nya | (Nominal verb nyas-)  |
nyācam | ind. bending down  |
nyācam | See 1. ny-añc-.  |
nyaccha | n. a mole or spot upon the body  |
nyāda | m. ( ad-) eating, feeding  |
nyādhā | (only perfect tense -dadhur-), to put down, fix, establish, appoint  |
nyādhṛ | only perfect tense A1. -dadhre-, to be directed towards or fixed upon (locative case)  |
nyādru | P, - dravati-, to run downwards,  |
nyag | in compound for 2. ny-añc-.  |
nyāgam | (only imperative -gatam-), to come down towards  |
nyagbhāva | m. being brought or coming down,  |
nyagbhāva | m. being sunk or absorbed in (locative case)  |
nyagbhāva | m. equals next  |
nyagbhāvana | n. humiliation, contempt  |
nyagbhāvayiyṛ | m. one who lowers or humbles  |
nyagbhūta | mfn. being low, humble  |
nyagbhūtvā | ind. having humbled (or by humbling) one's self.  |
nyagjāti | mfn. of a low or inferior race  |
nyagrodha | m. ( rudh- equals ruh-),"growing downwards"the Banyan or Indian fig-tree, Ficus Indica (it belongs to the kṣīra-vṛkṣas- q.v;fibres descend from its branches to the earth and there take root and form new stems) etc.  |
nyagrodha | m. Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma  |
nyagrodha | m. a fathom (measured by the arms extended)  |
nyagrodha | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
nyagrodha | m. of a son of ugra-sena- (also dhaka-)  |
nyagrodha | m. of a Brahman, a monastery and a village  |
nyagrodhā | f. Salvinia Cucullata or some other plant  |
nyagrodha | f(ī-, ikā-). idem or 'f. Salvinia Cucullata or some other plant '  |
nyagrodhaka | mfn. gaRa ṛśyādi- (see also above)  |
nyagrodhakṣīra | n. the milky juice of the Indian fig-tree  |
nyāgrodhamūla | ( ) mfn. (fr. nyagr-) being or situated at the roots of the Ficus Indica.  |
nyāgrodhamūlika | ( ) mfn. (fr. nyagr-) being or situated at the roots of the Ficus Indica.  |
nyagrodhapāda | m. Name of a man  |
nyagrodhaparimaṇḍala | mfn. being a fathom in circumference  |
nyagrodhaparimaṇḍalā | f. an elegant woman  |
nyagrodhaparimaṇḍalatā | f. the having a waist like a fig-tree, (with one of the 32 signs of perfection )  |
nyagrodhaparimaṇḍalatā | f. the having a waist like a fig-tree (one of the 32 signs of perfection), .  |
nyagrodhika | mfn. gaRa kumudādi-and prekṣādi-.  |
nyagrodhin | mfn. gaRa kumudādi-and prekṣādi-.  |
nyahna | m. or n. the closing day (only locative case)  |
nyak | ny-/akna-, nyag- etc. See under 1. and 2. ny-añc-.  |
nyak | in compound for 2. ny-añc- below.  |
nyak | ind. (ny-/ak-) downwards, down  |
nyak | ind. humbly  |
nyak | ind. with kṛ-, to bring down, humble  |
nyak | ind. (nyag-) with bhū-, to humble one's self. be humble or modest: Caus. -bhāvayati- = kṛ- (see nyak--.and nyag--above) .  |
nyakkāra | m. humiliation, contempt, disregard  |
nyakkaraṇa | n. lowering, degrading, treating with disrespect  |
nyakkṛta | mfn. humbled, treated with contempt or contumely  |
nyakkṛti | f. equals -kāra-  |
nyakkṛtya | ind. having humbled, by humbling  |
nyakna | mfn. bent down  |
nyākṛ | (only imperative -kuru-), to hold back  |
nyakṣa | ny-aṅka-, ny-aṅku- etc. See ny-añj-.  |
nyakṣa | mfn. (hardly fr. ni-+ akṣa-;but see ) low, inferior  |
nyakṣa | mfn. whole, entire (see 2. ny-añc-)  |
nyakṣa | m. a buffalo  |
nyakṣa | m. Name of paraśurāma-  |
nyakṣa | n. entireness ( nyakṣeṇa kṣeṇa- ind.entirely)  |
nyakṣa | n. grass  |
nyakṣeṇa | ind. nyakṣa |
nyakta | See ny-añj-. |
nyakta | mfn. anointed, decorated (?) ( vy-/akta-)  |
nyakta | mfn. imbued with, having the nature of (genitive case)  |
nyākya | n. fried rice  |
nyālūna | mfn. ( lū-) cut off (varia lectio vy-ā-l-). |
nyāma | m. equals ni-yāma-, ni-yama-  |
nyañc | P. -añcati-, to sink, bend or hang down ; to pass away, fade, perish : Causal -añcayati-, to press down or in  |
nyañc | mf(n/īci-)n (fr. ni+- añc-)(ny-ak-). going or directed downwards, bent down etc.  |
nyañc | mf(n/īci-)n lying with the face downwards (opp. to ut-tāna-)  |
nyañc | mf(n/īci-)n depressed, deep, low (sound, voice etc.)  |
nyañc | mf(n/īci-)n humble, vile, contemptible (see nyak-etc. above)  |
nyañc | mf(n/īci-)n slow, lazy  |
nyañc | mf(n/īci-)n whole, entire  |
nyañcana | mf(ī-)n. curve, recess, hollow, hiding-place ( nyañcanaiṣin naiṣ/in- mfn.seeking a hiding-place )  |
nyañcana | mf(ī-)n. a particular mark on a measuring-cord,  |
nyañcanaiṣin | mfn. nyañcana |
nyañcanī | f. the lap  |
nyañcita | mfn. bent down  |
nyaṅga | m. anything inherent in, a mark, sign  |
nyaṅga | m. anything which resembles or is like, a kind of (genitive case or compound)  |
nyaṅga | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' having anything as secondary, mentioning it only accidentally )  |
nyaṅga | m. invective, insinuation, sarcastic language  |
nyānī | (Potential -nayet-), to bring back, restore  |
nyañj | P. -anakti- (perfect tense A1. -ānaje- ind.p. -ajya-), to anoint, besmear ; A1. to creep in, conceal one's self among (locative case)  |
nyañjalikā | f. an añjali- which is directed downwards |
nyaṅka | m. dual number a particular part of a carriage  |
nyāṅkava | mfn. equals naiyaṅkava-  |
nyaṅkotaka | m. Name of a man  |
nyaṅku | m. idem or 'm. dual number a particular part of a carriage '  |
nyaṅku | m. a deer, an antelope etc.  |
nyaṅku | m. Name of a muni- and a cakra-vartin-  |
nyaṅkubhūruha | m. Bignonia Indica  |
nyaṅkusāriṇī | f. (with bṛhatī-) Name of two kinds of metre  |
nyaṅkuśiras | f. (with kakum-nicṛt-)  |
nyanta | m. or n. proximity (see )  |
nyante | ind. ( ) , near, near to.  |
nyantena | ind. ( etc.) , near, near to.  |
nyarbuda | n. one hundred millions  |
nyarbudi | m. Name of a divine being of combative propensities  |
nyarṇa | mfn. waterless  |
nyarṇṇa | mfn. ( ard-) dissolved, gone ( "asked, solicited;injured") .  |
nyarpaya | pita- See ny-ṛ-.  |
nyarpita | mfn. thrown down  |
nyartha | n. going amiss, failure, destruction  |
nyas | P. -asyati-, or -asati-, to throw or cast or lay or put down (with locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' bhuvi-,on the earth) etc. ; to take off ; to give up, resign (as life) ; to set in the ground, plant (prarohān-,shoots) ; (with locative case) to throw or hurl upon, pour or shed on or in, put or place or fix or insert in, turn or direct to, deposit with, intrust or commit to ; to settle arrange etc. (with citre-,"to place in a picture", paint, depict;with śirasi-,"to place on the head", receive with reverence;with manasi-,"to call to mind", reflect, ponder;with pathi-,"to lay on the road", give up) ; to bring forward, mention : Causal (perfect tense nyāsayām āsa-or sayāṃ cakre-) to cause to put or lay down  |
nyāsa | m. putting down or in, placing, fixing, inserting, applying, impressing, drawing, painting, writing down etc. (see akṣara--, khura--, caraṇa--, nakha--, pada--., pāda--., bīja--, rekhā--)  |
nyāsa | m. putting away, taking off, laying aside (see deha--, śarīra--, śastra--)  |
nyāsa | m. abandoning, resigning  |
nyāsa | m. depositing, intrusting, delivering  |
nyāsa | m. any deposit or pledge etc.  |
nyāsa | m. written or literal text (see yathā-nyāsam-)  |
nyāsa | m. lowering (the voice)  |
nyāsa | m. (in music) the final tone  |
nyāsa | m. bringing forward, introducing (see arthāntara-.)  |
nyāsa | m. consigning or intrusting anything to the mind  |
nyāsa | m. mental appropriation or assignment of various parts of the body to tutelary deities  |
nyāsa | m. Name of several works., (especially) of a commentator or commentary on  |
nyāsabhūta | mfn. being (or that which is) a deposit  |
nyāsad | P. -sīdati- (perfect tense -sasāda- ind.p. -sadya-), to sit down near or in or upon (locative case or accusative)  |
nyāsadaśaka | n. Name of work |
nyāsādeśavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
nyāsadhāraka | m. the holder of a deposit  |
nyāsadhārin | m. the holder of a deposit  |
nyāsahara | m. robber of a deposit  |
nyāsakāra | m. the author of the commentator or commentary on called nyāsa- id est jinendra-buddhi-  |
nyāsakhaṇḍa | mn. Name of work |
nyāsakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work |
nyāsakṛt | m. the author of the commentator or commentary on called nyāsa- id est jinendra-buddhi-  |
nyāsalopa | m. wasting a deposit  |
nyasana | n. putting down, depositing, placing, arranging  |
nyasana | n. bringing forward, mentioning  |
nyasanīya | mfn. to be put or placed  |
nyāsāpahnava | m. repudiation of a deposit  |
nyāsaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
nyāsaśataka | n. Name of work  |
nyāsatilaka | mn. Name of work |
nyāṣatta | mfn. (or -/ā-n/i-ṣ-), sitting down or on, seated on  |
nyāṣatta | mfn. dived into (locative case)  |
nyāsatūlikā | f. Name of work |
nyāsavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
nyāsavidyādarpaṇa | m. Name of work  |
nyāsavidyāvilāsa | m. Name of work  |
nyāsaviṃśati | f. Name of work  |
nyāsaviśeṣa | m. Name of work  |
nyāsika | mfn. gaRa parpādi-.  |
nyāsīkṛ | to make a deposit, deposit anything with a person  |
nyāsin | mfn. one who has abandoned all worldly concerns  |
nyāsita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to lay or put down  |
nyāsoddyota | m. Name of work  |
nyasta | mfn. thrown or cast or laid down, put, placed, fixed, inserted, applied, deposited, committed  |
nyasta | mfn. given up, resigned  |
nyasta | mfn. stretched out, lying  |
nyasta | mfn. exposed (krayāya-,for sale)  |
nyasta | mfn. mystically touched,  |
nyasta | mfn. put on, donned  |
nyasta | mfn. having the low tone (as a vowel)  |
nyasta | mfn. short  |
nyastacihna | mf(ā-)n. one who has relinquished one's marks or characteristics, destitute of external signs  |
nyastadaṇḍa | mfn. "one who has laid down the rod", meek, harmless  |
nyastadeha | mfn. "one who has laid down the body", dead  |
nyastaka | mf(ik/ā-)n.  |
nyastaka | according to to others,"clinging to the ground".  |
nyastārtvijya | mfn. where the ṛtvij- have laid down their office  |
nyastaśastra | mfn. "one who has laid down the weapons", averse from strife, peaceful  |
nyastaśastra | m. the pitṛ-s or deified progenitors  |
nyastavāda | mfn. one who has ceased to speak, ceasing to speak about (prati-)  |
nyastavya | mfn. to be put down or placed or fixed or established  |
nyasya | mfn. to be laid down or deposited or delivered or appointed to (locative case)  |
nyasya | ind. having laid down or deposited etc.  |
nyavacar | P. -carati-, to enter into, penetrate  |
nyavagraha | m. the accentless vowel at the end of the first member of a compound  |
nyavasṛj | P. -sṛjati-, to pour out, shed forth  |
nyavekṣ | ( īkṣ-, īkṣate-) to consider, deliberate  |
nyāvicchāy | see vich-, parasmE-pada 959.  |
nyāviś | (only perfect tense -viviśur-), to enter into (locative case)  |
nyāvṛt | Caus. -vartayati-, to make a person desist from (ablative), keep back, prevent  |
nyāvyadh | P. -vidhyati-, to cause to burst forth, let loose, set free  |
nyaya | m. (fr. 4. nī-) going off, destruction, loss, waste  |
nyāya | m. (fr. 4. ni-) that into which a thing goes back id est an original type, standard, method, rule, (especially) a general or universal rule, model, axiom, system, plan, manner, right or fit manner or way, fitness, propriety etc. ( nyāyena nyāyena- ind.and nyāyāt yāt- ind.either"in the right manner, regularly, duly", or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"after the manner of, by way of")  |
nyāya | m. a lawsuit, legal proceeding, judicial sentence, judgement  |
nyāya | m. a logical or syllogistic argument or inference (consisting of a combination of enthymeme and syllogism, and so having, according to the naiyāyika-s 5 members, viz. pratijñā-, hetu-, udāharaṇa-, upanaya-, nigamana-,or according to the vedāntin-s 3 members)  |
nyāya | m. a system of philosophy delivered by gotama- or gautama- (it is one of the six darśanas- q.v,and is perhaps so called, because it"goes into"all subjects physical and metaphysical according to the above syllogistic method treated of in one division of the system;its branch is called vaiśeṣika-)  |
nyāya | m. likeness, analogy, a popular maxim or apposite illustration (see kākākṣi--, ghuṇākṣara--, daṇḍāpūpa-.etc.)  |
nyāyābhāsa | m. semblance of a reason, sophism commentator or commentary  |
nyāyabhāskara | m. Name of work  |
nyāyabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
nyāyabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
nyāyabindu | m. Name of work  |
nyāyabinduṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyabodhinī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyācāra | mfn. acting justly, virtuous  |
nyāyācārya | m. Name of śivāditya-miśra-  |
nyāyacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
nyāyacūḍāmaṇi | m. ( nyāyacūḍāmaṇiprabhā -prabhā- f.) Name of work  |
nyāyacūḍāmaṇiprabhā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyacūḍāmaṇiprabhā | f. nyāyacūḍāmaṇi |
nyāyadarpaṇa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyadeva | m. Name of an author  |
nyāyādhāra | m. "receptacle of justice", an example of virtue or propriety  |
nyāyādhvadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyadīpa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyadīpāvalī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyadīpavyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyadvārakaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
nyāyadvayakāraṇatāvāda | m. Name of work  |
nyāyāgata | mfn. rightly come in or acquired (as money)  |
nyāyagrantha | m. Name of work  |
nyāyakalānidhi | m. Name of work  |
nyāyakalāpa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyakalikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyakalpalatā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyakalpalatikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyakandalī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyakaṇikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyakaraṇḍa | n. Name of work  |
nyāyakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyakaustubha | mn. Name of work  |
nyāyakhaṇḍanakhaṇḍakhādya | n. Name of work  |
nyāyakiraṇāvalī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyakokila | (?), m. Name of a Buddhist teacher.  |
nyāyakośa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyakroḍa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyakroḍapattra | n. Name of work  |
nyāyakuliśa | mn. Name of work  |
nyāyakusumamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyakusumāñjali | m. ( nyāyakusumāñjalikārikā -kārikā- f. nyāyakusumāñjaliprakāśa -prakāśa- m. nyāyakusumāñjalivikāśa -vikāśa- m. nyāyakusumāñjaliviveka -viveka-,m.) Name of work  |
nyāyakusumāñjalikārikā | f. nyāyakusumāñjali |
nyāyakusumāñjaliprakāśa | m. nyāyakusumāñjali |
nyāyakusumāñjalivikāśa | m. nyāyakusumāñjali |
nyāyakusumāñjaliviveka | m. nyāyakusumāñjali |
nyāyakutūhala | n. Name of work  |
nyāyalakṣaṇavicāra | m. Name of work  |
nyāyālaṃkāra | m. "ornament of justice", Name of śrī-govinda- and of śri-maheśvara- (also -bhaṭṭa-)  |
nyāyalīlāvatī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyalīlāvatībhāvaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyalīlāvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
nyāyalīlāvatīprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyalīlāvatīprakāśadīdhiti | f. Name of work  |
nyāyalīlāvatīprakāśadidhitiviveka | m. Name of work  |
nyāyalīlāvatīprakāśarahasya | n. Name of work  |
nyāyalīlāvatīrahasya | n. Name of work  |
nyāyalīlāvatīvibhūti | f. Name of work  |
nyāyalīlāvatīviveka | m. Name of work  |
nyāyam | ind. after a finite verb expresses either censure or repetition  |
nyāyamahodadhi | m. Name of work  |
nyāyamakaranda | m. Name of work  |
nyāyamakarandavivardhinī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyamakarandavivecinī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyamakarandavivṛti | f. Name of work  |
nyāyamālā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyamālāvaiyāsikī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyamālāvārttikasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
nyāyamālāvistara | m. Name of work  |
nyāyamālikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyamañjarīgranthabhaṅga | m. Name of work  |
nyāyamañjarīsāra | m. Name of work  |
nyāyamañjūṣā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyamanoramā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyamārtaṇḍa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyamatakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
nyāyamātṛkā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyamīmāṃsāprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
nyāyamīmāṃsārahasya | n. Name of work  |
nyāyāmṛta | n. Name of work  |
nyāyāmṛtataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyamuktāvalī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyamuktāvalīkiraṇa | n. Name of work  |
nyāyamuktāvalīprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyamūlaparibhāṣā | f. Name of work  |
nyayana | n. entry, entrance- or gathering-place, receptacle  |
nyāyanaya | m. Name of work  |
nyāyanibhandha | m. Name of work  |
nyāyanibhandhaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
nyāyanirvapaṇa | mfn. bestowing justly  |
nyāyanirvapaṇa | m. Name of śiva- |
nyāyānusāraśāstra | n. Name of work  |
nyāyānveṣaṇa | n. seeking for justice  |
nyāyapadārthamālā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyapañcādhyāyī | f. equals -sūtra-.  |
nyāyapañcānana | m. Name of jaya-rāma-  |
nyāyapañcāśat | f. Name of work  |
nyāyapariccheda | m. Name of work  |
nyāyapārijāta | m. Name of work  |
nyāyapariśiṣṭa | n. Name of work  |
nyāyapariśiṣṭaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyapariśuddhi | f. Name of work  |
nyāyapatha | m. plural the different philosophical systems  |
nyāyapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyapradīpikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
nyāyaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyapramāṇamañjarīṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyaprasthānamārga | m. plural the roads leading towards (id est the works treating of) the different philosophical systems (see -patha-).  |
nyāyapraveśa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyapraveśatārakaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
nyāyapuṣpāñjali | m. Name of work  |
nyāyarahasya | n. Name of work  |
nyāyarakṣāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
nyāyaratna | n. Name of work  |
nyāyaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
nyāyaratnakośavādārtha | m. Name of work  |
nyāyaratnamālā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyaratnaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
nyāyaratnaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyaratnaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyaratnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyārjita | mfn. honestly earned or acquired  |
nyāyārthadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyārthalaghusubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasadarthasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
nyāyasambaddha | mfn. connected with reason, rational, logical (as an argument)  |
nyāyasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
nyāyasaṃgrahadipikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasaṃhita | mfn. fit, proper  |
nyāyasaṃketa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyasaṃketatilakā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasaṃkṣepa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyasāra | m. Name of work  |
nyāyasāradīpikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasārapadapañjikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
nyāyasāraṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasārāvalī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasāriṇī | f. right or fit behaviour  |
nyāyasāriṇī | f. a woman acting or judging rightly  |
nyāyaśāstra | n. the doctrine of the nyāya- school of philosophy  |
nyāyasiddhāñjana | n. Name of work  |
nyāyasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
nyāyasiddhāntacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasiddhāntadīpa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyasiddhāntamālā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasiddhāntamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasiddhāntamañjarībhūṣā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasiddhāntamañjarīdipikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasiddhāntamañjarīprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyasiddhāntamañjarīsāra | m. Name of work  |
nyāyasiddhāntamuktāvalī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasiddhāntapañcānana | m. Name of a viśva-nātha-  |
nyāyasiddhāntatattva | n. Name of work  |
nyāyasiddhāntavāgīśa | m. Name of a gadā-dhara-  |
nyāyasiddhāntvāmṛta | n. Name of work  |
nyāyaśikhāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
nyāyaśikṣā | f. equals -vidyā-  |
nyāyaśiromaṇi | m. Name of work  |
nyāyaśuddhi | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasudhā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyasūtra | n. the aphorisms of the nyāya- philosophy by gautama-  |
nyāyasūtravṛtti | f. a commentary on these aphorisms, I.W. 71.  |
nyāyasvarūpanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
nyāyāt | ind. nyāya |
nyāyatā | f. ( ) fitness, propriety.  |
nyāyatantra | n. Name of work  |
nyāyatantrabodhinī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
nyāyatas | ind. in a fitting manner, as is fit or proper, according to right or justice  |
nyāyatātparyadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyatattva | n. Name of work  |
nyāyatattvaparīkṣā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyatattvaviloka | m. Name of work  |
nyāyatattvavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
nyāyatrisūtrīvārttika | n. Name of work  |
nyāyatva | n. ( ),fitness, propriety.  |
nyāyavācaspati | m. Name of an author on rhetoric  |
nyāyavāda | m. Name of work  |
nyāyavādin | mfn. speaking properly  |
nyāyavāgīśa | m. Name of an author on rhetoric  |
nyāyāvakrākramaṇa | mfn. walking rightly on the straight path ( nyāyāvakrākramaṇatā -tā- f.)  |
nyāyāvakrākramaṇatā | f. nyāyāvakrākramaṇa |
nyāyāvalīdīdhiti | f. Name of work  |
nyāyavartin | mfn. well behaved, acting with propriety  |
nyāyavārttika | n. Name of work  |
nyāyavārttikatātparyapariśuddhi | f. Name of work  |
nyāyavārttikatātparyaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyavastusāra | m. Name of work  |
nyāyavat | mfn. acting rightly, behaving properly  |
nyāyāvatāra | m. Name of work  |
nyāyavid | m. one who knows what is fit or proper  |
nyāyavidyā | f. "science of what is right", logic commentator or commentary  |
nyāyavihita | mfn. prescribed by rule  |
nyāyavilāsa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyavirodha | m. inconsistency with logical argument, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
nyāyavirodhin | mfn. inconsistent with logical argument,  |
nyāyaviruddha | mfn. inconsistent with logical argument,  |
nyāyavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
nyāyaviveka | m. Name of work  |
nyāyavivekadipikā | f. Name of work  |
nyāyavṛtta | mfn. equals -vartin-  |
nyāyavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
nyāyena | ind. nyāya |
nyāyika | n. logic  |
nyāyin | mfn. equals nyāya-vat-  |
nyāyopeta | mfn. rightly admitted  |
nyāyya | mf(ā-)n. regular, customary, usual, correct, right, fit, proper (often with an infin. which then has a pass. sense) ; also wrong reading for nyāya-.  |
nyāyyadaṇḍa | mfn. punishing justly ( nyāyyadaṇḍatva -tva- n.)  |
nyāyyadaṇḍatva | n. nyāyyadaṇḍa |
nyāyyatva | n. fitness, propriety  |
nye | ( ny-ā-i-,only ind.p. -etya-), to fall into (accusative)  |
nyej | P. -ejati- tremble  |
nyer | ( ny-a-īr-,only perfect tense A1. nyerir/e-), to direct or address (a wish or desire) to (locative case) ; to appoint as (accusative) (see nīr-).  |
nyocanī | f. (prob.) a kind of woman's ornament ( "female slave")  |
nyocara | mfn. (prob.) belonging to or fit for a place  |
nyojas | mfn.  |
nyoka | mfn. (prob.) equals next on  |
nyokas | mfn. belonging to home, domestic, wont, comfortable  |
nyṛ | P. -ṛṇvati-, to lay down, put or place in (locative case) : Causal -arpayati-, to throw down  |
nyṛñj | A1. -ṛñjate-, to reach, attain, overpower, subdue  |
nyṛṣ | P. -ṛṣati-, to push or stuff into (accusative), cover, fill  |
nyṛṣṭa | mfn. filled or endowed with (instrumental case)  |
nyubh | P. -ubhnāti- (imperfect tense -aubhnāt-), to keep down or together  |
nyubj | P. -ubjati-, to bend or press or throw upside down, upset, overthrow  |
nyubja | mfn. turned or bent down wards, lying with the face downwards, looking downwards  |
nyubja | mfn. hump-backed, crooked-backed (as the result of disease see )  |
nyubja | mfn. convex  |
nyubja | m. Name of the nyag-rodha- tree in kuru-kṣetra-  |
nyubja | n. the fruit of the Averrhoa Carambola  |
nyubja | m. or n. equals śrāddhādi-pātra-bheda-, darbhamayaśruc-, or kuśa-śruc-  |
nyubjaka | mf(ikā-)n. equals next commentator or commentary on  |
nyubjakhaḍga | m. a crooked sword, a sabre  |
nyubjimat | mfn. bent, crooked  |
nyuc | P. -ucyati- (perfect tense -uvoca-), to delight or take pleasure in (accusative or locative case) ; to like to stay in or with (locative case)  |
nyud | or und- (only parasmE-pada A1. -undamāna-), to dip, sprinkle  |
nyūh | A1. -ūhate-, to push in for one's self, drive into one's own stable  |
nyūh | A1. -ohate-, to heed or to appear  |
nyūna | mf(ā-)n. (fr. ni-with ūna-) less, diminished, defective, deficient (opp. to ati-rikta-, adhika-, pūrṇa-), destitute or deprived of (instrumental case or compound), inferior to (ablative) etc.  |
nyūna | mf(ā-)n. (with pādaiḥ-) having a defect in the feet  |
nyūna | mf(ā-)n. low, vile, base, mean  |
nyūna | n. euphem. = vulva  |
nyūna | n. want or omission of one of the 5 members in a nyāya- argument  |
nyūnabhāva | m. inferiority, deficiency  |
nyūnādhika | mfn. less or more, unequal  |
nyūnādhika | n. inequality, difference  |
nyūnādhikāṅga | mfn. having less or more limbs or organs (than necessary)  |
nyūnādhikavibhāga | m. unequal partition  |
nyūnādhikavibhakta | mfn. one who has received too little or too much at the division of an inheritance  |
nyūnādhikya | n. want or surplus (exempli gratia, 'for example' of an organ) |
nyūnāha | m. equals kṣayāha-  |
nyūnākṣara | mf(ā-)n. defective in letters or syllables  |
nyūnam | ind. less  |
nyūnāṅga | mf(ā-)n. defective in a limb or organ, maimed, mutilated, imperfect  |
nyūnapadatā | f.  |
nyūnapadatva | n. want of one word in a sentence  |
nyūnapañcāśadbhāva | m. "having 49 (not full 50) properties of human nature", an idiot  |
nyūnatā | f. ( etc.) inferiority to (ablative)  |
nyūnatara | mfn. falling below a standard  |
nyūnataram | ind. still less  |
nyūnataram | ind. lower or deeper  |
nyūnatva | n. ( ) inferiority to (ablative)  |
nyūnatva | n. want, deficiency, incompleteness.  |
nyūnaya | Nom. P. yati-, to lessen, diminish  |
nyūnendriya | mfn. wanting some organ or sense, deficient, imperfect (as blind, deaf etc.)  |
nyūnī | in compound for nyūna-.  |
nyūnībhāva | m. state of deficiency, incompleteness  |
nyūnīkṛ | to make less, lessen, diminish  |
nyuṅkha | m. equals nyūṅkha-  |
nyuṅkha | mfn. proper, right  |
nyuṅkha | mfn. pleasing, agreeable  |
nyūṅkha | m. the insertion of the sound o- (in different places with difference of quantity and accentuation) in the recitation of hymns etc. (see )  |
nyūṅkham | ind. with the nyūṅkha-  |
nyūṅkhamānaka | mfn. stumbling  |
nyūṅkhanīya | mfn. to be inserted  |
nyūṅkhaya | Nom. P. yati-, to insert the nyūṅkha- ; A1. (ny/ūṅkhayate-) to growl (as a hungry animal)  |
nyūṅkhya | mfn. equals khanīya-  |
nyupta | mfn. thrown down, cast (dice), scattered, sown, offered  |
nyupta | ny-upya- See ni-vap-.  |
nyuṣ | P. -oṣati- (imperative -oṣatāt-), to burn down, consume or destroy utterly  |
nyutta | mfn. dipped in, sprinkled with (locative case)  |
abdhikanyā | f. patronymic of lakṣmī-,  |
abhimānaśūnya | mfn. void of conceit, humble.  |
ābhimanyava | m. a descendant of abhi-manyu-  |
abhimanyu | m. Name of a son of manu- cākṣuṣa-  |
abhimanyu | m. of a son of arjuna- (by subhadrā-)  |
abhimanyu | m. of two kings of kāśmīra-  |
abhimanyupura | n. Name of a town  |
abhimanyusvāmin | m. Name of a temple  |
abhinyas | -asyati-, to depress (as fire)  |
abhinyāsa | m. a kind of fever  |
abhinyubj | to press down, hold down  |
abhivānyā | ([ ]) f. cow who suckles an adopted calf (see also ni-vāny/ā-,etc.)  |
abhivānyā | See abhi-van-.  |
abhivānyavatsā | ([ ]) ([ ]) f. cow who suckles an adopted calf (see also ni-vāny/ā-,etc.)  |
abhyañjanya | mfn. whose feet are to be rubbed with unguents  |
abhyavadānya | (or -d/ānya-) mfn. depriving of (genitive case)  |
abhyāyaṃsenya | mfn. (said of the aśvin-s) one who allows himself to be drawn near (for accepting the sacrificial oblation)  |
acaitanya | n. unconsciousness  |
acaitanya | n. insensibility, senselessness, want of spirituality, that which is destitute of consciousness, matter.  |
adānya | mfn. not deserving a gift  |
adhanya | mfn. not richly supplied with corn or other produce, not prosperous  |
adhanya | mfn. unhappy.  |
ādhimanyu | m. plural (fr. adhimanyu-), febrile heat  |
adhinyas | to throw upon  |
adhvanya | m. idem or 'm. a traveller '  |
adhyagnyupāgata | n. property received by a wife at the wedding.  |
aghnya | m. (2, 3) "not to be killed", a bull  |
aghnyā | f. a cow  |
aghnyā | f. said of a cloud  |
aghnya | m. (2, 3) "not to be killed", a bull, and  |
aghnyā | f. a cow  |
aghnyatva | n. the state of being a cow,  |
agninyakta | (n/i-- ny-), mfn. mingled with agni- (id est having agni- incidentally mentioned),  |
agnīparjanyau | Voc. m. dual number agni- and parjanya-  |
agnyabhāva | m. absence or want of the sacred fire  |
agnyabhāva | m. loss of appetite.  |
agnyādhāna | n. ([ ]) placing the fire on the sacrificial fire-place  |
agnyādhāna | n. the ceremony of preparing the three sacred fires āhavanīya- etc.  |
agnyādhānadevatā | f. the deity of the agnyādheya- ceremony  |
agnyādhānahavis | n. an oblation at the agnyādheya-  |
agnyādhānarūpa | n. form or shape of the agnyādheya-  |
agnyādhānaśarkarā | f. plural (figuratively) bad performance of the agnyādheya-  |
agnyādheya | n. ([ etc.]) placing the fire on the sacrificial fire-place  |
agnyādheya | n. the ceremony of preparing the three sacred fires āhavanīya- etc.  |
āgnyādheyika | mf(ī-)n. belonging to the agnyādheya- (q.v)  |
agnyagāra | ([ etc.]) m. house or place for keeping the sacred fire.  |
agnyāgāra | m. house or place for keeping the sacred fire.  |
agnyāgāra | See agny-agār/a-.  |
agnyāhita | m. one who has performed the agnyādhāna-  |
agnyālaya | m. equals agny-agār/a-.  |
agnyarci | m. the flame of fire,  |
agnyarcis | f. or n. flame  |
agnyātmaka | mf(ikā-)n. having agni-'s nature.  |
agnyāyatana | n. a fire-shrine,  |
agnyedha | m. one who kindles the fire  |
agnyuddharaṇa | n. taking the sacred fire from its usual place (previous to a sacrifice). |
agnyupasthāna | n. worship of agni- at the conclusion of the agnihotra- etc.  |
agnyutpāta | m. a fiery portent  |
agnyutpāta | m. a conflagration  |
agnyutsādin | mfn. one who lets the sacred fire go out.  |
āhananya | mfn. (fr. ā-hanana-), being in the act of beating (a drum etc.)  |
ahanya | (4) mfn. daily  |
ahanyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice p.) not being struck  |
ahimanyu | (/ahi--) mfn. enraged like serpents (Name of the marut-s)  |
ahirbudhnya | m. (considered as one word and therefore declinable as follows dative case ahir-budhnyāya- ; instrumental case plural ahir-budhnyaiḥ- ;often incorrectly written ahir-budhna-or -bradhna-) Name of a rudra-  |
ahirbudhnya | m. plural Name of the rudra-s (See before)  |
ahirbudhnya | n. Name of a hymn of the ,  |
ahirbudhnya | See /ahi-.  |
āhirbudhnya | n. Name of the nakṣatra- uttara-bhadra-padā- (presided over by ahir-budhnya-).  |
ahirbudhnyadevatā | f. plural "having ahirbudhnya- as deity", the nakṣatra- uttara-bhadrapadā-  |
ahirbudhnyadevatya | n. "having ahirbudhnya- as deity", the nakṣatra- uttara-bhadrapadā-  |
ahirbudhnyas | Nominal verb sg. m. (instrumental case /ahinā budhny/ena- ) = , the serpent of the deep (enumerated in among the divinities of the middle region, the abyss in which he lives being that of the region of mist)  |
ahirbudhnyas | Nominal verb sg. m. allegorically identified with agni- gārhapatya-  |
ahirbudhnyas | Nominal verb sg. m. in later times:  |
āhitāgnyādi | m. a gaRa ( ) .  |
ahnya | n. daily course (of the sun) (see rathāhny/a-)  |
ahnya | n. (See also tir/o-ahnya-.)  |
aikānyika | mfn. (ekam anyad viparītaṃ vṛttam adhyayane 'sya-) one who commits a single error in reciting  |
aindrāgnya | mfn. varia lectio for aindrāgna- (edition Calc.)  |
ainya | m. (with indrasya-), Name of a sāman-  |
ajaghanya | mfn. not last  |
ajaghanya | mfn. not least.  |
ajanya | mfn. improper to be produced or born  |
ajanya | mfn. unfit for mankind  |
ajanya | n. any portent unfavourable to mankind, as an earthquake.  |
ājijñāsenyā | See ā-jñā-.  |
ājijñāsenyā | f. plural (fr. Desiderative) scilicet ṛcas-,"liable to investigation", Name of some of the kuntāpa- hymns (of the )  |
ājñātakauṇḍinya | m. Name of one of the first five pupils of śākyamuni-.  |
akanyā | f. not a virgin  |
ākāśopanyāsa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a vedānta- work  |
ākiṃcanya | n. (fr. a-kiṃcana-; gaRa pṛthv-ādi- q.v) want of any possession, utter destitution  |
ākiṃcanya | m. a nihilist,  |
ākiṃcanyāyatana | n. "abode of absolute want of any existence","non-existence", Name of a world with Buddhists  |
ākiṃcanyāyatana | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of a class of gods, (also tano- paga-, ).  |
akṣaranyāsa | m. array of syllables or letters  |
akṣaranyāsa | m. the alphabet.  |
akṣaraśūnya | mfn. inarticulate.  |
akṣaravinyāsa | equals -nyāsa-  |
alokasāmānya | mfn. not common among ordinary people  |
amanyamāna | mfn. not understanding  |
amanyamāna | mfn. not being aware of  |
amanyuta | mf(ā-)n. not affected with secret anger  |
āmenya | mfn. to be measured from all sides ([ ])  |
analpamanyu | mfn. greatly enraged.  |
ananya | mf(ā-)n. no other, not another, not different, identical  |
ananya | mf(ā-)n. self  |
ananya | mf(ā-)n. not having a second, unique  |
ananya | mf(ā-)n. not more than one, sole  |
ananya | mf(ā-)n. having no other (object), undistracted  |
ananya | mf(ā-)n. not attached or devoted to any one else  |
ananyabhava | mfn. originating in or with no other.  |
ananyabhāva | mfn. thinking of the only one id est of the Supreme Spirit.  |
ananyacetas | mfn. giving one's undivided thought to (with locative case)  |
ananyacitta | mf(ā-)n. giving one's undivided thought to (with locative case)  |
ananyacodita | mfn. self-impelled.  |
ananyadeva | mfn. having no other god.  |
ananyādṛśa | mf(ī-)n. not like others  |
ananyadṛṣṭi | mfn. gazing intently.  |
ananyagāmin | mfn. going to no other.  |
ananyagati | f. sole resort or resource.  |
ananyagati | mfn. having only one (or no other) resort or resource left.  |
ananyagatika | mfn. having only one (or no other) resort or resource left.  |
ananyaguru | m. "having no other as a Guru", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
ananyahṛta | mfn. not carried off by another, safe.  |
ananyaja | m. Name of kāma- or Love.  |
ananyajāni | mfn. jāni |
ananyakārya | mfn. having no other business,  |
ananyamanas | mfn. exercising undivided attention.  |
ananyamānasa | mfn. exercising undivided attention.  |
ananyamanaska | mfn. exercising undivided attention.  |
ananyaniṣpādya | mfn. to be accomplished by no other.  |
ananyānubhava | m. Name of the teacher of prakāśātman-.  |
ananyaparāyaṇa | mfn. devoted to no other,  |
ananyapratikriya | mfn. having no other means of resistance or redress.  |
ananyapūrvā | f. a female who never belonged to another, a virgin  |
ananyarādhas | mfn. striving after nothing else,  |
ananyārtha | mfn. not subservient to another object  |
ananyārtha | mfn. principal.  |
ananyasādhāraṇa | mfn. not common to any one else, not belonging to any other.  |
ananyāśrita | mfn. not having resorted to another  |
ananyāśrita | mfn. independent  |
ananyāśrita | n. (in law) unencumbered property.  |
ananyatā | f. identity.  |
ananyatva | n. identity.  |
ananyavandin | mfn. not praising anybody else,  |
ananyaviṣaya | mfn. exclusively applicable.  |
ananyaviṣayātman | mfn. having the mind fixed upon one (or the sole) object.  |
ananyavṛtti | mfn. closely attentive.  |
ananyayoga | m. not suitable to any others  |
ananyayogam | ind. not in consequence of any other (word)  |
anatipraśnya | mfn. not to be too much questioned about,  |
andhacaṭakanyāya | m. the rule of the blind man catching a sparrow (confer, compare ghuṇā- kṣara-- ny-),  |
andhaparamparānyāya | m. the rule of the blind following the blind (applied to people following each other thoughtlessly), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
aṅganyāsa | m. ceremony of touching certain parts of the body.  |
āñjanya | mfn. one whose eyes are to be anointed with ointment  |
anṛtukanyā | f. a girl before menstruation.  |
anumanyamāna | mfn. minding, assenting.  |
anupanyāsa | m. failure of proof or determination, uncertainty, doubt. |
anupanyasta | mfn. not laid down clearly, not established  |
anusainya | n. the rear of an army  |
anuttamanya | (/a-nutta--) m. "of invincible wrath", indra-  |
anya | (3) n. inexhaustibleness (as of the milk of cows) (see /anyā-.).  |
anya | as-, ā-, at- other, different  |
anya | other than, different from, opposed to (ablative or in compound)  |
anya | another  |
anya | another person  |
anya | one of a number  |
anya | anya anya- or eka anya-, the one, the other  |
anya | anyac ca-, and another, besides, moreover ([ confer, compare Zend anya; Armenian ail; Latin alius; Gothic aljis,Themealja; Greek for; confer, compare also ]) .  |
anyā | (3) f. inexhaustible (as the milk of a cow)  |
anyabandhu | mfn. related to another,  |
anyabhāva | m. change of state, (vin-, mfn. changed, altered, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding)  |
ānyabhāvya | n. (fr. anyabhāva- gaRa brāhmaṇādi- ), the being another thing.  |
anyabhṛt | m. "nourishing another", a crow (supposed to sit upon the eggs of the kokila).  |
anyabhṛta | mf(ā-) ([ ]) equals -puṣṭā- above.  |
anyabījaja | m. "born from the seed of another", an adopted son.  |
anyabījasamudbhava | m. "born from the seed of another", an adopted son.  |
anyabījotpanna | m. "born from the seed of another", an adopted son.  |
anyacchāyāyoni | mfn. "having its source in another's light", borrowed,  |
anyacitta | mf(ā-)n. whose mind is fixed on some one or something else.  |
anyacodita | mfn. moved by another.  |
anyadā | ind. at another time  |
anyadā | ind. sometimes  |
anyadā | ind. one day, once  |
anyadā | ind. in another case. ([ confer, compare Old Slavonic or Slavonian inogda,inu8da]).  |
anyadaivata | mfn. having another divinity id est addressed to another divinity.  |
anyadāśā | f. a bad desire or hope (?)  |
anyadāśis | f. a bad desire or hope (?)  |
anyadevata | mfn. having another divinity id est addressed to another divinity.  |
anyadevatya | ([ ]) mfn. having another divinity id est addressed to another divinity.  |
anyadharma | m. different characteristic  |
anyadharma | m. characteristic of another  |
anyadharma | mfn. having different characteristics.  |
anyadhī | mfn. one whose mind is alienated  |
anyādhīna | mfn. subject to others, dependent.  |
anyadīya | mfn. ( ) belonging to another  |
anyādṛkṣa | ([ ]) mf(ī-)n. of another kind, like another.  |
anyādṛś | ([ etc.]) mfn. of another kind, like another.  |
anyādṛśa | mf(ī-)n. of another kind, like another.  |
anyādṛśa | uncommon, strange,  |
anyadurvaha | mfn. difficult to be borne by another.  |
anyaga | mfn. going to another, adulterous.  |
anyagāmin | mfn. going to another, adulterous.  |
anyagotra | mfn. of a different family.  |
anyahaka | m. brass-metal,  |
anyaja | (any/a--) ([ ]) mfn. born of another (family, etc.), of a different origin.  |
anyajanatā | f. fellowship with others,  |
anyajanman | n. another birth, being born again.  |
anyajāta | (any/a--) ([ ]) mfn. born of another (family, etc.), of a different origin.  |
anyaka | mfn. another, other  |
anyakāma | mfn. loving another.  |
anyakāra | mfn. intent on other business,  |
anyakārukā | f. a worm bred in excrement  |
anyakriya | mfn. intent on other business,  |
anyakṛta | (any/a--) mfn. done by another  |
anyakṣetra | n. another territory or sphere  |
anyaliṅga | mfn. having the gender of another (word, viz. of the substantive), an adjective.  |
anyaliṅgaka | mfn. having the gender of another (word, viz. of the substantive), an adjective.  |
anyaloha | m. brass-metal,  |
anyalokya | mfn. destined for another world,  |
anyamanas | mfn. whose mind is fixed on something else, absent, versatile  |
anyamanas | mfn. having another mind in one's self, possessed by a demon.  |
anyamānasa | see an-- any-  |
anyamanaska | mfn. whose mind is fixed on something else, absent, versatile  |
anyamanaska | mfn. having another mind in one's self, possessed by a demon.  |
anyamātṛja | m. a half-brother (who has the same father but another mother)  |
anyamātṛka | mf(ā-)n. having another mother,  |
anyanābhi | (any/a--) mfn. of another family  |
anyaṅga | mfn. "spotless", in compound with  |
anyaṅgaśveta | mfn. white and without spot (as a sacrificial animal)  |
anyapadārthapradhāna | mfn. having as chief sense that of another word (as a Bahu-vri1hi), Sch.  |
anyāpadeśa | m. (= anyo- kti-),  |
anyapara | mfn. devoted to something else, zealous in something else.  |
anyaparigraha | m. the wife of another,  |
anyapūrvā | f. a woman previously betrothed to one and married to another.  |
anyapuṣṭa | mf(ā-) ([ ])"reared by another", the kokila or Indian cuckoo (supposed to be reared by the crow) .  |
anyarājan | mfn. having another for king, subject to another  |
anyarāṣṭrīya | mfn. from another kingdom, belonging to another kingdom  |
anyarāṣṭriya | mfn. (= ṭrīya-),  |
anyarhi | ind. at another time  |
anyārtha | m. another's affair,  |
anyārtha | mf(ā-)n. one who has another aim or object (- tva-), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anyārtha | having another sense or meaning (also - vat-), , Scholiast or Commentator  |
anyārtha | n. the use of a word in an uncommon sense,  |
anyārthatva | (n.)  |
anyarūpa | n. another form  |
anyarūpa | n. (eṇa-), in another form, disguised  |
anyarūpa | mf(ā-)n. having another form, changed, altered  |
anyarūpin | mfn. having another shape.  |
anyasādhāraṇa | mfn. common to others.  |
anyāsādhāraṇa | mfn. not common to another, peculiar.  |
anyaśākhaka | m. a Brahman who has left his school  |
anyaśākhaka | m. an apostate  |
anyaśākhāstha | mfn. one who studies in another śākhā-,  |
anyāsakta | mfn. intent on something else.  |
anyasaṃgama | m. intercourse with another, adulterous intercourse. |
anyaśaṅkita | mfn. (= anyathā-- sambhāvin-),  |
anyāśrayaṇa | n. going to another (as an inheritance).  |
anyāśrita | mfn. gone to another.  |
anyaśṛṅga | n. the horn (by which an animal is tied),  |
anyastrīga | m. going to another's wife, an adulterer  |
anyatā | f. difference.  |
anyataeta | mf(-enī-)n. variegated on one side  |
anyataḥkṣṇut | mfn. sharp on one side  |
anyataḥplakṣā | f. Name of a lotus pond in kurukṣetra-  |
anyataḥsitibāhu | (any/ataḥ--), mfn. having the forefeet white only on one side,  |
anyataḥsitirandhra | (any/ataḥ--), mfn. having the ear-cavities white only on one side, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anyatama | mfn. any one of many, either, any.  |
anyatara | as-, ā-, at- either of two, other, different  |
anyatara | a certain one,  |
anyatara | anyatara anyatara-, the one, the other  |
anyatara | anyatarasyām- locative case f. either way.  |
anyatarānyatara | mfn. of whatever kind,  |
anyataratas | ind. on one of two sides  |
anyataratas | ind. either way (equals anyatarasyām-)  |
anyataratodanta | mf(ā-)n. having teeth on one side (only)  |
anyataratoyukta | mfn. yoked only on one side,  |
anyataredyus | ind. on either of two days  |
ānyatareya | m. (fr. anya-tara- gaRa śubhrādi- ), Name of a grammarian ([ ]), (perhaps rather) belonging to the school [and family] of another [teacher] ?.  |
anyatas | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
anyatas | ind. from another  |
anyatas | ind. from another motive  |
anyatas | ind. on one side (anyataḥ anyataḥ-,on the one, on the other side)  |
anyatas | ind. elsewhere  |
anyatas | ind. on the other side, on the contrary, in one direction  |
anyatas | ind. towards some other place.  |
anyatastya | m. "opponent, adversary", in compound with  |
anyatastyajāyin | mfn. overwhelming adversaries  |
anyathā | ind. otherwise, in a different manner (with atas-, itas-,or tatas-= in a manner different from this; anyathā anyathā-,in one way, in another way)  |
anyathā | ind. inaccurately, untruly, falsely, erroneously  |
anyathā | ind. from another motive; in the contrary case, otherwise ([ confer, compare Latin aliuta]).  |
anyathābhāva | m. alteration, difference.  |
anyathābhidhāna | n. false statement or deposition, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anyathābhūta | mfn. changed.  |
anyathādarśana | n. false trial (of a lawsuit), , Scholiast or Commentator  |
anyathājātīyaka | mfn. of another kind,  |
anyathākāra | m. doing otherwise changing  |
anyathākāram | ind. otherwise, in a different manner  |
anyathākaraṇa | n. ( ) changing, change  |
anyathākhyāti | f. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) the assertion that something is not really what it appears to be according to sensual perception  |
anyathākhyāti | f. Name of a philosophical work.  |
anyathākṛ | to act otherwise, alter, violate (a law), destroy (a hope), etc.  |
anyathākṛta | mfn. changed.  |
anyathākṛti | f. (lexicographers (i.e. a word or meaning which although give in native lexicons, has not yet been met with in any published text)) changing, change  |
anyathāsambhāvin | mfn. suspecting something else, distrustful,  |
anyathāsiddha | mfn. wrongly defined, wrongly proved or established  |
anyathāsiddha | mfn. effected otherwise, unessential.  |
anyathāsiddhatva | n. wrong arguing, wrong demonstration  |
anyathāsiddhatva | n. that demonstration in which arguments are referred to untrue causes.  |
anyathāsiddhi | f. wrong arguing, wrong demonstration  |
anyathāsiddhi | f. that demonstration in which arguments are referred to untrue causes.  |
anyathāśīlika | mfn. accustomed to act differently from (atas-),  |
anyathāstotra | n. irony  |
anyathātva | n. an opposite state of the case, difference.  |
anyathāvādin | mfn. (or anya-vādin-) speaking differently  |
anyathāvādin | m. (ī-) speaking inconsistently  |
anyathāvādin | m. (in law) prevaricating or a prevaricator.  |
anyathāvṛtti | mfn. altered, disturbed by strong emotion.  |
anyathaya | P. anyathayati-, to alter  |
anyatīrthika | mfn. belonging to another sect, heterodox,  |
anyatkāma | mfn. desirous of something else,  |
anyatkāraka | mfn. making mistakes (the neut. form appears to be used in compound when error of any kind is implied;other examples besides the following are given) .  |
anyatkṛ | to make a mistake  |
anyatodat | mfn. equals anyatar/ato-danta- q.v  |
anyatodvāra | mfn. having doors only on one side,  |
anyatoghātin | mfn. striking in one direction  |
anyatoghātin | mfn. striking against another,  |
anyatojyotis | mfn. having light or a jyotis- day only on one side, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anyatomukha | (any/ato--), mfn. hiving a face only on one side,  |
anyatomukha | (any/ato--), mfn. hiving a face only on one side,  |
anyatoraṇya | n. a land which is woody only on one side  |
anyatovāta | m. a disease of the eye,  |
anyatpārśva | mf(ā-)n. showing another side,  |
anyatra | ind. (equals anyasmin- locative case of 2. any/a-), elsewhere, in another place (with ablative)  |
anyatra | ind. on another occasion  |
anyatra | ind. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') at another time than  |
anyatra | ind. otherwise, in another manner  |
anyatra | ind. to another place  |
anyatra | ind. except, without ([ confer, compare Gothic aljathro7]).  |
anyatrakaraṇa | m. the son of a paramour,  |
anyatramanas | (any/atra--) mfn. having the mind directed to something else, inattentive  |
anyatsthānagata | mfn. being at another place,  |
anyavāpa | m. "sowing for others" id est "leaving his eggs in the nests of other birds", the kokila or Indian cuckoo  |
anyavarṇa | (any/a--) mf(ā-)n. having another colour.  |
anyavrata | (any/a--) m. devoted to others, infidel  |
anyāya | mfn. having intercourse with another's wife,  |
anyāya | m. unjust or unlawful action  |
anyāya | m. impropriety, indecorum  |
anyāya | m. irregularity, disorder.  |
anyayajña | m. another's sacrifice,  |
anyāyamati | mfn. having improper thoughts,  |
anyāyasamāsa | m. an irregular compound,  |
anyāyatas | ind. irregularly, improperly,  |
anyāyavartin | mfn. acting unjustly  |
anyāyavartin | mfn. following evil courses.  |
anyāyavṛtta | mfn. acting unjustly  |
anyāyavṛtta | mfn. following evil courses.  |
anyāyavṛtti | mfn. (= - vartin-),  |
anyāyin | mfn. unjust, improper, indecorous, unbecoming.  |
anyāyin | mfn. badly behaved,  |
anyāyya | mfn. unjust, improper, indecorous, unbecoming.  |
anyedyuka | mfn. ([ ]) occurring on another day  |
anyedyuka | m. a chronic fever.  |
anyedyus | ind. on the other day, on the following day etc. |
anyedyus | ind. the other day, once |
anyedyuṣka | mfn. ([ ]) occurring on another day  |
anyedyuṣka | m. a chronic fever.  |
anyedyuṣka | ( ), mfn. relating or belonging to the other day.  |
anyedyuska | ( ), mfn. relating or belonging to the other day.  |
anyodarya | mfn. born from another womb  |
anyodarya | m. a stepmother's son  |
anyoḍhā | f. married to another, another's wife  |
anyokas | mfn. not remaining in one's habitation (okas-)  |
anyokti | f. allegorical expression,  |
anyoktikaṇṭhābharaṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
anyoktipariccheda | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
anyoktiśataka | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
anyonya | mfn. anyo-'nya- (said to be fr. anyas- Nominal verb singular m.and anya-; see paraspara-;in most cases the first anya-may be regarded as the subject of the sentence, while the latter assumes the accusative,inst. genitive case,or locative case cases as required by the verb;but there are many instances in which the first anya-,originally a nominative, is equivalent to an oblique case); mfn. one another, mutual  |
anyonyabhāva | m. mutual exchange of condition,  |
anyonyābhāva | m. mutual non-existence, mutual negation, relative difference.  |
anyonyabheda | m. mutual division or enmity.  |
anyonyadarśana | n. an interview, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anyonyadharmin | mfn. possessing mutually each other's qualities,  |
anyonyagata | mfn. mutual, reciprocal,  |
anyonyaghāta | m. mutual conflict, killing one another.  |
anyonyahārābhihata | mfn. (two quantities) mutually multiplied by their denominators.  |
anyonyakalaha | m. mutual quarrel.  |
anyonyakṛtya | n. mutual services,  |
anyonyam | ind. mutually.  |
anyonyamithuna | n. mutual union  |
anyonyamithuna | m. united mutually.  |
anyonyamithuna | mfn. living by couples,  |
anyonyānurāga | m. mutual affectinn,  |
anyonyāpahṛta | mfn. taken or secreted from one another, taken secretly.  |
anyonyapakṣanayana | n. transposing (of numbers) from one side to another.  |
anyonyāpatitatyāgin | mfn. deserting each other without either losing caste,  |
anyonyasaṃśraya | m. reciprocal relation (of cause and effect).  |
anyonyasāpekṣa | mfn. mutually relating.  |
anyonyaspardhā | f. mutual emulation (dhin- = rivalling),  |
anyonyaspardhin | mfn. = rivalling  |
anyonyāśraya | m. mutual or reciprocal support or connection or dependance  |
anyonyāśraya | m. mutually depending.  |
anyonyāśrita | mfn. mutually supported or depending.  |
anyonyatas | ind. mutually.  |
anyonyavibhāga | m. mutual partition (of an inheritance).  |
anyonyavṛtti | m. mutual effect of one upon another.  |
anyonyavyatikara | m. reciprocal action, relation or influence.  |
anyonyokti | f. conversation.  |
anyonyopamā | f. a reciprocal simile,  |
anyopatāpin | mfn. paining others,  |
anyotpanna | mfn. begotten by another.  |
anyūna | mf(ā-)n. not defective, not less than (with ablative)  |
anyūna | mf(ā-)n. entire, complete.  |
anyūnādhika | mfn. not too little and not too much  |
anyūnādhika | mfn. neither deficient nor excessive.  |
anyūnāṅga | mfn. not defective in limbs or organs,  |
anyūnārthavādin | mfn. adequately expressive,  |
anyūnātirikta | ([ ]) mfn. not too little and not too much  |
anyūnātirikta | mfn. neither deficient nor excessive.  |
anyūnātiriktāṅga | mfn. having neither too few nor too many limbs or organs,  |
apamānya | mfn. disreputable, dishonourable.  |
apamanyu | mfn. free from grief.  |
āpāntamanyu | mfn. giving zeal or courage when drunk (said of the soma- juice)  |
apanyāyya | mfn. improper, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
apanyāyyatva | (n.)  |
aparakānyakubja | m. Name of a village in the western part of kānyakubja-  |
apatitānyonyatyāgin | mfn. deserting one another (as the father deserting a son, the teacher a pupil etc.) without (the latter) being ejected from caste, .  |
apivānyavatsā | equals abhivānyā- q.v  |
apivānyavatsā | ([ ]) f. cow who suckles an adopted calf (see also ni-vāny/ā-,etc.)  |
aprādhānya | n. non-superiority, inferiority, subordination.  |
apratimanyūyamāna | mfn. being unable to show resentment or to retaliate anger for anger |
arājanya | mfn. without the rājanya--or kṣatriya--caste  |
araṇyadhānya | n. wild rice  |
arthāntaranyāsa | m. introduction of some other matter (an illustration of a particular case by a general truth or of a general truth by a particular case)  |
arthanyuna | mfn. "deficient in wealth", poor  |
arthasaṃnyāsin | mfn. renouncing an advantage.  |
arundhatīdarśananyāya | m. the rule of the view of the star arundhatī-,  |
asāmanya | mfn. unfavourable  |
asāmānya | mfn. not common, special,  |
asāmānya | mfn. uncommon, peculiar etc.  |
asāmānya | mfn. special property  |
asaṃnyupta | mfn. (2. vap-) not thrown together,  |
āsanya | mfn. being in the mouth  |
asenya | (4) mfn. not striking or wounding, not hurting (as words)  |
aśmaloṣṭranyāya | m. the rule of the stone and clod of earth (used to denote the relative importance of two things, both of which may be unimportant),  |
aśnyuṣṇi | mfn. "burning him who eats" ([ commentator or commentary ]) or,"consuming and burning"(Name of an agni-)  |
aśokavanikānyāya | m. the rule of the grove of aśoka- trees (applied to cases in which a preference of any particular thing among many cannot be accounted for, just as rāvaṇa- kept sītā- in an aśoka- grove, but might equally well have kept her in a grove of other trees),  |
aśūnya | mf(ā-)n. not empty etc.  |
aśūnya | mf(ā-)n. not vain or useless  |
aśūnyaśayana | n. the day on which viśvakarman- rests  |
aśūnyaśayanadvitīyā | f. Name of ceremonies on that occasion  |
aśūnyaśayanavrata | n. Name of ceremonies on that occasion  |
aśūnyatā | f. (aśūny/a--) non-emptiness  |
aśūnyatā | f. completion (as of seasons)  |
aśūnyopasthā | f. (a woman) whose womb is not empty, married  |
atighnya | (4) mfn. one who is in the condition ati-ghnī-  |
atipraśnya | mfn. to be asked such a question  |
ātivijñānya | mfn. (fr. ati-vijñāna-), surpassing the understanding  |
ātmanya | mf(ā-)n. being connected with one's self  |
atonya | mfn. differing from this.  |
auccāmanyava | m. a descendant of uccāmanyu-  |
audanya | m. (fr. udanya-), Name of the ṛṣi- muṇḍibha-  |
audanyava | m. (fr. udanyu-) idem or 'm. (fr. udanya-), Name of the ṛṣi- muṇḍibha- '  |
audanyāyani | m. a descendant of udanya- gaRa tikādi- ([ ])  |
audanyi | m. idem or 'm. a descendant of udanya- gaRa tikādi- ([ ]) ' gaRa pailādi- ]  |
audāsīnya | n. (fr. ud-āsīna-), indifference, apathy, disregard  |
augrasainya | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a descendant of ugra-sena- ' on vArttika 7 on ' , Name of yudhāṃśrauṣṭi-  |
augrasenya | m. idem or 'm. a descendant of ugra-sena- ' on vArttika 7 on  |
aupamanyava | m. a descendant of upa-manyu-  |
aupamanyava | m. plural Name of a school belonging to the yajur-veda-. |
avadānya | mfn. (see abhy-avad-) "niggardly", (gaRa cārv-ādi- q.v)  |
avamanya | ind.p. equals -matya-  |
avamānya | mfn. equals -mantavya-  |
avamanyaka | mfn. equals -mantṛ- (with genitive case) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
avasānya | mfn. belonging to the line of a verse  |
avasvanya | mfn. roaring  |
āvijñānya | mfn. (fr. a-vijñāna-), undistinguishable  |
avinyasta | mfn. untrodden,  |
aviravikanyāya | m. equals avy-avika-nyāya-, q.v  |
avyavikanyāya | m. (only instrumental case ena-) after the fashion of avi- and avika- (id est though avi-and avika-both mean"a"goat", a derivation in the sense of, goat's flesh"can be formed only from avika-[ āvikam-].not from avi-[ aver māṃsam-])  |
bahirnyāsasūtra | n. Name of work  |
bahudhanya | wrong reading for dhānya-.  |
bahudhānya | m. "abounding in corn", Name of the 12th or 46th year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter  |
bahudhānyaka | m. or n. (?) Name of a place  |
bahujanya | (bāhu-j-?), prob. n. a multitude of people  |
bāhujanya | mfn. spread among many people  |
bāhujanya | n. a great multitude of people, crowd  |
bahumānya | mfn. to be thought much of, to be highly esteemed, estimable on  |
bahuśūnya | mfn. very empty or void  |
bālabodhanīnyāsa | m. Name of work  |
balavinyāsa | m. arrangement of forces, array of troops  |
baudhnya | m. plural (fr. budhna-) Name of a school (see baudheya-, bodheya-).  |
bhadrakanyā | f. Name of the mother, of maudgalyāyana-  |
bhagīrathakanyā | f. "daughter of bhagī-ratha-", Name of gaṅgā-  |
bhaimasenya | m. patronymic fr. bhima-sena- Va1rtt. 7  |
bhajenya | ( ) mfn. equals janīya-.  |
bhaktisāmānyanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhaktisaṃnyāsanirṇayavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhāsmāyanya | m. patronymic fr. bhasman- gaRa kuñjādi-  |
bhāsmāyanya | m. plural bhāsmāyanāḥ-  |
bhāṭṭadīpikānyakkāra | m. Name of work  |
bhavadanya | mfn. other than you  |
bhavamanyu | m. resentment against the world, (see bhāva-).  |
bhavanmanyu | m. Name of a prince  |
bhavānyaṣṭaka | n. Name of work.  |
bhāvarahasyasāmānya | n. Name of work  |
bhāvaśūnya | mfn. void of affection or attachment  |
bhedadhikkāranyakkārahuṃkṛti | f. Name of work  |
bhedadhikkāranyakkāranirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhojakanyā | f. a girl of the race of the bhoja-s  |
bhujaṃgakanyā | f. a young female snake or a serpent. nymph  |
bhumanyu | m. Name of a son of bharata-  |
bhumanyu | m. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- (see bhavan-manyu-).  |
bhūmanyu | m. Name of a king (Bombay edition sumanyu-; see bhumanyu-).  |
bhūtacaitanya | n. intellectuality of matter  |
bhuvanavinyāsa | m. Name of chapter of  |
bījadhānya | n. coriander  |
bījāṅkuranyāya | m. the rule of seed and sprout (where two things stand to each other in the relation of cause and effect)  |
bījāṅkuranyāya | m. the rule of seed and sprout (id est of the relation of both cause and effect),  |
bījanyāsa | m. (in dramatic language) the laying down or making known the germ of a plot  |
bodhinyāsa | m. Name of work  |
brādhnāyanya | m. patronymic fr. bradhna- gaRa kuñjādi- (f(yanī-).; m. plural yanāḥ- )  |
brahmacaitanyayati | m. Name of an author  |
brahmakanya | (prob.) m. Clerodendrum Siphonantus  |
brahmakanyaka | m. (prob.) idem or '(prob.) m. Clerodendrum Siphonantus '  |
brahmakanyakā | f. Ruta Graveolens  |
brahmakanyakā | f. Name of sarasvatī-  |
brāhmaṇaśramaṇanyāya | m. the rule or phrase of the Brahman śramaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇaśramaṇanyāyāt | ind. according to the phrase "a brāhmaṇa- śramaṇa-"(which involves a contradiction as it expresses a brāhmaṇa- Buddhist; see śramaṇa-)  |
brahmarājanya | m. dual number a Brahman and a kṣatriya-  |
brahmasūtropanyāsa | m. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmasūtropanyāsavṛtti | f. Name of Comm. on Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
budhnya | mfn. being on the ground or at the base, coming from or belonging to the depths (very often in connexion with /ahi- q.v)  |
budhnya | mfn. Name of a son of the 14th manu-  |
caitanya | n. (fr. c/etana-) consciousness  |
caitanya | n. intelligence, sensation, soul, spirit etc.  |
caitanya | n. the Universal Soul or Spirit  |
caitanya | m. Name of a reformer of the vaiṣṇava- faith (born about 1485 A.D. ).  |
caitanyabhairavī | f. a form of durgā-  |
caitanyacandrodaya | m. "moon-rise of the reformer caitanya-", Name of a drama.  |
caitanyacaraṇāmrita | n. "nectar of caitanya-'s life", Name of work by kṛṣṇa-dāsa- (abridgement of the caitanya-caritra- )  |
caitanyacaritāmṛta | n. equals raṇām-.  |
caitanyacaritra | m. Name of work (See before) .  |
caitanyadeva | m. Name of a man  |
caitanyamaṅgala | n. Name of work =  |
caitanyāmṛta | n. Name of a grammar.  |
caitanyayukta | mfn. endowed with consciousness (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
cakṣurvanya | mfn. suffering from disease of the eyes  |
caraṇanyāsa | m. footstep  |
caraṇanyāsa | m. foot-mark  |
caturaṅgasainya | n. equals -bala-  |
chattradhānya | n. coriander  |
chattrinyāya | m. "the manner of applying the term chattrin- to a king ", permitted synonym  |
citranyasta | mfn. equals -ga- (varia lectio)  |
dāhavadānya | mfn. burning intensely,  |
dāhavadānyatā | (f.)  |
dainya | n. wretchedness, affliction, depression, miserable state etc.  |
dainya | n. meanness, covetousness  |
dakṣakanyā | f. a daughter of  |
dakṣakanyā | f. durgā-  |
dakṣiṇānyāya | mfn. equals ṇato-ny-  |
dakṣiṇāranya | n. "southern forest", Name of a forest  |
dakṣiṇatonyāya | mfn. where the southern direction is the rule  |
damanya | Nom. (subjunctive yat-) to subdue  |
daṇḍāpūpanyāya | m. a method of reasoning in which a self-evident truth is illustrated by saying that a mouse which has eaten a stick is sure to eat a cake  |
darśanīyaṃmanya | mfn. thinking one's self to be g-  |
daśakanyātīrtha | n. the tīrtha- of the 10 Virgins  |
dauḥṣvapnya | n. evil dreams  |
daurjanya | n. wickedness, depravity |
daurjanya | n. evil, wrong  |
daurjanya | n. ill-will, envy,  |
dehalīdīpanyāya | m. the rule of the lamp placed over the threshold (id est giving light to both sides, and so serving a twofold purpose),  |
devadhānya | n. "god's grain", Andropogon Saccharatus, Andopogon Saccharatus, Holcus Saccharatus or Saccharatus Cernuum  |
devakanyā | f. idem or 'f. a celestial maiden, a nymph '  |
devakanyakā | f. a celestial maiden, a nymph  |
devarathāhnya | n. a day's journey for the sun's chariot  |
dhanadhānya | n. money and grain ( dhanadhānyādhika nyādhika- mfn.rich in money and grain )  |
dhanadhānya | n. a spell for restraining certain magical weapons  |
dhanadhānyādhika | mfn. dhanadhānya |
dhanvanya | mfn. being in dry soil or barren land  |
dhanya | mfn. bringing or bestowing wealth, opulent, rich (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' full of) etc.  |
dhanya | mfn. fortunate, happy, auspicious etc.  |
dhanya | mfn. good, virtuous (see dhanika-)  |
dhanya | mfn. wholesome, healthy  |
dhanya | m. infidel, atheist  |
dhanya | m. a spell for using or restraining magical weapons  |
dhanya | m. Vatica Robusta  |
dhanya | m. Name of a man (see gaRa aśvādi-)  |
dhanya | m. of the vaiśya-s in krauñca-dvīpa-  |
dhanyā | f. a nurse  |
dhanya | m. Emblic Myrobalan  |
dhanya | m. Name of dhruva-'s wife  |
dhanya | m. (also n.) coriander  |
dhanya | n. treasure, wealth  |
dhanya | dhanyaka- etc. See column 1.  |
dhānya | mfn. consisting or made of grain  |
dhānya | n. corn, grain etc. etc. (according to only śālayaḥ-, ṣaṣṭikāḥ-& vīhayaḥ-,the other grains being ku-dhānya- q.v)  |
dhānya | n. a measure = 4 sesamum seeds  |
dhānya | n. coriander (alsof(ā-).)  |
dhānya | n. Cyperus Rotundus  |
dhānya | n. a kind of house  |
dhānya | n. (fr. dhana-) the being rich, richness  |
dhānyābhra | n. a particular preparation of talc  |
dhānyābhraka | n. a particular preparation of talc  |
dhānyabīja | n. coriander  |
dhānyācala | m. a pile of grain foe presentation to Brahmans (see dhānya-parvata-and -śaila-) |
dhānyacamasa | m. rice flattened by threshing  |
dhānyacārin | mfn. eating grains (bird)  |
dhānyacaura | m. a stealer of corn  |
dhānyada | mfn. giving or distributing corn  |
dhānyāda | mfn. eating corn  |
dhānyadhana | n. sg. corn and wealth  |
dhānyadhanatas | ind. on account of possessing corn and wealth  |
dhānyadhanavat | mfn. rich in corn and wealth  |
dhānyadhenu | f. a heap of rice (like a cow) to be presented to a Brahman (see -gava-).  |
dhānyagava | m. corn heaped up in the shape of or equal in size to a bull  |
dhānyajīvin | mfn. living on grains  |
dhānyajīvin | m. a bird living on grains  |
dhanyaka | m. Name of a man  |
dhānyaka | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' for dhānya-), grain, corn  |
dhānyaka | m. Name of a man  |
dhānyaka | n. equals dhānyāka-, coriander (see dhanyāka-).  |
dhānyakalka | m. bran, chaff, straw  |
dhānyakartana | n. "corn-reaping", Name of chapter of  |
dhānyakaṭaka | Name of a country  |
dhānyakhala | m. threshing-floor  |
dhānyakośa | m. store of grain  |
dhānyakośa | m. ear of corn  |
dhānyakoṣa | m. store of grain  |
dhānyakoṣa | m. ear of corn  |
dhānyakoṣṭaka | n. equals -kūṭa-  |
dhānyākṛt | (for nya-kṛ-or equals nyākṛ-) m. cultivator of grain  |
dhānyakṣetra | n. a corn-field, rice-field  |
dhānyakūṭa | m. or n. granary  |
dhānyamāna | n. "corn-measure", as much corn as a man can eat at once (varia lectio)  |
dhānyamāṣa | m. a particular measure  |
dhānyamātṛ | m. a measurer of corn  |
dhānyamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of corn or rice  |
dhānyamāya | m. equals -mātṛ-  |
dhānyamāya | m. corn-dealer  |
dhānyamiśra | mfn. mixing or adulterating corn  |
dhānyamiśrā | f. a mixture of different sorts of grain,  |
dhānyāmla | n. sour rice-gruel  |
dhanyammanya | mfn. thinking one's self fortunate  |
dhānyāṃśa | m. a grain of corn  |
dhānyapāla | m. Name of a family  |
dhānyapañcaka | n. the 5 sorts of grain (śāli-dhānya-, vrīhi--, śūka--, śimbī--, kṣudra--)  |
dhānyaparvatadānavidhi | m. Name of chapter of  |
dhānyapata | mfn. gaRa aśva-paty-ādi-  |
dhānyapati | m. gaRa aśva-paty-ādi-  |
dhānyapātra | n. a vessel for corn  |
dhānyapūla | m. a bunch of corn-stalks commentator or commentary  |
dhānyarāja | m. "grain-king", barley  |
dhānyārgha | m. the price of corn  |
dhānyārgha | m. wealth in rice or grain  |
dhānyāri | m. "enemy of corn", a mouse  |
dhānyaropaṇa | n. "grain-planting", Name of chapter of  |
dhānyaśailadāna | n. Name of chapter of (see -parvata-dāna-vidhi-).  |
dhānyasaṃgraha | m. a store or magazine of grain  |
dhānyasāra | m. "essence of grain", threshed corn  |
dhanyāśī | f. See dhanāśrī- below.  |
dhānyaśīrṣaka | n. the ear of corn  |
dhānyaśreṣṭha | n. "the best of corn", a kind of rice  |
dhanyāṣṭaka | n. equals nya-stotra-  |
dhānyāsthi | n. threshed corn  |
dhanyastotra | n. "the praise of the blessed", Name of a poem ascribed to śaṃkarācārya-  |
dhānyaśūka | n. the awn or beard of corn  |
dhanyatā | f. fortune, good luck, opulence  |
dhānyatā | f. wrong reading for dhanya-tā-.  |
dhānyatilvila | (ny/a--) mfn. abounding in corn  |
dhanyatithi | m. an auspicious or a particular day  |
dhanyatva | n. equals -tā- f.  |
dhānyatvac | f. husk of corn  |
dhanyavāda | m. thanksgiving, praise, applause  |
dhānyavani | (?) a heap of grain  |
dhānyavapana | n. "grain-sowing", Name of chapter of  |
dhānyavardhana | n. usury with grain  |
dhānyavat | mfn. rich in grain  |
dhānyavat | ind. like grain  |
dhānyavīja | See -bīja-.  |
dhānyavīra | m. "grain-chief."Phaseolus Radiatus, 1.  |
dhānyāyana | m. patronymic fr. dhanya- gaRa aśvādi-.  |
dhānyeya | n. coriander  |
dhanyodaya | m. Name of a man  |
dhānyottama | m. "the best of grain", rice  |
dhnyāka | n. Coriandeum Sativum  |
dhvajinyutsavasaṃketa | m. Name of a people  |
dhvany | in compound for ni-.  |
dhvanya | m. Name of a man  |
dhvanyācārya | m. Name of an author = ānanda-vardana-.  |
dhvanyālocana | n. Name of work  |
dhvanyāloka | m. Name of work  |
dhvanyartha | m. implied meaning or truth  |
dhvanyātmaka | mfn. inarticulate (sound)  |
dikkanyā | f. a quarter of the sky deified as a young virgin (varia lectio kāntā-).  |
dinammanyā | f. a full-moon night,  |
divāmanya | mfn. passing for day, appearing as day (night)  |
doṣāmanya | mfn. (fr. doṣā- ind.) considered as nocturnal, passing for nocturnal (day)  |
doṣāmanya | mfn. see  |
dṛḍhamanyu | mfn. having intense anger or grief  |
dṛśenya | mfn. equals d/ṛśīka-  |
duḥṣvapnya | n. bad sleep or dreams  |
dūraśūnya | mfn. leading through a long desert (way)  |
durnyasta | mfn. badly arranged, ix, 41  |
durnyasta | mfn. badly used (said of a spell)  |
duṣvapnya | (duṣv/apnya-) See duḥ-ṣv-.  |
duvanyasad | mfn. (fr.1. du-) dwelling among the distant (dadhi-krāvan-) ( among the worshippers, see 2. d/uvas-). 1. |
dvādaśānyika | mfn. one who has made 12 mistakes in reading  |
dvyanya | mf(ā-)n. accompanied etc. by 2 others  |
dvyanya | n. the 2 others collectively  |
ekadaṇḍisaṃnyāsavidhi | m. Name of work  |
evaṃnyaṅga | mfn. having such a characteristic, of such a kind  |
evaṃnyāya | mfn. following this manner or rule of performance  |
gajakanyā | f. a female elephant  |
gāṃmanya | mfn. thinking one's self a cow  |
gāṃmanya | See gāṃ-,  |
gāṇāyanya | m. a descendant of gaṇa-  |
gandharvakanyā | f. a gandharva- virgin  |
gaupanya | m. plural patronymic (gopana- ) .  |
gautamanyagrodha | m. " gautama-'s nyagrodha-"Name of a fig-tree near vaiśālī-  |
ghānya | n. (fr. ghan/a-) compactness ( )  |
ghnya | See /a--  |
ghnya | ati-ghny/a-.  |
ghuṇākṣaranyāya | m. fortuitous and unexpected manner, happy chance  |
glānya | n. decrease of strength  |
gobalīvardanyāyena | instrumental case ind. after the manner of"a bull of cattle", an expression to denote when a pleonasm is allowed on Introd.  |
gomayapāyasīyanyāyavat | ind. "in the manner of cow-dung and of milky food" id est very different in nature though having the same origin  |
gonyoghas | (g/o--) mfn. streaming or flowing among milk ("having quantities of fluid streaming down" )  |
gopakanyā | f. idem or 'f. a cow-herdess ' , 4081 and 4085  |
gopakanyā | f. the gopā- plant  |
gopakanyakā | f. a cow-herdess  |
graiṣmikadhānya | n. equals grīṣma-dh-, .  |
gṛhakanyā | f. Aloe perfoliata (ghṛta-kumārī-) (see kanyakā-.)  |
grīṣmadhānya | n. summer corn  |
guḍajihvikānyāya | m. "rule of the sugar and the tongue", transitory impression soon lost, momentary opinion  |
hanyamāna | mfn. (pr. p. Passive voice) being killed or slain etc.  |
hanyamāna | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio haṃsa-mārga-)  |
haridāsanyāyavācaspatitarkālaṃkārabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of author. ( )  |
harimanyusāyaka | (h/ari--) mfn. stimulating the mettle of the bay horses (said of indra-)  |
haritadhānya | n. green id est unripe corn  |
harivaṃśanyāsa | m. Name of work  |
hastavinyāsa | m. position of the hand  |
haumyadhānya | n. equals homa-dh-  |
hemadhānya | n. sesamum grain (see homa-dh-)  |
hemadhānyaka | m. a particular weight (= 1 1/2 māṣaka-s)  |
hetūpanyāsa | m. the assignment of reasons or motives, statement of an argument  |
hetuśūnya | mfn. devoid of reason, unfounded  |
hetvābhāsasāmānyalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
hiraṇyakeśyāgnyādhānapaddhati | f. N of work  |
homadhānya | n. "sacrificial grain", sesamum  |
huvanya | Nom. P. yati- (prob. fr. huvana-= havana-), to call, cry  |
iddhamanyu | mfn. having the anger excited or kindled.  |
īḍenya | mfn. to be invoked or implored  |
īḍenya | mfn. to be praised or glorified, praiseworthy, laudable  |
īḷenya | mfn. to be invoked or implored  |
īḷenya | mfn. to be praised or glorified, praiseworthy, laudable  |
īśānya | n. Name of a liṅga-.  |
iṣṭakānyāsa | m. laying the foundation of a house.  |
jagatīpatikanyakā | f. "king's daughter", a princess (varia lectio)  |
jaghanya | mf(/ā-)n. (gaRa dig-ādi-;in compound ; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' gaRa vargyādi-) hindmost, last, latest etc.  |
jaghanya | mf(/ā-)n. lowest, worst, vilest, least, least important etc.  |
jaghanya | mf(/ā-)n. of low origin or rank, (m.) man of the lowest class  |
jaghanya | m. Name of the attendant of the model man mālavya-  |
jaghanya | n. the penis  |
jaghanya | n. with kṛ-, to leave behind  |
jaghanyabhāva | m. inferiority  |
jaghanyaguṇa | m. the lowest of the 3 guṇa-s (tamas-)  |
jaghanyaja | mfn. last born, youngest, i, iii  |
jaghanyaja | m. a younger brother  |
jaghanyaja | m. "low-born", a śūdra-  |
jaghanyaja | m. Name of a son of pradyota-.  |
jaghanyakārin | mfn. (in med.) attending extremely unskilfully  |
jaghanyam | ind. behind, after, last  |
jaghanyaprabhava | mfn. of lowest origin  |
jaghanyarātre | locative case ind. at the end of the night  |
jaghanyasaṃveśin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. going to bed last, .'  |
jaghanyaśāyin | mfn. going to bed last, .  |
jaghanyatara | mfn. (Comparative degree) lower, inferior  |
jaghanyatas | ind. from behind  |
jaghanyatas | ind. behind, after, last  |
jaghanyāyus | mfn. shortest  |
jaghanye | ind. idem or 'ind. behind, after, last '  |
jāgradduṣvapnya | n. a disagreeable dream in a waking state  |
jahnukanyā | f. " jahnu-'s daughter", gaṅgā-  |
jahnukanyā | f. (hnoḥ k- )  |
jaikaśūnya | m. Name of a man ( jek-and jihvāś-).  |
jaiminīyanyāyamālāvistara | m. Name of a compendium of the mīmāṃsā- philosophy by mādhava-.  |
jainya | mfn. relating to the jaina-s.  |
jaladhikanyakā | f. equals -jā-  |
jalatumbikānyāya | m. the method of the water and the bottle-gourd.  |
jāmadagnya | mfn. belonging or relating to jamad-agni- or to his son jāmadagnya-  |
jāmadagnya | m. (gaRa gargādi-) equals gniya-  |
jāmadagnya | m. rāma- (paraśu--)  |
jāmadagnya | m. Name of a catur-aha-  |
jāmadagnya | m. plural Jamad-agni's descendants  |
jāmadagnyadvādaśī | f. the 12th day in the light (?) half of vaiśākha-  |
jāmadagnyaka | m. equals jāmadagniya-  |
jāmadagnyāyita | n. the act of killing after the manner of paraśu-rāma-  |
jaṅghājaghanya | mfn. the last with respect to the shanks  |
janya | mfn. ( jan- ) born, produced  |
janya | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' born or arising or produced from, occasioned by etc. ( janyatā -tā- f.abstr. ; janyatva -tva- n. idem or 'mfn. ( jan- ) born, produced ' )  |
janya | m. a father  |
janya | n. the body  |
janya | n. a portent occurring at birth  |
janya | mfn. (fr. j/ana-) belonging to a race or family or to the same country, national  |
janya | mfn. belonging or relating to the people  |
janya | m. the friend or companion of a bridegroom  |
janya | m. a son-in-law  |
janya | m. a common man  |
janya | m. Name of śiva-  |
janya | m. varia lectio for jānya- q.v  |
janya | m. n. rumour, report  |
janya | n. people, community, nation (oxyt.)  |
janya | n. plural inimical races or men  |
janya | n. fighting, war,  |
janya | n. a market  |
janyā | f. (gaRa utkarādi-) a bridesmaid  |
janyā | f. the female friend of a mother  |
janyā | f. a newly-married wife  |
janyā | f. pleasure  |
janyā | f. affection  |
janya | nyīya-, nyu-. See above.  |
jānya | varia lectio for janya- q.v  |
janyatā | f. janya |
janyatva | n. janya |
janyavṛtti | f. contest, fight,  |
janyayātrā | f. bridal journey,  |
janyīya | mfn. fr. nyā- gaRa utkarādi-.  |
janyu | m. birth (?) (varia lectio)  |
janyu | m. a creature  |
janyu | m. fire  |
janyu | m. brahmā-  |
janyu | m. v.l. for jahnu- q.v  |
jātasenya | m. patronymic fr. -sena-  |
jāvanya | n. (fr. j/avana-) swiftness gaRa dṛdhādi-.  |
jāyānya | m. a kind of disease  |
jāyānya | according to to some ="syphilis".  |
jāyānya | m. (jāy/enya- )  |
jenya | mfn. ( jan-) of noble origin (see)  |
jenya | mfn. genuine, true (wealth, v/asu-),  |
jenyāvasu | mfn. having genuine [or"acquired" fr. ji-] wealth,  |
jenyāvasu | mfn.  |
jitamanyu | mfn. equals -kopa-  |
jitamanyu | m. viṣṇu-  |
jitamanyu | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a poet,  |
jīvadhanya | (v/a--) mf(ā-)n. rich in vital powers  |
jīvadhanya | according to to some,"blessing or befriending living creatures"  |
jñaṃmanya | mfn. thinking one's self-wise  |
jyeṣṭhajaghanya | mfn. plural the elders last  |
kadambakorakanyāya | m. the rule of the kadamba- buds (id est simultaneous appearance or action),  |
kaimutikanyāya | m. the rule of"how much more?"or"how much less?"arguing a fortiori commentator or commentary on  |
kaimutyanyāya | m. equals tika-ny- (q.v), commentator or commentary on  |
kaiśinya | m. metron. fr. keśinī- gaRa kurv-ādi-.  |
kākākṣinyāyāt | ind. in the manner of a crow's eye (said of a word which follows two rules), on this side and that, in such a way as to belong both to the preceding and subsequent commentator or commentary on ; on commentator or commentary on (kṣi-golakanyāyāt-).  |
kākākṣinyāyena | ind. in the manner of a crow's eye (said of a word which follows two rules), on this side and that, in such a way as to belong both to the preceding and subsequent commentator or commentary on ; on commentator or commentary on (kṣi-golakanyāyāt-).  |
kakudmikanyā | f. "mountain-daughter", a river  |
kakudmikanyā | f. Name of revatī- (wife of bala-rāma-)  |
kalānyāsa | m. tattooing a person's body with particular mystical marks  |
kāliṃmanyā | f. thinking oneself to be kālī-  |
kalindakanyā | f. " kalinda-'s daughter", Name of the river yamunā-  |
kanya | mf(ā-)n. the smallest (opposed to uttama-and madhyama-)  |
kanyā | f. See kany/ā- below; ([ confer, compare Zend kainin; Hibernian or Irish cain,"chaste, undefiled."])  |
kanyā | f. ( kan- ), a girl, virgin, daughter etc. etc. (kanyāṃ- dā-or pra-dā-or pra-yam-or upa-pad-, Causal to give one's daughter in marriage ; kanyāṃ prati-grah-or hṛ-or vah-,to receive a girl in marriage, marry )  |
kanyā | f. the sign of the zodiac Virgo and etc.  |
kanyā | f. the female of any animal  |
kanyā | f. Name of durgā-  |
kanyā | f. Name of a tuberous plant growing in kaśmīra-  |
kanyā | f. Aloe Perfoliata  |
kanyā | f. several other plants  |
kanyā | f. Name of a metre (of four lines, each of them containing four long syllables).  |
kanya | kanyaka-, kanyā-, etc. See .  |
kanyābhaikṣa | n. begging for a girl  |
kanyābhartṛ | m. (equals kanyābhiḥ prārthanīyo bhartā- ) , Name of kārttikeya-  |
kanyābhartṛ | m. a daughter's husband, son-in-law  |
kanyābhāva | m. virginity, maidenhood  |
kanyādāna | n. giving a girl in marriage  |
kanyādāna | n. (kanyādāna-,receiving a girl in marriage )  |
kanyādarśam | ind. at the sight of a girl, Sch.  |
kanyādātṛ | m. (a father) who gives a girl in marriage  |
kanyādhana | n. a girl's property, portion, dowry  |
kanyādhana | n. (if a girl dies unmarried her property falls to her brother's share )  |
kanyādoṣa | m. a blemish in a virgin (as disease, bad repute etc.)  |
kanyādūṣaka | m. the violator of a virgin  |
kanyādūṣaka | m. the calumniator of a girl  |
kanyādūṣaṇa | n. defilement of a virgin  |
kanyādūṣaṇa | n. calumniating a maiden.  |
kanyādūṣayitṛ | m. the defiler of a maiden  |
kanyādūṣin | m. idem or 'm. the defiler of a maiden '  |
kanyāgāra | n. the women's apartments,  |
kanyāgarbha | m. the offspring of an unmarried woman  |
kanyāgata | mfn. inherent in or pertaining to a virgin  |
kanyāgata | mfn. the position of a planet in the sign Virgo.  |
kanyāgrahaṇa | n. taking a girl in marriage.  |
kanyāgṛha | n. the women's apartments,  |
kanyāharaṇa | n. carrying a girl off forcibly, rape  |
kanyāhrada | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kanyāja | m. the son of an unmarried woman  |
kānyajā | f. a kind of perfume  |
kanyājāta | m. idem or 'm. the son of an unmarried woman '  |
kanyaka | mfn. the smallest  |
kanyakā | f. a girl, maiden, virgin, daughter etc.  |
kanyakā | f. the constellation Virgo in the zodiac  |
kanyakā | f. Name of durgā-  |
kanyakā | f. Aloe Indica  |
kanyākā | f. a girl,  |
kanyākā | the pupil of the eye,  |
kanyakācchala | n. beguiling a maiden, seduction  |
kanyakāchala | n. beguiling a maiden, seduction  |
kanyakāgāra | n. the women's apartments  |
kanyakāguṇa | m. plural Name of a people  |
kanyakājāta | m. the son of an unmarried woman  |
kanyākāla | m. the time of maidenhood  |
kanyakāpati | m. a daughter's husband, son-in-law  |
kanyakubja | n. (f(ā-). ), Name of an ancient city of great note (in the north-western provinces of India, situated on the kālī nadī-,a branch of the gaṅgā-, in the modern district of Farrukhabad;the popular spelling of the name presents, perhaps, greater variations than that of any place in India[ exempli gratia, 'for example' Kanauj,Kunnoj,Kunnouj,Kinoge,Kinnoge,Kinnauj,Kanoj,Kannauj,Kunowj,CanowjCanoje,Canauj,etc.];in antiquity this city ranks next to ayodhyā- in Oude;it is known in classical geography as Canogyza;but the name applies also to its dependencies and the surrounding district;the current etymology[ kanyā-,"a girl", shortened to kanya-,and kubja-,"round-shouldered or crooked"] refers to a legend in ,relating to the hundred daughters of kuśanābha-, the king of this city, who were all rendered crooked by vāyu- for non-compliance with his licentious desires;the ruins of the ancient city are said to occupy a site larger than that of London)  |
kanyākubja | f(ā-)n. equals kanya-kubja- above  |
kānyakubja | n. Name of a city (equals kanya-kubja- q.v) etc.  |
kānyakubja | mf(ī-)n. belonging to or dwelling in kānyakubja-  |
kanyakubjadeśa | m. the country round kanyakubja-.  |
kānyakubjī | f. a princess or a female inhabitant of kānyakubja- commentator or commentary on [In wrongly printed kānyākubja-.]  |
kanyakumārī | f. Name of durgā-  |
kanyākumārī | f. equals kanya-ku-.  |
kanyākūpa | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kanyalā | f. idem or 'f. a maiden, girl '  |
kanyāmaya | mfn. consisting of a girl (as property etc.), being a girl or daughter  |
kanyanā | f. a maiden, girl  |
kanyāpāla | m. the protector or father of a girl  |
kanyāpāla | m. a dealer in slave girls  |
kanyāpāla | m. a dealer in spirituous liquors (for kalyā-pāla-)  |
kanyāpati | m. a daughter's husband, son-in-law  |
kanyāpipīlikā | f. a very small ant,  |
kanyāpradāna | n. giving a daughter in marriage  |
kanyāpravahaṇa | n. (= pradāna-),  |
kanyāpura | n. the women's apartments |
kanyāputra | m. the offspring of an unmarried woman  |
kanyārāma | (kanyārāma-) m. Name of a buddha-.  |
kanyārāśi | m. the sign Virgo.  |
kanyāratna | n. "girl-jewel", an excellent maiden, a lovely girl.  |
kanyārthika | (kanyārthika-) mfn. wanting or desiring a girl.  |
kanyārthin | (kanyārthin-) mfn. idem or '(kanyārthika-) mfn. wanting or desiring a girl.'  |
kanyasa | mf(ā-and ī-)n. younger  |
kanyasa | mf(ā-and ī-)n. smaller, the smallest  |
kanyasā | f. the little finger  |
kanyāsaṃpradāna | n. the giving away a maiden in marriage.  |
kanyāsamudbhava | mfn. born from an unmarried woman  |
kanyāsaṃvedya | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kanyāśrama | (kanyāśrama-) m. Name of a hermitage  |
kanyāśulka | n. equals -dhana- above.  |
kanyāsvayaṃvara | m. the voluntary choice of a husband by a maiden.  |
kanyāṭa | mfn. (kanyāṭa-) following after young girls  |
kanyāṭa | m. the women's apartments  |
kanyātīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kanyātva | n. virginity, maidenhood  |
kanyāvat | mfn. possessing a daughter  |
kanyāvat | m. (ān-) the father of a girl  |
kanyāvedin | m. a son-in-law  |
kanyāvratasthā | f. a woman in her monthly state  |
kanyikā | f. a girl, maiden, daughter  |
kanyikā | See under kanyaka-.  |
kanyuṣa | n. the hand below the wrist.  |
kapiñjalanyāya | m. the rule of the kapiñjala-s (with whom even"three"is a large number), on .  |
karaṇavinyaya | m. manner of pronunciation  |
karanyāsa | m. marking the hand with mystical figures  |
karanyastakapolāntam | ind. the end of the cheek held in the hand.  |
karmajanya | mfn. produced by acts,  |
karmajanyatā | (f.)  |
karmanyāsa | m. the giving up of active duties  |
karmasaṃnyāsika | mfn. one who has given up works, an ascetic  |
karṇaśūnya | mfn. deaf  |
kārtsnya | n. idem or 'n. (fr. kṛtsn/a-;probably for the next) , the whole, totality ' etc.  |
kārtsnyena | ind. in full, entirely  |
kāśikanyā | f. a girl or virgin from kāśi-  |
kāśikānyāsa | See -vivaraṇapañjikā-.  |
kāṭhinya | n. hardness, rigidity, stiffness, sternness, severity (Name of a disease)  |
kāṭhinya | n. firmness of character, difficulty, obscurity (of style) commentator or commentary on  |
kāṭhinya | n. error for kaṭhilla-  |
kāṭhinyaphala | n. the plant Feronia Elephantum (kapittha-)  |
kaulīnya | n. high birth, nobility  |
kaulīnya | n. family honour  |
kaulīnya | n. family trouble or scandal  |
kauṇḍinya | m. patronymic fr. kuṇḍina- (or metron. fr. kuṇḍinī- gaRa gargādi-)  |
kauṇḍinya | m. Name of an old grammarian  |
kauṇḍinya | m. (vyākaraṇa--)  |
kauṇḍinya | m. of jaya-deva- (see vidarbhī-k-and ājñāta-k-)  |
kauṇḍinya | one of the 24 mythical buddha-s, .  |
kauṇḍinya | mfn. coming from kuṇḍina-  |
kauṇḍinyaka | n. Name of a kalpa-sūtra- commentator or commentary on  |
kauṇḍinyāyana | m. patronymic fr. nya-  |
kauṇḍinyāyana | m. patronymic fr. nya-  |
kauñjāyanya | m. a prince of the |