nija | accepted as one's prescribed duty | SB 11.25.23 |
nija | as their own | SB 10.55.40 |
nija | by him | CC Madhya 6.250 |
nija | by himself | SB 11.10.23 |
nija | by His own | SB 10.38.10 |
| | SB 10.49.29 |
nija | His | SB 10.64.44 |
nija | his | SB 10.81.21-23 |
| | SB 10.81.28 |
| | SB 10.86.14 |
nija | His own | CC Adi 14.44 |
| | CC Adi 17.252 |
| | CC Adi 3.54 |
| | CC Adi 4.50 |
| | CC Adi 7.145 |
| | CC Adi 9.12 |
| | CC Madhya 21.96 |
nija | his own | CC Madhya 8.250 |
| | CC Madhya 8.274 |
nija | His own | SB 1.9.35 |
| | SB 10.35.16-17 |
| | SB 10.38.16 |
nija | his own | SB 10.45.45 |
nija | His own | SB 10.52.28 |
| | SB 10.59.43 |
nija | his own | SB 10.83.10 |
nija | His own | SB 10.89.54-56 |
| | SB 10.90.49 |
nija | his own | SB 11.23.52 |
nija | His own | SB 11.30.28-32 |
| | SB 2.9.19 |
| | SB 5.20.40 |
nija | his personal | CC Madhya 6.240 |
nija | in his own | SB 10.58.40 |
nija | my own | CC Madhya 3.185 |
nija | of His own production | SB 10.35.14-15 |
nija | one's own | CC Adi 4.200-201 |
| | CC Antya 1.153 |
nija | one's own (of the soul) | SB 11.13.35 |
nija | our own | CC Adi 1.21 |
nija | own | CC Adi 10.37 |
| | CC Adi 10.96 |
| | CC Adi 3.39 |
| | CC Adi 4.103 |
| | CC Adi 4.126 |
| | CC Adi 4.166 |
| | CC Adi 4.167-169 |
| | CC Adi 6.19 |
| | CC Adi 7.39 |
| | CC Adi 8.64 |
| | CC Antya 12.83 |
| | CC Antya 14.35 |
| | CC Antya 19.38 |
| | CC Antya 3.208 |
nija | own | CC Antya 3.208 |
| | CC Antya 4.81 |
| | CC Antya 9.47 |
| | CC Antya 9.62 |
| | CC Madhya 1.181 |
| | CC Madhya 10.55 |
| | CC Madhya 11.13 |
| | CC Madhya 12.31 |
| | CC Madhya 14.62 |
| | CC Madhya 2.47 |
| | CC Madhya 2.50 |
| | CC Madhya 20.337 |
| | CC Madhya 20.77 |
| | CC Madhya 22.156-157 |
| | CC Madhya 24.180 |
| | CC Madhya 3.177 |
| | CC Madhya 5.103 |
| | CC Madhya 6.215 |
| | CC Madhya 6.254 |
| | CC Madhya 8.168 |
| | CC Madhya 8.39 |
| | CC Madhya 9.47 |
| | SB 3.16.8 |
| | SB 4.23.11 |
| | SB 4.31.22 |
| | SB 5.20.40 |
| | SB 5.8.20 |
| | SB 8.2.25 |
nija | own personal | SB 1.10.22 |
nija | personal | CC Adi 6.67 |
| | CC Antya 1.31 |
| | CC Madhya 13.191 |
| | CC Madhya 4.186 |
| | SB 6.9.33 |
| | SB 7.8.19-22 |
nija | their own | SB 10.50.55 |
nija | to oneself | SB 6.16.42 |
nija | to their own | CC Madhya 11.211 |
nija | your | SB 10.90.18 |
nija | your own | CC Antya 16.58 |
nija | Your own | CC Madhya 1.279 |
nija | your own | CC Madhya 14.208 |
nija | Your own | SB 10.31.6 |
| | SB 10.85.20 |
nija | Your own personal | SB 7.9.32 |
nija bhakta-gaṇe | the devotees of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu | CC Antya 4.107 |
nija bhakta-gaṇe | the devotees of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu | CC Antya 4.107 |
nija bhakta-gaṇe | the devotees of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu | CC Antya 4.107 |
nija bhakte ātmasāt | accepting His devotee again | CC Antya 2.169 |
nija bhakte ātmasāt | accepting His devotee again | CC Antya 2.169 |
nija bhakte ātmasāt | accepting His devotee again | CC Antya 2.169 |
nija dhāma | own residential quarters | CC Adi 5.111 |
nija dhāma | own residential quarters | CC Adi 5.111 |
nija dharma-nāśa | destruction of My religious principles | CC Madhya 15.48 |
nija dharma-nāśa | destruction of My religious principles | CC Madhya 15.48 |
nija dharma-nāśa | destruction of My religious principles | CC Madhya 15.48 |
nija gaṇa | His personal associates | CC Madhya 13.187 |
nija gaṇa | His personal associates | CC Madhya 13.187 |
nija ghara | to her own apartment | CC Madhya 14.213 |
nija ghara | to her own apartment | CC Madhya 14.213 |
nija ghara | to his home | CC Antya 6.177 |
nija ghara | to his home | CC Antya 6.177 |
nija ghare | to his home | CC Antya 14.58 |
nija ghare | to his home | CC Antya 14.58 |
nija ghare | to his own place | CC Madhya 19.248 |
nija ghare | to his own place | CC Madhya 19.248 |
nija ghare | to their respective homes | CC Adi 16.105 |
nija ghare | to their respective homes | CC Adi 16.105 |
nija ghare gelā | returned to their respective homes | CC Madhya 21.80 |
nija ghare gelā | returned to their respective homes | CC Madhya 21.80 |
nija ghare gelā | returned to their respective homes | CC Madhya 21.80 |
nija kārye | your own business | CC Antya 2.125 |
nija kārye | your own business | CC Antya 2.125 |
nija kṛtya | his own duty | CC Madhya 4.126 |
nija kṛtya | his own duty | CC Madhya 4.126 |
nija mana | his own mind | CC Madhya 12.105 |
nija mana | his own mind | CC Madhya 12.105 |
nija māthe | on their own heads | CC Madhya 1.216 |
nija māthe | on their own heads | CC Madhya 1.216 |
nija nija | each his own | CC Adi 4.43 |
nija nija | each his own | CC Adi 4.43 |
nija nija | each one of them | CC Madhya 12.100 |
nija nija | each one of them | CC Madhya 12.100 |
nija nija | in their own respective | CC Adi 17.300 |
nija nija | in their own respective | CC Adi 17.300 |
nija nija | personally cooked | CC Madhya 13.197 |
nija nija | personally cooked | CC Madhya 13.197 |
nija nija | respective | CC Antya 10.54 |
nija nija | respective | CC Antya 10.54 |
nija nija | Their own respective | CC Madhya 20.226 |
nija nija | Their own respective | CC Madhya 20.226 |
nija nija kārye | to their respective duties | CC Antya 2.126 |
nija nija kārye | to their respective duties | CC Antya 2.126 |
nija nija kārye | to their respective duties | CC Antya 2.126 |
nija nija sthāne | in their respective places | CC Madhya 16.276 |
nija nija sthāne | in their respective places | CC Madhya 16.276 |
nija nija sthāne | in their respective places | CC Madhya 16.276 |
nija prāṇa | his life | CC Antya 6.187 |
nija prāṇa | his life | CC Antya 6.187 |
nija śiṣye | to his own disciples | CC Antya 13.131 |
nija śiṣye | to his own disciples | CC Antya 13.131 |
nija sthāne | at His own place | CC Madhya 10.185 |
nija sthāne | at His own place | CC Madhya 10.185 |
nija sthāne | to His own place | CC Madhya 11.197 |
nija sthāne | to His own place | CC Madhya 11.197 |
nija sthāne | under His protection | CC Madhya 10.188 |
nija sthāne | under His protection | CC Madhya 10.188 |
nija-abhimānaḥ | having a conception of false prestige | SB 5.12.5-6 |
nija-abhimānaḥ | having a conception of false prestige | SB 5.12.5-6 |
nija-abhīṣṭa | one's own choice | CC Madhya 22.159 |
nija-abhīṣṭa | one's own choice | CC Madhya 22.159 |
nija-adhara-amṛta | the nectar of Your lips | CC Antya 16.133 |
nija-adhara-amṛta | the nectar of Your lips | CC Antya 16.133 |
nija-adhara-amṛta | the nectar of Your lips | CC Antya 16.133 |
nija-agrete | in front of himself | CC Antya 11.53 |
nija-agrete | in front of himself | CC Antya 11.53 |
nija-aiśvarya | His personal opulence | CC Madhya 21.145 |
nija-aiśvarya | His personal opulence | CC Madhya 21.145 |
nija-ajñāne | by their personal lack of knowledge | CC Madhya 18.98 |
nija-ajñāne | by their personal lack of knowledge | CC Madhya 18.98 |
nija-ālaya | for His place | CC Antya 4.205 |
nija-ālaya | for His place | CC Antya 4.205 |
nija-ālaya | in His own house | CC Adi 13.99 |
nija-ālaya | in His own house | CC Adi 13.99 |
nija-ālaya | to his own home | CC Madhya 11.61 |
nija-ālaya | to his own home | CC Madhya 11.61 |
nija-ālaya | to His own home | CC Madhya 14.244 |
nija-ālaya | to His own home | CC Madhya 14.244 |
nija-ālaya | to his own place | CC Madhya 19.44 |
nija-ālaya | to his own place | CC Madhya 19.44 |
nija-amṛta | its personal nectar | CC Madhya 21.130 |
nija-amṛta | its personal nectar | CC Madhya 21.130 |
nija-aṃśa | of His personal plenary expansion | CC Madhya 20.307 |
nija-aṃśa | of His personal plenary expansion | CC Madhya 20.307 |
nija-aṃśena | with all the paraphernalia that is part of Him | SB 9.3.34 |
nija-aṃśena | with all the paraphernalia that is part of Him | SB 9.3.34 |
nija-ańga | from His own personal body | CC Madhya 20.286 |
nija-ańga | from His own personal body | CC Madhya 20.286 |
nija-ańga | Her personal body | CC Madhya 8.178 |
nija-ańga | Her personal body | CC Madhya 8.178 |
nija-ańga | of His own body | CC Adi 5.96 |
nija-ańga | of His own body | CC Adi 5.96 |
nija-ańga | own body | CC Madhya 19.232 |
nija-ańga | own body | CC Madhya 19.232 |
nija-ańga | personal body | CC Madhya 12.138 |
nija-ańga | personal body | CC Madhya 12.138 |
nija-ańgam | own body | CC Adi 4.184 |
nija-ańgam | own body | CC Adi 4.184 |
nija-ańkure | by their buds | CC Antya 16.148 |
nija-ańkure | by their buds | CC Antya 16.148 |
nija-anurūpe | who exactly followed the principles of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu | CC Madhya 19.121 |
nija-anurūpe | who exactly followed the principles of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu | CC Madhya 19.121 |
nija-anusandhāna | understanding about His personal self | CC Madhya 13.65 |
nija-anusandhāna | understanding about His personal self | CC Madhya 13.65 |
nija-apacaya | its loss | CC Madhya 15.173 |
nija-apacaya | its loss | CC Madhya 15.173 |
nija-āsanam | his own throne | SB 7.3.9-10 |
nija-āsanam | his own throne | SB 7.3.9-10 |
nija-āspada | the reservoir | CC Madhya 10.171 |
nija-āspada | the reservoir | CC Madhya 10.171 |
nija-āśramam | his own hermitage | SB 12.9.30 |
nija-āśramam | his own hermitage | SB 12.9.30 |
nija-āśrame | to his own āśrama | SB 7.7.12 |
nija-āśrame | to his own āśrama | SB 7.7.12 |
nija-ātma | of one's own self | SB 3.1.35 |
nija-ātma | of one's own self | SB 3.1.35 |
nija-āyudhaḥ | having His own particular weapons (the disc, club, conchshell and lotus flower) | SB 11.5.27 |
nija-āyudhaḥ | having His own particular weapons (the disc, club, conchshell and lotus flower) | SB 11.5.27 |
nija-āyuḥ | his lifetime | SB 7.6.14 |
nija-āyuḥ | his lifetime | SB 7.6.14 |
nija-bala | Your own strength | CC Madhya 1.200 |
nija-bala | Your own strength | CC Madhya 1.200 |
nija-bale | within My ability | CC Antya 4.82 |
nija-bale | within My ability | CC Antya 4.82 |
nija-bandhanam | causing his own bondage | SB 6.5.11 |
nija-bandhanam | causing his own bondage | SB 6.5.11 |
nija-bāt | his intention | CC Antya 6.230 |
nija-bāt | his intention | CC Antya 6.230 |
nija-bhajana | of His own worship | CC Adi 3.66 |
nija-bhajana | of His own worship | CC Adi 3.66 |
nija-bhakta-gaṇa | His own personal devotees | CC Madhya 13.63 |
nija-bhakta-gaṇa | His own personal devotees | CC Madhya 13.63 |
nija-bhakta-gaṇa | His own personal devotees | CC Madhya 13.63 |
nija-bhakta-gaṇa | My own devotees | CC Madhya 16.257 |
nija-bhakta-gaṇa | My own devotees | CC Madhya 16.257 |
nija-bhakta-gaṇa | My own devotees | CC Madhya 16.257 |
nija-bhakta-gaṇe | His own personal associates | CC Madhya 25.224 |
nija-bhakta-gaṇe | His own personal associates | CC Madhya 25.224 |
nija-bhakta-gaṇe | His own personal associates | CC Madhya 25.224 |
nija-bhakta-gaṇe | personal devotees | CC Madhya 12.199 |
nija-bhakta-gaṇe | personal devotees | CC Madhya 12.199 |
nija-bhakta-gaṇe | personal devotees | CC Madhya 12.199 |
nija-bhakta-pāśe | to His personal devotees | CC Antya 3.93 |
nija-bhakta-pāśe | to His personal devotees | CC Antya 3.93 |
nija-bhakta-pāśe | to His personal devotees | CC Antya 3.93 |
nija-bhakta-sańge | with His own devotees | CC Antya 8.6 |
nija-bhakta-sańge | with His own devotees | CC Antya 8.6 |
nija-bhakta-sańge | with His own devotees | CC Antya 8.6 |
nija-bhaktera | of His own devotee | CC Antya 1.105 |
nija-bhaktera | of His own devotee | CC Antya 1.105 |
nija-bhakti | His own devotion | CC Antya 2.14 |
nija-bhakti | His own devotion | CC Antya 2.14 |
nija-bhāṣya | of his own commentary | CC Madhya 25.142 |
nija-bhāṣya | of his own commentary | CC Madhya 25.142 |
nija-bhāve | in his own mood | CC Adi 4.43 |
nija-bhāve | in his own mood | CC Adi 4.43 |
nija-bhrame | by their own mistake | CC Madhya 18.101 |
nija-bhrame | by their own mistake | CC Madhya 18.101 |
nija-bhṛtya-bhāṣitam | the words of His own servant (Prahlāda Mahārāja, who had said that his Lord is present everywhere) | SB 7.8.17 |
nija-bhṛtya-bhāṣitam | the words of His own servant (Prahlāda Mahārāja, who had said that his Lord is present everywhere) | SB 7.8.17 |
nija-bhṛtya-bhāṣitam | the words of His own servant (Prahlāda Mahārāja, who had said that his Lord is present everywhere) | SB 7.8.17 |
nija-bhṛtya-pārśvam | the association of Your faithful servant, Your devotee | SB 7.9.24 |
nija-bhṛtya-pārśvam | the association of Your faithful servant, Your devotee | SB 7.9.24 |
nija-bhṛtya-pārśvam | the association of Your faithful servant, Your devotee | SB 7.9.24 |
nija-buka | his chest | CC Adi 17.187 |
nija-buka | his chest | CC Adi 17.187 |
nija-cakravartite | within his jurisdiction | SB 1.16.10 |
nija-cakravartite | within his jurisdiction | SB 1.16.10 |
nija-chāye | alone | CC Madhya 15.198 |
nija-chāye | alone | CC Madhya 15.198 |
nija-dāsa | own servants | CC Antya 9.141 |
nija-dāsa | own servants | CC Antya 9.141 |
nija-dāsa | personal servant | CC Madhya 6.56 |
nija-dāsa | personal servant | CC Madhya 6.56 |
nija-dāsa | personal servants | CC Madhya 14.215 |
nija-dāsa | personal servants | CC Madhya 14.215 |
nija-dehe | for their own bodies | CC Adi 4.181 |
nija-dehe | for their own bodies | CC Adi 4.181 |
nija-dehe | with His personal body | CC Antya 4.95 |
nija-dehe | with His personal body | CC Antya 4.95 |
nija-dhāma | His own abode | CC Adi 5.99 |
nija-dhāma | His own abode | CC Adi 5.99 |
nija-dhāma | his own place | CC Madhya 2.26 |
nija-dhāma | his own place | CC Madhya 2.26 |
nija-dhāma | the effulgence | CC Adi 1.85-86 |
nija-dhāma | the effulgence | CC Adi 1.85-86 |
nija-dhāmni | the personal abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | Bs 5.43 |
nija-dhāmni | the personal abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | Bs 5.43 |
nija-dhana | My real wealth | CC Madhya 15.51 |
nija-dhana | My real wealth | CC Madhya 15.51 |
nija-dhana | one's own property | CC Madhya 5.29 |
nija-dhana | one's own property | CC Madhya 5.29 |
nija-dhana | own property | CC Madhya 5.29 |
nija-dhana | own property | CC Madhya 5.29 |
nija-dhana | personal property | CC Adi 13.124 |
nija-dhana | personal property | CC Adi 13.124 |
| | CC Antya 4.76 |
nija-dhana | personal property | CC Antya 4.76 |
| | CC Antya 4.94 |
nija-dhana | personal property | CC Antya 4.94 |
nija-dhana | the personal property | CC Antya 16.142 |
nija-dhana | the personal property | CC Antya 16.142 |
nija-dharma | by your own principles of devotion | SB 3.23.8 |
nija-dharma | by your own principles of devotion | SB 3.23.8 |
nija-dharma | one's own religion | CC Madhya 20.6 |
nija-dharma | one's own religion | CC Madhya 20.6 |
nija-dharma | own duty | CC Adi 7.42 |
nija-dharma | own duty | CC Adi 7.42 |
nija-dharma yāya | I deviate from My duty | CC Antya 4.180 |
nija-dharma yāya | I deviate from My duty | CC Antya 4.180 |
nija-dharma yāya | I deviate from My duty | CC Antya 4.180 |
nija-dharma-bhāvite | being situated in one's original constitutional position | SB 4.8.22 |
nija-dharma-bhāvite | being situated in one's original constitutional position | SB 4.8.22 |
nija-dharma-bhāvite | being situated in one's original constitutional position | SB 4.8.22 |
nija-dhoraṇataḥ | from his swan carrier | SB 10.13.62 |
nija-dhoraṇataḥ | from his swan carrier | SB 10.13.62 |
nija-dhṛtiḥ | Nijadhṛti | SB 5.20.26 |
nija-dhṛtiḥ | Nijadhṛti | SB 5.20.26 |
nija-duḥkha | their own unhappiness | CC Antya 9.64 |
nija-duḥkha | their own unhappiness | CC Antya 9.64 |
nija-eka-āśrayatayā | because of possessing all good qualities without depending on others | SB 8.8.23 |
nija-eka-āśrayatayā | because of possessing all good qualities without depending on others | SB 8.8.23 |
nija-eka-āśrayatayā | because of possessing all good qualities without depending on others | SB 8.8.23 |
nija-gaṇa | by personal associates | SB 5.1.7 |
nija-gaṇa | by personal associates | SB 5.1.7 |
nija-gaṇa | His devotees | CC Antya 10.52 |
nija-gaṇa | His devotees | CC Antya 10.52 |
nija-gaṇa | His own associates | CC Antya 18.4 |
nija-gaṇa | His own associates | CC Antya 18.4 |
nija-gaṇa | His personal devotees | CC Madhya 12.79 |
nija-gaṇa | His personal devotees | CC Madhya 12.79 |
nija-gaṇa | personal associates | CC Madhya 16.41 |
nija-gaṇa | personal associates | CC Madhya 16.41 |
nija-gaṇa | personal devotees | CC Madhya 7.58 |
nija-gaṇa | personal devotees | CC Madhya 7.58 |
nija-gaṇa āni' | calling all the devotees | CC Madhya 7.7-8 |
nija-gaṇa āni' | calling all the devotees | CC Madhya 7.7-8 |
nija-gaṇa āni' | calling all the devotees | CC Madhya 7.7-8 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | accompanied by associates | CC Madhya 9.352 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | accompanied by associates | CC Madhya 9.352 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | accompanied by associates | CC Madhya 9.352 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | accompanied by His personal associates | CC Antya 19.84 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | accompanied by His personal associates | CC Antya 19.84 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | accompanied by His personal associates | CC Antya 19.84 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | accompanied by His personal devotees | CC Antya 10.57 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | accompanied by His personal devotees | CC Antya 10.57 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | accompanied by His personal devotees | CC Antya 10.57 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | accompanied by his personal staff | CC Antya 10.63 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | accompanied by his personal staff | CC Antya 10.63 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | accompanied by his personal staff | CC Antya 10.63 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | taking His associates | CC Madhya 14.113 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | taking His associates | CC Madhya 14.113 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | taking His associates | CC Madhya 14.113 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | taking his associates with him | CC Madhya 18.48 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | taking his associates with him | CC Madhya 18.48 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | taking his associates with him | CC Madhya 18.48 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | taking His own men | CC Madhya 16.118 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | taking His own men | CC Madhya 16.118 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | taking His own men | CC Madhya 16.118 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | taking His personal associates | CC Adi 5.196 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | taking His personal associates | CC Adi 5.196 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | taking His personal associates | CC Adi 5.196 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His associates | CC Antya 6.126 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His associates | CC Antya 6.126 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His associates | CC Antya 6.126 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His own personal associates | CC Antya 6.107 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His own personal associates | CC Antya 6.107 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His own personal associates | CC Antya 6.107 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His personal associates | CC Adi 5.25 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His personal associates | CC Adi 5.25 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His personal associates | CC Adi 5.25 |
| | CC Madhya 14.42 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His personal associates | CC Madhya 14.42 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His personal associates | CC Madhya 14.42 |
| | CC Madhya 25.168 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His personal associates | CC Madhya 25.168 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His personal associates | CC Madhya 25.168 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His personal devotees | CC Madhya 14.52 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His personal devotees | CC Madhya 14.52 |
nija-gaṇa lañā | with His personal devotees | CC Madhya 14.52 |
nija-gaṇa praveśi' | allowing His own men | CC Madhya 7.85 |
nija-gaṇa praveśi' | allowing His own men | CC Madhya 7.85 |
nija-gaṇa praveśi' | allowing His own men | CC Madhya 7.85 |
nija-gaṇa-sańge | along with His personal associates | CC Antya 16.104 |
nija-gaṇa-sańge | along with His personal associates | CC Antya 16.104 |
nija-gaṇa-sańge | along with His personal associates | CC Antya 16.104 |
nija-gaṇa-sańge | in the association of His personal assistants | CC Madhya 11.126 |
nija-gaṇa-sańge | in the association of His personal assistants | CC Madhya 11.126 |
nija-gaṇa-sańge | in the association of His personal assistants | CC Madhya 11.126 |
nija-gaṇa-sańge | with His personal associates | CC Madhya 16.97 |
nija-gaṇa-sańge | with His personal associates | CC Madhya 16.97 |
nija-gaṇa-sańge | with His personal associates | CC Madhya 16.97 |
nija-gaṇe | personal associates | CC Madhya 9.338 |
nija-gaṇe | personal associates | CC Madhya 9.338 |
nija-gaṇe | personal servants | CC Madhya 14.209 |
nija-gaṇe | personal servants | CC Madhya 14.209 |
nija-gaṇe | to His own men | CC Madhya 14.54 |
nija-gaṇe | to His own men | CC Madhya 14.54 |
nija-gaṇera | of His personal associates | CC Madhya 18.179 |
nija-gaṇera | of His personal associates | CC Madhya 18.179 |
nija-garbha-sambhavam | born of her own womb | SB 8.18.11 |
nija-garbha-sambhavam | born of her own womb | SB 8.18.11 |
nija-garbha-sambhavam | born of her own womb | SB 8.18.11 |
nija-ghara | to her apartment | CC Madhya 14.233 |
nija-ghara | to her apartment | CC Madhya 14.233 |
nija-ghara | to his home | CC Antya 7.89 |
nija-ghara | to his home | CC Antya 7.89 |
nija-ghara | to his own place | CC Antya 5.32 |
nija-ghara | to his own place | CC Antya 5.32 |
nija-ghara | to His own residence | CC Madhya 15.31 |
nija-ghara | to His own residence | CC Madhya 15.31 |
| | CC Madhya 3.40 |
nija-ghara | to His own residence | CC Madhya 3.40 |
nija-ghara | to his room | CC Antya 12.120 |
nija-ghara | to his room | CC Antya 12.120 |
nija-ghara | to your own home | CC Madhya 5.107 |
nija-ghara | to your own home | CC Madhya 5.107 |
nija-ghare | at home | CC Madhya 19.15 |
nija-ghare | at home | CC Madhya 19.15 |
nija-ghare | their homes | CC Antya 5.25 |
nija-ghare | their homes | CC Antya 5.25 |
nija-ghare | to His home | CC Antya 6.147 |
nija-ghare | to His home | CC Antya 6.147 |
nija-ghare | to his home | CC Madhya 17.175 |
nija-ghare | to his home | CC Madhya 17.175 |
nija-ghare | to his own home | CC Adi 17.40 |
nija-ghare | to his own home | CC Adi 17.40 |
| | CC Madhya 9.327 |
nija-ghare | to his own home | CC Madhya 9.327 |
| | CC Madhya 9.350 |
nija-ghare | to his own home | CC Madhya 9.350 |
| | CC Madhya 9.83 |
nija-ghare | to his own home | CC Madhya 9.83 |
nija-ghare | to his own place | CC Madhya 19.77 |
nija-ghare | to his own place | CC Madhya 19.77 |
nija-ghare | to His residence | CC Antya 10.53 |
nija-ghare | to His residence | CC Antya 10.53 |
nija-ghare | to my place | CC Madhya 15.256 |
nija-ghare | to my place | CC Madhya 15.256 |
nija-ghare | to their respective homes | CC Madhya 5.35 |
nija-ghare | to their respective homes | CC Madhya 5.35 |
nija-ghare | to Your place | CC Antya 14.75 |
nija-ghare | to Your place | CC Antya 14.75 |
nija-ghare gela | returned to their own homes | CC Madhya 18.127 |
nija-ghare gela | returned to their own homes | CC Madhya 18.127 |
nija-ghare gela | returned to their own homes | CC Madhya 18.127 |
nija-ghare yāya | returned to his home | CC Antya 6.14 |
nija-ghare yāya | returned to his home | CC Antya 6.14 |
nija-ghare yāya | returned to his home | CC Antya 6.14 |
nija-grāma | his own village | CC Madhya 7.101 |
nija-grāma | his own village | CC Madhya 7.101 |
nija-grāme | to his own village | CC Madhya 7.100 |
nija-grāme | to his own village | CC Madhya 7.100 |
nija-granthe | in his own book | CC Antya 16.86 |
nija-granthe | in his own book | CC Antya 16.86 |
| | CC Madhya 24.347 |
nija-granthe | in his own book | CC Madhya 24.347 |
nija-gṛha | his own residence | CC Antya 3.99 |
nija-gṛha | his own residence | CC Antya 3.99 |
nija-gṛhe | to his own home | CC Madhya 19.84 |
nija-gṛhe | to his own home | CC Madhya 19.84 |
nija-gṛhe | to his own place | CC Madhya 19.246 |
nija-gṛhe | to his own place | CC Madhya 19.246 |
nija-gṛhe | to His own residence | CC Antya 2.112 |
nija-gṛhe | to His own residence | CC Antya 2.112 |
| | CC Madhya 1.64 |
nija-gṛhe | to His own residence | CC Madhya 1.64 |
nija-gūḍha-kārya | own confidential business | CC Madhya 8.280 |
nija-gūḍha-kārya | own confidential business | CC Madhya 8.280 |
nija-gūḍha-kārya | own confidential business | CC Madhya 8.280 |
nija-guṇa | his personal qualities | CC Madhya 15.159 |
nija-guṇa | his personal qualities | CC Madhya 15.159 |
nija-guṇa | His transcendental qualities | CC Madhya 2.26 |
nija-guṇa | His transcendental qualities | CC Madhya 2.26 |
nija-guṇe | by transcendental qualities | CC Madhya 24.63 |
nija-guṇe | by transcendental qualities | CC Madhya 24.63 |
nija-guṇera | of His personal qualities | CC Madhya 21.14 |
nija-guṇera | of His personal qualities | CC Madhya 21.14 |
nija-gupta-vittam | His own personal confidential property | CC Madhya 23.1 |
nija-gupta-vittam | His own personal confidential property | CC Madhya 23.1 |
nija-gupta-vittam | His own personal confidential property | CC Madhya 23.1 |
nija-hite | his personal benefit | CC Antya 7.119 |
nija-hite | his personal benefit | CC Antya 7.119 |
nija-indriya | of one's own senses | CC Madhya 8.217 |
nija-indriya | of one's own senses | CC Madhya 8.217 |
nija-indriya-gaṇa | own senses | CC Madhya 13.164 |
nija-indriya-gaṇa | own senses | CC Madhya 13.164 |
nija-indriya-gaṇa | own senses | CC Madhya 13.164 |
nija-indriya-sukha | for personal sense gratification | CC Madhya 8.218 |
nija-indriya-sukha | for personal sense gratification | CC Madhya 8.218 |
nija-indriya-sukha | for personal sense gratification | CC Madhya 8.218 |
nija-jana | His servant | CC Antya 4.46 |
nija-jana | His servant | CC Antya 4.46 |
nija-jana | of His devotee | SB 5.3.2 |
nija-jana | of His devotee | SB 5.3.2 |
nija-jana | of His devotees | SB 4.31.20 |
nija-jana | of His devotees | SB 4.31.20 |
nija-jana | own kinsmen | CC Madhya 5.47 |
nija-jana | own kinsmen | CC Madhya 5.47 |
nija-jana-anukampita-hṛdayaḥ | whose heart is always filled with mercy for His devotees | SB 5.24.27 |
nija-jana-anukampita-hṛdayaḥ | whose heart is always filled with mercy for His devotees | SB 5.24.27 |
nija-jana-anukampita-hṛdayaḥ | whose heart is always filled with mercy for His devotees | SB 5.24.27 |
nija-jana-anukampita-hṛdayaḥ | whose heart is always filled with mercy for His devotees | SB 5.24.27 |
nija-janānām | for His own devotees | SB 5.7.9 |
nija-janānām | for His own devotees | SB 5.7.9 |
nija-jāti | as belonging to the same family | CC Antya 16.148 |
nija-jāti | as belonging to the same family | CC Antya 16.148 |
nija-jhāli | his own bags | CC Madhya 16.16-17 |
nija-jhāli | his own bags | CC Madhya 16.16-17 |
nija-jīvita-īpsubhiḥ | just to live undisturbed by Aghāsura | SB 10.12.13 |
nija-jīvita-īpsubhiḥ | just to live undisturbed by Aghāsura | SB 10.12.13 |
nija-jīvita-īpsubhiḥ | just to live undisturbed by Aghāsura | SB 10.12.13 |
nija-kāla-śaktyā | by the potent time factor | SB 7.9.33 |
nija-kāla-śaktyā | by the potent time factor | SB 7.9.33 |
nija-kāla-śaktyā | by the potent time factor | SB 7.9.33 |
nija-kāma | their own duty | CC Madhya 12.85 |
nija-kāma | their own duty | CC Madhya 12.85 |
nija-kāma lāgiha | even for sense gratification | CC Madhya 24.91 |
nija-kāma lāgiha | even for sense gratification | CC Madhya 24.91 |
nija-kāma lāgiha | even for sense gratification | CC Madhya 24.91 |
nija-kāṇa | own ear | CC Madhya 14.231 |
nija-kāṇa | own ear | CC Madhya 14.231 |
nija-kare | by his own hand | CC Madhya 13.166 |
nija-kare | by his own hand | CC Madhya 13.166 |
nija-karma | by their prescribed duties | SB 10.14.5 |
nija-karma | by their prescribed duties | SB 10.14.5 |
nija-karma | Your activities | CC Madhya 9.126 |
nija-karma | Your activities | CC Madhya 9.126 |
nija-karma-bandhanaḥ | accepting different bodily forms as a result of his sinful activities | SB 8.24.47 |
nija-karma-bandhanaḥ | accepting different bodily forms as a result of his sinful activities | SB 8.24.47 |
nija-karma-bandhanaḥ | accepting different bodily forms as a result of his sinful activities | SB 8.24.47 |
nija-karmabhiḥ | because of his own fruitive activities | SB 8.22.25 |
nija-karmabhiḥ | because of his own fruitive activities | SB 8.22.25 |
nija-karmabhiḥ | by his own work | SB 4.8.28 |
nija-karmabhiḥ | by his own work | SB 4.8.28 |
nija-karmaṇām | of his own past activities | SB 11.23.5 |
nija-karmaṇām | of his own past activities | SB 11.23.5 |
nija-karṇe | over their ears | CC Antya 2.126 |
nija-karṇe | over their ears | CC Antya 2.126 |
nija-kārya | His own aims | CC Adi 5.144-145 |
nija-kārya | His own aims | CC Adi 5.144-145 |
nija-kārya | mission of His life | CC Antya 4.100 |
nija-kārya | mission of His life | CC Antya 4.100 |
nija-kārye | to their respective duties | CC Antya 4.145 |
nija-kārye | to their respective duties | CC Antya 4.145 |
nija-kathā | personal activities | CC Antya 3.28 |
nija-kathā | personal activities | CC Antya 3.28 |
nija-kauḍi | his own money | CC Antya 9.91 |
nija-kauḍi | his own money | CC Antya 9.91 |
nija-kṛpā-sāṭī | His own used cloth as special mercy | CC Madhya 16.202 |
nija-kṛpā-sāṭī | His own used cloth as special mercy | CC Madhya 16.202 |
nija-kṛpā-sāṭī | His own used cloth as special mercy | CC Madhya 16.202 |
nija-kṛta | made by himself | CC Madhya 25.142 |
nija-kṛta | made by himself | CC Madhya 25.142 |
nija-kṛta | personally composed | CC Madhya 19.95 |
nija-kṛta | personally composed | CC Madhya 19.95 |
nija-lābha | His profit | CC Antya 5.82 |
nija-lābha | His profit | CC Antya 5.82 |
nija-lābha | self-realized | SB 1.19.25 |
nija-lābha | self-realized | SB 1.19.25 |
nija-lābha-nivṛtta-tṛṣṇaḥ | who was complete in Himself and had no other desire to fulfill | SB 5.6.19 |
nija-lābha-nivṛtta-tṛṣṇaḥ | who was complete in Himself and had no other desire to fulfill | SB 5.6.19 |
nija-lābha-nivṛtta-tṛṣṇaḥ | who was complete in Himself and had no other desire to fulfill | SB 5.6.19 |
nija-lābha-nivṛtta-tṛṣṇaḥ | who was complete in Himself and had no other desire to fulfill | SB 5.6.19 |
nija-lābha-pūrṇaḥ | is always satisfied in Himself (He does not need to be satisfied by the service of others) | SB 7.9.11 |
nija-lābha-pūrṇaḥ | is always satisfied in Himself (He does not need to be satisfied by the service of others) | SB 7.9.11 |
nija-lābha-pūrṇaḥ | is always satisfied in Himself (He does not need to be satisfied by the service of others) | SB 7.9.11 |
nija-lābhena | by His own potencies | SB 1.11.4-5 |
nija-lābhena | by His own potencies | SB 1.11.4-5 |
nija-līlāya | in His personal pastimes | CC Madhya 8.207 |
nija-līlāya | in His personal pastimes | CC Madhya 8.207 |
nija-loka | all his relatives | CC Madhya 5.37 |
nija-loka | all his relatives | CC Madhya 5.37 |
nija-loka | his servants | CC Antya 6.52 |
nija-loka | his servants | CC Antya 6.52 |
nija-loka diyā | with my own men | CC Madhya 20.20 |
nija-loka diyā | with my own men | CC Madhya 20.20 |
nija-loka diyā | with my own men | CC Madhya 20.20 |
nija-loka lañā | with His personal associates | CC Madhya 25.167 |
nija-loka lañā | with His personal associates | CC Madhya 25.167 |
nija-loka lañā | with His personal associates | CC Madhya 25.167 |
nija-loka-yātrayā | by a practice arrived at by their own mental concoction | SB 5.6.11 |
nija-loka-yātrayā | by a practice arrived at by their own mental concoction | SB 5.6.11 |
nija-loka-yātrayā | by a practice arrived at by their own mental concoction | SB 5.6.11 |
nija-loke | in his own abode | CC Adi 5.221 |
nija-loke | in his own abode | CC Adi 5.221 |
nija-mādhurya | My own transcendental humor | CC Madhya 8.288 |
nija-mādhurya | My own transcendental humor | CC Madhya 8.288 |
nija-mahimani | whose own glory | SB 10.13.57 |
nija-mahimani | whose own glory | SB 10.13.57 |
nija-mana | his own mind | CC Madhya 12.133 |
nija-mana | his own mind | CC Madhya 12.133 |
nija-manīṣayā | by his own fertile brain | SB 5.6.9 |
nija-manīṣayā | by his own fertile brain | SB 5.6.9 |
nija-mata | His own conviction | CC Madhya 6.177 |
nija-mata | His own conviction | CC Madhya 6.177 |
nija-mata | own opinions | CC Madhya 8.301 |
nija-mata | own opinions | CC Madhya 8.301 |
nija-mātāra | of My own mother | CC Madhya 16.256 |
nija-mātāra | of My own mother | CC Madhya 16.256 |
nija-māyayā | by His internal potency | SB 3.28.32 |
nija-māyayā | by His internal potency | SB 3.28.32 |
nija-māyayā | by His own potency | SB 4.8.57 |
nija-māyayā | by His own potency | SB 4.8.57 |
| | SB 8.3.4 |
nija-māyayā | by His own potency | SB 8.3.4 |
nija-māyayā | by His transcendental potency | SB 6.9.25 |
nija-māyayā | by His transcendental potency | SB 6.9.25 |
nija-māyayā | by Your own external energy | SB 7.9.30 |
nija-māyayā | by Your own external energy | SB 7.9.30 |
nija-māyayā arpitam | manifested by Your personal potency | SB 5.18.31 |
nija-māyayā arpitam | manifested by Your personal potency | SB 5.18.31 |
nija-māyayā arpitam | manifested by Your personal potency | SB 5.18.31 |
nija-mukha | from her own mouth | SB 5.2.6 |
nija-mukha | from her own mouth | SB 5.2.6 |
nija-mukhe | by your own mouth | CC Adi 16.39 |
nija-mukhe | by your own mouth | CC Adi 16.39 |
nija-nakhe | with His fingernails | CC Antya 14.36 |
nija-nakhe | with His fingernails | CC Antya 14.36 |
nija-nāma | real name | CC Antya 2.53 |
nija-nāma | real name | CC Antya 2.53 |
nija-nāṭaka | of the drama composed by him | CC Antya 5.14 |
nija-nāṭaka | of the drama composed by him | CC Antya 5.14 |
nija-nāthānām | who had accepted Him, the Supreme Lord, as their supreme shelter | SB 10.2.6 |
nija-nāthānām | who had accepted Him, the Supreme Lord, as their supreme shelter | SB 10.2.6 |
nija-netra | his eyes | CC Antya 11.53 |
nija-netra | his eyes | CC Antya 11.53 |
nija-nija | of one's own choice | CC Madhya 22.161 |
nija-nija | of one's own choice | CC Madhya 22.161 |
nija-nija | personally cooked | CC Madhya 13.199 |
nija-nija | personally cooked | CC Madhya 13.199 |
nija-nija | their own | CC Madhya 9.10 |
nija-nija | their own | CC Madhya 9.10 |
| | CC Madhya 9.43 |
nija-nija | their own | CC Madhya 9.43 |
nija-nija | their own respective | CC Madhya 8.242 |
nija-nija | their own respective | CC Madhya 8.242 |
nija-nija-gṛhe | to your respective homes | CC Madhya 3.206 |
nija-nija-gṛhe | to your respective homes | CC Madhya 3.206 |
nija-nija-gṛhe | to your respective homes | CC Madhya 3.206 |
nija-nija-icchayā | by their own desires | SB 5.6.10 |
nija-nija-icchayā | by their own desires | SB 5.6.10 |
nija-nija-icchayā | by their own desires | SB 5.6.10 |
nija-nija-kārye | in their respective duties | CC Madhya 8.261 |
nija-nija-kārye | in their respective duties | CC Madhya 8.261 |
nija-nija-kārye | in their respective duties | CC Madhya 8.261 |
nija-nija-kārye | to their own respective duties | CC Madhya 8.234 |
nija-nija-kārye | to their own respective duties | CC Madhya 8.234 |
nija-nija-kārye | to their own respective duties | CC Madhya 8.234 |
nija-nija-vāsā | to the respective residential quarters | CC Madhya 11.182 |
nija-nija-vāsā | to the respective residential quarters | CC Madhya 11.182 |
nija-nija-vāsā | to the respective residential quarters | CC Madhya 11.182 |
nija-niketanānām | who depend on your shelter | SB 12.6.69 |
nija-niketanānām | who depend on your shelter | SB 12.6.69 |
nija-pada | Your lotus feet | CC Madhya 13.147 |
nija-pada | Your lotus feet | CC Madhya 13.147 |
nija-pada-dāna | shelter at Your lotus feet | CC Antya 11.5 |
nija-pada-dāna | shelter at Your lotus feet | CC Antya 11.5 |
nija-pada-dāna | shelter at Your lotus feet | CC Antya 11.5 |
nija-pāda-padma | His own lotus feet | CC Adi 5.182 |
nija-pāda-padma | His own lotus feet | CC Adi 5.182 |
nija-pāda-padma | His own lotus feet | CC Adi 5.182 |
nija-pāda-pallavam | His own lotus feet | SB 5.19.27 |
nija-pāda-pallavam | His own lotus feet | SB 5.19.27 |
nija-pāda-pallavam | His own lotus feet | SB 5.19.27 |
nija-pāda-pallavam | the shelter of His own lotus feet | CC Madhya 22.40 |
nija-pāda-pallavam | the shelter of His own lotus feet | CC Madhya 22.40 |
nija-pāda-pallavam | the shelter of His own lotus feet | CC Madhya 22.40 |
| | CC Madhya 24.103 |
nija-pāda-pallavam | the shelter of His own lotus feet | CC Madhya 24.103 |
nija-pāda-pallavam | the shelter of His own lotus feet | CC Madhya 24.103 |
| | CC Madhya 24.199 |
nija-pāda-pallavam | the shelter of His own lotus feet | CC Madhya 24.199 |
nija-pāda-pallavam | the shelter of His own lotus feet | CC Madhya 24.199 |
nija-pāna | own drinking | CC Antya 16.125 |
nija-pāna | own drinking | CC Antya 16.125 |
nija-prāṇa | my own life | CC Madhya 15.262 |
nija-prāṇa | my own life | CC Madhya 15.262 |
nija-prāṇa | of his life | CC Antya 11.96 |
nija-prāṇa | of his life | CC Antya 11.96 |
nija-praṇayitām | own devotional love | CC Antya 1.177 |
nija-praṇayitām | own devotional love | CC Antya 1.177 |
nija-pratijñā | His own promise | CC Madhya 16.144 |
nija-pratijñā | His own promise | CC Madhya 16.144 |
nija-priya-dāna | to present to the Lord something very dear to oneself | CC Madhya 22.124 |
nija-priya-dāna | to present to the Lord something very dear to oneself | CC Madhya 22.124 |
nija-priya-dāna | to present to the Lord something very dear to oneself | CC Madhya 22.124 |
nija-puruṣa | of Your devotees | SB 5.3.10 |
nija-puruṣa | of Your devotees | SB 5.3.10 |
nija-puruṣa-hṛt-likhitena | which is situated in the heart of His own devotee like an engraved picture | SB 5.7.7 |
nija-puruṣa-hṛt-likhitena | which is situated in the heart of His own devotee like an engraved picture | SB 5.7.7 |
nija-puruṣa-hṛt-likhitena | which is situated in the heart of His own devotee like an engraved picture | SB 5.7.7 |
nija-puruṣa-hṛt-likhitena | which is situated in the heart of His own devotee like an engraved picture | SB 5.7.7 |
nija-putra | his son | CC Madhya 6.33 |
nija-putra | his son | CC Madhya 6.33 |
nija-rājya-mane | within the kingdom of Her own mind | CC Antya 17.58 |
nija-rājya-mane | within the kingdom of Her own mind | CC Antya 17.58 |
nija-rājya-mane | within the kingdom of Her own mind | CC Antya 17.58 |
nija-rājye | in his own kingdom | CC Madhya 16.110 |
nija-rājye | in his own kingdom | CC Madhya 16.110 |
| | SB 1.10.2 |
nija-rājye | in his own kingdom | SB 1.10.2 |
nija-ramaṇa-aruṇa-caraṇa-aravinda | on the Lord's reddish lotus feet | SB 5.7.12 |
nija-ramaṇa-aruṇa-caraṇa-aravinda | on the Lord's reddish lotus feet | SB 5.7.12 |
nija-ramaṇa-aruṇa-caraṇa-aravinda | on the Lord's reddish lotus feet | SB 5.7.12 |
nija-ramaṇa-aruṇa-caraṇa-aravinda | on the Lord's reddish lotus feet | SB 5.7.12 |
nija-ramaṇa-aruṇa-caraṇa-aravinda | on the Lord's reddish lotus feet | SB 5.7.12 |
nija-rasa | Your own transcendental mellow | CC Madhya 8.279 |
nija-rasa | Your own transcendental mellow | CC Madhya 8.279 |
nija-rūpa | His own form | CC Adi 17.231 |
nija-rūpa | His own form | CC Adi 17.231 |
nija-rūpa | personal body | CC Adi 5.23 |
nija-rūpa | personal body | CC Adi 5.23 |
nija-rūpa | personal form | CC Madhya 6.202 |
nija-rūpa | personal form | CC Madhya 6.202 |
nija-rūpa | Your real form | CC Madhya 8.278 |
nija-rūpa | Your real form | CC Madhya 8.278 |
nija-rūpam āsthitā | remained in her original demoniac form | SB 10.6.13 |
nija-rūpam āsthitā | remained in her original demoniac form | SB 10.6.13 |
nija-rūpam āsthitā | remained in her original demoniac form | SB 10.6.13 |
nija-rūpatayā | with His own form | Bs 5.37 |
nija-rūpatayā | with His own form | Bs 5.37 |
| | CC Adi 4.72 |
nija-rūpatayā | with His own form | CC Adi 4.72 |
| | CC Madhya 8.163 |
nija-rūpatayā | with His own form | CC Madhya 8.163 |
nija-sakhī-gaṇa | as a gopī friend | CC Antya 19.33 |
nija-sakhī-gaṇa | as a gopī friend | CC Antya 19.33 |
nija-sakhī-gaṇa | as a gopī friend | CC Antya 19.33 |
nija-śakti | His own energy | CC Adi 4.71 |
nija-śakti | His own energy | CC Adi 4.71 |
nija-śakti | His personal potency | CC Madhya 14.90 |
nija-śakti | His personal potency | CC Madhya 14.90 |
nija-śakti | internal potencies | CC Adi 1.41 |
nija-śakti | internal potencies | CC Adi 1.41 |
nija-śaktibhiḥ | by Your own potencies | SB 3.16.24 |
nija-śaktibhiḥ | by Your own potencies | SB 3.16.24 |
nija-śaktim | His personal potency | CC Madhya 19.1 |
nija-śaktim | His personal potency | CC Madhya 19.1 |
nija-sama | equal to Himself | CC Madhya 21.108 |
nija-sama | equal to Himself | CC Madhya 21.108 |
nija-sambandha | one's own relationship with Kṛṣṇa | CC Madhya 19.203 |
nija-sambandha | one's own relationship with Kṛṣṇa | CC Madhya 19.203 |
nija-samīhitam | chosen by oneself | CC Madhya 22.160 |
nija-samīhitam | chosen by oneself | CC Madhya 22.160 |
nija-sampatti | her opulence | CC Madhya 14.139 |
nija-sampatti | her opulence | CC Madhya 14.139 |
nija-sańgī | of My associates | CC Madhya 17.13 |
nija-sańgī | of My associates | CC Madhya 17.13 |
nija-sarga | Your own creation | SB 6.14.55 |
nija-sarga | Your own creation | SB 6.14.55 |
nija-śarīreṇa | by His body | SB 5.5.31 |
nija-śarīreṇa | by His body | SB 5.5.31 |
nija-sarva-śaktiḥ | all kinds of personal potencies | CC Antya 20.16 |
nija-sarva-śaktiḥ | all kinds of personal potencies | CC Antya 20.16 |
nija-sarva-śaktiḥ | all kinds of personal potencies | CC Antya 20.16 |
nija-śāsane | in his own governing situation | SB 4.14.19 |
nija-śāsane | in his own governing situation | SB 4.14.19 |
nija-śāstra | your own scripture | CC Madhya 18.198 |
nija-śāstra | your own scripture | CC Madhya 18.198 |
nija-śikṣāṣṭaka paḍiyā | reciting His own Śikṣāṣṭaka verses | CC Antya 20.138 |
nija-śikṣāṣṭaka paḍiyā | reciting His own Śikṣāṣṭaka verses | CC Antya 20.138 |
nija-śikṣāṣṭaka paḍiyā | reciting His own Śikṣāṣṭaka verses | CC Antya 20.138 |
nija-siṃhāsane | on His own throne | CC Madhya 14.61 |
nija-siṃhāsane | on His own throne | CC Madhya 14.61 |
nija-śire | on my head | CC Antya 7.158 |
nija-śire | on my head | CC Antya 7.158 |
nija-śire dhari' | catching on my head | CC Antya 20.144-146 |
nija-śire dhari' | catching on my head | CC Antya 20.144-146 |
nija-śire dhari' | catching on my head | CC Antya 20.144-146 |
nija-skandhe | on their shoulders | CC Madhya 15.18 |
nija-skandhe | on their shoulders | CC Madhya 15.18 |
nija-śloka paḍiyā | reciting His own verses | CC Antya 20.6 |
nija-śloka paḍiyā | reciting His own verses | CC Antya 20.6 |
nija-śloka paḍiyā | reciting His own verses | CC Antya 20.6 |
nija-sthāna | to their homes | CC Antya 15.94 |
nija-sthāna | to their homes | CC Antya 15.94 |
nija-sthāne | for his own place | CC Antya 2.137 |
nija-sthāne | for his own place | CC Antya 2.137 |
nija-sthāne | in His own place | CC Antya 17.61 |
nija-sthāne | in His own place | CC Antya 17.61 |
nija-sthāne | in their own places | CC Antya 18.76 |
nija-sthāne | in their own places | CC Antya 18.76 |
nija-sthāne | to His own place | CC Antya 13.88 |
nija-sthāne | to His own place | CC Antya 13.88 |
| | CC Madhya 18.54 |
nija-sthāne | to His own place | CC Madhya 18.54 |
nija-sthāne | to His own residence | CC Madhya 6.236 |
nija-sthāne | to His own residence | CC Madhya 6.236 |
nija-sukha | for their own happiness | CC Adi 4.188 |
nija-sukha | for their own happiness | CC Adi 4.188 |
nija-sukha | her own happiness | CC Madhya 3.204 |
nija-sukha | her own happiness | CC Madhya 3.204 |
nija-sukha | personal happiness | CC Madhya 8.208 |
nija-sukha | personal happiness | CC Madhya 8.208 |
nija-sukha | your own sense gratification | CC Madhya 16.140 |
nija-sukha | your own sense gratification | CC Madhya 16.140 |
nija-sukha haite | than personal happiness | CC Madhya 8.210 |
nija-sukha haite | than personal happiness | CC Madhya 8.210 |
nija-sukha haite | than personal happiness | CC Madhya 8.210 |
nija-sukha-vāñchāra | of desire for one's own happiness | CC Adi 4.199 |
nija-sukha-vāñchāra | of desire for one's own happiness | CC Adi 4.199 |
nija-sukha-vāñchāra | of desire for one's own happiness | CC Adi 4.199 |
nija-sukhe | in her own happiness | CC Antya 20.55 |
nija-sukhe | in her own happiness | CC Antya 20.55 |
nija-sutau | their own respective sons | SB 10.8.23 |
nija-sutau | their own respective sons | SB 10.8.23 |
nija-svare | with the vibration of the flute | CC Antya 16.127 |
nija-svare | with the vibration of the flute | CC Antya 16.127 |
nija-ṭīkā | your own commentary | CC Antya 7.132 |
nija-ṭīkā | your own commentary | CC Antya 7.132 |
nija-ucita | exactly befitting Your position | CC Antya 7.127 |
nija-ucita | exactly befitting Your position | CC Antya 7.127 |
nija-uru-tejasam | whose unlimited power | SB 10.6.7 |
nija-uru-tejasam | whose unlimited power | SB 10.6.7 |
nija-uru-tejasam | whose unlimited power | SB 10.6.7 |
nija-vadana-salila | the water from its mouth | SB 5.8.25 |
nija-vadana-salila | the water from its mouth | SB 5.8.25 |
nija-vadana-salila | the water from its mouth | SB 5.8.25 |
nija-vāñchā | His own desires, karila | CC Adi 4.221 |
| | did |
nija-vane | in her own garden | SB 3.15.22 |
nija-vane | in her own garden | SB 3.15.22 |
nija-vartma | His own personal way of life | SB 8.1.16 |
nija-vartma | His own personal way of life | SB 8.1.16 |
nija-vāsa | own residence | CC Adi 5.98 |
nija-vāsa | own residence | CC Adi 5.98 |
nija-vāsā | to His place | CC Antya 16.101 |
nija-vāsā | to His place | CC Antya 16.101 |
nija-vāsā āilā | returned to His own residence | CC Madhya 10.183 |
nija-vāsā āilā | returned to His own residence | CC Madhya 10.183 |
nija-vāsā āilā | returned to His own residence | CC Madhya 10.183 |
nija-vāse | in their own cloths | CC Madhya 12.89 |
nija-vāse | in their own cloths | CC Madhya 12.89 |
nija-vastre | by His own garment | CC Madhya 12.104 |
nija-vastre | by His own garment | CC Madhya 12.104 |
nija-vastre | by His own garment | CC Madhya 12.104 |
nija-vastre | by His own garment | CC Madhya 12.104 |
nija-veda-pathāt | from his own path, recommended by the Vedas | SB 5.26.15 |
nija-veda-pathāt | from his own path, recommended by the Vedas | SB 5.26.15 |
nija-veda-pathāt | from his own path, recommended by the Vedas | SB 5.26.15 |
nija-vipra | of his own brāhmaṇa servant | CC Madhya 6.249 |
nija-vipra | of his own brāhmaṇa servant | CC Madhya 6.249 |
nija-vīrya-śańkitam | afraid of his prowess | SB 7.8.27 |
nija-vīrya-śańkitam | afraid of his prowess | SB 7.8.27 |
nija-vīrya-śańkitam | afraid of his prowess | SB 7.8.27 |
nija-vīrya-vaibhavam | whose influence is uncommon | SB 5.18.11 |
nija-vīrya-vaibhavam | whose influence is uncommon | SB 5.18.11 |
nija-vīrya-vaibhavam | whose influence is uncommon | SB 5.18.11 |
nija-yoga-māyayā | by His own spiritual potency | SB 8.18.11 |
nija-yoga-māyayā | by His own spiritual potency | SB 8.18.11 |
nija-yoga-māyayā | by His own spiritual potency | SB 8.18.11 |
nija-yoni | causing their own bodies | SB 7.2.41 |
nija-yoni | causing their own bodies | SB 7.2.41 |
nijaghnuḥ | began to beat one another | SB 8.10.6 |
nijaghnuḥ | slashed with weapons and killed | SB 8.10.35 |
nijaghnuḥ | struck | SB 6.9.19 |
nijaghnuḥ | they killed | SB 4.14.34 |
nijagrāha | sufficiently punished | SB 1.16.4 |
| | SB 1.16.5 |
nijam | His | SB 10.65.24-25 |
nijam | his actual self | SB 4.27.4 |
nijam | his original | SB 10.18.26 |
| | SB 10.37.31 |
nijam | his own | SB 8.24.51 |
nijam | of his own | SB 1.15.12 |
nijam | one's own | SB 8.24.48 |
nijam | own | SB 3.13.44 |
nijam | personal, spiritual | SB 10.2.35 |
nijam | to his own | SB 4.2.19 |
nijam | which is applicable to Him only | CC Madhya 6.255 |
nijam | Your lotus feet | SB 8.22.2 |
nijam | your own | SB 9.18.38 |
nijayā | by His own | SB 4.1.56 |
kṛta-nija-abhimānasya | who accepted the calf as his own son | SB 5.8.8 |
bhava-pāntha-nija-āśrama-āptau | being obtainment of the shelter of Kṛṣṇa for persons within this material world | SB 6.9.45 |
bhava-pāntha-nija-āśrama-āptau | being obtainment of the shelter of Kṛṣṇa for persons within this material world | SB 6.9.45 |
kāla-cakra-nija-āyudham | whose personal weapon is the disc of time | SB 5.14.29 |
bhava-pāntha-nija-āśrama-āptau | being obtainment of the shelter of Kṛṣṇa for persons within this material world | SB 6.9.45 |
kāla-cakra-nija-āyudham | whose personal weapon is the disc of time | SB 5.14.29 |
goloka-nāmni nija-dhāmni | in the planet known as Goloka Vṛndāvana, the personal abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | CC Madhya 21.49 |
mora nija-dharma | my own religious duty | CC Antya 13.97 |
lañā nija-gaṇa | taking His own associates | CC Madhya 9.355 |
yata nija gaṇa | all personal associates | CC Antya 6.63 |
lañā nija-gaṇa | with His personal associates | CC Antya 7.170 |
lañā nija-gaṇa | accompanied by His personal associates | CC Antya 10.103 |
prabhura nija-gaṇe | very intimate associates of the Lord | CC Antya 6.60 |
goloka-nāmni nija-dhāmni | in the planet known as Goloka Vṛndāvana, the personal abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | CC Madhya 21.49 |
kāla-cakra-nija-āyudham | whose personal weapon is the disc of time | SB 5.14.29 |
kṛta-nija-abhimānasya | who accepted the calf as his own son | SB 5.8.8 |
lañā nija-gaṇa | taking His own associates | CC Madhya 9.355 |
lañā nija-sańge | taking with him personally | CC Madhya 18.53 |
lañā nija-gaṇa | with His personal associates | CC Antya 7.170 |
lañā nija-gaṇa | accompanied by His personal associates | CC Antya 10.103 |
mora nija-dharma | my own religious duty | CC Antya 13.97 |
goloka-nāmni nija-dhāmni | in the planet known as Goloka Vṛndāvana, the personal abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | CC Madhya 21.49 |
kṛta-nija-abhimānasya | who accepted the calf as his own son | SB 5.8.8 |
kāla-cakra-nija-āyudham | whose personal weapon is the disc of time | SB 5.14.29 |
bhava-pāntha-nija-āśrama-āptau | being obtainment of the shelter of Kṛṣṇa for persons within this material world | SB 6.9.45 |
lañā nija-gaṇa | taking His own associates | CC Madhya 9.355 |
lañā nija-sańge | taking with him personally | CC Madhya 18.53 |
goloka-nāmni nija-dhāmni | in the planet known as Goloka Vṛndāvana, the personal abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead | CC Madhya 21.49 |
prabhura nija-gaṇe | very intimate associates of the Lord | CC Antya 6.60 |
yata nija gaṇa | all personal associates | CC Antya 6.63 |
lañā nija-gaṇa | with His personal associates | CC Antya 7.170 |
lañā nija-gaṇa | accompanied by His personal associates | CC Antya 10.103 |
mora nija-dharma | my own religious duty | CC Antya 13.97 |
bhava-pāntha-nija-āśrama-āptau | being obtainment of the shelter of Kṛṣṇa for persons within this material world | SB 6.9.45 |
prabhura nija-gaṇe | very intimate associates of the Lord | CC Antya 6.60 |
lañā nija-sańge | taking with him personally | CC Madhya 18.53 |
yata nija gaṇa | all personal associates | CC Antya 6.63 |