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Grammar Search
"mantram" has 3 results
mantram: neuter nominative singular stem: mantra
mantram: masculine accusative singular stem: mantra
mantram: neuter accusative singular stem: mantra
Monier-Williams Search
11 results for mantram
mantramahodadhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantramālāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantramālāf. of a river in kuśadvīpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantramārtaṇḍam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantramayamf(ī-)n. consisting of spells View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantramayūkham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantramuktāvalīf. Name of various works. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantramūlamf(ā-)n. rooted in counsel or in spells View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantramūrtim. "whose body consists of sacred texts", Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mūlamantramayamf(ī-)n. formed of spells id est producing the effect of a spell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratimantramind. with or at every formula or verse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
punar पुनर् ind. 1 Again, once more, anew; न पुनरेवं प्रवर्ति- तव्यम् Ś.6; किमप्ययं बटुः पुनर्विवक्षुः स्फुरितोत्तराधरः Ku.5.83; so पुर्नभू 'to become a wife again.' -2 Back, in an opposite direction (mostly with verbs); पुनर्दा 'to give back, restore'; पुनर्या -इ-गम् &c. 'to go back, return' &c. -3 On the other hand, on the contrary, but, however, nevertheless, still (with an adversative force); प्रसाद इव मूर्तस्ते स्पर्शः स्नेहार्द्रशीतलः । अद्याप्यानन्दयति मां त्वं पुनः क्वासि नन्दिनि U.3.14; मम पुनः सर्वमेव तन्नास्ति U.3. -4 Further, furthermore, besides; पुनः पुनः 'again and again,' 'repeatedly', 'frequently'; पुनः पुनः सुतनिषिद्धचापलम् R.3.42; किं पुनः 'how much more', or 'how much less'; see under किम्. पुनरपि again, once more, and also; on the other hand. -Comp. -अन्वयः returning; किंवा गतो$स्य पुनरन्वयमन्यलोकम् Bhāg.6.14.57. -अपगमः going away again. -अर्थिता a repeated request. -आगत a. come back, returned; गोव्रजात् पुनरागतम् Ms.11.195. -आगमः, -मनम् coming back, return; भस्मीभूतस्य देहस्य पुनरागमनं कुतः Sarva. S.; इष्टकामप्रसिद्ध्यर्थं पुनरागमनाय च Pūja Mantram. -आधानम्, -आधेयम् renewing the consecrated fire; पुनर्दारक्रियां कुर्यात् पुनराधानमेव च Ms.5.168. -आवर्तः 1 return. -2 repeated birth. -आवर्तिन् a. returning to mundane existence; आ ब्रह्मभुवनाल्लोकाः पुनरावर्तिनो$र्जुन Bg.8.16. -आवृत् f. -आवृत्तिः f. 1 repetition. -2 return to worldly existence repetition of birth; करोति पुनरावृत्तिस्तेषामिह न विद्यते Y.3.194. -3 revision, another edition (of a book &c.). -उक्त a. 1 said again, repeated, reiterated. -2 superfluous, unnecessary; शशंस वाचा पुनरुक्तयेव R.2.68; Śi.7.64. (-क्तम्), पुनरुक्तता 1 repetition. -2 superfluity, redundancy, uselessness, tautology; V.5.15; व्यापारैः पुनरुक्त- भुक्तविषयैरेवंविधेनामुना संसारेण कदर्थिताः Bh.3.78. ˚जन्मन् m. a Brāhmaṇa (द्विजन्मन्). पुनरुक्तवदाभासः seeming tautology, appearance of repetition, regarded as a figure of speech; e. g. भुजंगकुण्डलीव्यक्तशशिशुभ्रांशुशीतगुः । जगन्त्यपि सदापायादव्याच्चेतोहरः शिवः S. D.632; (here the first impression of the tautology is removed when the passage is rightly understood; cf. also K. P.9 under पुनरुक्तवदाभास). -उक्तिः f. 1 repetition. -2 superfluity, uselessness, tautology. -उत्थानम् rising again, resurrection. -उत्पत्ति f. 1 reproduction. -2 return of birth, metempsychosis. -उत्पादनम् reproduction. -उपगमः return; क्वायोध्यायाः पुनरुपगमो दण्डकायां वने वः U.2.13. -उपोढा, -ऊढा a woman married again. -क्रीया f. repetition, doing again; न च कृतस्य क्रमानुग्रहार्थं पुनःक्रिया न्याय्या । ŚB. on MS.12.1.16. -गमनम् return, going again. -जन्मन् n. repeated birth, metempsychosis; मामुपेत्य तु कौन्तेय पुनर्जन्म न विद्यते Bg.8.16. -जात a. born again. -डीनम् a particular manner of flying; Mb.8.41.28. -णवः, -नवः 'growing again and again', a finger-nail. -दारक्रिया marrying again, taking a second wife; Ms.5.168. -नवा hog-weed, Boerhavia Procumbens (Mar. घेटुळी). -पुना (पुनःपुना) N. of a river in Behār; कीकटेषु गया रम्या नदी पुण्या पुनःपुना Vāyu. P. -प्रत्युपकारः returning one's obligations, requital. -प्रसवः (See प्रतिप्रसवः) प्रतिषिद्धस्य पत्न्या अध्ययनस्य पुनःप्रसवे न किंचिदस्ति प्रमाणम् ŚB. on Ms.6.1.24. -भव a. born again. (-वः) 1 transmigration, repeated or recurring birth; metempsychosis; अदृष्टाश्रुतवस्तुत्वात् स जीवो यत् पुनर्भवः Bhāg. 1.3.32; ममापि च क्षपयतु नीललोहितः पुनर्भवं परिगतशक्तिरात्मभूः Ś.7.35; Ku.3.5. -2 a finger nail, hair; Mb.13.111.98; -भविन् m. the sentient soul. -भावः new birth, repeated birth; न गच्छन्ति पुनर्भावं मुनयः संशितव्रताः Mb.12.279.5; मेने पुनर्भावमिवात्मनश्च Bu. Ch.3.25. -भूः f. 1 a (virgin) widow remarried. -2 re-existence. -भोगः 1 repeated enjoyment. -2 return of fruition. -3 repeated possession. -वचनम् 1 repetition. -2 repeated scriptural injunction. -वत्सः a weaned calf that begins to suck again. -वसुः (usually dual) 1 the seventh lunar mansion (consisting of two or four stars); गां गताविव दिवः पुनर्वसू R.11.36. -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu. -3 of Śiva. -विवाहः remarriage. -संस्कारः (पुनःसंस्कारः) repetition of any Saṁskāra or purificatory ceremony. -संगमः, -संधानम् (पुनःसंधानम् &c.) 1 reunion. -2 rekindling the sacred fire when it has been extinguished. -संभवः (पुनःसंभवः) being born again (into the world), metempsychosis.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results2 results
mantram akharvaṃ sudhitaṃ supeśasam RV.7.32.13a; AVś.20.59.4a.
amantram annaṃ yat kiṃcit # RVKh.9.67.14a.
Vedabase Search
24 results
mantram chantMM 16
mantram hymnSB 5.18.29
mantram invocationMM 41
mantram mantraBs 5.24
SB 6.8.11
mantram mystic chantMM 31
mantram mystic chantMM 31
mantram the hymnSB 10.22.4
mantram the mantraSB 6.19.10
mantram the mystic chantMM 31
mantram the mystic chantMM 31
mantram the mystic chantMM 31
mantram the mystic chantMM 31
mantram the mystic chantMM 31
mantram the mystic chantMM 31
mantram imam this mantra, which is nondifferent from NārāyaṇaSB 6.5.27-28
mantram imam this mantra, which is nondifferent from NārāyaṇaSB 6.5.27-28
dvija-deva-mantram the means of deliverance suitable for the brāhmaṇas and demigodsSB 8.6.15
dvija-deva-mantram the means of deliverance suitable for the brāhmaṇas and demigodsSB 8.6.15
etam mantram this mantraSB 8.16.26
dvija-deva-mantram the means of deliverance suitable for the brāhmaṇas and demigodsSB 8.6.15
etam mantram this mantraSB 8.16.26
mūla-mantram the basic mantra for the DeitySB 11.27.42
mūla-mantram the basic mantra for the DeitySB 11.27.42
6 results
mantramaheśa noun (masculine) (with Śaivas) name of a particular superhuman being
Frequency rank 29560/72933
mantramaheśvara noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 17088/72933
mantramuktāvalī noun (feminine) name of various wks (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29561/72933
mantramūrti noun (masculine) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38043/72933
pratimantram indeclinable with or at every formula or verse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 58853/72933
yathāmantram indeclinable
Frequency rank 62872/72933
Wordnet Search
"mantram" has 6 results.



saḥ upāyaḥ yena kāryaṃ viśiṣṭapaddhatyā viśeṣavegena sampūrṇatāṃ yāti।

kimapi mūlamantraṃ kathaya yena kāryaṃ vegena bhavati।



kasyāpi devatāyāḥ upāsanāyāḥ mūlamantram।

śyāmaḥ pratidinaṃ aṣṭādhika- ekaśatavāraṃ gāyatrībījamantraṃ japati।


ākṛṣṭa, mantramugdha, prakṛṣṭa, ākṛṣyamāṇa   

vilobhanena vimohena vā anyaṃ prati yaḥ ākṛṣyate।

śikāgosammelane vivekānandasya bhāṣaṇena sarve janāḥ ākṛṣṭāḥ abhavan।



ekaḥ vāṅmayakṛtiviśeṣaḥ ।

saṃskṛta-vāṅmaye mantramuktāvalī nāma kṛtiḥ suvikhyātā



ekaṃ mantram ।

nirvāṇamantrasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaṃ sūktam ।

daśavidhasnānamantrasya ullekhaḥ āśvalāyana-śākhoktā-mantra-saṃhitāyāṃ vartate

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