ayugmacchada | m.=ayuk-kha- da; -lokana, m. Siva (odd- i.e. three-eyed); -sara, m. Kâma (odd-=five-arrowed). |
ājihmita | pp. somewhat turned aside: -lokanam, ad. with somewhat averted glance. |
āyatapakṣmala | a. trimmed with long feathers; -lokana, a. long-eyed; -½aksha, a. (î) long-eyed. |
kādambara | n. sour cream; î, f. kind of intoxicating liquor; T. of a romance & its heroine: -lokana½ânanda, m. ep. of the moon; -sagdhikâ, f. common carouse. |
kuraṅga | m. antelope: -ka, m. id.; -nay anâ, -netrâ, -lokanâ, -½akshî, a. f. gazelle eyed. |
kekara | a. squinting; -ka, a. id.; -lokana, a. id. |
cāru | a. agreeable, welcome, pleasing; dear; fair, lovely: n. ad.: -gîti, f. a metre; -tâ, f. popularity; beauty; -datta, m. N. of a Brâhman; -danta, m. N. of a merchant's son; -darsanâ, f. fair woman; -netra, a. fair-eyed; -mati, m. N. of a parrot; -rûpa, a. of fair form; -lokana, a. fair-eyed; -venî, f. fair braid, N. of a river; -sabda-bha&ndot;ga-vat, a. rich in lovely faltering and in charming ex pressions (speech); -hâsin, a. laughing sweet ly: -î, f. a metre. |
digbhāga | m. point of the compass; -vadhû, f.=dik-kanyâ; -vasana, n. naked ness; -vârana, m. elephant of the quarters; -vâsas, a. clad in the quarters, stark naked; -vigaya, m. conquest in all directions, world conquest; -vibhâga, m. point of the compass, quarter of the sky; -vilokana, n. looking about in all directions (in fear); -vyâghâr ana, n. sprinkling of the quarters; -vyâpin, a. pervading the quarters, extending in all directions. |
dīrghakarṇa | m. Long-ear, N. of a cat; -kâlam, ac. ad. for a long time; -ga&ndot; gha, m. Long-shanks, N. of a Yaksha; -gîvin, a. long-lived; -tapas, m. N. of a Rishi; (á) tamas, m. N. of a sage; -tâ,f. length; -tva, n. id.; -tîkshna-mukha, a. (î) having a long and pointed mouth; -darsi-tâ, f. far-sightedness, providence; -darsin, a. far-seeing; -nidrâ, f. long sleep; sleep of death; -bâhu, a. long-armed; -mukha, a. (î) long-mouthed, long-beaked; -râva, m. Long-yell, N. of a jackal; -rosha, a. whose wrath lasts long, bearing a lingering grudge: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -roshana, a. id.; -lokana, a. long-eyed; -sri&ndot;ga, a. long-horned; -srút, a.audible afar; far-famed; -sattrá, n. Soma sacrifice of long duration; a. engaged in a --; -sattrín, a. id.; -samdhya, a. praying long at the Samdhyâs: -tva, n. long continuance of prayer at the Samdhyâs; -sûtra, a. (long-threaded), dila tory, procrastinating: -tâ, f. dilatoriness, pro crastination; -sûtrin, a. id. |
bāṣpa | m. tears; steam, vapour: -kala, a. indistinct or choked with tears (voice); -pihita-lokana, a. having eyes suffused with tears; -pûra, m. flood of tears; -moksha, m. shedding of tears; -salila, n.tears; -½âkula, a. indistinct or choked with tears (voice, speech); -½ambu, n. tears. |
madhuka | a. having the colour of honey (only °ree;-with lokana, eye); m. a tree; n. liquorice; -kara, m. honey-maker, bee: -maya, a. consisting of bees, -râgan, m. king of the bees=queen-bee. |
mṛgī | f. female antelope, doe: -kshî ra, n. milk of a doe; -tva, n. condition of a doe; -dris, f. gazelle-eyed woman; -lokanâ, f. id. |
rājīva | a. striped; m. kind of fish; n. blue lotus: -netra, a. lotus-eyed; -mukha, a. lotus-faced: î, f. woman with a lotus-like face; -lokana, a. lotus-eyed; -vilokana, a.id. |
lalita | pp. quivering, tremulous; artless, naive, innocent; lovely, charming, beautiful; desired, liked; pleasing, agree able; n. sport; natural, artless act; artless ness, grace, charm; beauty, splendour: -pa da, a. consisting of sweet words, pleasingly composed; -lalita, pp. extremely lovely; -lokana, a. fair-eyed: â, f. N. of a fairy; -vistara, m. detailed description of the art less acts of Sâkyamuni, T. of a Buddhistic Sûtra. |
lokayātrā | f. worldly affairs, every-day life; daily bread, maintenance; -raksha, m. protector of the people, king; -rañgana, n. pleasing the world; -rava, m. popular talk; -lokana, n. eye of the world, sun: pl. eyes of men; -vakana, n. popular talk or rumour; -vat, ad. as in ordinary life; -vartana, n. means by which the world exists; -vâda, m. talk of the world, public rumour; -vârttâ, f. public rumour; -vi krushta, pp. publicly decried; offensive to the world; -vigñâta, pp. generally known; -vidvishta, pp. universally disliked; -vidhi, m. creator of the world; order of things pre vailing in the world; -viruddha, pp. no toriously contradictory; -virodha, m. oppo sition to popular opinion; -visruta, pp. generally known; -vistara, m. general pre valence; -vritta, pp. n. general custom, ways prevailing among the people; -vrittânta, m. ways of the world; -vyavahâra, m. id.; ordinary designation; -sruti, f. world-wide notoriety; -samvyavahâra, m. business trans actions with men; -samkshaya, m. destruc tion of the world; -samgraha, m. experience gainedthrough intercourse with the world; gaining influence over men, propitiation of mankind; aggregate of the worlds; -sam grâhin, a. propitiating men; -sampanna, pp. experienced in life; -sâkshika, a. wit nessed by the world: -m, ad. before wit nesses; -sâkshin, m. witness of the world. |
viloka | m. glance; -lokana, n. look ing, gaze; looking at, regarding, observing; looking out for, finding out; perceiving, look ing into, studying; -lokita, (pp.) n. glance, look; -lokin, a. (--°ree;) looking; looking at; perceiving; -lokya, fp. visible; looked at; -lokana, 1. a. causing to see, giving eye-sight; n. eye; 2. a. distorting the eyes; m. N. of a mythical person: -patha, m. range of vision, -pâta, m. glance; -lodana, n. stir ring about, churning; splashing; throwing into confusion; -lopa, m. loss, injury; interruption, disturbance; robbery; -lopa-ka, m. destroyer; plunderer; -lopana, n. destruc tion; omission; pulling to pieces (garland); stealing; -lopin, a. destroying (--°ree;); -loptri, m. thief, robber; -lopya, fp. to be destroyed; -lobhana, n. allurement; -lobhanîya, fp. alluring to (--°ree;); -loma, a. (against the hair or grain), reversed, opposite; refractory: -m, ad. backwards; -loma-ga, a., -loma- gâta, pp. born (against the grain=) in the in verse order, born of a mother belonging to a higher caste than the father; (ví)-loman, a. against the hair orgrain, turned in the oppo site direction, inverted; hairless; -lom-ita, den. pp. inverted; -lola, a. moving to and fro, tossing about, waving, rolling, unsteady; un steadier than (ab.); -lolana, n. moving to and fro; (ví)-lohita, a. deep red. |
sarasīja | n. lotus: -lokana, -½îksh ana, a. lotus-eyed; -ruh, n. lotus; -ruha, n. id.: -bandhu, m. sun, -½îkshana, a. lotus eyed. |
sahasra | m. (rare), n. thousand (also used to express a large number or great wealth); sp. a thousand cows, -Panas: con strued with an app. (sg. or pl.), g., sg. or pl., --°ree; (rarely °ree;--); in an a. cpd. it is always --°ree;: -ka, 1. n. thousand: --°ree; a. (ikâ) having or amounting to a thousand; 2. thousand-headed; -kara, m. (thousand-rayed), sun: -pan-netra, a. having a thousand hands, feet, and eyes; -kalâ, f. N.; -kirana, m. (thousand-rayed), sun; -kritvas, ad. a thou sand times; (sahásra)-ketu, a. having a thousand forms (RV.1); -gu, a. possessing a thousand cows; thousand-rayed; m. sun; -guna, a. thousandfold: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -gunita, pp. multiplied a thousand times; -kakshu, a. thousand-eyed (AV.); -git, a. con quering or winning a thousand (RV.); (-hás ra)-nîtha, a. having a thousand expedients or shifts (V.); m. N. (C.); -tama, spv. (î) thou sandth; -taya, n. a thousand; -da, a. giving a thousand (cows); (sahásra)-dakshina, a. attended with a fee of a thousand (kine; V.); -dîdhiti, m. sun; (á)-dvâr, a. thousand-doored (RV.1); -dhâ, ad. a thousand-fold; in a thousand ways or parts; -dhî, a. thousand-witted; m. N. of a fish; -nayana, a. thousand-eyed; m. ep. of Indra; -netra, a., m. id.; -pati, m. chief of a thousand (vil lages); -pattra, n. (having a thousand petals), lotus; -pûrana, a. thousandth; receiving a thousand; -poshá, m. thousandfold welfare (V.); a. thriving a thousandfold (S.); -buddhi, a. thousand-witted; m. N. of a fish; -bhakta, n. a certain festival at which thousands are fed; -bhânu, a. thousand-rayed; -bhrishti, a. thousand-pointed (V.); -ma&ndot;gala, N. of a locality; -mukha, a. having a thousand exits; -rasmi, a. thousand-rayed; m. sun; -li&ndot;gî, f. a thousand Li&ndot;gas; -lokana,a. thousand-eyed; m. ep. of Indra; -vartman, a. thousand-pathed; -vâka, a. containing a thousand verses or words; -satá-dakshina, a. attended with a fee of a hundred thousand (cows); -sás, ad. by thousands (referring to a nm., ac., in.); -sîrsha, a. thousand-headed: â, f. a certain verse (according to comm. the hymn RV. X, 90); (hásra)-sri&ndot;ga, a. thou sand-horned (RV.); -saní, a. gaining a thou sand (V.); -sâ, a. id.; -sâvá, m.thousand-fold Soma-pressing. |
sulakṣaṇa | a. having auspicious marks (-tva, n. abst. n.): â, f. N.; -lakshita, pp. carefully examined; -lagna, pp. firmly adhering, to (lc.); m. (?) (astrologically) auspicious moment; -labha, a. easy to ob tain or find; easy of access, to (--°ree;); cheap; adapted, appropriate, proper, fit, suitable (to, for, --°ree;): -kopa, a. irascible, -tva, n. fre quency, cheapness, -½avakâsa, a. having easy access to, easily reflected (image) in (lc.); -labhâ, f. N.; -labha½itara, a. (opposite of =) not easy of attainment; -lalita, pp. very dainty or delicious (meat); very charming or lovely: -latâ-pallava-maya, a. (î) consist ing of the young shoots of lovely creepers; -lokana, a. fine-eyed: â, f. N. of a Yakshinî; N.; -lola, a. eagerly longing for (--°ree;). |
stabdha | pp. √ stabh: -karna, m. Stiff-ear, N. of a lion; -tâ, f. stiffness, rigid ity; pretentiousness, arrogance; -tva, n. id.; -lokana, a. having motionless (=unwinking) eyes. |
sthāna | n. C.: standing (also Br.); continuance, stay; storage (of goods); steadi- ness (of troops); continued existence; middle state (opp. gain or loss); being in or on (lc., --°ree;); state, condition (also U.; --°ree; a. being in a state of); perfect tranquillity (rare); station, position, rank (common mg.); V., C.: abode, dwelling, place, spot, locality, site (ord. mg.); C.: stead, place (lc. instead of, in place of, g., --°ree;); receptacle, of (g., --°ree;); right or suit able place; region, sphere of a god (earth, sky, heaven); stronghold (rare); place in which a sound is produced, organ of speech (gr.); pitch, key of the voice (high, loud, etc.); constituent of a kingdom (army, treasury, capital, territory); case, occurrence; occa sion, of or for (g., --°ree;); cause or object of (g., --°ree;; also said of persons); topic: --°ree; a. tak ing the place of, representing; replaced or represented by: lc. sthâne, instead of (g., --°ree;); in the right place, seasonably, justly; sthâne sthâne, in different places, here and there; ripusthâneshu vrit, occupy the position of an enemy; vînâ kyutâ sthânât, a lute out of tune; vilokana-sthâna-gata, occupying the place of eyes; mânyasthâna, object of regard. |
hariṇa | a. (&isharp;) yellowish, tawny (also of unhealthy complexion); m. antelope, ga zelle: -ka, m. dim. gazelle; -dhâman, m. abode of the antelope, moon; -nayanâ, f. gazelle-eyed woman; -lakshman, m. (marked with an antelope), moon; -lâñkhana, m. id.; -lokana, a. gazelle-eyed; -sisu, m. fawn; -½aksha, a. (î) gazelle-eyed: î, f. -woman. |