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Monier-Williams Search
1 result
mṛj (confer, compare marj-, mārj-and mṛś-) cl.2 P. m/ārṣṭi- (Ved. also A1. mṛṣṭ/e-and cl.6 P. A1. mṛj/ati-, te-,3. plural mṛñjata- ; Potential mṛñjyāt- ; cl.1 P. mārjati-, te- ; perfect tense mamārja-, mamṛj/e- etc.;3. plural mamārjuḥ- ; māmṛjuḥ- ; A1. māmṛj/e-, jīta- ; Aorist amṛkṣat-, ṣata- ; amārkṣīt-and amārjīt- ; future mraṣṭā- ; mārṣṭā-or mārjitā- grammar; mrakṣyate-or mārkṣyate- etc.; mārjiṣyati- grammar; infinitive mood marṣṭum-, mārṣṭum-and mārjitum- etc.; ind.p. mṛṣvā- ; -mṛjya- ; -mārjya- ), to wipe, rub, cleanse, polish, clean, purify, embellish, adorn (A1.also "one's self") etc. ; to make smooth, curry (exempli gratia, 'for example' a horse or other animal) ; to stroke ; to wipe off or out, remove, destroy etc. ; to wipe off or transfer (impurity, debt etc.) from one's self upon (locative case) ; to carry away, win ; (mārṣṭi-), to go (): Causal or cl.10. marjayati-, te- (Ved., mārjayati-, te- etc.; Aorist amamārjat- grammar; amīmṛjanta- ; Passive voice mārjate- ), to wipe, rub, cleanse, purify, adorn etc. ; to wipe off, remove, destroy ; (marjayate-), to move about, roam (): Desiderative mimārjiṣati- and mimṛkṣati- grammar : Intensive marmṛjīti- (jm/a-, janta-, parasmE-pada jān/a-), marmṛjy/ate- ; marīmṛjy/ate- ; marmārṣṭi- grammar ; to rub or wipe off, clean, purify (A.also "one's self").[ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin mulgere; Slavonic or Slavonian mle8sti; Lithuanian mi4lsti; German,melke,Milch; English milk.]
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