आप्री | f. plural (-pr/iyas-[ ] and -pryas-[ nārāyaṇa-]) Name of particular invocations spoken previous to the offering of oblations (according to they are different in different schools; exempli gratia, 'for example' s/amiddho agn/ir- ,in the school of śunaka-; juṣ/asva naḥ- ,in that of vasiṣṭha-; s/amiddho ady/a- ,in that of others; nārāyaṇa- on this passage gives ten hymns belonging to different schools;See also on [ s/usamiddho na /ā vaha-,the āprī--hymn of the school of kaṇva-] , who enumerates twelve āprī-s and explains that twelve deities are propitiated;those deities are personified objects belonging to the fire-sacrifice, viz. the fuel, the sacred grass, the enclosure, etc., all regarded as different forms of agni-;hence the objects are also called āprī-s, or, according to others, the objects are the real āprī-s, whence the hymns received their names)  |
जरायु | m. see jy/otir-- n/ir--.  |
जर्जल्प | See n/ir--.  |
मा | ind. in the veda- often with u- (m/o-) = and not, nor (exempli gratia, 'for example' m/ā magh/onaḥ p/ari khyatam m/oasm/ākam /ṛṣṇām-,do not forget the rich lords nor us the poets ;and then usually followed by ṣ/u- equals s/u- exempli gratia, 'for example' mo ṣ/u ṇaḥ n/irṛtir vadhīt-,let not nirṛtir- on any account destroy us, )  |
निर्भूति | (n/ir--) f. disappearing, vanishing  |
निर्धूतसक्तु | mfn. (n/ir-dh-) (bag) having the barley-meal shaken out  |
निर्हस्त | (n/ir--) mfn. handless (see nair-h-),  |
निरिन्द्रिय | mf(ā-)n. (n/ir--) impotent, destitute of manly vigour or strength etc.  |
निर्जाल्मक | (n/ir-.) mfn. maneless (see jarjalpa-).  |
निर्जरायु | (n/ir-.) mfn. (snake) that has cast its skin  |
निर्जर्जल्प | (n/ir--) mfn. tattered ( ; varia lectio -jalmaka-).  |
निर्मजा | (n/ir--) f. watering-place, pond (?) ( " nirmaj n/ir-maj- mfn. equals śuddha-") .  |
निर्माय | (n/ir--) mfn. powerless, weak  |
निर्मित | mfn. (n/ir--)constructed, built, fashioned, formed, created, made by (instrumental case or compound) out of (ablative instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
निर्मुक्ति | (n/ir--) f. liberation, deliverance from (ablative or compound), Av. or dāna- Scholiast or Commentator on  |
निरृत | mfn. (n/ir--) dissolved, decayed, debilitated  |
निरृति | f. (n/ir--) dissolution, destruction, calamity, evil, adversity etc. etc. (personified as the goddess of death and corruption and often associated with mṛtyu-, a-rāti- etc. ;variously regarded as the wife of a-dharma-, mother of bhaya-, mahā-bhaya- and mṛtyu-[ ]or as a daughter of a-dharma- and hiṃsā- and mother of naraka- and bhaya-[ ];binds mortals with her cords etc.;is regent of the south[ ]and of the asterism mūla-[ ])  |
निरृतिगृहीत | mfn. (n/ir-ṛ-) seized by nir-ṛti-  |
निरूढशिरस् | mfn. (n/ir--) with the head laid apart  |
निरूह् | P. A1. -ūhati-, te-, (infinitive mood n/ir-ūhitav/ai- ind.p. -uhya- ; Passive voice pr. p. uhyamāna- ), to push or draw out, put aside or apart, remove : Causal -ūhayati-, to cause to draw out or purge  |
निर्वीर | mfn. (n/ir--) deprived of men or heroes ( nirvīratā r/a-tā- f. )  |
निर्वीर्य | mfn. (n/ir-) powerless, unmanly, impotent  |