place", the skin  |
रोमभूमि | f. "hair-place", the skin  |
रोमगर्त | m. equals -kūpa- above  |
रोमगुच्छ | m. the tail of the Yak used as a Chowrie (see cāmara-)  |
रोमगुत्स | n. the tail of the Yak used as a Chowrie (see cāmara-)  |
रोमहर्ष | m. the bristling of the hairs of the body, thrill (caused by joy, fear, cold etc.)  |
रोमहर्षण | mfn. causing the hairs to bristle or stand erect (through excessive joy or terror) etc.  |
रोमहर्षण | m. Terminalia Bellerica (the nuts of which are used as dice)  |
रोमहर्षण | m. Name of sūta- (the pupil of vyāsa- and supposed narrator of the purāṇa-s)  |
रोमहर्षण | m. of the father of sūta-  |
रोमहर्षण | n. equals -harṣa- above  |
रोमहर्षणक | mf(ikā-)n. wrong reading for raumah- q.v  |
रोमहर्षणि | m. wrong reading for raumaharṣaṇi- q.v  |
रोमहर्षिन् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having the hairs of the body bristling or erect (through excessive joy or terror) '  |
रोमहर्षिणि | m. wrong reading for raumaharṣaṇi- q.v  |
रोमहर्षित | mfn. having the hairs of the body bristling or erect (through excessive joy or terror)  |
रोमहृत् | n. "hair-destroying", sulphuret of arsenic  |
रोमज | n. "produced from hairs or wool", a kind of cloth  |
रोमक | m. Rome  |
रोमक | m. "the Roman", Name of a particular astronomer  |
रोमक | m. Name of a village in the north of India gaRa palady-ādi-  |
रोमक | m. of a particular mixed caste (varia lectio for rāmaka-)  |
रोमक | m. equals romaka-siddhānta- below  |
रोमक | m. plural Name of a people (see 2. roman-)  |
रोमक | m. the people of the Roman empire, the Romans  |
रोमक | n. (fr. rumā-) a kind of saline earth and the salt extracted from it (according to to some "the salt from the lake Sambar in Ajmere") etc. (see raumaka-)  |
रोमक | n. a kind of magnet  |
रोमक | See under 1. roman-.  |
रोमक | n. hair (equals roman-) (especially in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ikā-).).  |
रोमकाचार्य | m. Name of a teacher of astronomy (author of the above siddhānta-). |
रोमकन्द | m. Dioscorea Globosa  |
रोमकपत्तन | n. the city of Rome  |
रोमकपुर | n. the city of Rome  |
रोमकर्णक | m. "hair-eared", a hare  |
रोमकसिद्धान्त | m. Name of romakācārya-'s siddhānta- (one of the 5 chief astronomical siddhānta-s current in the age of varāha-mihira-)  |
रोमकसिद्धान्त | m. of a modern fiction  |
रोमकविषय | m. the country or empire of the Romans  |
रोमकायण | m. Name of an author  |
रोमकेसर | n. (said to be) equals -gutsa- q.v  |
रोमकूप | m. n. "hair-hole", a pore of the skin (bhavatāṃ roma-kūpāṇi prahṛṣṭāny upalakṣaye-,"I observe that the hairs on your bodies bristle") (see -randhra-).  |
रोमलता | ( ) ( ) f. a winding line of hair above the navel (in women).  |
रोमलतिका | ( ) f. a winding line of hair above the navel (in women).  |
रोमालविटपिन् | m. a species of tree  |
रोमाली | f. a line of hair (above the navel in women; see roma-rāji-)  |
रोमाली | f. puberty  |
रोमालु | m. Dioscorea Globosa  |
रोमालु | m. Mucuna Pruritus  |
रोमालुविटपिन् | m. a species of plant  |
रोममूर्धन् | mfn. covered with hairs or down on the head (said of insects)  |
रोमन् | n. (prob. connected with1. ruh-; see loman-) the hair on the body of men and animals, (especially) short hair, bristles, wool, down, nap etc. (less properly applicable to the long hair on the head and beard of men, and to that of the mane and tail of animals) etc.  |
रोमन् | n. the feathers of a bird (see mayūra-r-)  |
रोमन् | n. the scales of a fish (See pṛthu-r-).  |
रोमन् | m. plural Name of a people  |
रोमाञ्च | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) thrill of the hair etc.  |
रोमाञ्च | (fr. the prec.) Nom. P. cati-, to feel a thrill of joy or horror  |
रोमाञ्च | See .  |
रोमाञ्चकञ्चुक | m. a coat of mail consisting (as it were) of the down of the body erect through delight  |
रोमाञ्चकिन् | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
रोमाञ्चिका | f. a species of small shrub  |
रोमाञ्चिन् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having the hair of the body erect or thrilling with joy or terror (ūrdhva-r- idem or 'f. a species of small shrub ') '  |
रोमाञ्चित | mfn. having the hair of the body erect or thrilling with joy or terror (ūrdhva-r- idem or 'f. a species of small shrub ')  |
रोमाञ्चोद्गतराजिमत् | mfn. surrounded with erect rows of bristling hair  |
रोमाङ्क | m. a mark of hair  |
रोमाङ्कुर | m. a bristling hair of the body  |
रोमान्त | m. the hairy side id est the upper side of the hand  |
रोमन्थ | m. (perhaps for ruj-m-; see cognate words below) ruminating, chewing the cud etc.  |
रोमन्थ | m. chewing (of betel)  |
रोमन्थ | m. frequent repetition (confer, compare, gagaṇa-r-). ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin e-rugere,ructare,ruminare,fr.rugminare; Slavonic or Slavonian rygati; Lithuanian atru4gas; German itarucchen,itrücken; Anglo-Saxon roccettan,edroccian.])  |
रोमन्थन | n. ruminating  |
रोमन्थाय | Nom. P. yate-, to ruminate, chew the cud  |
रोमण्वत् | mfn. (for 1. roman-+ vat-) covered with hair, hairy (equals roma-vat-)  |
रोमपाद | m. Name of two kings  |
रोमफला | f. a species of plant  |
रोमपुलक | m. equals -harṣa- q.v  |
रोमराजि | f. a row or line or streak of hair (especially on the abdomen of women just above the navel, said to denote puberty) etc.  |
रोमराजी | f. a row or line or streak of hair (especially on the abdomen of women just above the navel, said to denote puberty) etc.  |
रोमराजिपथ | m. the waist  |
रोमराजिपथ | m. the waist  |
रोमरन्ध्र | n. "hairs-hole", a pore of the skin  |
रोमरसासार | See -ratādhāra-.  |
रोमरताधार | m. the belly (varia lectio ratāsāra-and rasāsāra-).  |
रोमश | mf(/ā-)n. (see lomaśa-) having thick hair or wool or bristles, hairy, shaggy etc.  |
रोमश | mf(/ā-)n. applied to a faulty pronunciation of vowels  |
रोमश | m. a sheep, ram  |
रोमश | m. a hog, boar  |
रोमश | m. Name of two plants (equals kambhī-and piṇḍālu-)  |
रोमश | m. equals dullala- (?)  |
रोमश | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
रोमश | m. of an astronomer (see -siddhānta-)  |
रोमशा | f. Cucumis Utilissimus  |
रोमश | m. another plant (equals dagdhā-)  |
रोमश | m. Name of the reputed authoress of  |
रोमश | n. the pudenda  |
रोमसंवेजन | n. the bristling of the hair of the body  |
रोमशफल | m. a species of plant (equals tiṇḍiśa-)  |
रोमशपुच्छक | m. a species of rodent animal (equals kaśa-)  |
रोमशसिद्धान्त | m. Name of an astronomy work.  |
रोमशातन | n. a depilatory for removing the hair  |
रोमशी | f. a squirrel  |
रोमाश्रयफला | f. a species of shrub (wrong reading)  |
रोमसूची | f. the quill of the porcupine, a hair-pin  |
रोमशुक | n. a species of fragrant plant  |
रोमत्यज् | mfn. losing hair (said of a horse)  |
रोमवाहिन् | mfn. cutting off hairs, sharp enough to cut a hairs  |
रोमावली | f. a line of hair (above the navel; see romālī-) |
रोमावलीशतक | n. Name of various works.  |
रोमवल्ली | f. Mucuna Pruritus  |
रोमवत् | mfn. possessed of hair, covered with hairs  |
रोमवेध | m. Name of an author  |
रोमविभेद | m. equals -harṣa-  |
रोमविध्वंस | m. "hairs-destroying", a louse  |
रोमविकार | m. ( ) ( ) "changed condition of the hairs", bristling or erection of the hairs of the body.  |
रोमविक्रिया | f. ( ) "changed condition of the hairs", bristling or erection of the hairs of the body.  |
रोमविवर | n. equals -kūpa- above  |
रोमविवर | m. n. Name of particular mythical regions  |
रोम्बिल्लवेङ्कटबुध | m. Name of an author  |
रोमोद्भेद | m. idem or 'm. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) idem or 'f. ( ) equals roma-harṣa- above.' ( vyaktaromodgamatva vyakta-romodgama-tva- n.) '  |
रोमोद्गम | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) idem or 'f. ( ) equals roma-harṣa- above.' ( vyaktaromodgamatva vyakta-romodgama-tva- n.)  |
रोमोद्गति | f. ( ) equals roma-harṣa- above.  |
रोमोत्पात | m. ( ) equals roma-harṣa- above.  |
ऋषिस्तोम | m. a particular sacrifice  |
ऋतुहोम | m. a particular sacrifice  |
रुद्ररोमन् | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending upon skanda-  |
रुद्रसोम | m. Name of a Brahman  |
रुद्रसोमा | f. Name of the wife of a soma-deva-  |
शबलीहोम | m. an offering to the cow of plenty  |
शब्दस्तोममाहानिधि | m. Name of work  |
सच्छन्दोम | mfn. connected with the chandoma- ( sacchandomatva -tva- n.)  |
सच्छन्दोमत्व | n. sacchandoma |
सद्योमांस | n. fresh flesh  |
सद्योमन्यु | mfn. causing immediate anger  |
सद्योमरण | n. death happening on the same day, immediate death  |
सद्योमृत | mfn. just dead  |
सगोमय | mf(ā-)n. having or mixed with cow-dung  |
सहसोम | (sah/a--) mfn. with soma- draughts  |
सहस्ररोमन् | n. "having a thousand hairs", a blanket  |
सहस्तोम | (sah/a--) mfn. with hymns, having hymns  |
शाकलहोम | m. a particular kind of oblation  |
शाकलहोमीय | mfn. relating or belonging to the śākalahoma-  |
सक्तुहोम | m. an oblation of barley-meal  |
सलोमधि | m. Name of a king (see, lom-and su-l-)  |
सलोमन् | mfn. (s/a--) with the grain corresponding to or co-extensive with (instrumental case)  |
सलोमत्व | n. the being with the grain etc.  |
शल्यलोमन् | n. a porcupine's quill  |
सामान्यहोमपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
संगीतशिरोमणि | m. Name of work  |
संहिताहोमपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
संहृष्टरोमन् | mfn. one who has the hair of the body bristling (with joy), thrilled, delighted  |
संहृष्टरोमाङ्ग | mfn. one who has the hair of the body bristling (with joy), thrilled, delighted  |
समिद्धहोम | m. a libation poured out upon lighted wood  |
समिद्धोम | (for -homa-) m. an oblation of fire (to fire)  |
संज्ञप्तहोम | m. an oblation performed after killing a sacrificial animal  |
संक्षिप्तहोमप्रकार | m. Name of work on dharma- (by rāmabhaṭṭa-).  |
संनतिहोम | m. Name of particular oblations (see saṃtati-h-)  |
समृतसोम | m. plural concurrent soma--sacrifices  |
संसृष्टहोम | m. a common oblation (to agni- and sūrya-)  |
संस्थितहोम | m. a final sacrifice,  |
संसुतसोम | m. equals saṃ-sava-  |
संततिहोम | m. Name of particular sacrificial texts  |
शङ्खरोमन् | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
शान्तिहोम | m. a propitiatory oblation  |
शान्तिहोममन्त्र | m. Name of work.  |
शान्तिसोम | m. Name of a man  |
सप्तदशस्तोम | mfn. having the above stoma-  |
सप्तशतमन्त्रहोमविधान | n. Name of work  |
सप्तसोमपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
सप्तसोमसंस्थापद्धति | f. Name of work  |
सप्तस्रोतोमाहात्म्य | n. Name of work  |
शरलोम | m. plural the descendants of śara-loman- on Va1rtt. 8  |
शरलोमन् | m. Name of a muni-  |
शारलोमी | m. patronymic fr. śara-loman- Va1rtt. 8  |
शारलोम्या | f. a patronymic Va1rtt. 3  |
शार्दूललोमन् | n. tiger's hair  |
शरीरहोम | m. plural Name of particular oblations  |
सरोम | mfn. having hair, hairy  |
सरोमकण्टक | mfn. having the hair bristling or thrilling with ecstacy  |
सरोमाञ्च | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. having the hair bristling or thrilling with ecstacy ' ' ( saromāñcam am- ind.)  |
सरोमाञ्चम् | ind. saromāñca |
सरोमविक्रिय | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having the hair bristling or thrilling with ecstacy '  |
सर्पवृश्चिकरोमवत् | mfn. having snake and scorpions for hair  |
सर्वदर्शनशिरोमणि | m. Name of work  |
सर्वहोम | m. a complete oblation  |
सर्वहोम | m. (asarva-h-,"not a complete oblation" )  |
सर्वहोमपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
सर्वस्तोम | mf(ā-)n. (s/arva--) provided with all the (6) stoma-s  |
सर्वस्तोम | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
सर्वतन्त्रशिरोमणि | m. Name of work  |
सर्वतपोमय | mf(ī-)n. containing all penances,  |
सर्वतेजोमय | mf(ī-)n. containing all splendour, all-glorious  |
सर्वतेजोमय | mf(ī-)n. containing all power  |
सर्वतोभद्रहोम | m. Name of work  |
सर्वतोक्षिशिरोमुख | mfn. having eyes and head and mouth everywhere  |
सर्वतोमार्गम् | ind. in all way or directions  |
सर्वतोमुख | mf(ī-)n. facing in all direction, turned every where etc.  |
सर्वतोमुख | mf(ī-)n. complete, unlimited  |
सर्वतोमुख | m. a kind of military array  |
सर्वतोमुख | m. soul, spirit  |
सर्वतोमुख | m. Name of ("having four faces")  |
सर्वतोमुख | m. of śiva-  |
सर्वतोमुख | m. a Brahman  |
सर्वतोमुख | m. of agni-  |
सर्वतोमुख | m. the heaven, svarga-  |
सर्वतोमुख | m. Name of work  |
सर्वतोमुख | n. water  |
सर्वतोमुख | n. sky, heaven  |
सर्वतोमुखकारिका | f. plural Name of work  |
सर्वतोमुखपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
सर्वतोमुखप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
सर्वतोमुखप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
सर्वतोमुखौगात्रप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
सर्वतोमुखोद्गतृत्व | n. Name of work  |
शशलोमन् | m. hare's hair  |
शशलोमन् | m. Name of a king  |
ससोम | mfn. with soma- ( sasomatva -tva- n. )  |
ससोमपीथ | mfn. partaking of a draught of soma- equally with another (instrumental case)  |
ससोमत्व | n. sasoma |
शताग्निष्टोम | mfn. connected with a hundred agni-ṣṭoma-s  |
शतरुद्रियहोम | m. a particular oblation  |
शतरुद्रियहोम | m. Name of the 16th adhyāya- of the vājasaneyi-saṃhitā-.  |
सतोमघवन् | (sat/o--) mfn. equally liberal (if one word).  |
सतोमहत् | (sat/o--) mfn. equally great  |
सतोमुखा | see. mahā-satomukhā-.  |
शाट्यायनहोम | m. Name of a particular oblation (see above)  |
सौश्रोमतेय | m. a patronymic  |
सावित्रग्रहहोम | m. Name of a particular oblation  |
सायंहोम | m. the evening oblation  |
सायम्प्रातरग्निहोत्रहोम | m. Name of work  |
सायम्प्रातर्होम | m. dual number evening and meal oblation (also Name of work)  |
शेषहोमप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
सिद्धान्तशिरोमणि | m. Name of an astronomy work by bhāskara- (in 4 divisions called līlāvatī-, bīja-gaṇita-, gaṇitādhyāya-,and golā dhyāya-)  |
सिद्धान्तशिरोमणिप्रकाश | m. Name of Comm. on the above work  |
सिद्धान्तशिरोमणिवासनावार्त्तिक | n. Name of Comm. on the above work  |
सिद्धान्तशिरोमण्युदाहरण | n. Name of Comm. on the above work  |
सिंहलोमन् | n. a lion's hair  |
शिरोमालिन् | m. "garlanded with skulls", Name of śiva- |
शिरोमणि | m. "crest-jewel", a jewel worn on the head etc.  |
शिरोमणि | m. the chief of (genitive case or compound; śiromaṇitā -tā- f.) etc.  |
शिरोमणि | m. a title of honour conferred on Pandits  |
शिरोमणि | m. Name of the chief work on any subject and of various eminent scholars  |
शिरोमणिभट्ट | m. Name of various authors.  |
शिरोमणिभट्टाचार्य | m. Name of various authors.  |
शिरोमणिखण्डन | n. Name of work  |
शिरोमणिमथुरानाथीय | n. Name of work  |
शिरोमणिन्यायानुसारिविवृति | f. Name of work  |
शिरोमणिता | f. śiromaṇi |
शिरोमणिव्याख्या | f. Name of work  |
शिरोमर्मन् | m. a boar  |
शिरोमात्रावशेष | mfn. having only the head left (rāhu-)  |
शिरोमौलि | m. "crest-jewel", an eminent or distinguished person  |
शिरोमुख | n. sg. the head and face  |
शिशुरोमन् | m. "having hair like a child", Name of a serpent-demon  |
स्मार्तहोमपरिशिष्ट | n. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the sāma-veda-.  |
शोम् | ind. an exclamation interposed in reciting sacred texts (see śoṃs-, śoṃsāmos-, śośoṃsāvas-)  |
सोम | m. (fr.3. su-) juice, extract, (especially) the juice of the soma- plant, (also) the soma- plant itself (said to be the climbing plant Sarcostema Viminalis or Asclepias Acida, the stalks[ aṃśu-]of which were pressed between stones[ adri-]by the priests, then sprinkled with water, and purified in a strainer[ pavitra-]; whence the acid juice trinkled into jars[ kalaśa-]or larger vessels[ droṇa-]; after which it was mixed with clarified butter, flour etc., made to ferment, and then offered in libations to the gods [in this respect corresponding with the ritual of the Iranian Avesta] or was drunk by the Brahmans, by both of whom its exhilarating effect was supposed to be prized; it was collected by moonlight on certain mountains [in ,the mountain mūja-vat- is mentioned]; it is sometimes described as having been brought from the sky by a falcon[ śyena-]and guarded by the gandharva-s; it is personified as one of the most important of Vedic gods, to whose praise all the 114 hymns of the 9th book of the besides 6 in other books and the whole are dedicated; in post-Vedic mythology and even in a few of the latest hymns of the [although not in the whole of the 9th book] as well as sometimes in the and in the , soma- is identified with the moon [as the receptacle of the other beverage of the gods called amṛta-, or as the lord of plants see indu-, oṣadhi-pati-]and with the god of the moon, as well as with viṣṇu-, śiva-, yama-, and kubera-; he is called rājan-,and appears among the 8 vasu-s and the 8 loka-pāla-s[ ] , and is the reputed author of ,of a law-book etc.; see below) etc.  |
सोम | m. the moon or moon-god (See above)  |
सोम | m. a soma- sacrifice  |
सोम | m. a day destined for extracting the soma--juice  |
सोम | m. Monday (equals soma-vāra-)  |
सोम | m. nectar  |
सोम | m. camphor  |
सोम | m. air, wind  |
सोम | m. water  |
सोम | m. a drug of supposed magical properties  |
सोम | m. a particular mountain or mountainous range (according to to some the mountains of the moon)  |
सोम | m. a particular class of pitṛ-s (prob. for soma-pā-)  |
सोम | m. Name of various authors (also with paṇḍita-, bhaṭṭa-, śarman-etc.; see above )  |
सोम | m. equals somacandra-, or somendu-  |
सोम | m. Name of a monkey-chief  |
सोमा | f. the soma- plant  |
सोमा | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
सोमा | f. of a river  |
सोमा | f. of a queen  |
सोम | n. rice-water, rice-gruel  |
सोम | n. heaven, sky, ether  |
सोम | mfn. relating to soma- (prob. wrong reading for sauma-)  |
सोम | mfn. (prob.) together with umā-.  |
सोमबन्धु | m. "friend of the moon", the white esculent water-lily (as expanding at night)  |
सोमाभ | mfn. like the moon  |
सोमाभा | f. equals candrāvalī-  |
सोमभागवताचार्य | m. Name of various persons  |
सोमभक्ष | m. the drinking of soma- ( somabhakṣajapa -japa- m."a prayer muttered while the soma- is drunk")  |
सोमभक्ष | m. Name of work  |
सोमभक्षजप | m. somabhakṣa |
सोमभक्षप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
सोमभक्षविवेक | m. Name of work  |
सोमभक्षयोःप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
सोमभट्ट | m. Name of various persons  |
सोमभव | m. Name of various persons  |
सोमभावा | f. Name of the river narma-dā-  |
सोमाभिषव | m. the distilling or extracting of soma--juice  |
सोमाभिषिक्त | mfn. sprinkled or consecrated with soma-  |
सोमभोजन | m. Name of a son of garuḍa-  |
सोमभृत् | mfn. bringing soma-  |
सोमभू | mfn. " soma-born", belonging to the family of the moon  |
सोमभू | m. "son of soma-", Name of budha- (regent of the planet Mercury)  |
सोमभू | m. a son of soma-candra-  |
सोमभू | m. (with jaina-s) Name of the 4th of the Black vāsudeva-s  |
सोमभूभुज् | m. Name of a king  |
सोमभुजगावली | f. Name of work  |
सोमभूपाल | m. Name of a king  |
सोमबृहस्पति | m. dual number soma- and bṛhaspati-  |
सोमचक्षस् | (s/oma--) mfn. looking like soma-  |
सोमचमस | m. a cup or ladle for taking up the soma-, cup of soma-  |
सोमचन्द्र | m. Name of a man (also rarṣi-)  |
सोमचन्द्रगणि | m. Name of an author  |
सोमच्युत | (s/oma--) mfn. moved by soma-  |
सोमाद् | mfn. eating soma-  |
सोमदा | f. Name of a gandharvī-  |
सोमदा | f. of a Brahman woman  |
सोमदैवज्ञ | m. Name of an author  |
सोमदैवत्य | mfn. equals -devata- (with nakṣatra- n."the lunar mansion mṛga-śiras-")  |
सोमदक्ष | m. Name of a man (also varia lectio for -rakṣa-).  |
सोमदर्शन | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
सोमदत्त | m. Name of various kings  |
सोमदत्त | m. of various Brahmans  |
सोमदत्त | m. of a merchant  |
सोमदत्त | m. of a writer on dharma-  |
सोमदत्ता | f. Name of a woman  |
सोमदत्ति | wrong reading for saumad-  |
सोमदेव | m. the god of the moon  |
सोमदेव | m. the god soma-  |
सोमदेव | m. (also va-bhaṭṭa-) Name of the author of the kathā-sarit-sāgara- (who lived in Kashmir in the 11th century A.D.)  |
सोमदेव | m. of various authors and other men etc.  |
सोमदेवैकनाथ | m. Name of authors  |
सोमदेवश्रीकरलालभैरवपुरपति | m. Name of author.  |
सोमदेवसूरि | m. Name of author.  |
सोमदेवत | (s/oma--) mfn. having soma- as deity  |
सोमदेवत्य | mfn. idem or '(s/oma--) mfn. having soma- as deity '  |
सोमदेवी | f. Name of a wife of kāma-pāla-  |
सोमधान | mfn. holding or containing soma-  |
सोमधारा | f. the milky way  |
सोमधारा | f. the sky, heaven  |
सोमाधार | m. plural Name of particular pitṛ-s  |
सोमधेय | m. plural Name of a people  |
सोमाधि | varia lectio for māpi-  |
सोमाध्वर्यव | n. Name of work  |
सोमदीक्षाविधि | m. Name of work  |
सोमादित्य | m. Name of a man,  |
सोमादित्य | m. of a king  |
सोमगणक | m. Name of an author  |
सोमगर्भ | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
सोमघृत | n. a particular healing ointment  |
सोमगिरि | m. Name of a mountain |
सोमगिरि | m. of a teacher  |
सोमाग्नि | soma- and agni- (see saumāgna-) in compound  |
सोमाग्नीध्रप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
सोमाग्निष्टोम | m. Name of work  |
सोमाग्नियजमान | m. Name of work  |
सोमगोपा | (s/oma--) m. a keeper of soma-  |
सोमग्रह | m. a cup or bowl of soma-  |
सोमग्रह | m. an eclipse of the moon  |
सोमग्रहण | mf(ī-)n. holding or containing soma-  |
सोमग्रहण | n. an eclipse of the moon  |
सोमगृहपति | (s/oma--) mfn. having the soma- for a gṛha-pati- (q.v)  |
सोमाह | m. "moon-day", Monday  |
सोमहार | mfn. abstracting or robbing soma-  |
सोमाहार | m. a bringer of soma-  |
सोमाहरण | n. the bringing or fetching of the soma- (haraṇ/a-ja-)  |
सोमहारिन् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. abstracting or robbing soma- '  |
सोमहौत्र | n. Name of work  |
सोमहौत्रप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
सोमहोत्राग्निष्टोम | (?) m.  |
सोमहोतृसप्तक | n.  |
सोमाहुत | mfn. one to whom soma- is offered  |
सोमहूति | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (wrong reading for somāhuti-).  |
सोमाहुति | f. a soma- sacrifice  |
सोमाहुति | m. Name of the author of the hymns (having the patronymic bhārgava-)  |
सोमाह्वा | f. the soma- plant  |
सोमैन्द्र | mfn. belonging to soma- and indra- (incorrect for saumendra-).  |
सोमज | mfn. moon-produced  |
सोमज | m. Name of the planet Mercury  |
सोमज | n. milk  |
सोमजा | mfn. soma--born  |
सोमजम्भा | (? ) m. Name of a man.  |
सोमजम्भन् | ( ) (? ) m. Name of a man.  |
सोमजामि | (s/oma--) mfn. related to soma-  |
सोमजुष्ट | (s/oma--) mfn. delighting in soma-  |
सोमक | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
सोमक | m. of a king etc.  |
सोमक | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
सोमक | m. of a particular bharaṭaka-  |
सोमक | m. of a people or country  |
सोमक | m. a king or native of somaka-  |
सोमक | m. plural the descendants of the king somaka- ( somakatva -tva- n.)  |
सोमक | m. the family of drupada-  |
सोमकलश | m. a jar for holding soma-  |
सोमकल्प | m. Name of the 21st kalpa- or world-period  |
सोमकल्प | m. Name of work  |
सोमकाम | (s/oma--) mfn. desirous of soma-  |
सोमकान्त | mfn. moon-beloved  |
सोमकान्त | mfn. lovely as the moon  |
सोमकान्त | m. the moon-gem, moon-stone (equals candra-k-)  |
सोमकान्त | m. Name of a king  |
सोमकन्या | f. a daughter of soma-  |
सोमाकर | m. Name of a Commentator  |
सोमकरणी | f. a particular verse  |
सोमकारिका | f. sg. or plural Name of various works.  |
सोमकर्मन् | n. the preparation of soma-  |
सोमकर्मपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
सोमकर्मप्रदीपिका | f. Name of work  |
सोमकत्व | n. somaka |
सोमकवि | m. Name of a poet  |
सोमकेश्वर | m. a king of the somaka-s or somaka-  |
सोमखड्डक | m. plural Name of particular śaiva- monks in Nepal  |
सोमाख्य | n. the red lotus  |
सोमकीर्ति | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
सोमक्रतवीय | n. Name of a sāman- (varia lectio saumak-).  |
सोमक्रतु | m. an offering of soma- (See saumakratava-).  |
सोमक्रयण | mf(ī-)n. serving as the price of the soma- plant  |
सोमक्रयण | n. the act of buying the soma-  |
सोमक्रयणी | f. a cow so serving  |
सोमक्षय | m. disappearance of the moon, new moon  |
सोमक्षीरा | f. equals -vallī-  |
सोमक्षीरी | f. the soma- plant  |
सोमकुल्या | f. Name of a river  |
सोमाल | mfn. (according to to some a Prakrit corruption for su-kumāra-; see komala-) soft, bland  |
सोमलदेवी | f. Name of a princess  |
सोमालक | m. a topaz  |
सोमलता | f. the soma- plant (See 1. s/oma-)  |
सोमलता | f. Ruta Graveolens  |
सोमलता | f. equals -vallī-  |
सोमलता | f. Name of the river godāvarī-  |
सोमलतिका | f. Cocculus Cordifolius  |
सोमालिका | f. a particular dish  |
सोमलिप्त | mfn. smeared with soma-  |
सोमलिप्त | n. a soma--utensil  |
सोमलोक | m. the world of the god of the moon  |
सोममद् | (strong form -m/ād-) mfn. intoxicated with soma-  |
सोममद | m. intoxication occasioned by soma-  |
सोममैत्रावरुण | Name of work  |
सोममख | m. a soma- sacrifice  |
सोममान | n. measuring the soma-  |
सोममन्त्रानुक्रमणिका | f. Name of work  |
सोममय | mf(ī-)n. made or consisting of soma-  |
सोमाम्बुप | m. dual number "drinker of soma-"and"drinker of water", Name of two divine beings  |
सोममिश्र | m. Name of an author  |
सोममित्र | m. Name of a man gaRa kāśyādi-.  |
सोमांशक | m. a part of the moon  |
सोमांशु | m. a stalk or shoot of the soma- plant  |
सोमांशु | m. a moon-beam  |
सोमांशु | m. a part of the soma- sacrifice  |
सोमन् | m. one who presses or prepares soma-  |
सोमन् | m. a soma- sacrificer  |
सोमन् | m. the moon  |
सोमन् | m. a requisite for a sacrifice  |
सोमानन्द | ( ) m. Name of men.  |
सोमानन्दभाष्य | n. Name of work  |
सोमानन्दाचार्य | m. Name of men  |
सोमानन्दनाथ | ( ) m. Name of men.  |
सोमानन्दसूनु | m. Name of men  |
सोमनन्दिन् | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
सोमनन्दिन् | m. of a grammarian  |
सोमनन्दीश्वर | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
सोमनाथ | m. Name of various scholars  |
सोमनाथ | n. Name of a celebrated liṅga- of śiva- and of the place where it was set up by the god soma- (in the town described below;it was one of the 12 great liṅga- temples of India held in especial veneration[ see ], and was so famed for its splendour and wealth that it attracted the celebrated Mahmud of Ghazni, A.D. 1024, who, under pretext of destroying its idols, carried off its treasures along with its renowned gates) etc.  |
सोमनाथभाष्य | n. Name of work  |
सोमनाथभट्ट | m. Name of various authors  |
सोमनाथदीक्षित | m. Name of an author  |
सोमनाथदीक्षितीय | n. Name of work  |
सोमनाथमहापात्र | n. Name of an author  |
सोमनाथपण्डित | m. Name of an author  |
सोमनाथपट्टन | n. (equals -pattana-)  |
सोमनाथपत्तन | n. Name of a town on the western coast of India (commonly called Somnath Pattan in Kathiawar, celebrated for the śiva- temple above described)  |
सोमनाथप्रशस्ति | f. Name of work  |
सोमनाथरस | m. a particular preparation of iron  |
सोमनाथतीर्थ | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
सोमनाथीय | n. Name of work  |
सोमाण्डबिला | f. Name of work  |
सोमाण्डपिल्ले | f. Name of work  |
सोमनेत्र | (s/oma--) mfn. having soma- as a guide  |
सोमाङ्ग | n. a part of the soma- sacrifice  |
सोमाङ्गपानकारिका | f. Name of work  |
सोमनीति | f. Name of work  |
सोमप | mf(ā-)n. drinking or entitled to drink soma--juice etc.  |
सोमप | m. a soma- sacrificer, any sacrificer  |
सोमप | m. Name of a being reckoned among the viśve- devāḥ-  |
सोमप | m. of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
सोमप | m. of an asura-  |
सोमप | m. of an author  |
सोमप | m. plural Name of a family of ṛṣi-s  |
सोमप | m. of a class of pitṛ-s  |
सोमप | m. of a people  |
सोमपा | mfn. (see -p/a-above accusative plural m. -pas-; dative case sg. -pe-) drinking or entitled to drink soma--juice |
सोमपा | mfn. a soma- sacrificer or performer of any sacrifice  |
सोमपा | mfn. a pitṛ- of a particular class (said to be especially the progenitors of the Brahmans)  |
सोमपा | mfn. a Brahman  |
सोमाप | mfn. or m. (see saumāp/a-).  |
सोमपद | m. plural Name of particular worlds  |
सोमपद | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
सोमपदार्थकथन | n. Name of work  |
सोमपद्धति | f. Name of work  |
सोमापहृत | mfn. one whose soma- has been stolen  |
सोमपाल | m. a guardian of soma-  |
सोमपाल | m. a preserver of soma-, (prob.) a provider or seller of the soma- plant  |
सोमपाल | m. Name of various men  |
सोमपाल | m. plural Name of the gandharva-s (as keeping especial guard over the soma-)  |
सोमपालविलास | m. Name of work  |
सोमपान | n. the drinking of soma-  |
सोमपान | mfn. soma- drinking, a soma- drinker  |
सोमपञ्चक | n. Name of work  |
सोमपञ्चकप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
सोमपञ्चिका | f. Name of work  |
सोमपण्डित | m. Name of an author  |
सोमपरिबाध् | mfn. removing the soma-, a despiser of the soma- (rather to be read soma paribādho-).  |
सोमपरिश्रयण | n. a cloth with which the soma- is pressed together  |
सोमपर्ण | n. a soma--leaf  |
सोमपर्वन् | n. (prob.) the time of a soma--festival  |
सोमपर्याणहन | n. equals -pariśrayaṇa-  |
सोमपातम | mfn. drinking much soma-  |
सोमपाथिन् | (?) m. a drinker of soma-  |
सोमपति | m. (s/oma--) "lord of soma-", Name of indra-  |
सोमपति | m. a lord of the moon,  |
सोमपत्नी | f. the wife of soma-  |
सोमपात्र | n. a vessel for holding soma-  |
सोमपत्त्र | n. Saccharum Cylindricum  |
सोमापौष्ण | mfn. belonging to soma- and pūṣan-  |
सोमपावन् | m. a soma- drinker  |
सोमपायिन् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. soma- drinking, a soma- drinker '  |
सोमपेय | m. a sacrifice in which soma- is drunk, soma- libation  |
सोमपेय | n. a draught of soma-  |
सोमापि | m. Name of a son of sahadeva-  |
सोमपीडा | f. Name of a princess  |
सोमपीथ | m. a draught of soma- etc.  |
सोमपीथ | mfn. drinking soma-  |
सोमपीथिन् | mfn. drinking soma-  |
सोमपीति | f. (s/oma--) a draught of soma-  |
सोमपीति | f. a soma- sacrifice  |
सोमपीतिन् | mfn. drinking soma-  |
सोमपित्सरु | mfn. (said of a plough)  |
सोमपीविन् | m. (?) a soma--drinker  |
सोमप्रभ | mf(ā-)n. having the splendour of the moon  |
सोमप्रभ | m. Name of various men  |
सोमप्रभा | f. a N.  |
सोमप्रश्न | m. Name of work  |
सोमप्रथम | mfn. having soma- as the first  |
सोमप्रतीक | (s/oma--) mfn. having soma- at the head  |
सोमप्रतिप्रस्थातृप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
सोमप्रवाक | m. the proclaimer of a soma- sacrifice  |
सोमप्रायश्चित्त | n. Name of work  |
सोमप्रयोग | m.  |
सोमप्रयोगकारिका | f.  |
सोमप्रयोगमन्त्र | m. plural Name of work  |
सोमप्रयोगपद्धति | f.  |
सोमप्रयोगप्रायश्चित्त | n.  |
सोमप्रयोगरत्नमाला | f. Name of work  |
सोमप्रयोगवृत्ति | f. Name of work  |
सोमपृष्ठ | (s/oma--) mf(ā-)n. bearing soma- on the back (according to to ,"one to whom the pṛṣṭhya-stotra-s, accompanied with soma-, are dedicated")  |
सोमपूजा | f. Name of work  |
सोमपुर | n. the city of soma-  |
सोमपुर | n. an ancient Name of pāṭali-putra-  |
सोमपुर | n. or f(ī-). Name of a temple  |
सोमपुरोगव | (s/oma--) mfn. having soma- as a guide  |
सोमपुरुष | m. a servant of soma-.  |
सोमापूषन् | m. dual number soma- and pūṣan-  |
सोमपुत्र | m. "son of soma- or of the Moon", the planet Mercury  |
सोमपुत्र | mf(ā-)n. having soma- as son  |
सोमपुत्री | f. a daughter of soma-  |
सोमरभस् | (s/oma--) mfn. intoxicated with soma- (only Comparative degree -tara-)  |
सोमराग | m. a particular rāga-  |
सोमराज | m. "king soma-", the moon  |
सोमराज | m. Name of an author  |
सोमराजदेव | m. Name of an author  |
सोमराजक | m. plural Name of a family (varia lectio jaki-).  |