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12 results for m/ahi
ācyu Causal P. (1. plural -cyāvayāmas-,or masi-;2. sg. -cyāvayasi-and imperative ya-) to cause or induce to come near : Intensive P. (imperfect tense -acucyavīt-,3. plural vuḥ-) to cause to flow over, pour out : P. and A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural -acucyavuḥ-: A1.1. plural -cucyuvīm/ahi-,3. plural -cucyavīrata-) to cause or induce to come near View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duh (originally dugh- see d/ughāna-, dugha-etc., and the initial dh-of some forms) cl.2 P.A1. dogdhi- ; dugdhe- or duh/e- etc. (plural A1. duhat/e-, ; duhrate-, ; duhr/e-, ; imperfect tense P. /adhok-, ; duh/ur- ; A1. adugdha-[according to Aorist ] plural aduhra-,i sg. aduha- plural hra- [ see ]; imperative dhukṣva- sg. duh/ām- ; plural duhr/ām-, r/atām- ; dhuṅgdhvam- ; subjunctive dohat-[3 plural hān- ], hate- ; Potential duhīyat- ; y/an-, ; A1. hīta-, ; parasmE-pada P. duh/at- A1. duhān/a-, d/uhāna-,and d/ugh- ; cl.6 P. A1. duh/ati-, te- etc.; cl.4. duhyati-, te- ; perfect tense dud/oha-[ hitha- ], duduh/e-,3 plural duduhur-[ dudūhur- ] etc.; A1. duduhre- [ hrire-]; future dhokṣyati-, te- ; Aorist /adhukṣat-, ṣata-[3 sg. plural ], adukṣat-, ; dukṣata-,3 sg. ; imperative dhukṣ/asva- ; Potential dhukṣīm/ahi- ; infinitive mood dogdhum- etc.; dogdhos- ; duh/adhyai-and doh/ase- ; ind.p. dugdhvā- ) to milk (a cow or an udder) figuratively take advantage of (see) , enjoy ; to milk or squeeze out, extract (milk, soma- exempli gratia, 'for example' any good thing) ; draw anything out of another thing (with 2 accusative) etc. ; (mostly A1.) to give milk, yield any desired object (accusative,rarely genitive case) etc. etc.: Passive voice duhy/ate- Aorist adohi- ( ) to be milked, to be drawn or extracted from etc.: Causal doh/ayati-, te- Aorist adūduhat- Passive voice dohy/ate-, to cause to milk or be milked ; to milk, milk out, extract : Desiderative d/udukṣati- (), dudhukṣati- ( see dudhukṣu-), to wish to milk.
mahāvratamf(ā-)n. also used to explain m/ahi-vrata- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahikeru(m/ahi--) mfn. raising highly (fr.2. kṛ- equals prauḍha-karman-,fr.1. kṛ-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahikṣatra(m/ahi--) mfn. possessing great power View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahimagha(m/ahi--) mfn. rich in oblations or treasures View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahiṣamf(m/ahiṣī-)n. great, powerful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahivrata(m/ahi--) mfn. having great power, ruling mightily
sac (connected with2. sajj-, sañj-, sakh-; confer, compare sap-) cl.1 A1. () s/acate- (in also P. sacati-and s/iṣakti-,2. sg. s/aścasi-,3. plural saścati-,2. 3. plural saścata-,1. sg. A1. saśce-; parasmE-pada s/acamāna-, sacān/a-and s/aścat-or saśc/at-[ quod vide ]; perfect tense Ved. saścima-, saśc/uḥ-; A1. saścir/e- ; secire- ; Aorist 3. plural asakṣata- ; sakṣat-, sakṣata-, sakṣante-, sakṣīm/ahi- ; asaciṣṭa- grammar; future sacitā-, saciṣyate- ; infinitive mood sac/adhyai- ), to be associated or united with, have to do with, be familiar with, associate one's self with (instrumental case) ; be possessed of, enjoy (instrumental case or accusative) ; to take part or participate in, suffer, endure (instrumental case) ; to belong to, be attached or devoted to, serve, follow, seek, pursue, favour, assist (accusative) ; to he connected with (instrumental case) on ; to fall to the lot of (accusative) ; to be together ; (s/iṣakti-), to go after, follow, accompany, adhere or be attached to (accusative) ; to help any one to anything (two dative case) ; to abide in (locative case) ; (3. plural saścati-and saścata-), to follow, obey ; to belong to (accusative) ; to be devoted to or fond of (accusative) [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin sequor; Lithuanian seku4.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sah cl.1 A1. () s/ahate- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also ti-and exceptionally sāhati-,once in sg. sahyāmi-; parasmE-pada s/ahat- s/ahamāna-[ q.v ]; perfect tense sehe-, sasāha-; Vedic or Veda also sasāh/e-and sāsāhat-; sās/ahat-; sāsahīṣṭ/āḥ-,; sāsahy/āma-,; parasmE-pada sehān/a-, sāsahān/a-, sahv/as-and sāhv/as-[ q.v ]; Aorist asākṣi-, sākṣi-, sākṣate- ; sākṣīt- ; sakṣati- ; sakṣat-, s/ākṣāma- ; imperative sakṣi-, kṣva- ; parasmE-pada s/akṣat- ; /asahisṭa- ; preceding sahyās-, sāhy/āma- ; sākṣīya-. ; s/āhiṣīm/ahi- ; future soḍhā- etc.; sahitā- grammar; sakṣyati- , te- ; sākṣye-[?] ; -sahiṣyati-, te- ; Conditional asahisyat- ; infinitive mood s/ahadhyai- ; s/āḍhyai- ; soḍhum-, sahitum- ; ind.p. soḍhvā- ; sādhvā-, sahitvā- grammar; s/ahya- etc.; s/aham- ), to prevail, be victorious ; to overcome, vanquish, conquer, defeat (enemies), gain, win (battles) ; to offer violence to (accusative) ; to master, suppress, restrain etc. ; to be able to or capable of (infinitive mood or locative case) ; to bear up against, resist, withstand etc. ; to bear, put up with, endure, suffer, tolerate (with na-,"to grudge") etc. ; to be lenient towards, have patience with any one (genitive case) ; to spare any one ; to let pass, approve anything ; (with kalam-, kala-kṣepam-etc.) to bide or wait patiently for the right time : Causal or cl.10. sāhayati- (Aorist asīṣahat-), to forbear : Desiderative of Causal sisāhayiṣati- : Desiderative s/īkṣate- (parasmE-pada s/īkṣat-; according to to , also sisahiṣa-), to wish to overcome : Intensive sāsaṣyate-, sāsoḍhi- (see sah/i-) grammar ([ see sahas-and for ; , .])
vand (see vad-) cl.1 A1. () v/andate- (Epic also ti-; perfect tense vavanda-, de- etc.; preceding vandiṣīm/ahi- ; future vanditā-, vandiṣyate- grammar; infinitive mood vanditum- etc.; vandādhyai- ; ind.p. vanditvā-vandya- etc.) , to praise, celebrate, laud, extol ; to show honour, do homage, salute respectfully or deferentially, venerate, worship, adore etc. ; to offer anything (accusative) respectfully to (dative case) : Passive voice vandyate- (Aorist avandi-, vandi-), to be praised or venerated etc. etc. Causal vandayati- (aor. avavandat- data-), to show honour to any one, greet respectfully : Desiderative See vivandiṣu-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛdh cl.1 A1. () v/ardhate- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also ti-; perfect tense vav/ardha-, vavṛdhe- etc. etc. [Ved. also vṛ-; vavṛdhāti-, dhīt/ās-, dh/asva- ; vāvṛdh/ete- ; parasmE-pada vṛdh/at- ; Aorist Ved. avṛdhat-, vṛdhātas-, dhātu-; parasmE-pada vṛdh/at-, dhān/a-]; avardhiṣṭa- etc.; preceding vardhiṣīm/ahi- ; future vardhitā- grammar; vartsyati- ; vardhiṣyate- grammar; infinitive mood Ved. vṛdhe-["for increase","to make glad"], vṛdh/ase-, vāvṛdh/adhyai-; Classical vardhitum-; ind.p. vṛddhvā-,or vardhitvā- grammar;in vṛdh-is sometimes confounded with1. vṛt-), trans. P., to increase, augment, strengthen, cause to prosper or thrive ; to elevate, exalt, gladden, cheer, exhilarate (especially the gods, with praise or sacrifice) ; (intrans. A1.; in Vedic or Veda perfect tense and Aorist; in Class. Aorist future and Conditional; also P. mc. in other forms) , to grow, grow up, increase, be filled or extended, become longer or stronger, thrive, prosper, succeed etc. ; to rise, ascend (as the scale in ordeals) ; to be exalted or elevated, feel animated or inspired or excited by (instrumental case locative case genitive case) or in regard to (dative case), become joyful, have cause for congratulation (vṛdhaḥ-, dhat-in sacrificial formulas ="mayest thou or may he prosper";in later language often with diṣṭyā-) etc. etc.: Causal vardh/ayati-, te- (in later language also vardhāpayati-; Aorist Ved. avīvṛdhat-, dhata-), to cause to increase or grow, augment, increase, make larger or longer, heighten, strengthen, further, promote (A1."for one's self") etc. ; to rear, cherish, foster, bring up ; to elevate, raise to power, cause to prosper or thrive etc. ; to exalt, magnify, glorify (especially the gods), make joyful, gladden ( Vedic or Veda also = to rejoice, be joyful, take delight in [instr.], enjoy etc.;with. or scilicet diṣṭyā-) to congratulate ; (cl.10. according to to ) "to speak" or "to shine" (bhāṣārthe-or bhāsārthe-): Desiderative of Causal See vivardhayiṣu-: Desiderative vivardhiṣate- or vivṛtsati- grammar : Intensive varivṛdhyate-, varivṛdhīti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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