mad | base of the first Persian pronoun in the sg. number (especially in compound)  |
mad | (confer, compare mand-) cl.4 P. ( ) m/ādyati- (Epic also te-; Vedic or Veda alsocl.1. P. A1. madati-, te-;cl.3. P. mam/atti-, ttu-, mam/adat-, /amamaduḥ-; Vedic or Veda imperative m/atsi-, sva-; perfect tense mam/āda-; Aorist amādiṣuḥ-, amatsuḥ-, amatta-; subjunctive m/atsati-, sat-; future maditā-, madiṣyati- grammar; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood maditos-), to rejoice, be glad, exult, delight or revel in (instrumental case genitive case locative case,rarely accusative), be drunk (also figuratively) with (instrumental case) etc. ; to enjoy heavenly bliss (said of gods and deceased ancestors) ; to boil, bubble (as water) ; to gladden, exhilarate, intoxicate, animate, inspire : Causal mād/ayati-, te- ( ; Aorist /amīmadat-or amamadat-; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood maday/adhyai-), to gladden, delight, satisfy, exhilarate, intoxicate, inflame, inspire etc. ; (A1.) to be glad, rejoice, be pleased or happy or at ease ; (A1.) to enjoy heavenly bliss : Desiderative mimadiṣati- grammar : Intensive māmadyate-, māmatti- ([Perhaps originally "to be moist"; confer, compare Greek ; Latin madere.])  |
mada | m. hilarity, rapture, excitement, inspiration, intoxication etc.  |
mada | m. (dual number with madasya-Name of 2 sāman-s )  |
mada | m. ardent passion for (compound)  |
madā | f. sexual desire or enjoyment, wantonness, lust, ruttishness, rut (especially of an elephant) etc.  |
madā | f., pride, arrogance, presumption, conceit of or about (genitive case or compound)  |
madā | f. any exhilarating or intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor, wine, soma- etc.,  |
madā | f. honey  |
madā | f. the fluid or juice that exudes from a rutting elephant's temples etc.  |
madā | f. semen virile  |
madā | f. musk  |
madā | f. any beautiful object  |
madā | f. a river  |
madā | f. Name of the 7th astrology mansion  |
madā | f. Intoxication or Insanity personified (as a monster created by cyavana-)  |
madā | f. Name of a son of brahmā-  |
madā | f. of a dānava-  |
madā | f. of a servant of śiva-  |
mada | n. Name of 2 sāman-s  |
madabhaṅga | m. breach or humiliation of pride  |
madabhañjinī | f. "destroying intoxication", Asparagus Racemosus (see -ghnī-).  |
madacyut | mfn. reeling with excitement, wanton, intoxicated, exhilarated or inspired with soma-  |
madacyut | mfn. gladdening, exhilarating, inspiriting  |
madacyut | mfn. emitting temple-juice (as an elephant in rut)  |
madacyuta | (m/ada-.). mfn. staggering or reeling with intoxication  |
madadhāra | m. Name of a king  |
madāḍhya | mfn. rich in or filled with wine, intoxicated, drunk  |
madāḍhya | m. the wine-palm  |
madāḍhya | m. Nauclea Cadamba  |
madāḍhya | m. a red-flowering Barleria  |
madadin | gaRa pragady-ādi-.  |
madadurdina | n. large exudation of temple-juice  |
madadvipa | m. a ruttish or furious elephant  |
madagamana | prob. wrong reading for manda-g-.  |
madagandha | m. Alstonia Scholaris  |
madagandhā | f. an intoxicating beverage  |
madagandhā | f. Linum Usitatissimum or Crotolaria Juncea  |
madāgha | m. Name of a man  |
madāgha | m. plural his descendants gaRa upakādi-.  |
madaghnī | f. "destroying intoxication", a species of leguminous plant (equals pūtikā-)  |
madagurupakṣa | mfn. having wings heavy with honey (as bees)  |
madahastinī | f. a species of karañja-  |
madahetu | m. "cause of intoxication", Grislea Tomentosa  |
madāhva | m. musk  |
madajala | n. the temple juice (of a ruttish elephant)  |
madajvara | m. the fever of passion or pride  |
madakala | mfn. sounding or singing softly or indistinctly (as if intoxicated)  |
madakala | mfn. drunk, intoxicated (with liquor or passion), ruttish, furious, mad  |
madakala | m. an elephant  |
madakalakokilakūjita | n. the warbling of kokila-s during the breeding season  |
madakalayuvati | f. a young woman intoxicated with love |
madakara | mf(ī-)n. causing intoxication, intoxicating  |
madakāraṇa | n. a cause of pride or arrogance  |
madakarin | m. an elephant in rut  |
madakārin | ( ) mfn. equals -kara-.  |
madakohala | m. a bull set at liberty (at a festival and allowed to range about at will)  |
madakṛt | ( ) mfn. equals -kara-.  |
madākula | mfn. agitated by passion or lust, furious with rut  |
madālāpin | m. "uttering sounds of love or joy", the Indian cuckoo or koil  |
madālasa | mfn. lazy from drunkenness, languid, indolent, slothful  |
madālasā | f. Name of the daughter of the gandharva- viśvā-vasu- (carried off by the daitya- pātāla-ketu-, and subsequently the wife of kuvalayāśva-)  |
madālasā | f. Name of the daughter of the rākṣasa- bhramara-ketu-  |
madālasā | f. Name of a poetess  |
madālasacampū | f. Name of work  |
madālasākhyāyikā | f. Name of work (or sākh-?)  |
madālasanāṭaka | n. Name of work  |
madālasāpariṇaya | m. Name of work  |
madalekhā | f. a line formed by the rut-juice (on, an elephant's temples)  |
madalekhā | f. a kind of metre,  |
madāmada | mfn. being in perpetual excitement  |
madamattā | f. Name of a metre  |
madamattaka | m. a kind of thorn-apple  |
madāmbara | m. the elephant of indra- or an elephant in rut  |
madāmbhas | n. equals mada-jala-  |
madāmbu | n. equals mada-jala-  |
madamohita | mfn. stupefied by drunkenness  |
madamohita | mfn. infatuated by pride  |
madamuc | mfn. emitting temple-juice (as a rutting elephant)  |
madana | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) passion, love or the god of love etc.  |
madana | m. a kind of embrace  |
madana | m. the season of spring  |
madana | m. a bee  |
madana | m. (?) bees-wax (See paṭṭikā-)  |
madana | m. Vanguiera Spinosa  |
madana | m. a thorn-apple and various other plants (exempli gratia, 'for example' Phaseolus Radiatus, Acacia Catechu etc.)  |
madana | m. a bird  |
madana | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
madana | m. (in astrology) Name of the 7th mansion  |
madana | m. Name of various men and authors (also with ācārya-, bhaṭṭa-, sarasvatī-etc.; see below)  |
madanā | f. any intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor  |
madana | n. the act of intoxicating or exhilarating  |
madana | n. (scilicet astra-), Name of a mythical weapon (varia lectio mādana-)  |
madana | n. bees-wax  |
madana | mfn. equals mandr/a-  |
madanabādhā | f. the pain or disquietude of love  |
madanabhavana | n. "abode of love or matrimony", (in astrology) a particular station or state of the heavenly bodies  |
madanābhirāma | m. Name of a prince  |
madanabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of a play.  |
madanācārya | m. Name of a teacher  |
madanacaturdaśī | f. Name of a festival in honour of kāma-deva- on the 14th day in the light half of the month caitra-  |
madanadahana | m. " kāma-deva-'s burner or consumer", Name of śiva-rudra- (and so of the number eleven)  |
madanadamana | m. " kāma-deva-'s subduer", Name of śiva-  |
madanadaṃṣṭrā | f. Name of a princess  |
madanadhvajā | f. the 15th day in the light half of the month caitra-  |
madanāditya | m. Name of a man  |
madanadvādaśī | f. the 12th day of the light half of the month caitra- (sacred to, kāma-deva-)  |
madanadviṣ | m. "enemy of kāma-deva-", Name of śiva-  |
madanagopāla | m. "herdsman of love", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
madanagopāla | m. Name of the preceptor of vaikuṇṭha-purī-  |
madanagopālavādaprabandha | m. Name of work  |
madanagopālavilāsa | m. Name of work  |
madanāgraka | m. Paspalum Scrobiculatum  |
madanagṛha | n. Name of a particular Prakrit metre  |
madanaharā | f. (Prakrit for -gṛha-) Name of a metre  |
madanaka | m. Artemisia Indica (prob. wrong reading for damanaka-)  |
madanaka | m. the thorn-apple  |
madanaka | n. bees-wax  |
madanakākurava | m. a pigeon  |
madanakalaha | m. a love-quarrel  |
madanakaṇṭaka | m. erection of hair caused by a thrill of love  |
madanakaṇṭaka | m. Vanguiera Spinosa  |
madanakīrti | m. Name of a poet  |
madanakliṣṭa | mfn. pained by love  |
madanalalita | mf(ā-)n. amorously sporting or dallying |
madanalalitā | f. a kind of metre |
madanalekha | m. a love-letter  |
madanalekhā | f. idem or 'm. a love-letter '  |
madanalekhā | f. Name of a daughter of pratipa-mukha- (king of vārāṇasī-), kath-.  |
madanalekhā | f. of another woman  |
madanamaha | m. a festival held in honour of kāma-deva-  |
madanamahārṇava | m. Name of 2 works.  |
madanamahotsava | m. idem or 'm. a festival held in honour of kāma-deva- '  |
madanamālā | ( ) f. Name of two women.  |
madanamālinī | ( ) f. Name of two women.  |
madanamañcukā | f. Name of a daughter of madana-vega- and kaliṅga-senā- (the 6th lambaka- in the is called after her)  |
madanamañjarī | f. Name of a daughter of the yakṣa- prince dundubhi-  |
madanamañjarī | f. of a surāṅganā-  |
madanamañjarī | f. of other women  |
madanamañjarī | f. of a sārikā-  |
madanamañjarī | f. of a drama  |
madanamanohara | m. Name of an author (son of madhu-sūdana- paṇḍita-rāja-)  |
madanamaya | mf(ī-)n. entirely under the influence of the god of love  |
madanamiśra | m. Name of a man  |
madanamodaka | m. a particular medicinal powder  |
madanamohana | m. "the infatuater of the god of love", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
madanamohanī | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
madanamukhacapeṭā | f. Name of work  |
madananālikā | f. a faithless wife  |
madanāndhamiśra | m. Name of a man  |
madanāṅkuśa | m. the penis  |
madanāṅkuśa | m. a finger-nail  |
madananṛpa | m. Name of an author (equals -pāla-).  |
madanāntaka | m. " kāma-deva-'s destroyer", Name of śiva-  |
madanapakṣin | m. a kind of bird (equals sārikā-)  |
madanapāla | m. Name of a king (patron of viśveśvara- etc. and supposed author of various works.)  |
madanapālavinodanighaṇṭu | m. equals madana-viloda- q.v  |
madanaparājaya | m. Name of work  |
madanapārijāta | m. Name of a compendium of rules of morality and ritual composed by viśveśvara- (See next) .  |
madanapāthaka | m. "announcer of love or the spring", the Indian cuckoo  |
madanapaṭṭikā | f. (prob.) a wax-tablet  |
madanaphala | n. the fruit of Vanguiera Spinosa  |
madanapīḍā | f. equals -bādhā-  |
madanaprabha | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara-  |
madanaprabhā | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
madanapura | n. Name of a town,  |
madanarāja | m. Name of a man  |
madanaratna | n. Name of work  |
madanaratnanighaṇṭu | m. Name of work  |
madanaratnapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
madanarekhā | f. Name of the supposed mother of vikramāditya-  |
madanarekhā | f. of a divine female  |
madanāri | m. equals na-dviṣ-,  |
madanaripu | m. equals -dviṣ-  |
madanārṇava | m. "love-dwelling", pudendum muliebre  |
madanārṇava | m. a lotus  |
madanārṇava | m. a sovereign, prince  |
madanārṇava | m. equals na-bhavana-  |
madanaśalākā | f. Turdus Salica (equals sārikā-)  |
madanaśalākā | f. the female of the Indian cuckoo  |
madanaśalākā | f. an aphrodisiac  |
madanasaṃdesa | m. a message of love  |
madanasaṃpīḍā | n. Name of a drama  |
madanasaṃpīḍī | f. Name of a divine female  |
madanasaṃpīḍī | f. of a treatise on erotics  |
madanasārikā | f. Turdus Salica  |
madanāśaya | m. sexual desire  |
madanasenā | f. Name of various women  |
madanaśikhipīḍā | f. the pain of the fire of love  |
madanasiṃha | m. Name of various authors  |
madanasundarī | f. Name of various women  |
madānāta | m. a kettle-drum carried on an elephant  |
madanatantra | n. the science of sexual love  |
madanātapatra | n. the vulva  |
madanatrayodaśī | f. Name of a festival in honour of kāma-deva- on the 13th day in the light half of the month caitra-  |
madanatṛṣṇā | f. "love-thirst", Name of a dancing girl  |
madanātura | mfn. love-sick  |
madanavahniśikhāvalī | f. the flame of the fire of love,  |
madanavaśa | mfn. influenced by love, enamoured  |
madanāvastha | mfn. being in a state of love, enamoured  |
madanāvasthā | f. the being in love  |
madanavatī | f. Name of a town  |
madanavega | m. Name of a king of the vidyā-dhara-s  |
madanaviklava | mfn. bewildered by passion,  |
madanavinoda | m. Name of medical vocabulary (written in 1375 and attributed to madana-pāla- q.v)  |
madanāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to resemble the god of love  |
madanayaṣṭiketu | m. a kind of lag  |
madanāyudha | n. pudendum muliebre  |
madanāyuṣa | m. a species of shrub  |
madāndha | mfn. blind through drunkenness or passion, infatuated, ruttish (as an elephant)  |
madāndhā | f. Name of a metre  |
madanecchāphala | n. a species of mango  |
madanī | f. idem or 'f. any intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor '  |
madanī | f. musk  |
madanī | f. Name of a plant (equals atimukta-)  |
madanī | f. the civet-cat  |
madanikā | f. Name of a woman  |
madanīya | mfn. intoxicating  |
madanīya | mfn. exciting passion or love  |
madanodaya | m. "rising of love", Name of work  |
madanodyānāna | n. "love's garden", Name of a garden  |
madanotsaya | m. kāma--deva's festival (equals na-maha-) the holy or vernal festival (see )  |
madanotsaya | m. a particular game  |
madanotsayā | f. a courtezan of svarga-  |
madanotsuka | mfn. pining or languid with love  |
madantī | f. idem or 'f. (in music) a particular śruti- '  |
madantī | f. plural (with or scilicet āpas-) bubbling or boiling water  |
madantikā | f. (in music) a particular śruti-  |
madāpanaya | m. removal of intoxication  |
madapati | m. "lord of the soma-juice", Name of indra- and viṣṇu-  |
madapaṭu | mfn. ruttish  |
madapaṭu | ind. (to sing) loud or shrill  |
madaprada | mfn. "intoxicating"and"causing arrogance"  |
madapraseka | m. idem or 'm. the issue of temple-juice (in a rutting elephant) '  |
madapraseka | m. the aphrodisiacal fluid (of a woman) (perhaps"sprinkling with wine").  |
madaprasravaṇa | n. equals -prayoga-  |
madaprayoga | m. the issue of temple-juice (in a rutting elephant)  |
madāra | m. (only ; see ) a hog  |
madāra | m. an elephant (in rut)  |
madāra | m. a thorn-apple  |
madāra | m. a lover, libertine  |
madāra | m. a kind of perfume  |
madāra | m. Name of a prince.  |
madarāga | m. "affected by passion or by intoxication", the god of love  |
madarāga | m. a cock  |
madarāga | m. a drunken man  |
madārmada | m. a species of fish (see mahonmada-).  |
madarpatapura | n. Name of a town  |
madarpitapura | n. Name of a town  |
madartha | m. my purpose  |
madartham | ind. for the sake of me  |
madarudradatta | m. Name of an author  |
madaśāka | m. Portulaca Quadrifiga  |
madasāra | m. Salmalia Malabarica  |
madaśauṇḍaka | n. a nutmeg  |
madasrāvin | mfn. equals -muc-  |
madasthala | n. "place of intoxication", a drinking-house, tavern  |
madasthāna | n. "place of intoxication", a drinking-house, tavern  |
madātaṅka | m. equals madātyaya-  |
madātmānanda | m. Name of an author  |
madātyaya | m. "passing off of wine", disorder resulting from intoxication (as head-ache etc.) (see pānātyaya-)  |
madātyayita | mfn. suffering from this disorder  |
madavallabha | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
madavāraṇa | m. a furious elephant,  |
madavāri | n. equals -jala-  |
madāvasthā | f. a state of passions, ruttishness  |
madāvat | mfn. intoxicated drunk  |
madavihvala | mfn. excited by passion, lustful, wanton  |
madavihvalita | mfn. excited by passion, lustful, wanton  |
madavikṣipta | mfn. "distracted by passion", ruttish, furious (as an elephant)  |
madavīrya | n. the power of passion or fury  |
madavṛddha | (m/ada--) mfn. invigorated or inspired by soma--juice  |
madavyādhi | n. equals madātyaya-  |
madayantī | f. Arabian or wild jasmine  |
madayantī | f. Name of the wife of kalmāṣa-pāda- or mitra-- saha-  |
madayantikā | f. Arabian jasmine,  |
madayantikā | f. Name of a woman,  |
madayat | mfn. (fr. Causal) intoxicating etc.  |
madayitnu | m. "intoxicating etc.", (only ) the god of love  |
madayitnu | m. a distiller of spirituous liquor  |
madayitnu | m. a drunken man  |
madayitnu | m. a cloud  |
madayitnu | mn. spirituous liquor.  |
madayitṛ | mfn. intoxicating, an intoxicater, maddener, delighter  |
madbandhanasamudbhava | mfn. caused by the binding of me id est by my bondage  |
madbhakta | mfn. devoted to me  |
madbhāva | m. my essence  |
madbhū | P. -bhavati-, to become I  |
madbhū | See .  |
maddeha | m. my body  |
maddhaka | m. (with paṇḍita-) Name of a poet (see madraka-).  |
maderaghu | mfn. (fr. locative case made-+ r-) eager with enthusiasm  |
maderu | mfn. "very intoxicating"or"worthy of praise" ( )  |
madga | See puru-madga-.  |
madgu | m. (according to to majj-) a, diver-bird (a kind of aquatic bird or cormorant; confer, compare Latin mergus) etc. etc. (also guka- )  |
madgu | m. a species of wild animal frequenting the boughs of trees (= parṇa-mṛga-)  |
madgu | m. a kind of snake  |
madgu | m. a particular fish  |
madgu | m. a kind of galley or vessel of war  |
madgu | m. a particular mixed caste (the son of a niṣṭya- and a varuṭī-, a māhiṣya- who knows medicine, or a pāra-dhenuka- who proclaims orders )  |
madgu | m. a person who kills wild beasts (see )  |
madgu | m. Name of a son of śvaphalka-  |
madgubhūta | wrong reading for maṅku-bh-  |
madgura | m. ( ) a species of fish, Macropteronatus Magur ( madgurapriyā -priyā- f.a female Macropteronatus )  |
madgura | m. a diver, pearl-fisher (as a particular mixed caste)  |
madguraka | m. Macropteronatus Magur  |
madgurapriyā | f. madgura |
madgurasī | f. a species of fish  |
madguśa | m. an ichneumon,  |
madhavya | See .  |
madhavya | mfn. fitted or authorized to drink soma-  |
madhavya | mfn. consisting of honey on  |
madhavya | m. equals mādhava-, the second month of spring  |
madhu | mf(ū-or vī-)n. (genitive case n.Ved. m/adhvas-, m/adhos-,or m/adhunas-; instrumental case m/adhvā-; dative case m/adhune-; locative case m/adhau-) sweet, delicious, pleasant, charming, delightful  |
madhu | mf(ū-or vī-)n. bitter or pungent  |
madhu | m. Name of the first month of the year (= caitra-, March-April) etc.  |
madhu | m. the season of spring  |
madhu | m. Bassia Latifolia  |
madhu | m. Jonesia Asoka  |
madhu | m. liquorice  |
madhu | m. Name of śiva-  |
madhu | m. of two asura-s (the one killed by viṣṇu-, the other by śatru-ghna-)  |
madhu | m. of one of the 7 sages under manu- cākṣuṣa-  |
madhu | m. of a son of the third manu-  |
madhu | m. of various princes (of a son of vṛṣa-, of deva-kṣatra-, of bindu-mat-, of arjuna- kārtavīrya-)  |
madhu | m. of a son of bhaṭṭa-nārāyaṇa-, ; of a teacher (equals madhva-or ananda-tīrtha-)  |
madhu | m. of a mountain  |
madhu | m. (plural) the race of madhu- (= the yādava-s or māthura-s)  |
madhu | (u-) f. a particular plant (equals jīvā-or jīvantī-)  |
madhu | n. anything sweet (especially if liquid), mead etc.  |
madhu | n. soma- (also somyam madhu-)  |
madhu | n. honey (said to possess intoxicating qualities and to be of 8 kinds; madhuno leha- m.licker of honey a bee ) etc.  |
madhu | n. milk or anything produced from milk (as butter, ghee etc.)  |
madhu | n. the juice or nectar of flowers, any sweet intoxicating drink, wine or spirituous liquor |
madhu | n. sugar  |
madhu | n. water  |
madhu | n. pyrites  |
madhu | n. Name of a brāhmaṇa- ; a kind of metre [ confer, compare Greek, , Slavonic or Slavonian medu8; Lithuanian midu4s,medu4s; Germ,meth; English mead.]  |
madhubahulā | f. Gaertnera Racemosa  |
madhubhadra | m. Name of man  |
madhubhāga | (m/adhu--) mfn. whose lot or portion is sweetness  |
madhubhakṣaṇa | n. Name of chapter of the bāla-kāṇḍa- of the rāmāyaṇa-.  |
madhubhāṇḍa | n. equals -pātra-  |
madhubhāva | m. a particular Prakrit metre  |
madhubhid | m. "slayer of madhu-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
madhubhuj | mfn. enjoying sweetness or gladness  |
madhubhūmika | m. Name of a yogin- in the second order or degree  |
madhubīja | m. a pomegranate tree  |
madhubījapūra | m. a kind of citron  |
madhubrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a brāhmaṇa-.  |
madhucchada | m. Flacourtia Sapida (alsof(ā-). )  |
madhucchanda | m. (mostly mc.) equals next  |
madhucchandas | m. Name of the 51st of viśvā-mitra-'s 101 sons etc.  |
madhucchandas | m. plural Name of all the sons of viśvā-  |
madhucchattra | m. or n. (?) equals vṛkṣādana-  |
madhūcchiṣṭa | n. bees-wax etc. (see madhu-śiṣṭa-, -śeṣa-)  |
madhūcchiṣṭasthita | mfn. covered on the outside with wax  |
madhucyut | mfn. ( ) ( ) dropping sweets or honey.  |
madhucyuta | mf(ā-)n. ( ) dropping sweets or honey.  |
madhūdaka | n. "honey-water", honey diluted in water  |
madhūdakaprasravaṇa | mfn. flowing with honey and water  |
madhudalā | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
madhūdaśvita | n. buttermilk with honey or sweet milk with water  |
madhudhā | mfn. dispensing sweetness  |
madhudhāna | (m/adhu--) mf(ā-)n. pouring out sweetness  |
madhudhāna | n. a vessel for holding honey,  |
madhudhārā | f. a stream of honey etc.  |
madhudhārā | f. a stream or plenty of sweet intoxicating drinks  |
madhudhārā | f. Name of a mythical river  |
madhudhārā | f. of work  |
madhudhātu | m. pyrites  |
madhudhenu | f. honey offered to Brahmans in the form of a cow  |
madhudhūli | f. molasses, unrefined brown sugar  |
madhudhvaja | m. Name of 2 kings  |
madhudīpa | m. "lamp of spring", the god of love  |
madhudogha | mfn. equals -d/ugha-  |
madhudoham | ind. milking out or obtaining honey  |
madhudra | m. (2. drā-) "hastening after honey or sweets", a bee  |
madhudra | m. a libertine  |
madhudrava | m. a red-blossomed Hyperanthera Moringa  |
madhudruma | m. the mango tree  |
madhudruma | m. Bassia Latifolia  |
madhudugha | mf(ā-)n. milking (id est yielding) sweetness  |
madhudūta | m. "messenger of spring", the mango tree  |
madhudūtī | f. Bignonia Suaveolens  |
madhūdvāpa | m. plural (?)  |
madhudviṣ | m. "foe of the daitya- madhu-", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
madhūdyāna | n. a spring garden  |
madhūdyuta | mfn. mixed with honey  |
madhugandhika | mfn. sweet-swelling  |
madhugāyana | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
madhughoṣa | m. "sweetly-sounding", the Indian cuckoo  |
madhugluntha | m. a lump of honey (honeycomb?)  |
madhugraha | m. a libation of honey  |
madhuguñjana | m. Hyperanthera Moringa  |
madhuhan | m. a collector of honey (according to to commentator or commentary"destroyer of a bee-hive")  |
madhuhan | m. a particular bird of prey  |
madhuhan | m. "slayer of the daitya- madhu-", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
madhuhan | m. a soothsayer  |
madhuhantṛ | m. "slayer of the daitya- madhu-", Name of rāma- as an incarnation of viṣṇu-  |
madhuhastya | (m/adhu--) mfn. having honey or sweetness in the hand  |
madhuja | mf(ā-)n. obtained from honey  |
madhujā | f. sugar made from honey, sugar-candy  |
madhujā | f. the earth  |
madhuja | n. bees-wax  |
madhujālaka | n. a honey-comb  |
madhujambha | m. a kind of sweet citron  |
madhujambhala | m. a kind of sweet citron  |
madhujambīra | m. a kind of sweet citron  |
madhujāta | (mādhu--) mf(ā-)n. sprung or produced from honey  |
madhujihva | (m/adhu-.) mfn. honey -tongued, sweet-tongued, sweetly-speaking  |
madhujit | m. "conqueror of the daitya- madhu-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
madhuka | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals madhu- gaRa ura-ādi-  |
madhuka | mfn. honey-coloured (only in -locana-,"having honey-coloured eyes", Name of śiva-)  |
madhuka | mfn. sweet (in taste)  |
madhuka | mfn. mellifluous, melodious  |
madhuka | m. a species of tree (Bassia Latifolia or Jonesia Asoka )  |
madhuka | m. Parra jacana or Goensis  |
madhuka | m. liquorice (see n.)  |
madhuka | m. a kind of bard or panegyrist  |
madhuka | m. the son of a maitreya- and a married āyogavī-  |
madhuka | m. (m/adh-) Name of a man  |
madhukā | f. Menispermum Glabrum  |
madhukā | f. Glycyrrhiza Glabra  |
madhukā | f. black Panic  |
madhukā | f. Name of a river  |
madhuka | n. liquorice (see m.)  |
madhuka | n. old honey  |
madhuka | n. tin  |
madhūka | m. (fr. madhu-) a bee  |
madhūka | m. Bassia Latifolia (from the blossoms and seeds of which arrac is distilled and oil extracted) etc.  |
madhūka | n. the blossoms or fruit of Bassia Latifolia  |
madhūka | n. liquorice  |
madhūka | n. bees-wax  |
madhūkacchavi | mfn. having the colour of the flower of Bassia Latifolia  |
madhukaiṭasasūdana | m. Name of viṣṇu- (wrong reading for -kaiṭabha-s-).  |
madhūkamālā | f. a garland of flower of Bassia Latifolia  |
madhukānana | n. the forest of the asura- madhu-  |
madhukāṇḍa | n. Name of the first kāṇḍa- of the bṛhad-āraṇyako-paniṣad-.  |
madhukaṇṭha | m. the Indian cuckoo (equals kokila-)  |
madhukaṇṭha | m. Name of a poet  |
madhūkapuṣpa | n. the flower of Bassia Latifolia  |
madhukara | m. "honey-maker", a bee etc.  |
madhukara | m. a lover, libertine  |
madhukara | m. Eclipta Prostrata or Asparagus Racemosus  |
madhukara | m. Achyranthes Aspera  |
madhukara | m. the round sweet lime  |
madhukāra | m. "honey-maker", a bee  |
madhukaragaṇa | m. a swarm of bees  |
madhukaramaya | mfn. consisting of bees  |
madhukararājan | m. the king of bees id est the queen bees  |
madhūkarasa | m. the juice of the seeds of Bassia Latifolia  |
madhukarasāha | m. Name of a king. ( )  |
madhukarasāhi | m. Name of a king. ( )  |
madhukaraśreṇi | f. a line of bees  |
madhukarāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to represent a bee  |
madhukarī | f. a female bee (varia lectio) etc.  |
madhukarī | f. Name of a girl  |
madhukārī | f. a female bee  |
madhukārī | f. a particular wind-instrument  |
madhukarikā | f. Name of woman  |
madhukarin | m. a bee (varia lectio)  |
madhukārin | m. a bee  |
madhukarkaṭī | f. the sweet  |
madhukarkaṭī | f. the sweet cucumber  |
madhukarkaṭikā | f. the sweet lime  |
madhukarkaṭikā | f. the date  |
madhukarṇa | gaRa kumudādi-.  |
madhukaśā | f. "whip of sweetness", a kind of whip or lash belonging to the aśvin-s with which they are said to sweeten the soma- juice (afterwards, a symbol of plenty)  |
madhūkasāra | m. the pith of the Bassia Latifolia  |
madhūkavrata | n. Name of a particular observance  |
madhukeśaṭa | m. "honey-insect", a bee  |
madhukharjūrī | f. a kind of date  |
madhukharjūrikā | f. a kind of date  |
madhukirī | f. Name of a rāga-  |
madhukośa | m. "honey-receptacle", a beehive  |
madhukośa | m. Name of several wks.  |
madhukośa | n. a honeycomb commentator or commentary  |
madhukrama | m. a bee-hive  |
madhukrama | m. a honeycomb  |
madhukrama | m. plural a drinking bout  |
madhukroḍa | m. or n. (?) a fritter with sweet stuffing  |
madhukṛt | mfn. making honey or sweetness  |
madhukṛt | m. a bee  |
madhukṣīra | ( ) (A.) m. Phoenix Silvestris.  |
madhukṣīraka | (A.) m. Phoenix Silvestris.  |
madhukukkuṭī | f. a kind of citron tree with ill-smelling blossoms  |
madhukukkuṭikā | f. equals -kukkuṭi-  |
madhukukkuṭikā | f. another plant (equals madhurā-)  |
madhukūla | (m/adhu--) mf(ā-)n. whose banks consist of butter  |
madhukulyā | f. a stream of honey, honey in stream  |
madhukulyā | f. Name of a river in kuśa-dvīpa-  |
madhukumbhā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
madhukūṭa | m. Name of a poetry or poetic  |
madhula | mf(/ā-)n. equals madhura-, sweet  |
madhula | n. an intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor  |
madhūla | m. a kind of Bassia  |
madhūla | m. astringent, sweet and bitter taste  |
madhūla | n. honey  |
madhūla | mfn. astringent, sweet and bitter  |
madhulagna | m. a red-blossomed Moringa  |
madhūlaka | mf(ikā-)n. sweet  |
madhūlaka | m. sweetness (see n.)  |
madhūlaka | m. a mountain species of the Bassia Latifolia  |
madhūlaka | m. a species of grain  |
madhūlaka | m. a species of Bassia  |
madhūlaka | m. Sanseviera Zeylanica  |
madhūlaka | m. a kind of citron  |
madhūlaka | m. Aletris Hyacinthoides or Dracaena Nervosa  |
madhūlaka | m. liquorice  |
madhūlaka | m. arrac distilled from the blossoms of the Bassia tree or any intoxicating drink (also n.)  |
madhūlaka | (madh/ūl-) n. honey or sweetness  |
madhulatā | f. a kind of liquorice (see madhura-l-).  |
madhuleha | ( ) m. "licking honey"or"longing after honey", a bee.  |
madhulehin | ( ) m. "licking honey"or"longing after honey", a bee.  |
madhūlī | f. a kind of grain  |
madhūlī | f. a species of citron  |
madhūlī | f. the mango tree  |
madhūlī | f. a kind of drug  |
madhūlī | f. liquorice  |
madhūlī | f. pollen  |
madhulih | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') one who has licked the honey of.  |
madhulih | m. a bee  |
madhulikā | f. black mustard  |
madhulikā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
madhūlikā | f. a kind of bee  |
madhūlika | mfn. astringent, sweet and pungent  |
madhūlika | m. astringent, sweet and pungent taste  |
madhūlikā | f. See prec.  |
madhulolupa | ( ) m. "licking honey"or"longing after honey", a bee.  |
madhumada | m. intoxication with wine  |
madhumādhava | m. dual number or n. sg. the two spring months (kāle madhumādhave-,"in the spring") etc.  |
madhumādhavamāsa | m. sg. one of the 2 spring months,  |
madhumādhavasahāya | m. Name of author  |
madhumādhavī | f. any spring flower abounding in honey or a particular species of flower  |
madhumādhavī | f. (perhaps) Gaertnera Racemosa  |
madhumādhavī | f. a kind of intoxicating drink  |
madhumādhavī | f. a kind of metre  |
madhumādhavī | f. a particular rāgiṇī-  |
madhumādhavī | f. Name of commentator or commentary  |
madhumādhvīka | n. any intoxicating drink  |
madhumādhvīka | n. a particular intoxicating drink (varia lectio)  |
madhumadya | n. intoxicating drink made from honey or from the blossoms of Bassia Latifolia  |
madhumaireya | m. an intoxicating drink made of honey  |
madhumajjan | m. a walnut tree  |
madhumakṣa | m.  |
madhumakṣā | f. "honey-fly", a bee  |
madhumakṣikā | f. "honey-fly", a bee  |
madhumālapattrikā | f. a species of small shrub (uncertain reading) .  |
madhumālatīnāṭaka | n. Name of work (mālatī-mādhava-?).  |
madhumallī | (also -malli-,A.) f. Jasminum Grandiflorum  |
madhumāṃsa | n. honey and meat  |
madhumanta | n. Name of a town  |
madhumantha | m. a kind of drink mixed with honey  |
madhumāraka | m. "destroyer of honey", a bee  |
madhumāsa | m. a spring month  |
madhumāsamahotsava | m. the spring festival  |
madhumāsāvatāra | m. the setting in of the parka month  |
madhumastaka | n. ( ) , Name of a particular kind of sweetmeat  |
madhumat | mfn. possessing or containing sweetness, sweet |
madhumat | mfn. pleasant, agreeable ( madhumattama -tama- mfn.) etc.  |
madhumat | mfn. mixed with honey  |
madhumat | mfn. rich in honey, richly provided with the juice of flowers  |
madhumat | mfn. containing the word m/adhu-  |
madhumat | m. Name of a country gaRa kacchādi- and sindhv-ādi-  |
madhumat | m. of a city (?)  |
madhumat | m. plural Name of a people  |
madhumath | m. "crusher or destroyer of madhu-", Name of viṣṇu- =  |
madhumathana | m. equals prec.  |
madhumathanavijaya | m. Name of work  |
madhumatī | f. Gmelina Arborea  |
madhumatī | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
madhumatī | f. a particular step or degree in the yoga-  |
madhumatī | f. a particular supernatural faculty belonging to a yogin-  |
madhumatī | f. a kind of metre  |
madhumatī | f. Name of a daughter of the asura- madhu- (wife of hary-aśva-)  |
madhumatī | f. of a female servant of lakṣmi- (?)  |
madhumatī | f. of a river  |
madhumatī | f. of a city in saurāṣṭra-  |
madhumatī | f. Name of several works.  |
madhumati | m. Mohammed (wrong reading -pati-)  |
madhumatigaṇeśa | m. Name of an author  |
madhumatīsaṃgameśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
madhumatta | mfn. drunk with wine  |
madhumatta | mfn. intoxicated or excited by the spring  |
madhumatta | m. Name of a man  |
madhumatta | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio -mat-)  |
madhumattā | f. a species of karañja-  |
madhumattama | mfn. madhumat |
madhumaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of honey  |
madhumaya | mf(ī-)n. sweet is honey, luscious  |
madhumeha | m. honey-like or saccharine urine, diabetes  |
madhumehatva | n. the state of passing saccharine urine  |
madhumehin | mfn. suffering from saccharine urine  |
madhumiśra | mfn. mixed with honey or sweet milk  |
madhumiśra | mfn. Name of man  |
madhumūla | n. the edible root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus  |
madhumuranarakavināśana | m. "destroyer of (the daitya-s) madhu-, mura- and naraka-", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
madhunāḍī | f. a cell in a honeycomb  |
madhunāḍī | f. Name of  |
madhunālikeraka | m. a kind of cocoa-nut tree  |
madhunālikerika | m. a kind of cocoa-nut tree  |
madhunandi | m. Name of 2 kings |
madhunārikeraka | m. a kind of cocoa-nut tree  |
madhunetṛ | m. a bee  |
madhunī | f. a species of shrub  |
madhunighātin | m. Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
madhunihan | ( ) m. Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-.  |
madhunihantṛ | ( ) m. Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-.  |
madhunirgama | m. the departure of spring  |
madhuniṣūdana | ( ) m. Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-.  |
madhuntama | mf(ā-)n. (a superl. of madhu-formed analogously to madin-tama-) very sweet  |
madhupa | mf(ā-)n. drinking sweetness, honey-drinker  |
madhupa | m. (with or scilicet khaga-) a large black bee etc.  |
madhupa | m. a bee or a drunkard  |
madhupā | mfn. equals -p/a-. mfn.  |
madhupadhvaja | m. Name of a king  |
madhūpaghna | n. (m. ) Name of a city (= mathurā- or madhurā-)  |
madhupākā | f. sweet melon  |
madhupāla | m. a honey keeper  |
madhupālikā | f. Gmelina Arborea  |
madhupāna | n. sipping the nectar of flowers (See compound)  |
madhupāna | n. a particular sweet drink  |
madhupānakala | mfn. sweet through the sipping of the nectar of flowers (as the hum of bees),  |
madhupāṇi | (m/adhu-.) mfn. having sweetness in the hand  |
madhupārī | f. equals -pātra-  |
madhuparka | m. (n. ) a mixture of honey, an offering of honey and milk, a respectful offering to a guest or to the bridegroom on his arrival at the door of the father of the bride (sometimes consisting of equal parts of curds, honey and clarified butter)  |
madhuparka | m. the ceremony of receiving a guest with it etc.  |
madhuparka | m. Name of a son of garuḍa-  |
madhuparka | m. Name of works.  |
madhuparkācamana | n. the tasting of the madhu--parka.  |
madhuparkadāna | n. the offering of the madhu-parka-  |
madhuparkamantra | m. Name of work  |
madhuparkanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
madhuparkapāṇi | mfn. having the madhu--parka oblation in the hand, offering the madhu--parka  |
madhuparkaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
madhuparkika | mfn. presenting the offering of honey etc. (cf. mādhup-).  |
madhuparkya | mfn. worthy of the honey offering, gaRa daṇḍādi-.  |
madhuparṇi | ( mc.) ( ) f. Name of several plants (Gmelina Arborea, Indigofera Tinctoria, Cocculus Cordifolius etc. )  |
madhuparṇī | ( ) f. Name of several plants (Gmelina Arborea, Indigofera Tinctoria, Cocculus Cordifolius etc. )  |
madhuparṇikā | f. Name of various plants (Gmelina Arborea, Indigofera Tinctoria etc. )  |
madhupaṭala | m. a bee-hive  |
madhupātama | mfn. drinking sweetness excessively  |
madhupati | m. "chief of the race of madhu-", Name of kṛṣṇa- (see -mati-).  |
madhupātra | n. a drinking vessel for intoxicating drinks  |
madhupavana | m. a vernal breeze  |
madhupāyin | m. "honey-drinker", a bee  |
madhupeya | mfn. sweet to drink  |
madhupeya | n. the drinking of sweetness (as soma- etc.)  |
madhuphala | m. a kind of cocoa-nut tree  |
madhuphala | m. Flacourtia Sapida  |
madhuphalā | f. water-melon  |
madhuphalā | f. a kind of grape  |
madhuphalikā | f. a kind of date  |
madhupīlu | m. a species of tree  |
madhupiṅgākṣa | mfn. having eyes as yellow as honey  |
madhupiṅgākṣa | m. Name of a muni-  |
madhupluta | mfn. swimming with honey, mixed with honey  |
madhuprameha | m. honey-like or saccharine urine, diabetes  |
madhupraṇaya | m. addiction to wine  |
madhuprapāta | m. a precipice (met with) while seeking honey  |
madhuprāśana | n. putting a little honey into the mouth of a new-born male infant (one of the 12 saṃskāra-s or purificatory rites of the Hindus)  |
madhuprasaṅgamadhu | n. honey connected with spring  |
madhupratīka | mf(ā-)n. (m/adhu--) having a sweet mouth or sweetness in the mouth  |
madhupratīkā | f. (with or scilicet siddhi-) Name of certain supernatural powers and properties of a yogin-  |
madhupṛc | mfn. dispensing sweetness  |
madhupriya | mfn. fond of honey or the juice of flowers  |
madhupriya | m. a kind of plant equals bhūmi-jambu-  |
madhupriya | m. Name of akrūra-  |
madhupriya | m. of bala-bhadra-  |
madhupṛṣṭha | (m/adhu--) mfn. whose back or surface consists of sweetness or milk (said of soma-)  |
madhupsaras | (m/adhu--) mfn. fond of sweetness  |
madhupū | mfn. purifying itself while becoming sweet  |
madhupura | n. the city of the asura- madhu-  |
madhupura | n. Name of a city in Northern India  |
madhupuraripu | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
madhupurī | f. the city of the madhus- i.e. mathurā-  |
madhupuṣpa | m. (only ) Bassia Latifolia, Acacia Sirissa, Jonesis Asoka, Mimusops Elengi  |
madhupuṣpā | f. Croton Polyandrum or Croton Tiglium Tiaridium Indicum. =  |
madhura | mf(ā-)n. sweet, pleasant, charming, delightful etc.  |
madhura | mf(ā-)n. sounding sweetly or uttering sweet cries, melodious, mellifluous etc. ( madhuram am- ind.)  |
madhura | m. sweetness  |
madhura | m. a kind of leguminous plant  |
madhura | m. the red sugar-cane  |
madhura | m. a species of mango  |
madhura | m. a Moringa with red flowers  |
madhura | m. rice  |
madhura | m. a particular drug (equals jīvaka-)  |
madhura | m. molasses  |
madhura | m. sour gruel (also f(ā-).)  |
madhura | m. Name of one of the attendants of skanda-  |
madhura | m. of a gandharva-,  |
madhura | m. (with ācārya-), of a teacher (see, mādhura-)  |
madhurā | f. Anethum Sowa or Panmorium  |
madhura | m. Beta Bengalensis  |
madhura | m. Asparagus Racemosus and other plants  |
madhura | m. liquorice  |
madhura | m. a kind of root similar to ginger  |
madhura | m. sour rice-water  |
madhura | m. Name of a town (equals mathurā-) on Va1rtt. 5  |
madhura | m. of the tutelary deity of the race of vandhula-  |
madhura | f.(ī-) kind of musical instrument  |
madhura | n. kind or friendly manner (only madhureṇa reṇa- ind.)  |
madhura | n. the quality of the throat which makes the voice sweet  |
madhura | n. sweetness, syrup, treacle  |
madhura | n. poison tin  |
madhurabhāṣin | mfn. speaking sweetly or kindly  |
madhurabhāṣitṛ | m. a sweet or kind speaker  |
madhurabījapūra | m. a kind of citron  |
madhuracārumañjusvaratā | f. the having a sweet and agreeable and pleasant voice (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
madhuragātra | mf(ī-)n. "sweet-limbed", lovely, beautiful  |
madhurajambīra | m. a species of citron or lime  |
madhuraka | mfn. sweet, pleasant, agreeable  |
madhuraka | m. a particular drug (equals jīvaka-)  |
madhuraka | m. Sinapis Racemosa  |
madhuraka | (prob.) n. the seed of Anethum Panmorium  |
madhurakaṇṭaka | m. "having sweet bones", a kind of fish  |
madhurakaṇṭhin | mfn. "sweet-throated", singing sweetly  |
madhurakharjūrī | f. a species of plant  |
madhurakharjūrikā | f. a species of plant  |
madhurākṣara | mf(ā-)n. speaking or sounding sweetly, melodious, mellow ( madhurākṣaram am- ind.)  |
madhurākṣara | n. plural sweet or kind words  |
madhurākṣaram | ind. madhurākṣara |
madhurālābunī | f. a kind of cucumber  |
madhurālāpa | mfn. uttering sweet sounds  |
madhurālāpa | m. sweet or melodious notes ( madhurālāpanisargapaṇḍita -nisarga-paṇḍita- mfn.acquainted with the nature of sweet notes id est skilled in sweet songs)  |
madhurālāpā | f. Turdus Salica  |
madhurālāpanisargapaṇḍita | mfn. madhurālāpa |
madhuralatā | f. a kind of liquorice  |
madhuram | ind. madhura |
madhuramaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of or full of sweetness  |
madhurāmla | mfn. sweet and sour, subacid  |
madhurāmlaka | m. Spondias Mangifera  |
madhurāmlakaṣāya | mfn. sweet and subacid and astringent  |
madhurāmlakaṭuka | mfn. sweet and subacid and pungent  |
madhurāmlakāvya | n. Name of a poem  |
madhurāmlalavaṇa | mfn. sweet and subacid and salty  |
madhurāmlaphala | m. a species of fruit-tree  |
madhurāmlatikta | mfn. sweet and subacid and bitter  |
madhurāṅgaka | mf(ikā-)n. astringent  |
madhurāṅgaka | m. astringent taste |
madhuranirghoṣa | m. Name of an evil spirit or demon  |
madhurāniruddha | n. Name of a drama.  |
madhuranisvana | mf(ā-)n. sweet-voiced  |
madhurāntaka | m. Name (also title or epithet) of various kings,  |
madhurapaṭolī | f. a species of plant  |
madhuraphala | m. a species of jujube  |
madhuraphalā | f. the sweet melon  |
madhurapralāpin | mfn. singing sweetly  |
madhurapriyadarśana | m. "of sweet and friendly aspect", Name of śiva-  |
madhurarāvin | mfn. rumbling sweetly (as a cloud)  |
madhurasa | m. the juice of honey  |
madhurasa | m. sweetness, pleasingness (varia lectio)  |
madhurasa | m. sugar-cane  |
madhurasa | m. the wine palm  |
madhurasā | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
madhurasā | f. Gmelina Arborea  |
madhurasā | f. a vine, bunch of grapes  |
madhurasā | f. a kind of Asclepias  |
madhurasa | mfn. sweet  |
madhurasamaya | mf(ī-)n. full of the juice of honey  |
madhurasambhāṣa | mfn. discoursing agreeably  |
madhuraśīla | m. Name of a poet  |
madhurasravā | f. a kind of date tree  |
madhurāṣṭaka | n. Name of a collection of 8 verses by vallabhācārya- (in which various attributes of kṛṣṇa- are described, each containing the word madhura-)  |
madhuraśuklamūtra | mfn. discharging sweet and light-coloured urine ( madhuraśuklamūtratā -tā- f.)  |
madhuraśuklamūtratā | f. madhuraśuklamūtra |
madhurāsvāda | mfn. sweet in taste  |
madhurasvana | mfn. sweetly-sounding  |
madhurasvana | m. a conch  |
madhurasvara | mfn. sweetly-sounding, sweet-voiced ( madhurasvaram am- ind.) etc.  |
madhurasvara | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
madhurasvaram | ind. madhurasvara |
madhuratā | f. sweetness, suavity, pleasantness, amiability, softness  |
madhuratraya | n. the three sweet things (sugar, honey and butter)  |
madhuratva | n. sweetness (in taste)  |
madhuratva | n. suavity, charm (of speech)  |
madhuratvaca | m. Grislea Tomentosa  |
madhuravāc | mfn. equals -vacana-  |
madhuravacana | mfn. sweetly-speaking  |
madhuravallī | f. a kind of citron  |
madhurāvaṭṭa | m. Name of a man  |
madhuravipāka | mf(ā-)n. sweet after digestion  |
madhuraya | Nom. P. yati- (rita- mfn.), to sweeten, render sweet  |
madhureṇa | ind. madhura |
madhureṇu | m. a species of plant  |
madhurikā | f. Anethum Panmorium (others a kind of fennel)  |
madhurila | gaRa kāśādi-.  |
madhuriman | m. sweetness, suavity, charm  |
madhuripu | m. "enemy of madhu-", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
madhurodaka | m. (scilicet samudra-) "the sea of sweet or fresh water", Name of the outermost of the seven great seas which encompass jambu-dvīpa-  |
madhuropanyāsa | m. kind address or speech  |
madhuruha | m. Name of a son of ghṛta-pṛṣṭha-  |
madhus | n. equals madhu-, sweetness (according to to madh/us- equals pavitra-dravya-).  |
madhusahāya | m. "having Spring for a companion", the god of love  |
madhuśākha | mfn. (m/adhu--) having sweet branches  |
madhuśākha | m. Bassia Latifolia  |
madhusakha | m. "friend of spring", the god of love  |
madhusambhava | m. plural Name of particular jina-s  |
madhusambhava | n. wax  |
madhusaṃdhāna | n. any intoxicating drink, (especially) brandy  |
madhusaṃdṛśa | (m/adhu--) mfn. sweet-looking, appearing lovely  |
madhusaṃkāśa | (m/adhu--). mf(ā-)n. looking sweet, appearing pleasant  |
madhusammiśra | mfn. mixed with honey  |
madhusaṃśliṣṭa | mfn. connected with honey,  |
madhusārathi | m. "having Spring for a charioteer", the god of love  |
madhuśarkarā | f. honey-sugar  |
madhusarpis | n. dual number honey and ghee  |
madhusāt | ind. (with bhū-) to become honey  |
madhuścut | mfn. distilling sweetness, overflowing with sweets  |
madhuścyunnidhana | n. Name of a sāman- (also called prajā-pater madhu-ścy- )  |
madhuścyut | mfn. idem or 'mfn. distilling sweetness, overflowing with sweets '  |
madhuścyuta | mfn. equals -śc/ut-  |
madhusena | m. Name of a prince of madhupura-  |
madhuśeṣa | n. wax  |
madhuśigru | ( ) or  |
madhuśigruka | ( ) m. Moringa Pterygosperma (Rubriflora).  |
madhusikthaka | m. a kind of poison  |
madhuśīrṣaka | n. varia lectio for -mastaka- q.v commentator or commentary  |
madhuśiṣṭa | n. wax  |
madhūṣita | n. wax  |
madhuskanda | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
madhuṣpanda | m. See -syanda-.  |
madhuśrava | wrong reading for -srava- and vā- q.v  |
madhuśravā | wrong reading for -srava- and vā- q.v  |
madhusrava | mfn. dropping sweetness  |
madhusrava | m. Bassia Latifolia  |
madhusrava | m. Sanseviera Zeylanica  |
madhusravā | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
madhusrava | m. liquorice  |
madhusrava | m. Hoya Viridiflora  |
madhusrava | m. a kind of date  |
madhusrava | m. equals jīvantī-  |
madhusrava | m. equals haṃsa-padī-  |
madhusrava | m. Name of the 3rd day in the light half of the month śrāvaṇa-  |
madhusrava | m. Name of a river  |
madhusrava | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
madhusravas | m. Bassia Latifolia  |
madhuśreṇi | m. the son of a niṣṭya- and a śūdrā- (identical with a śauṇḍika- and maṇḍa-hāraka-)  |
madhuśreṇi | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
madhuśrī | f. Beauty of Spring (personified)  |
madhuṣṭhāla | n. a honey-pot  |
madhuṣṭhāna | n. equals -sthāna- (q.v .)  |
madhusthāna | n. "bee-place", a bee-hive  |
madhuṣṭhīla | m. Bassia Latifolia  |
madhustoka | m. a drop of honey  |
madhusūdana | m. "destroyer of honey", a bee  |
madhusūdana | m. "destroyer of the demon madhu-", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- etc.  |
madhusūdana | m. Name of various scholars  |
madhusūdanaśikṣā | f. Name of work  |
madhusūdanāyatana | n. a temple of viṣṇu-  |
madhusūdanī | f. Beta Bengalensis  |
madhusūdanī | f. Name of various authors (also with guru-, go-svāmin-, ṭhakkura-, dīkṣita-, dujanti-, paṇḍita-and ta-rāja-, vācas-pati-sarasvatī-)  |
madhusuhṛd | m. "friend of spring", the god of love  |
madhuśukta | n. a sour drink with honey  |
madhusūkta | n. Name of  |
madhuṣut | mfn. (ṣut-for sut-) pressing out sweetness  |
madhuṣut | mfn. emitting sweetness (soma-)  |
madhuṣuttama | mfn.  |
madhusvara | m. "sweet-voiced", the Indian cuckoo  |
madhuśvāsā | f. a species of plant (equals jivantī-)  |
madhusya | Nom. P. syati-, to wish for honey on  |
madhuṣyanda | m. See -syanda-.  |
madhusyanda | m. Name of a son of viśvā-mitra- (varia lectio -ṣpanda-, -ṣyanda-).  |
madhusyandin | m. a particular stringed instrument,  |
madhutaru | m. ( commentator or commentary) ( ) sugar-cane.  |
madhutraya | n. the three sweet things (viz. sitā-, mākṣika-and sarpis- q.v)  |
madhutṛṇa | m. n. ( ) sugar-cane.  |
madhūtsava | m. the spring festival (on the day of the full moon in the month caitra-) (varia lectio)  |
madhūttha | mfn. made or produced from honey  |
madhūttha | n. bees-wax  |
madhūttha | n. mead commentator or commentary |
madhūtthita | n. "produced from honey", wax  |
madhutva | n. sweetness  |
madhuvāc | m. "honey-voiced", the Indian cuckoo  |
madhuvacas | (m/adhu--) mfn. sweet-voiced, sweetly or friendly speaking  |
madhuvāhana | mfn. bearing or carrying sweet things (as honey, milk etc.;said of the chariot of the aśvin-s)  |
madhuvāhin | mfn. bearing or carrying honey (a river)  |
madhuvāhinī | f. Name of a river  |
madhuvallī | f. liquorice  |
madhuvallī | f. a kind of grape  |
madhuvallī | f. sweet citron  |
madhuvana | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
madhuvana | n. Name of the forest of the ape su-grīva- (which abounded in honey)  |
madhuvana | n. of the forest of the asura- madhu- on the yamunā- (where śatru-ghna-, after slaying lavaṇa-, son of madhu-, founded the city of mathurā- or madhurā-)  |
madhuvanavrajavāsigosvāmiguṇaleśāṣṭaka | n. Name of work  |
madhuvāra | m. tippling, carousing  |
madhuvarṇa | mfn. (m/adhu--) honey-coloured or having an agreeable aspect  |
madhuvarṇa | m. Name of a being attending on skanda-  |
madhuvarṇana | n. Name of work  |
madhuvat | mfn. addicted to wine  |
madhuvat | ind. as honey  |
madhuvat | ind. as through an intoxicating drink  |
madhuvaṭī | f. Name of a district  |
madhuvātīya | mf(ā-)n. beginning with the words m/adhu-vātāḥ- ( ) |
madhuvidhvaṃsabhāskara | m. Name of work  |
madhuvidviṣ | m. "enemy of madhu-", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
madhuvidyā | f. "science of sweetness", Name of a particular mystical doctrine etc.  |
madhuvilā | f. (madhu-+ ila-?) Name of the river samaṅgā-  |
madhuvrata | mf(ā-)n. occupied with sweetness  |
madhuvrata | m. a large black bee etc.  |
madhuvrata | m. (with bodha-nidhi-), Name of author  |
madhuvratī | f. a bee regarded as female  |
madhuvṛdh | "abounding in sweetness", (perhaps) a rain-cloud (others"a particular plant")  |
madhuvṛkṣa | m. Bassia Latifolia  |
madhuvṛṣa | mfn. dropping or raining sweetness  |
madhuvṛṣāpati | m. "king of bees" id est the queen bee  |
madhuvṛṣāvarūtha | m. n. a swarm of bees  |
madhūya | Nom. P. yati- (fr. madhu-)  |
madhuyaṣṭi | f. sugar-cane  |
madhuyaṣṭi | f. liquorice  |
madhuyaṣṭi | f. equals tiktaparvan-  |
madhuyaṣṭī | f. liquorice  |
madhuyaṣṭikā | f. liquorice  |
madhūyu | mfn. eager for sweetness  |
madhv | in compound for madhu-.  |
madhva | m. Name of the founder of a sect of vaiṣṇava-s in the south of India (he was a Kanarese Brahman otherwise called ānanda-tīrtha-, bhagavat-- pāda- or madhu-, said to have been born about 1200;his doctrine is commonly called dvaita-, "Duality", in opposition to the a-dvaita-,"Nonduality", of the great Vedantist śaṃkarācārya-, and his sect are called mādhva-s)  |
madhvācārya | m. equals madhva-guru-  |
madhvad | mfn. eating sweetness  |
madhvādhāra | m. bees-wax  |
madhvaguru | m. the teacher madhva-  |
madhvāhṇika | n. Name of work  |
madhvāhuti | f. a sacrificial offering consisting of honey or other sweet things |
madhvaka | m. a bee  |
madhvakṣa | mfn. having eyes of the colour of honey (said of agni-) (see madhuka-locana-).  |
madhvala | m. repeated tippling, carousing  |
madhvālopa | m. a bite of honey,  |
madhvālu | n. a kind of sweet potato  |
madhvāluka | n. a kind of sweet potato  |
madhvamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
madhvamata | n. the doctrine of madhva-  |
madhvamatakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work |
madhvamatapradarśana | n. Name of work |
madhvamataprakaraṇa | n. Name of work |
madhvamatasaṃgrahaṭīkā | f. Name of work |
madhvamatavidhvaṃsana | n. Name of work |
madhvāmra | m. a kind of mango tree  |
madhvamukhabhaṅga | m. Name of work  |
madhvamukhamardana | n. Name of work  |
madhvamuktāvali | f. Name of work  |
madhvañc | mf(dhūcī-)n. formed to explain m/ādhūcī- on  |
madhvāpāta | m. honey at first sight  |
madhvarṇaś | (m/adhv--.) mfn. having sweet springs or waters (said of a river)  |
madhvārthadhvaṃsinī | n. Name of work  |
madhvasahasranāmabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
madhvāsava | m. a decoction of honey or of the blossoms of the Bassia Latifolia, sweet spirituous liquor  |
madhvāsavakṣība | mfn. drunk with sweet spirituous liquor  |
madhvāsavanika | m. a preparer of sweet spirituous liquor, distiller  |
madhvasiddhānta | m. Name of work (and madhvasiddhāntabhañjana ta-bhañjana- n. madhvasiddhāntasāra ta-sāra-,m.)  |
madhvasiddhāntabhañjana | n. madhvasiddhānta |
madhvasiddhāntasāra | m. madhvasiddhānta |
madhvāśin | mfn. eating honey or sweets  |
madhvaṣṭaka | n. Name of a stotra- (see madhurāṣṭaka-).  |
madhvaṣṭhīlā | f. a lump of honey (see madhu-ṣṭhilā-).  |
madhvastuti | f. Name of work  |
madhvaśva | See mādhvaśvi-.  |
madhvāsvāda | mfn. having the taste of honey  |
madhvasya | P. syati-, to long for honey or anything sweet  |
madhvatantracapeṭāpradīpa | m. Name of work  |
madhvatantradūṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
madhvavaṃśāvalī | f. Name of work  |
madhvāvāsa | m. the mango tree  |
madhvavedānta | m. Name of work  |
madhvavidhvaṃsana | n. Name of work  |
madhvavijaya | m. Name of work  |
madhvijā | f. any intoxicating drink (prob. w.r.)  |
madhvṛc | f. plural Name of particular hymns  |
madhya | mf(ā-)n. middle (used likemedius exempli gratia, 'for example' m/adhye- samudr/e-,"in the midst of the sea")  |
madhya | mf(ā-)n. middlemost, intermediate, central  |
madhya | mf(ā-)n. standing between two, impartial, neutral  |
madhya | mf(ā-)n. middle id est being of a middle kind or size or quality, middling, moderate (with vṛtti- f."a middle course") etc.  |
madhya | mf(ā-)n. (in astronomy) mean id est theoretical (opp. to spaṣṭa-,or sphuṭa-) ( madhyatva -tva- n.)  |
madhya | mf(ā-)n. lowest, worst  |
madhya | mn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the middle of the body, (especially) a woman's waist etc.  |
madhya | m. (in algebra) the middle term or the mean of progression  |
madhyā | f. a young woman, a girl arrived at puberty  |
madhya | m. the middle finger  |
madhya | m. (in music) a particular tone  |
madhya | m. (also n.) a kind of metre  |
madhya | n. (m. gaRa ardharcādi-) the middle, midst, centre, inside, interior etc. ( madhyam am- ind.into the midst of, into, among, with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' etc.; madhyena dhyena- ind.in or through the midst of, on the inside, through, between, with genitive case accusative or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' etc.; madhyāt dhyāt- ind.from the midst of. out of. from among etc.; madhye dhye- ind.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
madhya | n. the middle of the sky (with or scilicet nabhasas-)  |
madhya | n. space between (exempli gratia, 'for example' bhruvos-,the eye brows)  |
madhya | n. midday (with ahnaḥ-),  |
madhya | n. the meridian  |
madhya | n. intermediate condition between (genitive case)  |
madhya | n. the belly, abdomen  |
madhya | n. the flank of a horse  |
madhya | n. (in music) mean time  |
madhya | n. ten thousand billions  |
madhya | n. cessation, pause, interval  |
madhya | n. Name of a country between Sindh and Hindustan proper [ confer, compare Zend maidhya; Greek , for ; Latin medius; Gothic midjis3; English midinmidland,midnightetc.]  |
madhyā | ind. in the middle, between, among (genitive case)  |
madhyā | ind. meanwhile  |
madhyabha | (in astronomy) the meridian ecliptic point.  |
madhyabhāga | m. the middle part or portion  |
madhyabhāga | m. the middle of the body, waist  |
madhyabhakta | mfn. eaten in the middle (a term applied to any medicine taken in the middle of a meal)  |
madhyabhāva | m. middle state or condition, mediocrity  |
madhyabhāva | m. a middling or moderate distance  |
madhyacārin | mf(iṇī-)n. going in the midst or among (genitive case)  |
madhyacchāyā | f. (in astronomy) mean or middle shadow  |
madhyadanta | m. a front tooth  |
madhyadeha | m. the middle or trunk of the body, belly etc.  |
madhyadeśa | m. middle region, middle space, the central or middle part of anything  |
madhyadeśa | m. (equals madhyaṃ nabhasaḥ-), the meridian  |
madhyadeśa | m. the middle of the body, waist etc.  |
madhyadeśa | m. the trunk of the body, belly, abdomen  |
madhyadeśa | m. the midland country (lying between the himālaya-s on the north, the vindhya- mountains on the south, vinaśana- on the west, prayāga- on the east, and comprising the modern provinces of Allahabad, agra-, Delhi, Oude etc.) (see )  |
madhyadeśa | mfn. belonging to or living in the midland country, of midland origin  |
madhyadeśa | m. plural the inhabitants of the midland country  |
madhyadeśīya | ( ) ( ) mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
madhyadeśya | ( ) mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
madhyādhidevana | n. the middle of a playing-ground  |
madhyadina | for madhyaṃ-dina- q.v  |
madhyadīpaka | n. (in rhetoric)"illuminating in the middle" , Name of a figure in which light is thrown on a description by the use of an emphatic verb in the middle of a stanza (exempli gratia, 'for example' )  |
madhyāditya | m. the midday sun (-gate' hani-,"when the day has reached the mid-sun" id est at noon)  |
madhyaga | mf(ā-)n. going or being in the middle or among (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
madhyagandha | m. "having a middling scent (?)", the mango tree  |
madhyagata | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. going or being in the middle or among (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') '  |
madhyagata | n. the middle syllable  |
madhyagrahaṇa | n. the middle of an eclipse  |
madhyāhāriṇīlipi | f. Name of a particular kind of written character (Calcutta edition adhyāh-). |
madhyāhna | m. midday, noon etc.  |
madhyāhna | m. Name of a pupil of śaṃkarācārya-  |
madhyāhnakāla | m. midday time, noon  |
madhyāhnakriyā | f. idem or 'n. midday duty or business or observance '  |
madhyāhnakṛtya | n. midday duty or business or observance  |
madhyāhnasamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
madhyāhnasaṃdhyā | f. the midland saṃdhyā-  |
madhyāhnasavana | n. midland sacrifice  |
madhyāhnasnānavidhi | m. midland ablution  |
madhyāhnavelā | f. equals -kāla-  |
madhyāhnenduprabhākarṇa | m. or n. the hypotenuse of the moon's midland shadow  |
madhyāhnika | m. Pentapetes Phoenicea  |
madhyajainendravyākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
madhyajihva | n. the middle of the tongue (said to be the organ of the palatals)  |
madhyajyā | f. the sign of the meridian  |
madhyakarṇa | m. a half diameter, radius  |
madhyakaumudī | f. equals madhya-sid-dhānta-kaumudī- q.v  |
madhyakṣāmā | f. "slender-waisted"or,"slender in the centre", Name of a kind of metre  |
madhyākṣaravistaralipi | f. Name of a particular kind of written character  |
madhyakuru | (prob.) m. pl. Name of a country  |
madhyalagna | n. the point of the ecliptic situated on the meridian  |
madhyalīlā | f. Name of work  |
madhyaloka | m. the middle world, earth, abode of mortals  |
madhyalokeśa | m. "lord of the middle world or earth", a king  |
madhyam | ind. madhya |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. (superl. of m/adhya-) middle (used like Latin medius exempli gratia, 'for example' madhyame gulme-,"in the midst of the troop")  |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. being or placed in the middle, middlemost, intermediate, central etc.  |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. middle-born (neither youngest nor oldest),  |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. of a middle kind or size or quality, middling, moderate etc.  |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. standing between two persons or parties, impartial, neutral etc.  |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. (in astronomy) mean (see madhya-)  |
madhyama | mf(ā-)n. relating to the meridian  |
madhyama | m. the middlemost prince (whose territory lies between that of a king seeking conquest and that of his foe)  |
madhyama | m. the middle character in plays  |
madhyama | m. the midland country (equals madhya-deśa-)  |
madhyama | m. (in music) the 4th or 5th note  |
madhyama | m. the middlemost of the 3 scales  |
madhyama | m. a particular rāga-  |
madhyama | m. (in gram.) the 2nd person (equals -puruṣa-)  |
madhyama | m. the governor of a province  |
madhyama | m. a kind of antelope  |
madhyama | m. Name of the 18th kalpa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
madhyama | m. plural a class of gods  |
madhyama | m. (with Buddhists) Name of a particular sect  |
madhyama | m. n. the middle of the body, waist etc.  |
madhyamā | f. the womb  |
madhyama | m. the middle finger  |
madhyama | m. midnight  |
madhyama | m. a girl arrived at puberty  |
madhyama | m. the pericarp of a lotus  |
madhyama | m. a central blossom  |
madhyama | m. a kind of metre  |
madhyama | m. (in music) a particular mūrchanā-  |
madhyama | n. the middle  |
madhyama | n. mediocrity, defectiveness,  |
madhyama | n. Name of the 12th (14th) kāṇḍa- of the  |
madhyama | n. (in astronomy) the meridian ecliptic point  |
madhyamabhṛtaka | m. a husbandman, a farm-labourer who works both for his master and himself  |
madhyamādhikāra | m. Name of the 1st chapter of  |
madhyamadhyā | f. (in music) a particular mūrchanā-  |
madhyamādi | m. (in music) a particular rāgiṇī-  |
madhyamādī | f. (in music) a particular rāgiṇī-  |
madhyamāgama | m. one of the 4 āgama-s  |
madhyamagati | f. (in astronomy) mean motion of a planet  |
madhyamagrāma | m. (in music) the middle scale  |
madhyamāharaṇa | n. the elimination of the middle term of an equation  |
madhyamajāta | mfn. middle-born, born between (two other children), middlemost.  |
madhyamaka | mf(ikā-)n. middlemost  |
madhyamaka | mf(ikā-)n. common (as property)  |
madhyamaka | n. the interior of anything (kam pra-viś-,to enter)  |
madhyamakakṣā | f. the middle enclosure or courtyard  |
madhyamakālaṃkāloka | m. Name of work  |
madhyamakālaṃkāra | m. Name of work  |
madhyamakāṇḍa | n. Name of the 2nd kāṇḍa- of the  |
madhyamakavṛtti | f. Name of work (also madhyamika v-).  |
madhyamakeya | m. plural Name of a people  |
madhyamakhaṇḍa | n. (in algebra) the middle term of an equation  |
madhyamakhaṇḍa | n. Name of part ii of the  |
madhyamaloka | m. the middle world (between heaven and the nether world), the earth  |
madhyamalokapāla | m. "protector of the middle world", a king  |
madhyamalokendu | m. "moon of the middle world", a king  |
madhyamandira | m. Name of the author of the mahābhārata-tātparya-nirṇaya-  |
madhyamandira | m. of madhvācārya-  |
madhyamandira | n. pudendum muliebre and anus  |
madhyamāṅgiras | m. the middle-sized aṅgiras-  |
madhyamāṅguli | m. the middle finger  |
madhyamaṇi | m. the central or principal gem of a necklace  |
madhyamanoramā | f. Name of a grammatical work (an abridgement of the manoramā-).  |
madhyamapada | n. the middle number (which is sometimes omitted and requires to be supplied in a compound consisting of two words)  |
madhyamapadalopa | m. the omission of the middle member of a compound (as in, śāka-pārthiva-,the king of the era, for sākapriya-pārthiva-,the king dear to the era)  |
madhyamapadalopin | m. (scilicet samāsa-) a compound which omits the middle member  |
madhyamapāṇḍava | m. "the middlemost of the five pāṇḍava-s", arjuna-  |
madhyamaparṇa | n. (prob.) a middle-sized leaf  |
madhyamapuruṣa | m. a particular personification  |
madhyamapuruṣa | m. (in gram.) the second person in verbal conjugation, a termination of the second person (see prathama-puruṣa-, uttama-puruṣa-).  |
madhyamapūruṣa | m. a mediocre person  |
madhyamarātra | m. midnight  |
madhyamarekhā | f. (in astronomy) the central meridian of the earth (a line conceived to be drawn through laṅkā-, ujjayinī-, kuru-kṣetra-, and meru-; see madhya-rekhā-).  |
madhyamasāhasa | m. the middlemost penalty or amercement, punishment for crimes of a middle degree  |
madhyamasāhasa | mn. violence or outrage of the middle class (injuring buildings, throwing down walls etc.) |
madhyamasaṃgraha | m. the middle method of intriguing with another's wife (presenting flowers etc.)  |
madhyamaśī | m. "lying or being in the middle", (prob.) an intercessor  |
madhyamastha | mfn. standing or being in the middle gaRa brāhmaṇādi-.  |
madhyamasthā | mfn. standing in the middle, forming the centre (of a community)  |
madhyamastheya | n. the state of standing in the middle or forming the centre  |
madhyamasvabhāva | mfn. indifferent, neutral,  |
madhyamasvara | m. the middle or dominant note  |
madhyamasvara | mfn. spoken in a middle tone (not too loud and not too low)  |
madhyamaṭīkā | f. Name of work by kumārila-  |
madhyamātreya | m. the middle sized ātreya-  |
madhyamavāh | mfn. driving at middling or slow speed (equals manda-gamanena vāhaka-) (prob."driving in the middle", scilicet between gods and men) .  |
madhyamavayas | n. middle age  |
madhyamavayaska | mfn. middle-aged  |
madhyamayāna | n. "the middle passage", the middle way to salvation  |
madhyaṃdina | m. (madhy/a--) (n. ) midday, noon etc.  |
madhyaṃdina | m. the midday offering (savana- or pavamāna-)  |
madhyaṃdina | m. Bassia Latifolia  |
madhyaṃdina | m. Name of a disciple of yājñavalkya-  |
madhyaṃdina | n. Midday (personified as a son of puṣpārṇa- by prabhā-)  |
madhyaṃdina | mfn. equals mādhyaṃdina- (q.v) |
madhyaṃdinagata | mfn. having reached the meridian (as the sun)  |
madhyaṃdinārkasaṃtapta | mfn. burnt by the midday-sun  |
madhyaṃdinasamaya | m. midday-time, noon  |
madhyaṃdinīya | mfn. meridional, meridian, belonging to noon or midday  |
madhyameṣā | f. a particular part of a chariot  |
madhyameṣṭha | ( ) mfn. equals madhyama-sthā-.  |
madhyameṣṭhā | ( ) mfn. equals madhyama-sthā-.  |
madhyameṣṭheya | ( ) mfn. equals madhyama-sthā-.  |
madhyameśvara | m. Name of a liṅga- of śiva- in Benares  |
madhyamikā | f. a marriageable woman  |
madhyamikā | f. Name of the 2nd or middle grantha- of the kāṭhaka- (see mādhyamika-)  |
madhyamika | prob. wrong reading for mādhyamika- q.v  |
madhyamikavṛtti | See under madhyamaka-.  |
madhyamīya | mfn. relating to the middle, middlemost, central gaRa gahādi-.  |
madhyāmlakesara | m. or n. the citron  |
madhyamoccaistara | mf(ā-)n. half loud and very loud  |
madhyamotkhāta | m. a particular division of time  |
madhyanagara | n. the interior of a city  |
madhyāṅguli | (or lī-) f. the middle finger  |
madhyanihita | mfn. placed in the middle, inserted, fixed into (anything)  |
madhyānta | (in the beginning of a compound) middle and end  |
madhyāntavibhāgaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
madhyāntavibhaṅgaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
madhyāntayamaka | n. a yamaka- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) in the midland and end of averse (exempli gratia, 'for example' )  |
madhyāntika | m. Name of an arhat-  |
madhyanya | mfn. occupying a middle place, having a middle rank or position (in any caste etc.)  |
madhyaparimāṇa | n. the middle measure or magnitude (or that between an atom and infinitude)  |
madhyapāta | m. falling or going in the midst, intercourse, commerce  |
madhyapāta | m. (in astronomy) the mean occurrence of the aspect.  |
madhyapatita | mfn. fallen in the middle lying between or in the midst  |
madhyaprasūtā | f. (a cow) which has had a calf not very long ago  |
madhyapraviṣṭa | mfn. one who has stolen into another's confidence  |
madhyarātra | m. midnight ( madhyarātrau trau- ind.at midnight)  |
madhyarātrau | ind. madhyarātra |
madhyarātrau | ind. madhyarātri |
madhyarātri | f. midnight ( madhyarātrau trau- ind.at midnight)  |
madhyarekhā | f. the middle line the central or first meridian (the line conceived by the Hindus to be drawn through laṅkā-, ujjayinī-, kurukṣetra-, and other places to mount meru-)  |
madhyārjuna | m. or n. Name of a district  |
madhyārjunakṣetramāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
madhyārjunatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- on the southern bank of the kāverī-  |
madhyaśarīra | mfn. having a middle-sized body or one of moderately full habit  |
madhyaśāyin | mfn. lying in the midst lying within  |
madhyasiddhāntakaumudī | f. "the middle-sized "Name of an abridgment of the by varada-rāja-. =  |
madhyastha | mf(ā-)n. being in the middle, being between or among (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
madhyastha | mf(ā-)n. being in the middle space id est in the air  |
madhyastha | mf(ā-)n. standing between two persons or parties mediating, a mediator  |
madhyastha | mf(ā-)n. belonging to neither or both parties, (only) a witness, impartial, neutral, indifferent etc.  |
madhyastha | mf(ā-)n. being of a middle condition or kind, middling  |
madhyastha | m. "arbitrator, umpire", Name of śiva-  |
madhyasthala | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ī-).) a middle place or region, (especially) the middle of the body, the waist or hip  |
madhyasthāna | n. the middle space id est the air ( madhyasthānadevatā -devatā- f.a deity of the air )  |
madhyasthāna | n. a neutral soil  |
madhyasthānadevatā | f. madhyasthāna |
madhyasthatā | f. intermediate situation, indifference, impartiality  |
madhyāsthi | n. Grewia Asiatica  |
madhyasthita | mfn. being in the middle, being among or between (genitive case)  |
madhyasthitā | f. indifference (see -stha-tā-).  |
madhyasthityardha | m. or n. (in astronomy) the mean half duration.  |
madhyasūtra | n. the central meridian (see madhya-rekhā-).  |
madhyasvarita | mfn. having the svarita- accent on the middle syllable  |
madhyāt | ind. madhya |
madhyatā | f. the state of being in the middle, mediocrity  |
madhyatamas | n. circular or annular darkness, central darkness  |
madhyatāpinī | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
madhyatas | ind. from or in the middle, centrally, centrically etc.  |
madhyatas | ind. out of. among (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
madhyatas | ind. of middle sort  |
madhyatastaḥkārin | m. Name of the 4 principal priests (viz. the hotṛ-, adhvaryu-, brahman-, and udgātṛ-)  |
madhyatva | n. See under madhya-.  |
madhyatva | n. madhya |
madhyavallī | f. Name of a vallī- of the (probably from being in the middle of the book) .  |
madhyāvarṣa | n. the middle of the rainy season ,  |
madhyavartin | mfn. being in the middle or between or among, middle, central  |
madhyavartin | m. a mediator  |
madhyavayas | mfn. middle-aged  |
madhyavidaraṇa | n. Name of one of the ten ways in which an eclipse ends  |
madhyavivartin | mfn. equals -vartin-  |
madhyavivartin | mfn. impartial, a mediator  |
madhyavivekin | mfn. of mediocre discernment, sāṃkhya-s. Scholiast or Commentator  |
madhyavṛtta | n. the navel  |
madhyayava | m. a weight of six white mustard seeds  |
madhyāyin | mfn. recited in the middle tone  |
madhyayogin | mf(inī-)n. (in astronomy) being in the middle of a conjunction, completely covered or obscured  |
madhyāyu | ( ya-yu-) mfn. intermediate, being a mediator or seeking a mediation  |
madhye | ind. in the middle, in the midst, within, between, among, in the presence of (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';sometimes also in the beginning of a compound; see compound below) etc. (with kṛ-[ ind.p. -kṛtya-or -kṛtvā- ],to place in the middle, make an intermediary of. on ;to count among )  |
madhye | ind. madhya |
madhyebhabandhana | n. a band or rope round an elephant's body  |
madhyecchandas | n. (prob.) said to mean"the sun"or"the middle of the year"  |
madhyegaṅgam | ind. in or into the Ganges.  |
madhyeguru | mfn. (prob.) having a long syllable in the middle,  |
madhyejalāt | ind. from out of the middle of the water  |
madhyejaṭharam | ind. in the middle of the body  |
madhyejyotis | f. a kind of Vedic metre  |
madhyekṛtya | ind. with regard to  |
madhyemadhyamāṅgulikarpūram | ind. between middle finger and elbow  |
madhyena | ind. madhya |
madhyenadi | ind. in or into the river  |
madhyenagaram | ind. in the middle of the city  |
madhyenareśvarasabham | ind. in the middle of the assembly of princes  |
madhyenidhana | mfn. having the passage called nidhana- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) in the middle  |
madhyepadmam | ind. in a lotus flower  |
madhyepṛṣṭam | ind. having the sacrificial days called pṛṣṭhya- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) in the middle  |
madhyepṛṣṭam | n. a particular ajana-  |
madhyeraṇam | ind. in the battle  |
madhyerathyam | ind. in the middle of the street  |
madhyesabham | ind. in the assembly, in public  |
madhyesamudram | ind. in the middle of the sea,  |
madhyeśmaśānam | ind. on the burial-place,  |
madhyevārdhi | ind. equals -samudram-  |
madhyevāri | ind. in or under the water  |
madhyevindhyāntar | ind. in the middle of the vindhya-  |
madhyevindhyāṭavi | ind. in the forests of the vindhya- range  |
madhyevyoma | ind. in the air  |
madhyeyajñam | ind. in the middle of the sacrifice  |
madhyodātta | mfn. having the udātta- or acute accent on the middle syllable  |
madī | f. any agricultural implement (as a plough etc.)  |
madi | or madikā- f. a kind of harrow or roller (see matya-).  |
madin | mfn. intoxicating, exhilarating, delighting, lovely (Comparative degree din-tara-,superl. din-tama-)  |
madīṇu | Name of a place (Medina?)  |
madira | mfn. equals prec. etc.  |
madira | m. a species of red-flowering Khadiri  |
madirā | f. See below.  |
madirā | f. spirituous liquor, any inebriating drink, wine, nectar etc.  |
madirā | f. a wagtail (especially in the pairing season equals matta-khañjana-)  |
madirā | f. a kind of metre  |
madirā | f. Name of durgā-,  |
madirā | f. of the wife of varuṇa-  |
madirā | f. of one of the wives of vasu-deva-  |
madirā | f. of the mother of kādambarī-  |
madiradṛś | mfn. "having intoxicating or fascinating eyes", lovely-eyed  |
madiradṛś | f. a fascinating woman  |
madirāgṛha | n. a drinking-house, tavern |
madirākṣa | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. idem or 'f. a fascinating woman ' '  |
madirākṣa | m. Name of a younger brother of śatānīka-  |
madirāmadāndha | mfn. blind through drunkenness, dead drunk  |
madirāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of intoxicating liquor  |
madiranayana | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'f. a fascinating woman '  |
madirārṇava | (rārṇ-) m. Name of work  |
madirāsakha | m. "friend of wine", the mango-tree  |
madirāsālā | f. equals -gṛha-  |
madirāsava | (rās-) m. any intoxicating liquor  |
madirāśva | m. Name of a rājarṣi- and of a king (son of daśāśva- and grandson of ikṣvāku-)  |
madirāvaśaga | mfn. subdued by id est drunk with wine  |
madirāvatī | f. Name of a girl (and of so called after her)  |
madirāvatī | f. of another girl  |
madirāyatanayanā | f. a mistress with fascinating and lovely eyes  |
madirekṣaṇa | mf(ā-)n. equals ra-driś-  |
madirekṣaṇavallabhā | f. a mistress with fascinating eyes (varia lectio)  |
madironmatta | mfn. drunk with wine or spirituous liquor  |
madirotkaṭa | mfn. excited or intoxicated with spirituous liquor  |
madiṣṇu | mfn. equals mandu-  |
madiṣṭha | mf(ā-)n. (superl. of mad/in-) very intoxicating or exhilarating etc.  |
madiṣṭhā | f. any intoxicating beverage  |
madīya | mfn. my, my own, belonging to me  |
madīya | See .  |
madodagra | mf(ā-)n. much excited, furious  |
madodagra | mf(ā-)n. arrogant, haughty  |
madodarkā | f. a collective Name of the 3 myrobalans (Terminalia Chebula T. Bellerica and Phyllanthus Emblica)  |
madoddhata | mfn. intoxicated  |
madoddhata | mfn. puffed up with pride, arrogant  |
madodreka | m. Melia Bukayun  |
madollāpin | m. the Indian cuckoo (see madālāpin-).  |
madonmatta | mfn. intoxicated with passion (rut) or pride  |
madorjita | mfn. swollen with pride, haughty with arrogance  |
madotkaṭa | mfn. excited by drink, intoxicated  |
madotkaṭa | mfn. excited by passion, furious  |
madotkaṭa | mfn. ruttish  |
madotkaṭa | m. an elephant in rut  |
madotkaṭa | m. a dove  |
madotkaṭa | m. Name of a lion  |
madotkaṭā | f. an intoxicating beverage  |
madotkaṭa | m. Linum Usitatissimum  |
madotkaṭa | m. Name of the goddess dākṣāyaṇī- (as worshipped in caitraratha-) |
madotkaṭa | n. an intoxicating drink made from honey or the blossoms of the Bassia Latifolia  |
madra | m. a country to the north-west of Hindustan proper, or a king (plural the people) of this country etc.  |
madra | m. Name of a son of śibi- (the progenitor of the Madras)  |
madrā | f. Name of a daughter of raudrāśva-  |
madra | m. (in music) a personification of the first mūrchanā- in the gāndhāra-grāma-  |
madra | n. joy, happiness (madraṃ tasya-or tasmai-,"joy to him!"see n.of bhadra-)  |
madragāra | m. Name of a man  |
madragāri | m. Name of a man  |
madrahrada | m. Name of a lake  |
madraja | mfn. born in madra-  |
madraka | mfn. equals mādro mādrau vā bhaktir asya- , Va1rtt. 2  |
madraka | mfn. belonging to or produced in madra-  |
madraka | m. (plural) Name of a degraded people (equals madra-)  |
madraka | m. (sg.) a prince or an inhabitant of madra-  |
madraka | m. Name of śibi- (See under madra-)  |
madraka | m. of a poet  |
madraka | n. Name of a kind of song  |
madraka | n. a kind of metre  |
madrakādhama | mfn. the lowest or meanest of the Madras  |
madrakagīti | f. the song called madraka-  |
madrakapati | m. a ruler of the Madras  |
madrakāra | mfn. causing joy or happiness  |
madrakāra | m. varia lectio for mādra-gāra-  |
madrākṛ | P. -karoti-, to shear, shave (see bhadrā--. kṛ-).  |
madrakūla | gaRa dhūmādi-.  |
madraṃkara | mfn. equals dra-kāra-  |
madranābha | m. a particular mixed caste  |
madranagara | n. the city of the Madras  |
madrapa | m. a ruler of the Madras  |
madrarāja | m. a king of the Madras  |
madrārma | n.  |
madrasadeśa | n. neighbourhood of the Madras  |
madrasamaryāda | n. neighbourhood of the Madras  |
madrasanīḍa | n. neighbourhood of the Madras  |
madrasaveśa | n. neighbourhood of the Madras  |
madrasavidha | n. neighbourhood of the Madras  |
madrāśmārma | n.  |
madrastrī | f. a madra- woman  |
madrasutā | f. "daughter of the king of Madras", Name of mādrī- (the second wife of pāṇḍu-)  |
madravāṇija | m. a merchant who goes to madra-  |
madrāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to be glad, rejoice gaRa lohitādi-.  |
madreśa | m. a sovereign of the Madras  |
madreśvara | m. a sovereign of the Madras  |
madrī | f. a princess of madra-  |
madrik | ind. (fr. next) to me, towards me  |
madrik | See .  |
madrikā | f. See below  |
madrikā | f. a madra- woman  |
madrikābhārya | m. "having a madra- woman for wife", the husband of a madra- woman  |
madrikākalpa | mfn. resembling a madra- woman |
madrikāmānin | mfn. thinking (a person to be) a madra- woman  |
madrikāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to be like a madra- woman  |
madrukasthalī | f. gaRa dhūmādi-.  |
madrumarakantha | n. gaRa cihaṇādi-.  |
madryadrik | ind. equals madrik-  |
madryak | ind. towards me (see asmadry/añc-).  |
madryañc | mfn. directed towards me  |
madryañc | See .  |
madugha | m. Name of a plant yielding honey or a species of liquorice  |
madura | m. a bird  |
madura | m. Name of a prince  |
madvacana | n. my word, my order  |
madvacanāt | ind. in my name, from me  |
madvan | mfn. addicted to joy or intoxication  |
madvan | mfn. gladdening, intoxicating  |
madvan | m. Name of śiva-  |
madvargīṇa | mfn. belonging to my class or party, connected with or related to me  |
madvargīya | mfn. belonging to my class or party, connected with or related to me  |
madvargya | mfn. belonging to my class or party, connected with or related to me  |
madvat | ind. (for 2.See) like me  |
madvat | mfn. (for 1.See) intoxicating, gladdening (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
madvat | mfn. containing a form or derivative of 2. mad-  |
madvidha | mfn. like me, equal to me, of my sort or kind  |
madvihīna | mfn. separated from me  |
madviyoga | m. separation from me  |
madya | (for 2.See) Nom. P. yati-  |
madya | mf(ā-)n. (for 1.See) intoxicating. exhilarating, gladdening, lovely  |
madya | n. any intoxicating drink, vinous or spiritous liquor, wine  |
madya | 1. 2. See pp. 777 and 779.  |
madyabhājana | (L.) n. equals -kumbha- q.v  |
madyabhāṇḍa | ( ) . n. equals -kumbha- q.v  |
madyabīja | n. lees of wine, ferment  |
madyadruma | m. Caryota Urens  |
madyakīta | m. a kind of insect or animalcule bred in vinegar etc.  |
madyākṣepa | m. addiction to drink  |
madyakumbha | m. a vessel for intoxicating liquors, brandy-jar  |
madyalālasa | m. Mimusops Elengi  |
madyamaṇḍa | m. yeast, barm, froth  |
madyamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of intoxicating liquors  |
madyāmoda | m. Mimusops Elengi  |
madyapa | mf(ā-)n. drinking intoxicating liquor, a drunkard etc.  |
madyapa | m. Name of a dānava-  |
madyapāna | n. the drinking of intoxicating liquors  |
madyapāna | n. any intoxicating drink  |
madyapaṅka | m. vinous liquor for distilling, mash |