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Grammar Search
"mucyate" has 1 results
mucyate: third person singular passive system present class muc
Monier-Williams Search
12 results for mucyate
adhinirmuc Passive voice -mucyate-, to escape from View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atimuc Passive voice -mucyate-, to avoid, escape View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirmucP. -muñcati-, to loosen, free from (ablative), liberate etc. etc.: Passive voice -mucyate- (Aorist -amoci- ), to be freed or free one's self from, get rid of (ablative) etc. ; to be deprived of (instrumental case) ; to be abandoned or given up (as life etc.) ; (sc. tvacas-) to cast off (said of a serpent casting its skin) : Causal -mocayati-, to loosen or liberate from (ablative) ; to redeem (a pawn) from (ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parimucP. -muñc/ati- (ind.p. -mucya-; infinitive mood -moktum-), to unloose, set free, liberate, deliver from (ablative) etc. ; to let go, give up, part with (accusative) ; to discharge, emit : Passive voice -mucyate- (ti- ), to loosen or free one's self, get rid of (ablative genitive case or instrumental case) etc. ; to be liberated or emancipated (from the ties of the world) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pramucP. A1. -muñcati-, te-, to set free, let go, liberate, release from (ablative) ; to loosen, loose, untie, unbind, undo ; to rid one's self of (genitive case), escape ; (ind.p. -mucya-,having liberated one's self from[ ablative ] ) ; to drive away, banish, shake off ; to give up, resign, renounce ; to discharge, emit, throw out, shed etc. ; to hurl, fling, throw, shoot ; to utter ; to throw or put on (as a garland etc.) ; to lend, bestow : Passive voice -mucyate-, to free one's self from (ablative or instrumental case) etc. ; to be loosened, become loose or detached, fall off (as fruits) ; to leave off, cease : Causal -mocayati-, to liberate from (ablative) ; to loosen, untie : Desiderative -mumukṣati-, to be about to give up or resign View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratimucP. A1. -muñcati-, te-, to put (clothes, a garland etc.) on (dative case genitive case locative case), to fix or fasten on, append etc. ; (A1.,later also P.) to put on one's self, dress one's self, assume (a shape or form) etc. ; to attach or fasten to (locative case) ; to inflict on (locative case) ; to set at liberty, release, let go, send away ; to give up, resign ; to return, restore, pay back (as a debt) ; to fling, hurl : Passive voice -mucyate-, to be freed or released from (ablative) etc.: Causal -mocayati-, to set free, rescue, save View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravimucP. A1. -muñcati-, te-, to set free, liberate ; to give up, relinquish, abandon etc.: Passive voice -mucyate-, to be freed from or rid of (ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sampramucP. A1. -muñcati-, te- (ind.p. -mucya- q.v), to loosen entirely, set quite free, deliberate : Passive voice -mucyate-, to free one's self from, get rid of (ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimucP. A1. -muñcati-, te- (imperative -mumoktu- ), to unloose, unharness (A1."one's own horses") , unyoke (id est"make to halt, cause to stop or rest") etc. ; to take off (clothes, ornaments etc.) etc. ; to release, set free, liberate ; to leave, abandon, quit, desert, give up, relinquish ; to shun, avoid etc. ; to lose (consciousness) ; to pardon, forgive ; to emit, discharge, shed, pour or send forth (with grastam-,to set free a seized planet id est"free it from eclipse") ; to throw, hurl, cast (with ātmānam-and locative case,"to cast one's self into" ) etc. ; to utter (a sound) ; to assume (a shape) ; to lay (eggs) ; Passive voice -mucyate-, to be unloosed or detached etc. ; to be slackened (as reins) ; to drop or be expelled (prematurely, as a fetus) ; to be freed or delivered or released (especially from the bonds of existence), get rid of, escape from (ablative adverb in -tas- genitive case,or instrumental case) etc. ; to be deprived of (instrumental case) : Causal -mocayati-, to loosen, detach ; to unyoke ; to set free, deliver from (ablative) etc. ; to keep off, avoid : Desiderative -mumukṣati-, te-, to wish to liberate (A1."one's self") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinirmucP. -muñcati- (only ind.p. -mucya-), to abandon, relinquish (the body id est to die) : Passive voice -mucyate-, to be liberated or set free, be delivered from, be rid of (instrumental case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viparimuc Passive voice -mucyate-, to be freed or released from (ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipramucP. -muñcati-, to loosen, unfasten, take off ; to liberate, set free ; to discharge, hurl, shoot : Passive voice -mucyate-, to be liberated or released from (ablative), get off free View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results6 results
tad ahnāt pratimucyate # Tā.10.34b.
tad rātriyāt pratimucyate # Tā.10.34d.
tasmāt pāpāt pramucyate # TA.10.1.15d; MahānU.5.11d.
narte dānāt tamaso mucyate pari # AVP.2.52.2a. Cf. next.
na sa mucyate varuṇasya pāśāt # AVP.5.32.2d. See next.
yathā sūryo mucyate tamasas pari # AVś.10.1.32a.
Vedabase Search
38 results
mucyate becomes freedSB 4.24.78
mucyate becomes liberatedSB 11.3.55
mucyate gets releaseSB 1.9.23
mucyate he is freedSB 11.2.7
mucyate is deliveredSB 5.5.6
mucyate is releasedSB 6.8.41
mucyate one becomes freedSB 12.12.61
mucyate one is freedSB 12.12.47
mucyate one will become freedSB 10.16.53
parimucyate one becomes freedSB 10.88.10
pramucyate is completely liberatedBG 5.3
pramucyate is deliveredBG 10.3
pramucyate becomes freeSB 7.10.14
pramucyate is freedSB 9.23.17
pramucyate he becomes freedSB 10.16.62
pramucyate becomes releasedSB 10.66.43
pramucyate he is freedSB 10.74.54
pramucyate becomes completely liberatedSB 11.31.27
pramucyate one becomes deliveredSB 12.6.60
vimucyate gets relief fromSB 1.3.29
vimucyate becomes freedSB 3.19.37
vimucyate becomes deliveredSB 4.29.83
vimucyate is freedSB 6.8.36
vimucyate is deliveredSB 6.16.44
vimucyate is freedSB 6.17.40
vimucyate is freedSB 6.19.26-28
vimucyate becomes liberatedSB 7.10.46
vimucyate one becomes liberatedSB 9.11.23
vimucyate becomes relievedSB 10.7.31
vimucyate becomes liberatedSB 10.29.16
vimucyate becomes freedSB 10.81.41
vimucyate becomes freeSB 10.85.46
vimucyate is freedSB 10.88.40
vimucyate one is liberatedSB 11.18.34
vimucyate becomes liberatedSB 11.29.48
vimucyate one becomes liberatedCC Adi 5.77
vimucyate one becomes liberatedCC Madhya 20.251
vimucyate are deliveredCC Antya 3.84
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