lubdha | mfn. bewildered, confused ( lubdham am- ind.)  |
lubdha | mfn. greedy, covetous, avaricious, desirous of or longing for (locative case or compound) etc. |
lubdha | n. a hunter  |
lubdha | n. a lustful man, libertine  |
lubdhajana | mfn. having covetous followers  |
lubdhajātakevarṣavardhāpanavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
lubdhaka | m. a hunter etc.  |
lubdhaka | m. a covetous or greedy man  |
lubdhaka | m. the star Sirius (so called because śiva- in the form of a hunter shot an arrow [represented by the three stars in the belt of Orion] at brahmā- transformed into a deer and pursuing his own daughter metamorphosed into a doe; see mṛga-vyādha-)  |
lubdhaka | m. Name of the hinder parts  |
lubdham | ind. lubdha |
lubdhatā | f.  |
lubdhatva | n. greediness, covetousness, ardent desire for (locative case)  |
lubh | cl.6 P. lubhati- (only ) or cl.4 P. l/ubhyati- (perfect tense lulubhe- ; Aorist alubhat-,or alobhīt- grammar; future lobdhā-,or lobhitā-, lobhiṣyati- ; infinitive mood lobdhum- ; ind.p. lobhitvā- lubhitvā-, lubdhvā- grammar), to be perplexed or disturbed, become disordered, go astray ; to desire greatly or eagerly, long for, be interested in (dative case or locative case) etc. ; to entice, allure : Causal lobh/ayati-, te- (Aorist alūlubhat- ; Passive voice lobhyate- ), to confound, bewilder, perplex, derange ; to cause to desire or long for, excite lust, allure, entice, attract etc. ; to efface (confer, compare Causal of lup-): Desiderative of Causal lulobhayiṣati-, see, ā- - lubh-: Desiderative lulubhiṣati- or lulobhiṣati- grammar : Intensive lolubhyate- (grammar also lolobdhi-), to have a vehement desire for (locative case) [ confer, compare Latin lubet,libet,libido; Gothic liufs; German liob,lieb,lieben; Anglo-Saxon leo4f; English lief,love.]  |
lubhita | mfn. perplexed, disturbed, fascinated  |
luc | f. plucking out or off  |
luḍ | (connected with lul-and2. luṭh-) cl.1 P. loḍati-, to agitate, move, stir ; cl.6 P. luḍati-, to adhere ; to cover, ; to cover : Causal loḍayati- (ind.p. -loḍya-; Passive voice loḍyate-), to set in motion, agitate, disturb |
lugi | See mahā-lugi-.  |
luh | (see lubh-) cl.1 P. lohati-, to covet ( )  |
luk | (only lukiṣyasi-and lukita-), prob. invented to explain the following word.  |
luk | (prob. fr. luñc-), and gram. term to express "the dropping out"or,"disappearance"of pratyaya-s or affixes (the symbols luk-, lup-,and ślu-are distinguished from lopa-, q.v,and are called lumat-,as containing the syllable lu-). |
lukeśvara | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
lul | (connected with lud-,and 1. lu-) cl.1 P. ( varia lectio) lolati- (only proper and pr. p. P. A1. lolat-and, lolamāna-), to move to and fro, roll about, stir ; to disappear : Causal lolayati-, to set in motion, agitate, confound, disturb  |
lulāpa | m. a buffalo  |
lulāpakanda | m. a kind of plant with a tuberous root  |
lulāpakāntā | f. a buffalo cow  |
lulāpakāntā | f.  |
lulāya | m. a buffalo  |
lulāyaketu | m. "haying a buffalo for an emblem", Name of a gaṇa- of śiva-  |
lulāyalakṣman | m. idem or 'm. "haying a buffalo for an emblem", Name of a gaṇa- of śiva- ' , Name of yama-  |
lulita | mfn. moved or tossed about, agitated, swinging to and fro, dangling, fluttering, heaving, waving, tremulous etc.  |
lulita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') touched by, come in contact with (varia lectio)  |
lulita | mfn. disarranged, dishevelled (as hair)  |
lulita | mfn. hurt, injured, crushed, destroyed etc.  |
lulita | mfn. fatigued, unnerved,  |
lulita | mfn. agreeable, pleasing, beautiful (wrong reading for lalita-?)  |
lulita | n. movement, motion  |
lulitākulakeśānta | mfn. one whose hair is disordered and dishevelled  |
lulitakuṇḍala | mfn. having dangling earrings  |
lulitālakakeśānta | mfn. one whose curls and locks are dishevelled  |
lulitamakaranda | mfn. (flowers) whose sap is disturbed (by bees)  |
lulitamaṇḍana | mfn. having ornaments tossed about in confusion  |
lulitapallava | mfn. (a wood) with waving twigs  |
lulitasragākula | mfn. (a bed) strewn with scattered garlands  |
lumat | See under 2. luk-.  |
lumb | cl.1 P. lumbati-, to torment, harass ; cl.10 P. lumbayati- idem or 'See under 2. luk-.' , ; to be invisible (adarśane- varia lectio for ardane-).  |
lumbikā | f. a kind of drum  |
lumbini | f.( mc.) or f(ī-). Name of a princess and a grove named after her (see ) .  |
lumbinīya | mfn. relating to the above  |
luṅ | (in gram.) Name of the terminations of the Aorist or Third Preterite and Name of that Tense itself.  |
luñc | cl.1 P. ( ) luñcati- (perfect tense luluñca-, ce- etc.; Aorist aluñcīt- grammar; future luñcitā-, luñciṣyati- ; ind.p. luñcitvā-,or lucitvā- ; -lucya- ), to pluck, pull out, tear off etc. ; to peel, husk  |
luñca | mfn. one who plucks or pulls (in a--and ku-l-, q.v)  |
luñcaka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who plucks or pulls (in a--and ku-l-, q.v)' (See keśa-l-)  |
luñcaka | m. (prob.) a kind of grain  |
luñcana | mfn. equals prec. (See keśa-l-)  |
luñcana | n. plucking or tearing out  |
luñcanā | f. concise speech  |
luñcita | mfn. plucked, pulled  |
luñcita | mfn. husked, peeled  |
luñcitakeśa | m. "having the hair torn out", Name of a jaina- ascetic (so called as pulling out the hair of the head and body by way of self-mortification)  |
luñcitamūrdhaja | m. "having the hair torn out", Name of a jaina- ascetic (so called as pulling out the hair of the head and body by way of self-mortification)  |
luṇḍ | varia lectio for luṇṭ- q.v  |
luṇḍī | f. proper behaviour, acting and judging rightly.  |
luṇḍī | f. equals nigama-  |
luṇḍikā | f. a ball, round mass (of anything)  |
luṇḍikā | f. equals leṇḍa- q.v  |
luṇḍikā | f. equals next  |
luṇḍīkṛta | mfn. made into a ball, rolled up together  |
luṅga | equals mātuluṅga-, a citron  |
luṇiga | m. Name of a man (the father of mahā-deva-;he wrote notes on his son's book)  |
luñji | varia lectio for lañj- q.v  |
luṇṭ | (see ruṇṭ-and luṇḍ-) cl.1 P. ( ) luṇṭati-, to rob, plunder ; cl.10 P. luṇṭayati- idem or 'm. Name of a man (the father of mahā-deva-;he wrote notes on his son's book) ' ( "to despise") .  |
luṇṭā | f. rolling  |
luṇṭā | f. equals luṭhana-  |
luṇṭaka | m. a kind of vegetable  |
luṇṭaka | m. Name of a man  |
luṇṭāka | m. a robber, thief.  |
luṇṭāka | m. a crow  |
luṇṭh | (see ruṇṭh-), to stir, agitate ; to go ; to be idle ; to be lame ; to resist, ; to rob, plunder, (see nir--and vi-- luṇṭh-) : Causal luṇṭhayati- (Passive voice luṇṭhyate-), to cause to rob or plunder ; to rob, steal, plunder, sack  |
lunth | (see 1. luṭh-) cl.1 P. lunthati-, to strike, hurt, cause or suffer pain  |
luṇṭha | m. a kind of grass  |
luṇṭhā | f. equals luṭhana-  |
luṇṭhaka | m. a robber, plunderer  |
luṇṭhāka | m. a robber, plunderer ( luṇṭhākatā -tā- f.)  |
luṇṭhāka | m. a crow  |
luṇṭhākatā | f. luṇṭhāka |
luṇṭhana | n. the act of plundering, pillaging (See grama-l-)  |
luṇṭhana | n. wrong reading for luñcana-  |
luṇṭhana | n. varia lectio for luṭhana-  |
luṇṭhanadī | f. Name of a river (varia lectio kuṇḍa-n-).  |
luṇṭhi | f. plundering, pillaging, sacking  |
luṇṭhī | f. equals luṭhana-  |
luṇṭhita | mfn. plundered, pillaged, robbed, stolen (also wrong reading for luñcita-).  |
luṇṭita | mfn. robbed, plundered  |
luṇṭita | mfn. varia lectio (or wrong reading) for luñcita- q.v  |
lup | (see rup-), cl.6. P. A1. ( ) lump/ati-, te- (perfect tense lulopa-, lulupe- etc.; Aorist alupat-, alupta- grammar; preceding, lopsiya- ; loptā-, lopsyati-, te- grammar; infinitive mood loptum- ; ind.p. luptvā- etc.; -l/upya- ; -l/umpam- ; lopaṃ- ), to break, violate, hurt, injure, spoil ; to seize, fall or pounce upon (accusative) ; to rob, plunder, steal ; to cheat (said of a merchant) ; to take away, suppress, waste, cause to disappear ; to elide, erase, omit (a letter, word etc.) ; cl.4 P. lupyati- (perfect tense lulopa-; future lopitā-, lopiṣyati-,etc.) , to disturb, bewilder, perplex, confound : Passive voice lupy/ate- ( l/upyate-; Aorist alopi-), to be broken etc. etc. ; to be wasted or destroyed ; (in gram.) to be suppressed or lost or elided, disappear ; to be confounded or bewildered : Causal lopayati-, te- (Aorist alūlupat- ; alulopat- grammar; Passive voice lopyate-), to cause to break or violate, cause to swerve from (ablative) ; to break, violate, infringe, neglect etc. ; (A1.) to cause to disappear, efface : Desiderative lulupsati- or lulopiṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive lolopti- (parasmE-pada lolupat-), to confound, bewilder, perplex ; lolupyate- equals garirhitaṃ- lumpati- ; to be greedy, in a-lolupyamāna- q.v ([For cognate wordsSee under rup-.])  |
lup | (in gram.) falling out, suppression, elision (see 2. luk-)  |
lup | mfn. equals lupta-, fallen out, dropped, elided  |
lupta | mfn. broken, violated, hurt, injured  |
lupta | mfn. robbed, plundered, (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') deprived of. etc.  |
lupta | mfn. suppressed, lost, destroyed, annihilated, disappeared etc.  |
lupta | mfn. (in gram.) dropped, elided etc.  |
lupta | mfn. (in rhetoric) elliptical (as opp. to pūrṇa-,"complete")  |
lupta | n. stolen property, plunder, booty  |
lupta | n. (prob.) disappearance (see śaśa-l-).  |
luptadaṇḍaka | m. (prob.) an arch-rogue  |
luptadharmakriya | mfn. excluded from or deprived of religious ordinances |
luptāhatavisarga | mfn. having visarga- dropped or coalesced (with a preceding a) into o- ( luptāhatavisargatā -tā- f.)  |
luptāhatavisargatā | f. luptāhatavisarga |
luptapada | mfn. wanting (whole) words  |
luptapiṇḍodakakriya | mfn. deprived of funeral rites  |
luptapratibha | mfn. deprived of reason  |
luptatā | f. the state of being cut off or divided, disappearance, non-existence  |
luptavisarga | mfn. dropping the visarga-  |
luptavisarga | n. equals next  |
luptavisargaka | n. ( )  |
luptavisargatā | f. ( ) absence of visarga-.  |
luptopama | mfn. wanting or omitting the particle of comparison  |
luptopamā | f. (in rhetoric) a mutilated or imperfect simile (the conjunction expressing comparison or the common attribute being omitted), vam-. etc. ( ) .  |
luptopamāna | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
luṣ | (see lūs-) cl.1 P. loṣati-, to rob, steal  |
luśa | m. Name of a ṛṣi- with the patronymic dhānāka- (author of )  |
luṣa | m. the son of a niṣāda- and a chāṇakī-  |
luṣabha | m. an elephant in rut  |
luśākapi | m. Name of a man  |
lusta | n. the end of a bow  |
luṭ | (see rut-and 1. luṭh-) cl.1 A1. loṭate-, to resist ; to suffer pain ; to shine ; cl.10 P. loṭayati-, to speak ; to shine,  |
luṭ | (connected with2. luṭh-) cl.1.4. P. loṭati-, luṭyati- (only parasmE-pada luṭyat-,rolling, in ; grammar also perfect tense luloṭa-etc.) , to roll, roll about, wallow ; ; cl.1 A1. loṭate-, to go : Causal or cl.10 P. loṭayati- See under 1. luṭ-.  |
luṭ | (in gram.) Name of the terminations of the First Future or Name of that Tense itself.  |
luṭh | cl.1. P. loṭhati- (perfect tense luloṭha-etc.) , to strike, knock down to roll, wallow (See 2. luṭh-) ; cl.1. A1. loṭhate- (perfect tense luluṭhe-; Aorist aluṭhat-, aloṭhiṣṭa- ) to resist ; to suffer pain ; to go : Causal or cl.10 P. loṭhayati-, to rob, pillage, sack  |
luṭh | cl.6 P. ( ) luṭhati- (perfect tense luloṭha- ; Aorist aloṭhīt-, ṭhiṣṭa- grammar; future luṭhitā-, loṭhiṣyati- ), to roll, move about or to and fro, wallow, welter, flutter, dangle etc. ; to roll down from (ablative) ; to touch ; to agitate, move, stir : Causal loṭhayati- (Aorist alūluṭhat-or aluloṭhat-), to set in motion, stir, agitate ; to sound, make resound ; to deal blows round about : Desiderative : luluṭhiṣate-, to wish to roll, be on the point of rolling : Intensive loluṭhīti-, to roll about (said of a drunken man)  |
luṭhana | n. the act of rolling, rolling or wallowing on the earth  |
luṭhaneśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
luṭhat | mfn. rolling, falling down  |
luṭhat | mfn. flowing, trickling (?)  |
luṭheśvara | n. equals luṭhaneśvara-  |
luṭhita | mfn. rolled, rolled down, rolling on the ground (as a horse), fallen  |
luṭhita | n. the rolling on the ground (of a horse)  |
luṭṭaka | m. Name of a poet  |
abhidhyālu | mfn. covetous,  |
abhilubh | Caus. -lobhayati-, to entice, allure.  |
abhilulita | mfn. touched or grazed by (anything)  |
abhilulita | mfn. shaken about, agitated  |
abhilup | (p. -lumpat-) to rob, plunder  |
abhilupta | mfn. disturbed, injured.  |
abhinimluc | equals -mruc- before (see ni-mruc-and ni-mluc-.)  |
abhinimlupta | equals abhi-ni-mrukta- above  |
abhiparipluta | mfn. overflowed with (as medasā-, rajasā-[said of a wife during menstruation ; see abhi-pluta-below], etc.)  |
abhiparipluta | mfn. attacked, afflicted by (instrumental case;as by anger, sorrow, compassion, etc.)  |
abhiplu | to swim or navigate towards, approach etc. ; to overflow, etc. (See abhi-pluta-) ; to jump near to etc.: Caus. (said of the sea) to wash  |
abhipluta | mfn. overflowed, overrun  |
abhipluta | mfn. overwhelmed, affected by, labouring under (instrumental case) etc.  |
abhipluta | mfn. (rajasā-,said of a wife during menstruation; see abhi-pari-pluta-above)  |
abhisamplu | (ind.p. -plutya-) to bathe (an-- negative)  |
abhisampluta | mfn. poured upon, overflowed with  |
abhisampluta | mfn. deeply engaged in (in compound)  |
adayālu | mfn. unkind.  |
adhiluṭh | (P. - luṭhati-), to leap up and down, spring about, .  |
ādilupta | mfn. (a word) having the first letter cut off  |
ādipluta | mfn. (a word) whose first vowel is prolated, grammar  |
ailavāluka | equals elavālu- q.v  |
aindraluptika | mfn. (fr. indra-lupta-), afflicted with morbid baldness of the head  |
ākaluṣa | mfn. a little turbid,  |
alolupa | mfn. equals a-lola-  |
alolupa | mfn. free from desire  |
alolupa | m. Name of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra-  |
alolupatva | ([ ]) ([ ]) n. freedom from any desire.  |
aloluptva | ([ ]) n. freedom from any desire.  |
alolupyamāna | mfn. not greedy  |
alu | f. (equals ālu- q.v) a small water-pot  |
ālu | m. ( ṛ- commentator or commentary on ),an owl  |
ālu | m. ebony, black ebony  |
ālu | f. (us-) a pitcher, a small water-jar  |
ālu | n. a raft, a float  |
ālu | n. an esculent root, Arum Campanulatum  |
ālu | n. (in modern dialects applied to the yam, potato etc.)  |
alubdha | mfn. not covetous, not avaricious  |
alubdhatva | n. freedom from covetousness.  |
ālubh | P. -lubhyati-, to become disturbed or disordered : Desiderative of Causal (subjunctive 3. sg. -lulobhayiṣāt-) to wish to disturb or trouble.  |
alubhyāt | mfn. not becoming disordered, not disturbed  |
āluḍ | Causal P. -loḍayati-, to stir up, mix ; to agitate.  |
āluka | m. a kind of ebony  |
āluka | m. Name of śeṣa- (the chief of the nāga-s or serpent race)  |
āluka | n. a particular fruit (equals āruka- q.v)  |
āluka | n. the esculent root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus.  |
āluka | m. (also) mixture of 5 of the 6 flavours (see rasa-) excepting sour,  |
āluka | mfn. sweet (and) salt (and) pungent (and) bitter (and) astringent,  |
ālukī | f. a species of root  |
ālulita | mfn. ( lul-), a little moved or agitated |
aluma | m. (said to be from al-) decoration,  |
aluma | a barber,  |
aluma | fire,  |
āluñc | P. -luñcati-, to tear in pieces  |
aluñca | mfn. not plucking or tearing,  |
āluñcana | n. tearing in pieces, rending  |
ālup | P. -lumpati-, to tear out or asunder ; to dissolve, separate : Passive voice -lupyate-, to be interrupted  |
alupta | mfn. not cut off, undiminished.  |
aluptamahiman | mfn. of undiminished glory.  |
anabhilulita | mfn. not pressed upon (varia lectio for an-- atil-),  |
anāpluta | mfn. unbathed, unwashed.  |
anāplutāṅga | mfn. having an unwashed body  |
anarthalupta | mfn. freed from all that is worthless.  |
aṇḍālu | m. "full of eggs", a fish  |
antapluta | mfn. pronounced with prolation of the last syllable,  |
anulubh | Caus. -lobhayati-, to long for, desire  |
anumluc | (only used for the etymol. of anu-ml/ocantī-,below), to rise from the resting-place (?)  |
anupālu | n. Name of a plant, wild Calladium (?).  |
anūpālu | n. a kind of poisonous root,  |
anupapluta | mfn. not overwhelmed (with calamity).  |
anupariplu | (Causal - plāvayati-), to wash,  |
anuplu | to float (as clouds) after ; to follow.  |
anvavalup | Passive voice -lupyate-, to drop off after another  |
anvavaplu | -plavate-, to dive after  |
apālu | (probably) m. (said to be from āp-) the wind,  |
apalupam | ind. (according to ) Ved. infinitive mood of apa-lup-, to cut off.  |
apamlukta | mfn. ( mluc-), retired, hidden  |
apaplu | to spring down : Causal -plavayati-, to wash off  |
aparilupta | mfn. not invalidated, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
āplu | A1. -plavate- (Potential -pluvīta- [ varia lectio ],and -plavet-) to spring or jump towards or over, dance towards or over etc. ; to bathe, wash & etc. ; to immerse one's self etc. ; to bathe, wash another etc. ; to water, bedew, inundate ; to overrun etc.: Causal P. -plāvayati-, to wash or bathe any person or thing, cause to be bathed or washed etc. ; to bathe (one's self) ; to inundate, overwhelm, set in commotion etc. ; to dip, steep : A1. -plāvayate- idem or 'Nom. P. /ā-pruṣāyati-, to besprinkle, bespeckle : A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural -pruṣāy/anta-) idem or '( pru-= plu-) A1. -pravate-, to spring up, jump up.' ' |
āpluṣṭa | mfn. a little singed or burnt  |
āpluta | mfn. one who has bathed (himself), bathed  |
āpluta | mfn. wetted, sprinkled, overflowed etc.  |
āpluta | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (used figuratively) overrun  |
āpluta | mfn. afflicted, distressed (vyasanā-)  |
āpluta | mfn. one who has sprung or jumped near  |
āpluta | m. (equals ā-plava-vratin-), an initiated householder  |
āpluta | n. bathing  |
āpluta | n. jumping, springing towards  |
āplutāṅga | mf(ī-)n. bathed all over  |
āplutavratin | m. equals ā-plava-vratin- q.v  |
āpluti | f. bathing, a bath  |
āplutya | ind.p. having bathed or washed  |
āplutya | having jumped up.  |
aralu | equals araṭu- q.v  |
āralu | m. Bignonia Indica,  |
araluka | m. idem or ' equals araṭu- q.v '  |
ārdrālubdhaka | m. the dragon's tail or descending node  |
arthalubdha | mfn. greedy of wealth, covetous, niggardly  |
asaṃlulitakeśatā | f. having the hair not tangled (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-), .  |
āśāpuraguggulu | m. a kind of bdellium  |
asitālu | m. Name of a plant  |
aśruparipluta | mfn. bathed in tears.  |
aśrupariplutākṣa | mfn. having the eyes filled with tears,  |
aśvapluta | n. a horse's leap,  |
atigandhālu | m. Name of the creeper putradātrī-.  |
atilubdha | mfn. very greedy or covetous.  |
atilulita | mfn. closely attached or adhering.  |
ativiluḍ | Caus. -loḍayati-, to disturb, destroy  |
auluṇḍya | m. a descendant of uluṇḍa-, Name of supratīta-  |
avalumpana | n. rushing upon (as of a wolf)  |
avaluñc | (ind.p. -luñcya-) to tear out (as hairs)  |
avaluñcaṇa | n. tearing out (of hairs) opening or unstitching (of a seam)  |
avaluṇṭhana | n. ( luṇṭh-), robbing  |
avaluṇṭhana | n. wallowing on the ground  |
avaluṇṭhita | mfn. robbed  |
avaluṇṭhita | mfn. rolled or wallowed on the ground  |
avalup | P. A1. (3. plural -lumpanti-) to cut or take off ; to take away by force, wrest , to suppress, extinguish ; to rush or dash upon (as a wolf on his prey) (see vṛkāvalupta-.)  |
avalupti | f. falling off  |
avaplu | A1. (perf. -pupluve-) to jump down (as from a cart)  |
avapluta | mfn. plunged into  |
avapluta | mfn. jumped down from etc.  |
avapluta | mfn. gone away from, departed from  |
avapluta | n. jumping down  |
avaplutya | ind.p. jumping down etc.  |
avaplutya | jumping away from (ablative) |
avaplutya | hastening away or off  |
avilupta | mfn. undamaged unhurt  |
avipluta | mfn. unviolated, observed without deviation etc.  |
avipluta | mfn. undeviating, steadily observing (the vow of chastity)  |
aviplutamanobuddhi | mfn. idem or 'mfn. whose mind is not deviating '  |
aviplutamati | mfn. whose mind is not deviating  |
babhluśa | mfn. brownish  |
bālu | bāluka- etc. See vālu- etc.  |
bāṣpāpluta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. dimmed or interrupted by tears '  |
bhallu | mfn. applied to a species of fever (others phalgu-)  |
bhallu | m. Name of a teacher  |
bhalluka | m. a bear ( )  |
bhalluka | m. a monkey  |
bhalluka | bhallūka- See above.  |
bhālluka | m. a bear  |
bhālu | m. the sun  |
bhālu | See above under bhāla-.  |
bhaluha | m. a dog  |
bhāluka | m. a bear (see bhalla-and bhālluka-).  |
bhāluki | m. (prob. patronymic) Name of a muni-  |
bhāluki | m. of various authors  |
bhālukin | m. (also written vālukin-) Name of a teacher  |
bhayālu | mfn. timid, afraid (luka-in Prakrit),  |
bhayavipluta | mfn. panic-struck  |
bhelu | m. or n. (?) a particular high number  |
bheluka | m. śiva-'s servant  |
bhīlu | mfn. equals bhīru-, timid  |
bhīlu | bhīluka- See p.758. column 3.  |
bhīluka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals bhīru-, timid '  |
bhīluka | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') afraid of  |
bhīluka | m. a bear (see bhallūka-).  |
bhūmijaguggulu | m. a species of bdellium  |
bhūśelu | m. the plant Cordia Myxa  |
brahmavāluka | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
bṛhatpīlu | m. a kind of pīlu- tree (equals mahā-p-)  |
cakrālu | m. equals kratalāmra-  |
calu | m. a monthful of water  |
caluka | m. (equals cul-) idem or 'm. a monthful of water '  |
caluka | m. a small pot, gallipot  |
caluka | m. Name of a man  |
cāluki | m. Name of a prince.  |
cālukya | m. Name of a dynasty |
cālukyavikramakāla | m. Name (also title or epithet) of an era established by the Western cālukya- king vikramāditya- VI; (its first year corresponds to the expired śaka- year 998 = D. 1076-77).  |
campakālu | m. the bread-fruit tree  |
campālu | m. for pakālu-  |
carmakārāluka | m. a kind of bulbous plant |
caulukya | m. (gaRa kaṇvādi-) patronymic fr. culuka-, Name of king kumāra-pāla-  |
celuka | m. a Buddhist novice  |
chelu | Vernonia anthelminthica  |
culu | m. a handful of water  |
culuka | mn. (equals cal-) the hand hollowed to hold water, handful or mouthful of water, draught (varia lectio laka-, ) (laka-) etc.  |
culuka | m. deep mud or mire  |
culuka | m. a small vessel (gallipot, etc.)  |
culuka | m. Name of a man gaRa kaṇvādi- (laka-, )  |
culukā | f. Name of a river (lakā-,C) .  |
culukīkṛ | to swallow in one draught, cause to disappear  |
culukin | m. a porpoise, sea-hog (also ulupin-, culumpin-, cullakī-)  |
culukya | m. Name of a race.  |
culump | cl.1. pati-, (perfect tense pāṃ cakāra- vArttika ) = lul-, or lup-  |
culumpa | m. fondling children  |
culumpā | f. a she-goat  |
culumpin | m. equals lukin-  |
daṇḍakamaṇḍalu | m. a jar with a handle  |
daṇḍakamaṇḍalu | m. .  |
daṇḍālu | n. Dioscorea alata  |
dayālu | mfn. ( ) equals yā-vat- etc. (with locative case )  |
dayāluka | mfn. equals lu-.  |
dayālutā | f. pity  |
dayālutva | n. idem or 'f. pity ' (with locative case)  |
devamalimluc | m. "robber of the gods", an asura-  |
dhanalubdha | mfn. greedy of wealth, avaricious  |
dṛśālu | m. the sun  |
elavālu | n. the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum  |
elavālu | n. a granular substance (apparently a vegetable of a reddish-brown colour;used as a drug and perfume).  |
elavāluka | n. the above fragrant bark  |
elāvāluka | n. a kind of perfume (confer, compare elav-),  |
elu | n. a particular number  |
eluka | n. a kind of fragrant substance  |
elvālu | n.  |
elvāluka | n. idem or 'n.'  |
elvavāluka | n. equals elavālu-  |
galunta | m. ?  |
gandhalolupā | f. "desirous of fragrances", a fly or gnat  |
gandhālu | mfn. "fragrant" See ati-g-  |
gandhālu | m. fragrant rice  |
gandhālu | (us-) m. fragrant rice  |
gandhalubdha | mfn. desirous of odours (a bee)  |
gaulunda | mf(ī-)n. of ndya- gaRa kaṇvādi- (varia lectio landa-).  |
gaulundya | m. patronymic fr. golunda- gaRa gargādi- (varia lectio landya-).  |
ghoravāluka | Name of a hell  |
ghṛṇālu | mfn. compassionate  |
ghṛtapluta | mfn. sprinkled with ghee  |
giripīlu | m. the mountain pīlu- tree (Grewia asiatica)  |
gluc | (= gruc-) cl.1 P. glocati- (Aorist aglucat-,or aglocīt- ), to steal, rob ; to go, move (varia lectio) (see gluñc-.) |
glucuka | m. "Name of a man" See kāyani-.  |
glucukāyani | m. patronymic fr. ka- on  |
glucukāyani | m. see glaucukāyana-.  |
gluñc | cl.1 P. cati- (Aorist aglucat-,or agluñcīt-, ;in derivatives k-for c-,vii, 3, 59 ), to go, move (see gluc-.)  |
gluntha | m. See madhu--.  |
gokhalu | See la-.  |
golunda | Name of a man gaRa gargādi-.  |
grahāluñcana | n. pouncing on prey  |
grahayālu | varia lectio for gṛh-, 148.  |
grāmaluṇṭhaka | m. a village robber,  |
grāmaluṇṭhana | n. equals -ghāta-  |
gṛhayālu | disposed to grasp  |
guggulu | n. (equals g/ulg-) bdellium or the exudation of Amyris Agallochum (a fragrant gum resin, used as a perfume and medicament) (called saindhav/a-or samudr/iya-,"obtained near rivers or the sea", )  |
guggulu | m. idem or 'n. (equals g/ulg-) bdellium or the exudation of Amyris Agallochum (a fragrant gum resin, used as a perfume and medicament) (called saindhav/a-or samudr/iya-,"obtained near rivers or the sea", ) '  |
guggulu | m. equals -dru-  |
guggulu | f(/ūs-). ( ) Name of an apsaras- (see kaṇa--, gauggulava-and gaulg-.)  |
gugguludru | m. a variety of Moringa with red flowers  |
gugguluka | mf(ī-). a man or woman who deals in bdellium gaRa kisarādi-.  |
guhalu | m. Name of a man gaRa 2. lohitādi- (gūh- ; gulu-and guggulu- )  |
gulgulu | n. (equals g/ugg-) bdellium  |
guluccha | m. (equals guccha-) a bunch, nosegay, cluster of blossoms  |
gulucchakanda | m. Name of a bulbous root (varia lectio lañca-k-).  |
gulugudhā | ind. (varia lectio gulūg-) only in compound  |
gulugudhākṛ | (gaRa ūry-ādi-) "to torment"or"to play, sport" |
gulugulā | gaRa ūry-ādi-  |
gulugulita | n. the roaring (of an elephant)  |
guluha | varia lectio for guḍuha- q.v  |
guluñca | equals luccha-  |
guluñcha | equals luccha-  |
guluñchaka | equals luccha-  |
guṇalubdha | mfn. equals -gṛdhnu- (as wealth or luck) ( ) .  |
hālu | m. a tooth  |
haluāṇa | or halūāṇa- Name of a place  |
haluhāra | m. a horse with black testicles and a mark on its forehead  |
hariṇapluta | n.  |
hariṇaplutā | f. Name of two metres  |
harivāluka | n. the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum  |
hastyāluka | n. a kind of large bulbous plant  |
haṭhālu | m. Pistia Stratiotes  |
helu | Name of a village in kaśmīra-  |
heluga | and heluya-, a particular high number  |
helugrāma | m. the village helu-  |
hīluka | n. a kind of rum or spirit distilled from molasses  |
himabāluka | See -vāluka-, kā-.  |
himabālukā | See -vāluka-, kā-.  |
himavāluka | m. camphor  |
himavālukā | f. camphor  |
himelu | mfn. chilly, suffering from cold Va1rtt. 8.  |
hiṃsālu | mfn. mischievous, hurting, murderous  |
hiṃsāluka | m. a mischievous animal, savage dog  |
hiṅgulu | mn. ( ) idem or 'm. vermilion '  |
hiṅgulu | f. Solanum Melongena  |
hiṅguluka | mn. ( ) idem or 'f. Solanum Melongena '  |
hṛdayālu | mfn. tender-hearted, warm-hearted, affectionate Va1rtt. 5  |
hullura | m. Name of a king of the nāga-s.  |
hulu | m. a ram (see huḍu-)  |
huluhula | mfn. (fr. hul-)  |
huluhulu | ind. an exclamation of joy  |
hūluṇṭa | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
iluvarda | m. the first year in a cycle of five years ([ ])  |
indralupta | m. n. morbid baldness of the head  |
indralupta | m. loss of beard.  |
indraluptaka | n. morbid baldness of the head  |
indraluptaka | n. loss of beard.  |
īrṣālu | mfn. equals īrṣyālu- q.v  |
īrṣyālu | mfn. envious, jealous.  |
irvālu | mf. Cucumis (See above)  |
jalāluha | n. equals lūka-.  |
jalāluhā | f. equals lāyukā-  |
jalāluka | m. a kind of bulbous plant  |
jalavāluka | m. equals laka-  |
jalukā | f. equals laukā-  |
jihlu | varia lectio for hnu-.  |
kaiśorakaguggulu | n. a kind of elixir,  |
kākapīlu | m. the plant Diospyros tomentosa (kāka-tinduka-)  |
kākapīlu | m. Xanthochymus pictorius (kāka-tuṇḍī-)  |
kākapīlu | m. a variety of Abrus precatorius (śveta-guñjā-)  |
kākapīluka | m. the plant Diospyros tomentosa (kāka-tinduka-)  |
kākatālukin | mfn. having the palate of a crow, contemptible commentator or commentary on  |
kālapīluka | m. a kind of ebony  |
kālavāluka | n. idem or 'n. a kind of black earth (see -pālaka-.)'  |
kalukka | m. a cymbal  |
kalukkā | f. a tavern  |
kalukkā | f. a meteor  |
kaluṣa | mf(ā-)n. (3. kal- ), turbid, foul, muddy, impure, dirty (literally and figuratively) etc.  |
kaluṣa | mf(ā-)n. hoarse (as the voice)  |
kaluṣa | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') unable, not equal to  |
kaluṣa | m. a buffalo  |
kaluṣa | m. a sort of snake  |
kaluṣā | f. the female of a buffalo  |
kaluṣa | n. foulness, turbidness, dirt, impurity (literally and figuratively) etc.  |
kaluṣa | n. sin, wrath  |
kaluṣacetas | mfn. of impure mind  |
kaluṣacetas | mfn. bad, wicked  |
kaluṣamañjarī | f. Odina Wodier  |
kaluṣamati | mfn. equals -cetas- above.  |
kaluṣatā | f.  |
kaluṣātman | mfn. of impure mind, bad, wicked  |
kaluṣatva | n. foulness, turbidness etc.  |
kaluṣaya | Nom. P. kaluṣayati-, to make unclean or dirty, dirty  |
kaluṣāya | Nom. A1. kaluṣāyate-, to become turbid or unclean  |
kaluṣayoni | f. impure origin  |
kaluṣayonija | mfn. of impure origin  |
kaluṣībhū | to become troubled or agitated  |
kaluṣīkṛ | to make turbid or unclean, dirty, defile  |
kaluṣin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. wicked '  |
kaluṣita | mfn. foul, impure  |
kaluṣita | mfn. defiled, contaminated  |
kaluṣita | mfn. wicked  |
kāluṣya | n. (fr. kaluṣa-), foulness, dirtiness, turbidness, opacity  |
kāluṣya | n. disturbance or interruption of harmony  |
kāmalubdha | mfn. libidinous,  |
kamaṇḍalu | mn. (in the veda- f(ūs-).according to ) a gourd or vessel made of wood or earth used for water (by ascetics and religious students), a water-jar etc.  |
kamaṇḍalu | m. a kind of animal  |
kamaṇḍalu | m. Ficus Infectoria  |
kamaṇḍalu | f. (ūs-) a kind of animal  |
kamaṇḍalu | (in compound) - caryā-, f. the practice of carrying a water-jar  |
kambalalukā | f. a kind of vegetable  |
kaṇaguggulu | m. a species of bdellium  |
kanakālukā | f. a golden jar or vase  |
kañcukālu | m. a snake  |
kandālu | m. Name of several tuberous plants  |
kaṇṭakāluka | m. Hedysarum Alhagi  |
kaṇṭālu | m. Solanum Jacquini  |
kaṇṭālu | m. another species of Solanum  |
kaṇṭālu | m. a bamboo  |
karambhavālukā | f. Nominal verb plural hot sand as gruel (a certain punishment in hell)  |
karambhavālukātāpa | m. plural the pains caused by this punishment  |
kāsālu | m. an esculent root (sort of yam)  |
kāṣṭhāluka | n. a species of āluka-  |
kaṭālu | m. Solanum Melongena  |
keśaluñcaka | m. "pulling the hair", a Jain ascetic  |
keśaluñcana | m. idem or 'm. "pulling the hair", a Jain ascetic '  |
keśaluñcana | n. pulling the hair  |
khalu | ind. (as a particle of asseveration) indeed, verily, certainly, truly etc.  |
khalu | ind. (as a continuative particle) now, now then, now further etc.; (as a particle in syllogistic speech) but now, = Latin atqui etc.  |
khalu | ind. ([ khalu-is only exceptionally found at the beginning of a phrase;it is frequently combined with other particles, thus /atha kh-, u kh-, v/ai kh-, kh v/ai-,= now then, now further etc.;in later Sanskrit khalu-frequently does little more than lay stress on the word by which it is preceded, and is sometimes merely expletive;it is also a particle of prohibition (in which case it may be joined with the ind.p. [ khalu kṛtvā-,"desist from doing that"] [also tam-] );or of endearment, conciliation, and inquiry ; na khalu-,by no means, not at all, indeed not ])  |
khaluj | m. (kha-luk-?) darkness  |
khalureṣa | m. a kind of wild quadruped  |
khalureṣaka | m. idem or 'm. a kind of wild quadruped '  |
khalutas | ind. (equals khalu-) certainly  |
khaṇḍakālu | n. an esculent root, sweet potato  |
khaṇḍakāluka | n. an esculent root, sweet potato  |
khaṭvāpluta | (vāp-) mfn. "mounted on a bed", low, vile, iniquitous ("silly, stupid" )  |
kheluda | a particular high number  |
kīluṣa | m. a monkey, :  |
kiṃśuluka | varia lectio for -śulaka- q.v  |
kiñculuka | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. an earth-worm ' '  |
klu | cl.1 A1. klavate-, to move  |
krodhālu | mfn. passionate, violent  |
kṛpālu | mfn. pitiful, compassionate (with genitive case)  |
kṛpālutā | f. compassion  |
kṛśāluka | mfn. leanish  |
kṛṣṇālu | m. Name of a bulbous plant  |
kṛṣṇamāluka | m. equals -mallikā-  |
kṣudhālu | mfn. hungry, continually hungry  |
kṣudhālu | mfn.  |
kṣupālu | for anūpālu-.  |
kuluka | n. the fur or foulness of the tongue (varia lectio kulvaka-).  |
kulukkaguñjā | f. (for ulkā-g-?) a firebrand  |
kuluñca | m. one who plucks out hairs  |
kuluñca | See 1. ku-.  |
kuluṅga | m. (equals kulaṅg/a-) an antelope  |
kuñjarāluka | n. a species of esculent root  |
kupīlu | m. a sort of ebony tree (equals kāraskara-)  |
kupīlu | m. equals -pāka-  |
kupīlu | etc. See 1. ku-.  |
kuvakālukā | f. Name of a vegetable (equals gholī-śāka-)  |
lajjālu | mfn. shameful, bashful, timid (in Prakritluka)  |
lajjālu | f. Mimosa Pudica,  |
lālālu | idem or 'mfn. emitting saliva, slobbering, drivelling '  |
lallujīlāla | m. Name of an author  |
lālukā | f. a sort of necklace  |
lohitālu | m. a red-coloured sweet potato  |
lolubha | mf(ā-)n. (fr. Intensive of lubh-) very desirous, eagerly longing for or greedy after (compound) (see lolupa-).  |
lolupa | mf(ā-)n. (fr. Intensive of1. lup-) very destructive, destroying  |
lolupa | mf(ā-)n. (prob. corrupted fr. lolubha-) very desirous or eager or covetous, ardently longing for (locative case or compound) etc.  |
lolupā | f. eager desire, appetite, longing for (locative case)  |
lolupā | f. Name of a yoginī-  |
lolupatā | f.  |
lolupatva | n. eager desire or longing for (compound), greediness, cupidity, lust,  |
loluva | mfn. (fr. Intensive) cutting much or often  |
loluva | lolūya- etc. See .  |
lūluka | m. a frog  |
madhugluntha | m. a lump of honey (honeycomb?)  |
madhulolupa | ( ) m. "licking honey"or"longing after honey", a bee.  |
madhupīlu | m. a species of tree  |
madhupluta | mfn. swimming with honey, mixed with honey  |
madhvālu | n. a kind of sweet potato  |
madhvāluka | n. a kind of sweet potato  |
mahālugi | m. Name of an astronomer  |
mahālugipaddhati | f. Name of work  |
mahāpīlu | m. a species of tree  |
mahāpīlupati | m. (?)  |
mahīlukā | f. a cow  |
malimlu | or maliml/u- m. (prob. a mutilated form) a robber, thief  |
malimluc | m. (fr. Intensive of mluc-) "one who goes about in the dark", a robber, thief  |
malimluc | m. a particular demon (see deva-m-).  |
malimluca | m. a thief, robber ( )  |
malimluca | m. a demon, imp  |
malimluca | m. a gnat, mosquito  |
malimluca | m. a Brahman who omits the 5 chief devotional acts  |
malimluca | m. an intercalated 13th month (introduced every 5th year to approximate the lunar and solar modes of computation; see mala-māsa-)  |
malimluca | m. fire  |
malimluca | m. wind  |
malimluca | m. frost or snow  |
malimlucatattva | n. Name of work (= mala-māsa-tattva-).  |
malimlusenā | f. a band of robbers  |
mallu | m. a bear (see bhalla-).  |
mālu | m. Name of a particular mixed caste (varia lectio mālla-)  |
mālu | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
mālu | f. a species of creeper (equals pattra-vallī-,or pattra-latā-)  |
mālu | f. a woman  |
maluda | and maluma- m. or n. (?) particular high numbers  |
māluda | m. or n. a particular high number  |
māludhāna | m. a species of animal  |
māludhāna | m. a kind of serpent  |
māludhānī | f. a species of creeper (prob. equals prec. and next),  |
maluka | m. the belly  |
maluka | m. a quadruped  |
māluka | m. plural Name of a people (f(ī-).) (see kṛṣṇa-m-).  |
mālukācchada | m. a species of tree  |
mālulatā | f. the creeper called malu-,  |
māluvā | f. a kind of sweet potato  |
māṃsalubdha | mfn. desirous of flesh  |
maṇḍūkapluta | n. (prob.) equals -pluti-  |
maṇḍūkaplutasādhana | n. Name of work  |
maṇḍūkapluti | f. "frog-leap", (in gram.) the skipping of several sūtra-s and supplying from a previous sūtra-  |
mastakaluṅga | m. or n. (?) the membrane of the brain (see mastuluṅga-).  |
mastuluṅga | m. n. the brain (see mastaka-luṅga-).  |
mastuluṅgaka | m. n. the brain (see mastaka-luṅga-).  |
mātuluṅga | m. and n. equals prec. m. and n.  |
mātuluṅgā | f. another species of citron tree, sweet lime  |
mātuluṅgaka | m. equals mātulunga-  |
mātuluṅgaphala | n. the fruit of the citron tree, a citron  |
mātuluṅgarasa | m. the juice of the citron tree  |
mātuluṅgāsava | m. a liquor distilled from the citron tree  |
mātuluṅgī | f. another species of citron tree, sweet lime  |
mātuluṅgikā | f. the wild citron tree  |
maulugi | m. Name of an author  |
melu | or meluda- Name of two high numbers  |
meṣālu | m. a species of plant  |
mluc | (see mruc-) cl.1 P. ( ) ml/ocati- (Aorist amlucat-and amlocīt- ), to go, move ; to go down, set : Desiderative mumluciṣati- and mumlociṣati- : Intensive malimlucāmahe-, to bring to rest, allay (see anu--, upa--, ni--, abhi-ni-mluc-).  |
mlukta | See /apa-mlukta-.  |
mluñc | (= mluc- ) cl.1 P. mluñcati-.  |
mlup | another form of mluc-, only in abhi-ni-- and upa-mlupta- q.v  |
mṛgapiplu | m. "deer-marked", the moon  |
mṛṣṭaluñcita | mfn. torn up and washed (as a root), gaRa rāja-dantādi-.  |
mukhālu | n. a species of arum  |
mukhaviluṇṭhikā | f. a she-goat  |
mūrchāparipluta | mfn. overcome with faintness, insensible  |
musalolukhala | n. sg. a pestle and mortar  |
nakhālu | m. a kind of tree (equals nakha-vṛkṣa-)  |
nāsālu | m. Name of a tree  |
nidrālu | mfn. sleeping, sleepy, drowsy etc.  |
nidrālu | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
nidrālu | f. Solanum Melongena  |
nidrālu | f. equals vana-barbarikā-  |
nidrālu | f. a kind of perfume  |
nidrālutva | n. sleepiness, drowsiness  |
nīlālu | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
nilup | (only ind.p. -lopam-,robbing) , prob. wrong reading for nir-lup-  |
nimluc | P. -mlocati- = ni-mruc-1 ; to set upon (with accusative; see abhi-nimluc-)  |
nimlukti | f. disappearance in (locative case)  |
nirāmālu | m. (nis-+ āma-+ ālu-?) Feronia Elephantum  |
nirluḍ | See a-nirloḍita-.  |
nirluñcana | n. ( luñc-) pulling out or off, tearing off, peeling  |
nirluṇṭh | -luṇṭhati- (only p. -luṇṭhyamāna-), to rob, plunder.  |
nirluṇṭhana | n. robbing, plundering  |
nirluṇṭhana | n. wrong reading for nir-luñcana-.  |
nirluṇṭhita | mfn. robbed, plundered  |
nirlup | P. -lumpati- (only ind.p. -lupya-), to draw out, extract  |
nirluṭh | Caus. -loṭhayati-, to roll down (trans.)  |
nirluṭh | -loṭhayati-, to rob, steal  |
nirluṭhita | mfn. rolled down  |
nirluṭhita | mfn. come forth, prolapsed (from the womb)  |
nirmlukti | wrong reading for ni-m-.  |
paceluka | m. a cook  |
pailu | vṛddhi- form of pīlu- in compound  |
pailukuṇa | mfn. gaRa utsādi-.  |
pailumūla | mfn. equals pīlu-mūle dīyate kāryaṃ vā- gaRa vyuṣṭādi-.  |
pailuśīrṣi | m.  |
pailuśīrṣyā | f. Va1rtt. 3  |
pailuvaha |  |
pailuvahaka |  |
pakṣālu | m. a bird  |
paṇḍālu | m. or f. or n. a kind of pot-herb  |
pānīyālu | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
parilubh | A1. -lobhate-, to entice, allure : Causal -lobhayati- idem or 'm. injury, neglect, omission '  |
pariluḍ | Caus. -loḍayati-, to stir up, disturb  |
parilup | P. -lumpati-, to take away, remove, destroy : Passive voice -lupyate-, to be taken away or omitted  |
parilupta | mfn. injured, lost  |
pariluptasaṃjña | mfn. unconscious, senseless  |
pariluṭh | P. -luṭhati-, to roll about or up and down  |
parinirluṭh | P. -luṭhati-, to roll down  |
pariplu | A1. -plavate- (ind.p. -plutya- ; -plūya- ), to swim or float or hover about or through etc. ; to revolve, move in a circle ; to move restlessly, go astray ; to hasten forward or near : Causal -plāvayati- (ind.p. -plāvya-), to bathe, water  |
paripluṣṭa | mfn. ( pluṣ-) burnt, scorched, singed  |
paripluta | mfn. bathed, one who has bathed in (locative case or compound)  |
paripluta | mfn. flooded, immersed, overwhelmed or visited by (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
paripluta | n. a spring, jump  |
pariplutā | f. spirituous liquor  |
pariśuṣkatālu | mfn. having the palate dried up,  |
paryāplu | Caus. -plāvayati-, to make float round  |
paryāpluta | mfn. surrounded, encircled  |
paṭālukā | f. a leech (see jalukā-,etc.)  |
patayālu | mf(ū-)n. (fr. Causal) flying, falling, liable to fall (see ) .  |
pauluṣi | m. (fr. puluṣa-) patronymic of satya-yajña-  |
pauluṣita | see satya-- yajña-.  |
peluvāsa | (?) m. a chameleon  |
peṭālu | n. idem or 'm. a species of bulbous plant '  |
phalguluka | m. plural Name of a people  |
pheluka | m. the scrotum  |
pilu | m. a species of tree (equals pīlu-)  |
pīlu | m. (see ) a species of tree (Careya Arborea or Salvadora Persica ) etc.  |
pīlu | m. a group of palm trees or the stem of the palm  |
pīlu | m. a flower  |
pīlu | m. the blossoms of Saccharum Sara  |
pīlu | m. a piece of bone (asthi-khanda-)  |
pīlu | m. an arrow  |
pīlu | m. a worm  |
pīlu | m. an atom  |
pīlu | m. an elephant (see Aribic $, Persian $)  |
pīlu | n. the fruit of the pilu- tree  |
piluka | m. a species of tree (equals pīlu-)  |
pīluka | m. Name of a tree (see kāka-pīluka-, kāla-p-)  |
pīluka | m. an ant (see pīlaka-).  |
pīlukuṇa | m. the season of the ripening of the pilu- fruit (see pailukuṇa-).  |
pīlumatī | (pīl/u--) f. (with dyaus-) the central or middle region of the sky (between udan-vatī- and pra-dyu-) =  |
pīlunī | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana |
pīlupāka | m. the junction of atoms caused by heat  |
piluparṇi | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
pīluparṇī | f. idem or 'm. Sanseviera Roxburghiana '  |
pīluparṇī | f. Momordica Monidelpha  |
pīluparṇī | f. a kind of drug  |
pīlupati | m. a keeper of elephants  |
pīlupattra | m. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
pīlusāra | m. Name of a mountain (also called pīlu-giri-)  |
pīlusārastūpa | m. Name of a stupa-  |
pīluvādin | m. one who asserts the eternity of atoms  |
pīluvaha | n. Name of a district (see pailuvahaka-).  |
pīluvana | n. a forest consisting of pīlu- trees  |
piṇḍālu | m. a species of Cocculus  |
piṇḍālu | m. Dioscorea Globosa  |
piṇḍāluka | n. a kind of bulbous plant  |
piplu | m. (pi for api-+ plu-?) a freckle, mark, mole  |
piplukarṇa | mfn. having a mark on the ear  |
piplupracchādana | mfn. covering or concealing a mole  |
pītavālukā | f. turmeric  |
plu | cl.1 A1. ( ; confer, compare ) pl/avate- (rarely P. ti-; perfect tense pupluve- etc., 3. plural vuḥ- ; Aorist aploṣṭa- etc., 2. plural aploḍhvam- ; preceding ploṣīṣṭa-, ; future ploṣyati-, te- etc.; ind.p. -pl/ūya- ; -plutya- etc.) , to float, swim etc. ; to bathe ; to go or cross in a boat, sail, navigate ; to sway to and fro, hover, soar, fly ; to blow (as the wind) ; to pass away, vanish by degrees (varia lectio) ; to be lengthened or prolated (as a vowelSee pluta-) ; (older form pru- q.v) to hop, skip, leap, jump, spring from (ablative) or to or into or over or upon (accusative) etc.: Causal plāvayati- (rarely te-,or plāvayati-; Aorist apiplavat- , apupl- grammar), to cause to float or swim, bathe, wash, inundate, submerge etc. ; to overwhelm id est supply abundantly with (instrumental case) ; to wash away, remove (guilt, sin etc.) ; to purify ; to prolate (a vowel) ; to cause to jump or stagger : Desiderative of Causal piplāvayiṣati- or puplāvayiṣati- : Desiderative puplūṣate- grammar : Intensive poplūyate-, to swim about or rapidly [ confer, compare Greek , ; Old Latin per-plovere; Latin pluit,pluvius; Lithuanian plauti; Anglo-Saxon flovan; German,flawjan,flawe7n,vlouwenetc.] |
plugi | and  |
plukṣi | m. fire  |
plukṣi | m. the burning of a house (?)  |
plukṣi | m. oil  |
pluṣ | cl.1.4. P. ( ) ploṣati- and pluṣyati- (perfect tense puploṣa- grammar; Aorist aploṣīt- ; future ploṣiṣyati-, ploṣitā- ), to burn, scorch, singe (only pass. pluṣyate-) ; cl.9 P. pluṣṇāti- (imperative pluṣāṇa-) idem or 'and' ; to sprinkle ; to anoint ; to fill (see pruṣ-).  |
plus | cl.4 P. plusyati-, to burn (varia lectio for pluṣ-) ; to share  |
pluṣi | m. a species of noxious insect (a flying white-ant )  |
pluṣṭa | mfn. burned, scorched, singed  |
pluṣṭa | mfn. frozen  |
pluṣṭāya | Nom. A1. yate- on  |
pluta | mfn. floated, floating or swimming in (locative case), bathed, overflowed, submerged, covered or filled with (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
pluta | mfn. protracted, prolated or lengthened (as a vowel) to 3 mātrā-s (q.v) etc. (also said of a kind of measure ) |
pluta | mfn. flown  |
pluta | mfn. leaped, leaping  |
pluta | n. a flood, deluge (plural)  |
pluta | n. leaping, moving by leaps  |
pluta | n. capering (one of a horse's paces)  |
plutagati | f. moving by leaps  |
plutagati | m. a hare  |
plutameru | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
plutatva | n. See udagra-pluta-tva-.  |
plutavat | mfn. one who has leaped or jumped  |
pluti | f. overflowing, a flood  |
pluti | f. prolation (of a vowel see pluta-)  |
pluti | f. a leap, jump varia lectio (also met.; see maṇḍūka-pl-)  |
pluti | f. capering, curvet (one of a horse's paces)  |
praceluka | m. a cook (wrong reading for paceluka-).  |
pralolupa | m. Name of a kunti- (a descendant of garuḍa-)  |
pralubdha | mfn. seduced  |
pralubdhā | f. (a woman) who has conceived an illicit affection for (saha-)  |
pralubh | P. A1. -lubhyati-, te-, (A1.) to lust after, be lustful, follow one's lusts, go astray sexually (said of a wife) ; to allure, entice, seduce, pollute : Causal -lobhayati-, to cause to lust after, allure, entice, attempt, to seduce etc. ; to divert the attention of any one by (instrumental case)  |
pralup | P. -lumpati-, to pluck or pull out : Passive voice -lupyate-, to be robbed ; to be interrupted or disturbed or violated or destroyed  |
pralupta | mfn. robbed  |
pralupta | mfn. having lost (with ablative)  |
praluṭh | P. -luṭhati-, to roll forwards, roll, roll along the ground, roll round ; to be agitated, heave, toss, wallow  |
praluṭhita | mfn. rolling about  |
pramluc | P. -mlocati-, to go down, sink down  |
praplu | A1. -plavate-, to go to sea (samudram-), float or sail away : Causal -plāvayati-, to cause to float or sail away ; to wash or flood with water  |
prapluta | (pr/a--) mfn. dipped in water  |
prathamapluta | mfn. leapt off first  |
pratilubh | Caus. -lobhayati-, to illude, infatuate ; to attract, allure  |
pravilup | Caus. -lopayati-, to give up, abandon  |
pravilupta | mfn. cut away, removed, destroyed, vanished, gone  |
pulu | mfn. equals puru- in compound  |
pulukāma | mfn. having many desires, covetous  |
puluṣa | m. Name of a man (see pauluṣi-).  |
puṭālu | m. a species of bulbous plant  |
rahasyatrayaculuka | m. Name of work  |
rajaḥpluta | mfn. filled with (the quality of) passion  |
rājāluka | m. a species of tuberous plant or yam  |
rājapīlu | m. a species of tree (equals mahā-pīlu-)  |
raktālu | m. a species of red yam, Dioscorea Purpurea  |
raktāluka | m. a species of red yam, Dioscorea Purpurea  |
raktapiṇḍālu | m. equals raktālu-.  |
raktavāluka | n. or f(ā-). vermilion  |
rāmadayālu | m. Name of various authors  |
raṅgaplutalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
raṅgeṣṭālu | n. a kind of bulbous root or onion  |
raṅgeṣṭāluka | n. a kind of bulbous root or onion  |
rodhaḥpatanakaluṣa | mfn. (rendered) muddy by the falling in of a bank  |
romālu | m. Dioscorea Globosa  |
romālu | m. Mucuna Pruritus  |
romāluviṭapin | m. a species of plant  |
rūkṣavāluka | n. honey of a small bee  |
ṣaḍaṅgaguggulu | m. a particular mixture  |
sādhvasavipluta | mfn. overwhelmed with consternation  |
śailavālukā | wrong reading for sailavāl-  |
śailavālukāḥ | wrong reading for sailavāl-  |
sakalakaluṣa | Name of a forest region  |
sakaluṣa | mf(ā-)n. troubled, impure  |
śalālu | n. a sort of perfume or fragrant substance ( śalāluka luka- mf(ī-)n.dealing in it) ( ) |
śalālu | n. equals śalāṭu-  |
śalāluglapsa | ( ), m. = - udumbara-- phala-- stabaka- (Scholiast or Commentator).  |
śalālugrapsa | ( ), m. = - udumbara-- phala-- stabaka- (Scholiast or Commentator).  |
śālāluka | mfn. dealing in śalālu- (q.v)  |
śalāluka | mf(ī-)n. śalālu |
śālu | m. (fr. śal-) a frog  |
śālu | m. a kind of astringent substance  |
śālu | m. a sort of perfume (commonly called Chor)  |
śālu | n. a particular fruit coming from the north  |
śālu | n. an esculent lotus-root  |
śāluḍa | m. Name of an evil demon  |
śāluka | n. the esculent root of different kinds of lotus  |
śaluna | m. a kind of insect  |
śāluveśakavaca | n. Name of a kavaca- (q.v)  |
samabhiplu | A1. -plavate-, to inundate, wash (See next) ; to overwhelm, cover  |
samabhipluta | mfn. inundated, flooded, washed  |
samabhipluta | mfn. overwhelmed, covered  |
samabhipluta | mfn. eclipsed (as the moon)  |
samabhipluta | mfn. (with rajasā-) covered with menstrual excretions  |
samāluḍ | Caus. -loḍayati-, to stir up, stir in, mix together, mingle with (instrumental case) ; to agitate, disturb, confuse ; to rummage, investigate  |
samāplu | A1. -plavate-, to immerse together, immerse in water, bathe ; to overflow, inundate, overwhelm ; to spring or rush upon (accusative) ; to come into violent collision with  |
samāpluta | mfn. immersed, flooded, overwhelmed, bathed  |
samavapluta | mfn. ( plu-) lept down, jumped off  |
saṃkaluṣa | (prob.) n. defilement, impurity (yoni-s-,"an illegitimate marriage") (see kaluṣa-yoni-).  |
śaṃkaradayālu | m. Name of authors  |
saṃkulakaluṣa | mfn. saṃkula |
saṃlubh | P. -lubhyati-, to be perplexed or disturbed, fall into confusion : Causal lobhayati-, to disarrange, throw into confusion, mix up ; to efface, obliterate ; to allure, entice, seduce  |
saṃluḍ | Causal -loḍayati-, to stir about, move to and fro ; to disarrange, disturb, throw into disorder or confusion : Passive voice -loḍyate-, to be disturbed or destroyed  |
saṃlulita | mfn. ( lul-) agitated, disordered, confused  |
saṃlulita | mfn. come into contact with (compound) ("smeared with"Scholiast or Commentator)  |
saṃlup | P. -lumpati-, -lupyati-, to rend or tear to pieces, tear away, pull away : Causal -lopayati-, to destroy, efface  |
sampariplu | A1. -plavate-, to flow quite over, overflow (See past participle)  |
samparipluta | mf(ā-)n. overflowed  |
samparipluta | mf(ā-)n. overwhelmed (with misfortune), distressed  |
samplu | A1. -plavate-, to flow or stream together, meet (as waters) ; to be heaped or massed together (as clouds) ; to founder, go down (as a ship) ; to fluctuate, waver (as the mind) : Causal -plāvayati- to cause to flow or mass together (as clouds) ; to melt into, mingle or merge with (instrumental case) ; to float over, inundate, submerge  |
sampluta | mfn. flowed or streamed together, met  |
sampluta | mfn. one who has bathed in (compound)  |
sampluta | mfn. flooded over, overspread, covered or filled with (instrumental case or compound)  |
samplutodaka | mfn. flooded with water  |
sampralubh | Caus. -lobhayati-, to allure or entice away, try to seduce or deceive  |
sampralup | Passive voice -lupyate-, to be violated or injured  |
saṃśayālu | mfn. disposed to doubt, doubtful or sceptical about (locative case)  |
samudraculuka | m. "holding the ocean in his mouth", Name of the sage agastya- (fabled to have drunk up the ocean)  |
samudropapluta | mfn. inundated or submerged by the ocean  |
samullup | (-ud-lup-) P. -lumpati-, to seize upon, lay hold of, pick up  |
samupapluta | mfn. ( plu-) overwhelmed, assailed, distressed  |
samutplu | A1. -plavate-, to jump or leap up together, move by jumps  |
śaṇālu | m. Cathartocarpus or Cassia Fistula  |
śaṇāluka | m. Cathartocarpus or Cassia Fistula  |
śaṅkhālu | n. Dolichos Bulbosus  |
śaṅkhāluka | n. Dolichos Bulbosus  |
sāntarapluta | n. a manner of jumping (= plavanāntaritā gatiḥ- )  |
sāratrayaculuka | m. or n. Name of a vedānta- work  |
sarvaluṇṭāka | m. "all-robbing", Name of a fraudulent official  |
śaśalupta | n. disappearing like a hare  |
śaśaplutaka | n. a scratch with a finger-nail  |
saṭālu | equals śalāṭu-, an unripe fruit,  |
śatalumpa | m. Name of the poet bhāravi- (see śatru-lummpa-).  |
śatalumpaka | m. Name of the poet bhāravi- (see śatru-lummpa-).  |
śatrulumpa | m. Name of bhāravi- (see śata-l-).  |
śayālu | mfn. sleepy, inclined to sleep, sluggish slothful  |
śayālu | m. a dog  |
śayālu | m. a jackal  |
śayālu | m. the boa snake  |
śelu | m. Cordia Myxa  |
selu | m. equals śelu-, Cordia Myxa  |
selu | m. a particular high number (see sela-)  |
sevakālu | m. a kind of plant (equals niśa-bhaṅga-;commonly called dugdhapeyā-)  |
siṃhanādaguggulu | m. a particular mixture |
sirālu | mfn. = (or wrong reading for) sirāla-  |
śītālu | mfn. suffering from cold, sensitive to cold, shivering with cold  |
śivadayālu | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on the bhagavad-gītā-.  |
śivālu | m. a jackal (see under śiva-and śivā-)  |
ślu | (in gram.) Name of the vikaraṇa- [q.v.] of the 3rd class of roots in which there is elision of the conjugational affix a- (ślu-is one of the 3 technical terms [containing lu-]for grammatical elisionSee 2. luk-)  |
śluvat | ind. as if there were ślu-  |
śokaparipluta | mfn. overwhelmed with sorrow  |
solluṇṭha | mfn. ironical, sarcastic  |
solluṇṭha | m. irony, sarcasm  |
solluṇṭhabhāṣaṇa | n. ( ) an ironical expression.  |
solluṇṭhabhāṣita | n. ( ) an ironical expression.  |
solluṇṭhana | mfn. ironical  |
solluṇṭhana | n. irony, sarcasm  |
solluṇṭhavacana | n. ( ) an ironical expression.  |
solluṇṭhokti | f. ( ) an ironical expression.  |
spṛhālu | mfn. equals spṛhayālu-  |
spṛhayālu | mfn. eagerly, desirous, eager, jealous, envious, longing for or to (dative case locative case,or infinitive mood)  |
spṛhayālutā | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') desire of, longing for,  |
śraddhālu | mfn. disposed to believe or trust, faithful, trustful  |
śraddhālu | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') vehemently longing for  |
śraddhālu | f. a pregnant woman who longs for anything  |
sthūlavālukā | f. "having coarse sand", Name of a river  |
strīdhanalolupa | mfn. coveting (another's) wife and property  |
śubhrālu | m. a particular bulbous plant  |
sukālukā | wrong reading for -vāl-  |
sūkṣmavāluka | mfn. abounding in fine sand  |
sululita | mfn. moving playfully or pleasantly to and fro  |
sululita | mfn. greatly hurt or injured  |
sumpaluṇṭha | m. zedoary, Curcuma Zerumbet  |
surendralupta | mfn. morbid baldness of the head (equals indra-l-)  |
sūryābhinimlukta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one upon whom (while sleeping) the sun has set '  |
suvālukā | f. Hoya Viridiflora  |
suvarṇakaṇaguggulu | m. idem or 'm. a species of bdellium '  |
suvarṇālu | m. a kind of bulbous plant  |
svacchavāluka | n. a kind of semi-metal  |
svāduluṅgī | f. the sweet citron  |
svapnālu | mfn. sleepy, drowsy  |
svarālu | m. a kind of root (equals vacā-)  |
tālu | n. rarely m. ([ ]) the palate  |
tālugalapraśoṣa | m. morbid dryness of palate and throat  |
tāluja | mfn. palatal, iv, 22, 57.  |
tālujihva | m. a crocodile  |
tālujihva | m. the uvula  |
tālujihvikā | f. "uvula", Name of a yoginī-  |
tāluka | n. (gaRa yāvādi-) equals lu- (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
tāluka | n. a disease of the palate  |
tālukā | f. equals lu-  |
tālukā | f. dual number (e-) the two arteries of the palate  |
tālukaṇṭaka | "palate-thorn", Name of a disease of the palate with children  |
talukṣa | m. Name of a man (see t/arukṣa-) gaRa 2. lohitāḍi- (not in )  |
tālukṣya | m. patronymic fr. talukṣa-.  |
tālukṣyāyaṇī | f. of kṣya- gaRa 2. lohitādi-.  |
tālumūla | n. the root of the palate, .  |
taluna | mfn. (equals taruṇa- Va1rtt. 6 ; gaRa kapilakādi- ) young.  |
taluna | m. (gaRa utsādi-) a youth  |
taluna | m. wind.  |
tāluna | mfn. fr. tal- gaRa utsādi-.  |
tālunāśa | m. "destroying the palate (by thorny food)", a camel  |
talunī | f. ( gaRa gaurādi-;proparox. Va1rtt. 6 ) a maiden  |
tālupāka | m. an abscess in the palate  |
tālupāta | m. "falling in of the palate", Name of a disease with children  |
tālupīḍaka | another disease of the palate with children  |
tālupuppuṭa | m. an indolent swelling of the palate  |
tālura | m. equals lūra-  |
tāluśoṣa | m. morbid dryness of the palate  |
tālusthāna | mfn. palatal (a letter)  |
tāluvi | See nāluhi-. |
tāluvidradhī | f. equals -puppuṭa-  |
tāluviśoṣaṇa | n. the drying of the palate (through much talking)  |
tandrālu | mfn. ( ) tired, wearied, sleepy  |
taṇḍulu | m. Embelia Ribes  |
taptavāluka | mfn. having hot gravel  |
taptavāluka | m. Name of a hell  |
taptavālukā | f. plural hot gravel  |
tarālu | m. idem or 'm. a large flat-bottomed boat '  |
telu | gaRa rājanyādi-.  |
tīrthakamaṇḍalu | m. a pot with tīrtha--water  |
tṛprālu | mfn. praṃ na sahate- Va1rtt. 6.  |
ucculump | ( ud-culump-), to sip up  |
ucculump | to sip, drink in,  |
udagraplutatva | n. lofty bounding  |
udakamaṇḍalu | m. a water-jar  |
udāplu |  |
udapluta | mfn. swimming in water  |
udāpluta | mfn. overflowed, inundated  |
ujjāluka | m. Name of a place  |
ulluñc | ( ud-luñc-).  |
ulluñcana | n. the act of pulling or tearing out, plucking out (exempli gratia, 'for example' the hair)  |
ulluñcita | mfn. plucked  |
ulluṇṭhā | (ud-lu-) f. ( luṇṭh-), irony  |
ullup | ( ud-lup-).  |
ullupta | mfn. taken out or away, drawn up  |
ulluṭh | (ud--2. luṭh-) P. -luṭhati-, to roll, wallow  |
ululi | m. an outcry indicative of prosperity  |
ulūlu | mfn. idem or 'mfn. crying aloud, noisy (see ululi-.)'  |
ulumbā | f. the stalks of wheat or barley fried over a fire of wet grass (see umbī-.)  |
ulupa | mn. a kind of grass equals ulapa-  |
ulupin | m. equals ulapin-  |
ūlupin | ūlūka-, ūvaṭa- vv.ll. for ulupin-, ulūka-, uvaṭa-, qq. v.  |
ulupya | mfn. equals ulapya-.  |
upalubh | Caus. -lobhayati-, to cause to wish, excite the desire of (accusative), allure  |
upamluc | P. (perfect tense -mumloca-) to hide one's self among (with genitive case)  |
upamlup |  |
upamlupta | mfn. hidden, concealed  |
upaniplu | A1. (3. plural -plavante-) to approach, reach  |
upanyāplu | A1. -plavate-, to swim near  |
upaplu | P. -plavati-, to overflow, inundate ; to assault, invade, afflict ; to eclipse ; to rush upon, assail : A1. -plavate-, to swim on the surface (as a light object) commentator or commentary on ; to hang over, move aloft : Causal -plāvayati-, to irrigate, flood, water ; to float near (?)  |
upapluta | mfn. overflowed  |
upapluta | mfn. invaded, afflicted, visited  |
upapluta | mfn. distressed, pained  |
upapluta | mfn. marked by prodigies  |
upapluta | mfn. swallowed (as sun and moon by rāhu-), eclipsed etc.  |
upaplutā | f. (with yoni-) a particular disease of the female organ  |
upaplutekṣaṇa | mfn. having overflowing eyes, weeping  |
uṣṇālu | mfn. suffering from heat on  |
utplu | (ud-plu-) A1. -plavate- (rarely P. -ti-), to swim upwards, emerge ; to draw near, approach (as clouds) ; to spring up, jump up or upwards, jump out, leap up etc. ; to jump over ; to bound commentator or commentary on ; to spring upon ; to rise, arise  |
utpluta | mfn. jumped up or upon or over, sprung upon suddenly.  |
utplutya | ind.p. having sprung up or jumped upon etc.  |
utpupluṣā | f. (from ut- + Desid, of plu-) the wish to fly up,  |
vacalu | m. equals śatru-, an enemy  |
vacalu | m. offence, fault (?)  |
vaiparītyalajjālu | mf. a species of Mimosa Pudica  |
vakrapluta | mfn. leaping in curves  |
vallura | n. (only ) an arbour, bower  |
vallura | n. a field  |
vallura | n. a thicket or wilderness  |
vallura | n. a place destitute of water  |
vallura | n. a cluster of blossoms  |
vallura | n. a compound pedicle.  |
vālu | m. equals elavālu- |
vāluka | mfn. (fr. next)  |
vāluka | mfn. containing or resembling sand  |
vāluka | mfn. made of salt  |
vāluka | m. a kind of poison  |
vāluka | m. camphor  |
vāluka | m. Cucumis Utilissimus  |
vāluka | m. equals ela-v-, or hari-vāluka-  |
vālukā | f. sg. and plural (more commonly written bālukā-;of doubtful derivation) sand, gravel  |
vālukābdhi | (kābdhi-) m. "sand-sea", a desert  |
vālukācaityakrīḍā | f. "playing at heaps of sand", a kind of child's game  |
vālukādi | (kādi-) m. plural sand and other things  |
vālukāgaḍa | m. a species of fish  |
vālukāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting or made of sand  |
vālukāmbhas | n. (kāmbhas-) idem or '(kāmb-) equals vālukābdhi- '  |
vālukāmbhas | n. Name of a sea or lake  |
vālukāmbudhi | (kāmb-) equals vālukābdhi-  |
vālukāprabhā | f. (with jaina-s) a particular hell  |
vālukārṇava | (kārṇ-) m. equals vālukābdhi-  |
vālukātmikā | (kātm-) f. brown-sugar  |
vālukātva | n. "the being mere sand", nothingness, vanity  |
vālukāyantra | n. a sand-bath  |
vālukela | n. a species of salt (see elavāluka-).  |
vālukeśvara | m. "sand-lord", Name of śiva-  |
vālukeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a well-known sacred tank (called Walkesvar) near Bombay  |
vālukī | f. a sandbank  |
vāluki | m. Name of a preceptor  |
vālukin | m. Name of a preceptor  |
vāluṅka | n. (prob.) a kind of cucumber  |
vāluṅkī | f. Cucumis Utilissimus  |
vanālu | m. Marsilia Dentata  |
varaṇḍālu | m. a kind of bulbous plant (= phala-puccha-)  |
varaṇḍālu | m. the castor-oil tree, Ricinus Communis  |
vāyasapīlu | m. a particular tree (equals kāka-p-)  |
vedāntāvabṛthapluta | m. one who performs an ablution after acquiring complete knowledge of the veda-  |
veluva | m. or n. (see vela-) a particular high number  |
vilolupa | mf(ā-)n. free from all desires (varia lectio; a-vil-with the same meaning ) 1.  |
vilolupa | 1. 2. vi-lohita- See .  |
vilubh | Caus. -lobhayati-, to lead astray, perplex, confuse ; to allure, entice, tempt etc. ; to divert, amuse, delight (varia lectio)  |
vilubhita | mfn. disordered, disarranged, agitated  |
vilubhitaplava | mfn. going in an agitated manner  |
viluḍ | (see prec. and vi-lulita-), Caus. -loḍayati-, to stir about, stir up, mingle ; to move to and fro, toss about, upset, disorder, confuse ; to betake one's self into (accusative)  |
vilulita | mfn. ( lul-; see vi-luḍ-) moved hither and thither  |
vilulita | mfn. shaken down, falling down, shed  |
vilulita | mfn. shaken, agitated, disordered, disarranged etc.  |
vilulitālaka | mfn. having dishevelled hair  |
vilumpaka | mf(ikā-)n. one who breaks or tears off etc.  |
vilumpaka | m. a robber, ravisher  |
vilumpaka | m. a destroyer  |
viluñc | P. -luñcati-, to tear or pull out (hair)  |
viluñcana | n. the act of tearing off  |
viluṇṭ | (only ind.p. -luṇṭya-), to unhusk (varia lectio for luñcitvā-).  |
viluṇṭh | (see vi-luṭh-) P. -luṇṭhati- (future luṇṭhiṣyati- infinitive mood -luṇṭhitum-; Passive voice -luṇṭhyate-), to carry off, plunder, steal, ravage  |
viluṇṭhaka | (f. ikā-) See mukha-viluṇṭhikā-.  |
viluṇṭhana | n. the act of plundering or robing or stealing  |
viluṇṭhana | n. hanging down, dangling (varia lectio)  |
viluṇṭhita | mfn. robbed, plundered etc.  |
viluṇṭhita | mfn. equals vi-luṭhita-, rolling, wallowing  |
vilup | P. -lumpati- (rarely A1.), to tear or break off or to pieces, wound, lacerate pull out or up etc. ; to tear away, carry off, ravish, seize, rob, plunder etc. ; to destroy, confound, ruin etc. ; (A1.) to fall to pieces, be ruined, disappear : Passive voice -lupyate-, to be torn away or carried off, be impaired or destroyed, perish, be lost, disappear, fail etc. etc.: Causal -lopayati- (te-), to tear or carry away, withhold, keep back, suppress, extinguish, destroy  |
vilupta | mfn. torn or broken off, carried away etc.  |
vilupta | mfn. impaired, destroyed, ruined, lost etc.  |
viluptapūrva | mfn. torn off or carried away before  |
viluptasāvitrīka | mfn. deprived of the sāvitrī- (see patita-s-)  |
viluptavitta | mfn. one whose goods are robbed or plundered  |
viluptī | f. miscarrying (conjectural for vi-- liptī-), .  |
vilupya | mfn. destructible, perishable (in a-vil-)  |
viluṭh | (see vi-luḍ-below) P. -luṭhati-, to roll, move to and fro, quiver, flicker  |
viluṭhita | mfn. agitated, excited  |
viluṭhita | n. rolling, wallowing  |
vipariluparilopa | m. destruction, loss, ruin  |
viparilupta | mfn. ( lup-) broken or destroyed utterly, broken up  |
viplu | A1. -plavate- (mc. also P.), to float asunder, drift about, be dispersed or scattered ; to fall into disorder or confusion, go astray, be lost or ruined, perish etc.: Causal -plāvayati-, to cause to swim or float about ; to spread abroad, make known, divulge ; to bring to ruin or calamity, waste, destroy ; (-plav-), to perplex, confuse, confound  |
vipluṣ | m. f. = vi-pruṣ-2, a drop of water  |
vipluṣ | m. plural drops falling from the mouth while speaking  |
vipluṣṭa | mfn. ( pluṣ-) burned, scorched  |
vipluta | mfn. drifted apart or asunder, scattered, dispersed etc.  |
vipluta | mfn. confused, disordered, gone astray, lost, perished etc.  |
vipluta | mfn. suffused, dimmed (as the eyes)  |
vipluta | mfn. agitated, excited, troubled (as speech or reason)  |
vipluta | mfn. broken, violated (as chastity, a vow etc.)  |
vipluta | mfn. vicious, immoral  |
vipluta | mfn. committing adultery with (saha-)  |
vipluta | mfn. (with karmaṇā-) wrongly treated, mismanaged (in med.)  |
vipluta | mfn. (with plava-) drawn out of the water, landed (?)  |
vipluta | mfn. depraved, wicked  |
vipluta | mfn. contrary, adverse  |
vipluta | mfn. inundated, immersed  |
vipluta | n. springing or bursting asunder  |
viplutabhāṣin | mf(iṇī-)n. speaking confusedly, stammering, stuttering  |
viplutalocana | mfn. having the eyes suffused or bathed (with tears, joy etc.)  |
viplutanetra | mfn. having the eyes suffused or bathed (with tears, joy etc.)  |
viplutayoni | f. (in med.) a particular painful condition of the vagina-  |
vipluti | f. destruction, ruin, loss  |
vipralubh | Causal A1. -lobhayate-, to allure, try to seduce or deceive  |
vipralumpaka | mfn. rapacious, exacting, avaricious  |
vipralup | P. -lumpati-, to tear or snatch away, rob, plunder ; to visit, afflict, disturb  |
vipralupta | mfn. robbed, plundered  |
vipralupta | mfn. interrupted, disturbed  |
viṣālu | mfn. venomous, poisonous  |
visargalupta | n. elision of the visarga-  |
viṣayalolupa | mfn. eager for sensual enjoyment  |
viṣvagviluptacchada | mfn. having leaves torn off on all sides (said of a tree)  |
vratalupta | mf(ā-)n. one who has broken a vow  |
vṛkāvalupta | n.  |
vyālup | P. -lumpati-, to take away, remove : Passive voice -lupyate-, to be broken asunder or destroyed or removed, disappear  |
vyasanāpluta | mfn. involved in or overwhelmed with calamity  |
yaṅluganta | m. the parasmaipada- Intensive formed without ya-  |
yaṅlugantaśiromaṇi | m. Name of work  |
yaṅluk | the dropping of the Intensive suffix ya- (or a blank substituted for it)  |
yoganidrālu | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
yogarājaguggulu | m. a particular medicines preparation  |
yonisaṃkaluṣa | see saṃk-, parasmE-pada 1125  |