nayana | m. Name of a man | ||||||
nayana | n. leading, directing, managing, conducting | ||||||
nayana | n. carrying, bringing etc. | ||||||
nayana | n. (kālasya-) fixing | ||||||
nayana | n. drawing, moving (a man or piece in a game see naya-and naya-pīṭhī-) ; (plural) prudent, conduct, polity | ||||||
nayana | n. "the leading organ", the eye (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-or ī-).) | ||||||
nayanabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
nayanabudbuda | n. eyeball | ||||||
nayanacandrikā | f. moonshine, anything looking bright to the eyes | ||||||
nayanacandrikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
nayanacarita | n. play of the eyes, ogling, | ||||||
nayanacchada | m. eye-covering, an eyelid | ||||||
nayanagocara | mfn. being within the eye's range, visible (-tva- ; rī- | ||||||
nayanajala | n. "eye-water", tears | ||||||
nayanapadavī | f. () range or field of sight. | ||||||
nayanapatha | m. () range or field of sight. | ||||||
nayanaplava | m. swimming of the eyes | ||||||
nayanaprabandha | m. the outer corner of the eye | ||||||
nayanaprasādinī | f. Name of work | ||||||
nayanaprīti | f. "eye-delight", lovely sight | ||||||
nayanapuṭa | m. or n. the eyelid | ||||||
nayanasalila | n. equals -jala- | ||||||
nayanaśāṇa | m. a particular ointment for the eye | ||||||
nayanasukha | m. Name of an author | ||||||
nayanatva | n. condition of the eyes, sight | ||||||
nayanauṣadha | a particular ointment for the eyes | ||||||
nayanavāri | n. equals -jala- | ||||||
nayanavat | mfn. having eyes | ||||||
nayanaviṣaya | m. "range of sight", the horizon | ||||||
nayanaviṣayībhāva | m. the being within sight | ||||||
abjanayana | mfn. lotus-eyed, having large fine eyes. | ||||||
agninayana | n. the act of bringing out the sacrificial fire. | ||||||
ānayana | n. bringing, leading near | ||||||
ānayana | n. producing, working | ||||||
ānayana | n. calculating. | ||||||
anyonyapakṣanayana | n. transposing (of numbers) from one side to another. | ||||||
apanayana | n. taking away, withdrawing | ||||||
apanayana | n. destroying, healing | ||||||
apanayana | n. acquittance of a debt. | ||||||
arālapakṣmanayana | mfn. whose eyelashes are curved | ||||||
ārdranayana | mfn. moist-eyed, weeping, suffused with tears. | ||||||
arkanayana | n. Name of an asura- | ||||||
asitanayana | mfn. black-eyed. | ||||||
avanayana | n. equals ava-nāya- | ||||||
avanayana | n. pouring down | ||||||
bhagavadupanayana | n. "initiation of bhagavat-", Name of work | ||||||
bhālanayana | m. "having an eye in the forehead"Name of śiva- | ||||||
bījopanayana | n. Name of work on algebra | ||||||
cūḍopanayana | n. plural tonsure and initiation | ||||||
dakṣiṇātinayana | (ṇā | ||||||
daśaśatanayana | m. "thousand-eyed", indra- | ||||||
deśāntarabhāṇḍānayana | n. importing wares from foreign countries | ||||||
dīptanayana | m. "having glittering eyes", Name of an owl | ||||||
dvijanayana | n. Name of work | ||||||
ekanayana | m. the planet Venus | ||||||
eṇīnayana | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. deer-eyed ' | ||||||
galitanayana | mfn. one who has lost his eyes, blind, | ||||||
jvalitanayana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. fiery-eyed, looking angrily or fiercely ' | ||||||
kālānayana | n. calculation of time commentator or commentary on | ||||||
kamalanayana | m. "lotus-eyed", Name of a king. | ||||||
kokilanayana | m. "having eyes like those of the Koil", a plant bearing a dark black flower (Capparis spinosa or Asteracantha longifolia or Barleria longifolia) | ||||||
krodhavinayana | n. appeasing anger, | ||||||
kṛṣṇanayana | mfn. black-eyed | ||||||
kṛtopanayana | m. one who has been invested with the sacrificial cord | ||||||
lohitanayana | mfn. red-eyed, having eyes reddened with anger or passion | ||||||
lolanayana | mfn. having rolling eyes | ||||||
madiranayana | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'f. a fascinating woman ' | ||||||
mānasanayana | n. Name of work | ||||||
mānasanayanaprasādinī | f. Name of commentator or commentary on it. | ||||||
manovinayana | n. mental discipline | ||||||
māsapraveśānayana | n. Name of work | ||||||
meghānayana | n. Name of certain works. | ||||||
mukulitanayana | mf(ā-)n. having half-closed eyes | ||||||
navagrahānayanakoṣṭhaka | n. plural Name of work | ||||||
nihitanayana | mf(ā-)n. having the eyes fixed or directed upon (locative case) | ||||||
ninayana | yanīya- See ni-nī- below. | ||||||
ninayana | n. pouring down or out (see svadhā-n-) | ||||||
ninayana | n. carrying out, performance | ||||||
pañcāṅgānayana | n. Name of work | ||||||
paryāptanayana | mfn. having a sufficient number of eyes | ||||||
phullanayana | mfn. having eyes dilated (with joy), smiling, happy | ||||||
prakaṭaraktāntanayana | mfn. having the eye-corners visibly red | ||||||
pramuditapralambasunayana | m. Name of a gandharva- prince | ||||||
prāṅnayana | n. moving eastward | ||||||
praphullanayana | () mfn. having fully opened or sparkling eyes, having eyes expanded with joy. | ||||||
pratinayana | (in the beginning of a compound), into the eye | ||||||
pratyānayana | n. leading or bringing back, recovery, restoration | ||||||
protphullanayana | mfn. having the eyes wide open | ||||||
punarānayana | n. leading back | ||||||
punarupanayana | n. a second initiation of a Brahman (when the first has been vitiated by partaking of forbidden food; see punaḥ-saṃskāra-) | ||||||
punarupanayanaprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
punarupanayanavidhāna | n. Name of work | ||||||
punarupanayanavidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
puṇḍarīkanayana | mfn. lotus-eyed | ||||||
puṇḍarīkanayana | m. Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
puṇḍarīkanayana | m. a species of bird | ||||||
raktanayana | mfn. red-eyed | ||||||
raktanayana | m. Perdix Rufa | ||||||
ṛṇāpanayana | n. discharge or payment of debt. | ||||||
rūpanayana | m. Name of a commentator | ||||||
sabhāsaṃnayana | n. on Va1rtt. 2. | ||||||
sābhāsaṃnayana | mfn. (fr. sabhā-s-) on Va1rtt. 2. | ||||||
ṣaḍunnayanamahātantra | n. Name of work | ||||||
sahasranayana | mfn. thousand-eyed | ||||||
sahasranayana | m. Name of indra- etc. | ||||||
sahasranayana | m. of viṣṇu- | ||||||
sajalanayana | mfn. watery-eyed | ||||||
samānayana | n. bringing together or near | ||||||
samānayana | n. pouring together | ||||||
samīpanayana | n. leading near to, bringing to (genitive case) | ||||||
saṃnayana | n. leading or bringing together | ||||||
saṃraktanayana | mfn. having the eyes reddened (with passion or fury). () | ||||||
samudānayana | n. bringing near | ||||||
samunnayana | n. raising up, arching (as the brows) | ||||||
samupanayana | n. the act of leading near to | ||||||
samupānayana | n. bringing near, procuring | ||||||
sāśrunayana | mfn. having tearful eyes | ||||||
sīmantonnayana | n. "the parting or dividing of the hair", Name of one of the 12 saṃskāra-s (observed by women in the fourth, sixth or eighth month of pregnancy) | ||||||
sīmantonnayanamantra | m. plural Name of work | ||||||
sīmantonnayanaprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
sitāsitakamaladalanayanatā | f. having eyes like the petals of a dark and white lotus (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-) | ||||||
ślokābhinayana | n. a dramatic performance accompanied by recitation of śloka-s. | ||||||
sphoṭitanayana | mfn. having the eyes put out | ||||||
śramāpanayana | n. dispelling fatigue (in ati-śr-) | ||||||
śramavinayana | mfn. dispelling fatigue (in adhva-śr-v-) | ||||||
stabdhanayana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having motionless (id est unwinking) eyes ' | ||||||
stimitanayana | mfn. having the eyes intently fixed (see stabdhadṛṣṭi-) | ||||||
sūkaranayana | n. "hog's eye", Name of a hole of a particular form in timber | ||||||
sunayana | mf(ā-)n. having beautiful eyes | ||||||
sunayana | m. a deer | ||||||
svadhāninayana | n. performance of a śrāddha- rite with sva-dhā- | ||||||
svapnānayanamantra | m. Name of works. | ||||||
svarnayana | mfn. leading to heaven | ||||||
śvāvillomāpanayana | n. Name of a tīrtha- | ||||||
timiranayana | mfn. suffering from partial blindness | ||||||
trinayana | m. equals -dṛś- etc. | ||||||
trinayana | n. Name of a town, | ||||||
unnayana | (ud-na-;for 2.See column 2) mfn. having upraised eyes. | ||||||
unnayana | n. (for 1.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order column 1) the act of raising, elevating, lifting, up | ||||||
unnayana | n. taking out of, drawing out (a fluid) | ||||||
unnayana | n. the vessel out of which a fluid is taken | ||||||
unnayana | n. making a straight line, or parting the hair (of a pregnant woman) upwards (See sīmanto | ||||||
unnayana | n. conclusion, induction, inference. | ||||||
unnayanapaṅkti | mfn. having the line of the eyes upraised | ||||||
upanayana | n. the act of leading to or near, bringing | ||||||
upanayana | n. employment, application | ||||||
upanayana | n. introduction (into any science) | ||||||
upanayana | n. leading or drawing towards one's self | ||||||
upanayana | n. that ceremony in which a Guru draws a boy towards himself and initiates him into one of the three twice-born classes (one of the twelve saṃskāra-s or purificatory rites [prescribed in the dharma-- sūtra-s and explained in the gṛhya-- sūtra-s] in which the boy is invested with the sacred thread [different for the three castes] and thus endowed with second or spiritual birth and qualified to learn the veda- by heart;a Brahman is initiated in the eighth year [or seventh according to hiraṇyakeśin-;or eighth from conception, according to śāṅkhāyana- etc.], a kṣatriya- in the eleventh, a vaiśya- in the twelfth;but the term could be delayed) | ||||||
upanayana | n. See p.201 | ||||||
upānayana | n. the act of leading near or home (a wife) | ||||||
upanayanacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work | ||||||
upanayanalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
ūrdhvanayana | mfn. having eyes turned upwards | ||||||
ūrdhvanayana | mfn. Name of the fabulous animal śarabha- | ||||||
vedāntanayanabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
vibhrāntanayana | mfn. one who rolls the eyes or casts side glances | ||||||
vigatanayana | mfn. eyeless, blind | ||||||
vikasitanayanavadanakamala | mfn. opening (her) lotus-like eyes and mouth | ||||||
vinayana | mfn. taking away, removing | ||||||
vinayana | n. the act of taming or training, education, instruction | ||||||
vinayanandin | m. Name of the leader of a jaina- sect | ||||||
vinirbhagnanayana | mfn. one who has his eyes dashed out | ||||||
viśālanayanatā | f. having large eyes (one of the minor marks of a buddha-) | ||||||
viṣamanayana | mfn. "having an odd number of eyes","three-eyed", Name of śiva- | ||||||
vismayotphullanayana | mfn. (or -locana-) having eyes wide open or staring with astonishment | ||||||
vratopanayana | n. initiation into a religious vow etc. | ||||||
vyapanayapanayana | n. tearing off, removing |
nayanam | नयनम् [नी-करणे ल्युट्] 1 Leading, guiding, conducting managing. -2 Taking, bringing to or near, drawing; पापापहं स्वर्नयनं दुस्तरं पार्थिवर्षभैः Rām.1.14.58. -3 Ruling, governing, polity; वाक्यैः पवित्रार्थपदैर्नयनैः प्राकृतैरपि Bhāg. 1.5.34. -4 Obtaining. -5 The eye. -6 Passing, spending (as time). -ना, -नी The pupil of the eye. -Comp. -अञ्चलः, -अन्तः 1 the eye-corner. -2 a side-glance. -अभिराम a. gladdening the sight, lovely to behold. (-मः) the moon. -आमोषिन् a. blinding the sight, obscuring. -उत्सवः 1 a lamp. -2 delight of the eyes. -3 any lovely object. -उपान्तः the corner of the eye; नयनोपान्तविलोकितं च यत् (स्मरामि) Ku.4.23. -गोचर a. visible, within the range of sight. -चरितम् the play of the eyes, ogling. -छदः an eyelid. -जम्, -जलम्, -वारि n. tears; देव त्वद्वैरिनारीनयननयनजैर्निर्ममे नीरधिर्न Sūkti.5.117. -पथः the range of sight. -पुटम् the cavity of the eye, eye-lid. -प्रबन्धः the outer corner of the eye. -प्रीतिः lovely sight. -प्लवः the swimming of the eyes. -बुद्बुदम् an eye-ball. -विषयः 1 any visible object; नयनविषयं जन्मन्येकः स एव महोत्सवः Māl.1.36. -2 the horizon. -3 the range of sight. -सलिलम् tears; तस्मिन् काले नयनसलिलं योषितां खण्डितानाम् (शान्तिं नेयम्) Me.41. |
nayanatvam | नयनत्वम् The condition of the eyes; बाष्पजलान्तरित- नयनत्वान्न पश्यामि ते मुखचन्द्रम् Ve.6.39/4. |
apanayanam | अपनयनम् 1 Taking away, removing, extracting &c. गण्डस्वेद˚ Me.26; नीतिश्रमापनयनाय Ś.5.6. -2 Healing, destroying, curing (disease &c.); रोगाच्चापनयने P.V. 4.49. -3 Discharge or acquittance of a debt or obligation. -4 Subtraction, deduction. -5 Injustice; शृणु राजन् स्थिरो भूत्वा तवापनयनो महान् Mb.6.49.22. |
unnayana | उन्नयन a. With the eyes raised upwards; पुरुहूतध्वज- स्येव तस्योन्नयनपङ्क्तयः R.4.3. -नम् 1 Raising, elevating, lifting up. -2 Drawing up water. -3 The vessel out of which a fluid is taken. -4 Leading away, extracting. -5 Making straight, smoothing; सीमन्त˚. -6 Deliberation, discussion. -7 inference; श्रवणादनु पश्चादीक्षा अन्वीक्षा उन्नयनम्. |
upanayanam | उपनयनम् 1 Leading to or near. -2 Presenting, offering; धारासारोपनयनपरा नैगमाः सानुमन्तः V.4.13. -3 Investiture with the acred thread; गर्भाष्टमे ब्राह्मण उपनेय इत्युपनयनं संस्कारार्थम् Mbh.6.6.84. आसमावर्तनात्कुर्यात् कृतोपनयनो द्विजः Ms.2.18,173. -4 Employment, application. -5 Introduction (into any science). |
upānayanam | उपानयनम् The act of leading near or home (a wife); Bhāg. |
ninayanam | निनयनम् See under निनी. |
ninayanam | निनयनम् 1 Performance. -2 Performing, accomplishing. -3 Pouring out. |
pratyānayanam | प्रत्यानयनम् Bringing back, recovery. |
vinayanam | विनयनम् 1 Removing, taking away; वक्ष्यस्यध्वश्रम- विनयने तस्य शृङ्गे निषण्णः Me.54. -2 Education, instruction, training, discipline. |
saṃnayanam | संनयनम् 1 Bringing together or near. -2 Connecting, uniting. |
samānayanam | समानयनम् Bringing together, collecting, conducting. |
nayana | n. bringing, conducting, leading to (--°ree;); eye (guiding organ): -tva, n. abst. n. |
nayanagocara | a. being with in range of the eye; -gokarî-kri, behold; -kandrikâ, f. moonlight to the eyes; -kar ita, n. play of the eyes; -gala, n. tears; -patha, m. range of the eye; -padavî, f. id.; -payas, n. tears; -vat, a. having eyes; -vâ ri, n. tears; -vishaya, m. range of the eye; -salila, n. tears; -subhaga, a. pleasing to the eye. |
ānayana | n. bringing near or back; procuring; producing; -itavya, fp. to be brought near. |
unnayana | n. raising; parting; in ference: -pa&ndot;kti, a. the rows of whose eyes are directed upwards. |
sīmantonnayana | n. parting the hair (of a pregnant woman). |
namas | te vidma te kāsanāyanam # AVP.1.45.4a. |
nayana | by whose beautiful eyes | CC Antya 1.165 |
nayana | eyes | CC Adi 4.242-243 |
CC Adi 4.250 | ||
CC Adi 5.165 | ||
CC Madhya 2.29 | ||
CC Madhya 21.131 | ||
CC Madhya 21.68 | ||
SB 3.15.45 | ||
SB 3.28.16 | ||
SB 5.2.5 | ||
SB 5.25.5 | ||
SB 7.9.36 | ||
nayana | for the eyes | SB 10.36.15 |
SB 10.58.12 | ||
SB 5.2.6 | ||
nayana | from the eye | MM 22 |
nayana | from the eyes | CC Antya 20.40 |
nayana | My eyes | CC Antya 15.61 |
nayana | my eyes | CC Madhya 10.18 |
nayana | of his eyes | SB 4.9.44 |
nayana | of the eyes | SB 3.16.27 |
nayana | of the two eyes | CC Adi 4.196 |
nayana | our eyes | CC Adi 7.104 |
nayana | the eyes | CC Antya 18.86 |
CC Madhya 14.36 | ||
CC Madhya 15.91 | ||
CC Madhya 3.142 | ||
nayana | to the eyes | SB 3.28.26 |
nayana | whose eyes | SB 10.90.15 |
nayana | with eyes | SB 5.5.31 |
nayana | your eyes | CC Antya 3.33 |
nayana bhariyā | to the fulfillment of the eyes | CC Madhya 12.21 |
nayana bhariyā | to the fulfillment of the eyes | CC Madhya 12.21 |
nayana-abhirāmam | very pleasing to the eyes | SB 3.2.20 |
nayana-abhirāmam | very pleasing to the eyes | SB 3.2.20 |
nayana-abjayoḥ | from the lotuslike eyes | SB 1.14.23 |
nayana-abjayoḥ | from the lotuslike eyes | SB 1.14.23 |
nayana-amburuham | the lotus eyes | SB 3.9.25 |
nayana-amburuham | the lotus eyes | SB 3.9.25 |
nayana-bhańge | by activities of the eyes | CC Madhya 8.194 |
nayana-bhańge | by activities of the eyes | CC Madhya 8.194 |
nayana-cakora | eyes that are like cakora birds | CC Antya 19.36 |
nayana-cakora | eyes that are like cakora birds | CC Antya 19.36 |
nayana-hṛdaya | the eyes and mind | CC Madhya 13.117 |
nayana-hṛdaya | the eyes and mind | CC Madhya 13.117 |
nayana-mūlam | face to face | SB 3.15.46 |
nayana-mūlam | face to face | SB 3.15.46 |
nayana-yugala | a pair of eyes | CC Madhya 13.168 |
nayana-yugala | a pair of eyes | CC Madhya 13.168 |
nayana-yugala | two eyes | CC Madhya 12.212 |
nayana-yugala | two eyes | CC Madhya 12.212 |
nayana-yugam | the pair of eyes | CC Madhya 14.189 |
nayana-yugam | the pair of eyes | CC Madhya 14.189 |
nayanaiḥ | from their eyes | SB 10.82.14 |
nayanaiḥ | with reasoning | SB 10.50.32-33 |
nayanaiḥ | with their eyes | SB 10.43.20 |
nayanam | eyes | BG 11.10-11 |
nayanam | of Him whose eyes | MM 34 |
nayanam | the eyes | CC Antya 20.36 |
nayanam | their eyes | SB 11.30.3 |
nayanayoḥ | in the eyes | MM 35 |
he nayana-abhirāma | O most beautiful to My eyes | CC Madhya 2.65 |
ānayana-ādi | of the bringing and other such tasks | SB 5.10.21 |
upanayana-ādi | beginning with offering the sacred thread or training the conditioned soul to qualify as a bona fide brāhmaṇa | SB 5.14.30 |
manaḥ-nayana-amṛtam | nectar for the mind and eyes | CC Madhya 2.74 |
manaḥ-nayana-ānandana | pleasing to the mind and eyes | SB 5.3.2 |
ānayana-ādi | of the bringing and other such tasks | SB 5.10.21 |
ānayana-kāmyayā | with a desire to bring the Ganges to this material world to deliver his forefathers | SB 9.9.1 |
ānayanam | bringing him | SB 1.7.43 |
ānayanam | the bringing back | SB 12.12.35 |
aravinda-nayanasya | of the lotus-eyed Lord | SB 3.15.43 |
aravinda-nayanasya | of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like the petals of a lotus | CC Madhya 17.142 |
aravinda-nayanasya | of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like the petals of a lotus | CC Madhya 24.45 |
aravinda-nayanasya | of the lotus-eyed Lord | CC Madhya 24.115 |
aravinda-nayanasya | of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like the petals of a lotus flower | CC Madhya 25.158 |
rādhā-āsya-nayana | the face and eyes of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī | CC Madhya 14.179 |
praṇaya-bāṣpa-niruddha-avaloka-nayanaḥ | awakening of tears of love in the eyes, obstructing the vision | SB 5.7.12 |
praṇaya-bāṣpa-niruddha-avaloka-nayanaḥ | awakening of tears of love in the eyes, obstructing the vision | SB 5.7.12 |
bharila nayana | eyes become filled | CC Madhya 15.57 |
sa-bhaya-nayana | just now sitting there with fearful eyes | SB 10.8.31 |
dvi-nayana | two eyes | CC Madhya 21.134 |
he nayana-abhirāma | O most beautiful to My eyes | CC Madhya 2.65 |
kamala-nayana | Kamala-nayana | CC Adi 10.111 |
kamala-nayana | lotus-eyed | CC Madhya 5.137 |
kamala-nayana | the lotus eyes | CC Madhya 8.270 |
kamala-nayana | the lotus-eyed Lord Jagannātha | CC Madhya 11.35 |
kamala-nayana | lotus eyes | CC Madhya 12.58 |
kamala-nayana | eyes like the petals of a lotus flower | CC Madhya 17.108 |
ānayana-kāmyayā | with a desire to bring the Ganges to this material world to deliver his forefathers | SB 9.9.1 |
manaḥ-nayana-vardhanam | very pleasing to the eyes and the mind | SB 4.8.49 |
manaḥ-unnayanau | very agitating to the mind | SB 5.2.12 |
manaḥ-nayana-ānandana | pleasing to the mind and eyes | SB 5.3.2 |
manaḥ-nayana-amṛtam | nectar for the mind and eyes | CC Madhya 2.74 |
manaḥ-nayana | mind and eyes | CC Madhya 6.145-146 |
manaḥ-nayana | to the mind and eyes | CC Antya 17.51 |
miśra-nayana | Nayana Miśra | CC Adi 12.81 |
nalina-nayana | of the lotus-eyed Lord | CC Madhya 23.65 |
manaḥ-nayana-vardhanam | very pleasing to the eyes and the mind | SB 4.8.49 |
manaḥ-nayana-ānandana | pleasing to the mind and eyes | SB 5.3.2 |
tri-nayana | O maintainer and seer of the three worlds | SB 6.9.40 |
sa-bhaya-nayana | just now sitting there with fearful eyes | SB 10.8.31 |
sahasra-nayana | thousands of eyes | CC Adi 5.100-101 |
kamala-nayana | Kamala-nayana | CC Adi 10.111 |
miśra-nayana | Nayana Miśra | CC Adi 12.81 |
he nayana-abhirāma | O most beautiful to My eyes | CC Madhya 2.65 |
manaḥ-nayana-amṛtam | nectar for the mind and eyes | CC Madhya 2.74 |
kamala-nayana | lotus-eyed | CC Madhya 5.137 |
manaḥ-nayana | mind and eyes | CC Madhya 6.145-146 |
kamala-nayana | the lotus eyes | CC Madhya 8.270 |
kamala-nayana | the lotus-eyed Lord Jagannātha | CC Madhya 11.35 |
kamala-nayana | lotus eyes | CC Madhya 12.58 |
rādhā-āsya-nayana | the face and eyes of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī | CC Madhya 14.179 |
bharila nayana | eyes become filled | CC Madhya 15.57 |
kamala-nayana | eyes like the petals of a lotus flower | CC Madhya 17.108 |
dvi-nayana | two eyes | CC Madhya 21.134 |
nalina-nayana | of the lotus-eyed Lord | CC Madhya 23.65 |
manaḥ-nayana | to the mind and eyes | CC Antya 17.51 |
uttāna-nayana | with open eyes | CC Antya 18.54 |
praṇaya-bāṣpa-niruddha-avaloka-nayanaḥ | awakening of tears of love in the eyes, obstructing the vision | SB 5.7.12 |
sa-tri-nayanaḥ | with Lord Śiva, who has three eyes | SB 10.1.19 |
aravinda-nayanasya | of the lotus-eyed Lord | SB 3.15.43 |
aravinda-nayanasya | of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like the petals of a lotus | CC Madhya 17.142 |
aravinda-nayanasya | of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like the petals of a lotus | CC Madhya 24.45 |
aravinda-nayanasya | of the lotus-eyed Lord | CC Madhya 24.115 |
aravinda-nayanasya | of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like the petals of a lotus flower | CC Madhya 25.158 |
praṇaya-bāṣpa-niruddha-avaloka-nayanaḥ | awakening of tears of love in the eyes, obstructing the vision | SB 5.7.12 |
praṇaya-bāṣpa-niruddha-avaloka-nayanaḥ | awakening of tears of love in the eyes, obstructing the vision | SB 5.7.12 |
rādhā-āsya-nayana | the face and eyes of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī | CC Madhya 14.179 |
sa-tri-nayanaḥ | with Lord Śiva, who has three eyes | SB 10.1.19 |
sa-bhaya-nayana | just now sitting there with fearful eyes | SB 10.8.31 |
sahasra-nayana | thousands of eyes | CC Adi 5.100-101 |
tri-nayana | O maintainer and seer of the three worlds | SB 6.9.40 |
sa-tri-nayanaḥ | with Lord Śiva, who has three eyes | SB 10.1.19 |
unnayanaiḥ | carrying | SB 10.44.5 |
manaḥ-unnayanau | very agitating to the mind | SB 5.2.12 |
upanayana-ādi | beginning with offering the sacred thread or training the conditioned soul to qualify as a bona fide brāhmaṇa | SB 5.14.30 |
upanayanaiḥ | and bringing home | SB 10.69.33 |
upanayanam | His marriage | SB 10.53.30 |
upanayanam | Gāyatrī initiation | SB 11.17.22 |
uttāna-nayana | with open eyes | CC Antya 18.54 |
manaḥ-nayana-vardhanam | very pleasing to the eyes and the mind | SB 4.8.49 |
nayana | noun (neuter) (kālasya) fixing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) bringing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) carrying (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) conducting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) directing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) drawing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) leading (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) managing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) moving (a man or piece in a game) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) polity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) prudent conduct (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the eye (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 1150/72933 | |
nayana | noun (masculine) a leader
name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 55699/72933 | |
nayanajala | noun (neuter) tears (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 55700/72933 | |
nayanauṣadha | noun (neuter) a kind of plant; paṭṭikārodhra (Aruṇadatta (0), 677) Frequency rank 55703/72933 | |
nayanaviṣaya | noun (masculine) the horizon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 55701/72933 | |
apanayana | adjective removing Frequency rank 43615/72933 | |
apanayana | noun (neuter) acquittance of a debt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) atonement destroying (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) healing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) taking away (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) withdrawing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 8390/72933 | |
abhinayana | noun (neuter) [dram.] representation Frequency rank 44168/72933 | |
ānayana | noun (neuter) bringing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) calculating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) leading near (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) producing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) working (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9131/72933 | |
unnayana | noun (neuter) conclusion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) drawing out (a fluid) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) elevating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) induction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) inference (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) lifting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) making a straight line (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) parting the hair (of a pregnant woman) upwards (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) taking out of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the act of raising (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the vessel out of which a fluid is taken (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) up (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27161/72933 | |
upanayana | noun (neuter) application (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) bringing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) employment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) introduction (into any science) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) leading or drawing towards one's self (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) that ceremony in which a Guru draws a boy towards himself and initiates him into one of the three twice-born classes; one of the twelve Saṃskāras (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the act of leading to or near (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 7076/72933 | |
jhaṣanayana | noun (masculine) mīnākṣī Frequency rank 53133/72933 | |
trinayana | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 16832/72933 | |
ninayana | noun (neuter) carrying out (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) performance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) pouring down or out (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 28649/72933 | |
pratinayana | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 58785/72933 | |
pratyānayana | noun (neuter) a means to restore (ifc.)
Gegenmittel (gegen Zauber)
leading or bringing back (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) recovery (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) restoration (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13651/72933 | |
phaṇinayana | noun (neuter) sarpākṣī Frequency rank 59863/72933 | |
ūrdhvanayana | noun (masculine) name of the fabulous animal Śarabha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 63926/72933 | |
lohitanayana | adjective having eyes reddened with anger or passion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) red-eyed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 64364/72933 | |
vinayana | noun (neuter) education (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) instruction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the act of taming or training (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39359/72933 | |
virūpanayana | noun (masculine) name of a Dānava dying during the destruction of Tripura (?) Frequency rank 66018/72933 | |
śvānalomāpanayana | noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha (?); Śvānalohmāpaha? Frequency rank 68354/72933 | |
samupānayana | noun (neuter) bringing near (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) procuring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 69206/72933 | |
sahasranayana | noun (masculine) name of Indra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Vishnu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 14534/72933 | |
saṃnayana | noun (neuter) leading or bringing together (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 69908/72933 | |
sābhāsaṃnayana | adjective Frequency rank 70318/72933 | |
sīmantonnayana | noun (neuter) name of one of the 12 Saṃskāras (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 11850/72933 | |
sunayana | adjective having beautiful eyes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 70892/72933 | |
svarnayana | adjective leading to heaven (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 72185/72933 | |
haranayanaphalā | noun (feminine) name of a plant (?) Frequency rank 72336/72933 | |
hiraṇyanayana | noun (masculine) hiraṇyākṣa Frequency rank 31284/72933 |