manda | a. slow, sluggish, in (lc. or --°ree;); apathetic, indifferent to (d.); weak, slight; faint, low (voice), gentle (rain, wind); dull-witted, stupid, foolish; unhappy; dis eased, ill: -m, ad. slowly, gradually (also °ree;--); slightly; faintly, softly, in a low voice: mandam mandam, ad. very slowly, quite gradually; m. the planet Saturn: -ka, a. scanty, little; dull, stupid; -karni, m. N. of a sage; -karman, a. inactive; -kârin, a.acting foolishly; -kirana, a. weak-rayed; -ga, a. moving or going slowly; m. planet Saturn; -gati, a. moving slowly: -tva, n. slow pace; -ketas, a. absent-minded; dull witted, stupid, foolish; -kkhâya, a. having its beauty dimmed, dull-looking, lustreless; -garas, a. aging slowly; -gâta, pp. slowly produced; -tâ, f. indolence; slightness, in significance; dulness, stupidity, foolishness; -tva, n. slightness, insignificance, feebleness; -dhî, a. dull-witted, stupid, foolish; -pâla, m. N. of a Rishi; -punya, a. unfortunate, ill-fated; -pragña, a. dull-witted; -preman, a. having little affection; -phala, a. bearing little fruit; having an insignificant result; -buddhi, a. dull-witted; -bhâgin, a. ill fated, wretched; -bhâgya, n. misfortune; a. ill-fated, unlucky, unfortunate, miserable: -tâ, f. wretchedness; -bhâg, a. ill-fated; -ma ti, a. dull-witted; m. N. of a wheelwright; N. of a lion; -mandam,ad. very slowly or gradually, by degrees; very softly; -mand a½âtapa, a. having very slight heat, cool. |