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Grammar Search
"madhuparka" has 1 results
madhuparka: masculine vocative singular stem: madhuparka
Monier-Williams Search
9 results for madhuparka
madhuparkam. (n. ) a mixture of honey, an offering of honey and milk, a respectful offering to a guest or to the bridegroom on his arrival at the door of the father of the bride (sometimes consisting of equal parts of curds, honey and clarified butter) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhuparkam. the ceremony of receiving a guest with it etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhuparkam. Name of a son of garuḍa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhuparkam. Name of works. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhuparkadānan. the offering of the madhu-parka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhuparkamantram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhuparkanirṇayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhuparkapāṇimfn. having the madhu--parka oblation in the hand, offering the madhu--parka View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhuparkaprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
3 results
arghya अर्घ्य a. [अर्घ-यत् अर्घमर्हति] 1 Valuable; अनर्घ्य invaluable; अनर्घ्यमपि माणिक्यम् see s. v. -2 Venerable, deserving respectful offering; तानर्घ्यानर्घ्यमादाय दूरात्प्रत्युद्ययौ गिरिः Ku.6.5; Śi.1.14; Y.1.11. -र्घ्यम् 1 A respectful offering or oblation to a god or venerable person (see अर्घ); अर्घः पूजाविधिः तदर्थं द्रव्यम् अर्घ्यम् Sk.; अर्घ्यमस्मै V.5.; ददतु तरवः पुष्पैरर्घ्यं फलैश्च मधुश्चुतः U.3.24; अर्घ्यंमर्घ्यमिति वादिनं नृपम् R.11.69;1.44; Ku.1.58,6. 5; (it often consists only of water given in a droṇa and forms part of the Madhuparka ceremony). -2 A kind of honey.
madhu मधु a. (-धु or -ध्वी f.) [मन्यत इति मधु, मन्-उ नस्य धः Uṇ.1.18) Sweet, pleasant, agreeable, delightful; आपापयति गोविन्दपादपद्मासवं मधु Bhāg.1.18.12; त्वया सह निवत्स्यामि वनेषु मधुगन्धिषु U.2.18. -f. N. of a plant (जीवा, जीवन्ती). -n. -(धु) 1 Honey; एतास्ता मधुनो धाराश्च्योतन्ति सविषास्त्वयि U.3.34; मधु तिष्ठति जिह्वाग्रे हृदये तु हलाहलम्. -2 The juice or nectar of flowers; मधु द्विरेफः कुसुमैकपात्रे पपौ प्रियां स्वामनुवर्तमानः Ku.3.36; देहि मुखकमलमधुपानम् Gīt.1. -3 A sweet intoxicating drink, wine, spirituous liquor; विनयन्ते स्म तद्योधा मधुभिर्विजयश्रमम् R.4.65; Ṛs. 1.3. -4 Water. -5 Sugar. -6 Sweetness. -7 Anything sweet. -8 Ved. Soma juice. -9 Milk or anything produced from milk (Ved.). -1 A bee-hive; केचित्- पीत्वापविध्यन्ति मधूनि मधुपिङ्गलाः Rām.5.62.1. -11 Bee-wax; Ms.1.88. -m. (धुः) 1 The spring or vernal season; मधुरया मधुबोधितमाधवी Śi.6.2; क्व नु ते हृदयंगमः सखा कुसुमायोजितकार्मुको मधुः Ku.4.24,25;3.1,3. -2 The month of Chaitra; भास्करस्य मधुमाधवाविव R.11.7; मासे मधौ मधुरकोकिलभृङ्गनादै रामा हरन्ति हृदयं प्रसभं नराणाम् Ṛs.6. 25. -3 N. of a demon killed by Viṣṇu. -4 N. of another demon, father of Rāvaṇa and killed by Śatrughna. -5 The Aśoka tree. -6 N. of king Kārtavīrya. -Comp. -अष्ठीला a lump of honey, clotted honey. -आधारः wax. -आपात a. having honey at the first taste; शक्तः परजने दाता स्वजने दुःखजीविनि । मध्वापातो विषास्वादः स धर्मप्रतिरूपकः ॥ Ms.11.9. -आम्रः a kind of mango tree. -आलु n., -आलुकम् sweet potato. -आवासः the mango tree. -आसवः sweet spirituous liquor (made from honey). -आसवनिकः distiller, vintner. -आस्वाद a. having the taste of honey. -आहुतिः f. a sacrificial offering of sweet things. -उच्छिष्टम्, -उत्थभ्, -उत्थितभ् 1 bees'-wax; शस्त्रासवमधूच्छिष्टं मधु लाक्षा च बर्हिषः Y.3.37; मधूच्छिष्टेन केचिच्च जध्नुरन्योन्यमुत्कटाः Rām.5.62.11. -2 the casting of an image in wax; Mānasāra; the name of 68th chapter. -उत्सवः the spring or vernal festival celebrated on the full-moon day of Chaitra. -उदकम् 'honey-water', water mixed with honey, hydromel. -उद्यानम् a spring-garden. -उपघ्नम् 'the abode of Madhu', an epithet of Mathurā; स च प्राप मधूपघ्नं कुम्भीन- स्याश्च कुक्षिजः R.15.15. -उषितम् wax. -कण्ठः the cuckoo. -करः 1 a large black bee; कुटजे खलु तेनेहा तेने हा मधुकरेण कथम् Bv.1.1; R.9.3; Me.37,49; सर्वतः सारमादत्ते यथा मधुकरो बुधः Bhāg. -2 a lover, libertine. -3 sweet lime. (-री) a female bee; न च मधुकरीवदन्नरस- भोजिन्यो देवता इति प्रमाणमस्ति ŚB. on MS.9.1.9. ˚गणः, ˚श्रेणिः f. a swarm of bees. -कर्कटी 1 sweet lime, a kind of citron. -2 A kind of date. -काननम्, -वनम् the forest of the demon Madhu. -कारः, -कारिन् m. a bee. -कुक्कुटिका, -कुक्कुटी a sort of citron tree. -कुल्या a stream of honey. -कृत् m. a bee; Bhāg. 11.7.33. -केशटः a bee. -कोशः, -षः 1 a bee-hive. -2 a honey comb. -क्रमः 1 a bee-hive. -2 a honey comb. (pl.) drinking-bout, carousals. -क्षीरः, -क्षीरकः a Kharjūra tree. -गन्धः the Bakula tree. -गन्धि, -गन्धिक a. scented with honey, sweet-smelling; वनेषु मधुगन्धिषु U.2.18. -गायनः the cuckoo. -गुञ्जनः the drum-stick plant (Mar. शेवगा). -ग्रहः a libation of honey. -घोषः the cuckoo. -च्युत्, -त, -श्च्युत् a. 1 dropping or distilling honey; ददतु तरवः पुष्पैरर्घ्यं फलैश्च मधुश्च्युतः U.3.24. -2 mellifluous, overflowing with sweets. -जम् bees'-wax. -जा 1 sugar-candy. -2 the earth. -जम्बीरः a kind of citron. -जित्, -द्विष्, -निषूदन, -निहन्तृ m., -मथः, -मथनः, -रिपुः, -शत्रुः, -सूदनः epithets or Viṣṇu; इति मधुरिपुणा सखी नियुक्ता Gīt.5; R.9.48; Śi.15.1. -जीवनः N. of plant (Mar. बेहडा). -तृणः, -णम् sugar cane. -त्रयम् the three sweet things; i. e. sugar, honey, and clarified butter. -दीपः the god of love. -दूतः the mango tree. -दोहः the extracting of sweetness or honey. -द्रः 1 a bee. -2 a libertine. -द्रवः N. of a tree having red blossoms (Mar. तांबडा शेवगा). -द्रुमः the mango tree. -धातुः a kind of yellow pyrites (सुवर्णमाक्षिक). -धारा a stream of honey. -धूलिः f. molasses. -धेनुः honey offered to Brāhmaṇas in the form of a cow. -नाडी a cell in a honey-comb. -नारिकेलः, -नारिकेरकः a kind of cocoanut (Mar. मोहाचा नारळ). -नेतृ m. bee. -पः a bee or a drunkard; राजप्रियाः कैरविण्यो रमन्ते मधुपैः सह Bv.1.126;1.63 (where both meanings are intended). -पटलम् a bee-hive. -पतिः an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa. -पर्कः 1 'a mixture of honey', a respectful offering made to a guest or to the bridegroom on his arrival at the door of the father of the bride; (its usual ingredients are five:- दधि सर्पिर्जलं क्षौद्रं सिता चैतैश्च पञ्चभिः । प्रोच्यते मधुपर्कः); समांसो मधुपर्कः U.4; असिस्वदद्यन्मधु- पर्कमर्पितं स तद् व्यधात्तर्कमुदर्कदर्शिनाम् । यदैष पास्यन्मधु भीमजाधरं मिषेण पुण्याहविधिं तदा कृतम् N.16.13; Ms.3.119 et seq. -2 the ceremony of receiving a guest. -पर्किकः one who praises at the time of मधुपर्क; पठन्ति पाणिस्वनिका मागधा मधुपर्किकाः Mb.7.82.2. (com. मधुपर्किकाः माङ्गल्योपस्थापकाः). -पर्क्य a. worthy of madhuparka q. v. -पर्णिका, -पर्णी the Indigo plant. -पाका sweet melon. -पात्रम् a wine-jug. -पानम् drinking wine; धनलवमधुपानभ्रान्त- सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम् Bh. -पायिन् m. a bee. -पालः a honeykeeper. -पुरम्, -री an epithet of Mathurā; संप्रत्युज्झित- वासनं मधुपुरीमध्ये हरिः सेव्यते Bv.4.44. -पुष्पः 1 the Aśoka tree. -2 the Bakula tree. -3 the Dantī tree. -4 the Śirīṣa tree. -प्रणयः addiction to wine. -प्रमेहः diabetes, sacharine urine. -प्राशनम् one of the sixteen purificatory Samskāras (which consists in putting a little honey into the mouth of a new-born male child). -प्रियः an epithet of Balarāma. -फलः a kind of cocoanut. -फलिका a kind of date. -बहुला the Mādhavī creeper. -बा(वी)जः a pomegranate tree. -बी(वी)- जपूरः a kind of citron. -भूमिकः an epithet of Yogin in the second order. -मक्षः, -क्षा, -मक्षिका a bee. -मज्जनः the tree called आखोट. -मत्त a. 1 drunk with wine. -2 excited by the spring. -मदः the intoxication of liquor. -मन्थः a kind of drink mixed with honey. -मल्लिः, -ल्ली f. the Mālatī creeper. -मस्तकम् a kind of sweetmeat made of honey, flour, oil, and ghee; मधुतैलघृतैर्मध्ये वेष्टिताः समिताश्च याः । मधुमस्तकमुद्दिष्टम् ..... Śabda-chandrikā. -माक्षिकम् = मधुधातु q. v. -माधवम्, -वौ the two spring months (चैत्र and वैशाख). -माधवी 1 a kind of intoxicating drink; क्रीडन्त्यो$भिरताः सर्वाः पिबन्त्यो मधुमाधवीम् Mb.1.81.3. -2 any springflower. -माध्वीकम् a kind of intoxicating liquor. -मारकः a bee. -मांसम् honey and meat; Ms.11.158. -मूलम् N. of an edible root (like Mar. रताळें, सुरण). -मेहः मधुप्रमेह q. v. -यष्टिः, -ष्टी f. 1 sugar-cane. -2 liquorice. -यष्टिका, -वल्ली liquorice. -रस a. sweet-flavoured, sweet. -(सः) 1 the wine-palm. -2 sugarcane. -3 sweetness. -(सा) 1 a bunch of grapes. -2 vine. -लग्नः N. of a tree. -लिह्, -लेह्, -लेहिन् m. -लोलुपः a bee; so मधुनोलेहः; मधुलिहां मधुदानविशारदा R.9.29; मधुलेहिगीतौ Bk.; मधुलिह इव मधुबिन्दून् विरलानपि भजत गुणलेशान् Ve.1.5. -वनम् 1 N. of the forest inhabited by the demon Madhu where Śatrughna founded Mathurā. -2 N. of the forest of Sugrīva. (-नः) the cuckoo. -वल्ली 1 liquorice. -2 a kind of grape -3 Sweet citron. -वाच् the Indian cuckoo. -वाराः (m. pl.) drinking often and often, tippling, carousing; जज्ञिरे बहुमताः प्रमदानामोष्ठयावक- नुदा मधुवाराः Ki.9.59; क्षालितं नु शमितं नु वधूनां द्रावितं नु हृदयं मधुवारैः Śi.1.14; sometimes in the sing, also; see: अङ्गनास्यचषकैर्मधुवारः Ki.9.57. -विद्या N. of a mystical doctrine. -व्रतः a bee; मार्मिकः को मरन्दानामन्तरेण मधुव्रतम् Bv.1.117; तस्मिन्नद्य मधुव्रते विधिवशान्माध्वीकमाकाङ्क्षति 46; मालां मधुव्रतवरूथगिरोपघुष्टाम् Bhāg. -शर्करा honey-sugar. -शाखः a kind of tree. -शिला = मधुधातु q. v. -शिष्टम्, -शेषम् wax. -श्री beauty of spring. -सखः, -सहायः, -सारथिः, -सुहृद् m. the god of love. -संधानम् brandy. -सिक्थकः a kind of poison. -सूदनः 1 a bee; गायन् कलं क्रीडति पद्मिनीषु मधूनि पीत्वा मधुसूदनो$सौ Chanḍ. M. -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu; भक्तानां कर्मणां चैव सूदनान्मधुसूदनः -3 N. of a writer of works like अद्वैतसिद्धि. -स्थानम् a bee-hive. -स्रवः a. dropping honey or sweetness. -(वा) 1 liquorice. -2 N. of the third day in the bright half of Śrāvaṇa. -स्वरः the cuckoo. -हन् m. 1 a destroyer or collector of honey; सर्वथा संहतैरेव दुर्बलैर्बलवानपि । अमित्रः शक्यते हन्तुं मधुहा भ्रमरैरिव ॥ Mb.3.33.7; Bhāg.11.7.34. -2 a kind of bird of prey. -3 a sooth-sayer. -4 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
mausala मौसल a. (-ली f.) [मुसल-अण्] 1 Formed like a club, club-shaped. -2 Fought with clubs (as a battle). -3 Relating to the battle with clubs (as a parvan; in this parvan (Mb. 16th) is narrated the death of Kṛiṣṇa and Balarāma, and the self-destruction of Kṛiṣṇa's family through the curse of Brāhmaṇas). -लः A kind of madhuparka. -लम् The destruction of Yādavas in the battle with clubs; वज्रस्तस्याभवद्यस्तु मौसलादवशेषितः Bhāg.1.9.37.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results2 results
madhuparka śś.4.21.6; HG.1.13.7; ApG.5.13.10.
madhuparka me bhavān ānayatu JG.1.19.
1 result
madhuparka noun (masculine neuter) a mixture of honey (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a respectful offering to a guest or to the bridegroom on his arrival at the door of the father of the bride (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an offering of honey and milk (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Garuḍa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of wks (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the ceremony of receiving a guest with madhuparka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 7720/72933
Wordnet Search
"madhuparka" has 3 results.


pañcāmṛtam, madhuparkaḥ, caraṇāmṛtam   

śarkarā-dugdha-ghṛta-dadhi-madhu-ghaṭitam peyaḥ padārthaḥ yaṃ hindūjanāḥ śraddhāsamavetaṃ prasādatvena pīyate।

purohitaḥ satyanārāyaṇapūjāyāḥ uparāntaṃ pañcāmṛtam abhyadadat।



garuḍasya putraḥ ।

madhuparkasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate vartate



ekaḥ granthaḥ ।

madhuparkasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate

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