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Grammar Search
"nara" has 1 results
nara: masculine vocative singular stem: nara
Amarakosha Search
10 results
agniḥMasculineSingularjvalanaḥ, barhiḥ, śociṣkeśaḥ, bṛhadbhānuḥ, analaḥ, śikhāvān, hutabhuk, saptārciḥ, citrabhānuḥ, appittam, vaiśvānara, dhanañjayaḥ, jātavedāḥ, śuṣmā, uṣarbudhaḥ, kṛśānuḥ, rohitāśvaḥ, āśuśukṣaṇiḥ, dahanaḥ, damunāḥ, vibhāvasuḥ, vahniḥ, kṛpīṭayoniḥ, tanūnapāt, kṛṣṇavartmā, āśrayāśaḥ, pāvakaḥ, vāyusakhaḥ, hiraṇyaretāḥ, havyavāhanaḥ, śukraḥ, śuciḥ, vītihotraḥfire god
āpaḥ1.10.3-4FemininePluralsalilam, payaḥ, jīvanam, kabandham, puṣkaram, arṇaḥ, nīram, śambaram, vāḥ, kamalam, kīlālam, bhuvanam, udakam, sarvatomukham, toyaḥ, kṣīram, meghapuṣpam, vāri, jalam, amṛtam, vanam, pāthaḥ, ambhaḥ, pānīyam, ambu, ghanarasaḥwater
bālaḥ3.3.213MasculineSingularpatiḥ, śākhī, nara
kapiḥ2.5.4MasculineSingularśākhāmṛgaḥ, valīmukhaḥ, markaṭaḥ, nara, plavaṅgaḥ, kīśaḥ, plavagaḥ, vanaukāḥ
kuberaḥ1.1.68-69MasculineSingularekapiṅgaḥ, paulastyaḥ, dhanādhipaḥ, manuṣyadharmā, tryambakasakhaḥ, śrīdaḥ, yakṣaḥ, vaiśravaṇaḥ, rājarājaḥ, guhyakeśvaraḥ, aiḍaviḍaḥ, naravāhanaḥ, kinnareśaḥ, dhanadaḥ, yakṣarāṭ, puṇyajaneśvaraḥkuber
manuṣyaḥ2.6.1MasculineSingularmānuṣaḥ, martyaḥ, manujaḥ, mānavaḥ, nara
narakabhedāḥ1.9.1MasculinePluraldifferent types of hell
nārakaḥMasculineSingularnarakaḥ, nirayaḥ, durgatiḥhell
puruṣaḥ2.6.1MasculineSingularpañcajanaḥ, pūruṣaḥ, nara, pumān
viṣṇuḥ1.1.18-21MasculineSingularadhokṣajaḥ, vidhuḥ, yajñapuruṣaḥ, viśvarūpaḥ, vaikuṇṭhaḥ, hṛṣīkeśaḥ, svabhūḥ, govindaḥ, acyutaḥ, janārdanaḥ, cakrapāṇiḥ, madhuripuḥ, devakīnandanaḥ, puruṣottamaḥ, kaṃsārātiḥ, kaiṭabhajit, purāṇapuruṣaḥ, jalaśāyī, muramardanaḥ, kṛṣṇaḥ, dāmodaraḥ, mādhavaḥ, puṇḍarīkākṣaḥ, pītāmbaraḥ, viśvaksenaḥ, indrāvarajaḥ, padmanābhaḥ, trivikramaḥ, śrīpatiḥ, balidhvaṃsī, viśvambharaḥ, śrīvatsalāñchanaḥ, narakāntakaḥ, mukundaḥ, nārāyaṇaḥ, viṣṭaraśravāḥ, keśavaḥ, daityāriḥ, garuḍadhvajaḥ, śārṅgī, upendraḥ, caturbhujaḥ, vāsudevaḥ, śauriḥ, vanamālī(45)vishnu, the god
Monier-Williams Search
421 results for nara
naram. (see nṛ-) a man, a male, a person (plural men, people) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. husband View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. hero View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. a man or piece at chess or draughts etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. the pin or gnomon of a sun-dial (see -yantra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram.person, personal termination on (see puruṣa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. the primeval Man or eternal Spirit pervading the universe (always associated with nārāyaṇa-,"son of the primeval man";both are considered either as gods or sages and accordingly called devau-, ṛṣī-, tāpasau-etc.;in Epic poetry they are the son, of dharma- by mūrti- or a-hiṃsā- and emanations of viṣṇu-, arjuna- being identified with nara-, and kṛṣṇa- with nārāyaṇa-) (see -sūnu-)
naram. (plural) a class of mythology beings allied to the gandharva-s and kiṃ-nara-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. Name of a son of manu- tāmasa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. of a son of viśvāmitra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. of a son of gaya- and father of virāj- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. of a son of su-dhṛti- and father of kevala- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. of a son of bhavan-manyu- (manyu-) and father of saṃkṛti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. of bhāradvāja- (author of ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. of 2 kings of kaśmīra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. of one of the 10 horses of the Moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naran. a kind of fragrant grass. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narabalim. a human sacrifice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narabhū f. "land of men", Name of bhārata-varṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narabhujmfn. man-eating, cannibal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narabhūmif. "land of men", Name of bhārata-varṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narabrahmadevam. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naracandram. Name of a jaina- writer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naracihnan. "murdered-sign", moustaches View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradaSee narada-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradam. Name of a Brahman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradam. or n. (prob.) equals n/alada- gaRa kiśarādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradantam. a man's tooth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradattam. Name of a Brahman (nephew of the ṛṣi- asita-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradattāf. Name of a goddess executing the commands of the 20th arhat- of present ava-sarpiṇī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradattāf. of one of the 16 vidyā-devī-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradevam. "man-god", a king etc. ( naradevatva -tva- n. ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradevam. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradevadevam. god among kings, supreme sovereign View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradevaputram. the son of a man and a god View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradevatvan. naradeva
naradikamfn. dealing in the substance called narada- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradurācaramfn. difficult (for men) to perform, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradviṣm. "man-hater", a rakṣas- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naragaṇapativijayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naragrāham. "murdered-crocodile", Name of a kind of kirāta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraharim. Name of viṣṇu- as"man-lion" (see -siṃha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraharim. of several authors (also -tīrtha-, -bhaṭṭa-, -śāstrin-, -sūri-; ry-upādhyāya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraharim. of another man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraharidevam. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narahaya varia lectio for nāra-h-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narajaṅgalan. moustache's flesh View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakamn. (; nar/aka- ) hell, place of torment etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakamn. (distinguished from pātāla- q.v;personified as a son of anṛta- and nirṛti- or nirkṛti- ;there are many different hells, generally 21 etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakam. Name of a demon (son of viṣṇu- and bhūmi- or the Earth, and therefore called bhauma-, haunting prāg-jyotiṣa- and slain by kṛṣṇa-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakam. of a son of vipra-citti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakam. equals deva-rātriprabheda- (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakamn. Name of a place of pilgrimage (varia lectio anaraka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakabhūmif. a division of hell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakadevatāf. "the deity of hell", Name of nirṛti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakajitm. "vanquisher of the demon nirkṛti-", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakākam. a crow-like man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakakuṇḍan. a pit in hell for tormenting the wicked (86 in number) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakāmayam. equals preta-, the soul after death, a ghost View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakankasm. equals vāsa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakāntakam. "destroyer of the demon naraka-"Name of kṛṣṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakapālan. a man's skull View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakapātam. the falling into hell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakārim. equals ka-ripu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakaripum. "foe of naraka-", Name of kṛṣṇa-, veṇ-. (see -jit-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakārṇavam. an inhabitant of hell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakarūpinmfn. "hell-formed", hellish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakasthamfn. living or being in hell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakasthāf. the river of hell vaitaraṇi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakāsuradhvaṃsam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakāsuravijayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakāsuravyāyogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakasvargaprāptiprakāravarṇanan. "description of the mode of obtaining heaven and hell", Name of chapter of the māghamāhātmya-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakatiryaksaṃśodhanan. a particular samādhi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakavargam. "hell-chapter", Name of chapter of amara-siṃha-'s liṅgānuśāsana-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakavarṇanan. "description of hell", Name of chapter of the revā-māhātmya-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakavāsam. abode in hell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakāvāsam. the hellish sea View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakavedanāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakāyaNom. A1. yate-, to resemble or be similar to hell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakesarinm. "murdered-lion", viṣṇu- in his 4th avatāra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakīlakam. a man who has murdered his preceptor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narakottaraṇan. Name of a stotra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naralokam. "men's world", the earth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naralokam. mortals, men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naralokapālam. equals nara-pa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naralokavīram. a human hero View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naramālāf. a string or girdle of human skulls View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naramālinīf. wrong reading for -māninī-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naramāṃsan. man's flesh View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naramānikā f. a man-like woman, a woman with a beard View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naramāninīf. a man-like woman, a woman with a beard View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraṃdhiṣam. (nar/aṃ--) "watching or heeding men (?)", Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraṃdhiṣam. of pūṣan- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naramedham. equals -bali- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narammanyamfn. thinking one's self a man, passing for a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naramohinīf. Name of a surāṅganā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naramūrchanan. Name of chapter of the View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naranagaran. Name of a town View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naranāmanm. a kind of tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naranārāyaṇam. Name of kṛṣṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naranārāyaṇam. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naranārāyaṇam. dual number nara- and nārāyaṇa- (See above) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naranārāyaṇānandakāvyan. Name of a poem View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naranārīvilakṣaṇāf. "having the signs of man and woman", a hermaphrodite View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naranātham. "man-protector", a king etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naranāthamārgam. "king's road", high street View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naranāthāsanan. throne or dignity of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naranāyakam. "man-leader", king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraṅga wrong reading for narāṅga- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapam. "man-protector", a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapālam. equals -pa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapālinīf. equals -māninī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapaśum. "man-beast", a brute in human form View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapaśum. a man as sacrificial victim View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapatim. "man-lord", a king etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapatim. Name of one of the 4 mythology kings of jambu-dvīpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapatim. of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapatijayacaryāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapatijayacaryāsāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapatijayasūram. Name (also title or epithet) of a king, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapatipatham. equals -nātha-mārga- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapativijayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapriyamfn. favourable to mankind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapriyam. Name of a tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapuṃgavam. "man-bull", an excellent hero View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapūtanāśāntif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nararājam. "king of man", a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nararājyan. kingship, royalty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nararatha wrong reading for nava-r-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nararṣabam. (ra-+ ṛṣ-) "man-bull", a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nararūpan. human form View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nararūpamf(ī-)n. man-like (also pin-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasakham. " nara-'s friend", Name of nārāyaṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasaṃghārāmam. Name of a Buddhist monastery. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasaṃsargam. intercourse of men, human society View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasaṃvādasundaram. or n. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasāram. sal ammoniac View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasarājīyan. Name of a poem. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraśārdūlam. "man-tiger", an eminent or illustrious man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃham. "man-lion", great warrior View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃham. Name of viṣṇu- in his 4th ava-tāra- (when he was half man half lion) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃham. Name of the father of king bhairava- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃham. of several princes and authors (also -kavi-, -kavi-rāja-, -ṭhakkura-, -dīkṣita-, -deva-, -paṇḍita-, -bhaṭṭa-, -miśra-, -muni-, -yati-, -yatīndra-, -rāja-, -vājapeyin-(or gnicid-vāj-), -śāstrin-, -sarasvatī-, -sūri-, -sena-, n/arasiṃhācārya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhabhāratīvilāsam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhabhaṭṭīyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhabhujaṃgam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhabhūpālacaritran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhacūrṇan. Name of a particular aphrodisiac View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhadvādaśīf. Name of the 12th day in the light half of the month phālguna- ( narasiṃhadvādaśīvrata śī-vrata- n.a ceremony then performed, Name of work) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhadvādaśīvratan. narasiṃhadvādaśī
narasiṃhakalpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhanakhastotran. Name of stotra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhapañcaratnan. Name of stotra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhapārijātam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhapurāṇan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃharājīyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃharṣabhakṣetramāhātmyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhasahasranāmann. plural Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhaśāstriprakāśikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhastutif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhavarmanm. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃhayantran. Name of a mystic. diagram View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraskandham. a multitude of men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraśreṣṭham. the best of men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraśṛṅgan. equals -viṣāṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naratroṭakācāryam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naratvan. manhood, humanity, human condition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravāhanam. "borne or drawn by men", Name of kubera- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravāhanam. of a prince (successor of śāli-vāhana-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravāhanam. of a prince of the dārvābhisāra-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravāhanam. of a minister of king kṣema-gupta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravāhanadattam. Name of a son of king udayana- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravāhanadattacaritamayamf(ī-)n. containing the adventures of prince naravāhana-datta-
naravāhanadattīyamfn. relating to him View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravāhanajananan. Name of chapter of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravāhinmfn. drawn or carried by men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravaram. an excellent man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravaravṛṣabham. an excellent hero (like a bull) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravarmanm. Name of a prince of mālava- in the 12th century View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravarmanṛpatikathāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravarottamam. the best of excellent men idem or 'm. an excellent hero (like a bull)' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravatind. like a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravīram. an heroic or excellent man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravīralokam. the bravest of men or mankind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraviṣāṇan. "man's horn" id est anything nonexistent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraviṣvaṇam. "man-devourer", a rakṣas- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravṛttāṣṭakan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravyāghram. equals next View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravyāghram. plural Name of a mythology people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narayāṇa n. a carriage drawn by men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narayānan. a carriage drawn by men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narayantran. "gnomon-instrument", a sun-dial View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhidhānaratnamālāf. Name of halāyudha-'s vocabulary. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adṛṣṭanara m. a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahīnaram. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahīnaraSee ah/ī- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /ahi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ajinaratnan. a lucky-bag, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anaraṇyam. Name of a king of ayodhyā-, said by some to have been pṛthu-'s father. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
annarakṣāf. caution in eating food. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
annarasam. essence of food, chyle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
annarasam. meat and drink, nutriment, taste in distinguishing food. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apunaranvayamfn. not returning, dead. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ardhanārīnaravapusmfn. having a body half man and half woman (said of rudra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atuhinaraśmi m. "having not cold light", the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
auśīnaramf(ī-)n. belonging to the uśīnara-s etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyudhāgāranaram. governor of an arsenal
bahīnaram. (also written vah-) Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahuphenaraf. equals saptalā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāhyatonaram. plural ,"external men", Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bandhanarajjuf. a rope or string for tying View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
candanarasam. sandal-water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanarakṣam. keeping money, not spending it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanarakṣakam. Name of kubera- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dinaratnan. equals -maṇi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dīpadānaratnan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divigamanaratnan. "star-jewel", the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
drumakiṃnaraprabham. Name of a prince of the gandharva-s. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
drumakiṃnararājam. druma-, prince of the kiṃ-nara-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
drumakiṃnararājaparipricchāf. "the questioning of druma- etc.", Name of a Buddhist work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ḍūlūvaiśvānaran. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duryodhanarakṣābandhanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duṣṭavānaram. a vicious monkey View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvādaśamāsadeyadānaratnākaram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghanarasamn. "thick juice", extract, decoction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghanarasamn. camphor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghanarasamn. "thick-sapped", the plant moraṭa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghanarasamn. the plant pīlu-parṇī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghanarasamn. "cloud-fluid", water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghanaravam. "the roaring of clouds" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghanaravam. "crying after the clouds" equals -tola- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhanarakam. a hell of a house View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gulmakālānanarasam. (in med.) a kind of mixture. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastivānaramfn. (a battle) in which elephants and monkeys take or took part View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hāyanaratnan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hṛdayanarapatim. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jalanaram. "water-man" idem or 'm. an otter ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janarañjanamfn. gratifying men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janarañjanan. gratification of people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janarañjanīf. Name of a prayer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janaravam. equals -pravāda-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jinarakṣitam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jinaratnam. Name of a Jain sūri- (died A.D, 1655). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jñānaratnāvalīf. "knowledge-necklace", Name of a treatise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaiṃnaramfn. coming from kiṃnara- gaRa takṣaśilādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kālanaram. Name of a son of sabhā-nara- (a son of anu-) (see kālānala-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kālanaram. "a time-man" id est (in astrology) the figure of a man's body on the various limbs of which the twelve signs of the zodiac are distributed for the purpose of foretelling future destinies commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kālānaraSee kālānala-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karenaram. benzoin, storax View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khaṇḍanaratan. skilful in cutting or destroying, destructive View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khañjanaratan. the secret pleasures of the yati-s, cohabitation of saints View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṃnaraetc. See k/im-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṃnaram. "what sort of man?"a mythical being with a human figure and the head of a horse (or with a horse's body and the head of a man ;originally perhaps a kind of monkey see -nara-;in later times (like the nara-s) reckoned among the gandharva-s or celestial choristers, and celebrated as musicians;also attached to the service of kubera-;(with Jains) one of the eight orders of the vyantara-s) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṃnaram. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṃnaram. of nara- (a son of vibhīṣaṇa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṃnaram. of the attendant of the fifteenth arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṃnaram. Name of a locality gaRa takṣaśilādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṃnarakaṇṭhamfn. singing like a kiṃnara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṃnaranagaran. a town of the kiṃnara-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṃnarapatim. "the lord of the kiṃnara-s", Name of kubera- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṃnaravarṣam. a division of the earth (said to be north of the himālaya- mountains) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
koṇanaram. equals -śaṅku- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛṣṇavānaram. a black kind of monkey View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kumbhinarakam. Name of a hell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kunannamanarakaetc. See View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kunarakam. a bad hell. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lakṣmīnarasiṃham. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lakṣmīnarasiṃham. of various authors View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lavaṇadānaratnan. Name of several works. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madanaratnan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madanaratnanighaṇṭum. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madanaratnapradīpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhumuranarakavināśanam. "destroyer of (the daitya-s) madhu-, mura- and naraka-", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahānarakam. Name of a hell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāvaiśvānaravratan. Name of two sāman-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
malavānaram. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
malayadhvajanarapatim. a king of Malaya View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narandhrā f. a kind of water-clock or clepsydra View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narandhrīf. a kind of water-clock or clepsydra View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manarañjanamf(ī-)n. delighting the mind of (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naratham. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. a kind of sea-monster (equals makara-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraṅgam. a kingfisher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraṅka m. a kingfisher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naratham. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muktāratnaraśmimayamfn. consisting of Pubescens -rays View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nīlavānaram. a species of blue monkey View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirnaramfn. abandoned by men, deserted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirvānaramfn. free from monkeys View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nonaratham. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naratamfn. equals -para- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāṇḍusūdanarasam. a particular preparation made of quicksilver
paphakanarakam. plural the descendants of paphaka- and naraka- gaRa tika-kitavādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parṇanaram. "man of leaves", an effigy stuffed with leaves or made of leaves and burnt as a substitute for a lost corpse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pavanaraṃhasmfn. swift as wind, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naramfn. gaRa aśmādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prācīnaraśmi(prāc/īna--) mfn. having reins directed forward View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pradyumnarahasyan. " pradyumna-'s secret"Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prasannarasamfn. clear-juiced View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praśnarahasyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praśnaratnan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praśnaratnāṅkuram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praśnaratnasāgaram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praśnaratnāvalīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prasthānaratnākaram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyabhijñānaratnan. a jewel (given as token) of recognition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyekanarakam. a particular hell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pretanaram. a dead man, a ghost View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
punarabhidhānan. mentioning again View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
punarabhiṣekam. anointing again View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
punarabhyāghāramind. (prob.) wrong reading for prec. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
punarabhyākāramind. drawing near repeatedly to one's self View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
punarabhyāvartamind. while repeating, under repetition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
punarabhyunnītamfn. poured upon again View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
punarapagamam. going away again (a-, punar-ap-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
punararthinmfn. requesting again View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
punararthitāf. repeated request View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
punarasumfn. breathing or coming to life again View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rāmārcanaratnākaram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rathīnara wrong reading for rathī-tara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratnarakṣitam. Name of a scholar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratnaratnan. the pearl of pearls View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rāyanarasiṃhapaṇḍitam. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śābdikanarasiṃham. Name of a grammarian View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sabhānaram. Name of a son of kakṣeyu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sabhānaram. of a son of anu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śacīnaram. Name of a king of kāśmīra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sajjanarañjinīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śakrābhilagnaratnan. a particular gem View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śakunaratnāvalīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanaram. equals -śaṅku- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sanaramfn. (s/a--) together with men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sanaradvipamfn. accompanied by men and elephants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarpirdānaratnan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvanaram. every man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauryavaiśvānaramf(ī-)n. (fr. sūrya-vaiśvānara-) addressed to the sun and vaiśvānara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śayanaracanan. the preparation of a bed or couch (one of the 64 arts) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhanaram. a sorcerer, fortune-teller View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śikṣānaramfn. helping men or liberal towards men (equals dānasya netā-, ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siṃhāsanaraṇam. n. a strife or struggle for the throne View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śivārcanaratnan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sopānaracanāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sthānarakṣakam. equals sthāna-pāla- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naramf(ī-)n. (for su-nara- see sundara-) glad, joyous, merry View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naramf(ī-)n. delightful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryavaiśvānaraSee sauryav-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvanaram. a dog-like fellow, low feeder, currish or snappish feeder View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svarganarakan. plural the heaven and hells View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvasanarandhran. "breath-hole", a nostril View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tuhinaraśmim. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. equals -kara- ' ' ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udyānarakṣakam. a gardener. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ujjvalanarasiṃham. Name of a tīrtha- . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upanaram. Name of a nāga- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uśīnaram. plural (Comm. on ), Name of an ancient people in Central India etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uśīnaram. a king of that people etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uśīnaragirim. Name of a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uṣṇanarakam. a hot hell (said to be 8 in number), . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vacanaracanāf. skilful arrangement of speech, eloquence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vahīnaraSee bahīnara-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaidyanarasiṃhasenam. Name of a scholiast View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vairocanaraśmipratimaṇḍitam. Name of a world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaramf(ī-)n. (fr. viśvā-nara-) relating or belonging to all men, omnipresent, known or worshipped, everywhere, universal, general, common etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaramf(ī-)n. consisting of all men, full in number, complete View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaramf(ī-)n. relating or belonging to the gods collectively View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaramf(ī-)n. all-commanding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaramf(ī-)n. relating or sacred to agni- vaiśvānara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaramf(ī-)n. composed by viśvānara- or vaiśvānara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaram. Name of agni- or Fire etc. etc. (agni- vaiśvānara- is regarded as the author of x, ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaram. a particular agni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaram. the fire of digestion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaram. the sun, sunlight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaram. (in the vedānta-) Name of the Supreme Spirit or Intellect when located in a supposed collective aggregate of gross bodies (= virāj-, prajā-pati-, puruṣa-) , vedānta-s. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaram. Name of a daitya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaram. of various men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaram. (plural) of a family of ṛṣi-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaram. a particular sacrifice performed at the beginning of every year View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaran. men collectively, mankind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaran. Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaradattam. Name of a Brahman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānarajyeṣṭhamfn. having vedānta-s for the first View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānarajyotiśmfn. having vedānta-s's light View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānarakṣāram. a particular mixture View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaramukhamfn. having vedānta-s for a mouth (said of śiva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānarapatham. Name of a particular division of the moon's path (see above) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānarapathikṛśasthālīpākaprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānarapathikṛtapūrvakadarśasthālīpākaprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaravatmfn. attended or connected with fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvānaravidyāf. Name of an upaniṣad-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vanaram. equals vānara-, an ape View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. (prob. fr. vanar-,p.918)"forest-animal" , a monkey, ape (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nara according to to some for vana-- nara-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. a kind of incense, Olibanum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naram. (with ācārya-) Name of a writer on medicine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naramf(ī-)n. belonging to an ape or monkey, monkey-like etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradhvajam. equals -ketana- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraketanam. "monkey-bannered", Name of arjuna- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraketum. the monkey-banner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naraketum. equals prec. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vanarakṣakam. a forest-keeper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vanarakṣakāf. Name of a woman, vṛṣabha-.n. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narapriyam. "dear to monkey", the tree Mimusops Kauki View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nararājam. "monkey-king", a strong or excellent monkey View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naravīramāhātmyan. Name of a chapter of the View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāstunaram. the archetype or ideal pattern of a house personified as a deity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vastuvijñānaratnakośam. Name of a dictionary (equals ratna-kośa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vātāyanarajasn. a particular measure of magnitude (= 7 truṭi-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhānarahasyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhānaratnan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidhānaratnamālāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśadanarakarankāyaNom. A1. (yate-), to resemble a white human skull View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvanaramfn. equals viśve narā yasya saḥ- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvānaramfn. (viśv/ā--) relating to or existing among or dear to all men (applied to savitṛ-, indra- etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvānaramfn. Name of a man, bidādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvānaramfn. of the father of agni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvānaramfn. equals vallabhācārya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vraṇaghnaratnadānavidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛndāvanarahasyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyākhyānaratnāvalīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyasanarakṣinmfn. preserving from calamity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yavīnaram. Name of a son of ajamīḍha- () or of dvi-mīḍha- () or of bharmyāśva- () or of vāhyāśva- () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
14 results
nara नरः [नॄ-नये-अच्] 1 A man, male person; संयोजयति विद्यैव नीचगापि नरं सरित् । समुद्रमिव दुर्धर्षं नृपं भाग्यमतः परम् ॥ H. Pr.5; Ms.1.96;2.213. -2 A man or piece at chess. -3 The pin of a sun-dial. -4 The Supreme Spirit, the original or eternal man. -5 Man's length (= पुरुष. q. v.). -6 N. of a primitive sage. -7 N. of Arjuna; see नरनारायण below. -8 A horse. -9 (In gram.) A personal termination. -1 The individual soul (जीवात्मा); Mb.12.28.5. -Comp. -अङ्गः 1 the penis. -2 eruption on the face. -अधमः a wretch, miscreant. -अधिपः, अधिपतिः, -ईशः, -ईश्वरः, -देवः, -पतिः, -पालः a king; नरपतिहितकर्ता द्वेष्यतां याति लोके Pt. नराणां च नराधिपम् Bg.1.27; Ms.7.13; R.2.75;3.42;7.62; Me.39; Y.1.311. -अन्तकः death. -अयनः an epithet of Viṣṇu. नराणामयनं यस्मात् तेन नारायणः स्मृतः Brav.P. -अशः a demon, goblin. -आधारः N. of Śiva. (-रा) the earth. -इतरः 1 a being higher than a man, a god; Bhāg.4.6.9. -2 an animal. -इन्द्रः 1 a king; R.2.18. नरेन्द्रकन्यास्तमवाप्य सत्पतिं तमोनुदं दक्षसुता इवाबभुः 3.33;6.8; Ms.9.253. -2 a physician, dealer in antidotes, curer of poisons; तेषु कश्चि- न्नरेन्द्राभिमानी तां निर्वर्ण्य Dk.51; सुनिग्रहा नरेन्द्रेण फणीन्द्रा इव शत्रवः Śi.2.88. (where the word is used in both senses). ˚मार्गः a high street, main road. -3 a mineralogist; L. D. B. -उत्तमः 1 an epithet of Viṣṇu. -2 of Buddha. -ऋषभः 'the chief of men', a prince, king. -कपालः a man's skull. -कीलकः the murderer of a spiritual preceptor. -केश(स)रिन् m. 1 Viṣṇu in his fourth incarnation; cf. नरसिंह below. -2 the chief of men. -चिह्नम् the moustaches. -देवः 1 the warrior class (क्षत्रिय); शिष्ट्वा वा भूमि- देवानां नरदेवसमागमे Ms.11.82. -2 a king. -धिः the world. -द्विष् m. a demon, goblin; तेन मूर्धानमध्वंसन्नरद्विषः Bk.15. 94. -नारायणः N. of Kṛiṣṇa. (-णौ dual) originally regarded as identical, but in mythology and epic poetry, considered as distinct beings, Arjuna being identified with Nara and Kṛiṣṇa with Nārāyaṇa. [In some places they are called देवौ, पूर्वदेवौ, ऋषी or ऋषिसत्तमौ. They are said to have been practising very austere penance on the Himālaya, which excited the fear of Indra, and he sent down several damsels to disturb their austerities. But Nārāyaṇa put all of them to shame by creating a nymph called Urvaśī from a flower placed on his thigh who excelled them in beauty; cf. स्थाने खलु नारायणमृषिं विलोभयन्त्यस्तदूरुसंभवामिमां दृष्ट्वा व्रीडिताः सर्वा अप्सरस इति V.1.] -पशुः 'a beast-like man', a beast in human form. -पुङ्गवः 'best of men', an excellent man; शैब्यश्च नरपुङ्गवः Bg.1.5. -बलिः a human sacrifice. -भुज् a. man-eating, cannibal. -भूः f. the Bharatavarṣa, i. e. India. -मानिका, मानिनी, -मालिनी 'manlike woman', a woman with a beard, masculine woman or an amazon. -माला a girdle of skulls. -मेधः a human sacrifice. -यन्त्रम् sun-dial. -यानम्, -रथः, -वाहनम् a vehicle drawn by men, a palanquin; नरयानादवातीर्य Parṇāl.4.17; Bhāg.1.59.37. -लोकः 1 'the world of men', the earth, terrestrial world. -2 mankind. -वाहनः an epithet of Kubera; विजयदुन्दुभितां ययुरर्णवा घनरवा नर- वाहनसंपदः R.9.11. -विष्वणः a demon, goblin. -वीरः a brave man, hero. -व्याघ्रः, -शार्दूलः an eminent man. -शृङ्गम् 'man's horn', an impossibility, a chimera, non-entity. -संसर्गः human society. -सखः an epithet of Nārayaṇa; ऊरूद्भवा नरसखस्य मुनेः सुरस्त्री V.1.3. -सिंहः, -हरिः 'man-lion', Viṣṇu in his fourth incarnation; cf. तव करकमलवरे नखमद्भुतशृङ्गं दलितहिरण्यकशिपुतनुभृङ्गम् । केशव धृत- नरहरिरूप जय जगदीश हरे ॥ Gīt.1. -सिंहद्वादशी the 12th day in the light half of फाल्गुन. -स्कन्धः a multitude or body of men. -हयम् a fight or enmity between man and horse.
narakaḥ नरकः कम् 1 Hell, infernal regions (corresponding to the realm of Pluto; there are said to be 21 different parts of these regions where different kinds of tortures are inflicted upon sinners तामिस्र, अन्धतामिस्र, महारौरव, रौरव, नरक, कालसूत्र, महानरक, संजीवन, माहवीचि, तपन, संप्रतापन, संहात, काकोल, कुड्मल, प्रतिमूर्तिक, लोहशङ्कु, ऋजीष, पन्था, शाल्मली, असितपत्रवन, लोहदारक are the 21 Narakas; cf. Ms.4. 88-9). -2 A liquor-vessel; नरकं मद्यभाजने Nm. -कः N. of a demon, king of Prāgjyotiṣa. [According to one account he carried off Aditi's ear-rings and Kṛiṣna at the request of the gods killed him in a single combat and recovered the jewels. According to another account, Naraka assumed the form of an elephant and carried off the daughter of Viśvakarman and outraged her. He also seized the daughters of Gandharvas, gods, men and the nymphs themselves, and collected more than 16 damsels in his harem. These, it is related, were transferred by Kṛiṣṇa to his own harem after he had slain Naraka. The demon was born of earth, and hence called 'Bhauma'] -Comp. -अन्तकः, -अरिः, -जित्, -रिपुः m. epithets of Kṛiṣṇa; नरकरिपुणा सार्धं तेषां सभीमकिरीटिनाम् Ve.3.24. -आमयः 1 the soul after death. -2 a ghost, spirit. -आवासः an inhabitant of hell. -कुण्डम् a pit in hell where the wicked are tormented (86 such places are enumerated). -देवता 'the deity of hell', Nirṛiti (निर्ऋति). -रूपिन् a. hellish. -वासः the abode in hell. -स्या the Vaitariṇī river.
narakāyate नरकायते Den. Ā. To resemble a hell.
naraṃdhiḥ नरंधिः Worldly life or existence.
naraṃdhiṣaḥ नरंधिषः N. of Viṣṇu.
anaraṇyaḥ अनरण्यः N. of a king of the solar race, a descendant of Ikṣvāku and king of Ayodhyā, who was overthrown by Rāvaṇa.
auśīnara औशीनरः [उशीनरस्यापत्यं अङ्] The son of Uśīnara. -री N. of the wife of king Pururavas.
kinnara किन्नर See under किम्. 1 किम् ind. Used for कु only at the beginning of comp. to convey the senses of 'badness', 'deterioration', 'defect', 'blame' or 'censure'; e. g. किंसखा a bad friend; किन्नरः a bad or deformed man &c.; see comp. below. -Comp. -ज a. born somewhere (not in a noble family) मन्ये किंजमहं घ्नन्तं त्वामक्षत्रियजे रणे Bk.6.133. -दासः a bad slave, or servant. -नरः a bad or deformed man; a mythical being with a human figure and the head of a horse (अश्वमुख); चयोदाहरणं बाह्वोर्गापयामास किन्नरान् R.4.78; उद्गास्य- तामिच्छति किन्नराणां तानप्रदायित्वमिवोपगन्तुम् Ku.1.8. ˚ईशः, ˚ईश्वरः 1 an epithet of Kubera. -2 a kind of musical instrument. (-री f.) 1 a female Kinnara; Me.58. -2 a kind of lute. -पुरुषः 'a low or despicable man', a mythical being with a human head and the form of a horse; Ku.1.14; किंपुरुषाणां हनुमान् Bhāg.11.16.29. ˚ईश्वरः an epithet of Kubera. -प्रभुः a bad master or king; हितान्न यः संशृणुते स किंप्रभुः Ki.1.5. -राजन् a. having a bad king. (-m.) a bad king. -विवक्षा Slandering; Rām.5. -सखि m. (nom. sing. किंसखा) a bad friend; स किंसखा साधु न शास्ति यो$धिपम् Ki.1.5. 2 किम् pron. a. (nom. sing. कः m., का f., किम् n.) 1 Who, what, which used interrogatively); प्रजासु कः केन पथा प्रयातीत्यशेषतो वेदितुमस्ति शक्तिः Ś.6.26; करुणाविमुखेन मृत्युना हरता त्वां वद किं न मे हृतम् R.8.67; का खल्वनेन प्रार्थ्यमानात्मना विकत्थते V.2; कः को$त्र भोः. कः कौ के कं कौ कान् हसति च हसतो हसन्ति हरणाक्ष्यः Udb. The pronoun is often used to imply 'power or authority to do a thing'; i. e. के आवां परित्रातुं दुष्यन्तमाक्रन्द Ś.1; 'who are we &c.', i. e. what power have we &c.; नृपसद्मनि नाम के वयम् Bh.3.27; who are we, i. e. what position have we &c. Sometimes किम् means 'long' as applied to time especially in combination with खलु or अपि or इव; का खलु वेला पत्रभवत्याः प्राप्तायाः Ve.1; 'what a time' i. e. a long time has elapsed, &c.; so को$पि कालस्तस्या आगत्य गतायाः Ratn 3; or क इव कालः Māl.3. -2 The neuter (किम्) is frequently used with instr. of nouns in the sense of 'what is the use of'; किं स्वामिचेष्टानिरूपणेन H.1; लोभश्चेदगुणेन किम् &c. Bh.2.55; किं तया दृष्ट्या Ś.3; किं कुलेनोपदिष्टेन शीलमेवात्र कारणम् Mk.9.7. अपि, चित्, चन, चिदपि or स्वित् are often added to किम् to give it an indefinite sense; विवेश कश्चिज्जटिलस्तपोवनम् Ku.5.3. a certain ascetic; दमघोषसुतेन कश्चन प्रतिशिष्टः प्रतिभानवानथ Śi.16.1; कश्चित्कान्ताविरहगुरुणा स्वाधिकारात्प्रमत्तः Me.1. &c.; का$पि तत एवागतवती Māl.1; a certain lady; कस्या$पि को$पिति निवेदितं च 1.33; किमपि, किमपि ... जल्पतोरक्रमेण U.1.27; कस्मिंश्चिदपि महाभागधेयजन्मनि मन्मथ- विकारमुपलक्षितवानस्मि Māl.1; किमपि, किंचित् 'a little', वस्तु- सिद्धिर्विचारेण न किंचित् कर्मकोटिभिः Vivekachūdamaṇi; 'somewhat' Y.2.116; U.6.35. किमपि also means 'indeseribable'; see अपि. इव is sometimes added to किम् in the sense of 'possibly', 'I should like to know'; (mostly adding force and elegance to the period); विना सीतादेव्या किमिव हि न दुःखं रघुपतेः U.6.3; किमिच हि मधुराणां मण्डनं नाकृतीनाम् Ś.1.2; see इव also. -ind. 1 A particle of interrogation; जातिमात्रेण किं कश्चिद्धन्यते पूज्यते क्वचित् H.1.55 'is any one killed or worshipped' &c.; ततः किम् what then. -2 A particle meaning 'why', 'wherefore'; किमकारणमेव दर्शनं बिलपन्त्यै रतये न दीयते Ku.4.7. -3 Whether (its correlatives in the sense of 'or' being किं, उत, उताहो, आहोस्वित्, वा, किंवा, अथवा; see these words). -Comp. -अपि ind. 1 to some extent, somewhat, to a considerable extent. -2 inexpressibly, indescribably (as to quality, quantity, nature &c.). -3 very much, by far; किमपि कमनीयं वपुरिदम् Ś.3; किमपि भीषणम्, किमपि करालम् &c. -अर्थ a. having what motive or aim; किमर्थोयं यत्नः. -अर्थम् ind. why, wherefore. -आख्य a. having what name; किमाख्यस्य राजर्षेः सा पत्नी. Ś.7. -इति ind. why, indeed, why to be sure, for what purpose (emphasizing the question); तत्किमित्युदासते भरताः Māl.1; किमित्यपास्याभरणानि यौवने धृतं त्वया वार्धकशोभि वल्कलम् Ku.5.44. -उ, -उत 1 whether-or (showing doubt or uncertainty); किमु विष- विसर्पः किमु मदः U.1.35; Amaru.12. -2 why (indeed) कं च ते परमं कामं करोमि किमु हर्षितः Rām.1.18.52. प्रियसुहृ- त्सार्थः किमु त्यज्यते. -3 how much more, how much less; यौवनं धनसंपत्तिः प्रभुत्वमविवेकिता । एकैकम यनर्थाय किमु यत्र चतुष्टयम् ॥ .II Pr.11; सर्वाविनयानामेकैकमप्येषामायतनं किमुत समवायः K.13; R.14.35; Ku.7.65. -कथिका f. A doubt or hesitation; यत्र कर्मणि क्रियमाणे किंकथिका न भवति तत्कर्तव्यम् । यत्र तु हृदयं न तुष्यति तद्वर्जनीयम् ॥ Medhātithi's gloss on Ms.4.161. -करः a servant, slave; अवेहि मां किंकरमष्टमूर्तेः R.2.35. (-रा) a female servant. (-री) the wife of a servant. -कर्तव्यता, -कार्यता any situation in which one asks oneself what should be done; यथा किंकार्यतामूढा वयस्यास्तस्य जज्ञिरे Ks.1.11. किंकर्तव्यतामूढः 'being at a loss or perplexed what to do'. -कारण a. having what reason or cause, -किल ind. what a pity (expressing displeasure or dissatisfaction न संभावयामि न मर्षयामि तत्रभवान् किंकिल वृषलं याजयिष्यति Kāshika on P.III.3.146. -कृते ind. what for ? कामस्य किंकृते पुष्पकार्मुकारोपणग्रहः Ks.71.79. -क्षण a. one who says 'what is a moment', a lazy fellow who does not value moments; H.2.89. -गोत्र a. belonging to what family; किंगोत्रो नु सोम्यासि Ch. Up.4.4.4. -च ind. moreover, and again, further. -चन ind. to a certain degree, a little; -चित् ind. to a certain degree, somewhat, a little; किंचिदुत्क्रान्तशैशवौ R.15.33, 2.46,12.21. ˚ज्ञ a. 'knowing little', a smatterer. ˚कर a. doing something useful. ˚कालः sometime, a little time. ˚प्राण a. having a little life. ˚मात्र a. only a little. -छन्दस् a. conversant with which Veda. -स्तनुः a species of spider. -तर्हि ind. how then, but, however. -तु ind. but, yet, however, nevertheless; अवैमि चैनामनघेति किंतु लोकापवादो बलवान्मतो मे R.14.43,1.65. -तुघ्नः one of the eleven periods called Karaṇa. -दवः an inferior god, demi-god; किंदेवाः किन्नराः नागाः किम्पुरुषादयः Bhāg.11.14.6. -देवत a. having what deity. -नामधेय, -नामन् a. having what name. -निमित्त a. having what cause or reason, for what purpose. -निमित्तम् ind. why, wherefore, -नु ind. 1 whether; किं नु मे मरणं श्रेयो परित्यागो जनस्य वा Nala.1.1. -2 much more, much less; अपि त्रैलोक्यराज्यस्य हेतोः किं नु महीकृते Bg.1.35. -3 what indeed; किं नु मे राज्येनार्थः -4 but, however; किं नु चित्तं मनुष्याणामनित्यमिति मे मतम् Rām.2.4.27. -नु खलु ind. 1 how possibly, how is it that, why indeed, why to be sure; किं नु खलु गीतार्थमाकर्ण्य इष्टजनविरहा- दृते$पि बलवदुत्कण्ठितो$स्मि Ś.5. -2 may it be that; किं नु खलु यथा वयमस्यामेवमियमप्यस्मान् प्रति स्यात् Ś.1. -पच, -पचान a. miserly, niggardly. -पराक्रम a. of what power or energy. -पाक a. not mature, ignorant, stupid. -कः a. medical plant, Strychnos nux vomica (Mar. कुचला); न लुब्धो बुध्यते दोषान्किंपाकमिव भक्षयन् Rām.2.66.6. -पुनर् ind. how much more, how much less; स्वयं रोपितेषु तरुषूत्पद्यते स्नेहः किं पुनरङ्गसंभवेष्वपत्येषु K.291; Me.3.17; Ve.3. -पुरुषः an inferior man, Bhāg.11.14.6. -प्रकारम् ind. in what manner. -प्रभाव a. possessing what power. -भूत a. of what sort of nature. -रूप a. of what form or shape. -वदन्ति, -न्ती f. rumour, report; स किंवदन्तीं वदतां पुरोगः (पप्रच्छ) R.14.31. मत्संबन्धात्कश्मला किंवदन्ती U.1.42; U.1.4. -वराटकः an extravagant man. -वा ind. 1 a particle of interrogation; किं वा शकुन्तलेत्यस्य मातुराख्या Ś.7. -2 or (corr. of किं 'whether'); राजपुत्रि सुप्ता किं वा जागर्षि Pt.1; तत्किं मारयामि किं वा विषं प्रयच्छामि किं वा पशुधर्मेण व्यापादयामि ibid.; Ś. Til.7. -विद a. knowing what. -व्यापार a. following what occupation. -शील a. of what habits, -स्वित् ind. whether, how; अद्रेः शृङ्गं हरति पवनः किंस्विदित्युन्मुखीभिः Me.14.
kainnara कैन्नर a. Coming from a Kinnara.
nara मीनरः The sea-monster called Makara, q. v.
vanara वनरः (= वानरः); L. D. B.
nara वानरः [वानं वनसंबन्धि फलादिकं राति-गृह्णाति रा-क; वा विकल्पेन नरो वा] 1 A monkey, an ape. -2 A kind of incense. -री A female monkey. -a. Belonging or relating to monkey; अन्यां योनिं समापन्नौ शार्गालीं वानरीं तथा Mb.13.9.9. -Comp. -अक्षः a wild goat. -आघातः the tree called Lodhra. -इन्द्रः N. of Sugrīva or of Hanumat. -प्रियः the tree called क्षीरिन् (Mar. खिरणी).
viśvānara विश्वानरः An epithet of Savitṛi.
vaiśvānara वैश्वानर a. (-री f.) 1 Relating or common to all mankind, fit for all men; तान् होवाचैते वै खलु यूयं पृथगिवेम- मात्मानं वैश्वानरं विद्वांसो$न्नमत्थ Ch. Up.5.18; स एष वैश्वानरो विश्वरूपः प्राणो$ग्निरुदयते Praśṇa Up.1.7; हिरण्यगर्भः स्थूले$स्मिन् देहे वैश्वानरो भवेत् Pañchadaśī 1.28; -2 Universal, general, common. -2 Zodiacal; गगने तान्यनेकानि वैश्वानरपथाद्वहिः Rām.1.6.31. -रः 1 An epithet of fire; त्वत्तः खाण्डव- रङ्गताण्डवनटो दूरे$स्तु वैश्वानरः Bv.1.57. -2 The fire of digestion (in the stomach); अहं वैश्वानरो भूत्वा प्राणिनां देह- माश्रितः । प्राणापानसमायुक्तः प्रचाम्यन्नं चतुर्विधम् ॥ Bg.15.14. -3 General consciousness (in Vedānta phil.). -4 The Supreme Being. -5 The Chitraka tree. -री 1 N. of a particular division of the moon's path; also वैश्वानरपथ; Rām.1.6.31. -2 N. of a particular sacrifice performed at the beginning of every year; इष्टिं वैश्वानरीं नित्यं निर्वपेदब्दपर्यये Mb.12.165.15.
Macdonell Vedic Search
3 results
nr nṛ́, m. man, pl. N. náras, i. 85, 8; 154, 5; v. 11, 2. 4; vii. 103, 9 [Gk. ἀνήρ, ἀνδρός].
vaiśvānara vaiśvānará, a. belonging to all men, epithet of Agni, vii. 49, 4 [viśvá̄-nara].
nara sū-nára, a. bountiful, viii. 29, 1 [Av. hunara].
Macdonell Search
17 results
nara m. man; husband; hero; the primordial Man, -Spirit; N.
naraka m. (n. rare) infernal regions, hell; N. of a demon slain by Krishna: -pâta, m. going to hell.
narakāka m. crow of a man; -gâ&ndot;gala, n. human flesh; -danta, m. human tooth; -deva, m. god among men, king; -nâtha, m. prince, king: -mârga, m. high road, -½âsana, n. royal throne, royalty.
narakapāla m. human skull.
narakaripu m. ep. of Krishna; -vâsa, m. sojourn in hell; -stha, a. being in hell.
narapa m. prince, king; -pati, m. id.: -patha, m. king's high-way, royal high-road; -pâla, m. prince, king; -medha, m. human sacrifice.
narayāna n. palanquin; -rûpa, n. human form; -loka, m. world of men: -pâla, m. prince, king; -vara, m. excellent man: -½uttama, spv. best of excellent men; -var man, m. N. of a prince; -vâhana, a.drawn by men; m. ep. of Kubera; N.: -datta, m. N. of a prince: -karita, n. adventures of Naravâhanadatta; -vâhana-datt-îya, a. be longing to Naravâhanadatta; -vâhin, a. borne by men: w. yâna, n. palanquin; -vishâna,n. human horn=chimera; -vîra, m. heroic man: -loka, m.=children of men; -vyâghra, -sâr dûla, m. tiger-like man=most illustrious of men; -sreshtha, spv. best of men; -sakha, m. friend of Nara, ep. of Nârâyana; -simha, m. lion among men=great warrior; man-lion (the fourth Avatâr of Vishnu); -hari, m. man lion, Vishnu's fourth Avatâr.
anaraṇya n. no desert.
uśīnara m. pl. N. of a people in Madhyadesa; sg. king of the Usînaras.
auśīnara a. (î) belonging to the people of Usînara; î, f. N. of a wife of Purûravas.
kiṃnara m. fabulous being (half man half animal) in the service of Kubera; N. of various persons; -nâmaka (ikâ), -nâmadhe ya, -nâman, a. having what name? -nimit ta, a. occasioned by what? -m,why?
janarava m. popular rumour; -r&asharp;g, -r&asharp;gan, m. ruler of men; -vâda, m. gossip; -sruti, f. rumour.
punarapagama m. going away again; -abhidhâna, n. repeated mention; -abhyâkâram, abs. by repeatedly attracting; -âgata, pp. returned; -âgama, m. return: -âgamana, n. coming back, return; re-birth; -âdâyam, abs. repeatedly; -âdhâna, n. renewed kindling of the sacred fire; -âdhéya, fp. to be kindled again (sacred fire); -âvartin, a. returning to terrestrial existence; leading to a return of earthly existence; -â vritta, pp. repeated; -âvritti, f. return, re appearance; renewed birth.
nara m. [animal belonging to the forest: vanar] monkey, ape: î, f. female monkey; a. (î) belonging or peculiar etc. to the monkey.
vaiśvānara a. (&isharp;) belonging to all men; universal, dwelling or worshipped everywhere, generally known (Agni, sacri fice; V., C.); consisting of all men, present in full numbers (V.); m. fire; sun, sunlight (V.); intellect conditioned by the aggregate (Vedânta phil.); N.: (a)-datta, m. N.; î-ya, a. relating to or treating of Vaisvânara.
sanara a. together with men (RV.1); -narma-hâsa, a. accompanied with jocular laughter.
nara a. (î) glad, joyous (V.); de lightful (RV.).
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
17 results2 results
nara The general name for * man ’ in the Rigveda and later is Nr, while Nara is found occasionally in the later Samhitās and the Brāhmanas.
uśīnara In the Aitareya Brāhmana the Kuru-Pañcālas are mentioned as dwelling together in the * Middle Country ’ with the Vaśas and the Uśīnaras. In the Kausītaki Upanisad also the Uśīnaras are associated with the Kuril-Pañcālas and Vaśas, but in the Gopatha Brāhmana the Uśīnaras and Vaśas are re­garded as northerners. In the Rigveda the people is alluded to in one passage by reference to their queen, Uśīnarānī. Zimmer thinks that the Uśīnaras earlier lived farther to the north-west, but for this there is no clear evidence. His theory is based merely on the fact that the Anukramanī (Index) of the Rigveda ascribes one hymn to śibi Auśīnara, and that the śibis were known to Alexander’s followers as Xiβoc, living between the Indus and the Akesines (Chenab). But this is in no way conclusive, as the Sibis, at any rate in Epic times, occupied the land to the north of Kuruksetra, and there is no reason whatever to show that in the Vedic period the Uśīnaras were farther west than the ‘ Middle Country.’
Bloomfield Vedic
17 results2 results14 results
nara indra pratiśikṣanty annaiḥ RV.10.29.5d; AVś.20.76.5d.
nara śaṃsanty ukthaśāsa ukthā RV.7.19.9b; AVś.20.37.9b.
nara śubhe na panthām RV.1.127.6h.
nara somasya harṣyā RV.8.68.14b.
nara nṛṣāhaṃ maṃhiṣṭham RV.8.10.1c; AVś.20.44.1c; SV.1.144c.
naram avāryakratum RV.8.92.8c; SV.2.993c.
naraṃdhiṣaḥ prohyamāṇaḥ TS. See viṣṇur naraṃ-.
naraś ca ye pitubhājo vyuṣṭau RV.1.124.12b.
naraś cid vāṃ samithe śūrasātau RV.3.54.4c.
naras tokasya tanayasya sātau (RV.7.82.9d, sātiṣu) RV.4.24.3d; 7.82.9d.
naras tokasya sanitau RV.1.8.6b; AVś.20.71.2b.
annarasāṃs te mayi dadhe # KBU.2.15.
annarasān me tvayi dadhāni # KBU.2.15.
prācīnaraśmim āhutaṃ ghṛtena # RV.10.36.6c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"nara" has 8 results
naraperson; personal ending; the term is used in connection with (the affixes of) the three persons प्रथम, मध्यम, and उत्तम which are promiscuously seen sometimes in the Vedic Literature confer, compare सुतिङुपग्रहलिङ्गनराणां ... व्यत्ययमिच्छति ... Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on III.1.85.
āraḍeKRISHNASHASTRI a reputed Naiyāyika of Banaras of the nineteenth century, who wrote, besides many treatises on Nyāya, a short gloss on the Sutras of Pāṇini, called Pāṇini-sūtra-vṛtti.
gaṅgādhara[GANGADHARA SHASTRI TELANG] (l)a stalwart grammarian and Sanskrit scholar of repute who was a pupil of Bālasarasvatī of Vārāṇaśī and prepared in the last century a host of Sanskrit scholars in Banaras among whom a special mention could be made of Dr. Thebaut, Dr. Venis and Dr. Gaṅgānātha Jhā. He was given by Government of India the titles Mahāmahopādhyāya and C. I.E. His surname was Mānavallī but he was often known as गङाधरशास्त्री तेलङ्ग. For details, see Mahābhāṣya, D.E. Society Ed.Poona p.p.33, 34; (2)an old scholar of Vyākarana who is believed to have written a commentary on Vikṛtavallī of Vyādi; (3) a comparatively modern scholar who is said to have written a commentary named Induprakāśa on the Śabdenduśekhara; (4) author of the Vyākaraṇadīpaprabhā, a short commentary on the Vyākaraṇa work of Cidrūpāśramin. See चिद्रूपाश्रमिन्.
govardhanaa grammarian who has written a work on Katantra Grammar called कातन्त्रकौमुदी and also a commentary on the Ganaratnamahodadhi of Vardhamana. A gloss on the Unadisutras is also assigned to Govardhana who is likely to be the same as a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page..
vāḍavapossibly the same as Kunaravadava; an ancient grammarian quoted in the Mahabhasya; confer, compare तत्र सौर्थभगवतोक्तमनिष्टिज्ञो वाडव: पठति, Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. VIII. 2. 106 Vव्रrt 3.
vijayāname of a commentary on the Laghusabdendusekhara by Sivanarayana.
sārasvataṭīkāname in general given to commentary works on the Sarasvata Vyakarana out of which those written by Ramanarayana, Satyaprabodha, Ksemamkara, Jagannatha and Mahidhara are known to scholars.
sphoṭacaṭakaa small treatise on the theory of Sphota by a sound modern scholar of Vyakarana and Nyaya, by name Krisnasastri Arade who lived in Benaras in the earlier part of the nineteenth century.
Vedabase Search
577 results
nara among menSB 10.51.30
nara and menSB 10.73.20
nara appearing as a human beingSB 10.23.37
nara by human carriersSB 10.71.16
nara for the menSB 10.86.37
nara from the Supreme PersonalitySB 10.14.14
nara humanSB 10.50.25-28
nara human beingSB 1.3.22
nara human beingsSB 11.2.23
SB 12.6.14
nara humanlikeSB 10.45.30-31
SB 10.76.1
nara menSB 10.86.12
nara of human beingsSB 10.75.20
nara of menSB 10.45.14
SB 10.59.34
SB 10.71.33
nara of NaraCC Adi 2.30
CC Adi 3.69
CC Adi 6.23
nara the human beingsSB 2.10.42
nara the inhabitants of the earthly planetsSB 4.24.12
nara-ādayaḥ human beings and othersSB 1.3.5
nara-ādayaḥ human beings and othersSB 1.3.5
nara-adhamāḥ lowest among mankindBG 7.15
nara-adhamāḥ lowest among mankindBG 7.15
nara-adhamaiḥ by low-class menSB 11.23.41
nara-adhamaiḥ by low-class menSB 11.23.41
nara-adhamān the lowest of mankindBG 16.19
nara-adhamān the lowest of mankindBG 16.19
nara-adhamān the lowest of menCC Madhya 25.40
nara-adhamān the lowest of menCC Madhya 25.40
nara-adhipa King of the peopleCC Madhya 1.178
nara-adhipa King of the peopleCC Madhya 1.178
nara-adhipa O ruler of men (Parīkṣit)SB 10.47.68
nara-adhipa O ruler of men (Parīkṣit)SB 10.47.68
nara-adhipam the kingBG 10.27
nara-adhipam the kingBG 10.27
nara-ādiṣu in the midst of human beingsSB 1.2.34
nara-ādiṣu in the midst of human beingsSB 1.2.34
nara-ākṛtiḥ a person, exactly resembling a human beingSB 9.23.17
nara-ākṛtiḥ a person, exactly resembling a human beingSB 9.23.17
nara-āmiṣam the flesh of a human beingSB 9.9.20-21
nara-āmiṣam the flesh of a human beingSB 9.9.20-21
nara-ātmajaḥ the son of NaraSB 9.21.1
nara-ātmajaḥ the son of NaraSB 9.21.1
nara-dārakeṇa with Him who is like an ordinary childSB 10.12.7-11
nara-dārakeṇa with Him who is like an ordinary childSB 10.12.7-11
nara-dārakeṇa with Him, who is like a boy of this material worldCC Antya 7.32
nara-dārakeṇa with Him, who is like a boy of this material worldCC Antya 7.32
CC Madhya 8.75
nara-dārakeṇa with Him, who is like a boy of this material worldCC Madhya 8.75
nara-deha having a body like a human being'sCC Adi 17.178-179
nara-deha having a body like a human being'sCC Adi 17.178-179
nara-deva a man-god, or a kingSB 1.17.32
nara-deva a man-god, or a kingSB 1.17.32
nara-deva kingSB 10.51.50
nara-deva kingSB 10.51.50
nara-deva kingsSB 10.73.25
nara-deva kingsSB 10.73.25
nara-deva monarchicalSB 1.18.43
nara-deva monarchicalSB 1.18.43
nara-deva O KingSB 1.15.18
nara-deva O KingSB 1.15.18
SB 3.22.16
nara-deva O KingSB 3.22.16
SB 4.13.31
nara-deva O KingSB 4.13.31
SB 4.20.3
nara-deva O KingSB 4.20.3
SB 5.13.2
nara-deva O KingSB 5.13.2
SB 6.14.18
nara-deva O KingSB 6.14.18
SB 8.21.1
nara-deva O KingSB 8.21.1
nara-deva O King (Mahārāja Duṣmanta)SB 9.20.22
nara-deva O King (Mahārāja Duṣmanta)SB 9.20.22
nara-deva O King (Nimi)SB 11.4.9
nara-deva O King (Nimi)SB 11.4.9
nara-deva O lord among human beings (the king is supposed to be the representative of deva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead)SB 5.10.4
nara-deva O lord among human beings (the king is supposed to be the representative of deva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead)SB 5.10.4
nara-deva O ruler of menSB 7.1.11
nara-deva O ruler of menSB 7.1.11
nara-deva of a human kingSB 10.68.36
nara-deva of a human kingSB 10.68.36
nara-deva of all kings, gods in human societySB 4.16.20
nara-deva of all kings, gods in human societySB 4.16.20
nara-deva of kingsSB 10.68.27
nara-deva of kingsSB 10.68.27
nara-deva of the KingSB 10.41.24
nara-deva of the KingSB 10.41.24
nara-deva of the kingSB 4.16.8
nara-deva of the kingSB 4.16.8
nara-deva of the worldly king or worldly godSB 4.14.32
nara-deva of the worldly king or worldly godSB 4.14.32
nara-deva-abhimāna-madena by madness due to having the body of a king and thus being proud of itSB 5.10.24
nara-deva-abhimāna-madena by madness due to having the body of a king and thus being proud of itSB 5.10.24
nara-deva-abhimāna-madena by madness due to having the body of a king and thus being proud of itSB 5.10.24
nara-deva-abhimāna-madena by madness due to having the body of a king and thus being proud of itSB 5.10.24
nara-deva-abhimānam King Rahūgaṇa, who thought himself the rulerSB 5.10.8
nara-deva-abhimānam King Rahūgaṇa, who thought himself the rulerSB 5.10.8
nara-deva-abhimānam King Rahūgaṇa, who thought himself the rulerSB 5.10.8
nara-deva-deva O supreme master of all kingsSB 4.17.10-11
nara-deva-deva O supreme master of all kingsSB 4.17.10-11
nara-deva-deva O supreme master of all kingsSB 4.17.10-11
nara-deva-deve upon the King'sSB 1.19.18
nara-deva-deve upon the King'sSB 1.19.18
nara-deva-deve upon the King'sSB 1.19.18
nara-deva-kanyāḥ daughters of many kingsSB 3.3.7
nara-deva-kanyāḥ daughters of many kingsSB 3.3.7
nara-deva-kanyāḥ daughters of many kingsSB 3.3.7
nara-devaḥ a god among men (king)SB 10.51.48
nara-devaḥ a god among men (king)SB 10.51.48
nara-devāḥ kingsSB 12.2.40
nara-devāḥ kingsSB 12.2.40
nara-devaḥ man-godSB 1.17.5
nara-devaḥ man-godSB 1.17.5
nara-devam a kingSB 2.10.16
nara-devam a kingSB 2.10.16
nara-devam unto a man-godSB 1.18.42
nara-devam unto a man-godSB 1.18.42
nara-devena by the KingSB 12.6.8
nara-devena by the KingSB 12.6.8
nara-hara O Lord in the form of NṛsiṃhaSB 7.8.52
nara-hara O Lord in the form of NṛsiṃhaSB 7.8.52
nara-hari-rūpeṇa His form of NṛsiṃhadevaSB 5.18.7
nara-hari-rūpeṇa His form of NṛsiṃhadevaSB 5.18.7
nara-hari-rūpeṇa His form of NṛsiṃhadevaSB 5.18.7
nara-harim unto Lord NṛsiṃhadevaSB 7.10.25
nara-harim unto Lord NṛsiṃhadevaSB 7.10.25
nara-indra O best of kingsSB 4.22.37
nara-indra O best of kingsSB 4.22.37
nara-indra O KingSB 11.3.35
nara-indra O KingSB 11.3.35
SB 6.15.28
nara-indra O KingSB 6.15.28
SB 8.21.4
nara-indra O KingSB 8.21.4
SB 8.9.16-17
nara-indra O KingSB 8.9.16-17
nara-indra O ruler of menSB 10.23.23
nara-indra O ruler of menSB 10.23.23
SB 10.58.40
nara-indra O ruler of menSB 10.58.40
nara-indra O ruler of men (King Parīkṣit)SB 10.44.38
nara-indra O ruler of men (King Parīkṣit)SB 10.44.38
nara-indra of kingsSB 10.47.45
nara-indra of kingsSB 10.47.45
nara-indra of the kingSB 10.71.33
nara-indra of the kingSB 10.71.33
nara-indra of the kings among menSB 10.75.32
nara-indra of the kings among menSB 10.75.32
nara-indraḥ a ruler of menSB 10.64.10
nara-indraḥ a ruler of menSB 10.64.10
nara-indram unto the King, best of humankindSB 1.18.41
nara-indram unto the King, best of humankindSB 1.18.41
nara-indrāṇām of all the kingsCC Madhya 23.27
nara-indrāṇām of all the kingsCC Madhya 23.27
nara-indrāṇām of the rulers of menSB 12.3.2
nara-indrāṇām of the rulers of menSB 12.3.2
nara-īśvarāṇām or of kings who follow this principleSB 6.7.24
nara-īśvarāṇām or of kings who follow this principleSB 6.7.24
nara-itaraiḥ by demigodsSB 4.6.9
nara-itaraiḥ by demigodsSB 4.6.9
nara-itaram other than the human being. beingSB 3.13.50
nara-itaram other than the human being. beingSB 3.13.50
nara-līlā the pastimes as a human beingCC Madhya 21.101
nara-līlā the pastimes as a human beingCC Madhya 21.101
nara-līlāra for exhibiting the pastimes as a human beingCC Madhya 21.101
nara-līlāra for exhibiting the pastimes as a human beingCC Madhya 21.101
nara-loka for human societySB 10.41.31
nara-loka for human societySB 10.41.31
nara-loka human societySB 3.2.20
nara-loka human societySB 3.2.20
nara-loka in human society or on the planet earthSB 9.14.23
nara-loka in human society or on the planet earthSB 9.14.23
nara-loka of human societySB 10.52.38
nara-loka of human societySB 10.52.38
SB 10.55.10
nara-loka of human societySB 10.55.10
SB 10.70.11
nara-loka of human societySB 10.70.11
SB 10.70.40
nara-loka of human societySB 10.70.40
nara-loka of the material worldSB 5.14.38
nara-loka of the material worldSB 5.14.38
nara-loka to all human societySB 11.6.2-4
nara-loka to all human societySB 11.6.2-4
nara-loka-sa-artham the field of self-interested material activitiesSB 5.14.41
nara-loka-sa-artham the field of self-interested material activitiesSB 5.14.41
nara-loka-sa-artham the field of self-interested material activitiesSB 5.14.41
nara-loka-sa-artham the field of self-interested material activitiesSB 5.14.41
nara-loka-sadharmam acting as if a human beingSB 5.4.4
nara-loka-sadharmam acting as if a human beingSB 5.4.4
nara-loka-sadharmam acting as if a human beingSB 5.4.4
nara-loka-vīrāḥ kings of human societyBG 11.28
nara-loka-vīrāḥ kings of human societyBG 11.28
nara-loka-vīrāḥ kings of human societyBG 11.28
nara-lokam in the world of menSB 10.51.17
nara-lokam in the world of menSB 10.51.17
nara-lokam the world of humansSB 10.60.58
nara-lokam the world of humansSB 10.60.58
nara-lokam this material worldSB 5.14.5
nara-lokam this material worldSB 5.14.5
nara-lokam to the world of human beingsSB 11.25.22
nara-lokam to the world of human beingsSB 11.25.22
nara-lokasya human birthSB 3.30.34
nara-lokasya human birthSB 3.30.34
nara-lokatām the habits of a human beingSB 9.14.14
nara-lokatām the habits of a human beingSB 9.14.14
nara-loke on this planet of human beingsSB 1.11.35
nara-loke on this planet of human beingsSB 1.11.35
nara-nārāyaṇa Lord Nara-NārāyaṇaCC Adi 5.129
nara-nārāyaṇa Lord Nara-NārāyaṇaCC Adi 5.129
nara-nārāyaṇa Nara-NārāyaṇaCC Adi 2.113
nara-nārāyaṇa Nara-NārāyaṇaCC Adi 2.113
nara-nārāyaṇa of the Supreme Lord's dual incarnation as Nara and NārāyaṇaSB 10.52.4
nara-nārāyaṇa of the Supreme Lord's dual incarnation as Nara and NārāyaṇaSB 10.52.4
nara-nārāyaṇa-ākhyaḥ known as Nara-NārāyaṇaSB 5.19.9
nara-nārāyaṇa-ākhyaḥ known as Nara-NārāyaṇaSB 5.19.9
nara-nārāyaṇa-ākhyaḥ known as Nara-NārāyaṇaSB 5.19.9
nara-nārāyaṇa-ākhyam named Nara-NārāyaṇaSB 5.4.5
nara-nārāyaṇa-ākhyam named Nara-NārāyaṇaSB 5.4.5
nara-nārāyaṇa-ākhyam named Nara-NārāyaṇaSB 5.4.5
nara-nārāyaṇa-āśramam to the āśrama of Nara-NārāyaṇaSB 9.1.31
nara-nārāyaṇa-āśramam to the āśrama of Nara-NārāyaṇaSB 9.1.31
nara-nārāyaṇa-āśramam to the āśrama of Nara-NārāyaṇaSB 9.1.31
nara-nārāyaṇaḥ exhibiting the forms of Nara and NārāyaṇaSB 12.8.32
nara-nārāyaṇaḥ exhibiting the forms of Nara and NārāyaṇaSB 12.8.32
nara-nārāyaṇau both Nara and NārāyaṇaSB 4.1.49-52
nara-nārāyaṇau both Nara and NārāyaṇaSB 4.1.49-52
nara-nārāyaṇau named Nara and NārāyaṇaSB 1.3.9
nara-nārāyaṇau named Nara and NārāyaṇaSB 1.3.9
nara-nārāyaṇau Nara and NārāyaṇaSB 12.8.35
nara-nārāyaṇau Nara and NārāyaṇaSB 12.8.35
nara-nārāyaṇau ṛṣī as the sages Nara and NārāyaṇaSB 10.89.59
nara-nārāyaṇau ṛṣī as the sages Nara and NārāyaṇaSB 10.89.59
nara-nārāyaṇau ṛṣī as the sages Nara and NārāyaṇaSB 10.89.59
nara-nārāyaṇāya Nara-NārāyaṇaSB 5.19.11
nara-nārāyaṇāya Nara-NārāyaṇaSB 5.19.11
nara-nārī men and womenCC Adi 4.147
nara-nārī men and womenCC Adi 4.147
nara-nātha O KingSB 4.26.17
nara-nātha O KingSB 4.26.17
nara-paśavaḥ manlike animalsSB 6.16.38
nara-paśavaḥ manlike animalsSB 6.16.38
nara-patiḥ a king or kṣatriyaCC Madhya 13.80
nara-patiḥ a king or kṣatriyaCC Madhya 13.80
nara-patiḥ the KingSB 1.18.46
nara-patiḥ the KingSB 1.18.46
nara-patiḥ the kingSB 11.17.46
nara-patiḥ the kingSB 11.17.46
nara-puńgavaḥ hero in human societyBG 1.5
nara-puńgavaḥ hero in human societyBG 1.5
nara-ratnāya unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is always youthfulSB 9.3.33
nara-ratnāya unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is always youthfulSB 9.3.33
nara-ṛṣabha O best of human beings, Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 9.23.17
nara-ṛṣabha O best of human beings, Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 9.23.17
nara-sakhaḥ the friend of all living entities (especially human beings)SB 7.6.27
nara-sakhaḥ the friend of all living entities (especially human beings)SB 7.6.27
nara-sakhaḥ the friend of NaraSB 10.69.16
nara-sakhaḥ the friend of NaraSB 10.69.16
SB 12.9.1
nara-sakhaḥ the friend of NaraSB 12.9.1
nara-sakham the friend of the infinitesimal living entitySB 11.7.18
nara-sakham the friend of the infinitesimal living entitySB 11.7.18
nara-śārdulam unto the Lord, who had appeared as half man and half lionSB 7.8.37-39
nara-śārdulam unto the Lord, who had appeared as half man and half lionSB 7.8.37-39
nara-siṃhāya known as Lord NṛsiṃhaSB 5.18.8
nara-siṃhāya known as Lord NṛsiṃhaSB 5.18.8
nara-siṃhāya Lord NṛsiṃhadevaCC Antya 16.52
nara-siṃhāya Lord NṛsiṃhadevaCC Antya 16.52
nara-uttamāḥ the best of human beingsSB 4.20.3
nara-uttamāḥ the best of human beingsSB 4.20.3
nara-uttamaḥ the first-class human beingSB 1.13.27
nara-uttamaḥ the first-class human beingSB 1.13.27
nara-uttamam the supermost human beingSB 1.2.4
nara-uttamam the supermost human beingSB 1.2.4
nara-uttamāya to the best of human beingsSB 12.8.47
nara-uttamāya to the best of human beingsSB 12.8.47
nara-vaidūryaḥ gem among menSB 10.55.31
nara-vaidūryaḥ gem among menSB 10.55.31
nara-vapu a body just like that of a human beingCC Madhya 21.101
nara-vapu a body just like that of a human beingCC Madhya 21.101
nara-vara of first-class menSB 10.45.35-36
nara-vara of first-class menSB 10.45.35-36
nara-vara of illustrious personalitiesSB 10.48.13-14
nara-vara of illustrious personalitiesSB 10.48.13-14
nara-varaḥ the best of menSB 10.43.17
nara-varaḥ the best of menSB 10.43.17
nara-vyāghra O man of tigerlike strengthSB 1.14.10
nara-vyāghra O man of tigerlike strengthSB 1.14.10
nara-yānaiḥ by human conveyances (palanquins)SB 10.59.36
nara-yānaiḥ by human conveyances (palanquins)SB 10.59.36
naradeva of kingsSB 11.26.9
naradeva-kumāraḥ the PrinceSB 5.2.5
naradeva-kumāraḥ the PrinceSB 5.2.5
naradeva-nandanāḥ O sons of the KingSB 4.24.79
naradeva-nandanāḥ O sons of the KingSB 4.24.79
naradevam the kingSB 9.15.38
naradevāya unto King KārtavīryārjunaSB 9.15.24
nara a human beingSB 11.20.13
SB 5.19.8
nara a manBG 12.18-19
BG 18.45
BG 18.71
BG 2.22
SB 10.44.10
SB 10.81.41
SB 11.2.35
SB 11.8.10
SB 5.18.26
SB 7.11.17
nara a personBG 16.22
BG 18.15
CC Madhya 23.111-112
SB 10.24.11
SB 11.15.18
SB 11.29.28
SB 12.13.18
SB 4.14.43
SB 4.7.61
SB 7.15.66
SB 7.7.41
nara any personSB 10.14.60
SB 7.15.67
SB 9.23.17
nara every personSB 5.12.16
nara human beingBG 5.23
SB 3.4.22
SB 4.30.9
SB 7.10.14
SB 7.8.18
nara human beingsSB 6.1.6
nara humansSB 7.10.64
nara manSB 1.3.29
SB 10.62.14
SB 3.30.28
SB 4.23.33
nara named NaraSB 9.2.29
nara NaraSB 2.7.6
SB 8.1.27
SB 9.21.1
nara such a personSB 8.24.60
naraḥ ca and NaraSB 6.8.16
naraḥ ca and NaraSB 6.8.16
narahari NarahariCC Madhya 10.90
CC Madhya 11.92
CC Madhya 13.46
CC Madhya 15.132
narahari dāsa Narahari dāsaCC Madhya 1.132
narahari dāsa Narahari dāsaCC Madhya 1.132
narahari-dāsa Narahari dāsaCC Adi 10.78-79
narahari-dāsa Narahari dāsaCC Adi 10.78-79
CC Antya 10.60
narahari-dāsa Narahari dāsaCC Antya 10.60
naraiḥ by any menSB 7.3.36
naraiḥ by menBG 17.17
naraiḥ by personsSB 3.23.8
naraiḥ on human beingsSB 11.30.15
naraiḥ on the backs of human beingsSB 8.10.10-12
naraka a hellish condition of lifeCC Madhya 6.268
naraka and of hellSB 12.12.16
naraka hellCC Adi 10.42
naraka hellish lifeCC Madhya 15.163
naraka in hellSB 3.30.5
naraka of the demon NarakaMM 12
naraka the hellish planetsSB 5.26.40
naraka ha-ite from hellCC Adi 17.165
naraka ha-ite from hellCC Adi 17.165
naraka ha-ite from hellCC Adi 17.165
naraka kari' māne considers as good as hellCC Madhya 19.215
naraka kari' māne considers as good as hellCC Madhya 19.215
naraka kari' māne considers as good as hellCC Madhya 19.215
naraka-adhame into the most abominable of all hellsSB 5.26.18
naraka-adhame into the most abominable of all hellsSB 5.26.18
naraka-ādi duḥkha the tribulations of hellish conditions of lifeCC Madhya 22.12
naraka-ādi duḥkha the tribulations of hellish conditions of lifeCC Madhya 22.12
naraka-ādi duḥkha the tribulations of hellish conditions of lifeCC Madhya 22.12
naraka-antaka O killer of the demon NarakaMM 6
naraka-antaka O killer of the demon NarakaMM 6
naraka-ārti-lipsu desirous to suffer pain in hellSB 2.7.22
naraka-ārti-lipsu desirous to suffer pain in hellSB 2.7.22
naraka-ārti-lipsu desirous to suffer pain in hellSB 2.7.22
naraka-bhāgbhiḥ by persons destined for hellCC Antya 5.124-125
naraka-bhāgbhiḥ by persons destined for hellCC Antya 5.124-125
SB 3.9.4
naraka-bhāgbhiḥ by persons destined for hellSB 3.9.4
naraka-bhāgbhiḥ by persons who are destined to go to a hellish condition of lifeCC Madhya 25.38
naraka-bhāgbhiḥ by persons who are destined to go to a hellish condition of lifeCC Madhya 25.38
naraka-hetave for going to hellSB 9.10.28
naraka-hetave for going to hellSB 9.10.28
narakaḥ BhaumaSB 10.59.14
narakaḥ hellSB 11.19.28-32
SB 11.19.40-45
SB 3.30.29
SB 6.17.20
narakāḥ hellish planetsSB 5.26.7
narakāḥ hellsSB 6.1.3
narakaḥ NarakaSB 10.36.36
narakaḥ Naraka (Bhauma)SB 10.59.17-19
narakāḥ the hellish planetsSB 5.20.45
narakāḥ the hellish regionsSB 5.26.4
narakāḥ the many hellsSB 5.26.37
narakam hellSB 11.20.2
SB 4.29.15
narakam the demon NarakaSB 10.69.1-6
narakam to hellSB 6.2.47-48
narakān all the hellish conditions into which the impious are putSB 6.1.6
narakān different varieties of hellish conditionsSB 6.1.7
narakān the hellish planetsSB 5.26.7
narakān to hellsSB 11.10.27-29
narakasya of BhaumaSB 10.59.21
narakasya of hellBG 16.21
narakasya of NarakāsuraSB 10.37.15-20
narakasya of the demon NarakaSB 10.67.2
narakāt from the hellish condition of lifeSB 5.14.41
narakau or to hellSB 11.20.10
narakāya in the attainment of hellSB 11.23.15
narakāya make for hellish lifeBG 1.41
narake in hellBG 1.43
MM 6
SB 11.8.1
SB 6.18.75
SB 6.2.29
SB 8.19.35
narake in hellish conditions of lifeCC Madhya 20.118
narake in the hellSB 5.26.14
SB 5.26.16
SB 5.26.28
SB 5.26.33
SB 5.26.36
narake into hellBG 16.16
narake into the hellSB 5.26.25
narake to hellCC Antya 10.95
SB 6.18.39
narakeṇa with the demon known as NarakaSB 8.10.32-34
narakera to hellCC Madhya 9.267
narakeṣu and in hellSB 6.17.28
narakeṣu or in a hellish condition of lifeCC Madhya 9.270
narakeṣu or in hellCC Madhya 19.216
narakete in a hellish conditionCC Adi 5.226
naram a human beingSB 7.15.27
SB 8.20.4
naram manSB 10.51.9
naram personSB 10.56.21
naram this manMM 17
naram ca eva and Nārāyaṇa ṛṣiSB 1.2.4
naram ca eva and Nārāyaṇa ṛṣiSB 1.2.4
naram ca eva and Nārāyaṇa ṛṣiSB 1.2.4
naramitram a son named NaramitraSB 9.22.32
narasiṃha O Lord NṛsiṃhadevaSB 7.8.55
narasya of the manSB 2.3.20
naratām the human form of lifeSB 7.14.5
kṛta-nara-āhārāt who has eaten human beingsSB 10.15.24
sura-nara-mṛga-miśrita-jalacara-ākṛtibhiḥ with different forms like those of the demigods, human beings, animals, mixtures and aquatics (the incarnations Vāmana, Lord Rāmacandra, Kṛṣṇa, Varāha, Hayagrīva, Nṛsiṃha, Matsya and Kūrma)SB 6.9.40
anara other than a human being (bird, beast, animal and so on)SB 5.19.8
anaraṇyasya of AnaraṇyaSB 9.7.4
apsaraḥ-kinnara-uragaiḥ and by the Apsarās, Kinnaras and UragasSB 10.4.9
kinnara-apsarasaḥ the Kinnaras and ApsarāsSB 11.31.2-3
uśīnara-ātmajāḥ the sons of UśīnaraSB 9.23.2
auśīnara the country named UśīnaraSB 1.12.20
khaga-kinnara-cāraṇāḥ the celestial birds, the Kinnaras and the CāraṇasSB 10.74.13-15
kinnara-cāraṇaiḥ and by Kinnaras and CāraṇasSB 10.78.13-15
deva-gandharva-kinnara the demigods, the Gandharvas and the KinnarasCC Antya 9.8
kinnara-gaṇāḥ the inhabitants of the Kinnara planetSB 7.8.55
deva-gandharva-kinnara the demigods, the Gandharvas and the KinnarasCC Antya 9.8
kinnara-gandharvāḥ the Kinnaras and Gandharvas, inhabitants of various planets in the heavenly planetary systemSB 10.3.6
kinnara-gandharvaiḥ by Kinnaras and GandharvasSB 4.6.9
hari-nara of half lion and half human beingSB 7.8.56
nara-indra of the great chiefs of the monkeysSB 9.10.17
uśīnara-indram the master of the state of UśīnaraSB 7.2.29-31
sura-nara-mṛga-miśrita-jalacara-ākṛtibhiḥ with different forms like those of the demigods, human beings, animals, mixtures and aquatics (the incarnations Vāmana, Lord Rāmacandra, Kṛṣṇa, Varāha, Hayagrīva, Nṛsiṃha, Matsya and Kūrma)SB 6.9.40
mukunda narasiṃha janārdana O Mukunda, Narasiṃha, JanārdanaMM 40
nara-jāteḥ of the society of monkeys, or the descendants of the monkeySB 5.14.30
kālanara KālanaraSB 9.23.1
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
khaga-kinnara-cāraṇāḥ the celestial birds, the Kinnaras and the CāraṇasSB 10.74.13-15
khaṇḍa-vāsī narahari Narahari, a resident of the village KhaṇḍaCC Madhya 16.18
kinnara the inhabitants of the Kinnara planetSB 2.10.37-40
kinnara superhuman beingsSB 3.10.28-29
kinnara-gandharvaiḥ by Kinnaras and GandharvasSB 4.6.9
kinnara inhabitants of the Kinnara planetsSB 4.20.35-36
kinnara inhabitant of the Kinnara planetSB 4.30.6
kinnara-gaṇāḥ the inhabitants of the Kinnara planetSB 7.8.55
kinnara-gandharvāḥ the Kinnaras and Gandharvas, inhabitants of various planets in the heavenly planetary systemSB 10.3.6
apsaraḥ-kinnara-uragaiḥ and by the Apsarās, Kinnaras and UragasSB 10.4.9
khaga-kinnara-cāraṇāḥ the celestial birds, the Kinnaras and the CāraṇasSB 10.74.13-15
kinnara-cāraṇaiḥ and by Kinnaras and CāraṇasSB 10.78.13-15
kinnara minor demigods who can change their form at willSB 11.2.23
kinnara-apsarasaḥ the Kinnaras and ApsarāsSB 11.31.2-3
kinnara the inhabitants of KinnaralokaCC Antya 2.10
deva-gandharva-kinnara the demigods, the Gandharvas and the KinnarasCC Antya 9.8
kinnaraiḥ and by the KinnarasSB 4.12.1
kinnaraiḥ by the KinnarasSB 6.7.2-8
kinnaraiḥ the KinnarasSB 8.2.5
kṛta-nara-āhārāt who has eaten human beingsSB 10.15.24
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
mahīnara MahīnaraSB 9.22.43
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
sura-nara-mṛga-miśrita-jalacara-ākṛtibhiḥ with different forms like those of the demigods, human beings, animals, mixtures and aquatics (the incarnations Vāmana, Lord Rāmacandra, Kṛṣṇa, Varāha, Hayagrīva, Nṛsiṃha, Matsya and Kūrma)SB 6.9.40
sura-nara-mṛga-miśrita-jalacara-ākṛtibhiḥ with different forms like those of the demigods, human beings, animals, mixtures and aquatics (the incarnations Vāmana, Lord Rāmacandra, Kṛṣṇa, Varāha, Hayagrīva, Nṛsiṃha, Matsya and Kūrma)SB 6.9.40
mukunda narasiṃha janārdana O Mukunda, Narasiṃha, JanārdanaMM 40
sura-nara-mṛga-miśrita-jalacara-ākṛtibhiḥ with different forms like those of the demigods, human beings, animals, mixtures and aquatics (the incarnations Vāmana, Lord Rāmacandra, Kṛṣṇa, Varāha, Hayagrīva, Nṛsiṃha, Matsya and Kūrma)SB 6.9.40
hari-nara of half lion and half human beingSB 7.8.56
kṛta-nara-āhārāt who has eaten human beingsSB 10.15.24
nārāyaṇaḥ nara Nara-NārāyaṇaSB 11.4.6
śrī-narahari Śrī NarahariCC Madhya 15.112
khaṇḍa-vāsī narahari Narahari, a resident of the village KhaṇḍaCC Madhya 16.18
sura-naraiḥ by demigods and human beingsCC Adi 16.41
rāvaṇaḥ narakaḥ Rāvaṇa and NarakaSB 10.73.20
tāmisre narake into the hell known as TāmisraSB 5.26.8
mukunda narasiṃha janārdana O Mukunda, Narasiṃha, JanārdanaMM 40
nārāyaṇaḥ nara Nara-NārāyaṇaSB 11.4.6
punarapi thereafterCC Adi 5.69
punarapi againCC Adi 17.24
punarapi againCC Madhya 1.121
punarapi again and againCC Madhya 2.35
punarapi againCC Madhya 3.207
punarapi againCC Madhya 5.70
punarapi againCC Madhya 6.36
punarapi againCC Madhya 6.76
punarapi againCC Madhya 6.143
punarapi againCC Madhya 7.129
punarapi againCC Madhya 8.50
punarapi againCC Madhya 9.195
punarapi againCC Madhya 9.216
punarapi againCC Madhya 9.318
punarapi againCC Madhya 10.18
punarapi againCC Madhya 11.12
punarapi againCC Madhya 12.6
punarapi againCC Madhya 12.171
punarapi againCC Madhya 13.81
punarapi againCC Madhya 15.63
punarapi againCC Madhya 16.165
punarapi againCC Madhya 16.216
punarapi again indeedCC Madhya 17.124
punarapi againCC Madhya 20.279-280
punarapi againCC Madhya 24.3
punarapi againCC Madhya 25.169
punarapi againCC Madhya 25.225
punarapi againCC Antya 1.221
punarapi stillCC Antya 3.66
punarapi againCC Antya 13.84
punarapi again, alsoCC Antya 13.114
punarapi againCC Antya 18.101
rāvaṇaḥ narakaḥ Rāvaṇa and NarakaSB 10.73.20
sabhānara SabhānaraSB 9.23.1
nara-sainya monkey soldiersCC Madhya 15.32
śrī-narahari Śrī NarahariCC Madhya 15.112
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
sura-nara-mṛga-miśrita-jalacara-ākṛtibhiḥ with different forms like those of the demigods, human beings, animals, mixtures and aquatics (the incarnations Vāmana, Lord Rāmacandra, Kṛṣṇa, Varāha, Hayagrīva, Nṛsiṃha, Matsya and Kūrma)SB 6.9.40
sura-naraiḥ by demigods and human beingsCC Adi 16.41
vaiśvānara-sutāḥ the daughters of VaiśvānaraSB 6.6.33-36
vaiśvānara-sute daughters of VaiśvānaraSB 6.6.33-36
tāmisre narake into the hell known as TāmisraSB 5.26.8
apsaraḥ-kinnara-uragaiḥ and by the Apsarās, Kinnaras and UragasSB 10.4.9
uśīnara-indram the master of the state of UśīnaraSB 7.2.29-31
uśīnara-ātmajāḥ the sons of UśīnaraSB 9.23.2
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
uśīnara UśīnaraSB 9.23.2
vaiśvānara-sutāḥ the daughters of VaiśvānaraSB 6.6.33-36
vaiśvānara-sute daughters of VaiśvānaraSB 6.6.33-36
vaiśvānara My plenary portion as the digesting fireBG 15.14
vaiśvānaram the controlling deity of fireSB 2.2.24
nara-jāteḥ of the society of monkeys, or the descendants of the monkeySB 5.14.30
nara-indra of the great chiefs of the monkeysSB 9.10.17
nara the monkey (Hanumān)SB 10.58.13-14
nara-sainya monkey soldiersCC Madhya 15.32
nara the monkeySB 5.14.32
nara an apeSB 10.67.2
nara the apeSB 10.67.3
khaṇḍa-vāsī narahari Narahari, a resident of the village KhaṇḍaCC Madhya 16.18
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
yavīnara YavīnaraSB 9.21.27
yavīnara YavīnaraSB 9.21.30
74 results
nara noun (masculine) a class of myth. beings allied to the Gandharvas and Kiṃnaras (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a male (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a man or piece at chess or draughts (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a person (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
hero (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
husband (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of 2 kings of Kaśmīra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Bhavanmanyu (Manyu) and father of Saṃkṛti (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Gaya and father of Virāj (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Manu Tāmasa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Sudhṛti and father of Kevala (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Viśvāmitra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Bhāradvāja (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of one of the 10 horses of the Moon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
person (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
personal termination (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the pin or gnomon of a sun-dial (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the primeval Man or eternal spirit pervading the universe (always associated with Nārāyaṇa) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 74/72933
naradatta noun (masculine) name of a Brāhman (nephew of the ṣi Asita) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the Guru of Cakradatta
Frequency rank 55708/72933
naradeva noun (masculine) a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of an author (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6423/72933
naradeśvara noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha
Frequency rank 36112/72933
narahari noun (masculine) name of another man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of several authors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Viṣṇu as "man-lion" (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18040/72933
narajīvā noun (masculine feminine) a kind of plant (difficult to be identified)
Frequency rank 21553/72933
naraka noun (masculine) devarātriprabheda (?) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a demon (son of Viṣṇu and Bhūmi or the Earth) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Vipracitti (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6513/72933
naraka noun (masculine neuter) hell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
place of torment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 1171/72933
narakastha adjective living or being in hell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55704/72933
narakasā noun (feminine) the indigo plant (Ray, Rasārṇava)
Frequency rank 36110/72933
narakesarin noun (masculine) Viṣṇu in his 4th Avatāra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 24337/72933
narakeśvara noun (neuter) the tīrtha anarakeśvara
Frequency rank 55706/72933
narakāka noun (masculine) a crow-like man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of crow (??)
Frequency rank 55705/72933
narakāntaka noun (masculine) name of Kṛṣṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 36111/72933
naramaṇḍana noun (neuter) haritāla
Frequency rank 55709/72933
naranārāyaṇa noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha at the Narmadā
Frequency rank 28579/72933
naranārāyaṇa noun (masculine) name of an author (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Kṛṣṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 19491/72933
narapati noun (masculine) a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of an author (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of one of the 4 myth. kings of Jambudvīpa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6424/72933
nararāja noun (masculine) a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55710/72933
narasakha noun (masculine) name of Nārāyaṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55712/72933
narasiṃha noun (masculine) name of several princes and authors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the father of king Bhairava (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Viṣṇu in his 4th Avatāra (when he was half man half lion) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8994/72933
narasāra noun (masculine) sal ammoniac (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 7824/72933
naratīrtha noun (neuter) [rel.] name of a Tīrtha
Frequency rank 55707/72933
naravāhana noun (masculine) name of a minister of king Kṣemagupta (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a prince (successor of Śālivāhana) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a prince of the Dārvābhisāras (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a rasasiddha name of Kubera (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8993/72933
naravāhanadatta noun (masculine) name of a prince
Frequency rank 36113/72933
naravāhinī noun (feminine) [rel.] name of Devī
Frequency rank 55711/72933
adṛṣṭanara noun (masculine) a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 42402/72933
anara adjective
Frequency rank 42739/72933
anaraka noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha
Frequency rank 26279/72933
anarakeśvara noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha at the Narmadā
Frequency rank 42740/72933
anarakeśvaratīrthamāhātmyavarṇana noun (neuter) name of Skandapurāṇa, Revākhaṇḍa, 159
Frequency rank 42741/72933
anaraṇya noun (masculine) name of a king of Ayodhyā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 10846/72933
annapānarakṣakalpa noun (masculine) name of Suśrutasaṃhitā, Kalpasthāna 1
Frequency rank 43497/72933
avānara adjective free of monkeys
Frequency rank 45292/72933
ahīnara noun (masculine) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 46128/72933
uśīnara noun (masculine) a king of that people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Mahāmanas name of an ancient people in Central India (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9798/72933
auśīnara adjective belonging to the USInaras (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 10058/72933
kiṃnara noun (masculine neuter) a mythical being with a human figure and the head of a horse (or with a horse's body and the head of a man) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of alchemical instrument [kiṃnarayantra]
Frequency rank 2405/72933
kiṃnarayantra noun (neuter) a kind of alchemical instrument
Frequency rank 49480/72933
kunara noun (masculine) a bad man
Frequency rank 49659/72933
kṛṣṇavānara noun (masculine) black kind of monkey (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 50036/72933
ghanarava noun (masculine) Cyperus rotundus Linn.
Frequency rank 21251/72933
ghanarasa noun (masculine neuter) camphor (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
decoction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
extract (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the plant Moraṭa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the plant Pīluparṇī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 34794/72933
janarañjinī noun (feminine) name of a Yakṣiṇī
Frequency rank 52653/72933
javīnara noun (masculine) name of a son of Bhadrāśva
Frequency rank 52849/72933
dhanarakṣaka noun (masculine) name of Kubera (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55290/72933
nirvānara adjective free from monkeys (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 36358/72933
naikatānarata noun (masculine) [rel.] name of Śiva
Frequency rank 56760/72933
narata adjective
Frequency rank 57762/72933
punararthin adjective requesting again (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 58171/72933
bhuvanakośagatāpātalanarakādinirūpaṇa noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.57
Frequency rank 60816/72933
mahānaraka noun (masculine neuter) name of a hell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29599/72933
mahāvaiśvānara noun (masculine) a kind of viḍa
Frequency rank 61875/72933
mahāvaiśvānara noun (neuter) name of a Sāman
Frequency rank 61876/72933
yavīnara noun (masculine) name of a son of Ajamīḍha (Hariv.) or of Dvimīḍha (BhP) or of Bharmyāśva (ib.) or of Vāhyāśva (ib.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 25143/72933
rathīnara noun (masculine) name of a son of Pṛṣadaśva
Frequency rank 63377/72933
vanara noun (masculine) vānara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an ape (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 64586/72933
vanarambhā noun (feminine) the mountain or wild Kadalī
Frequency rank 64587/72933
vahīnara noun (masculine) name of a son of Udayana
Frequency rank 39141/72933
nara adjective belonging to an ape or monkey (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
monkey-like (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 10775/72933
nara noun (masculine) a kind of incense (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a monkey (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ape (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a writer on medicine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Olibanum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 397/72933
naraketana noun (masculine) name of Arjuna (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30117/72933
naradhvaja noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 17197/72933
narapriya noun (masculine neuter) the tree Mimusops Kauki (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 39197/72933
nararāja noun (masculine) a strong or excellent monkey (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65123/72933
vaiśvānara adjective all-commanding (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
common (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
complete (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
composed by Viśvānara or Vaiśvānara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
consisting of all men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
everywhere (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
full in number (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
general (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
known or worshipped (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
omnipresent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
relating or belonging to all men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
relating or belonging to the gods collectively (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
relating or sacred to Agni Vaiśvānara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
universal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20119/72933
vaiśvānara noun (masculine) (in the Vedānta) name of the Supreme spirit or Intellect when located in a supposed collective aggregate of gross bodies (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a particular Agni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Agni or Fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Daitya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a family of ṣis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of various men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sunlight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the fire of digestion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of viḍa
Frequency rank 3770/72933
vaiśvānarapoṭalī noun (feminine) a kind of alchemical preparation
Frequency rank 66765/72933
vaiśvānaravrata noun (neuter) a kind of vrata
Frequency rank 66766/72933
śayanaracana noun (neuter) the preparation of a bed or couch (one of the 64 arts) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 67245/72933
śvanara noun (masculine) a dog-like fellow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
currish or snappish feeder (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
low feeder (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 68331/72933
sabhānara noun (masculine) name of a son of Anu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Kakṣeyu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30714/72933
strīnaralakṣaṇa noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.65
Frequency rank 71719/72933
svanara noun (masculine) name of a son of Svāgata
Frequency rank 72087/72933


a commentary on Bāhaṭa by Krishnaraja in the 18th Century ; available incomplete.


a reddish substance obtained from hilly rocks; one of nine sādhāranarasas.


man, human being.


herbo-mineral preparation used in treatment of fevers.


1. a text written by Channaraja in the 16th Century about human medicine; 2. an text written by Nanjaraja in the 18th Century about human medicine; 3. another text written by Hosapandita Bheemarao in the 19th Century



Wordnet Search
"nara" has 80 results.


narabhakṣaka, mānavabhakṣaka   

yaḥ mānavam atti।

vyādhena narabhakṣikā vyāghrī hatā।


nirābhimānin, anabhimānin, abhimānarahita, garvahīna, darpahīna, adaṃbhī, adarpī, nirahaṃkārī, ahaṃkārahīna, daṃbhahīna, nirahaṃkara, nirahaṃkṛta, ahaṃkārarahita, garvarahita, madaśūnya, amānin, aparuṣa, abhimānaśūnya   

yaḥ abhimānī nāsti।

santāḥ nirābhimāninaḥ santi।


puruṣaḥ, naraḥ, nā, manuṣyaḥ, mānuṣaḥ, mānavaḥ, manujaḥ, janaḥ, pumān, martyaḥ, pūruṣaḥ, manuḥ, pañca़janaḥ, manubhūḥ, puṃvyaktiḥ, vīraḥ, mālaḥ, vṛdhasānaḥ, vṛdhasānuḥ, carṣaṇiḥ, bhūspṛk   

pumān mānavajātīyaḥ।

dvidhā kṛtvātmano deham arddhena puruṣo'bhavat। arddhena nārī tasyāṃ sa virājam asṛjat prabhuḥ।


narakaḥ, nārakaḥ, nirayaḥ, durgatiḥ   

pāpināṃ yātanāsthānam।

mṛtyoḥ paścād pāpinaḥ janāḥ narake gacchanti।


sūkṣmagaṇḍaḥ, avagaṇḍaḥ, kṣudravraṇaḥ, varaṇḍaḥ, varaṇḍakaḥ, raktaspoṭaḥ, raktaspoṭakaḥ, kṣudrasphoṭaḥ, sūkṣmasphoṭaḥ, raktapiṇḍaḥ tanuvraṇaḥ, sūkṣmavraṇaḥ, kacchapikā, raktavaraṭī, raktavaṭī, piḍakaḥ, piḍakā, naraṅgaḥ, muramaṇḍaḥ, irāvellikā   

yuvāvasthāyām mukhādiṣu jātaḥ gaṇḍaḥ।

sā sūkṣmagaṇḍe candanādi lepayati।


narajananāṅgam, naraguptāṅgam   

narasya jananasambandhi aṅgam।

yasya narajananāṅgaṃ niṣkriyaṃ tasya saṃntatiḥ na bhavati।


jalam, vāri, ambu, ambhaḥ, payaḥ, salilam, sarilam, udakam, udam, jaḍam, payas, toyam, pānīyam, āpaḥ, nīram, vāḥ, pāthas, kīlālam, annam, apaḥ, puṣkaram, arṇaḥ, peyam, salam, saṃvaram, śaṃvaram, saṃmbam, saṃvatsaram, saṃvavaraḥ, kṣīram, pāyam, kṣaram, kamalam, komalam, pīvā, amṛtam, jīvanam, jīvanīyam, bhuvanam, vanam, kabandham, kapandham, nāram, abhrapuṣpam, ghṛtam, kaṃ, pīppalam, kuśam, viṣam, kāṇḍam, savaram, saram, kṛpīṭam, candrorasam, sadanam, karvuram, vyoma, sambaḥ, saraḥ, irā, vājam, tāmarasa, kambalam, syandanam, sambalam, jalapītham, ṛtam, ūrjam, komalam, somam, andham, sarvatomukham, meghapuṣpam, ghanarasaḥ, vahnimārakaḥ, dahanārātiḥ, nīcagam, kulīnasam, kṛtsnam, kṛpīṭam, pāvanam, śaralakam, tṛṣāham, kṣodaḥ, kṣadmaḥ, nabhaḥ, madhuḥ, purīṣam, akṣaram, akṣitam, amba, aravindāni, sarṇīkam, sarpiḥ, ahiḥ, sahaḥ, sukṣema, sukham, surā, āyudhāni, āvayāḥ, induḥ, īm, ṛtasyayoniḥ, ojaḥ, kaśaḥ, komalam, komalam, kṣatram, kṣapaḥ, gabhīram, gambhanam, gahanam, janma, jalāṣam, jāmi, tugryā, tūyam, tṛptiḥ, tejaḥ, sadma, srotaḥ, svaḥ, svadhā, svargāḥ, svṛtikam, haviḥ, hema, dharuṇam, dhvasmanvatu, nāma, pavitram, pāthaḥ, akṣaram, pūrṇam, satīnam, sat, satyam, śavaḥ, śukram, śubham, śambaram, vūsam, vṛvūkam, vyomaḥ, bhaviṣyat, vapuḥ, varvuram, varhiḥ, bhūtam, bheṣajam, mahaḥ, mahat, mahaḥ, mahat, yaśaḥ, yahaḥ, yāduḥ, yoniḥ, rayiḥ, rasaḥ, rahasaḥ, retam   

sindhuhimavarṣādiṣu prāptaḥ dravarupo padārthaḥ yaḥ pāna-khāna-secanādyartham upayujyate।

jalaṃ jīvanasya ādhāram। /ajīrṇe jalam auṣadhaṃ jīrṇe balapradam। āhārakāle āyurjanakaṃ bhuktānnopari rātrau na peyam।


nara-janana-kośikā, narajananikā   

nareṣu vartamānā jananakośikā।

nara-janana-kośikāyāḥ strī-janana-kośikayā saṃsargeṇa jīvasya utpattiḥ bhavati।


nṛpaḥ, nṛpatiḥ, rājā, bhūpatiḥ, bhūpaḥ, bhūpālaḥ, mahīpatiḥ, pārthivaḥ, pārthaḥ, pṛthivīpatiḥ, pṛthivīpālaḥ, bhūmipaḥ, bhūmipatiḥ, mahīkṣit, mahīpaḥ, mahīpālaḥ, kṣitipaḥ, kṣitipatiḥ, kṣitipālaḥ, pṛthivīkṣit, nareśvaraḥ, narādhipaḥ, nareśaḥ, narendraḥ, prajeśvaraḥ, prajāpaḥ, prajāpatiḥ, jagatīpatiḥ, avanīśvaraḥ, jagatīpālaḥ, jagatpatiḥ, avanīpatiḥ, avanīpālaḥ, avanīśaḥ, kṣitīkṣaḥ, kṣitīśvaraḥ, pṛthivīśakaḥ, bhūmibhṛt, kṣitibhṛt, bhūbhṛt, kṣmābhṛt, kṣmāpaḥ, vasudhādhipaḥ, adhipaḥ, adhipatiḥ, nāyakādhipaḥ, mahībhuk, jagatībhuk, kṣmābhuk, bhūbhuk, svāmī, prabhuḥ, bhagavān, chatrapaḥ, chatrapatiḥ, rājyabhāk, lokapālaḥ, lokeśaḥ, lokeśvaraḥ, lokanāthaḥ, naradevaḥ, rāṭ, irāvān   

rāṣṭrasya jāteḥ vā pradhānaśāsakaḥ।

tretāyuge śrīrāmaḥ ayodhyāyāḥ nṛpaḥ āsīt।


punarekavāram, punaḥ, punarapi, bhūyaḥ, asakṛt   

sakṛt kṛte sati dvitīyavāram।

punarekavāram asya kūṭapraśnasya samādhānaṃ kurū।



añjanena vinā।

yuvatyaḥ añjanarahite netre śuṣke dṛśyete।


asuraḥ, daityaḥ, daiteyaḥ, danujaḥ, indrāriḥ, dānavaḥ, śukraśiṣyaḥ, ditisutaḥ, pūrvadevaḥ, suradviṭ, devaripuḥ, devāriḥ, kauṇapaḥ, kravyāt, kravyādaḥ, asrapaḥ, āśaraḥ, rātriñcaraḥ, rātricaraḥ, kavvūraḥ, nikaṣātmajaḥ, yātudhānaḥ, puṇyajanaḥ, nairṛtaḥ, yātuḥ, rakṣaḥ, sandhyābalaḥ, kṣapāṭaḥ, rajanīcaraḥ, kīlāpāḥ, nṛcakṣāḥ, naktañcaraḥ, palāśī, palāśaḥ, bhūtaḥ, nīlāmbaraḥ, kalmāṣaḥ, kaṭaprūḥ, agiraḥ, kīlālapaḥ, naradhiṣmaṇaḥ, khacaraḥ   

dharmagranthaiḥ varṇitāḥ te jīvāḥ ye dharmavirodhinaḥ kāryān akarot tathā ca devānāṃ ṛṣīṇāṃ ca śatravaḥ āsan।

purākāle asūrāṇāṃ bhayena dharmakārye kāṭhīnyam abhavat।


pretaḥ, pretanaraḥ, pretikaḥ, paretaḥ, nārakaḥ, narakavāsī, narakāmayaḥ, paretaḥ, niśāṭaḥ, brahmarākṣasaḥ, bhūtaḥ, malinamukhaḥ, rahāṭaḥ, śmaśānanivāsī, śmaśānaveśmā, sattva   

mṛtyoḥ anantaraṃ yaḥ jīvātmā tasya sā avasthā yasyāṃ saḥ mokṣābhāvat anyajanān pīḍayati।

ādhunike yuge viralāḥ janāḥ pretānām astittvaṃ na svīkurvanti।


mānavaḥ, manuṣyaḥ, mānuṣaḥ, naraḥ, martyaḥ   

saḥ dvipadaḥ yaḥ buddheḥ kāraṇāt prāṇiṣu śreṣṭhaḥ asti।

mānavaḥ buddheḥ kāraṇāt prāṇiṣu śreṣṭhaḥ asti।


śiśnaḥ, puliṅgam, puṃścihnam, upasthaḥ, jaghanyam, naraṅgam, puruṣāṅgam, carmadaṇḍaḥ, svarastambhaḥ, upasthaḥ, madanāṅkuśaḥ, kandarpamuṣalaḥ, śephaḥ, mehanam, meḍhraḥ, lāṅguḥ, dhvajaḥ, rāgalatā, lāṅgūlam, sādhanam, sephaḥ, kāmāṅkuśaḥ, vyaṅgaḥ   

avayavaviśeṣaḥ, puruṣasya jananendriyam।

yāvatāmeva dhātūnāṃ liṅgaṃ rūḍhigataṃ bhavet arthaścaivābhidheyastu tāvadbhirguṇavigrahaḥ


vaitaraṇī, baitaranī, narakasthā   

hindūdharmagrantheṣu varṇitā yamadvārasya samīpasthā ekā nadī।

janāḥ manyante yad maraṇād anantaraṃ dharmāvalambinaṃ puruṣaṃ vaitaraṇīṃ pāraṃ kartuṃ kāpi bādhā na bhavati।


naraḥ, kapiḥ, plavaṅgaḥ, plavagaḥ, śākhāmṛgaḥ, valīmukhaḥ, markaṭaḥ, kīśaḥ, vanaukāḥ, markaḥ, plavaḥ, pravaṅgaḥ, pravagaḥ, plavaṅgamaḥ, pravaṅgamaḥ, golāṅgulaḥ, kapitthāsya, dadhikṣoṇaḥ, hariḥ, tarumṛgaḥ, nagāṭanaḥ, jhampī, jhampārukalipriyaḥ, kikhiḥ, śālāvṛkaḥ   

vanyapaśuḥ yaḥ vṛkṣe vasati bhramati ca।

vālī nāma vānaraḥ rāmeṇa hataḥ।



manthanārthe vartamānā rajjuḥ।

dadhimanthanakāle mātā vāraṃ vāraṃ manthanarajjum ākarṣati।



viṣuvṛtte āphrikākhaṇḍasthe vane vartamānaḥ vānaraḥ।

medhyavānaraḥ caturaḥ asti।



puṃstva viśiṣṭaḥ।

gajaḥ iti ekaḥ naraḥ catuṣpādaḥ asti।



aśubhaṃ kaṣṭadāyakaṃ sthānam।

ātaṅkavādena asmākaṃ nagaraṃ narakameva jātam।


manuṣyatā, mānuṣatvam, mānuṣyam, naratvam, mānavatā   

manuṣyasya avasthā bhāvaḥ vā।

manuṣyatā iti dharmeṇa asmābhiḥ parasparāṇāṃ sahāyyaṃ kriyeta।


kuberaḥ, yakṣarāṭ, yakṣendraḥ, yakṣeśvaraḥ, tryambakasakhā, guhyakeśvaraḥ, manuṣyadharmā, dhanadaḥ, dhanādhipaḥ, kinnareśaḥ, vaiśravaṇaḥ, paulastyaḥ, naravāhanaḥ, ekapiṅgaḥ, aiḍaviḍaḥ, śrīdaḥ, puṇyajaneśvaraḥ   

yakṣānāṃ rājā yaḥ indrasya kośādhyakṣaḥ asti।

kuberaḥ rāvaṇasya bhrātā āsīt।


kinnaraḥ, kimpuruṣaḥ, mayuḥ, turaṅgavadanaḥ, aśvamukhaḥ, gītamodī, hariṇanartakaḥ   

devayoniḥ yasya mukham aśvasadṛśam।

kinnaraḥ nṛtyagāyanena devatān rañjayati।



sā jātiḥ yā gāyanaṃ vādanaṃ ca karoti।

mohanaḥ kinnarajātiviṣaye adhikaṃ jñātum icchati।


saṃhāraḥ, narasaṃhāraḥ   

naikānāṃ janānāṃ ekasmin samaye kṛtā hatyā।

gujarātarājyasya godharānagare jātaḥ saṃhāraḥ asmākaṃ saṅkucitāyāḥ mānasikatāyāḥ dyotakaḥ।


chāyāyantram, narayantram   

tad yantram yasmin chāyāyāḥ sthitiṃ dṛṣṭvā velāyāḥ anumānaṃ kriyate।

chāyāyantre karadīpasya āvaśyakatā nāsti।



kārtikamāsasya kṛṣṇapakṣasya caturdaśī।

narakacaturdaśyāṃ yamapūjanaṃ kriyate।



devatādīnāṃ pūjārthe kriyamāṇā manuṣyahatyā।

narabaliḥ iti paddhatiṃ niṣedhayet।


amṛtaphalam, cīnarajaputraḥ   

vṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ-yasya parṇāni bījapūrasya parṇasadṛśāni santi।

markaṭaḥ amṛtaphalaṃ gacchati।


yakṣaḥ, guhyakamātram, guhyakeśvaraḥ, indragṛham, dhanarakṣakaḥ   

bhūtayoniviśeṣaḥ, kuberasya sevakāḥ ye vikṛtākāravadanāḥ piṅgalākṣāḥ mahodarāḥ dīrghaskandhāḥ syuḥ iti manyate। yudhiṣṭhireṇa yakṣasya praśnāḥ samuttaritāḥ। /

pracetasaḥ sutā yakṣāḥ teṣāṃ nāmāni me śruṇu ।kevalo harikeśaśca kapilaḥ kāñcanastathā । meghamālī ca yakṣāḥ gaṇa eṣa udāhṛtaḥ ॥




gajameṣādayaḥ narāḥ santi।


naramedhaḥ, nṛmedhaḥ   

prācīnakāle vartamānaḥ yāgaḥ yasmin narāhutiṃ yacchati।

paurāṇike kāle asurādayaḥ api naramedhaṃ kurvanti sma।



jainamatānusāreṇa tat karma yena manuṣyaḥ narakaṃ prāpnoti।

jainamuniḥ svasya pravacane narakagatyāḥ trātuṃ kathayati।



mṛtapuruṣasya kapālaḥ।

māyākāreṇa syūtāt narakapālaḥ niṣkāsitaḥ।


narakāsuraḥ, bhaumāsuraḥ, bhūmiputraḥ, vasudhāsutaḥ, bhūmijaḥ, bhūsutaḥ   

pṛthvīgarbhāt jātaḥ ekaḥ asuraḥ।

śrīkṛṣṇena sudarśanacakreṇa narakāsuraḥ ghātitaḥ।


dānaśīlaḥ, udāraḥ, dānavīraḥ, dānarataḥ, udāttaḥ, dānaśauḍaḥ, bahupradaḥ, udāradhīcetāḥ, mahāmanāḥ, udāracaritaḥ, subhojāḥ, mahānubhāvaḥ, mahātyāgī   

yaḥ dānāya na vilambate।

karṇaḥ mahān dānaśīlaḥ āsīt।


viśvagata, vaiśvānara, sarvaga, sarvasaṃstha, sarvatovṛtta, sarvatraga, vibhū   

yat sarvatra vidyate।

īśvaraḥ viśvagataḥ।



madhyapradeśe vartamānam ekaṃ nagaram।

mama grāmaḥ narasiṃhapūrāt viṃśati kilomīṭara dūre asti।



madhyapradeśarājye vartamānam ekaṃ maṇḍalam।

narasiṃhapūramaṇḍalasya mukhyālayaḥ narasiṃhapūranagare asti।


mehatānarasiṃhamahodayaḥ, mehatānarasiṃhaḥ   

sūradāsakālīnaḥ khyātaḥ mahātmā।

mehatānarasiṃhamahodayaracitā ekā stutiḥ gāndhīmahodayāya rocate sma।



bhāratasya hariyāṇārājye vartamānaṃ nagaram।

mahendragaḍhamaṇḍalasya mukhyālayaḥ nagaranaulanagare asti।



ikṣvākuvaṃśīyaḥ rājā yaḥ pṛthoḥ pitā bāṇasya putraḥ ca āsīt।

kayācit kathayā anusāreṇa anaraṇyaḥ rāvaṇam aśapat yat rāmaḥ taṃ haniṣyati।


agniḥ, vaiśvānaraḥ, vītahotraḥ, agnihotraḥ, huraṇyaretāḥ, saptārci, vibhāvasuḥ, vṛṣākapiḥ, svāhāpatiḥ, svāhāprayaḥ, svāhābhuk, agnidevaḥ, agnidevatā, dhanañjayaḥ, jātavedaḥ, kṛpīṭayoniḥ, śociṣkeśaḥ, uṣarbudhaḥ, bṛhadbhānuḥ, hutabhuk, haviraśanaḥ, hutāśaḥ, hutāśanaḥ, havirbhuk, havyavāhanaḥ, havyāśanaḥ, kravyavāhanaḥ, tanunapāt, rohitāśvaḥ, āśuśukṣaṇiḥ, āśrayāśaḥ, āśayāśaḥ, āśrayabhuk, āśrayadhvaṃsī, pāvakaḥ, pāvanaḥ, tejaḥ, vahniḥ, jvalanaḥ, analaḥ, kṛśānuḥ, vāyusakhā, vāyusakhaḥ, dahanaḥ, śikhī, śikhāvān, kṛṣṇavartmā, araṇiḥ, ghāsiḥ, dāvaḥ, pacanaḥ, pācanaḥ, pācakaḥ, juhuvān, vāśiḥ, arciṣmān, prabhākaraḥ, chidiraḥ, śundhyuḥ, jaganuḥ, jāgṛviḥ, apāmpitaḥ, jalapittaḥ, apittam, himārātiḥ, phutkaraḥ, śukraḥ, āśaraḥ, samidhaḥ, citrabhānuḥ, jvālājihvā, kapilaḥ, vibhāvasuḥ, tamonud, śuciḥ, śukraḥ, damunaḥ, damīnaḥ, agiraḥ, hariḥ, bhuvaḥ   

devatāviśeṣaḥ-hindudharmānusāram agneḥ devatāsvarūpam।

agneḥ patnī svāhā।


naraḥ, kapiḥ, plavaṅgaḥ, plavagaḥ, śākhāmṛgaḥ, valīmukhaḥ, markaṭaḥ, kīśaḥ, vanaukāḥ, markaḥ, plavaḥ, pravaṅgaḥ, pravagaḥ, plavaṅgamaḥ, pravaṅgamaḥ, golāṅgulaḥ, kapitthāsya, dadhikṣoṇaḥ, hariḥ, tarumṛgaḥ, nagāṭanaḥ, jhampī, jhampārukalipriyaḥ, kikhiḥ, śālāvṛkaḥ   


saḥ manuṣyaḥ vānaraṃ vānarīṃ ca nartayati।




narakaḥ vipracitteḥ putraḥ āsīt।




vaiśvānarasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu asti।



paurāṇikaḥ ṛṣiviśeṣaḥ।

naraḥ viṣṇoḥ avatāraḥ iti manyate।



gayanāmnaḥ rākṣasasya putraviśeṣaḥ।

narasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu asti।




nare daśa guravaḥ trayodaśa laghuvarṇāḥ ca bhavanti।


nayanaramya, nayanābhirāma, netrasukha   

yad nayanebhyaḥ kṛte ramyam asti।

pathi naikāni nayanaramyāṇi dṛśyāni āsīt।




saṅgītajñaḥ kanaraśyāmarāgaṃ gāyati।



rājñaḥ ajamīḍhasya putraḥ।

yavīnarasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu prāpyate।



rājā bhṛmyaśvasya pañcasu putreṣu ekaḥ।

yavanīrasya varṇanaṃ vāyumatsyādiṣu purāṇeṣu dṛśyate।



ekaḥ dharmaparāyaṇaḥ rājā।

indreṇa agnidevena ca uśīnaraḥ parīkṣitaḥ।


asthikuṃḍa narakam   


ye prayāge pitṛn na tarpayanti te asthikuṃḍanarake patanti।



sā rakṣā yā rakṣitasya mṛtyoḥ paścāt tasya uttarādhikārī prāpnoti।

ahaṃ mama saptadaśavarṣīyasya putrasya kṛte vaidyakīyā tathā ca jīvanarakṣāyāḥ nītiṃ kretum icchāmi।



tīrthasthānaviśeṣaḥ ।

narakasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate vartate


narakaḥ, bhaumaḥ   

asuraviśeṣaḥ ।

narakaḥ viṣṇoḥ tathā ca bhūmeḥ putraḥ āsīt



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

naradevaḥ kośe parigaṇitaḥ



ekaḥ paṇḍitaḥ ।

vaidyanarasiṃhasenasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ lokaḥ ।

vairocanaraśmipratimaṇḍitasya varṇanaṃ bauddhasāhitye asti



ekaḥ vaiyākaraṇaḥ ।

śābdikanarasiṃhasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



narakaviśeṣaḥ ।

pāpī janaḥ kumbhinarake patati



narakaviśeṣaḥ ।

pāpī janaḥ kumbhinarake patati



agneḥ pitā ।

viśvānarasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ jātiviśeṣaḥ ।

viṣṇu-purāṇe malavānaraḥ samullikhitaḥ



ekaḥ parvataḥ ।

uśīnaragireḥ ullekhaḥ kathāsaritsāgare asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

nonarathasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekā prārthanā ।

janarañjanyāḥ ullekhaḥ pañcarātre asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

jinarakṣitasya ullekhaḥ kathāsaritsāgare asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

naratroṭakācāryasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaṃ nagaram ।

naranagarasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

naranārāyaṇasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaṃ kāvyam ।

naranārāyaṇānandakāvyasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ rājā ।

narabrahmadevasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaṃ kāvyam ।

narasarājīyasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaṃ cakram ।

narasiṃhayantrasya ullekhaḥ tantrasāre asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

narasiṃvarmaṇaḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ rājaputraḥ ।

naraharidevasya ullekhaḥ praśastyām asti

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