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Grammar Search
"nirveda" has 1 results
nirveda: masculine vocative singular stem: nirveda
Monier-Williams Search
11 results for nirveda
nirvedamfn. not having the veda-s, infidel, unscriptural View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirvedam. (for 1.See) idem or 'f. despondency, despair ' , complete indifference, disregard of worldly objects etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirvedam. loathing, disgust for (locative case genitive case or compound) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirveda1. and 2. nir-veda-. See , and nir-vid-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirvedaduḥsahamind. in a despairingly insupportable manner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirvedavatmfn. despondent, resigned, indifferent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anirvedam. non-depression, self-reliance. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃjātanirvedamfn. grown despondent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sanirvedamfn. having weariness or absence of liveliness, dull (as conversation) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sanirvedamind. with indifference View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sanirvedamind. in low spirits, despairingly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
3 results
nirveda निर्वेदः 1 Disgust, loathing. -2 Satiety, cloy. -3 Depression of spirits, despair, despondency; निर्वेदो नात्र कर्तव्यः Mb.3.32.5; परिभवान्निर्वेदमापद्यते Mk.1.14. -4 Humiliation. -5 Grief. -6 Complete indifference to wordly objects; तदा गन्तासि निर्वेदं श्रोतव्यस्य श्रुतस्य च Bg. 2.52 (regarded as the feeling which gives rise to the sentiment called शान्त (quietude); निर्वेदस्थायिभावो$स्ति शान्तो$पि नवमो रसः K. P.4; (see R. G. under निर्वेद). -7 Self-disparagement or humiliation (regarded as one of the 33 subordinate feelings); cf. the definition in R. G. under निर्वेद; (the following is there given as an instance; यदि लक्ष्मण सा मृगेक्षणा न मदीक्षासरणिं समेष्यति । अमुना जडजीवितेन मे जगता वा विफलेन किं फलम् ॥). -8 Shame.
anirveda अनिर्वेदः Non-depression, absence of dejection or despondency; self-reliance, plucking up courage; अनिर्वेदः श्रियो मूलमनिर्वेदः परं सुखम् । अनिर्वेदो हि सततं सर्वार्थेष्वनु- वर्तते Rām.5.12.1. अनिर्वेदप्राप्याणि श्रेयांसि V.4; cf. 'Faint heart never won fair lady'.
sanirveda सनिर्वेद a. Dull (as conversation). (-दम्) ind. Despairingly.
Vedabase Search
34 results
nirveda despondencyCC Madhya 2.76
nirveda disappointmentCC Madhya 2.35
CC Madhya 3.127
CC Madhya 4.202
nirveda of detachmentSB 11.8.38
nirveda ha-ila there was disappointmentCC Antya 4.6
nirveda ha-ila there was disappointmentCC Antya 4.6
nirveda ha-ila there was disappointmentCC Antya 4.6
nirveda-mūlaḥ the source of detachmentSB 1.19.14
nirveda-mūlaḥ the source of detachmentSB 1.19.14
nirveda-vacana a statement of disappointmentCC Antya 10.113
nirveda-vacana a statement of disappointmentCC Antya 10.113
nirveda-vacana words of reproachCC Antya 6.313
nirveda-vacana words of reproachCC Antya 6.313
nirveda-vādinīm who was speaking words full of renunciationSB 3.24.1
nirveda-vādinīm who was speaking words full of renunciationSB 3.24.1
nirveda a sense of renunciationSB 11.23.13
nirveda aversionSB 3.30.14
nirveda completely unattached to material activitiesSB 5.8.30
nirveda detachmentSB 11.18.38
SB 11.23.28
SB 11.8.27
SB 11.8.28
SB 11.8.29
nirveda detachment from sense gratificationSB 11.8.37
nirveda indifferent to material attachmentSB 1.13.27
nirveda possessing renunciationSB 5.1.36
nirveda renunciationSB 5.1.38
nirvedam callousnessBG 2.52
nirvedam disappointmentSB 5.14.15
āpana-nirveda His indifferenceCC Antya 9.149
jāta-sunirveda (Ajāmila) who had become detached from the material conception of lifeSB 6.2.39
āpana-nirveda His indifferenceCC Antya 9.149
jāta-sunirveda (Ajāmila) who had become detached from the material conception of lifeSB 6.2.39
4 results
nirveda noun (masculine) complete indifference (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
despair (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
disgust for (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
disregard of worldly objects (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
loathing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 4080/72933
nirvedana adjective freed from pain
Frequency rank 28717/72933
nirveday verb (class 10 ātmanepada)
Frequency rank 56339/72933
anirveda noun (masculine) non-depression (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
self-reliance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 11892/72933
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