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Grammar Search
"marma" has 3 results
marma: neuter nominative singular stem: marman
marma: neuter accusative singular stem: marman
marma: neuter vocative singular stem: marman
Amarakosha Search
3 results
Monier-Williams Search
69 results for marma
marmain compound for marman-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmabhedam. equals -ccheda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmabhedam. hitting the mark View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmabhedanam. "piercer of the vitals", an arrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmabhedinmfn. equals -cchid- (literally and figuratively) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmabhedinm. an arrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmacaran. the heart View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmacchedam. the act of cutting through the vitals or to the quick, causing intense suffering or pain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmacchedinmfn. equals -cchid- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmacchidmfn. cutting through the joints or to the quick, wounding mortally View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmagamf(ā-)n. going to the vitals, cutting to the quick, excessively poignant or painful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmaghātam. wounding the vitals View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmaghātinmfn. equals -cchid- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmaghnīSee -han-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmahanmf(ghnī-)n. striking the vitals, very cutting (as speech) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmajan. blood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmajñamfn. knowing weak or vulnerable points (literally and figuratively) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmajñamfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') having a deep insight into View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmajñamfn. exceedingly acute or clever View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmajñānan. knowledge of a secret View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmakīlam. a husband View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmamayamf(ī-)n. consisting of or relating to the vitals, containing secrets View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmann. ( mṛ-) mortal spot, vulnerable point, any open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body (in reckoned to be 107) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmann. the joint of a limb, any joint or articulation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmann. the core of anything, the quick View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmann. any vital member or organ (see antar-m-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmann. anything which requires to be kept concealed, secret quality, hidden meaning, any secret or mystery View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmapāragamfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') one who has penetrated into the interior of any matter, thoroughly conversant with View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmapīḍāf. pain in the inmost soul View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmaramfn. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) rustling (as leaves or garments), murmuring View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmaram. a rustling sound, murmur View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmaram. a kind of garment View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmaf. coarse ground meal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmaram. a particular vein in the external ear [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin murmurare; German murmeln; English murmur.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmarājam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmarakamf(ikā-)n. (only f. ikā-with sirā-) a particular vein in the tip of the ear View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmarapattramokṣamfn. having leaves falling with a rustling sound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmarāyaNom. A1. yate-, to rustle, murmur View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmaf. Pinus Deodora View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmarībhūtamfn. rustling, murmuring View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmarīkam. (said to be fr. mṛ-) a low or wicked man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmasaṃdhim. plural joints and articulations View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmaspriśmfn. touching the vitals, very cutting or stinging (literally and figuratively) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmasthala n. a vital part, vulnerable place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmasthānan. a vital part, vulnerable place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmatāḍanamf(ā-)n. piercing or paining to the quick View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmatran. "vitals-protector", a coat of mail View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmavedhinmfn. ( marmavedhitā dhi-- f.) See a-marma-vedhitā-.
marmavedhitāf. marmavedhin
marmaveditāf. (fr. -vedin- equals -vid-) knowing weak points or secrets View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmavegitāprob. wrong reading for next. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmavibhedinmfn. equals -bhedin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmavidmfn. equals -jña- (see para-marma-jña-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmavidāraṇamfn. tearing the vitals, mortally wounding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
marmavyathāf. equals -pīḍā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhomarmann. the anus. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amarma(in compound for a-marman-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amarmajātamfn. not originating in a vital part of the body (as a disease), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amarmanmfn. having no vital part, invulnerable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amarmann. not a vital part of the body View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amarmavedhitāf. the state of not inflicting severe injury on others, absence of acrimony (one of the thirty-five vāg-guṇa-s of a tīrthaṃkara-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antarmarmann. the innermost heart, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhinnamarmanmfn. pierced in the vital organs. mortally wounded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paramarma(for -marman-), in -jña- mfn. knowing the secret plans or intentions of another View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paramarmabhāṣaṇan. telling another's secrets View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śiromarmanm. a boar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
snāyumarmann. the joint or place of junction of a sinew or tendon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumarmagamfn. deeply penetrating the vital organs (said of an arrow) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svamārgamarmavivaraṇan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
7 results
marman मर्मन् n. [मृ-मनिन्] 1 (a) A vital part of the body, the vitals, weak or tender point of the body); तथैव तीव्रो हृदि शोकशङ्कुर्मर्माणि कृन्तन्नपि किं न सोढः U.3.35; Y. 1.153; Bk.16; स्वहृदयमर्मणि वर्म करोति Gīt.4. (b) Any vital member or organ. -2 Any weak or vulnerable point, a defect, failing; ते$न्योन्यमभिसंसृत्य क्षिपन्तो मर्मभिर्मिथः Bhāg.8.1.27. -3 The core, quick. -4 Any joint (of a limb). -5 The secret or hidden meaning, the pith or essence (of anything); काव्यमर्मप्रकाशिका टीका; नत्वा गङ्गाधरं मर्मप्रकाशं तनुते गुरुम्--नागेशभट्ट. -6 A secret, a mystery. -7 Truth. -Comp. -अतिग a. piercing deeply into the vital parts; तथा मर्मातिगैर्भीष्मो निजघान महारथान् Mb. 6.9.85; मर्मातिगैरनृजुभिर्नितरामशुद्धैर्वाक्सायकैरथ तुतोद तदा विपक्षः Śi.2.77. -अन्वेषणम् 1 probing the vital parts. -2 seeking weak or vulnerable points. -आवरणम् an armour, a coat of mail. -आविध्, -उपघातिन् a. piercing the vitals (of the heart); अपि मर्माविधो वाचः सत्यं रोमाञ्च- यन्ति माम् Mv.3.1; चिरं क्लिशित्वा मर्माविध् (v. l. मर्माविद्) रामो विलुभितप्लवम् Bk.5.52. -कीलः a husband. -ग a. piercing to the quick, very acute, poignant. -घातः wounding the vitals. -घ्न a. piercing the vitals, excessively painful. -चरम् the heart. -छिद्, -भिद् (so -छेदिन्, -भेदिन्) a. 1 piercing the vitals, cutting to the quick, excessively painful; प्रहरति विधिर्मर्मच्छेदी न कृन्तति जीवितम् U.3.31; Māl.9.12. -2 wounding mortally, mortal. -जम् blood. -ज्ञ a., -विद् a. 1 knowing the weak or vulnerable points of another; Pt.1.248. -2 knowing the most secret portions of a subject. -3 knowing secrets or mysteries. -4 having a deep insight into anything, exceedingly acute or clever. (-ज्ञः) any acute or learned man; ते ह्यस्य मर्मज्ञभयात् नापराध्यन्ति Kau. A.1.8. -ज्ञानम् knowledge of a secret. -त्रम् a coat of mail. -पारग a. ahaving a deep insight into, thoroughly conversant with, one who has entered into the secret recesses of anything. -पीडा pain in the inmost soul. -भेदः 1 piercing the vitals. -2 disclosing the secrets or vulnerable points of another. -भेदनः, -भेदिन् m. an arrow. -विद् see मर्मज्ञ. -संधिः m. (pl.) joints and articulations. -स्थलम्, -स्थानम् 1 a sensitive or vital part. -2 a weak or vulnerable point. -स्पृश् a. 1 piercing the vitals, stinging to the quick; त एते हृदयमर्मस्पृशः संसारभावाः U. -2 very cutting, poignant, sharp or stinging (words &c.).
marmara मर्मर a. [मृ-अरन् मुट् च] 1 Rustling (leaves, garments &c.); तीरेषु तालीवनमर्मरेषु R.6.57;4.73;19.41; मदोद्धताः प्रत्यनिलं विचेरुर्वनस्थलीर्मर्मरपत्रमोक्षाः Ku.3.31. -2 Murmuring. -रः 1 A rustling sound. -2 A murmur. -3 A kind of garment. -रा Coarse ground meal.
marmarāyate मर्मरायते Den. Ā. To rustle, murmur.
marma मर्मरी 1 A species of pine tree. -2 Turmeric. -3 A particular vein in the external ear.
marmarīkaḥ मर्मरीकः 1 A poor man, pauper. -2 A wicked man.
adhimarma अधिमर्म ind. In the vital parts. (See अधि) अथ तीक्ष्णायसैर्बाणैरधिमर्म रघूत्तमौ Bk.5.3.
amarman अमर्मन् a. Ved. Not a vital organ or part of the body, having no joint or vital part. येभिर्वृत्रस्येषितो विवेदा- मर्मणो मन्यमानस्य मर्म Rv.3.32.4. -Comp. -जात a. not produced in a vital organ. -वेधिन् a. not injuring the vital parts; mild, soft. -वेधिता f. The state of not inflicting severe injury on others, absence of acrimony (one of the thirtyfive Vāg-guṇas of a Tīrthaṅkara).
Macdonell Search
7 results
marmaga a. penetrating the joints, poignant; cutting to the quick (fig.); m. wounding the vitals; -ghnî, a. f. of -han; -kkhid, a. penetrating the joints, cutting to the quick, very poignant; m. piercing the vitals, excessive pain; -kkhedin, a. cutting to the quick, very poignant; -gña, a. know ing the weak or vulnerable points (also fig.); knowing the inmost recesses of a thing, hav ing a deep insight, into (--°ree;); extremely clever.
marman n. joint, exposed or vital part of the body; weak or vulnerable spot (fig.).
marmapāraga a. having pene trated to the inmost recesses of, having a thorough insight into (--°ree;); -bheda, m. hit ting a vulnerable part (fig.); -bhedin, a. piercing a vulnerable point, cutting to the quick (fig.); m. arrow; -maya, a. consisting of or relating to any one's weak points.
marmara a. rustling (leaves or gar ments); m. rustling, murmur.
marmarāya den. Â. rustle, murmur.
marmavid a. knowing the weak or vulnerable points of any one; -vidârana, a. lacerating the vitals, wounding mortally; -vegitâ, f. prob. incorr. for -vedi-tâ; -ved in, a. knowing the vulnerable orweak points: (-i)-tâ, f. knowledge of the weak points; -spris, a. touching the vitals, cutting to the quick; very cutting or stinging (fig.); -han, a. (-ghnî) striking the vitals, exceedingly stinging (speech).
amarman n. no vital spot; a. (án) invulnerable.
Bloomfield Vedic
7 results0 results3 results
marma skandheṣu vindatām AVP.10.11.1d.
amarmaṇo manyamānasya marma # RV.3.32.4b.
amarmaṇo vidad id asya marma # RV.5.32.5b.
Vedabase Search
68 results
marma heart and soulCC Adi 10.124-126
marma purportCC Adi 7.74
CC Madhya 8.250
marma purposeCC Adi 7.48
CC Madhya 8.37
marma secret coreCC Adi 4.161
marma secretsCC Adi 4.226
marma the coreCC Adi 3.38
marma the core of the heartCC Antya 15.72
SB 3.4.1
marma the essenceCC Adi 2.44
CC Adi 4.167-169
marma the purportCC Madhya 1.89
marma the truthCC Antya 4.57
marma-bhidaḥ heart piercingSB 4.3.15
marma-bhidaḥ heart piercingSB 4.3.15
marma-duḥkha unhappiness within the heartCC Antya 8.82
marma-duḥkha unhappiness within the heartCC Antya 8.82
marma-gaiḥ going to the heartSB 11.23.3
marma-gaiḥ going to the heartSB 11.23.3
marma-hatām brokenheartedCC Antya 20.47
marma-hatām brokenheartedCC Antya 20.47
marma-kathā confidential talksCC Antya 12.99
marma-kathā confidential talksCC Antya 12.99
marma-sthāḥ attaching within the heartSB 11.23.3
marma-sthāḥ attaching within the heartSB 11.23.3
marma-tāḍanāḥ which afflict the heartSB 8.11.9
marma-tāḍanāḥ which afflict the heartSB 8.11.9
marma-tāḍitaḥ one whose feelings are hurtSB 4.3.19
marma-tāḍitaḥ one whose feelings are hurtSB 4.3.19
marmabhiḥ mithaḥ with much pain to the cores of the hearts of one anotherSB 8.10.27
marmabhiḥ mithaḥ with much pain to the cores of the hearts of one anotherSB 8.10.27
marmasu in the core of the heartSB 3.1.16
marmasu in the heart, etc.SB 8.11.20
marmasu upon the chestSB 10.16.9
akhila-jīva-marmaṇi in every center of her vitalitySB 10.6.11
ati-marma the very coreCC Adi 4.112
bhṛtya marma very intimate servantCC Adi 11.23
dharma-marma religion and moralityCC Adi 14.87
sūkṣma-dharma-marma subtle intricacies of the religious systemCC Madhya 11.112
dharma-marma real religious principlesCC Antya 7.106
ei kahe marma this is the purportCC Madhya 9.362
akhila-jīva-marmaṇi in every center of her vitalitySB 10.6.11
ei kahe marma this is the purportCC Madhya 9.362
kṛṣṇa-marma Kṛṣṇa's heartCC Antya 20.55
līlā-marma the purport of the pastimesCC Madhya 9.126
ati-marma the very coreCC Adi 4.112
bhṛtya marma very intimate servantCC Adi 11.23
dharma-marma religion and moralityCC Adi 14.87
śāstrera marma the essence of scripturesCC Adi 17.167
sarva-marma everything in detailCC Madhya 8.289
līlā-marma the purport of the pastimesCC Madhya 9.126
ei kahe marma this is the purportCC Madhya 9.362
sūkṣma-dharma-marma subtle intricacies of the religious systemCC Madhya 11.112
pāka-marma how to cookCC Madhya 15.203
dharma-marma real religious principlesCC Antya 7.106
sūkṣma marma finer principlesCC Antya 10.100
prema-marma the purport of loving affairsCC Antya 19.46
kṛṣṇa-marma Kṛṣṇa's heartCC Antya 20.55
akhila-jīva-marmaṇi in every center of her vitalitySB 10.6.11
sarva-marmasu on the tender parts of the bodySB 7.5.39-40
pāka-marma how to cookCC Madhya 15.203
prema-marma the purport of loving affairsCC Antya 19.46
sarva-marmasu on the tender parts of the bodySB 7.5.39-40
sarva-marma everything in detailCC Madhya 8.289
śāstrera marma the essence of scripturesCC Adi 17.167
sūkṣma-dharma-marma subtle intricacies of the religious systemCC Madhya 11.112
sūkṣma marma finer principlesCC Antya 10.100
12 results
marmaka noun (masculine) [medic.] marman
Frequency rank 61572/72933
marman noun (neuter) any joint or articulation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
any open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
any secret or mystery (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
any vital member or organ (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
anything which requires to be kept concealed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
hidden meaning (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mortal spot (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
secret quality (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the core of anything (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the joint of a limb (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the quick (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
vulnerable point (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 1169/72933
marmara adjective (onomat.) rustling (as leaves or garments) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
murmuring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38079/72933
marmara noun (masculine) a kind of garment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a rustling sound (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
murmur (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61573/72933
marmarikā noun (feminine) a particular vein in the tip of the ear (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38080/72933
marma noun (feminine) a particular vein in the external ear (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Pinus Deodora (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61574/72933
marmavibhāga noun (masculine) name of Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā, Śār. 4
Frequency rank 61575/72933
amarman adjective having no vital part (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
invulnerable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20730/72933
amarman noun (neuter) not a vital part of the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20731/72933
amarmaga adjective (Krankheit:) keine marmans betreffend
Frequency rank 44588/72933
pratyekamarmanirdeśa noun (masculine) name of Suśrutasaṃhitā, Śār. 6
Frequency rank 59144/72933
samarmara adjective
Frequency rank 68971/72933


part between shoulder and axilla; lethal point (marma) below the axilla.


marman (lethal) point, neck.


1. upper part of the waist, cavities of the loins; 2. lethal point (marma) in loins; 3. Plant kakronda, blumea, Blumea lacera.


lethal point, sensitive points on different parts of the body showing irregular pulsation and pain persists on pressure. Conglomerations of muscle, blood vessels, ligaments, nerves, bone and joints; marmavikāra disorders of vital points.


lethal points (marma) on both sides of nose, splinter entering these points can cause anosm or loss of smell.


painful vital points


1. Plant water chestnut, seeds of Trapa natans, T. brispinosa, T. quadrispinosa; 2. lethal point (marma) in occipital region of skull; 3. particular configuration of the planets; 4. minced meat.


a lethal point (marma) bleow the breast, splinter entering this point can cause difficulty in breathing.


a lethal point (marma) at nipple, splinter enering this point can cause cough and death.


lethal point (marma) between the eye-brows, splinter entering stapanī can lead to death,


lethal point (marma) above the temple, damage can lead to death.


1. lethal point (marma) below the ear, damage can lead to deafness; 2. helpless, widower, distress.


lethal point (marma) between groin and scrotum, damage can lead to impotence.

Wordnet Search
"marma" has 8 results.


bhāvapūrṇa, bhāvanātmaka, bhāvanāpūrṇa, bhāvātmaka, marmasparśin, hṛdayasparśin   

bhāvayuktaṃ vā yad hṛdayaṃ spṛśati।

saḥ bhāvapūrṇaṃ kāvyaṃ paṭhati।


hṛdayam, hṛt, marma, hṛtpiṇḍam, raktāśayaḥ, agramāṃsam, bukkaḥ, bukkam, bukkā, bṛkkaḥ, kantuḥ, rikam, bhapat   

avayavaviśeṣaḥ, urasi vāmabhāge vartamānaḥ avayavaḥ yataḥ śuddhaṃ rudhiraṃ śarīre anyāḥ dhamanīḥ pratigacchati।

hṛdayasya sthānam urasi vartate।



śarīrasya saḥ bhāgaḥ yatra jātena āghātena atyādhikā pīḍā utpadyate।

śarīre hṛdayādīni marmasthalāni santi।


catura, caturaka, nipuṇa, niṣṇa, niṣṇāta, viśārada, paṭu, pravīṇa, prājña, vicakṣaṇa, vidagdha, paṭumati, paṭiṣṭha, paṭīyas, peśala, praṇata, pratīta, aṇuka, abhijña, ullāgha, ṛbhu, ṛbhumat, ṛbhuṣṭhira, ṛbhva, ṛbhvan, ṛbhvas, karaṇa, karmaṭha, karmaṇya, kalāpa, kaliṅga, kalya, kārayitavyadakṣa, kuśala, kuśalin, kṛtakarman, kṛtamukha, kṛtin, kṛtnu, kriyāpaṭu, cheka, chekala, chekāla, tūrṇi, tejīyas, dhīvan, dhīvara, dhṛtvan, dhṛṣu, nadīṣṇa, nayaka, nāgara, nāgaraka, nāgarika, nirgranthaka, nirgranthika, proha, prauṇa, bahupaṭa, budha, budhda, matimat, manasvin, marmajña, vijña, viḍaṅga, vidura, vidvala, śikva, sudhī, suvicakṣaṇa, samāpta   

yaḥ cāturyeṇa kāryaṃ karoti।

catureṇa ārakṣakeṇa aparāddhānāṃ ekaḥ saṅghaḥ gṛhītaḥ।



tāni saṃvedanaśīlāni indriyāṇi yeṣu āghātanena atyadhikā pīḍā bhavati tathā ca manuṣyasya mṛtyuḥ api sambhavati।

hṛdayakapālādīni marmāṇi santi।



yaḥ marma jānāti।

santaḥ marmajñāḥ santi।



mandaḥ svaraḥ।

tadā kṣupāyāṃ marmaraḥ abhavat।



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

rājataraṅgiṇyāṃ marmarājaḥ samullikhitaḥ

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