नस् | encl. form for accusative genitive case dative case plural of the Ist Persian pronoun ( ) , us, of us, to us; in veda- changeable into ṇas- (4, 27; 28). [ confer, compare Zend na,our; Greek ,; Latin nos-ter; Old Latin dative case nis.]  |
नस् | cl.1 A1. ( ) n/asate- (Aorist Potential nasīmahi- ;pf nese-; future nasitā- grammar) to approach, resort to, join, copulate (especially as husband and wife) ; to be crooked or fraudulent [ confer, compare Greek (),(),; Gothic ga-nizan,nas-jan; Anglo-Saxon gene0san; HGerm.gine0san,genesen.]  |
नस् | or nās- f. (the strong stem occurs only in dual number n/āsā- ,the weak stem only in nas/ā-, nas/i-, nas/os-[ confer, compare ] and in compound) the nose [ confer, compare nāsā-, nāsikā-; Latin nas-turciunm,na1res; Lithuanian no4sis; Slavonic or Slavonian nosu7; German Nase; Anglo-Saxon nosu; English nose,nostril=nose-thrill,nose-hole.]  |
नस | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the nose (see apī-n-, urū-ṇ-, kumbhīn-etc.)  |
नसा | f. idem or 'm. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the nose (see apī-n-, urū-ṇ-, kumbhīn-etc.)'  |
नसंविद् | f. unconsciousness, forgetfulness  |
नसंविद् | na-sukara- etc. See 2. n/a-.  |
नसरथ | m. Nasrat Shah (Sultan),  |
नसि | idem or 'f. idem or 'm. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the nose (see apī-n-, urū-ṇ-, kumbhīn-etc.)' ' (?)  |
नसि | See kumbhī-n-.  |
नसोत्थ | n. snot  |
नस्पर्शन | n. non-contact.  |
नस्र | m. a nostril,  |
नस्त | m. the nose  |
नस्ता | f. a hole bored through the septum of the nose  |
नस्त | n. a sternutatory, snuff  |
नस्तक | m. the septum of the nose (of cattle for draught) or a hole bored in it  |
नस्तकरण | n. instrument used by bhikṣu-s for injecting the nose (taḥ-k-? see above) .  |
नस्तस् | ind. from or into the nose etc.  |
नस्तस्तःकरण | See nasta-k-  |
नस्तस्तःकर्मन् | n. the putting into the nose, taking snuff  |
नस्ततस् | ind. = (and prob. fr.) nas-t/as- (see pat-ta-tas-fr. pattas-)  |
नस्तित | mfn. nozzled (see nastota-and nasyota-)  |
नस्तोत | mfn. equals nasy-ota-  |
नसुकर | mf(ā-or ī-)n. not easy to be done, difficult  |
नस्वत् | mfn. nosed  |
नस्य | mfn. belonging to or being in the nose (as-breath)  |
नस्या | f. nose-cord (see nāsya-)  |
नस्या | f. the nose  |
नस्य | n. the hairs in the nose  |
नस्य | n. a sternutatory, errhine  |
नस्यभैरव | m. (scilicet rasa-) a particular medicament,  |
नस्यकर्मन् | n. the application of a sternutatory  |
नस्यविधि | m. "rules about sternutatories", Name of chapter of  |
नस्यित | mfn. equals nasy-ota-  |
नस्योत | mfn. ( ve-) fastened or tied by the nose, led by a nose-cord  |
अभिमनस् | mfn. "having the mind directed towards", desirous of, longing for (accusative)  |
अभिमनस्य | Nom. A1. (Opt. -manasy/eta-) "to have the mind directed towards", be pleased with, like  |
अभिन्नस्थिति | mfn. not breaking its rules  |
आभुग्नसक्थ | mf(ī-)n. crooked-thighed,  |
अचित्तमनस् | (/acitta--) m. Name of two ṛṣi-s  |
अच्युतमनस् | (/acyuta--) m. Name of two maharṣi-s  |
आदानसमिति | f. a method of (cautious) seizing (so that no creature be hurt)  |
अद्भुतैनस् | mfn. one in whom no fault is visible  |
अध्ययनसंवृत्ति | f. community of occupation in reciting (the veda- etc.),  |
अदीनसत्त्व | mfn. possessing unimpaired goodness.  |
आहनस् | mfn. to be beaten or pressed out (as soma-)  |
आहनस् | mfn. to be skimmed (as milk)  |
आहनस् | mfn. to be beaten (as an unchaste woman)  |
आहनस् | mfn. unchaste, wanton  |
आहनस् | mfn. obscene, lascivious, profligate  |
आहनस्य | n. unchasteness, lasciviousness  |
आहनस्य | n. lascivious words, obscenity  |
आहनस्या | f. plural (scilicet ṛcas-) verses of a lascivious character  |
आहनस्या | f. a chapter of the kuntāpa- hymns in the atharva-- veda- etc.  |
आहनस्या | f. (with anāhanasya an-ā-hanasya- mfn.chaste, decent )  |
अहिनस् | mfn. having a nose like a snake commentator or commentary  |
अहितमनस् | mfn. not friendly-minded, inimical.  |
अइनस | n. (fr. enas- gaRa prajñādi- [not in ]) equals enas-.  |
अजिनसन्ध | m. one who prepares skins, a furrier  |
अलंमनस् | mfn. satisfied in mind (see ar/amaṇas- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /aram-.)  |
अमनस् | n. non-perception, want of perception  |
अमनस् | mfn. without perception or intellect  |
अमनस् | mfn. silly  |
आमनस् | mfn. friendly disposed, kind, favourable  |
अमनस्क | mfn. without perception or intellect  |
अमनस्क | mfn. silly  |
अमनस्क | mfn. not well-disposed, low-spirited  |
अमानस्य | equals āmanasya- q.v  |
आमनस्य | and āmānasya- n. (fr. a-manas-), pain, suffering  |
आमपीनस | m. running at the nose, defluxion  |
अमितायुर्ध्यानसूत्र | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a Buddhist sūtra-.  |
अम्लपनस | m. the tree Artocarpus Lacucha Roxb.  |
अम्नस् | mfn. unawares ([according to the word is liable to become amnar-in saṃdhi-]) . |
अनाहनस्य | mfn. āhanasyā |
अनन्यमनस् | mfn. exercising undivided attention.  |
अनन्यमानस | mfn. exercising undivided attention.  |
अनन्यमनस्क | mfn. exercising undivided attention.  |
अनप्नस् | mfn. destitute of means , ([ confer, compare Latin inops.]) |
अनस् | n. ( an- ), a cart etc.  |
अनस् | n. a mother  |
अनस् | n. birth  |
अनस् | n. off spring, living creature  |
अनस् | n. boiled rice  |
आनस | mfn. (fr. anas-), belonging to a waggon  |
आनस | mfn. belonging to a father  |
अनस्तमित | mfn. not gone down, not subject to setting or declining.  |
अनस्थ | ([ ]) or an-/asthaka- ([ ]) or an-asth/an- ([ ]) or an-asthi- ([ ]) or anasthika- ([ ]) or an-/asthika- ([ ]) or anasthi-mat- mfn. boneless.  |
अनसूरि | m. not unwise, intelligent  |
अनसूय | mfn. not spiteful, not envious  |
अनसूया | f. freedom from spite  |
अनसूया | f. absence of ill-will or envy  |
अनसूया | f. Name of a daughter of dakṣa-  |
अनसूया | f. of one of śakuntalā-'s friends.  |
अनसूयक | mfn. not spiteful or envious.  |
अनसूयु | mfn. not spiteful or envious.  |
अनस्वत् | (/anas--) mfn. yoked to a cart  |
अनस्विन् | mfn. going in a cart,  |
अनेनस् | mfn. blameless, sinless, not liable to error  |
अनेनस् | mfn. Name of various personages. |
अनेनस्य | n. freedom from fault, sin  |
अनिष्कृतैनस् | mfn. having one's guilt not settled, id est unexpiated  |
अन्नसंदेह | (ann/a--), m. cementing of food,  |
अन्नसंस्कार | m. consecrating of food.  |
अन्नसंस्कर्तृ | m. "preparer of food", a cook,  |
अन्तर्गतमनस् | mfn. whose mind is turned inwards, engaged in deep thought, sad, perplexed.  |
अन्तर्मनस् | mfn. sad, perplexed  |
अनुष्ठानस्मारक | mf(ikā-)n. reminding of religious ceremonies.  |
अन्यमनस् | mfn. whose mind is fixed on something else, absent, versatile  |
अन्यमनस् | mfn. having another mind in one's self, possessed by a demon.  |
अन्यमानस | see an-- any-  |
अन्यमनस्क | mfn. whose mind is fixed on something else, absent, versatile  |
अन्यमनस्क | mfn. having another mind in one's self, possessed by a demon.  |
अन्यत्रमनस् | (any/atra--) mfn. having the mind directed to something else, inattentive  |
अपामार्जनस्तोत्र | n. "removing of diseases", Name of a hymn.  |
अपनस | mfn. without a nose  |
आपन्नसत्त्वा | f. a pregnant woman  |
अपराधभञ्जनस्तोत्र | n. a poem of śaṃkarācārya- (in praise of śiva-).  |
अपीनस | m. (apī-for api-; see pī-nasa-), dryness of the nose, want of the pituitary secretion and loss of smell, cold  |
अप्नस् | n. possession, property ([ confer, compare Latin ops])  |
अप्नस् | n. work, sacrificial act  |
अप्नस् | n. progeny  |
अप्नस् | n. shape  |
अप्नस्वत् | (/apnas--) mfn. giving property, profitable  |
अर्चनानस् | m. "who has a rattling carriage", Name of a ṛṣi-  |
अर्चनस् | mfn. (fr. arcā-below),"one whose nose is like that of an idol" and on ([The rule perhaps originally meant to explain the above N. arcan/ānas-,taking it for arcan/ānas-,"whose nose shows submission or devotion."])  |
अर्जुनस | mfn. overgrown with arjuna- plants, (gaRa tṛṇādi- q.v)  |
अर्जुनसखि | m. "having arjuna- for his friend", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
अर्जुनसिंह | m. Name of a prince  |
अर्थमनस् | mfn. having an aim in view  |
आसक्तमनस् | mfn. having the mind deeply engaged in or fixed upon (any object), intent on, devoted to, absorbed in.  |
आसनस्थ | mfn. abiding on a seat, sitting  |
अस्पन्दनस्थिति | f. fainting,  |
अस्थानस्थपद | mfn. having a word in the wrong place  |
अस्थानस्थसमास | mfn. having a compound in the wrong place  |
आत्तमनस् | mfn. whose mind is transported (with joy)  |
आत्तमनस्क | mfn. whose mind is transported (with joy)  |
अउशनस | mf(ī-)n. relating to or originating from uśanas-, peculiar to him etc.  |
अउशनस | mf(ī-). a descendant of uśanas-  |
अउशनस | n. (scilicet śāstra-) the law-book of uśanas-  |
अउशनस | n. Name of an upa-purāṇa-  |
अउशनस | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
अउशनस्य | mfn. originating from uśanas-  |
अवनाटनसिक | mfn. flat-nosed  |
अविद्धनस् | mfn. (said of a bull) having the nose not bored (by a nose-ring)  |
अविमनस् | mfn. not absent in mind  |
अविमनस् | not dejected, in good spirits,  |
अवीरघ्नस्थ | mfn. not standing out heroes, cowardly, .  |
अविषयमनस् | mfn. one whose mind is not turned to the objects of sense  |
बहिर्मनस् | mfn. being outside the mind, external  |
बहिर्मनस्क | mfn. out of mind  |
बह्वेनस् | mfn. very sinful  |
बालमल्लवेनसिद्धान्त | m. Name of work  |
बलवयसनसंकुल | mfn. (a king) embarrassed by disorder in (his) army  |
बन्धनस्थ | mfn. being in prison or captivity, a captive, prisoner  |
बन्धनस्थान | n. "place for fastening", a stall, stable  |
बन्धविमोचनस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
बौधायनसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
बौधायनस्मृति | f. Name of work  |
भद्रमनस् | f. Name of the mother of the elephant airāvata-  |
भगवदाराधनसमर्थन | n. Name of work  |
भगवद्ध्यानसोपान | n. Name of work  |
भग्नमनस् | mfn. "broken-hearted", discouraged, disappointed  |
भग्नसंधि | mfn. one whose joints are broken  |
भग्नसंधिक | n. buttermilk (equals ghola-)  |
भलानस् | m. plural Name of a particular race or tribe  |
भवनस्थान | n. the place or room for a house  |
भवनस्वामिन् | m. the lord of a house, pater familias  |
भावरत्नसमुच्चय | m. Name of work  |
भव्यमनस् | mfn. well-meaning, benevolent,  |
भयसंत्रस्तमानस | mfn. having the mind scared with terror  |
भिन्नाञ्जनसंनिभ | mfn. similar to pounded antimony  |
भिन्नसंहति | mfn. whose union is broken, disunited  |
भिन्नसंकलन | ( ) ( ) n. addition of fractions,  |
भिन्नसंकलित | ( ) n. addition of fractions,  |
भिन्नस्वर | mfn. having a broken or changed voice  |
भिन्नस्वर | mfn. discordant  |
भिन्नस्वरमुखवर्ण | mfn. having a broken or changed voice and complexion  |
भोजनसमय | m. meal-time  |
भोजनसूत्र | n. Name of work  |
भूतवाहनसरथि | m. śiva-'s charioteer  |
भूतवाहनसरथि | n. a chariot drawn by bhūta-s  |
भुवनसद् | mfn. reposing or situated in the world  |
बिसनसिका | f. a kind of crane (see -kaṇṭhikā-).  |
बोधन्मनस् | varia lectio for bodhīn-m-.  |
बोधायनसूत्र | n. Name of work (see baudhāyana-).  |
बोधिन्मनस् | mfn. (according to fr. bodhit-m-) one whose mind is awake, watchful, attentive  |
बृहन्मनस् | m. Name of a grandson of brahmā-  |
बृहन्मनस् | m. of a king  |
चक्नस | m. ( knas-)  |
चनस् | n. "delight, satisfaction", only with dhā- P. and A1. to delight in, be satisfied with (accusative or locative case), enjoy (see s/a--and sa-c/anas-.)  |
चनस् | etc. See 2. can-.  |
चनसय | Nom. yati-, to address with the word canasita-  |
चनसित | mfn. (Passive voice parasmE-pada fr. sya-) "satisfied, gracious"(only the vocative case is used in the address to a Brahman, added after his N. ) ( )  |
चनसितवत् | mfn. (speech or address) containing the word canasita-,  |
चनसितोत्तर | mfn. followed by canasita- (a N.)  |
चनस्य | Nom. (imperative 2. dual number sy/atam-) to delight in (accusative), enjoy  |
चन्दनसार | m. idem or 'n. idem or 'f. a sandal wood, ' ' ,  |
चन्दनसार | m. a kind of alkali  |
चन्दनसारिवा | f. equals -gopā-  |
चन्द्रमनस् | m. one of the ten horses of the moon  |
चतुःषष्ट्युपचारमानसपूजास्तोत्रस्तोत्र | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
चयनसूत्र | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
छिन्नसंशय | mfn. one whose doubts are dispelled, confident  |
छिन्नस्थूण | mfn. having broken legs,  |
चिकित्विन्मनस् | mfn. attentive, ["knowing all hearts" ]  |
चिकित्विन्मनस् | mfn. well-considered, .  |
चीनसिचय | m. a China or silken cloth  |
चित्रमनस् | m. Name of a horse of the moon  |
च्यवनसमागम | m. Name of  |
च्यवनस्मृति | f. Name of work  |
दहनसारथि | m. the wind,  |
दैनंदिनसदाचारदर्पण | m. Name of work  |
दक्षिणमानस | n. Name of a tīrtha- near Benares.  |
दलस्नसा | f. the fibre of a leaf.  |
दमुनस् | ( ) m. (for mūn-) fire, agni-  |
दमूनस् | mfn. belonging or devoted or dear to the house or family (agni- etc.) (plural the ṛbhu-s )  |
दमूनस् | m. a friend of the house (agni-, savitṛ-, indra-, dīrgha-nītha-)  |
दानाप्नस् | mfn. abounding in gifts  |
दानसागर | m. "gift-ocean", Name of work  |
दानसंवनन | n. encouraging liberality,  |
दानस्तुति | f. "praise of liberality", Name of a kind of hymn.  |
दाण्डायनस्थलक | mf(ī-)n. relating to sthalī- (gaRa dhūmādi-).  |
दाण्डायनस्थली | f. Name of a village  |
दशोनसि | m. Name of  |
दशोनसि | m. a snake  |
दौर्मनसायन | m. patronymic fr. dur-manas- gaRa aśvādi-.  |
दौर्मनस्य | n. dejectedness, melancholy, despair  |
देवैनस | n. the curse of the gods  |
देवैनस | according to to some,"sin committed by the gods".  |
देवसुमनस् | n. "divine flower", a species of flower  |
देवीमानसपूजन | n. Name of work  |
देवीमानसपूजाविधि | m. Name of work  |
धनसा | mfn. equals -s/ani-  |
धनसाधन | n. idem or '(dh/ana--) f. acquisition of wealth '  |
धनसंचय | m. ( ) collection of money, riches.  |
धनसंचयन | n. ( ) collection of money, riches.  |
धनसंचयिन् | mfn. having a collection of money  |
धनसंचयिन् | mfn. of money  |
धनसंचयिन् | mfn. a rich man  |
धनसम्मत | m. Name of a prince  |
धनसम्पद् | ( ) f. accumulation or abundance of wealth.  |
धनसम्पत्ति | ( ) f. accumulation or abundance of wealth.  |
धनसनि | mfn. granting or winning wealth  |
धनसाति | (dh/ana--) f. acquisition of wealth  |
धानसी | f. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī-.  |
धनस्पृत् | mfn. carrying away the prize or booty  |
धनस्थ | mfn. "living in wealth", wealthy, rich  |
धनस्थान | n. "receptacle for wealth", treasury  |
धनस्थान | n. (astronomy) the 2nd mansion  |
धनस्थानाधिकारिन् | m. "superintendent of treasury"a treasurer  |
धनसू | m.,"wealth-producer", the fork-tailed shrike  |
धनस्वामिन् | m. owner of money, capitalist on  |
धनस्यक | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
धर्माभिमनस् | mfn. directing the mind to virtue or religion, virtuous  |
धर्मसंतानसू | mfn. producing virtuous offspring or actions  |
धृषन्मनस् | mfn. bold-minded  |
ध्रुवमानस | n. Name of work  |
ध्यानस्थ | ( ) mfn. absorbed in meditation.  |
ध्यानस्थित | ( ) mfn. absorbed in meditation.  |
ध्यानस्तिमितलोचन | mfn. having an eye rigid by meditation  |
दीनाक्रन्दनस्तोत्र | n. Name of stotra-s.  |
दीनमनस् | mfn. equals -citta-  |
दीनमानस | mfn. equals -citta-  |
दीनसाधक | m. "causing woe", Name of śiva-  |
दिनसंचय | m. equals -rāśi-  |
दीनसत्त्व | mfn. equals -citta-  |
दिनस्प्रिश् | n. a lunar day coinciding with three week-days  |
दिन्नसूरि | m. Name of a man  |
दीर्घोत्कण्ठमनस् | mfn. having the heart full of an old longing  |
द्रष्टुमनस् | mfn. having a mind to see, wishing to see  |
दुर्मनस् | n. bad disposition, perversity of mind  |
दुर्मनस् | mfn. ([ see ]) in bad or low spirits, sad, melancholy etc. ( durmanastā -tā- f.sadness Scholiast or Commentator)  |
दुर्मनस् | mfn. Name of a man (see daur-manasāyana-)  |
दुर्मनस्क | mfn.  |
दुर्मनस्मनस् | mfn.  |
दुर्मनस्ता | f.  |
दुर्मनस्ता | f. durmanas |
दुष्टमानस | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mfn. equals -cetas- '  |
द्युम्नसाति | (mn/a--) f. receiving inspiration or power, .  |
एकाग्रमनस् | mfn. fixing one's mind on one object, closely attentive  |
एकमनस् | mfn. fixing the mind upon one object, concentrated, attentive etc.  |
एकमनस् | mfn. unanimous  |
एनस् | n. ( i- ; in- ), mischief, crime, sin, offence, fault etc.  |
एनस् | n. evil, unhappiness, misfortune, calamity  |
एनस् | n. censure, blame ; ([ confer, compare Zend aenaGh; Greek .])  |
एनस्वत् | mfn. wicked, sinful, a sinner  |
एनस्विन् | mfn. wicked, sinful, a sinner  |
एनस्य | mfn. produced by sin  |
एनस्य | mfn. counted a sin or crime, wicked, sinful  |
गगनसद् | m. an inhabitant of the air, celestial being  |
गगनसद् | m. equals -ga-  |
गगनसिंह | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a kacchapa-ghāta- king,  |
गगनसिन्धु | f. the heavenly gaṅgā-  |
गगनस्पर्शन | m. "touching the sky", Name of one of the 8 marut-s  |
गगनस्पर्शन | m. air, wind  |
गगनस्पृश् | mfn. touching id est inhabiting the air  |
गगनस्पृश् | mfn. equals -lih-  |
गगनस्थ | mfn. situated or being in the sky  |
गगनस्थित | mfn. idem or 'mfn. situated or being in the sky '  |
गलूनस | m. (with āirkṣākāyaṇa-) Name (also title or epithet) of a teacher,  |
गतमनस् | (t/a--) mfn. equals -jīva-  |
गतमनस्क | mfn. thinking of (locative case)  |
घनसमय | m. equals -kāla-  |
घनसंवृत्ति | f. profound secrecy  |
घनसार | mfn. "firm" See ra-bhāva-  |
घनसार | m. camphor  |
घनसार | m. (equals -rasa-) water  |
घनसार | m. "thick-sapped", a kind of tree  |
घनसार | m. equals dakṣiṇāvarta-pārada- ("mercury or some peculiar form of it" )  |
घनसारभाव | m. firmness  |
घनसिक्थ | a kind of gruel  |
घनस्कन्ध | m. "having a solid trunk", Mangifera sylvatica  |
घनस्वन | m. equals -śabda-  |
घनस्वन | m. Amaranthus polygamus  |
घातनस्थान | n. a slaughter-house  |
घोनस | m. idem or 'm. a kind of serpent ' (see go-n-.)  |
घोनस | See ghoṇaka-.  |
ग्लानमनस् | mfn. one whose mind feels aversion or dislike  |
गोनस | m. ( ) "cow-nosed", a kind of large snake  |
गोनस | m. a kind of gem  |
गोनसा | f. the projecting snout of a cow  |
गोनसी | f. a kind of plant, 3 and 12 (see -nāsa-.)  |
गोपानसी | f. the wood or bamboo frame-work of a thatch  |
गोपानसी | f.  |
गोवर्धनसप्तशती | f. 700 stanzas in the āryā- metre on chiefly erotic subjects by govardhanācārya-  |
गोविन्दमानसोल्लास | m. Name of work  |
गोविन्दार्चनसुधा | f. "nectar of kṛṣṇa-'s praise", Name of a work  |
गूर्तमनस् | (t/a--) mfn. with grateful mind ("with prepared mind" ),  |
हन्तुमनस् | mfn. intending to kill  |
हरिहरब्रह्ममानसिकस्नानविधि | m. Name of work  |
हरिहरिहरिवाहनसाधन | Name of work  |
हतैनस् | mfn. equals hata-kilbiṣa-  |
हतमानस | mfn. equals -citta-  |
हवनस्यद् | mfn. hastening to an invocation or challenge  |
हायनसिन्धु | m. Name of work  |
हायनसुन्दर | m. or n. Name of work  |
हायनसुनेत्तम | m. or n. Name of work  |
हयवाहनसंकर | m. Bauhinia Variegata  |
हीनदर्शनसामर्थ्य | mfn. destitute of the power of seeing, blind  |
हीनसख्य | n. making friends with low people  |
हीनसंधि | mfn. destitute of peace or reconciliation  |
हीनसेवा | f. attendance on base or low people  |
हीनस्वर | mfn. defective in sound, soundless ( hīnasvaratā -tā- f.)  |
हीनस्वरता | f. hīnasvara |
हृष्टमनस् | ( ) mfn. equals -citta-.  |
हृष्टमानस | ( ) mfn. equals -citta-.  |
हृतमानस | mfn. deprived of mind, robbed of one's senses  |
हुताशनसहाय | m. "friend of fire", Name of śiva-  |
इहमनस् | mfn. having the mind turned hither,  |
इनसभ | n. a royal court or assembly.  |
जनस् | n. race, class of beings (Latin genus) equals jana-loka-  |
जनसम्बाध | m. a crowd of people  |
जनसम्बाध | mfn. densely crowded with people  |
जनसंक्षय | m. destruction of men  |
जनसम्मर्द | m. a throng of people,  |
जनसंसद् | f. an assembly of men (plural)  |
जनस्थ | mfn. abiding among men  |
जनस्थ | mfn. See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order janas-.  |
जनस्थ | (fr. naḥ--) mfn. abiding in the janas- (or jana-loka-)  |
जनस्थान | n. "resort of men", Name of part of the daṇḍaka- forest in Deccan  |
जनस्थानरुह | mfn. growing in jana-sthāna-  |
जिनसद्मन् | m. a Jain monastery  |
जिनसागर | m. Name of a scholiast on an anthology called karpūra-.  |
जिनसहस्रनामस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
जिनसमुद्र | m. Name of a Jain sūri- (A.D. 145099).  |
जिनसौख्य | m. Name of a Jain sūri- (A.D. 1683-1724).  |
जिनसेन | m. Name of the author of trivarṇācāra-saṃhitā- harivaṃśa-- and triṣaṣṭilakṣaṇa-purāṇa- (completed by guṇa-bhadra-).  |
जिनसिंह | m. Name of the founder of the 3rd subdivision of the kharatara-gaccha- of the Jain community  |
जिनसिंह | m. of a Jain sūri- (A. D. 1 559-1618).  |
जिनस्तुति | f. Name of a poem.  |
जितमनस् | (tā--) mfn. one who has subdued his heart ( ) .  |
जीवनस्या | f. desire of life  |
ज्ञानसागर | m. "knowledge-ocean", Name of a Jain sūri- (author of a commentator or commentary on ogha-niryukti-, A.D. 1383).  |
ज्ञानसम्भार | m. a great amount of knowledge  |
ज्ञानसंतान | m. idem or 'f. continuity of knowledge '  |
ज्ञानसंतति | f. continuity of knowledge  |
ज्ञानसिद्धि | m. Name of a man  |
ज्ञानसूर्योदय | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a jaina- drama.  |
कमलासनस्थ | m. idem or 'm. "having a lotus as seat", Name of brahmā- '  |
काञ्चनाभिधानसंधि | m. the alliance called golden (See -saṃdhi-above)  |
काञ्चनसंधि | m. a treaty of friendship between two parties on equal terms  |
काञ्चनसंनिभ | mfn. like gold.  |
कर्तनसाधन | n. a spindle  |
कात्यायनसूत्र | n. the śrauta-- sūtra-s of kātyāyana-  |
कात्यायनसूत्रभाष्य | n. a commentary on the same by Karka.  |
कात्यायनसूत्रपद्धति | f. a commentary on the same by yājñika-deva-  |
खिन्नमानस | mfn. distressed in mind,  |
किक्नस | m. particles of ground corn, bruised grain, groats  |
क्लान्तमनस् | mfn. languid, low-spirited  |
क्नस् | cl.4 P. syati-, to be crooked (in mind or body) ; to shine : Causal knasayati-, to shine (see knaṃs-.)  |
क्नस | mfn. shining (?) (see caknasa-.)  |
क्रियारत्नसमुच्चय | m. Name of work ,  |
क्रूरमानस | mfn. idem or 'mfn. cruel-minded '  |
क्षारलवणावरान्नसंसृष्ट | n. salt or pungent food or such as has an admixture of inferior food, .  |
क्षीरवनस्पति | m. equals -taru-  |
क्षुद्रकमानस | n. Name of a lake (in Kashmir)  |
क्षुद्राम्बुपनस | m. varia lectio for kṣudrāmla-p-  |
क्षुद्राम्लपनस | m. equals kṣudra-panasa-  |
क्षुद्रपनस | m. the plant Artocarpus Lacucha (lakuca-or ḍahu-)  |
क्षुण्णमनस् | mfn. contrite in heart, penitent  |
कुलीनस | n. water  |
कुमनस् | (k/u--) mfn. displeased, angry  |
कूमनस् | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
कूमनस् | mfn. (1. ku-) Ved. wicked-minded  |
कुम्भीनस | m. "jar-nosed", a kind of large venomous snake  |
कुम्भीनस | m. a kind of venomous insect  |
कुम्भीनसी | f. Name of the wife of the gandharva- aṅgāra-parṇa-  |
कुम्भीनसी | f. of a rākṣasī- (mother of lavaṇa-)  |
कुम्भीनसि | m. Name of a demon  |
कुण्ठमनस् | mfn. weak-minded  |
कुटिलमनस् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. crooked-minded, deceitful '  |
लब्धप्रशमनस्वस्थ | mfn. at ease by (reason of) the securing or secure possession of acquisitions  |
लघुमनस् | mfn. equals -citta- above  |
लघुमानस | n. Name of various works.  |
लग्नसमय | m. equals -kāla-  |
लग्नसारिणी | f. Name of work  |
लतापनस | m. the water-melon  |
लवनसाधिका | See lavaṇa-k-, lavaṇa-s-.  |
लेखनसाधन | n. writing materials (varia lectio lekha-s-).  |
मदनसंदेस | m. a message of love  |
मदनसंपीडा | n. Name of a drama  |
मदनसंपीडी | f. Name of a divine female  |
मदनसंपीडी | f. of a treatise on erotics  |
मदनसारिका | f. Turdus Salica  |
मदनसेना | f. Name of various women  |
मदनसिंह | m. Name of various authors  |
मदनसुन्दरी | f. Name of various women  |
मद्बन्धनसमुद्भव | mfn. caused by the binding of me id est by my bondage  |
मध्याह्नसमय | m. equals -kāla-  |
मध्याह्नसंध्या | f. the midland saṃdhyā-  |
मध्याह्नसवन | n. midland sacrifice  |
मध्याह्नस्नानविधि | m. midland ablution  |
मध्यंदिनसमय | m. midday-time, noon  |
माध्यंदिनसंधियाप्रयोग | m. Name of work  |
माध्यंदिनसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
महाग्निचयनसूत्र | n. mahāgnicayana |
महामनस् | mfn. (mah/ā--) great-minded, high-minded, magnanimous arrogant-minded, proud, haughty  |
महामनस् | m. the fabulous animal śarabha- (q.v)  |
महामनस् | m. Name of a king  |
महामानसी | f. a goddess peculiar to the jaina-s  |
महामानसिका | f. (with jaina-s) Name of one of the 16 vidyā-devī-s  |
महामनस्क | mfn. equals -manas- mfn.  |
महामनस्विन् | m. a particular samādhi-  |
महानस | n. (hān-) a heavy waggon or cart,  |
महानस | n. a kitchen (also m.) etc.  |
महानस | m. cooking utensils (?)  |
महानस | m. Name of a mountain  |
माहानस | mf(ī-)n. (fr., mahānasa-) relating to a large carriage or to a kitchen |
महानसाध्यक्ष | m. a chief kitchen-superintendent  |
महानसी | f. a cook, kitchen-maid  |
महापैठीनसि | m. Name of a preceptor  |
महावनसंघाराम | m. Name of a Buddhist monastery  |
महाव्यसनसप्तक | n. collection of seven vices (viz. mṛgayā-, akṣa-, strī-, pāna-, vāk-pāruṣya-, artha-dūṣaṇa-,and daṇḍa-pāruṣya-)  |
महायानसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
महायानसम्परिग्रहशास्त्र | n. Name of work  |
महायानसूत्र | n. Name of the sūtra-s of the later Buddhist system  |
महायानसूत्ररत्नराज | m.Name of a highly esteemed mahā-yāna-sūtra-  |
महिनस | m. a form of śiva- or rudra-  |
मलिनमनस् | mfn. having a foul mind  |
मामनसायति | m. patronymic (?) |
मनस् | n. mind (in its widest sense as applied to all the mental powers), intellect, intelligence, understanding, perception, sense, conscience, will etc. etc. (in philosophy the internal organ or antaḥ-karaṇa-of perception and cognition, the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul ;in this sense manas-is always regarded as distinct from ātman-and puruṣa-,"spirit or soul"and belonging only to the body, like which it is - except in the nyāya- - considered perishable;as to its position in the various systemsSee for nyāya- and vaiśeṣika- , for sāṃkhya- and vedānta- ;in it is sometimes joined with hṛd-or hṛdaya-,the heart cakṣus-,the eye)  |
मनस् | n. the spirit or spiritual principle, the breath or living soul which escapes from the body at death (called asu-in animals; see above )  |
मनस् | n. thought, imagination, excogitation, invention, reflection, opinion, intention, inclination, affection, desire, mood, temper, spirit (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' after a verbal noun or an infinitive mood stem in tu-= having a mind or wishing to; see draṣṭu-m-etc.; manaḥ- kṛ-,to make up one's mind;with genitive case,to feel inclination for; manaḥ- kṛ-, pra-kṛ-, dhā-,vi- dhā-, dhṛ-, bandh-and Causal of ni-viś-with locative case dative case accusative with prati-,or infinitive mood,to direct the mind or thoughts towards, think of or upon; manaḥ-with sam-ā-dhā-,to recover the senses, collect one's self;with han-See mano-hatya-; manasā m/anasā- ind.in the mind;in thought or imagination;with all the heart, willingly;with genitive case,by the leave of;with iva- equals seva-,as with a thought, in a moment;with man-,to think in one's mind, be willing or inclined;with saṃ-gam-,to become unanimous, agree; manasi-with kṛ-,to bear or ponder in the mind, meditate on, remember;with ni-dhā-,to impress on the mind, consider;with vṛt-,to be passing in one's mind) |
मनस् | n. Name of the 26th kalpa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
मनस् | n. of the lake mānasa-  |
मनस् | n. manaso dohaḥ- Name of a sāman- [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin miner-va.]  |
मनस | m. Name of a ṛṣi- ( )  |
मनसा | f. See 1. manasā-  |
मनस | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',with f(ā-).) equals manas-, mind, heart  |
मनसा | f. Name of a particular goddess (described as consisting of a particle of prakṛti- and as daughter of kaśyapa-. sister of the serpent-king ananta-, wife of the muni- jarat-kāru-, mother of the muni- āstīka- and protectress of men from the venom of serpents; see viṣa-harī-)  |
मनसा | f. of a kiṃ-narī-  |
मनसा | instrumental case of manas-, in compound  |
मानस | mf(ī-,once ā-)n. (fr. m/anas-) belonging to the mind or spirit, mental, spiritual (opp. to śārirā-,corporeal) etc.  |
मानस | mf(ī-,once ā-)n. expressed only in the mind, performed in thought id est silent, tacit (as a hymn or prayer)  |
मानस | mf(ī-,once ā-)n. conceived or present in the mind, conceivable, imaginable  |
मानस | mf(ī-,once ā-)n. relating to or dwelling on the lake mānasa- (See n.below)  |
मानस | m. a form of viṣṇu-  |
मानस | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
मानस | m. of a son of vapuṣ-mat-  |
मानस | m. plural a particular class of deceased ancestors (regarded as sons of vasiṣṭha-)  |
मानस | m. a class of ascetics  |
मानस | m. Name of the vaiśya-s in śākadvīpa-  |
मानस | m. of the worlds of the soma-pa-  |
मानस | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the mental powers, mind, spirit, heart, soul (equals manas- gaRa prajñādi-) etc.  |
मानस | n. (in law) tacit or implied consent  |
मानस | n. a kind of salt  |
मानस | n. the 25th mansion from that under which one is born  |
मानस | n. (with or scilicet saras-,or tīrtha-) Name of a sacred lake and place of pilgrimage on mount kailāsa- (the native place of the wild geese, which migrate to it every year at the breeding season)  |
मानस | n. Name of work on śilpa- or art.  |
मनसा | ind. manas |
मानसाचल | m. Name of a mountain  |
मानसचारिन् | m. "frequenting lake mānasa-", a wild goose, swan  |
मनसादत्ता | f. (prob.) Name of women  |
मनसादेवी | f. the goddess manasā-  |
मानसगणितविधि | m. Name of work  |
मनसागुप्ता | f. (prob.) Name of a woman  |
मानसहरण | n. Name of work  |
मानसजन्मन् | m. "mind-born", the god of love  |
मनसाज्ञायिन् | (sājñ-) mfn. perceiving with the soul or intellectually ,  |
मानसकरण | n. Name of work  |
मानसालय | m. "dwelling on lake mānasa-", a wild goose or swan  |
मानसमुच्चयटीका | f. Name of work  |
मानसनयन | n. Name of work  |
मानसनयनप्रसादिनी | f. Name of commentator or commentary on it.  |
मनसापञ्चमी | f. the 5th day in the dark half of the month āṣāḍha- (when there is a festival in honour of the goddess manasā-)  |
मानसपूजा | f. Name of various works.  |
मानसपुजन | n. Name of a Tantric work  |
मानसपूजाप्रकार | m. Name of work  |
मानसपूजाविधि | m. Name of work  |
मानसार | m. or n. a high degree of pride  |
मानसार | m. Name of a king of mālava-  |
मानसार | m. Name of work on architecture (or of a sage, its reputed author)  |
मनसाराम | m. Name of a man  |
मानसरुज् | f. mental disease  |
मनसासंगता | f. (prob.) Name of women  |
मानससंताप | m. idem or 'f. mental sorrow or grief. '  |
मनसस्पति | m. the lord or presiding genius of the mental powers and life of men  |
मानसशुच् | f. mental sorrow or grief.  |
मानसत्व | n. the state of spirit, spirituality, fulfilment of anything in mere thought,  |
मानसौकस् | mfn. dwelling on lake manasa-  |
मानसौकस् | m. a wild goose or swan  |
मानसवेग | mfn. swift as thought  |
मानसवेग | m. Name of a prince  |
मानसायन | m. patronymic fr. manas- gaRa aśvādi-.  |
मनसि | locative case of manas-, in compound  |
मानसी | f. (with pūja-) mental or spiritual devotion (opp. to mūrti-p-,adoration of images)  |
मानसी | f. Name of a kiṃ-narī-  |
मानसी | f. of a vidyā-- devī-  |
मनसिज | m. "heart-born", love or the god of love  |
मनसिज | m. the moon  |
मनसिजबृसी | f. the moon  |
मनसिजतरु | m. love conceived as a tree  |
मानसिक | mfn. (fr. manas-or mānasa-) committed (only) in thought (as a sin)  |
मानसिक | mfn. conceived (only) in the mind, imaginary  |
मानसिक | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
मनसिकार | m. taking to heart  |
मनसिमन्द | mfn. slow or inert in love  |
मनसिमन्दरुज् | f. pain of love  |
मानसिंह | m. Name of a king and various authors  |
मानसिंहकीर्तिमुक्तावलि | f. Name of work  |
मनसिन् | mfn. having a mind or soul, having intellect  |
मनसिशय | m. "lying in the heart" equals -ja-  |
मनस्क | n. diminutive of manas-  |
मनस्क | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals manas-  |
मनस्क | n. see gata-m-.  |
मनस्कान्त | mfn. dear to the heart pleasant, agreeable  |
मनस्कार | m. consciousness (especially of pleasure or pain)  |
मनस्कार | m. attention of the mind  |
मनस्कार | m. devotion (See next)  |
मनस्कारविधि | m. performance of devotion  |
मनस्केत | m. mental perception or conception, idea, notion  |
मानस्कृत | m. (according to to ) equals pūjāyā- abhimānasya vā kartṛ-  |
मानस्कृत | m. (according to to Scholiast or Commentator on ) patronymic fr. manas-kṛt-  |
मनस्मय | mf(ī-)n. spiritual (as opp. to,"material")  |
मानसोक | (?) m. Name of an author or work on vedānta-  |
मानसोल्लास | m. Name of various works.  |
मानसोल्लासप्रबन्ध | m. Name of Comm.  |
मानसोल्लासवृत्तान्त | m. Name of Comm.  |
मानसोल्लासवृत्तान्तविलास | m. Name of Comm.  |
मानसोल्लासव्याख्या | f. Name of Comm.  |
मानसोपचारपूजाविधि | m. Name of work  |
मानसोत्क | m. eager to go to lake mānasa-  |
मानसोत्तर | n. Name of a mountain (see uttaramānasa-).  |
मनस्पाप | n. mental sin, a sin committed only in mind  |
मनस्ताल | m. Name of the lion on which durgā- is carried  |
मनस्ताप | m. "burning of the mind", mental pain, anguish, repentance  |
मनस्तेजस् | (m/anas--) mfn. endowed with vigour of mind  |
मानस्थलक | mfn. (fr. māna-sthalī-) gaRa dhūmādi-.  |
मानस्थिति | f. See under 2. māna-.  |
मानस्थिति | f. "right measure"or,"strong sentiment of honour"(the latter fr. 1. māna-)  |
मनस्तोका | f. Name of durgā-  |
मानस्तोकीय | n. the hymn beginning with mā nas toke-  |
मानस्तोकीय | a particular text (beginning with mā- nas- toke-).  |
मनस्तुष्टि | f. satisfaction of mind, heart's content  |
मनस्त्व | n. intellectual state, the state or condition of mind  |
मानसूत्र | n. a measuring-cord  |
मानसूत्र | n. a cord or chain worn round the body  |
मानस्वरूप | n. the nature of honour  |
मानस्वरूपाभिज्ञत्व | n. knowledge of the nature of honour  |
मनस्वत् | mfn. (m/anas--) full of sense or spirit  |
मनस्वत् | mfn. containing the word manas-, TS  |
मनस्वती | f. (atī-) wrong reading for /anas-vatī-  |
मनस्वि | in compound for -vin-  |
मनस्विगर्हित | mfn. censured by the wise  |
मनस्विन् | mfn. full of mind or sense, intelligent, clever, wise etc.  |
मनस्विन् | mfn. in high spirits, cheerful, glad (a-man-)  |
मनस्विन् | mfn. fixing the mind attentive  |
मनस्विन् | m. the fabulous animal called śarabha-  |
मनस्विन् | m. Name of a nāga-  |
मनस्विन् | m. of a son of devala-  |
मनस्विन् | m. Momordica Mixta  |
मनस्विन् | m. Name of the mother of the moon (see manasija-)  |
मनस्विन् | m. of durga-  |
मनस्विन् | m. of the wife of mṛkaṇḍu-  |
मनस्विनी | f. a virtuous wife  |
मनस्विप्रशंसा | f. praise of the wise  |
मनस्विता | f. intelligence, high-mindedness, magnanimity  |
मनस्विता | f. hope, expectation, dependance  |
मनस्वितर | mfn. wiser, cleverer  |
मनस्य | Nom. P. A1. sy/ati-, te- (gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-), to have in mind, intend ; to think, reflect  |
मानस्य | m. patronymic fr. manas- gaRa gargādi-.  |
मनस्यु | mfn. (prob.) wishing, desiring  |
मनस्यु | m. Name of a prince (son of pravīra-)  |
मनस्यु | m. of a son of mahānta-  |
मणिरत्नसुवर्णिन् | mfn. containing precious stones and gold  |
मन्मनस | mf(ā-)n. thinking of me  |
मन्मनस | etc. See .  |
मनुष्यैनस | n. sin of men  |
मार्कण्डेयदर्शनस्तोत्र | n. Name of chapter of  |
मतखण्डनस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
मात्राविधानसूत्र | n. Name of work (= -lakṣaṇa-),  |
मत्सरमनस् | mfn. of envious disposition,  |
मौनसम्मति | f. tacit assent  |
मौनसूत्र | n. Name of work  |
म्लानमनस् | mfn. depressed in mind, dispirited  |
म्लानस्रज् | mfn. having a withered or faded garland  |
मोहनसप्तशती | f. Name of a poem.  |
मृगादनसहदेवी | f.  |
मृतमनस् | (mṛt/a--) mfn. unconscious, insensible  |
मृत्युंजयमानस | n. Name of work  |
मूढमनस् | ( ) mfn. equals -dhī-  |
मुहूर्तविधानसार | m. Name of work  |
नगरधनसंघाराम | m. Name of a Buddhist monastery.  |
नामापराधनिरसनस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
नामपठनस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
नमुचिसूदनसारथि | m. indra-'s charioteer mātali-  |
नानामनस् | (n/ānā--) mfn. of various minds  |
नारायणबलिस्वयम्प्रयोजनसञ्चिका | f. nārāyaṇabali |
नर्तनस्थान | n. dancing-place.  |
नातिप्रमनस् | mfn. not in very good spirits  |
नवान्नस्थालीपाकमन्त्र | m. plural Name of work  |
नवपाषाणदर्भशयनसंकल्प | m. Name of work  |
नयनसलिल | n. equals -jala-  |
नयनसुख | m. Name of an author  |
निदानसंग्रह | m. Name of a medicine work  |
निदानस्थान | n. the subject of the causes of diseases, pathology (one of the 5 departments of medicine science)  |
निदानसूत्र | n. Name of work on metres and Vedic stoma-s  |
निधनसूत्र | n. Name of work  |
निधनसूत्रवृत्ति | f. Name of work  |
निग्रहस्थानसूत्रटीका | f. Name of work  |
निपानसरस् | n. a pool or lake for watering cattle  |
नीराजनस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
निरेनस् | mfn. free from guilt  |
निर्मनस्क | mfn. mindless, having no manas-  |
निर्मनस्कता | f.  |
निर्णिक्तमनस् | mfn. pure-hearted  |
निरुद्विग्नमनस् | mfn. undisturbed in mind  |
निष्ठुरमानस | mfn. cruel-minded  |
निवर्तनस्तूप | m. Name of a stūpa- erected at the spot where the charioteer of buddha- returned.  |
नियतमानस | mfn. of subdued mind or spirit  |
ओदनसव | m. a particular oblation commentator or commentary on  |
ओषधिवनस्पति | n. herbs and trees  |
ओषधिवनस्पति | m. plural idem or 'n. herbs and trees '  |
पदातिजनसंकुल | mfn. mingled with footmen or pedestrian  |
पैठीनसि | m. patronymic of an ancient teacher (a muni- and author of a system of laws)  |
पैठीनसिस्मृति | f. Name of work  |
पैठीनस्य | m. patronymic  |
पलायनमनस् | mfn. thinking of flight  |
पनस | m. ( pan-?) the bread-fruit or jaka- tree, Artocarpus Integrifolia etc.  |
पनस | m. a thorn  |
पनस | m. a species of serpent  |
पनस | m. Name of a monkey  |
पनस | n. the bread-fruit  |
पानस | mf(ī-)n. (fr. panasa-) prepared from the fruit of the jaka- or bread-fruit tree on  |
पनसनालिका | f. the bread-fruit tree  |
पनसास्थि | n. the kernel of the bread-fruit  |
पनसतालिका | f. the bread-fruit tree  |
पनसी | f. equals panasikā-  |
पनसिका | f. a kind of disease, pustules on the ears and neck (see pinasa-, pīnasa-). |
पानसिन्धु | -saindhava-  |
पनस्य | Nom. A1. sy/ate- (P. sy/ati- ), to excite admiration or praise  |
पनस्यु | mfn. showing one's self worthy of admiration, glorious  |
पञ्चकाष्टकचयनसूत्र | n. Name of work  |
पञ्चाङ्गसाधनसारणी | f. Name of work  |
पञ्चरत्नस्तव | m. Name of stotra-.  |
पञ्चवदनस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra- (see pañcavaktra-st-).  |
पञ्चोपाख्यानसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
पङ्कजासनस्थ | mfn. sitting on a lotus-throne (brahmā-)  |
पापप्रशमनस्तव | m. Name of work  |
परधनास्वादनसुख | n. feeding luxuriously at another's expense  |
पराक्षिप्तमनस् | mfn. having the mind carried away or enraptured  |
परमतखण्डनसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
परानसा | f. (fr. ?) administering remedies, medical treatment  |
पराङ्मनस् | (p/ar-) mfn. having the mind or thoughts directed backwards  |
परशुवनसहस्रनामन् | n. "forest of axes", Name of a hell  |
परिदीनमानस | mfn. distressed in mind. ( )  |
परिदीनसत्त्व | mfn. distressed in mind. ( )  |
परिहृष्टमानस | mfn. parihṛṣṭa |
परिपूर्णमानस | mfn. satisfied in mind  |
पर्वतवर्णनस्तोत्र | n. Name of chapter of ādipurāṇa-  |
पतनसील | mfn. accustomed to fall down  |
पवमानसाख | m. "friend of the wind", fire  |
पवमानसोमयज्ञ | m. Name of work  |
पवमानसूक्त | n. Name of work  |
पवीनस | m. "having a nose like a spear-head", Name of a demon  |
फल्गुनस्वामिन् | m. phalguna |
फुत्कर्तुमनस् | mfn. wishing to make a derisory noise, intending to cry aloud  |
पिनस | varia lectio for pīnasa-.  |
पीनस | m. (prob. fr. pī- equals api-+ nas-; see apī-nasa-) cold (affecting the nose), catarrh  |
पीनसनाशन | mfn. destroying catarrh  |
पीनसनाशना | f. Cucumis Utilissimus.  |
पीनसिन् | ( ) mfn. -having a cold  |
पीनसित | ( ) mfn. -having a cold  |
पीनस्तन | m. the full breast (of a woman)  |
पिठीनस् | m. Name of a man (see paiṭhīnasi-).  |
प्रबोधमानसोल्लास | m. Name of work |
प्राचीनपनस | m. "the eastern jaka- tree", Aegle Marmelos  |
प्रधानसभिक | m. the chief of a gambling-house  |
प्रधानसेवा | f. chief or principal service  |
प्राधान्येनस्तुति | mfn. prādhānyena |
प्रगल्भमनस् | mfn. resolute-minded (a--)  |
प्रहृष्टमनस् | mfn. idem or 'mfn. delighted at heart, exceedingly glad. '  |
प्रज्ञानसंतति | f. a train of thought  |
प्रज्ञावर्धनस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
प्रमनस् | mfn. careful, tender  |
प्रमनस् | mfn. pleased, cheerful, willing (see pra-maṇas-).  |
प्रसन्नसलिल | mfn. equals -jala-  |
प्रश्नरत्नसागर | m. Name of work  |
प्रश्नसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्रश्नसप्तति | f. Name of work  |
प्रश्नसार | m. Name of work  |
प्रश्नसारमाय | m. Name of work  |
प्रश्नसाराम्नाय | m. Name of work  |
प्रश्नसारसमुद्र | m. Name of work  |
प्रश्नसारोद्धार | m. Name of work  |
प्रश्नसुधाकर | m. Name of work  |
प्रसूनस्तबक | m. a bunch of blossoms or fruit  |
प्रातर्माध्यंदिनसवन | n. Name of work  |
प्रतीचीनस्तोम | m. a particular ekāha-  |
प्रतिमहानस | n. every kitchen commentator or commentary  |
प्रतिपूर्णमानस | mfn. (having one's heart) satisfied  |
प्रतियोगिज्ञानस्यहेतुत्वखण्डन | n. Name of work  |
प्रत्याख्यानसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
प्रत्ययनस्त्व | n. obtaining again, recovery  |
प्रत्येनस् | (pr/aty--) m. an officer of justice, punisher of criminals  |
प्रत्येनस् | (pr/aty--) m. a surety, the heir nearest of kin who is responsible for the debts of a deceased person  |
प्रत्येनस्य | n. the nearest heirship to (genitive case)  |
प्रवचनसारगाथा | f. Name of work  |
प्रवचनसारोद्धार | m. Name of work  |
प्रयतमानस | mfn. pious-minded, devout, ascetic  |
प्रयोगरत्नसंस्कार | m. Name of work  |
प्रीतमनस् | ( ) mfn. pleased or gratified in mind.  |
प्रीतमानस | ( ) mfn. pleased or gratified in mind.  |
प्रीतिमनस् | mfn. joyous-minded, pleased in mind, content  |
प्रीतिमनस् | mfn. kind  |
प्रियमानस | mfn. fond of the lake mānasa- (the rāja-haṃsa- or Royal-goose)  |
पुनस् | in compound for punar-.  |
पुनस्तराम् | ind. over and over again  |
पुनस्तति | f. a repeated sacrificial performance,  |
पूर्णमानस | mfn. having a satisfied mind, contented  |
पुरुमनस् | mfn. (formed for the explanation of 2. puṃs-)  |
पूतिनस्य | n. a disease of the nose causing offensive breath (wrong reading pūta-n-).  |
राजमानसोल्लास | m. Name of work  |
राजप्रत्येनस् | m. (prob.) the nearest heir to the throne  |
राजोद्वेजनसंज्ञक | m. a species of tree  |
रजोविरिक्तमनस् | mfn. one whose mind is free from passion  |
रक्षोघ्नसूक्त | n. rakṣoghna  |
रामध्यानस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
राममानसिकपूजा | f. Name of work  |
रामनवरत्नसार | m. Name of work  |
रामार्चनसोपान | n. Name of work  |
रामवर्णनस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
रामविज्ञापनस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
राङ्कवाजिनसंस्पर्श | m. the touch of a woollen skin  |
रन्तुमनस् | mfn. inclined to take pleasure, wishing to enjoy sexual intercourse  |
रशनसम्मित | (n/a--) mfn. as long as the rope (on the sacrificial post)  |
रसरत्नसमुच्चय | m. Name of work  |
रातमनस् | (rāt/a--) mfn. ready-minded, willing to (dative case)  |
रतमानस | mfn. having a delighted mind or heart  |
रत्नसागर | m. Name of work  |
रत्नसम्भव | m. Name of a buddha-, (especially) of a dhyānibuddha-,  |
रत्नसम्भव | m. of a bodhi-sattva-  |
रत्नसम्भव | m. of a place  |
रत्नसंघात | m. a number or collection of jewels  |
रत्नसंघातमय | mf(ī-)n. made or consisting of a number of jewels  |
रत्नसंग्रह | m. Name of various works.  |
रत्नसमुच्चय | m. Name of work  |
रत्नसमुद्गल | (-samudgaka-?) m. Name of a samādhi-  |
रत्नसानु | m. Name of the mountain meru-  |
रत्नसार | m. or n. (?) Name of work  |
रत्नसारचिन्तामणि | m. Name of work  |
रत्नसारजातकेज्योतिषसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
रत्नसारपर्वत | m. Name of meru-  |
रत्नसारसमुच्चय | m. Name of work  |
रत्नसारशतक | n. Name of work  |
रत्नसेन | m. Name of a king  |
रत्नसिंह | m. Name of various men  |
रत्नस्थलनगर | n. Name of a town  |
रत्नसू | mfn. producing jewels  |
रत्नसू | f. the earth  |
रत्नसूति | f. the earth  |
रत्नसूत्रभाष्य | n. Name of work  |
रत्नस्वामिन् | m. Name of an image erected by ratna-  |
रौद्रमनस् | (r/audra--) mfn. savage-minded, fierce  |
रयप्रश्नसूत्रसिद्धान्त | m. Name of work  |
ऋजूनस् | (/ṛjū-) m. "straight-nosed", Name of a man  |
रोचनस्था | mfn. abiding in light or in the firmament  |
ऋषिमनस् | mfn. of far-seeing or enlightened mind  |
शब्दानुशासनसूत्रपाठ | m. Name of work  |
शब्दरत्नसमन्वय | m. Name of grammars and dictionaries.  |
सभास्थानस्थ | mfn. being in the audience-hall (said of a king)  |
सचनस् | See s/a-canas- below.  |
सचनस् | (s/a--) mfn. being in harmony with  |
सचनस्तम | mfn. (superl.)  |
सचनस्य | Nom. A1. yate-, to treat tenderly, cherish, foster  |
षडाम्नायषड्दशनसंक्षेपवाद | m. Name of work  |
सादनस्पृश् | mfn. "home-touching", brought or coming into any one's house  |
षड्दर्शनसंग्रहवृत्ति | f. Name of work  |
षड्दर्शनसंक्षेप | m. Name of work  |
षड्दर्शनसमुच्चय | m. Name of work  |
षड्दर्शनसिद्धान्तसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
साधनसागर | m. Name of work  |
साधनसुबोधनी | f. Name of work  |
साधुरत्नसूरि | m. Name of an author  |
सहमनस् | mfn. with intelligence  |
सजातवनस्या | f. "desire of dominion over kindred or countrymen", Name of a particular verse  |
शाकटायनस्मृति | f. the law-book of śākaṭāyana-  |
शाक्तमतरत्नसूत्रदीपिका | f. Name of work  |
शकुनसारोद्धार | m. Name of work  |
शाकुनसारोद्धार | m. Name of work  |
शकुनसूक्त | n. the bird-hymn (perhaps )  |
शाकुनसूक्त | n. Name of a particular hymn of the ṛg-- veda- (equals śakuna-s-).  |
शालङ्कायनसौश्रव | m. plural the śālaṅkāyana- and the sauśrava-s  |
शालिवाहनसप्तती | f. Name of work  |
शालिवाहनसतक | n. Name of work  |
समाहितमनस् | mfn. having the mind absorbed in (anything)  |
समनस् | mfn. being of the same mind, unanimous  |
समनस् | mfn. endowed with understanding  |
समानसलिल | mfn. equals samānodaka-  |
समानसम्बन्धन | (n/a--) mf(ā-)n. equally connected  |
समानसंख्य | mf(ā-)n. of an equal number with (instrumental case) |
समनस्क | mfn. unanimous  |
समानस्थान | n. interposition  |
समानस्थान | mfn. being in the same place  |
समानस्थान | mfn. occupying the same position (in the month)  |
समानस्तोत्रिय | mfn. having the same stotriya-,  |
समानसुखदुःख | mfn. having joys and sorrows in common ( samānasukhaduḥkhatā -tā- f.)  |
समानसुखदुःखता | f. samānasukhaduḥkha |
समानसूत्रनिपात | m. "falling of the same line"  |
समानसूत्रनिपाते | ind. on the diametrically opposite side  |
सम्भिन्नसर्वाङ्ग | mfn. one who has contracted or compressed the whole body (as a tortoise)  |
सम्भ्रान्तमनस् | mfn. bewildered in mind  |
संहृष्टमनस् | mfn. delighted in mind  |
संकष्टनाशनस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
सांख्यायनसूत्र | n. Name of work  |
संलीनमानस | mfn. drooping or depressed in mind  |
सम्मनस् | mfn. unanimous  |
साम्मनस्य | n. (fr. sam-manas-) concord, harmony  |
साम्मनस्य | n. plural charms to secure harmony  |
संनस् | A1. -nasate-, to come together, meet, be united  |
सम्प्रहृष्टमनस् | mfn. overjoyed in heart  |
सम्प्रक्षुभितमानस | mfn. agitated or confused or perplexed in mind  |
सम्प्रीतमानस | mfn. delighted in mind  |
संसक्तमनस् | mfn. having the mind attached or fixed  |
संशयापन्नमानस | mfn. saṃśayāpanna |
संतानसंधि | m. a peace cemented by family alliance (by giving a daughter in marriage etc.)  |
संतानसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
संतप्तप्यमानमनस् | mfn. one whose mind is in a state of torture  |
समुदीर्णमानस | mfn. agitated or excited in mind  |
समुन्नस | mfn. having a prominent nose  |
संवर्णितमानस | mfn. one who has made up his mind, resolute  |
संविभागमनस् | mfn. disposed to share with others  |
संविग्नमानस | mfn. agitated or distracted in mind  |
सम्यग्दर्शनसम्पन्न | mfn. possessed of true insight ,  |
संयतमानस | mfn. (equals -cetas-)  |
सनन्दनसंहिता | f. Name of a tantra- work (one of the śubhāgama-s)  |
सनस् | ind. equals sanā- (in sanaḥ-śruta-, sano-ja-,qq. vv.)  |
सनसय | m. (wrong reading for śaṇa-śaya-?) Name of a teacher  |
सानसि | mfn. bringing wealth or blessings, laden with spoils, victorious  |
सानसी | sānin- See .  |
सनातनसिद्धान्त | m. Name of work  |
शङ्कितमनस् | mfn. fainthearted, timid, apprehensive  |
शान्तमनस् | mfn. composed in mind  |
सपत्नसाद | wrong reading for next.  |
सपत्नसाह | mf(ī-)n. equals -t/ur-  |
सर्वदर्शनसंग्रह | m. "compendium of all the darśana-s", Name of a treatise on the various systems of philosophy (not including the vedānta-) by mādhavācārya- or his brother sāyaṇa-  |
सर्वमन्त्रोत्कीलनशापविमोचनस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
सर्वरत्नसमन्वित | mfn. possessed of all jewels  |
सर्वसम्पन्नसस्य | mf(ā-)n. having grain or corn provided everywhere  |
षष्ठ्युपाख्यानस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
सततमानस | mfn. always directing the mind towards anything  |
सतीनसत्वन् | (n/a--) mfn. leading real warriors (applied to indra-) ("a sender of water" )  |
शाट्यायनस्मृति | f. the law-book of śāṭyāyana-  |
सौमनस | mf(ī-)n. (fr. su-manas-) coming from or consisting of flowers, floral, flowery |
सौमनस | mf(ī-)n. agreeable to the feelings, pleasing  |
सौमनस | m. cheerfulness, enjoyment, comfort  |
सौमनस | m. Name of the eighth day of the civil month (equals karma-māsa-),  |
सौमनस | m. of the elephant of the western quarter  |
सौमनस | m. of a mountain  |
सौमनसा | f. the outer skin of the nutmeg  |
सौमनस | m. Name of a river  |
सौमनस | n. benevolence, kindness, favour  |
सौमनस | n. pleasure, satisfaction  |
सौमनस | n. the nutmeg (see ī- f.)  |
सौमनस | n. Name of a peak of a mountain (Bombay edition)  |
सौमनसायन | m. patronymic fr. su-manas- gaRa aśvādi-  |
सौमनसायनी | f. the outer skin of the nutmeg (yinī- )  |
सौमनसी | f. Name of the fifth night in the civil month.  |
सौमनस्य | mfn. causing gladness or cheerfulness of mind  |
सौमनस्य | m. Name of a son of yajñabāhu-  |
सौमनस्य | n. satisfaction of mind, gladness, cheerfulness  |
सौमनस्य | n. right understanding  |
सौमनस्य | n. an offering of flowers placed in the hands of the priest at a śrāddha-  |
सौमनस्य | n. Name of a varṣa- in plakṣa-dvīpa- (ruled by saumanasya-)  |
सौमनस्यवत् | mfn. cheerful, glad  |
सौमनस्यायनी | f. the blossom of the mālatī- or great-flowering jasmine  |
सौवर्चनस | m. a patronymic  |
सावधानसाहित्य | n. Name of work  |
सवनसमीषन्ती | f. a particular viṣṭuti-  |
सवनसंस्था | f. the end of a libation  |
सवनस्थ | mfn. engaged in a a libation or sacrifice  |
सायाह्नसमये | ind. at eventide  |
सायाह्नसमये | ind. at eventide  |
शयनसखी | f. the female bed-fellow (of a woman)  |
शयनासनसेवन | n. the enjoyment of sleeping and sitting  |
शयनस्थ | mfn. being or reclining on a couch  |
शयनस्थान | n. equals -bhūmi-  |
सायन्तनसमय | m. eventide |
शय्यासनस्थ | mfn. śayyāsana |
सेनस्कन्ध | m. Name of a son of śambara-  |
सिद्धमानस | mfn. having a completely satisfied mind  |
सिद्धान्तचिन्तारत्नसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
सिद्धसेनसूरि | m. Name of author. ( )  |
सिंहासनस्थ | mfn. sitting on a throne  |
सितमनस् | mfn. pure-hearted  |
शितिनस् | mfn. white-nosed  |
शिवकेशादिपादान्तवर्णनस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
शिवमानसपूजा | f. Name of work  |
शिवमानसिकस्नान | n. Name of work  |
शिवपादादिकेशान्तवर्णनस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
शिवपञ्चवदनस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
श्मशानसाधन | n. magical rites performed in a burning-grounds to obtain control over evil spirits  |
श्मशानसाधन | n. Name of work  |
श्मशानसुमनस् | n. a flower from a burning-grounds  |
स्नानसूत्र | n. Name of a sūtra- work ascribed to kātyāyana- (also -pariśiṣṭa-)  |
स्नानसूत्रभाष्यव्याख्या | f. Name of Comm.  |
स्नानसूत्रदीपिका | f. Name of Comm.  |
स्नानसूत्रपद्धति | f. Name of Comm.  |
स्नस् | varia lectio for snus- q.v , p.1268.  |
स्नसा | f. a tendon, muscle  |
शोकसंतप्तमानस | mfn. one whose mind is consumed by sorrow  |
शोकसंविग्नमानस | mfn. having the heart distracted with sorrow  |
श्रद्धामनस् | (śraddh/ā--) mfn. truehearted, faithful  |
श्रद्धामनस्या | ind. (instrumental case) faithfully  |
श्राद्धवचनसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
श्रान्तमनस् | ( ) mfn. wearied or distressed in mind.  |
श्रीमनस् | (śr/ī--) mfn. (prob.) well-disposed  |
श्रीरङ्गविमानस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
श्रुताध्ययनसम्पन्न | mfn. conversant with repetition or recitation of the veda-  |
स्तनस्यु | mfn. sucking the breast, a suckling  |
स्थानस्थ | mfn. abiding in one place, immovable  |
स्थानस्थ | mfn. staying at home  |
स्थानस्थान | n. plural every place (eṣu- locative case plural"everywhere","in every corner"; see sthāna-, column 1)  |
स्थानस्थित | mfn. standing in a (high) place  |
स्थिरमनस् | mfn. firm-minded, steadfast  |
स्तोभनसंहार | prob. wrong reading for stobhānusaṃhāra- (above) .  |
सुभाषितरत्नसंदोह | m. Name of work  |
शुचिमानस | mfn. pure-hearted  |
सुदर्शनसहस्रनामन् | n. Name of work  |
सुदर्शनसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
सुदर्शनसम्पात | m. Name of work  |
सुदर्शनस्तव | m. Name of work  |
सुदर्शनस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
सुदर्शनसुकर्णकचरित | m. Name of work  |
शुद्धोदनसुत | m. "son of S3uddh'odana", gautama- buddha-  |
सुधीविलोचनसार | m. Name of work  |
सुदुर्मनस् | mfn. very dispirited or troubled in mind  |
शुकनसा | f. equals -nāsā-  |
शुकप्रश्नसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
सुमहामनस् | mfn. vigour high-minded  |
सुमनस् | mfn. good-minded, well-disposed, benevolent, gracious, favourable, pleasant, agreeable  |
सुमनस् | mfn. well pleased, satisfied, cheerful, easy, comfortable etc.  |
सुमनस् | mfn. wise, intelligent  |
सुमनस् | m. a god (see -manokasa-below)  |
सुमनस् | mfn. a good or wise man  |
सुमनस् | mfn. Name of various plants (according to to "wheat, a kind of karañja-, Azadirachta Indica, Guilandina Bonduc")  |
सुमनस् | mfn. Name of a dānava-  |
सुमनस् | mfn. of a son of uru- and āgneyī-  |
सुमनस् | mfn. of a son of ulmuka-  |
सुमनस् | mfn. of a son of hary-aśva-  |
सुमनस् | mfn. of various other men  |
सुमनस् | mfn. (plural) Name of a particular class of gods under the 12th manu-  |
सुमनस् | f. (plural or in compound) flowers etc.  |
सुमनस् | f. great-flowering jasmine  |
सुमनस् | f. Name of the wife of madhu- and mother of vīra-vrata-  |
सुमनस् | f. of various other women  |
सुमनस् | n. a flower  |
सुमानस | mfn. good-minded  |
सुमनस्क | mfn. in good spirits, cheerful, happy  |
सुमनस्क | n. (prob.) Name of a pleasure-grove  |
सुमनस्य | Nom. A1. y/ate- (only pr. p. y/amāna-), to be kind or gracious or favourable ; to be in good spirits or cheerful or comfortable  |
शुनस् | genitive case of śvan- in compound  |
सुनस | mfn. having a beautiful nose  |
सुनसा | f. Name of a river  |
शुनस्कर्ण | m. "dog-eared", Name of a man (see gaRa kaskādi-).  |
सुन्दरीशक्तिदानस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
शून्यमनस् | mfn. equals -citta-,  |
सुस्थमानस | mfn. (equals -citta-)  |
सुस्थितमनस् | mfn. being in a happy frame of mind, contented  |
सुतेमनस् | m. Name of a preceptor (having the patronymic śāṇḍilyāyana-).  |
स्वनस् | See tuvi-ṣvaṇ/as-.  |
स्वप्नस् | mfn. wealthy, rich  |
स्वप्नसंदर्शन | n. equals -darśana-  |
स्वप्नसृष्टि | f. the creation of dreams  |
स्वप्नस्थान | n. the site or locality of a dream  |
स्वप्नस्थान | n. a bed-chamber  |
स्वप्नस्थान | mfn. sleeping, dreaming  |
स्वर्चनस् | (svār--) mfn. "lovely as light"or"pleasing to heaven"  |
स्वरूपानुसंधानस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
श्वसनसमीरण | n. wind (caused) by breathing, breath  |
श्वश्रूस्नुषाधनसंवाद | m. "agreement in respect of the property of mother and daughter-in-law", Name of work  |
स्वस्थानस्थ | mfn. standing in or occupying one's own condition  |
श्यामामानसार्चन | n. Name of work  |
तनस् | n. offspring  |
तनस् | nikā-, nitṛ-, etc. See 3. tan-. |
तानस्वर | mfn. uttered monotonously,  |
तन्मध्यमनस् | etc. See  |
तन्मनस् | mfn. absorbed in mind by that  |
तपनसुता | f. "sun-daughter", the yamunā- river  |
तत्रचक्षुर्मनस् | mfn. directing one's eyes and mind on him  |
त्रिदिनस्पृश् | m. conjunction of 3 lunations with one solar day  |
तुन्नसेवनी | f. the suture of a wound  |
तुन्नसेवनी | f. a suture of the skull  |
उद्धतमनस् | mfn. high minded  |
उद्धतमनस् | mfn. haughty, proud  |
उद्धतमनस्क | mfn. idem or 'mfn. haughty, proud '  |
उद्धतमनस्कत्व | n. pride, arrogance  |
उद्द्योतनसूरि | m. Name of a teacher ( )  |
उद्विग्नमनस् | mfn. having the mind or soul agitated by fright, depressed in mind  |
उद्विग्नमनस् | mfn. sorrowful, anxious, distressed  |
उन्मनस् | mfn. (ud-ma-) excited or disturbed in mind, perplexed  |
उन्मनस् | mfn. longing or wishing for, eagerly desirous  |
उन्मनस् | m. (with śākta-s) one of the seven ullāsa-s or mystical degrees.  |
उन्मनस्क | mfn. disturbed, perplexed  |
उन्मनस्कता | f. perplexedness (varia lectio)  |
उन्नस | mfn. having a prominent nose  |
उपानस | mfn. (fr. anas-with upa-), being or standing on a carriage  |
उपानस | n. the space in a carriage  |
उपानस्यक | m. Name of indra-  |
उपस्थानसाहस्री | f. Name of work  |
उशनस् | m. ā- ( ;Ved. accusative ām-;Ved. locative case and dative case e-; vocative case as-, a-,and an- on ) Name of an ancient sage with the patronymic kāvya- (in later times identified with śukra-, the teacher of the asura-s, who presides over the planet Venus)  |
उशनस् | m. Name of the planet Venus etc.  |
उशनस् | m. Name of the author of a dharma-śāstra-  |
उशनस् | m. (uśanasaḥ stoma- m.Name of a verse( ) to be muttered by one who thinks himself poisoned )  |
उत्साहशौर्यधनसाहसवत् | mfn. having boldness and wealth and heroism and energy  |
उत्सिक्तमनस् | mfn. of disordered mind, .  |
उत्तरमानस | n. Name of a tīrtha-.  |
वचनसहाय | m. a companion to converse with, any sociable companion  |
वचनसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वचनसम्पुट | m. Name of work  |
वचनसमुच्चय | m. Name of work  |
वचनसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
वचनसत | n. a hundred speeches, repeated speech or declaration  |
वदनसरोज | n. equals -kaṃja-  |
वाग्मनस | See vāṅ-m-.  |
वैखानस | m. (fr. vi-khānasa-) a Brahman in the third stage of his life, anchorite, hermit (equals vānaprastha- q.v)  |
वैखानस | m. a patronymic of vamra-  |
वैखानस | m. of puru-hanman-  |
वैखानस | m. Name of particular stars  |
वैखानस | m. of a sect of vaiṣṇava-s  |
वैखानस | mf(ī-)n. relating or belonging to vaikhānasa-s or anchorites (with tantra- n.the tantra- of the sect called vaikhānasa- ) etc.  |
वैखानस | n. Name of a sāman-  |
वैखानसभृगुसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
वैखानसाचार्य | m. Name of a teacher  |
वैखानसागम | m. Name of work  |
वैखानसमत | n. the rules for anchorites ( )  |
वैखानसाराधन | n. Name of work  |
वैखानसार्चनानवनीत | n. Name of work  |
वैखानससंहिता | f. Name of work  |
वैखानससम्प्रोक्षण | n. Name of work  |
वैखानसशास्त्र | n. the institutes of vaikhānasa-,  |
वैखानसाश्रम | m. Name of a hermitage  |
वैखानसश्रौतसूत्र | n. Name of work  |
वैखानससूत्र | n. Name of work  |
वैखानसतन्त्र | n. Name of work (see above)  |
वैखानसवैष्णवागम | m. Name of work  |
वैखानसी | f. a female anchorite  |
वैखानसी | f. a vessel used for cooking the meat offered in sacrifice  |
वैखानसि | m. a patronymic  |
वैखानसीयोपनिषद् | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
वैमनस्य | n. (fr. vi-manas-) dejection, depression, melancholy (also plural) etc.  |
वैमनस्य | n. sickness  |
वैशम्पायनसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
वैशम्पायनस्मृति | f. Name of work  |
वैश्वमनस | n. (fr. viśva-manas-) Name of a sāman-  |
वैश्वामनस | (see vaitva-m-), Name of various sāman-s  |
वैतानस्थ | mfn. occupied in a sacrificial rite  |
वैतानसूत्र | n. Name of work  |
वज्रसमानसार | mfn. having a diamond-like essence or nature, hard as adamant  |
वक्तुमनस् | mfn. having a mind to speak, being about to speak  |
वल्कलाजिनसंवृत | mfn. idem or 'mfn. clad in bark and deer-skin '  |
वामनस्ताव | m. Name of a chapter of the harivaṃśa-.  |
वामनसूक्त | n. Name of a particular Vedic hymn  |
वामनसूत्रवृत्ति | f. equals kāvyālaṃkāra-vṛtti-.  |
वामनस्वामिन् | m. Name of a poet  |
वनस् | n. loveliness  |
वनस् | n. longing, desire (see yajña-vanas-and gir-vaṇas-)  |
वनस् | n. equals vana-, a wood (see vanar-).  |
वनस | mfn. gaRa tṛṇādi-.  |
वनसद् | mfn. abiding in wood or in a forest  |
वनसद् | m. a forest-dweller, forester  |
वनसाह्वया | f. a kind of creeping plant  |
वनसंकट | m. lentil  |
वनसंनिवासिन् | mfn. dwelling in a forest  |
वनसंनिवासिन् | m. a forester  |
वनसम्प्रवेश | m. equals vana-praveśa-  |
वनसंश्रय | m. resort to the forest, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
वनसमूह | m. a thick forest or wood  |
वनसरोजिनी | f. the wild cotton plant  |
वनसिन्धुर | m. equals -karin-  |
वनस्पति | m. (vanas--) (vanas-prob. a form of the genitive case; see 2. van-and r/aithas-p/ati-) "king of the wood"a, forest-tree (especially a large tree bearing fruit apparently without blossoms, as several species of the fig, the jack tree etc., but also applied to any tree) etc. |
वनस्पति | m. a stem, trunk, beam, timber, post (especially the sacrificial post)  |
वनस्पति | m. "lord of plants", the soma- plant  |
वनस्पति | m. the Indian fig-tree  |
वनस्पति | m. Bignonia Suaveolens  |
वनस्पति | m. an offering made to the sacrificial post  |
वनस्पति | m. anything made of wood (especially particular parts of a car or carriage, a wooden drum, a wooden amulet, a block on which criminals are executed, a coffin etc.)  |
वनस्पति | m. an ascetic  |
वनस्पति | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
वनस्पति | m. of a son of ghṛta-pṛṣṭha-  |
वनस्पति | m. dual number pestle and mortar  |
वनस्पति | f. Name of a gandharvī-  |
वनस्पति | n. Name of the varṣa- ruled by vanas-pati-  |
वनस्पति | See column 1.  |
वनस्पतिकाय | m. the whole body or world of plants  |
वनस्पतिसव | m. Name of particular sacrificial rite  |
वनस्पतियाग | m. Name of particular sacrificial rite  |
वानस्पत्य | mf(ā-)n. (fr. vanas-pati-) coming from a tree, wooden  |
वानस्पत्य | mf(ā-)n. prepared from trees (as soma-)  |
वानस्पत्य | mf(ā-)n. performed under trees (as a sacrifice)  |
वानस्पत्य | mf(ā-)n. living under trees or in woods (said of śiva-)  |
वानस्पत्य | mf(ā-)n. belonging to a sacrificial post  |
वानस्पत्य | m. a tree or shrub or any plant (according to to any flowering fruit-tree, such as the Mango, Eugenia etc.)  |
वानस्पत्य | n. the fruit of a tree  |
वानस्पत्य | n. a multitude or group of trees Va1rtt. 10  |
वनस्रज् | f. a garland of forest-flowers  |
वनस्तम्ब | m. Name of a son of gada-  |
वनस्थ | mfn. forest-abiding  |
वनस्थ | m. a forest-dweller, hermit, ascetic etc.  |
वनस्थ | m. a deer, gazelle  |
वनस्थ | m. (with gaja-) a wild elephant  |
वनस्था | f. the holy fig-tree  |
वनस्थ | m. the small pippala- tree  |
वनस्थ | m. a kind of creeper  |
वनस्थली | f. forest-region, a wood  |
वनस्थान | (?) n. Name of a country  |
वनस्थायिन् | mfn. being or abiding in a forest  |
वनस्थायिन् | m. a hermit, anchorite  |
वनस्थित | mfn. situate or being in a forest  |
वनस्या | See sajāta-v-.  |
वनस्यु | See gir-vaṇasy/u-.  |
वाङ्मनस् | n. dual number ( ) (sg.[ ]or in compound [ ]or dual number [ ]) speech and mind.  |
वाङ्मनस | n. (sg.[ ]or in compound [ ]or dual number [ ]) speech and mind.  |
वर्धमानस्वामिन् | m. Name of a jina-  |
वर्धनसूरि | m. Name of a jaina- preceptor  |
वर्धनस्वामिन् | m. Name of a particular temple or image  |
वार्ध्रीनस | mfn. (prob.) having streaks on the nose or snout ( "having pendulous excrescences on the neck")  |
वार्ध्रीनस | m. See vārdhrīṇasa-.  |
वर्णघनसारिणी | f. Name of work  |
वसनसद्मन् | n. "cloth-house", a tent  |
वसनसद्मन् | See under 1. vasana-.  |
वासनस्थ | mfn. being in a box or casket  |
वस्नसा | f. (see snāyu-) a tendon, nerve, fibre (described as a hollow, string-like tube, attached to the bones and supposed to serve as a passage for the vital air)  |
वसुमनस् | m. Name of a king of kosala-  |
वसुमनस् | m. (with rauhidaśva-) Name of the author of  |
वातायनस्थ | mfn. standing or being at the window  |
वात्स्यायनसूत्र | n. equals kāma-s- (q.v)  |
वात्स्यायनसूत्रसार | m. Name of work by kṣemendra-.  |
वयुनसस् | ind. according to rule or order, in due order  |
वेदान्तनामरत्नसहस्रव्याख्यान | n. Name of work  |
वेहानस | (with jaina-s) a particular forbidden mode of suicide,  |
वेश्याजनसमाश्रय | m. a brothel  |
विभ्रान्तमनस् | mfn. bewildered or confused in mind  |
विभूतमनस् | mfn. (used to explain vi-manas-)  |
विचक्षणचनसितवत् | mfn. accompanied by the word vicakṣaṇa-, or canasita-  |
विधानसप्तमी | f. Name of the 7th day in the light half of māgha-  |
विधानसारसंग्रह | m. Name of work  |
विधिरसायनसुखोपजीविनी | f. Name of work  |
विधिरसायनसुखोपयोगिनी | f. Name of work  |
विघातनसिद्धि | f. the settling or removal of obstacles or impediments  |
विघ्नसिद्धि | f. the settling or removal of obstacles  |
विज्ञानसंज्ञाप्रकरण | n. Name of work  |
विखनस् | m. Name of brahmā-  |
विखनस् | m. of a muni- (see vi-khānasa-).  |
विखानस | m. (prob.)"one who digs up (scilicet roots)" , Name of a muni- (see vaikhānasa-).  |
विलासविभवानस | mfn. (?) equals lubdha-  |
विमनस् | (v/i--) mfn. having a keen or penetrating mind or understanding, sagacious  |
विमनस् | mfn. destitute of mind, foolish, silly  |
विमनस् | mfn. out of one's mind or senses, discomposed, perplexed, dejected, downcast, heart-broken etc.  |
विमनस् | mfn. changed in mind or feeling, averse, hostile  |
विमनस् | m. Name of the author of a hymn (varia lectio for viśva-manas- q.v)  |
विमनस् | 1. 2. vi-manas-, vi-manthara-, vimanyu- etc. See .  |
विमनस्क | mfn. perplexed in mind, distressed, disconsolate  |
विमानस्थ | mfn. standing on a celestial car  |
विमानस्थान | n. Name of a work on medicine.  |
विमानसुद्धिपूजा | f. Name of work  |
विनस | mf(ā-)n. without a nose, noseless  |
विनिहितमनस् | mfn. one who has the mind fixed upon, intent upon, devoted to  |
विप्रमनस् | mfn. dejected, low-spirited (Bombay edition nātipramanaso-for te vipr-; see nātipr-).  |
वीरसेनसुत | m. "son of vīra-sena-", Name of nala- (the hero of several well-known poems exempli gratia, 'for example' the nalopākhyāna-, naiṣadha-, nalodaya-)  |
विरोचनसुत | m. "son of virocana-"Name of bali- (sovereign of mahābali-pura-)  |
विषण्णमनस् | mfn. equals -cetas-  |
विषयासक्तमनस् | mfn. one whose mind is devoted to the world  |
विस्मितमानस | mfn. surprised or perplexed in mind  |
विष्णुध्यानस्तोत्रादि | Name of work  |
विष्णुमानस | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
विष्णुनाममाहात्मरत्नस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
विष्णुविग्रहशंसनस्तोत्र | n. Name of work  |
विशुद्धमनस् | ( ) mfn. pure-minded  |
विष्वक्सेनसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
विश्वमनस् | mfn. (viśv/a--) perceiving everything  |
विश्वमनस् | m. Name of the author of the hymns  |
विश्वात्मनस् | ind. (knowing any one) in his whole nature, thoroughly  |
वृद्धगोनस | m. a kind of snake  |
वृत्ताध्ययनसम्पत्ति | f. welfare resulting from the above  |
व्यग्रमनस् | mfn. perplexed or bewildered in mind  |
व्याहनस्य | mf(ā-)n. extremely lewd or obscene  |
व्याहनस्य | See .  |
व्याक्षिप्तमनस् | mfn. having the mind or heart carried away or captivated or distracted. ( )  |
व्याकुलमनस् | mfn. (equals -citta-)  |
व्याकुलमानस | mfn. (equals -citta-)  |
व्याकुलितमनस् | mfn. agitated or perplexed in mind, alarmed, bewildered, frightened.  |
व्यञ्जनसंधि | m. (in gram.) the junction of consonants ,  |
व्यञ्जनसंगम | m. a collection or group of consonants  |
व्यञ्जनसंनिपात | m. a falling together or conjunction of consonants  |
व्यञ्जनस्थाने | ind. in the place of sauce or seasoning  |
व्यपोहनस्तोत्र | n. Name of a stotra- (prob. equals vyapoha-stava-).  |
व्यसनसंस्त्कित | mfn. one who indulges in any whim or favourite fancy  |
व्यासपुजनसंहिता | f. Name of work  |
व्येनस् | mfn. guiltless  |
यज्ञमनस् | mfn. intent on sacrifice  |
यज्ञवनस् | (yajñ/a--) mfn. loving sacrifice  |
यामुनस्तुतिटीका | f. Name of work  |
यानस्वामिन् | m. the owner of a vehicle  |
यतमानस | mfn. equals -cetas-  |
यथामनसम् | ind. to the heart's content  |
यतिवन्दनसमर्थन | n. Name of work  |
यौनसम्बन्ध | m. relationship by marriage, affinity  |
यौवनस्थ | mfn. being in the (bloom of) youth, arrived at puberty, marriageable  |
यौवनसुख | n. the joys of youth or of love  |
यवनसार | m. Name of work  |
यवनसेन | m. Name of a man  |
योगानुशासनसूत्र | n. Name of work  |
योगानुशासनसुत्रवृत्ति | f. Name of work  |
योगरत्नसमुच्चय | m. Name of work  |
युद्धरत्नस्वर | m. Name of work  |
युगप्रधानस्वरूप | n.  |
युक्तमनस् | (yukt/a--) mfn. fixing the mind, ready-minded, attentive  |
युयुजानसप्ति | mfn. one who has yoked his horses (in dual number applied to the aśvin-s)  |