li | m. (only ;perhaps connected with lī-) weariness, fatigue  |
li | m. loss, destruction  |
li | m. end, term  |
li | m. equality, sameness  |
li | m. a bracelet  |
li | m. (in gram.) abbreviated form of, liṅga- (See li-dhu-).  |
libi | See livi-.  |
libi | libī- See livi-, .  |
libujā | f. a creeping plant, creeper  |
licchavi | or licchivi- m. Name of a regal race (according to to "the son of a kṣatriya- vrātya- and a kṣatriyā-")  |
lidhu | (in gram.) a term for nominal verbs (abbreviated from liṅga-,"the crude base or stem of a noun", and dhātu-,"a root") n. 1.  |
ligī | See /ā-- and v/i-ligī-.  |
ligu | n. ( lag-?) the mind, heart  |
ligu | m. a fool, blockhead  |
ligu | m. a deer  |
ligu | m. equals bhū-pradeśa-  |
ligu | m. Name of a man gaRa nadādi- and gargādi-.  |
lih | (later form of rih-) cl.2 P. A1. ( ) leḍhi-, līḍhe- (Epic also lihati-; perfect tense lileha-, lilihe- grammar; future leḍhā-, lekṣyati-, te- ; Aorist alikṣat-, alikṣata-and alīḍha- ; infinitive mood leḍhum- ; ind.p. līḍhvā- ) to lick, lap, lick at (locative case), taste, sip, take any food by licking or lapping etc. ; to lick up = destroy (said of an arrow) ; Causal leh/ayati- (Aorist alīlihat-), to cause to lick ; to apply as an electuary : Desiderative lilikṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive lelihyati-, leleḍhi- (parasmE-pada lelihat- hyat-, hyamana-or hāna- q.v), to lick frequently or constantly, play with the tongue [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin lingo; Slavonic or Slavonian liz5ati; Lithuanian le14z3ti; German le0ccho7n,lecken; Anglo-Saxon liccian; English lick.]  |
lih | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') licking (see madhu-l-)  |
lih | mfn. perceiving (nayanayoḥ-"in the eyes")  |
lih | m. mild wind  |
liha | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') "licking"or"being licked" (See abhraṃ-l-and go-l-).  |
likh | (confer, compare the earlier form rikh-) cl.6 P. ( ) likh/ati- (rarely A1. te-; perfect tense lil/ekha- etc.; Aorist alekhīt- ; future lekhitā-, lekhiṣyati- grammar; likhiṣyati- ; infinitive mood lekhitum-,or likhitum- grammar; ind.p. lekhitvā- ; likhitvā- ; -l/ikhya- etc.) , to scratch, scrape, furrow, tear up (the ground) etc. ; to pick, peck (said of birds). ; to scarify, lance ; to produce by scratching etc., draw a line (with or scilicet lekhām-), engrave, inscribe, write, copy, trace, sketch, delineate, paint etc. ; to make smooth, polish ; to graze, touch ; to unite sexually with a female(?) ( ) : Passive voice likhyate- (Aorist alekhi-), to be written : Causal lekhayati- (or likhāpayati-; Aorist alīlikhat-), to cause to scratch or write or copy or paint etc. ; to scratch, lance ; to write, paint : Desiderative lilikhiṣati- or lilekhiṣati- [ confer, compare Greek ; Lithuanian re14kti,"to cut."]  |
likha | mfn. scratching, writing  |
likha | mfn. a writer etc.  |
likhana | n. the act of scratching, furrowing etc.  |
likhana | n. writing, inscribing  |
likhana | n. scarifying  |
likhana | n. a written document  |
likhikhilla | (?) m. a peacock  |
likhita | mfn. scratched, scraped, scarified etc.  |
likhita | mfn. written (= mentioned )  |
likhita | mfn. drawn, delineated, sketched, painted  |
likhita | m. Name of a ṛṣi- and author of a work on law (frequently mentioned together with śaṅkha- q.v). ( )  |
likhita | m. Name of śaṅkha-'s brother (whose hands were cut off by king su-dyumna- as a punishment for having eaten some fruit in śaṅkha-'s hermitage without leave, described in )  |
likhita | n. a writing, written document, scripture ( ) .  |
likhitapāṭha | m. the reading of written words, learning from books  |
likhitapāṭhaka | m. one who reads from manuscript |
likhitarudra | m. Name of a grammarian  |
likhitasmṛti | f. Name of a law-book (see above) .  |
likhitatva | n. the condition of being written down  |
likhitavya | mfn. to be painted  |
likhitṛ | m. a painter  |
likhya | m. and f(ā-). idem or 'f. equals likṣā-, a nit ' (also a measure of weight)  |
likhya | See column 1.  |
likṣā | f. (also written likkā-) a nit, young louse, the egg of a louse (as a measure of weight = 8 trasa-reṇu-s) (m. Calcutta edition also likṣa- )  |
likṣikā | f. equals likṣā-, a nit  |
likuca | m. equals lakuca-, Artocarpus Lacucha  |
likuca | n. vinegar.  |
likuci | m. Name of a man  |
lilakṣayiṣita | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of laksh-, lakṣayati-) wished or intended to be indicated, had in view, meant  |
limbabhaṭṭa | m. Name of a man  |
limpa | m. smearing, anointing plastering  |
limpa | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
limpa | pi- See .  |
limpāka | m. an ass  |
limpāka | m. a citron or lime tree (n. its fruit)  |
limpaṭa | mfn. libidinous, lustful, lecherous  |
limpaṭa | m. a libertine (see Ia, lampaṭa-).  |
limpi | f. equals lipi-, a writing etc.  |
liṅ | (in gram.) Name of the terminations of the Potential and Precative Moods or Name of those Moods themselves (the Precative being usually distinguished by the fuller term liṅ āśiṣi-,or āśir-lin-; see under 1. la-).  |
liṅarthavāda | m. "explanation of the sense of liṅ-", Name of grammatical treatises.  |
liṅarthavicāra | m. "explanation of the sense of liṅ-", Name of grammatical treatises.  |
lindu | mfn. equals picchala-, slimy, slippery  |
linduma | m. a particular fragrant substance,  |
liṅg | (see ā-- liṅg-) cl.1 P. liṅgati-, to go ; cl.10 P. liṅgayati-, to paint, variegate (citrī-karaṇe-) ; to change or inflect a noun according to its gender  |
liṅga | n. (once m.in ; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).,f(ī-).only in viṣṇu-liṅgī-;prob. fr. lag-; see lakṣa-, lakṣaṇa-) a mark, spot, sign, token, badge, emblem, characteristic (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals tal-liṅga-,"having anything for a mark or sign") etc.  |
liṅga | n. any assumed or false badge or mark, guise, disguise etc.  |
liṅga | n. a proof, evidence  |
liṅga | n. a sign of guilt, corpus delicti  |
liṅga | n. the sign of gender or sex, organ of generation etc.  |
liṅga | n. the male organ or Phallus (especially that of śiva- worshipped in the form of a stone or marble column which generally rises out of a yoni-, q.v,and is set up in temples dedicated to śiva-;formerly 12 principal śiva-liṅga-s existed, of which the best known are soma-nātha- in Gujarat, mahā-kāla- at ujjayinī-, viśveśvara- at Benares etc.;but the number of liṅga-s in India is estimated at 30 millions ) etc.  |
liṅga | n. gender (in gram.; see puṃ-l-), Prst.  |
liṅga | n. the image of a god, an idol  |
liṅga | n. (in logic) equals vyāpya-, the invariable mark which proves the existence of anything in an object (as in the proposition"there is fire because there is smoke" , smoke is the liṅga-; see )  |
liṅga | n. inference, conclusion, reason (see kāvya-l-)  |
liṅga | n. equals liṅgaśarīra- (in vedānta-)  |
liṅga | n. anything having an origin and therefore liable to be destroyed again  |
liṅga | n. equals ākāśa-  |
liṅga | n. (in sāṃkhya-) equals prakṛti- or pradhāna-,"the eternal procreative germ" |
liṅga | n. equals vyakta-  |
liṅga | n. see  |
liṅga | n. equals prātipadika-, the crude base or uninflected stem of a noun (shortened into li-)  |
liṅga | n. (in rhetoric) an indication (word that serves to fix the meaning of another word; exempli gratia, 'for example' in the passage kupito makara-dhvajaḥ-the word kupita-restricts the meaning of makara-dhvaja-to " kāma-") equals liṅga-purāṇa-  |
liṅga | n. the order of the religious student  |
liṅga | n. a symptom, mark of disease  |
liṅgabhāṣāpurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
liṅgabhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author  |
liṅgabhaṭṭīya | n. Name of work (written also liṅgābh-)  |
liṅgābhaṭṭīya | n. Name of work (see liṅnga-bh-).  |
liṅgacaraṇabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
liṅgadeha | m. n. the subtle body (See liṅga-above and liṅga-śarīra-below)  |
liṅgadhara | mfn. (ifc.) wearing or having marks or mere marks, having the mere appearance of. simulating anything (mithyā-l-wearing false marks, a hypocrite; see suhṛl-l-)  |
liṅgadhāraṇa | mfn. wearing a badge  |
liṅgadhāraṇa | n. the act of wearing a badge or any characteristic mark  |
liṅgadhāraṇacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
liṅgadhāraṇadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
liṅgadhārin | mfn. wearing a badge. wearing the liṅga- of śiva-  |
liṅgadhārin | m. equals -vat- m.  |
liṅgadhāriṇī | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī- in naimiṣa-  |
liṅgādipratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
liṅgadurbheda | Name of a drama.  |
liṅgadvādaśavrata | n. a particular religious ceremony  |
liṅgāgamatantra | n. Name of work  |
liṅgāgra | n. the end or glans of the penis  |
liṅgaguṇṭamarāma | m. Name of an author  |
liṅgahanī | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
liṅgaja | m. (mucus) secreted on the penis  |
liṅgajā | f. a kind of plant  |
liṅgajyeṣṭha | m. (in sāṃkhya-) the great principle or intellect  |
liṅgaka | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals liṅga-  |
liṅgaka | m. Feroma Elephantum  |
liṅgakāraṇatāpūrvapakṣarahasya | n. Name of work  |
liṅgakāraṇatāsiddhāntarahasya | n. Name of work  |
liṅgakāraṇatāvāda | m. Name of work  |
liṅgakāraṇavāda | m. Name of work  |
liṅgakārikā | f. plural Name of work  |
liṅgakārikāvṛtti | f. Name of work  |
liṅgakḷpta | mfn. having the right mark  |
liṅgalepa | m. a particular disease  |
liṅgālikā | f. a kind of mouse  |
liṅgalīlāvilāsacaritra | n. Name of work  |
liṅgamāhātmya | n. Name of a section of several purāṇa-s  |
liṅgamāhātmyadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
liṅgamātra | n. the intellect  |
liṅgamūrti | mfn. (represented) in the form of a Phallus (said of śiva-)  |
liṅgana | n. equals ā-liṅgana-, embracing, an embrace  |
liṅganāśa | m. loss of what is characteristic or of the real essence ( )  |
liṅganāśa | m. a particular disease of the eyes (loss of vision from cataract etc., considered to be a discolouration of the pupil)  |
liṅganāśa | m. loss of the penis  |
liṅganirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
liṅganirṇayabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
liṅgānuśāsana | n. the doctrine or laws of grammatical gender  |
liṅgānuśāsana | n. Name of various works.  |
liṅgānuśāsanavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
liṅgaparāmarśa | m. (in logic) the groping after or seeking for a sign or token, the inference drawn from an invariable sign or characteristic (exempli gratia, 'for example' as of the existence of fire from smoke)  |
liṅgapīṭha | n. the pedestal of a śiva--Phallus  |
liṅgaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
liṅgapratiṣṭhā | f. the setting up or consecration of a Phallus of śiva- (See compound)  |
liṅgapratiṣṭhā | f. Name of several works.  |
liṅgapratiṣṭhāpaddhahti | f. Name of work  |
liṅgapratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. rules for setting up a Phallus of śiva-  |
liṅgapūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
liṅgapūjāphala | n. Name of work  |
liṅgapūjodyāpana | n. Name of work  |
liṅgapurāṇa | n. Name of one of the 18 purāṇa-s (in which śiva-, supposed to be present in the agniliṅga- or great fiery liṅga-, gives an account of the creation etc. as well as of his own incarnations in opposition to those of viṣṇu-).  |
liṅgārcana | n. worship of the Phallus of śiva-  |
liṅgārcanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
liṅgārcanatantra | n. Name of work  |
liṅgārcāpratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
liṅgārśas | n. a particular disease of the genital organs  |
liṅgasambhūtā | f. Name of a plant  |
liṅgaśarīra | n. the subtle body which accompanies the individual spirit or soul in all its transmigrations and is not destroyed by death (it is also called sūkṣma-ś- q.v,and since it is the sign and accompaniment of individuality it can never perish till the individualized soul is finally merged in the Universal) ( ) .  |
liṅgaśāstra | n. a grammatical treatise on gender  |
liṅgaśāstra | n. Name of various works.  |
liṅgaśopha | m. swelling on the penis  |
liṅgāṣṭaka | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
liṅgastha | m. a religious student ( ) |
liṅgatas | ind. from a mark or sign, according to marks etc. (See compound)  |
liṅgatobhadra | n. a particular magical circle  |
liṅgatobhadra | n. Name of work  |
liṅgatobhadrakārikā | f. plural Name of work  |
liṅgatobhadralakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
liṅgatobhadraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
liṅgatva | n. the state of being a mark  |
liṅgavāda | m. Name of work  |
liṅgavardhana | mfn. causing erections of the male organ  |
liṅgavardhana | m. Feronia Elephantum (also -vardha-).  |
liṅgavardhin | mfn. causing erections  |
liṅgavardhiṇī | f. Achyranthes Aspera  |
liṅgavarti | f. a particular disease of the genital organs  |
liṅgavat | mfn. having marks, containing a characteristic  |
liṅgavat | mfn. having various sexes or genders  |
liṅgavat | mfn. having or wearing a small model of the Phallus of śiva- in a casket suspended round the neck  |
liṅgavat | m. Name of a particular śaiva- sect who so wear the Phallus (commonly called Lingaits and sometimes jaṅgama-s)  |
liṅgavedī | f. the pedestal of a śiva--Phallus  |
liṅgavidhi | m. Name of work  |
liṅgaviparyaya | m. change of gender  |
liṅgaviseṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
liṅgaviśeṣavidhi | m. rules for the different genders, Name of a grammatical treatise.  |
liṅgavṛtti | mfn. making a livelihood by false appearance or assumed outward marks, hypocritical  |
liṅgavṛtti | m. a religious hypocrite, one who assumes the dress etc. of an ascetic to gain a livelihood  |
liṅgavṛtti | f. Name of various works.  |
liṅgayasūri | m. Name of an author  |
liṅgikā | f. (ikā-) a species of plant  |
liṅgika | and liṅgita- n. lameness (prob. wrong reading for laṅgika-, gita-).  |
liṅgin | mfn. having a mark or sign, wearing a distinguishing mark  |
liṅgin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') having the marks or appearance of, characterized by etc.  |
liṅgin | mfn. bearing false marks or signs, a hypocrite, (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') only having the appearance or acting the part of (see dvija-l-)  |
liṅgin | mfn. having a right to wear signs or badges, one whose external appearance corresponds, with his inner character  |
liṅgin | mfn. having a subtle body  |
liṅgin | m. a Brahman of a particular order, religious student, ascetic etc.  |
liṅgin | m. plural "possessing or furnished with a liṅga-", Name of a śaiva- sect (See liṅga-vat-)  |
liṅgin | m. "sustaining the liṅga- or pradhāna-", Name of parameśvara-  |
liṅgin | m. (in logic) equals -vyāpaka-, that which possesses an invariable characteristic mark (as in the proposition"there is fire because there is smoke" , fire is the liṅgin-; see )  |
liṅgin | m. original source or germ  |
liṅgin | m. an elephant  |
liṅgin | m. a species of plant  |
liṅginī | f. a female ascetic  |
liṅgiveṣa | m. (fr. liṅgin-+ v-) the dress or the insignia of a religious student  |
liṅgoddhāra | m. the excision or removal of the male organ  |
liṅgopadaṃśa | m. equals liṅgārśas-  |
liṅgopadhānavādārtha | f. Name of work  |
liṅgopahitalaiṅgikabhānanirāsarahasya | n. Name of work  |
liṅgopahitalaiṅgikabhānavicāra | m. Name of work  |
liṅgopahitalaiṅgikavādārtha | m. Name of work  |
liṅgopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
liṅgotpatti | f. Name of work  |
liṅgya | ind. = ā-liṅgya-2, having embraced  |
liṅkavārāhatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
liṅkh | (see lakh-, laṅkh-) cl.1 P. liṅkhati-, to go, move  |
lip | (cf rip-) cl.6.1.P. A1. ( ) limp/ati-, te- (perfect tense lilepa-. etc.; Aorist alipat- ; alispata-, alipta- grammar; -alipsata- ; future lepta1-, lepsyati-, te- grammar; infinitive mood leptum- ; ind.p. -lipya- etc.) , to smear, besmear, anoint with (instrumental case), stain, soil, taint, pollute, defile etc. ; to inflame, kindle, burn : Passive voice lipyate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist alepi-), to be smeared etc. ; to be attached to (locative case), stick, adhere : ; Causal lepayati- (Aorist alīlipat-), to cause to smear etc. ; to smear or anoint anything (accusative) with (instrumental case) or on (locative case) ; to cover ; to cast blame on any one ; (limpayati-), to smear anything (accusative) with (instrumental case): Desiderative lilipsati-, te- grammar : Intensive leliyate-, lelepti- [ confer, compare Greek , Latin lippus; Lithuanian li4pti; Gothic bileiban; Germ,bili4ian,bli7ben,bleiben,leben,Leib; Anglo-Saxon libban; English live,life.]  |
lipa | m. smearing, anointing, plastering  |
lipi | f. (according to to also lipī-) smearing, anointing etc. (See -kara-)  |
lipi | f. painting, drawing  |
lipi | f. writing, letters, alphabet, art or manner of writing |
lipi | f. anything written, manuscript, inscription, letter, document  |
lipi | f. outward appearance (lipim-āp-,with genitive case,"to assume the appearance of"; citrāṃ lipiṃ- nī-,"to decorate beautifully")  |
lipijña | mfn. one who can write  |
lipijñāna | n. the science or art of writing  |
lipika | m. a scribe, clerk  |
lipikā | f. lipi-, a writing, written paper etc.  |
lipikara | m. an anointer, whitewasher, plasterer  |
lipikara | m. a writer, scribe  |
lipikara | m. an engraver  |
lipikāra | m. a writer, scribe, copyist  |
lipikarman | n. drawing, painting  |
lipikarmanirmita | mfn. painted  |
lipinyāsa | m. "the act of putting down written characters", writing, transcribing  |
lipiphalaka | n. a writing-tablet, leaf for writing on  |
lipisajjā | f. implements or materials for writing  |
lipiśālā | f. a writing-school  |
lipisaṃkhyā | f. a number of written characters  |
lipisaṃnāha | m. "writing belt", a belt worn on the fore-arm  |
lipiśāstra | n. the art of art of writing  |
lipitva | n. the condition of being anything written  |
lipiviveka | m. Name of work on the art of writing of  |
lipsā | f. (fr. Desiderative) the desire to gain, wish to acquire or obtain, longing for (locative case or compound)  |
lipsā | lipsu-, lipsya- etc. See . |
lipsita | mfn. wished to be obtained, desired  |
lipsitavya | mfn. desirable to be obtained, wished for  |
lipsu | mfn. wishing to gain or obtain, desirous of, longing for (accusative or compound) ( lipsutā -tā- f."desire of gaining") .  |
lipsutā | f. lipsu |
lipsya | mfn. to be wished to be obtained, desirable to be acquired  |
lipta | mfn. smeared, anointed, soiled, defiled etc.  |
lipta | mfn. sticking or adhering to (locative case)  |
lipta | mfn. joined, connected  |
lipta | mfn. envenomed  |
lipta | mfn. eaten  |
liptā | f. See liptā- below.  |
liptā | f. = , a minute, the 60th part of a degree (see ) .  |
liptahasta | mfn. having the hands smeared or stained  |
liptaka | mfn. smeared, covered with poison  |
liptaka | m. a poisoned arrow  |
liptāṅga | mfn. having the body anointed with unguents etc.  |
liptavāsita | mfn. anointed and perfumed. (see gaRa rājadantādi-).  |
liptavat | mfn. one who has smeared or anointed etc.  |
lipti | f. ointment  |
liptikā | f. See liptikā- below.  |
liptikā | f. idem or 'f. =, a minute, the 60th part of a degree (see ) .'  |
liptīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to reduce to minutes  |
liś | (later form of ris-,in ā-- liś-, vi-liś-) ; cl.4 A1. liśyate- (perfect tense liliśe-etc.) , to be or become small, lessen ; cl.6 P. liśati- (perfect tense lileśa-etc.) . to go, move : Causal leśayati- (Aorist alīliśat-) grammar : Desiderative lilikṣate- : Intensive , leliśyate-, leleṣṭi-.  |
liś | mfn. (Nominal verb liṭ-)  |
liśa | See ku-liśa-.  |
liṣṭa | mfn. lessened, wasted, decayed (see vi-liṣṭa-).  |
liṣva | m. equals laṣva-, a dancer, actor  |
liṭ | (in gram.) Name of the terminations of the Reduplicated Perfect Tense or Name of that Tense itself.  |
liṭya | Nom. P. liṭyati-,"to be little"or,"to think little of." gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-  |
livi | f. equals prec. (according to to also vī-).  |
livikara | m. a writer, scribe  |
liviṃkara | m. idem or 'm. a writer, scribe '  |
ābaddhāñjali | mfn. (equals kṛtāñjali-) joining the palms of the hands  |
abaliman | m. enfeeblement, weakness,  |
abāliśa | mfn. not childish  |
abaliṣṭha | superl. mfn. weakest  |
abhilikh | to engrave, write upon, draw, paint: Caus. to cause to paint, have anything painted ; to cause to write down  |
abhilip | to smear with : Causal idem or 'n. a written document '  |
abhilipsā | f. desire of obtaining.  |
abhilulita | mfn. touched or grazed by (anything)  |
abhilulita | mfn. shaken about, agitated  |
abhimānaśālin | mfn. proud, arrogant |
abhinavakālidāsa | m. the modern kālidāsa-, id est mādhavācārya-.  |
abhipālin | see gṛhā- bh- (parasmE-pada 362).  |
ābhīrapalli | f. a station of herdsmen, village inhabited by cowherds only, abode of cowherds etc.  |
abhiraśmimāli | ind. towards the sun, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
abhisaṃśliṣ | (ind.p. -śliṣya-) to cling to each other  |
abhralipta | mf(ī-)n. partly overspread with clouds  |
abhraṃliha | mfn. (abhraṃ-l-) ([ ])"cloud-licking" , what touches the clouds, high, lofty  |
abhraṃliha | m. wind  |
abhravilipta | mf(ī-)n. equals -lipta- q.v  |
abliṅga | n. plural ([ ]) plural ([ ]) Name of some Vedic verses ([ ]) addressed to the waters (see abdaivata-above.)  |
abliṅgā | f. plural ([ ]) Name of some Vedic verses ([ ]) addressed to the waters (see abdaivata-above.)  |
adhripuṣpalikā | f. a species of the Pa1n2 plant, Piper Betel.  |
agālita | mfn. unfiltered,  |
āgalita | mfn. sinking down, drooping (as a flower), falling or flowing down  |
āghaṭṭalikā | f. a horn for blowing,  |
agnijvalitatejana | mfn. having a point hardened in fire  |
agrāṅguli | m. the finger-tip.  |
ahali | mfn. idem or 'mfn. unploughed, unfurrowed? (see )' |
ahallika | m. a talker (?)  |
ahelin | mfn. not dallying, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ahilolikā | f. equals ahibhaya-dā- above  |
ahinakulikā | f. the natural enmity between a snake and an ichneumon  |
aikaśālika | mfn. equals eka-śālika- q.v  |
ailika | m. a descendant of ilinī-, Name of jaṃsu- (father of duṣyanta-)  |
aindrajālika | mf(ī-)n. familiar with or relating to magic, magical  |
aindrajālika | m. a juggler, magician  |
aindrāliśa | mfn. made of indrāliśa- or the cochineal insect ([ ]) gaRa tālādi-  |
ajagallikā | f. "goat's cheek", an infantile disease.  |
ajahalliṅga | m. (in grammar) a noun which does not drop its original gender, when used as an adjective.  |
ajātaulvali | m. Name of a muni- who lived on the milk of goats (an example of compounds in which the middle term is left out, gaRa śākapārthivādi- q.v).  |
ājyalipta | (/ājya--) mfn. anointed with clarified butter  |
akali | mfn. not quarrelling  |
ākālika | mfn. (fr. ā-kālam-) lasting until the same time on the following day  |
ākālikā | f. (ā- commentator or commentary) (fr. ā-kāl/a-[ ]or perhaps = 2. ākālika-) momentary, instantaneous (as lightning)  |
ākālika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. a-kāla-) not happening in the right time, unexpected  |
akālikam | ind. immediately  |
ākālikātīram | ind. as far as the bank of the kālikā- river  |
ākālikī | f. (fr. ā-kāl/a-[ ]or perhaps = 2. ākālika-) momentary, instantaneous (as lightning)  |
ākālikī | f. lightning  |
akalita | mfn. incalculable, immeasurable,  |
ākalita | mfn. shaken  |
ākalita | mfn. laid hold of, seized  |
ākalita | mfn. tied, fastened  |
ākalita | mfn. reckoned  |
ākalita | mfn. observed, examined, considered  |
ākāśapoli | m. Name of a poet  |
ākāśasalila | n. "water from the atmosphere", rain  |
akilina | mfn. (for a-- klinna-) not moist or wet,  |
aklikā | f. the Indigo plant  |
āklinna | mfn. "wet" id est touched with pity (as the mind)  |
aklinnavartman | n. Name of a disease of the eyes  |
akliṣṭa | mfn. untroubled  |
akliṣṭa | mfn. undisturbed  |
akliṣṭa | mfn. unwearied.  |
akliṣṭakārin | mfn. unwearied in action.  |
akliṣṭakarman | mfn. unwearied in action.  |
akliṣṭavrata | mfn. unwearied in keeping religious vows.  |
akṣamālikā | f. a rosary,  |
akṣamālin | mfn. wearing a rosary of seeds  |
akṣamālin | mfn. Name of śiva-  |
ākṣapaṭalika | m. (fr. akṣa-paṭala- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 3. akṣa-) a keeper of archives or records.  |
akṣaratūlikā | f. a reed or pen.  |
ākuli | m. "Name of an asura- priest" See kilāta-.  |
ākulita | mfn. confounded, bewildered, perplexed etc.  |
ākulita | mfn. made muddy (as water)  |
alakṣyaliṅga | mfn. disguised, incognito.  |
ali | m. (for alin-,fr. ala- q.v) "possessed of a sting", a (large black) bee etc.  |
ali | m. a scorpion  |
ali | m. a crow  |
ali | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
ali | m. spirituous liquor  |
ali | m. (in the apabhraṃśa- dialect) for ari-, enemy (plural alayas-for arayas-)  |
ali | m. also al/avas- is mentioned as a corrupt pronunciation for /aryas-  |
āli | m. (see ali-), a scorpion  |
āli | m. Scorpio in the zodiac  |
āli | m. a bee  |
āli | f. a woman's female friend etc.  |
āli | mfn. useless, idle, unmeaning  |
āli | mfn. pure, honest, secure  |
alidūrvā | f. Name of a plant  |
aligarda | m. equals ala-garda- q.v ,L  |
aligarda | and -gardha- See 1. ali-  |
aligardha | m. equals ala-garda- q.v ,L  |
āligavya | m. (fr. aligu- ), a descendant of aligu-.  |
āligavyāyanī | ( ) f. (fr. aligu- ), a descendant of aligu-.  |
āligī | f. a kind of serpent ([ ?])  |
aligu | m. Name of a man, (gaRa gargādi- q.v)  |
ālih | P. -lihati-, to apply the tongue to ; to lick, lap : Intensive (parasmE-pada -lelihāna-) to lick up (as fire)  |
ālijana | m. a lady's female friends  |
alijihvā | f. the uvula or soft palate  |
alijihvikā | f. the uvula or soft palate  |
alika | m. equals alīka-, the forehead  |
alika | m. Name of a Prakrit poetry or poetic  |
alikalekhā | f. an impression or mark upon the forehead  |
ālikh | P. -likhati-, to make a scratch on ; to delineate by scratches ; to scratch etc. ; to mark, draw, write, delineate, paint  |
ālikhat | mfn. scratching  |
ālikhat | m. (an-) Name of an evil spirit  |
ālikhita | mfn. delineated by scratches, scratched  |
ālikhita | mfn. drawn, written, delineated, painted  |
ālikhya | ind.p. portraying, delineating, sketching.  |
aliklava | m. a kind of carrion bird  |
ālikrama | m. a kind of musical composition.  |
alikula | n. a swarm of bees  |
alikulapriyā | f. "fond of or full of swarms of bees", the plant Rosa Glandulifera  |
alikulasaṃkulā | f. "fond of or full of swarms of bees", the plant Rosa Glandulifera  |
alimaka | m. a bee  |
alimaka | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
alimaka | m. a frog  |
alimaka | m. the plant Bassia Latifolia  |
alimaka | m. the filaments of the lotus  |
alimālā | f. a line or swarm of bees,  |
alimat | mfn. swarming with bees,  |
alimbaka | m. equals alimaka-.  |
alimodā | f. the plant Premna Spinosa  |
alimohinī | f. Name of a plant  |
alimpaka | m. equals alimaka-.  |
ālimpana | n. whitening or painting (the floor, wall etc. on festal occasions)  |
aliṃśa | m. a kind of demon  |
alin | m. "possessed of a sting" (ala- q.v), a (large black) bee etc.  |
alin | m. a scorpion  |
alin | m. the Scorpion (in the zodiac)  |
ālin | m. a scorpion (see alin-.)  |
alina | m. plural Name of a tribe  |
alinda | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ī-). gaRa gaurādi- q.v) a terrace before a house-door etc.  |
alinda | m. plural Name of a people  |
ālinda | m. a terrace before a house, a raised place or terrace for sleeping upon (see alinda-.)  |
alindaka | m. a terrace before a house-door  |
āliṅg | P. -liṅgati- and -liṅgayati- A1. -liṅgate-, to clasp, join the limbs closely ; to encircle, embrace etc. ; to spread out, extend  |
aliṅga | n. absence of marks commentator or commentary on  |
aliṅga | (mfn.) having no marks  |
aliṅga | n. (in grammar) having no gender.  |
āliṅga | m. a kind of drum  |
āliṅgana | n. clasping, embracing  |
āliṅgana | n. an embrace etc.  |
āliṅganā | f. idem or 'n. an embrace etc.'  |
aliṅgin | mfn. "not wearing the usual"frontal marks, skin, staff, etc., a pretended ascetic or student (see sa-liṅgin-.)  |
āliṅgin | mfn. embracing  |
āliṅgin | m. a small drum shaped like a barleycorn and carried upon the breast  |
āliṅgita | mfn. embraced etc.  |
āliṅgita | mfn. occupied |
āliṅgita | n. an embrace  |
āliṅgitavat | mfn. one who has embraced.  |
āliṅgya | mfn. to be embraced  |
āliṅgya | m. a kind of drum  |
āliṅgya | ind.p. having embraced.  |
āliṅgyāyana | m. ([?]) Name of a village or town, (gaRa varaṇādi-on )  |
alinī | f. a female bee , a swarm of bees  |
aliñjara | m. a small earthen water-jar (see alañjara-.)  |
āliñjara | m. a large clay water-jar (see aliñjara-.)  |
ālip | P. -limpati- (Aorist ālipat-) to besmear, anoint etc.: Causal -limpayati- and -lepayati-, to besmear, anoint  |
alipaka | m. (= 1 ali-above) a bee  |
alipaka | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
alipaka | m. a dog  |
aliparṇī | f. the plant Tragia Involacrata Lin.  |
alipattrikā | f. Name of a shrub  |
alipi | mfn. unstained (and"unwritten"),  |
alipriya | n. the red lotus, Nymphaea Rubra  |
alipriyā | f. the flower (Bignonia Suaveolens)  |
alipsā | f. freedom from desire.  |
ālipta | mfn. anointed, smeared, plastered  |
ālipya | ind.p. having besmeared or anointed  |
āliś | (only perfect tense - liliśire-)= ā-- riś- (parasmE-pada 150),  |
alivallabhā | f. equals priyā- q.v  |
alivirāva | m. song or hum of the bee  |
aliviruta | n. song or hum of the bee  |
ālolikā | f. a humming sound made for soothing a child to sleep,  |
ālolita | mfn. a little shaken or agitated.  |
ālulita | mfn. ( lul-), a little moved or agitated |
amalina | mfn. stainless, free from dirt, clean.  |
amalinadhī | mfn. of a pure mind.  |
ambālikā | f. (vocative case /ambālike-), mother  |
ambālikā | f. of a plant, Name of a daughter of a king of kāśi- (wife of vicitravīrya-, and mother of pāṇḍu-)  |
amedhyalipta | mfn. smeared with ordure  |
aṃholiṅga | mfn. characterized by the word aṃhas- (said of a series of texts),  |
amlalolikā | f. wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata).  |
amlikā | f. a sour taste in the mouth, acidity of stomach, the tamarind tree, wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata).  |
āmlikā | f. the tamarind tree  |
āmlikā | f. sourness in the mouth, acidity of stomach (equals amlīkā-)  |
amliman | m. sourness  |
amṛtamālinī | f. "having an everlasting garland"Name of durgā-.  |
aṃśumālin | m. the sun.  |
āmukulita | mfn. (fr. mukalaya- Nom.with ā-), a little open (as a blossom)  |
āmuṣyakulikā | f. (fr. amuṣya-kula-), the being of that family  |
anabhilulita | mfn. not pressed upon (varia lectio for an-- atil-),  |
anali | m. the tree Sesbana Grandiflora.  |
ānandakalikā | f. Name of work  |
āndolikā | f. a swing-cot, palanquin,  |
andolita | mfn. agitated, swung.  |
āndolita | mfn. agitated, shaken, swung  |
aṅgalipi | f. written character of aṅga-.  |
aṅgapāli | f. an embrace  |
aṅgapāli | f. See aṅka-pāli-.  |
aṅghrivalli | f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides.  |
aṅghrivallikā | f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides.  |
aṅguli | f. or aṅgulī- a finger  |
aṅguli | f. a toe  |
aṅguli | f. the thumb  |
aṅguli | f. the great toe  |
aṅguli | f. the finger-like tip of an elephant's trunk  |
aṅguli | f. the measure aṅgula-.  |
aṅgulija | m. a finger-nail,  |
aṅgulikā | f. a kind of ant,  |
āṅgulika | mfn. (fr. aṅguli-),"like a finger"  |
aṅgulimātra | mfn. of the size of a finger,  |
aṅgulimoṭana | n. snapping or cracking the fingers.  |
aṅgulimudrā | f. a seal-ring,  |
aṅgulimudrikā | f. a seal-ring,  |
aṅgulimukha | n. the tip of the finger  |
aṅgulipraṇejana | n. water for washing the fingers,  |
aṅguliprāśana | n. eating with the fingers, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
aṅgulisaṃdeṃsa | m. snapping or cracking the fingers as a sign.  |
aṅguliṣaṅga | m. contact of the fingers  |
aṅguliṣaṅga | m. act of fingering  |
aṅguliṣaṅga | mfn. sticking to the fingers.  |
aṅgulisphoṭana | n. snapping or cracking the fingers.  |
aṅgulitoraṇa | n. a sectarial mark on the forehead consisting of three fingers or lines shaped like an arch or doorway (toraṇa-), drawn with sandal or the ashes of cow-dung.  |
aṅgulitra | n. a finger-protector, a contrivance like a thimble (used by archers to protect the thumb or finger from being injured by the bowstring)  |
aṅgulitrāṇa | n. equals -tra-  |
aṅgulitravat | mfn. provided with it.  |
aṅguliveṣṭaka | m. a glove (?).  |
aṅguliveṣṭana | n. a glove (?).  |
ānili | m. "a descendant of anila-"  |
ānili | m. Name of hanumat-  |
ānili | m. of bhīma-  |
animittaliṅganāsa | m. "unaccountable loss of distinct vision", Name of an ophthalmic disease ending in total blindness (perhaps amaurosis).  |
animittalipi | f. a particular mode of writing,  |
añjali | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order below.  |
añjali | m. ( añj-), the open hands placed side by side and slightly hollowed (as if by a beggar to receive food;hence when raised to the forehead, a mark of supplication), reverence, salutation, benediction  |
añjali | m. a libation to the Manes (two hands full of water, udakāñjali-)  |
añjali | m. a measure of corn, sufficient to fill both hands when placed side by side, equal to a kuḍava-.  |
añjalibandhana | n. salutation with the añjali- raised to the forehead.  |
añjalika | mn. Name of one of arjuna-'s arrows  |
añjalikā | f. a young mouse  |
añjalikārikā | f. an earthen figure (with the hands joined for salutation)  |
añjalikārikā | f. the plant Mimosa Natans.  |
añjalikarman | n. making the above respectful salutation.  |
āñjalikya | n. fr. añjalika-, (gaRa purohitādi-, q.v)  |
añjalipuṭa | m. n. cavity produced in making the añjali- salutation. |
aṅkapāli | f. embracing, an embrace  |
aṅkapālikā | f. embracing, an embrace  |
aṅkolikā | f. (a corruption of aṅka-pālikā- q.v), an embrace  |
annalipsā | f. desire for food, appetite.  |
antaḥpracalita | mfn. inwardly moved,  |
antaḥsalila | mf(ā-)n. having its waters hidden (said of the sarasvatī-),  |
antaḥsalilam | ind. in the waters,  |
antaḥsalilastha | mfn. (standing in water, )  |
āntarālika | m. the son of an anuloma- by a woman of superior caste,  |
ānukūlika | mfn. (fr. anu-kūla-), conformable, favourable, inclined to help  |
anulip | P. to anoint, besmear ; A1. to anoint one's self after (bathing): Causal -lepayati-, to cause to be anointed.  |
anulipta | mfn. smeared, anointed.  |
anuliptāṅga | mfn. having the limbs anointed.  |
anumālinītīram | ind. on the bank of the mālinī-,  |
anupālin | mfn. preserving, keeping up.  |
anupalipta | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, .  |
anupūrvāṅgulitā | f. having regular fingers (idem or 'ind. equals anu-pūrv/am-.'), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anuśīlita | mfn. studied carefully, attended to.  |
anuṣṇavallikā | f. the plant Niladurba.  |
anuvellita | n. ( vell-), bandaging, securing with bandages (in surgery)  |
anuvellita | n. a kind of bandage applied to the extremities  |
anuvellita | mfn. bent in conformity with, bent under.  |
anyaliṅga | mfn. having the gender of another (word, viz. of the substantive), an adjective.  |
anyaliṅgaka | mfn. having the gender of another (word, viz. of the substantive), an adjective.  |
anyathāśīlika | mfn. accustomed to act differently from (atas-),  |
apāli | mfn. having no tip of the ear  |
apāli | mfn. free from bees, etc. (See ali-).  |
āpāli | m. a louse  |
apalikh | (subjunctive -likhāt-) to scrape off  |
apalita | mfn. not grey  |
aparicalita | mfn. unmoved, immovable,  |
aparikalita | mfn. unknown, unseen.  |
apariklinna | mfn. not moist, not liquid, dry.  |
aparimitālikhita | mfn. having an indefinite number of lines  |
āpātalikā | f. Name of a vaitālīya- metre.  |
āpāṭaliputram | ind. as far as or to pāṭaliputra-  |
āpatkālika | mfn. occurring in a time of calamity, belonging to such a time gaRa kāśy-ādi- ( ) .  |
āpiśali | m. Name of an ancient grammarian mentioned by  |
apliṅga | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a liṅga-, .  |
āpoklima | n. (in astronomy) = . |
arāli | varia lectio for araṇs- q.v  |
ārālika | m. (fr. arāla-,"crooked, deceitful" ), a cook  |
ārālita | mfn. ( ) idem or 'mfn. (gaRa tārakādi- ), a little curved or crooked (?)'  |
araṇyaśāli | m. wild rice.  |
ardhacandanalipta | mfn. half rubbed with sandal  |
ardhalikhita | mfn. half painted  |
ardhendumauli | m. "whose diadem is a half-moon", śiva-  |
argalikā | f. a small door pin  |
argalita | mfn. fastened by a bolt  |
arthaśālin | mfn. wealthy  |
arthaśālin | m. a wealthy man.  |
arvākkalikatā | f. the belonging to a proximate time, the state of being more modern (than anything else)  |
āryaliṅgin | mfn. bearing the external semblance of an Aryan or honourable man  |
asaṃlulitakeśatā | f. having the hair not tangled (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-), .  |
asaṃśliṣṭa | mfn. not in close contact  |
asaṃśliṣṭa | m. a Name of śiva-.  |
āsannakālika | mfn. near in time, Sch.  |
aśiślikṣu | see śiśl- (parasmE-pada 1076). 1.  |
askhalita | mfn. unshaken, unyielding, firm  |
askhalita | mfn. not stumbling or slipping, undeviating  |
askhalita | mfn. uninterrupted, unimpeded, undisturbed  |
askhalitaprayāṇa | mfn. not stumbling in progress, with unfaltering step  |
aślika | See 2. a-śri-.  |
āśliṣ | (see ā-śr/eṣa-above) P. -śliṣyati- (but also -śliṣati- ) and A1. -śliṣyate- ( ) to adhere or cling to ; to embrace etc.: Causal -śleṣayati-, to affix, stick on ; to embrace (See ā-śleṣita-). |
aśliṣṭa | mfn. incoherent,  |
āśliṣṭa | mfn. adhering, clung to  |
āśliṣṭa | mfn. embracing  |
āśliṣṭa | mfn. embraced, surrounded  |
āśliṣṭa | mfn. twisted round  |
aśliṣṭārtha | mfn. inconsistent, contradictory,  |
āsphālita | mfn. struck gently  |
āsphālita | mfn. stirred  |
āsphālita | mfn. caused to move  |
āsphālita | mfn. flapped, clapped, struck together.  |
āśrayaliṅga | mfn. (a word) the gender of which must agree with the gender of the word to which it refers, an adjective.  |
aṣṭamakālika | mfn. one who omitting seven meals partakes only of the eighth  |
asthicchallita | n. a particular fracture of the bones  |
aṣṭhīlikā | f. a kind of abscess,  |
asthimālin | m. "having a necklace of bones id est of skulls ", śiva-.  |
aśucilipta | mfn. soiled  |
aśvalalita | n. a species of the vikṛti- metre.  |
aśvamatallikā | and - macarcikā-, f. (= - kuñjara-), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding ii, 1, 66,  |
āśvapālika | mf. a descendant of aśva-pālī-  |
aśvasṛgālikā | f. the natural enmity between the horse and the jackal  |
atilihā | or aṭhillā- f. Name of a Prakrit metre (of four lines each containing sixteen mātra-s).  |
atilulita | mfn. closely attached or adhering.  |
atiśliṣ | to fasten or tie over.  |
attali | m. Name of a man.  |
aṭṭālikā | f. a palace  |
aṭṭālikā | f. Name of a country  |
aṭṭālikābandham | ind. (in the way that aṭṭālikā-s are formed)  |
aṭṭālikākāra | m. a bricklayer (son of a painter and a lascivious śūdra- woman)  |
aṭṭilikā | f. Name of a town  |
aurdhvadehikakalpavalli | f. Name of work  |
aurdhvakālika | mf(ā-and ī-)n. (fr. ūrdhva-kāla-), relating to subsequent time gaRa kāśy-ādi-  |
auṣadhāvali | f. Name of a medical work composed by prāṇa-kṛṣṇa-.  |
avadalita | mfn. burst, cracked  |
avadhūlita | mfn. scattered over, covered  |
avagalita | mfn. fallen down  |
avahālikā | f. ( hal-), a wall, hedge (see nir av-.)  |
avahelita | mfn. disrespected  |
avahelita | n. disrespect  |
avahitāñjali | mfn. with joined hand  |
avakalita | mfn. (2. kal-), seen, observed  |
avaklinnapakva | mfn. trickling because of being over-ripe, (gaRa rājadantādi- q.v)  |
āvali | f(i-and ī-). ( val- ), a row, range  |
āvali | f(i-and ī-). a continuous line  |
āvali | f(i-and ī-). a series  |
āvali | f(i-and ī-). dynasty, lineage  |
avalih | P. -leḍhi- (imperfect tense avāleṭ-; Potential -lihet-[ ]or -lihyāt-; ind.p. -lihya-; rarely A1. sg. -lihe- ) to lick, lap etc.: Intensive (parasmE-pada -lelihat-) to flicker (as a flame)  |
āvalikā | f. equals āvali- q.v , coriander  |
avalikh | (Potential -likhet- ind.p. -likhya-) to scratch, graze  |
avalip | P. (indeclinable -lipya-) to smear, : A1. (parasmE-pada -limpamāna-) to smear one's self.  |
avalipsa | m. a kind of amulet,  |
avalipta | mfn. smeared  |
avalipta | mfn. furred (as the tongue)  |
avalipta | mfn. (equals /api-ripta- q.v) blind (?)  |
avalipta | mfn. proud, arrogant  |
avaliptatā | f. ([ ]) pride, arrogance.  |
avaliptatva | n. ([ ]) pride, arrogance.  |
avalita | mfn. not bent or curved,  |
avicācali | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. not staggering, standing firmly ' ' , (see commentator or commentary)  |
avicālin | mfn. not falling off from (ablative)  |
avicālin | mfn. invariable  |
avicalita | mfn. not deviating, steadily fixed (as the mind)  |
avicalita | mfn. not deviating from (ablative) commentator or commentary on  |
avicālita | mfn. unmoved, unshaken.  |
avicālita | etc. See a-vicala-.  |
avigalita | mfn. inexhaustible |
aviklinnākṣa | mfn. whose eyes do not water  |
avikliṣṭa | mfn. distinct, intelligible, (Bombay edition) iv, 19, 10 (varia lectio).  |
avilikha | mfn. unable to write or paint, writing or painting badly  |
avimukteśvaraliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
aviralita | mfn. not separated, closely united or joined,  |
āviṣṭaliṅga | mfn. "having a fixed gender", (in grammar) a word which does not change its gender.  |
āyaḥśūlika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. ayaḥśāla- ), acting violently, using violence, using forcible means (exempli gratia, 'for example' a beggar holding a lance to your breast in asking for alms)  |
babhrumālin | m. "brown-garlanded", Name of a muni-  |
baddhagodhāṅgulitravat | mfn. having the (finger-protectors called) godhā- and aṅguli-tra- fastened on  |
baddhāṅgulitra | mfn. having the finger-guard fastened on  |
baddhāṅgulitrāṇa | mfn. having the finger-guard fastened on  |
baddhāñjali | mfn. one who has joined the hollowed palms of the hands (see añjali-)  |
baddhāñjalipuṭa | mfn. forming a cup with the hollowed hands  |
bahalita | mfn. grown thick or compact or strong,  |
bahli | bahlika-, bahlīka- varia lectio for balhi- etc., q.v  |
bāhli | Name of a country, Balkh  |
bāhlika | m. (plural) Name of a people  |
bāhlika | m. a king of the bālhika-s  |
bāhlika | m. Name of a son of pratīpa-  |
bāhlika | m. (plural) of a dynasty  |
bāhlika | mfn. of the Balkh breed (as horses)  |
bāhlika | n. (wrong reading bālhaka-) saffron  |
bāhlika | n. Asa Foetida  |
bāhubali | m. (fr. bahu-bala-?) Name of a mountain  |
bāhubalin | mfn. strong in arm,  |
bāhubalin | mfn. Name of a man  |
bāhuli | m. Name of a son of viśvā-mitra-  |
bahulikā | f. plural the Pleiades (equals bahulās-)  |
bahulita | mfn. augmented, increased  |
bahuphālikā | f. a species of jujube  |
bahuprajñānaśālin | mfn. possessed of much knowledge  |
bāhuśālin | mfn. possessing strong arm  |
bāhuśālin | m. Name of śiva-  |
bāhuśālin | m. of a dānava-  |
bāhuśālin | m. of a warrior  |
bāhuśālin | m. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
bāhuśālin | m. of bhīma-  |
bāhuśālin | m. of a prince  |
bahustavāvali | f. Name of a collection of hymns.  |
bāhyaliṅgin | m. a heretic  |
baiḍālikarṇakakantha | n. (prob.) Name of a city gaRa cihaṇādi-.  |
baiḍālikarṇakakanthakarṇikantha | n. (prob.) Name of a city gaRa cihaṇādi-.  |
bakulamālinīpariṇaya | m. Name of a drama.  |
bakulāvali | f. equals la-dāman-  |
bakulāvalikā | f. Name of a woman  |
bakulita | mfn. furnished with bakula- trees or flowers, gaRa tārakādi-.  |
bālakamalinī | f. a young lotus plant  |
bālakeli | f. child's play or amusement  |
bālamūlikā | f. Hibiscus Cannabinus  |
balaśālin | mfn. having or possessing strength, strong, vigorous ( balaśālitā li-tā- f.)  |
balaśālin | mfn. possessing a great army  |
balaśālitā | f. balaśālin |
bali | m. (perhaps fr. bhṛ-) tribute, offering, gift, oblation (in later language always with hṛ-) etc.  |
bali | m. tax, impost, royal revenue etc.  |
bali | m. any offering or propitiatory oblation (especially an offering of portions of food, such as grain, rice etc., to certain gods, semi-divine beings, household divinities, spirits, men, birds, other animals and all creatures including even lifeless objects; it is made before the daily meal by arranging portions of food in a circle or by throwing them into the air outside the house or into the sacred fire; it is also called bhūta-yajña-and was one of the 5 mahā-yajñas-,or great devotional acts; see ) etc. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with the object, the receiver, the time, or the place of the offering)  |
bali | m. fragments of food at a meal  |
bali | m. a victim (often a goat or buffalo) offered to durgā-  |
bali | m. the handle of a chowrie or fly-flapper  |
bali | m. Name of a daitya- (son of virocana-;priding himself on his empire over the three worlds, he was humiliated by viṣṇu-, who appeared before him in the form of a vāmana- or dwarf. son of kaśyapa- and aditi- and younger brother of indra-, and obtained from him the promise of as much land as he could pace in three steps, whereupon the dwarf expanding himself deprived him of heaven and earth in two steps, but left him the sovereignty of pātāla- or the lower regions) etc. (see )  |
bali | m. Name of indra- in the 8th manv-antara-  |
bali | m. of a muni-  |
bali | m. of a king  |
bali | m. of a son of su-tapas- (see vali-).  |
bāli | See vāli-.  |
balibandhana | m. "binder or killer of bali-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
balibhadra | wrong reading for bala-bh-.  |
balibhoja | m. a crow (see bhuj-).  |
balibhojana | m. a crow (see bhuj-).  |
balibhṛt | mfn. paying tribute, tributary (see -hṛt-).  |
balibhuj | mfn. devouring oblations  |
balibhuj | mfn. enjoying offerings (said of gods)  |
balibhuj | m. a crow  |
balibhuj | m. a sparrow  |
balibhuj | m. a crane  |
baliceṣṭitavarṇana | n. Name of chapter of  |
balidāna | n. the presentation of an offering to a deity (consisting of rice, milk, fruits etc. when presented to viṣṇu-, or of living victims when offered to śiva- or durgā-)  |
balidāna | n. presentation of grain etc. to all creatures |
balidānapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
balidānavidhi | m. Name of work  |
balidhvaṃsin | m. "destroyer of bali-" idem or 'm. "hater of bali-", Name of viṣṇu- '  |
balidviṣ | m. "hater of bali-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
baligāyatrī | f. Name of a mantra- employed by the śākta-s  |
balihan | m. "slayer of bali-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
balihāra | mfn. paying taxes or tribute  |
balihāra | m. equals -haraṇa- n.  |
baliharaṇa | mf(ī-)n. adapted for the presentation of oblations,  |
baliharaṇa | n. the presentation of oblations (see )  |
baliharaṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
balihoma | m. the offering of oblations  |
balihrit | mfn. equals -hāra- mfn.  |
balihrit | offering oblations,  |
balika | m. (see valika-) Name of a serpent-demon  |
balikā | f. Sida Cordifolia and Rhombifolia  |
balika | mfn. one who takes his food every 6th day  |
balikara | m. plural taxes and duties  |
balikara | mfn. offering propitiatory sacrifices (see ) .  |
balikarambha | m. sacrificial cake  |
balikarman | n. offering oblations to all creatures etc.  |
balikarman | n. presentation or payment of tribute  |
balikṛt | mfn. paying taxes, tributary  |
balimahānarendrākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
baliman | m. power, strength (in a-b-)  |
bāliman | m. childhood, youth, immaturity gaRa pṛthv-ādi-. |
balimandira | n. " bali-'s abode", the infernal regions  |
balimat | mfn. receiving taxes or tribute (said of agni-)  |
balimat | mfn. provided with food -oblations (said of a house)  |
balimātra | n. a mere offering (to all beings), as much in quantity as an oblation to all creatures  |
baliṃdama | m. "tamer of bali-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
baliṃdamaprakhya | mfn. equal to viṣṇu-  |
balin | mfn. powerful, strong, mighty, stout, robust etc.  |
balin | m. a soldier (see balastha-)  |
balin | m. Name of vatsa-prī-  |
balin | m. (only L) a hog bull, buffalo, camel, kind of sheep, serpent, Phaseolus Radiatus, a sort of jasmine, the phlegmatic humour, Name of a bala-rāma-  |
bālin | See vālin-.  |
balinandana | m. "son of bali-", Name of the asura- bāṇa-  |
balinī | f. Sida Cordifolia  |
baliniyamanodyuta | mfn. prepared to subdue bali-  |
balipīṭhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
balipodakī | f. Basella Cordifolia  |
balipratigrāhaka | mf(ikā-)n. receiving oblations  |
balipriya | mf(ā-)n. fond of offering oblations  |
balipriya | m. Symplocos Racemosa (fabled to grow faster if presented with oblations consisting of incense, lights etc.)  |
balipuṣṭa | m. "nourished by food-offerings", a crow  |
baliputra | m. equals -nandana-  |
baliputramokṣaṇa | n. Name of chapter of  |
baliśa | nf(i-or śī-). (also written val-) a hook, fish-hook (see baḍiśa-).  |
bāliśa | mf(ā-)n. young, childish, puerile, ignorant, simple, foolish etc.  |
bāliśa | m. a fool, simpleton, blockhead  |
bāliśa | n. (for 1.See above) = Persian $ a pillow, cushion  |
baliṣaḍbhāga | m. the sixth part as tribute  |
baliṣaḍbhāgahārin | mfn. taking the sixth part as tribute  |
balisadman | n. equals -mandira-  |
bāliśamati | mfn. childish-minded, foolish  |
bāliśatā | f. ( ) childishness, simplicity, folly.  |
bāliśatva | n. ( ) childishness, simplicity, folly.  |
baliśeṣa | m. the remains of an oblation,  |
baliṣṇu | mfn. disregarded, despised (arrogant, disrespectful )  |
baliṣṭha | mfn. (superl. fr. bal/in-) most powerful, very. strong or mighty etc.  |
baliṣṭha | mfn. stronger or mightier than (ablative)  |
baliṣṭha | m. a camel  |
baliṣṭha | b/aliyas- See .  |
baliṣṭhatama | mfn. most powerful, mightiest  |
balisudana | wrong reading for bala-s-.  |
bāliśya | n. (gaRa brāhmaṇādi-) childishness, youth, thoughtlessness, folly  |
balitantra | n. the regular form of an oblation to all creatures  |
balivāhana | mfn. carrying tribute,  |
balivāka | m. Name of a muni- (varia lectio baliv-).  |
balivarda | m. a bull or ox etc. etc. (also balīv-; wrong reading vardha-)  |
balivardī | f. Name of a woman gaRa kalyāṇy-ādi- ( )  |
baliveśman | n. equals mandira-  |
balividhāna | n. the offering of an oblation  |
balivindhya | m. Name of a son of manu- raivata-  |
balivṛṣahan | m. Name of a prince  |
balivyākula | mfn. busied in offering oblations  |
bambharāli | f. a fly  |
bambharāli | f. a fly  |
bāṇaliṅga | n. a white stone found in the narmadā- river and worshipped as the liṅga- of śiva-  |
bandhūli | m. Pentapetes Phoenicea  |
bandhupālita | m. "kindred-protected", Name of a prince  |
bandhurakomalāṅguli | mfn. (a hand) that has rounded or delicate fingers  |
bandiśālikā | f. a prison  |
bāṣkali | m. patronymic of a teacher  |
bāṣkalikā | f. the ṛg-- veda- text of the bāṣkala-s  |
bāṣpasalila | n. water of tears,  |
bhaddālin | m. Name of a man  |
bhadramallikā | f. Name of a particular plant (= gavākṣī-)  |
bhadravallikā | f. Hemidesmus Indicus  |
bhāgali | m. patronymic or metron, of a teacher  |
bhagālin | m. "bedecked with skulls", Name of śiva-  |
bhagavallilācintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
bhagavatīpadyapuṣpāñjali | m. Name of work  |
bhaktārādhanaprayogamaṇimālikā | f. Name of work  |
bhalli | f. a kind of arrow (equals bhallī-)  |
bhallikā | f. Semecarpus Anacardium  |
bhallika | m. Name of a man  |
bhallika | m. See above  |
bhallikā | f. See under bhallaka-.  |
bhambharālikā | (or rāl-?) f. a gnat, mosquito  |
bhānumataliṅgaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
bharatamallika | m. Name of an author (equals -sena-)  |
bhasmoddhūlitavigraha | m. "whose body is smeared with ashes", Name of śiva-  |
bhaulikāyani | m. patronymic fr. next gaRa tikādi-.  |
bhauliki | m. (f(ī-).) gaRa gaurādi-.  |
bhaulikividha | mfn. inhabited by bhauliki-  |
bhaulikyā | f. gaRa krauḍy-ādi-.  |
bhauliṅgi | m. a king of bhū-liṅga- gaRa pailādi-  |
bhauliṅgī | f. a princess of bhū-liṅga- gaRa gaurādi-.  |
bhauliṅgika | mf(ā-and ī-)n. relating to bhauliṅgi- on  |
bhaumadevalipi | f. Name of a kind of writing  |
bhāvaskhalita | n. an offence (committed only) in the mind  |
bhayanimīlitākṣa | mfn. having the eyes closed from fear  |
bhedyaliṅga | mfn. distinguished by gender  |
bhidelima | mfn. easily broken, brittle, fragile (see Va1rtt. 1 )  |
bhillin | m. Symplocos Racemosa  |
bhinnaliṅga | n. incongruity of gender in a comparison  |
bhinnaliṅgaka | mf(ikā-)n. containing words of different gender  |
bhinnasaṃkalita | ( ) n. addition of fractions,  |
bhinnavyavakalita | n. subtraction of fractions  |
bhogamālinī | f. Name of a dik-kanyā-  |
bhogāvalivṛtti | f. Name of work  |
bholi | m. a camel  |
bhrāntākulitacetana | mfn. one whose mind is troubled by doubt or error  |
bhṛṅgamūlikā | f. Name of a creeping plant  |
bhṛtyaśālin | mfn. having many servant  |
bhujabalin | m. "strong in the arm", Name of a jaina- teacher.  |
bhujaśālin | mfn. possessing strong arms  |
bhūliṅga | n. Name of a district of śālva- (see bhauliṅgī-)  |
bhūliṅgā | f. Name of a town  |
bhūliṅgaśakuna | m. a species of bird (said to make a sound like mā sāhasam-,"no rashness!") |
bhūliṅgaśakuni | m. a species of bird (said to make a sound like mā sāhasam-,"no rashness!") |
bhūmivalli | f. Name of a plant  |
bhūrimūlikā | f. "id.", a species of plant  |
bhūripalitadā | f. a species of shrub  |
bhūtabali | m. equals -yājña-  |
bhūtabali | m. Name of a grammarian  |
bhūtakālika | mfn. relating to it  |
bhūtalikā | f. Trigonella Corniculata  |
bhūtalipi | f. "demon-writing", Name of a particular magical formula  |
bhūtibali | m. Name of a grammarian (see bhūta-b-).  |
bhūtimalina | mfn. soiled with ashes  |
bidālikā | f. a little cat, kitten  |
bījāñjali | m. a handful of s. or grain  |
bilintha | (?)  |
biliśa | m. or n. (?) equals baḍisa-, a fish hook or the bait on it  |
bindumālin | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
brahmabali | m. Name of a teacher  |
brahmalikhita | n.  |
brāhmaṇaliṅga | mfn. resembling the texts called brāhmaṇa-s (said of verses or formulas)  |
brahmanāmāvali | f. Name of work  |
brahmānandasūtramuktāvali | f. Name of work  |
brahmāñjali | m. joining the hollowed hands while repeating the veda-  |
brahmāñjalikṛta | mfn. one who has joined the hands hands in token of homage to the veda-  |
brahmavadalipi | f. a particular mode of writing  |
brahmavallīlipi | f. a particular mode of writing  |
bṛhadambālikā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bṛhadgurugurvāvalipūjāśāntividhāna | n. Name of work  |
bṛhannālika | n. a cannon  |
bṛhatpālin | m. wild cumin  |
bṛhatpāṭali | m. the thorn-apple  |
buddhakapālinī | f. Name of one of the 6 goddesses of magic  |
buddhapālita | m. Name of a disciple of nāgārjuna-,  |
buddhiśālin | mfn. equals -yukta-  |
buli | f. equals buri- or the anus  |
bulilam | Name of a man (equals buḍila-)  |
cācali | mfn. (Intensive cal-) moving much or repeatedly (see /a-vi--).  |
cailika | a piece of cloth (varia lectio)  |
cakramaṇḍalin | m. the Boa constrictor  |
cakramauli | "having a circular diadem", Name of a rākṣasa- |
cakramaulin | mfn. having the wheels turned upwards  |
cakrapālita | m. Name of a man.  |
cali | m. a cover  |
cali | m. a surtout  |
cālikya | equals lukya-  |
calita | mfn. shaking, tremulous, unfixed etc.  |
calita | mfn. one who has moved on  |
calita | mfn. gone, departed (exempli gratia, 'for example' sa calitaḥ-,"he started off" )  |
calita | mfn. walked (varia lectio)  |
calita | mfn. being on the march (an army)  |
calita | mfn. moved from one's usual course, disturbed, disordered (the mind, senses, fortune, etc.) etc.  |
calita | mfn. caused to deviate, turned off from (ablative)  |
calita | n. unsteady motion (of eyes)  |
calita | etc. See cal-.  |
calitasthāna | mfn. changing its place, R (B) iv, 1, 14.  |
calitavya | n. impersonal or used impersonally to be gone away  |
cañcalita | mfn. caused to shake or quiver  |
caṇḍakāpālika | m. Name of a teacher, (see ṣaṇḍ-.)  |
cāṇḍāli | m. plural Name of a family  |
caṇḍālikā | f. equals la-vallakī-  |
caṇḍālikā | f. Name of a plant  |
caṇḍālikā | f. of durgā-  |
cāṇḍālikā | f. equals caṇḍ- (the caṇḍāla- lute;a kind of plant; durgā-)  |
caṇḍālikābandham | ind. so as to form a particular knot (not in )  |
cāṇḍālikāśrama | m. the hermitage of cāṇḍālikā- (cāñjal-,B) .  |
cāṇḍālinī | f. Name of a goddess  |
candragolikā | f. moonlight  |
candramauli | mfn. moon-crested (a daitya-)  |
candramauli | m. equals -mukuṭa-  |
candramauli | m. Name of a man  |
candramauli | f. a particular blood-vessel in the vulva  |
candramaulin | m. equals -mukuṭa-  |
candrārdhamauli | m. idem or 'm. equals candra-mukuṭa- '  |
candraśālikā | f. equals -prāsāda-  |
candreśaliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
carucelin | mfn. (for cār-?) having portions of offerings on the clothes (śiva-)  |
cāṭalikā | f. Name of a locality |
catuḥśālikā | f. idem or 'n. idem or 'm. a building with 4 halls ' '  |
caṭulita | mfn. shaken  |
caturthakālika | mfn. one who takes only every 4th meal  |
catuścalita | n. a kind of play or sport  |
cauḍāli | m. metron. fr. cūḍālā- gaRa bāhv-ādi-.  |
cauli | m. equals cauḍi-, (lakāyana-B, lika-V) .  |
celicīma | m. equals cilic-  |
celikā | f. a corset, bodice  |
chaḍḍalikā | Name of a metre  |
chāgali | m. patronymic fr. chagala- (if not of atri-'s family ;one of atri-'s family varia lectio la-, gava-) or metron. fr. chagalā- (gaRa bāhv-ādi-), Name of a prince  |
chagalikā | f. a she-goat  |
chagalin | m. Name of a teacher (pupil of kalāpin- ), 109.  |
chalika | n. a song consisting of 4 parts (recited with gesticulation;subdivision of nātya- ) (in Prakrit) and (varia lectio litaka-).  |
chālikya | n. equals chalika-  |
chalin | m. a cheat  |
chalin | m. a swindler  |
chalita | mfn. deceived  |
chalita | n. a kind of dance performed by men  |
chalitaka | m. Name of a man  |
chalitaka | n. See lika-.  |
chalitakayoga | m. plural Name of a kalā- (q.v)  |
chalitarāma | n. "the outwitted rāma-", Name of a drama  |
chalitasvāmin | m. Name of a sanctuary (called after chalitaka-)  |
challi | f. (Prakrit fr. 1. chard/is-) bark ([ llī-, ])  |
challi | f. a cloak  |
challita | See asthi--.  |
chandopahārāvali | f. Name of work  |
chelikā | f. a she-goat, 76.  |
chilihiṇḍa | m. Name of a creeper  |
cicaliṣu | mfn. ( cal- Desiderative) being about to set out  |
cikhalli | m. plural Name of a people  |
cikitsākalikā | f. Name of two med. treatises (of about 400 verses each) by tīsaṭa-  |
cikitsākalikāṭikā | f. a commentator or commentary on one of the two treatises by candraṭa-.  |
ciklida | m. ( klid-) equals kledan-  |
ciklida | n. ( ) moisture  |
cilamīlikā | f. a kind of necklace (ciliminikā- )  |
cilamīlikā | f. a firefly  |
cilamīlikā | f. lightning(cilicīmi- and mī- ) (see cilim-.)  |
cili | Name of a man  |
cilicima | m. a kind of fish  |
cilicīma | m. id. See also cilamīlikā-.  |
cilicīmi | m. id. See also cilamīlikā-.  |
cilikā | equals cirikā-  |
cīlikā | f. equals cīrī-vāka-  |
cilimīlikā | f. equals lam- |
cilimīnaka | m. equals licima-  |
ciliminikā | See  |
cilli | m. a kind of bird of prey (see cilla-and gāṅgacillī-)  |
cilli | f. a kind of pot herb (llī- ) , i, 20, 2.  |
cillikā | f. a kind of pot-herb (cilli-) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
cillikā | f. of llaka- q.v  |
cillikālatā | f. " cillikā- creeper", the eye-brow  |
cirakālapālita | mfn. protected for a long time  |
cirakālika | mfn. of long standing, old, long-continued, chronic  |
cīralli | n. a kind of large fish  |
cīralli | n. see cirilla-.  |
citralikhana | n. painting  |
citralikhita | mfn. painted  |
citrāṅgulitā | f. the having beautiful fingers (confer, compare - keśatā-),  |
citrarathabāhlika | n. sg. gaRa rājadantādi-.  |
citraśālikā | f. equals -gṛha- (in Prakrit).  |
citratūlikā | f. a painter's brush  |
citravallika | m. the fish Silurus boalis  |
cittakalita | mfn. "calculated in one's mind", anticipated  |
civillikā | f. Name of a shrub  |
cīvillikā | varia lectio for civ-  |
cūlikā | f. (ikā-) a cock's comb (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
cūlikā | f. the root of an elephant's ear (cūḍikā- )  |
cūlikā | f. the top of a column (cūḍikā- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
cūlikā | f. summit  |
cūlikā | f. Name of a metre (also cūḍikā-)  |
cūlikā | f. of several additional parts of Jain texts  |
cūlikā | f. the hinting of a matter or event by those behind the curtain  |
cūlika | m. plural See cūcupa-  |
cūlika | n. cake of flour fried with ghee  |
cūlikā | f. See laka-.  |
cūlikā | f. of laka-.  |
cūlikāpaiśācī | f. Name of a dialect in dramas.  |
cūlikāpaiśācika | n.  |
cūlikopaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
cūlin | mfn. equals cūḍin-  |
cūlin | mfn. having an ornament on the crown  |
cūlin | mfn. having a crest (a bird), 2495  |
cūlin | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
cūlin | m. see vi--.  |
cūlitaka | m. Name of a poet,  |
culli | f. equals llī-, a fire-place  |
cuñculi | f. idem or 'f. a kind of game played with tamarind seeds instead of dice '  |
daivajñadīpakalikā | f. Name of work  |
daivali | m. patronymic fr. devala- gaRa taulvaly-ādi-  |
dakṣeśvaraliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga-,  |
dakṣiṇakālikā | f. a form of durgā- worshipped by the tāntrika-s  |
dakṣiṇalipi | f. the southern way of writing  |
dakṣiṇālipi | varia lectio for ṇa-l-.  |
dalamālinī | f. leaf-cabbage  |
dalaśālinī | f. Name of a pot-herb  |
dali | f. idem or 'n. mānsa--.'  |
dālikā | f. colocynth  |
dalika | n. timber  |
dālima | m. the Pomegranate tree (see dādima-). |
ḍālima | m. equals dāḍima-  |
dālimaphala | n. a pomegranate  |
dalin | mfn. fr. la- gaRa sukhādi-  |
dalita | mfn. (gaRa kṛtādi-, ) burst, split, broken, torn asunder etc.  |
dalita | mfn. unfolded, blown  |
dalita | mfn. halved  |
dalita | mfn. divided into degrees, .  |
dalita | mfn. driven asunder, scattered, dispersed, destroyed  |
dalita | mfn. ground  |
dalita | mfn. displayed  |
dalita | mfn. see saṃ--.  |
dāmalih | mfn. licking or wishing to lick a rope.  |
dāmalihya | Nom. P., ti-, to wish to lick a rope  |
dāmalipta | m. plural Name of a people  |
dāmalipta | fn. Name of a town, (see tāma--,or tāmra--).  |
dambholi | m. indra-'s thunderbolt  |
dambholi | m. agastya- (ṛṣi- of the Ist manv-antara-)  |
dambholi | m. (dattogni-)  |
dambholi | m. (ttoni-) and (varia lectio dānt-)  |
dambholi | m. (ttātri-)  |
dambholi | m. (ttātreya-)  |
dambholipāṇi | m. " d--handed", indra-  |
dambholipāta | m. the falling of indra-'s thunderbolt,  |
dambholipātāya | Nom. yate-, to fall down like indra-'s thunderbolt  |
dānakelikaumudī | f. Name of work  |
dānakusumāñjali | m. Name of work  |
dānaśālin | mfn. rich in gifts  |
dānaśālin | mfn. wet with rut-fluid  |
daṇḍakalitavat | ind. like one driven by a stick  |
daṇḍakapālin | mfn. carrying a staff and a skull  |
dantāli | f. a row of teeth.  |
dantālikā | f. a horse's bridle  |
dantamūlikā | f. equals dantikā-  |
dantapāli | f. an ivory hilt (of a sword)  |
dantapāñcālikā | f. an ivory doll,  |
dantaśliṣṭa | mfn. entangled in the teeth  |
dantāśliṣṭa | mfn. equals ta-i-  |
dantāvali | f. equals tādli-  |
dantolūkhalika | mfn. "using the teeth as a mortar", eating unground grain (an ascetic)  |
dantolūkhalin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "using the teeth as a mortar", eating unground grain (an ascetic) ' , ix, 2166  |
dārabalibhuj | wrong reading for dvāra-b-.  |
daradalipi | f. writing peculiar to the darada-s  |
daramukulita | mfn. a little budded,  |
daravidalita | mfn. slightly opened  |
daśabalabalin | mfn. possessing the 10 powers  |
daśamālika | equals -mānika-  |
dāśamūlika | mf(ī-)n. coming from the daśa-mūla- |
daśanāli | mfn. 10x24 minutes long  |
daśarathalalitāvrata | n. Name of an observance  |
daśataulika | m. Name of a weight  |
daśavaikālika | n. Name of a Jain text  |
dauvālika | m. plural Name of a people  |
delima | m. or n. Name of a place  |
deuliya | n. (Prakritfor devakulya-?) Name of a grāma-  |
devabali | m. oblation to the gods  |
devadālikā | f. a kind of pumpkin  |
devakulika | m. attendant on a temple  |
devakulikā | f. a small temple, chapel  |
devalāṅgulikā | f. Tragia Involucrata  |
devaliṅga | n. the image or statue of a deity  |
devamalimluc | m. "robber of the gods", an asura-  |
devapālita | m. "god-protected", Name of a man  |
devasthali | m. Name of an author  |
dhairyakalita | mfn. assuming firmness or composure, steady, calm  |
dhalila | m. or n. Name of a valley in which the capital of udyāna- is said to have been situated  |
ḍhālin | mfn. armed with a shield,  |
dhanakeli | m. "sporting with wealth", Name of kubera-  |
dhanayauvanaśālin | mfn. endowed with wealth and youth  |
dhārāsalila | n. equals -jala-  |
dharmeśvaraliṅga | n. dharmeśvara |
dhavaliman | m. white colour, whiteness  |
dhavalita | mfn. whitened, illuminated  |
ḍhillikā | f. the city Delhi,  |
dhīralalita | mfn. firm and brave, but reckless and sportive (hero of a play)  |
dhīralalitā | f. a kind of metre  |
dhṛtimālin | m. a particular magic. formula spoken over weapons  |
dhūli | f. ( also m.; dhū-?) dust (also the dusty soil), powder, pollen etc. (also f(lī-). & in compound See below)  |
dhūli | f. a particular number  |
dhūlidhūmra | mfn. smoke-coloured or dark with dust  |
dhūlidhvaja | m. "dust-bannered", air or wind  |
dhūliguccha | m. the red powder thrown about at the Holi festival  |
dhūligucchaka | m. the red powder thrown about at the Holi festival  |
dhūlihastaya | Nom. P. yati-, to take dust into the hand  |
dhūlikā | f. pollen of flowers  |
dhūlikā | f. fog, mist  |
dhūlikā | f. a kind of game  |
dhūlikedāra | m. a mound, rampart of earth  |
dhūlikuṭṭima | n.  |
dhūlimaya | mf(ī-)n. covered with dust  |
dhūlimaya | mf(ī-)n. See above li-p- etc.  |
dhūlimuṣṭi | m. a handful of dust  |
dhūlipaṭala | n. cloud of dust  |
dhūliprakṣepa | m. the throwing of handful of dust  |
dhūlipuṣpikā | f. Pandanus Odoratissimus  |
dhūlita | mfn. sprinkled with (instrumental case)  |
dhūmāvali | f. a wreath or cloud of smoke  |
dhūmramūlikā | f. "dark-rooted", a kind of grass  |
dhvāṅkṣikṣolikā | f. a particular medicinal plant  |
ḍilli | llī-, the town Delhi.  |
dīpakalikā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on  |
dīpālikakalpa | m. Name of work  |
dīpamālikā | f. idem or 'f. a row of lamp, an illumination '  |
dīpamālikā | f. Name of work  |
dīpamālikotsava | m. "the feast of lights", Name of the 125th chapter of the  |
dīpāvali | f. a row of lights, nocturnal illumination equals dīpādī-  |
dīpāvaliprayoga | m. Name of work  |
dīrghamūlikā | f. Desmodium Gangeticum  |
dīrghāṅgulitā | f. the having long fingers (one of the 32 signs of perfection),  |
dīrghapaṭolikā | f. a kind of cucurbitaceous fruit  |
divodāseśvaraliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga- |
divyakālinī | f. a kind of non poisonous snake,  |
divyaprajñānaṣālin | mfn. = idem or 'n. equals -jñāna- n.' mfn.  |
dohalin | equals dohada- etc.  |
doḥśālin | etc. See doḥ-, p.499.  |
doḥśālin | mfn. having strong arms =  |
dolikā | f. a litter, swing, cradle  |
dolita | mfn. swung, shaken, tossed (-citta- )  |
dolita | m. a buffalo  |
drāviḍalipi | f. the Dravidian writing or character  |
draviḍopaniṣattātparyaratnāvali | f. Name of work relating to draviḍopaniṣad-  |
dravyaratnāvali | f. Name of work  |
dṛṣṭāntakalikā | f. Name of work  |
drukilima | n. Pinus Deodora  |
duḥkhāliḍha | mfn. consumed with grief  |
dūlālipattra | n. Name of work  |
duli | m. Name of a sage  |
duli | dulī f. a small or female tortoise (Cf. dauleya-.)  |
ḍuli | f. equals duli-, a turtle  |
duliduha | m. Name of a prince  |
dūlikā | and dūlī- f. the Indigo plant (see tūlī-, dolā-, taru-dūlikā-).  |
ḍulikā | f. a kind of wagtail  |
durbali | m. ( varia lectio la-) ( ) a kind of bird (equals bhāṇḍīka-).  |
durbalika | m. ( ) a kind of bird (equals bhāṇḍīka-).  |
durbalita | mfn. weakened, rendered ineffective  |
durhali | mfn. having a bad plough  |
durlalita | mfn. ill-mannered, wayward  |
durlalita | mfn. spoilt by, weary of, disgusted with (compound) (ka-and -lasita- varia lectio )  |
durlalita | n. way wardness, naughty or roguish tricks  |
durlikhita | mfn. badly scarified  |
durlipi | m. "the fatal writing"(of Destiny on man's forehead)  |
durmallikā | f. a kind of minor drama,  |
durmilikā | f. Name of several forms of metre.  |
dvādaśajyotirliṅgastotra | n. Name of work  |
dvādaśaliṅgastavana | n. Name of work  |
dvādaśaliṅgastotra | n. Name of work  |
dvādaśaliṅgodbhava | n. Name of work  |
dvaikulijika | mf(ī-)n. containing 2 kulija-s (kind of measure)  |
dvailiṅgya | n. duplicity of sex Scholiast or Commentator  |
dvārabalibhuj | m.,"eater of offering at door", Ardea nivea  |
dvārabalibhuj | m. a crow or a sparrow  |
dvārapālikā | f.  |
dvārapālika | m. metron. fr. -pālī- (gaRa revaty-ādi-).  |
dvijaliṅgin | mfn. wearing the insignia of a Brahman  |
dvijaliṅgin | mfn. a kṣatriya-  |
dvijaliṅgin | mfn. an impostor, a pretended Brahman  |
dvikulija | mf(ā-, ī-)n. containing 2 kulija-s (See s.v.)  |
dvikulijika | mf(ī-)n. containing 2 kulija-s (See s.v.)  |
dvikulijīna | mf(ā-)n. containing 2 kulija-s (See s.v.)  |
dvimusali | (written also ṣali-) ind. with 2 clubs, club against club (in fighting) gaRa dvidaṇḍy-ādi-.  |
ekakālikam | ind. once a day  |
ekakālin | mfn. happening only once a day  |
ekākṣaramālikā | f. Name of vocabulary of monosyllabic words.  |
ekākṣipiṅgalin | m. Name (also title or epithet) of kubera-,  |
ekaliṅga | n. (scilicet kṣetra-) a field or place in which (for the distance of five krośa-s) there is but one liṅga- or landmark  |
ekaliṅga | n. "having a singular śiva-liṅga- (q.v) ", Name of a tīrtha-  |
ekaliṅga | m. Name of kuvera-  |
ekāñjali | m. a handful.  |
ekaśālika | mfn. like a single hall or room  |
ekatālikā | f. a particular time (in mus.)  |
ekāvali | f. a single row, single string of pearls or beads or flowers, etc. etc.  |
ekāvali | f. (in rhetoric) a series of sentences where the subject of each following sentence has some characteristic of the predicate of the preceding one  |
ekāvali | f. Name of work on rhetoric  |
ekāvaliprakāśa | m. Name of commentary on the above works.  |
ekāvalitarala | m. Name of commentary on the above works.  |
elāvali | f. a species of plant  |
gabhastimālin | m. "garlanded with rays", the sun  |
gabholika | m. a small round pillow  |
gaḍḍālikā | f. idem or 'f. a single ewe going in front of a flock of sheep ' (only in compound)  |
gaḍḍālikāpravāheṇa | instrumental case ind. "like the current of the gaḍḍālikā- river", very slowly  |
gāḍhāliṅgana | n. a close embrace  |
gaganalih | mfn. reaching up to heaven  |
gajamaṇḍalikā | f. a ring or circle of elephants surrounding a car etc. |
gajanimīlikā | f. (equals ibha-n-) "shutting the eyes (at anything) like an elephant", feigning not to look at anything  |
gajanimīlikā | f. inattention, carelessness  |
gajanimīlita | n. (equals likā-) feigning not to look at anything  |
gali | m. (equals gaḍi-) a young steer  |
gāli | f. plural reviling speech, invectives, execrations  |
gāli | etc. See 2. gālana-.  |
gālidāna | n. reviling, .  |
gālimat | mfn. uttering execrations  |
gālin | mfn. distilling, fusing  |
gālin | mfn. reviling, abusive  |
gālinī | f. a particular position of the fingers  |
gālipradāna | n. idem or 'n. reviling, .'  |
galita | mfn. dropped, oozed, trickling  |
galita | mfn. fallen down or off, loosed  |
galita | mfn. lost, perished, decayed etc.  |
galita | mfn. waning (as the moon)  |
galita | mfn. "dropped"(said of the verses omitted in the pada-pāṭha- of the because of their occurrence in a previous passage)  |
galita | mfn. for gālita- (liquefied, melted)  |
gālita | mfn. strained  |
gālita | mfn. melted, iv, 7, 18.  |
galita | mfn. swallowed  |
galita | See 1. and 2. gal-.  |
galitadanta | mfn. having the teeth decayed, toothless  |
galitaka | m. a kind of dance, gesticulation  |
galitaka | m. Name of a metre  |
galitakuṣṭha | n. advanced and incurable leprosy (when the fingers and toes fall off)  |
galitanakha | mfn. having the claws or nails fallen off  |
galitanakhadanta | mfn. one who has lost his claws and teeth  |
galitanayana | mfn. one who has lost his eyes, blind,  |
galitapradīpa | m. "light of dropped verses", Name of a treatise giving in full the verses omitted in the pada-pāṭha- of the  |
galitapradīpikā | f. idem or 'm. "light of dropped verses", Name of a treatise giving in full the verses omitted in the pada-pāṭha- of the '  |
gallikā | See aja-g-.  |
gaṇanāvartalipi | f. a kind of writing,  |
gaṇḍagopālikā | f. a particular worm  |
gaṇḍalin | m. Name of śiva-  |
gaṇḍamālikā | f. Mimosa pudica  |
gaṇḍamālin | mfn. having the glands of the neck inflamed  |
gandhacelikā | f. musk (varia lectio gandh/a-kelikā-)  |
gandhacelikā | f. equals -mārjāra-  |
gandhadhūli | f. musk  |
gandhakālikā | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
gandhakālikā | f. equals -kālī-  |
gandhakelikā | for -celikā-  |
gandhalipta | mfn. anointed with perfumes,  |
gandhamālin | m. "having fragrant garlands", Name of a nāga-  |
gandhamālinī | f. a kind of perfume  |
gandhamūlikā | f. idem or 'm. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. equals -palāśī- ' ' '  |
gandhamūlikā | f. Emblica officinalis  |
gandhanālikā | f. the nose  |
gandhapālin | m. "preserving perfumes", śiva-  |
gandhaśāli | m. equals -taṇḍula-  |
gandholi | f. equals dha-palāśī-  |
gaṅgeśvaraliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
garalin | mfn. poisonous, venomous  |
gatitālin | m. Name of an attendant in skanda-'s retinue  |
gaudhili | plural patronymic  |
gaulika | m. Bignonia suaveolens (equals go-liha-, -līḍha-)  |
gaupālapaśupālikā | f. the state or office of gopāla-s (cowherds) and paśupāla-s (herdsmen)  |
gaupāli | m. idem or 'm. patronymic fr. go-pāl/a- ' (mentioned as having had a quarrel with the śālaṅkāyana-s)  |
gaupāli | m. see gop-.  |
gaupālika | m. (fr. go-pālikā-) equals pika- gaRa śivādi- ( ) .  |
gauraśāli | m. a species of rice  |
gaurīlalita | n. orpiment  |
ghanavallikā | f. "cloud-creeper", lightning  |
ghaṇṭāli | f. (ṭāl-) a series of bells  |
ghaṇṭāli | f. Name of several cucurbitaceous plants  |
ghaṇṭāpāṭali | m. Bignonia suaveolens  |
ghaṇṭāpāṭali | m. Schreberia Swietenoides  |
ghāṭalikā | f. idem or 'See ṭāla-.' on  |
gheñculikā | f. Arum orixense (krauñcādana-)  |
ghoḍācolin | m. Name of a man, .  |
gholi | f. equals lī-  |
gholikā | f. equals lī-  |
ghṛtamaṇḍalikā | f. equals -maṇḍā-  |
gili | f. = giri-2  |
gilita | mfn. (equals girita-) swallowed  |
girimallikā | f. Wrightla antidysenterica  |
giriśālinī | f. equals -karṇā-  |
godhūli | f. "earth-dust" id est "a time at which mist seems to rise from the earth", a period of the day (in the hot season) when the sun is half risen, (in the cold and dewy seasons) when the sun is full but mild, (and in the 3 other seasons) sunset  |
godhūlikā | f. idem or 'f. "earth-dust" id est "a time at which mist seems to rise from the earth", a period of the day (in the hot season) when the sun is half risen, (in the cold and dewy seasons) when the sun is full but mild, (and in the 3 other seasons) sunset '  |
gohāliyā | f. Name of a plant,  |
gokarṇaliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
gokarṇeśaliṅga | n. (and gokarṇeśa-) Name of a liṅga-  |
gokhapiṅgali | m. plural Name of a family  |
gokhapiṅgali | m. see gocchā-.  |
gokulika | mfn. one who gives help (or gives no help ) to a cow in the mud  |
gokulika | mfn. squint-eyed  |
gokulika | m. plural Name of a Buddhist sect.  |
goliha | m. "cow-licked", Bignonia suaveolens  |
goliha | -līḍha- See g/o-, p.366.  |
golikā | f. a small ball or globule  |
golikā | a particular insect, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
gomatallikā | f. ( ) an excellent cow  |
gopālakelicandrikā | f. Name of a drama  |
gopāli | m. Name of śiva-  |
gopāli | m. of a man  |
gopālikā | f. ( ) a cowherd's wife  |
gopālikā | f. a kind of worm or fly found on dung-heaps  |
gopālita | m. Name of a lexicographer Scholiast or Commentator on  |
gopotalikā | f. a cow Introd. 35; 97, and on Va1rtt. 6.  |
gośāli | varia lectio for la- q.v  |
govālin | mfn. "cow-haired"(a kind of gaja-)  |
grahakuṇḍalikā | f. the mutual relation of planets and prophecy derived from it  |
grāmajālin | m. the governor of a district  |
grāmākṣapaṭalika | m. a village archivist  |
grāmakulālikā | f. the state or business of a village potter gaRa manojñādi- (not in ) |
gṛhabali | m. a domestic oblation (offering of the remnants of a meal to all creatures, such as animals and certain deities;See p.422)  |
gṛhabalibhuj | m. "enjoying domestic oblations", a sparrow  |
gṛhabalibhuj | m. a crow  |
gṛhabalibhuj | m. the crane Ardea nivea  |
gṛhabalidevatā | f. plural certain deities to whom domestic oblations are offered  |
gṛhabalipriya | m. "fond of domestic oblations", the crane Ardea nivea  |
gṛhābhipālin | mfn. watching or taking care of the house  |
gṛhābhipālin | m. a watchman  |
gṛhagolikā | f. idem or 'm. equals -godhā- '  |
gṛhajālikā | f. disguise  |
gṛhakuliṅga | m. a kind of bird  |
gṛhālika | m.  |
gṛhālikī | f. equals gṛhagolaka-  |
gṛholikā | f. equals hālika-  |
grīvālikā | f. the neck |
gucchamūlikā | f. Scirpus Kysoor  |
guḍalih | mfn. sugar-licking  |
guḍaliṇmat | mfn. having sugar-lickers  |
gūḍhacaturthapādaprahelikā | f. a riddle in which the fourth pāda- (of a stanza) is hidden  |