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9 results for m/anas
abhigam -gacchati-, to go near to, approach (with accusative) ; to follow ; to meet with, find ; to cohabit (said of men and women) ; to undertake ; to get, gain, obtain etc. ; (with m/anasā-,or medh/ayā-or h/ṛdayena-) to understand : Causal -gamayati-, to study View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dasyuhanm. (Nominal verb h/ā- instrumental case ghn/ā-)fn. destroying the dasyu-s (indra- i, ; indra-'s gift, x, 47, 4; many/u-,83, 3; m/anas-,iv, 16, 10)
gam Ved. cl.1 P. g/amati- (; subjunctive gamam-, g/amat-[ gamātas-, gamātha- ], gamāma-, gaman- ; Potential gam/ema- ; infinitive mood g/amadhyai- ) : cl.2 P. g/anti- (; imperative 3. sg. gantu-,[2. sg. gadhi-See ā--,or gahi-See adhi--, abhy-ā--, ā--, upā--],2. plural g/antā-or gantana- ; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. /agan-[ ] , 1. plural /aganma-[ ; confer, compare ] , 3. plural /agman- ; subjunctive [or Aorist subjunctive confer, compare ]1. plural ganma-,3. plural gm/an- ; Potential 2. sg. gamyās- ; preceding 3. sg. gamy/ās- ; pr. p. gm/at-, ) : cl.3 P. jaganti- (; Potential jagamyām-, yāt- ; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. ajagan-,2. plural ajaganta-or tana- ) : Ved. and Class. cl.1 P. (also A1. etc.) , with substitution of gacch- ([= ]) for gam-, g/acchati- (confer, compare ; subjunctive cchāti- ;2. sg. gacchās-[ ] or gacchāsi-[ ];2. plural gacchāta- ;3. plural g/acchān- ; imperfect tense /agacchat-; Potential gacchet-; pr. p. g/acchat- etc.; Aorist agamat- ;for A1.with prepositions confer, compare future gamiṣyati- etc.; 1st future g/antā-[ ] etc.; perf. 1. sg. jagamā-[ ],3. sg. jagāma-,2. dual number jagmathur-,3. plural jagm/ur- etc.; parasmE-pada jaganv/as-[ etc.] or jagmivas- f. jagm/uṣī- etc.;Ved. infinitive mood g/antave-, g/antav/ai-;Class. infinitive mood gantum-:Ved. ind.p. gatvāya-, gatv/ī-;Class. ind.p. gatv/ā-[ etc.] , with prepositions -gamya-or -gatya- ) to go, move, go away, set out, come etc. ; to go to or towards, approach (with accusative or locative case or dative case [ ; confer, compare ] or prati-[ ]) etc. ; to go or pass (as time exempli gratia, 'for example' kāle gacchati-,time going on, in the course of time) ; to fall to the share of (accusative) etc. ; to go against with hostile intentions, attack ; to decease, die ; to approach carnally, have sexual intercourse with (accusative) etc. ; to go to any state or condition, undergo, partake of, participate in, receive, obtain (exempli gratia, 'for example' mitratāṃ gacchati-,"he goes to friendship" id est he becomes friendly) etc. ; jānubhyām avanīṃ-gam-,"to go to the earth with the knees", kneel down ; dharaṇīṃ mūrdhnā-gam-,"to go to the earth with the head", make a bow ; m/anasā-gam-, to go with the mind, observe, perceive ; (without m/anasā-) to observe, understand, guess ; (especially Passive voice gamyate-,"to be understood or meant") and ; doṣeṇa- or doṣato-gam-, to approach with an accusation, ascribe guilt to a person (accusative) : Causal gamayati- (; imperative 2. sg. Ved. gamayā-or gāmaya-[ ] , 3. sg. gamayatāt- ; perf. gamay/āṃ cakāra- etc.) to cause to go ( ) or come, lead or conduct towards, send to (dative case ), bring to a place (accusative [ ] or locative case) etc. ; to cause to go to any condition, cause to become etc. ; to impart, grant ; to send away ; "to let go", not care about ; to excel ; to spend time etc. ; to cause to understand, make clear or intelligible, explain ; to convey an idea or meaning, denote ; (causal of the causal) to cause a person (accusative) to go by means of jigamiśati- another : Desiderative j/igamiṣati- ( jigāṃsate- ; imperfect tense ajigāṃsat- ) to wish to go, be going ; to strive to obtain ; to wish to bring (to light, prak/āśam-) : Intensive j/aṅganti- (), jaṅgamīti- or jaṅgamyate- ( ), to visit (parasmE-pada g/anigmat-) (imperfect tense aganīgan-) ; ([ confer, compare ; Gothic qvam; English come; Latin venioforgvemio.])
grah ([ in a few passages only etc.]) or grabh- ([ ;rarely ]) cl.9 P. gṛbhṇāti- gṛhṇ/āti- (also A1. gṛhṇīte-,irreg. gṛhṇate- ;3. plural gṛbhṇate- ; imperative 2. sg. gṛhāṇ/a-,[ ṇ/ā-, saṃhitā-pāṭha-, parasmE-pada Passive voice Nominal verb plural n. ] etc.; gṛbhṇān/a-& gṛhṇ-[Ved.]; gṛhṇa- ; -gṛhṇāhi-, -gṛbhṇīhi-See prati-grabh-; A1. gṛbhṇīṣva-[ ] or gṛhṇ-;3. sg. P. gṛhṇītāt-;Ved. imperative gṛbhāy/a-etc.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ya- confer, compare gṛhaya-; perf. jagrāha- etc.;1. sg. gr/abhā- ; gṛbhm/a- ; A1. gṛhe-, ;3. plural gṛbhr/e-& gṛbhrir/e- ; P. Potential gṛbhyāt-, ; parasmE-pada gṛbhv/as-, ; future 2nd grahīṣyati-, te- etc.[ confer, compare ];sometimes wrongly spelt gṛh- ; grahiṣy- ; Conditional agrahaiṣyat- ; future 1st grahītā- ; Aorist agrabham- ; bhīt- etc.; hīt-[ ] etc.; -/ajagrabhīt-etc.See saṃ-grah-; subjunctive 2. plural grabhīṣṭa- ; A1. agrahīṣṭa- ; aghṛkṣata- [not in ];Ved. 3. plural agṛbhran-[ ] and agṛbhīṣata-; ind.p. gṛbhītv/ā- ; gṛhītv/ā-, ; grahāya- ; infinitive mood grahītum-[ etc.; confer, compare ;wrongly spelt gṛh- ]; Passive voice gṛhyate-[ future 1st grahītā-or grāhitā- future 2nd grahīṣyate-or grāhiṣy- Aorist agrāhi-,3. dual number agrahīṣātām-or agrāhiṣ- ];Ved. subjunctive 3. plural gṛhyāntai- on ;Ved. Passive voice 3. sg. gṛhate-[ ]or gṛhe-[ ] or gṛhaye-[ ; confer, compare gṛhaya-]; subjunctive 1. plural gṛhāmahi- ; Potential gṛhīta- ) to seize, take (by the hand, pāṇau-or kare-,exceptionally pāṇim-(double accusative) ; confer, compare ), grasp, lay hold of (exempli gratia, 'for example' pakṣaṃ-,to take a side, adopt a party ; pāṇim-,"to take by the hand in the marriage ceremony", marry etc.) etc. ; to arrest, stop ; to catch, take captive, take prisoner, capture, imprison etc. ; to take possession of, gain over, captivate ; to seize, overpower (especially said of diseases and demons and the punishments of varuṇa-) etc. ; to eclipse ; to abstract, take away (by robbery) ; to lay the hand on, claim ; to gain, win, obtain, receive, accept (from ablative,rarely genitive case), keep etc. (with double accusative ) ; to acquire by purchase (with instrumental case of the price) etc. ; to choose ; to choose any one (accusative) as a wife ; to take up (a fluid with any small vessel), draw water ; to pluck, pick, gather ; to collect a store of anything ; to use, put on (clothes) i etc. ; to assume (a shape) ; to place upon (instrumental case or locative case) ; to include ; to take on one's self, undertake, undergo, begin etc. ; to receive hospitably (a guest), take back (a divorced wife) ; "to take into the mouth", mention, name etc. ; to perceive (with the organs of sense or with m/anas-), observe, recognise etc. ; (in astronomy) to observe ; to receive into the mind, apprehend, understand, learn ; (in astronomy) to calculate ; to accept, admit, approve ; to obey, follow ; to take for, consider as etc. ; (Passive voice) to be meant by (instrumental case) and Scholiast or Commentator : Causal grāhayati-, to cause to take or seize or lay hold of ; to cause to take (by the hand[ pāṇim-]in the marriage ceremony) ; to cause to marry, give away a girl (accusative) in marriage to any one (accusative) ; to cause any one to be captured ; to cause any one to be seized or overpowered (as by varuṇa-'s punishments or death etc.) ; to cause to be taken away ; to make any one take, deliver anything (accusative) over to any one (accusative; exempli gratia, 'for example' āsanam-with accusative"to cause to take a seat, bid any one to sit down") ; to make any one choose (Aorist ajigrahat-) ; to make any one learn, make acquainted or familiar with (accusative) etc.: Desiderative jighṛkṣati- (confer, compare ), also te-, to be about to seize or take ; to be about to eclipse ; to be about to take away ; to desire to perceive (with the organs of sense), strive to apprehend or recognise : Intensive jarīgṛhyate- ; ([ confer, compare Zend gerep,geurv; Gothic greipa; German greife; Lithuanian gre1bju; Slavonic or Slavonian grablju1; Hibernian or Irish grabaim,"I devour, stop."])
kṛ Ved. (I) cl.2 P. 2. sg. k/arṣi- dual number kṛth/as- plural kṛth/a-; A1. 2. sg. kṛṣ/e-; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. /akar-, 3. sg. rarely /akat- () ; 3. dual number /akartām-; plural /akarma-, /akarta- (also ), /akran- (Aorist,according to ); A1. /akri- (), /akṛthās- (), /akṛta- (); akrātām- (), /akrata- ( ) : imperative kṛdh/i- (also ), kṛt/am-, kṛt/a-; A1. kṛṣv/a-, kṛdhv/am-; subjunctive 2. and 3. sg. kar- plural k/arma-, k/arta- and kartana-, kran-; A1. 3. sg. kṛta- () , 3. plural kr/anta- () : Potential kriyāma- (); pr. p. P. (Nominal verb plural) kr/antas- A1. krāṇ/a-. (II) cl.1 P. k/arasi-, k/arati-, k/arathas-, k/aratas-, k/aranti-; A1. k/arase-, k/arate-, k/arāmahe-: imperfect tense /akaram-, /akaras-, /akarat- (Aorist,according to ) : imperative k/ara-, k/aratam-, k/aratām-: subjunctive k/aram-, k/arāṇi-, k/aras-, k/arat-, k/arāma-, k/aran-; A1. karāmahai-; pr. p. f. k/arantī- () (III) cl.5 P. kṛṇ/omi-, ṇ/oṣi-, ṇ/oti-, kṛṇuth/as-, kṛṇm/as- and kṛṇmasi-, kṛṇuth/a-, kṛṇv/anti-; A1. kṛṇv/e-, kṛṇuṣ/e-, kṛṇut/e-, 3. dual number kṛṇv/aite- (); plural kṛṇm/ahe-, kṛṇv/ate-: imperfect tense /akṛṇos-, /akṛṇot-, /akṛṇutam-, /akṛṇuta- and ṇotana- (), /akṛṇvan-; A1. 3. sg. /akṛṇuta- plural /akṛṇudhvam-, /akṛṇvata-: imperative kṛṇ/u- or kṛṇuh/i- or kṛṇut/āt-, kṛṇ/otu-, kṛṇut/am-, kṛṇut/ām-, 2. plural kṛṇut/a- or kṛṇ/ota- or kṛṇ/otana-, 3. plural kṛṇv/antu-; A1. kṛṇuṣv/a-, kṛṇut/ām-, kṛṇv/āthām-, kṛṇudhv/am-: subjunctive kṛṇ/avas-, ṇ/avat- or ṇ/avāt-, kṛṇ/avāva-, ṇ/avāma-, ṇ/avātha-, ṇ/avatha-, ṇ/avan-; A1. kṛṇ/avai- (once ṇavā- ), kṛṇavase- (also varia lectio ṇvase-), kṛṇavate-, kṛṇ/avāvahai-, kṛṇ/avāmahai-, 3. plural kṛṇ/avanta- () or kṛṇavante- or kṛṇvata- () : Potential A1. kṛṇvīt/a-; pr. p. P. kṛṇv/at- (f. vat/ī-) A1. kṛṇvāṇ/a-. (IV) cl.8. (this is the usual formation in the brāhmaṇa-s; sūtra-s, and in classical Sanskrit) P. kar/omi- (Epic kurmi- ); kurv/as-, kuruth/as-, kurut/as-, kurm/as- ([ kulmas-in an interpolation after ]), kuruth/a-, kurv/anti-; A1. kurv/e-, etc., 3. plural kurv/ate- () : imperfect tense akaravam-, akaros-, akarot-, akurva-, etc.; A1. 3. sg. akuruta- plural akurvata-: imperative kuru-, karotu- (in the earlier language 2. and 3. sg. kurutāt-,3. sg. also ), kuruta- or kurutana- (); A1. kuruṣva-, kurudhvam-, kurv/atām-: subjunctive karavāṇi-, karavas-, vāt-, vāva- or vāvas- ( ), vāma- or vāmas- (), vātha-, van-; A1. karavai-, kuruthās-, karavāvahai- (; he- ), karavaithe-, vaite- ( , ), vāmahai-(he- ) : Potential P. kuryām- A1. kurvīya- (); pr. p. P. kurv/at- (f. vat/ī-); A1. kurvāṇ/a-: perf. P. cak/āra-, cak/artha-, cakṛv/a-, cakṛm/a-, cakr/a- (); A1. cakr/e-, cakrir/e-; parasmE-pada cakṛvas- (accusative cakr/uṣam- ); A1. cakrāṇa- () : 2nd future kariṣy/ati-; subjunctive 2. sg. kariṣy/ās- (); 1st future k/artā-: preceding kriyāsam-: Aorist P. Ved. cakaram- (), acakrat- (), /acakriran- (); A1. 1. sg. kṛske- (); Class. akārṣīt- ( ;once akāraṣīt- ); Passive voice Aorist reflex. akāri- and akṛta- ( ) : infinitive mood k/artum-, Ved. k/artave-, k/artav/ai-, k/artos- (See ss.vv.); ind.p. kṛtv/ā-, Ved. kṛtv/ī- ([ ]) and kṛtv/āya- ([ ]) ; to do, make, perform, accomplish, cause, effect, prepare, undertake etc. ; to do anything for the advantage or injury of another (genitive case or locative case) etc. ; to execute, carry out (as an order or command) ; to manufacture, prepare, work at, elaborate, build ; to form or construct one thing out of another (ablative or instrumental case) etc. ; to employ, use, make use of (instrumental case) etc. ; to compose, describe ; to cultivate (confer, compare ) ; to accomplish any period, bring to completion, spend (exempli gratia, 'for example' varṣāṇi daśa cakruḥ-,"they spent ten years"; kṣaṇaṃ kuru-,"wait a moment"; confer, compare kritakṣaṇa-) ; to place, put, lay, bring, lead, take hold of (accusative or locative case or instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' ardh/aṃ-kṛ-,to take to one's own side or party, cause to share in(genitive case;See 2. ardh/a-); haste-or pāṇau-kṛ-,to take by the hand, marry ; hṛdayena-kṛ-,to place in one's heart, love ; hṛdi-kṛ-,to take to heart, mind, think over, consider ; manasi-kṛ- idem or 'f. (equals kuhī-) a fog ' ;to determine, purpose [ ind.p. si-kṛtvā-or si-kṛtya-] ; vaśe-kṛ-,to place in subjection, become master of ) ; to direct the thoughts, mind, etc. (m/anas-[ etc.] or buddhim-[ ] or matim-[ ]or bhāvam-[ ], etc.) towards any object, turn the attention to, resolve upon, determine on (locative case dative case infinitive mood,or a sentence with iti- exempli gratia, 'for example' mā śoke manaḥ kṛthāḥ-,do not turn your mind to grief ; gamanāya matiṃ cakre-,he resolved upon going ; alābuṃ samutsraṣṭuṃ manaś cakre-,he resolved to create a gourd ; draṣṭā tavāsmīti matiṃ cakāra-,he determined to see him ) ; to think of (accusative) ; to make, render (with two accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' ādityaṃ kāṣṭhām akurvata-,they made the sun their goal ) etc. ; to procure for another, bestow, grant (with genitive case or locative case) etc. ; A1. to procure for one's self, appropriate, assume ; to give aid, help any one to get anything (dative case) ; to make liable to (dative case) ; to injure, violate (exempli gratia, 'for example' kanyāṃ-kṛ-,to violate a maiden) ; to appoint, institute ; to give an order, commission ; to cause to get rid of, free from (ablative or -tas-) ; to begin (exempli gratia, 'for example' cakre śobhayitum purīm-,they began to adorn the city) ; to proceed, act, put in practice etc. ; to worship, sacrifice ; to make a sound (svaram-or śabdam-) ( ), utter, pronounce (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with the sounds phaṭ-, phut-, bhāṇ-, v/aṣaṭ-, svadh/ā-, sv/āhā-, hiṃ-), pronounce any formula () ; (with numeral adverbs ending in dhā-) to divide, separate or break up into parts (exempli gratia, 'for example' dvidhā-kṛ-,to divide into two parts, ind.p. dvidhā kṛtvā-or dvidhā-kṛtya-or -kāram- ; sahasradhā-kṛ-,to break into a thousand pieces) ; (with adverbs ending in vat-) to make like or similar, consider equivalent (exempli gratia, 'for example' rājyaṃ tṛṇa-vat kṛtvā-,valuing the kingdom like a straw ) ; (with adverbs ending in sāt-) to reduce anything to, cause to become, make subject (See ātma-sāt-, bhasma-sāt-) The above senses of kṛ- may be variously modified or almost infinitely extended according to the noun with which this root is connected, as in the following examples: sakhyaṃ-kṛ-, to contract friendship with ; pūjāṃ-kṛ-, to honour ; rājyaṃ-kṛ-, to reign ; snehaṃ-kṛ-, to show affection ; ājñāṃ- or nideśaṃ- or śāsanaṃ- or kāmaṃ- or yācanāṃ- or vacaḥ- or vacanaṃ- or vākyaṃ-kṛ-, to perform any one's command or wish or request etc. ; dharmaṃ-kṛ-, to do one's duty ; nakhāni-kṛ-,"to clean one's nails" See kṛta-nakha- ; udakaṃ- ([ ]) or salilaṃ- ([ ]) kṛ-, to offer a libation of Water to the dead ; to perform ablutions ; astrāṇi-kṛ-, to practise the use of weapons ; darduraṃ-kṛ-, to breathe the flute ; daṇḍaṃ-kṛ-, to inflict punishment etc. ; kālaṃ-kṛ-, to bring one's time to an end id est to die ; ciraṃ-kṛ-, to be long in doing anything, delay ; manasā- (for si-See above) kṛ-, to place in one's mind, think of, meditate ; śirasā-kṛ-, to place on one's the head ; mūrdhnā-kṛ-, to place on one's head, obey, honour. Very rarely in veda- () , but commonly in the brāhmaṇa-s, sūtra-s, and especially in classical Sanskrit the perf. forms cakāra-and cakre- auxiliarily used to form the periphrastical perfect of verbs, especially of causatives exempli gratia, 'for example' āsāṃ cakre-,"he sat down" ; gamay/āṃ cakāra-,"he caused to go"[see ;in veda- some other forms of kṛ-are used in a similar way, viz. proper karoti- ; imperfect tense akar- and ;3. plural akran- and ; preceding kriyāt- (See );according to , also karotu-with vid-]. Causal kārayati-, te-, to cause to act or do, cause another to perform, have anything made or done by another (double accusative instrumental case and accusative [see ] exempli gratia, 'for example' sabhāṃ kāritavān-,he caused an assembly to be made ; rāja-darśanaṃ māṃ kāraya-,cause me to have an audience of the king; vāṇijyaṃ kārayed vaiśyam-,he ought to cause the vaiśya- to engage in trade ; na śakṣyāmi kiṃcit kārayituṃ tvayā-,I shall not be able to have anything done by thee ) ; to cause to manufacture or form or cultivate etc. ; to cause to place or put, have anything placed, put upon, etc. (exempli gratia, 'for example' taṃ citrapaṭaṃ vāsa-gṛhe bhittāv akārayat-,he had the picture placed on the wall in his house ) . Sometimes the Causal of kṛ- is used for the simple verb or without a causal signification (exempli gratia, 'for example' padaṃ kārayati-,he pronounces a word ; mithyā k-,he pronounces wrongly ; kaikeyīm anu rājānaṃ kāraya-,treat or deal with kaikeyī- as the king does ) : Desiderative c/ikīrṣati- (Aorist 2. sg. acikīrṣīs- ) , Epic also te-, to wish to make or do, intend to do, design, intend, begin, strive after etc. ; to wish to sacrifice or worship : Intensive 3. plural karikrati- (pr. p. k/arikrat-See ), to do repeatedly ; Class. carkarti- or carikarti- or carīkarti- ([ ]) , also carkarīti- or carikarīti- or carīkarīti- or cekrīyate- ([ib. Scholiast or Commentator ]); ([ confer, compare Hibernian or Irish caraim,"I perform, execute";ceard,"an art, trade, business, function";sucridh,"easy"; Old German karawan,"to prepare"; modern German gar,"prepared (as food)"; Latin creo,ceremonia;, .])
manasn. thought, imagination, excogitation, invention, reflection, opinion, intention, inclination, affection, desire, mood, temper, spirit (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' after a verbal noun or an infinitive mood stem in tu-= having a mind or wishing to; see draṣṭu-m-etc.; manaḥ- kṛ-,to make up one's mind;with genitive case,to feel inclination for; manaḥ- kṛ-, pra-kṛ-, dhā-,vi- dhā-, dhṛ-, bandh-and Causal of ni-viś-with locative case dative case accusative with prati-,or infinitive mood,to direct the mind or thoughts towards, think of or upon; manaḥ-with sam-ā-dhā-,to recover the senses, collect one's self;with han-See mano-hatya-; manasā m/anasā- the mind;in thought or imagination;with all the heart, willingly;with genitive case,by the leave of;with iva- equals seva-,as with a thought, in a moment;with man-,to think in one's mind, be willing or inclined;with saṃ-gam-,to become unanimous, agree; manasi-with kṛ-,to bear or ponder in the mind, meditate on, remember;with ni-dhā-,to impress on the mind, consider;with vṛt-,to be passing in one's mind)
mānasamf(ī-,once ā-)n. (fr. m/anas-) belonging to the mind or spirit, mental, spiritual (opp. to śārirā-,corporeal) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manastejas(m/anas--) mfn. endowed with vigour of mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvatmfn. (m/anas--) full of sense or spirit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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